






%Nondestructive detection of fruits defects is an important basis of the classification of fruits .With the develop-ment of image technology and spectral information , decline of the hyperspectral imaging system hardware cost and im-provements of performance , hyperspectral imaging technology in nondestructive detection of fruits defects gains more and more applications .In order to take full advantage of the latest research results , this paper reviews the advancement of nondestructive detection of the fruits defects of disease , pest by hyperspectral imaging technology .And the development direction is prospected .【期刊名称】《农机化研究》【年(卷),期】2014(000)006【总页数】5页(P1-5)【关键词】高光谱成像;水果;缺陷;无损检测【作者】田有文;牟鑫;程怡【作者单位】沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳 110866;沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳 110866;沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳110866【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.410 引言水果缺陷是水果自动分级系统中的重要依据之一,种类主要有碰伤、压伤、擦伤、刺伤、磨伤、裂伤、雹伤、腐烂、虫咬、果锈、日灼和病害等。






关键词关键词:水果缺陷检测;RGB成像技术;结构光成像技术;近红外光谱成像技术;高光谱成像技术中图分类号:TP319文献标识码:A文章编号文章编号:16727800(2014)005016502 基金项目基金项目:西藏民族学院青年项目(10myQ23)作者简介作者简介:孙懿(1982-),女,硕士,西藏民族学院信息工程学院讲师,研究方向为图形图像处理;李爱平(1982-),女,硕士,西藏民族学院信息工程学院讲师,研究方向为通信与信息处理;胡永(1980-),男,硕士,西藏民族学院信息工程学院讲师,研究方向为图形图像处理;刘源(1990-),女,西安理工大学自动化与信息工程学院硕士研究生,研究方向为系统工程。












1. 引言水果表面缺陷检测是充满挑战性的任务,它包括异物、裂缝、病斑、划痕等众多种类。





2. 相关工作传统的缺陷检测方法主要是基于图像的统计分析、形态学变换、机器学习等技术。





但是,这些方法存在以下一些问题:1. 数据采集难度大,标注数据成本高。

2. 需要更加大容量的运算设备。

3. 模型无法确保泛化性能。



3. 方法3.1 方法概述本文提出的缺陷检测方法主要包括以下五个步骤:1. 图像预处理:将原始图像进行预处理,包括亮度增强、去噪等操作。



信息化工业科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald1苹果的表面缺陷是其品质最直接的反映,且在一定程度上还会影响内部品质。





1 试验材料与方法1.1 试验样本试验的研究对象为红富士苹果,共采购100个。

这些果实果型匀称,半径为68.5~88 m m,质量为128~211 g,50个为有表面缺陷的苹果,50个为正常苹果,所有样本均用于算法的验证。

1.2 图像采集装置搭建图像采集装置如图1所示。

整个装置由计算机、像素为1 200万的摄像头、光源(USB接口的L E D 灯炮)和自制光照箱组成。



DOI:10.16660/ k i.1674-098X.2016.09.001基于图像处理的苹果表面缺陷检测系统的设计①代秋芳1,2 吴伟斌2 陈建泽2 李浚时1(1.华南农业大学电子工程学院;2.广东省山地果园机械创新工程技术研究中心 广东广州 510642)摘 要:表面缺陷是衡量苹果品质的重要指标。









地址:550005 贵州省贵阳市南明区见龙洞路103号






地址:400712 重庆市北碚区歇马镇柑桔村15号柑桔研究所









































```python import cv2img = cv2.imread("fruit.jpg") ``` 2、图像预处理:对读取的水果图像进行一定的处理,便于我们进行后续的分析和处理。


```python gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) blur =cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) edges =cv2.Canny(blur, 50, 150) ``` 3、目标区域检测:利用图像识别技术,确定需要进行缺陷检测的区域。



'*(利用 <V射线成像技术检测苹果缺陷&检测类 别 多样 化& 但识别率低 % '*( 文献 ''(提出了 一 种 基 于 图 像 处 理 的 苹 果
达到了(,`$g&分类 速 度 "G+个%但 该 方 法 缺 陷 提 取 过 程 复杂&检测 效 率 低 % ''( 近 些 年& 基 于 人 工 智 能 的 计 算 机 视
@! 引 言
近年来&我 国 园 林 水 果 产 量 巨 大& 且 增 长 迅 速% 而 我 国水果生产机械 化 率 不 足 "#g&采 收 环 节 机 械 化 率 低&基 本依靠人工采收%因此&为提高机械化采收生产效率*作 业质量*降 低 人 工 成 本&发 展 机 械 化 采 收 技 术&研 究 开 发 智能采收机器人系统已成为我国水果采收方式发展的重要 方 向 % '%(
大多停留在实验阶段&缺少实际应用&无法部署在移动端 检测设备上%而对于智能和自动化的采收设备&需要一种
图%! 监 测 系 统 软 硬 件 组 成 及 通 讯 方 式
检测精度高且 轻 量化的 检测方法来达到智能高效的 检测 目的%
针对上述问题&本文 提 出 了 一 种 苹 果 采 摘 机 器 人 的 全
ACB! 监 测 系 统 功 能 %`"`%! 种 植 园 环 境 监 测 模 块



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201910206077.7(22)申请日 2019.03.19(71)申请人 湖州灵粮生态农业有限公司地址 314500 浙江省湖州市湖州南太湖高新技术产业园区大钱村张家浒自然村(72)发明人 梁志杰 江志安 毛浩 (74)专利代理机构 北京君恒知识产权代理事务所(普通合伙) 11466代理人 张强(51)Int.Cl.G01N 23/2251(2018.01)(54)发明名称一种电子束图像的水果表面缺陷检测方法(57)摘要本发明涉及农产品无损检测领域,尤其是一种电子束图像的水果表面缺陷检测方法。




权利要求书1页 说明书4页CN 109827983 A 2019.05.31C N 109827983A权 利 要 求 书1/1页CN 109827983 A1.一种电子束图像的水果表面缺陷检测方法,其特征在于,包括如下步骤:录入样品特征值:选取一组成熟度为已知的水果为样品,用电子束辐照每个样品,获取样品至少6个面的特征参数,依次将样品划分水果表面缺陷等级数,将特征参数录入系统内作为对比数据;对实测水果进行检测:首先用电子束辐照待测水果表面,调整电子束能量与辐照角度,使得低能电子束能够大部分射入水果内部,用信号检测系统接收到待测水果在电子束作用下产生的物理信号,再经过视频放大系统显像,获得样品至少6个面的特征参数;将实测水果的特征参数与对比数据相比,预测出实测水果的水果表面缺陷等级;其中,待测水果测试之前在水果周围贴上导电胶;其中,电子束辐照环境为真空条件下。



基于类球形亮度变换的水果表面缺陷提取黄文倩;李江波;张驰;李斌;陈立平;张百海【摘要】针对基于机器视觉技术的水果表面缺陷因受到亮度不均影响而提取困难的问题,以阿克苏苹果为研究对象,采用可见-近红外双CCD成像系统,设计了一种无需预先建模的类球形亮度变换方法,对R分量图像进行亮度变换,变换后的图像使整个水果表面正常区域灰度趋于一致,而缺陷区域依然保留为低灰度区,增强了缺陷和正常果皮的对比度,提高了缺陷检测精度.使用共计100个样本评估算法的可行性,其中45个缺陷果的检测精度为93.3%,55个正常果的检测正确率为100%,整体检测精度达到97%.研究结果表明,利用基于类球形亮度变换结合单阈值分割方法提取水果表面缺陷是可行的.%The non-uniform intensity distribution on the fruit's images is the main reason resulting in the difficulty and low accuracy of surface defects detection by using a machine vision system. A detection system based on Vis-NIR double CCDs was built for detecting surface defects on 'Akesu' apples. A spherical intensity transformation method ( SITM) was proposed to transform the R channel image of an apple, which enhanced the intensity uniformity of the normal regions and kept the low intensity of the defected regions in an apple. The intensity contrast between the defect regions and those of normal tissue was also improved, which increased the defect detection accuracy. A defect detection algorithm was developed based on the SITM and 100 apples consisting of 45 defected apples and 55 intact apples were used to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. Results showed that 93. 3% of defected apples were correctly classified and 100% of the intact apples werecorrectly recognized. The overall detection accuracy was 97% . It is feasible to extract the surface defects on apples using the proposed SITM combining with a single threshold segmentation method.【期刊名称】《农业机械学报》【年(卷),期】2012(043)012【总页数】5页(P187-191)【关键词】苹果;机器视觉;图像处理;类球形亮度变换;表面缺陷【作者】黄文倩;李江波;张驰;李斌;陈立平;张百海【作者单位】北京理工大学自动化学院,北京100081;国家农业智能装备工程技术研究中心,北京100097;国家农业智能装备工程技术研究中心,北京100097;国家农业智能装备工程技术研究中心,北京100097;国家农业智能装备工程技术研究中心,北京100097;国家农业智能装备工程技术研究中心,北京100097;北京理工大学自动化学院,北京100081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41;TP274+.52引言根据水果的外部品质进行检测和分级,是水果销售、加工和贮存前的重要环节。





















赵娟;彭彦昆;Sagar Dhakal;张雷蕾
【摘要】为了能够在分选中正确地检测出表面存在缺陷的水果,提高苹果的分级水平,设计了一套基于机器视觉技术检测水果外观缺陷的系统.该系统主要包括单通道在线传送装置、图像采集装置及分选装置,其中图像采集装置的硬件主要包括一个加有635 nm滤光片的CCD相机和两面平面镜.基于VS2010平台开发了在线控制软件.苹果在传送装置上旋转前行过程中,相机在3个位置上采集包含平面镜中镜像在内的单个样品的9个不同角度的图像信息.利用数字处理方法分析苹果表面的缺陷,提出利用面积比来判断水果缺陷大小.实验结果表明苹果表面缺陷的总检测正确率为92.5%.
【作者】赵娟;彭彦昆;Sagar Dhakal;张雷蕾
1.基于机器视觉的圆锥滚子外观缺陷检测系统研究 [J], 文生平;刘云明
2.基于机器视觉的金手指外观缺陷检测 [J], 刘华珠;林洪军;谢豪聚;吴荣海
3.基于机器视觉的瓶盖外观缺陷检查系统设计 [J], 浦玉香
4.基于机器视觉的瓶盖外观缺陷检查系统设计 [J], 浦玉香
5.基于机器视觉的塑料制品外观缺陷检测 [J], 王宇杰

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Q .Y A N G230 T he proposed system has been tested with samplea pples and the test results are presented .2.S egmentation of dark patchesD ark patches in apple images represent boths tems / c alyxes and patch-like blemishes , such asb ruises , wounds and many rots . They appear asc onnected regions of relatively small size and havev ariable shape and contrast . An example image iss hown in F ig .1 . When viewing the intensity image asa topographic relief , the patches appear as concavea reas in the grey-level surface .Therefore , they can bet reated as catchment basins in grey-level landscapes .B ased on this , a region-based segmentationa lgorithm , 5 called a flooding algorithm , has beend eveloped to segment the patches .Here , we explaint he underlying concepts of the algorithm in terms ofd igital elevation models ; the implementation detailsa re described in reference 5 .T he flooding algorithm is based on the concept ofw ater catchment basins . A catchment basin is a regiona ssociated with a minimum . To define the spatiale xtent of the region around the minimum , we considert he properties of water flowing over a topographicr elief . Water will always flow downhill until a localm inimum is reached . As more water is added ,ita ccumulates at the lowest points and gradually coverst he region surrounding the minimum , until it reaches ac ertain level at which the basin can no longer hold anym ore water and the surplus water spills over thel owest points of the basins’ rim .Thus , the basinb ecomes a lake .The corresponding elevation level ofF ig . 1 . A n example apple image with a blemish and a stema rea t he lake’s surface is called the spillover level .The s pillover level is used to delimit the spatial extent of a c atchment basin .Therefore , a catchment basin con- s ists of those points , which are connected to a m inimum and have a grey-level lower than the spillo-v er level . To detect all the dark patches ,we gradually flood the relief with water , all the catchment basins w ill be filled up and become lakes of various sizes and d epths . The lakes , which are equivalent to catchmentb asins , are the output of the flooding algorithm and r epresent the patches being detected . T he concept of a lake is extremely useful in that it h olds most of the characteristics desired in the follow-i ng classification . For instance , the surface area of a l ake is a clear indicator of the size of the detected p atch ;the average depth , i . e . the ratio of the water v olume to the lake surface area , is a measure mostly o f contrast , but contains gradient information as well . A nother obvious advantage of this presentation is that t he surface of each individual lake is always con-n ected . The segmentation result of the example image i n F ig .1 is shown in F ig .2 . The detected patches are h ighlighted with bright borders . T he algorithm has no tuning parameters , and the s egmentation output depends purely on image data . T here is little need for thresholding . It has no strong a ssumption about the contrast and shape of patches . T he sole working assumption used is that the patches a re not adjacent to the boundary of the fruit in i mages . Apart from the segmentation output ,some d escriptive parameters such as the minimum height ,c urrent volume and depth of the basins can also be c omputed as the flooding proceeds , and they are a vailable as outputs of the procedure .Once the F ig . 2 . R esults of patch segmentation for the image in Fig . 1 . D etected patches are highlighted by bright bordersA P P L E S T E M A N D C A L Y X I D E N T I F I C A T I O N W I T H M A C H I N E V I S I O N231p atches are segmented out,measurements of the c orresponding lakes can be made to extract other g eometric parameters.These parameters quantify the c haracteristics of each patch under consideration and a re ready to be used as inputs to the following c lassification step.3.T hree-dimensional shape information froms tructured lightT he surface of an apple can be divided roughly, a ccording to shape,into two basic parts,convex parts a nd concave parts.Most of the surface is convex and s ometimes nearly spherical.The concave parts are u sually in the areas around the stem and calyx.The s tem itself stands out from the middle of the concave a rea.On the other hand,blemishes,such as bruises a nd abrasions often occur on the convex surface of a f ruit.Therefore,the three-dimensional information a bout the dif f erence in surface shape can assist iden-t ification of the stem and calyx.A technique called l ight striping6i s used,in which the projected light p lanes and a camera make up an active stereo system s o that three-dimensional geometric information ab-o ut an object surface may be derived from optical t riangulation.F or fast processing,a set of evenly spaced parallel l ight stripes are projected onto the apple surfaces s imultaneously.An image with the stripes is grabbed f or each view of a fruit.This stripe image is obtained w ith the same camera as for the normal apple image w ithout the structured light.In stripe images,the s tripes on dif f erent parts of the surface have dif f erentF ig .3.A n example image with light stripes on the same apple a s shown in Fig .1. Stripes on dif f erent parts of the surfaceh a␷e dif f erent shapes s hapes.The stripes on convex surfaces are continuous a nd parabolic,and their curvature directions are m aintained.Stripes on nearly flat surfaces are almost p arallel.For concave surfaces around stem and calyx a reas,the appearance of stripes is complex.Stripes are n ot always parallel,can touch adjacent stripes due to s harp changes in depth,and can appear broken due to o cclusion.In the case of the continuous stripes,their c urvatures change sign when the surface changes from c onvex to concave.The stripes across stems are b roken owing to the depth discontinuity.F ig .3shows a n example image with light stripes on the same apple a s in F ig .1.T he correspondence between the shape of the s tripes and the shape of surface parts,provides the n ecessary three-dimensional information and this can b e obtained from the analysis of the dif f erent shape p atterns of curved stripes.Since stems and calyxes a ppear as patches in images,the analysis is directed to t he local area around each patch,which is first s egmented out with the flooding algorithm.Each s egmented patch in the apple image has a correspond-i ng area at the same location in the stripe image. T herefore,a rectangular window is placed around this a rea in the stripe image.The derivation of the t hree-dimensional information is thus reduced to the e xtraction of stripe patterns within each window.Note t hat in this way,the time- consuming reconstruction of t he actual three-dimensional geometric surface and t he associated calibration,as in the usual application o f light striping,are avoided.A principal parameter for describing the shape of t he stripes is curvature.On a convex surface,the s tripes are continuous and therefore have smoothly c hanging curvatures which may keep the same sign.If t he curvature of the stripes within a window varies d ramatically and changes sign,then the surface inside t he window should normally be a stem or calyx area (see discussion section for other cases).Before the c urvature is calculated,the stripe image is binarized b y a local thresholding process and then the stripes a re thinned to one pixel wide skeleton curves by a s hape preserving thinning method.7T he stripes are t hen represented by their skeleton curves,from which t heir curvatures are computed.The thinning result of F ig .3is shown in F ig .4.T he normal curvature calculation for planar digital c urves is notoriously inaccurate.Here we use a c urvature estimator for the skeleton curves.Let xϭx[s(t)]a nd yϭy[s(t)] be a skeleton curve in its p arametric form,where s is the arc length of the curve a nd is represented as a linear function of parameter t,sϭs(t).Let ␺(s) represent the tangent angle of the c urve at s.The point curvature k o f the curve isQ.Y A N G 232F ig .4.T he thinning result of Fig .3d efined as the instantaneous rate of change of ␺w ith r espect to arc length sk(s)ϭd␺(s)/d s(1) w here␺[s(t)]ϭt anϪ1y᝽(t)x᝽(t)(2)T o reduce the noise caused by taking the second-order d erivatives in the usual calculation of curvature,we u se the following practical method to approximate the c urvature.Let the increment ds be a small constant, t hen the dif f erenced␺(t)Ϸ␺(tϩ1)Ϫ␺(t)(3) c ontains curvature information.We,therefore,define t he dif f erence as an estimator of the point curvaturek␺ϭ␺(tϩ1)Ϫ␺(t)(4) T o reliably calculate ␺i n Eqn (4),we smooth the c urve,xϭx(t)and yϭy(t),with a Gaussian kernel g(t,␴)o f standard deviation ␴.The smoothed curve, X(t,␴)a nd Y(t␴),is expressed asX(t,␴)ϭx(t)ءg(t,␴)ϭ͵3␴Ϫ3␴x(u)1␴42πeϪ(tϪu)2/2␴2d u(5) Y(t,␴)ϭy(t)ءg(t,␴)ϭ͵3␴Ϫ3␴y(u)1␴42πeϪ(tϪu)2/2␴2d u(6)w here u i s a dummy integral variable and ءi s the s tandard symbol for convolution.Their first deriva-t ives are expressed asX᝽(t,␴)ϭx(t)ءѨg(t,␴)Ѩtϭ͵3␴Ϫ3␴x(u)Ϫt␴342πeϪ(tϪu)2/2␴2d u(7) Y᝽(t,␴)ϭy(t)ءѨg(t,␴)Ѩtϭ͵3␴Ϫ3␴y(u)Ϫt␴342πeϪ(tϪu)2/2␴2d u(8) S o ␺(t) in Eqn (4) is computed as␺(t)ϭt anϪ1Y᝽(t)X᝽(t)(9)N ote that whilst the angle function ␺(t) in Eqn (9) is m ultiple-valued,under practical constraints on con-t inuity of the derivative,it is uniquely defined.4.F eature selectionI n this study,the features are intuitively determined t o provide reasonable coverage of the feature space. O nce a small patch is segmented out from an apple i mage,some features of the patch are already avail-a ble,which include the lowest grey-level I l,the highest g rey-level I h,the area A,the boundary length C p a nd t he water volume V o f the lake representing the patch. O ther features,including curvature,are extracted f rom both the apple image and the stripe image.F or the curves within a focusing window,some s tatistics of curvature are computed.These are ave-r age positive and negative curvatures,K p a nd K n,the a verage absolute curvature ͉K͉,and the frequencies of p oints with positive,negative and zero curvature,F p, F n a nd F z,respectively.These statistics describe the c oarse distribution of the curvature.A n important descriptor for the shape patterns of s tripes is the similarity between the shapes of curves. T he stripes crossing a convex surface have greater s imilarity (i.e.are more parallel),than those crossing s tem and calyx areas.The similarity can be measured b y the correlation of curvature between curves.Ther-e fore the average correlation coef ficient R c i s selected. T he length of the analysed curves within a window is a g ood indicator of their continuity,which is strongly r elated to blemishes on convex surfaces.Hence,the a verage curve length L m i s included as a feature.On t he other hand,the relative number of short curveA P P L E S T E M A N D C A L Y X I D E N T I F I C A T I O N W I T H M A C H I N E V I S I O N233s egments within a window is a clue to the irregularity o f the stripes.The short curve segments refer to the s mall curves that are not long enough for computing t heir smoothed curvature.They usually occur on thec oncave stem and calyx areas where stripes ared iscontinuous owing to sudden change in depth.So, t he relative number of short curve segments S s i s c omputed.I n apple images,when a standing stem appears as a p rotrusion or the small spikes of a calyx appear on theb oundary of a patch,the boundary is likely to be morec omplex than that of a blemish.Hence,the compact-n ess P o f the patch is selected,which is defined as the r atio of the squared perimeter C p2to the area A,i.e. PϭC p2/A.The perimeter C p i s simply the count of p ixels on the patch boundary.Two shape measure-m ents of the water volume of the lake are also s elected.These are the average depth h a o f the v olume,defined as V/A,and the ‘‘conical’’ angle ␣o f t he volume,which is defined as the average radius d o f t he boundary to the lake’s centre divided by the m aximum depth of the water,i.e.d/(I hϪI l).To c ompute this latter measure,the geometric centroid of t he lake surface is found by the first moment method. T o complete,the primary intensity properties,mean I m a nd variance I␷o f the grey-level in a patch,are i ncluded.A ltogether,eighteen features are extracted for each p atch and are summarized as follows.F rom the stripe image :K p a verage positive curva-t ure,K n a verage negative curvature,͉K͉a verage a bsolute curvature,F p f requency of points with posi-t ive curvature,F n f requency of points with negative c urvature,F z f requency of points with zero curvature, R c a verage correlation coef ficient of curvature bet-w een curves,L m a verage curve length,S s p ercentage o f short curve segments,F rom the apple image :I m a verage grey level inten-s ity,I␷v ariance of grey level intensity,I l l owest grey l evel of the patch,I h h ighest grey level of the patch,A a rea of the patch,P c ompactness of the area,V w ater v olume of the lake,␣c onical angle of the volume,h a a verage depth of the volume.A s can be seen,these features are not independent.B ut in this study,we do not address the issue of s alient feature selection.Since the dependencies are n ot easily modelled and the features are not dif ficult t o compute,we retain all the features for the following c lassification.5.C lassification of patches with neural networksO nce the feature vector is extracted for each patch, s tems and calyxes can be identified by feeding the f eatures into a classifier and classifying the patch as e ither blemish or stem/c alyx,which are two possible o utput classes.The input feature data to the classifier p ossess some nonlinear relations to their correspond-i ng surface types.F ig .5a s hows a set of average p ositive and negative curvature data for two types of p atches.F ig .5b s hows mean intensity and variance. T he data are from the first group of samples (Training1).It can be seen from these figures that the twoc lusters representing the two classes are not linearly s eparable for these variables.A non-linear classifier is r equired.I n this work, a multi-layer feedforward neural n etwork was constructed for the classification.Three d if f erent network configurations,(18 :10:2),(18:27:2) a nd (18:10:6:2) were tested.No attempt was made to find an optimal network configuration and it might be p ossible to reduce the complexity of the net.The n etwork was fully connected.The number of nodes in t he input layer was the same as the number of input–0·1–0·2–0·3–0·4Averagenegativecurvature0·000·050·100·150·200·25Average positive curvature(a)(b)0·70·60·50·40·30·20·10·00·00·20·40·60·81·0Average grey-levelVarianceofgrey-levelintensityF ig .5.D istribution of two classes in feature sub -s pace .(a) S cattergram of a␷e rage positi␷e cur␷a ture ␷e rsus a␷e rage n egati␷e cur␷a ture for blemish and stem/c alyx ;(b) s cattergram of mean grey -l e␷e l intensity ␷e rsus ␷a riance of g rey -l e␷e l intensity for the two types of patches .ᮀ,blemishes ;ϫ,stalks/c alyxesQ.Y A N G 234f eatures (18).The output layer of the neural network w as composed of two nodes to correspond to the two o utput classes.The hidden layer contained ten nodes i n the first configuration,27 in the second.The third c onfiguration had two hidden layers with ten and six n odes respectively.The nodes in the output layer and h idden layer(s) had a non-linear transfer function of s igmoidal shape.The network was trained with a m odified back-propagation learning algorithm.8T he a lgorithm accelerated the learning by changing the t wo coef ficients used in the conventional back-p ropagation algorithm,learning rate and momentum f actor.D uring the training,the weights of the network w ere updated after each pass through all the training s amples.The desired outputs for each nodes in the o utput layer were arranged in an on –o f f manner,i.e. (1,0) represented blemish and (0,1) represents s tem/c alyx.The convergence of the learning was j udged by two conditions :whether the mean squared e rror for all training samples was smaller than a c riterion and whether the output errors for each t raining sample were all smaller than another c riterion.6.E xperimental resultsT he proposed techniques were tested with Golden D elicious and Granny Smith apples obtained from two p ackhouses in southern France.The apples were g raded in terms of surface defects by skilful inspec-t ors.Table 1 lists the number of sample fruits from e ach variety and grade.T he experimental arrangement for image acquisi-t ion comprised a CCD monochromatic camera (Pana-s onic,model WV-CD20),a projector for structured l ighting,and a light chamber for dif f use lighting.The a ngle between the optical axes of the camera and the p rojector was 20Њ.The light stripes were formed by p rojecting light through an optical grid of thin tran-s parent lines.The camera was mounted above the topT able 1S ample applesG radeA pple ␷a riety E xtra I I I I II T otalG oldenD elicious1214462698G ranny Smith810382480o f the lighting chamber.Apples were placed in the m iddle of the field of view.The orientation of the s ample fruits was chosen in a random manner.For t he blemish-free fruits from the Extra grade,the s tems/c alyxes were made visible to the camera.The b ackground of the viewing field was black.The video s ignal of the camera was sent to a transputer-based f rame grabber,where it was digitized into video m emory with 512ϫ512 spatial resolution and 8 bit g rey-level resolution.All images were stored and s hown in this paper in the size of 256ϫ256 pixels.T wo images were acquired for each view of an a pple.One was under dif f use illumination,another w as under structured light.A few apples had more t han one blemish on dif f erent sides of the fruit,hence m ultiple pairs of images were recorded for each of t hese apples.The flooding algorithm was applied to s egment out dark patches from apple images.For each s egmented patch,the selected 18 features as described i n the previous section were extracted from both i mages.The type of the patch,i.e.blemish or s tem/c alyx,was recorded together with the features, t o form a labelled sample.As shown in Table 2,a t otal of 274 samples were collected and arranged in f our sets.Two of them were training samples,the o ther two were used to test the performance of the t rained neural network classifiers.There were no t raining samples included in the test sample sets.The b lemish category included bruise,russet,scab,wound, i nsect bite,sun-burn and rot.T he extracted features had very dif f erent ranges of v alues,so to input them to the neural networks,the f eature values were normalized to the range of [0,1и0].The neural networks were implemented on a t ransputer system.In all the trainings the initial l earning rate and momentum factor were fixed at 0и1 a nd 0и5 but the training algorithm employed was not v ery sensitive to these initial values.The weights of t he networks were all initialized with random numbers i n the range of [0,1и0].The convergence criteria of the n eural network during learning were set to be less t han 0и001 for mean squared error and 0и01 for a bsolute output error of each training sample.These v alues are relatively small and were chosen to allow a ccurate learning with little loss of the generalizationc apability of the networks.All trainings with somed if f erent sets of initial weights converged rapidly, w ithin about 100 to 800 iterations.I n the performance evaluation for the trained neu-r al networks,a range of 0и3 was set in the interpreta-t ion of classification outputs,instead of the crisp o n-of f outputs (1,0) and (0,1).That is,a node in the o utput layer was regarded to be ‘‘on’’ if its output v alue was larger than 0и7,‘‘of f’’ if less than 0и3,A P P L E S T E M A N D C A L Y X I D E N T I F I C A T I O N W I T H M A C H I N E V I S I O N235T able 2D if f erent types of samplesA pple ␷a riety S amplesB lemish S tem/c alyx S ubtotal T otalG olden Delicious T raining 1473784T est 1442569274G ranny Smith T raining 2511566T est 2411455‘‘unknown’’ if between 0и3 and 0и7.The pattern p resented at the input layer was classified to belong to t he category that the ‘‘on’’ node represented.Thus,if t he outputs of the two nodes in the output layer were i n the range (1и0–0и7,0и3–0и0),the input patch was a ccordingly classified into the blemish category,and if t hey were in (0и0–0и3,0и7–1и0),the stem/c alyx c ategory.If both nodes were either ‘‘on’’ or ‘‘of f’’ and i f a node had ‘‘unknown’’ output,the input patch was c lassified into the unknown category.The selection of r ange 0и3 was conservative and imposed a strict r equirement for the networks.The range could be r elaxed to a slightly greater value.T he classification results are listed in Tables 3 and 4. T able 3 shows the classification accuracy in each test. T he accuracy was computed by dividing the number of c orrectly classified samples by the number of samples i n the test group.Table 4 shows the number of c lassification errors.Error I r efers to the misclassifica-t ion of stem/c alyx as blemish,Error I I i s vice versa,a nd Error I II r efers to the case in which either ab lemish or stem/c alyx input patch is classified into the u nknown category.It can be seen from Table 3 that t he classification accuracy of the three network con-figurations is about the same.As shown in Table 4, t he number of errors in the unknown category is s lightly reduced in the case of Test 1 with the network c onfiguration (18:10:6:2) and the case of Test 2 with t he network configuration (18:27:2).Since the first c onfiguration with 10 nodes in the hidden layer has m uch less complexity and its performance is accep-t able,it is to be preferred.The same number of errors i n Errors I a nd I I f or dif f erent configurations indicatesT able 3C lassification accuracy of the trained neural networksC lassification accuracy (%)N etworkc onfiguration T est 1T est 218:10:295и7 94и518:27:295и7 96и418:10:6:297и1 94и5T able 4C lassification errors of the trained neural networksN umber of errors S ampleg roup E rror type(18:10:2)(18:27:2)(18:10:6:2)T est 1I 0 0 0I I 1 1 1I II 2 2 1T est 2I 1 1 1I I 1 1 1I II 1 0 1t hat one or two specific pattern samples have feature v alues in the range of the ones for the other class.In t hese cases,persistent errors would occur.On the w hole,good classification accuracies have been a chieved.7.D iscussionT he technique developed in this paper is based on a n assumption that blemishes only occur on convex or flat surfaces of apples and therefore the light stripe p atterns on them reflects the type of the surface.It c an cope with the cases in which the blemished s urfaces are slightly indented.But,if the surface of a b lemish has a significantly concave shape as in cases of s evere mechanical damage,or a blemish occurs on the c oncave areas around stem or calyx,the shapes of the s tripes on the blemish will be similar to those on s tem/c alyx areas and the system will fail.Another l imitation is that if a dark patch occurs adjacent to the b oundary of a fruit in a view,the segmentation p rocess will not output it and no subsequent classifica-t ion will be made.However,in practical implementa-t ion,multiple views of a fruit are expected,so there is a good chance that the patch will not be adjacent to t he boundary of the fruit in one of the views.A n advantage of the technique is that,since onlyQ.Y A N G 236q ualitative features of stripe patterns are required, t here is no need for conventional three-dimensional s urface fitting and the calibration for the triangulation o f the structured lighting system is eliminated.This w as deliberately avoided because the complex and u npredictable stripe patterns,especially those caused b y out-standing stems,may present dif ficulties to those fitting techniques.T he technique has potential for high speed im-p lementation because of its simplicity.The necessary t hree-dimensional information is reduced to simple c onvexity or concavity,which is represented by the s hape pattern of the stripes.All segmented patches a nd all stripes on each patch can be analysed in p arallel.In the experimental arrangement,the two i mages are grabbed in sequence.If the wavelength of t he structured light is chosen in the appropriate s pectral range,the two images can be grabbed simul-t aneously by two sensors.9I t is also worth pointing out t hat the technique has the potential to be used for o ther fruits.8.ConclusionA n image analysis technique for the identification of a pple stems and calyxes has been developed.Struc-t ured light is used to provide the necessary three-d imensional shape information of apple geometric s urfaces.The analysis is focused on dark patches of f ruit surfaces,which are first segmented out by a flooding algorithm.For each patch,the qualitative f eatures of the stripe pattern are extracted from the s tripe image and the two-dimensional intensity pro-p erties are extracted from the apple image under n ormal dif f used light.When the three-dimensional a nd two-dimensional information is fused with a m ulti-layer feedforward neural network,the segmen-t ed patches are classified as stem/c alyx or blemish.T he proposed technique was tested with samplea pples and an average identification accuracy of 95%w as achieved.This result demonstrates that the system c an ef f ectively identify stems and calyxes which ares urrounded by concave surfaces,and distinguish them f rom discoloured blemishes which occur on convex or flat surfaces.A cknowledgementT his work was partly funded by the EC (CAMAR : 8001-CT91-0206).The author would like to thank P rof.A.K.Thompson at Cranfield University and Dr R.D.Tillett for valuable discussion.R eferences1W olfe R R ;Sandler W E A n algorithm for stem detection u sing digital image 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