Bounds on the max-flow min-cut ratio for directed multicommodity flows. Unpublished Manuscr
A Simple Min-Cut AlgorithmMECHTHILD STOERTeleverkets Forskningsinstitutt,Kjeller,NorwayANDFRANK WAGNERFreie Universita¨t Berlin,Berlin-Dahlem,GermanyAbstract.We present an algorithm for finding the minimum cut of an undirected edge-weighted graph.It is simple in every respect.It has a short and compact description,is easy to implement,and has a surprisingly simple proof of correctness.Its runtime matches that of the fastest algorithm known.The runtime analysis is straightforward.In contrast to nearly all approaches so far,the algorithm uses no flow techniques.Roughly speaking,the algorithm consists of about͉V͉nearly identical phases each of which is a maximum adjacency search.Categories and Subject Descriptors:G.L.2[Discrete Mathematics]:Graph Theory—graph algorithms General Terms:AlgorithmsAdditional Key Words and Phrases:Min-Cut1.IntroductionGraph connectivity is one of the classical subjects in graph theory,and has many practical applications,for example,in chip and circuit design,reliability of communication networks,transportation planning,and cluster analysis.Finding the minimum cut of an undirected edge-weighted graph is a fundamental algorithmical problem.Precisely,it consists in finding a nontrivial partition of the graphs vertex set V into two parts such that the cut weight,the sum of the weights of the edges connecting the two parts,is minimum.A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the2nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms.Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol.855,1994,pp.141–147.This work was supported by the ESPRIT BRA Project ALCOM II.Authors’addresses:M.Stoer,Televerkets Forskningsinstitutt,Postboks83,2007Kjeller,Norway;;F.Wagner,Institut fu¨r Informatik,Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik,Freie Universita¨t Berlin,Takustraße9,Berlin-Dahlem,Germany; to make digital/hard copy of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage,the copyright notice,the title of the publication,and its date appear,and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery(ACM),Inc.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers,or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.᭧1997ACM0004-5411/97/0700-0585$03.50Journal of the ACM,Vol.44,No.4,July1997,pp.585–591.586M.STOER AND F.WAGNER The usual approach to solve this problem is to use its close relationship to the maximum flow problem.The famous Max-Flow-Min-Cut-Theorem by Ford and Fulkerson[1956]showed the duality of the maximum flow and the so-called minimum s-t-cut.There,s and t are two vertices that are the source and the sink in the flow problem and have to be separated by the cut,that is,they have to lie in different parts of the partition.Until recently all cut algorithms were essentially flow algorithms using this duality.Finding a minimum cut without specified vertices to be separated can be done by finding minimum s-t-cuts for a fixed vertex s and all͉V͉Ϫ1possible choices of tʦVگ{s}and then selecting the lightest one.Recently Hao and Orlin[1992]showed how to use the maximum flow algorithm by Goldberg and Tarjan[1988]in order to solve the minimum cut problem in timeᏻ(͉VʈE͉log(͉V͉2/͉E͉),which is nearly as fast as the fastest maximum flow algorithms so far[Alon1990;Ahuja et al.1989;Cheriyan et al. 1990].Nagamochi and Ibaraki[1992a]published the first deterministic minimum cut algorithm that is not based on a flow algorithm,has the slightly better running time ofᏻ(͉VʈE͉ϩ͉V͉2log͉V͉),but is still rather complicated.In the unweighted case,they use a fast-search technique to decompose a graph’s edge set E into subsets E1,...,Esuch that the union of the first k E i’s is a k-edge-connected spanning subgraph of the given graph and has at most k͉V͉edges.They simulate this approach in the weighted case.Their work is one of a small number of papers treating questions of graph connectivity by non-flow-based methods [Nishizeki and Poljak1989;Nagamochi and Ibaraki1992a;Matula1992].Karger and Stein[1993]suggest a randomized algorithm that with high probability finds a minimum cut in timeᏻ(͉V͉2log͉V͉).In this context,we present in this paper a remarkably simple deterministic minimum cut algorithm with the fastest running time so far,established in Nagamochi and Ibaraki[1992b].We reduce the complexity of the algorithm of Nagamochi and Ibaraki by avoiding the unnecessary simulated decomposition of the edge set.This enables us to give a comparably straightforward proof of correctness avoiding,for example,the distinction between the unweighted, integer-,rational-,and real-weighted case.This algorithm was found independently by Frank[1994].Queyranne[1995]generalizes our simple approach to the minimization of submodular functions.The algorithm described in this paper was implemented by Kurt Mehlhorn from the Max-Planck-Institut,Saarbru¨cken and is part of the algorithms library LEDA[Mehlhorn and Na¨her1995].2.The AlgorithmThroughout the paper,we deal with an ordinary undirected graph G with vertex set V and edge set E.Every edge e has nonnegative real weight w(e).The simple key observation is that,if we know how to find two vertices s and t, and the weight of a minimum s-t-cut,we are nearly done:T HEOREM2.1.Let s and t be two vertices of a graph G.Let G/{s,t}be the graph obtained by merging s and t.Then a minimum cut of G can be obtained by taking the smaller of a minimum s-t-cut of G and a minimum cut of G/{s,t}.The theorem holds since either there is a minimum cut of G that separates s and t ,then a minimum s -t -cut of G is a minimum cut of G ;or there is none,then a minimum cut of G /{s ,t }does the job.So a procedure finding an arbitrary minimum s -t -cut can be used to construct a recursive algorithm to find a minimum cut of a graph.The following algorithm,known in the literature as maximum adjacency search or maximum cardinality search ,yields the desired s -t -cut.M INIMUM C UT P HASE (G ,w ,a )A 4{a }while A Vadd to A the most tightly connected vertexstore the cut-of-the-phase and shrink G by merging the two vertices added lastA subset A of the graphs vertices grows starting with an arbitrary single vertex until A is equal to V .In each step,the vertex outside of A most tightly connected with A is added.Formally,we add a vertexz ʦ͞A such that w ͑A ,z ͒ϭmax ͕w ͑A ,y ͉͒y ʦ͞A ͖,where w (A ,y )is the sum of the weights of all the edges between A and y .At the end of each such phase,the two vertices added last are merged ,that is,the two vertices are replaced by a new vertex,and any edges from the two vertices to a remaining vertex are replaced by an edge weighted by the sum of the weights of the previous two edges.Edges joining the merged nodes are removed.The cut of V that separates the vertex added last from the rest of the graph is called the cut-of-the-phase .The lightest of these cuts-of-the-phase is the result of the algorithm,the desired minimum cut:M INIMUM C UT (G ,w ,a )while ͉V ͉Ͼ1M INIMUM C UT P HASE (G ,w ,a )if the cut-of-the-phase is lighter than the current minimum cutthen store the cut-of-the-phase as the current minimum cutNotice that the starting vertex a stays the same throughout the whole algorithm.It can be selected arbitrarily in each phase instead.3.CorrectnessIn order to proof the correctness of our algorithms,we need to show the following somewhat surprising lemma.L EMMA 3.1.Each cut -of -the -phase is a minimum s -t -cut in the current graph ,where s and t are the two vertices added last in the phase .P ROOF .The run of a M INIMUM C UT P HASE orders the vertices of the current graph linearly,starting with a and ending with s and t ,according to their order of addition to A .Now we look at an arbitrary s -t -cut C of the current graph and show,that it is at least as heavy as the cut-of-the-phase.587A Simple Min-Cut Algorithm588M.STOER AND F.WAGNER We call a vertex v a active(with respect to C)when v and the vertex added just before v are in the two different parts of C.Let w(C)be the weight of C,A v the set of all vertices added before v(excluding v),C v the cut of A vഫ{v} induced by C,and w(C v)the weight of the induced cut.We show that for every active vertex vw͑A v,v͒Յw͑C v͒by induction on the set of active vertices:For the first active vertex,the inequality is satisfied with equality.Let the inequality be true for all active vertices added up to the active vertex v,and let u be the next active vertex that is added.Then we havew͑A u,u͒ϭw͑A v,u͒ϩw͑A uگA v,u͒ϭ:␣Now,w(A v,u)Յw(A v,v)as v was chosen as the vertex most tightly connected with A v.By induction w(A v,v)Յw(C v).All edges between A uگA v and u connect the different parts of C.Thus they contribute to w(C u)but not to w(C v).So␣Յw͑C v͒ϩw͑A uگA v,u͒Յw͑C u͒As t is always an active vertex with respect to C we can conclude that w(A t,t)Յw(C t)which says exactly that the cut-of-the-phase is at most as heavy as C.4.Running TimeAs the running time of the algorithm M INIMUM C UT is essentially equal to the added running time of the͉V͉Ϫ1runs of M INIMUM C UT P HASE,which is called on graphs with decreasing number of vertices and edges,it suffices to show that a single M INIMUM C UT P HASE needs at mostᏻ(͉E͉ϩ͉V͉log͉V͉)time yielding an overall running time ofᏻ(͉VʈE͉ϩ͉V͉2log͉V͉).The key to implementing a phase efficiently is to make it easy to select the next vertex to be added to the set A,the most tightly connected vertex.During execution of a phase,all vertices that are not in A reside in a priority queue based on a key field.The key of a vertex v is the sum of the weights of the edges connecting it to the current A,that is,w(A,v).Whenever a vertex v is added to A we have to perform an update of the queue.v has to be deleted from the queue,and the key of every vertex w not in A,connected to v has to be increased by the weight of the edge v w,if it exists.As this is done exactly once for every edge,overall we have to perform͉V͉E XTRACT M AX and͉E͉I NCREASE K EY ing Fibonacci heaps[Fredman and Tarjun1987],we can perform an E XTRACT M AX operation inᏻ(log͉V͉)amortized time and an I NCREASE K EY operation inᏻ(1)amortized time.Thus,the time we need for this key step that dominates the rest of the phase, isᏻ(͉E͉ϩ͉V͉log͉V͉).5.AnExample F IG .1.A graph G ϭ(V ,E )withedge-weights.F IG .2.The graph after the first M INIMUM C UT P HASE (G ,w ,a ),a ϭ2,and the induced ordering a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,f ,s ,t of the vertices.The first cut-of-the-phase corresponds to the partition {1},{2,3,4,5,6,7,8}of V with weight w ϭ5.F IG .3.The graph after the second M INIMUM C UT P HASE (G ,w ,a ),and the induced ordering a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,s ,t of the vertices.The second cut-of-the-phase corresponds to the partition {8},{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}of V with weight w ϭ5.F IG .4.After the third M INIMUM C UT P HASE (G ,w ,a ).The third cut-of-the-phase corresponds to the partition {7,8},{1,2,3,4,5,6}of V with weight w ϭ7.589A Simple Min-Cut AlgorithmACKNOWLEDGMENT .The authors thank Dorothea Wagner for her helpful re-marks.REFERENCESA HUJA ,R.K.,O RLIN ,J.B.,AND T ARJAN ,R.E.1989.Improved time bounds for the maximum flow problem.SIAM put.18,939–954.A LON ,N.1990.Generating pseudo-random permutations and maximum flow algorithms.Inf.Proc.Lett.35,201–204.C HERIYAN ,J.,H AGERUP ,T.,AND M EHLHORN ,K.1990.Can a maximum flow be computed in o (nm )time?In Proceedings of the 17th International Colloquium on Automata,Languages and Programming .pp.235–248.F ORD ,L.R.,AND F ULKERSON ,D.R.1956.Maximal flow through a network.Can.J.Math.8,399–404.F RANK , A.1994.On the Edge-Connectivity Algorithm of Nagamochi and Ibaraki .Laboratoire Artemis,IMAG,Universite ´J.Fourier,Grenoble,Switzerland.F REDMAN ,M.L.,AND T ARJAN ,R.E.1987.Fibonacci heaps and their uses in improved network optimization algorithms.J.ACM 34,3(July),596–615.G OLDBERG ,A.V.,AND T ARJAN ,R.E.1988.A new approach to the maximum-flow problem.J.ACM 35,4(Oct.),921–940.H AO ,J.,AND O RLIN ,J.B.1992.A faster algorithm for finding the minimum cut in a graph.In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (Orlando,Fla.,Jan.27–29).ACM,New York,pp.165–174.K ARGER ,D.,AND S TEIN ,C.1993.An O˜(n 2)algorithm for minimum cuts.In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (San Diego,Calif.,May 16–18).ACM,New York,pp.757–765.F IG .5.After the fourth and fifth M INIMUM C UT P HASE (G ,w ,a ),respectively.The fourth cut-of-the-phase corresponds to the partition {4,7,8},{1,2,3,5,6}.The fifth cut-of-the-phase corresponds to the partition {3,4,7,8},{1,2,5,6}with weight w ϭ4.F IG .6.After the sixth and seventh M INIMUM C UT P HASE (G ,w ,a ),respectively.The sixth cut-of-the-phase corresponds to the partition {1,5},{2,3,4,6,7,8}with weight w ϭ7.The last cut-of-the-phase corresponds to the partition {2},V گ{2};its weight is w ϭ9.The minimum cut of the graph G is the fifth cut-of-the-phase and the weight is w ϭ4.590M.STOER AND F.WAGNERM ATULA ,D.W.1993.A linear time 2ϩ⑀approximation algorithm for edge connectivity.In Proceedings of the 4th ACM–SIAM Symposium on Discrete Mathematics ACM,New York,pp.500–504.M EHLHORN ,K.,AND N ¨AHER ,S.1995.LEDA:a platform for combinatorial and geometric mun.ACM 38,96–102.N AGAMOCHI ,H.,AND I BARAKI ,T.1992a.Linear time algorithms for finding a sparse k -connected spanning subgraph of a k -connected graph.Algorithmica 7,583–596.N AGAMOCHI ,H.,AND I BARAKI ,puting edge-connectivity in multigraphs and capaci-tated graphs.SIAM J.Disc.Math.5,54–66.N ISHIZEKI ,T.,AND P OLJAK ,S.1989.Highly connected factors with a small number of edges.Preprint.Q UEYRANNE ,M.1995.A combinatorial algorithm for minimizing symmetric submodular functions.In Proceedings of the 6th ACM–SIAM Symposium on Discrete Mathematics ACM,New York,pp.98–101.RECEIVED APRIL 1995;REVISED FEBRUARY 1997;ACCEPTED JUNE 1997Journal of the ACM,Vol.44,No.4,July 1997.591A Simple Min-Cut Algorithm。
Comet Pump 产品说明书
The following data is on the pump name plate:1. Pump Model2. Maximum delivery ( at 0 psi)3. Flow rate at maximum pressure4. Maximum in pump pressure5. Max R.P.M.6. Serial numberA World Leader in Diaphragm PumpsOperating and Maintenance ManualThank you for purchasing a Comet Pump. Comet is an ISO 9001 manufacturer and as such pro-duces quality products which are safe, efficient and durable. Please read this manual carefully pay-ing great attention to all the information provided especially that on safety issues. Toll Free (800) 331-7727B) Check the air pressure in the pressure accumulator if applicable, (fig. 3) depending on the range of pressure used in the pump. Pressurize according to table A . The pressure may be checked and changed accordinglyusing an air pump.TAB. A OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPressureaccumulator (psi)Pressure of pumps (psi) When in use 3030-75 30-7575-150 75-105150-300 105300-750STARTINGa)Follow the pump Manual instructions.b)The pump must turn at a rotation speed between 400 - 550 rpm.c)To prime pump quickly, keep the suction circuit at “0” pressure or near to “0”. Repeat this operation eachtime the pump is emptied.d)Bring the pump to the rated pressure according to the type of work to be carried out by regulating thepressure of the control. The pressure must not exceed the maximum pressure of the pump.e)Monitor the oil level during the first few hours of operation and add oil (when pump is idle) if necessary.MAINTENANCEWash the pump after use by running clean water through it for a few minutes.ATTENTION : before staring the pump, make sure that taps not in use are inthe “closed” position (fig. 4).ATTENTION: Make sure that the moving parts of the pump are properly pro-tected and are not accessible to other persons not authorized.NOTICE: if the machine is used at a very low temperature, make sure thereis no ice inside the pump and manifolds, turning the eccentric shaft of thepump by hand, after disconnecting it from the tractor.NOTICE: Avoid exposing pump to freezing temperatures. If this is unavoid-able run antifreeze through pump for several minutes then purge system ofany antifreeze before use. Preliminary MaintenanceA) Check oil level, when pump is idle and placed horizontally, it must be at the mark indicated on the oil siteglass (fig. 1) or be visible on the oil level plug (fig. 2), depending on type of pump. Top off with SAE 30W non-detergent oil if necessary.b)if this happens after many hours of work and continues after 1 or 2 top ups, it is a symptom of diaphragm swelling caused by suction vacuum (dirty filter, deformed inlet tube or chemical attack to diaphragm). In this case check the filter and inlet system and/or refer to a specialized technician to check the diaphragm.STATE OF OIL IN THE CASE OF BROKEN DIAPHRAGMIf the oil becomes white (water present in oil), it may be a symptom of breakage of one or more diaphragms, therefore it is necessary to stop work and let a specialized technician check the conditions of the diaphragm and substitute if neces-sary.Notice:•If work is continued during these conditions it may cause serious damage to internal parts of the pump. •If it is not possible to substitute the diaphragm within one day of its breakage, empty the crankcase of water and pour in oil (even used) or diesel oil to stop rust from forming on the internal components .INLET SYSTEMThe inlet system must be kept efficient, that is:There must not be:•Entrance of air caused by tube wear; •Loosening of fittings; •Wear of joints;Regarding this, check that there are no small drips when the pump is still, this means air is entering the pump when in motion.The filter must be maintained and kept clean with frequent inspections especially if powder based products are used. Periodical maintenance to be carried out by user as follows:ATTENTION : check pump only when it is not running.OILThe level and cleanliness of the oil should be frequently checked (eg: each time the tank is filled). This will indicate if the pump and diaphragm are working properly.OIL LEVELWhen pump is turned off, the oil level must correspond to the reference slot found on the oil sight glass or oil level cap depending on type of pump. The oil level is not always constant when the diaphragm pump is working: the oil level is lowered when the pump starts working and is priming, when the spray liquid reaches the pump, the oil level rises to nor-mal level.During operation attention must be made to a decrease in the oil level:a) if this happens during the first hours of working it is normal. Add SAE 30W non-detergent type oil to proper level as in fig.5.PUMP MOUNTINGATTENTION: periodically check, especially when there is vibration during use (chain tractors, gasoline/diesel en-gines) that the mounting screws on the machine frame are tightened and if necessary re-tighten according to the ma-chine manufacturer instructions.PRESSURE ACCUMULATORCheck pressure in pulsation dampner, if present, and for pulsation on the pressure gauge.EXTRA MAINTENANCEThe following maintenance operations must be carried out periodically by a specialized technician.OIL REPLACEMENTIt is advised to replace the oil after the first 300 hours of work and then every time the diaphragm is changed.ATTENTION : The oil must be collected in the proper containers and not thrown into the environment. DIAPHRAGM REPLACEMENTAt the end of every season it is advised to check the diaphragms and replace them if worn or distorted . If particularly strong chemical products are used, it is recommended to replace the diaphragms every year regardless of their condi-tion.INLET AND DELIVERY VALVESPeriodically check (every 300 hours under normal working conditions) the state of the inlet and delivery valves. The maintenance must be more frequent if sandy liquid or abrasive liquids are used. It must also be carried out if drops or changes of pressure, irregular functioning and strange noises are noticed.CHECK STATE AND LEVEL OF OILX CHECK PRESSURE ACCUMULATORX CHECK INTAKE (TUBES & FITTINGS)X CHECK AND CLEAN THE INLET FILTER XCHECK FIXING OF PUMP MOUNTINGX CHECK DIAPHRAGM AND POSSIBLE SUBSTI-TUTE0 CHANGE OIL0 (1) 0 (2) CHECK INLET/DISCHARGE VALVES0 CHECK TIGHTENING OF PUMP SCREWS0 Note: X operation to be carried out by the operator0 operation to be carried out by specialized technician(1) first oil change(2) change to be carried out same as diaphragm changeEvery 8h Every 50h Every 300h End of season Maintenance Intervals OPERATIONWARRANTY INFORMATION•The Manufacturer warrants its products for 12 months from the date of purchase, provided that the below is sent to the Manufacturer fully filled out and within 10 days from the delivery date.•In accordance with the above –mentioned terms, the Manufacturer agrees to furnish free of charge any replace-ment parts for such parts as, in the Manufacturer’s opinion or that of their authorized representative, are defec-tive either in material or manufacture. In any case transport and labor costs shall be charged to the customer. •The product returned to Comet S.p.A. for warranty inspection or repair must be sent back together with each sin-gle part the unit is complete with and must not have been improperly damaged. Comet will otherwise decline allresponsibility for any warranty claims.•The warranty does not include any payment for faults due to incorrect usage by the operator and for parts falling within the usual maintenance, such as: Gaskets, diaphragms sealing rings, oil and so on.•The Manufacturer shall not be held responsible for accidents to the operator or third parties while the equipment is in use.•This warranty shall not be valid if: A)Previous service or repairs were performed by unauthorized individuals or companies.B)The equipment was previously repaired with non original parts•Breakdowns and failures in our machines during or after the warranty period, do not grant any right to suspend payments for the goods delivered which have already been agreed to. Nor can such breakdowns and failuresbe used to excuse further delay in such payments•The Manufacturer reserves the right at any time to carry out any and all changes to improve his products. Nor shall he be obliged by this to add such improvements to units previously manufactured already consigned or inthe process of installation.•These general conditions of warranty hereby substitute and nullify every previous condition expressed or implicit. TROUBLE SHOOTINGSYMPTOMCAUSE REMEDY The pump does not charge Air inletRegulation valve closed control group not atzeroValve and/or site of inlet valve and deliveryworn or dirtyCheck inlet for blockage Position the lever Replace or clean The pump does not reach the desired pressure Worn valve and/or site of regulation valveValve and/or site of inlet valve and deliveryworn or dirtyInsufficient rpm’s.Worn nozzles used or holes too big Replace or clean Replace or clean Bring the rpm to 350 - 550 rpm ReplacePressure irregular or with pulse Valve and/or site of inlet valve and delivery worn or dirty Air inlet Replace or cleanCheck inlet for blockageExcessive diaphragm vibra-tions Pressure accumulator discharged or with in-correct air pressure Bring air to correct pressureNoise when oil level is lowered Blocked inlet Check inlet for blockageWater present in oil Broken diaphragmReplace.If replacement is not immediate, emptywater from pump introduce oil without wa-ter (even used) or naphtha to stop internalparts from rusting.Two marks in correspon-dence to valve seat Causes1.Restricted suction.Blocked suction filter.Suction hose blocked orkinked. Suction lift toohigh. Spray mixture toothick (dense)2.Pump RPM above specifi-cation3.Suction valve not sealing4.Cylinder Sleeve holes notin correct position5.Chemical incompatiblewith diaphragm material,in addition to one of theabove causes.TOPTOP Fatigued and worn under-neath piston retaining disc and two marks in corre-spondence to valve seat. Causes1.Chemical incompatiblewith diaphragm material 2.Diaphragm swollen andsoft3.Diaphragm soft andspongy (Below 60º)4.Diaphragm profile dis-torted5.Diaphragm shape dis-torted6.Increase in external di-ameter7.Diaphragm swollenStraight fractureCausesIncorrect air bleeding, airtrapped under diaphragmFracture on external diame-ter and worn or fatiguedunder piston retaining disc.CausesFatigue breakage, diaphragmworn outRemedyDiaphragm must be checkedonce a year.TOPA.Standard shapeB.Diaphragm distortedB. Swollen diaphragmCircular fracture on pistonside of diaphragm that issame size as piston.Causes1.Excessive wear betweenpiston and valve2.Suction has too much pres-sure (excessive head)3.Low pump RPM4.Cylinder sleeve holes not incorrect position5.Delivery valve not sealing6.Low oil level in pumpOILBOTTOMTOPCommon causes of diaphragm failureNotes。
将其他信号考虑为噪声 的一部分,译码单个信 号并将其从接收到的信 号中“”减去“的思想
M个用户的多接入信道的容量区域为满足如下条件的 所有码率向量所成集合的凸闭包,即对乘积分布
容量区域为一个 斜多面体!
上述定理有一个简单的最大流最小割解释。 考虑网络中任何一个分界线的一侧与另一侧, 穿过该分界线的码率不超过在给定另一侧的 输入条件下,一侧的输入与另一侧的输出之 间的条件互信息。 如果定理中不等式的等号能够成立,那么网 络中的信息流问题就能得到解决。但遗憾的 是,即使对一些简单的信道,这些不等式中 的等号都不会成立。
• 高斯广播信道可以被看作是退化的广播信道 • 其容量域为 最优译码方法:
Y2先译码,Y1先译出Y2 对应的码字,减去后再 译出Y1对应的码字
• 其中
若 最优译码方法: 分组传输。取得所有可能是第一组传输发送的码字清 单后,检查清单与划分的特定单元(从第二组传输协 助的中继传输中知道该单元编号)相交的情况
信道容量域是一个m维空间中的多边形 对于高斯多址接入信道,当m→∞时,信道容量→∞。
• 一般情况下广播信道的容量依然没有得到解决, 但是已知它仅与p(y1|x),p(y2|x)有关 • 退化的广播信道下容量域已经得到解决。 • 称广播信道是退化的,当 • 高斯广播信道是退化的
随机码生成。 编码。 译码。 误差概率:盒子中超过一个典型序列或信源 序列是非典型的时候出错。
SLMC 数显流量开关集成型说明书 - PF2M7##系列
Instruction ManualPF2M7## seriesThe intended use of the digital flow switch is to monitor and display flow information.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations. *1)ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.∙ Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information. ∙ Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.∙ This product is class A equipment intended for use in an industrial environment. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments due to conducted or radiated disturbances.CautionCaution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, ifnot avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.WarningWarning indicates a hazard with a medium level of riskwhich, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning∙ Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.∙ All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person in compliance with applicable national regulations.∙ Do not disassemble, modify (including changing the printed circuit board) or repair. An injury or failure can result.∙ Do not operate the product outside of the specifications. Fire, malfunction or damage to the product can result.∙ Do not operate in an atmosphere containing flammable, explosive or corrosive gas.Fire or an explosion can result.∙ Do not use the product for flammable fluids. Fire, explosion, damage or corrosion can result. ∙ If using the product in an interlocking circuit:Provide a double interlocking system, for example a mechanical system.∙ Check the product for correct operation.Otherwise malfunction can result, causing an accident.∙ Do not use the product in a place where static electricity is a problem.Product failure or system malfunction may result.Otherwise electric shock, malfunction or product damage can result. ∙ Refer to the operation manual on the SMC website (URL: https:// ) for more safety instructions.2 SpecificationsWarningSpecial products (-X) might have specifications different from those shown in this section. Contact SMC for specific drawings.3.1 PF2M7## (with flow adjustment valve)ItemDescriptionSocket Socket for electrical connections.Piping port Connected to the fluid inlet IN side and to the fluid outlet OUT side.Flow adjustment valve Orifice mechanism to adjust the flow. Lock ring Used to lock the flow adjustment valve.Mounting hole Used to mount the product on a DIN rail or directly to a panel.BodyThe body of the product.Lead wire and connector Lead wire to supply power and output signals.3.2 DisplayItem DescriptionUP buttonSelects the mode or increases the ON/OFF set value. Press this button to change to the peak display mode.DOWN button Selects the mode or decreases the ON/OFF set value.Press this button to change to the bottom displaymode.Main displayDisplays the flow value, setting mode, and error indication.Four display modes can be selected: display always in red or green, or display changing from green to red, or red to green, according to the output status (OUT1). SET button Press this button to change to another mode and to set a value.Output display (Operation LED) Displays the output status of OUT1 and OUT2. OUT1: LED is ON (Orange) when the output is ON. OUT2: LED is ON (Orange) when the output is ON. When the accumulated pulse output mode is selected, the output display is OFF.Units display Arbitrary units are ON based on the flow display setting (instantaneous or accumulated flow)IO-Link status indicator light LED is ON when OUT1 is used in IO-Link mode. (LED is OFF in SIO mode)ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSModel 701 702 705 710 725 750 711 721 F l u i dApplicable fluidDry air, N 2, Ar, CO 2(ISO8573-1 1.1.2 to 1.6.2)Fluid temperature range 0 to 50 o CF l o w r a t e Detection method Thermal(main flow) Thermal (branch flow) R a t e d f l o w r a n g e [L /m i n ] Dry air,N 2,Ar 0.01 to 1 0.02 to 2 0.05 to 5 0.1 to 10 0.3 to 25 0.5 to 50 1 to 100 2 to200CO 20.01 to 0.5 0.02 to 1 0.05 to 2.5 0.1 to 5 0.3 to 12.5 0.5 to 25 1 to 50 2 to100S e t f l o w r a n g e Instantaneous flow [L/min]-0.05 to 1.05 -0.1 to 2.1 -0.25 to 5.25 -0.5 to 10.5 -1.3 to 26.3 -2.5 to 52.5 -5 to 105 -10 to 210Accumulated flow [L] 0.00 to 9999999.99 0.0 to 99999999.9 0 to 999999999 M i n . s e t t i n g u n i t Instantaneous flow [L/min] 0.001 0.01 0.1 1Accumulatedflow [L]0.01 0.1 1 Accumulatedvolume [L/pulse]0.01 0.1 1 Accumulated value hold Select from 2 and 5 minutesP r e s s u r eOperating pressure range-0.1 to 0.75 MPa Rated pressurerange-0.07 to 0.75 MPaProof pressure 1.0 MPa Pressure loss Refer to the pressure loss graph. Pressure characteristics ±5%F.S. ±1 digit (0.35 MPa standard)E l e c t r i c a l P o w e r s u p p l y v o l t a g e Switch output device 12 to 24 VDC ±10% IO-Link device18 to 30 VDC ±10% Currentconsumption 35 mA or less ProtectionPolarity protection A c c u r a c yDisplay accuracy ±3% F.S. ±1 digitAnalogue output accuracy ±3% F.S.Repeatability ±1%F.S. ±1 digit(±2% F.S. ±1 digit when digital filter is set to 0.05 s) Temperature characteristics ±3%F.S. ±1 digit (15 to 35 oC: 25 oC standard) ±5%F.S. ±1 digit (0 to 50 o C: 25 o C standard) S w i t c h o u t p u tOutput type NPN or PNP open collectorOutput mode Select from hysteresis mode, window comparator mode, accumulated output mode, accumulated pulse output mode, error outputand switch output OFFSwitch operation Select from normal output and reversed outputMaximum load current80 mA Maximum applied voltage 28 VDC (NPN only)I n t e r n a l v o l t a g e d r o pStandard valueNPN: 1 V or less (Load current 80 mA) PNP: 1.5 V or less (Load current 80 mA) IO-Link compatible product 1.5 V or less (Load current 80 mA) Response time 50 ms or lessDelay time 0 to 0.10 s (0.01 s increment), 0.1 to 1.0 s (0.1 s increment), 1 to 10 s (1 s increment)Select from 20 s, 30 s, 40 s, 50 s, 60 sHysteresis VariableProtectionShort circuit protectionModel 701 702 705 710 725 750 711 721 A n a l o g u e o u t p u tOutput type Voltage output: 1 to 5 V (or 0 to 10 V),Current output 4 to 20 mAI m p e d a n c e Voltage outputOutput impedance approx.1 kΩ CurrentoutputMax. load impedance Power supply voltage 24 V: 600 Ω Power supply voltage 12 V: 300 Ω Response time 50 ms ±40% D i s p l a yReference conditionSelect from normal condition (NOR) andstandard condition (STD) Display mode Select from instantaneous flow andaccumulated flow U n i t InstantaneousflowL/min, cfm Accumulated flowL, ft 3 D i s p l a y a b l e r a n g e Instantaneous flow [L/min]-0.05 to 1.05 -0.1 to 2.1 -0.25 to 5.25 -0.5 to 10.5 -1.3 to 26.3 -2.5 to 52.5 -5 to 105 -10 to 210 Zero cut-off range 0 to ±10%F.S. (selected for every 1%F.S. of max. rated flow rate) Accumulated flow [L] 0.00 to 9999999.99 0.0 to99999999.9 0 to 999999999Display Display type: LCD, Display colour: Red, green,Display digit: 7-segment, 4 digits Operation LED LED is ON when switch output is ON,OUT1/OUT2: Orange Digital filterSelect from 0.05 s, 0.1 s, 0.5 s, 1 s, 2 s and 5 s E n v i r o n m e n t a l r e s i s t a n c eEnclosure IP40 Withstand voltage 1000 VAC, 1 min. between terminals andhousing Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or longer (with 500 VDC) between terminals and housing Operatingtemperature rangeOperation: 0 to 50 o C, Storage: -10 to 60 o C(no freezing or condensation)Operating humidity range Operation, Storage: 35 to 85%R.H. (no freezing or condensation) P i p i n gP i p i n g s p e c i f i c a t i o n One-touch fitting C4 (ϕ4) / C6 (ϕ6)C6 (ϕ6) / N7 (ϕ1/4”) C8 (ϕ8) / N7 (ϕ1/4”)Screw fitting (Rc/NPT/G) 01 (Rc1/8) N1 (NPT1/8) F1 (G1/8)02 (Rc1/4) N2 (NPT1/4) F2 (G1/4)Port direction Straight, RearMaterial fluid contact parts PPS, PBT, FKM, SUS304, brass (electrolessnickel plating), Si, Au, GE4FW e i g h tB o d y One-touch fitting Straight: 40 g Rear: 55 g 48 g 63 g Screw fittingStraight: 60 g Rear: 75 g 72 g 87 gFlow adjustment valve -+34 g Lead wire +35 g Bracket +20 g Panel mount adapter +15 g DIN rail mounting bracket +65 gThe product code is displayed for approximately 3 seconds afterpower is supplied.Then measurement mode will be displayed and the switchoperation will start.4.1 InstallationWarning∙Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.∙Use the product within the specified operating pressure andtemperature range.∙Proof pressure could vary according to the fluid temperature. Checkthe characteristics data for operating pressure and proof pressure.4.2 EnvironmentWarning∙Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, saltwater or steam are present.∙Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.∙Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.∙Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specifications.∙Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result intemperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.∙Refer to the flow direction of the fluid indicated on the product forinstallation and piping.∙Do not mount the body with the bottom facing upwards.Retention of air can cause inability to measure accurately.∙Do not insert metal wires or other foreign matter into the piping port.This can damage the sensor causing failure or malfunction.∙Never mount a product in a location that will be used as a foothold.The product may be damaged if excessive force is applied by steppingor climbing onto it.∙If there is a risk of foreign matter entering the fluid, install and pipe afilter or mist separator at the inlet to avoid failure and malfunction.Otherwise damage or malfunction can result.4.3 Panel mounting∙Insert panel mount adapter B (supplied as an accessory) into sectionA of the panel mount adapter.Push panel mount adapter B from behind until the display is fixed ontothe panel.The bracket pin engages the notched part of panel adapter section Cto fix the display.∙The switch can be mounted on a panel with a thickness of 1 to 3.2 mm.4.4 Bracket mounting∙Mount the bracket using the mounting screws supplied.∙The required tightening torque is 0.42 ±0.04 N•m.∙Install the product (with bracket) using the M3 screws (4 pcs.).∙Bracket thickness is approximately 1.2 mm.4.5 DIN rail mounting (using ZS-33-R#)∙Mount the DIN rail mounting parts using the mounting screws and jointscrews supplied.∙The required tightening torque of the DIN rail mounting screws and∙Refer to the operation manual on the SMC website(URL: https://) for all mounting dimensions.4.6 PipingCaution∙Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dust etc.∙Ensure there is no leakage after piping.∙Any dust left in the piping should be flushed out by air blow beforeconnecting piping to the product.Otherwise damage or malfunction can result.∙For piping of the product, hold the piping with a wrench on the metalpart of the product.Holding other parts of the product with a wrench may damage the product.4.7 WiringCaution∙Do not perform wiring while the power is on.∙Confirm proper insulation of wiring.∙Do not route wires and cables together with power or high voltage cables.Otherwise the product can malfunction due to interference of noise andsurge voltage from power and high voltage cables to the signal line.∙Keep wiring as short as possible to prevent interference fromelectromagnetic noise and surge voltage. Do not use a cable longerthan 30 m. When using it as an IO-Link device, do not use a cablelonger than 20 m.∙Ensure that the FG terminal is connected to ground when using acommercially available switch-mode power supply.∙When the analogue output is used, install a noise filter (line noise filter,ferrite element, etc.) between the switch-mode power supply and thisproduct.Connecting / Disconnecting∙When mounting the connector, insert it straight into the socket, holdingthe lever and connector body, and push the connector until the leverhooks into the housing, and locks.∙When removing the connector, press down the lever to release thehook from the housing and pull the connector straight out.Connector pin numbers (on the lead wire)•Lead wire and connector (ZS-33-D)No. Signal name Lead wire colour1 DC(+) Brown2 OUT2 White3 OUT1 Black4 DC(-) Blue•M12 conversion lead wire (ZS-33-DM)Used as switch output deviceNo. Signal name Lead wire colour1 DC(+) Brown2 N.C./OUT2 White3 DC(-) Blue4 OUT1 BlackUsed as IO-Link deviceNo. Signal name Lead wire colour1 L+Brown2 N.C./OUT2 White3 L-Blue4 C/Q BlackPower is supplied*: The outputs will continue to operate during setting.*: Simple setting mode and function selection mode settings arereflected each other.6 Flow Setting6.1 Switch operationWhen the flow exceeds the set value, the switch will be turned ON.When the flow falls below the set value by the amount of hysteresis ormore, the switch will be turned OFF.The default setting is to turn on the flow switch when the flow reaches thecentre of the upper limit of the rated flow range.If the operation shown below is acceptable, keep this setting.*: For hysteresis refer to [F 1] Setting of OUT1 and [F 2] Setting of OUT2.Without flow adjustmentvalve (using ZS-33-M)With flow adjustment valve(using ZS-33-MS)Press the SETbutton for 5seconds or longerPress the SETbutton between2 to 5 secondsPress the SETbutton onceFlow Setting andHysteresis(Simple settingmode)Function Setting(Functionselection mode)Other Settings∙Snap shot∙Key-lock∙Zero clear[Simple setting mode (Hysteresis mode)]In the Simple setting mode, the set value and hysteresis can be changed. (1) Press the SET button once in measurement mode.[P_1] or [n_1] and the [current set value] are displayed alternately.(2) Change the set value using the UP or DOWN button and press theSET button to set the value. Then, the setting moves to hysteresis setting (The snap shot function can be used). ∙ Press the UP button continuously to keep increasing the set value.∙ Press the DOWN button continuously to keep decreasing the set value.(3) [H_1] and the current set value are displayed in turn.(4) Change the hysteresis by pressing the UP or DOWN button and press the SET button. Setting is completed and the product returns to measurement mode (The snap shot function can be used).* For models with switch outputs for both OUT1 and OUT2, [P_2] or [n_2] will be displayed. These are set simultaneously.* After enabling the setting by pressing the SET button, it is possible to return to measurement mode by pressing the SET button for 2 seconds or longer.* When hysteresis mode is not used, "Input set value” is displayed. * The set value and hysteresis settings limit each other.* For more detailed setting, set each function in function selection mode.8.1 Function selection modeIn measurement mode, press the SET button for 2 to 5 seconds to display [F 0] on the display.Select to display the function to be change [F ].Press the SET button for 2 seconds or longer in function selection mode to return to measurement mode. *: Some products do not have all the functions. If a function is not available or selected due to configuration of other functions, [- - -] is displayed.8.2 Default settings*: Setting is only possible for models with the units selection function. *: Only available for models with switch outputs for both OUT1 and OUT2.*: This function is available for models with analogue output. Analogue free span function can be selected.*: This function is available in IO-Link compatible products. *: This function is available for models with external input.9 Other Settings∙ Snap shot function∙ Peak/bottom value indication ∙ Reset∙ Key-lock function ∙Zero clear functionRefer to the operation manual on the SMC website(URL: https:// ) for setting these functions.10.1 General MaintenanceCaution∙ Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the product to malfunction and lead to equipment damage.∙ If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.∙ Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel.∙ Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released to atmosphere.∙ After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.∙ If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.∙ Do not make any modification to the product.∙ Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.∙ How to reset the product after a power cut or when the power has been unexpectedly removedThe settings of the product are retained from before the power cut or de-energizing.The output condition also recovers to that before the power cut or de-energizing, but may change depending on the operating environment. Therefore, check the safety of the whole system before operating the product.11 How to OrderRefer to drawings/catalogue on the SMC website (URL: https:// ) for ‘How to Order’ information.12 Outline Dimensions (mm)Refer to the operation manual on the SMC website(URL: https:// ) for outline dimensions.ItemDefault setting[F 0] [FLU] [FLU] Select the flow rate[Air] Dry air, N 2[rEF] Setting the unitscriteria [Std] Standard condition [Unit] Measurement unitsetting [ L] L/min (L) [norP] Switch output PNP/NPN setting [PnP] PNP output [i_o] SW / external input setting[oUt] SW output [F 1] [oUt1][oUt1] Setting of OUT1[HYS] Hysteresis mode[1ot] OUT1 outputconfiguration setting [1_P] Normal output[P_1] Set value [ ] 50% of maximum rated flow PF2M701: 0.5 L/min, PF2M702: 1.0 L/minPF2M705: 2.5 L/min, PF2M710: 5 L/minPF2M725: 12.5 L/min, PF2M750: 25 L/minPF2M711: 50 L/min PF2M721: 100 L/min[H_1] Hysteresis [ ] 5% of maximum rated flow PF2M701: 0.05 L/min,PF2M702: 0.1 L/minPF2M705: 0.25 L/min,PF2M710: 0.5 L/min PF2M725: 1.3 L/min, PF2M750: 2.5 L/minPF2M711: 5 L/min PF2M721: 10 L/min[dt1] Delay time setting [0.00] 0.00 s [CoL] Display colour setting [1SoG] ON: Green OFF: Red[F 2][oUt2][oUt2] Setting of OUT2[HYS] Hysteresis mode[2ot] OUT2 outputconfiguration setting [2_P] Normal output[P_2] Set value [ ] 50% of maximum rated flow PF2M701: 0.5 L/min,PF2M702: 1.0 L/min PF2M705: 2.5 L/min,PF2M710: 5 L/min PF2M725: 12.5 L/min,PF2M750: 25 L/minPF2M711: 50 L/minPF2M721: 100 L/min [H_2] Hysteresis [ ] 5% of maximum rated flow PF2M701: 0.05 L/min,PF2M702: 0.1 L/min PF2M705: 0.25 L/min,PF2M710: 0.5 L/min PF2M725: 1.3 L/min,PF2M750: 2.5 L/minPF2M711: 5 L/minPF2M721: 10 L/min [dt2] Delay time setting [0.00] 0.00 s [CoL] Display colour setting[1SoG] ON: Green OFF: Red[F 3] [FiL] [FiL] Digital filter setting [1.0] 1.0 s [F 4] [PrS] [PrS] Auto-preset function setting [oFF] Manual Item Default setting[F10] [FLo] [FLo] Display mode [inS] Instantaneous flow [F11] [drE] [drE] Display resolutionsetting [1000] 1000-split [F13] [rEv] [rEv] Reverse display[oFF] Not reverse[F14] [CUt] [CUt] Zero cut-off setting[1.0] 1% of maximum rated flow PF2M701: 0.01 L/min, PF2M702: 0.02 L/min PF2M705: 0.05 L/min, PF2M710: 0.1 L/min PF2M725: 0.3 L/min, PF2M750: 0.5 L/min PF2M711: 1 L/min PF2M721: 2 L/min[F20] [inP] [inP] External input setting [rAC] Accumulated value reset[F22] [AoUt] [AoUt] Analogue output setting [1-5] 1 to 5 V Voltage output(when voltage is output) [---] Analogue output is notselectable(for current type output)[F30] [SAvE] [SAvE] Accumulated flowvalue hold setting[oFF] Not held [F80] [diSP] [diSP] Display OFF modesetting[ on] Normal display [F81][Pin] [Pin] Security code [oFF] Unused[F90] [ALL][ALL] Setting of allfunctions[oFF] Unused[F96] [S_in][S_in] External input signalcheck No setting due to input signal setting[F98][tESt] [tESt] Output checking[ n] Normal output [F99] [ini][ini] Reset to the defaultsettings[oFF] Not recover13.1 Error indicationIf the error cannot be reset after the above measures are taken, or errors other than above are displayed, please contact SMC.Refer to the operation manual on the SMC website (URL: https://) for more detailed information about troubleshooting. 14.1 Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsRefer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products.15 Product disposalThis product should not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check yourlocal regulations and guidelines to dispose this product correctly, in orderto reduce the impact on human health and the environment.16 ContactsRefer to or for contacts.URL: https:// (Global) (Europe)SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JapanSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer.© 2021SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved.Template DKP50047-F-085M。
第一类:巨大: big-colossal/ enormous/ immense/ gargantuan/ grandiose/ massive/ monolithic/ prodigious/ titanic/ tremendous小的: small-diminutive/ miniature/ miniscule快的(副词):fastly—by leaps and bounds加强: strengthen-bolster/ buttress/ consolidate/ reinforce/ intensify/ fortify (可以用在argument)强的: strong-brawny/ muscular/ sinewy/ impregnable/ invincible/ potent/ robust/ virile/ stalwart/ stout/ sturdy强人: baron(巨头) magnate/ mogul削弱: weaken-diminish / debilitate/ enervate/ sap/ undermine/perish/wane弱的: weak—feeble/ decrepit/ frail/ flaccid/ impotent/ puny/ tenuous重要的: important –consequential/ momentous/ eminent/ prominent/ pivotal/ substantial/ significant/ crucial/ essential/ fundamental重要: importance—core/ hub/ essence/ gist/magnitude(类似的)居首位的: leading—foremost/ paramount/ overriding /predominant/ prevailing/ preeminent prevalent/ supreme不重要的: unimportant—marginal/ peripheral/ negligible/ trifling/trivial超过: surpass—eclipse/exceed/override/overwhelming/prevail/transcend/ be superior to/ outwit / outweigh / be inferior to(劣于)= be subordinate to霸权: ascendancy/hegemony/supremacy二初始: beginning—debut/premiere/ prime/ genesis/ inception/ onset/ threshold/ lead off/ lead out (比to begin with好得多拉)(或者说什么的到来:advent of something)初始的: beginning-- primitive//budding/ fledgling/ embryonic/(古老的意义解时archaic or antiquated or obsolescent or obsolete)开始: begin/start—commence/ initiate/ embark/ inaugurate开始:begin/start=undertake / embark upon增长: grow—multiply/mushroom/proliferate/ sprout/accelerate/ burgeon(慢慢增长) 使其增长: increase--amplify/ magnify/ add-augment/ supplement加重,升级aggravate (恶化) / escalate/ exacerbate/ deteriorate/ impair减少,减弱: decrease—abate/attenuate/ detract/ diminish/ slacken/curb/ curtail/ (number)pare/ prune/ slash/ trim/ whittle/减轻decrease---allay/ assuage/ mollify/ soothe/mitigate/变弱decrease—dwindle/ ebb/ subside/ wane/ weaken/ impair上升: ascend—lift / surge/ rocket/ boast/ soar/ boom达到顶峰culminate 顶点: peak—acme/apex/ pinnacle/ climax/ apogee n.远地点/ zenith(nadir最低点or abyss深渊) (zenith&nadir特别适合用在比喻强调两者的区别大~两个词的来源大家可以查查~两个对比强烈哦)下降: descend/ plummet/ plunge/ slump/ tumble (fluctuate波动)三gather聚拢:accumulate/ amass/ assemble/ congregate/ garner/ glean/ muster/ rally(为反对或支持而召集)group群组:battalion/ bevy/ cluster/ drove/ flock/ swarm/ throngcombination集合:assortment/ medley/ mosaic(马赛克)/ motley(五花八门:形容词也可以)a lot of/ a great many of= manifold 许多–abundant/ ample(充足) / copious(大量的)/ fraught with/ replete with/ numerous/ innumerable(不计其数)/ myriad 很多/ a multitude of/ multitudes of/ a myriad of 无数的人们/ limitless无限的/ a deluge of/ beaucoup <法> adj.非常多的(很多同学都喜欢用~a lot of~a great number of~这里注意:numerous这里表达的不是无数很多那样~之表示一般的多~这一点从G猫老外改得一篇文章可以看到) large quantity: 大量:avalanche/ spate(比喻意大量的某物) / exodus大量流出/ 大量流入influx/ multitude大量/ plethora 比喻意:大量/ profusion 丰富,繁多拥有大量:boast/ abound / deluge(被大量的某物所淹没)/ teem到处散开:spread- dispel(驱散)/ disperse/ disseminate稀少的:scarce/ meager/ scant/ scanty/ skimpy/ sparse/ dearth节俭的:frugal/ thrifty/ miserly/富裕的:rich- affluent/ lavish/ luxurious/ opulent/ sumptuous/ palatial浪费的:improvident/ prodigal son(浪荡子)=improvident/ profligate贫困的:poor= destitute/ impoverished/ impecunious/ indigent (形容人)四困难的:difficult= arduous/ strenuous/ daunting/ formidable/ exacting/ insuperable/ impassable/ onerous(issue中大量存在"困难"的表达)困境:(陷入困难的处境就是困难)difficult situations= deadlock/ impasse/ stalemate/ dilemma/ predicament/ quandary/ mire泥沼/ morass/ swamp/ quagmire/ standstill停止,僵局/ labyrinth迷宫(很好的比喻的说法~可以说什么问题把我们陷入了一个迷宫~僵局等~)陷入:reduce/ get bogged down/ plunge into复杂的:complicated/ intricate/ complex/(这里介绍一个很好的押韵的方法:complex and perplexed/ complicate and intricate or sophisticated用在表达困难的地方可以显示出词汇的完善更能有一种押运修辞的效果~读起来琅琅上口)复杂的事情:imbroglio/ mesh/ tangle/ labyrinth迷宫= maze卷入复杂的境地:involve= embroil/ ensnare/ entangle从复杂境地脱身:escape= extricate难以理解:abstruse/ recondite/ intricate/ arcane只有少数人可以理解=esoteric/ cryptic 简短却令人迷惑/ enigmatic 谜一般的enigma 形容词形式/ inexplicable 无法解释/ inscrutable无法捉摸=unfathomable/ mysterious/ supernatural/ mystical/ extraterrestrial(这里的词很多都表示难以理解~ 很多题目学习类~教育类~社会类~历史类~艺术类~只要表示某某问题把我们难倒了都可以用)迷mystery-puzzle= enigma/ conundrum/ riddle/迷宫labyrinth/ maze令人迷惑:puzzle = baffle/ befuddle/ bewilder/ confound/ mystify/ perplex令人沮丧:depressed= with depression/ frustrating/ daunting/ dismal/使可以理解:clarify= elucidate/ enlighten启迪教化/ explicate阐明/ expound on/upon /illuminate照亮说清楚可以理解的:intelligible = explicit/ lucid阻碍:hindrance名次= fetter/ shackle/ trammel枷锁桎梏/ onus负担重任阻碍:动词hamper = encumber造成负担/ foil/ stymie/ thwart阻碍或者挫败工作完成/ handicap/ hinder/ impede/ retard压制:smother/ stifle 令人窒息,压制约束suppress/ pin down协助促进:aid = facilitate/ foster/ nurture/ buttress/五著名的:famous = celebrated/ renowned/ reputed/ distinguished/ illustrious/ prestigious/ outstanding/ distinctive/ eminent/ notable/ noticeable/ striking/ remarkable/ preeminentbe famous for = take pride inelite= meritocrat (meritocracy n.知识界精华)(用上的话超级有文采~嘻嘻)有特色:feature = savor/ 因为什么而闻名可用famous一系列臭名昭著:disreputable = infamous/ notorious/ nefarious因为极坏而臭名昭著好的名声:reputation = esteem/ prestige坏的名声:disgrace/ disrepute/ ignominy/ infamy/ odium/ opprobrium/ stigma 不好的声誉,耻辱。
收敛比的英文缩写In mathematics, the concept of convergence is crucial for understanding the behavior of sequences and series. The term "convergence ratio" is often used to describe how quickly a sequence approaches its limit.The abbreviation for "convergence ratio" can vary depending on the context, but in many scientific andtechnical fields, it is simply referred to as "CR."Understanding CR is essential for evaluating the efficiency of algorithms, especially in numerical methods where the rate of convergence can significantly impact computational time.In practical applications, a higher CR indicates a more rapid approach to the desired value, which is desirable for minimizing errors and ensuring accuracy in results.For example, in the context of finance, a high CR in a portfolio's returns might suggest a more stable and predictable investment.In the field of engineering, CR can be used to measure the performance of materials under stress, indicating how quickly they adapt to changes in load or environment.In computer science, particularly in machine learning,the CR of an algorithm can be a key factor in determining its suitability for real-time applications.Overall, the convergence ratio is a vital metric across various disciplines, providing insight into the speed and reliability of processes and systems.。
Cut capacity = 30
2 9
Flow value 30
s A
Capacity = 30
Flows and Cuts
Weak duality. Let f be any flow. Then, for any s-t cut (A, B) we have v(f) cap(A, B). Pf.
Value of flow = 28 Cut capacity = 28
9 2 10 10 4 s 5 3 4 0 9 1 15 8 8 4 6 5 9
Flow value 28
10 9 10 10 10 t
15 14
4 0
6 14
15 0
Towards a Max Flow Algorithm
15 11
4 0
6 11
15 0
Value = 24
Maximum Flow Problem
Max flow problem. Find s-t flow of maximum value.
DS-2DF6336V-AEL3MP High Frame Rate Smart PTZ Camera Hikvision DS-2DF6336V-AEL smart PTZ Dome Cameras areable to capture high quality images of fast moving objectswith its high frame rate technology (up to 60fps@3MP).Embedded with 1/3’’ progressive scan CMOS chip makes true WDR (120dB) and 2MP real-time resolution possible. With the 36X optical zoom Day/Night lens, the camera offers more details over expansive areas.DS-2DF6336V-AEL smart PTZ Dome Cameras also features a wide range of smart functions, including face detection, intrusion detection, line crossing detection and audio exception, benefitting users with great improvement on security efficiency, more importantly, with key events / objects being recorded for further forensic needs. These features, combined with smart tracking, which enables the camera to detect any progressively moving object and follow it within the camera’s area of coverage without fault. Smart Defog and HLC/BLC are further supported to improve image quality in challenging conditions. Key Features•1/3” HD CMOS sensor•3MP(2048*1536) resolution •High frame rate, up to 60fps@3MP •36X Optical Zoom•120dB True WDR•Smart Tracking•Smart Detection•Defog•Hi-PoE / 24VAC power supplyFunction DescriptionBasic function:•High performance CMOS, up to 2048x1536 resolution •±0.1° Preset Accuracy•ONVIF(Open Network Video Interface Forum),CGI(Common Gateway Interface), PSIA(Physical Security Interoperability Alliance), to ensure greater interoperability between different platforms and compatibility•3D intelligent positioning function•High frame rate at 3MP•3D DNR•120dB WDR•IP67 standard•7 alarm inputs and 2 alarm outputs•Scheduled PTZ movementSmart function:•Smart tracking modes: Manual/ Panorama/ Intrusion trigger/ Line crossing trigger/ Region entrance trigger/ Region exiting trigger, support smart tracking when patrol between multiple scenarios•Smart detection: support Face detection, Intrusion detection (object or people stopped in ROI), Line crossing detection (Flow control and Virtual line), Audio exception detection, Region entrance detection, Region exiting detection•Smart recording: support edge recording, support dual-VCA for smart search in smart NVR•Smart image processing: support defog, HLC/BLC •Smart codec: low bit rate, ROICamera function:•Auto iris, auto focus, auto white balance, backlight compensation and auto day & night switch•Min. Illumination: 0.05Lux@(F1.6,AGC ON)(Color),0.01Lux@(F1.6,AGC ON)(B/W)•Support 24 privacy masks•Support configuration of video stream with adjust of: resolution, frame rate, bit rate type (CBR or VBR), Max bit rate;•Multi-language (including Portuguese) PTZ function:•360° endless pan range and -15°~ 90° tilt range •540°/s Pan Preset Speed and 400°/s Tilt Preset Speed •0.1°~ 300°/s Manual Pan Speed and 0.1°~ 240°/s Manual Tilt Speed•300 presets programmable; preset image freezing capability•8 patrols, up to 32 presets per patrol•4 patterns, with the recording time not less than 10 minutes per pattern•Proportional zoom function•Park action: auto call up of PTZ movement, after a defined time of inactivity•Power-off memory: restore PTZ & Lens status after reboot Network function:•H.264/MJPEG video compression• H.264 encoding with Baseline/Main/High profile•ROI(Region of Interest) encoding(support 6 areas with adjustable levels)•Built-in Web server•Onboard storage, up to 128GB•Support up to 8 NAS storage; Edge recording(transmit the videos from SD card to the NAS after network resumed) •HTTPS encryption and IEEE 802.1X port-based network access control•Support trip-streams•Multiple network protocols supported: IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, ARP, 802.1X, QoS, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTP, TCP, RTCP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, PPPoE•1 audio input and 1 audio outputModel DS-2DF6336V-AELCamera ModuleImage Sensor 1/3’’ Progressive Scan CMOSMin. Illumination F1.6, 50IRE, AGC On: Color: 0.05 lux, B/W : 0.01 luxMax. Image Resolution 2048×1536Focal Length 4.5-162mm, 36xDigital Zoom16XZoom Speed Approx.4.5s(Optical Wide-Tele)Angle of View60.6-3.68 degree (Wide-Tele)Min. Working Distance10-1500mm(Wide-Tele)Aperture Range F1.6~F4.4Focus Mode Auto / Semiautomatic / ManualWDR120dBS / N Ratio≥ 55dBShutter Time50Hz: 1~1/30,000s; 60Hz: 1~1/30,000sAGC Auto / ManualWhite Balance Auto / Manual /ATW/Indoor/Outdoor/Daylight lamp/Sodium lamp Day & Night IR Cut FilterPrivacy Mask24 privacy masks programmableEnhancement3D DNR, Defog, HLC/BLC, SVCPan and TiltRange Pan:360° endless; Tilt: -15°~90°(Auto Flip)Speed Pan Manual Speed: 0.1°~300°/s, Pan Preset Speed: 540°/s Tilt Manual Speed: 0.1°~240°/s, Tilt Preset Speed: 400°/sNumber of Preset300Patrol8 patrols, up to 32 presets per patrolPattern10 patterns, with the recording time not less than 10 minutes per patternPark Action Preset / Patrol / Pattern / Auto scan / Tilt scan / Random scan / Frame scan / Panorama scanScheduled Task Preset / Patrol / Pattern / Auto scan / Tilt scan / Random scan / Frame scan / Panorama scan/Dome reboot/Dome adjust/Aux output Smart FeaturesSmart tracking Manual/ Panorama/ Intrusion trigger/ Line crossing trigger/ Region entrance trigger/ Region exiting trigger Smart tracking when patrol between multiple scenariosSmart detection Face detection, Intrusion detection, Line crossing detection, Audio exception detection, Region entrance detection, Region exiting detectionROI encoding Support 6 areas with adjustable levels AlarmAlarm I/O7/2Alarm Trigger Face detection, Intrusion detection, Line crossing detection, Region entrance, Region exiting, Audio exception detection, Motion detection, Dynamic analysis, Tampering alarm, Network disconnect, IP address conflict, Storage exceptionAlarm Action Preset, Patrol, Pattern, Micro SD/SDHC card recording, Relay output, Notification on Client, Send Email, Upload to FTP, Trigger ChannelInput/OutputMonitor Output 1.0V[p-p] / 75Ω, NTSC (or PAL) composite, BNCAudio Input 1 Mic in/Line in interface, line input: 2-2.4V[p-p]; output impedance: 1KΩ, ±10% Audio Output 1 Audio output interface, line level, impedance: 600ΩNetworkEthernet10Base-T / 100Base-TX, RJ45 connectorMain Stream 50Hz: 25fps(2048×1536), 25fps(1920×1080) / 50fps(2048×1536), 50fps(1920×1080) 60Hz: 30fps(2048×1536), 30fps(1920×1080) / 60fps(2048×1536), 60fps(1920×1080)Sub Stream50Hz: 25fps(704×576, 352×288, 176×144); 60Hz: 30fps(704×480, 352×240, 176×120)Third Stream 50Hz: 25fps(2048×1536, 1920×1080, 1280×960, 1280×720, 704×576, 352×288, 176×144) 60Hz: 30fps(2048×1536, 1920×1080, 1280×960, 1280×720, 704×480, 352×240, 176×120)Image Compression H.264/MJPEG, H.264 encoding with Baseline/Main/High profileAccessoriesDS-1602ZJ Wall Mount DS-1602ZJ-Conner Conner Mount DS-1602ZJ-Pole Pole Mount DS-1602ZJ-BoxBox MountDimensions Audio Compression G.711ulaw/G.711alaw/G.726/MP2L2/G.722ProtocolsIPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, ARP, 802.1X, QoS, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTP, TCP, RTCP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, PPPoESimultaneous Live View Up to 20 usersMini SD Memory Card Support up to 128GB Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card. Support Edge recording User/Host Level Up to 32 users,3 Levels: Administrator, Operator and UserSecurity MeasuresUser authentication (ID and PW); Host authentication (MAC address); IP address filtering System IntegrationApplication programming Open-ended API, support ONVIF, PSIA , CGI and GenetecWeb Browser IE 7+, Chrome 18 +, Firefox 5.0 +, Safari 5.02 +, support multi-language RS-485 Protocols HIKVISION, Pelco-P, Pelco-D, self-adaptive PowerHi-PoE&24 VAC, Max.60W Working Temperature -40°C ~ 65°C (-40°F ~ 149°F) Humidity 90% or lessProtection Level IP67, IK10, TVS 4,000V lightning protection, surge protection and voltage transient protection Certification FCC, CE, UL, RoHS, IEC/EN 61000, IEC/EN 55022, IEC/EN 55024, IEC /EN60950-1 Dimensions Φ178.3(mm)×326.0(mm ) (Φ7.02”×12.8”) Weight (approx.) 8kg (approx.)Mount OptionLong-arm wall mount: DS-1602ZJ; Corner mount: DS-1602ZJ-corner;Pole Mount: DS-1602ZJ-pole; Power box mount:DS-1602ZJ-box; Swan-neck mount: DS-1619ZJDS-1619ZJ Swan-neck MountDS-1662ZJ Pendant mount DS-1661ZJ Pendant mount DS-1663ZJ Celling mount DS-1005KI USB Joy-stickDS-1100KI Network Keyboard。
Strong side 强侧
one-on-one 单挑
On Fire 形容百发百中,浑身着火
One more wanna quit 要再来一场吗
Game that's game 比赛结束
backcourt violation 回场违例
suspension 禁赛
substitute 换人(上场、下场)
shot clock violation 24秒伪例
second half 下半场
overtime 加时赛,延长赛
out of bound 球出界线
offensive basket interference 进攻方干扰投篮得分
Starting Five 先发五虎
six man 第六人
broadcaster 现场评论员
Hit Game-Winner 投入制胜球
nothing but the net 空心球(入篮)
Outlet pass 第一传
Weak side 弱侧
beat the shot clock 在出手时限结束之前(完成出手投篮的动作)
from the line 在罚球线,通常指罚球
bench warmer 上场时间很少的球员
jam 灌篮
SoB You are a SON of BITCH!!!!(垃圾话。。。不多解释了!)
out of reach 回天乏术,追赶不及。
carrying the ball 翻腕运球
behind-the-back dribble 背后运球
baseball pass (快攻时)长传
西方礼仪文化unit 1 The Etiquette of Daily Personal Communication
issue an official decree that no one could go beyond the bounds of the signs.
the name "etiquette" was given to a ticket for court functions that included rules regarding where to stand and what to do.
Brief Introduction to Etiquette
Could you please give some examples to illustrate how different cultures greatly influence the etiquette of a country?
Let’s move on to something more specific.
The practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority. 由社会习俗或权威所规定的常规或惯例 A sort of supplement to the law, which enables society to protect itself against offences which the law cannot touch.
• When meeting someone… rise if you are seated. smile and extend your hand. repeat the other person’s name in your greeting.
作者简介 :符安文(1989-),女,汉族,四川成都人,博士,研究方向为基于分布式点对点智能合约、大数据流分布式算法、点对点加密通信。
93 数字通信世界
D 专题 IGITCW 技术 Special Technology
为明显的双折射效应,对应于 C 的偏振方向而言,其也 会出现变化,即旋转,输出结果为“1”;除前述所提的 情况外,还存在另一种情况,即 A、B 均为“1”,突出 特点在于彼此间的双折射效应抵消,分析此时 C 的偏振 方向可以得知,其与 A、B 两者均为“0”时一致,即偏 振方向未发生变化,输出结果为“0”。需说明的是,信 号 A 为数据光信号,信号 B 为密钥光信号,根据此基础 条件以及前述所提的运行机制,可以完成异或加密运算 操作。
Special Technology
(成都埃克森尔科技有限公司,四川 成都 610041)
摘要 :文章对加解密技术的应用原理展开分析,并提出主要的全光异或加密方案,主要包含其工作原理以及运行特点。
考虑到输出消光比偏低等问题,依托于 OptiSystem 软件,构建全光加解密系统仿真模型,同时根据 HNLF 的自相位调制效
at the Physical Layer of Optical Communication Network
FU Anwen
Abstract :The article analyzes the application principle of encryption and decryption technology, and proposes the main alloptical XOR encryption scheme, which mainly includes its working principle and operating characteristics. Taking into account the low output extinction ratio and other issues, relying on OptiSystem software to build a simulation model of the all-optical encryption and decryption system, and at the same time organize the design according to the self-phase modulation effect of HNLF to obtain an optimized structure, which is used as a "tool" to complete the system Optimize the operation to effectively increase the extinction ratio and eliminate the extra small peaks beside the waveform. Judging from the analysis results, the application advantages of alloptical encryption and decryption technology are prominent. After reasonable application of this technology, the computing speed of the optical communication security system can be increased, and the entire transmission process has the characteristics of security and efficiency.
Numerical modelling of crack propagation automatic remeshing and comparison of different criteria
Numerical modelling of crack propagation:automaticremeshing and comparison of different criteriaP.O.Bouchard *,F.Bay,Y.ChastelCentre de Mise en Forme des Mat eria ux,Ecole des Mines de Pa ris,UMR 7635,B.P.207,06904Sophia -Antipolis Cedex,Fra nce Received 13December 2002;received in revised form 18April 2003;accepted 23May 2003AbstractModelling of a crack propagating through a finite element mesh under mixed mode conditions is of prime importance in fracture mechanics.Three different crack growth criteria and the respective crack paths prediction for several test cases are compared.The maximal circumferential stress criterion,the strain energy density fracture criterion and the criterion of the maximal strain energy release rate are implemented using advanced finite element techniques.A fully automatic remesher enables to deal with multiple boundaries and multiple materials.The propagation of the crack is calculated with both remeshing and nodal relaxation.Several examples are presented to check for the robustness of the numerical techniques,and to study specific features of each criterion.Ó2003Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Finite element method ;Crack propagation criteria;Automatic remeshing;Strain energy release rate;G h method;Strain energy density1.IntroductionSince the first studies in the early 1920s by Inglis [1],Griffith [2]and Irwin [3],the research in linear elastic fracture mechanics has led to the development of a vast number of theories and applications.The prop-agation of a crack in a part leads to an important displacement discontinuity.The more accurate way of modelling such a discontinuity in a finite element mesh is to modify the part topology (due to the crack propagation)and to perform an automatic remeshing.However,several methods have been proposed in the literature to model this discontinuity without any remeshing.Belytschko has suggested a meshless method (Element free Galerkin method [4])where the discretisation is achieved by a model which consists of nodes and a description of the surfaces of the model.More recently,two interesting finite element techniques have been presented to deal with such discontinuities without any remeshing stage.The Strong Discontinuity Approach (SDA)[5–7]in which displacement jumps due to the presence of the crack are *Corresponding author.Tel.:+33-4-93-957432;fax:+33-4-92-389752.E-mail, (P.O.Bouchard).0045-7825/$-see front matter Ó2003Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0045-7825(03)00391-8Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–3908/locate/cma3888P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–3908embedded locally in each crackedfinite element without affecting neighbouring elements.The amplitude of displacement jumps across the crack are defined using additional degrees of freedom related to the plastic multiplier,leading to a formulation similar to standard non-associative plasticity models.The Ex-tended Finite Element Method(XFEM)[8–10]in which the displacement-based approximation is enriched near a crack by incorporating both discontinuousfields and the near tip asymptoticfields through a Partition of Unity method[11].However,these recent techniques still have to be improved in order to deal with complex configurations such as multiple cracks,large deformation crack propagation,etc.When remeshing is possible,a real mesh discontinuity representing the crack seems to be more accurate.This technique is used,in particular,in the2D and3D fracture numerical code FRANC[12,13].However, whatever the technique used,the accuracy of the crack path directly depends on the accuracy of kinking criteria.In a recent paper,Bouchard et al.[14]have introduced an interesting remeshing technique to model crack propagation accurately using the discrete crack approach.This technique is used here for three different criteria.First the numerical tools used to propagate a crack through a mesh are described.The theoretical aspects and the numerical difficulties when dealing with the three criteria are then studied.In the third part several examples are presented to compare each criterion and to show the robustness of the numerical schemes.Finally a discussion about advantages and disadvantages of the three criteria is presented and examples of propagation in multimaterial structures are investigated.2.Numerical tools for crack propagationThe technique presented in[14]has been implemented in afinite element code based on a2D model for viscoplastic or elastic–viscoplastic behaviour,FORGE2[15].It has been developed for plane strain or axisymmetric cases in large strain.The mesher and automatic remesher of FORGE2is based on P2/P0 triangles––quadratic velocity and constant pressure for each element––and allows to deal with multiple edges and multiple materials.When a crack propagates through a mesh,the accuracy at the crack tip is of prime importance.In FORGE2,a nodal relaxation is combined with a remeshing technique.This enables to avoid the problem of distortion at the crack tip and to continue with a new,undistorted and well suited mesh.The transfer of data from the old to the new mesh at each remeshing stage is performed so as to preserve thefields of the various state variables.This transfer is a closeness-based interpolation technique which respects the plastic criterion.Fracture may be decomposed into two steps:the crack initiation and the crack propagation.The stage of crack initiation is crucial but quite problematic.General fracture mechanics codes avoid this problem because their aim is to study the evolution of a pre-existing crack.Damage-based numerical models are more adapted to this problem because they study the evolution of damage continuously and a crack is initiated for a critical damage value.However these codes are often unable to model the crack propagation without a local collapse criterion.In fact,it is very difficult to determine the location of a new crack.Micro-failure and inclusions always induce local stress concentrations which are at the origin of failure and cracks.As all these defects cannot be taken into account numerically(unless if we use statistical approaches),either the material is assumed to be perfect or homogeneised,or the initiation location is imposed by positioning a pre-crack.Moreover,the initiation of a crack in a mesh induces a severe topological change which is rarely supported by numerical codes.Many initiation criteria have been proposed in the literature.They often depend on the materials studied. Some of them are based on critical values for mechanical state variables,stress or strain.An other pos-sibility is to use a damage law and a critical damage parameter to localize the crack initiation.In this paper,the selected crack initiation criterion is based on a critical stress value,which is a char-acteristic of the material.So,at each time step,the maximum principal stress value is computed and its position determined on the boundary.Once this value reaches the critical one,a crack is initiated in two steps:•an internal outline is added to the geometrical definition of the domain in order to model the crack ini-tiation;•the automatic remeshing procedure is carried out on the new domain,and the nodes of the new outlineare split to make the opening of the crack possible (see Fig.1).Moreover,many numerical tools have been developed to improve the accuracy at the crack tip.A concentric mesh around the crack tip may be coupled with singular elements [16]to model the stress field singularity (Fig.2a).These elements are studied in detail in [14].A ring of elements (Fig.2b)can also be introduced in order to compute the strain energy release rate [17,18].Finally mesh refinement around the crack tip enables to keep a good precision in the vicinity of the crack.As the crack tip moves along,the areas which need to be refined will change;a new mesh is created and refined only in the areas where it is needed in order to optimise calculation time (Fig.2c).More details about the mesh structure at the crack tip may be found in [14].3.Crack growth criteriaWhen a crack is initiated,one needs to check,at each time step,if the crack is going to propagate (crack propagation criteria),and in which direction (crack kinkingcriteria).Fig.1.Crackinitiation.Fig.2.(a)Concentric mesh with singular elements,(b)ring of elements and (c)evolutionary mesh refinement at the tip of the crack,and unrefinement elsewhere.P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–39083889Stress intensity factors––strength singularity at the crack tip––are often used for crack propagation.In mode I loading,they are compared with a critical value K Ic of the material.For example,in the maximum circumferential stress criterion proposed by Erdogan [19],the crack propagates when ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2p r p r hh ¼K Ic ,where r hh is the circumferential stress,and r represents the distance to the crack tip.Other criteria,based on energetic parameters––strain energy release rate [2],strain energy density [20]––are also available.For elastic–plastic materials,the crack tip is blunted by plasticity.Then the crack tip opening dis-placement (CTOD)introduced by A.A.Wells in 1961,may be used as a material crack propagation para-meter.Then,determination of the crack direction may be obtained by kinking criteria:•Some criteria are based on the local fields at the crack tip following a local approach ,e.g.the maximumcircumferential stress criterion introduced by Erdogan and Sih [19],or the maximum strain criterion [21].•Other criteria are based on the energy distribution throughout the cracked part,following a global ap-proach ,e.g.the maximal strain energy release rate criterion [22].•Some authors have also proposed to determine the crack extension using a micro-void continuum dam-age model [23,24].These theories are based on the assumption that the void initialisation and the void growth control the crack growth direction [25].When selecting one of these criteria,one has to consider two main points:•Does the criterion comply with the physical characteristics of the considered material?•Can the criterion be implemented so as to be calculated accurately?More often,the accuracy of the direction computation is directly linked to the accuracy of the numerical computation of local or energetic parameters.In the following,we briefly present the maximum circumferential stress criterion,the minimum strain energy density fracture criterion and the maximum strain energy release rate criterion.For each of them,the influence of numerical parameters on the results is pointed out.3.1.Maximum circumferential stress criterion (MCSC)This criterion,introduced by Erdogan [19]for elastic materials,states that the crack propagates in the direction for which the circumferential stress is maximum.It is a local approach since the direction of crack growth is directly determined by the local stress field along a small circle of radius r centered at the crack tip.The kinking angle of the propagating crack is computed by solving the following system:K I sin ðh ÞþK II ð3cos ðh ÞÀ1Þ¼0with K II sin ðh =2Þ<0;h 2 Àp ;p ½;K I >0;8<:ð1Þwhere K I and K II are respectively the stress intensity factors corresponding to mode I and mode II loading,and h is the kinking angle.This criterion also proves the existence of a limit angle corresponding to pure shear:h 0¼Æ70:54°.This criterion is widely used in the literature,but numerical details concerning its implementation are rarely mentioned.When stress intensity factors are not computed by the finite element software,the computation of the kinking angle has to be based on the circumferential stress r hh at each integration point at the crack tip (Fig.3).The crack propagation is then performed toward the integration point that3890P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–3908maximises r hh .However a direct application of this method would be mesh-dependent since the crack direction would then directly depend on the number of elements at the crack tip (Fig.4a)––the crack di-rection being provided by the integration point location with respect to the crack tip.We propose here an alternative method based on the maximal principal stress evaluated at each inte-gration point nearest to the crack tip (Fig.3):•The integration points nearest to the crack tip are identified.•For each of them,eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the stress tensor are computed.•These eigenvalues provide the principal stresses and enable to find the direction of propagation for eachintegration point.•The final direction of the crack propagation is obtained by a weighted average of each direction withrespect to the distance between the integration point and the crack tip.This leads to a mesh indepen-dence at the crack tip since the kinking direction is not directly associated to a specific integration point at the crack tip.This way of computing the crack propagation direction may be questionable since the direction is merely determined using the maximal principal stress.The direction of the maximal principal stress at the crack tip corresponds to the direction of the maximal tensile stress.The approximation performed here is based on the fact that a crack propagates perpendicularly to the maximum tensile stress.Moreover,the advantage of such a technique is to improve the mesh-independence since the direction of crack propagation is not di-rectly associated to the position of an integration point (Fig.4b).These two different implementations of the same criterion can thus lead to different crack paths,even for simple applications.Fig.4shows the crack path in a part containing two symmetric holes during a tensiletest.Fig.3.Direction of propagation with the maximum circumferential stresscriterion.Fig.4.Two different implementations of the MCSC leading to two different crack paths.P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–39083891Details about different ways of implementing the maximum circumferential stress criterion can be found in [26].The maximum circumferential stress criterion is one of the most used criteria,because it is easy to im-plement.However it may be questionable because the stress field in the immediate vicinity of the crack tip is only approximated.Moreover the existence of a non-elastic zone at the crack tip undoubtedly modifies the stress distribution.That is why energy-based criteria,based on global values of the structure,may be more adequate.Their implementation is generally more complex,but they lead to more accurate results since the crack propagation direction is computed further away from the crack tip.3.2.Minimum strain energy density criterion (MSEDC)Sih [20]considers that high values of strain energy,W e ,tend to prevent crack growth.Then the crack grows in the direction that minimises this energy.Let w be the strain energy density:w ¼d W e ÀÁ,where W e is the sum of the volumetric part of the strain energy W v and the distortion energy W d .This quantity is proportional to the square of stress,and since the stress has a 1=ffiffir p singularity at the crack tip (where r represents the distance to the crack tip),the strain energy density w has a 1=r singularity.Therefore the so-called strain energy density factor,S ¼rw ,remains bounded.Parameter S can be computed using two different techniques:•An analytical formulation .The strain energy density is inversely proportional to the distance r to thecrack tip [17].Then S represents the intensity of the local energy field:S ¼rw ¼r 1þm 2E r 211 þr 222þr 233Àm 1þmðr 11þr 22þr 33Þ2þ2r 212!:•A numerical formulation .In the simulation,the strain power P e is computed at each time step and foreach integration point.A time integration of P e gives the strain energy for each integration point of the mesh:W e ¼R t 0P e d t .In the numerical formulation,parameter S is computed by introducing a ring of elements around the crack tip (Fig.2b).The curve S ðh Þis plotted for each element of this ring as a function of the angle between the centre of the element and the crack axis (Fig.5).The kinking angle h 0is the angle corresponding to the local minimum of the curve S ðh Þ:o S o h h ¼h 0¼0;o 2S o h 2 h ¼h 0P 0:8>>><>>>:3892P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–3908One should stress that it is important to compute the local minimum of the curve,and not the global minimum which can lead to results corresponding to angles which do not belong to ½À70:54°;70:54° ,and therefore are not relevant.Moreover,the computation accuracy is quantitatively linked to the number of elements in the ring around the crack tip.At last,this criterion may not exactly be considered as a global criterion since the computation of the strain energy density is based on local mechanical parameters.3.3.Maximum strain energy release rate criterion (MSERRC)The strain energy release rate G represents the energy required to increase the crack length by one unity.The criterion states that among all virtual and kinematically admissible crack length displacements,the real increase is the one which maximises the strain energy release rate.The kinking angle is then deter-mined byd G d h h ¼h 0¼0;d 2G d h 2 h ¼h 060:8>>><>>>:Numerous numerical techniques can be used to compute G .The most commonly used methods are briefly described in the following.3.3.1.Real crack extensionBased on the definition of G ,this method consists in computing the total potential energy W p for the initial crack length a ,and for the increased crack length (a þd a ).As the strain energy release rate is the decrease of the total potential energy W p ,G can be approximated byG ¼Ào W p o A%ÀW p ða þd a ÞÀW p ða Þb d a ;where o A is the surface increment corresponding to the crack increase d a ,and b represents the thickness in the out-of-plane direction.This technique,based on the physical definition of G ,is easy to implement.However it is expensive in terms of computational time since it requires a significant refinement at the crack tip as well as two mechanical computations for each crack length increase.3.3.2.Path independent J integralAmong all the path independent integral methods [27,28],the J integral method introduced by Rice [29]is the most commonly used:J ¼Z Cw ðe Þn 1 Àr ij n j o u i o x d s ;where w is the elastic strain density,u is the displacement field at point M of path C of outward normal n .r and e are respectively the stress and strain fields.Rice showed that J is path-independent in quasi-static isothermal conditions,if no load is applied on the crack edges and for self-similar crack growth.Moreover,J is equal to the strain energy release rate.In plasticity,this statement is only verified in experiments without unloading.In practice,it is shown that the accuracy of the computation is path-dependent.The most accurate results are obtained with paths far away from the crack tip [30].P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–390838933.3.3.Virtual crack extensionHellen [18]and Parks [31]suggest a computation of G by using its definition and a single crack length computation.The crack is propagated by moving nodal points rather than by removing nodal tensions at the crack tip and by performing a second analysis.The strain energy release rate can then be computed using the rigidity matrix K ,the displacement vector u and the load vector f of the numerical system ½K f u g ¼f f g :G ¼Àd W p d a¼À12f u g t d K d a !f u g þf u g t d f d a &':3.3.4.Surface integralDe Lorenzi [32]introduces a method based on a continuum mechanics formulation of the virtual crack extension formulation.The strain energy release rate can be computed as a surface integral––in 2D:G ¼J ¼1d a Z Z Ar ij o u j o x 1 Àw d i 1 o D x 1o x i d A ;where A is the surface between paths C 0and C 1,and D x 1represents the virtual crack extension.Numerical applications of this method [28,33]show its great precision,and its independence to surface integration.3.3.5.G h methodIn 1983,Destuynder [17]has introduced a new method based on a virtual displacement field h .The strain energy release rate is the decrease in the total potential energy during a growth of area d A of the crack.All derivatives with respect to the crack growth can be computed by using the Lagrangian method[17,34].Let X be a cracked solid (Fig.6)and F d an infinitesimal geometrical perturbation d in the vicinity of the crack tip:F d :R 3!R 38M 2X ;F d ðM Þ¼M d ¼M þed ðM Þ;where the field h gives the location of each point of the perturbated solid using its initial position before perturbation (Fig.7).If perturbation d is sufficiently small,Destuynder showed that the stress field r and the displacement field u on the perturbed configuration may be expressedas3894P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–3908r d ¼r þdr 1;u d ¼u þd u 1;where r 1and u 1are the first variations of the stress and displacement fields during the infinitesimal per-turbation d on X .The total potential energy variation during a crack extension is then obtained when e aims towards 0:d W p d a ¼lim d !0W d pÀWp d .The virtual displacement field h represents the virtual kinematics of the crack.This field has the following properties:•h is parallel to the crack plan (obvious in 2D);•h is normal to the crack front;•the support of h is only needed in the vicinity of the crack;•k h k is constant in a defined area around the crack tip.In practice,we define two paths C 1and C 2around the crack tip.These paths divide the part into three domains (Fig.8).Fig.8.Contours and domains used to compute G with the G hmethod.Fig.7.Cracked solid.P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–39083895For example,the virtual displacement field h ðh 1;h 2Þmay be expressed as h 1¼1ÀIM IJ cos ðh Þ;h 2¼1ÀIM IJsin ðh Þ;8>>><>>>:where O is the crack tip,M is an integration point,I and J are the intersections between OM and C 1and C 2respectively.Thus the values of h in the three domains are:•in C int ,the norm of h is constant and equal to 1;•in C ext ,h is 0;•in the ring C ring ,the norm of h varies continuously from 1to 0.Then,if there is neither thermal strain nor load applied directly to the crack,the total potential energy may be expressed asW p ¼12Z X Tr ðr r U Þd X ÀZ XfU d X ;where r and U are respectively the stress and displacement field,and f the external loads.If an infinitesimal perturbation d is performed,derivatives and integrals on the perturbed part may be expressed using a first order ‘‘limited development’’of operations related to the non-perturbed part.This technique enables to express the strain energy release rate as G ¼Z X Tr ðr r U r h Þd X ÀZ Xw div ðh Þd X ;where w is the strain energy density.For an elastic material,we obtain G ¼Z XTr ðr r U r h Þd X À12Z X Tr ðr r U Þdiv ðh Þd X :Besides,as h varies only inside C ring ,the integration may be performed only over C ring .The strain energy release rate computation is then performed by integration over the seven integration points of each element of the ring:G ¼Z ringTr ðr r U r h Þ À12Tr ðr r U Þdiv ðh Þ!d C ;G ¼X elements X int p ðr 11u 1;1&þr 12u 1;2Þh 1;1þðr 11u 2;1þr 12u 2;2Þh 1;2þðr 12u 1;1þr 22u 1;2Þh 2;1þðr 12u 2;1þr 22u 2;2Þh 2;2À12r 11u 1;1ð½þr 12u 1;2þr 12u 2;1þr 22u 2;2Þðh 1;1þh 2;2Þ 'w int dArea int ;where w int is the Gauss weight of the integration point int and dArea int the associated area.All these fields are computed in a finite element analysis,so that it is possible to evaluate G accurately,using a single mesh and a single mechanical computation.Comparisons to other techniques [26]show that the G h method is very accurate and completely mesh independent.The G h method has been implemented in FORGE2.At each crack increment,G ðh Þis computed for h varying from )70°to +70°with degrees steps of 1°,5°and 10°.The G ðh Þcurve is increasing and then 3896P.O.Bouchard et al./Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.192(2003)3887–3908decreasing(Fig.9),so that the determination of the angle h0corresponding to the maximum strain energy release rate is straightforward.The G h method can also be used for elastic–plastic materials.However,it is then restricted to stationary cracks.Indeed,the computation of G for elastic–plastic materials is based on an analogy between an elastic–plastic behaviour and a non-linear elastic behaviour.This analogy is only possible without any global unloading.A crack propagation itself represents a local unloading of the material,therefore G is only available for a unique crack extension with an elastic–plastic behaviour.4.ApplicationsThe maximum circumferential stress criterion(MCSC),the minimum strain energy density criterion (MSEDC),and the maximum strain energy release rate criterion(MSERRC)––using the G h method––have been implemented in FORGE2and tests have been performed successfully.In this section,we compare the different crack trajectories for various applications.In each example,the material is purely elastic with a Young modulus E¼98,000MPa,and a Poisson ratio m¼0:3.4.1.Rectangular part with an oblique pre-crackA rectangular part with an oblique crack is submitted to a vertical tensile test(Fig.10).4.1.1.Maximum circumferential stress criterionThe maximum circumferential stress criterion is used to compute the direction of the crack propagation at each time step.As expected,the crack propagates in the cleavage mode(mode I),perpendicularly to the maximal principal stress which is vertical due to the applied load(Fig.11).Fig.12shows the shape of the equivalent stress(MPa)field at the crack tip.It is similar to the theoretical shape in plane strain.4.1.2.Minimum strain energy density criterionIn this criterion,the accuracy is directly dependent on the number of elements in the ring around the crack tip.The strain energy density is computed for each element of this ring and the local minimum is then evaluated using the SðhÞcurve.Fig.11.Crack trajectory with theMCSC.parison between the theoretical maximum stress zone (a)and the numerical simulation(b).Fig.10.Rectangular part with an oblique pre-crack.However,there is a slight difference between values from external elements of the ring(ext in Fig.13a) and values from internal elements(int in Fig.13a).This difference makes the computation of the local minimum difficult.In this case,it is recommended to separate values for external and internal elements(Fig. 13b).The computation of the local minimum may be improved by taking the local minimum and the values in the two neighbour elements.The local minimum is then computed as the minimum of the parabolafitting these three points.As previously observed,the crack propagates horizontally(Fig.14b).Besides it is possible to visualise the strain energy during propagation(Fig.14a).It is concentrated around the crack tip,and in the direction for which this energy is minimum.Fig.13.(a)Ring elements and(b)calculated SðhÞcurve for the MSEDC with the numerical formulation.Fig.14.(a)Strain energyfield and(b)crack propagation predicted by the MSEDC.。
Network Flow Problems
Flow Decomposition
Any valid flow can be decomposed into flow paths and circulations
– – – –
s → a → b → t: 11 s → c → a → b → t: 1 s → c → d → b → t: 7 s → c → d → t: 4
Network Flow Problems
Network Flow Example (from CLRS)
Maximum flow (of 23 total units)
Network Flow Problems
Alternate Formulatiቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱn: Minimum Cut
Decomposing a DAG into nonintersecting paths
– Split each vertex v into vleft and vright – For each edge u → v in the DAG, make an edge from uleft to vright
Problem: Maximize the total amount of flow from s to t subject to two constraints
– Flow on edge e doesn’t exceed c(e) – For every node v = s, t, incoming flow is equal to outgoing flow
断面平均流速 英文
斷面平均流速英文Average Velocity in Cross-Sectional Flow.Flow dynamics, a crucial aspect of fluid mechanics, deals with the behavior of fluids as they move through spaces. One of the fundamental parameters in understanding these dynamics is the average velocity in a cross-sectional flow. This velocity provides insights into how the fluid is distributed, how it interacts with its surroundings, and how efficiently it carries momentum, energy, and mass.In a cross-sectional flow, the velocity of the fluid can vary depending on various factors such as the shape of the cross-section, the viscosity of the fluid, and external forces acting on it. The average velocity, therefore, represents an overall measure of how fast the fluid is moving through that specific cross-section, considering all these variables.To calculate the average velocity, one needs toconsider the velocity distribution across the cross-section. This distribution can be uniform, where the velocityremains constant across the section, or non-uniform, where the velocity varies depending on factors like boundary conditions or the presence of obstacles.In uniform flow, the average velocity is simply the velocity at any point within the cross-section. However, in non-uniform flow, the calculation becomes more complex. Here, one needs to integrate the velocity distribution across the entire cross-section and then divide it by the area of the cross-section to obtain the average velocity.The importance of understanding average velocity in cross-sectional flow cannot be overstated. It is crucial in designing systems like pipes, ducts, and channels where fluids flow. Knowing the average velocity helps engineers predict pressure drops, determine flow rates, and assessthe efficiency of the system.Moreover, average velocity is also essential in understanding how fluids interact with solid boundaries.For instance, in pipelines, the average velocity determines the rate at which heat is transferred from the fluid to the pipe walls, affecting the overall thermal efficiency of the system.In addition, average velocity plays a crucial role in environmental engineering, where it helps understand how pollutants are transported through water bodies. By understanding the average velocity, engineers can predict the dispersion and dilution of these pollutants, enabling them to design effective treatment and mitigation strategies.In conclusion, the average velocity in cross-sectional flow is a fundamental parameter that provides valuable insights into fluid dynamics. It helps engineers design efficient systems, predict fluid behavior, and understand fluid-solid interactions. As we continue to explore the complexities of fluid mechanics, the role of average velocity in cross-sectional flow will remain central to our understanding and application of these principles.。
吸收能剪切断面率和测膨胀值英文English:The absorption rate, also known as the absorption coefficient, is a measure of the ability of a material to absorb a fluid or gas in relation to the material's mass. It is typically expressed as a percentage or a decimal value. The shear cut-off rate, on the other hand, is a measure of the ability of a material to resist shear forces and maintain its structural integrity when subjected to cutting or shearing. This is important in various industries such as construction, automotive, and manufacturing where materials need to maintain their shape and stability during manufacturing processes or usage. Meanwhile, the expansion value, also known as the coefficient of thermal expansion, is a measure of the fractional change in dimension of a material per unit change in temperature. It is an important property to consider in the design and engineering of products, especially in applications where temperature variations can impact the performance and longevity of the material.Translated content:吸收率,也称为吸收系数,是衡量材料对流体或气体吸收能力的能力,与材料的质量相关。
Ck (k) C* (k )
1 k
1 N 1 k
1 N 1 2 1
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1 N
2N 1 N
bN est
)C*(策n) 略Nn
n N, nN
不表示采用该策略必在任何情况下都能找到最优解, 而是指没有别的策略(在最坏情况意义下)比它更好
• 工件的加工机器一旦指定就不能改变
3 2
CA 2
C* 1
3 2
所有算法对两个加 工时间为 1 的工件 排序方式只有两类
1 1
12 1
CA 3
C* 2 CA 3 C* 2
5 3
111 11 1
2 2 1.707 2
1.852 1.85358 1
1 ln 2 2
1.945 2 1 1.985
1 m
2 1 m
1989 1995 1999 2000 2000 1999 1996 1995 1993 1966
Graham RL. Bounds for certain multiprocessing anomalies. Bell System Technical Journal, 45, 1563-1581.
Package‘psycho’October14,2022Type PackageTitle Efficient and Publishing-Oriented Workflow for PsychologicalScienceVersion0.6.1Maintainer Dominique Makowski<**********************>URL https:///neuropsychology/psycho.RBugReports https:///neuropsychology/psycho.R/issuesDescription The main goal of the psycho package is to provide tools for psychologists,neuropsychol-ogists and neuroscientists,to facilitate and speed up the time spent on data analysis.It aims at supporting best prac-tices and tools to format the outputof statistical methods to directly paste them into a manuscript,ensuring statistical reporting stan-dardization and conformity.License MIT+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8LazyData trueRoxygenNote7.1.1Depends R(>=3.5.0)Imports stats,scales,utils,dplyr,stringr,ggplot2,insight,bayestestR,parameters,effectsizeSuggests knitr,rmarkdown,testthat,covr,GPArotationVignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation noAuthor Dominique Makowski[aut,cre,cph](<https:///0000-0001-5375-9967>),Hugo Najberg[ctb],Viliam Simko[ctb],Sasha Epskamp[rev](Sasha reviewed the package for JOSS,seehttps:///openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/470)Repository CRANDate/Publication2021-01-1906:40:10UTC12affective R topics documented:affective (2)assess (3)crawford.test (4)crawford.test.freq (6)crawford_dissociation.test (6)dprime (7)emotion (9)find_combinations (10)find_combinations.formula (10)find_matching_string (11)find_season (12)golden (13)is.psychobject (13)is.standardized (14)mellenbergh.test (14)percentile (15)percentile_to_z (16)plot.psychobject (16)power_analysis (17)print.psychobject (18)remove_empty_cols (18)summary.psychobject (19)values (19)Index20 affective Data from the Affective Style Questionnaire(ASQ-French Validation)DescriptionThis is data from the French validation of the Affective Style Questionnaire.UsageaffectiveFormatA data frame with1277rows and8variables:Sex Sex(F or M)Birth_Season Season of birthAge Current ageSalary Salary in eurosassess3Life_Satisfaction General life satisfactionConcealing Concealing scoreAdjusting Adjusting scoreTolerating Tolerating scoreassess Compare a patient’s score to a control groupDescriptionCompare a patient’s score to a control group.Usageassess(patient,mean=0,sd=1,n=NULL,controls=NULL,CI=95,treshold=0.05,iter=10000,color_controls="#2196F3",color_CI="#E91E63",color_score="black",color_size=2,alpha_controls=1,alpha_CI=0.8,verbose=TRUE)Argumentspatient Single value(patient’s score).mean Mean of the control SD of the control sample.n Size of the control sample.controls Vector of values(control’s scores).CI Credible interval bounds.treshold Significance treshold.iter Number of iterations.color_controls Color of the controls distribution.color_CI Color of CI distribution.color_score Color of the line representing the patient’s score.color_size Size of the line representing the patient’s score.alpha_controls Alpha of the CI distribution.alpha_CI lpha of the controls distribution.verbose Print possible warnings.DetailsUntil relatively recently the standard way of testing for a difference between a case and controls was to convert the case’s score to a z score using the control sample mean and standard deviation (SD).If z was less than-1.645(i.e.,below95ValueoutputAuthor(s)Dominique MakowskiExamplesresult<-assess(patient=124,mean=100,sd=15,n=100)print(result)plot(result)crawford.test Crawford-Garthwaite(2007)Bayesian test for single-case analysis.DescriptionNeuropsychologists often need to compare a single case to a small control group.However,the standard two-sample t-test does not work because the case is only one observation.Crawford and Garthwaite(2007)demonstrate that the Bayesian test is a better approach than other commonly-used alternatives..Usagecrawford.test(patient,controls=NULL,mean=NULL,sd=NULL,n=NULL,CI=95,treshold=0.1,iter=10000,color_controls="#2196F3",color_CI="#E91E63",color_score="black",color_size=2,alpha_controls=1,alpha_CI=0.8)Argumentspatient Single value(patient’s score).controls Vector of values(control’s scores).mean Mean of the control SD of the control sample.n Size of the control sample.CI Credible interval bounds.treshold Significance treshold.iter Number of iterations.color_controls Color of the controls distribution.color_CI Color of CI distribution.color_score Color of the line representing the patient’s score.color_size Size of the line representing the patient’s score.alpha_controls Alpha of the CI distribution.alpha_CI lpha of the controls distribution.DetailsThe p value obtained when this test is used to test significance also simultaneously provides a point estimate of the abnormality of the patient’s score;for example if the one-tailed probability is.013 then we know that the patient’s score is significantly(p<.05)below the control mean and that it is estimated that1.3Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)crawford.test(patient=125,mean=100,sd=15,n=100)plot(crawford.test(patient=80,mean=100,sd=15,n=100))crawford.test(patient=10,controls=c(0,-2,5,2,1,3,-4,-2))test<-crawford.test(patient=7,controls=c(0,-2,5,-6,0,3,-4,-2))plot(test)6crawford_dissociation.test crawford.test.freq Crawford-Howell(1998)frequentist t-test for single-case analysis.DescriptionNeuropsychologists often need to compare a single case to a small control group.However,the standard two-sample t-test does not work because the case is only one observation.Crawford and Garthwaite(2012)demonstrate that the Crawford-Howell(1998)t-test is a better approach(in terms of controlling Type I error rate)than other commonly-used alternatives..Usagecrawford.test.freq(patient,controls)Argumentspatient Single value(patient’s score).controls Vector of values(control’s scores).ValueReturns a data frame containing the t-value,degrees of freedom,and p-value.If significant,the patient is different from the control group.Author(s)Dan Mirman,Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)crawford.test.freq(patient=10,controls=c(0,-2,5,2,1,3,-4,-2))crawford.test.freq(patient=7,controls=c(0,-2,5,2,1,3,-4,-2))crawford_dissociation.testCrawford-Howell(1998)modified t-test for testing difference betweena patientâC™s performance on two tasks.DescriptionAssessing dissociation between processes is a fundamental part of clinical neuropsychology.How-ever,while the detection of suspected impairments is a fundamental feature of single-case stud-ies,evidence of an impairment on a given task usually becomes of theoretical interest only if it is observed in the context of less impaired or normal performance on other tasks.Crawford and Garthwaite(2012)demonstrate that the Crawford-Howell(1998)t-test for dissociation is a better approach(in terms of controlling Type I error rate)than other commonly-used alternatives..Usagecrawford_dissociation.test(case_X,case_Y,controls_X,controls_Y,verbose=TRUE)Argumentscase_X Single value(patient’s score on test X).case_Y Single value(patient’s score on test Y).controls_X Vector of values(control’s scores of X).controls_Y Vector of values(control’s scores of Y).verbose True or False.Prints the interpretation text.ValueReturns a data frame containing the t-value,degrees of freedom,and p-value.If significant,the dissociation between test X and test Y is significant.Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)case_X<-142case_Y<-7controls_X<-c(100,125,89,105,109,99)controls_Y<-c(7,8,9,6,7,10)crawford_dissociation.test(case_X,case_Y,controls_X,controls_Y)dprime Dprime(d’)and Other Signal Detection Theory indices.DescriptionComputes Signal Detection Theory indices,including d’,beta,A’,B”D and c.Usagedprime(n_hit,n_fa,n_miss=NULL,n_cr=NULL,n_targets=NULL,n_distractors=NULL,adjusted=TRUE)Argumentsn_hit Number of hits.n_fa Number of false alarms.n_miss Number of misses.n_cr Number of correct rejections.n_targets Number of targets(n_hit+n_miss).n_distractors Number of distractors(n_fa+n_cr).adjusted Should it use the Hautus(1995)adjustments for extreme values.ValueCalculates the d’,the beta,the A’and the B”D based on the signal detection theory(SRT).See Pallier(2002)for the algorithms.Returns a list containing the following indices:•dprime(d’):The sensitivity.Reflects the distance between the two distributions:signal,and signal+noise and corresponds to the Z value of the hit-rate minus that of the false-alarm rate.•beta:The bias(criterion).The value for beta is the ratio of the normal density functions at the criterion of the Z values used in the computation of d’.This reflects an observer’s bias to say ’yes’or’no’with the unbiased observer having a value around1.0.As the bias to say’yes’increases(liberal),resulting in a higher hit-rate and false-alarm-rate,beta approaches0.0.As the bias to say’no’increases(conservative),resulting in a lower hit-rate and false-alarm rate, beta increases over1.0on an open-ended scale.•c:Another index of bias.the number of standard deviations from the midpoint between these two distributions,i.e.,a measure on a continuum from"conservative"to"liberal".•aprime(A’):Non-parametric estimate of discriminability.An A’near1.0indicates good discriminability,while a value near0.5means chance performance.•bppd(B”D):Non-parametric estimate of bias.A B”D equal to0.0indicates no bias,posi-tive numbers represent conservative bias(i.e.,a tendency to answer’no’),negative numbers represent liberal bias(i.e.a tendency to answer’yes’).The maximum absolute value is1.0.Note that for d’and beta,adjustement for extreme values are made following the recommandations of Hautus(1995).emotion9Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)n_hit<-9n_fa<-2n_miss<-1n_cr<-7indices<-psycho::dprime(n_hit,n_fa,n_miss,n_cr)df<-data.frame(Participant=c("A","B","C"),n_hit=c(1,2,5),n_fa=c(6,8,1))indices<-psycho::dprime(n_hit=df$n_hit,n_fa=df$n_fa,n_targets=10,n_distractors=10,adjusted=FALSE)emotion Emotional Ratings of PicturesDescriptionEmotional ratings of neutral and negative pictures by healthy participants.UsageemotionFormatA data frame with912rows and11variables:Participant_ID Subject’s numberParticipant_Age Subject’s ageParticipant_Sex Subject’s sexItem_Category Picture’s category10find_combinations.formulaItem_Name Picture’s nameTrial_Order Trial order(1-48)Emotion_Condition Picture’s emotional category(Neutral or Negative)Subjective_Arousal Participant’s rating of arousal(0-100)Subjective_Valence Participant’s rating of valence(-100:negative,100:positive,0:neutral) Autobiographical_Link Participant’s rating of autobiographical connection(is the picture’s con-tent associated with memories)Recall Whether the participant recalled the picture20min after presentationfind_combinations Generate all combinations.DescriptionGenerate all combinations.Usagefind_combinations(object,...)Argumentsobject Object...Arguments passed to or from other methods.Author(s)Dominique Makowskifind_combinations.formulaGenerate all combinations of predictors of a formula.DescriptionGenerate all combinations of predictors of a formula.Usage##S3method for class formulafind_combinations(object,interaction=TRUE,fixed=NULL,...)find_matching_string11Argumentsobject Formula.interaction Include interaction term.fixed Additional formula part to add at the beginning of each combination....Arguments passed to or from other methods.Valuelist containing all combinations.Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)f<-as.formula("Y~A+B+C+D")f<-as.formula("Y~A+B+C+D+(1|E)")f<-as.formula("Y~A+B+C+D+(1|E)+(1|F)")find_combinations(f)find_matching_string Fuzzy string matching.DescriptionFuzzy string matching.Usagefind_matching_string(x,y,value=TRUE,step=0.1, Argumentsx Strings.y List of strings to be matched.value Return value or the index of the closest string.step Step by which decrease the if FALSE,the pattern matching is case sensitive and if TRUE,case is ignored during matching.Author(s)Dominique Makowski12find_seasonExampleslibrary(psycho)find_matching_string("Hwo rea ouy",c("How are you","Not this word","Nice to meet you")) find_season Find season of dates.DescriptionReturns the season of an array of dates.Usagefind_season(dates,winter="12-21",spring="3-20",summer="6-21",fall="9-22")Argumentsdates Array of dates.winter month-day of winter solstice.spring month-day of spring equinox.summer month-day of summer solstice.fall month-day of fall equinox.ValueseasonAuthor(s)Josh O’BrienSee Alsohttps://stackoverfl/questions/9500114/find-which-season-a-particular-date-belongs-to Exampleslibrary(psycho)dates<-c("2012-02-15","2017-05-15","2009-08-15","1912-11-15")find_season(dates)golden13 golden Golden Ratio.DescriptionReturns the golden ratio(1.618034...).Usagegolden(x=1)Argumentsx A number to be multiplied by the golden ratio.The default(x=1)returns the value of the golden ratio.Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)golden()golden(8)is.psychobject Creates or tests for objects of mode"psychobject".DescriptionCreates or tests for objects of mode"psychobject".Usageis.psychobject(x)Argumentsx an arbitrary R object.14mellenbergh.test is.standardized Check if a dataframe is standardized.DescriptionCheck if a dataframe is standardized.Usageis.standardized(df,tol=0.1)Argumentsdf A dataframe.tol The error treshold.Valuebool.Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)library(effectsize)df<-psycho::affectiveis.standardized(df)dfZ<-effectsize::standardize(df)is.standardized(dfZ)mellenbergh.test Mellenbergh&van den Brink(1998)test for pre-post comparison.DescriptionTest for comparing post-test to baseline for a single participant.Usagemellenbergh.test(t0,t1,controls)percentile15Argumentst0Single value(pretest or baseline score).t1Single value(posttest score).controls Vector of scores of the control group OR single value corresponding to the con-trol SD of the score.ValueReturns a data frame containing the z-value and p-value.If significant,the difference between pre and post tests is significant.Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)mellenbergh.test(t0=4,t1=12,controls=c(0,-2,5,2,1,3,-4,-2))mellenbergh.test(t0=8,t1=2,controls=2.6)percentile Transform z score to percentile.DescriptionTransform z score to percentile.Usagepercentile(z_score)Argumentsz_score Z score.Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)percentile(-1.96)16plot.psychobject percentile_to_z Transform a percentile to a z score.DescriptionTransform a percentile to a z score.Usagepercentile_to_z(percentile)Argumentspercentile PercentileAuthor(s)Dominique MakowskiExampleslibrary(psycho)percentile_to_z(95)plot.psychobject Plot the results.DescriptionPlot the results.Usage##S3method for class psychobjectplot(x,...)Argumentsx A psychobject class object....Arguments passed to or from other methods.Author(s)Dominique Makowskipower_analysis17 power_analysis Power analysis forfitted models.DescriptionCompute the n models based on n sampling of data.Usagepower_analysis(fit,n_max,n_min=NULL,step=1,n_batch=1,groups=NULL,verbose=TRUE,CI=90)Argumentsfit A lm or stanreg model.n_max Max sample size.n_min Min sample size.If null,take current nrow.step Increment of the sequence.n_batch Number of iterations at each sample size.groups Grouping variable name(string)to preserve proportions.Can be a list of strings.verbose Print progress.CI Confidence level.ValueA dataframe containing the summary of all models for all iterations.Author(s)Dominique MakowskiExamples##Not run:library(dplyr)library(psycho)fit<-lm(Sepal.Length~Sepal.Width,data=iris)18remove_empty_colsresults<-power_analysis(fit,n_max=300,n_min=100,step=5,n_batch=20)results%>%filter(Variable=="Sepal.Width")%>%select(n,p)%>%group_by(n)%>%summarise(p_median=median(p),p_mad=mad(p))##End(Not run)print.psychobject Print the results.DescriptionPrint the results.Usage##S3method for class psychobjectprint(x,...)Argumentsx A psychobject class object....Further arguments passed to or from other methods.Author(s)Dominique Makowskiremove_empty_cols Remove empty columns.DescriptionRemoves all columns containing ony NaNs.Usageremove_empty_cols(df)summary.psychobject19Argumentsdf Dataframe.Author(s)Dominique Makowskisummary.psychobject Print the results.DescriptionPrint the results.Usage##S3method for class psychobjectsummary(object,round=NULL,...)Argumentsobject A psychobject class object.round Round the ouput....Further arguments passed to or from other methods.Author(s)Dominique Makowskivalues Extract values as list.DescriptionExtract values as list.Usagevalues(x)Argumentsx A psychobject class object.Author(s)Dominique MakowskiIndex∗datasetsaffective,2emotion,9affective,2assess,3crawford.test,4crawford.test.freq,6crawford_dissociation.test,6dprime,7emotion,9find_combinations,10find_combinations.formula,10find_matching_string,11find_season,12golden,13is.psychobject,13is.standardized,14mellenbergh.test,14percentile,15percentile_to_z,16plot.psychobject,16power_analysis,17print.psychobject,18remove_empty_cols,18summary.psychobject,19values,1920。
切割线定理 英语
切割线定理英语全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Cutting plane theorem is a fundamental concept in the field of geometry which states that any convex polyhedron has a finite number of planes that can be positioned in such a way that they divide the polyhedron into a finite number of convex polyhedral pieces, called polyhedral decompositions. This theorem has important implications in various areas of mathematics and is widely used in algorithms for computational geometry.第二篇示例:The Cutting Line Theorem, also known as the Jordan Curve Theorem, is a fundamental concept in the field of topology. The theorem states that any simple closed curve divides a plane into exactly two regions: an interior region and an exterior region. This means that if you were to draw a loop on a piece of paper, it would separate the paper into two distinct areas.第三篇示例:The Cut Line Theorem, also known as the Jordan Curve Theorem, is a fundamental result in topology that deals with the division of a plane into two different regions by a simple closed curve. In this article, we will explore the historical background of the theorem, its statement, and its implications in various areas of mathematics.Historical Background:Statement of the Theorem:第四篇示例:Cutting-plane theorem is a fundamental concept in optimization theory, which plays a crucial role in solving both linear and integer programming problems. The theorem states that for any bounded feasible region in n-dimensional Euclidean space, there exists a plane that separates this region into two parts such that the optimal solution lies on the boundary of one of these parts.。
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Bounds on the Max-Flow Min-Cut Ratio for Directed Multicommodity FlowsPhilip N.Klein Brown UniversitySerge A.PlotkinStanford UniversitySatish RaoNEC Research ´Eva TardosCornell UniversityAbstractThe most well-known theorem in combinatorial optimization is the classical max-flow min-cut theorem of Ford and Fulkerson.This theorem serves as the basis for deriving efficient algorithms forfinding max-flows and min-cuts.Starting with the work of Leighton and Rao,significant effort was directed towardsfinding approximate analogs for the undirected multicommodityflow problem.In this paper we consider an approximate max-flow min-cut theorem for directed graphs. We prove a polylogarithmic bound on the worst case ratio between the minimum mul-ticut and the value of the maximum multicommodityflow in the special case when the demands are symmetric.The method presented in this paper can be used to give polynomial time polylogarithmic approximation algorithms for the corresponding minimum directed multicut problems.The problem with symmetric demands extends the only previously known special case concerning directed graphs due to Leighton and Rao,who proved an bound for the case when there is a unit demand between every pair of putation of minimum cuts in directed multicommodityflow problems with symmetric demand is a basic step for approximation algorithms for a number of NP-complete problems.As an example,we show how to use our multicut approximation algorithm to approximately solve the minimum clause-deletion problem for2-CNF formulae.We also consider a generalization of the minimum-cut problem where instead of separat-ing pairs of terminals,we have to separate sets of terminals.Our main result is a polynomial time polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for this generalized minimum cut problem.1IntroductionThe multicommodityflow problem involves simultaneously shipping several different commodi-ties from their respective sources to their sinks in a single network so that the total amount of flow going through each edge does not exceed its capacity.Each commodity has an associated demand,which is the amount of the commodity that we wish to ship.Given a multicommodityflow problem,one often wants to know if there is a feasibleflow, i.e.aflow which both satisfies the demands and obeys the capacity constraints.A cut whose capacity is below the sum of the demands that are separated by the cut proves that no feasible flow exists.The min-cut max-flow theorem for the single-commodityflow problem[1]states that the non-existence of such a“bad”cut proves that a feasibleflow does exist.This theorem serves as the basis for deriving efficient algorithms forfinding max-flows and min-cuts.In contrast to single commodityflow,a multicommodityflow problem can be infeasible even if the cut condition is satisfied.A natural question to ask is how large a“safety margin”do we need, much larger should capacity of a cut be than the sum of the demands separated by the cut in order to ensure existence of a feasibleflow.Starting with the work of Leighton and Rao[10],significant effort was directed towardsfinding such approximate min-cut max-flow theorems for undirected multicommodityflow[8,2,13].This sequence of results shows that for-commodity problems,if the capacity of every cut is at least times the demand separated by the cut,than a feasible multicommodityflow exists.In this paper we consider two extensions of these results.We consider the max-flow min-cut ratio for directed graphs,and a generalization on undirected graphs where instead of pairs of terminals we have sets of terminals.On directed graphs we consider the special case of the multicommodityflow problem when the demands are symmetric,that is,each unit offlow sent from a source to the corresponding sink also has to return from to,though not necessarily along the same path.In the directed case simple cuts do not give a sufficiently strong bound on the maximumflow value, so we consider multicuts instead.A multicut is defined by a partition of the nodes into parts .An edge is in the multicut if is in a lower-numbered part than.A source-sink pair is separated by the multicut if the source and sink are in different parts.T o prove infeasibility of a multicommodityflow problem with symmetric demands it is clearly sufficient to exhibit a multicut whose capacity is below the sum of the demands separated by it.We show that if the capacity of every multicut is at least times the demand separated by the multicut,than a feasible multicommodityflow exists.The only previously known non-trivial result for directed graphs is due to Leighton and Rao,who proved the analogous theorem with instead of the for the special case when there is a unit demand between every pair of nodes.Our techniques give polynomial-time approximation algorithms for two variants of the minimum directed multicut problem.We give an-approximation algorithm for finding a minimum-capacity multicut that separates all source-sink pairs.Equivalently,thealgorithmfinds a minimum-capacity set of edges whose deletion breaks the graph into strongly connected components such that,for each source-sink pair,the source and sink are in different components.The special case of this problem when every two nodes form a source-sink pair is the feedback arc-set problem,in which one seeks a minimum-capacity set of edges whose deletion makes the graph acyclic.Our results yield an-approximation algorithm, which matches the best previously known bound for this special case[11,14].As a further application of our minimum capacity multicut algorithm we obtain an-approximation algorithm forfinding the minimum-weight set of clauses in a2-CNF formula whose deletion makes the formula satisfiable,where is the number of literals in the formula. The exact2-CNF clause-deletion problem is equivalent to the MAX2-SAT problem,in which one seeks the maximum subset of clauses comprising a satisfiable formula.However,in the context of approximation algorithms,these problems seem to differ in difficulty.It is easy to approximate MAX2-SAT to within a factor of[4].Somewhat more difficult algorithms achieve within a factor of[16,3].However,a large number of clauses may be discarded by these algorithms in obtaining a satisfiable formula,perhaps much larger than necessary.We also give an-approximation algorithm for the minimum ratio multicut problem, i.e.,the problem offinding a directed multicut minimizing the ratio of the capacity of the multicut to the sum of the demands that are separated by the multicut.The two minimum multicut problems correspond to two different maximization versions of the multicommodity flow problem.In the concurrent multicommodityflow problem the objective is to maximize a common percentage such that the problem with demands is feasible.This problem is closely related to the minimum ratio multicut problem.The minimum required“safety margin”discussed above is exactly the maximum possible ratio of the minimum ratio multicut and the maximum concurrentflow.The problem offinding the minimum capacity multicut separating all source sink pairs corresponds to the maximum sum symmetric multicommodityflow problem.Here,instead of satisfying given demands,the goal is to maximize the sum of theflows of all the commodities. Clearly,this sum is bounded from above by the capacity of a multicut that separates all of the source sink pairs.We prove that the ratio between the minimum capacity of the multicut separating all source sink pairs and the value of maximum sum symmetric multicommodityflow cannot exceed.We also consider a generalization of the minimum-cut problem where instead of separating pairs of terminals,we have to separate sets of terminals.As an example where this problem arises, consider the following problem on communication networks.For each edge of the(undirected) network we are given a nonnegative destruction cost.There are several groups of adversaries that need to communicate.All the members of each group must communicate with each other. Members of these groups are located at the network nodes,and communication is only possible along the edges.The minimum-cost of a multicut that separates all groups is the minimum total cost of communication links that one must be destroyed in order to disable communication in every group.Analogously to the two versions of the min-cut and max-flow problems for directed multi-commodityflows,we consider two versions of the problem.In the concurrentflow formulation we give an bound on the min-cut and max-flow ratio,where is the number of commodities and is the maximum number of terminals per commodity,and we give an -approximation algorithm forfinding a cut minimizing the ratio of the capacity of the cut and the sum of the demands separated by the cut.In the maximum sum version our result is as follows.The minimum multicut and maximumflow ratio is at most, and we give an-approximation algorithm forfinding the minimum capacity of a multicut that separates all sets of terminals.2PreliminariesMulticommodityflow definitions In a directed graph,let denote the set of directed paths in from node to node.An-flow is defined by nonnegative values assigned to every.In a symmetric-flow each unit offlow sent from a source to the corresponding sink also has to be returned from to,though not necessarily along the same path.More precisely,nonnegative values are assigned to everysuch that.The value of the symmetricflow thus defined is ,the amount offlow sent from to.A multicommodityflow problem(or multiflow problem for short)is defined by a directed graph with nonnegative edge-capacities,and commodities.A commodity is specified by a source-sink pair,the terminals of commodity.A symmetric multiflow consists of symmetric-flows for each commodity.The amount offlow through an edge is defined to be the sum of the values of all paths in theflow that include the edge.A multiflow is feasible if,for each edge,the amount offlow through is at most its capacity.We consider two kinds of optimization problems concerning symmetric multiflows.The maximum sum symmetric multiflow problem is tofind a feasible symmetric multiflow maximizing the sum of the values of theflows,.In the concurrent multiflow problem we are given a nonnegative demand for each commodity.A multiflow has throughput if the value of commodity’sflow is.The concurrent multiflow problem is tofind a feasible multiflow with maximum throughput.We will use to denote the sum,and in bounds containing we will assume that the demands are integral.Multicuts Cuts provide tight combinatorial upper bounds for the maximumflow value in the case of a single commodityflows.In the directed multiflow problem simple cuts do not give strong enough bounds,so we will consider a slightly more general bound obtained using multicuts.A directed multicut is an ordered partition of the nodes set into disjoint sets.The set of edges specified by isThe capacity of,denoted,is defined to be the sum of the capacities of the edges in the multicut.A commodity is separated by if no set includes both terminals of the commodity.Let denote the sum of the demands of the commodities separated by the multicut.The maximum sum symmetric multiflow value is no more than the minimum capacity of amulticut separating all commodities.We show how tofind a multicut whose capacity is in turn no more than times the maximum sum symmetric multiflow value.The maximum throughput of a concurrent multiflow is no more than the minimum capacity-to-separated demand ratio.We show how tofind a multicut whose capacity-to-separated demand ratio is no more than times the maximum throughput.The undirected analog of the max-flow min-cut theorem for the concurrentflow problem[10, 8,2,13]relates the maximum concurrentflow value to the capacity-to-separated demand ratio ofa cut,as opposed to a multicut.Observe,however,that simple cuts do not provide strong enough bounds in the directed case.Consider the example of a simple directed cycle withon every edge,and terminal pairs defined to be nodes connected by edges.The minimum capacity-to-separated demand ratio of a simple cut is,while the maximum concurrentflowvalue is.Dual linear programs The maximum sum symmetric multiflow and the concurrent multiflow problems can both be formulated as linear programs.Their dual linear programs provide tight bounds on the maximum value.The dual linear programs are similar.In each,there is anonnegative length variable for each edge.Let denote the distance from to in with respect to the length function.The dual of the maximum sum symmetric multiflowproblem is to minimize subject to the conditions andfor all commodities.The dual of the concurrentflow problem is to minimize subject to the conditions and.T o understand the dual linear programs it is best to think of them a“volume conditions”forfeasibility analogous to the“cut condition”that the sum of demands separated by a cut should not exceed the capacity of the cut.Imagine the graph as a network of pipes with edge having length and cross-section.Then is the total volume of the pipe system. Consider,for example,the dual of the maximum sum symmetricflow problem.The conditionin the dual problem guarantees that every unit of symmetricflow must use at least one unit of volume in the pipe system.Therefore the total volume of the pipe system is an upper bound on the maximum sum symmetricflow value.Multicuts can be viewed as special solutions of the linear programming dual for both multiflow problems.In the case of the maximum sum symmetric multiflow problem multicuts correspond exactly to the integer solutions to the dual linear program.3Approximate Min-Multicut Max-Flow TheoremsThe basic outline of our proof and algorithm is analogous to the outline of the algorithms for the undirected case[10,8,2].Given a feasible solution to the linear programming dual of the multiflow problem we canfind a multicut with value at most a logarithmic factor above the value of the dual solution.Since an optimal dual solution value is equal to the optimal value of the multiflow problem,this will prove both the approximate max-flow min-cut theorem,and that the multicut produced by the algorithm is close to optimal.The decomposition theorem In essence,the decomposition theorem states that given a feasible solution to the linear programming dual of the maximum sum multiflow problem we canfind a multicut whose capacity is not much more than the dual objective function value.Let be a nonnegative length function on the edges,and let denote the minimum round trip distance,,and let,denote the total volume of the corresponding pipe system.Theorem3.1Consider a graph with edge-capacities,edge-lengths,pairs of terminals,and and as defined above.In polynomial time one canfind a multicut of capacity at mostthat separates every terminal pair.We are going to prove the theorem through a sequence of lemmas.Thefirst lemma is a straightforward adaptation of the related undirected graph lemma in[2],and is stated without proof.For a node set let denote the set of edges with at least one endpoint in, out denote the set of edges leaving,and in denote the set of edges entering.For a set of edges let,and.Lemma3.2For any positive and,and any node there exists a set containing such that out and every node in is at a distance less thanfrom.Now set.Let be a source,and let out denote the“outregion”constructed using this,,and node.Similarly,(by considering graph with reverse edges)we construct an“inregion”in.By the choice of for any node in the intersection out in,there is an --path and an--path of length less than.Therefore,the fact that the distance from to plus the distance from to is at least by the assumption on,implies the following lemma.Lemma3.3There are no pairs of terminals in the intersection out in.Lemma3.4Consider a graph with edge-capacities,edge-lengths,pairs of terminals,and and as defined above Theorem3.1.In polynomial time one canfind a multicut of capacity at most such that each part contains at most pairs of terminals.Proof:We give a recursive algorithm to construct the multicut.Select a source,and construct the out and in using Lemma3.2as used in Lemma3.3.It follows from Lemma3.3that one of the two regions contains at most terminal pairs.Let be this region.We delete region from the graph along with all adjacent edges,and recursively construct a multicut in the remaining graph.In applying Lemma3.2we use in all levels of the recursion.We add the part to multicut.If was an outregion,the new multicut is.If was an inregion,the new multicut is .In either case,the capacity we added in going from to is at most.Now consider the capacity of the resulting multicut.Lemma3.2bounds the contribution of each region to the capacity of the multicut.The bound consist of two parts,a term independent of the region,;and a term depending on the edges adjacent to the region.In each recursion we reduce the number of pairs by at least one,so the number of parts is at most.Furthermore,since the edges adjacent to set have been deleted from the graph before the recursive call,the sets of edges whose weight is used to bound the contribution are disjoint.Hence the capacity of is at most.Maximum sum multiflow min-max theorem Let be an optimal dual solution of the maxi-mum multicommodityflow problem.The dual objective value is.The dual constraints ensure that for all commodities.Hence by Theorem3.1there is a multicut of capacity at most,that is,at most times the dual objective value.Since the dual objective value equals the primal objective value,the maximum multiflow value,we obtain the following theorem.Theorem3.5Given an instance of directed symmetric maximum sum multiflow problem with com-modities,one canfind a multicut such thatwhere is the value of the maximum sum multiflow.Maximum concurrent multiflow min-max theorem For the concurrent multiflow problem we have the following min-max theorem.Theorem3.6Given a directed concurrentflow problem with symmetric demands,one canfind a multicut such thatSimilarly to the case of undirected graphs,the proofs of Theorems3.1,and3.5can be modified to prove a weaker version of Theorem3.6with one of the’s replaced by ain the upper bound.Kahale[5]has shown that in the undirected case the min-max theorem for concurrent multiflows can be derived essentially directly from the maximum sum multiflow theorem.His proof can easily be adapted to the directed case.The basis of his method is the following lemma.Lemma3.7For given positive,and integers there exists a setsuch thatWe can use the algorithm of Theorem3.5tofind a multicut separating each variable from its negation.The multicut found has capacity at most times the minimum total capacity of an edge set whose deletion separates each variable from its negation.We obtain the following theorem.Theorem4.1There exists a polynomial-time algorithm to approximate the minimum-weight deletion problem for2-CNF formulae.The solution output has weight times optimal,where is the number of variables in the formula.5Steiner demandsDefinitions In this section we consider multicommodityflow on undirected graphs where instead of pairs of terminal we are given sets of terminals.We address the problem offinding a minimum-capacity multicut that separates each such set of terminals.The main result in this section is an-approximation algorithm for the generalized problem.Let denote the sets of terminals for commodity where.A multicut is a partition of into sets;we say that a multicut separates terminal set if there is no set containing all of.The capacity of the multicut is the sum of the capacities of all edges crossing from one set in the partition to another,i.e.Steiner trees with given sets of terminals,arises in VLSI design,in particular in the problem of routing multiterminal nets.The minimum-ratio Steiner cut provides a simple combinatorial bound on the maximum possible value of.We prove that this bound is the best possible up to a factor of. We also give a polynomialtime-approximationalgorithm forfinding the minimum-ratio Steiner ing this algorithm as a subroutine we also give an-approximation algorithm forfinding the minimum capacity Steiner multicut separating all sets of terminals.Finding approximately minimum-ratio Steiner cuts The maximum concurrent Steinerflow problem can be formulated as a linear program,albeit one with an exponential number of variables.In order tofind an optimal solution using the ellipsoid algorithm,or the packing algorithm of[12],we would have to solve the minimum-cost Steiner tree problem,which is NP-hard.Instead of working with this linear program,therefore,we work with a closely related one,in which the Steiner trees are ing restricted Steiner trees essentially corresponds to using the standard2-approximation algorithm for the minimum-cost Steiner tree problem. In this extended abstract we will ignore this problem for simplicity of presentation.The linear programming dual of the concurrent Steinerflow problem is as follows.There is a nonnegative cost variable for every edge.Let denote the minimum cost of a Steiner tree with terminal set.The goal is to minimize subject to the constraintWe will use to denote,and for a subset of the edges.For a subset of nodes we use to denote the set of edges having at least one endpoint in.The key of the proof is the following lemma due to Garg,Vazirani and Yannakakis[2].Lemma5.1For any positive and,and any node,there exists a set containing such thatand every node in is at a distance less than from .We need some additional notation in order to be able to state the main theorems of this section more precisely.For Steinerflow and cut problems with sets of terminals for,let denote,and let.The number of terminals is denoted by.Theorem5.2The minimum ratio of a Steiner cut is at most,where is the maximum concurrent Steinerflow value.An-approximation for the minimum cut value can be found in polynomial time.Proof:In this extended abstract we prove a weaker version of this theorem with the in the bounds replaced by a where,and we assume that the demands areintegral.T o improve the weaker bound involving to the bound claimed in the theorem we use the technique of Plotkin and Tardos[13].We prove the weaker bound by induction on.Let denote the minimum ratio of a cut. Let denote the optimum dual solution to the concurrent Steinerflow problem.Then equals the dual optimum value.Since the dual solution satisfies the constraint ,it suffices to prove the following inequality:.By definition, for each,we have.Hence we haveBy the induction hypothesisUsing Theorem5.2repeatedly we obtain an approximation algorithm forfinding minimum-capacity Steiner cuts that separate all of the demands.Theorem5.3An-approximation to the minimum capacity of a multicut sepa-rating each set of terminals for,can be found in polynomial time.Remark:The problem offinding a minimum capacity multicut separating all sets of terminals is naturally related to another Steinerflow problem,the maximum sum Steinerflow problem.It is not hard to show along the lines of the proof of Theorem5.3that the min-multicut/max-flow ratio for this problem is at most.AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to Jon Kleinberg for many helpful discussions.In particular,we would like to thank him for pointing out a crucialflaw in an earlier approach to making the min-multicut/max-flow bound for the directed symmetric concurrent multiflow problem independent of,the sum of the demands.References[1]L.R.Ford,Jr.and D.R.Fulkerson.Flows in Networks.Princeton Univ.Press,Princeton,NJ,1962.[2]N.Garg,V.V.Vazirani,and M.Yannakakis.Approximate max-flow min-(multi)cuttheorems and their applications.T o appear in Proc.25th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing,May1993.[3]M.X.Goemans and D.P.Williamson.A new[8]P.N.Klein,S.Rao,A.Agrawal,and R.Ravi.An approximate max-flow min-cut relationfor multicommodityflow,with binatorica,to appear.Preliminary version appeared as“Approximation through multicommodityflow,”In Proc.31th IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,pages726–727,1990.[9]T.Leighton,F.Makedon,S.Plotkin,C.Stein,S.T ragoudas,and´E.Tardos.Fast approxi-mation algorithms for multicommodityflow problem.In Proc.23th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing,pages101–111,May1991.[10]T.Leighton and S.Rao.An approximate max-flow min-cut theorem for uniform multi-commodityflow problems with applications to approximation algorithms.In Proc.29th IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,pages422–431,1988. 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