

RCP890A03 datasheet

RCP890A03 datasheet

SpecificationForLTCC 3dB Hybrid Coupler Model Name : RCP890A03RN2 Technologies co., Ltd.RN2 Technologies co., Ltd.284-2, Galgot-ri, Jinwe-myeon, Pyeongtaek-si, Kyunggi-do, KOREA Phone : (+82) 31 - 376 - 5400FAX : (+82) 31 - 376 - 9151 Distributor:Shenzhen Jushou electronics Co., Ltd.6F,building3,Sege science park, futian shenzhen Tel: 0086-0755-******** Mobile:0086-136******** Email: Fisher@Contact:Mr yu1. Description1-1. Part number: RCP890A031-2. Features- Hybrid Coupler 3dB, 90˚- Surface mount type- Suitable for operation frequency 815~960MHz- RoHS compliance- High stability in temperature and humidity for LTCC base - Low loss for Silver(Ag) conductor- Miniature size and high power capability- Lead-free alloy solderable- Thermal expansion corresponding with common substrate 2. Electrical SpecificationFreq. (MHz) Amplitude Balancemax (dB)Isolationmin (dB)Insertion Lossmax (dB)815-960 ±0.15 -23 -0.15VSWR MaxPhase(degrees)Power CapacityAvg. (Watt)Operating Temp.(℃)1.2 90 ±2.0 200 -55 to +1253. Mechanical Specification 3-1. Outline Dimension3-2. Weight- 1.35 Grams typical4. Port ConfigurationConfiguration Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4Case 1. Input Isolated Coupling-3dB, 0˚Output-3dB, -90˚Case 2. Isolated Input Output-3dB, 90˚Coupling -3dB, 0˚Case 3. Coupling-3dB, 0˚Output-3dB, 90˚Input IsolatedCase 4.Output-3dB, 90˚Coupling-3dB, 0˚Isolated Input * Once Port 1 is determined, the other three ports are defined automatically.5. Schematic DrawingPort1P inP cou P out P isoPort3 Port4Port26. Typical Performance Data (25℃)Return Loss [dB]Freq. [MHz]Coupling[dB]Out [dB] IL [dB]Amp.Bal.[dB]Phase[degree]S11 S22 S33 S44815 -3.12 -3.07 -0.09 ±0.02 -90.22 -26.15 -27.56 -26.33 -25.85 820 -3.11 -3.08 -0.08 ±0.02 -90.19 -26.37 -27.85 -26.56 -26.07 830 -3.11 -3.10 -0.09 ±0.00 -90.21 -26.85 -28.42 -27.07 -26.52 840 -3.09 -3.11 -0.09 ±0.01 -90.27 -27.34 -29.01 -27.61 -26.97 850 -3.09 -3.13 -0.10 ±0.02 -90.36 -27.92 -29.68 -28.18 -27.47 860 -3.08 -3.13 -0.09 ±0.03 -90.31 -28.50 -30.34 -28.82 -27.99 870 -3.07 -3.13 -0.09 ±0.03 -90.36 -29.12 -31.06 -29.44 -28.53 880 -3.06 -3.14 -0.09 ±0.04 -90.39 -29.81 -31.71 -30.12 -29.12 890 -3.07 -3.16 -0.11 ±0.05 -90.38 -30.50 -32.40 -30.84 -29.72 900 -3.06 -3.14 -0.09 ±0.04 -90.39 -31.22 -32.98 -31.48 -30.27 910 -3.06 -3.14 -0.09 ±0.04 -90.43 -31.95 -33.45 -32.22 -30.88 920 -3.06 -3.16 -0.10 ±0.05 -90.46 -32.69 -33.70 -32.94 -31.45 930 -3.06 -3.15 -0.09 ±0.04 -90.54 -33.41 -33.71 -33.55 -31.92 940 -3.07 -3.14 -0.10 ±0.04 -90.48 -34.05 -33.48 -34.03 -32.38 950 -3.07 -3.13 -0.09 ±0.03 -90.51 -34.53 -33.00 -34.41 -32.73 960 -3.08 -3.14 -0.10 ±0.03 -90.55 -34.72 -32.38 -34.50 -32.89* Data with PCB and Connector Loss ( 0.89 GHz = 0.03dB )7. Operation Temperature Curve (a)RCP650A03 Return Loss(Port1)M a g n i t u d e [d B ]Frequency[MHz]RCP890A03 Return Loss(Port2)M a g n i t u d e [d B ]Frequency[MHz]70080090010001100RCP890A03 Return Loss(Port3)M a g n i t u d e [d B ]Frequency[MHz]70080090010001100RCP890A03 Return Loss(Port4)M a g n i t u d e [d B ]Frequency[MHz]8. Operation Temperature Curve (b)70080090010001100RCP890A03 Coupling & Transmission LossM a g n i t u d e [d B ]Frequency[MHz]70080090010001100RCP890A03 Insertion LossM a g n i t u d e [d B ]Frequency[MHz]70080090010001100RCP890A03 IsolationM a g n i t u d e [d B ]Frequency[MHz]70080090010001100RCP890A03 Phase BalanceP h a s e [d e g ]Frequency[MHz]9. Test Method- Refer to ‘Case 1’ of ‘4. Port Configuration’ on page 4 - Have the network analyzer calibrated properly.- Measure the data of Coupling through port 1 to port 3. (S31) - Measure the data of Transmission through port 1 to port 4. (S41) - Measure the data of Isolation through port 1 to port 2. (S21)- Calculate the Insertion Loss and Amplitude Balance of coupler on the below power method out P cou : Power of Coupling Port P iso : Power of Isolated Port10. Measurement board layout11. Recommended PCB layout and Solder mask pattern12. Reflow profilePeakSoakingUpPre-HeatingRamp℃ T1:160±5℃ T2:180±5℃ T4:260±5℃ T3:230±5℃Temp.[]Time [sec] t1:60±5sec t2:100±15sec t3:30±5sec t4:60±10sec13. Using note for LTCC CouplersI.Be careful when transportingA.Excessive stress or shock may make products broken or cracked due to the nature ofceramics structure.B.The products cracked or damaged on terminals may have their property changed.II.Be careful during storageA.Store the products in the temperature of -55 ~ 125℃B.Keep the humidity at 45 ~ 75% around the products.C.Prevent corrosive gas (Cl2, NH3, SO X, NO X, etc.) from contacting the products.D.It is recommended to use the products within 6 months of receipt. If the period exceeds6 months, solderability may need to be verified.III.Be careful when solderingA.All the ground terminals, IN and OUT pad of coupler should be soldered on the groundplane of the PCB.B.Products may be cracked or broken by uneven forces from a claw or suction device.C.Mechanical stress by any other devices may damage products when positioning them onPCB.D. A dropped product is recommended not to be used.E.Soldering must be carried out by the condition of specification sheet.F.Any couplers which are de-soldered from PCB should not be used again.14. Packaging15. Environmental ReliabilityITEM PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS/RESULTTemperature Cycle (Thermal Shock)1. One cycle : 30 minutesStep 1 : 125 ± 5 for 15 minutesStep 2 : -55 ± 5 for 15 minutes2. Time to approach low or high temperature: 10 seconds3. Number of Cycles : 100 cycles4. Keep normal temperature for 1 hour.1. Meet the electrical Specification after testSolderability1. Solder : 230 ± 5°C for 5± 1 sec. 1. More than 85% of the I/Oelectrode pad shall be covered with solder.Heat Resistance 1. Temperature : 100 ± 2 °C 2. Duration : 96 ± 2 hours 1. Meet the electrical Specification after testLow Temp. Resistance1. Temperature : -55 ± 5 °C2. Duration : 24 ± 2 hours 1. Meet the electrical Specification after testVibration Resistance1. Frequency: 5~ 15MHz2. Acceleration : 10g3. Sweep Time: 0.1 oct/min, 15min/axis4. Axis : X, Y and Z direction 1. No appearance damage 2. Meet the electrical Specification after testHumidity Resistance1. One Cycle :Step1:increase Temperature -25~65°C for 2hours with humidity 85%Step2:Maintain for 4 hour after increasing Humidity 90% to 95%Step3: Decrease Temperature 65°C to 25°C 2. Number of Cycles : 103. Maintain for 3hour after decreasing temperature -10°C 1. Meet the electrical Specification after testDrop Shock 1. Dropped onto hard wood from height of 50 cm for 5 times; each x, y and z direction except I/O direction.1. No appearance damage2. Meet the electrical Specification after test16. RoHS test result-RN2 Technologies warrants and represents as follows.。



rt8901参数摘要:1.引言2.rt8901 参数介绍2.1 基本参数2.2 性能参数2.3 功能参数3.rt8901 参数作用3.1 提高设备性能3.2 增强数据传输能力3.3 实现多功能应用4.rt8901 参数在实际应用中的优势4.1 稳定可靠4.2 高效节能4.3 易于集成5.结论正文:rt8901 参数是在rt8901 这款产品中,为保证其性能和功能而设定的一系列指标。

本文将详细介绍rt8901 参数,并分析其在实际应用中的优势。

首先,我们来了解一下rt8901 参数的基本情况。

rt8901 参数包括了基本参数、性能参数和功能参数。


rt8901 参数在提高设备性能、增强数据传输能力和实现多功能应用方面起到了关键作用。

例如,通过调整rt8901 参数,可以优化其数据处理能力,使得设备在处理大量数据时更加稳定和高效。

同时,通过调整rt8901 参数,还可以增强其通信接口的种类和数量,从而实现设备的多功能应用。

在实际应用中,rt8901 参数的优势得到了充分体现。

首先,由于rt8901 参数的调整,使得设备在运行过程中更加稳定可靠,大大降低了设备故障的风险。

其次,rt8901 参数的调整也有助于提高设备的节能效果,从而降低了设备的运行成本。

最后,rt8901 参数的调整使得设备更加易于集成到各种应用场景中,提高了设备的灵活性和适应性。

综上所述,rt8901 参数在提高设备性能、增强数据传输能力和实现多功能应用方面起到了关键作用,同时在实际应用中也展现出了其稳定可靠、高效节能和易于集成等优势。

XSL08PT Z 产品说明书

XSL08PT Z 产品说明书

XSL08PT/Z03-191497615532081113171612432638283623312725372433353432293018191521507168403941524245554647484951545356585960616263646667697072737588857987868177807876838482749390919689929594979899101100103105106102104107134133109127108130131136135137138122124121118119125126123120114116117115111110112113129128132297575030444652221175168149147144143141140142139153155154156158157296160159161162163164165166167169173179178177172171170174180181182183191192184187186185188189190195197193194196202204203207199200198206205208214209213210211215212219218217216221222220223224225226227229228230231232233234239240241243246250249251252253258254260255257256259261262264263265266277276272278270271281269280274275237236235285288286287289290303302300299244245201238146145279247283267282284293292291295294305306307308268Model XSL08PT/Z Parts ListA = Standard Equipment〇= Circuit DiagramItem# Part#Description Q'ty Unit 001265995-6TAPPING SCREW 4X186PC. 002 183H69-8HANDLESET1PC.C10810483-4CAUTION LABEL1PC.14D10 INC.003 632L09-2SWITCHUNIT1PC. 005 140G30-2CAPCOMPLETE1PC.C10213218-6O RING 161PC.C20818H48-4CAP LABEL1PC. 006 457935-0SWITCHLEVER1PC. 007 416356-5LOCK-OFFLEVER1PC. 008 651083-9SWITCHC3XA-1PSPM1PC. 009231026-3COMPRESSION SPRING 41PC. 011 458079-9SWITCHCOVER1PC. 013265995-6TAPPING SCREW 4X183PC. 014 183H69-8HANDLESET1PC.C10810483-4CAUTION LABEL1PC.2D10 INC.015 451037-4SWITCHBUTTON1PC. 016451000-7LEAD COVER HOLDER1PC. 017265995-6TAPPING SCREW 4X181PC. 018265995-6TAPPING SCREW 4X182PC. 019 457933-4REARCOVER1PC. 020620742-6POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT1PC. 021 620B81-6CONTROLLERCOMPLETE122D10 INC.022 813T74-0INDICATIONLABEL1PC. 023 643874-2TERMINAL2PC. 024911948-0PAN HEAD SCREW M6X80 WITH WR4PC. 025855P60-1XSL08 NAME PLATE1026 457906-7MOTORHOUSING1PC. 027265995-6TAPPING SCREW 4X183PC. 028911273-9PAN HEAD SCREW M5X502PC. 029183L56-1BATTERY HOUSING SET1 C10263005-3RUBBER PIN 64PC.C20813T72-4CAUTION LABEL1PC.30D10 INC.030183L56-1BATTERY HOUSING SET1 C10263005-3RUBBER PIN 64PC.C20813T72-4CAUTION LABEL1PC.29D10 INC.031 629282-1STATOR1PC. 032 457934-2BAFFLEPLATE1PC. 033265995-6TAPPING SCREW 4X182PC. 034211021-9BALL BEARING 607LLB1PC. 035 519554-1ROTORASS'Y134D10 INC.036 318471-0MOTORBRACKET1PC. 037961057-5RETAINING RING S-171PC. 038210301-0BALL BEARING 6003DDW1PC.039922331-6HEX. SOCKET HEAD BOLT M6X201PC. 040253804-1FLAT WASHER 61PC. 041 257461-7RING61PC. 042 459250-8DUSTNOZZLE1 043855P67-7XSL08 SERIAL NO. LABEL1 044266034-5TAPPING SCREW CT 4X161PC. 045251554-2THUMB SCREW M6X401PC. 046 265A36-4H.S.H.BOLTM6X161 047 458146-0LOGOPLATE1PC. 048961018-5STOP RING E-51PC. 049251547-9HEX.SOCKET HEAD BOLT M8X251PC. 050922251-4HEX. SOCKET HEAD BOLT M5X301PC. 051266034-5TAPPING SCREW CT 4X163PC. 052140J53-8LINK PLATE COMPLETE1PC. 053 257461-7RING61PC. 054253804-1FLAT WASHER 61PC. 055262190-9URETHANE RING 51 056253428-3SPRING WASHER 61PC. 057 257449-7SLEEVE61PC. 058 266321-2H.S.SETSCREW(FLAT POINT)M6X161PC. 059911114-9PAN HEAD SCREW M4X102PC. 060232412-1TORSION SPRING 111PC. 061457764-1DUST GUIDE PLATE1PC. 062 161647-6GUARDHOLDER1PC. 063231928-3RING SPRING 81PC. 064251544-5SHOULDER HEX. BOLT M41PC. 065140J88-9BLADE CASE COMPLETE1 C10263005-3RUBBER PIN 63PC.C20810496-5LASER BEAM CAUTION LABEL1PC.C30810497-3LASER BEAM CAUTION LABEL1PC. 066231240-1COMPRESSION SPRING 71PC. 067 256633-1PIN61PC. 068 458148-6LEADCOVER1PC. 069265028-7+ PAN HEAD SCREW M4X111PC. 070 422235-7GUARD1PC. 071 347308-4GUARDPLATE1PC. 072266283-4HEX. SOCKET HEX. BOLT M8X201PC. 073266020-6TAPPING SCREW 4X121PC. 074961052-5RETAINING RING S-121PC. 075210005-4BALL BEARING 608DDW1PC. 076261104-5RUBBER WASHER 121PC. 077253744-3FLAT WASHER 121PC. 078254001-2WOODRUFF KEY 41PC. 079227550-2SPIRAL BEVEL GEAR 321PC. 080253744-3FLAT WASHER 121PC. 081253313-0THIN WASHER 141PC. 082 451002-3GREASEHOLDER1PC. 083266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X122PC. 084 325643-0GEARSHAFT1PC. 085216049-2STEEL BALL 41 086227702-5HELICAL GEAR 271PC. 087227701-7HELICAL GEAR 141PC. 088211097-6BALL BEARING 6000ZZ1PC. 089 442147-8GASKET1PC. 090961055-9RETAINING RING S-151PC. 091210005-4BALL BEARING 608DDW1PC.092911223-4PAN HEAD SCREW M5X163PC. 093227703-3HELICAL GEAR 281PC. 094267010-2FLAT WASHER 51PC. 095210005-4BALL BEARING 608DDW1PC. 096158957-0BEARING BOX COMPLETE1PC.C10263002-9RUBBER PIN 41PC. 097285847-5BEARING RETAINER 14-231PC. 098931202-6HEX. NUT M51PC. 099253427-5SPRING WASHER 51 100 325644-8SPINDLE1PC. 101211236-8BALL BEARING 6002DDW1PC. 102285732-2BEARING RETAINER 511PC. 103224431-1INNER FLANGE 531PC. 104224432-9OUTER FLANGE 531PC. 105 257060-5RING15.81PC. 106265034-2+ COUNTERSUNK HEAD SCREW M5X162PC. 107266755-9HEX.SOCKET HEAD BOLT M10X201PC. 108941051-3FLAT WASHER 42PC. 109266020-6TAPPING SCREW 4X122PC. 110 418104-8LENS1PC. 111 419378-4BLOCKB1PC. 112911003-8PAN HEAD SCREW M3X62PC. 113231664-1TORSION SPRING 91PC. 114 266318-1H.S.SETSCREW(FLAT POINT)M4X61PC. 115266306-8SHOULDER SCREW M51PC. 116 419379-2BLOCKC1PC. 117233471-8COMPRESSION SPRING 61PC. 118638651-5LASER CIRCUIT COMPLETE1PC. 119231664-1TORSION SPRING 91PC. 120 266318-1H.S.SETSCREW(FLAT POINT)M4X61PC. 121 266229-0H.S.SETSCREW(CUP POINT)M5X82PC. 122 458903-6LASERCOVER1PC. 123266034-5TAPPING SCREW CT 4X162PC. 124 457664-5PROTECTOR1PC. 125265753-0THUMB SCREW M5X241PC. 126267066-5FLAT WASHER 51PC. 127 424193-3ROLLER2PC. 128266385-6TAPPING SCREW 4X143PC. 129458144-4SAFETY COVER B1PC. 130266385-6TAPPING SCREW 4X141PC. 131 347213-5CENTERPLATE1PC. 132231634-0TORSION SPRING 451PC. 133 424190-9CUSHION1PC. 134 347214-3CENTERCOVER1PC. 135265985-9HEX.SOCKET HEAD BOLT M61PC. 136253932-2WAVE WASHER 101PC. 137210168-6BALL BEARING 6805DDW1PC. 138 458437-9SAFETYA1PC.COVER139127274-9DUST NOZZLE ASSEMBLY1140-147D10 INC.140265995-6TAPPING SCREW 4X183PC. 141183H71-1HOSE CONNECTOR SET1PC. 142 245048-7HOSE28-0.51PC. 143 457672-6SLEEVE1PC. 144 457673-4STOPPER1PC. 145 458939-5BUTTONA1PC.146232485-4COMPRESSION SPRING 51PC. 147 459249-3HOSEJOINT1 149266034-5TAPPING SCREW CT 4X163PC. 150 458149-4SLEEEVE172PC. 152233542-1TORSION SPRING 401PC. 153251267-5+ PAN HEAD SCREW M61PC. 154253948-7WAVE WASHER 81PC. 155253835-0FLAT WASHER 81PC. 156 347221-6STOPPERARM1PC. 157347222-4FRONT ARM PLATE1PC. 158262076-7FELT RING 302PC. 159 326994-4ROD161PC. 160 271437-0KNOB221PC. 161961013-5STOP RING E-71PC. 162266034-5TAPPING SCREW CT 4X164PC. 163144913-6FRONT ARM COMPLETE1PC.C10263005-3RUBBER PIN 62PC.C20816787-2INDICATION LABEL1PC. 164233151-6COMPRESSION SPRING 41PC. 165 256364-2PIN41PC. 166232384-0COMPRESSION SPRING 101PC. 167 326977-4STOPPERPIN1PC. 168 458145-2ARMCOVER1PC. 169 144658-6HOLDERCOMPLETE1PC.C10812X89-8INDICATION LABEL1PC. 170265008-3+ FLAT HEAD SCREW M51PC. 171 222191-9PULLEY17-19.31PC. 172210057-5BALL BEARING 6900LLB1PC. 173267804-5WAVE WASHER 151PC. 174 326975-8SHAFT1PC. 175210057-5BALL BEARING 6900LLB1PC. 177913416-9SET SCREW M8X122PC. 178 416536-3WRENCHHOLDER1PC. 179266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X121PC. 180951107-4SPRING PIN 4-142PC. 181273016-0GRIP 50 B1PC. 182266440-4HEX SOCKET HEAD BOLT M5X401PC. 183251545-3SHOULDER HEX. BOLT M61PC. 184144930-6STOP LEVER COMPLETE1PC.C10812X87-2INDICATION LABEL1PC. 185253948-7WAVE WASHER 81PC. 186253835-0FLAT WASHER 81PC. 187251267-5+ PAN HEAD SCREW M61PC. 188 327054-5PIN9-4181PC. 189253194-2FLAT WASHER 51PC. 190 257436-6SLEEVE51PC. 191253165-9FLAT WASHER 81PC. 192 457666-1SLEEVE201PC. 193 326977-4STOPPERPIN1PC. 194 222192-7PULLEY17-87.81PC. 195327053-7HEX. NUT M10-191PC. 196225102-3SYNCHRO BELT 15-8101PC. 197232384-0COMPRESSION SPRING 101PC. 198253388-9FLAT WASHER 101PC. 199252244-0HEX.LOCK NUT M10-171PC. 200253024-7FLAT WASHER 101PC.201961057-5RETAINING RING S-171PC. 202216413-7THRUST NEEDLE CAGE 10241PC. 203253024-7FLAT WASHER 101PC. 204216413-7THRUST NEEDLE CAGE 10241PC. 205961013-5STOP RING E-71PC. 206 271437-0KNOB221PC. 207253024-7FLAT WASHER 101PC. 208 144911-0ARMCOMPLETE1PC.C10812X88-0INDICATION LABEL1PC. 209251547-9HEX.SOCKET HEAD BOLT M8X251PC. 210458151-7INDICATION PLATE R1PC. 211266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X121PC. 212266034-5TAPPING SCREW CT 4X164PC. 213 415208-7RELEASEBUTTON1PC. 214233031-6COMPRESSION SPRING 121PC. 215457654-8DUST GUIDE HOLDER1PC. 216458150-9INDICATION PLATE L1PC. 217266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X121PC. 218 253389-7WASHER941PC. 219 422229-2DUSTGUIDE1PC. 220 319593-9STOPPER1PC. 221231646-3TORSION SPRING 141PC. 222253744-3FLAT WASHER 121PC. 223961052-5RETAINING RING S-121PC. 224266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X122PC. 225 457668-7HOLDER2PC. 226144923-3UPPER FENCE R COMPLETE1PC.C10812X80-6CAUTION LABEL1PC. 227144920-9UPPER FENCE L COMPLETE1PC.C10812X80-6CAUTION LABEL1PC. 228922458-2H.S.H.BOLT M8X35 WITH WR4PC. 229 251887-5SCREWM6X102PC. 230251561-5H.SOCKET HEAD SET SCREW M10X122PC. 231 319584-0GUIDEFENCE1PC. 232266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X126PC. 233 451201-7KERFBOARD2PC. 234 812X83-0CAUTIONLABEL1PC. 235265442-7HEX. BOLT M8X401PC. 236253852-0FLAT WASHER 82PC. 237216413-7THRUST NEEDLE CAGE 10241PC. 238266385-6TAPPING SCREW 4X142PC. 239458147-8BEVEL SCALE PLATE1PC. 240251547-9HEX.SOCKET HEAD BOLT M8X251PC. 241251547-9HEX.SOCKET HEAD BOLT M8X251PC. 243 813L22-1CAUTIONLABEL2PC. 244266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X122PC. 245 457702-3INDICATIONPLATE2PC. 246326970-8LOCK PIN 81PC. 247234122-6COMPRESSION SPRING 61PC. 249 457657-2LEVER251PC. 250253804-1FLAT WASHER 61PC. 251961018-5STOP RING E-52PC. 252144926-7TURN BASE COMPLETE1PC.234,243,253D10 INC.253 812X82-2CAUTIONLABEL1PC. 254 326973-2ROD121PC.255 286039-9CAP2PC. 256 326976-6CENTERSHAFT1PC. 257911113-1PAN HEAD SCREW M4X10 WITH WR2PC. 258231325-3COMPRESSION SPRING 61PC. 259 310803-7TURNSTOPPER1PC. 260 347217-7LEVERPLATE1PC. 261 256186-0PIN51PC. 262911231-5PAN HEAD SCREW M5X202PC. 263 347219-3STOPPERHOLDER1PC. 264 327052-9LOCKROD1PC. 265 457656-4LOCKLEVER1PC. 266327051-1LOCK PIN 61PC. 267 256158-5PIN31PC. 268231325-3COMPRESSION SPRING 61PC. 269 347237-1CAMPLATE1PC. 270 319592-1PINHOLDER1PC. 271922231-0HEX. SOCKET HEAD BOLT M5X202PC. 272 347216-9LOCKPLATE1PC. 274 326972-4ROD61PC. 275961011-9STOP RING E-41PC. 276 257425-1RING52PC. 277253194-2FLAT WASHER 52PC. 278922231-0HEX. SOCKET HEAD BOLT M5X202PC. 279911113-1PAN HEAD SCREW M4X10 WITH WR1PC. 280144656-0LEVER 25 COMPLETE1PC.C10263005-3RUBBER PIN 61PC. 281911008-8PAN HEAD SCREW M3X81PC. 282345272-3LOCK LEVER PLATE1PC. 283 273015-2GRIP50A1PC. 284266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X122PC. 285 457655-6SLIDEPLATE1PC. 286347412-9MITER SCALE PLATE1PC. 287251546-1+ PAN HEAD SCREW M54PC. 288347218-5MITER LOCK PLATE1PC. 289 265786-5SCREWM5X162PC. 290 310891-4BASE1PC. 291 421845-7FOOT4PC. 292267195-4FLAT WASHER 44PC. 293266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X124PC. 294 327315-3ROD124 295961015-1STOP RING E-92PC. 296266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X121PC. 297 266318-1H.S.SETSCREW(FLAT POINT)M4X61PC. 299 232249-6LEAFSPRING1PC. 300266026-4TAPPING SCREW BIND CT 4X121PC. 302 327145-2HOLDER901PC. 303 266213-5H.S.SETSCREW(FLAT POINT)M5X121PC. 304 232249-6LEAFSPRING1PC. 305922443-5H.S.H.BOLT M8X25 WITH WR4PC. 306 347509-4SUBFENCE2 307 319815-7SUBBASE2 308911113-1PAN HEAD SCREW M4X10 WITH WR4PC. A01122852-0DUST BAG ASS'Y1PC.C10410602-8FASTENER1PC. A02 126617-2VISEASS'Y1PC. A03 JM27000328TRIANGULARRULE1PC.A04783208-8HEX. WRENCH 2.51PC.A06B-66983TCT BLADE305X60T WOOD EFFICUT1PC.A07781044-6HEX. WRENCH 61PC.A08***DC18RD DC18RD TWO PORT FAST CHARGER1PC.(XSL08PT) D10 COMPO-PARTSA09BL1850B BATTERY BL1850B SET (197283-2)2PC.(XSL08PT)。

深圳市普联技术 TD-W89841N系列 配置指南

深圳市普联技术 TD-W89841N系列 配置指南

目 录
第一章 1.1 1.2 第二章 2.1 产品概述 ......................................................................................................... 1 产品简介.........................................................................................................................1 主要特性.........................................................................................................................2 硬件描述 ......................................................................................................... 3 面板布置.........................................................................................................................3 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 第三章 3.1 3.2 第四章 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 前面板 ................................................................................................................3 后面板 ................................................................................................................4


(b) Mounted on FR4 board (glass epoxy, 0.8mm thick, printed minimum pad dimensions: 25.4mm2) (t = 5s) Note 3: VDD = −10 V, Tch = 25°C (initial), L = 0.5 mH, RG = 25 Ω, IAR = −2.75 A Note 4: Repetitive rating: pulse width limited by maximum channel temperature Note 5: “●” on the lower left of the marking indicates pin 1.
(Note 2a) (Note 4)
Channel temperature
−5.5 A
• Lead(Pb)-Free • Multi-chip discrete device; built-in P channel MOS FET for main
switch and N Channel MOS FET for drive • Small footprint due to small and thin package • Low drain-source ON resistance



Ic/Ib = 5.0
Ic/Ib = 10
1.0 TJ = 25°C
TJ = −20°C
1.0 TJ = 25°C
TJ = −20°C
TJ = 125°C
(IC = 3 Adc, VCE = 5 Vdc) (IC = 10 Adc VCE = 2 Vdc) (IC = 20 Adc VCE = 2 Vdc) (IC = 10 mAdc VCE = 5 Vdc)
(TC = 125°C) (TC = 125°C) (TC = 125°C)
Base−Emitter Saturation Voltage (IC = 10 Adc, IB = 2 Adc) (IC = 20 Adc, IB = 4 Adc)
Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range
TJ, Tstg −65 to +150 _C
Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Case

1 2 3



341/170/85 sec Voice Length at 6KHz sampling and 4-bit ADPCM compression. Maximum 254 voice groups. Combination of voice blocks to extend playback duration. 7680 table entries are available for voice block combinations. User selectable PCM or ADPCM data compression Three triggering modes are available (controlled by M1 and M0 input pins): Key Trigger Mode (M1=0, M0=0) - S1 ~ S8 to trigger up to 32 voice groups; SBT to trigger up to 254 voice groups sequentially. CPU Parallel Trigger Mode (M1=0, M0=1) – S[8:1] services as 8-bits address to trigger up to 254 voice groups with SBT goes HIGH to strobe the address bits. CPU Serial Command Mode (M1=1, M0=0) – user commands are clocked serially into the chip which enable user to fully control the operation of the chip.
2 5/19/2006



CBT3245AOctal bus switchRev. 5 — 9 April 2020Product data sheet1. General descriptionThe CBT3245A provides eight bits of high-speed TTL-compatible bus switching. The low ON resistance of the switch allows connections to be made with minimal propagation delay.The CBT3245A is organized as one 8-bit bus switches with one output enable (OE) input. When OE is LOW, the switch is on and port A is connected to the B port. When OE is HIGH, each switch is disabled.2. Features and benefits• 5 Ω switch connection between two ports •TTL-compatible control input levels •Multiple package options•Latch-up protection exceeds 500 mA per JESD78•ESD protection:•HBM JESD22-A114F exceeds 2000 V •MM JESD22-A115B exceeds 150 V •CDM JESD22-C101C exceeds 1000 V •Specified from -40 °C to +85 °C3. Ordering information4. Functional diagram5. Pinning information5.1. PinningCBT3245An.c.V CC A1OE A2B1A3B2A4B3A5B4A6B5A7B6A8B7GND B8aaa-0018311234567891012111413161518172019Fig. 2.Pin configuration for SOT163-1 (SO20) and SOT360-1 (TSSOP20)aaa-001833CBT3245ATransparent top viewB7GND (1)A7A8B6A6B5A5B4A4B3A3B2A2B1A1OE G N D B 8n .c .V C C9128137146155164173182191011120terminal 1index area(1) This is not a ground pin. There is no electrical or mechanical requirement to solder the pad. In case soldered, the solder land should remain floating or connected to GND.Fig. 3.Pin configuration for SOT764-1 (DHVQFN20)5.2. Pin description6. Functional descriptionTable 3. Functional descriptionH = HIGH voltage level; L = LOW voltage level; Z = high-impedance OFF-state.7. Limiting valuesTable 4. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).T = -40 °C to +85 °C, unless otherwise specified.[1]The input and output negative-voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output clamp-current ratings are observed. 8. Recommended operating conditionsTable 5. Recommended operating conditionsAll unused control inputs of the device must be held at V or GND to ensure proper device operation.9. Static characteristicsTable 6. Static characteristicsVoltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0 V).[1]All typical values are measured at V CC = 5 V and T amb = 25 °C.[2]This is the increase in supply current for each input that is at the specified TTL voltage level rather than V CC or GND.[3]Measured by the voltage drop between the An and the Bn terminals at the indicated current through the switch. ON resistance isdetermined by the lowest voltage of the two (An or Bn) terminals.10. Dynamic characteristicsTable 7. Dynamic characteristicsVoltages are referenced to GND (ground = 0 V). For test circuit see Fig. 6.[1]The propagation delay is the calculated RC time constant of the typical ON resistance of the switch and the specified load capacitance,when driven by an ideal voltage source (zero output impedance).[2]t pd is the same as t PLH and t PHL.[3]t en is the same as t PZL and t PZH.[4]t dis is the same as t PLZ and t PHZ.10.1. Waveforms and test circuit11. Package outlineSO20: plastic small outline package; 20 leads; body width 7.5 mm SOT163-1Fig. 7.Package outline SOT163-1 (SO20)TSSOP20: plastic thin shrink small outline package; 20 leads; body width 4.4 mm SOT360-1Fig. 8.Package outline SOT360-1 (TSSOP20)DHVQFN20: plastic dual in-line compatible thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; no leads;Fig. 9.Package outline SOT764-1 (DHVQFN20)12. Abbreviations13. Revision history14. Legal informationData sheet status[1]Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating orcompleting a design.[2]The term 'short data sheet' is explained in section "Definitions".[3]The product status of device(s) described in this document may havechanged since this document was published and may differ in case ofmultiple devices. The latest product status information is available onthe internet at https://.DefinitionsDraft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. Nexperia does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local Nexperia sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail.Product specification — The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between Nexperia and its customer, unless Nexperia and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the Nexperia product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet.DisclaimersLimited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believedto be accurate and reliable. However, Nexperia does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracyor completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Nexperia takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of Nexperia.In no event shall Nexperia be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation - lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removalor replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, Nexperia’s aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of Nexperia.Right to make changes — Nexperia reserves the right to make changesto information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use — Nexperia products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunctionof an Nexperia product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. Nexperia and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of Nexperia products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Quick reference data — The Quick reference data is an extract of the product data given in the Limiting values and Characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not complete, exhaustive or legally binding. Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Nexperia makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using Nexperia products, and Nexperia accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the Nexperia product is suitableand fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well asfor the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. Nexperia does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using Nexperia products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Nexperia does not accept any liability in this respect.Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above thosegiven in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device.Terms and conditions of commercial sale — Nexperia products aresold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at /profile/terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. Nexperia hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of Nexperia products by customer.No offer to sell or license — Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities.Non-automotive qualified products — Unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific Nexperia product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. Nexperia accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications.In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without Nexperia’s warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond Nexperia’s specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies Nexperia for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond Nexperia’s standard warranty and Nexperia’s product specifications.Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions.TrademarksNotice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Nexperia CBT3245AOctal bus switch Contents1. General description (1)2. Features and benefits (1)3. Ordering information (1)4. Functional diagram (1)5. Pinning information (2)5.1. Pinning (2)5.2. Pin description (2)6. Functional description (2)7. Limiting values (3)8. Recommended operating conditions (3)9. Static characteristics (3)10. Dynamic characteristics (4)10.1. Waveforms and test circuit (4)11. Package outline (6)12. Abbreviations (9)13. Revision history (9)14. Legal information (10)© Nexperia B.V. 2020. All rights reservedFor more information, please visit: Forsalesofficeaddresses,pleasesendanemailto:***************************Date of release: 9 April 2020CBT3245A All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.© Nexperia B.V. 2020. All rights reserved Product data sheet Rev. 5 — 9 April 202011 / 11。

TPL0501 Datasheet SPI接口8位数字电位器

TPL0501 Datasheet SPI接口8位数字电位器

SCLKCSGNDDINHWVDDLWLCSHGNDVDDDINSCLKTPL0501 SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER2011256Taps Single Channel Digital Potentiometer With SPI InterfaceCheck for Samples:TPL0501FEATURESMicroQFN–RSE PACKAGE•Single Channel,256-Position Resolution(TOP VIEW)•100kΩEnd-to-End Resistance Options•Low Temperature Coefficient:35ppm/°C•SPI-Compatible Serial Interface• 2.7V to5.5V Single-Supply Operation•±20%Resistance Tolerance•Operating Temperature–40°C to125°C•ESD Performance Tested per JESD22–2000V Human Body Model(A114-B,ClassII)SOT-23–DCN PACKAGE APPLICATIONS(TOP VIEW)•Adjustable Power Supplies•Adjustable Gain Amplifiers and OffsetTrimming•Precision Calibration of Set Point Thresholds•Sensor Trimming and Calibration•Mechanical Potentiometer ReplacementDESCRIPTIONThe TPL0501is a single channel,linear-taper digital potentiometer with256wiper positions.This device can be used as a three-terminal potentiometer or as a two-terminal rheostat.The TPL0501is currently offered with end-to-end resistance of100kΩ.The internal registers of the TPL0501can be accessed using a SPI-compatible interface.The TPL0501has a nominal temperature coefficient of35ppm/°C.The TPL0501is available in an8-pin SOT-23and8-microQFN package with a specified temperature range of–40°C to85°C.ORDERING INFORMATIONTA PACKAGE(1)ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKINGmicroQFN-RSE TPL0501-100RSER7M –40°C to125°C Tape and ReelSOT23–DCN TPL0501-100DCNR NF5T(1)Package drawings,standard packing quantities,thermal data,symbolization,and PCB design guidelines are available at/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasWAGNDWWR WL =R TOT x D/256R HW =R TOT x (1–(D/256))VOLTAGE DIVIDER MODERHEOSTAT MODE ARHEOSTAT MODE BWhere D =Decimal Value of Wiper CodeWhere D =Decimal Value of Wiper CodeWhere D =Decimal Value of Wiper CodeWWORORV H V WL = (V H –V L )x D/256V HW = (V H –V L )x (1–(D/256))TPL0501SLIS136A –SEPTEMBER 2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2011These devices have limited built-in ESD protection.The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMDIGITAL POTENTIOMETER CONFIGURATIONSFigure 1.DPOT Configurations2Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPL0501 SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER2011PIN FUNCTIONSPINNUMBER TYPE DESCRIPTIONNAMEDCN RSE16W I/O Wiper terminal27V DD Power Positive Supply Voltage34GND Ground Ground45SCLK Input SPI Clock52DIN Input SPI Input63CS Input SPI Chip Select.Active Low78L I/O Low terminal81H I/O High terminalABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)(2)(3)over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT V DD to GND Supply voltage range–0.37VV H,V L,V W–0.3V DD+0.3VI H Pulse current±20mAI LContinuous current TPL0501-100±5mAI WV I Digital input voltage range–0.37VRSE packagePackage thermalθJA°C/W impedance(4)DCN packageT stg Storage temperature range–65150°C (1)Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage.Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods maydegrade device reliability.These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not implied.(2)The algebraic convention,whereby the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive value is a maximum(3)All voltages are with respect to ground,unless otherwise specified.(4)The package thermal impedance is calculated in accordance with JESD51-7.ANALOG SPECIFICATIONSTypical Values are specified at VDD=5V and operating temperature of25CPARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITEnd-to-end resistance(between HiR TOTAL80100120kΩand Li terminals)V H,V L Terminal voltage range0VDD VR H,R L Terminal resistance50150ΩH terminal floating,V L=GND,R W Wiper resistance25100ΩForce I W=(V DD/2)/R TOTAL,Input code=0x80hC H,C L Terminal capacitance15f=1MHz,measured to GND,Input code=0x80h pFC W Wiper capacitance12V H=GND to V DD,V L=Floating ORI LKG Terminal leakage current0.11uAV L=GND to V DD,V H=FloatingTC R Resistance temperature coefficient35ppm/°C VOLTAGE DIVIDER MODE(V H=V DD,V L=GND,V W=Not Loaded)INL Integral non-linearity–11LSB DNL Differential non-linearity–0.50.5LSB ZS ERROR Zero-scale error00.52LSB FS ERROR Full-scale error–2–0.50LSBCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3TPL0501SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS(continued)Typical Values are specified at VDD=5V and operating temperature of25CPARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITT CV Ratiometric temperature coefficient Wiper set at mid-scale4ppm/°C BW Bandwidth Wiper set at mid-scale,TPL0501-100,C LOAD=10pF265kHzT SW Wiper settling time TPL0501-1003µSV H=1V RMS at1kHz,THD Total harmonic distortion0.005%V L=V DD/2,measurement at WRHEOSTAT MODE(Measurements between Wi and Li with Hi not connected,or between Wi and Hi with Li not connected)RINL Integral non-linearity–11LSB RDNL Differential non-linearity–0.50.5LSBR OFFSET Offset00.52LSBCode=0x00h,L Floating,Input applied to W,10pFRBW Bandwidth60kHzon HOPERATING SPECIFICATIONSTypical Values are specified at VDD=5V and operating temperature of25CPARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITI DD(STBY)V DD Standby current0.38µAI IN-DIG Digital pins leakage current(SCLK,DIN,CS inputs)–11µADigital Input=1.8V,VDD=2.7V5µAI DD(SUPPLV DD Supply CurrentY)Digital Input=1.8V,VDD=5V500µA SERIAL INTERFACE SPECS(SCLK,DIN,CS Inputs)V IH Input high voltage V DD=2.7V to5.5V 1.8 5.5VV IL Input low voltage SCLK,DIN,CS Inputs00.6VC IN Pin capacitance SCLK,DIN,CS Inputs710pF SPI INTERFACE TIMING CHARACTERISTICSf SCLK SCLK Frequency25MHzt SCP SCLK Period40nst SCH SCLK High time20nst SCL SCLK Low time20nst DS DIN to SCLK setup time5nst DH DIN hold after SCLK5nst CSS CS Fall to SCLK rise setup time15nst CSW CS Pulse width high40ns4Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPL0501SLIS136A –SEPTEMBER 2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2011TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSFigure 2.INL vs TAP POSITION (Potentiometer Mode)Figure 3.DNL vs TAP POSITION (Potentiometer Mode)Figure 4.INL vs TAP POSITION (Rheostat Mode)Figure 5.DNL vs.TAP POSITION (Rheostat Mode)Figure 6.End to End resistance change vs Temperature Figure 7.Zero Scale Error vs TemperatureCopyright ©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5TPL0501SLIS136A –SEPTEMBER 2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2011TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 8.Full scale Error vs TemperatureFigure 9.Temperature Coefficient vs Tap Position(Potentiometer Mode)Figure 10.Temperature Coefficient vs Tap PositionFigure 11.Bandwidth (potentiometer mode)(Rheostat Mode)6Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedSCLKDIN 12345678 D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CS TPL0501 SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER2011APPLICATION INFORMATIONSPI Digital InterfaceThe TPL0501uses a3-wire SPI compatible serial data interface.This write-only interface has three inputs: chip-select(CS),data clock(SCLK),and data input(DIN).Drive CS low to enable the serial interface and clock data synchronously into the shift register on each SCLK rising edge.After loading data into the shift register, drive CS high to latch the data into the appropriate potentiometer control register and disable the serial interface. Keep low during the entire serial data stream to avoid corruption of the data.Register Map:Bit76543210 MSB LSBD7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0SPI WRITE SEQUENCECopyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7WR WL =R TOT x D/256R HW =R TOT x (1–(D/256))Where D =Decimal Value of Wiper CodeTPL0501SLIS136A –SEPTEMBER 2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2011IDEAL RESISTANCE VALUESBelow table shows the ideal values for DPOT with end-to End resistance of 10k Ω.The absolute values of resistance can vary significantly but the Ratio (Rhw/Rwl)is extremely accurate.10k ΩStep Binary R HW /R WL R HW (k Ω)R WL (k Ω)000.00100.000.00110.3999.610.002100.7899.220.01311 1.1798.830.014100 1.5698.440.025101 1.9598.050.026110 2.3497.660.027111 2.7397.270.0381000 3.1396.880.0391001 3.5296.480.04101010 3.9196.090.04111011 4.3095.700.04121100 4.6995.310.05131101 5.0894.920.05141110 5.4794.530.06151111 5.8694.140.061610000 6.2593.750.071710001 6.6493.360.0718100107.0392.970.0819100117.4292.580.0820101007.8192.190.0821101018.2091.800.0922101108.5991.410.0923101118.9891.020.1024110009.3890.630.1025110019.7790.230.11261101010.1689.840.11271101110.5589.450.12281110010.9489.060.12291110111.3388.670.133********.7288.280.133********.1187.890.143210000012.5087.500.148Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPL0501 SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER201110kΩStep Binary R HW/R WLR HW(kΩ)R WL(kΩ)3310000112.8987.110.153410001013.2886.720.153510001113.6786.330.163610010014.0685.940.163710010114.4585.550.173810011014.8485.160.173910011115.2384.770.184010100015.6384.380.194110100116.0283.980.194210101016.4183.590.204310101116.8083.200.204410110017.1982.810.214510110117.5882.420.214610111017.9782.030.224710111118.3681.640.224811000018.7581.250.234911000119.1480.860.245011001019.5380.470.245111001119.9280.080.255211010020.3179.690.255311010120.7079.300.265411011021.0978.910.275511011121.4878.520.275611100021.8878.130.285711100122.2777.730.295811101022.6677.340.295911101123.0576.950.306011110023.4476.560.316111110123.8376.170.316211111024.2275.780.326311111124.6175.390.3364100000025.0075.000.3365100000125.3974.610.3466100001025.7874.220.3567100001126.1773.830.3568100010026.5673.440.3669100010126.9573.050.3770100011027.3472.660.3871100011127.7372.270.3872100100028.1371.880.3973100100128.5271.480.4074100101028.9171.090.4175100101129.3070.700.4176100110029.6970.310.4277100110130.0869.920.4378100111030.4769.530.4479100111130.8669.140.4580101000031.2568.750.45Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback9TPL0501SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED 10kΩStep Binary R HW/R WLR HW(kΩ)R WL(kΩ)81101000131.6468.360.4682101001032.0367.970.4783101001132.4267.580.4884101010032.8167.190.4985101010133.2066.800.5086101011033.5966.410.5187101011133.9866.020.5188101100034.3865.630.5289101100134.7765.230.5390101101035.1664.840.5491101101135.5564.450.5592101110035.9464.060.5693101110136.3363.670.5794101111036.7263.280.5895101111137.1162.890.5996110000037.5062.500.6097110000137.8962.110.6198110001038.2861.720.6299110001138.6761.330.63100110010039.0660.940.64101110010139.4560.550.65102110011039.8460.160.66103110011140.2359.770.67104110100040.6359.380.68105110100141.0258.980.70106110101041.4158.590.71107110101141.8058.200.72108110110042.1957.810.73109110110142.5857.420.74110110111042.9757.030.75111110111143.3656.640.77112111000043.7556.250.78113111000144.1455.860.79114111001044.5355.470.80115111001144.9255.080.82116111010045.3154.690.83117111010145.7054.300.84118111011046.0953.910.86119111011146.4853.520.87120111100046.8853.130.88121111100147.2752.730.90122111101047.6652.340.91123111101148.0551.950.92124111110048.4451.560.94125111110148.8351.170.95126111111049.2250.780.97127111111149.6150.390.981281000000050.0050.00 1.0010Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPL0501 SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER201110kΩStep Binary R HW/R WLR HW(kΩ)R WL(kΩ)1291000000150.3949.61 1.021301000001050.7849.22 1.031311000001151.1748.83 1.051321000010051.5648.44 1.061331000010151.9548.05 1.081341000011052.3447.66 1.101351000011152.7347.27 1.121361000100053.1346.88 1.131371000100153.5246.48 1.151381000101053.9146.09 1.171391000101154.3045.70 1.191401000110054.6945.31 1.211411000110155.0844.92 1.231421000111055.4744.53 1.251431000111155.8644.14 1.271441001000056.2543.75 1.291451001000156.6443.36 1.311461001001057.0342.97 1.331471001001157.4242.58 1.351481001010057.8142.19 1.371491001010158.2041.80 1.391501001011058.5941.41 1.421511001011158.9841.02 1.441521001100059.3840.63 1.461531001100159.7740.23 1.491541001101060.1639.84 1.511551001101160.5539.45 1.531561001110060.9439.06 1.561571001110161.3338.67 1.591581001111061.7238.28 1.611591001111162.1137.89 1.641601010000062.5037.50 1.671611010000162.8937.11 1.691621010001063.2836.72 1.721631010001163.6736.33 1.751641010010064.0635.94 1.781651010010164.4535.55 1.811661010011064.8435.16 1.841671010011165.2334.77 1.881681010100065.6334.38 1.911691010100166.0233.98 1.941701010101066.4133.59 1.981711010101166.8033.20 2.011721010110067.1932.81 2.051731010110167.5832.42 2.081741010111067.9732.03 2.121751010111168.3631.64 2.161761011000068.7531.25 2.20Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback11TPL0501SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED 10kΩStep Binary R HW/R WLR HW(kΩ)R WL(kΩ)1771011000169.1430.86 2.241781011001069.5330.47 2.281791011001169.9230.08 2.321801011010070.3129.69 2.371811011010170.7029.30 2.411821011011071.0928.91 2.461831011011171.4828.52 2.511841011100071.8828.13 2.561851011100172.2727.73 2.611861011101072.6627.34 2.661871011101173.0526.95 2.711881011110073.4426.56 2.761891011110173.8326.17 2.821901011111074.2225.78 2.881911011111174.6125.39 2.941921100000075.0025.00 3.001931100000175.3924.61 3.061941100001075.7824.22 3.131951100001176.1723.83 3.201961100010076.5623.44 3.271971100010176.9523.05 3.341981100011077.3422.66 3.411991100011177.7322.27 3.492001100100078.1321.88 3.572011100100178.5221.48 3.652021100101078.9121.09 3.742031100101179.3020.70 3.832041100110079.6920.31 3.922051100110180.0819.92 4.022061100111080.4719.53 4.122071100111180.8619.14 4.222081101000081.2518.75 4.332091101000181.6418.36 4.452101101001082.0317.97 4.572111101001182.4217.58 4.692121101010082.8117.19 4.822131101010183.2016.80 4.952141101011083.5916.41 5.102151101011183.9816.02 5.242161101100084.3815.63 5.402171101100184.7715.23 5.562181101101085.1614.84 5.742191101101185.5514.45 5.922201101110085.9414.06 6.112211101110186.3313.67 6.312221101111086.7213.28 6.532231101111187.1112.89 6.762241110000087.5012.507.0012Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPL0501 SLIS136A–SEPTEMBER2011–REVISED SEPTEMBER201110kΩStep Binary R HW/R WLR HW(kΩ)R WL(kΩ)2251110000187.8912.117.262261110001088.2811.727.532271110001188.6711.337.832281110010089.0610.948.142291110010189.4510.558.482301110011089.8410.168.852311110011190.239.779.242321110100090.639.389.672331110100191.028.9810.132341110101091.418.5910.642351110101191.808.2011.192361110110092.197.8111.802371110110192.587.4212.472381110111092.977.0313.222391110111193.36 6.6414.062401111000093.75 6.2515.002411111000194.14 5.8616.072421111001094.53 5.4717.292431111001194.92 5.0818.692441111010095.31 4.6920.332451111010195.70 4.3022.272461111011096.09 3.9124.602471111011196.48 3.5227.442481111100096.88 3.1331.002491111100197.27 2.7335.572501111101097.66 2.3441.672511111101198.05 1.9550.202521111110098.44 1.5663.002531111110198.83 1.1784.332541111111099.220.78127.002551111111199.610.39255.00Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback13PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 26-Sep-2011Addendum-Page 1PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable DeviceStatus (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3)Samples (Requires Login)TPL0501-100DCNRACTIVE SOT-23DCN 83000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TPL0501-100RSERACTIVE UQFN RSE 85000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Communications and Telecom /communicationsAmplifiers Computers and Peripherals /computersData Converters Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDLP®Products Energy and Lighting /energyDSP Industrial /industrialClocks and Timers /clocks Medical /medicalInterface Security /securityLogic Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Power Mgmt Transportation and Automotive /automotiveMicrocontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Mobile Processors /omapWireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityTI E2E Community Home Page Mailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated。

Omega CN-TOT-A Series 蜂窝式热敏电导温度控制器说明书

Omega CN-TOT-A Series 蜂窝式热敏电导温度控制器说明书

Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe personal injury or death
Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe personal injury or death
Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in minor personal injury or property damage.
Additional copies of this manual are available upon request.
End User Must Comply to the Following:
• Must be mounted vertically for outdoor use • Only qualified personnel are allowed to connect
electrical wiring. • All electrical wiring must follow local electrical
codes and highly recommend following NEC Article 427. • Final installation / wiring is to be inspected by the authority who has jurisdication in the area that the heater and temperature controller is installed. • The end-user is responsible for providing a suitable disconnecting device. • The end-user is responsible for providing suitable electrical protection device. It is highly recommended that a ground fault circuit breaker is used. Failure to observe these warnings may result in personal injury or damage to the controller.


选 择 电 脑 适 用 的 系 统 如windows xp,选 择(Winxp 2003.2000)点 击 打 开 或 双 击
系 统 弹 出 如 下 窗 口 , 选 择FTDIBUS.INF文 件 点 击 打 开 , 下 面 会 弹 出 一 个 已 经 选 择 好 FTDIBUS文 件 的 窗 口 。
1、 标 准 :符 合 USBV1.1、1.0、2.0标 准EIARS-485、RS-422标 准, 2、USB信 号 :VCC、DATA+、DATA-、GND、FG 3、RS-485信 号 :T/R+、T/R-、GND 4、RS-422信 号 :T/R+、T/R-、RXD+、RXD-、GND 5、 工 作 方 式 : 异 步 工 作 、 点 对 点 或 多 点 、2线 半 双 工 、4线 全 双 工 6、 方 向 控 制 : 采 用 数 据 流 向 自 动 控 制 技 术,自 动 判 别 和 控 制 数 据 传 输 方 向 7、 波 特 率 :300-128000bps,自 动 侦 测 串 口 信 号 速 率 8、 负 载 能 力 :支 持 点 到 多 点 每 台 转 换 器 可 允 许 连 接32个RS-422或RS-485接 口 设 备 9、 传 输 距 离 :RS-485/422端1200米(9600bps时),USB口 不 超 过5米 10、 接 口 保 护 : 浪 涌 保 护 、 ±15KV静 电 保 护 11、 接 口 形 式 :USB端A类 接 口 公 头,DB9公 头 的 连 接 器 连 接 12、 信 号 指 示:2个信号指示灯发送(TXD) 接 收 (RXD) 13、 传 输 介 质: 双 绞 线 或 屏 蔽 线 14、 传 输 速 率:128000bps到300M

松下 CQ-CB8901U 说明书

松下 CQ-CB8901U 说明书

®WMA MP3 CD Player/HD-Radio Receiver with Full Dot Matrix Motorized DisplayCQ-CB8901UOperating Instructions¡Please read these instructions (including “Limited Warranty” and “Customer Services Directory”) carefully before using this product and keep this manual for future reference.YEFM285625A ND1204-1015 Printed in ChinaPanasonic Consumer Electronics Company, Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094TEXTCQ-CB8901U®■Read the operating instructions for the unit and all other com-ponents of your car audio system carefully before using thesystem. They contain instructions about how to use the sys-tem in a safe and effective manner. Panasonic assumes noresponsibility for any problems resulting from failure toobserve the instructions given in this manual.■This manual uses pictographs to show you how to use theproduct safely and to alert you to potential dangers resultingfrom improper connections and operations. The meanings ofthe pictographs are explained below. It is important that youfully understand the meanings of the pictographs in order touse this manual and the system properly.The following applies only in the U.S.A.B e f o r e R e a d i n g T h e s e I n s t r u c t i o n s , F e a t u r e sPanasonic welcomes you to our constantly growing family of electronic products owners.We endeavor to give you the advantages of precise electronic and mechanical engineering, manufactured with carefully selected components, and assembled by people who are proud of the reputation their work has built for our company. We know this product will bring you many hours of enjoyment, and after you discover the quality, value and reliability we have built into it, you too will be proud to be a member of our family.XM ReceiverRadio Delightful sound space thanks to system buildupHD Radio tuner for the AM/FM built inYou can hear the digital broadcasting easily due to theincorporation of the IBOC system. “IBOC” stands for In Band On Channel. This system adds to the existing analog radio signals by using broadcast carrier.As a result, Sound quality of AM/FM broadcasting is greatly improved (An AM is to an FM quality, an FM is to a CD quality).The station names, call sign, artists and song titles can be received and displayed on your unit.*A special antenna is not necessary to tune into a HD Radio broadcast station.Full lineup of optional partsAn optional XM tuner allows you to receive the XM radio service. A DVD changer instead of an XM tuner is also connectable.¡Toll free numberXM Tuner P/N: XMD1000Call 1-800-XM-RADIO(96-72346)Extension cord P/N: XMDPAN100Call 1-800-942-TERK(8375)The XM name and related logos are trademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc.Notes:¡A changer and an XM receiver are not connectable at the same time.¡To connect the XM receiver (XMD1000), it is required to use an optional extension cord (XMDPAN100) that is produced by XM exclusively for Panasonic products.Other function●Electric-controlled retractable face plate equipped (Tilt a page 15)●Adjustable 7-band preset equalizer (SQ a page 18)●Initially stored moving images and still images are editable to taste. IMAGE STUDIO* allows you to process images from a digital camera or other devices without difficulty. ( a page 37)*This software is downloadable from Panasonic Web site ( ).What is HD Radio™?Today's AM and FM radio is broadcast in analog, which has lower audio quality and is filled with static, hiss, pops and fades.Radio stations have begun a transformation to the world of digital using a new technology called HD Radio™. Today's analog signals and new HD Radio™ digital signals will be transmitted at the same time from AM and FM stations. The radios you use today will continue to function for years,however, new receivers are needed to hear the HD Radio digital signals broadcast from the stations.Using these new receivers, you can pick up the new HD Radio™digital signals at the same place on the dial (106.7 KROQ will be digital 106.7 KROQ broadcasting in HD Radio™, 710 WOR will be digital 710 WOR broadcasting in HD Radio™). Your favorite HD Radio™ digital station will be right where you left it.Additionally, new HD Radio™ receivers will still pick up stations broadcasting in analog, so you don't need two radios. The benefits of digital far outweigh old analog technology. HDRadio™ makes radio “fun” again. FM digital will sound like a CD throughout the coverage area, and AM digital will sound like today's FM throughout the coverage area, both without the static, hiss pops or fades that you've had to put up with for almost a century.While HD Radio™ will bring you pristine audio quality, it will also provide data services*. Both AM and FM HD Radio™stations will transmit song and artist title, traffic updates,weather alerts, news reports and much more. For more information, visit . Stay tuned!*This unit supports text displays for the following items; station name, call sign, artist, song title.HD Radio is a trademark of iBiquity Digital Corporation.HD Radio broadcasts can be enjoyed only in those areas in the United States where the broadcasts can be received. This means that the HD Radio feature cannot be used outside the U.S. or in areas inside the U.S.where these broadcasts cannot be receive. ( as of December 2003)Note: This instruction manual explains operations for use with the buttons on the main unit. (Different operations excluded) SRC CQ-CB8901Umore and release.controlled by with this unit.Off (default)OnBrighter (Default)MediumModeFolder hierarchy (MP3/WMA only)Ordinary display + graphic patternOrdinary display + still imageOrdinary display + clockAll displays disappear in 5 seconds.DarkerOnly graphic patternOnly still image1. FLAT(default)2. ROCK5. JAZZ4. VOCAL: Station name (Default) : Artist name/Song title : off: Off: Random playback: Off: Playing the current track repeatedly: Enabled (Default): Disabledactivated.activated.(Folder Random)(Folder Repeat)(Folder Scan): Off: Random playback (disc): Off: Random playback (folder): Off: Playing the current file repeatedly: Off: Playing the current folder repeatedly.For folder selection, enter a number after pressing [#]: Enabled (Default): Disabled Preset number/channel number blinks once.activated.(CD changer): Off: Random playback (from whole magazine: CD-CH): Off: Random playback (from selected folder): Off: Random playback (from selected disc): Off: Playing the current track/file repeatedly: Off: Playing the current disc repeatedly: Off: Playing the current folder repeatedly(DVD changer)(Disc Random)(Disc Repeat)(Disc Scan)(Only for CD changer): Off: Playing the current chapter repeatedly.: Off: Playing the current title repeatedly. Note:: Off: Playing the current track repeatedly: Off: Playing the current disc repeatedlyAdjustment to display on the FUNCTION menuAdjustment to each speaker and an optional subwooferHigher frequencyTION menu.Setting [MUTE]:::Setting the security function (: ON (Default): OFFYou can edit the moving images and still images that are initially stored in the unit. You also can use the data that is downloaded fromthe Panasonic Web site and the data that is stored with a digital camera or other devices and processed with exclusive software,IMAGE STUDIO. See “Notes on Customize function” (a page 38) as well.Note:Visit Panasonic Web site ( for details.Adjustment to display on the DISPLAY menudisplay the menu screen.5file, select where to save the file.b l e s h o o t i n gIf You Suspect Something WrongCheck and take steps as described below.If the described suggestions do not solve the problem, it isrecommended to take the unit to your nearest authorized Panasonic Servicenter. The product should be serviced only by qualified personnel.Please refer the checking and the repair to professionals. Panasonic shall not be liable for any accidents arising out of neglect of checking the unit or your own repair after your checking.Problem Possible cause a Possible solutionProblem Possible cause a Possible solutionProblem Possible cause a Possible solutionProblem Possible cause a Possible solution Problem Possible cause a Possible solutionDisplay。

AC890PX高功率模块型AC驱动器110-400 kW(150-600 HP)说明说明书

AC890PX高功率模块型AC驱动器110-400 kW(150-600 HP)说明说明书

Air Plenum
Input & Output Terminals (top power entry version)
Keypad USB Programming Port
Input Disconnect
Plug-in Modularity
• Sealed modules are easy to install and service
500mm W (79.7” H x 24.4” D x 19.7” W) enclosure
PowerPak Phase Module - Rear View
High Power Modular AC Drives
A unique high power AC drive with modular architecture
1600mm (63”) enclosure
LCL Filter
Active Bridge
Power Flow
Std Duty O/L Ratings: 110% for 60 seconds
Product Enclosure
Rating IP21/NEMA 1 standard. IP52 and higher available as special order.
Enclosure Rating
Enclosure provides 15dB attenuation to radiated emissions between 30-100MHz.

TP-LINK TD-W8901G W8901GB 说明书

TP-LINK TD-W8901G W8901GB 说明书

with 54M Wireless Router (TD-W8901G/TD-W8901GB) is a 3-in-1 device that combines the function of a high-speed DSL modem, wireless G access point,supports the latest ADSL2/2+ standards to provide higher performance (up to 24Mbps down-phone calls (VoIP) and lag-free online gaming. To prevent unau-thorized wireless access into your network, the TD-W8901G/TD-W8901GB supports the latest encryption including WEP, WPA, and WPA2. In addition, this device includes Dual Active Firewalls (SPI and NAT) to help protect your network from potentialTD-W8901G/TD-W8901GB 54M Wireless ADSL2+ RouterLatest ADSL standards for superior performance: up to 24Mbps downstream and 3.5Mbps upstreamVarious QoS policies enable various application, meeting people’s di erent needs3-in-1: ADSL2+ modem ,4-port Ethernet router and wireless G access point Easily share ADSL connection with all o ce or home computers ,wired or wirelessly Dual Active Firewalls: SPI and NAT QoS prioritization based on IP Type of service(ToS), DSCP or 802.1pSupports DHCP , Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP), and includes a user-friendly Setup Wizard which takes you throughcon guring your network, step by step Administer and Upgrade the Router Remotely over the InternetFeatures :Specifications :Interfaces Data RatesADSL FeaturesATM FeaturesPPP FeaturesSwitching FeaturesRouting FeaturesWireless FeaturesWireless Transmit Power Antenna Power FirewallVPN Pass Through QoSDevice ManagementLedOperating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Humidity Dimensions(L x W x H)1 RJ11 port, 4 ethernet ports, support 802.3,802.3u Downstream: Up to 24MbpsUpstream: Up to 3.5Mbps (With Annex M enabled )Full-rate ANSI T1.413 Issue 2ITU-T G.992.1 (G.dmt) ITU-T G.992.2 (G.lite) ITU-T G.994.1 (G.hs)ITU-T G.992.3 (G.dmt.bis) ITU-T G.992.4 (G.lite.bis) ITU-T G.992.5Supports Annex A/B/I/J/L/M Max 6 kilometersUNI 3.1/4.0, ATM Adaptation Layer Type 5-AAL5Multiprotocol encapsulation over ATM (RFC 1483/RFC 2684)UBR, CBR, VBR-rt, VBR-nrt Supports 8PVCsOAM F4/F5 Loop-back, AIS and RDI OAM cells PPP over ATM (RFC 2364)PPP over Ethernet (RFC 2516)IGMP snooping IGMP multicast Port VLAN Tag VLANIEEE 802.1d transparent learning bridgingClasical IP and ARP over ATM (RFC 1577/2225), MER, RIP V1/V2 Static routing, IP , TCP , UDP , ARPPPP Encapsulation :PAP , CHAP , MS-CHAP NAT, NAPT, DNS, DDNS, DHCP Server UPnP , Virtual Server, DMZ SIP , H323 ALGComplies with IEEE 802.11g, IEEE802.11bSupports 54/48/36/24/18/12/9/6Mbps or 11/5.5/3/2/1Mbps data transfer ratesProvides WPA/WPA2 and WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK authentication and TKIP/AES encryption securityProvides 64/128-bit WEP encryption security and wireless LAN ACL (Access Control List)Wireless operating range: Indoor up to100m, Outdoor up to 300m 17 dBm 3 dBiStateful Packet Inspection (SPI), NAT and Packet Filter IPSec/PPTP/L2TP Pass-through IP Type of service(ToS)DSCP 802.1pHTTP , TELNET, ConsoleAdministration and operation software ( rmware) upgradable locally by WEB, TFTP , FTP , Console SNMP V1/V2CWMP (TR-069)Power, System, ADSL, WLAN, LAN1~40°C~40°C (32°F~104°F)-40°C~70°C (-40°F~158°F)10% ~ 90%, non condensation 5%~90% non-condensing7.9 x 5.5 x 1.1 in.(200 x 140 x 28mm)----------Package:Related Products:54M Wireless ADSL2+ Router TD-W8901G One DC power Adapter Quick Installation Guide One RJ45 cable Two RJ11 cables One ADSL splitter One Resource CD54M Wireless Cardbus Adapter TL-WN510G54M Wireless USB Adapter TL-WN321G54M Wireless PCI Adapter TL-WN551GDiagram:TD-W8901G/TD-W8901GB54M Wireless ADSL2+ Router。

Parker AC890PX Inverter技术商品介绍说明书

Parker AC890PX Inverter技术商品介绍说明书

ExperienceParker has successfully commissioned battery energy stor-age systems throughout North America and abroad. With an ever-growing installed base, our experience is second to none. For examples and case studies, please contact us. While utility scale energy storage is a relatively young technol-ogy, Parker has over 35 years of experience in the business of manufacturing solid state power conversion equipment, producing over 100,000 inverters and drives per year.Quality and ProtectionThe core of the PCS, Parker’s AC890PX Inverter technology, provides quality power by incorporating an advanced Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) switching technology, automatically synchronizing to the AC power grid. Integral harmonic filters deliver pure sine wave power well within IEEE519 guidelines for Total Harmonic Distortion. The Parker system provides automated sequenced shutdown and disconnection under power loss events, in compliance with IEEE 1547 guide-lines. Inverters and balance of PCS are manufactured at our ISO9001:2008 certified facility in Charlotte, NC, and satisfy ARRA “Buy American” provision.About ParkerWith annual sales exceeding $13 billion in fiscal year 2012, Parker Hannifin is the world’s leading diversified manufacturer of motion and control technologies and systems, providing precision-engineered solutions for a wide variety of mobile, industrial and aerospace markets.DescriptionPower Conversion Systems for energy storage depend on proven, reliable inverter technology, and Parker Hannifin has a proven track record in their design and manufac-ture. The bidirectional PCS efficiently channels energy into storage elements and retrieves stored energy for fast de-livery on demand to the power grid. Applications include frequency regulation, support for wind and solar power, peak shaving, VAR control, and ancillary services.Utility Scale, Modular DesignParker power conversion technologies are scalable from 100kW to multiple megawatts of power. For typical utility scale installations, multiple megawatt-class modules are integrated into shipping containers, buildings, or custom outdoor enclosures for quick delivery and commissioning.Application Specific Control LogicThrough the use of an industry accepted programmable logic controller (PLC) and the appropriate energy manage-ment interfaces, the Parker PCS can be customized to assume various application response profiles in order to meet specific utility duty cycles.Speed and EfficiencyThe IGBT -based Active Bridge Bidirectional Inverterwithin the PCS is capable of delivering full power in either direction within 10ms, making it suitable for demanding applications like grid frequency stabilization.Utility Scale EnergyStorage Systems4 Megawatt PCS container (Part of32 MW installation)Outdoor enclosure for the ultimate in ef-ficiency and compactness PCS interior view showing inverter stacks and connection cabinetsAerial view of 12 MW installationParker Hannifin CorporationEnergy Grid Tie Division 9225 Forsyth Park Dr.Charlotte, NC 28273Tel: (704) 588-3246Fax: (704) 588-4806**********************/gridtie© 2013 Parker HannifinBuilding Block InverterIn both air cooled and refrigerant cooled systems, PowerPak modules plug into a common bus rail system to form a COM-PLETE Inverter section. Disassembly or removal of power wiring is not required when changing a module!Plug-in ModularitySealed PowerPak modules are easy to install and service • Modules replace in minutes • Easy-to-handle • Under 50 pounds• Replaceable by local technical staff •Freight friendly, easily shipped around the world using major overnight carri-ersIntegrated Bus System• Power wiring minimized • Keyed modules eliminate errors • Compact Size • Saves floor space•Advanced Cooled units are Smallest-in-Class!VAR SupportProvides the ability to supply reactive power to the grid, thus regulating system voltage and enhancing the stability of a weak grid. Solid state VAR control provides a response time measured in milliseconds, ensuring that momentary fluctuations on the grid are minimized. Real or reactivepower can be regulated.1.5 Megawatt Parker Preci-sion Cooled Inverter StackRemovable Phase ModuleHA472743 Issue7Operator display - sample screen。

Lumex GF8905-1A 床头桌说明书

Lumex GF8905-1A 床头桌说明书
holes. Install nuts on screws. Tighten. 4. Place the base upside down above the mast, oriented as shown at center above. 5. Install the two hex head bolts through the washers, spacers, and base, and into the end of the mast column
To tilt the table top in either direction: pull out the tilt knob, tilt the table top, and release the knob when the table top is in the desired position.
SCOPE OF WARRANTY GF Health Products, Inc. (“GF”) warrants to the original purchaser only that it will replace or repair components, at GF’s sole discretion, that are defective in material or workmanship under normal use and service. All warranties are conditioned upon the proper use of the products strictly in accordance with good commercial practice and applicable GF instructions and manuals, including proper use and maintenance. To the extent that a component is warranted by a third party, GF conveys all of its rights under that warranty to the original purchaser, to the extent permitted. This limited warranty shall only apply to defects that are reported to GF’s customer service team within the applicable warranty period and which, upon examination by GF or its authorized representative, prove to be a warranty item. This limited warranty is not transferable. Within the guidelines set forth in this document, this product is warranted for three (3) years, and the normal wear components such as tips, wheels/casters, and handgrips are warranted for three (3) months. The applicable warranty period shall commence from date of shipment to the original customer, unless there is an expiration date on the component in which case the warranty shall expire on the earlier of warranty period or the expiration date.

SPRT思普瑞特 SP-POS890 热敏打印机使用说明书

SPRT思普瑞特 SP-POS890 热敏打印机使用说明书

POS热敏打印机使用说明书(SP-POS890)(Ver1.08)北京思普瑞特科技发展有限公司目录简介 (3)第一章特点与性能 (3)1.1打印性能 (3)1.2打印纸 (3)1.3打印字符 (4)1.4接口形式 (4)1.5打印控制命令 (4)1.6电源要求 (4)1.7工作环境 (4)1.8外型尺寸 (4)1.9型号分类 (5)第二章操作说明 (5)2.1打印机外型 (5)2.2纸的安装 (6)2.2.1上纸 (6)2.2.2切刀卡纸处理 (6)2.3接口连接 (7)2.3.1网线连接 (7)2.3.3钱箱接口 (7)2.4指示灯、蜂鸣器和按键操作 (8)2.5正常开机状态 (9)2.6自检测 (9)2.7十六进制打印 (11)2.8打印机参数设置 (11)2.9进入程序升级模式 (11)附录A:参数设置 (12)简介SP-POS890打印机是一种新型行式热敏打印机,打印速度快、噪声低、可靠性好、打印质量高、无需色带,免除了日常维护的烦恼。







●有效打印宽度:72mm●连续打印:若使用SP-POS890E Plus机型的双色打印功能时,最大连续打印长度不超过1米。

1.2打印纸●热敏纸卷型号:TF50KS-E(Japan paper THERMAL)●热敏纸卷:纸张类型----------普通热敏纸79.5xф80mm(最大)内径----------ф13mm(最小)纸厚----------0.06mm~0.08mm●双色打印:若使用SP-POS890E Plus机型的双色打印功能时,需使用我司专用的RM80*40双色热敏纸1.3打印字符●西文字符集:12×24点,1.5(宽)×3.00(高)毫米●汉字:24×24点,3.00(宽)×3.00(高)毫米1.4接口形式●以太网接口:标准以太网接口。

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+0.1 -0.11
2.4±0.1 2.8±0.1
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage
Emitter-base voltage
TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN / PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT Process)
Portable Equipment Applications Switching Applications
0.05 M A
See Figure 4 circuit diagram VCC ∼− 30 V, RL = 100 Ω IB1 = −IB2 = 10 mA
Min Typ. Max Unit

⎯ −100 nA

⎯ −100 nA
−50 ⎯


125 ⎯

⎯ −0.20 V

⎯ −1.10 V

Collector power dissipation (t = 10s) Single-device
PC (Note 2)
value at ingle-device operation
Collector power dissipation (DC)
ICBO IEBO V (BR) CEO hFE (1) hFE (2) VCE (sat) VBE (sat) Cob
tr tstg tf
VCB = −50 V, IE = 0 VEB = −7 V, IC = 0 IC = −10 mA, IB = 0 VCE = −2 V, IC = −0.1 A VCE = −2 V, IC = −0.3 A IC = −0.3 A, IB = −0.01 A IC = −0.3 A, IB = −0.01 A VCB = −10 V, IE = 0, f = 1MHz
: NPN VCE (sat) = 0.17 V (max) • High-speed switching : PNP tf = 70 ns (typ.)
: NPN tf = 85 ns (typ.)
0.025 S 0.17±0.02
0.05 M B
PC (Note 2)
value at dual
Junction temperature Storage temperature range
−55 to 150
Note 1: Please use devices on condition that the junction temperature is below 150℃. Icp=±5A (@ t≦100μs)
Collector-emitter saturation voltage
Base-emitter saturation voltage
Collector output capacitance
Rise time
Switching time
Storage time
Fall time
Test Condition
Unit: mm
• Small footprint due to small and thin package • High DC current gain : PNP hFE = 200 to 500 (IC = −0.1 A)
:NPN hFE = 400 to 1000 (IC = 0.1 A) • Low collector-emitter saturation : PNP VCE (sat) = −0.20 V (max)
Collector current IC (A)
VCE (sat) – IC
1 Common emitter β = 50 Single nonrepetitive pulse
VBE (sat) – IC
10 Common emitter
β = 50
Single nonrepetitive pulse
1.0 Common emitter
VCE = 2 V Single nonrepetitive pulse 0.8
Ta = 100°C
0.2 25°C
Base−emitter saturation voltage VBE (V)
DC current gain
Collector-emitter saturation voltage
Base-emitter saturation voltage
Collector output capacitance
Rise time
Switching time
Storage time
Fall time
Collector−emitter voltage VCE (V)
DC current gain hFE
10000 1000 100
hFE – IC
Ta = 100°C
Common emitter
VCE = 2 V
Single nonrepetitive pulse 1
See Figure 3 circuit diagram VCC ∼− −30 V, RL = 100 Ω −IB1 = IB2 = −10 mA
Collector cut-off current Emitter cut-off current Collector-emitter breakdown voltage
Collector current IC (A)
Ta = −55°C
Collector current IC (A)
Base-emitter saturation voltage VBE (sat) (V)
Collector−emitter saturation voltage VCE (sat) (V)
0.01 0.001
Ta = 100°C −55°C
Collector current IC (A)
Week of manufacture (01 for first week of year, continues up to 52 or 53)
Year of manufacture (One low-order digits of calendar year)
1 2 3 4
Lot No. (Weekly code)
Note 2: Mounted on FR4 board (glass epoxy, 1.6 mm thick, Cu area: 645 mm2)
Note 3: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and the significant change in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings. Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“Handling Precautions”/Derating Concept and Methods) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).
Duty cycle <1%
IB1 Input
Output VCC
Figure 4. Switching Time Test Circuit & Timing Chart