下列叙述错误的是()A. 叶是蒸腾作用的主要器官B. ③是植物与外界进行气体交换的通道C. 光合作用主要发生在②叶肉细胞D. ⑤气孔的开合受保卫细胞的控制2.图为叶表皮上的一个气孔,下列关于它的说法中,不正确的是( )A. ①是保卫细胞,两两相对,可控制气孔的张开和闭合B. ②是气孔,它正处于张开状态C. ②若关闭,蒸腾作用就会减弱D. ②通常是夜间张开,白天闭合3.把一片新鲜的叶片放入盛有温水的烧杯中,会看到叶片的表面产生很多气泡,而且叶片下表皮产生的气泡比上表皮产生的气泡多。
由此可以说明A. 叶片下表皮的呼吸作用比上表皮强B. 叶片下表皮的光合作用比上表皮强C. 叶片下表皮的气孔数量比上表皮多D. 叶片下表皮的吸收作用比上表皮弱4.对叶片结构功能的叙述,不准确的是()A. 表皮无色透明,有保护作用B. 气孔多分布在上表层,是水分散失的“门户”,气体交换的“窗口”C. 叶肉细胞中有较多叶绿体,能进行光合作用D. 叶脉中有导管和筛管,运输和支持作用5.下图是气孔张开和闭合示意图,下列有关叙述错误的是( )A. 气孔是气体交换的“门户”,水分以气体形式也可以通过气孔B. 夜幕降临时, 叶片大多数气孔呈①状态, 蒸腾作用随之减弱C. 当太阳升起时,叶片气孔可由状态②转为状态①D. 气孔①②状态的转化可能影响无机盐的运输6.叶表皮的气孔由( )A. 一个保卫细胞构成B. 一对保卫细胞构成C. 一对表皮细胞构成D. 一对叶肉细胞构成7.叶是植物重要的营养器官,植物的很多生理活动,都要通过叶来完成。
图是叶的结构示意图,其中气体交换和水分散失的门户是A. ①B. ②C. ③D. ④8.下列关于植物吸收、运输和散失水分的叙述中,错误的是()A. 植物吸收水分的主要部位是根尖成熟区B. 植物吸收水分的动力来自呼吸作用C. 植物吸收的水分通过导管运输D. 植物吸收的水分主要通过叶片散失9.下列关于蒸腾作用的叙述中,错误的是()A. 日照强,蒸腾作用就快B. 叶是蒸腾作用的主要器官C. 气孔是蒸腾作用的门户D. 空气湿度大,可促进蒸腾作用10.裂叶山楂是比较耐旱的植物,观察发现其叶片的气孔(水分和气体进出的通道)只分布在下表皮,该特点利于降低A. 蒸腾作用B. 呼吸作用C. 储藏作用D. 光合作用11.制作叶表皮临时装片时,应撕取叶的A. 上表皮B. 下表皮C. 叶脉处的表皮D. 上下表皮都可以12.下列关于绿色植物蒸腾作用的叙述,不正确的是A. 蒸腾作用主要是通过叶片进行的B. 蒸腾作用的强弱与叶片上气孔的开合密切相关C. 蒸腾作用能够提高大气湿度,增加降水D. 蒸腾作用拉动了有机物在植物体内的运输13.下列结构中哪一个既是植物蒸騰作用的“门户“,又是气体交换的“窗口”()A. 叶片B. 叶肉C. 气孔D. 叶绿体14.科学家们利用仪器“听到”并记录下树木“喝水”时发出的声音。
八年级地理下册第四章第一节农业练习题1、三江平原、松嫩平原粮食集中产区的主要粮食作物是:A、水稻B、冬小麦C、春小麦D、谷子2、与我国甜菜产区相应的主要温度带是:A、热带B、亚热带C、暖温带D、中温带3、以下地区不属于出口农产品基地的是:A、山东半岛B、江汉平原C、太湖平原D、珠江三角洲4、下列关于我国四大牧区的说法错误的是:A、四大牧区主要分布与非季风区B、四大牧区分布于我国西部和北部C、内蒙古东部牧草繁茂,有三河马和三河牛等优良畜种D、我国牧区的牲畜占全国总量的比重大5、下列关于我国经济作物分布的叙述,不正确的是:A、油菜子的最大产区是长江流域B、甘蔗的最大产区为海南省C、秦岭—淮河一线以南的丘陵、山地是我国茶叶的主要产区D、山东、河南两省为花生的主要产区6、我国优质长绒棉的主要产区是:A、新疆B四川盆地C山东D海南7、我国水稻的主要产区所属的温度带主要是:A、亚热带和热带B、中温带C、暖温带D、寒温带8、下列关于农业的叙述,正确的是:A、饲养奶牛不属于农业B、农业生产的基本条件是土地资源C、农业生产就是生产粮食D、世界各地农业生产的条件大体相同9.山东省的主要油料作物是:A.大豆B.花生C.油菜 D.油棕10.我国种植面积最广的油料作物是:A.花生B.油菜C.大豆D.芝麻11.我国最大的甘蔗产区的简称是:A.桂B.琼C.粤D.滇12.我国的西部、北部的四大牧区是指:A. 内蒙古陕西青海新疆B.内蒙古宁夏西藏新疆C.内蒙古陕西甘肃新疆D.内蒙古西藏青海新疆13、下列选项中,我国最早种植的农作物是()A.玉米B.棉花C.甘蔗D.茶叶14、关于我国的农业说法正确是()A.农业生产的基础设施较好B.农业的生态环境条件较好C.农业生产地区分布趋于合理D.人均农产品占有量居世界首位15、下列商品基地,主要生产春小麦的是()A.成都平原B.松嫩平原C.江汉平原D.江淮平原16、下列牧区与生产的优良畜种,搭配正确的一组是()A.内蒙古牧区——骆驼B.新疆牧区——牦牛C.青海牧区——细毛羊D.宁夏牧区——滩羊17、1.下列是我国水稻主要种植区的是()A.华北平原B.东北平原 C、长江中下游平原 D.海南岛18.下面的四幅图是我国的冬小麦、油菜、水稻和甜菜的集中产区分布图,图序与下列排序一致的是 ( )A.①油菜②水稻③冬小麦④甜菜B.①水稻②甜菜③油菜④冬小麦C.①甜菜②冬小麦③水稻④油菜D.①冬小麦②水稻③甜菜④油菜19.我国农业各部门中,最重要的是 ( )A.林业B.畜牧业C.渔业D.种植业20.我国四大牧区中最大的是 ( )A.内蒙古牧区B.新疆牧区C.青海牧区D.西藏牧业21、国民经济的主导产业是()A、工业B、农业C、旅游业D、商业22、下列地区,是我国热带经济作物主要产地的是 ( )A.洞庭湖平原B.东北平原C.成都平原D.海南岛23.导致我国南北耕地类型不同的是:A.热量B.水分C.地形D.土壤24. 造成南北方耕作制度和种植农作物差别的主要因素是A.热量B.水分C.地形D.土壤25下面属于长江中下游平原商品粮基地的是()A.三江平原 B、江汉平原 C.成都平原 D.珠江三角洲26、下列农产品的产量居世界第一位的是()A、甘蔗B、大豆C、肉类D、棉花27.既是花生的主要产区,又是商品生猪主要产区的是:A 四川B 山东C 河北D 河南28.以下是我国主要产茶省的是:A 桂 B 闽 C 新 D 藏29.伊犁马是哪一个牧区的:A 新疆牧区B 西藏牧区C 青海牧区D 内蒙古牧区30.下列说法合乎事实的是:A 到新疆采购菠萝B 去黑龙江采购人参C 在湖南采购苹果D 到海南采购咖啡31.我国农产品产量居世界首位的有 ( )A.谷物、棉花B.油菜籽、猪牛羊肉C.甘蔗、甜菜D.花生、大豆32.根据因地制宜的原则,下面不合适的行为是A.在西藏建立水产品加工基地B.在内蒙古建立皮毛、乳制品加工厂C.在黑龙江省建立豆制品加工基地D.在山东大力开展海洋水产养殖33、下列农作物主要分布在东北地区的是 ( )A、冬小麦B、甜菜C、棉花D、甘蔗34、我国北方的耕作制度和农作物错误的是()A、耕地主要是旱地灌溉多采用水浇方式B、东北一年一熟C、华北平原两年三熟或一年两熟D、农作物有小麦、棉花、甘蔗、花生35、有关南、北方人民生活的说法错误的是()A、南方居民以大米为主食B、南方旧式居民多用砖瓦、竹木C、北方居民的食品以面食为主,黄土高原以玉米为主D、北方的房屋建筑都注意防寒保温,过去农村住房多采用土坯垒墙,室内砌土炕36、我国东北平原主要的粮食作物是A.棉花 B.甘蔗 C.小麦 D.水稻37、该区域农作物熟制是A.一年三熟 B.一年两熟C.两年三熟 D.一年一熟38、下列农业发展符合因地制宜原则的是()A.新疆大力发展种植业B.东北平原大力发展水稻种植业C.长江中下游地区发展淡水养殖D.欧洲西部农业以粮食生产为主39、从干湿地区上看,我国以种植业为主的地区主要分布在()A.干旱地区B.半干旱地区 C、半湿润区 D.青藏高原区40、目前,我国在农业发展方面存在的不足是()A.我国农村大部分地区仍采用集体经营的模式B.农业的结构不合理,畜牧业所占的比重过大C、农业现代化程度低,大部分地区仍以传统的农业方式为主D.农业的发展还没有依靠科学技术41、我国农业未来发展的方向是()A.增加农业劳动力的数量,以增加粮食产量B.努力扩大耕地面积,进一步增加粮食产量C.大量进口农产品,满足人民生活需要D、实行科学种田,增加粮食产量,走“科技兴农”之路42、我国农业生产在“确保粮食供需基本平衡”的同时,还必须“积极发展多种经营”是由于()A.土地面积广大,人口众多B、自然条件和土地资源多种多样C.气候复杂多样,人口众多D.国家建设和国内国际市场的需要是多方面的43、有关我国经济作物的生产,说法错误的是()A. 经济作物在我国种植业中是仅次于粮食作物的重要农作物B. 油菜主要分布在长江流域C. 我国棉花的产量居世界首位D.、甜菜喜温好光,适宜在深厚疏松的土壤中生长44、在西部实行退耕还林、还草,原因是()A.该地牧业发达,牲畜需要大量的饲料B.该地人口稀少,粮食需求量少 C、该地气候干燥,生态环境脆弱 D.该地少数民族擅长种植牧草45、我国油料作物播种面积最大的是()A、油菜 B.花生 C.芝麻 D.大豆46、我国种植业与畜牧业的分界线大致沿()A.50毫米的年等降水量线 B.200毫米的年等降水量线 C、400毫米的年等降水量线 D.800毫米的年等降水量线47、关于秦岭、淮河的叙述,正确的有()A.秦岭和淮河以南很少生产冬小麦 B.秦岭和淮河以南基本不种植棉花 C、秦岭和淮河是旱地与水田的分界线D.秦岭和淮河是水稻与小麦的分界线48、全国重要的花生和温带水果产地是()A、华北平原 B.东北平原 C.长江中下游平原 D.四川平原49、下列不属于我国三大产棉区的是()A.新疆南部 B.黄河流域 C.长江流域 D、珠江流域50、我国最大的林区是()A、东北林区 B.东南林区 C.西南林区 D.西北林区二、.将下列商品粮基地与其对应的省区,耕作用直线连接起来。
初中英语人教新目标八年级下册 Unit 4基础知识练习题(附参考答案)
(每小题1.5分,共15分)1.-Where is Cathy? I can't find her all day.- I'm not sure.I g she may be ill.2.She won't give up her dream w happens.3.He likes playing soccer best.I , he played basketball this afternoon.4.You have too much p , so you should do something to relax.5.Driving too fast may c accidents.It's too dangerous.6.-I feel n before the exam.- Don't worry.Believe in yourself.ler is a (典型的)good teacher.He loves us very much.8.Tony and Sam are (成员) of the school basketball team.9.Could you tell me the (关系)between you and the writer?10.(百色中考)Please (归还)the books to the library on time when you finish reading.二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)1.Her little brother (usual)watches cartoons as soon as he arrives home.2.Our headteacher (allow) us to play sports after finishing our homework.3.The weather is (cloud) and cool today.Let's go to play tennis.4.We had a (quickly)breakfast because we got up late that day.5.What are the plans for the (develop) of your factory?1.Firstly, it's too expensive, and , it's too slow.2.-I think parents should have good with their children.-I agree with you.3.I don't mind you my books.4.My sister is afraid of in front of people.5.Can you hear what he is saying ?四、单项选择。
一、填空题1. 已知一条直角边长为3,求斜边的长度为______。
2. 一只青蛙在一个深度为20米的井里,白天它每次往上跳3米,夜晚会下滑2米,问它需要跳多少次才能跳出井口?3. 小明家的电费是每度0.5元,上个月共用电100度,应缴纳的电费为______元。
4. 甲、乙两个数的和为75,乙数是甲数的2倍减去10,求甲、乙两个数各是多少?5. 一个正方形的边长为4厘米,它的周长为______厘米。
二、选择题1. 已知点A(2,3),点B(x,5),若AB的距离等于5,则x的值为:A. -1B. 1C. 3D. 72. 一个数减去它的四分之一等于15,这个数是:A. 10B. 20C. 25D. 303. 一个数的一半加上它的四分之一等于15,这个数是:A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 304. 一个长方形的长是宽的2倍,它的周长是24,求长方形的长和宽分别是多少?A. 长:6,宽:12B. 长:4,宽:6C. 长:8,宽:4D. 长:12,宽:65. A、B两个数的和为100,若B大于A,则A、B两个数可能是:A. 20、80B. 30、70C. 40、60D. 50、50三、解答题1. 用竖式计算:(1)345 + 78 = ________(2)789 - 256 = ________(3)23 × 4 = ________(4)78 ÷ 6 = ________(5)136 ÷ 17 = ________(结果保留一位小数)2. 小明每天步行上学,来回共需用时1小时40分钟,若小明来回步行时间的比为5:8,那么小明步行去学校的时间是多少分钟?3. 一个线段长14米,将它分成3段,第一段、第二段和第三段的长度之比为2:3:4,求第一段的长度。
人教版英语八年级下Unit 4 训练题 含解析
人教版八年级下Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?(45分钟100分)第Ⅰ卷(共40分)Ⅰ. 听力(10分)(略)Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)( )1. You ________ wear sports shoes when you climb a mountain.A.can't B.shouldn'tC.mustn't D. have to( )2. —Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?—Not yet. We ________ go to Qingdao. It is a good place for vacation.A.may B.shouldC.need D.must( )3. The talented boy ________ write lyrics when he was at the age of ten.A.may B.couldC.must D.should( )4. The work is too hard for him. He ________ finish it on time.A.can't B.mustn'tC.shouldn't D.needn't( )5.—What do you want to eat for lunch? I will prepare earlier today.—Honey, you ________. Let's go out to have something different.A.mustn't B.can'tC.shouldn't D.don't have to( )6. After school he didn’t go home. , he went to the Internet café.A. ButB. WhileC. InsteadD. Instead of( )7. Many students didn’t realize the importance of study they left school.A. whenB. untilC. asD. after( )8. I think easier to take care of a goldfish than a dog.A. it’sB. they’reC. we’reD. she’s( )9. As one of the school rules, middle school students are not to smoke.A. orderedB. refusedC. allowedD. forbidden( )10. —A nice day today, isn’t it?—Yes, go for a picnic and relax ourselves?A. would you likeB. why not youC. what aboutD. why don’t youⅢ. 完形填空(10分)Perhaps you often have problems in your life. Among these problems, some are serious and some are not.When you have problems, you will probably ask someone else1advice.He will give you advice about your2. You may ask your friend, “My neighbor often makes noise. He plays his stereo(音响)too loud. What should I do? ”Your friend may give you 3, “You should tell him4down his stereo. ”Problems like5clothes and having no time to go to your friend’s party are not6problems but you should deal with them skillfully. Maybeyou should buy some new clothes. You should call your friend to say “Thanks” and7you are sorry for not being able to go there. Problems like a quarrel(吵架)with your friend and not having enough money are serious8. You should talk with him and be9. If you don’t have10, you should go to work or get a part-time job. Anyway you should learn how to deal with your problems.( )1. A. for B. to C. on D. with( )2. A. life B. problems C. questions D. friends( )3. A. a job B. thought C. a piece of advice D. an order( )4. A. turns B. to turn C. to low D. to bring( )5. A. out-of-style B. new C. in style D. good( )6. A. heavy B. small C. new D. serious( )7. A. that B. which C. what D. where( )8. A. problem B. thought C. one D. ones( )9. A. happy B. friendly C. good D. strong( )10. A. clothes B. friends C. money D. jobsⅣ. 阅读理解(10分)Peter wondered why he didn’t have many friends. The reason was that he was always taking, never giving.One day Peter told Bill, “I’d like to give a party on Saturday. I’d like you to come and bring Martha, too. ” “Thanks, Peter. We’d be happy to come. ”“Perhaps you’d like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I’m sure everyone will want you to sing for us. ”That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake. “You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery(面包店). ”Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn’t forget to ask for something from each of them. He even asked Jim Jackson and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed.The party was a big success. However, as the guests were leaving, they said “Thank you! ”to Bill and Martha for the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said, “Thanks for the invitation. ”( )1. The party was held.A. at Peter’s houseB. in a large hallC. at Peter’s friends’houseD. in a secret place( )2. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Betty made the best cake.B. Mary Jackson sang well.C. Bill sang well.D. The Jacksons did hard work for the party.( )3. liked Peter.A. Many of his friendsB. Few peopleC. EveryoneD. All his friends( )4. Peter to the party.A. tried his bestB. did nothingC. only invited some friendsD. did everything( )5. From the story, we can see Peter was.A. a warm-hearted manB. good at making friendsC. a selfish manD. a welcome friend第Ⅱ卷(共60分)Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)(Ⅰ)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。
人教版英语八年级下册Unit 4练习题含答案
八年级下册Unit 4练习题一、单项选择()1. I think our parents should allow us ____ our own clothes.A. chooseB. to chooseC. choosingD. Chose()2. On school nights, my parents don't allow me________ out.A.goB. goingC. to goD. went ()3. ---_________________? ---It doesn’t work.A. How are youB. Which is your watchC. What’s wrong with your watchD. How do you do()4. ______________ give him a watch?A. What aboutB. Let’sC. Why don’tD. Why don’t you()5.________ give them some good books?A. Why don'tB. What aboutC. Why don't youD. Would you like()6. You should save some money ____ you canbuy a gift for your mother.A. in order toB. becauseC. soD. sothat()7.---We can use QQ to talk with each otheron the Internet.--- Really? Will you please show me________?A. what to useB. how to use itC. howcan I use it D. what can I use()8. The little boy ____ his seat to an oldlady on the crowded bus.A. lentB. offeredC. tookD. brought()9. My uncle usually has lunch at home, buttoday he had lunch in the school ____.A. instead ofB. instead toC. insteadD. for instead()10.---How are you ___ your cousins?---Very well.A.get along withB. get on well withC. getting along withD. getting along()11. Maria ________well with her classmates.A. gets upB. gets offC. gets onD .gets to()12.---What’s the matter?---I can’t do my homework. I____my homework in the classroom this morning.A. leaveB. forgetC. forgotD. left()13. You can’t go to the movie _____you finish your homework.A. whenB. becauseC. whatD. until ()14. He is very angry with his mother, because his mother always _____him with the best student.A. comparesB. complainsC. tellsD. makes()15.---You teach me English and I teach you Chinese. --- ____A. The same to youB. That’s a dealC. So do ID. Neither do I()16. This math question is too difficult. Can you help me ______?A. work on itB. work it outC. work out itD. work for it()17.--- I had a fight with my brother thismorning. ---_______A. You should say sorry to himB. Great!You are right.C. That’s nothing.D. You shouldn’t talk to him first.()18.--- You look ____. What’s up, sir?---I can’t find my ticket, but it’s timeto check in.A. sleepyB. hungryC. tiredD. worried()19. The talented boy ________ write lyricswhen he was at the age of ten.A. mayB. couldC. mustD.should()20. The work is too hard for him. He ________finish it on time.A. can'tB. mustn'tC. shouldn'tD. needn't()21. Would you mind me ________ you some questions about your family?A. askB. askingC. to askD.asked()22. Please stop talking. It's time ________ class.A. atB. toC. inD. For ()23.---Why don’t you watch TV at home?---I’d love to,but my mother doesn’t allow me ________ that.A. doB. didC. to doD. Doing()24.---You have to leave now________you can catch the-early bus.A. so thatB. as soon asC. becauseD. if()25. We should think of others if we want to ________them.A. get on well withB. hear ofC. get ready forD. hear from()26. You are still _______in the street; it’s time for class.A. hanging onB. hanging outC. hanging overD. hanging up()27.My ____ sister is two years _____than me.A.older, olderB.elder, elderC.elder, olderD. older, elder()28.What a nice day! We should go sightseeing_____watching TV in the hotel.A. because ofB. instead ofC. together withD. out()29. He ____ me his reason for not coming yesterday.A. explainedB. toldC. askedD. said()301. Do you mind _______? I’m feeling pretty tired.A. to driveB. driveC. drivingD. to driving()31. It’s not right for you to ______ her homeworkA. doingB. writeC.makeD. copy()32. I don’t know when we will _____ home.A. return backB. return toC.return back toD. return()33. --- Too bad you didn’t go to the beach with us. It was so much fun here! You must go next time.---_____. I don’t think I’ll have anyfun. I can’t swim.A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thanksC. Youare welcome D. My pleasure()34. ---Would you mind me using your computer?---_____.A. Of course notB. That’s greatC.You are welcome D. My pleasure()35. --- Excuse me, can I take this seat? --- Sure. _____.A. Don’t worryB. Go aheadC. Take iteasy D. You are welcome()36. --- Hurry up, or we will miss the sealion show in the Ocean Park?--- _____. We still have fifteen minutesbefore the show begins.A. Take it easyB. Good luckC. I guessso D. Take care()37. --- Why don’t you listen to music torelax yourself?--- _____. I like music.A. Good ideaB. Yes, pleaseC. Sorry,I can’t D. No, I don’t()38.He ______his umbrella in the shop yesterday.A. lostB. forgotC. leftD. Miss()39. ---- Look! Some people are running the red lights.---- We should wait _______ others are breaking the rule.A. ifB. unlessC. althoughD. Because ()40. The bus driver always says to us, “ Don’t get off ____the bus stops.”A. whenB. whileC. untilD. If()41. The math problem is difficult. I can’t_______.A. work on itB. work it onC.work it outD. work out it()42. ---Could you please give me _______ ? --- I’d glad to.A. an adviceB.any adviceC. some adviceD. a advice()43. ______Greens are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day.A. /B. AC. AnD. The()44. Don’t ______when others talk. It’s impolite.A. cut inB. cut downC. cut offD. cut out()45. You’d better travel around Nanjing with a local tour guide _____you want to know more about its culture A. unless B. until C. although D. if()46. ---Hurry up. The bus is coming.--- Oh,no, we mustn’t cross the street____the traffic lights are green.A. afterB.sinceC. whileD. until ()47. ---Do you know that there are many different ____ animals in the zoo?.--- Yes, I do. And i also know that some of them are____scaring.A. kinds of, kind ofB. kinds of, kinds ofC. kind of, kinds ofD. kind of, kind of()48. Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to____them too hard.A. drawB. pullC. pushD. make()49. ---I think drinking milk every morningis good ____ our health.--- Yes, I agree ____you.A. to, toB.with, toC. at, withD.for , with()50. I stayed at home _____ going swimming.A. insteadB. instead ofC. ratherD. Would rather()51. We didn’t enjoy the day _____the weatherwas so bad.A. becauseB. thoughC. untilD. till()52. Your parents love you very much _____they seldom say, “I love you.”A. becauseB. althoughC. unlessD. So()53. --- What do you think of your Junior Middle School life?--- I thinks it is colorful _____I am always busy.A. ifB. thoughC. whileD.until()54. --- What’s _____ with him? ---Heis ill.A. matterB. the matterC. illD. the wrong()55. --- What is Jack doing? --- He is arguing_____the taxi driver _____the fareA. with, aboutB. with, forC. to, aboutD. to, for()56. --- How can I get money to buy gifts forLi Ming’s birthday?--- You can _____some from your brother, and ____ it later on.A. borrow, lendB. lend, borrowC. borrow, returnD. return,borrow()57. He _____ the pen on the ground just now.A. dropsB. droppedC.fallsD. fell()58. --- Do your sister and you ______ well with each other?--- Yes, we are good friendsA. get onB. get offC. get upD. get down()59. --- When did you get up this morning?--- Not _____eleven o’clockA. afterB. whenC. beforeD. until()60. --- I have to take my daughter to piano lessons. --- Don’t __ your kids so hardA. teachB. pushC. takeD. Let()61. We should _____ our expense, or we can’t afford such a big family.A. cut offB. cut downC.cut outD. cut up()62. You look too tired. Why not _____ a rest?A. stop to haveB. to stop havingC.stop havingD. stopping to have()63. Here is the book. First _____ it and thentell me what you think of it.A. look intoB. look upC.look afterD. look through()64. Can you help me to _____ my dog whenI leave for Hong Kong?A. look afterB. look forC. look atD. look through()65. ---Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? --- ______.A. It doesn't matter.B. Thank you.C. Sorry to hear that.D. Sounds great()66. ---I feel really tired. ---______A. Lucky you!B. You’d better work harder.C. Congratulations!D. Why not goand have a rest.()67. Please hold on to your dream _____ oneday it comes true.A. ifB. untilC. unlessD. though()68. I was very angry ____ myself ___ making many mistakes.A. at; atB. with; forC. at; withD. with; at()69. ____ my father doesn’t like his work,he still works hard.A. AndB. AlthoughC. ButD. Before()70. Health is very important to us. We shouldeat more vegetables and fruit _____ junk food.A. insteadB. instead ofC. because ofD. because()71. We have no coffee. Let’s have tea _______.A. eitherB. howeverC. yetD. Instead()72.The two teams continued _____ the game after half an hour.A. playB. to playC. playingD. played()73.--- What ___animals do you like? --- Monkeys. I think they’re _____ clever.A. kind of; kind of B . a kind of; a kind ofC. kind of; a kindD. a kind of; kind of ()74. Do you have time _____ this game with us?A. to playB. playC. playingD. played()75. People often compare a teacher________ a candle.A. toB. intoC. asD. with()76. It’s necessary ______ English ______Chinese in English study.A. compare ; toB. to compare ; withC. comparing ; toD. to compare; into()77. English is my favorite subject , and I am good ___ it.A. forB. toC. atD. of ()78. It’s very nice ____ you to help me a lot.A. forB. ofC. inD. on()79. It’s very convenient ___ us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the Internet.A. toB. ofC. byD. for()80. My mother told me ____ anymore when it was lateA. didn’t writeB. not writeC. not to writeD. didn’t written二、使用正确的形式填空1.The boy often _________(fight) with his brother.2.I had a _________(fight) with my sister.3.Good habits are good for the ___________(develop) of us teenagers.4.Our teacher allows us _____(go) out for a walk.5.The boy should be allowed ______(play) after supper.6.Let’s continue________-(read) the text.7.It’s important for us _______(learn) English well.8.It’s hard for us ____________(finish) this task in two days.9.Mr. Li kept _________(work) here for nearly 30 years.10.The boy is good ______me. He is good ______English, and he tells me oral practice is good ______improving spoken English. (at ,for,to, )11.My father was very ______ _______(对……生气)his computer.12.Don’t give them too much_______(压力). They are hard-working enough.13.We are ready for the coming ___________(compete)14.The boy is too shy to _____ _____strangers.(与...交流)15.Who is Tim ______ ________? (打架)16.I’m _____ ____ ____ ___(相处的好) with my classmates. I’m feeling very happy.17.---Children these days are ______ _____ _______ _________(压力太大)----They should learn to relax themselves.18.You can explain to me how to do this math problem.( 改为一般疑问句)_____________________________________________ __19.Why don’t you talk about these feelings with your family?(改为同义句)_____________________________________________ _20.You will soon make some friends. You don’t have any now.(用although合并为一句)_____________________________________________ _____21.My cousin borrows a lot of things from me. He never returns.((用without合并为一句)_____________________________________________ _________22.把他们的爱好和我们的比很有意思It’s interesting ____ ________their hobbies _____ ______.23.她把钱借给他,一定是疯了。
人教部编版八年级历史下册第4课 新中国工业化的起步和人民代表大会制度的确立 同步练习题
其中数据变化的主要原因是() A.洋务运动的兴起B.三大改造的推行C.一五计划的实施D.改革开放的深入2.观察下表,1957年与1952年相比,我国工农业产品产量变化的主要原因是()A.第一个五年计划的实施B.全国掀起了“大跃进”的高潮和人民公社化运动C.“文化大革命”全面发动D.家庭联产承包责任制的推行3.如图所示,骑自行车身着“1953”工作服的劳动者,将写着“第一个五年计划”的接力棒,交给骑摩托车身着“1954”工作服的劳动者。
武汉长江大桥建成通车使“天堑变通途”,这是() A.社会主义三大改造基本完成B.第一个五年计划取得重大成就C.经济体制改革蓬勃开展D.全面建设社会主义成就辉煌7.历史解释是对史实的分析或评判。
广东潮州市初中英语八年级下册Unit 4经典练习题(课后培优)
一、选择题1.—How are you ________ with your parents? —Very well.A.getting to B.getting off C.getting on D.getting into C解析:C【解析】句意:-你和你的父母相处得怎么样?-很好。
getting to到达某地;getting off下车;getting on相处,进展;getting into进入。
get on with sb.与某人相处,根据句意可知应选C。
2.With the help of the teacher,we ______ the problem at last.A.worked on B.worked out C.took out D.gave out B解析:B【解析】句意:在老师的帮助下,我们终于解决了这个问题。
A. worked on从事;B. worked out 解决,算出;C. took out拿出;D. gave out分发。
3.My cousin is ________ heavy because he often eats ________ fast food.A.much too; too many B.too much; too much C.much too; too much C解析:C【详解】句意:我的表弟太重了,因为他经常吃快餐。
much too修饰形容词或副词;too many修饰可数名词;too much修饰不可数名词。
heavy为形容词,要由much too修饰;food为不可数名词,要由too much来修饰,故答案为C。
点睛:本题实际上是考查many, much的用法,前面的so, too只是起到修饰many, much的作用。
如: too/so much money;too/so many books。
人教新目标八年级英语下册第4单元复习练习题(含答案)一、完形填空Patrick and Grant are best friends. They ____1____almost everything together every day. But one day, the two boys stopped talking to each other.When they were walking home from school that day, they talked ____2____their homework. Grant wanted Patrick to do it for him so that he could spend more time ____3____basketball.“No way! I ____4____help you like that,” said Patrick. “You need to know that learning is____5____than playing.“You don’t want to help me. What a bad friend!” Grant said ____6____Patrick was not happy, either. He said, “You can say whatever you want, but I don’t think I can help you do homework.Over the next several days, they didn’t talk to each other ____7____they both felt bad.When Patrick’s parents found out what happened, they asked him ____8____ about how to help his best friend. Later, Grant knew it was ____9____ fault (过错).A few days later, there was a school basketball game. Patrick and Grant both went to watch it.At the end of the game, the two old friends met each other. Grant said sorry to Patrick. Patrick smiled back. After a talk, they decided ____10____each other finish homework and then play basketball together.1.A.did B.will do C.are doing D.do2.A.to B.about C.with D.of3.A.play B.to play C.playing D.to playing 4.A.needn't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.can't 5.A.important B.more important C.the most important D.less important 6.A.angry B.angrier C.angriest D.angrily 7.A.and B.as C.or D.but8.A.think B.thinking C.thought D.to think9.A.he B.him C.himself D.his10.A.to help B.helping C.helped D.help二、多任务混合阅读There is an old Chinese saying, (a) “If someone gives you a little drop of water, you shouldreturn a spring of water.” That means if someone helps you a bit, you should thank him a lot.We thank our parents. They work hard all the time in order to give us a better life. They give us food and clothes, and they teach us what is right and what is wrong. We are looked after well by them.We thank our teachers who give us dreams. (b)对于老师来说,教育我们是不易的。
2020-2021学年人教版道德与法治八年级下册 第四课 公民义务 练习题
初中道德与法治人教部编版八年级下册第四课练习题一、单项选择题1.下列做法属于履行公民的基本义务的是( )张君光荣参军保卫祖国李冬是商人,他总是按时依法纳税王刚虽然遵守宪法和法律, 但他有时破坏公共财产, 有时不遵守公共秩序赵军有时不尊重少数民族同学,不注意和少数民间问的团结A. B. C. D.2.作为公民,我们依法享有权利,也应自觉履行义务。
下列关于公民基本义务的认识正确的有()①公民基本权利是由宪法和法律规定的②自觉履行依法纳税的义务,利国利民③赡养扶助父母是子女成年后才履行的义务④每个公民都有依法服兵役的基本义务⑤履行维护国家利益的义务,也是爱国的表现A. ①③④B. ③④⑤C. ②③⑤D. ②④⑤3.下列不属于公民基本义务的是()A. 淼淼爸爸办厂,依法缴纳各项税款B. 倩倩哥哥今年成为一名军人C. 心月奶奶信佛,经常参加寺院活动D. 小文同学遵守各项法律法规4.下列属于我国宪法规定的公民基本义务的有( )爱护公共财物保守国家秘密维护全国各民族团结参加人大代表的选举A. B. C. D.5.遵守宪法是公民的基本义务。
遵守宪法就是( )忠于宪法维护宪法尊严保障宪法实施制定修改宪法A. B. C. D.6.遵守宪法法律是公民的基本义务。
下列属于遵守宪法法律的具体表现是()①保守国家秘密②爱护公共财产③遵守劳动纪律④遵守公共秩序,尊重社会公德A. ①②③B. ②③④C. ①②④D. ①②③④7.明明是一个品学兼优的好学生,高中毕业后积极响应国家号召参了军,复员后到工厂工作,每月领工资后自觉缴纳个人所得税。
材料中的明明履行了①受教育的义务②依法服兵役③劳动的义务④依法纳税的义务⑤保护环境的义务⑥遵守公共秩序A. ②③④⑥B. ③④⑤⑥C. ①②③④D. ①②④⑤8.下列做法属于公民履行基本义务的有①李明自觉维护民族团结②企业家张华依法纳税③适龄青年晓东依法服兵役④王松依法接受教育A. ①②③B. ②③④C. ①②④D. ①②③④9.小王高中毕业后应征入伍,退役后自主创业开办公司并守法经营、按时纳税,同时小王还热心参与社会各项公益事业。
的周长为64,E、F、G分别为WA AC.■的中点,』'、6'、C分别为研EG、GF的中点,△/'B'C的周长为.如果及7、4EFG、△』'B'C分别为第1个、第2个、第3个三角形,按照上述方法继续作三角形,那么第〃个三角形的周长是•3.中,D、E分别为45、"。
的中点,若座=4,AD=3,AE=2,则■的周长为—二、解答题4.已知:如图,四边形/列中,E、F、G、日分别是/以Ba CD、以的中点.求证:四边形麽诳是平行四边形.5.已知:网的中线初、堡交于点。
连结必求证:AB=20F.7.已知:如图,在曲时中,£是⑦的中点,尸是/的中点,FC与BE交于G.求证:GF=GC.E CAD.8.已知:如图,在四边形曲%中,AD=BC, E 、尸分别是力C 、/边的中点,死'的延长线分别与如、BC的延长线交于〃、G 点.求证:/AHF=/BGF.拓展、探究、思考9.已知:如图,网中,力是此'边的中点,北'平分ZBAC, BELAE 于E 点,若AB=5, AC=7,求应Z 10.如图在中,D 、E 分别为』弥上的点,巨BD=CE, < "分别是庞、,的中点.过刎的直线交AB 于P,交如于。
线段#、40相等吗?为什么?A参考答案1.(1)中点的线段;(2)平行于三角形的,第三边的一半.2.16,64X(-)71-提示:可连结刃(或AC).5.略.6.连结庞CE』ABnUABECnBF=FC.DABCD=>AO=OC,:.AB=20F.7.提示:取座的中点R证明四边形庭烈'是平行四边形.8.提示:连结』G取』C的中点M再分别连结依MF,可得£¥=成9.ED=\,提示:延长冏?,交/C于尸点.10.提示:AP^AQ,取网的中点&连接洌NH.证明zMW是等腰三角形,进而证明/AP4ZAQP.最新人教版八年级数学下册期中综合检测卷考试用时:120分钟,试卷满分:120分一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.若式子后3在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围是()A.xN3B.xW3C.x>3D.x<32.下列各组数中,能构成直角三角形的是()A.4,5,6B.l,1,a/2C.6,8,11D.5,12,233.下列各式是最简二次根式的是()A.炯B.V7C.a/20D,V034.下列运算正确的是()A.yfs-=B.=2?C.-'Jl=^2D.』(2一赃V=2-sf55.方程I 4x-8 I +Jx-y-m=O,当y>0时,m 的取值范围是()A.O<m<lB.mN2C.mW2D.m<26.若一个三角形的三边长为6,8, x,则此三角形是直角三角形时,x 的值是()A.8 B.10 C.2a /7 D.10 或 2妗7. 将直角三角形的各边都缩小或扩大同样的倍数后,得到的三角形( )A.可能是锐角三角形B.不可能是直角三角形C.仍然是直角三角形D.可能是钝角三角形8. 能判定四边形ABCD 为平行四边形的题设是( )A.AB〃CD, AD=BCB.AB=CD, AD=BCC.ZA=ZB, ZC=ZDD.AB=AD, CB=CD 9.如图,已知四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,下列结论中不正确的是()A.当AB=BC 时,它是菱形C.当ZABC=90°时,它是矩形 B.当ACLBD 时,它是菱形D.当AC=BD 时,它是正方形第9题图 第10题图第13题图 第15题图10.如图,E 、F 分别是正方形ABCD 的边CD 、AD 上的点,且CE=DF, AE 、BF 相交于点O, 下列结论:(1)AE=BF ; (2) AE±BF ; (3) AO=OE ; (4)S aaob =S 四边形 deof 中正确的有( )A.4个B.3个C.2个D.1个二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分)11.已知最简二次根式』4a+3b与'刈2a-b+6可以合并,则ab=.12.若直角三角形的两直角边长为a、b,且满足V«2-6a+9+I b-4I=0,则该直角三角形的斜边长为.2513.如图所示,分别以直角三角形的三边为直径作半圆,其中两个半圆的面积S1=—n,8S2=2n,则S3=.14.四边形ABCD的对角线AC,BD相交于点O,AC±BD,且OB=OD,请你添加一个适当的条件,使四边形ABCD成为菱形(只需添加一个即可).15.如图,^ABC在正方形网格中,若小方格边长为1,则^ABC的形状是16.已知菱形ABCD中,对角线AC与BD相交于点O,ZBAD=120°,AC=4,则该菱形的面积是•17.AABC中,若AB=15,AC=13,高AD=12,则AABC的周长是.18.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,O为坐标原点,四边形OABC是矩形,点A,C的坐标分别为A(10,0),C(0,4),点D是OA的中点,点P为线段BC上的点.小明同学写出了一个以OD为腰的等腰三角形ODP的顶点P的坐标(3,4),请你写出其余所有符合这个条件的P 点坐标■三、解答题(共66分)19.(8分)计算下列各题:(1)(a/48-4J-)-(3J--2^5);(2)(2—迅严比•(2+V3)2016-2X|-^|-(-V3)°.220.(8分)如图是一块地,已知AD=4m,CD=3m,AB=13m,BC=12m,且CD±AD,求这块地的面积.21.(8分)已知9+血与9—应的小数部分分别为a,b,试求ab~3a+4b~7的值.22.(10分)如图,在等腰直角三角形ABC中,ZABC=90°,D为AC边上中点,过D点作DEXDF,交AB于E,交BC于F,若AE=4,FC=3,求EF的长.23.(10分)如图,^ABC是直角三角形,且ZABC=90°,四边形BCDE是平行四边形, E为AC的中点,BD平分ZABC,点F在AB上,且BF=BC.求证:(1)DF=AE;(2)DF±AC.24.(10分)如图,四边形ABCD是一个菱形绿地,其周长为402m,ZABC=120°,在其内部有一个四边形花坛EFGH,其四个顶点恰好在菱形ABCD各边的中点,现在准备在花坛中种植茉莉花,其单价为10元/r^,请问需投资金多少元?(结果保留整数)25.(12分)(1)如图①,已知△ABC,以AB、AC为边向^ABC外作等边AABD和等边△ACE,连接BE,CD,请你完成图形,并证明:BE=CD;(尺规作图,不写作法,保留作图痕迹)(2)如图②,已知△ABC,以AB、AC为边向外作正方形ABFD和正方形ACGE,连接BE,CD,BE 和CD有什么数量关系?简单说明理由;(3)运用(1)、(2)解答中所积累的经验和知识,完成下题:如图③,要测量池塘两岸相对的两点B,E的距离,已经测得ZABC=45°CAE=90°,AB=BC=100米,AC=AE,求BE的长.最新人教版八年级数学下册期末综合检测卷一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.二次根式而i 、屈、应、Jx + 2、j40f 、J/ +》2中,最简二次根式有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个2.若式子目有意义,则x 的取值范围为()A.xN4B.x 尹 3C.x34 或 x 乂3D.x34 且 x 尹33.下列计算正确的是( )A.a /4 X ^/6=4a /6B 疝+痴=应C.何:屁22 D.J(-15)2=-154.在 RtAABC 中,ZACB=90° , AC=9, BC=12,则点 C 到 AB 的距离是( )A 36「12A,—— B.—5 25厂 9、30C. — D.----4 45.平行四边形ABCD 中,ZB=4ZA,则ZC=()A.18° B.36° C.72° D.144°6.如图,菱形ABCD 的两条对角线相交于O,菱形的周长是20 cm, AC : BD=4 : 3,则菱形的面积是()A.12 cm 2 B.24 cm 2 C.48 cm 2 D.96 cm 2第6题图第8题图第10题图X =-17.若方程组(2工+*=3的解是.贝I直线y=—2x+b与y=x—a\x-y=a的交点坐标是()A.(-l,3)B.(l,-3)C.(3,-1)D.(3,1)8.甲、乙两人在一次百米赛跑中,路程s(m)与赛跑时间t(s)的关系如图所示,则下列说法正确的是()A.甲、乙两人的速度相同B.甲先到达终点C.乙用的时间短D.乙比甲跑的路程多9.在我市举行的中学生春季田径运动会上,参加男子跳高的15名运动员的成绩如下表所示:成绩(m) 1.50 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80人数124332这些运动员跳高成绩的中位数和众数分别是()A.1.70, 1.65B.1.70, 1.70C.1.65, 1.70D.3,410.如图,在^ABC中,AB=3,AC=4,BC=5,P为边BC上一动点,PE±AB于E,PF±AC 于F,M为EF中点,则AM的最小值为()二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分)11.当x=时,二次根式x+1有最小值,最小值为12.已知a,b,c是^ABC的三边长,且满足关系式yjc2-a2-b2+\a-b\=O,则Z^ABC的形状为13.平行四边形ABCD的两条对角线AC、BD相交于点O,AB=13,AC=10,DB=24,则四边形ABCD的周长为.14.如图,一次函数"灯x+bi y2=k2x+b2的图象相交于A(3,2),则不等式(k2—/ci)x+b2 -bi>0的解集为第14题图第16题图第18题图15.在数据一1,0,3,5,8中插入一个数据X,使得该组数据的中位数为3,则x的值为16.如图,3XBCD中,E、F分别在CD和BC的延长线上,ZECF=60°,AE〃BD,EF1BC, EF=2,则AB的长是.17.(山东临沂中考)某中学随机抽查了50名学生,了解他们一周的课外阅读时间,结果如下表所示:时间(小时)4567人数1020155则这50名学生一周的平均课外阅读时间是小时.18.如图,在正方形ABCD中,边长为2的等边三角形AEF的顶点E、F分别在BC和CD 上,下列结论:①CE=CF,②ZAEB=75°,③BE+DF=EF,④S正方形ABCD=2+0,其中正确的序号是.(把你认为正确的都填上)三、解答题(共66分)19.(8分)计算下列各题:(1)12V2-31-+a/18(2)先化简,再求值:"+。
裁一朵季节的流云,剪几米(xī) __熙__暖的阳光,将唯美的思绪和内心暖(róng róng)__融融__的感动,镌刻在如歌的诗行里。
3.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(A) 灯笼与中国人的生活息息相关。
Unit 4 知识点总结+单元练习题人教版英语八年级下册(附答案)
人教版英语八年级下Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?知识点总结+单元练习题(原创+答案)1一.重点词组:1.what’s wrong 哪不舒服?what’s wrong with sb 某人怎么了?2.look through 快速查看,浏览look up 查询look for 寻找look after 照顾look out = watch out 当心3.big deal 重要的事it’s not a big deal 不是要紧的事4.work out = figure out 解决,弄明白5.not...anymore 再也不6.cut out 删去pare...with 比较8.in one’s opinion 在某人看来9.hang out with sb 和某人闲逛10.after-school class 校外辅导课11.get into fight with sb 和某人打起来12.be angry with sb 对某人生气13.why don’t you do = why not do sth 为什么不做某事14.get on with sb 和某人相处得好15.be nice to sb 对某人友好16.mind sb doing sth 介意某人做某事17.on weekends 在周末二.重点单词1.allow v 允许allow doing sth 允许做某事allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事sb is allowed to do sth 某人被允许去做某事2.guess v/n 猜have a guess = take a guess 猜一猜guess what? 您猜怎么着?3.deal v 处理;n 交易deal with sth 处理... = handle sth4.relation n 关系relative adj 相对的;n 亲戚relationship n 关系be related to sth 与...有关munication n 交流communicate v 交流6.argue v 争吵argue with sb 和某人争吵argument n 论点7.cloud n 云朵clouds 乌云8.instead adv 反而用法1:放在句首使用:She isn’t allowed to go out at this time of night. Instead, she should do her homework in her bedroom.用法2: 放在句尾连起来使用:She isn’t allowed to go out at this time of night. She should do her homework in her bedroom instead.instead of + 名词性短语9.nervous adj 焦虑的be nervous of/about sth10.offer v/n2offer sb sthprovide sth for sb = provide sb with sth supply sth for sb = supply sb with sth 11.proper adj 恰当的improper adj 不恰当的suitable adj 恰当的12.explain v 解释explanation n 解释13.clear adj 清晰的a clear day 晴天crystal clear 一清二楚的14.return v 返回return back 返还return to sb 还给某人15.member n 成员membership n 会员资格16.pressure n (物理)压力release pressure 释放压力stress (精神)压力reduce stress 减少压力pete v 竞争compete against sb 与某人竞争、攀比competition n 比赛competitive adj 竞争激烈的,好竞争的competent adj 有能力的,能胜任的18.skill n 技巧19.typical adj 典型的20.football n 美式橄榄球soccer 英式足球21.continue v 继续22.crazy adj 疯狂的be crazy about sth 对...感到痴狂23.push v 推push-up 俯卧撑pull v 拉24.develop v 发展development n 发展25.cause v 造成;n 原因cause sb to do sth 引起某人去做某事ual adj 平常的as usual 像往常一样27.perhaps adv 或许probably adv 或许possibly adv 或许34Unit 4 单元练习题一.重点词组考察二.重点单词考察三.课文翻译1. I have _____ _____ (太多) homework so I don’t have enough sleep.2. My parent don’t _____ _____ _____(允许我) hang out with my friends.3. I have _____ _____ (太多) after-school classes.4. I _____ _____ (陷入) a fight with my best friend.5. _____ _____ _____ (你为什么不)go to sleep earlier this evening?6. The house is _____ _____ (已经相当) clean and tidy.7. I found my sister _____ _____ (翻找) my things yesterday. 8. I guess you could tell her _____ _____ _____(去道歉).9. My problem is that I can’t _____ _____ _____ (和某人相处) my family. 10. My _____ _____ (大哥) is not very nice to me.11. He always _____ _____(拒绝) let me watch my favorite TV show. 12. It’s not easy _____ _____ _____ (处于你这个年龄). 13. You should _____ _____ _____ (提供去帮助).14. You don’t _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ (介意他一直在看电视).15. My sister borrows my clothes _____ _____ (没有问). 16. I am _____ _____ (担心) my school grades.17. You should tell him that _____ _____ _____ (抄别人的作业) is wrong. 18. _____ _____ _____ (他们中的许多人) are learning exam shills so that they can get into a good high school.19. They are always _____ _____ _____ (把他们和...做对比) other children.四.单项选择1.We can’t take this away until she _____ yes.A.will sayB. sayC. saysD. said2.She finally agrees with us _____ she did not like the plan at the beginning.A.ifB. unlessC. althoughD. when3.---Thanks for your sincere suggestion.---It’s my pleasure. Hope things _____.A.work outB. look outC. try outD. find out4.We are not allowed _____ or drink in the classroom.A.eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eaten5.The little boy _____ his book to the girl.A.providesB. suppliesC. bringsD. offers6.---Young people are always talking on their phones.---Yes, indeed. They should put down their phones and talk to people around them _____.A.stillB. eitherC. tooD. instead7.My _____ sister is three years _____ than me..A.elder; olderB. elder; elderC. older; elderD. older; older8.They didn’t leave for home _____ they finish their work.A.untilB. ifC. unless9.Chinese parents tend to compare their children _____ other kids.A.forB. toC. byD. with10.Do you mind me _____ the radio? It’s too noisy.A.turning upB. turning onC. turning downD. turn down11.Gloria offers _____ us prepare for the exams.A.helpB. to helpC. helpingD. helped12.Did you watch the TV show _____ the evening of August 24th?---Yes, I did. _____ my opinion, it’s wonderful.A.in, InB. in; OnC.on; OnD. on, In五.完形填空As though things weren’t 1._____ enough last spring, a wild turkey started showing up on my block. It’s normally one of the busiest intersections in Minneapolis, but this turkey walked down the sidewalk day after day 2._____ she belonged. As word 3._____ about her, more and more people came out to see her. A young woman told me that they had named her Tina—Tina the Turkey. Tina must have been 4._____ eggs in front of the neighbors’ house. She would sit and wiggle her rump in the same place in their yard every day. One day she walked with five other 5._____ through the parking lot, 6.______ the two-and-a-half-foot cement wall, and into the yard. I watched in surprise—six wild turkeys! One had her feathers ruffled; I think it must have been Tina. This was her 7._____ now. There were many days when Tina would stand in the parking lot—a dangerous place for a 8._____ bird—and refuse to move, blocking cars from coming or going. This became a show with Tina in the starring role until the day a new character appeared on stage: an strange-looking man with black hair. He looked 9._____. He was covered in dirt, his posture stiff. He approached Tina and began to strike curious poses in a beautiful dance. Tina 10._____ him in this dance. Together, they were art in motion. And because of the stay-at-home order, I got to see them. I’ll always remember this turkey when I think back on the corona-virus pandemic. She brought a lot of joy to a community at a time when people desperately needed an escape.1.A. funny B. strange C. wonderful D. humorous2.A. as if B. if C. even if D. even though3.A. gave out B. handed out C. set out D. got out4.A. lying B. laying C. lied D. laid5.A. neighbors B. places C. turkeys D. women6.A. on B. up C. in D. with7.A. place B. turkey C. right D. wall8.A. fat B. strong C. powerful D. slow-moving9.A. homeless B. hopeless C. strange D. careful510.A. embraced B. joined C. welcomed D. invited 答案:一.重点词组1.what’s wrong with sb2.look through3.look for4.big deal5.look out6.work out7.not ... anymore8.cut outpare ... with ...10.hang out with sb11.after-school class12.in one’s opinion13.get into fight with sb14.be angry at sb15.be friendly to/with sb16.on weekends17.sllow doing sth18.allow sb to do sth19.be allowed to do sth20.guess what21.a clear day22.crystal clear23.return back24.return to sb25.be crazy about26.cause sb to do sth27.as usualpete with/against29.help with sth630.reduce stress; release pressure31.be related to32.find sb doing sth二.重点单词1.relation2.relativemunication; communicate4.argument5.clouds6.continue7.anyway8.proper; improper9.sick; ill10.member11.membership12.neighborhood13.typical三.课文翻译1.too much2.allow me to3.too many4.get into5.Why don’t you6.already pretty7.looking through8.to say sorry9.get on with10.elder brother11.refuses to12.being your age13.offer to help14.mind him watching TV all the time15.without asking16.worried about17.copying others’ homework18.Many of thempare them with四.单项选择1-5 CCABD5-10 DAADC11-12 BD五.完形填空1-5 BADBC6-10 BADAB7。
7.2 弹力同步卷4一.选择题(共10小题)1.将弹簧测力计水平放置,在其两端各施加5N的水平拉力,则弹簧测力计的示数为()A.5N B.0N C.10N D.15N2.小明同学在用已校零的弹簧测力计测量一物体的重时,误将弹簧测力计倒置,物体挂在了拉环上,如图所示。
当物体静止时,弹簧测力计所测得的该物体的重与真实值相比()A.偏大B.偏小C.一样大小D.无法判断3.如图所示,在以下四幅图描述的力中,不属于弹力的是()A.手对弹簧的拉力B.人对跳板的压力C.手对弓的拉力D.磁铁对小铁球的吸引力4.以下关于测量工具的使用,正确的是()A.弹簧测力计只能测量竖直方向上的力B.测量物体长度必须从刻度尺的零刻度线处量起C.用天平称量时,先由大到小加减砝码,再调节平衡螺母使横梁平衡D.用量筒测量液体体积时,视线一般应与凹液面的底部在同一水平线上5.如图所示,一根弹簧一端固定在竖直墙上,在弹性限度内用手水平向右拉伸弹簧另一端,下列有关“弹簧形变产生的力”描述正确的是()A.弹簧对手的拉力B.弹簧受到的重力C.墙对弹簧的拉力D.手对弹簧的拉力6.如图所示,将两个弹簧测力计挂在一起,保持测力计A不动,用5N的力拉动测力计B,则弹簧测力计A、B的示数分别是()A.5N;0N B.0N;5N C.5N;5N D.10N;10N7.如图所示,在弹簧测力计的两侧沿水平方向各加4N拉力并使其保持静止,此时弹簧测力计的示数为()A.0N B.2N C.4N D.8N8.弹簧秤的弹簧一端断了一小段,将剩下的弹簧修复后重新调零。
用这只修复的弹簧秤测量力的大小,测量值与没有损坏前的弹簧秤测量值相比()A.读数变大B.读数不变C.读数变小D.前三种情况都可能出现9.如图所示,弹簧测力计和细线的重力及一切摩擦不计,重物G=1.2N,则弹簧测力计A 和B的示数分别为()A.1.2N,0N B.0N,1.2N C.1.2N,1.2N D.0.6N,0.6N 10.下列事例中,不是应用弹力工作的是()A.撑杆跳高B.同学们课间跳的皮筋C.玩具弹簧枪射击子弹D.守门员用力扑住射向球门的足球二.填空题(共3小题)11.如图所示,刻度尺测得被测物体的长度是cm,用弹簧测力计测此物体所受重力大小为N。
人教版八年级下册英语Unit 4 完形填空 专项练习题(Word版,含答案)
人教版八年级下册英语Unit 4 完形填空专项练习题Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?一Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we __1__ the national flag (国旗) go up.Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was __2__ and excited! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too.Can I really do it?Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher __3__ me, “I know you want to have a try. Next Monday, you can give the talk. Go and write something down. Get ready for it. I’m sure you’ll do well.”“Thank you,”I answered. It was such a great __4__ for me! When I got home, I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents __5__ . I wanted to make my teacher happy.Monday morning came. I began to feel __6__. When did I last give a talk to so many people? Never! This was my first time. Could I really do it? Maybe I couldn’t finish the talk.When I got to school, we all went out to playground. I __7__ infront of everyone. I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t say anything. “Take it easy,”I said to __8__.“Don’t be nervous. You can do it.”Just then, I looked down at everyone. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all looking at me! I couldn’t even stand up.I looked at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes were saying, “You can do it! Don’t be afraid, just talk!”I __9__ a deep breath(呼吸).Then I began to talk. It wasn’t hard.It was easy.I don’t know __10__ I finished my talk. But I did it. I felt so good that day.I showed myself to everyone what I can do.( )1.A.watch B.see C.notice D.look at( )2.A.surprising B.proud C.amazed D.careful( )3.A.asked B.asked for C.said to D.showed ( )4.A.chance B.news C.time D.message( )5.A.to listen to B.to listen C.listen to D.listen ( )6.A.excited B.happy C.nervous D.surprised( )7.A.stand B.stood C.was standing D.have stood ( )8.A.me B.my class C.myself D.my parents ( )9.A.took B.held C.put D.left( )10.A.when B.how C.why D.Whether答案1-5 ABCAB 6-10 CBCAB二When you feel worried or stressed out, everything seems to go wrong at once. You can’t remember what the teacher says in class. You may 1 with your parents or friends. You may have problems with2 ,too. For example, you can't get to sleep or you still3 tired when you get up.If you are 4 too much pressure, maybe it's time to change your life a bit by doing something 5 .It’s important for you to learn to 6 . You can 7 some quiet,restful (平静的) music. 8 a book is a good way to relax, too.You should 9 doing the thing that you are not enjoying. Then take up a new activity or try a new interest.You should also set some goals. For example, 10 enough exercise, keeping up with schoolwork and making some new friends.1. A. talk B. make friends C.argue D. get on2. A. eating B. sleeping C.asleep D. working3.A.feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling4.A.in B. under C. with D. off5. A. same B. bad C. different D. difficult6. A. study B. relax C.relaxing D. relaxed7. A. play B. listen C. hear D. hear of8.A. Read B. Watching C. Looking D. Reading9. A. keep B. finish C.stop D. not10. A.taking B. have C. do D. don't take答案1-5 CBABC 6-10 BADCA三As a child,I got angry quite easily and was not good at communicating with others.I still remember it was an early autumn.Some __1__ started to turn yellow and the weather became cool.One day,as I was getting ready for school,my mother carelessly handed me my father's vest(背心)instead of __2__.At that time,I was getting to have a __3__ size than my father,so when I put on the vest,I felt as if I wasn't able to breathe!I realized that it was a small mistake which was __4__ by my mother,but somehow the breathless feeling was so strong that it made me very angry.My mother said sorry with a smile,but I shouted at her __5__ thinking much.I got it off my body so wildly that I made a hole in it.I put on my own vest and rushed out of the house __6__ my mother could stop me.Later,my mother shared her bad feelings with my father,“See what your son has done.”Instead of saying he would scold(责备)or beat me,my father __7__ asked my mother to mend the vest.Later when my mother told me about my father's response(反应),I felt terribly sorry for my bad behavior(行为).My father's gentlekindness taught me a lesson which I would __8__ forget.On that day,I decided not to let anger __9__ me any longer.Of course,there are times when I am angry.However,whenever that happens,I will try to remember my father's __10__.It always reminds(提醒)me to think about others' feelings when I get angry.1.A.books B.walls C.photos D.leaves2.A.hers B.his C.mine D.ours3.A.thinner B.smaller C.larger D.shorter4.A.given B.made C.shown D.chosen5.A.without B.about C.with D.of6.A.after B.before C.when D.since7.A.sadly B.angrily C.bravely D.quietly8.A.never B.Often C.always D.sometimes9.A.forget B.help C.leave D.control10.A.vest B.school C.anger D.Mistake答案1-5 DCCBA 6-10 BDADA四Showing your feeling is important. It is a mistake not to talk to anyone 1 you're feeling sad, worried or nervous. If you keep bad feelings inside, it can even make you 2 .But if you 3 with someone,like your mom or dad oryour best friend,you'll usually begin to feel 4 than before. Now you're not all alone with your problems or worries.5 ,it doesn't mean your problems and worries will disappear magically(神奇地).But at6 ,someone else understands what's7 with you and can help8 find ways to solve your problems.Your mom and dad want to know if you have any9 .They love you and they want to know what's happening in your life. But if you don't want to talk with them,what should you do? Find a trustworthy(可信的)friend or teacher at school or a relative. Maybe that person can help you deal with your problems. Then you'll feel as10 as before.1. A. what B. when C. how D. why2. A. sick B. active C. strong D. happy3. A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say4. A. worse B. better C. well D. good5. A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. But6. A. least B. last C. first D. now7. A. matter B. more C. wrong D. some8. A. them B. you C. us D. him9. A. problems B. wrong C. questions D. thing10. A. happily B. bad C. sad D. happy答案1-5BACBB 6-10ACBAD五There was once a wonderful goose(鹅).Every day, it produced “golden egg(产一个金蛋).Its owners,a man and a woman, were very 1 to have this goose.However, the owners 2 the goose were a little greedy(贪婪的).They loved the golden eggs but they wanted more than one golden egg a day.They wanted to get 3 right away.The man looked at the woman and said,“ 4 this goose can produce a golden egg every day, it must have a lot of gold inside.Why should we 5 ? One a day is too slow.If we cut the goose open.I’m sure there is a lot of gold inside.Then we can be rich in no time.What do you think?”The woman 6 the man.“Yes.One golden egg a day is nice,but it’s very slow.If we open the goose and 7 all the gold inside, we can use it all now.Let’s do it.”The man took a 8 and cut the goose open.Of course, the goose died.When the man and woman looked inside the goose,they 9 believe their eyes!“There’s no gold in here.It looks like any other goose.”cried the woman.“Now, what do 10 have?”cried the man.“Nothing.No golden egg every day.Just a dead(死的)goose.”1. A. happy B. nervous C. popular D. dangerous2. A. in B. on C. of D. at3. A. poor B. rich C. old D. young4. A. If B. Or C. But D. Until5. A. forget B. start C. move D. wait6. A. heard from B. agreed with C. cared for D. called up7. A. take B. put C. buy D. pass8. A. spoon B. wallet C. bandage D. knife9. A. shouldn't B. couldn't C. mustn't D. needn't10. A. them B. us C. they D. we答案1-5ACBAD 6-10BADBD六Arguing with parents is natural__1____teens. From your clothes to your hobbies, your friends at school to your television habits, your studies to your future plans, it might just seem that you argue with your parents about __2____.Teens should try not to argue with parents, but if it happens, remember to argue fairly and respectfully.Argue FairlyArguments __3____teens and parents happen when both believe that they know what's best for the teens. Parents have been caring for their teens for years,__4___teens are quickly growing up and believe that they’re able to take care of themselves. If you’re a teen arguing with your parents, ____5___that your parents love you and only want what's best for you. If you must argue with them, argue fairly by:★Allowing each person in the argument to say what they think; not interrupting (打断) others when they are speaking.★Only talking about the things that you're arguing about; never bringing up past hurts.★____6___your parents the reasons for your ideas.Argue ___7____No matter ___8__hotly you are arguing, you must remember that our parents still need our attention, respect and love. During arguments, be respectful by:★Keeping your voice low at all times and not shouting.★Not doing angry actions ____9____, kicking, throwing or hitting anything.★Staying __10__a way to solve the problem has been worked out; never running away from home.( )1. A. of B. with C. for D. to ( )2. A. something B. everything C. nothing D.anything( )3. A. between B. among C. with D. of ( )4. A. because B. and C. although D. but ( )5. A. think B. forget C. remember D. argue( )6. A. Explain B. Explaining C. To explaining D. Explained( )7. A. Respectful B. Respectfully C. Quietly D. Softly( )8. A. how B. what C. why D. where ( )9. A. likes B. for C. such as D. of example( )10. A. behind B. after C. by D. until 答案1-5CBADC 6-10BBACDWhen we asked about brothers and sisters, more than 2, 000 children wrote to tell us about their brothers or sisters. Many children told us that fights often __1__. More than half of the children __2__ their brothers or sisters at least once a day. Most children said they shouted at their brothers or sisters when they fought. __3__ half said they hit each other. But some of the children, about 20%, said they asked their mom ordad to help them solve the __4__. And even more children said that after a fight, they said __5__ to their brothers or sisters.For now, you are __6__ a child. You may be unhappy sometimes __7__ the fights with your brothers or sisters, but you will think they are funny experiences when you grow up. You will be the parent who will have to __8__ the fights! So stop shouting when you get angry with your brothers or sisters. It is not always easy, __9__ maybe you can start with just making one day “No Fight Day”. Then your mom and dad will be very __10__. Remember that it is never OK to shout at your brothers or sisters and hurt them.1. A. ended B. happened C. developed D. started2. A. fought with B. wrote toC. looked afterD. communicated with3. A. Instead B. However C. Almost D. Hardly4. A. hobby B. skill C. deal D. problem5. A. hello B. sorry C. thanks D. goodbye6. A. too B. still C. already D. even7. A. such as B. instead of C. for example D. because of8. A. stop B. win C. show D. remember9. A. or B. and C. but D. so10. A. happy B. crazy C. tired D. angry答案1—5 BACDB 6—10 BDACA第11 页共11 页。
A.可……却……因为……如果……而B.但……却……然而……即使……而C.但……却……然而……即使……可D.可……但……由于……因此……而4.下列语句没有语病的一句是( )A.玉树地震发生后,战士们冒着因余震而房屋随时垮塌,再次进入废墟,搜寻幸存者。
6.看戏之前遇到了什么波折,后来是如何解决的?为什么这样写?7.你是怎样看待“偷豆”这一情节的?8. 课文结尾写道:“真的,一直到现在,我实在再没有吃到那夜似的好豆,——也不再看到那夜似的好戏了。
人教版八年级物理下册第八章《运动和力》练习题 (4)
人教版八年级物理下册第八章《运动和力》练习题4一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)1.下列有关力的说法中正确的是A. 摩擦力总是阻碍物体的运动B. 力的作用效果有时与力的三要素无关C. 物体所受重力的方向始终竖直向下D. 支持力的大小总是和重力的大小相等2.如图所示是“研究影响滑动摩擦力大小的因素”的实验。
有关此实验的说法中正确的是()A. 分析甲、乙可得,滑动摩擦力的大小跟接触面所受的压力有关B. 分析甲、丁可得,滑动摩擦力的大小跟接触面的受力面积有关C. 乙、丙是探究滑动摩擦力的大小跟接触面的粗糙程度是否有关D. 丙、丁是探究滑动摩擦力的大小跟接触面的受力面积是否有关3.放在水平地面上重80N的小车,受到15N的水平向东的拉力,向东做匀速直线运动,下列说法正确的是()A. 小车受到的摩擦阻力为80NB. 小车受到的合力大小为65NC. 小车受到的摩擦阻力也为15ND. 小车受到的合力大小为95N4.如果上课时教室内的摩擦力突然消失10s,我们身边的情境不可能发生的是()A. 教师和学生可以更轻松地在教室内行走B. 轻轻一吹,书桌上的课本便可飞出去C. 黑板上的粉笔字消失不见了D. 天花板上的吸顶灯会下落5.下列说法正确的是A. 重力就是地球对物体的吸引力B. 重力的方向总是竖直向下的C. 物体上最重的点就是重心D. 只要物体质量分布均匀,重心就在它的几何中心上6.下列事件中,属于防止惯性带来危害的是()A. 为了节能,公交车进站时要提前关闭发动机,让车缓缓进站B. 汽车行驶时,要保持一定的车距C. 锤头松了,敲击一下尾部就可使锤头套紧D. 用力拍打衣服,使衣服上的灰尘掉下来7.利用铅垂线和三角尺判断桌面是否水平,如图所示的做法正确的是A. B.C. D.8.一个人用 30 牛的水平推力推重为 100N的桌子,桌子未被推动,桌子受到的摩擦力()A. 等于 100 牛B. 等于 30 牛C. 小于 30 牛D. 以上均有可能9.图中关于重力的示意图正确的是()A. B.C. D.10.以下几种关于摩擦力利弊的说法中,正确的是()A. 人走路时,脚与地面间摩擦是有害摩擦,越小越好B. 皮带传动中,皮带与皮带轮间的摩擦是有害摩擦C. 骑自行车时,自行车轮胎与地面间的摩擦是有害摩擦D. 机车起动时车轮与地面间的摩擦是有益的二、填空题(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)11.一个重60N的箱子放在水平地面上,受到8N的水平推力,箱子未动,这时箱子受到的摩擦力_____(选填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”)8N;当水平推力增大到12N时,箱子恰好做匀速直线运动,箱子所摩擦力的大小为_____N;当水平推力增大到18N时,箱子所摩擦力的大小为_____N.12.一根弹簧长15cm,其所受拉力F跟弹簧伸长量△x的关系图象如图所示。
初中科学浙教版八年级下册第四章第四节 植物的茎与物质运输练习题-普通用卷
“挂吊瓶”的针头应插入到茎的()A. 木质部中的导管B. 韧皮部中的筛管C. 分生组织D. 机械组织2.下图是果树的一段枝条,长有a、b两个果实。
下列说法不.正.确.的是()A. 果实a可获得有机物继续长大B. 1处的树皮有机物积累逐渐膨大C. 两个果实均会因为缺水而脱落D. 果实b有机物来源不足停止生长3.小柳树遭破坏,茎的基部被剥去一圈树皮,一段时间后,该柳树死亡,这是因为( )A. 切断导管,根缺少无机盐B. 切断导管,根缺少有机物C. 切断筛管,根缺少无机盐D. 切断筛管,根缺少有机物4.茎的主要功能是()A. 运输物质和支持作用B. 支持作用和蒸腾作用C. 光合作用和运输作用D. 蒸腾作用和光合作用5.在一株盆栽植物上先取一枝条,环剥1 cm左右宽的树皮,露出木质部,用刀轻刮木质部表面以清除筛管,然后用凡士林涂抹环剥部位。
可以观察到( )A. 环剥口的上侧长出枝瘤B. 环剥口的下侧长出枝瘤C. 环剥口的上、下两侧均长出枝瘤D. 被环剥树枝死亡6.俗话说“梨树砍三刀,树枝压弯腰”,这是农民在梨树坐果时期增加产量的一种常用的一种处理方式,其原理是A. 防止了害虫的侵害B. 限制了水分向茎叶运输C. 限制了有机物向根部运输D. 限制了有机物向茎叶运输7.在“茎的输导功能”实验中,被染红的是()A. 韧皮部B. 筛管C. 木质部D. 木质部和韧皮部8.植物体吸收水分的主要部位、运输水分的通道以及水分散失的“门户”依次是( )A. 气孔、导管、根毛B. 根毛、气孔、导管C. 根毛、导管、气孔D. 导管、气孔、根毛9.在盛有稀释红墨水的锥形瓶中插入带叶的杨树枝条,基部浸于液面下,放于温暖、光照充足的地方1小时后,将茎横切,发现①部位呈现红色(如图)。
部编版八年级下册语文3课 马说 课时练习试题试卷含答案解析(4)
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八年级下练习题4一、单项选择( )1.Would you please help me with my writing skills ?A. That‟s all rightB.Not at allC.No problemD.No, thanks( )2. Chinese people ______ more and more cars in their daily life.A. usesB. are usingC. is usedD. are used( )4.My backpack __________ books.A. is full inB. is filled ofC. is full ofD. is fulled of( )5.There are some birds _______ the tree and also some apples _______ the tree.A. on, onB. on, inC. in, onD. in, in( )6.Two ______ trees have been planted along the lake since 1998.A. thousands ofB. thousand ofC. thousandsD. thousand( )7.Would you please ________ the cup of coffee?A. passB. to passC. passingD. to passing( )8.It‟s a fine day. Let‟s have a walk ______ the sunlight.A. ofB. withC. inD. under( )9.Wine(酒) is ________ wheatA. made ofB. made fromC. made byD. made in ( )10.Can you ______ a tree?A. feedB. eatC. makeD. plant ( )11.–Your coat looks nice. Is it ______ cotton?--Yes, it‟s ______ Shanghai.A. made of, made byB. made of, made inC. made for, made inD. make from, made by( )12.If you don‟t know the new words, you may ______ in a dictionary.A. look up itB. look it upC. look up themD. look them up( )_13.I have a lot _______ about today.A. writeB. writingC. to writeD. written( )14. I haven‟t ____ in my dia ry today.A. writeB. wroteC. writesD. written( )15.Agriculture is about _____ plants and animals for food.A. growingB. growC. growsD. to grow( ) 16.My teacher told me that it‟s the _____ flowers.A. wheatB. wheat‟sC. wheatsD. wheats二. 情景交际从方框中的七个句子中选出五个句子的序号补全对话。
A:1 .B:I want to post some letters. One to New York, one to Shanghai, and the other to Beijing.B:I‟d like to send this letter by airmail andthe other two by ordinary(普通的)mail, please. 3 .A:Twenty Yuan and forty Fen. And toBeijing is eighty Fen.B:4 .A:Just the same as the other part of China.B:Very good, 5 .A:Let me see… Twenty-two yuan altogether.B:Here you are.A:Thank you.三. 完形填空(从各小题四个选项中选出最佳答案)Now many people like 1 . They have animals for their 2 . I like animals, too. I have a pet cat. Her 3 is Mimi. She is very beautiful. Her 4 is black and yellow. She has four children. So I have five cats. She is very happy with her young 5 . The four Children are not all 6 Mimi very much. The biggest one is quite black. 7 are black and yellow. My 8_____ says, “Aren‟t they beautiful? Can I have the black and white one? Isn‟t he a tomcat(雄猫)?” I say, “I don‟t know, my girl, but I know the yellow and black ones are females(雌性).” “Are they? How do you know?” “9 they are yellow and black. Tom cats never have that10 .”( ) 1. A. plants B. friends C. books D. animals( ) 2. A. friends B. pets C. teachers D. members( ) 3. A. food B. name C. house D. furniture( ) 4. A. head B. leg C. hair D. feet( ) 5. A. family B. boys C. girls D. babies( ) 6. A. like B. by C. love D. with( ) 7. A. Other B. The other C. It D. The others( ) 8. A. brother B. daughter C. mother D. father( ) 9. A. So B. But C. Because D. Then( ) 10. A. leg B. foot C. ear D. colour四、阅读理解A farmer planted willow trees(柳树) every year and every year they were stolen(偷).So one year he hired(雇) a man to look after the trees, but they were still missing more or less. To his surprise, a child asked for the work. More than ten days passed and no willow tree was missing. “You are very good! How do you guard them?” the farmer asked.“The willows were usually stolen at night, so every evening I pull(拉,拽) them up. Keep them in my own house and plant them back next morning. This way has been very safe.”( )1.Why did the farmer hire a man?A. They could talk at night.B. The willow trees could grow better.C. The willow trees would not be stolen.D. They could live together happily. ( )2.The farmer found that _______.A. The man slept well at night.B. The man didn‟t look after the willows at all.C. The man often walked about in the daytimeD. Some of the trees were still missing.( )3.The child thought _______.A. He was stronger than the man.B. He was younger than the manC. he fits the work..D. he could catch thieves (贼).( )4.The farmer was happy and wanted to know _______.A. where the stolen willow trees wereB. how the child guarded the trees.C. where the child livedD. if the child liked his work( )5.We know that if the farmer went on to hire the child, the willow trees _______.A. would grow wellB. would dieC. would be very tallD. would be missing五、完成句子1.长大后,我想成为一名歌唱家。
I‟m going to be a singer when I _________________ .2.你能打扫卧室吗?___________________ the bedroom ?3.你不可以把猫养在教室里。