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全国名校2016届高三第二次百校大联考 英语试题 Word版含答案

全国名校2016届高三第二次百校大联考 英语试题 Word版含答案

百校大联考全国名校联盟201 6届高三联考试卷(二)英语第一卷(共100分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7,5分)听下面5段对话。




1. When did the concert begin?A. At 7:25.B.At 7:45.C.At 8:10.2. How much should the man pay to rent a car for four days?A. 80 dollars.B.100 dollars.C.120 dollars.3. How does the man feel about the woman's advice?A. Indifferent.B.Excited.C.Disappointed.4. What are the speakers talking about?A. Saving money.B.Writing styles.C.Working arrangements.5. Where does the woman want to go?A. The bus station.B.The airport.C.The train station.笫二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What's most probably the woman's job?A.A waitress.B.A housewife.C.A saleswoman.7. What does the man want to drink?A. Juice.B.Tea.C.Coffee.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。











例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C1. How will the two speakers go home?A. By taxiB. By busC. On foot2. What color were the socks and underwear before they were washed?A. PinkB. WhiteC. Red3. When will the movie begin?A. At 1:45 p.m.B. At 1:50 p.m.C. At 1:55 p.m.4. What are the two speakers talking about?A. An animalB. A teacherC. A paper5. Where is the woman going?A. A museumB. A libraryC. A bookstore第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。











1. What does the woman want to do?A. Walk indoors.B. Go shopping.C. Walk by the water.2. Where is the man going?A. City Hall.B. The train station.C. The Children's Museum.3. What did the woman learn?A. She worked badly.B. She shouldn't lie to her parents.C. Lying doesn't usually work.4. How does the woman feel about the man and his cat?A. A little unhappy.B. Extremely angry.C. Understanding.5. Why did the man invite the woman to the restaurant?A. She loves to eat meat.B. She loves to try new things.C. The restaurant has great vegetarian food.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。




绝密★启封并使用完毕前炎德•英才大联考长郡中学2016届高考冲刺卷本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并 交回。

第I 卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,共7. 5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项屮选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后,你都冇10秒钟的时间來回答冇关小题和阅读 下一小题。


1. What sports does the man like? A. Swimming.B. Tennis.2. Where are the speakers? A. In a supermarket.B. In a post office.C. At a ticket office.3. What is the man going to do?4. Why is the announcement made? A. To advertise the “ Crocodile n bra nd. C. To welcome people to Java Mall.5. What does the woman suggest? A. They come to work earlier. C ・ They share one car to work.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。



6. Why does the woman hate her life? A. She has too much housework.B. She doesrft know what's the most wonderful. C ・ She has to be faced with so many tests.7. How does the man think the woman gets on with her life? A. Quite well.B. Quite badly.C. Just so so.听笫7段材料,回答第& 9题。



湖南省长郡中学2016届高考英语随堂测试1时量:90分钟分值:120分PART TWO: LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21. On her next birthday, Jane ______married for thirty years.A. isB. will beC. has beenD. will have been22. It has been proved ____ several new kinds of medicine____ a positive effect on the cure ofH7N9.A. which,hasB. if, hasC. that, haveD. what, have23. I’m calling to ask for information about the position____ in the local TV news.A. advertisingB. advertisedC. having advertisedD. to advertise24. Being examined twice a year is the rule that every driver _____ obey in this city.A. shallB. canC. ought toD. need25. —When did Tom leave?— I have no idea. I _____ in my study.A. readB. have readC. was readingD. would read26. ____ has helped to protect the environment is worth praising.A. WhoB. The oneC. AnyoneD. Whoever27. the website of the China Daily, and you will learn more about it.A. Having searchedB. SearchC. SearchingD. To search28. On workday mornings I usually ________ an hour driving to work because of the traffic jam.A. spentB. am spendingC. spendD. will spend29. — Mum, where is my ball? I remember I put it here yesterday.— You _______ it in the wrong place.A. must putB. might putC. might have putD. should have put30. Children are always expecting for the coming of the Spring Festival, _____ may give thema happy time.A. itB. thatC. whatD. which31. When you’re learning to play the piano, _______ a good teacher makes a big difference.A. haveB. havingC. and haveD. if have32. — Are these rooms available?—Sorry, sir. It’s the holiday, so the rooms ________.A. are reservedB. have reservedC. reservedD. are reserving33. That naughty boy is welcome to our party, ____ he behaves himself.A. even ifB. in caseC. as long asD. as if34. With five professional hands ______ them next month, these students are sure to completethe experiment on time.A. helpingB. helpC. to helpingD. to help35. I have already forgotten ______ you bought the computer.A. that it was whenB. that was it whenC. when was it thatD. when it was that Section B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.With his leg lame and his teeth uneven, a boy thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. He seldom played with his classmates, and when asked to answer questions, he always 36 his head without a word.One spring, his father brought home some saplings (树苗). 37 of his children would plant a sapling and he promised, “Whoever grows his sapling best shall get a gift.” The boy certainly wanted to get the gift. But seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees, he 38 an idea: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never 39 it.Several days later, he was surprised to find it didn't die, but grew so many fresh 40 . Compared with those of his brothers and sisters, his appeared greener. His father kept his41 ,bought the boy a gift and said he would become an outstanding 42 after growingup.From then on, the boy slowly became optimistic and confident. One evening, he suddenly 43 his biology teacher once said that plants generally grow at night. Why not go to see the tree?When he came to the courtyard, he found his father working near the tree! Instantly he44 :Father had been secretly watering his tree! He returned to his room, tears 45 inhis eyes.Decades passed. The boy didn't become a botanist. 46 , he became the U.S. President.His name was Franklin Roosevelt.47 is the best nourishment (滋养品) of life. Even though it is just a bucket of water,it can make the tree of life grow well!36.A. held B.raised C.loweredD.covered37.A. Both B.None C.One D.Each38.A. cared for B.got rid of C.hit upon D.put on 39.A. appealed to B.attended to C.adapted to D.turned to 40.A. roots B.leaves C.branches D.seeds41.A. word B.balance C.agreement D.opinion42.A. teacher B.gardener C.president D.botanist43.A. believed B.recalled C.repeated D.knew44.A. remembered B.understood C.wondered D.admitted45.A. welling B.falling C.dropping D.crying 46.A. Therefore B.Besides C.Moreover D.Instead47.A. Love B.Water C.Disability D.FatherSection C (12 marks)Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fitsthe context.Dear boys and girls,I feel honored to speak here 48_______ behalf of all your teachers. I’m really sorry that it will be only three months 49 you graduate from high school .We have spent an unforgettable time in the past three years, during 50 I have been greatly impressed by your good qualities such as honesty, diligence, co-operation and so on. 51 in my teaching career have I met 52________ wonderful students as you.We have an endless journey in pursuit of knowledge. Graduation only marks a stage of one’s education. Set a high goal and 53_______ will achieve more in your future life.I do believe that all your efforts will eventually pay 54__ . I as well as your other teachers am praying that every one of you will be admitted to 55 ideal college.Yours,English teacherPART THREE: READING COMPREHENSION (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AShow Biz Summer 2014Location: Rosewood Center for Family artsImportant Information:* Tuition paid on the first day of class. No tuition refunds (退款).* DCT reserves the right to cancel any class; refunds made for cancelation(取消).* Please accompany student to the first day of class.* Registration begins one-half hour before class time.How To Register:* Mail : fill out the form in this brochure.* Be sure to list the class and group that you want & the dates.Drama Days! —$ 175Entering Grades : Group A : lst — 2nd Group B : 3rd — 5th .Time: June 2—June 6* create the situations and scenes* SHOWTLME-invite family and friends to your Friday Showcase !* Bring a sack lunch and drink each day!Laugh Out Loud —$ 175Entering Grade : 5 thTime: June 23—June 27* Tell a joke! Learn why old jokes can be the best!* Work with your class to put on a Comedy Show for family and friends!Acting —Just Acting—$225Entering Grades : Group A: lst —2nd Group B: 3rd — 4thTime: August 4 — August 8* Start with the characters: Who are you ? Be the Star of your Dreams.* Work with your class to create the plot.Summer Scenes —$ 225Entering Grades: 5th — 6thTime: August 11— August 15* Do you want to be an actor?* Improve your skills with instruction from professional actors & directors.56.Which of the following classes suits those who want to be actors ?A.Summer Scenes B.Acting —Just ActingC.Laugh Out Loud D.Drama Days57.If you want to attend Show Biz Summer 2014,you should be aware that .A.there’ll be no refunds in any caseB.tuition must be paid at least before June 2C.registration begins half an hour after class timeD.students had better be accompanied on the first day58.It can be inferred from the text that all the four classes .A.are intended only for Grades lst —2ndB.are all held at Rosewood Center for Family ArtsC.will take place in June or JulyD.need students to bring a sack lunch and drink each day59.What is the purpose of the text ?A.To earn money from the text..B.To attract readers to attend Summer Scene .C.To persuade readers to attend Show Biz Summer 2014D.To teach readers how to register for Show Biz Summer 201460.Where is the text most probably from ?A.A newspaper . B. An entertainment magazine.C.A guide book . D. part of a brochure.BThe predictability(可预见性)of our mortality(死亡) rates is something that has long puzzled social scientists. After all, there is no natural reason why 2,500 people should accidentally shoot themselves each year or why 7,000 should drown or 55,000 die in their cars. No one establishes a fixed number for each type of death. It just happens that they follow a consistent pattern year after year.A few years ago a Canadian psychologist named Gerald Wilde became interested in this phenomenon. He noticed that mortality rates for violent and accidental deaths throughout the Western world have remained the same throughout the whole of the century, despite all the technological advances and increases in safety standards that have happened in that time. Wilde developed a theory called “risk homeostasis”. According to thi s theory, people naturally live with a certain level ofrisk. When something is made safer, people will get around the measure in some way to go back to the original level of danger. If, for instance, they are required to wear seat belts, they will feel safer and thus will drive faster, thereby canceling out(抵消)the benefits that the seat belt provides. It appears that we have an innate(天生的)need for danger.In all events, it is becoming clearer that the factors influencing our lifespan(寿命) are far more complex than had been previously thought. It now appears that if you wish to live a long life, it isn’t simply a matter of eating the right foods, not smoking, driving with care etc. You must also have the right attitude. Scientists found that people with a suspicious or mistrustful nature die far more often than people with a sunny character. Looking on the bright side, it seems, can add years to your life span.61. What social scientists have long felt puzzled about is why_______.A. the mortality rate can not be predictedB. the death number remained stable year after yearC. a fixed number for each type of death has not come into beingD. people lost their lives every year for this or that reason62. In his research, Gerald Wilde finds that technological advances and increases in safety standards_____.A. have helped solve the problem of so high death rateB. have accounted for mortality rates in the past centuryC. have reduced mortality rates for violent and accidental deathsD. have achieved no effect in bringing down the number of deaths63. According to the theory of “risk homeostasis”, some traffic accidents result from_____ .A. our fast drivingB. our innate desire for riskC. our interest in speedingD. our ignorance of seat belt benefits64. By saying “…canceling out the benefits that the seat belt provides” (Para. 2), the author means_____ .A. wearing seat belts does not have any benefitsB. deaths from wearing seat belts are the same as those from not wearing themC. deaths from other reasons counterbalance(抗衡) the benefits of wearing seat beltsD. wearing seat belts does not necessarily reduce deaths from traffic accidents65. Which of the following may contribute to a longer life span?A. Smoking once in a whileB. Showing little trust in the communicationC. Eating the food low in fat and driving with great careD. Developing an optimistic personality and never losing heartCKodak’s decision to apply for bankruptcy(破产)protection is a sad, though not unexpected, turning point for a leading American corporation that pioneered consumer photography and dominated(控制) the film market for decades, but finally failed to adapt to the digital revolution.Although many attribute Kodak’s downfall to “complacency(自满) ,” th at explanation doesn’t admit the efforts with which the company went to reinvent itself. Decades ago, Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975 — but in a fateful decision, the company chose to focus on its traditional film business.Large companies have a difficult time switching into new markets. For example, although Kodak predicted the rise of digital photography, its culture was too rooted in the successes of the past to fully welcome the future. In the past, their history was so important to them. Now their history has become a liability.Kodak’s downfall over the last several decades was dramatic. The 1980s brought new competition from Japanese film company Fuji Photo, which weaken Kodak by offering lower prices. Kodak’s decision not to pursue the role of official film for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was a major loss. The bid went instead to Fuji, which exploited(剥削) its sponsorship to win a key role in the market.66. What do we learn about Kodak?A. It went bankrupt all of a sudden.B. It is approaching its downfall.C. It is playing a dominant role in the film market.D. It started the digital revolution in the film industry.67. Why does the author mention Kodak’s invention of the first digital camera?A. To show its effort to overcome complacency.B. To show its early attempt to reinvent itself.C. To show its quick adaptation to the digital revolution.D. To show its will to compete with Japan’s Fuji photo.68. Why do large companies have difficulty switching to new markets?A. They are deeply stuck in their glorious past.B. They tend to be slow in facing new challenges.C. They are unwilling to invest in new technology.D. They find it costly to give up their existing business.69. What’s the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 3?A. A joke.B. A mirror.C. A burden.D. A challenge.70. What was Kodak’s major mistake?A. Its blind faith in traditional photography.B. Its failure to see Fuji photo’s action.C. Its refusal to sponsor the 1984 Olympics.D. Its overconfidence in its own culture. PART FOUR: WRITNG (45 marks )Section A (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Aggressive(攻击性的) behaviour in children has become quite common now. Therefore, it isn'tsurprising to see an aggressive child throw things at someone while they're angry. Generally, aggressive children tend to disturb classes. They easily have an argument with others when things don't go their way. In a word, they find it difficult to make or maintain friendly relationships.The causes of the aggressive behaviour in a child may be hard to say. It's a combination of several factors which are unsolved stressful issues, trouble dealing with change, extreme parenting, conflicts within the family and spending time with people who display aggressive traits.Fortunately, you can do many things to stop your child's aggressive behaviour. A child equipped to may not tell good behaviour from bad, and it's up to the parent to point out the differences between the two. Take immediate action at the slightest sign of aggression from your child. And your child also needs encouraging for goodness. By doing this, you'll be surely pushing your child to understand that kind acts are always appreciated.Title: Aggressive behaviour in childrenⅠ.71 :●Throwing things at someone when angry●72●73 others when things don’t go their way●Having 74 making or maintaining friendly relationshipsⅡ.75 :●Unsolved stressful issues●Trouble dealing with change●76●Conflicts within the family●Spending time with people 77Ⅲ.Tips for parents:●Tell your children how the good behaviour is 78 the bad behaviour●79 immediately when your child shows something aggressive●80 your child’s good behaviourSection B (10 marks)Directions: Reading the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit.Pollution is a growing problem that is facing the international community, but even the actions that we take can make a difference. Littering is creating environmental problems all over the world and is often created by careless actions. If we guard our actions against careless littering we can ensure a better world for everyone.Littering is a severe problem in many countries around the world. For example, the African city of Kampala is suffering from the consequences of littering. For many years the city’s poor didn’t have a proper way to dispose of trash, so garbage filled the streets. Over the years much of the plastic garbage would slowly be pushed into the ground. This plastic litter doesn’tallow rain water to seep(渗透)into the ground and has caused flooding. In many of Kampala’s poor neighborhoods whenever it rains people’s homes become flooded with water. This water is often dirty and has allowed diseases to spread. This flooding has become so bad that the Ugandan government has banned plastic bags in the entire country to stop the littering.Trash often finds its way into the water. Today the world’s oceans are believed to have millions of tons of trash floating around in them. This creates a problem for wildlife because they may accidentally eat the trash and die from it. Scientists have found on very remote islands baby birds that have died because their stomachs were full of trash. Fish often get tangled in plastic and will also die. Our actions in our own countries affect the most remote parts of the planet.We can all be part of the solution to stop this pollution, just by preventing careless littering. If you need to throw something away, find a trash can. If you see a friend littering tell them not to. By making this small change we can create a better world for all.81. What is the cause of littering? (No more than 3 words)______________________________________________________________________ _82. How does plastic litter cause flooding? (No more than 11 words)______________________________________________________________________ _83. If you need to throw something away, what should you do? (No more than 5 words)_______________________________________________________________________ _84. What’s the topic of this passage? (No more than 5 words)_______________________________________________________________________ _Section C (25 marks)Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.请用下列词语为关键词写一篇英语短文。












1. What does the man want to do?A. Watch a movie.B. Eat Indian food.C. Play a game.2. Why did the man say he had no time?A. He wasn't wearing a watch.B. He wanted to talk another time.C. He misunderstood the woman.3. Why does the man keep the heavy curtains?A. He doesn't like sunshine.B. The neighbors are too curious.C. He doesn't like light-colored ones.4. When should the project be handed in?A. On Friday afternoon.B. On Saturday afternoon.C. On Monday morning.5. What will the woman probably do?A. Go to another club.B. Go to the front of the line.C. Wait in line for two hours.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





一、复杂句的构成复杂句常由是由各种修饰语(如各类从句、非谓语、形容词性短语、名词性短语、介词短语,同位语,with+宾语+宾补结构, 并列结构等)拓展而成。


1. The day I was looking forward to _______ at last.A. cameB. comeC. comingD. had come2. The students absent from the lessons must make up for them ?Question: What does “them” refer to?3. People objecting to seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that follow the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977.Questions: Why do some people object to seat belt installation? (10 words)4. “It is irresponsible for Google to produce a product like this without taking technological measures that would obscure (遮掩) the identities of people capturedby this product,” he said.Question: What is the problem of Google’s new product? (5 words)5. This chance discovery ended a 12-day search by the Library Company of Philadelphiafor historical treasure—a 120-page diary kept 190 years ago by Deborah Logan, “a woman who knew everybody in her days,” James Green, the librarian told the magazine “American Librarians”.Who discovered the diary?A. The Library Company of Philadelphia.B. Deborah Logan.C. James Green.D. No one knows.6. (2008北大自主招生)Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage from English into Chinese.Thanks to the work of many scientists, we are now clear that many of the important earthquake(地震)regions are places where the movements of plates are happening and therefore, it becomes much easier to look for signs that an earthquake is coming soon.(2) In the past few years, there hasbeen great excitement about the possibility of finding out when earthquakes are going to happen by measuring changes in the rocks, but we are still not sure whether this can be the basis for an efficient means of predicting earthquakes.But further research on this subject may suggest ways in which earthquakes canbe predicted and prevented. (3) One idea is that it might be possible to reduce the pressures that have built up in rocks by pumping in water at high pressure, thus producing a wet surface on which the two opposite side of the fault can slide. Now the question is that nobody is quite sure what the results might be.二、长难句常见的特殊结构类型I. 使用插入语1. In 1996 Armstrong, the then No1 cyclist in the world, was diagnosed with cancer and many thought that it meant the end of his career, maybe even his life.(同位语)2. The one-kilogram Win-Cub satellite, named for its home city and its shape, will be putintolow orbit.(非谓语)3. On Yi Jian Lain’s arrival to the NBA, his performance in the first game, as his fanshadexpected, turned out a great success. (从句)4. Those,unaware of what is happening in society today , may be surprised to learn thatfewacademic philosophers study death, happiness and so on.Practice:1. This lecture, following the previous lectures focusing on the reading obstacles innew words and psychology, turns to those in complex sentences, which are always dogging students as well. Syntax analysis, in this case, particularly when meaning analysis failsto work, proves to be a great help.1) Dogging in this sentence means_______.A. following… as a fierce dogB. like a ghost hanging aroundC. puzzlingD. exciting2) Those in this sentence refers to _______.A. obstaclesB. lecturesC. studentsD. new words and psychology2. I, together with my newly-born son, was determined to visit my father although wehad separated and never contacted for nearly 20 years because I would not follow his footprint. On the long flight to Hawaii, memories of my childhood, when I was my father’s shadow, came flooding back. …So excited was my father with the new status of grandfatherthat he was determined to resign earlier to take care of Tim.Which of the following statements is wrong?A. There must have been some gap in communication between the writer and her father at first.B. The father changed his attitude after writer’s visit and his grandson’s birth.C. On the way back to visit her father, the writer was caught in a storm.D. Probably the grandfather was now living with his grandson.II. 使用省略结构1. You can learn that the oldest person is a woman who lived to be 122 years and 164 days,the longest moustache reached a length of 1.6 metres, and that the longest poisonous snake is 5.71 metres long.2. Decision-thinking is not unlike poker—it often matters not only what you think, butalso what others think you think and what you think they think you think.3.It is quite uneasy not to be able to see or to establish contact with the others ,eventhough we have learnt to talk with people we can not see, as on the telephone.Practice1. More new building materials and technology are in development. A Philadelphia building firm is now working on the new technology “smart wrap” that uses tiny solar collectors to catch the sun’s energy and transmitters (传输器) the width of a human hair to move it. They are expected to change the face of the construction industry in the next ten years or so.The underlined word “it” in the sentence refers to ________.A. a human hairB. smart wrapC. the sun’s energyD. a transmitter2. It is no good learning strings of words and lists of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed, the references which are being made, and the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly given.The sentence above tells us ________.A. a good knowledge of a language call for a good knowledge of words and grammarB. the background of a language is more important than words and grammarC. the background of the language is a great help in understanding itD. you can’t learn the spirit of the language unless learning its background3. Gandhi believes in the truth that it doesn’t lie as much in who he is as in whathe does.Gandhi believes _______.A. his reputation is not so important as his occupation.B. what really matters is his value to society instead of his social positionC. no matter what a person does, he should make contribution to societyD. one’s reputation should match his social value.III. 改变语序1. Only after studies provided evidence of the harmful effects of this program has it been possible to modify TV programming policies.2. More worthy of the name “ stage school” are those few places where children attend full time, with a training for the theatre and a general education.3. So pleased was my father with his new status—grandfather that he took early retirement when Timmy was four months old.4. Should I have the power to extend my life, I would really want to live 500 more years.Practice:1. Present at the meeting were Clare Flower, a lawyer, and Tom Goode, a detective, who wasintroduced to everyone as the lawyer’s assistant.How many people mentioned above were probably present at the meeting?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 52. But Cook ordered the crew to throw over the side of the ship guns, iron balls, pots and chains and even stores to raise the boat in the water.What did Cook order to throw?3. Eleven miners who died in the Sago disaster could have walked out alive had they known that there was healthier air less than 2,000 feet away, the head of the mining company told NBC News in an interview aired on Monday – exactly a week to the day that the men trapped in the mine awaiting rescuers who arrived too late for all but one survivor.“They were headed into an unknown,” International Coal Group CEO Ben Hatfield said. They had no way of knowing how big, how disastrous the explosion was. In hindsight, if they had known that the smoke was only extremely dense in an area of perhaps 1,000 0r 1,500 feet, yes they could have moved to fresh air, yes they could have survived, but they had no way of knowing that.”It’s over two miles to the outside and they no doubt would have been concerned that they can’t walk through two mils of smoke,” he added. “ If they had known that it was only 1,500 or 2,000 feet of smoke certainly they could have come on out and yes they could have been saved.”Hatfield called it a tragedy that was “ unavoidable and horribly sad” because the miners, even thought they had breathing devices, did exactly what they had been taught to do: hunker down ( 蹲下) and wait for rescuers.Crews did not know the location of the miners while they awaited rescue and had no way to communicate with them.The men appeared to have died after about 10 hours and the rescuers only arrived after about 40 hours. Eleven men died awaiting rescue, one died in the last that caused the disaster and a 13th survived.1.Which of the following is the best headline for the news report?A. Mine explosion kills twelveB. Fallen miners were not far from safety.C. International Coal Group CEO expresses condolences (悼念) on death of minersD. Fear of walking long distance leads to death.2)Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. One miner survived the accident by moving to fresh air on his own.B. The trapped miners did not walk out to safety because they could not tell their location.C. They only survivor was rescued around 40 hours after the explosion.D. Twelve miners died after sitting trapped in the mine for about 10 hours.。



湖南省长郡中学2016届高考英语随堂资料5he development of a textThe outline (main structure) of a text1. (A title)2. A beginning paragraph3. Body paragraphs4. A concluding paragraphExamples: M10 U2 Project—The wandering Romany, U3 Reading—Aids todayHow to get the main idea of a textApproach:Focus on the first paragraph, make sure whether the first paragraph is the topic paragraph. Skim the following paragraphs and decide whether they develop the first paragraph. If they do, the first paragraph is probably the topic paragraph, and then find out the topic sentence in it, if there is any.Example 1What is the main idea of M10 U2 Project—The wandering Romany.Practice: 2004湖南CSometimes, something that is considered to be negative turns out to be an advantage on the job. Though he is only l8 years old and blind, Suleyman Gokyigit is among the top computer technicians and programmers at InteliData Technologies Corp., a large software company with several offices across the United States."After our company united with another one last October, two different computer networks were driving us crazy," recalls Douglas Braun, the InteliData president. "We couldn't even send e-mail to each other.” In three weeks Mr Gokyigit created the software needed to connect the two networks. "None of the company's 350 other employees could have done the job in three months," says Mr. Braun. " Suleyman can 'see' into the heart of the computer.”Mr. Gokyigfi's gift, as Mr. Braun calls it, is an unusual ability to form an idea of the inside of a machine. "The computer permits me to reach out into the world and do almost anything I want to do," says Mr. GokyigitThe young programmer is at home with hardware as well, thanks partly to a highly developed sense of touch. MitziNowakowski, an office manager at InteliData, remembers how he easily disconnected and reconnected their computer systems during a move last year. "Through feel, Suleyman can find the position of connectors, pins and wires much faster than most other people with sight," he says.Much of the student programmer's speed comes from his ability not to be interrupted while at the computer. When typing, he listens carefully to the synthesizer (合成器). His long, thin fingers fly over the keyboard. "Nothing seems to shake his attention," says Mrs. Nowakowski, his boss.Mr. Gokyigit is the only company employee who is available (可找到的) 24 hours a day. "We consider him our top problem solver." says Mr. Braun.What does the text mainly tell us?A. Computer technicians are more likely to be gifted.B. One's disadvantages may prove to be advantages.C. The disabled can also play an important role in society.D. Top computer scientists have unusual abilities to form ideas of computers.Example 2The best thing you can say about the roofs of most city buildings is that you don’t have to look at them. That’s very good, since an urban landscape viewed from above can be an unlovely thing ---block after block of tarred (铺有沥青的)black rooftops, sticky in summer, ugly year-round. Or at least that’s the way it used to be.But urban roofs are going green. Environmental designers have begun to realize that the tops of buildings don’t have to be wasteland s. Indeed, they can be gardens, planted with grasses, flowers and bushes.A planted roof usually comes in one of two varieties: extensive or intensive. The extensive type is wide and shallow, with a soil depth of less than 8 inches, able to support smaller plants. The intensive type may be smaller, but it’s relatively deeper and home to larger plants.Whatever the design, green roofs are not so simple as ordinary gardens. The have multiple layers beneath the soil, including a drainage layer, waterproofing, structural support, and so on.But this system can do a great deal of good. A recent paper in the journal Bio Science tells that green roofs can control temperature, contain water and clean the air. And most impressively, they can cut heat loss from a building by 50%, lower air-conditioning costs by 25%, and reduce the urban-heated-island effect by 2℃.Of course, apart from the square feet greened and heat reduced, green roofs are even more valued since people can gain some psychological comfort simply by having a quiet place to go, as so often happens, what’s good for the planet can also be good for the spirit. Which of the following is most suitable to the main idea of the passage ?A. Enjoying the view of city roofs are the best thing.B. Urban roofs used to be ugly.C. Urban roofs are going greenD. Landscape on the roofExample3 2005湖南EAt Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, the lights are controlled by sensors that measure sunlight. They dim immediately when it's sunny and brighten when a passing cloud blocksthe sun.A wall of windows at a University of Pennsylvania engineering building has built-in blinds (百页窗) controlled by a computer program that follows the sun's path.Buildings are getting smarter -- and the next generation of building materials is expected to do even more.Windows could catch the sun's energy to heat water. Sensors that measure the carbon dioxide breathed out by people in a room could determine whether the air conditioning needs to be turned up.Many new materials and technology have been designed in the last 15 years. They arenow being used in a wave of buildings designed to save as much energy as possible. They include old ideas, like "green roofs," where a belt of plants on a roof helps the building keep heat in winter and stay cool in summer, and new ideas, like special coating for windows that lets light in, but keeps heat out.As technologies such as sensors become cheaper, their uses spread.The elevators (电梯) at Seven World Trade Center, which is under construction in New York, use a system that groups people traveling to nearby floor into the same elevator,thus saving elevator stops. People who work in the building will enter it by swiping (刷) ID cards that will tell the elevators their floor; readouts will then tell them which elevator to use. The building also has windows with a coating that blocks heatwhile letting in light.More new building materials and technology are in development. A Philadelphia building farm is now working on "smart wrap" that uses tiny solar collectors to catch the sun's energy and transmitters (传感器) the width of a human hair to move it. They are expected to change the face of the construction industry in the next ten years or so.What might be the most suitable main idea for the text?A. Buildings are becoming smarterB. Buildings are getting more sunlightC. Buildings are lacking in much energyD. Buildings are using cheaper materialsExample 4 2007 湖南 D篇Most young architects ---particularly those in big cities ---can only dream about working in a building of their own. And marking that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want, which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his partner, Brain Bell. Their building is a former automobile electrical –parts firm in Atlanta. From the outside, it looks too old, even something horrible, but open the door and you are in a wide, open courtyard, lined on three sides with rusting(生锈的) walls.In 2000, Yocum and Bell found this building in the city’s West End. Built in 1947, the structure had been abandoned years earlier and the roof of the main building had fallen down. But the price was right, so Yocum bought it. He spent eight months of his off-hours on demolition(拆除), pulling rubbish out through the roof, because it was too dangerous to go inside the building, The demolition was hard work, but it gave him time to think about what he wanted to do, and “to treasure what was there – the walls, the rust, the light,” Yocum said.” Every season, more paint falls off the walls and more rust develops. It’s like an art installation(装置) in there-a slow-motion show.”Since the back building had been constructed without windows, an all-glass front was added to the building to give it a view of the courtyard, and skylights were installed in the roof. The back of the building is a working area and a living room for Yocum and his wife. A sort of buffer(缓冲) zone between the front and the back contains a bathroom, a kitchen and a mechanical room, and the walls that separate these zones have openings that allow views through to the front of the studio and the courtyard beyond.Yocum and Bell, who have just completed an art gallery for the city, feel that the experience from decoration of their building, focusing on the inside rather than the outside, has influenced their work. It has also given these architects a chance to show how they can make more out of less.The main idea of the passage is that ______.A. people can learn a lot from their failuresB. it is worthwhile to spend money on an old buildingC. people should not judge things by their appearanceD. creative people can make the best of what they haveExample 5 What is the main idea of Aids Today? (M10 Unit 3 Reading)综合练习passage 1People diet to look more attractive. Fish diet to avoid being beaten up, thrown out of their social group, and getting eaten as a result. That is the fascinating conclusion of the latest research into fish behavior by a team of Australian scientists.The research team have discovered that subordinate fish voluntarily diet to avoidchallenging their larger competitors. “In studying gobies we noticed that only the largest two individuals, a male and female, had breeding (繁殖) rights within the group,” explains Marian Wong. “All other group members are nonbreeding females, each being 5-10% smaller than its next largest competitor. We wanted to find out how they maintain this precise size separation.”The reason for the size difference was easy to see. Once a subordinate fish growsto within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor, it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group. More often than not, the evicted fish is then eaten up.It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in order to avoid challenging the boss fish. Whether they did so voluntarily, by restraining how much they ate, was not clear. The research team decided to do an experiment. They tried to fattenup some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened. To their surprise, the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered, clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights, over having a feast.The discovery challenges the traditional scientific view of how boss individuals keep their position in a group. Previously it was thought that large individuals simply used their weight and size to threaten their subordinates and take more of the food for themselves, so keeping their competitors small.While the habits of gobies may seem a little mysterious, Dr. Wong explains that understanding the relationships between boss and subordinate animals is important to understanding how hierarchical (等级的) societies remain stable.The research has proved the fact that voluntary dieting is a habit far from exclusiveto humans. “As yet, we lack a complete understanding of how widespread the voluntary reduction of food intake is in nature,” the researchers comment. “Data on human dieting suggests that, while humans generally diet to improve health or increase attractiveness, rarely does it improve long-term health and males regularly prefer females that are fatter than the females’ own ideal.”What is the text mainly about?A. Fish dieting and human dieting.B. Dieting and health.C. Human dieting.D. Fish dieting.Passage 2Celebrity(名人) has become one of the most important representative of popular culture. Fans used to be crazy about a specific film, but now the public tends to base its consumption(消费) on the interest of celebrity attached to any given product. Besides, fashion magazines have almost abandoned the practise of putting models on the cover because they don’t sell nearly as well as famous faces. As a result, celebrities have realized their unbelievably powerful market potential, moving from advertising for others’ products to developing their own.Celebrity clothing lines aren’t a completely new phenomenon, but in the past they were typically aimed at the ordinary consumers, and limited to a few TV actresses. Today they are started by first-class stars whose products enjoy equal fame with some world top brands. The most sucessful start-ups have been those by celebrities with specific personal style. As celebrities become more and more experienced at the market, they expand their production scale rapidly, covering almost all the products of daily life.However, for every success story, there’s related warning tale of a celebrity whoovervalued his consumer appeal. No matter how famous the product’s origin is, if it fails to impress consumers with its own qualities it begins to resemble an exercise in self-promotional marketing. And once the initial(最初的) attention dies down, consumer interest might fade, loyalty(忠诚) returning to tired-and-true labels.Today, celebrities face even more severe embarrassment. The pop-cultural circle might be bigger than ever, but its rate of turnover has speeded up as well. Each misstep threatens to reduce a celebrity’s shelf life, and the same newspaper or magazine that once brought him fame has no problem picking him to pieces when the oppor tunity appears. Still, the ego’s (自我的)potential for expansion is limitless. Having already achieved great wealth and public recognition, many celebrities see fashion as the next frontier to be conquered. As the saying goes, success and failure always go hand in hand. Their success as designers might last only a short time, but fashion—like celebrity—has always been temporary.The passage is mainly about .A. celebrity and personal styleB. celebrity and market potentialC. celebrity and fashion designD. celebrity and clothing industryPassage 3Eddie McKay, a once-forgotten pilot, is a subject of great interest to a group of history students in Canada.It all started when Graham Broad, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, found McKay’s name in a footnot e in a book about university history. McKay was included in a list of university alumni (校友) who had served during the First World War, but his name was unfamiliar to Broad, a specialist in military history. Out of curiosity, Broad spent hours at the local archives (档案馆) in a fruitless search for information on McKay. Tired and discouraged, he finally gave up. On his way out, Broad’s glance happened to fall on an exhibiting case showing some old newspapers. His eye was drawn to an old picture of a young man in a rugby uniform. As he read the words beside the picture, he experienced a thrilling realization. “After looking for him all day, there he was, staring up at me out of the exhibiting case,” said Broad. Excited by the find, Broad asked his students to c ontinue his search. They combed old newspapers and other materials for clues. Gradually, a picture came into view.Captain Alfred Edwin McKay joined the British Royal Flying Corps in 1916. He downed ten enemy planes, outlived his entire squadron (中队) as a WWI flyer, spent some time as a flying instructor in England, then returned to the front, where he was eventually shot down over Belgium and killed in December 1917. But there’s more to his story. “For a brief time in 1916 he was probably the most famous pilot in the world,” says Broad. “He was credited with downing Oswald Boelcke, the most famous German pilot at the time.” Yet, in a letter home, McKay refused to take credit, saying that Boelcke had actually crashed into another German plane.McKay’s war records were destroyed during a World War II air bombing on London — an explanation for why he was all but forgotten.But now, thanks to the efforts of Broad and his students, a marker in McKay’s memory was placed on the university grounds in November 2007. “I found my eyes filling with tears as I read the word ‘deceased’ (阵亡) next to his name,” said Corey Everrett, a student who found a picture of Mckay in his uniform. “This was such a simple example of the fact that he had been a student just like us, but instead of finishing his time at Western, he chose to fight and die for his country.”What is the text mainly about?A. The research into war history.B. The finding of a forgotten hero.C. The pilots of the two world wars.D. The importance of military studies. Passage 4Nowadays a lot of people move abroad because of their jobs. They may find that their company is moving them over-seas but many people make their own decision, believing they will have more successful careers abroad. Paul Darwin is a scientist who used to be working at a famous London university. He was dissatisfied, however, with the level of funding and recognition he was getting and decided to explore the possibilities California had to offer. “After ten years here, I have got a far nicer life than before,” he says, “I have a fantastic job and the recognition I wanted. Paul take my work much more seriously here.”The more popular reason for emigrating, however, is the desire for a better quality of life. Destinations that place a greater value on leisure were the most popular. People also look for places that will give them a sunnier climate. Cheaper property is another reason given for moving abroad. The cost of living in America, for example, is twenty percent lower than in Britain and often salaries are slightly higher. For all these reasons, it’s not surprising that the top five most regularly chosen destinations for Britons to emigrate to are: the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Spain. The fact that most of these are English speaking countries is obviously also a major factor for British people.Despite the fact that so many Britons move abroad, however, most of them go back home after only about three years. Often living overseas is not as attractive as it first seems. Generally people emigrate because they think life is going to be better. They sometimes want to do this because they get certain feelings on holiday and they romanticize about what it would be like to live there. They tend to focus on the best aspects and think it will be like this all the time when often that is not the case. Making enough money and getting work can be more difficult abroad than at home and people tend to find they miss family, friends and things they took for granted back home. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Migration.B. Moving abroad for a better job and life.C. The reasons for British people emigrating and moving back home.D. The moon abroad is better than the one in one’s own country.。

湖南省高三四校联考英语试题 Word版含答案

湖南省高三四校联考英语试题 Word版含答案







例: How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18.C.£9.15答案是C1. What will the man do this afternoon?A. Go to the beachB. Go to the zoo.C. Do a class project.2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At the drugstore.B. At the cleaner's.C. At the barber's.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. Train tickets.B. ID cards.C. Telephones.4. What does the woman think of the movie?A. Boring.B. Amazing.C. Moving.5. Who broke the glass?A. Jack.B. Jim.C. Bob第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分.满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。













1. How does Tom feel now?A. InspiredB. DepressedC. Angry2. How much can the woman save?A. $ 64B.$20C. $163. What does the man offer the woman?A. An umbrellaB. A liftC. A rain coat4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In an ice cream shopB. In a drugstoreC. In a restaurant5. What are the speakers doing?A. Discussing some drawingsB. Painting the dining roomC. Trying to make a drawing第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。








Car HireHiring a self-drive car really adds to the enjoyment of your holiday.There are so many places of interest to visit,and if you enjoy seeing more than just the city center there’s no better way to explore than by car.Hire Charges:What’s includeda) Unlimited mileage (英里数).b) Expenses on oil,maintenance and repairs,which will be repaid on production of invoices.C) Full insurance except personal accident (see below).What’s not includeda) Personal accident insurance.b) Garaging,petrol,parking and traffic fines.Conditions of Hire:★The shortest rental period at these special low prices is three days.For prices for periods of one or two days you only see our representative at the hotel.★Car hire must be booked six weeks or more before arrival in London to guarantee a car.But if you have been unable to make a booking in advance please see our representative at the hotel who may still be able to help you.★The car types on the sheet are examples of the types of cars in each price range,but particular car cannot be guaranteed.★Upon delivery the driver (s) will be asked to sigh the car hire company’s Condition of Hire.★If you decide to hire a car,just fill in the Booking Form and return it to us.A booking fee of £ 12 as part of the car hire cost is required.Should you be forced to cancel your car hire booking after payment in full (two weeks before date of hire),a cancellation charge of £ 12 will be made.1. From the advertisement we can see a car hirer will pay .A. insurance against damage to the carB. insurance against injury to the driverC. the cost of maintenance of the carD. the cost of repairs to the car2. If car hirers change their minds after paying the whole cost of hiring,the £ 12 booking fee is .A. partly returnedB. doubly paidC. not returnedD. returned within six weeks3. The prices for car hire are especially low when .A. it is booked for at least three daysB. it is booked two weeks in advanceC. it is booked for two daysD. the booking is made in LondonAn organization,Eye Care 4 Kids,is bringing much-needed eye care to poor kids.It provides free eye examinations for kids from poor families.Founded by Joseph Carbone in 2001,the organization has helped around 100,000 children in Utah and Nevada.Now,Cecil Swyers,a biomedical engineer who was once a poor child himself,is bringing the charity’s services to poor students in Arizona,so that vision impairment(视力受损)doesn’t stand in the way of their education.“Eye Care 4 Kids is bringing eye care and glasses to families that wouldn’t have the means to pay for them,” said Mario Ventura from Isaac Elementary School District,the first school district in Arizona to receive its services.Good vision is important to a child’s learning experience.According to a study,up to 80 percent of learning happens through sight for children between 6 and 18 years old.Without proper eye care,it’s difficu lt for students to learn better and succeed.Swyers is hoping that by bringing the organization to Arizona he’ll help a lot more students.He teamed up with two other organizations to get doctors to volunteer their time with the ing Eye Care 4 Kids mobile clinic,Swyers visited Alta E.Butler Elementary School and has already helped 40 students.The school was grateful to receive the eye care,especially since the services came to them.“It’s is great for us,” said Assistant Pricipal Cindy Alonso.Swyers is hoping to bring Eye Care 4 Kids’ services to other schools in the state.He said that hopefully his work will have a positive effect on students’ futures.“If we can help students while they’re young,we can make adifference in their futures,” he said.4. Eye Care 4 Kids helps students by __________.A. giving them sunglasses for freeB. offering money to their familiesC. examining their eyes for freeD. solving their problems in study5. Who is in charge of the organization’s services in Arizona?A. Joseph Carbone.B. Cecil Swyers.C. Mario Ventura.D. Cindy Alonso.6. Where do students take an eye examination?A. In the classroom.B. In the mobile clinic.C. In the nearby hospital.D. In the places where students live.7. What would be the best title for the text?A. Eye Care 4 Kids Was Founded by the PoorB. Eye Care 4 Kids Develops at a Fast SpeedC. Eye Care 4 Kids Poor Kids SucceedD. Eye Care 4 Kids Fights for Better EducationA heated debate is currently going on in our town.Should we allow the cinema to be constructed in the Havenswood Shopping Center? There is just one large lot left to build on,and the theater would use up all of that space.Some people are excited at the idea of finally having our own movie theater.Others would rather travel ten miles to the nearest theater to keep our quiet town the way it is.They say it is enough to have Marvin’s Movie Video Rentals.After all,Marvin’s store keeps thousands of the latest videos.There are certainly benefits to renting videos.For one thing,you can plan your own schedule when it is convenient for you.You can relax on your sofa,and take a break whenever you need one.You can also talk to others without bothering any strangers seated nearby.In additional,it is a less expensive way to view a movie compared to going to a theater.On the other hand,seeing a movie in a theater is an experience all its own.First,you can see the movie on wide screen as the filmmaker intended.To be viewed on a television screen,a film must be changed in some way to make it smaller.One is the “pan-and-scan” method,which involves removing some of the details in the picture.The other way,called “letterboxing”,keeps the image the way it is on the big screen,with one annoying exception; because the big-screen version is wide,the same picture on a television screen must be long and narrow.Another problem is sound.The sound from a television cannot compare to the sound system in a theater.Yourexperience of a movie improves when you can clearly hear all of the sounds.Furthermore,at home,viewing companions often talk during a movie,which makes you miss out on what’s happening in the film.Besides,having a movie theater will not mean that you can’t still go to Marvin’s! You will just have a choice that you didn’t have before.Isn’t it time for Havenswood residents to enjoy a little progress?8. The underlined word “lot” in Paragraph 1 means “__________”.A. a great numberB. a complete groupC. an area of landD. a result of chance9. How does the author mainly state his point?A. By using examples.B. By making a comparison.C. By carrying out a surveyD. By presenting different people’s view.10. Why do some people think it is enough to have Marvin’s Movie Video Rentals?A. Marvin’s store stocks lots o f recent videos.B. It’ very convenient to go to Marvin’s store.C. the owner of the store is friendly and helpful.D. It is more comfortable to see films at home than in the theater.11. What is the author’s attitude towards building a new cinema?A. Cautious.B. Approving.C. Doubtful.D. Worried.Staying positive through the cold season could be your best defense against getting ill,a new American study suggests.In an experiment that exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus,researchers found that people with a generally sunny character were less likely to fail ill.The findings,published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a “positive emotional style” can help ward off the common cold and other illness.Researc hers believe the reasons may be both objective―as in happiness improving immune function―and subjective―as in happy people being less troubled by a sore throat or runny nose.“People with a positive emotional style may have different immune responses to the virus,” explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.“And when they do get a cold,they may interpret their illness as being less severe.”Cohen and his colleagues has found in a previous study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold,but some questions remained as to whether the emotional quality itself had the effect.For the new study,the researchers had 193 healthy adults complete standard measures of personality qualities, physicals health,and emotional “style”.Those who tended to be happy,energetic and easy –going were judged as having a positive emotional style,while those who were often unhappy,tense,and hostile had a negative style.Afterwards,the researchers gave them nose drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus.Over the next six days,the volunteers reported on any aches,pains,sneezing they had,while the researchers collected objective data.Cohen and his colleagues found that happy people were less likely to develop a cold.What’s more,when happy folks did develop a cold,their symptoms were less severe than expected based on objective measures.On the contrary,people with negative characters were not at increased risk of developing a cold based on objective measures,though they did tend to get down about their symptoms.“We find that it’s really positive emotions that have the big effect,” Cohen said,“not the negative ones.”So can a bad-tempered person fight a cold by deciding to be happy?12. The purpose of Cohen’s new study was to .A. find effective ways to fight illnessesB. test people’s different immune responses to cold virusC. tell differences between happy people and unhappy peopleD. examine whether health was related to emotional styles13. The underli ned phrase “ward-off” in Paragraph 2 means “”.A. get close toB. keep way fromC. get used toD. go on with14. How did Cohen reach his conclusion?A. By comparing the experimental results of different groups.B. By asking the volunteers to complete a form.C. By collecting data among people with a cold.D. By observing the volunteers’ symptoms.15. Cohen’s new study showed that.A. an emotional style is difficult to changeB. happy people are immune to cold virusC. people attitudes towards illnesses are differentD. happiness itself helps protect people from cold第二节(15小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。


#0-解析湖水盐度不会因室内(室外有差异$排除 , 选项)根据生活经验可知$鱼苗一天缺乏饵料并不会导 致死亡$排除 /选项)湖泊水量主要影响鱼类养殖的数量$排除 .选项)非洲北部内陆地区为热带沙漠气候$ 昼夜温差大$白天光照强$水温过高$夜晚则水温过低$均不利于鱼类生长$故需要采取相关设备(措施调节水 温以适应鱼类生长%
&+0"中华文化的力量集中表现为民族精神的力量民族精神植根于优秀传统文化之中是推动中华民族 走向繁荣强大的精神动力工匠精神是自强不息的民族精神的体现在实现中国梦的伟大实践中可以
转化为助推中国实现制造强国梦的强大精神力量(分民族精神是时代精神的根基和本源时代精 神是民族精神在社会主义建设新时期的集中表现以改革创新为核心的时代精神为工匠精神注入了新的
&0.解析与滨海地带相比$沙漠洼地咸水湖距人类生产生活密集区遥远$受人类生产生活排污影响小$故其 优势在于污染少%
(0,解析首先$明确我国草场资源北多南少$畜牧业一直是以北方为主)南方地区草场资源多分散分布于 山地$距聚落较远且不利于大规模养殖)随着南方地区的城市化(工业化推进$非农产业就业机会增多$导致 草食家畜养殖量增幅不大$甚至略有下降)故我国草食家畜养殖重心在南北方向上应持续往北移%其次$明 确我国草场资源西多东少%草畜平衡政策主要减少了我国干旱(半干旱地区的草食家畜养殖量$而对以东 北(华北为代表的湿润(半湿润地区草食家畜养殖量无影响)故实施草畜平衡政策的初期$干旱(半干旱地区 的草食家畜养殖量显著减少$草食家畜养殖重心应往东移)之后$草场经几年休养生息承载力上升$致使干 旱(半干旱地区的草食家畜养殖量显著增加$草食家畜养殖重心相应地往西移%综上所 述$能 正 确 反 映 #$$$*#$""年我国草食家畜养殖重心变化路径的是%




第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 共7. 5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一道小题, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1. What sports does the man like?A. Swimming.B. Tennis.C. Skating.2. Where are the speakers?A. In a supermarket.B. In a post office.C. At a ticket office.3. What is the man going to do?A. To take a flight.B. To see a friend off.C. To make a telephone call.4. Why is the announcement made?A. To advertise the “Crocodile”brand.B. To find the owner of a wallet.C. To welcome people to Java Mall.5. What does the woman suggest?A. They come to work earlier.B. They get more work done.C. They share one car to work.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白, 每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。



姓 名 准考证号
炎德 英才大联考 长郡中学 ! 一 " # $ 届高考模拟卷
Hale Waihona Puke 英语选择题 和第卷 非选择题 两部分时量# ! "分钟满分# ' "分 本试卷分第卷
第一部分听力 共两节 满分( " 分 做题时 先将答案标在试卷上录音内容结束后 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上 第一节 共'小题 每小题# 满分+ * '分 * ' 分 听下面'段对话每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 , & - 三个选项中选出最 并标在试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有 # 佳选项 " 秒钟的时间来回答有关小 题和阅读下一小题每段对话仅读一遍 例 / 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 8 6 4 5 9 7 . ,* : # ; * # ' * 答案是 - # *= 4 > 7 ? / 8 6 7 4 81 > @0 > @ 7 7 4 80 / 1 > @7 /? / ,* & 9 5 @ 7 4 8B C 6 / @ 6 7 /4 5 6 / D D 5 3 8 * A &* E > F 8 7 4 8B C 6 / @ 6 / 2 7 D / 9 >? 9 5 @ F * -* , 6 F7 4 8B C 6 / @ 6 7 /0 > 5 7 D / 94 5 1* ! *= 4 > 7 > 9 8 7 4 8 6 8 > F 8 9 61 > 5 @ C 7 > C F 5 @ I / 2 7 G H A> ,* ,3 5 7 * H ,* , 7 ' ( " * &* E 4 8/ 3 8 > @ * &* , 7 $ " " * -* ,G 5 3 7 2 9 8 * -* , 7 $ ( " * ( *= 4 8 @? / 8 6 7 4 81 > @6 > 8 J C C I 8 9 8 > ? H4 H ) *= 4 > 7 ? / 8 6 7 4 81 > @G 9 / I > I C 8 > @ H1 ,* . 8? / 8 6 @ J 7 9 8 > C C > K 8> 6 7 9 / @ 5 @ 5 / @ * H4 A/ G &* . 8 J 64 > 5 7 47 4 80 / 1 > @ J 6 3 4 / 5 3 8 * G G H0 -* . 8? / 8 6 @ J 7 C 5 F 8 7 4 80 / 1 > @ J 64 > 5 9 * ' *= 4 / 8 6 7 4 81 > @@ 8 8 ? 7 4 8I / / F 6 H? ,* . 80 > @ 7 6 7 /6 / 2 @ ?6 1 > 9 7 * &* . 8@ 8 8 ? 6 7 /0 9 5 7 8>G > 8 9 * G -* . 5 6 / I 5 @ K / C K 8 6 6 / 1 8 9 8 6 8 > 9 3 4 * L 英语试题 长郡版第# 共# ( 页 页 &* : ; * # < * -* : ; * # ' *
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一、复杂句的构成复杂句常由是由各种修饰语(如各类从句、非谓语、形容词性短语、名词性短语、介词短语,同位语,with+宾语+宾补结构, 并列结构等)拓展而成。


1. The day I was looking forward to _______ at last.A. cameB. comeC. comingD. had come2. The students absent from the lessons must make up for them ?Question: What does ―them‖ refer to?3. People objecting to seat belt installation suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses that follow the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977.Questions: Why do some people object to seat belt installation? (10 words)4. ―It is irresponsible for Google to produce a product like this without taking technological measures that would obscure (遮掩) the identities of people captured by this product,‖ he said.Question: What is the problem of Google’s new product? (5 words)5. This chance discovery ended a 12-day search by the Library Company of Philadelphia for historical treasure—a 120-page diary kept 190 years ago by Deborah Logan, ―a woman who knew everybody in her days,‖ James Green, the librarian toldthe magazine ―American Librarians‖.Who discovered the diary?A. The Library Company of Philadelphia.B. Deborah Logan.C. James Green.D. No one knows.6. (2008北大自主招生)Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage from English into Chinese.Thanks to the work of many scientists, we are now clear that many of the important earthquake(地震)regions are places where the movements of plates are happening and therefore, it becomes much easier to look for signs that an earthquake is coming soon. (2) In the past few years, there hasbeen great excitement about the possibility of finding out when earthquakes are going to happen by measuring changes in the rocks, but we are still not sure whether this can bethe basis for an efficient means of predicting earthquakes.But further research on this subject may suggest ways in which earthquakes can be predicted and prevented. (3) One idea is that it might be possible to reduce the pressuresthat have built up in rocks by pumping in water at high pressure, thus producing a wet surface on which the two opposite side of the fault can slide.Now the question is that nobody is quite sure what the results might be.二、长难句常见的特殊结构类型I. 使用插入语1. In 1996 Armstrong, the then No1 cyclist in the world, was diagnosed with cancer and many thought that it meant the end of his career, maybe even his life.(同位语)2. The one-kilogram Win-Cub satellite, named for its home city and its shape, will be put into low orbit.(非谓语)3. On Yi Jian Lain’s arrival to the NBA, his performance in the first game, as his fans had expected, turned out a great success. (从句)4. Those,unaware of what is happening in society today , may be surprised to learn that few academic philosophers study death, happiness and so on.Practice:1. This lecture, following the previous lectures focusing on the reading obstacles in new words and psychology, turns to those in complex sentences, which are always dogging students as well. Syntax analysis, in this case, particularly when meaning analysis fails to work, proves to be a great help.1) Dogging in this sentence means_______.A. following… as a fierce dogB. like a ghost hanging aroundC. puzzlingD. exciting2) Those in this sentence refers to _______.A. obstaclesB. lecturesC. studentsD. new words and psychology2. I, together with my newly-born son, was determined to visit my father although we had separated and never contacted for nearly 20 years because I would not follow his footprint. On the long flight to Hawaii, memories of my childhood, when I was my father’s shadow, came flooding back. …So excited was my father with the new status of grandfather th at he was determined to resign earlier to take care of Tim.Which of the following statements is wrong?A. There must have been some gap in communication between the writer and her father at first.B. The father changed his attitude after writer’s visit and his grandson’s birth.C. On the way back to visit her father, the writer was caught in a storm.D. Probably the grandfather was now living with his grandson.II. 使用省略结构1. You can learn that the oldest person is a woman who lived to be 122 years and 164 days, thelongest moustache reached a length of 1.6 metres, and that the longest poisonous snake is5.71 metres long.2. Decision-thinking is not unlike poker—it often matters not only what you think, but alsowhat others think you think and what you think they think you think.3.It is quite uneasy not to be able to see or to establish contact with the others ,even though wehave learnt to talk with people we can not see, as on the telephone.Practice1. More new building materials and technology are in development. A Philadelphia building firm is now working on the new technology ―smart wrap‖ that uses tiny solar collectors to catch the sun’s energy and transmitters (传输器) the width of a human hair to move it.They are expected to change the face of the construction industry in the next ten years or so.The underlined word “it” in the sentence refers to ________.A. a human hairB. smart wrapC. the sun’s energyD. a transmitter2. It is no good learning strings of words and lists of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed, the references which are being made, and the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly given.The sentence above tells us ________.A. a good knowledge of a language call for a good knowledge of words and grammarB. the background of a language is more important than words and grammarC. the background of the language is a great help in understanding itD. you can’t learn the spirit of the language unless learning its background3. Gandhi believes in the truth that it doesn’t lie as much in who he is as in what he does. Gandhi believes _______.A. his reputation is not so important as his occupation.B. what really matters is his value to society instead of his social positionC. no matter what a person does, he should make contribution to societyD. one’s reputation should match his social value.III. 改变语序1.Only after studies provided evidence of the harmful effects of this program has it been possible to modify TV programming policies.2. More worthy of the name ― stage school‖ are those few places where children attend full time, with a training for the theatre and a general education.3. So pleased was my father with his new status—grandfather that he took early retirement when Timmy was four months old.4. Should I have the power to extend my life, I would really want to live 500 more years.Practice:1. Present at the meeting were Clare Flower, a lawyer, and Tom Goode, a detective, who was introduced to everyone as the lawyer’s assistant.How many people mentioned above were probably present at the meeting?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 52. But Cook ordered the crew to throw over the side of the ship guns, iron balls, pots and chainsand even stores to raise the boat in the water.What did Cook order to throw?3. Eleven miners who died in the Sago disaster could have walked out alive had they known that there was healthier air less than 2,000 feet away, the head of the mining company told NBC News in an interview aired on Monday – exactly a week to the day that the men trapped in the mine awaiting rescuers who arrived too late for all but one survivor.―They were headed into an unknown,‖ International Coal Group CEO Ben Hatfield said. They had no way of knowing how big, how disastrous the explosion was. In hindsight, if they had known that the smoke was only extremely dense in an area of perhaps 1,000 0r 1,500 feet, yes they could have moved to fresh air, yes they could have survived, but they had no way of knowing that.‖It’s over two miles to the outside and they no doubt would have been concerned that they can’t walk through two mils of smoke,‖ he added. ― If they had known that it was only 1,500 or 2,000 feet of smoke certainly they could have come on out and yes they could have been saved.‖Hatfield called it a tragedy that was ― unavoidable and horribly sad‖ because the miners, even thought they had breathing devices, did exactly what they had been taught to do: hunker down ( 蹲下) and wait for rescuers.Crews did not know the location of the miners while they awaited rescue and had no way to communicate with them.The men appeared to have died after about 10 hours and the rescuers only arrived after about 40 hours. Eleven men died awaiting rescue, one died in the last that caused the disaster and a 13th survived.1.Which of the following is the best headline for the news report?A. Mine explosion kills twelveB. Fallen miners were not far from safety.C. International Coal Group CEO expresses condolences (悼念) on death of minersD. Fear of walking long distance leads to death.2)Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. One miner survived the accident by moving to fresh air on his own.B. The trapped miners did not walk out to safety because they could not tell their location.C. They only survivor was rescued around 40 hours after the explosion.D. Twelve miners died after sitting trapped in the mine for about 10 hours.。
