平台篇 第十章 HI平台使用




Hi平台入门指南Version:1.0修改历史目录1前言 (5)第1章系统结构 (6)第2章快速上手 (7)2.1举例说明 (7)第3章生成器 (21)3.1生成器环境目录 (21)3.2生成器生成原理 (21)3.3配置配置文件 (23)3.4服务配置文件 (36)3.5生成文件描述 (37)3.6生成器所带来的新规则 (68)第4章支撑系统概述 (97)4.1作用、功能 (101)4.2系统配置文件 (122)第5章持久层 (135)5.1接口 (135)5.2hibernate实现 (141)5.3配置信息 (182)5.4生成的相关内容 (219)第6章业务层 (228)6.1接口 (230)6.2配置信息 (235)6.3生成的相关内容 (239)第7章表现层 (246)7.1接口 (247)7.2Webwork实现 (251)7.3标签 (283)7.4JavaScript JSON定义 (338)第8章通用API (340)8.1树型结构 (340)8.2Java脚本工具 (341)8.3常用工具类 (342)第9章通用应用服务 (342)9.1权限管理 (342)9.2组织结构 (349)9.3枚举管理 (351)9.4任务管理 (351)9.5菜单树型结构的应用与实现 (353)9.6国际化(i18n)应用与实现 (358)第10章开发规范 (359)10.1开发约定 (359)10.2关键字、保留字列表 (359)第11章相关资料附录 (360)11.1C3P0连接池配置描述 (360)11.2Acgei与配置文件相关的类说明 (361)11.3Quartz中Trigger的时间间隔设置 (364)1前言在当今的企业级开发过程中随着开源框架的不断成熟(稳定性与可维护性已不是问题),如何快速提高开发效率,降低开发成本已成为急待解决的问题。







在该监控系统中,想要做到主机的CPU、内存、磁盘、⽹络、线程、JVM内存、JVM GC 等维度的监控,JVM⽅⾯的监控还好说,直接⽤JMX做就⾏了,关键是主机信息不好做监控,JDK没有直接的⽅案获取系统主机信息。




top -b -n 1执⾏该TOP命令就能获取到CPU、内存等维度的信息Tasks: 515 total, 1 running, 511 sleeping, 3 stopped, 0 zombieCpu(s): 14.5%us, 5.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 77.0%id, 0.8%wa, 0.0%hi, 2.4%si, 0.0%stMem: 65779104k total, 62037048k used, 3742056k free, 425804k buffersSwap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 21948492k cached这种⽅式虽然好,但是需要针对不同系统做兼容。




/ CPU数量(单位:个)int cpuLength = sigar.getCpuInfoList().length;print(cpuLength);// CPU的总量(单位:HZ)及CPU的相关信息CpuInfo infos[] = sigar.getCpuInfoList();for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {// 不管是单块CPU还是多CPU都适⽤CpuInfo info = infos[i];print("mhz=" + info.getMhz());// CPU的总量MHzprint("vendor=" + info.getVendor());// 获得CPU的卖主,如:Intelprint("model=" + info.getModel());// 获得CPU的类别,如:Celeronprint("cache size=" + info.getCacheSize());// 缓冲存储器数量}但是,sigar需要根据不同的系统下载不同的库⽂件,倾⼊性较⾼。



平台使用手册2020年7月目录1.文档概述 (1)1.1.编写目的 (1)1.2.浏览器推荐 (1)2.操作说明 (1)2.1.平台注册 (2)2.2.平台登录 (3)2.3.选课——课程中心 (4)2.4.选班——网络班级 (8)2.5.个人中心——学习 (11)2.5.1.我的课程 (11)2.5.2.我的网络班级 (13)2.5.3.课程在线学习 (15)2.5.4.我的证书 (26)2.5.5.调查问卷 (27)2.6.个人中心——动态 (28)2.7.个人中心——消息 (29)2.7.1.通知公告 (29)2.8.个人设置 (30)2.8.1.个人基本信息修改 (30)2.8.2.更换头像 (31)2.8.3.密码修改 (32)1.文档概述1.1.编写目的本手册旨在为国家卫生健康委干部培训中心远程教育培训平台学员提供关于系统的使用说明和注意事项,以使各位学员可以更高效、安全的在平台中进行操作及查询等。







































互动平台使用手册(教师)2008-12目录第一章用户登录 (3)第二章课程首页 (3)2.1我的消息 (4)2.2课程通知 (5)2.3我管理的作业 (6)2.4我的答疑 (6)2.5我的资源 (6)2.6我的课程 (7)2.7我管理的测验 (7)2.8调查问卷 (8)第三章消息管理 (10)3.1收件箱 (11)3.2联系组 (11)3.3联系人 (12)3.4发件箱 (13)第四章课程管理 (14)4.1课程教学 (14)4.1.1通知管理 (15)4.1.2资源管理 (15)4.1.3课程内容 (18)4.1.4课程属性 (20)4.1.5题库管理 (21)4.1.6试卷库管理 (22)4.1.7作业库管理 (23)4.1.8作业管理 (24)4.1.9测验管理 (25)4.1.10课程论坛 (27)4.1.11调查问卷管理 (28)4.1.12教学统计 (28)4.2课程设置 (29)4.2.1课程模板 (29)4.2.2皮肤设置 (29)4.2.3导入课程包 (30)4.2.4课程参数 (31)4.2.5成员管理 (32)4.2.6班次管理 (33)第五章我的笔记 (34)第六章个人信息 (35)第七章用户注销 (35)第一章用户登录教师用户打开浏览器,输入互动平台的访问地址(例如:http://***.***.***.***/course_center/index/),显示互动平台的首页,在首页左上角的登录区,输入正确的用户名和密码,然后点击“登录”按钮,进入课程首页,教师可以在这里修改个人信息。


2.1 我的消息(图3-2:我的消息区)●发送消息在课程首页,教师用户点击“我的消息”区的“发送消息”,即可进入消息的发送界面,选择消息的接收者,填写完信息后点击“提交”按钮,即可发送消息,发送出去的消息,系统会为您在已发信息中保留一份。



海思MPP视频处理平台流程简介海思MPP视频处理平台流程简介hisi芯⽚系统概述⾸先先来了解⼀下海思芯⽚SOC,下图是hi3519A芯⽚设计图 图1 hi3519AV100 芯⽚设计图芯⽚的设计图有助于我们对海思的图像处理有⼀个⼤致的了解,从上图中我们可以看到,芯⽚SOC⾥集成了众多控制芯⽚,⽐如负责深度学习的NNIE硬核,负责图像处理的IVE硬核,视频编解码单元H265/H264Codec,以及图像处理单元ISP等。




图2 海思35xx 系统层次图海思媒体软件处理平台概述海思媒体处理平台的主要内部处理流程如图3所⽰,主要分为 VI-视频输⼊,VPSS-视频处理,VENC-视频编码,VDEC-视频解码,VO-视频输出,AVS-视频拼接等模块 图 3 mpp 内部处理流程图从上图可以看出,可以根据⽤户需求完成多种⽅案实现,⽐如视频输出,视频监控等⽅案。


各个模块之间的关系,⽐如,第⼀条pipeline是:sensor -> VI -> VPSS -> VENC -> 压缩码流或者 sensor -> VI -> VPSS -> VO -> 显⽰屏,这应该是单⽬相机上常⽤的pipeline。



目录第1章软件介绍 (1)1.1软件主要功能 (1)1.2软件功能划分 (2)1.3简易教程 (3)1.4软件注册 (5)第2章项目管理 (8)2.1新建项目 (8)2.1.1坐标系统 (8)2.1.2数据字典 (14)2.1.3导入图层 (16)2.2打开项目 (17)2.3项目信息 (18)2.3.1 坐标系统修改 (19)2.3.2点校验 (19)2.3.3平面坐标系 (21)2.3.4大地坐标系 (22)2.4删除项目 (23)第3章图层管理 (25)3.1图层显示与隐藏 (25)3.2图层设置 (25)3.2.1图层样式 (26)3.2.2 标注样式 (27)3.2.3字段值渲染 (29)3.2.4可见比例尺 (29)3.3图层添加 (30)3.3.1新建图层 (30)3.3.2导入图层 (31)3.3.3新建图层(选择数据字典) (32)3.4图层顺序 (33)3.5删除图层 (34)第4章数据采集 (35)4.1采集主页面 (35)4.2数据采集方式 (38)4.3数据采集操作 (44)4.4数据删除 (46)4.5PPK采集 (46)4.6碎部点采集 (48)第5章草图 (50)5.1点 (50)5.2线 (50)5.3面 (50)5.4注记 (50)第6章数据编辑 (51)6.1移动 (52)6.2插入 (52)6.3删除 (53)第7章放样 (54)7.1设置放样点 (55)7.2放样 (59)7.3导航 (60)8.1图层数据查看 (61)8.2图层数据编辑 (64)8.3条件查询 (64)8.4电子围栏 (66)第9章数据导入导出 (68)9.1数据导入 (68)9.2数据导出 (68)第10章 GPS数据源 (70)10.1GPS数据源 (70)10.2网络差分 (75)10.3卫星视图 (79)10.4静态采集 (81)第11章轨迹 (83)11.1轨迹设置 (83)11.2轨迹查看 (83)11.3轨迹导出 (84)第12章云备份 (85)第13章系统设置 (86)13.1常用 (86)13.1.1单位设置 (86)13.1.2地图设置 (86)13.1.3采集设置 (89)13.1.4放样设置 (91)13.2显示 (92)13.2.1显示设置 (92)13.2.2快捷栏设置 (95)13.3位置 (96)13.3.1GPS数据源 (96)13.3.2网络差分 (96)13.3.3卫星视图 (96)13.3.4GPS设置 (96)13.4其他 (99)13.5注册关于 (100)13.5.1系统注册 (100)13.5.2帮助 (101)13.5.3常见问题 (101)13.5.4关于 (102)第14章多媒体 (103)14.1拍照 (103)14.2录像 (104)14.3录音 (105)第15章工具 (106)15.1坐标系统 (106)15.2数据字典 (109)15.3计算器 (109)15.4夹角计算 (110)15.5单位换算 (110)15.6测距仪 (111)15.7文件浏览 (111)第1章软件介绍1.1软件主要功能Hi-Q系列软件分为两款,分别为基础版Hi-Q软件和高级专业版Hi-Q Pro软件,其中Hi-Q Pro软件为收费软件,它从功能上更丰富,包含Hi-Q软件的全部功能,同时还包含以下功能:●坐标系统修改●点校验●云备份●新建图层●快捷栏设置●设置可见比例尺●条件查询●数据备份、数据恢复●字段筛选●电子围栏●草图●数据字典●量测(捕捉量测)●捕捉放样、AR放样(高级)●坐标转换、参数计算●自定义地图<Mapbox>、OGC地图服务●采集要素<捕捉、平滑、中心、偏距>、碎部点采集、PPK采集、静态采集●编辑要素<插入节点、删除节点、移动节点>●数据导入<dwg、dxf、gpx、kml、mif>●数据导出< shp、csv、txt 、dwg、dxf、kml、mif 、gpx>●轨迹设置、轨迹回放、轨迹导出<shp 、txt、csv、kml、gpx、dxf>1.2软件功能划分Hi-Q与Hi-Q Pro具体功能划分见下表:1.3简易教程简易教程以图片和标注的形式,简单示意了Hi-Q Pro 软件数据采集工作的操作流程。

零视技术 h5s 视频平台 用户手册说明书

零视技术 h5s 视频平台 用户手册说明书

linkingvision(H5STREAM)用户手册Copyright © 零视技术2020 All rights reserved版本记录内容1.0发布说明 (6)1.1版本 2.00 (6)2.0范围 (6)3.0参考链接 (6)4.0常用术语 (7)5.0内容概述 (8)6.0内网直播 (9)6.1视频源支持 (9)6.2运行平台支持 (9)6.3国产CPU支持 (10)6.4直播协议支持 (10)6.5视频加密支持 (10)7.0云直播 (11)8.0软件安装 (12)8.1安装准备 (12)8.2安装 (13)8.3打开管理界面 (16)8.4安装license (17)8.5端口 (18)8.6菜单 (20)9.0配置视频源和设备 (21)9.1文件源配置 (22)9.2RTSP RTMP 源配置 (23)9.3ONVIF 源配置 (24)9.4RTMP推流源配置 (26)9.5海康SDK 设备配置 (26)9.6大华SDK 设备配置 (27)9.7海康ISC平台配置 (28)9.8天地伟业NVR SDK配置 (31)9.9指定协议访问单个视频 (31)10.0视频操作 (34)10.1实时预览 (34)10.2音频对讲 (35)10.3H5STREAM录像搜索回放 (36)10.4H5STREAM抓图搜索预览 (37)10.5设备录像搜索回放归档 (37)10.6高级回放 (38)10.7巡更 (39)10.8报警预览 (39)11.0监控点配置 (41)11.1监控点 (41)12.0视频上传 (43)12.1视频语音对讲 (43)12.2视频上传 (45)13.0GB28181配置 (46)13.1h5s GB28181 设备统一编码配置 (46)13.2h5s GB28181 服务端配置 (46)13.3配置海康NVR/IPC (47)13.4配置大华NVR/IPC (49)13.5配置宇视IPC (50)14.0WebRTC配置 (51)14.1介绍 (51)14.2Cloud云模式配置 (51)14.3转发模式配置 (52)15.0云推流模式配置 (54)15.1云推流内网服务器配置 (54)15.2推流云服务器配置 (54)16.0转码配置 (55)16.1转码支持介绍 (55)16.2默认H.265转H.264配置 default (56)16.3自定义转码配置 (57)17.0视频配置 (60)17.1视频加载图片配置 (60)18.0用户管理 (62)18.1用户密码修改 (62)18.2WEB管理界面全认证默认开启 (62)19.0标准协议 (64)19.1标准协议URL规则 (64)20.0网络配置 (65)20.1HTTPS证书配置 (65)21.0微信支付宝扫码 (66)21.1介绍 (66)21.2扫码播放摄像机视频 (66)1.0发布说明1.1版本2.00更新界面操作.2.0范围文档包含h5stream互联网直播方案的使用场景,安装指南,开发接口定义和使用。

HitbotStudio 黑豹 上位机使用说明书

HitbotStudio 黑豹 上位机使用说明书

7、CHitbotControl.m_get_j2()..................................................................................22 8、CHitbotControl.m_get_r()................................................................................... 22 9、CHitbotControl.m_get_x()................................................................................... 22 10、CHitbotControl.m_get_y().................................................................................22 11、CHitbotControl.m_get_z().................................................................................23 12、CHitbotControl.m_moveJ(pos_number,speed).......................................... 23 13、CHitbotControl.m_moveL(pos_number,speed)..........................................23 14、CHitbotControl.m_postion_move_angle(z, angle1, angle2, angleR, speed, blist)...................................................................................................................24 15、CHitbotControl.m_postion_move_xyz(type, x, y, z, speed, blist)........... 24 16、CHitbotControl.m_read_ioin_state("PortA_GP1")...................................... 24 17、CHitbotControl.m_read_ioout_state("PortA_GP1")................................... 25 18、CHitbotControl.m_single_joint_move(axis, distance, speed)..................25 19、CHitbotControl.m_stoped()............................................................................. 25 20、CHitbotControl.m_tcp_connect("",7788)..................................... 26 21、CHitbotControl.m_tcp_recv()........................................................................... 26 22、CHitbotControl.m_tcp_send("send_data")................................................... 26 23、CHitbotControl.m_udp_connect(30020,"",7799).......................27 24、CHitbotControl.m_udp_recv()......................................................................... 27 25、CHitbotControl.m_udp_send("send_data")................................................. 27 26、CHitbotControl.m_wait_stop().........................................................................28 27、CHitbotControl.m_xyz_move(direction, distance, speed)....................... 28

【H3C技术培训】应用驱动网络_-_H3C SDN平台培训

【H3C技术培训】应用驱动网络_-_H3C SDN平台培训

H3C SDN全虚拟化实验平台
SDN控制器 汇聚交换机
H3C SDN开发培训
Routers 高可靠性
端口UP/DOWN检测 流量采集
拓扑生成 安全审计
日志管理 流量分析
服务节点编排 报文统计 流量汇总
配置管理 软件管理
应用驱动 网络
专业网络应用专业定制化服务,针对用户不同需求,进行定制化的开发,用户 不必运维专门的网络应用软件编程人员,一样可以享受SDN带来的好处 更专业、更高效、更省心
APP APP APP 云平台 上级控制器 管理平台
1台SDN控制器 H3C Virtual Converged Framework 控制器

恶意网站防护 骨干网/广域网流量工程 制定带宽业务保障
H3C VCF 控制器 S5130-HI S5130-HI

映翰通 Device Manager 设备管理云平台快速使用手册说明书

映翰通 Device Manager 设备管理云平台快速使用手册说明书

映翰通Device Manager设备管理云平台快速使用手册资料版本:V3.0—2023目录1. Device Manager是什么.................................................................................... - 1 -2. 注册登录........................................................................................................... - 1 -3. 网关设备接入DM .............................................................................................- 2 -3.1 IR300产品系列........................................................................................- 2 -3.2 IR600产品系列 .......................................................................................- 3 -3.3 IR900产品系列 ...................................................................................... - 4 -3.4 IG500产品系列 .......................................................................................- 5 -3.5 IG900产品系列 ...................................................................................... - 6 -3.6 VG710产品系列......................................................................................- 7 -3.7 DM添加网关 .......................................................................................... - 8 -4 网关管理 ......................................................................................................... - 10 -4.1 基础管理 ............................................................................................... - 10 -4.1.1 信息管理..................................................................................... - 10 -4.1.2 远程web访问 ............................................................................ - 11 -4.1.3 更新配置 .................................................................................... - 12 -4.1.4 升级固件 .................................................................................... - 13 -4.1.5 强制下线 .................................................................................... - 13 -4.2 网关告警监控 ........................................................................................ - 14 -4.3 设备分组管理 ........................................................................................ - 16 -4.4 位置跟踪............................................................................................... - 17 -4.5 网关运行监控 ........................................................................................ - 18 -4.6 操作指令监控 ........................................................................................ - 19 -5 批量更新网关配置 ........................................................................................... - 20 -6 批量升级网关固件 ............................................................................................- 22 -7 边缘计算 ........................................................................................................ - 23 -7.1边缘引擎 ............................................................................................... - 23 -7.2边缘应用............................................................................................... - 24 -7.3网关详情............................................................................................... - 26 -8 系统管理 ........................................................................................................ - 26 -8.1 用户..................................................................................................... - 26 -8.1.1 添加用户.................................................................................... - 26 -8.1.2 删除用户/重置用户密码/锁定用户................................................ - 27 -8.2 网关权限.............................................................................................. - 28 -8.3 切换账号............................................................................................... - 31 -8.4 系统日志.............................................................................................. - 32 -9 运营监控 ........................................................................................................ - 32 -10 附录设备如何联网........................................................................................ - 32 -方式一:拨号上网/SIM卡上网..................................................................... - 33 -方式二:以太网 .......................................................................................... - 34 -方式三:Wi-Fi ........................................................................................... - 38 -1. Device Manager是什么Device Manager(以下简称DM平台)是由映翰通自主研发、自主运营的“新一代”物联网设备管理云平台。



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我最喜欢的电子商务平台英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite E-Commerce PlatformHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 9 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my absolute favorite website for buying things online - it's called Amazon! Amazon is seriously the coolest shopping site ever. Let me explain why I love it so much.First of all, you can find pretty much anything you want on Amazon. Seriously, anything! Want a new video game? Amazon has it. Need a book for school? They've got tons. Looking for a birthday present for your mom? Browse Amazon and you'll definitely find something perfect. It's like the world's biggest mall, but on your computer or phone instead of a huge building.The selection is just mind-blowing. No matter what I'm searching for, Amazon always has a bajillion options to choose from. And not just a couple either - we're talking hundreds or even thousands of choices for whatever product you need. It's amazing! You can compare all the different brands, styles, colors,sizes and prices right there on the site. It makes it super easy to find exactly what you want at the best value.Another awesome thing about Amazon is how fast the shipping is. With an Amazon Prime membership (which my parents have), you can get zillions of items delivered to your house in just two days with free shipping! That's crazy fast. Sometimes I even get things delivered the very next day if I order early enough. It's like having my own personal shopping courier.The Amazon boxes always make me so excited when they arrive. Ripping open that big smile logo is like unwrapping a present every time. And you know what's really cool? Sometimes Amazon will put a cute little plastic doodad or sticker or something in the box too as a freebie surprise! I have a whole collection of them now. Such a fun little bonus.I also love reading the reviews on Amazon before I buy something. They're really helpful for figuring out if a product is good quality or not. You can see how many stars it got, and read what real people liked or didn't like about it. The reviews have definitely stopped me from wasting money on junky toys or games more than once.And let's not forget about Amazon Prime Video! With the Prime membership, you get to watch thousands of movies andTV shows for free as part of the deal. There's always new stuff being added too, like movies that just left theaters. My friends and I are obsessed with some of the Amazon Original shows and movies like The Wheel of Time and My Perfect Pet. We're constantly talking about them at school.Whenever I'm bored, I'll just open the Amazon app or website and start window shopping. I'll fill up my cart with a bunch of cool stuff, then leave it there for later. It's almost as fun as actually buying things! There are so many product pics and videos to look through. Before I know it, an hour has gone by as I'm lost in the Amazon wonderland.The prices on Amazon are usually cheaper than in regular stores too. My parents are always saying how much money they save by ordering household items and supplies from Amazon instead of the grocery store. We get toilet paper, laundry detergent, light bulbs, batteries - you name it - all shipped directly to our doorstep without having to lug it home from the store. The cost savings really add up over time.Honestly, I can't imagine life without Amazon at this point. Any time I need or want something, that's automatically the first place I look. Amazon has seriously made shopping so easy and convenient, not to mention fun! Between the zillion products,fast shipping, customer reviews, bonus videos and shows, and great prices, Amazon really is the complete package.My friends and I are always talking about our latest Amazon purchases and showing them off at school. We'll be like "Oh nice lunchbox!" "Thanks, I got it on Amazon!" Or "Whoa, cool remote control car!" "Amazon Prime, dude!" We're all obsessed. I bet every kid reading this probably feels the same way about Amazon. Am I right or am I right?In my opinion, Amazon is hands-down the #1 best website on the entire internet. Sorry Google and YouTube, but Amazon takes the crown for me! If you've somehow never used Amazon before, trust me, you are seriously missing out. Do yourself a favor and sign up for that Prime membership already. Your life will be changed forever once you experience the amazingness of Amazon!篇2My Favorite E-Commerce PlatformOnline shopping is so much fun! There are so many cool things you can buy with just a few clicks. My favorite place to shop online is a website called GadgetKingdom. It's like amagical kingdom where you can find all sorts of amazing gadgets and gizmos.GadgetKingdom has everything a kid could ever want. They have the latest video games, the coolest toys, and the most high-tech electronics. Every time I visit their website, I feel like a kid in a candy store, except instead of candy, it's filled with awesome gadgets!One of the things I love most about GadgetKingdom is how easy it is to use. The website is super user-friendly, even for kids like me. It's colorful and bright, with big pictures of all the products, so you can see exactly what you're buying. The search bar is really helpful too – you can just type in what you're looking for, and it'll show you all the options.The product descriptions are also really detailed and easy to understand. They explain what each gadget does and how it works, without using too many big words that would confuse a kid like me. And if I ever have any questions, there's a really helpful customer service team that's always happy to answer them.Another great thing about GadgetKingdom is the huge selection of products. They have everything from the latest video game consoles to remote-controlled drones to coding robotsthat teach you how to program. And they're always adding new and exciting products, so there's always something new to discover.One of my favorite sections on the website is the "Recommended for You" section. It's like GadgetKingdom has a special gadget-picking robot that knows exactly what I like. It always suggests the coolest new toys and gadgets that I never even knew existed, but end up loving once I get them.Speaking of getting new gadgets, the delivery process with GadgetKingdom is lightning-fast. Whenever I order something, it arrives at my doorstep in just a couple of days, which feels like an eternity when you're a kid waiting for a new toy. But the wait is always worth it when I rip open that box and see my shiny new gadget inside.And if I ever get bored with a toy or gadget, G篇3My Favorite E-Commerce PlatformHello friends! Today I want to tell you all about my absolute favorite website for buying things online. It's called Amazon and it's just the coolest place ever! I love ordering stuff from Amazonbecause there are so many amazing things to choose from. You can find pretty much anything you want on there.My mom does most of the actual ordering, but I'm always the one who gets to pick out what I want. We'll sit together at the computer and browse through all the toys, games, books, and other fun stuff. Amazon has every kind of toy you can imagine - action figures, dolls, building sets, outdoor toys, you name it! Whenever a new movie or TV show comes out, they always have all the related toys and merchandise too.Last year for my birthday, I really wanted this super cool remote control car that could drive on the walls and ceiling. I just typed "wall climbing rc car" into the Amazon search bar and tons of different options popped up. I looked at all the pictures, watched some video reviews, and then picked the one I liked best. A few days later, it arrived right at our doorstep! I was so excited to open up that big smile box.Not only is Amazon awesome for toys, but you can buy video games, books, movies, clothes, and even groceries on there. My mom gets lots of our snacks and household supplies from Amazon. It's so convenient because the things just magically appear at our house a couple days after she ordersonline. No more hauling giant packs of toilet paper and paper towels back from the store!One of the best parts about Amazon is Amazon Prime. With Prime, you get free two-day shipping on millions of items, plus you can stream tons of movies and TV shows through their video service. My parents pay for the yearly Prime membership, which makes ordering from Amazon super fast and easy. Sometimes things even arrive the very next day with Prime!Another cool thing is Amazon's personal assistant called Alexa. We have one of the Alexa speaker devices in our house. Whenever I want to play music or listen to an audiobook or story, I just ask Alexa out loud and she'll start playing it. You can even ask Alexa random questions like fun facts about animals or what the weather will be like tomorrow. She's kind of like having a robot friend live with you!I even like to leave my own reviews whenever I get something new from Amazon. My parents will help me write it out and pick a star rating. I try to give lots of details about what I liked and didn't like so that other kids can get a good idea about the product before buying it. I always feel so proud when my review gets marked as "helpful" by other Amazon shoppers!One time, there was this big Lego set that I really wanted but some of the reviews said it was pretty difficult to put together, even for adults. I was starting to have second thoughts about getting it. But then my aunt saw that I had added it to my Amazon wishlist, and she surprised me by buying it as an early birthday present! When it arrived, I tore open the box right away and got started building it. The reviews were right that it was challenging, but I still had a blast putting it all together over the course of several days. In the end, I left an enthusiastic 5-star review saying that even though it took some patience, any Lego-lover would adore this huge, intricate set.I could seriously just go on and on, gushing about how much I love Amazon. For kids today, it's such an amazing resource compared to how our parents had to go shopping when they were young. We're so lucky that we can browse a massive online store right from our homes and have our orders shipped out quickly. No more driving all over town or dealing with toys being sold out at the local shops!Whenever I'm bored or need something new to keep me entertained, Amazon is always my first stop. I'll ask Alexa to pull it up and then happily spend hours scrolling through all the awesome stuff they have. Books, toys, arts and crafts, outdoorgames, random gadgets - you name it and Amazon probably sells it. My wishlist is overflowing with all the cool things I keep adding to it.I honestly don't know what I would do without Amazon these days. It's just so easy and fun to explore all the weird and creative products they offer. I love reading the reviews, watching videos about items, and then finally getting that smile box delivered to my door. Amazon brings the magic of shopping right into my house!Maybe I'm just a little kid, but I think Amazon is the greatest thing ever invented. No matter what I'm in the mood for, I can find it with a few taps and clicks. Building robots, plushie stuffed animals, walkie-talkies, science kits, Nerf blasters - you could spend forever on Amazon and still not see everything. That's what makes it so awesome - the selection is endless! If you're a kid who loves toys, books, movies, or anything fun really, trust me when I say Amazon needs to be your new best friend. So what are you waiting for? Log on, start browsing, and get ready for an amazing online adventure!篇4My Favorite E-commerce PlatformHi there! My name is Alex, and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to tell you all about my favorite e-commerce platform, which is Amazon. It's the coolest website ever, and I love shopping on it!I first learned about Amazon when my mom started ordering stuff from there. She would show me the website, and I thought it was so neat how you could find pretty much anything you wanted with just a few clicks. From toys to books to clothes to electronics, Amazon has it all!What I love most about Amazon is how easy it is to use. The website is really user-friendly, even for a kid like me. You just type in what you're looking for, an篇5My Favorite E-Commerce PlatformHi there! My name is Jamie, and I'm a 10-year-old kid who loves shopping online. I know, I know, some adults might think that kids my age shouldn't be spending so much time on the internet, but trust me, online shopping is a lot of fun! Plus, it's super convenient, and you can find pretty much anything you want with just a few clicks.Now, I'm sure you're wondering what my favoritee-commerce platform is. Well, drumroll, please... it's Amazon! I know, it's a pretty obvious choice, but hear me out. Amazon has everything you could ever want, from books and toys to electronics and clothing. And the best part? It's all just a few taps away on my mom's tablet or my dad's laptop.I still remember the first time I discovered Amazon. It was a couple of years ago, and my parents were trying to buy me a new video game for my birthday. They were browsing through different websites, but nothing seemed to have the game they were looking for. That's when my dad suggested checking Amazon. Lo and behold, they had the game, and it was even on sale! From that moment on, I was hooked.One of the things I love most about Amazon is how easy it is to find what you're looking for. You just type in a few keywords, and boom, a whole bunch of options pop up. And if you're not sure what you want, you can always browse through the different categories or check out the recommendations based on your previous purchases.Another thing that's really cool about Amazon is the reviews. Whenever I'm thinking about buying something, I always make sure to read the reviews first. It's like getting advice fromthousands of people who have already bought and used the product. Plus, the reviews are often hilarious, with people sharing funny stories or weird experiences they had with the product.But Amazon isn't just about shopping. It's also a great place to discover new things. For example, I recently got really into reading books about animals and nature. Thanks to Amazon's recommendations, I've been able to find all sorts of fascinating books on the subject that I might not have discovered otherwise.And let's not forget about Amazon Prime Video! Whenever I'm bored or just need a break from homework, I love curling up on the couch and watching one of the many movies or TV shows available on Prime Video. From classic cartoons to brand-new superhero movies, there's always something great to watch.Another thing that bugs me is the occasional long shipping times. Sure, Prime shipping is usually really fast, but sometimes, especially during busy seasons like the holidays, it can take a while for packages to arrive. It would be awesome if Amazon could find a way to make their shipping even faster and more reliable.But despite these minor gripes, I still absolutely love Amazon. It's my go-to place for pretty much any purchase, big or small. Whether I'm looking for a new book to read, a cool toy to playwith, or just a random gadget to satisfy my curiosity, Amazon always seems to have exactly what I'm looking for.So, there you have it, folks – my love letter to Amazon, the e-commerce platform that has stolen my heart (and probably a good chunk of my parents' wallets). Of course, there are plenty of other great online shopping sites out there, but for me, Amazon will always be number one. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even work there and help make it even better!Anyway, that's all from me for now. Happy shopping, everyone, and remember: when in doubt, just add it to your Amazon cart!篇6My Favorite E-Commerce PlatformHi, everyone! My name is Emily, and I'm a 10-year-old girl who loves shopping online. Today, I want to tell you all about my favorite e-commerce platform, which is none other than the amazing Amazonia!Amazonia is like a magical wonderland where you can find just about anything you can imagine. From toys and games to books and electronics, they have it all! Whenever I need a newtoy or a book for school, my parents take me to Amazonia, and it's always such an exciting adventure.One of the things I love most about Amazonia is how easy it is to navigate their website. The layout is so user-friendly, even for a kid like me. With just a few clicks, I can search for whatever I'm looking for, and it's like a treasure hunt trying to find the perfect item.But what really makes Amazonia stand out is their incredible selection. It's like they have a never-ending supply of cool stuff! From the latest video games and action figures to educational books and art supplies, there's always something new and exciting to discover.Another thing that's really neat about Amazonia is their customer reviews. Before my parents buy anything, we always read the reviews to see what other people think about the product. It's like getting advice from a bunch of friends, and it helps us make better decisions.And let's not forget about the lightning-fast shipping! Whenever we place an order, it's like a race against time to see how quickly our package will arrive. Sometimes, it feels like the delivery person is a superhero, zipping through the city to get our goodies to us as fast as possible.But what really sets Amazonia apart is their awesome customer service. One time, my parents ordered the wrong size of shoes for me, and Amazonia made it super easy to return them and get the right size. They even sent a little gift card as an apology, which was really nice of them.Speaking of toys, one of my favorite things to buy on Amazonia is action figures. They have the coolest superhero and movie characters, and I love collecting them all. Whenever a new movie comes out, I can count on Amazonia to have the latest action figures, and it's like adding a new member to myever-growing squad of plastic heroes.But Amazonia isn't just about toys and games。



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汉得企业级 PaaS 平台 HZERO 用户使用手册说明书

汉得企业级 PaaS 平台 HZERO 用户使用手册说明书

上海汉得信息技术股份有限公司企业级PaaS平台HZERO使用指南目录1.文档概述 (3)2.登录 (4)2.1.登录 (4)3.个人中心 (6)3.1.使用HZERO个人中心 (6)3.2.安全设置 (7)3.3.偏好设置 (8)3.4.接收设置 (10)4.工作台 (11)4.1.新增卡片 (11)4.2.删除卡片 (11)4.3.调整卡片位置和大小 (12)5.站内消息 (13)5.1.阅读站内消息 (13)5.2.消息中心 (13)6.角色切换 (15)6.1.切换角色 (15)7.系统管理 (16)7.1.系统配置 (16)7.2.菜单配置 (16)7.3.角色管理 (22)7.4.子账户管理 (27)7.5.LDAP (34)7.6.单据权限管理 (36)7.7.客户端 (50)7.8.数据管理组 (53)8.组织管理 (62)8.1.组织信息 (62)8.2.组织信息同步 (77)8.3.员工定义 (83)8.4.组织架构 (86)9.基础数据管理 (100)9.1.国家定义 (100)9.2.国标品类定义 (107)9.3.币种定义 (114)9.4.日历定义 (119)9.5.期间定义 (123)9.6.汇率定义 (128)9.7.汇率类型定义 (134)9.8.税率定义 (136)9.9.计量单位类型定义 (139)9.10.计量单位定义 (142)9.11.银行定义 (144)10.事务管理 (148)10.1.事务定义 (148)10.2.事务实例 (149)11.服务治理 (153)11.1.服务管理 (153)11.2.服务配置 (155)11.3.服务路由 (157)1.文档概述此文档为汉得企业级PaaS平台HZERO用户使用手册,用于指导用户进行HZERO的使用。



英语作文 呼吁同学们合理使用抖音

英语作文 呼吁同学们合理使用抖音

英语作文呼吁同学们合理使用抖音全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Allure of TikTok and the Need for BalanceHi friends! It's me, your buddy Emily. Today, I want to talk to you about something that's been on my mind lately: TikTok. I'm sure most of you are familiar with this popular app – it's taken the world by storm, and it's hard to find someone who hasn't at least heard of it.TikTok is undoubtedly a lot of fun. It's a platform where we can express ourselves through short videos, dance challenges, and funny skits. It's a place where creativity and individuality are celebrated, and we can connect with people from all over the globe who share our interests.But as much as I love TikTok, I've also noticed that some of us are spending way too much time on it. We're sacrificing important things like schoolwork, family time, and even playtime with our friends, just to scroll endlessly through TikTok videos.I know how addictive it can be. Those videos are designed to keep us hooked, and before we know it, hours have flown by, and we've accomplished nothing else. Believe me, I've been there!But here's the thing, my friends: while TikTok is great for entertainment and self-expression, it shouldn't consume our entire lives. We're kids, and we have so many other important things to focus on.Think about it – how many of us have stayed up way too late at night, glued to our screens, watching one TikTok video after another? And then, the next day, we're exhausted and can't concentrate in class because we're still thinking about that hilarious dance challenge or that adorable animal video.Or what about when we're hanging out with our friends, but instead of actually playing and having fun together, we're all just staring at our phones, mindlessly scrolling through TikTok? That's not really quality time, is it?And let's not forget about our homework and studying. How many times have we put off our assignments or neglected to study for a test because we got sucked into the endless vortex of TikTok?I know it's tempting to think, "Oh, I'll just watch one more video," but we all know how that goes. One video turns into ten, then twenty, and before we know it, we've wasted hours that could have been spent doing something productive or enjoyable in the real world.Now, don't get me wrong – I'm not saying we should completely abandon TikTok. That would be unrealistic and, quite frankly, no fun at all. TikTok can be a great source of entertainment, creativity, and connection when used in moderation.But we need to find a balance. We need to set boundaries for ourselves and make sure that TikTok doesn't take over our lives. Here are a few things we can try:Set a time limit: Decide how much time you're willing to spend on TikTok each day, and stick to it. You could even use apps or parental controls to help you enforce this limit.Schedule TikTok time: Instead of mindlessly scrolling whenever you have a free moment, schedule specific times in your day when you'll allow yourself to use TikTok. Maybe it's for an hour after you've finished your homework or during a designated break time.Do something else first: Before you open TikTok, make a rule that you have to do something productive or enjoyable first. This could be finishing your chores, reading a book, or playing outside with your friends.Keep TikTok out of the bedroom: Make your bedroom a TikTok-free zone. This will help you avoid the temptation to stay up late watching videos and ensure that you get enough sleep.Engage in real-life activities: Remember, there's a whole world out there beyond our screens! Make time for activities that don't involve TikTok, like sports, arts and crafts, or simply playing outdoors with your friends.TikTok can be a great source of entertainment and creativity, but we need to be mindful of how much time and energy we're devoting to it. Let's make a pact, my friends – let's enjoy TikTok in moderation and make sure it doesn't take over our lives.We're kids, and we have so much to explore, learn, and experience beyond the confines of our screens. Let's make the most of our childhood by striking a healthy balance between our online and offline worlds.Who's with me?篇2合理使用抖音,开心成长大家好!我是一名小学生,今天我想和大家谈谈一个我们每个人都喜欢的应用——抖音。



工业互联网平台应用作业指导书第1章工业互联网平台概述 (3)1.1 工业互联网平台的发展历程 (3)1.2 工业互联网平台的核心价值 (4)1.3 工业互联网平台的体系架构 (4)第2章工业互联网平台关键技术 (4)2.1 设备接入技术 (4)2.1.1 设备识别技术 (5)2.1.2 设备连接技术 (5)2.1.3 数据传输技术 (5)2.2 数据处理与分析技术 (5)2.2.1 数据预处理技术 (5)2.2.2 数据存储技术 (5)2.2.3 数据分析技术 (6)2.3 云计算与边缘计算技术 (6)2.3.1 云计算技术 (6)2.3.2 边缘计算技术 (6)2.4 安全与隐私保护技术 (6)2.4.1 安全防护技术 (6)2.4.2 隐私保护技术 (6)2.4.3 安全审计与监控技术 (6)第3章工业互联网平台应用场景 (7)3.1 智能制造 (7)3.1.1 设备状态监测 (7)3.1.2 生产过程优化 (7)3.1.3 产品质量追溯 (7)3.2 网络协同 (7)3.2.1 供应链协同 (7)3.2.2 设计与制造协同 (7)3.2.3 服务协同 (7)3.3 服务优化与创新 (7)3.3.1 业务流程优化 (7)3.3.2 服务模式创新 (7)3.3.3 产品创新 (8)第4章工业互联网平台实施策略 (8)4.1 平台选型与评估 (8)4.1.1 平台选型原则 (8)4.1.2 平台选型流程 (8)4.1.3 平台评估指标 (8)4.2 平台部署与集成 (8)4.2.1 部署模式选择 (9)4.2.2 部署流程 (9)4.3 平台运维与优化 (9)4.3.1 运维管理 (9)4.3.2 功能优化 (9)4.3.3 业务优化 (9)第5章工业互联网平台在制造业的应用 (10)5.1 生产管理与优化 (10)5.1.1 生产过程监控 (10)5.1.2 生产调度与优化 (10)5.1.3 产品质量追溯与控制 (10)5.2 设备维护与健康管理 (10)5.2.1 设备状态监测 (10)5.2.2 预测性维护 (10)5.2.3 设备故障分析与处理 (10)5.3 供应链管理与优化 (10)5.3.1 供应链协同 (10)5.3.2 物流跟踪与优化 (11)5.3.3 供应链风险管理 (11)5.3.4 供应商管理 (11)第6章工业互联网平台在能源行业的应用 (11)6.1 能源监测与优化 (11)6.1.1 监测技术概述 (11)6.1.2 能源优化策略 (11)6.1.3 应用案例 (11)6.2 分布式能源管理 (11)6.2.1 分布式能源概述 (11)6.2.2 分布式能源管理平台构建 (11)6.2.3 应用案例 (12)6.3 智能电网与微电网 (12)6.3.1 智能电网概述 (12)6.3.2 工业互联网平台在智能电网中的应用 (12)6.3.3 微电网管理 (12)6.3.4 应用案例 (12)第7章工业互联网平台在交通运输领域的应用 (12)7.1 智能交通管理 (12)7.1.1 概述 (12)7.1.2 应用场景 (12)7.2 车联网与自动驾驶 (13)7.2.1 概述 (13)7.2.2 应用场景 (13)7.3 物流运输优化 (13)7.3.1 概述 (13)7.3.2 应用场景 (13)第8章工业互联网平台在医疗行业的应用 (13)8.1.1 设备状态实时监控 (13)8.1.2 设备维护与保养 (14)8.1.3 设备功能优化 (14)8.2 医疗资源优化配置 (14)8.2.1 医疗设备资源共享 (14)8.2.2 人力资源优化配置 (14)8.2.3 药品库存管理 (14)8.3 病患远程监护与诊疗 (14)8.3.1 远程监护 (14)8.3.2 远程诊疗 (14)8.3.3 个性化健康管理 (14)8.3.4 病患信息共享 (15)第9章工业互联网平台在农业领域的应用 (15)9.1 智能农业设备管理 (15)9.1.1 设备状态监测 (15)9.1.2 预防性维护 (15)9.1.3 智能调度与优化 (15)9.2 农业环境监测与调控 (15)9.2.1 土壤监测 (15)9.2.2 气象监测 (15)9.2.3 病虫害监测与防治 (15)9.3 农业产业链优化 (15)9.3.1 供应链管理 (15)9.3.2 市场分析与预测 (16)9.3.3 质量追溯与安全管理 (16)9.3.4 金融服务 (16)第10章工业互联网平台未来发展展望 (16)10.1 新一代信息技术在工业互联网平台的应用 (16)10.2 工业互联网平台标准化与规范化 (16)10.3 工业互联网平台生态建设与产业协同 (16)10.4 工业互联网平台在新兴领域的拓展与应用 (16)第1章工业互联网平台概述1.1 工业互联网平台的发展历程工业互联网平台作为新一代信息技术与制造业深度融合的产物,起源于21世纪初。





1. 工作节点:TongHTP在一台物理机器上的一套运行环境,主要由相关的配置文件、核心进程、主题、队列组成,提供基于队列的消息传输服务。

2. 管理节点:提供服务注册、服务发现、对集群中各工作节点的运行状态和负载情况的监控、集中存储集群状态信息、统一管理集群工作节点配置、集群队列负载均衡以及连接安全、日志和本地核心进程监控。

3. 开发接口:TongHTP提供的一组强大的API包,应用开发人员使用它能够轻松完成消息的传递和系统的维护管理。

4. Web控制台:对运行环境进行配置和监控管理,对所有TongHTP 节点提供集中式的远程管理。




它的主要特点包括以下几点:1. 可靠性:Tonghtp协议使用TCP作为传输层协议,因此具有较高的可靠性。


2. 简单性:Tonghtp协议的设计目标是简单易用,它采用了简单的文本格式进行数据传输,使得协议易于理解和实现。

3. 高效性:Tonghtp协议采用了高效的数据传输机制,能够快速地传输大量数据。


4. 可扩展性:Tonghtp协议具有良好的可扩展性,能够适应不同的应用场景和需求。


5. 跨平台性:Tonghtp协议可以在不同的操作系统和平台上运行,具有良好的跨平台性。


















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Web of Science 数据平台也具有文献分析的功能,本文不做讨论,相关文章网上有很多,本文仅对网上很多网友提出的Web of Science登陆不了,下载不了的问题做讨论,目的是让大家能够顺利地将文献记录下载下来供Hiscite分析。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

第10章HI平台使用10.1 开发环境介绍J-HI平台集成开发环境是基于Eclipse插件体系开发,在完全满足Java的集成开发环境的基础上,适应J-HI平台应用开发的一套插件集合。

10.1.1 Eclipse插件介绍对于Eclipse插件架构,一个很好的比喻是Web浏览器,它也有插件,Eclipse插件和浏览器相似,都是要解决扩展性问题。

就Web浏览器而言,如果用户想既能浏览多媒体动画,又想浏览PDF文件,那么用户就需要两个不同的插件,才能保证两种内容都能在Web 浏览器中显示。







功能可以通过以下形式提供:代码库(带有公用API 的Java 类)、平台扩展,甚至是文档。

Eclipse SDK(Software Developer Kit)包括基本平台及对插件开发特别有用的两个主要工具,Java开发工具(JDT)和插件开发者环境(PDE)。

Java开发工具实现了完整的Java 开发环境,插件开发者环境(PDE)添加了专门的工具以使插件和扩展的开发能够顺利进行,如图所示。

图1-1 Eclipse SDK插件结构J-HI Studio就是基于Eclipse平台的一套插件集合,它保留了原有的Java开发功能,还实现了J-HI平台的特有的特性。

10.1.2 集成开发环境安装J-HI集成开发环境是完全绿色安装,默认情况下它是一个all-in-one的压缩包,用户只需要解压缩安装文件到磁盘的对应文件夹下,即可马上使用平台进行应用开发,解压缩后目录结构如图所示:图安装目录目录结构描述:Eclipse目录: 包含J-HI集成开发环境对应的Eclipse插件及J-HI平台插件,用户只需运行eclipse目录下的eclipse.exe文件即可运行J-HI集成开发环境。




说明:用户可以在HI平台论坛,也可以在/svn/java-hi/trunk网站下载studio安装环境10.1.3 开发环境介绍J-HI集成开发环境是基于eclipse平台开发的,用户要使用好J-HI集成开发环境,还需要对eclipse的操作有一定的了解。


在JavaEE WEB工程的基础上,实现了J-HI平台开发环境的搭建,如下图所示。



10.1.4 编辑器通过HI平台集成开发环境,用户能够可视化创建平台的业务对象模型。



10.1.5 工程设置HI平台工程有两个显示的视图,一个为HI项目视图,它负责创建、编辑HI工程,一个为Java的包资源管理器,通过它能够修改平台生成的代码,如下图所示。





说明:HI Studio在创建工程时会自动设置一套默认的生成项配置,通常情况下,用户不需要进行调整10.2 J-HI快速入门先通一个快速入门,让用户体验一下如何搭建HI平台的开发环境。

10.2.1 报销单需求描述为了让用户能够通过快速入门快速的了解J-HI平台的开发方式,在此设计了一个报销单的例子,这个报销单数据库表为主子表结构,如下表所示:报销单需要完成如下的功能:●报销单的录入●报销明细的录入●据销明细附件的上传●报销人员的带回通过J-HI Studio能够快速搭建起J-HI平台的开发环境,并通过可视化的方式编辑报销单模型,并生成报销单的功能代码。


J-HI Studio是基于Eclipse上的一套插件,操作非常容易。


说明:通常可以把Eclipse\workspace作为用户的工作空间,可以避免HI Studio的工作空间和其它Eclipse的工作空间冲突。


















说明:服务中的数据在同一个工程中也不能够重复,默认情况下HI Studio会自动创建一个数据项,通常用户不用修改。





10.2.6生成代码通过服务能够生成服务及服务下实体对应的代码,选择服务右键菜单,如下图所示:图生成代码在弹出对话框中,全部勾选上,生成包括:相关表结构,生成hibernate配置文件、SPRING 配置、WEBWORK配置及JSP页面等,生成代码对话框如下图所示。






说明:Hi平台服务器配置使用的是eclipse的服务器配置方式,如果用户使用过eclipse 中JavaEE版本做过开发,应该了解相关配置。




10.3服务及实体编辑上一节已经介绍了使用HI Studio开发一个用例的过程,接下来需要详细介绍开发一个服务的过程。



