



《复变函数》练习题一练习题第一套一、填空题1.设x 、y 为实数,称形如(x ,y )的 有序数对 为复数。

2.设z =x +iy ,则称z e = )sin (cos y i y e x + 为指数函数,其中“e ”为自然对数的底。

3.若存在某个N (a ,δ),使得 f (z )在N (a ,δ)内处处可导 ,则称点a 为函数f (z )的解析点。

4.将函数zz f -=11)(在点z =1展成罗朗级数,即在 0<|z -1|<+∞ 内展成罗朗级数。

若映射w =f (z )在区域G 内是 单叶且保角的 的,则称此映射为区域G 内的保形映射。

二、单项选择题1.设z =x +iy ,则x 可用z 表示为( B )。

(A) 2z z - (B) 2z z + (C) i z z 2- (D) iz z 2+ 2.若z =x +iy ,则上半平面可表示为( C )。

(A) Im z <0 (B) Im z ≤0 (C) Im z >0 (D) Im z ≥03.⎰=-=-2||1a z dz a z ( D )。

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) -2πi (D) 2πi4.函数z e z f =)(在复平面上可表示为( B )。

(A) ∑∞=2!n n n z (B) ∑∞=0!n n n z (C) ∑∞=1!n n n z (D) ∑∞=2n n n z 5.设f (z )=sin z ,则z =kπ(k =0,±1, ±2,…)为f (z )的( A )。

(A) 一级零点 (B) 二级零点 (C) 三级零点 (D) 四级零点三、计算题1.设z =x +iy ,求)1Re(z。

1.解:因22))((11y x y i x y i x y i x y i x y i x z +-=-+-=+= 所以22)1Re(y x x z += 设22)4()1()(+-=z z z z f ,试求f (z )的有限奇点,并指出其类别。



第一套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:39-23= 59-16= 16+64= 36-13= 89-7= 82-61= 87-54= 67-65= 80+0= 71-32= 46+31= 11+28= 10+79= 68-11= 95-10= 69-20= 11+80= 99-40= 55-50= 16+50= 24+20= 45+20= 78-50= 93-50= 37+10= 87-10= 97-20= 18+80= 63-20= 19+80= 95-70= 45-20= 38+30= 35+30= 72-40= 78-8= 95-2= 96-6= 58-6= 72-2= 31+5= 96+3= 81+1= 99-2= 74-1= 12-1= 44+5= 43-0= 81+7= 46+0= 37-5= 86-3= 31+0= 57+2= 40+6=45+9= 44+8= 77+7= 15+6= 73+9=28+8= 39+8= 46+8= 59+7= 47+6=76+6= 63+8= 48+3= 56+8= 94+9=47+8= 52+9= 49+9= 38+4= 49+3=43-9= 85-8= 62-8= 80-3= 36-7=62-9= 50-4= 31-4= 96-9= 32-8=82-7= 40-2= 97-9= 62-4= 82-5=51-6= 22-9= 30-8= 21-7= 68-9=第二套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:4+41= 49-17= 41+32= 3+54= 59-44= 80+15= 86-53= 68-7= 14+83= 40-7=31+16= 69-32= 47-0= 59-39= 81-12= 70-5= 2+82= 7+3= 54+5= 61-25= 71-10= 66-40= 43+10= 97-50= 75-30= 37-20= 39+40= 63+20= 52-10= 20-20= 44+40= 82-20= 45+10= 96-80= 53+40= 38+40= 81-20= 22-10= 29-10= 59-50= 96-1= 84+4= 27-3= 29-4= 94+1= 20+5= 32+3= 68-6= 19-8= 79-2= 93+2= 24-4= 61+5= 90+4= 84-0= 86+0= 60+7= 24+3= 66-1= 42+2= 49+7= 39+4= 17+4= 45+9= 42+9= 89+9= 34+8= 39+3= 59+4= 94+8= 65+7= 96+7= 79+7= 97+4= 48+5= 83+9= 69+9= 87+8= 53+9= 39+9= 60-4= 45-6= 66-7= 24-5= 41-9= 50-2= 21-9= 22-8= 83-5= 44-9= 53-7= 18-9= 91-9= 94-6= 24-7= 50-5= 33-9= 15-8= 92-8= 66-7=第三套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:6+9= 3+9= 5+9= 17-9= 18-9= 11-9= 13-9= 15-9= 19-9= 12-9= 14-9= 16-9= 20-9= 35+3= 42+6= 52+4= 35+5= 67+3= 34+6= 56+4= 3+36= 4+34= 48+20= 39+50= 20+47= 30+49= 60+5= 4+70= 33+26= 54+31= 45+9= 34+9= 61+9= 9+83= 9+28= 89-30= 72-30= 95-25= 64-30= 94-4= 34-9= 43-9= 52-9= 69-9= 70-9= 94-9= 75-9= 26-9= 19-9= 68-9= 8+5= 8+6= 8+4= 8+3= 8+5= 7+8= 2+8= 8+9= 17-8= 18-8= 11-8= 13-8= 15-8= 19-8= 12-8= 14-6= 16-8= 20-8= 36+2= 52+7= 36+4= 75+5= 87+3= 24+6= 36+4= 3+66= 5+39= 46+20= 53+30= 20+67=37+8= 45+8= 62+8= 8+56= 8+39= 69-50= 52-30= 73-23= 94-50= 59-9=第四套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:34-8= 43-8= 52-8= 69-8= 70-8= 93-8= 75-8= 26-8= 19-8= 68-8= 7+8= 7+6= 7+4= 7+3= 7+5= 7+9= 2+7= 8+7= 17-7= 18-7= 11-7= 13-7= 15-7= 19-7= 12-7= 15-7= 16-7= 20-7= 45+2= 62+7= 32+4= 56+4= 67+3= 53+7= 56+4= 3+36= 5+38= 46+30= 53+40= 20+27= 30+39= 10+5= 9+70= 21+26= 23+54= 37+7= 45+7= 62+7= 7+56= 7+39= 59-50= 42-30= 63-13= 84-30= 37-7=97-8= 75-7= 26-7= 19-7= 68-7= 6+8= 6+2= 6+4= 6+7= 6+9= 6+5= 3+6= 5+6= 17-6= 18-6= 11-6= 13-6= 15-6= 19-6= 12-6= 15-6= 16-6= 20-6= 43+3= 54+6= 52+5= 34+6= 47+3= 74+6= 55+5= 3+23= 4+35= 28+50= 31+40= 30+27= 40+29= 62+8= 5+70= 31+16= 74+21=第五套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:45+6= 34+6= 61+6= 6+89= 6+28= 79-60= 72-70= 95-95= 64-60= 97-7= 34-6= 43-6= 52-6= 69-6= 40-6= 94-6= 75-6= 26-6= 19-6= 68-6= 5+8= 5+6= 5+4= 5+3= 5+5= 8+5= 5+7= 5+9= 17-5= 18-5=14-5= 16-5= 20-5= 36+3= 72+7= 76+4= 25+5= 86+4= 22+8= 31+9= 3+76= 5+49= 76+20= 53+40= 30+67= 50+49= 70+5= 6+80= 31+67= 14+13= 37+5= 45+5= 62+5= 8+57= 8+38= 79-60= 52-50= 73-63= 94-54= 59-49= 34-5= 43-5= 52-5= 69-5= 30-5= 94-5= 75-5= 26-5= 19-5= 68-5= 4+8= 4+6= 4+4= 4+3= 4+5= 4+9= 4+7= 8+7= 17-4= 18-4= 11-4= 14-4= 15-4= 19-4= 12-4= 14-4= 16-4= 20-4= 47+2= 62+3= 35+4= 66+4= 26+3= 53+7= 62+8=第六套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:3+56= 5+41= 36+40= 58+21= 60+17=37+4= 45+6= 62+8= 4+56= 4+39= 63-60= 46-30= 75-15= 54-20= 90-4= 36-4= 43-4= 52-4= 69-4= 26-4= 86-23= 75-9= 26-8= 18-8= 35-5= 16+9= 5+18= 17+3= 36+6= 29+5=48+8= 35+8= 4+19= 7+26= 4+37= 19+8= 29+7= 7+38= 9+18= 40+6= 35+30= 62+8= 75+5= 23+7= 26+8= 50+8= 61+9= 85+4= 91+8= 46+7= 23+7= 37+4= 78+3= 27+6= 39+8= 68+5= 9+25= 85+6= 92+4= 86+2= 48+7= 39+9= 2+38= 56+8= 36+5= 5+6= 46+9= 9+25= 23+8= 46+6= 90+9= 84+7= 34+7= 56+3= 12+9= 93+3= 58+3= 75+7= 35+6= 86+8= 39+2= 27+4= 50+5= 34+9= 10+60= 9+50= 10+40= 61+10= 18+5= 74+6= 37+2= 26+5=26+8= 19+6= 28+5= 53+6= 78+5= 37+9=第七套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:23+8= 89+6= 75+5= 86+6= 68+7= 87+9= 26+9= 25+6= 50+37= 49+7= 87+9= 50+8= 61+9= 85+4= 91+8= 82+5= 39+10= 46 +7= 73+7= 37+4= 78+3= 27+60= 39+8= 68+5=9+25= 35+6= 2+40= 86+2= 48+7= 39+10= 16+9= 5+18= 17+3= 36+6= 29+5= 87+9= 48+8= 35+8= 4+19= 7+26= 4+37= 29+4=39+8= 26+7= 7+38= 6+18= 40+6= 35+30= 32+8= 25+5= 13+7= 86+8= 19+60= 32+8= 16+9= 34+6= 5+37= 14+7= 37+9= 57+8= 39+2= 27+4= 50+5= 54+9= 70+60= 39+50= 10+40= 6+10= 18+50= 74+6= 37+2= 26+50= 23+70= 47+4= 88+3= 47+6= 99+1= 68+5=83+8= 19+6= 75+5= 36+6= 18+7= 47+9=83+70= 67+40= 88+3= 47+6= 39+8= 68+5=36+8= 19+6= 28+50= 53+6= 78+5= 17+9=48-6= 82+13= 94-54= 99-29= 49-17= 75-44= 63-19= 11+23= 48-22= 52+16= 42+23= 37-29=第八套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:12-3=12+6=13-8=14-5=12-8=8+5=11-5=20+7=16-9=12-5=9+4=18-9=17-8=15-9=14-4=17-9=12-7=13-6=14-8=11-2=30+7=12-8=14-6=14+9=5+6=18-10=7+9=90-3= 60+23= 30+26= 35+40=42+30=50+21=35+30=28-8=36-20=37-7=57+8=80-60=7+80=9+70=71+9=48+6=99-6=75-5=39+5=26-3=27+6=54-8=86-6=24+3=76-8=72-50=69+30=90+4=50-7=40+58=96-4=97-7=79+0=67+9=90-6=50+26=98-70=8+40=62+8=70-5=46+4=12-4=45-40=80-30=25+9=14-8=17-9=72-2=79-70=7+63=90-9=9+60=3+50=26-3=87+8=43+30=48+2=38+7=44+5=20+45=55+7=47+30=53-2=25+8=50+16=97-60=36+7=92+8=9+8=18-6=19-9=15-7=13+8=18-10=22+6=8+7=15-6=14+5=16-6=17+8=4+60=11+6=15+6=12-7=5+38=23+7=64-60=24-6=32+40=16-4=75-9=45+8=58+20=第九套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:62+7=47-5=54+4=3+40=15+4=35+2=98-9=4+76=68-7=73-6=70-3=24-10=48-4=72-3=75-20=75+4=69+7=90-8=42+6=80+10=26+9=86-6=93-60=39-4=67-30=44+30=71+5=4+62=72-8=40+30=86-4=56-6=27+9= 3 4+6=35-20=60-3=95-9=76+8=25+8=34-20=94+6=47+30=20+45= 100+0= 4+60=100-0= 30+10= 90-10= 9-9 = 35-7= 30+25= 92+5= 6+45= 53-8= 90-90=80-30=50-20=30-10=30+9=53-3=90-30=80+9=80-60=90-70=50+40=20+50=38+30=67+20=56+30=43+1=66-4=60+33=27+40=93-70=45-20=74-3=28+9=63+30=33+7=84-3=61+7=51+40=5+89= 28+40=84-30=75+8=68-60=76-40=77-70=29+8=20+16=13+70=45+30=45-30=45+3=15-4=39-4=29-3=16+9= 17+3= 6+6= 29+5= 87+9= 48+8= 35+8= 4+19= 7+26= 4+37= 29+4= 19+8= 29+7= 7+38= 9+18= 40+6= 35+30= 62+8= 75+5 = 23+7= 26+8= 19+60=第十套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:37+2= 43+1= 88+3= 7+6= 19+6= 8+5= 23-8= 89-60= 87+9= 26+9= 91+8= 85+4= 3+4= 82+5= 78+3= 27+60= 9+10= 48+7= 16+9= 5+18= 87+9= 48-8= 4+37= 29-4= 25+5= 6+18= 6+9= 13+7= 57+8= 7+9= 4+9= 39+2= 74-6= 8+50= 88-3= 7+4= 47+6= 99+1= 19+6= 8+50= 26+5= 75-5=39+8= 25+6=53-30= 52-8-4=23+7= 7+4=8+5= 26-8=78+5= 37+9=6+6= 8+7=50+30= 4+7=50+8= 8+9=46+7= 73+7=68-5= 9+5=2+40= 5+6=36+6= 29+5=4+19= 7+26=26+7= 7+8=35+30= 32+8=19+60= 32+8=5+37= 34+6=50+5= 70+60=10+40= 39+50=6+50= 37+2=26-8= 19+60=78-5= 17-9=61+9= 36+7=39-10= 17+3=12+6= 29-7=23+5= 37+1=18-2= 30+8=30-2= 72-2=53+5= 35+2=40+6= 62+7=50-4= 11+2=32+4= 26-5=18-4= 66+10=36+3= 58+30=11+9= 80-3=25+7= 62-2=56+20= 64+6=32+6= 29-7=43+5= 87+10=第十一套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:53-3= 60+8= 84+4= 35-10= 83-3= 71+5= 28-7= 87-10= 95-4= 64+3= 83+5= 83+10= 65+3= 15-3= 35+2= 3+4=9-3= 48-30= 39+10= 7 6+10= 52-4= 47-8= 32-4= 41-2= 37-8= 56-20= 42-7= 71-6= 30-3= 15+4= 25+4= 15-4=95-40= 70+3=70+30= 20-9=48-9= 20-1=38-9= 34-2=88-9= 80-7=47-8= 26-7=80-2= 72-2=36-9= 24-9=78-4= 18-2=65-8= 59-4=99-9= 32+7=60-7= 30+8=80-7= 53-3=32+4= 26-5=34-2= 63+3=20-1= 39-4=25+4= 36-5=88-4= 76+0=56+20= 64+6=32+6= 29-7=43+5= 87+10=81-2= 60+8=48-9= 47-8=40-2= 27-9=30-2= 72-2=52-3= 38-8=45-9= 78+10=40-2= 4+8+10=69-10= 63-5=86-8= 96-2= 46-9= 43-4= 35+5= 85+2= 82-5= 64+6= 63+3= 84-2= 60-4= 11+20=50-4= 11+2=35-10= 71+9=62+7= 40+6=35+2= 53+5=52-3= 71+9=18+5= 70-5=15-3= 30-3=73+4= 25+4=48-30= 95-40= 第十二套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:22-3=12+16=23-8= 14-7= 12-5=8+15=31-5=24+7= 16-8=19-5=9+14= 22-9= 19-8= 14-9=14-14= 24-9=12-11= 25-6= 19-8=22-14= 35+7= 12+8= 14+6= 14-9=15+6=18+10=17+9=50-3= 60-23= 30+16= 35+16=42+38= 50-21=35-30= 28+8=36+20= 37+7=57-8= 80-68=17+80=9+30= 71-9= 48+26=99-56=75-35=39+5= 26-13= 27+6= 54-8= 86+6=24+39= 46-8= 72-58= 69-30=90-4=50-17= 20+58= 96-48= 55-7=23+0=67-9= 95-6= 50-26= 88-70=19+40=70-35= 49+4= 42-4=65-40=80-30= 34-8= 47-9= 61-2=79-50= 7+33= 4+60= 12+50= 26-13=47+8= 43+38=44+7=46+5= 17+45=25+7=47+24= 25-8= 50-16= 97-30=36-7=92-8=9+38=18+6= 19+9= 15+7=18+1= 22+16= 38+7= 15+6= 14+52= 17+81=第十三套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第十四套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第十五套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第十六套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第十七套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第十八套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第十九套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十一套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十二套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十三套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十四套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十五套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十六套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十七套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十八套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第二十九套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第三十套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:第三十一套口算题姓名: 时间:得分:。




8×(125-25)= 48+52÷4=160+40÷4= (19-11)×125=(12+42÷7)×5= 26×8÷26×8=二、把下面运算中不正确的地方改过来。

1.(841-41)÷25×4 2.600×(1200-200÷25) =800÷25×4 =600×(1000÷25)=8 =24000三、把下面各组式子列成综合算式。

1.3280÷16=205 2.23×16=368205×10=2050 625-368=2576000-2050=3950 1028÷257=4四、计算下面各题。

1.280+840÷24×52.85×(95-1440÷24)3.58870÷(105+20×2)4.80400-(4300+870÷15)五、装订车间每人每小时装订课本640册,照这样计算,12人8小时装订课本多少册?六、汽车队开展节约用油活动,12辆车一年共节约汽油7200千克,平均每辆车每个月节约汽油多少千克?七、一部电话机售价320元,一台“彩电”的售价是电话机售价的8倍,一台电脑的售价比“彩电”售价的3倍还多1000元,一台电脑多少元?八、两个车间生产零件,5天后甲车间生产1520个零件,乙车间生产1280个零件,若每天工作8小时,乙车间比甲车间每小时少生产多少个零件?参考答案三、1.6000-3280÷16×10 2.1028÷(625-23×16)四、1.455 2.2975 3.406 4.76042五、640×12×8= 61440(册)六、7200÷12÷12=50(千克)七、320×8×3+1000=8680(元)八、(1520-1280)÷(8×5)=6(个)四年级上册数学综合练习题(第二套)一、填空。











全国网络教育统一考试[大学英语B]综合练习题 第1套

全国网络教育统一考试[大学英语B]综合练习题 第1套
The report contains some general suggestions. The experts say women should get about two-point-seven liters of water daily. Men should get about three-point-seven liters. But wait-in each case that is more than eight glasses.
9, If you get 19/M/HK as an answer to your A/S/L, it means
A. the person who is talking to you is 19 from Hong Kong and he is high
B. you are talking to a boy 19 years old and he lives in Hong Kong
D. find out about some problems in society
8. The sentence "There's neither time nor space for explanations" means that
A. people should use words properly
C. you are talking to 19 boys from Hong Kong at the same time
D. the boy from Hong Kong has been online for 19 minutes
10, Which of the following is a way to save on-line time?

练 习 题 - 第一套

练 习 题 - 第一套
第12题: 《中华人民共和国人民币管理条例》第三十六条规定:“办理人民币存取款业务的金融机构应当采取(有效措施),防止以
_________ 的人民
第50题: 第二套人民币中的___________等券别由原苏联代印。
第51题: 硬币的防伪主要围绕_________ 等方面进行。
第29题: 100欧元纸币的全息标识在票面 _________ 。
第30题: 1996年版100美元采用了光变面额数字,其颜色变化为 _________。
第35题: 从票幅来看第五套人民币各券别的票幅宽分为____档,票幅长则按票面大小从100元券到5元券,以____毫米为级差递
正确答案: C
第2题: _________ 依照《中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法》对假币收缴、鉴定实施监督管理。
第3题: _________人民币是我国第一次不依赖国外,全部实现自主设计和印制的。
















A 、油画B 、浮世绘版画C 、水彩D 、水粉6、油画《拾穗者》是属于 的作品。

A 、印象派B 、浪漫主义C 、新古典主义D 、现实主义7、《自由引导人民》是浪漫主义画家 的代表作品。

A 、哥雅B 、委拉斯贵之C 、德拉克洛瓦D 、马奈8、属于现实主义画派的是( )。



会计基础模拟练习题目录练习题 (1)第一套 (1)第二套 (5)参考答案 (10)第一套 (10)第二套 (13)练习题第一套一、单项选择题1.某企业资产总额为200万元,负债总额为40万元,在将20万元负债转为投入资本后,所有者权益为( )。

A.140万元 B.180万元 C.160万元 D .200万元2.原始凭证是在经济业务( )时取得或填制的。

A.填制记账凭证 B.发生或完成 C.登记明细账 D.编制原始凭证汇总表3.预收账款属于企业的()。

A.流动资产 B.流动负债 C.长期资产 D.长期负债4.下列明细账户中,可以采用数量金额式明细分类账的是()。

A.库存商品明细分类账 B.应付账款明细分类账 C.管理费用 D.现金日记账5.账户本期的期末余额结转至下个会计期间,即为下期的()。

A.期初余额 B.增加发生额 C.减少发生额 D.期末余额6.一般来说,单位撤销合并或改变隶属关系时,要进行()。

A.全面清查 B.局部清查 C.定期清查 D.技术推算盘点7.资产负债表的下列项目中,根据几个总账账户期末余额进行汇总填列的是()。

A.固定资产 B.短期借款 C.货币资金 D.累计折旧8.下列各项中,体现谨慎性信息质量要求的是()。

A.无形资产摊销 B.应收账款计提坏账准备C.存货采用历史成本计价 D.销售收入与费用配比9.利润表中的“本年累计数”是指( )。

A.全年合计数 B.年初至年末的合计数C.年初至本月末的合计数 D.某月份至本年末止的合计数10.车间管理人员的工资分配时应计入()账户。

A.管理费用 B.制造费用C.生产成本 D.库存商品11.在结账前,某记账人员将记账凭证贷记应付账款的金额26000元错记为2600元,更正时应采用( )。

A.红字冲销法 B.划线更正法 C.补充登记法 D.消除字迹法12.汇总记账凭证账务处理程序适用于( )的企业采用。

A.规模小、业务少 B.规模大、业务多C.规模较大、业务较少 D.收付款业务多、会计科目使用少13.关于“银行存款余额调节表”下列说法正确的是()。




在一定的环境下将lg的冰加热,分别记录其温度和体积的数据,利用描点法得到了如图 6所示的图象.则下列说法中正确的是()A.当水从O℃上升到4℃的过程中,其密度逐渐增大B.在0℃时,冰块的密度比水大C.当0℃时,在冰变成水的过程中质量变大D.小明和小聪的研究结果表明:密度是不会随状态而发生改变的2、关于物体的质量和物质的密度,下列说法中正确的是()A.一块冰全部熔化成水后,质量变小,密度不变 B.把铜块碾成铜片,质量和密度均不变C.宇航员在太空处于失重状态,故质量和密度均为零 D.把铁球加热,质量变大,密度变小3、关于物质的密度,以下说法正确的是()A.由公式ρ=m/v可知,物质的密度跟质量成正比,跟体积成反比B.平时我们所说的“铁比木头重”,是说铁的质量比木头的质量大C.不同种类物质单位体积的质量一般不同,密度也不同D.密度是物质的特性,其大小不随温度、形状、状态的变化而变化4、一个实心金属球放在盛满水的杯子里,从杯中溢出10g的水,若把这个金属球放入满煤油(ρ水=1.0×103kg/m3,ρ煤油=0.8×103kg/m3)的杯子里,溢出煤油的质量为A.12.5g B.10g C.8g D.6.4g5、下列说法正确的是: 【】A、一块砖切成体积相等的两块后,砖的密度变为原来的一半B、铁的密度比铝的密度大,表示铁的质量大于铝的质量C、铜的密度是8.9 x 103kg/m3,表示lm3铜的质量为8. 9 x 103kgD、一钢瓶中充满氧气时氧气的密度为ρ;当用完一半后,钢瓶中的氧气的密度还是为ρ。


为了找出不合格的钢珠,现用实验室中的托盘天平来测量,那么至少需要称量的次数为A.2次 B.3次 C.4次 D.5次7、四个一样大小和质量相等的空心球,它们分别是铅、铁、铝、铜制成的,空心部分体积最小的是( )A.铅球B.铁球 C铝球D.铜球8、水银温度计中封闭着一定量的水银,在用这种温度计测量温度的过程中,水银发生热胀冷缩,下列说法正确的是()A.温度计中水银的质量不变B.温度计中水银的体积不变C.温度计中水银的密度不变D.温度计中水银的温度不变9、关于误差的说法,下面哪句话是正确的A.认真测量可以避免误差 B.测量中的错误就是误差C.选用精密的测量工具可以避免误差 D.多次测量求平均值,可以减小误差10、2008年5月12日14时28分,四川汶川发生里氏8.0级强烈地震。




A 2-6人B 3-7人C 5-13人D 10-15人2.中国少年先锋队的建队纪念日是()。

A 10月13日B 10月3日C 10月14日D 10月4日3.我们的队徽是()A 火炬B 五角星加火炬和写有“中国少先队”的红色绶带C 五角星加火炬D 五角星加火炬的红旗4.是否可以在队旗上印制或书写学校名称?( )A不可以B 可以C 随便D无所谓5.少先队的队礼表示()A 人民的利益高于一切B祖国的利益高于一切C集体的利益高于一切D自己的利益高于一切6.我们的队礼应该()A 左手五指并拢B 左手五指并拢,高举头上C 右手五指并拢D 右手五指并拢,高举头上7.少先队的呼号是()A “准备着:为共产主义事业而奋斗!”B “时刻准备着”C “准备着:为共产主义事业而奋斗!”回答:“时刻准备着”D “准备着:做共产主义事业的接班人!”回答:“时刻准备着”8.队员由一个大队转到另一个大队,要带上(),到新的大队报到。

A 学生证B 队员登记表C学校证明D 无需带证件9.全国代表大会原则上每()召开一次。

A 三年B 四年C 五年D 六年10.小队长和中队、大队委员会都由( )产生。

A 大队辅导员认定B 队员选举C 学校选举D中队辅导员推荐11.红领巾代表( )的一角,是革命先烈的鲜血染成。

A 队旗B红旗C 队角D 队徽12.在少先队集会时,应由谁来带领队员呼号?()A 大队长B 中队长C 辅导员D小队长二、填空题(每空1分,共32分)。
























基础英语语法练习题-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1基础英语语法练习题第一套(全十六单元)Unit 11. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ my car.A. repairingB. repairC. to repairD. repaired2. It's no good _______ over split milk.A. to cryB. cryingC. criedD. cry3. Have you forgotten ___________$1000 from me last month Will you please remember _________ it tomorrow?A. borrowing; to bringB. to borrow; bringC. borrowed; bringingD. borrowing; bringing4. The classroom wants __________.A. cleanB. cleanedC. to cleanD. cleaning5. Jack said that he wouldn't mind ___________ for us.A. o waitB. waitC. waitingD. waited6. My brother keeps _________ me with my work.A. to helpB. helpC. helpingD. helped7. We should often practise _________ English with each other.A. to speakB. spokeC. speakD. speaking8. Keep on _________ and you will succeed.A. a tryB. tryC. triingD. trying9. Don’t forget ________ the notebook with you when you go to the lecture.A. to takeB. to carryC. to sendD. to bring10. You’d better ________ her, it would only worry her.A. not tellB. tellC. to tellD. not to tell11. The librarian work is ________ the books in the library.A. takes care ofB. take care ofC. to take care ofD. taking care of12. Her parent’s won’t let her ________ out with her boyfriend.A. goesB. to goC. goingD. go13. I asked her _______ with us.A. when to goB. when he will goC. if he will goD. that he would go14. I have not got a chair ________.A. for sittingB. to sit onC. to sitD. for sitting on15. My mother often tells me ________ in the sunA. not to readB. don’t readC.doesn’t readD. not read16____ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.A. WhatB. WhoC. WhateverD. Whoever17 ____ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.A. WhatB. ThatC. ThisD. Which18 ____ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Where19 It is pretty well understood ____ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.A. thatB. whenC. whatD. how20 It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning gray.A. whileB. thatC. ifD. forUnit 2一.单项选择题1. ____of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.A. NoneB. BothC. NeitherD. All2. ____ native to America , the plant now can be seen all around the world.A. AlthoughB. SinceC. DespiteD. Because3 ____dull ha may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.A. AlthoughB. WhateverC. AsD. However4.The couple had no sooner got to the station ____ the coach left.A. whenB. asC. untilD. than5. It is going to be fine tomorrow____.A. So is it.B. So it isC. So it doesD. So does it6.The person he interviewed was ____ his former schoolmate.A. no other thanB. no more thanC. none other thanD. none the less7. There are as good fish in the sea ____ ever came out of it.A. thanB. likeC. asD. so8. Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably ____ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.A. no moreB. not moreC. even moreD. much more9. The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the ____of the earthquake.A. consequenceB. aftermathC. resultD. effect10. I must leave now____, if you want that book I’ll bring it next time.A. AccidentallyB. IncidentallyC. EventuallyD. Naturally11. Nine is to three____ three is to one.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what12.____ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finish his assignment.A. Much thoughB. Much asC. As muchD. Though much13. Not only the students but also the teacher____ invited.A. areB. wereC. was14. –I don’t like chicken ____fish.--I don’t like chicken, ____ I like fish very much.A. and; andB. and; butC. or; butD. or; and15.---Would you like to come to dinner tonight?----I’d like to, ____I’m too busy.A. andB. soC. asD. but二.改错16. They sat down and talk about something.17. I saw two men sitting behind and whisper there.18. Neither you nor he are to blame.19. We will die without air and water.20. We can’t live without air or water.Unit 31. Don’t talk about such things of __________ you are not sure.A. whichB. whatC. asD. those2. Is this the factory __________ you visited the other dayA. thatB. whereC. in whichD. the one3. Is this factory __________ some foreign friends visited last FridayA. thatB. whereC. whichD. the one4. Is this the factory __________ he worked ten years agoA. thatB. whereC. whichD. the one5. The wolves hid themselves in the places __________ couldn’t be found.A. thatB. whereC. in whichD. in that6. The freezing point is the temperature __________ water changes into ice.A. at whichB. on thatC. in whichD. of what7. This book will show you __________ can be used in other contexts.A. how you have observedB. what you have observedC. that you have observedD. how that you have observed8. The reason is __________ he is unable to operate the machine.A. becauseB. whyC. thatD. whether9. I’ll tell you __________ he told me last week.A. all whichB. thatC. all thatD. which10. That tree, __________ branches are almost bare, is very old.A. whoseB. of whichC. in whichD. on which11. I have bought the same dress __________ she is wearing.A. asB. thatC. whichD. what12. He failed in the examination, __________ made his father very angry.A. whichB. itC. thatD. what13. We’re talking about the piano and the pianist __________ were in the concert we attended last night.A. whichB. whomC. whoD. that14. The girl __________ an English song in the next room is Tom’s sister.A. who is singingB. is singingC. sangD. was singing15. Those __________ not only from books but also through practice will succeed.A. learnB. whoC. that learnsD. who learn16. Anyone __________ this opinion may speak out.A. that againstsB. that againstC. who is againstD. who are against17. Didn’t you see the man __________A. I nodded just nowB. whom I nodded just nowC. I nodded to him just nowD. I nodded to just now18. Can you lend me the novel __________ the other dayA. that you talkedB. you talked about itC. which you talked withD. you talked about19. Is there anything __________ to youA. that is belongedB. that belongsC. that belongD. which belongs20. ---- “How do you like the book”---- “It’s quite different from __________ I read last month.”A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. the one whatUnit4I. There are twelve sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, D. Choose one word or phrases that best completes the sentence.1. Mr. More has more money than Mr. Little. But he doesn’t enjoy_______.A. heB. himC. hisD. himself2. Lily was 9 years old. _____ was old enough to go to school ________.A. She, sheB. She, herselfC. Her, herselfD. Her, she3. Jim ’ s watch is much newer than _________.A. hersB. sheC. herD. herself4. Would you like _____for supper?A. something ChineseB. Chinese somethingC. anything ChineseD. Chinese anything5.______ piano is too old, but she still liked playing it.A. SheB. She ’ sC. HersD. Her6. Who taught you English last year Nobody taught me . I taught ______.A. meB. myselfC. mineD. I7. That bike is _________A. heB. himC. hisD. it8. We bought ______ a present, but _______ didn’t like it.A. they, themB. them , theyC. themselves , theirD. theirs, they9. Above the trees are the hills_____ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.A. whereB. of whoseC. whoseD. which10. Children who stay away from school do_____ for different reasons.A. themB. /C. itD. theirs11. ____ are you talking about?A. Who’sB. Which’sC. WhomD. What’s12. The detective thought the guilty party to be____ because I had the strongest motive.A. mineB. IC. meD. myselfII. Complete the following sentences with Possessive Pronoun or Reflexive Pronoun.13. You have your tickets; we lost____.14. I’ll do my work and you_____.15. You are really a singer! We were absorbed in that song of_____ last night.16. This machine works______.17. I like the diamond____ but not the setting.18. You must put____ together.19.They quarreled______ red in the face.20. The girl will be_____ in no time.Unit 5A. Correct the following sentences.1. All these years they are contributing articles to our magazine.2. I have been drinking five cups of coffee this afternoon.3. What have you been doing before you left Oxford4. It's a good job. Have you done it all by yourself5. It's a long time since you come to see me.6. Alice didn't see much of Henry lately.7. I'm glad to tell you that you passed the exam.B. Complete the following sentences with the right form of the verbs given.8. You know, I ________ (look) for a job for three months, and this is my first formal interview.9. My sister ________ (stay) in Beijing for three months last year.10. The little boy is dirty all over because he ________ (play) in the mud all the morning.11. I ________ (wonder) if you were free this afternoon.12 Here he is! We ________ (wait) anxiously for him since last night.C. Make the best choices.13. —I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.— I think so. He ________ for it for months.A. is preparingB. was preparingC. had been preparingD. has been preparing14. By the time he realizes he _________ into a trap, it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.A. walksB. walkedC. has walkedD. had walked15. So far this year we _______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and10 percent.A. sawB. seeC. had seenD. have seen16. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she ______ English for a year.A. studiesB. studiedC. is studyingD. has been studying17. Danny _________ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.A. worksB. is workingC. has workedD. had worked18. —I have got a headache.—No wonder. You _________ in front of that computer too long.A. workB. are workingC. have been workingD. worked19. The unemployment rate in this district_______ from 6% to 5% in the past two years.A. has fallenB. had fallenC. is fallingD. was falling20. Now that she is out of job, Lucy ___ going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet.A. had consideredB. has been consideringC. consideredD. is going to considerUnit 6Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. Now air in our town is _______ than it used to be. Something must be done to it.A. very goodB. much betterC. rather thanD. even worse2. This book is _______ on the subject .A. the much bestB. much the bestC. very much bestD. very the best3. The population of Shandong is_______ than that of Sichuan.A. biggerB. largerC. lessD. more4. What animal do like _________ I like all kinds of animals.A. betterB. bestC. veryD. most5. Which is __ season in Beijing I think it’s spring.A. goodB. wellC. bestD. the best6. It's easier _____ than ________.A. say, doB. to say, to doC. says, doesD. saying, doing7. Children had found___ interesting to play computer games.A. thatB. whichC. itD. it’s8. Does _______ matter if he can’t finish the job on timeA. thisB. thatC. heD. it9. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ my car.A. repairingB. repairC. to repairD. repaired10. _______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.A. ThereB. ThisC. ThatD. It11. I hate _______ when people talk with their mouths full.A. itB. thatC. theseD. them12. _______ happened _______ he is unfit for the office.A. This; thatB. That; thatC. It; thatD. He; that13. _______ that the scientist will give us a talk next monthA. Is trueB. Is it trueC. It’s trueD. It’s truly14. _______ is going to America for further study.A. He is said thatB. People said that heC. It was said that heD. It is said that he15. She liked _______ when he kissed her.A. himB. thatC. oneD. it16. I’d appreciate ________ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.A. thatB. itC. thisD. you17. It’s very kind ___ you ______ me..A. for, helpingB. of ,helpC. for, to helpD. of, to help18. —What do you think of the book-Oh, excellent.It's worth ________a second time.A. to readB. to be readC. readingD. being read19. It’s no use _______forward to__________ from her soon.A. to look; to hearB. looking; hearingC. looking; hearD. look; hear20. They are good friends. _______ is no wonder that they know each other so well.A. ThisB. ThatC. ThereD. ItUnit 71.-I'd like to go shopping with you, but I have a meeting_______.-If you don't go_______.A. to attend;nor will IB. to attend;so do IC. attending;so will ID. attend;neither will I2. The pressure _________ causes Americans to be energetic,but it also put them under a constant emotional strain.A. to competeB. competingC. to be competedD. competed3. If the building project _____ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined.A. being completedB. is completedC. to be completedD. completed4. He gives people the impression _____ all his life abroad.A. of having spentB. to have spentC. of being spentD. to spend5. The opportunity ____in a prestigious corporation is a dream for the graduates nowadays in many countries.A. to workB. workingC. workedD. to be working6. If the task _______ by the end of this year is delayed, the company will be under punishment.A. being completedB. is completedC. to be completed C. completed7. The teacher doesn’t permit _____ in class.A. smokeB. to smokeC. smokingD. to have a smoke8. Not every book ______ educative.(be)9.What he did _______ not quite proper. (be)10. As far as I know ,the Central Building is _______ by the end of this month.(build)11. Not all bamboo ________ tall. (grow)12 He is the last guest __________________.(arrive)13 Let me make sure if you have the power _________(make the deal)14This is the best book subject ___________ this year.(publish)15 There is no time______________.(lose)Unit 81._____every body says the film Avatar is very good, I think I’ll go and see it.A. SinceB. becauseC. soD. as2. All of us are very excited_____ the Tomb-sweeping Day is coming.A. SinceB. soC. becauseD. as3. The party was _____ great____ nobody would be able to sleep.4. My brother coughed a lot last night. _______________ , he decided to go to see the doctor.5. The new album of Jackson sounds wonderful, _____I am thinking of buy it.6.____ so many students ill, the teacher has decided to cancel the class.7. The film is very boring_____ there are only a few inglorious actors in it.8. Fun got to be ______ a big thing ____ everybody started to look for more and more thrilling.9.________ repeated failures, he is very depressed.10. He locked his door, ____ making sure that no one would came in.11. They ______can do nothing good of themselves.12.____ you are so sure of it he'll believe you.13. Everyone lent a hand, _____the work was finished ahead of schedule.14. I'm pretty angry with you____ not telling me.15. I will give you all the facts _____you can judge for yourself.16. I gave you a map____ you wouldn't get lost.17. I came back ______the rain.18. I study____ I want to learn.19. Delegates were delighted, ______better protection of rhino reserves will help protect other rare species.20. His request is unreasonable _______he knows we can't afford it.Unit 91. They are going to have the serviceman __________ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.A. installB. to installC. to be installedD. installed2. There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _________ trouble.A. makingB. to makeC. to have madeD. having made3. I'd rather read than watch television; the programs seem __________ all the time.A. to get worseB. to be getting worseC. to have got worseD. getting worse4. Could you find someone________A. for me to play tennis withB. for me to play tennisC play tennis with D. playing tennis5. The pressure ________causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.A. to competeB. competingC. to be competedD. having competed6. You will want two trees about ten feet apart, from _____ to suspend your tent.A. thereB. themC. whichD. where7.________ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master's degree.A. To becomeB. BecomeC. One becomesD. On becoming8. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but ____ the police.A. called inB. calling inC. call inD. to call in9. Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it known that much of his collection______ to the nation.A. has leftB. is to leaveC. leavesD. is to be left10. It is not unusual for workers in that region _________.A to be paid more than a month laterB to be paid later than more a monthC. to pay later than a month moreD. to pay later more than a month11. The ancient Egyptians are supposed _________ rockets to the moon.A. to send B to be sendingC to have sent D. to have been sending12. Mark often attempts to escape _______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A. having been finedB. to have been finedC. to be finedD. being fined13. He gives people the impression ____________ all his life abroad.A. of having spendB. to have spentC. of being spentD. to spent14. Your hair wants _________. You'd better have it done tomorrow.A. cutB. to cutC. cuttingD. being cut15. If I had remembered ________ the window, the thief would not have got in.A. to closeB. closingC. to have closedD. having closed16. Mr. Johnson preferred _____ heavier work to do.A. to be givenB. to be givingC. to have givenD. having given17. The match was cancelled because most of the members ______ a match without a standard court.A. objected to having B were objected to haveC. objected to haveD. were objected to having18. The traditional approach _______with complex problem is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.A. to dealingB. in dealingC. dealingD. to deal19. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _______ for her examination.A. to prepareB. to be preparedC. preparingD. being prepared20.__________ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.A. The girl was educatedB. The girl educatedC. The girl's being educatedD. The girl to be educatedUnit10Choose the best choice and complete the sentence.1. I know him a good football player while in college.A. to have beenB. to beC. wasD. had been2. I _____you off yesterday , but I didn’t have time.A. hope to have beenB. hope to seeC. hoped to have seenD. hoped to see3. I ___him a favor several days ago.A. promise to doB. promise to have doneC. promised to doD. promised to have done4. I am glad ___by him yesterday.A. not to be seenB. to not have been seenC. not to have seenD. to not be seen5. I am sorry not ____it to you soon.A. mailedB. mailingC. to have mailedD. have mailed6. Mr. White was seen _____the Palace Museum .A. enterB. to enterC. enteredD. to have entered7. I had rather ____him today than tomorrow.A. seenB. seeC. sawD. to see8. he would rather stay at home than ______out with you.A. goB. to goC. goingD. goes9. She cannot help______ when she heard the bad news.A. burst into tearsB. bursting into tearsC. to burst into tearsD. to burst out tears10. We enjoyed the holiday ____ the expense.A .except B. besidesC. in addition toD. except for11. If you want children to work hard you must ____ their interests instead of their sense of duty.A. appeal toB. look intoC. give rise toD. go in for12. Mac’s close _______to his brother made people mistake them for one another.A. resemblanceB. identityC. appearanceD. relationship13. “Maria has blisters in her boots.”“She ____walking such a long distance.”A. was used not toB. used toC. is not used toD. did not used to14. Before the tourists set off, they spent much time setting a limit___________the expenses of the trip.A. forB. inC. toD. about15. He spoke in such a big high voice ___at the farther end of the room.A. as to be heardB. to be heardC. as to hearD. to hearChoose the one that you think is the best answer to the questions. When next year's crop of high-school graduates arrive at Oxford University in the fall of 2009, they'll be joined by a new face; Andrew Hamilton, the 55-year-old provost (教务长) of Yale, who'll become Oxford's vice-chancellor-a position equivalent to university president in America.Hamilton isn't the only educator crossing the Atlantic. Schools in France, Egypt, Singapore, etc, have also recently made top-level hires from abroad. Higher education has become a big and competitive business nowadays, and like so many businesses, it's gone global. Yet the talent flow isn't universal. High-level personnel tend to head in only one direction: outward from America.The chief reason is that American schools don't tend to seriously consider looking abroad. For example, when the board of the University of Colorado searched for a new president, it wanted a leader familiar with the state government, a major source of the university's budget. "We didn't do any global consideration," says Patricia Hayes, the board's chair. The board ultimately picked Bruce Benson, a 69-year-old Colorado businessman and political activist (活动家) who is likely to do well in the main task of modern university presidents: fund-raising. Fund-raising is a distinctively American thing, since U.S. schools rely heavily on donations. The fund-raising ability is largely a product of experience and necessity. Many European universities, meanwhile, are still mostly dependent on government funding. But government support has failed to keep pace with rising student number. The decline in government support has made funding-raising an increasing necessary ability among administrators and has hiring committees hungry for Americans.In the past few years, prominent schools around the world have joined the trend. In 2003, when Cambridge University appointed Alison Richard, another former Yale provost, as its vice-chancellor, theuniversity publicly stressed that in her previous job she had overseen "a major strengthening of Yale's financial position."Of course, fund-raising isn't the only skill outsiders offer. The globalization of education means more universities will be seeking heads with international experience of some kind of promote international programs and attract a global student body. Foreigners can offer a fresh perspective on established practices.16. What is the current trend in higher education discussed in the passage?A. institutions worldwide are hiring administrators from the U.S.B. A lot of political activists are being recruited as administrators.C. American universities are enrolling more international students.D. University presidents are paying more attention to funding-raising.17. What is the chief consideration of American universities when hiring top-level administrators?A. The political correctness.B. Their ability to raise funds.C. Their fame in academic circles.D. Their administrative experience.18. What do we learn about European universities from the passage?A. The tuitions they charge have been rising considerably.B. Their operation is under strict government supervision.C. They are strengthening their position by globalization.D. Most of their revenues come from the government.19. Cambridge University appointed Alison Richard as its vice-chancellor chiefly because _____.A. she was known to be good at raising moneyB. she could help strengthen its ties with YaleC. she knew how to attract students overseasD. she had boosted Yale's academic status20. In what way do top-level administrators from abroad contribute to university development?A. They can enhance the university's image.B. They will bring with them more international faculty.C. They will view a lot of things from a new perspective.D. They can set up new academic disciplines.Unit 11Choose a word that best completes each of the following sentences.1. The door was open.It______ open. I had locked it myself and the key was in my pocket.A. can’t beB. mustn’t beC. can’t have beenD. mustn’t have been2. -----I bought this shirt for 35 yuan yesterday.-----It’s on sale today for only 30. You should have waited.-----Oh really But how ____ I knowA. wouldB. canC. didD.do3. She must be in the dormitory now.No, she_____ be there. I saw her in the classroom a minute ago.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. couldn’tD. wouldn’t4. He_____ the 8:20 bus because he didn’t leave home until 8:25.A. couldn’t have caughtB. oug ht to have caughtC. shouldn’t have caughtD. must not have caught5. The meeting has been cancelled. Ann_____ all that work.A. need to doB. need haveC. needn’t have doneD. needed not to do6. We could_____ him with a detached house when he came, but he had specifically asked a small flat.A. provideB. have providedC. not provideD. not have provided7. As it turned out to be a small party, we_____ so formally.A. need not have dressed upB. must not have dressed upC. did not need to dress upD. must not dress up8. You____ Mark anything. It was none of his business.A.needn’t have toldB. needn’t tellC. mustn’t have toldD. mustn’t tell9. He____ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.A. may have actedB. must have actedC. should actD. would act10. Much as____ I couldn’t lend him the money because I simpledidn’t have that much spare cash.A. I would have liked toB. I would like to have。



1. 月亮的形状是什么?为什么?
2. 火星和地球之间存在什么相似之处?
3. 请用简短的语言解释为什么太阳是地球的影子。

4. 你认为为什么我们不能直接看到太阳的光?
1. 什么是太阳光?它对地球有什么作用?
2. 你们学过地球自转吗?请简要解释一下地球自转的现象和原因。

3. 为什么春天和秋天白天和黑夜的时间相等?
4. 地球为什么有四季?
1. 你知道太阳能做什么吗?举例说明一下。

2. 地球自转和公转有什么不同?
3. 你觉得为什么冬天的白天比夏天的白天短?
4. 请简单描述一下地球上的一个季节。

1. 你有没有想过为什么早上太阳从东方升起,晚上又从西方落下?
2. 为什么公转是地球围绕太阳转动?
3. 请用简短的语言解释一下春天温暖、夏天炎热、秋天凉爽、冬天寒冷的原因。

4. 请列举出地球上其他的自然现象。








-------------------------第一套作业练习题题目一:数学1. 计算以下各题:a) 25 + 17 = ________b) 89 - 34 = ________c) 16 × 4 = ________d) 63 ÷ 7 = ________解析:a) 25 + 17 = 42b) 89 - 34 = 55c) 16 × 4 = 64d) 63 ÷ 7 = 92. 填入适当的数:a) 8 × ________ = 72b) 105 ÷ ________ = 15c) 90 - ________ = 54d) 40 + ________ = 80解析:a) 8 × 9 = 72b) 105 ÷ 7 = 15c) 90 - 36 = 54d) 40 + 40 = 80题目二:语文1. 默写《静夜思》的前两句。


2. 写出下列生字的正确拼写及释义:a) 飘摇:________b) 昂首:________c) 郁郁:________d) 纠纷:________解析:a) 飘摇:轻飘动,摇晃。

b) 昂首:抬起头,仰望。

c) 郁郁:形容心情沉重或生气。

d) 纠纷:争议或争执。

第二套作业练习题题目一:英语1. 选择正确的单词填空:Amy is ________ girl in our class.a) the tallestb) tallerc) the talld) the taller解析:a) the tallest2. 根据图片写出相应的单词:图片1:________图片2:________图片3:________解析:图片1:Bicycle图片2:Guitar图片3:Apple题目二:科学1. 根据提供的图标回答问题:a) 图标一代表什么?________b) 图标二代表什么?________c) 图标三代表什么?________解析:a) 图标一代表温度。



信息技术基础练习题第一套第一套1.2008年1月.我国南方大部分地区遭遇50年不遇的大雪冰冻灾害,各地气象部门及时把损失减到最低程 发布了各类天气预警信息,让群众在第一时间做好各项防御灾害的准备,把损失减到最低程度。

以上资料主要反映了信息的( ) A.载体依附性.时效性 D.共享性.共享性.载体依附性 B.可加工处理性.可加工处理性 C.时效性2.下列有关信息的理解,不正确的是( ) A.信息可以被看作是一种资源,具有一定的使用价值.信息可以被看作是一种资源,具有一定的使用价值B.信息无时不在,无处不在.信息无时不在,无处不在C.2l世纪是信息社会,信息是人类社会发展到2l世纪才出现的世纪才出现的D.在一定程度上,人类社会的发展速度取决于人们感知信息、利用信息的广度和深度.在一定程度上,人类社会的发展速度取决于人们感知信息、利用信息的广度和深度3.下列说法正确的是( ) A.广播、电视、因特网给我们带来了大量的信息,这些信息都是可信的,可以直接使用B.在因特网上,可以利用搜索引擎查找到我们所需要的一切信息.在因特网上,可以利用搜索引擎查找到我们所需要的一切信息C.获取有效信息后,应该对其进行分类、整理并保存.获取有效信息后,应该对其进行分类、整理并保存D.保存在计算机内的信息是肯定不会丢失和损坏的.保存在计算机内的信息是肯定不会丢失和损坏的4.用户到电信公司申请电话业务时,从运营商处得到一个电话号码。

电话号码的确定属于( ) A.信息采样.信息加工.信息处理 D.信息加工.信息编码 C.信息处理.信息采样 B.信息编码5.算式(31)10一(10001) 2的运算结果是( ) A.(1101)2B.(15)10 C.(1111)2D.(E)166.在计算机内部,信息的存储和处理都采用二进制,最主要的原因是( ) A.便于存储.数据输入方便.便于存储 B.数据输入方便C.可以增大计算机存储容量.易于用电子元件实现.可以增大计算机存储容量 D.易于用电子元件实现7.ASCⅡ码表中的大写字母Z后有6个其他字符,接着便是小写字母。

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练习题- 第一套练习题- 第一套练习题一、单选题(1分/道,共40道)第1题: 1999年10月1日起,中国人民银行开始发行第五套人民币,其中没有发行_________ 面额钞票。

A.5角B.1元C.2元正确答案: C第2题: _________ 依照《中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法》对假币收缴、鉴定实施监督管理。

A.中国人民银行总行B.金融机构C.中国人民银行及其分支机构正确答案:C第3题: _________人民币是我国第一次不依赖国外,全部实现自主设计和印制的。

A.第一套B.第二套C.第三套正确答案: C第4题: 《不宜流通人民币挑剔标准》自_________ 开始执行。

A.1998年1月1日B.2003年1月1日C.2004年1月1日正确答案:C第5题: 《中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法》所称外币是指在_________ 。

A.其他国家或地区流通的法定货币B.自由兑换货币和特别提款权C.我国境内可收兑的其他国家或地区的法定货币正确答案:C第6题: 《中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法》由_________ 负责解释。

A.国务院B.全国人大常委会C.中国人民银行正确答案:C第7题: 《中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法》中所称货币是指_________ 。

A.人民币和外币B.人民币纸币和硬币C.人民币纸币和外币纸币正确答案:A第8题: 纸币呈正十字形缺少_________的,按原面额的一半兑换。

A.二分之一B.三分之一C.四分之一正确答案:C第9题: 《中华人民共和国人民币管理条例》是于_________ 起实施的。

A.2000年10月1日B.2001年5月1日C.2000年5月1日正确答案:C第10题: 《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》明确规定:人民币由_________ 统一发行。

A.中国人民银行B.国务院C.中华人民共和国正确答案:A第11题: 《中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法》自_________ 起施行。

A.2003年4月9日B.2003年7月1日C.2003年9月1日正确答案:B第12题: 《中华人民共和国人民币管理条例》第三十六条规定:“办理人民币存取款业务的金融机构应当采取(有效措施),防止以_________ 的人民币对外支付。

”A.残缺污损B.停止流通C.伪造、变造正确答案:C第13题: 2000年5月以《中华人民共和国国务院令(第280号)》形式发布的_________是有关人民币管理的第一部专项行政法规。

A.《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》B.《中华人民共和国人民币管理条例》C.《中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法》正确答案:B第14题: 2000年发行的《迎接新世纪》纪念钞,采用_________ 材质,面额为_________ 。

A.纸质,100元B.塑料,50元C.塑料,100元正确答案:C第15题: 50元和100元两种面额人民币最早是在_________人民币中开始出现的。

A.第一套B.第二套C.第三套正确答案:A第16题: 第五套人民币100、50、10元纸币上的胶印对印图案是_________ 。

A.花卉B.古钱币C.人物头像正确答案:B第17题: 第五套人民币各面额纸币上的隐形面额数字在票面的_________ 。

A.正面左下方B.正面右下方C.正面右上方正确答案:C第18题: 第五套人民币中最早使用全息磁性开窗安全线的是_________ 。

A.1999年的20元券B.1999年的10元券C.1999年的5元券正确答案:B第19题: 变造人民币,出售变造人民币,或者明知是变造人民币而运输,情节轻微的,由公安机关处_________日以下拘留、_________元以下罚款。

A.15、0.5万B.20、1万C.15、2万正确答案:A第20题: 残缺、污损人民币持有人对金融机构认定的兑换结果有异议的,持有人可凭金融机构认定证明到中国人民银行分支机构申请鉴定,中国人民银行应自申请日起_________ 个工作日内做出鉴定并出具鉴定书。

A.3B.5C.10正确答案:B第21题: 残缺、污损人民币持有人对金融机构认定的兑换结果有异议的,经持有人要求,金融机构应出具认定证明并______该残缺、污损人民币。

A.没收B.按持有人要求兑换C.退回正确答案:C第22题: 残损人民币销毁权属于_________。

A.中国人民银行B.商业银行C.造币厂正确答案:A第23题: 持有人对被收缴货币的真伪有异议,可以自收缴之日起3个工作日内,持_________ 直接或通过收缴单位向人民银行当地分支机构或中国人民银行授权的鉴定机构提出书面鉴定申请。

A.假币实物B.货币真伪鉴定书C.假币收缴凭证正确答案:C第24题: 持有人对授权鉴定机构鉴定假币的具体行政行为有异议,可在收到《货币真伪鉴定书》之日起_________工作日内向直接监管该鉴定机构的当地人民银行分支机构申请行政复议,或依法提起行政诉讼。

A.15B.60C.20正确答案:B第25题: 持有人对中国人民银行分支机构作出的有关鉴定假币的具体行政行为有异议,可在收到《货币真伪鉴定书》之日起______个工作日内向其上一级机构申请行政复议,或依法提起行政诉讼。

A.60B.30C.10正确答案:A第26题: 变造货币,数额较大的,处_________ 以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处一万元以上十万元以下罚金。

A.3年B.5年C.10年正确答案:A第27题: _________ 面额欧元纸币采用了凹印盲文标记。

A.200、500B.200、100C.50、100正确答案:A第28题: _________ 面额日元纸币采用了隐形面额数字防伪措施。

A.1000B.2000C.5000正确答案:B第29题: 100欧元纸币的全息标识在票面_________ 。

A.正面左下角B.正面右下角C.背面右下角正确答案:B第30题: 1996年版100美元采用了光变面额数字,其颜色变化为_________。

A.金变绿B.绿变黑C.绿变蓝正确答案:B第31题: 1996年版100美元和50美元纸币安全线在紫外光下分别发_________ 光。

A.红和绿B.黄和绿C.红和黄正确答案:C第32题: 变造人民币,出售变造人民币,或者明知是变造人民币而运输,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,由公安机关处______ 日以下拘留、____元以下罚款。

A.15、0.5万B.20、1万C.15、2万正确答案:A第33题: 从_________ 年版的钞票开始,美元纸币中都增加了固定人像水印。

A.1986B.1990C.1996正确答案:C第34题: 从_________ 年版的钞票开始,美元纸币中都增加了文字安全线和缩微文字。

A.1986B.1990C.1996正确答案:B第35题: 从票幅来看第五套人民币各券别的票幅宽分为____档,票幅长则按票面大小从100元券到5元券,以____毫米为级差递减。

A.5、3B.4、6C.3、5正确答案:C第36题: 第四套人民币100元纸币的票面规格是__________ 。

A.165mm×77mmB.155mm×77mmC.160mm×77mm正确答案:A第37题: 第四套人民币10元纸币的水印是_________ 。

A.古钱满版水印B.农民头像固定水印C.工人头像固定水印正确答案:B第38题: 第四套人民币是_________ 开始发行的。

A.1980年6月1日B.1990年9月2日C.1987年4月27日正确答案:C第39题: 1999年版第五套人民币100元、50元和10元纸币上的胶印对印图案是_________ 。

A.花卉B.古钱币C.人物头像正确答案:B第40题: 第五套人民币100元和50元纸币的水印采用的是毛泽东头像,10元纸币的水印是_________ 。

A.毛泽东头像B.月季花C.长江三峡正确答案:B二、多选题(2分/道,共20道)第41题: 中国人民银行依据_________ 等法律法规制定了《人民币图样使用管理办法》和《经营、装帧流通人民币管理办法》。

A.中华人民共和国宪法和法律B.《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》C.《中华人民共和国人民币管理条例》正确答案:B、C第42题: _________ 行为是《中华人民共和国人民币管理条例》所禁止的。

A.伪造、变造人民币B.故意毁损人民币C.持有伪造、变造的人民币D.制作、仿制、买卖缩小的人民币图样E.经中国人民银行批准后,装帧流通人民币正确答案:A、B、C、D第43题: _________单位可以收缴或没收假币。

A.人民银行B.商业银行C.信用社D.证券公司E.收费站正确答案:A、B、C第44题: 整点后的钱捆应达到“五好钱捆”标准。

“五好”标准包括___________ 。

A.点准B.挑净C.墩齐D.捆紧E.名章齐全清楚正确答案:A、B、C、D、E第45题: 硬币有()等情形之一的不宜流通。

A.穿孔、裂口B.裂口、变形C.划痕、弄脏D.文字、面额数字、图案模糊不清E.磨损、氧化正确答案:A、B、D、E第46题: 第四套人民币使用的水印有_________ 。

A.毛泽东头像水印B.工人头像水印C.农民头像水印D.满版古钱水印正确答案:A、B、C、D第47题: 第四套人民币的冠字号码颜色有___________ 。

A.红色B.黑色C.蓝色D.紫色正确答案:A、C第48题: 第五套人民币使用的防伪印刷技术主要有___________ 。

A.雕刻凹版印刷B.接线印刷C.缩微文字印刷D.磁性油墨印刷正确答案:A、B、C第49题: 第五套人民币的机读特征有___________ 。

A.磁性特征B.荧光特征C.光变特征D.凹印特征正确答案:A、B第50题: 第二套人民币中的___________等券别由原苏联代印。

A.1元券B.3元券C.5元券D.10元券正确答案:B、C、D第51题: 硬币的防伪主要围绕_________ 等方面进行。

A.形状B.边部处理C.材质D.铸造工艺正确答案:A、B、C、D第52题: 第五套人民币使用的防伪油墨主要有___________ 。

A.光变油墨B.磁性油墨C.有色荧光油墨D.无色荧光油墨正确答案:A、B、C、D第53题: 硬币的外形主要有___________ 。

A.圆形B.多边形C.异形D.圆形打孔正确答案:A、B、C、D第54题: 硬币边部的处理技术有___________ 。

A.间断丝齿B.连续斜丝齿C.全齿间隔半齿D.边部滚字、边部凹槽滚字正确答案:A、B、C、D第55题: 第五套人民币硬币使用的币材有___________ 。
