



星沙中学初一第15周周作业星沙中学初一第15周周作业语文注意事项:1. 答卷前、考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号,姓名;同时填写考点考场号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。

2. 选择题的答案用2B铅笔把答题卡上选择题答题区中对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;答案不能写在试题上。

3. 非选择题答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动后的答紫也不能超出指定的区城;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。


4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分积累与运用(共30分)一、(6小题20分)1.下列词语中,每对加点字的读音都相同的一项是(3分)A.难堪/劫难蹒跚/姗姗来迟B.怂恿/踊跃挑逗/挑拨离间C.拘泥/淤泥烘托/哄堂大笑D.修葺/作揖累赘/伤痕累累2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是 (3分)A.贸然春寒料峭雾霭雕梁画栋B.困厄神采奕奕推崇和颜悦色C.褴褛饥肠辘辘斡旋自圆其说D.告罄摧枯拉朽藻饰人情世故3.依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是(3分)开学在即,各种校外培训机构又在广州大大小小的中小学校及幼儿园门前上演“招生秀”,这些培训机构(),而培训机构的教学质量与广大学子的切身利益(),所以规范校外培训机构的发展已经()了。

A. 鱼龙混杂息息相关刻不容缓B. 鱼目混珠息息相关众望所归C. 鱼龙混杂休戚与共众望所归D. 鱼目混珠休戚与共刻不容缓4.下列句子中,没有语病的一项是(3分)A.畅销读物能否成为经典作品,关键在于它具备能经受时间考验的思想性和艺术性。





双沟实验学校周周练 出题人:宋红兵 审核人:1 九年级数学学科第 15 次周练 班级: 姓名:1.下列一元二次方程中,有两个相等实数根的是( )A .x 2﹣8=0B .2x 2﹣4x +3=0C .5x +2=3x 2D .9x 2+6x +1=02.抛物线223y x x =++的对称轴是( )A .直线x =1B .直线x = -1C .直线x =-2D .直线x =2 3.若x 2﹣3y ﹣5=0,则6y ﹣2x 2﹣6的值为( )A .4B .﹣4C .16D .﹣164.如图△ABC 中,∠C=90°,AC=4,BC=3,将△ABC 绕点A 逆时针旋转,使点C 落在线段AB 上的点E 处,点B 落在点D 处,则B 、D 两点间的距离为( )A .2 B .C .3D .25.已知扇形的半径为6cm ,面积为10πcm 2,则该扇形的弧长等于 .6.如图,是矗立在高速公路水平地面上的交通警示牌,经测量得到如下数据:AM=4米,AB=8米,∠MAD=45°,∠MBC=30°,则警示牌的高CD 为 米(结果保留根号).7.解不等式组: ()12221x x x ->⎧⎪⎨+≥-⎪⎩ 21. 21111x x x ⎛⎫÷+ ⎪--⎝⎭,其中x =21-.8(本题满分10分)如图,点P 是⊙O 外一点,P A 切⊙O 于点A ,AB 是⊙O 的直径,连接OP ,过点B 作BC ∥OP 交⊙O 于点C ,连接AC 交OP 于点D .(1)求证:PC 是⊙O 的切线; (2)若PD =316cm ,AC =8cm ,求图中阴影部分的面积; (3)在(2)的条件下,若点E 是AB ︵的中点,连接CE ,求CE 的长.第26题图 B A EPODC。

北师大版数学七年级下 第十五周周末作业

北师大版数学七年级下  第十五周周末作业

初中数学试卷七年级数学第十五周周末作业命题人: 班级 姓名 家长签字 分数一.选择题(30分) 1.下列各式计算结果正确的是( )A .(a+ b )2 = a 2+ b 2B .(-2a )3 = -6a 3C .(a 2b )3 = a 5b 3D .(-a )7÷(-a )3= a 42.一种细菌半径是0.000047米,用科学记数法表示为( )A .0.47×10-5米B .4.7×10-5C .4.7×10-6米D .-4.7×105米3.下面有4个汽车标致图案,其中是轴对称图形的有( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个4.假如小蚂蚁在如右图所示的地砖上自由爬行,它最终没有停在黑色方砖上的概率为( )A .B .C .D .5.下列关于作图的语句中正确的是( )A .画直线AB =10厘米;B .画射线OB =10厘米;C .已知A .B .C 三点,过这三点画一条直线;D .过直线AB 外一点画一条直线和直线AB 平行6.如右图所示,AB ∥DE ,∠1=130°,∠2=36°,则∠3等于( )A .50°B .86°C .94°D .166°7.某校八年级同学到距学校6千米的郊外春游,一部分同学步行,另一部分同学骑自行车,如图,1l .2l 分别表示步行和骑车的同学前往目的地所走的路程y (千米)与所用时间x (分钟)之间的函数图象,则以下判断错误的是( )A .骑车的同学比步行的同学晚出发30分钟;B .步行的速度是6千米/时;C .骑车的同学从出发到追上步行的同学用了20分钟;D .骑车的同学和步行的同学同时达到目的地l 23060545006y(千米)x(分)l 1 F EDC B A8.如图,在△ABC 与△DEF 中,给出以下六个条件:(1)AB =DE ,(2)BC =EF ,(3)AC =DF ,(4)∠A =∠D ,(5)∠B =∠E ,(6)∠C =∠F ,以其中三个作为已知条件,不能..判断△ABC 与△DEF 全等的是( ) A .(1)(5)(2) B .(1)(2)(3) C .(2)(3)(4) D .(4)(6)(1)9、如右图,AD 是△ABC 中∠BAC 的平分线,DE ⊥AB 交AB 于点E ,DF ⊥AC 交 AC 于点F .若S △ABC =7,DE =2,AB =4,则AC =( ) A .4 B .3 C .6 D .5 10.如图,小亮在操场上玩,一段时间内沿M ﹣A ﹣B ﹣M 的路径匀速散步,能近似刻画小亮到出发点M 的距离y 与时间x 之间关系的函数图象是( )二、填空题(30分)11.等腰三角形的一个角为80°,则它的底角为 .12.等腰三角形的一边长是10,另一边长是7,则它的周长是 。



2024-2025学年上学期七年级北师大版数学周末练习(第十五周)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分)1.下列各数中,比-3小的数是()A.-3B.-2C.0D.-42.如图所示的几何体从上面看到的图形是()3.下列运算正确的是()A.4m-m=3B.2a2-3a2=-a2C.a2b-ab2=0D.x-(y-x)=-y4.已知方程2x+a=ax+2的解为x=3,则a的值为()A.3B.2C.-2D.±25.如图,两块三角板的直角顶点O重叠在一起,且OB恰好平分∠COD,则∠AOD的度数为()A.100° B.120° C.135° D.150°第5题图第6题图6.如图,上列各三角形中的三个数之间均具有相同的规律,根据此规律,最后一个三角形中y与n之间的关系是()A.y=2n+1B.y=2n+1+nC.y=2n+nD.y=2n+n+17.如果x=是关于x的方程3x﹣2m=4的解,则m的值是()A.﹣1 B.1 C.2 D.﹣28.小明晚上放学到家时,钟表的时间显示为6点15分(如图),此时时钟的分针与时针所成角的度数是( )0A.77.5 B.87.5 C.97.5 D.100.59.中国古代人民很早就在生产生活种发现了许多有趣的数学问题,其中《孙子算经》中有个问题:今有三人共车,二车空;二人共车,九人步,问人与车各几何?这道题的意思是:今有若干人乘车,每三人乘一车,最终剩余2辆车,若每2人共乘一车,最终剩余9个人无车可乘,问有多少人,多少辆车?如果我们设有x辆车,则可列方程()A.3(x﹣2)=2x+9 B.3(x+2)=2x﹣9 C. +2=D.﹣2=10.如图,一副三角尺按不同的位置摆放,摆放位置中∠α=∠β的图形个数是()A .1B .2C .3D .411.下列调查方法合适的是( )A .为了了解冰箱的使用寿命,采用普查的方式B .为了了解全国中学生的视力状况,采用普查的方式C .为了了解人们保护水资源的意识,采用抽样调查的方式D .对“神舟十一号载人飞船”零部件的检查,采用抽样调查的方式12.找出以如图形变化的规律,则第101个图形中黑色正方形的数量是( )A .149B .150C .151D .152二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 1.关于一个多面体的顶点数(v )、棱数(e )、面数(f )之间关系的为 .2.据人民网统计,2018年“五一”假期期间江西省以近200亿元的旅游收入位居全国第一,其中200亿用科学记数法表示为__________________________..3.当x = 时,代数式2x +3与6-4x 的值相等.4.已知622x y 和313m nx y -是同类项,则m ﹣n 的值是 5.如图,已知线段AB =16cm ,点M 在AB 上,AM :BM =1:3,P 、Q 分别为AM 、AB 的中点,则PQ 的长为 _________.6.小明和小丽同时从甲村出发到乙村,小丽的速度为4km/h ,小明的速度为5km/h ,小丽比小明晚到15min ,则甲、乙两村的距离是 km.7.已知有理数a ,b 满足ab <0,|a|>|b|, 2|a +b|=|b -a|,则ab的值为 .8.在∠AOB 的内部引n 条射线,则图中的角共有_________________个(用含n 的代数式表示). 三、计算或解答(共60分)1.(9分)计算:①.-14-(1-0.5)×13×[3-(-3)2]. ②.(137112812--+)×(24-).③.先化简,再求值::2x 2﹣3(﹣x 2+xy ﹣y 2)﹣3x 2,其中x=2,y=﹣1..2.解下列方程(6分):(1)4-x =3(2-x); (2)2x -13-x +14=1.3(4分).在做解方程练习时,学习卷中有一个方程“2y ﹣=y +■”中的■没印清晰,小聪问老师,老师只是说:“■是一个有理数,该方程的解与当x=2时代数式5(x ﹣1)﹣2(x ﹣2)﹣4的值相同.”小聪很快补上了这个常数.同学们,你们能补上这个常数吗?4①(3分).如图,点C 、D 为线段AB 的三等分点,点E 为线段AC 的中点,若AB =12,求线段ED 的长度.②(4分).如图,直线AB 、CD 相交于点O ,∠BOM=90°,∠DON=90°.(1)若∠COM=∠AOC ,求∠AOD 的度数;(2)若∠COM=∠BOC ,求∠AOC 和∠MOD .5(6分).我们规定:若关于x 的一元一次方程ax=b 的解为b +a ,则称该方程为“和解方程”. 例如:方程2x=﹣4的解为x=﹣2,而﹣2=﹣4+2,则方程2x=﹣4为“和解方程”. 请根据上述规定解答下列问题:(1)已知关于x 的一元一次方程3x=m 是“和解方程”,求m 的值;(2)已知关于x 的一元一次方程﹣2x=mn +n 是“和解方程”,并且它的解是x=n ,求m ,n 的值.6(5分)周末,小明和爸爸在400米的环形跑道上骑车锻炼,他们在同一地点沿着同一方向同时出发,骑行结束后两人有如下对话:请根据他们的对话内容,求小明和爸爸的骑行速度.7(6分)如图,射线OA的方向是北偏东15°,射线OB的方向是北偏西40°,∠AOB=∠AOC,射线OD是OB的反向延长线.(1)射线OC的方向是;(2)若射线OE平分∠COD,求∠AOE的度数.8.(8分)如图所示是长方体的平面展开图,设AB=x,若AD=4x,AN=3x.(1)求长方形DEFG的周长与长方形ABMN的周长(用字母x表示);(2)若长方形DEFG的周长比长方形ABMN的周长少8,求x的值;(3)在第(2)问的条件下,求原长方体的体积.9(9分).在某市人代会上,提出了建设美丽城市决胜全面小康的奋斗目标.为响应市委号召,学校决定改造校园内的一小广场,如图是该广场的平面示意图,它是由6个正方形拼成的长方形,已知中间最小的正方形A的边长是1米.(1)若设图中最大正方形B的边长是x米,请用含x的代数式分别表示出正方形F,E和C 的边长;(2)观察图形的特点可知,长方形相对的两边是相等的(如图中的MQ和PN).请根据这个等量关系,求出x的值;(3)现沿着长方形广场的四条边铺设下水管道,由甲、乙2个工程队单独铺设分别需要10天、15天完成.两队合作施工2天后,因甲队另有任务,余下的工程由乙队单独施工,试问还要多少天完成?。



东莞市光正实验学校小学部Anything is possible!2019-2020学年第二学期三年级英语科第15周周末练习(制卷人:陈湘宜审核人:)姓名:______班级:______家长签名:______等级:作业要求:家长评价家长评语1.朗读课文P22-45所学内容(家长监督并签名);2.完成“一起作业网”上的英语练习;3.认真完成以下练习题(请家长查阅并签名)。



A.Put your foot under your chair.B.Put on a cap.C.Read a map.D.Put your hand on your chair.E.Make your eyes big.F.Make your arms long.1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()6.()2三、看图,从下面方框中选择恰当的单词补全句子,将其字母编号写在横线上。


()1.A.father B.dad C.cat ()2.A.egg B.elephantC.me ()3.A.big B.sixC.ice()4.A.tigerB.pigC.China 五、看图,根据图片选择正确的答语,并将其字母编号填写在括号内。

()1.Is the book under the pencil box?()2.Is the ruler on the book ?()3.Is the desk under the bag?六、阅读对话,判断右框中的句子是否正确,正确的写T ,错误的写F 。


)Tim:Dad,Where is my toy giraffe?Dad:Is it under the chair?Tim:No,It isn’t.Dad:Is it in your toy box?Tim:Oh,yes,it is.But where is my bag?Dad:Look!It’s on your desk.Tim:Silly me!Dad:And your cap is on your chair!Tim:Thank you,dad!Dad:You’re welcome!Look at the elephant!It has a________nose.It has a_______tail.It has ________eyes.And its ears are ________.C.Is it under the chair?D.It’s on your desk.A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isn’t.()1.The toy giraffe is under the chair.()2.The toy giraffe is in the toy box.()3.The bag is under the chair.()4.The bag is on the desk.()5.The cap is on the chair.。



八上第十五周周末作业一、选择:( )1. We can make a fire ___ the room warm so that we can stay there to read some books.A. keptB. keepingC. to keepD. keep( )2. _______ the wetlands, we must help people ________ the importance of wetlands.A. Protecting; to learnB. To protect; to learnC. Protecting; learningD. To protect; learning( )3. The rich man ________ much food _______ the poor families during the hard time.A. provides; toB. provides; withC. provided; forD. provided; with ( )4. It’s winter in Australia, _______ it’s summer in China.A. afterB. whileC. beforeD. so( )5. —What do you think of the book you are reading?—Good indeed. It ________ many problems we have come across in our study.A. saysB. coversC. reportsD. talks( )6. What _________ snow! I think we can go skiing tomorrow.A. heavyB. heavilyC. a heavyD. the heavy.( )7. You look really cute______________ the hat on .A. haveB. withC. byD. in( )8. Which is the right sentence structure of “Sandy gave the birds some food”?A. S +V+ DOB. S +V+ PC. S +V+IO+ DOD. S +V+ DO+ OC( )9. There are ________ dark clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little( )10. Yesterday he got a high fever, but today he is better. His body temperature dropped ______________.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little( )11. He is busy _____ at school, but he never forgets ______ his mom a phone call every day.A. working; drivingB. working; giveC. working; to giveD. work; to give( )12. ——Did you have a good time in the open air last night?——No, I didn’t. The temperature was so _______ that I caught a cold.A. lowB. tallC. highD. hot( )13. ________ fine day it is _______ on a picnic!A. What ; to doB. What a ; goingC. How; to goD. What a ; to go( )14. —How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night?—________. But the male singer was perfect.A. I was crazy about itB. I couldn’t agree oneC. I don’t think much of itD. I really like it.( )15. The sentence structure of “Teachers ask me to finish the homework on time. ” is __.A. S+V+OB. S+V+IO+DOC. S+V+DO+OCD. S+V+P( ) 16. The sentence structure of “The boy looks smart.” Is______.A. S+V+OB. S+V+IO+DOC. S+V+DO+OCD. S+V+P二、词汇:1. We are going on walking _________ (旅行) from Sichuan to Tibet.2. This course ____________ (包括) all kinds of ways to practice your English.3. We are discussing the problems of the modern ___________ (社会)。



七年级英语第十五周假期作业班级姓名Ⅰ. 根据中文、英语解释或首字母提示完成单词1. Are you interested in keeping (宠物)?2. The dogs are f for a bone.3. You must f your pet on time every day, or you it will be hungry.4. Don’t worry. The black dog won’t (咬)Sam5.I think he is (躲藏) behind the tree.6. The birds are collecting some (树枝) to build a new home for their eggs.7. Do the police catch the robber at the e of the story?8. My grandpa has poor eyesight. He has some t reading books without glasses.9. Don’t t the light. It's dangerous.10.My grandfather likes ( search the forest (森林) for the animals).Ⅱ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1. If you love Beijing Opera, why not (visit) our local theatre?2. The clever girl can work out the problem (easy).3. There’re two small (mouse) in the box.4.She has an (amaze) talent (才华) for music.5. You’d better (keep) the windows (open) . It’s hot inside the room.6. She wants (keep) a pet.Ⅲ.用其正确形式填空1. Don’t make any noise. My mother (sleep )in the next room.2. Last night I heard someone (shout)“Fire! Fire!”3. Would you like me (play) this game with you?4. Dogs enjoy (run after )rabbits.5. Some people (be) afraid of dogs.Ⅳ. 单项选择( ) 1. Mary runs ______ of all the girls in her school and she won the 100-meter race last month.A. fastestB. slowestC. nearestD. highest( ) 2. ---What’s your problem? ---I have trouble ______ these words in English.A. talkingB. sayingC. tellingD. speaking( ) 3. —Where is Mr. Wu, do you know?—Well, it’s hard to say. But I saw him a football game just now.A. was watchingB. watchingC. had watchedD. watched( ) 4. —Our dog is really clever animal. —Yes. It’s cleverestA. the; theB. a; theC. a; aD. the; a( ) 5. exciting news it is!A. How anB. What anC. HowD. What( ) 6. My dog is quiet. He never barks bites.A. andB. butC. orD. so( ) 7.The word “wide” rhymes with the word “”A. needB. birdC. middleD. hide( ) 8. —Help yourselves to some fish, boys! —.A. Thanks a lotB. That’s all rightC. No, we won’tD. Yes, please.( ) 9. Miss Green home for supper now.A. needs goB. need goesC. need goD. needs to go( ) 10. It’s very important for us .A. to carefulB. to carelessC. carefulD. to be careful ( ) 11. He’s very . He often plays tricks others.A. fun; toB. fun; onC. funny; withD. funny; on( ) 12. I saw some boys football when I walked past the hall.A. playingB. playC. to playD. played( ) 13. Would. You please teach me first?A. to dancingB. dancingC. dancesD. to dance( ) 14. You’d better keep your mouth and your eyes .A. close; openB. closed; openC. closed; openedD. close; opened ( ) 15.---Aren’t the animals in the zoo very friendly?---_______. They make beautiful sounds when they see visitors.A. No, they aren’tB. Yes, they areC. No, they areD. Yes, they aren’tⅤ. 根据要求改写句子1. It’s a lovely baby.(改为感叹句)_________ _________ lovely baby!_________ _________ the baby is!2. That dog likes chasing (追赶) cats. (写出同义句)That dog likes _________ _________ cats.3. Look after your pet well. (写出同义句)_________ _________ _________ _________ your pet.4. I often feed carrots to my rabbit. (同义句)I often _________ _________ _________ _________.5. Tom can use sticks to build camps. (同义句)Tom can _________ _________ _________ _________ _________.6. My dog is the cleverest animal of all. (同义句)My dog is _________ than _________ _________ _________.Ⅵ. 完型填空Many people like to keep dogs as their pets. But do you know dogs were wild(野生的)animals long long ago?The 1 wild dogs were trained by 2 in Europe about 10,000 years ago. These “dogs” were not like 3 we have now. They might have been (曾经是)small wolves. These dogs often came near humans to 4 some food. Some of the young dogs were adopted(收养)by people and grew up with them.Humans believed the 5 could help them in many ways. The dogs helped them to hurt. They could smell and hear danger 6 people could. They helped keep people 7 on cold nights. So it was 8 to keep the dogs.Now there are many different kinds of dogs 9 they may look quite different from each other. Dog trainers think there are more than 400 different kinds in the world. The number keeps increasing(增长)with new kinds.Since those early days, humans and dogs have always been together. We should 10 them from now on because they are really our friends.( ) 1. A. first B. late C. last D. whole( ) 2. A. wolves B. cats C. humans (人类) D. students( ) 3. A where B what C. when D which( ) 4. A. get B. waste C. make D. serve( ) 5. A. cats B. foxes C. wolves D. dogs( ) 6. A .when B. after C .before D. as soon as( ) 7. A. cool B. warm C. hot D. cold( ) 8. A .hard B. useless C. easy D. useful( ) 9. A. so B .and C. but D. although( ) 10. A. hurt B. kill C. protect (保护) D. seeⅦ. 阅读理解(A)A goldfish has two eyes. It has a mouth. A goldfish has fins. It has one fin on its back. It has a tail. Its fins and tail help it to swim. Fish swim in water and the water has some air in it. Goldfish eat fish-food. They don’t eat a lot. Little worms(虫) are good for goldfish but bread is not. They will eat bread but it is not good for them. So don’t feed goldfish on bread.Goldfish have to have clean water. Green water weeds(水草) help to make water clean. Baby goldfish are not red. They are brown. But when they are big, they will be gold or orange or red. ( ) 1. Which of the following is not true?A. A goldfish has two eyes.B. A goldfish has a mouth.C. A goldfish has only one fin.D. A goldfish has a tail.( ) 2. Goldfish swim .A. with the help of its fins and tailB. with the help of its mouthC. with the help of its tail onlyD. with the help of its fins only( ) 3. This story tells us not to feed goldfish on.A. fish-foodB. breadC. water weedsD. worms( ) 4. When goldfish are small, they are .A. redB. goldC. yellowD. brown( ) 5. Goldfish .A. eat a lotB. have to live in clean waterC. ea t littleD. have to live in green water(B)Mary bought a new lunch bag. It was blue with a gold star on the front. On the way to her classroom she looked inside and found the same lunch —a hamburger. “Why didn’t Mum pack (打包) some other food for me? I hate hamburgers,”she thought.When it was lunchtime, she found some chicken, some strawberries and an egg in her bag. The next day when she opened the bag at lunchtime, she found a sandwich, some fish and a bottle of juice. She was very excited.“My lunch bag must be magic (有魔力的),”Mary thought. So Mary stood up and said, “My lunch bag is magic!”Everyone in the dining hall (餐厅) looked at her.“You’re not the only one with a magic lunch bag,” Lisa said. “I have one, too. It is a blue bag with a gold star on it.”“Hey,” Mary said, “our lunch bags look the same.”“My lunch bag is magic, too!” said Lisa. “Every morning my dad packs food for me, but at lunchtime I always find a hamburger —my favourite!”( )6. What did Mary’s lunch bag look like?A. It was blue with a red star.B. It was green with a red star.C. It was blue with a gold star.D. It was green with a gold star.( )7. Mary usually had ______ for lunch.A. some chickenB. a hamburgerC. an egg and some juiceD. a sandwich( )8. Where did Mary have lunch?A. In the dining hall.B. At home.C. In the meeting room.D. In her classroom. ( )9. When Mary found the food in her lunch bag was different every day, she felt ______.A. sickB. sadC. funnyD. excited( )10. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Mary’s favourite food was hamburgers.B. Lisa gave her lunch to Mary every day.C. Lisa’s mother packed her lunch every day.D. Mary’s lunch bag and Lisa’s looked the same.(C)The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is about the same size of a chicken. It has no wings or tails. It does not have any feathers like other birds. It has hair on its body. Each foot has four toes. Its beak(喙) is very long.The kiwi likes living with a lot of trees around it. It sleeps in the daytime because the sunlight may hurt its eyes. Its nose is very great. It can smell things with it. It is the only bird in the world that can smell things. The kiwi’s eggs are very big.There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. people hardly see them. The government(政府) says that people cannot kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live.There is a picture of kiwi on New Zealand money. People from New Zealand are sometimes called kiwis.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。



第十五周作业答案15-1填空题(1)将波长为λ的平行单色光垂直投射于一狭缝上,若对应于衍射图样的第一级暗纹位置的衍射角的绝对值为θ,则缝的宽度等于________________.[答案:/sin λθ]解:sin ,/sin a a θλλθ=∴=(2)波长为λ的单色光垂直入射在缝宽a =4λ 的单缝上.对应于衍射角=30°,单缝处的波面可划分为______________个半波带。

[答案:4] 解:sin 4sin 3042a λθλ==⨯(3)在夫琅禾费单缝衍射实验中,当缝宽变窄,则衍射条纹变 ;当入射波长变长时,则衍射条纹变 。

(填疏或密)[答案:变疏,变疏] 解:1k k fl x x a λ+=-=(4)在单缝夫琅禾费衍射实验中,设第一级暗纹的衍射角很小,若钠黄光(λ1=589nm )中央明条纹为 4.0nm ,则λ2=442nm(1nm=10-9m )的蓝紫色光的中央明纹宽度为 nm 。

[答案:3.0nm ] 解:中央明纹宽度为02f l a λ=,故00442 4.0 3.0589l l nm λλ==⨯=蓝紫蓝紫钠黄钠黄 (5)在透光缝数为N 的平面光栅的衍射实验中,中央主极大的光强是单缝衍射中央主极大光强的 倍,通过N 个缝的总能量是通过单缝的能量的 倍。

[答案:N 2,N ]15-2选择题(1)在夫琅禾费单缝衍射实验中,对于给定的入射单色光,当缝宽度变小时,除中央亮纹的中心位置不变外,各级衍射条纹[ ](A) 对应的衍射角变小.(B) 对应的衍射角变大.(C) 对应的衍射角也不变.(D) 光强也不变.[答案:B](2)波长λ=500 nm (1nm=10-9m )的单色光垂直照射到宽度a=0.25mm 的单缝上,单缝后面放一凸透镜,在凸透镜的焦平面上放置一屏幕,用以观测衍射条纹。

今测得屏幕上中央明条纹一侧第三个暗条纹和另一侧第三个暗条纹之间的距离为d=12mm ,则凸透镜的焦距是[ ](A)2m. (B)1m. (C)0.5m. (D)0.2m. (E)0.1m[答案:B]解: 3610sin tan 3a a a fθθλ-⨯≈== 33396102100.25101m 350010a f λ----⨯⨯⨯⨯===⨯ (3)波长为λ的单色光垂直入射于光栅常数为d 、缝宽为a 、总缝数为N 的光栅上.取k=0,±1,±2....,则决定出现主极大的衍射角θ 的公式可写成[ ](A) N a sin θ=k λ. (B) a sin θ=k λ.(C) N d sin θ=k λ. (D) d sin θ=k λ.[答案:D](4)设光栅平面、透镜均与屏幕平行。



六年级英语第十五周周末作业班级()姓名()分数()一、读一读,选出不同类的一项.( )1、A、postman B、 pilot C、taxi( )2、A、cinema B、 post officer C、postman( )3、A、evening B、 businessman C、next week( )4、A、science B、 scientist C、worker( )5、A、fishman B、plane C、police officer二、选出正确的一项。

( )1 does your father do?A、WhereB、HowC、What( )2、My father is a pilot. He works .A、in a schoolB、near the seaC、in a hospital( )3、 does he go to work? He goes to work by bus.A、WhereB、HowC、What( )4、Where does the museum shop? .A、It’s a puzzle.B、It’s near the window.C、It’s near the door. ( )5、Tim is a , and he works in a factory.A、 scientistB、factory workerC、postman三、选出正确的答语( )1、Where does Tom work? A、I’m going to see a film. ( )2、What are you going to do tomorrow? B、Yes, she does.( )3、How does he go to work? C、He works at a sea.( )4、Does she like going hiking? D、He’s a fish man.( )5、What does your father do? E、 He goes to work by bike四、读一读,补全句子1. ()does she do? ----She is a()科学工作者).2.()does he work? ----He ()at sea.3. What does your father do?()is a().(教练)4. What does your uncle do? He is a().(警察)5()does your father go to work?He()to work().(骑自行车)五、连词成句1 .does, father, what, your, do (?)_____________________________________2 .fisherman, is , mother, your, a (?)_____________________________________3 .uncle, a, is, my, factory worker (.)_____________________________________4 .does , father, where, work, your (?)_____________________________________5 .does , he, how, work, to, go (?)_____________________________________六、阅读短文,(一)判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的打“T”,不符合的打“F”。



第15周 周末作业姓名 学号 家长签名 一、选择题(3'10⨯)1、下面计算错误的是 ( ) A 、66a a a =⋅ B 、224c c c =÷ C 、2222x x x =+ D 、6328)2(y y =2、下列计算正确的是 ( ) A 、()()2236x x x +-=- B 、()()2333x x x +-=-C 、()()22a b b a -=- D 、221124m m ⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭3、一正方体的棱长为4210cm ⨯, 则其体积可表示为 ( )A 、83810m ⨯B 、 63810m ⨯C 、123210m ⨯D 、 63610m ⨯ 4、下列说法中,正确的是 ( ) A 、一个角的补角必是钝角 B 、两个锐角一定互为余角 C 、直角没有补角 D 、同角的余角相等5、下面的数据,精确的是 ( ) A 、2002年美国在阿富汗的战争每月耗费10亿美元 B 、地球上煤储量为5万亿吨以上 C 、人的大脑有10110⨯个细胞 D 、期中考试你得了90分6、如上图,小狗在的砖上走来走去,停在阴影方部分的概率是 ( ) A 、12 B 、38 C 、34 D 、137、明明给爷爷打电话,电话费随着时间的变化而变化,因变量是 ( ) A 、明明 B 、电话费 C 、时间 D 、爷爷8、变量x y 与之间的关系是32y x =+,要使17y =,变量x = ( ) A 、7 B 、5 C 、10 D 、49、一根蜡烛长20cm ,点燃后每时燃烧5cm ,燃烧时剩下的高度h (厘米)与时间t (时)之间的关系图是 ( )A 、B 、C 、D 、 10、如图,是汽车行驶速度(千米/时)和时间(分)的关系图, (1) 汽车行驶时间为40分钟 (2) AB 表示汽车停下来了(3) 在第30分钟时,汽车的速度是80千米/时(4) 第40分钟时,汽车回到了出发点上述说法其中正确的个数为 ( ) A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 二、填空题(2'10⨯)1、325r r h π-+是 次多项式2、()240-2221101010=____________,nn c c -⨯÷-÷=3、如图,AD BC,B=40,BAC=80,1=__________⊥∠︒∠︒∠求 4、249000_______________≈(保留两个有效数字)5、在2,3,4,5的4个数中,任选3个可以构成三角形的概率为6、小红帮助妈妈预算家庭4月份电费开支情况,下表是小红家4 月份连续8天早晨电表显示的读数:(1) 表中反映的自变量是____________,因变量是____________ (2) 估计小红家4 月30号电表读数为______度(3) 若每度电的电费是0.5元,估计她家4月份应交的电费是_________元t t t t三、解答题1、计算题(5'4⨯)(1) 342321935105a x a x ax ⎛⎫⎛⎫--÷- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(2) ()()327a b b a --+(3) ()()()2111x x x --+- (4) ()()()20442120092222--⎛⎫⨯÷+-⨯- ⎪⎝⎭2、一辆汽车油箱内有油48升,从某地出发,每行1 km ,耗油0.6升,如果设剩油量为y (升),行驶路程为x (km ) (1) 自变量是____________,因变量是_________________ (2) 写出y 与x 的关系式:_________________________(3) 用表格表示汽车从出发地行驶10km 、20km 、30km 、40km、50km 时的剩油量;(4)根据表格中的数据说明剩油量是怎样随着路程的改变而变化的; 答:3.小亮在一天中的体温变化情况如下图:(1) 大约在___________时,小亮的体温最高,最高体温是_________C ︒ (2)大约在___________时,小亮的体温最低,最低体温是_________C ︒ (3) 小亮的体温在升高的时段是_________________________________ (4) 小亮的体温在降低的时段是_________________________________ (5) 小亮的体温在不发生改变的时段是_________________________________4、如图,货车和轿车先后从甲地出发,前往乙地。



文汇中学2021-2021学年七年级英语下学期第15周周末作业I. 找出以下单词中划线局部的发音与其他不同的单词。

〔10分,每一小题2分〕( ) 1. A. moon B. root C. look D. shoot( ) 2. A. smart B. bark C. grammar D. harmful( ) 3. A. lock B. job C. anybody D. diamond( ) 4. A. lively B. decide C. satellite D. disagree( ) 5. A. planet B. achieve C. satellite D. actuallyII.词语释义:〔5分,每一小题1分〕( ) 6 . She has a good knowledge of music.A. would like to learnB. knows a lot aboutC. likes to discussD. does badly in( ) 7. The boy was badly ill and his operation lasted for five hours.A. continuedB. startedC. finishedD. did( ) 8. I tell people about the stars in a lively way.A. movingB. interesting and excitingC. happilyD. clear( ) 9. Actually, you can improve your English by working hard.A. ReallyB. As a factC. In factD. With fact( )10. He used to work in a countryside.A. often worksB. liked workingC. workedD. often worked …in the pastIII. 从A、B、C、D四个选项里面选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项〔15分,每一小题1分〕Where( ) 12. _____ I was four, I went to school. A. If B. When C. How D. What( ) 13. Mary got to the station _____ it was 8 o’clock. A. because B. when C. if D. how( ) 14. My mother will take a plastic bag _____ she goes shopping.A. becauseB. whatC. whenD. how( ) 15. _____ my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV.A. WhileB. AfterC. BeforeD. Because( ) 16. It will be a long time ____ we meet again. A. before B. what C. so D.because( ) 17. Look! The birds are singing happily ____ Tom comes towards them.A. whenB. howC. whatD. who( )18. I ____ look at the stars when I was about seven years old.A. was used toB. used toC. usedD. use to( ) 19. When I was young, I ____ have money to buy any things.A. not use toB. don’t use toC. didn’t use toD. doesn’t use to( ) 20. My father ____ smoke, but now he doesn’t. A. use to B. used to C. doesn’t useto D. didn’t use to( ) 21. Kelly ____ in the countryside when she was young. Now she’s living in the city.A. use to liveB. used to livingC. used to liveD. use to living( ) 22. I ____ get up at 6: 30 am, but now I get up at 6:00 am.A. use toB. used toC. use forD. used for( ) 23. Ted ____ play football. He used to play basketball.A. use toB. used toC. not used toD. didn’t use to( ) 24. --- ____ you _____ take a bus to school? --- Yes. But now I usually go to school on foot.A. Did; use toB. Were; used toC. Do; use toD. Did; used to( ) 25. Old Henry ____ take his dog for a walk after supper. But these days he is too weak to do that.A. has toB. is ableC. used toD. got used toIV.完形填空:〔20分,每一小题2分〕Jumpin Jonathan, or "JJ", is a basketball star. He makes money as a basketball player. He plays three games a week during the fall and winter. It's __26__ work and takes a lot of practice. JJ doesn't have time to take care of all his __27__ and personal (私人的) matters. He has two helpers to make life easier for him, __28__ he can have more time to practise playing basketball.The __29__ is Hal. He takes care of JJ’s business matters. When a basketball team wants JJ, Hal works out the details (细节). Hal keeps most of JJ’s money in the bank so JJ doesn't __30__ it all.JJ also has Quincy, He takes care of all of JJ’s personal needs. Quincy drives JJ to each game. Quincy also __31__ JJ’s dirty clothes to the cleaners, gets his plane tickets, and gives advice on __32__ to eat in strange cities.__33__ stars aren’t the only ones with helpers. Singers, writers and actors also __34__ them. The best thing these helpers do is to __35__ the star to have more time to practise what he or she does best. They help them do well in their work.( ) 26. A. free B. hard C. easy D. large( ) 27. A. family B. children C. brothers D. business( ) 28. A. so B. because C. if D. when( ) 29. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( ) 30. A. learn B. spend C. take D. know( ) 31. A. hides B. turns C. sells D. takes( ) 32. A. when B. why C. what D. which( ) 33. A. Sports B. Chinese C. Movie D. American( ) 34. A. hate B. need C. leave D. push( ) 35. A. follow B. lock C. imagine D. allowV. 阅读理解(10分,每一小题2分)If you wanted to save one thing for the future, what would you pick? For Dr Cary Fowler, it's an easy choice. He would save seeds. Dr Fowler is a scientist who helped make the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway (挪威斯瓦尔巴全球种子库). Dr Fowler is trying to collect and save seeds from every food plant in the world.Why would anyone save seeds? Well, Dr Fowler believes something terrible may happen. If we don't save seeds from food plants around the world, people wouldn't have food, and they might not be able to grow it. Dr Fowler believes we must protect seeds today so that we can grow crops in the future.Dr Fowler collects over 400,000 different kinds of seeds today. Dr Fowler hopes to have over 1 million kinds of seeds one day. He is asking countries around the world to send seeds to him so that he can protect them until we need them.( ) 36. Why did Dr Fowler help make the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway?A. He used it to collect seeds.B. He used it to plant more trees.C. He wanted to be famous.D. He wanted to be friendly.( ) 37. After Dr Fowler collected seeds, he would ______ in the near future.A. study themB. protect themC. put them in waterD. give them to other countries ( ) 38. How many kinds of seeds does Dr Fowler collect?A. Less than 450,000.B. Less than l billion.C. More than 400,000.D. More than l million.( ) 39. Which of these seeds would Dr Fowler probably put into the seed vault?A. Seeds of pretty flowers.B. Seeds of large trees.C. Seeds of vegetables.D. Seeds of grass.( ) 40. The writer wrote the passage to_______.A. show us a seed experimentB. introduce a scientistC. encourage us to save seedsD. teach us how to choose seedsVI. 补全对话(10分): 从所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话。



三、综合题(每空 2 分,共 20 分) (1)春季降水少;气温回升快,蒸发旺盛;正值冬小麦返青,农田需水量大; (至少两条) (4 分) (2)地形平坦;土壤肥沃;季风气候,雨热同期;平原面积广阔;土地集中连 片,适于机械化耕作; (至少两条) (4 分) (3)煤、石油等矿产资源丰富;劳动力资源丰富;水陆交通便利;工业基础好, 科技水平高; (至少两条) (4 分) (4)延吉积雪厚度高于长春(2 分) 延吉位于山脉迎风坡且离海较近; (2 分) (5)东北地区冬季降雪较多,坡度大,让雪容易滚下,防止积雪压坏房子;东 北地区冬季寒冷,大风天气多,墙体厚,窗户小是为了保温. (至少两条) (4 分)
一、选择题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)
1、Байду номын сангаас 6、D
2、B 7、B
3、B 8、B
4、A 9、C
5、C 10、D
二、填空题(每空 2 分,共 60 分) 1 俄罗斯 、内蒙古;河北省; 山东; 2 山地、丘陵; ①大兴安岭②长白山③小兴安岭 3 a 黑龙江、b 松花江 香港和澳门 经济特区::①深圳,②珠海 城市:⑤广州;河流:⑥珠江;
A 香港 美称 “购物天堂” 组成 国际地位 共同点 香港岛、九龙、新界等 国际金融、贸易、航运中心
B 澳门 “海上花园” 澳门半岛、氹仔岛、路环岛 博彩闻名
亚热带季风气候;地狭人稠,填海造陆;旅游业发达 长株潭 (1) A 京广线 , C 沪昆线或浙赣线; D 长沙,E 湘潭 (2)湘江(3) 长沙,株洲, 湘潭



2021-2021学年第一学期文汇周末作业一、音标: 从选项里面选出符合单词读音的音标。

〔10分,一共5小题,每一小题2分〕1. diary A. /diri/ B. /daiәri / C. / diәrai /2. leave A. / liv/ B. /li:f/ C. / li:v /3. nervous A. /nз:vәs/ B. /ni:viz/ C./ nзvәs /4. float A. /flu:t/ B. / flәut/ C. /fu:t /5. breathe A. /bri:ð/ B. /bri:s / C. /bri ð/二、词汇〔32分,每一小题2分〕〕multiple choicesI. 根据划线局部在句中的意思,找出意思最接近的选项。

1. A lot of things in the world are natural, such as mountains.A. not importantB. not beautifulC. not man-made2. Please turn off the lights when you leave the room.A. go toB. enterC. go away from3. The centre of the square is always full of people every day.A. topB. middleC. outside4. — How many candles do we need to light up the room?— We need three.A. make … quietB. make … cleanC. make … bright5. — Are there any places of interest in your home town? — Yes, there are.A. famous placesB. public placesC. wet placesII 选择填空。






下列操作能使光屏上重新得到清晰像的是A.将光屏适当靠近凸透镜 B.将蜡烛适当靠近凸透镜C.将光屏和蜡烛适当靠近凸透镜 D.将光屏或蜡烛适当远离凸透镜4.下图中描述的现象属于光的反射的是5.常见的视力缺陷有近视和远视.如图所示是一位视力缺陷者的眼球成像示意图,他的视力缺陷类型及矫正视力应该配戴的透镜种类是A.远视眼,凸透镜B.远视眼,凹透镜C.近视眼,凸透镜D.近视眼,凹透镜A.日偏食 D.雨后彩虹C.湖边夜景B.钢笔错位图16.如图所示,MN是凸透镜的主光轴,P、Q、S是在主光轴上顺次的三个位置。


则可以判断凸透镜的位置应该在:A.P的左边 B.PQ之间C.QS之间 D.S的右边7.眼睛是心灵的窗户,关于眼睛及其视力矫正,下列说法中正确的是 ( )A.眼睛的晶状体相当于凹透镜B.物体通过晶状体所成的像是虚像C.远视眼看不清近处景物,是因为景物的像落在视网膜的前方D.矫正近视眼所配戴的眼镜镜片是凹透镜8.当光从一种介质射入另一种介质时,下列说法中正确的是A.折射角大于入射角 B.折射角小于入射角C.折射角等于入射角 D.以上情况都有可能9.晚上,在桌面上铺一张白纸,把一块平面镜平放在白纸上,让手电筒的光正对着平面镜照射,如图所示,则从侧面看去()A.白纸是暗的,镜子是亮的 B.白纸和镜子都是暗的C. 白纸是亮的,镜子是暗的D. 白纸和镜子都是亮的10.、凸透镜、凹透镜和平面镜中能会聚太阳光的是__________,光从空气斜射入水中,折射角_______入射角。

九年级数学上学期第十五周周末作业 试题

九年级数学上学期第十五周周末作业  试题

外国语2021-2021学年九年级数学上学期第十五周周末作业制卷人:歐陽文化、歐陽理複;制卷時間:二O 二二年二月七日一、选择题:1.我5月的某一周七天的最高气温〔单位:℃〕统计如下:19,20,24,22,24,26,27,那么这组数据的中位数与众数分别是〔 〕 A .23,24 B .24,22 C .24,24 D .22,24 2.将抛物线y =―x 2向上平移2个单位,再向右平移3个单位,得到的抛物线的解析式为〔 〕A .2(3)2y x =--- B .2(3)2y x =--+C .2(3)2y x =-+- D .2(3)2y x =-++3.点A 在半径为r 的⊙O 内,点A 与点O 的间隔 为6,那么r 的取值范围是〔 〕. A .r > 6B .r ≥ 6C .r < 6D .r ≤ 64.在同一坐标系中,一次函数 与二次函数a x y +=2的图像可能是〔 〕〔第6题〕〔第7题〕5.如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,CD 是⊙O 的切线,切点为D ,CD 与AB 的延长线交于点C ,∠A =30°,给出下面3个结论:①AD =CD ;②BD =BC ;③AB =2BC ,其中正确结论的个数是 〔 〕A .3 B .2 C .1 D .06.二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c 的图像如下图,当函数值y <0时,x 的取值范围为 〔 〕A .x <—1或者x >3B .—1<x <3C .x ≤—1或者x ≥3D .—1≤x ≤37.如图,一个半径为r 〔r <1〕的圆形纸片在边长为10的正六边形内任意运动,那么在该六边形内,这个圆形纸片不能接触到的局部的面积是 〔 〕A . πr 2B .2r 43 C . π-2r 32r 2 D .π-2r 233r 2 8.如图,在△ABC 中∠A=60°,BM ⊥AC 于点M ,CN ⊥AB 于点N ,P 为BC 边〔第5题〕〔第8题〕的中点,连接PM ,PN ,那么以下结论:①PM=PN ;②;③△PMN 为等边三角形;④当∠ABC=45°时,BN=PC .其中正确的个数是〔 〕 A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D . 4个 二、填空题:9.在-1,0,13,2,π,0.10110中任取一个数,取到无理数的概率是__________.10.假设二次函数y=〔a+1〕x 2+3x+a 2﹣1的图象经过原点,那么a 的值是 .11.抛物线y =-x 2+2x +3的顶点坐标是 ,假设y 随x 的增大而增大,那么x 的取值范围是 .12.如图,圆锥的外表展开图由一扇形和一个圆组成,圆的面积为100π,扇形的圆心角为120°,这个扇形的面积为 . 13.如图,点D 是△ABC 的边AC 的上一点,且∠ABD=∠C ;假如=,那么= .14.抛物线C 1、C 2关于原点对称,假如C 1的解析式为1)2(432+--=x y ,那么C 2的解析式为_________________________。











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I. 根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整通顺。

1. Look, she is p________ the water into the cup.
2. Sonia is thirsty. Give her some water to d___________.
3. Mother is c_____________ up the meat in the kitchen.
4. We need a banana to make the milk s_____________
5.. Y ou should p__________ the fruits before making the fruit salad.
6.I look for my pen everywhere, and I find it in my desk f____
7.It's not good for our health to eat too much ____(盐).
8. I need _________(buy) some flowers.
9. I eat two_________(sandwich)for breakfast.
10. We need two c _____of milk to make the shake..
( )1. --- _______ yogurt do you want? --- Two cups.
A. How many
B. How much
C. How long
D. How often ( )2. --- How many _________ do we need? --- Three.
A. an apple
B. a apple
C. apples
D. apple
( )3. --- Let’s make the salad! --- ___________.
A. No, I am not.
B. Thank you.
C. That’s all right.
D. That is a good idea.
( )4. It’s dark(暗的) in the room. Please ____________ the right.
A. turn on
B. turn down
C. turn up
D. turn off
( )5. --- The banana is too big. --- Y ou can ____________.
A. cut up them
B. cut them up
C. cut it up
D. cut up it。

( )6It’s time for Chinese Cooking. Please _____ the TV.
A.turn off
B.turn on
C.turn down
D.turn up
( )7My father had _____ for breakfast this morning.
A.three bread
B.three piece of bread
C.three pieces of bread
D.three piece of breads
( )8.Then you have to _____.
A.mix they up
B.mix them up
C.mix up them
D.mix up they ( )9.Please add a teaspoon of honey _____ the meat.
( )10--Would you like _____ orange? --No, thanks. It’s enough.
B.the other
( )11_____ go swimming in the river. It’s too dangerous.
C.Not to
( )12.Do you like sandwiches _____ lettuce?
( ) 13. There _______ a lot of milk in this big bag..
A. is
B. are
C. be
D. were ( ) 14. There are vegetables in the fridge.Go and buy some.
A. few
B. a few
C. a little
D. little
( ) 15. What _______ Jim do with chocolate yesterday?
A. does
B. do
C. did
D. is
句型转换1.Pour the tea into the cup.(改为否定句)
_____ _____ the tea into the cup.
2.They need some honey.(改为否定句) They _____ need _____ honey.
3.She needs three apples.(改为一般疑问句)
_____ she _____ three apples?
4.We need two teaspoons of yogurt.(对划线部分提问)
_____ _____ yogurt do you need?
5.There are three cups of milk on the table.(对划线部分提问)
_____ _____ cups of milk are there on the table?

_____ _____ a banana _____ _____.

_____ _____ these _____, please.

_____ some _____ _____ the turkey.
Can I _____ some hot water _____ the blender?

_____ _____ _____, and you can’t tell their differences.。
