自动导引运输车(AGV)Automated Guided Vehicle是指装备有电磁或光学等自动导引装置,由计算机控制、轮式移动为特征、并且能够沿规定的导引路径自动行驶的运输车辆。
自动导引运输车系统(AGVS)AGV System具备自动导引运输车特性的一整套系统,一般包括数量不等的AGV车辆,上位控制系统,导航系统,通讯系统和充电系统等。
车载控制系统Onboard control system用于AGV车辆的计算机控制软件及其相关器件的总称。
上位控制系统Host control system用于AGV调度系统的计算机控制软件及其相关器件的总称。
系统能力System capacityAGV系统在单位时间内能够实现的最大的搬运能力。
系统可靠性System reliabilityAGV系统正常工作时间所占工作总时间的百分比,由于多台AGV处在并行工作模式中,其中一台发生故障的时间权值为1/n,n为系统中AGV的总台数。
地面固定设备Stationary equipment在AGV系统中,用于上位控制,导航/导引,通讯,充电等设备的总称。
平面反射板Flat reflector反射板的一种类型,反射面为平面柱状反射板Column reflector反射板的一种类型,反射面为柱面定位标志Position markAGV在停车定位时使用的标识物。
磁带Magnetic tape用于磁带导引AGV系统的地面导引设施,一般是沿AGV的行驶路径将其粘贴于地板表面。
反光带Reflective tape用于光学导引AGV系统的地面导引标识,按导引传感器的特点,沿AGV的行驶路径喷涂或粘贴相应颜色的色带。
1. AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) - 自动引导车辆
2. AGV System - 自动引导车辆系统
3. AGV Technology - 自动引导车辆技术
4. AGV Navigation - 自动引导车辆导航
5. AGV Control - 自动引导车辆控制
6. AGV Communication - 自动引导车辆通信
7. AGV Fleet Management - 自动引导车辆车队管理
8. AGV Safety - 自动引导车辆安全
9. AGV Battery - 自动引导车辆电池
10. AGV Charging - 自动引导车辆充电
11. AGV Path Planning - 自动引导车辆路径规划
12. AGV Traffic Management - 自动引导车辆交通管理
13. AGV Load Handling - 自动引导车辆载荷处理
14. AGV Speed Control - 自动引导车辆速度控制
15. AGV Collision Avoidance - 自动引导车辆避免碰撞
16. AGV Laser Guidance - 自动引导车辆激光导航
17. AGV Vision System - 自动引导车辆视觉系统
18. AGV Localization - 自动引导车辆定位
19. AGV Positioning - 自动引导车辆定位
20. AGV Mapping - 自动引导车辆地图绘制。
Automated guided vehicleAn automated guided vehicle or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) is a mobile robot that follows markers or wires in the floor, or uses vision or lasers. They are most often used in industrial applications to move materials around a manufacturing facility or a warehouse. Application of the automatic guided vehicle has broadened during the late 20th century and they are no longer restricted to industrial environments.IntroductionAutomated guided vehicles (AGVs) increase efficiency and reduce costs by helping to automate a manufacturing facility or warehouse.The AGV can tow objects behind them in trailers to which they can autonomously attach. The trailers can be used to move raw materials or finished product. The AGV can also store objects on a bed. The objects can be placed on a set of motorized rollers (conveyor) and then pushed off by reversing them. Some AGVs use fork lifts to lift objects for storage. AGVs are employed in nearly every industry, including, pulp, paper, metals, newspaper, and general manufacturing. Transporting materials such as food, linen or medicine in hospitals is also done.An AGV can also be called a laser guided vehicle (LGV) or self-guided vehicle (SGV). Lower cost versions of AGVs are often called Automated Guided Carts (AGCs) and are usually guided by magnetic tape. AGCs are available in a variety of models and can be used to move products on an assembly line, transport goods throughout a plant or warehouse, and deliver loads to and from stretch wrappers and roller conveyors.The first AGV was brought to market in the 1950s, by Barrett Electronics of Northbrook, Illinois, and at the time it was simply a tow truck that followed a wire in the floor instead of a rail. Over the years the technology has become more sophisticated and today automated vehicles are mainly Laser navigated e.g. LGV (Laser Guided Vehicle). In an automated process, LGVs are programmed to communicate (via an offboard server) with other robots to ensure product is moved smoothly through the warehouse, whether it is being stored for future use or sent directly to shipping areas. Today, the AGV plays an important role in the design of new factories and warehouses, safely moving goods to their rightful destinations.In the late 20th century AGVs took on new roles as ports began turning to this technology to move ISO shipping containers. The Port of Rotterdam employs well over 100 AGVs.AGV applications are seemingly endless as capacities can range from just a few pounds to hundreds of tons.Flexible manufacturing systemTo begin to understand AGV it is necessary to understand the fundamentals of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). FMS is a means by which to manufacture a product. FMS is more of a philosophy rather than a tangible item. FMS is the idea that faster is better and uses machines to produce their products. Rather than using humans to perform repetitive tasks a machine is used to perform that task 24 hours a day. FMS uses computer numerical controlled machines (CNC) to form a work cell. Each cell performs a specific task to assist in the manufacturing of a product. Although FMS is fast and efficient it is not cheap as it requires a lot of expensive machines in order to work. Typically, it costs millions of dollars to introduce an FMS into a factory. Ratherthan using a complete FMS, most companies use part of an FMS called a flexible manufacturing cell. This is used to produce part of a product by machine and maybe part by other methods. Often one or more AGV’s are used in FMS to connect work cells together.WiredThe wired sensor is placed on the bottom of the robot and is placed facing the ground. A slot is cut in the ground and a wire is placed approximately 1 inch below the ground. The sensor detects the radio frequency being transmitted from the wire and follows it.Guide TapeMany light duty AGVs (some known as automated guided carts or AGCs) use tape for the guide path. The tapes can be one of two styles: magnetic or colored. The AGC is fitted with the appropriate guide sensor to follow the path of the tape. One major advantage of tape over wired guidance is that it can be easily removed and relocated if the course needs to change. It also does not involve the expense of cutting the factory or warehouse floor for the entire travel route. Additionally, it is considered a "passive" system since it does not require the guide medium to be energized as wire does. Colored tape is initially less expensive, but lacks the advantage of being embedded in high traffic areas where the tape may become damaged or dirty. A flexible magnetic bar can also be embedded in the floor like wire but works under the same provision as magnetic tape and so remains unpowered or passive.Gyroscopic NavigationAnother form of an AGV guidance is inertial navigation. With inertial guidance, a computer control system directs and assigns tasks to the vehicles. Transponders are embedded in the floor of the work place. The AGV uses these transponders to verify that the vehicle is on course. A gyroscope is able to detect the slightest change in the direction of the vehicle and corrects it in order to keep the AGV on its path. The margin of error for the inertial method is ±1 inch.Natural Features NavigationNavigation without retrofitting of the workspace is called Natural Features Navigation. One method uses one or more range-finding sensors, such as a laser range-finder, as well as gyroscopes and/or inertial measurement units with Monte-Carlo/Markov localization techniques to understand where it is as it dynamically plans the shortest permitted path to its goal. The advantage of such systems is that they are highly flexible for on-demand delivery to any location. They can handle failure without bringing down the entire manufacturing operation, since AGVs can plan paths around the failed device. They also are quick to install, with less down-time for the factory. Steering controlTo help an AGV navigate it can use two different steer control systems. The differential speed control is the most common. In this method there are two sets of wheels being driven. Each set is connected to a common drive train. These drive trains are driven at different speeds in order to turn or the same speed to allow the AGV to go forwards and/or backwards. The AGV turns in a similar fashion to a tank. This method of steering is good in the sense that it is easy to maneuver in small spaces. More often than not, this is seen on an AGV that is used to transport and turn in tight spaces or when the AGV is working near machines. This setup for the wheels is not used in towing applications because the AGV would cause the trailer to jackknife when it turned.The other type of steering used is steered wheel control AGV. This type of steering is similar to a cars steering. It is more precise in following the wire program than the differential speed controlled method. This type of AGV has smoother turning but cannot make sharp turns in tightspots. Steered wheel control AGV can be used in all applications; unlike the differential controlled. Steered wheel control is used for towing and can also at times have an operator control it.Path DecisionAGVs have to make decisions on path selection. This is done through different methods: frequency select mode (wired navigation only), and path select mode (wireless navigation only) or via a magnetic tape on the floor not only to guide the AGV but also to issue steering commands and speed commands.Frequency select modeFrequency select mode bases its decision on the frequencies being emitted from the floor. When an AGV approaches a point on the wire which splits the AGV detects the two frequencies and through a table stored in its memory decides on the best path. The different frequencies are required only at the decision point for the AGV. The frequencies can change back to one set signal after this point. This method is not easily expandable and requires extra guide cutting meaning more money.Path select modeAn AGV using the path select mode chooses a path based on preprogrammed paths. It uses the measurements taken from the sensors and compares them to values given to them by programmers. When an AGV approaches a decision point it only has to decide whether to follow path 1, 2, 3, etc. This decision is rather simple since it already knows its path from its programming. This method can increase the cost of an AGV because it is required to have a team of programmers to program the AGV with the correct paths and change the paths when necessary. This method is easy to change and set up.Magnetic Tape modeThe magnetic tape is not laid on the surface of the floor or buried in a 10 mm channel, not only does it provide the path for the AGV to follow but also sort strips of the tape in different combos of the strip tell the AGV to change lane and also speed up slow down and stop with north and south magnetic combos, this is used by TOYOTA USA and TOYOTA JAPAN.Traffic ControlFlexible manufacturing systems containing more than one AGV may require it to have traffic control so the AGV’s will not run into one another. Methods include zone control, forward sensing control, and combination control each method has its advantages and disadvantages.Zone controlZone control is the favorite of most environments because it is simple to install and easy to expand. Zone control uses a wireless transmitter to transmit a signal in a fixed area. Each AGV contains a sensing device to receive this signal and transmit back to the transmitter. If the area is clear the signa l is set at “clear” allowing any AGV to enter and pass through the area. When an AGV is in the area the “stop” signal is sent and all AGV attempting to enter the area stop and wait for their turn. Once the AGV in the zone has moved out beyond the zone the “clear” signal is sent to one of the waiting AGVs. Another way to set up zone control traffic management is to equip each individual robot with its own small transmitter/receiver. The individual AGV then sends its own “do not enter” message to all the AGVs getting to close to its zone in the area. A problem with this method is if one zone goes down all the AGV’s are at risk to collide with any other AGV.Zone control is a cost efficient way to control the AGV in an area.Forward sensing controlForward sensing control uses collision avoidance sensors to avoid collisions with other AGV in the area. These sensors include: sonic, which work like radar; optical, which uses an infrared sensor; and bumper, physical contact sensor. Most AGVs are equipped with a bumper sensor of some sort as a fail safe. Sonic sensors send a “chirp” or high frequency signal out and then wait for a reply from the outline of the reply the AGV can determine if an object is ahead of it and take the necessary actions to avoid collision. The optical uses an infrared transmitter/receiver and sends an infrared signal which then gets reflected back; working on a similar concept as the sonic sensor. The problems with these are they can only protect the AGV from so many sides. They are relatively hard to install and work with as well.Combination controlCombination control sensing is using collision avoidance sensors as well as the zone control sensors. The combination of the two helps to prevent collisions in any situation. For normal operation the zone control is used with the collision avoidance as a fail safe. For example, if the zone control system is down, the collision avoidance system would prevent the AGV from colliding.System ManagementIndustries with AGVs need to have some sort of control over the AGVs. There are three main ways to control the AGV: locator panel, CRT color graphics display, and central logging and report.A locator panel is a simple panel used to see which area the AGV is in. If the AGV is in one area for too long, it could mean it is stuck or broken down. CRT color graphics display shows real time where each vehicle is. It also gives a status of the AGV, its battery voltage, unique identifier, and can show blocked spots. Central logging used to keep track of the history of all the AGVs in the system. Central logging stores all the data and history from these vehicles which can be printed out for technical support or logged to check for up time.AGV is a system often used in FMS to keep up, transport, and connect smaller subsystems into one large production unit. AGVs employ a lot of technology to ensure they do not hit one another and make sure they get to their destination. Loading and transportation of materials from one area to another is the main task of the AGV. AGV require a lot of money to get started with, but they do their jobs with high efficiency. In places such as Japan automation has increased and is now considered to be twice as efficient as factories in America. For a huge initial cost the total cost over time decreasesCommon AGV ApplicationsAutomated Guided Vehicles can be used in a wide variety of applications to transport many different types of material including pallets, rolls, racks, carts, and containers. AGVs excel in applications with the following characteristics:﹒Repetitive movement of materials over a distance﹒Regular delivery of stable loads﹒Medium throughput/volume﹒When on-time delivery is critical and late deliveries are causing inefficiency﹒Operations with at least two shifts﹒Processes where tracking material is importantRaw Material HandlingAGVs are commonly used to transport raw materials such as paper, steel, rubber, metal, and plastic. This includes transporting materials from receiving to the warehouse, and delivering materials directly to production lines.Work-in-Process MovementWork-in-Process movement is one of the first applications where automated guided vehicles were used, and includes the repetitive movement of materials throughout the manufacturing process. AGVs can be used to move material from the warehouse to production/processing lines or from one process to another.Roll HandlingAGVs are used to transport rolls in many types of plants including paper mills, converters, printers, newspapers, steel producers, and plastics manufacturers. AGVs can store and stack rolls on the floor, in racking, and can even automatically load printing presses with rolls of paper.Battery ChargingAGVs utilize a number of battery charging options. Each option is dependent on the users preference. The most commonly used battery charging technologies are Battery Swap, Automatic/Opportunity Charging, and Automatic Battery Swap.Battery Swap"Battery swap technology" requires an operator to manually remove the discharged battery from the AGV and place a fully charged battery in its place approximately 8 – 12 hours (about one shift) of AGVs operation. 5 – 10 minutes is required to perform this with each AGV in the fleet. Automatic / Opportunity Charging"Automatic and opportunity battery charging" allows for continuous operation. On average an AGV charges for 12 minutes every hour for automatic charging and no manual intervention is required. If opportunity is being utilized the AGV will receive a charge whenever the opportunity arises. When a battery pack gets to a predetermined level the AGV will finish the current job that it has been assigned before it goes to the charging station.Automatic Battery Swap"Automatic battery swap" is an alternative to manual battery swap. It requires an additional piece of automation machinery, an automatic battery changer, to the overall AGV system. AGVs will pull up to the battery swap station and have their batteries automatically replaced with fully charged batteries. The automatic battery changer then places the removed batteries into a charging slot for automatic recharging. The automatic battery changer keeps track of the batteries in the system and pulls them only when they are fully charged.While a battery swap system reduces the manpower required to swap batteries, recent developments in battery charging technology allow batteries to be charged more quickly and efficiently potentially eliminating the need to swap batteries.自动导引车一个自动导引车或自动导向车(AGV)是一种移动机器人在地板后面标记或电线,或使用或激光视力。
自动导向车(导引车)(Automated Guided Vehicle, AGV)一、AGV简介自动导向车(AGV) 是采用自动或人工方式装载货物,按设定的路线自动行驶或牵引着载货台车至指定地点,再用自动或人工方式装卸货物的工业车辆。
自动导向车只有按物料搬运作业自动化、柔性化和准时化的要求,与自动导向系统、自动装卸系统、通讯系统、安全系统和管理系统等构成自动导向车系统(AGVS)才能真正发挥作用AGV是自动导引运输车(Automated Guided V ehicle)的英文缩写。
是指装备有电磁或光学等自动导引装置,能够沿规定的导引路径行驶,具有安全保护以及各种移载功能的运输车,AGV属于轮式移动机器人(WMR――Wheeled Mobile Robot)的范畴。
浅 谈 AGV 系 统【摘要】 AGV是自动导引小车(Automated Guided Vehicle)的英文缩写,是自动化物流系统中的关键设备之一。
【关键词】 AGV AGV系统 导航 导引 路径规划 交通管理 发展【Abstract】 AGV refers to Automated Guided Vehicle, it is one of the most important equipments in Logistics or Material Flow system. In this paper, the sophisticated working flow of AGV system and its main technologies concerned are illustrated with an easy and understandable method. Furthermore, the trend of development of AGV in the future is also analyzed.【Key words】AGV AGV system Navigation Guidance Layout designing Traffic management Development1. 什么是AGVAGV是自动导引运输车(Automated Guided Vehicle)的英文缩写。
是指装备有电磁或光学等自动导引装置,能够沿规定的导引路径行驶,具有安全保护以及各种移载功能的运输车,AGV是轮式移动机器人(WMR――Wheel Mobile Robot)的特殊应用。
自动导引小车(AGV)系统的设计摘要随着工厂自动化、计算机集成制造系统技术的逐步发展以及柔性制造系统、自动化立体仓库的广泛应用,AGV(Automatic Guided Vehicle)即自动导引车作为联系和调节离散型物流系统以使其作业连续化的必要的自动化搬运装卸手段,其应用范围和技术水平得到了迅猛的发展。
THE DESIGN OG AGV SYSTEMABSTRACTWith the growing of Factory Automation, Computer Integrated Manufacture System and extensive application of Flexible Manufacture System、Automatic Warehouse, the application field and technical level of AGV which contact and adjust the discrete logistics system, make the mission continuous, has greatly enlarged and improved.AGV is the unmanned driver automatic guided vehicle which has its untouched guided equipment, its control center is the microcontroller and storage battery is driving power, its basic function of automatic action is guided driving, recognizing the address to stop precisely and remove the load. As the valid measure of contemporary logistics processing automation and the key equipment of flexible manufacture system, the AGV has already got more and more extensive application, so that the research on AGV has very important theory meaning and realistic meaning.The dissertation introduced the applications and developments of AGV at home and abroad. Combining with the request of this graduation project topic, we designed a whole infrared rays guided vehicle.The main work in this dissertation was arranged as follows:1. The constitution of AGV system, the path guided means and their principles were discussed. According to the requests of the topic, infrared rays guided method was used in the AGV system.2. The design of AGV mechanical structure was introduced, in terms of driving manner and working requests, the type of the chassis, electrical motor and storage battery etc. was chosen and designed.3. According to the control and the craftwork requests of the AGVS, the total frame structure of control system was designed. About hardware, the right sensor, MCU and motor controller had been chosen, the sensing circuits and MCU controlling hard circuits was designed, about software, to achieve many system functions, and to realize serial communication between the MCU and motor controller, blocking programming method was employed.4. On the base of summarizing the dissertation, the development prospect of AGV research was put forward.Key words: Infrared rays guided; AGV; MCU; Drive and control circuit; Running strategy; Control strategy;Serial communication.目录摘要………………………………………………………………………………ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………目录………………………………………………………………………………第1章绪论………………………………………………………………………1.1 概述……………………………………………………………………1.1.1国外研究状况……………………………………………………1.1.2国内发展情况……………………………………………………1.1.3 AGV系统技术研究方向…………………………………………1.2 AGV系统的构成与AGV的结构…………………………………………1.2.1 AGV系统的构成……………………………………………………1.2.2 AGV的结构…………………………………………………………1.3 AGV导航系统……………………………………………………………1.3.1固定路线方式……………………………………………………1. 4研究课题的提出…………………………………………………………1. 5本章小结…………………………………………………………………第2章 AGV的总体设计……………………………………………………………2. 1总体设计…………………………………………………………………2. 2小车运动分析……………………………………………………………2. 3 传感器的选用……………………………………………………………2.3.1 红外传感器寻迹原理……………………………………………2.3.2红外寻迹方案选择………………………………………………2.3.3具体设计与实现…………………………………………………2.3.4超声波传感器避障原理…………………………………………2.3.5超声波测距模块实物图片………………………………………2.3.6超声波模块具体功能简介………………………………………2.3.7规格参数…………………………………………………………2. 4 本章小结…………………………………………………………………第3章 AGV机械结构和驱动转向系统的设计……………………………………3. 1 AGV机械结构的设计………………………………………………3.1.1 车体尺寸结构设计………………………………………………3.1.2 驱动方式的选择和车轮的选择………………………………3.1.3 传感器的布置…………………………………………………3. 2驱动系统部件的选择与校核………………………………………3.2.1电机的选择………………………………………………………3.2.2行走系统的驱动装置…………………………………………3.2.3 AGV行驶阻力的计算…………………………………………3.3 主减速比的选择………………………………………………3.4 电源部分选择………………………………………………………3.5 本章小节………………………………………………………………第4章控制系统与行走策略…………………………………………………4.1控制系统…………………………………………………………………4.1.1驱动芯片模块………………………………………………………4.1.2电源模块……………………………………………………………4.1.3光电耦合器…………………………………………………………4.2电路的设计…………………………………………………………………4.3行走策略……………………………………………………………………4. 4传感器采样………………………………………………………………4. 5控制策略…………………………………………………………………4. 6动作类型………………………………………………………………4.6.1直线路径行走……………………………………………………4.6.2特殊路径的行走……………………………………………………4.6.3左转弯………………………………………………………………4.6.4右转弯………………………………………………………………4.6.5停车………………………………………………………………第5章总结与展望……………………………………………………………5.2研究展望………………………………………………………………5.1全文总结………………………………………………………………第1章绪论1.1 概述AGV(Automatic Guided Vehicle)——自动导引车是上世纪50年代发展起来的智能搬运型机器人。
agv术语英文大全摘要:1.AGV 的定义和作用2.AGV 的英文术语大全3.AGV 的应用领域4.我国在AGV 领域的发展正文:AGV,即自动导引车(Automated Guided Vehicle),是一种无人驾驶的、自动运行的物料搬运车辆。
AGV 的应用领域广泛,涵盖了制造业、物流业、商业等各个行业,为实现智能化生产和物流提供了有力支持。
在AGV 领域,有许多英文术语,下面为您做一个简要的概述:1.Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV):自动导引车2.Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR):自主移动机器人3.Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV):无人地面车辆4.Intelligent Transport System (ITS):智能交通系统5.Global Positioning System (GPS):全球定位系统6.Magnetic Navigation (MagNet):磁条导航7.Optical Navigation (Laser):激光导航8.Wireless Navigation (Wi-Fi):无线导航9.Inertial Navigation (IMU):惯性导航10.SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping):同时定位与建图近年来,我国在AGV 领域取得了长足的发展。
我国政府也积极推动智能制造、工业互联网和物流现代化等政策,为AGV 行业的发展提供了有力支持。
AGV的简介AGV是自动导引运输车(Automated Guided Vehicle)的英文缩写,我们可以简单地把它看成是无人驾驶的运输车,从1913年美国福特汽车公司使用有轨底盘装配车,1954年英国采用地下埋线电磁感应导向车以来,到九十年代全世界拥有AGV(Automated Guided Vehicl es)10万台以上。
无论目前还是将来,AGV 系统特有的柔性化设计都能为工厂或仓库的生产环境带来切实效益。
自1979年以来,我国的计划生育政策实施了将近30年,城市中越来越多的421(2对老人,1对夫妻,1个孩子)家庭结构必然会在今后的5年内逐渐形成,年轻的夫妇将成为家庭的支柱和社会的栋梁,家庭和社会负担都将非常沉重,因此未来的人力成本将会大幅度提高,多年的计划生育,使得目前的中国劳动力已经出现匮乏的现象, 特别是2010年至今, 企业面对招聘难和人力成本高涨, 企业面对高额人力成本的唯一方法是提高有效劳动生产力,也就是提高生产自动化的程度,AGV作为目前最柔性的自动化运输设备有着广阔的市场。
自动引导车的概念自动引导车(Automatic Guided Vehicle,AGV)是一种能够自主导航、搬运物品以及执行其他任务的无人驾驶车辆。
AGV自动导引小车结构系统全设计AGV(Automatic Guided Vehicle)自动导引小车是一种能够自主行驶、无人操控的物流设备。
附图1 一个配送中心引导车系统传统的自动导引车系统使用固定的车辆引导,路径。
而不是用固定的路径,许多现代AGV 的是自由放养的,这意味着他们的首选曲目是软件编程,并且可以比较容易地改变时,新站或流量增加。
沿着路径从高处用光束进行 扫描,计算机根据光信息, 精密检测出AGV AGV现在的位置。 精密检测出AGV现在的位置。 这种导引方法路径变换容易, 其光扫描方式也最简单。
信标方式(激光导航),这种方式 信标方式(激光导航),这种方式 ), 是在路径上或沿着路径设置多个标 记,标记本身主动发出信号提供有 关位置信息。信标方式是从现在位 关位置信息。 置寻找若干个信标, 置寻找若干个信标,然后根据其方 向和有关信标的位置信息,利用三 向和有关信标的位置信息, 角测量原理计算出现在的位置。 角测量原理计算出现在的位置。这 种方法标记设置简单、廉价,精度 种方法标记设置简单、廉价, 也非常好。 也非常好。
牵 引 式 自 动 导 向 搬 运 车
AGV的导引方式 的导引方式
AGV导引方式是指决定其运行方向和路径 AGV导引方式是指决定其运行方向和路径 的方式。常用的导引方式分为两类: 的方式。常用的导引方式分为两类: 预定路径方式,非预定路径方式。 预定路径方式,非预定路径方式。
2)磁性式导向。是在地面上连续铺设 )磁性式导向。 一条金属磁带, 一条金属磁带,而在车辆上装有磁性 传感器,检测磁带的磁场, 传感器,检测磁带的磁场,通过磁场 偏差测定控制驱动转向电机来调整车 辆行驶和方向。 辆行驶和方向。 采用该方式的自动搬运车, 采用该方式的自动搬运车,其地面系 统较为简单,施工也较为方便, 统较为简单,施工也较为方便,且可 靠性好,因此得到了普及。 靠性好,因此得到了普及。
Automated Guided Vehicle自动引导小车
In the 1970s: the basic guiding technology is relied on the induction of the
buried conductors of electromagnetic frequency. Through a process called "controller" ground wire equipment on or off the frequency, thus guide AGV moving along a predetermined path.
Automated Guided Vehicle
1.The Definition
China's national standards :means equipped with
automatic guiding Settings, can drive along the provisions of the jin road, on the car body with programming and parking choice device, safety protection device and carrying vehicles of various kinds of material transfer function. The American association of logistics: equipped with electromagnetic or optical guiding device, can be in accordance with the provisions of the direct route, with the car running and stop device, safety protection device and the transportation of the car has a variety of tranThe Development History
1 绪论1.1选题的依据及意义AGV是集人工智能、信息处理和图像处理为一体,综合了当今科技领域先进的理论和应用技术。
1.2 AGV自动导引小车简介AGV(Automatic Guided Vehicle),即自动导引车,是一种物料搬运设备,是能在一位置自动进行货物的装载,自动行走到另一位置,自动完成货物的卸载的全自动运输装置。
1.3 AGV自动导引小车的分类自动导引小车分为有轨和无轨两种。
AGV自动导引车结构AGV自动导引车——简介AGV是自动导引车(Automated Guided Vehicle)的英文缩写,是指具有磁条,轨道或者激光等自动导引设备,沿规划好的路径行驶,以电池为动力,并且装备安全保护以及各种辅助机构(例如移载,装配机构)的无人驾驶的自动化车辆。
(AGV自动导引车的构架图)(1)车体包括底盘、车架、壳体和控制室和相应的机械电气结构如减速箱、电机、车轮等所组成,是AGV 自动导引车的基础部分。
【摘要】自动导引车(Automatic Guided Vehicle,AGV)是集光、机、电技术于一体的高科技产品,随着电子器件和控制技术的发展,AGV的技术也在不断地
1.自动导引车导引技术研究现状与发展趋势 [J], 王皖君;张为公
2.自动导引车云导引平台的研究与设计 [J], 邢海洋;张军;王楠
3.自动导引车视觉导引路径的识别及精确测量 [J], 喻俊;楼佩煌;钱晓明;武星
4.基于自动导引车单向导引路径网络的智能车间设备布局规划 [J], 王闯; 常丰田;
5.自动导引车多摄像机主动导引系统的协同标定 [J], 石陈陈;楼佩煌;武星;钱晓明因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
② 有线--分散式
站,在特定的AGV与地面控 制器之间提供通信。一般通 过感应或光学通信的方法来 实现。
优点:价格较便宜; 缺点:AGV 在两通信点之间
发生故障,将无法与地面控 制站取得联
I-SO GPS400潜伏式
根据自主程度划分,AGV可分为:智能型 和普通型。
(1)智能型AGV:在每台小车的控制系统中,通过编 程存有全部的运行线路和线路区段控制的信息,小车 只需知道目的地和到达目的地后完成的任务,就可以 自动选择最优线路完成指定的任务。 (2)普通型AGV:每台小车的控制系统一般比较简单 ,其本身的所有功能、路线规划和区段控制都由主控 计算机进行控制。
潜伏式自动导引车系统---AGVS(Automatic Guided Vehicle System)
控制方式:PLC/AGV运动控制芯片(可选) 可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller
,PLC),它采用一类可编程的存储器,用于其内部 存储程序,执行逻辑运算、顺序控制、定时、计数与 算术操作等面向用户的指令,并通过数字或模拟式输 入/输出控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。 运动控制芯片是专门为精密控制步进电机和伺服电机 而设计的专用处理器。用户使用运动控制芯片以后, 所有实时运动控制可交由运动控制芯片来处理,大大 简化了运动控制系统的软硬件结构和开发工作。
自动导向车(Automated Guided Vehicle,简称AGV)
也称为自动导向搬运车、自动引导搬运车。 指装备有电磁或光学等自动导引装置,能够沿规 定的导引路径行驶,具有安全保护以及各种移载功能 的运输车,工业应用中不需驾驶员的搬运车,以可充 电之蓄电池为其动力来源。一般可透过电脑来控制其 行进路线以及行为,或利用电磁轨道(electromagnetic path-following system)来设立其行进路线,电磁轨道 黏贴於地板上,无人搬运车则依循电磁轨道所带来的 讯息进行移动与动作。
AGV(自动导引车 )简介
7.2.1 预定路径方式
1.车外连续标记 (1) 电磁导引 这是目前AGV采用最广泛的一种导引方式(见图7-10)。它需要在 地面开槽(约51mm宽,15mm深)埋设电缆,接通低压、低频信 号,在电线周围产生磁场。车上需安装有两个感应线圈,并 使其分别位于此导引线的两侧 。导向线中电流约为200~ 300mA,频率为2kHz~35kHz。
2.数字地图引导 把路径画在数字地图上,作为人与机器的对话式系统,非常容易 接近。此外,利用中央计算机的指令把路径的设定作为串行数 据给出的方法,对复杂、交叉路径多的路线特别有效。是适合 于控制复杂、多种、多量AGV的方法,是使工厂内的物流系 统高度自动化所必须的。
7.2.3 智能引导
智能引导方式有示教式(初级智能)和路径规划两种。 示教式:当AGV沿着示教的路径行走一次,即记住行走路线。 它实际上还可学会新的行走路径,并通知主控计算机所学到的 东西。主控计算机可通知其他的AGV关于这条新的路径的信 息。
7.1.2 AGV在AS/RS中的作用 控制台通过计算机网络接受立体仓库管理系统下达的AGV输送 任务,通过无线局域网通讯系统实时采集各AGV、拆箱机器 人的状态信息。根据需求情况和当前AGV运行情况,将调度 命令传递给选定的AGV。AGV完成一次运输任务,在托盘 回收站待命,等待下次任务。 各立体库出货口和拆箱机器人处均有光导通讯装置。对运行中 的AGV,控制台将通过无线局域网通讯系统与AGV交换信 息,实现AGV问的避碰调度、工作状态检测、任务调度。在 立体仓库和拆箱机器人处通过光导通讯与AGV交换任务和状 态,完成移载。 自动导航系统完成AGV的导引。充电系统由充电器和充电控制 器组成,完成在线快速自动充电。AGV接受控制台的任务, 完成运输。地面移载设备可实现AGV的自动移载、加载、交 换空托盘。图7-4为在青岛海尔自动化立体仓库中移载用的 激光导引AGV。
• 3.交通管理 • 交通管理是根据AGV的物理尺寸大小、运行状态和
路径状况,提供AGV互相自动避让的措施,同时避 免车辆互相等待的死锁方法和出现死锁的解除方 法。AGV的交通管理主要有行走段分配和死锁报告 功能。 • 4.通信管理 • 通信管理提供AGV地面控制系统与AGV单机、 地面监控系统、地面IO设备、车辆仿真系统及上 位计算机的通信功能。与AGV间通信使用无线电通 信方式,需要建立一个无线网络,AGV只与地面系 统进行双向通信,AGV间不进行通信,地面控制系 统采用轮询式和多台AGV通信;与地面监控系统、 车辆仿真系统和上位计算机的通信使用TCP/IP通 信。
• 1.按照导引方式不同分类 • 按照导引方式不同,可以分为电磁感应导引、激光导引、惯性
导航导引、光带感应导引、磁力感应导引、直接坐标导引技术、图 像识别导引技术、GPS导航技术和超声波导引搬运车等。 • 2.按照移载方式不同分类 • 按照移载方式不同,AGV可分为侧叉式移载、叉车式移载、推 挽式移载、辊道输送机 • 式移载、链式输送机移载、升降台移载和机械手移载等。
• 1.1自动导引搬运车(AGV)的概念与使用特点 • 1.AGV的概念 • 自动导引搬运车(AutomatedGuidedVehicle,
AGV)又称无人搬运车。我国国家标准《物流术语》 中,对AGV的定义为:装有自动导引装置、安全保 护装置以及各种物料移载功能的搬运设备。 • 2.AGV的使用特点 • (1)运行路线设定灵活。(2)具有检知和避开 障碍物的技能。(3)智能化与自动化。(4)可沿多 条路径进行。运行不局限于一个或几个回路,而 是整个系统内的各条线路。它具有前进、后退、 侧行和斜行等功能,同时还可以以车体平面内的 一点为轴线旋转。(5)与计算机控制的全自动化生 产装配系统有机地相要技术参数