2002Modification of the Acidic Properties of NaY Zeolite by H2S Adsorption—An Infrared Study
园 艺 学 报 2008,35(6):917-925Acta Horticulturae Sinica矮牵牛M AD S2box基因郭余龙3(西南大学园艺园林学院,重庆400715)摘 要:综述了近年来研究观赏植物矮牵牛MADS2box基因的文献,重点介绍矮牵牛的研究对深入认识该家族基因在植物发育中的作用所做出的重要贡献,及其所揭示的基因功能的保守性和多样性。
对Gen2 Bank中登录的矮牵牛MADS2box基因进行了系统发育分析。
关键词:矮牵牛;MADS2box基因;花发育中图分类号:S68116 文献标识号:A 文章编号:05132353X(2008)0620917209Petun i a M AD S2box Gene Fam ilyG UO Yu2l ong3(Horticulture and L andscape A rchitecture College,Southw est U niversity,Chongqing400715,China)Abstract:MADS2box genes p lay p ivotal r oles in fl ower devel opment.This paper revie ws the p r ogress of petunia MADS2box gene research,and put s pecial e mphasis on the contributi ons of petunia research t o our knowledge about the r oles of p lantMADS2box fa m ily genes in p lant devel opment,and the functi onal conserva2 ti on and diversity ofMADS2box genes in angi os per m s.W e als o reconstruct a phyl ogenetic tree of petunia and other selected MADS2box genes repositted in GenBank and discuss the p r oble m s in the petunia MADS2box gene research.Key words:petunia;MADS2box gene;fl ower devel opmentMADS2box基因编码的蛋白都具有一个与DNA结合的结构域———MADS域(MADS源于最初发现的几个家族成员MC M12AG2DEF2SRF的首字母缩写),它是重要的转录调控因子,广泛存在于动物、植物和真菌中,在发育调控和信号传导等生命活动中发挥重要作用。
Semi-quantitati v e analysis of indigo by surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (SERRS)using sil v er colloidsI.T.Shadi,B.Z.Chowdhry,M.J.Snowden,R.Withnall *Vibrational Spectroscopy Centre,School of Chemical and Life Sciences,Uni v ersity of Greenwich,Pembroke,Chatham Maritime CampusChatham,Kent ME44TB,UKRecei v ed 13June 2002;accepted 2September 2002AbstractIn this paper we report for the first time semi-quantitati v e analysis of indigo using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)and surface enhance resonance Raman spectroscopy (SERRS).Indigo,a dye widely used today in the textile industry,has been used,historically,both as a dye and as a pigment;the latter in both paintings and in printed material.The molecule is uncharged and largely insoluble in most sol v ents.The application of SERS/SERRS to the semi-quantitati v e analysis of indigo has been examined using aggregated citrate-reduced sil v er colloids with appropriate modifications to experimental protocols to both obtain and maximise SERRS signal intensities.Good linear correlations are obser v ed for the dependence of the intensities of the SERRS band at 1151cm (1using laser exciting wa v elengths of 514.5nm (R 00.9985)and 632.8nm (R 00.9963)on the indigo concentration o v er the range 10(7Á10(5and 10(8Á10(5mol dm (3,respecti v ely.Band intensities were normalised against an internal standard (sil v er sol band at 243cm (1).Resonance Raman spectra (RRS)of aqueous solutions of indigo could not be collected because of its low solubility and the presence of strong fluorescence.It was,howe v er,possible to obtain RS and RRS spectra of the solid at each laser excitation wa v elength.The limits of detection (L.O.D.)of indigo by SERS and SERRS using 514.5and 632.8nm were 9ppm at both exciting wa v elengths.Signal enhancement by SERS and SERRS was highly pH dependent due to the formation of singly protonated and possibly doubly protonated forms of the molecule at acidic pH.The SERS and SERRS data pro v ide e v idence to suggest that an excess of monolayer co v erage of the dye at the surface of sil v er colloids is obser v ed at concentrations greater than 7.85)10(6mol dm (3for each exciting wa v elength.The data reported herein also strongly suggest the presence of multiple species of the indigo molecule.#2003Else v ier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Indigo;Colloids;Sil v er sol;Surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (SERRS);Resonance Raman spectroscopy (RRS);Semi-quantitati v e analysis;Internal standard1.IntroductionIndigo,a dye widely used today in the textile industry [1],is also of archaeological and historical importance [2]ha v ing been used as a dye and a pigment,the latter in both paintings and printed*Corresponding author.Tel.:'44-208-331-8691;fax:'44-208-331-9983.E-mail address:r.withnall@ (R.Withnall).Spectrochimica Acta Part A 59(2003)2213Á2220www.else v /locate/saa1386-1425/03/$-see front matter #2003Else v ier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S1386-1425(03)00065-9material.A v ailable e v idence suggests the use of the dye pre-dates the Christian era by at least4000 years[3,4].The molecule is uncharged and rela-ti v ely insoluble in most sol v ents.To our knowl-edge a surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)/surface enhanced resonance Raman spec-troscopy(SERRS)in v estigation of this molecule using sil v er colloids has not been reported in the literature.Howe v er,analytical in v estigations of this molecule ha v e largely been carried out using HPLC,resonance Raman scattering(RRS)[2]and FT Raman[5],the last two techniques ha v ing been applied to solid material.In this study SERS and SERRS of indigo ha v e been obtained by adding methanolic solutions to aqueous sil v er sols.Spec-tra were obtained through modification of a pre v iously used experimental protocol and the SERS/SERRS signal output optimised.SERRS signal enhancement arises from a com-bination of signal intensification,v ia RRS and surface enhanced Raman scattering mechanisms, which can increase the efficiency of the Raman scattering process by10-fold[10]or greater[6]. For maximum sensiti v ity,SERRS requires con-trolled aggregation of the colloidal sol used[7]. Surface enhancement of the Raman signals is dependent on the size of the colloidal particles as well as the exciting wa v elength employed.This is because the surface plasmon absorption bands of metals such as sil v er and gold show wa v elength dependent shifts with metal particle size,and surface enhancement is achie v ed by choosing the Raman exciting wa v elength to coincide with the plasmon band[8].Spectra were subsequently collected using a LabRam spectrometer,equipped with argon ion and heliumÁneon lasers which pro v ided exciting radiation of wa v elengths equal to514.5and632.8 nm,respecti v ely.The exciting wa v elength of632.8 nm lies within the electronic absorption band of solutions of indigo in methanol which peaks at611 nm,con v ersely the exciting wa v elength of514.5 nm lies in the short wa v elength wing.SERRS has been shown to ha v e significant potential for the quantitati v e determination of analytes,e.g.SERRS studies,using citrate reduced and borohydride reduced sil v er sols,in an in v es-tigation of alcian blue8GX,re v ealed different properties for each sol.Furthermore,it was demonstrated that it was possible to combine the linear regions obser v ed in SERRS with that of RRS(upon normalisation against an internal standard)extending the quantifiable linear con-centration range[9].SERRS has also been applied to a study of the detection and identification of specific sequences of labelled DNA suggesting a potential approach towards detecting specific sequences of DNA,which could ultimately replace the need to amplify DNA using polymerase chain reaction(PCR)procedures[10].Vibrational spec-tra of LH2complex isolated from two photosyn-thetic bacteria were obtained using SERRS[11]. Metallation kinetics of a free base porphyrin, where the SERRS sil v er colloid system has been employed as a probe,has been reported for the in v estigation of porphyrinÁnucleic acids interac-tion[12].The SERRS technique has also been applied successfully to measure Raman spectra from an oxygenic photosynthetic pigmentÁprotein complex by excitation within the Q(y)transition [13].and SERRS spectra of porphyrin and metal-loporphyrin species in systems ha v e been obtained using sil v er nanoparticles modified by anionic organosulfur spacers[14].These examples illus-trate some of the di v erse applications of the SERRS technique.The in v estigation reported herein was under-taken with the specific aim of de v eloping appro-priate experimental protocols for optimization of signal intensities,with subsequent determination and comparison of the extent of the linearity of the signal dependence on concentration and the limits of detection(L.O.D.)for the semi-quantitati v e analysis of indigo by SERS and SERRS.2.Experimental2.1.ReagentsIndigo(Aldrich),poly(L-lysine)hydrobromide M r4000Á15000(Sigma),sil v er nitrate(BDH), methanol(Fisher),tri-sodium citrate(Fisher), ascorbic acid(Fisher),sodium hydroxide(Fisher) and hydrochloric acid(Fisher)were of analytical grade.The dye was used without further purifica-I.T.Shadi et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A59(2003)2213Á2220 2214tion.Double de-ionised water was used for all experiments.2.2.InstrumentationSERS/SERRS and RS spectra were obtained using a Labram Raman spectrometer(Instruments S.A.,Ltd.)equipped with an1800g mm(1 holographic grating,a holographic super-notch filter(Kaiser),an Olympus BX40microscope,and a Peltier-cooled CCD(MPP1chip)detector.A heliumÁneon laser and an argon ion laser pro v ided 632.8and514.5nm exciting radiation,respecti v ely which was attenuated by a10%neutral density filter,resulting in a laser power of0.8mW at the static sol.All SERS/SERRS and RRS spectra were collected by using a1808back-scattering geome-try.An Olympus microscope objecti v e,ha v ing a magnification of)10and a numerical aperture of 0.25,was used both to focus the incident laser light and to collect the back-scattered Raman light.2.3.Colloid preparationA sil v er colloid was prepared according to a modified LeeÁMeisel procedure[7,15].All glass-ware was acid washed with aqua regia[HNO3ÁHCl(1:3,v/v)]followed by gentle scrubbing with a soap solution.Sil v er nitrate(90mg)was suspended in500ml of de-ionised water at458C and rapidly heated to boiling before a1%solution of tri-sodium citrate(10ml)was added under v igorous stirring.The solution was held at boiling for90min with continuous stirring upon cooling; the v olume was made up to500ml with de-ionised water.The quality of the resulting colloid was checked by determining the wa v elength of the absorption maximum in the v isible region on a PerkinÁElmer Lambda-2UVÁVis spectrometer. Good quality sil v er colloids for SERS apparently ha v e an absorption maximum at approximately 404nm and full width half height(FWHH)ofB 60nm[6].The nature of the LeeÁMeisel colloid [15,16],often used for SERS,has been examined using v isible absorption,photon correlation and NMR spectroscopic techniques which confirm that the surface of the sil v er particles are co v ered with a layer of citrate with pendent negati v ely charged groups.Howe v er,the subsequent addition of poly(L-lysine)again coats the surface resulting in pendent positi v ely charged groups on the colloidal surface[17].2.4.Indigo solutionsFor SERS/SERRS in v estigation solutions,ha v-ing a final indigo concentration in the range of 10(8Á10(5mol dm(3were prepared in methanol. For RRS in v estigation,a10(5mol dm(3dye concentration(maximum solubility)was used. Samples were always made up fresh,immediately before analysis was carried out.The suppliers of the indigo(structure shown in Fig.1)confirm it has a purity of95%.2.5.RS of solidFor RRS in v estigation of the solid the dye was used,directly from the suppliers bottle without further purification.2.6.Sample preparationAggregation of the sil v er colloid particles was induced by poly(L-lysine).One hundred and fifty microlitres of a0.01%aqueous solution of poly(L-lysine)was added to1ml of sil v er colloid which had been diluted with1ml of de-ionised water, followed by150m l of the methanolic indigo solution and35m l of a1mol dm(3aqueous solution of ascorbic acid.In subsequent experi-ments poly(L-lysine)was not used.Instead aggre-gation of the sol was induced with35m l of1mol dm(3HCl before adding150m l of the methanolic indigosolution.Fig.1.Schematic structure of indigo.I.T.Shadi et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A59(2003)2213Á222022152.7.ReproducibilitySERRS spectra were collected approximately5 min after mixing the indigo solution with the sil v er sol.2.8.Concentration dependence of indigo (normalization)The concentration dependence of indigo was determined by plotting the log intensity of the 514.5and632.8nm excited SERRS bands at582, 986and1151cm(1of indigo v s log indigo concentration.The same bands were normalized against the internal standard(sil v er sol band at 243cm(1).The intensities of the Raman bands were measured as the peak area after baseline correction.2.9.SERRS pH dependenceA pH profile of a10(5mol dm(3indigo dye concentration was obtained o v er the pH range of 0.5Á6.5using an exciting wa v elength of514.5nm.2.10.Packing effects at colloidal surface Packing effects at the colloidal surface were determined by plotting wa v enumber shifts for the band at1717cm(1v s log dye concentration.3.Results and discussion3.1.SERRSThe theory of SERS enhancement of analytes is well known[8,10,16].In the current study it was found that aggregation of the colloidal particles, using poly(L-lysine),pre v ented collection of SERS/ SERRS spectra.In a subsequent series of experi-ments a modified protocol was applied in which poly(L-lysine)was not used.It was also apparent that adsorption of indigo molecules to sil v er colloids was highly pH dependent.We were able to further optimise signals in a subsequent set of experiments by substituting ascorbic acid with1 mol dm(3HCl.Aggregation of the sol was induced by addition of35m l of1mol dm(3HCl to the diluted sol to which150m l of the aqueous dye was added.SERS/SERRS pH profiles were obtained for each exciting wa v elength and opti-mum signal intensification for this molecule was found to be at approximately pH1.75.SERS spectra of the aqueous dye solutions using 514.5nm excitation(Fig.2a)show strong SERS bands at242,582,986,1151,1366,1624and1717 cm(1.For SERRS in v estigations using632.8nm Fig.2.(a)Representati v e514.5nm excited SERS spectra of indigo in the signal v s concentration range examined.Concen-trations of the dye,from top to bottom are:7.85)10(5, 3.95)10(5, 1.98)10(5,7.85)10(6, 3.95)10(6, 1.98) 10(6,7.85)10(7and3.95)10(7mol dm(3.SERS v ibra-tional bands used for analysis are indicated by solid arrows, dashed arrow represents the sil v er sol band used as internal standard.(b)Log concentration dye v s log signal intensity (peak area)o v er the concentration range examined for the bands at582j(I),986m(II)and1151cm(1'(III).(c) Bands at582j(I)and986m(II)and1151cm(1'(III) normalised against the sil v er sol band at242cm(1.I.T.Shadi et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A59(2003)2213Á2220 2216excitation (Fig.3a)strong bands were obser v ed at 243,583,806,988,1151,1238,1323,1464,1626and 1717cm (1.It is worth noting that the same bands were obser v ed for each exciting wa v elength with two exceptions,the profile of both the spectra and the relati v e intensities of bands for each exciting wa v elength differed significantly (Fig.2a and Fig.3a).3.2.Linear regionsFor each exciting wa v elength fluorescence was completely quenched with good linear correlations [(R 00.9985and 0.9963)]pro v iding L.O.D.s of 9ppm using the band at 1151cm (1for the dye concentrations of 3.95)10(7and 1.98)10(7mol dm (3using 514.5and 632.8nm exciting wa v elengths,respecti v ely.A linear concentration range of 3orders of magnitude was obtained for each exciting wa v elength (Fig.2b and Fig.3c).This v alue reflects the plots that pro v ided the best linear correlations.It was obser v ed that there was no marked impro v ement in linear correlations for 514.5nm excited bands,upon normalisation using the 243cm (1sil v er sol band as internal standard.The re v erse is true for 632.8nm excited bands,where a significant impro v ement to linear correla-tions was obser v ed for all bands examined upon normalisation (see Table 1).This appears to be due to the resonance effect obser v ed in 632.8nm excited SERRS spectra.3.3.General profileIn pre v ious studies [9]of dyes it has been obser v ed that the highest concentration of dye gi v es a comparati v ely low Raman intensity signal (due to the surface of the colloidal sil v er particles being in excess of a full monolayer co v erage).When compared to subsequent samples of lower concentration,where Raman intensities increase and peak,thereafter signal intensities decrease as a function of concentration down to the L.O.D.;this region shows a linear dependence of the SERS/SERRS signal with concentration.Indigo does not follow this profile most probably due to its low solubility.Spectra appear to be obtained as a direct consequence of protonation of the dye and subsequent adsorption directly to the colloidal sil v er surface resulting in what appears to be monolayer co v erage.The phenomenon of self-absorption of scattered radiation is not obser v ed for the dye concentrations used in this study,instead,it appears spectra for the highest concen-tration of indigo examined (maximum solubility)are obtained in what would be considered the upper linear region of a SERRSconcentrationFig.3.(a)Representati v e 632.8nm excited SERRS spectra of indigo in the signal v s concentration range examined.Concen-trations of dye from top to bottom are:7.85)10(5,3.95)10(5, 1.98)10(5,7.85)10(6, 3.95)10(6, 1.98)10(6,7.85)10(7,3.95)10(7and 1.98)10(7mol dm (3.SERRS v ibrational bands used for analysis are indicated by solid arrows,dashed arrow represents the sil v er sol band used as internal standard.(b)Log concentration of dye v s log signal intensity (peak area)o v er the concentration range examined for the bands at 583j (I)and 986m (II)and 1151cm (1'(III).(c)Bands at 583j (I),986m (II)and 1151cm (1'(III)normalised against the sil v er sol band at 242cm (1.I.T.Shadi et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A 59(2003)2213Á22202217study (profile)as obser v ed with other dyes.For 514.5and 632.8nm exciting wa v elengths max-imum signals were obser v ed for a dye concentra-tion of 7.85)10(5mol dm (3(Fig.2b and Fig.3b),thereafter,band intensities decreased as a function of concentration,and linearity for the signal dependence on dye concentration is ob-ser v ed down to 3.95)10(7and 1.98)10(7mol dm (3for each exciting wa v elength,respecti v ely.3.4.Packing effectsThe data (Fig.2b and c,Fig.3b and c)appear to suggest a monolayer co v erage of the dye on the colloidal surfaces.Howe v er,closer examination of the wa v enumber shifts for the v ibrational band at 1717cm (1(due to C ÄO)as a function of log dye concentration seems to suggest that an excess of monolayer co v erage is in fact obser v ed in the concentration range 10(6Á10(5mol dm (3(Fig.4c)for each exciting wa v elength.3.5.Solution RRSThe low solubility of the dye,in methanol,together with strong fluorescence did not re v eal dye bands (only methanol bands were obser v ed)using 514.5(Fig.4a (II))and 632.8nm (not shown)excitation.3.6.RRS of solidGood spectra were obtained for each exciting wa v elength.The spectrum obtained using 514.5nm excitation is shown in Fig.4a (I).3.7.SERRS pH dependencepH profiles were obtained,using a dye concen-tration of 10(4mol dm (3,for each exciting wa v elength re v ealing an optimum pH at approxi-mately 1.75(the pH profile obtained using 514.5nm excitation is shown in Fig.4b).3.8.Identification of multiple species of the dye Spectra collected across the pH range examined (0.5Á6.5)strongly suggest the presence of twoT a b l e 1P a r a m e t e r s o b t a i n e d f r o m m u l t i l i n e a r r e g r e s s i o n f o r a n a l y s i s o f i n d i g oT e c h n i q u e (n m )B a n d (c m (1)S l o p e I n t e r c e p tC o r r e l a t i o n c o e f f i c i e n tC o n c e n t r a t i o n r a n g e (m o l d m (3)R .S .D .(9)L .O .D a (p p m )O r d e r s o f M a g n i t u d e bS E R S 514.55820.475.370.991810(7Á10(50.053193S E R S 514.5c5820.600.210.990510(7Á10(50.073833S E R S 514.59861.278.570.980010(6Á10(50.1808112S E R S 514.5c9861.483.780.984010(6Á10(50.1760152S E R S 514.511510.535.760.998510(7Á10(50.025693S E R S 514.5c11510.660.580.993210(7Á10(50.067663S E R R S 632.85830.888.820.992010(7Á10(50.1108103S E R R S 632.8c5830.863.200.9956710(7Á10(50.077673S E R R S 632.89860.979.030.973010(6Á10(50.1560172S E R R S 632.8c9860.923.330.982410(6Á10(50.1196102S E R R S 632.811510.446.540.980610(7Á10(50.0844133S E R R S 632.8c 11510.430.970.996310(7Á10(50.035793aT h r e e t i m e s s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n o f i n t e r c e p t /s l o p e .bF o r l i n e a r r e g i o n s .cN o r m a l i s e d a g a i n s t t h e v i b r a t i o n a l b a n d a t 243c m (1.I.T.Shadi et al./Spectrochimica Acta Part A 59(2003)2213Á22202218forms of the same dye.It was apparent that the ratios of se v eral bands differed significantly,as a function of pH.This was further substantiated on closer examination of the dye bands in spectra from the SERS/SERRS concentration study where it was clear that the intensities of se v eral bands decreased at a faster rate than other bands.Further e v idence for this can be seen when the slopes using 514.5and 632.8nm exciting wa v e-lengths are compared for the v ibrational bands at 582and 984cm (1(see Table 1and Fig.2c and Fig.3c).4.ConclusionIn this study it has been shown that SERS/SERRS o v ercomes the difficulties associated with obtaining RRS spectra of aqueous solutions of indigo for semi-quantitati v e analysis.Both 514.5and 632.8nm exciting wa v elengths re v ealed simi-lar quantifiable linear concentration ranges of 3orders of magnitude in the concentration range 10(8Á10(5mol dm (3.In this study it was possible to normalise dye bands against an internal standard,resulting in significant enhancement of RSD fits for 632.8nm excited SERRS spectra but made little difference to 514.5nm excited SERS spectra.The molecule was shown to be highly pH sensiti v e,the data re v ealing the presence of pro-tonated forms of the molecule.AcknowledgementsR.W.and B.Z.C.wish to acknowledge the EPSRC (ref.GR/L85176)and Instruments S.A.,Ltd.for jointly funding the purchase of the Labram Raman Spectrometer.References[1]H.A.Lubs,The chemistry of synthetic dyes and pigments,A.C.S.Monograph Series,Malabar (1955).[2]R.Withnall,A.Derbyshire,S.Thiel,M.J.Hughes,Proc.SPIE 4098(2000)217.[3]M.R.Fox,J.H.Pierce,Textile Chemist Colorist 22(1990)13.[4]A.S.Tra v is,Textile Chemist Colorist 22(1990)18.[5]E.Tatsch,B.Schrader,J.Raman Spectrosc.26(1995)467Á473.[6]C.Rodger,V.Rutherford,P.C.White,W.E.Smith,J.Raman Spectrosc.29(1998)601.[7]C.Rodger,W.E.Smith,G.Dent,M.Edmondson,J.Chem.Soc.,Dalton Trans.5(1996)791.[8]J.A.Creighton,C.G.Blatchford,M.G.Albrecht,J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans.75(2)(1979)790Á798.[9]I.T.Shadi,B.Z.Chowdhry,M.J.Snowden,R.Withnall,Appl.Spectrosc.54(2000)384Á389.[10]D.Graham,B.J.Mallinder,W.E.Smith,Biopolymers 57(2000)85Á91.[11]G.Chumano v 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#综述#白念珠菌毒力因子的研究进展陈雪蓉¹(综述) 肖敦振º(审校)华中科技大学同济医学院计划生育研究所(湖北 武汉) 430030中国图书分类号 R51913 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1001-4411(2007)32-4631-03¹在读硕士研究生º通讯作者白念珠菌是一种重要的条件致病性真菌,它寄居在人体不同的解剖部位,包括皮肤、口腔、胃肠道、阴道等。
1 粘附(adhes i on)粘附素家族能促进白念珠菌粘附于宿主细胞。
目前研究较多的白念珠菌粘附素多肽包括凝集素样序列1(agg l u tini n -li ke sequence ,A l s1)、凝集素样粘附素1(agg l uti n i n-li ke ad -hesi on 1,A l a1)、菌丝细胞壁蛋白1(hypha l wa ll pro te i n 1,Hw p1)、整合素基因1(i ntegr i n 1,Int1p)、甘露糖基转移酶基因(m annosy ltransferase ,M nt1p)和Pm t1p ,后两者是甘露糖基转移酶并可能通过它们在甘露聚糖合成中的作用促进粘附。
A ls 家族基因广泛存在于各种白念珠菌中,而且它们具有相同的结构特征。
从结构分析,A ls 家族编码的都是细胞壁表面的蛋白质。
A ls 家族有分泌型蛋白的典型特征并且有疏水的羧基末端,这提示了它是糖磷酯酰肌醇制动器。
H oyer 的实验室分离出第一个A ls 基因,并陆续鉴定了这一家族的其它蛋白112。
已经证明SC5314的A ls1p 能增强酿酒酵母粘附于上皮细胞的能力,它们的表达有利于白念珠菌粘附于宿主122。
高能所2002年发表的专著及在学术刊物上公开发表的论文附录3.发表论文目录141附录3.高能所2002年发表的专着及在学术刊物上公开发表的论文作者(以原序发表干U物名称序号专着或论文题目单位排列)卷号(年)页lFirstMeasurementofthe实验物理J.Z.Baieta1.Phys.Rev. BranchingFractionoftheDecay中心BESCollab.D65(2002)052004v/(2s,Z-+一2MeasurementoftheCrOSSSection实验物理J.Z.Baieta1.Phys.Rev.Lett.f0ree一hadronsat中心BESCollab.88(2002)101802Center-of-massEnergiesfrom2to5GeV3AMeasurementof(2)实验物理J.Z.Baicta1.Phys.Lett.中心BESCollab.B550(2002)24?32ResonanceParamcters4/.3(z7/"一)分支比实验物理BES合作组高能物理与核物理中心26(2002)8?16的测定5Decaysofthe/to∑..实验物理BES合作组高能物理与核物理FinalState中心26(2002)93?996中性和带电D介子单举半轻子实验物理BES合作组高能物理与核物理(电子)衰变分支比的测量中心26(2002)547?5567D和D.介子的遍举实验物理BES合作组高能物理与核物理分支比上限的测定中心26(2002)1093?11028北京谱仪II中性径迹测量误差的实验物理王君等高能物理与核物理确定中心26(2002)116-1219用联合D.和D单双标记测定实验物理荣刚等高能物理与核物理分支比的方法中心26(2002)207-215l0TEX0N0低能中微子实验中的实验物理李金等高能物理与核物理CsI(T1)晶体探测器中心26(2002)393-401l1TELESIS在3y衰变末态实验物理许国发等高能物理与核物理分析中的应用中心26(2002)462?470l2TEX0N0中微子实验屏蔽效果实验物理陈栋梁等高能物理与核物理的MonteCarlo研究中心26(2002)626?631l3在BEPCII/BESIII上寻找r/和实验物理李刚等高能物理与核物理中心26(2002)645-651态的MonteCar1o研究l4EnergyCalibrationofCsI(TI)实验物理岳骞等高能物理与核物理CrystalforQuenchingFactor中心26(2002)728?734 MeasurementinDarkMatterSearchl5最优化的北京谱仪取数时间实验物理苑长征等高能物理与核物理中心26(2002)759?765l42中国科学院高能物理研究所2002年《年报》豁幸●}案}謦謦沓尊l_专蓝l霉1'奄譬,鼍善童警{孳鼍上{点《l,作者(以原序发表刊物名称序号专着或论文题目单位排列)卷号(年)页l6MeasurementofQuenchingFactor实验物理岳骞等高能物理与核物理forNuclearRecoilsinCsI(TI)中心26(2002)855—860Crystall7北京谱仪(BESII)的飞行时间计实验物理彭海平等高能物理与核物理数器(1_0F)蒙特卡罗模拟的改进中心26(2002)86l一869l8TEXONO反应堆中微子能谱的实验物理陈栋梁,李金等高能物理与核物理计算中心26(2002)889—894l9R值测量中束流相关本底的扣除实验物理鄢文标等高能物理与核物理方法中心26(2002)998—100320北京谱仪(BESII)的飞行时间计实验物理彭海平等高能物理与核物理数器(TOF)时间和分辨律的修中心26(2002)1078-1086正2lt粲能区物理及对加速器和探测实验物理苑长征等高能物理与核物理器设计的要求中心26(2002)1201—120822BES--III主漂移室输出信号的模实验物理王铮等高能物理与核物理拟中心26(2002)1297—130123高速串行数据通信VME插件的实验物理章平等核电子学与探测技术研制中心22(2002)44—4624BESII快速数据重建实验物理荣刚等核电子学与探测技术中心22(2002)105—11025数字式随机脉冲产生器实验物理富洪玉等核电子学与探测技术中心22(2002)162—16526微阴极条感应室实验物理李金等核电子学与探测技术中心22(2002)193—19927BESIII系统环境的网络监测模型实验物理宋立温等核电子学与探测技术中心22(2002)272—27528CMS阴极条室的张力和丝距测实验物理姜春华等核电子学与探测技术量中心22(2002)335—33729北京谱仪PC机物理分析平台介实验物理刘天容等核电子学与探测技术绍中心22(2002)367—37030新型智能CAMAC机箱控制器实验物理张永吉,赵京伟核电子学与探测技术中心等22(2002)382—3843l基于DSP的多通道波形取样电实验物理王铮核电子学与探测技术路设计中心22(2002)409—41132~(3770)扫描实验中利用快速实验物理郭义庆等核电子学与探测技术重建数据测量数据样本的积分亮中心22(2002)420—423度33基于WEB的BES数据存储系统实验物理叶梅等核电子学与探测技术模型中心22(2002)449—45234StudiesofPrototypeCsI(TI)实验物理Y.Liu(刘延)etNIMA482(2002)125 CrystalScin—tillatorsforLow中心a1.EnergyNeutrinoExperiments鬟一附录3.发表论文目录143作者(以原序发表刊物名称序号专着或论文题目单位排列)卷号(年)页35NuclearRecoilMeasurementsin实验物理M.Z.Wang,Phys.Lett.CsI(TbCrystalforColdDark中,J.Li(李金)eta1.B536(2002)203Mat'terDetection36ProbingNeutrinoOscillation实验物理Y.F.Wang(王Phys.ReD65(2002)0730 jointlyinLongandveryLong中心贻芳)etal2lBaselineExperiments37OntheOptimumLongBaseline实验物理Y.F.Wang(王Phys.Rev.D65(2002)0730 f0rtheNextGenerationNeutrino中心贻芳)etaI.06OscillationExperiments38StudyonthePropertyoft天体物理G.M.ChenProceedingsofthethird HadronicDecays中心jointmeetingofChinesephyscistsworldwide,P.185,worldscientific200239Bs.dintechnicolormodel天体物理ZhaohuaPhys.Lett.B546(200)withscalars中心Xiong,JinMin22l-227Y ang40Loopeffectsandnondecoupling天体物理ZhaohuaXiongPhys.Rev.D66, propertyofsupersymmetricQCD中心et.a1.015007(2002)ingb--->tH.4lGreatScintillatingPropertiesofa天体物理GouQuanBuChin.Phys.Lett.V o1.19,Y ALO3:Cecrystal中心et.a1.No.7(2002)92942GreatScintillationgPropertiesofa天体物理苟全朴,李祖物理7期929.930Y A103:CeCrystal中心毫,吕雨生等43非重子暗物质粒子的研究进展天体物理盛祥东,何会物理9期31卷中心林.戴长江577-58044CirX.1的时变性质天体物理屈进禄等河北师大26,1,10中心月45致密星的X射线辐射时延现象天体物理屈进禄,宋黎天文学进展刊物20卷, 中心明,吴枚等第2期143.15546两类长Y暴的里叶功率谱天体物理申荣锋,宋黎明天文43卷第4期中心342-34547L3宇宙线实验触发系统和触发天体物理李忠朝,郁忠高能物理和核物理26. 效率的测量中心强,过雅南等172.17948~掏小型数据获取系统及天体物理何会林,戴长核电子学与探测技术CaF2(Eu)性能的测量中心江,盛祥东22卷第l期27.3049新型"CaF2(Eu)+液闪"复合天体物理盛祥东,戴长高能物理和核物理26 WIMP探测器的实验研究中心江,何会林卷3期273.27850Chandraobservationofsupernova天体物理E.J.Lu.TheAstrophysics568; remnantG54.1+0-3:Aclosecousin中心Q.D.Wang,L49.L52 oftheCRABnebulaL.M.Song,●,●,,,,f,},,};●,,,,,.}●I,I:}::I1,!1,tt●}t{,t,{.^I1.,'l_4l44中国科学院高能物理研究所2002年《年报》作者(以原序发表刊物名称序号专着或论文题目单位排列)卷号(年)页5lBlobejectionfrom天体物理Jian?Min,wangTheApjsadvection.dominatedaccretion中心dengl38:249.263flow.H.themultiwavelengthpropertiesoflightcurves52Comptelobservationsofthe天体物理S.ZhangdengAstronomy386,843?853 gamma-rayblazarpks1622?297中心53KilohertzQuasi—periodic天体物理Wenfei.YuTheAstrophysical osciliationfrequency中心deng567;L67-L70anticorrelatedwithmilihertzquasi—periodicoscillationfluxin4u1608.5254TheAccretionratesandspectral天体物理Jian?MinWangTheApjs energydistributionsofbllacetae中心dengobjects55Bs,d+?inTechnicolor天体物理ZhaohuaPhysicslettersb546 modelwithSCalarS中心Xiong,JinMin221.227Jang56Discoveryofa136millisecond天体物理F.J.LudengAstrophysics574:7卜74 radioandX?raypulsarin中心supernovaremnantG54.1+0.357Chandraobsevationofsupemova天体物理FJ.Lu.AstrophysicalremnantG54.1+0.3:aclosecousin中心L..M..song568;L-49一L52 ofthecrabnebula58低轨道空间闪烁探测器异常区开天体物理张承模,梁晓核电子学及探测技术关机设计及控制中心华,徐玉朋等第22卷第6期59Furtheranalysisofdi?gluonfusion理论室DongshengDu,HighEner.Phys.&Nuc1. mechanismforthedecaysofDeshanY angPhys.V.26,1(2002)B—T1'KandGuohuaiZhu60Phenomenologicalanalysisof理论室DongshengDu,Phys.Rev.D65,074001B--,PPdecayswithQCDHaijunGong,(2002)factorizationJunfengSunetal_6lPhenomenologicalanalysisof理论室DongshengDu,Phys.Rev.D65,094025 charmlessdecaysB—}PVwithHaUunGong,(2002),Erratum,ibid. QCDfactorizationJun~ngSunetD66,079904(2002)a1.62D—}7mdecayswithfinalstate理论室MedinaPhys.Lett.B536,34 interactionsAblikim,(2002)DongshengDu,MaozhiYang63CPasymmetryinx-sleptondecay理论室WeiminYang,Phys,Rev.D65,1I5005 intheminimalSUSYstandardDongshengDu(2002)model哮}謦j-1謦1.唾}..专簪■奄枣t鼍t.t蹙垂《l《'譬jj鼍t毒'1.●il-耄羹囊萋:附录3.发表论文目录145EIIEllI重IIIE|IlIEE宦E量III£EIIlIIIlIIIIIlEEIIIIEE譬EElEIElIIE氍EE群匿臀鐾鞋越匪匪暖壁E_曩EI-iiiI-重匿匪髭|曲B量E匡__譬I|l苍I重IIIIIIIII量lIEE,』作者(以原序发表干U物名称序号专着或论文题目单位排列)卷号(年)页64IsthetruncatedSU)理论室QishuY ah,Phys.Rev.D65,105009non-abeliangaugetheoryinextraDongshengDu(2002)dimensionsrenormalizable?65Branefluctuationandelectroweak理论室QishuY ah,Phys.Rev.D65,094034 chirallagrangianDongshengDu(2002)66Thesystematicstudyof理论室Zheng-TaoNuc1.Phys.BB7/"formfactorsinpQCDWei.Mao-Zhi642(2002)263 approachanditsreliabilityY ang67Calculationofpureannihilation理论室C.D.LuEuro.Phys.J.C24, typedecayB-yDsl2I-126(2002)68B一ⅡP.Ⅱ(I)Decaysin理论室C.D.LU.M.-Z.Euro.Phys.J.C23, PerturbativeQCDApproachY ang275-287(2002)69Constraintontheanglealphafrom理论室C.D.Ltt.z.-j.Phys.Rev.D66, theexperimentalmeasurementsofXiao074011(2002) directCPviolationofB0pipi—decay70Determiningthefactorization理论室Zhi-zhongXingHEP&NP26 parameterandstrongphase(2002)100differencesinB—Dzdecays7lFakeCPTviolationin理论室Zhi-zhongXingJ.Phys.G28 disappearanceneutrino(2002)7oscillations72TexturezerosandMajorana理论室Zhi-zhongXingPhys.Lett.B phasesoftheneutrinomassmatrix530(2002)15973Possibleimplicationsofsmallor理论室Zhi-zhongXingHEP&NP26 largeCPviolationinB—jKs(2002)197decays74RephasinginvariantsofCPandT理论室W.L.GUO.Phys.Rev.D violationinthefour-neutrinoZhi-zhongXing65(2002)073020 mixingmodels75Model-independentconstraintson理论室Zhi-zhongXingPhys.Rev.D65 theneutrinomassspectrumfrom(2002)077302theneutrinolessdoublebetadecay76Nearlytri-bimaximalneutrino理论室Zhi-zhongXingPhys.Lett.B mixingandCPviolation533(2002)8577Cantheleptonflavormixing理论室Zhi—zhongXingPhys.Rev.D matrixbesymmetric?65(2002)113010l46中国科学院高能物理研究所2002年《年报》作者(以原序发表刊物名称序号专着或论文题目单位排列)卷号(年)页78AfuIldeterminationofthe理论室Zhi-zhongXingPhys.LeR.B neutrinomassspectrumfrom539(2002)85two.zerotexturesoftheneutrinomassmatrix79Possibleeffectsof理论室Z.Chang,Phys.Rev.D66 noncommutativegeometryonZhi-zhongXing(2002)056009 weakCPviolationandunitaritytriangles80Apredictiveansatzforneutrino理论室Zhi-zhongXingPhys.Lett.B mixingandleptogenesis545(2002)3528lNoncommutativityofleptonmass理论室Zhi-zhongXingFortsch.Phys. matrices:flavormixingandCP50(2002)569violation82Hierarchicalneutrinomassesand理论室Zhi-zhongXingPhys.LeR.B largemixinganglesfromthe550(2002)l78 Fritzschtextureofleptonmassmatrices83Unitarityquadranglesoffour理论室W.L.Guo.Phys.Rev.D66neu~inomixingZhi-zhongXing(2002)09730284Poynt!ngVector,EnergyDensity理论室C.-G.Huang,'Phys.Rev.A65 andEnergyV elocityinAnomalousY.Z.Zhang(2002),015802DispersionMedium85ThermodynamicsofdeSitter理论室C.GHuang.Phys.Rev.DuniverseL.Liu,Bobo65(2002),.08350lWang86Negativegroupvelocityand理论室Chao-GuangJ.Optics.A: distortionofpulseinanomalousHuang,PureApp1.Optics.dispersivemediumYuan-ZhongZhang4(2002),263.87Thermodynamicsof理论室Bo-boWang,Class.Quant.Reissner-NordstromblackholesinChao-GuangGray.19(2002),2491.Y ork'SFormalismHuang88Propagationofrectangularpulse理论室Chao-GuangCommun.Theor.Phys.38 inananomalousmediumHuang,(2002),224.Yuan-ZhongZhang89V acuumBlackHoleMass理论室mun.Theor.Phys.38 FormulaisaV anishingNoetherGUO,C.G.(2002),309ChargeHuang,K.Wu90topquarkspincorrelationatlinear理论室Z.H.Lin,Phys.Rev.D65. colliderswithanomalousHan,Huang,0l4008(2002)couplingsJ.X.Wang.X.Zhang,}◆F辱}tF孽.,..'薹髻茎董;耋一附录3.发表论文目录147作者(以原序发表刊物名称序号专着或论文题目单位排列)卷号(年)页9lStabilityoftheClassicalSolution理论室YinYu-dongHEP&NP,V26 ofGaugeTheoryHuangTao(2002)28-3492S~ongCouplingsofHeavy理论室Z.H.Li.Phys.Rev.D65 MesonstOaLightV ectorMesonsT.Huang,(2002)076005inQCDJ.Z.Sun.Z.H.Dai93MuonAnomalousMagneticinthe理论室T.Efeng,Commun.111eor. 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INSTRUCTIONSPierce Biotechnology PO Box 117 (815) 968-0747 /pierce 3747 N. Meridian Road Rockford, lL 61105 USA (815) 968-7316 faxNumber Description 26101 Traut’s Reagent (2-Iminothiolane•HCl), 500 mgMolecular Weight: 137.63CAS#: 4781-83-3Absorption Maximum (in acetonitrile or 0.1 N HCl): 248 nmExtinction Coefficient (in 0.1 N HCl): 8840 M -1 cm -1 (+/-5%)Storage: Upon receipt store at 4°C with desiccant. Product shipped at ambient temperature.IntroductionTraut’s Reagent (2-Iminothiolane or 2-IT) is a cyclic thioimidate compound for thiolation (sulfhydryl addition).1 Traut’s Reagent reacts with primary amines (-NH 2) to introduce sulfhydryl (-SH) groups while maintaining charge properties similar to the original amino group (Figure 1). Once added, sulfhydryl groups may be specifically targeted for reaction in a variety of useful labeling, cross-linking, and immobilization procedures.SHNH 2Traut's Reagent R NH 2Primary Amine Molecule R N H S NH 2+Modification Producing a Terminal Sulfhydryl Group ClClFigure 1. Structure of Traut’s Reagent and reaction scheme with molecules containing primary amines.Important Product InformationA. Reaction SpecificityTraut’s Reagent reacts spontaneously and efficiently with primary amines at pH 7-9.1,2 It also reacts with aliphatic and phenolic hydroxyl groups, especially at high pH; however, the rate of these reactions is 100-fold less than with amino groups 3,4 and will not occur to any appreciable degree when amines are present and reaction times are less than overnight.B. Reaction BuffersVarious buffers can be used successfully for thiolation with Traut’s Reagent. Protein (e.g., antibody) or peptide modifications are most easily performed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS, Product No. 28372) or 0.1 M borate buffer adjusted to pH 8, although other buffers devoid of primary amines that maintain solubility of the protein will work equally well. Formodification of ribosomal proteins, the buffer most commonly cited in the literature is 50 mM triethanolamine•HCl, 1 mM MgCl 2, 50 mM KCl, pH 8.0.5 Polysaccharide modification (possible only if amines are not also present) is best performed at high pH, such as in 20 mM sodium borax buffer, pH 10.3C. Hydrolysis Rate and Reaction StoichiometryTraut’s Reagent is very stable in acidic or neutral buffers that are devoid of primary amino groups. Even in alkalineconditions, hydrolysis is slow compared to the rate of reaction with primary amines. For example, the half-life of reagent hydrolysis in 50 mM triethanolamine buffer at pH 8 is ~1 hour, whereas the half-life of reagent consumption by reaction with primary amines (in the form of 20 mM glycine) in the same buffer is ~5 minutes.Because hydrolysis is slow relative to the amine reaction rate, thiolation with Traut’s Reagent does not require as large a molar excess of reagent as other types of modification reagents, such as SATA (see Related Product Information). In most Traut’s Reagent (2-Iminothiolane•HCl)Pierce Biotechnology PO Box 117 (815) 968-0747 /pierce 3747 N. Meridian Road Rockford, lL 61105 USA (815) 968-7316 fax2situations, using a 2-fold molar excess of Traut’s Reagent over amines will be sufficient to ensure effective modification. For large proteins that have many lysine residues (= many amines), adjusting the molar ratio of Traut’s Reagent in the reaction allows one to control the level of thiolation. For example, for IgG molecules (150 kDa), reaction with a 10-fold molar excess of Traut’s Reagent ensures that all antibody molecules will be modified with at least 3-7 sulfhydryl groups. By comparison, nearly all available primary amines (~20 in the typical IgG) could be thiolated using a 50-fold molar reagent excess, but that would be more likely to adversely affect antibody function.Curiously, Tris and ammonium chloride buffers, both of which contain primary amines, are not particularly reactive with Traut’s Reagent at pH 8 (consumption rates of 45 and 35 minutes, respectively). Generally, thiolation of protein primary amines with Traut’s Reagent are complete in less than 1 hour, and glycine is a more effective quenching reagent than Tris.Procedure for Thiolation of Protein with Traut’s Reagent1. Dissolve protein to be thiolated in a non-amine buffer, pH 8.0. Note: Include 2-5 mM EDTA in the buffer to chelatedivalent metals in the solution, which helps to prevent oxidation of sulfhydryls (i.e., formation of disulfide bonds).2. Depending on protein size and concentration and the level of thiolation desired (see Important Product Information), adda 2- to 20-fold molar excess of Traut’s Reagent to the protein in solution. Note: Dissolving Traut’s Reagent in water or buffer at 2 mg/ml results in a 14 mM stock solution from which the necessary amount of reagent may be pipetted into the protein solution to initiate the reaction. For example, to modify IgG at a concentration of 10 mg/ml using a 10-fold molar excess of Traut’s Reagent, add 46 ul of the 14 mM stock solution to each milliliter of protein solution.3. Incubate solution for 1 hour at room temperature.4. Separate thiolated protein from excess Traut’s Reagent using a desalting column (e.g., Zeba™ Desalt Spin Column,Product No. 89891) that has been equilibrated with buffer containing 2-5 mM EDTA.5. Sulfhydryl groups may be measured using Ellman's Reagent, Product No. 22582.Cited References1.Traut, R.R., et al. (1973). Methyl 4-mercaptobutyrimidate as a cleavable cross-linking reagent and its application to the Escherichia coli 30S ribosome. Biochem . 12(17): 3266-3273. 2.Jue, R., et al. (1978). Addition of sulfhydryl groups to Escherichia coli ribosomes by protein modification with 2-iminothiolane (methyl 4-mercaptobutyrimidate). Biochem . 17(25): 5399-5405. 3.Alagon, A.C. and King, T.P. (1980). Activation of polysaccharides with 2-iminothiolane and its uses. Biochem . 19: 4341-4345. 4.Tarentino, A.L., et al. (1993). 2-iminothiolane: a reagent for the introduction of sulfhydryl groups into oligosaccharides derived from asparagine-linked glycans. Glycobiology 3: 279-285. 5. Wower, I. and Wower, J. (1981). The use of 2-iminothiolane as an RNA-protein cross-linking agent in Escherichia coli ribosomes, and the localisationon 23S RNA of sites cross-linked to proteins L4, L6, L21, L23, L27 and L29. Nucleic Acids Res . 9(17): 4285-4302.Product ReferencesD’Oro, U., et al. (2002). Regulation of constitutive TCR internalization by the ζ-chain. J. Immunol. 169: 6269-78.Newton, D.L., et al. (2001). Potent and specific antitumor effects of an anti-CD22-targeted cytotoxic ribonuclease: potential for the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood 97: 528-35.Stanisic, D.I., et al. (2003). Analysis of immunological nonresponsiveness to the 19-kilodalton fragment of merozoite surface protein 1 of Plasmodiumyoelii. Infec. Immunity 71(10): 5700-13.This product (“Product”) is warranted to operate or perform substantially in conformance with published Product specifications in effect at the time of sale, as set forth in the Product documentation, specifications and/or accompanying package inserts (“Documentation”) and to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing, Products are supplied for research use only. No claim of suitability for use in applications regulated by FDA is made. The warranty provided herein is valid only when used by properly trained individuals. Unless otherwise stated in theDocumentation, this warranty is limited to one year from date of shipment when the Product is subjected to normal, proper and intended usage. This warranty does not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser of the Product (“Buyer”).No other warranties, express or implied, are granted, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non infringement. Buyer’s exclusive remedy for non-conforming Products during the warranty period is limited to replacement of or refund for the non-conforming Product(s).There is no obligation to replace Products as the result of (i) accident, disaster or event of force majeure, (ii) misuse, fault or negligence of or by Buyer, (iii) use of the Products in a manner for which they were not designed, or (iv) improper storage and handling of the Products.Current versions of product instructions are available at /pierce . For a faxed copy, call 800-874-3723 or contact your local distributor. © 2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks are property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Printed in the USA.。
河南科技Henan Science and Technology 化工与材料工程总第812期第18期2023年9月乙酸改性活性炭纤维对SO2吸附性能的研究罗涛朋(南昌师范学院化学与食品科学学院,江西南昌330032)摘要:【目的】通过温和的改性手段,提升活性炭纤维(ACF)对SO2的吸附能力,制备一种低成本、绿色环保的吸附材料。
关键词:活性炭纤维;浸泡改性;吸附中图分类号:TQ342.742文献标志码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2023)18-0075-04 DOI:10.19968/ki.hnkj.1003-5168.2023.18.016Study on Adsorption Properties of Acid Modified Activated CarbonFiber for SO2After Soaking in Acetic LUO Taopeng(College of Chemistry and Food Science,Nanchang Normal University,Nanchang330032,China)Abstract:[Purposes]The adsorption capacity of activated carbon fiber(ACF)for SO2was enhanced through mild modification techniques,resulting in the preparation of a cost-effective and environmen⁃tally friendly adsorbent material.[Methods]The precursor ACF was subjected to a200℃heat treatment and soaked in varying concentrations of acetic acid.The adsorption capacity of modified activated carbon fiber material for SO2was tested,and the reaction mechanism was preliminarily explored.[Findings]The results revealed that after treated at200℃,the carbon fibers exhibited cracks and a rougher surface, thereby increasing the specific surface area of the material and enhancing its adsorption capacity for SO2. Heat treatment for3hours yielded optimal outcomes.After acetic acid dissolution soaking modification, the acidic oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface of the material will be increased,which can improved the adsorption performance of the material for SO2.Experimental results indicated that ACF treated with a4%acetic acid solution exhibited the highest desulfurization efficiency.[Conclu⁃sions]The aforementioned method is more gentle and environmentally friendly compared to the tradi⁃tional modification approach,thereby offering a valuable reference for activated carbon fiber modifica⁃tion.Keywords:activated carbon fiber;soaking;adsorption收稿日期:2023-08-02基金项目:江西省教育厅科研项目(GJJ2202025、GJJ2202026);南昌师范学院校级科研项目(22XJZR01、22XJZR03)。
Modification of asphalt cement
专利名称:Modification of asphalt cement发明人:Howard Allen Colvin,Edwin Gresham Moore 申请号:US10404610申请日:20030401公开号:US20030203997A1公开日:20031030专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:This invention is based upon the discovery that a polydiene rubber that is comprised of repeat units that are derived from a conjugated diene monomer and sulfur can be used to improved the force ductility, elastic recovery, toughness and tenacity of asphalt cement. The polydiene rubber that is comprised of repeat units that are derived from a conjugated diene monomer and sulfur also exhibits excellent compatibility with asphalt. The repeat units in the polydiene rubber that are derived from sulfur are in the backbone of the polymer. These repeat units that are derived from sulfur typically contain from 2 to 8 sulfur atoms (—S—). The subject invention more specifically relates to a modified asphalt cement which is comprised of (i) from about 90 weight percent to about 99 weight percent asphalt; (ii) from about 1 weight percent to about 10 weight percent of a polydiene rubber that is comprised of repeat units that are derived from a conjugated diene monomer and sulfur. The-present invention also reveals an asphalt concrete which is comprised of (A), from about 90 weight percent to about 99 weight percent of an aggregate and (B) from about 1 weight percent to about 10 weight percent of a modified asphalt cement which is comprised of (i) from about 90 weight percent to about 99 weight percent asphalt; (ii) from about 1 weight percent to about 10 weight percent of a polydiene rubber that is comprised of repeat units that are derived from aconjugated diene monomer and sulfur. The present invention also discloses a process for preparing a modified asphalt cement which comprises (1) blending from about 1 to about 10 parts by weight of a polydiene rubber that is comprised of repeat units that are derived from a conjugated diene monomer and sulfur into from about 90 to about 99 parts by weight of asphalt at a temperature which is within the range of about 130° to about 230° C. to produce a polymer-asphalt blend; and (2) mixing from about 0.1 to about 3 parts by weight of sulfur into the polymer-asphalt blend to produce the modified asphalt cement.申请人:THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY更多信息请下载全文后查看。
现代食品XIANDAISHIPIN 215/分析检测Analysis and Testing doi:10.16736/41-1434/ts.2021.03.062银耳多糖益生元效应的研究Study on the Prebiotic Effect of Tremella Fuciformis Polysaccharide◎ 李国光(上海辉文生物技术股份有限公司,上海 201318)LI Guoguang(Shanghai Huiwen Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201318, China)摘 要:银耳是一种非常重要的食用菌和药用真菌,具有非常多的药理作用。
本研究通过体外实验研究了银耳多糖的益生元效应,研究结果表明,银耳多糖能够促进双歧杆菌和乳酸杆菌的生长,且成剂量关系;0.5%的银耳多糖对青春双歧杆菌、长双歧杆菌婴儿亚种、嗜酸乳杆菌及鼠李糖乳杆菌的生长促进效果最显著;同时可以通过降低pH ,提高B /E 值,增强肠道有益微生物定植。
关键词:银耳多糖;益生元;肠道微生物Abstract :Tremella fuciformis is a very important edible fungus and medicinal fungus, which has many pharmacological effects. This study investigated the prebiotic effects of Tremella fuciformis polysaccharides through in vitro experiments. The results showed that Tremella fuciformis polysaccharides can promote the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and there is a dose relationship; 0.5% of Tremella fuciformis polysaccharides can affect Bifidobacterium adolescentis and Bifidobacterium longum. subsp. infantis, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus have the most significant growth-promoting effects; at the same time, it can reduce the pH, increase the B /E value, and enhance the colonization ofbeneficial intestinal microorganisms.Keywords :Tremella fuciformis polysaccharide; prebiotics; intestinal microbes中图分类号:TS201.3银耳在我国是最受欢迎的食用菌和药用真菌之一,又称为雪耳或者白蘑菇,现在市场上的银耳几乎都是是商业化栽培所得[1]。
第32卷第1期2015年1月东疆学刊Dongjiang JournalVol.32No.1Jan.2015发展中国家药品实验数据保护的应然选择景明浩1,那力2[摘要]TRIPS协议第三十九条第三款规定成员方有义务对药品实验数据提供保护,但该条款的一般性措辞表述方式,为成员方对药品实验数据保护提供了灵活的选择空间。
(长春130012) 2.那力,女,满族,吉林大学法学院教授,博士,博士生导师,研究方向为国际经济法、国际税法。
通过药品实验数据保护,原研公司获得实验数据保护的独占期,延迟了仿制药品(generic drug)进入市场的时间,能够最大程度地收回研发中的投入并获得可观利润。
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Journal of Catalysis207,353–360(2002)doi:10.1006/jcat.2002.3533,available online at onModification of the Acidic Properties of NaY Zeolite by H2SAdsorption—An Infrared StudyFran¸c oise Maug´e,∗,1Abdelaziz Sahibed-Dine,∗,†Marina Gaillard,∗and Maria Ziolek‡∗Laboratory“Catalyse et Spectrochimie,”UMR CNRS6506,ISMRA,University of Caen,14050Caen Cedex,France;†Faculty of Sciences,Chouaib Doukkali University,El Jadida,Morocco;and‡Faculty of Chemistry,A.Mickiewicz University,Grunwaldzka6,60-580Poznan,PolandReceived October18,2001;revised December28,2001;accepted December28,2001The modification of acidic properties resulting from H2S ad-sorption on the NaY zeolite were studied by IR spectroscopy us-ing pyridine and2,6-dimethylpyridine as probe molecules.A very small fraction of H2S adsorbs dissociatively on NaY whereas the main part of H2S interacts nondissociatively,either by coordina-tion with Na+cations or by H-bonding.Evacuation at room tem-perature(RT)eliminates all the molecular H2S species.Both probe molecules detected Brønsted acidity in the presence of H2S but this acidity is almost completely eliminated by pumping at RT.No link between the variation in the number of protonated species and the variation in the intensity of the OH bands appears.On the con-trary,there is a relationship between the presence of molecular H2S and the detection of protonated species.These results show that coordination of H2S on cationic sites leads to a modification of the electronic repartition in the hydrogen disulfide molecule,giv-ing rise to the appearance of a positive charge on the hydrogen atom of the molecular H2S,which,thus,presents a proton-donating ability.c 2002Elsevier Science(USA)INTRODUCTIONThe more-severe environmental legislations lead the in-dustry to provide fuels with a lower sulfur content to reduce sulfur emission.Therefore,there is a need to go further in the investigation of catalysts for sulfur elimination and transformation processes,such as hydrotreatment,hydro-cracking,and Claus reaction.Improvement in knowledge of the surface sites of these catalysts requires characteri-zation under conditions closer to the reaction conditions, particularly in the presence of hydrogen sulfide. Indeed,it is worth noting that modification of the catalyst surface via the chemisorption of hydrogen sulfide occurs in catalytic processes in which H2S plays the role of reactant. The reactions mainly require the presence of basic centers on the catalytic surface,such as the Claus and Super Claus processes(1),or the hydrosulfurization of alcohols(2–5) and the transformation of other oxo-organic compounds 1To whom correspondence should be addressed.Fax:+33(0) sulfur-containing ones(6,7).In the reactions men-tioned above,the chemisorption of hydrogen sulfide can modify the catalyst properties during the time-on-stream and it can change the activity and/or selectivity of the pro-cess.Therefore,knowledge of the nature of the catalyst surface after the chemisorption of H2S is very important. For hydrotreatment,previous studies reported also the sensitivity of the surface properties of the catalyst to the presence of H2S,a product of the hydrodesulfurization (HDS)reaction(8).Spectroscopic studies showed that acidic properties of the HDS catalyst are transformed in the presence of hydrogen sulfide.Indeed,dissociative ad-sorption of H2S occurs on the sulfide phase as well as on the alumina support and leads to a decrease in the number of coordinative unsaturated sites(CUS)and to the creation of Brønsted acid sites(9,10).Additionally,in a recent study, we observed that the molecular adsorption form of H2S can also perturb the acid base properties of the catalyst(11). To go further in the understanding of this feature,we chose as adsorbent a well-defined catalyst where H2S mainly ad-sorbs nondissociatively(12).Therefore,we extended the previous study to the characterization of the effect of H2S adsorption on the acidic properties of a Y zeolite.Such a catalyst presents also the advantage of being able to be used as support for hydrocracking catalysts.Adsorption of H2S on zeolites has already been the sub-ject of several papers(for example,12–15).However,few studies have been concerned with the modifications of the acidic properties induced by H2S adsorption.Karge and Rasko(12)investigated H2S adsorption on a faujasite-type zeolite with various Si/Al ratios.Their results showed that on NaX zeolite H2S adsorbs dissociatively,leading to the creation of OH groups and SH groups,with the latter being characterized by aν(SH)band at2560cm−1.With increas-ing pressure of H2S,IR spectroscopy shows that the SH band broadens and shifts toward lower wavenumbers.The new OH groups or at least a part of them exhibit Brønsted acidity.In contrast,on the NaY zeolite,H2S adsorbs al-most without dissociation.The authors did not observe any Brønsted acidity when H2S was adsorbed on NaY zeolite. In a more recent study,Karge et al.(13)proposed,from3530021-9517/02$35.00c 2002Elsevier Science(USA)All rights reserved.354MAUG´E ET AL.IR and UV–visible(UV–vis)spectroscopic results,that on sodium X and Y zeolites,for thefirst H2S doses,a com-plete dissociation of H2S could occur,leading to the for-mation of2H+and S2−.Forster and Schuldt(14)studied H2S adsorption on A zeolites exchanged with various al-kaline cations.These authors showed that H2S preferential adsorption depends on the nature of the countercations and of the exchange level.Hosotsubo et al.(15)have studied the influence of H2S on the catalytic activities of a wide range of metal ion-exchanged Y zeolites for several acid-catalyzed reactions,such as cumene cracking,toluene disproportion-ation,and o-xylene isomerization and disproportionation. From infrared data,it was concluded that the increase in the catalytic activity observed after H2S treatment is a re-sult of the formation of new OH groups acting as Brønsted acid sites.In afirst approach,we chose,as starting material,a pure NaY sample,i.e.,a zeolite that initially does not contain any Brønsted acidity.Acidic properties were characterized by IR spectroscopy,using two kinds of probe molecules: pyridine and2.6-dimethylpyridine(lutidine,DMP),with the latter being more sensitive to weak Brønsted acidity than pyridine due to its greater basicity(16).DMP as well as pyridine gives rise to bands characteristic of the various modes of interaction of the probe with the surface(17–19). As for DMP adsorption,the1660-to1580-cm−1region is particularly interesting due to the occurrence of bands ofν8a andν8b vibrations,the most sensitive to the DMP adsorp-tion mode.Indeed,the bands between1618and1580cm−1 are due to coordinated DMP or weakly adsorbed DMP, whereas those between1655and1625cm−1correspond to protonated DMP(DMPH+).EXPERIMENTALThe studied catalyst was a commercial sodium Y zeolite provided by Union Carbide,whose formula is Na54(AlO)54 (SiO)138.The catalyst was pressed into a self-supported disk (5mg·cm−2)and activated in situ in a quartz IR cell.These pretreatment conditions were chosen in order to avoid dealumination of the zeolite and extraframework forma-tion.The zeolite was heated under evacuation up to523K at a rate of2K·min−1and evacuated for2h at this tem-perature.Then,the temperature was increased to673K at a rate of1.25K·min−1and the catalyst was maintained for 9h at this temperature under dynamic vacuum.Finally,the catalyst temperature was decreased to room temperature (RT).At the end of the activation,the residual pressure in the IR cell was P∼2×10−6bars.Before introduction of the H2S(Air Liquide,1.1%COS as main impurities)in the IR cell,the hydrogen disulfide was submitted to cryogenic trapping to remove traces of water. Then,successive doses of H2S were introduced into the IR cell(8,25,70,150,320,740,and1580µmol per g of catalyst).H2S was further evacuated at RT.In this paper,the zeolitecontacted with the various H2S doses is denoted NaY xx,where xx corresponds to the total number of micromolesper gram of H2S catalyst introduced.The acidic properties of the catalyst were tested by ad-sorption of the basic molecules pyridine or2,6-dimethyl-pyridine(DMP,lutidine)at RT.To characterize the modifi-cation of acidic properties induced by the H2S adsorption,the probe molecules were adsorbed before or after addi-tion of H2S(1580µmol·g−1).The catalyst was contacted either directly with3Torr at equilibrium of the probe orwith calibrated doses(40,125,or250µmol of probe perg of catalyst)successively introduced into the IR cell and,finally,with3Torr at equilibrium.The catalyst was thenevacuated.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONEffect of H2S AdsorptionIn afirst step,surface sites of the NaY zeolite were cha-racterized in the absence and in the presence of H2S withoutadsorption of the basic probe molecule.In the4000-to3500-cm−1zone,the IR spectrum of thecatalyst evacuated at673K presents only a very small bandat3745cm−1(Fig.1).This band is characteristic of isolatedSiOH groups,indicating the presence of a small number ofdefects in the studied zeolite.Moreover,the absence of any ν(OH)bands at∼3650and∼3550cm−1,which are char-acteristic of hydroxyl groups of the supercage(OH(HF)) and of the sodalite cages(OH(LF))of the Y zeolite,con-firms that the initial zeolite is a pure cationic(sodium) form,as indicated by the chemical composition.In the low-frequency zone,three IR bands are observed,at1890,1765, and1640cm−1,which correspond to the harmonic of struc-tural Al–O and Si–O vibrations(Fig.1).The effect of H2S introduction into the NaY sample ispresented by the spectra shown in Fig.2.Important modifi-cations of the surface species can be noted.In the4000-to200030004000Wavenumbers (cm-1)FIG.1.IR spectrum of NaY zeolite evacuated at673K for9h.MODIFICATION OF THE ACIDIC PROPERTIES OF NaY ZEOLITE3551641256836523696 0.032000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Wavenumbers (cm -1)26071500NaY1580NaY740NaY320NaY70NaY25NaY82021207025623280FIG.2.IR spectra after the adsorption of increasing doses of H 2S on NaY zeolite:8,25,70,320,740,and 1580µmol per g of catalyst (difference spectra:after H 2S adsorption minus before).3500-cm −1zone,as soon as H 2S is introduced,two bands,at 3696and 3652cm −1,are created.The maximum intensity of the band at 3696cm −1is observed for NaY70while the in-tensity of the OH band at 3652cm −1increases continuously with the growth of the H 2S amount adsorbed.Nevertheless,the intensity of these bands is low.The appearance of a band at 3652cm −1indicates that the first dose of H 2S leads to the formation of OH groups in the supercage of the zeolite.The band at 3696cm −1is attributed to the ν(OH)vibra-tion of chemisorbed water.Indeed,a similar band at the same wavenumber is detected if only water (5µmol ·g −1)is adsorbed on the NaY sample activated under the same conditions.Moreover,the appearance of water on the cata-lyst is con firmed by the presence of the δ(OH)band at 1641cm −1and a broad band at ∼3400cm −1.Formation of water after H 2S adsorption has been observed on metal ox-ides and has been attributed to dissociative H 2S adsorption and recombination with basic OH groups (20).However,since basic OH groups are not present in our zeolite,such an explanation cannot account for the formation of the water observed.Even with the drastic precautions we took,the presence of some traces of water in the cell could not be excluded.And it can be proposed that the introduction of H 2S displaces these traces toward the zeolite disk.It should be noted that,due to its high extinction coef ficient,water is clearly observed on the amount detected,corresponding to less than 0.5%of the H 2S introduced.In the 2750-to 2300-cm −1zone that is characteristic of the stretching vibration of SH groups,various bands appear depending on the amount of H 2S introduced (Figs.2and 3).For the first dose of H 2S introduced,a small ν(SH)band at 2562cm −1is detected,which appears simultaneously with the OH band at 3652cm −1.The concomitant formation of SH groups with the zeolitic OH(HF)groups shows that asmall amount of H 2S dissociates in the supercages of the NaY zeolite.The following equation can be proposed:Na ++H 2S →H ++Na +SH −(mode 1).When the higher amount of H 2S is adsorbed (NaY320),two small bands appear,at 2607and 2574cm −1(shoulder)(Fig.3).In a previous work (9),bands at 2608and 2597cm −1,which arise simultaneously after H 2S adsorption at low tem-perature on silica,were attributed to antisymetric and sym-metric vibrations of molecular H 2S.The similarities of the wavenumbers and the fact that the bands grow in parallel allowed us to attribute the bands at 2607and 2574cm −1to antisymetric and symmetric vibrations of molecular H 2S coordinated to sodium cations (mode 2).As soon as 70µmol ·g −1of H 2S is introduced into the cell,the ν(SH)band presents a broad tail toward a lower wavenumber (∼2525cm −1)(Fig.3).Previous studies on adsorption of CH 3SH on alumina show that methanethiol species adsorbed through the H atom of the SH group are characterized by a low ν(SH)wavenumber (∼2500cm −1).By analogy,we attribute the broad component situated at low value of our ν(SH)massif to H 2S H-bonded with the oxygen atom of the zeolite framework (mode 3).The spec-tra presented in Fig.3shows that the shape of the massif is not modi fied by the H 2S dose,contrary to what was ob-served previously on alumina.Thus,the intensity ratio be-tween the bands at 2562cm −1and the tail at ∼2525cm −1shows that this latter mode of interaction is not predom-inant on NaY zeolite,even for the highest dose of H 2S introduced.This species does not correspondto H 2S in in-teraction with the OH groups createdby H 2S dissociation or with the molecular H 2S coordinated to a sodium cation.Indeed,the intensity of the ν(OH)band as well as that ofWavenumbers (cm -1)24002450 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700 H 2SFIG.3.Same spectra as in Fig.2but in the 2700-to 2400-cm −1zone.356MAUG´E ET AL. theν(SH)shoulder at2607cm−1is not modified when theamount of H-bonded H2S increases.This confirms that the broad band around2525cm−1corresponds to the H2S H-bonded to the basic oxygen of the framework. Evacuation at room temperature(RT)eliminates al-most all of the SH bands except the very small band at 2562cm−1whereas no decrease of the intensity of OH bands at3696and3652cm−1is observed.This phenomenon shows that pumping eliminates coordinatively and H-bonded H2S species while species created by H2S dissociation persists. This confirms that the small band at2562cm−1character-izes Na+SH−species and it points out that the main part of the SH band at∼2568cm−1observed when a high amount of H2S is introduced corresponds to molecular H2S. Figure2shows also the presence of a band at2021cm−1. It is characteristic of COS,present as impurities in H2S, likely adsorbed on cationic sites of NaY.For the highest H2S doses,a band at2070cm−1appears,indicating the presence of a COS gas phase in the IR cell.The additional broad band at3500–3000cm−1,which ap-peared when H2S was added,is related to the presence of hydrogen bound between various water molecules or be-tween zeolitic OH groups and adsorbed water.The pres-ence of a“hole”in this broad massif at3280cm−1can be noted.Since such a wavenumber coincides with the value of the harmonic of the waterδ(OH)band,we propose that this spectral profile accounts for an Evans window.This feature has often been reported in the case of intermolecular inter-action or in the case of H-bounded complexes(22–24).In our work,it is due to a Fermi resonance between the broad band of stretching vibrations of H-bonded water and the sharper harmonic of the waterδ(OH)vibration.Our results are very close to those reported by Karge and coworkers(12,13).However,a sharp analysis of the spectra shows that some H2S dissociation occurs for thefirst doses introduced on NaY.Moreover,we were able to detect a specific signal for coordinated H2S.It could be noted that H2S dissociation leads to the creation of some OH groups in the supercage only,although the diameter of the sixth O-ring of the entry of the sodalite cavity(4˚A)allows the H2S molecule(3.6˚A)to enter.This points out the high basicity of a few of the oxygen atoms of the supercage. Acidic Properties of the Activated ZeoliteThe acidic properties of the NaY zeolite were charac-terized before H2S introduction by pyridine(Fig.4)and 2,6-dimethyl pyridine adsorption(Fig.5).The spectra of pyridine adsorbed on NaY did not present the IR bands at1540cm−1,showing the absence of Brønsted acid centers on the evacuated sample,in agreement with the lack of zeolitic OH groups.Figure4shows bands at 1593cm−1and1441cm−1that are specific of theν8a andν19b vibration modes of pyridine interacting with weak Lewis acidic sites.These coordination sites are attributed to the145015001550160016501700Wavenumbers (cm-1)441FIG.4.IR spectra of pyridine adsorbed on NaY:(a)Pe,4mbars; (b–e)evacuation at RT and at373,473,and523K.(Difference spectra: after pyridine adsorption minus before).cationic Na+centers.Moreover,a small band at1614cm−1 is observed.In afirst interpretation,it could be attributed to Lewis acid sites presenting a rather strong acidic strength and could characterize the formation of an extraframe-work phase.However,pyridine evacuation at increasing temperatures does not show a preferential decrease in the intensity of the1593-cm−1band compared to that at 1614cm−1,as would be expected if these two bands charac-terized,respectively,weak and strong coordination sites.In the same way,the band at1614cm−1is no longer detected after evacuation at473K while the band at1593cm−1is still observed and is shifted to1599cm−1.These results allow us to discard the attribution of the1614-cm−1band to strong Lewis acid sites.This conclusion is supported by other re-sults of our group concerning the pyridine adsorption on calcium oxide,where such bands at∼1614and∼1590cm−1 were detected although CaO is known to present only very weak Lewis acid sites.The band at1614cm−1more likely corresponds to a combination band since the presence of a(ν1+ν6a)band at close wavenumbers was previously re-ported for liquid pyridine(25).Thus,if this band is clearly detected on NaY as well as on CaO,it is related to the fact that these two materials exhibit very weak coordina-tion sites and therefore the low position of theν8a pyridine band allows more easily the distinguishing of the combina-tion band at1614cm−1.Spectra recorded after DMP adsorption are presented in the1700-to1500-cm−1zone,which is particularly in-teresting due to the occurrence of the bands ofν8a andν8b vibrations,the most sensitive to the DMP adsorption mode.MODIFICATION OF THE ACIDIC PROPERTIES OF NaY ZEOLITE35757915001550 160016501700Wavenumbers (cm -1)FIG.5.IR spectra of 2,6-dimethylpyridine adsorbed on NaY:(a)Pe,4mbars;(b –f)evacuated at RT and at 373,423,473,and 523K.(Difference spectra:after DMP adsorption minus before.)On NaY zeolite,DMP adsorption leads to the appearance of bands at 1601and 1579cm −1(Fig.5).Such bands indicate that DMP is weakly adsorbed evidently on cationic sodium sites,as observed with pyridine adsorption.We cannot ex-clude the possibility that some bands of DMP H-bonded to SiOH groups contribute to this massif,but taking into ac-count the very small number of silanol groups,the main contribution comes from bands of DMP weakly coordi-nated.The absence of Br ønsted acid sites is con firmed by the lack of bands between 1655cm −1and 1620cm −1,in agreement with the observation after the adsorption of pyri-dine.Moreover,no bands are detected around 1610cm −1,indicating that no Lewis acid centers presenting a rather strong acidity are present on the catalyst surface,in agree-ment with our previous interpretation of the pyridine results.Effect of H 2S Adsorption on Acidic PropertiesThe effect of the introduction of 1580µmol ·g −1of H 2S on the acidic properties of the NaY zeolite (NaY1580)were characterized by pyridine (Figs.6and 7)and 2,6-dimethylpyridine adsorption (Figs.8and 9).Adsorption of increasing doses of pyridine on NaY sam-ples with H 2S preadsorbed (NaY1580)leads to the appe-arance of bands characterizing the coordination of pyri-dine on the cationic centers (bands at 1594and 1441cm −1)(Figs.6and 7).The number of coordinated species increases with the amount of pyridine introduced.However,the most interesting feature is the detection of small bands at 1629and 1548cm −1,which provides evidence for the presence of protonated pyridine species (PyH +)on the catalyst surface after contact with H 2S.These bands are clearly detected when small quantities of pyridine come into contact with16412021256236523696 15002000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Wavenumbers (cm -1)0.11548abc d1594FIG.6.Effect of pyridine introduction on the spectrum of H 2S ad-sorbed on NaY.(a)NaY1580before pyridine adsorption (difference spec-trum:after H 2S adsorption minus before);(b –d)after adsorption of 40,122,and 244µmol ·g −1of pyridine on NaY1580(difference spectra:after pyridine adsorption minus before).the catalyst (Fig.7,spectra a –c).In the presence of a higher amount of the adsorbate (4mbars at equilibrium,spectra d),the intensities of the PyH +bands decrease although an ex-pansion of the spectrum shows that a few of the protonated species are still present.This variation in pressure suggests that the main species responsiblefor the protonation of14001500 1600 1700 Wavenumbers (cm -1)441FIG.7.IR spectra after the adsorption of (a)40,(b)122,and (c)244µmol ·g −1of pyridine;(d)Pe,4mbars on NaY1580.(Difference spectra:after pyridine adsorption minus before.)Spectra in the 1700-to 1400-cm −1zone.358MAUG ´EET AL.pyridine interacts weakly with the zeolite surface.The ana-lysis of the 4000-to 3500-cm −1zone does not show any mod-i fication in the intensity of the ν(OH)band of the zeoliteor of water after an introduction of small doses of pyridine (Fig.6,spectra b and c).This indicates that the Br ønsted acid centers detected by the adsorption of pyridine do not originate from the OH groups formed via H 2S dissocia-tion.It is notable that the perturbation of the OH bands at 3696and 3652cm −1is only observed after introduction of 4mbars at equilibrium of pyridine.Under these conditions,the small number of PyH +detected can evidently be related to the few zeolitic OH groups.It should be mentioned that,in presence of 4mbars of pyridine,a strong decrease in the SH band at ∼2568cm −1is also observed.The variation in the number of protonated species in parallel with the elim-ination of the main part of the molecular H 2S suggests that the protonation sites could be the molecular H 2S.A similar experiment was performed with DMP (Figs.8and 9).The adsorption of increasing amounts of DMP on NaY1580zeolite leads to the appearance of bands at 1601and 1579cm −1,which were previously observed on the cata-lyst without H 2S (Fig.9).A comparison of these spectra with those registered without preadsorption of H 2S indicates that the presence of H 2S leads to a small decrease in the number of coordinated DMP .This con firms that a part of the cationic sites are occupied by H 2S either in its molecular form or in its dissociated form as Na +SH −species.In agree-ment with the results obtained with pyridine,the interac-tion of H 2S with NaY leads to the creation of Br ønsted acid16412021256836523696 15002000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.4Wavenumbers (cm -1)abc c-bx10160120001648163925902568FIG.8.Effect of 2,6-dimethylpyridine introduction on the spectrum of H 2S adsorbed on NaY.(a)NaY1580before DMP adsorption (difference spectrum:after H 2S adsorption minus before);(b)after adsorption of DMP (Pe,4mbars)on NaY1580;and (c)after evacuation at RT (difference spectra:after DMP adsorption minusbefore).15791500155016001650 1700Wavenumbers (cm -1)FIG.9.Effect of H 2S adsorption on the IR spectra of 2,6-dimethyl-pyridine adsorbed.(a1,a2)DMP adsorption on pure NaY (dotted line):(a1)Pe,4mbars;and (a2)after evacuation at RT.(b1–b5)DMP adsorp-tion on NaY1580(solid line);(b1)40µmol ·g −1;(b2)122µmol ·g −1;(b3)244µmol ·g −1;(b4)Pe,4mbars;and (b5)after evacuation at RT.Spectra in the 1700-to 1500-cm −1zone.(Difference spectra:after DMP adsorption minus before.)centers,as revealed from the presence of the three bands,at 1648,1639,and 1624cm −1.The intensity of these bands progressively increases when a higher amount of DMP is introduced into the cell.No decrease in the number of pro-tonated species is observed when 3Torr of DMP is in con-tact with the catalyst,the conversely of the phenomenon which occurred with pyridine.The analysis of the zone above 1800cm −1shows,in ad-dition to the bands at 3100–2800cm −1due to C –H bands of DMP ,the presence of two broad bands centered close to 2590and 2000cm −1(Fig.8),the intensities of which increase with an increasing amount of DMP introduced.Taking into account a previous study on zeolite (24),one can interpret these broad bands separated by a hole at 2200cm −1as Fermi resonance between ν(NH)and a com-bination δ(NH )+γ(NH )band.Thus,the occurrence of this resonance con firms the formation of protonated DMP species.Evacuation at room temperature of the NaY1580after its contact with 4mbars of DMP leads to signi ficant modi fica-tion of the spectrum (Figs.8and 9).To analyze more clearly these transformation the difference between the spectrum taken after evacuation of the NaY1580with 4mbars of DMP minus the spectrum registered before the evacua-tion is exhibited (Fig.8,spectrum c-b).The most striking point is that evacuation leads to an almost complete elimi-nation of DMPH +species since the bands at 1648,1638,and 1624cm −1almost completely disappear,in agreement with the disappearance of broad bands at 2590and 2000cm −1.The ν8bands which remain present a very low intensity and are observed at 1650and 1624cm −1.As already notedMODIFICATION OF THE ACIDIC PROPERTIES OF NaY ZEOLITE359with pyridine,the small DMPH +band,which remains after evacuation,can be related to the small number of zeolitic OH groups,in agreement with the wavenumbers which coincide with those reported for DMP adsorption on HY zeolite (26).Additionally,evacuation of DMP coadsorbed with H 2S results in the elimination of the main part of the SH species (Fig.8spectrum c-b:negative band at ∼2568cm −1).The difference spectrum provides also an evidence for a general decrease in the number of DMP molecules interacting with the surface,since the intensity of the C –H band at 3200–2800cm −1decreases,although an increase in the bands in the 1600-to 1575-cm −1range is noted after evacuation.This likely indicates a transformation of some physisorbed DMP species into coordinated ones.Such a feature has already being observed after evacuation of a large amount of probe molecule adsorbed at RT or lower temperature on the zeo-lite.It could be explained by a better accessibility of pore sites after elimination of some physisorbed species.Therefore,the question which arises is which species are responsible for the protonation of DMP in the presence of H 2S.To answer this query,we determined which species no longer interact with DMP after evacuation of the NaY1580sample.In the 4000-to 3500-cm −1zone (Fig.10),the presence of 4mbars of DMP leads to the perturbation of three ν(OH)bands,at 3745(SiOH),3696(H 2O),and 3652cm −1((OH)HF).RT evacuation removes DMP molecules which were interacting with SiOH groups.Thus,the SiO –H band at 3750cm −1appears as a positive band on the difference spectrum presented in Fig.10(spectrum b-a).However,evacuation at RT does not induce any modi fication of the OH bands at 3696and 3652cm −1,which evidently indi-3550 3600 36503700 3750 3800 0.043500Wavenumbers (cm -1)365236963745abb-aFIG.10.Spectra in the ν(OH)vibration zone of the effect of 2,6-dimethylpyridine introduction on the spectrum of NaY1580.(a)After adsorption of DMP (Pe,4mbars);(b)after evacuation at RT (difference spectra:in presence of DMP minus before DMP adsorption).cates that the hydroxyl groups corresponding to the traces of water adsorbed on the zeolite and to the zeolitic OH groups formed by H 2S dissociation are still in interaction with DMP .Previous studies show that silanol groups only interact by H-bonding with DMP since they are not acidic enough to protonate DMP (9).Therefore,the removal of the interaction between DMP and SiOH cannot explain the elimination of DMPH +species by evacuation at RT.More-over,the decrease in the number of DMPH +species cannot be related to an elimination of water since the intensity of the 3696cm −1band is not reduced by pumping.This feature points out that the traces of water are not responsible for the main part of the Br ønsted acidity.The analysis of the 2700-to 2500-cm −1zone (Fig.8)shows on spectrum c and more clearly on difference spec-trum (c-b)that evacuation leads to the elimination of some SH species since the ν(SH)band at ∼2574cm −1clearly decreases.Therefore,a relationship between the presence of molecular H 2S and the formation of protonated DMP species as well as of pyridinium species appears.This re-sult allows us to propose that the interaction of H 2S with the cationic Na +centers could induce a perturbation in the electronic bond in the H 2S molecule and leads to the ap-pearance of a positive charge on the hydrogen atom in the molecule,which becomes able to protonate DMP and pyri-dine.The increase in the acidity of the hydroxyl group of alcohols by their coordination on Lewis acid centers such as SbCl 5was previously reported in the literature (27–29).To our knowledge,such an increase in acidity by coordination of a reactant or by a product of a reaction with the surface of a solid catalyst has not been reported in the literature.The weak interaction of H 2S with Na +,previously evi-denced,explains why pumping at RT,which eliminates co-ordinated H 2S,also leads to a decrease in the number of protonated DMP species.Experiments with pyridine ad-sorption also indicate that species responsible for the proto-nation weakly interact with the zeolite.Indeed,the decrease in the number of pyridinium species detected when large amounts of pyridine were introduced into the cell can be explained by a competitive adsorption between molecular H 2S and pyridine on Na +cations.With DMP ,the presence of methyl groups reduces the strength of the coordination.Therefore,for the same equilibrium pressure,DMP ,which interacts less strongly with cationic sites,does not displace coordinated H 2S while pyridine displaces it.In the presence of H 2S,DMP provides evidence for the presence of protonic sites,with these sites being character-ize by the appearance of three distinct bands,at 1624,1639,and 1648cm −1.From previous studies (9,10,26,30–32)it appears that whatever the nature of the sample,a band al-ways appears at a wavenumber close to 1624cm −1when DMPH +is formed.This band characterizes the ν8b vibra-tion of protonated DMP species.Conversely,the position of the ν8a vibration of DMPH +is sensitive to the environment。