一直…《完》,时间状语、hasta/desde 搭配 老是做…,(不满、负面)
由某动作导致…不好结果 处于…状态(不满、负面)
突然做…《完》echar a+动作类 V;echarse a +情感类 V
Tener que Deber
Deber de Hay que Haber de
刚刚做完…《未》 否 定 形 式 :( 不 满、焦虑)
一直处于…状态 《未》
允许(某 人)… 不得不(人) 责任。应该 做 猜测。想必 泛指 推测。必将
ir Estar
+ger (副动词=ing)
a+ inf.
正在做 ቆ
动作未间断进行 《未》
动作有间断进行 《完》
将要《未》 ×
por+inf para+inf. de+inf. .
就 要 生来就 将要 是…
sin+i +inf. nf.
还是 没有
Acabar tener llevar
最终 , +ger 无否定形式
≈完成时态《未》 Tener 必须有直宾,P.P.与直 宾保持性数一致 一直处于…状态,与表示时间的直宾搭配《未》
=ger , 有否定 形式
llegar guedar(se) andar echar(se)
在与现在有密切联系的上下文 中,有时也可用于描述过去的 情况,以突出对比或强调。
现在完成时强调动作或状态对现在的影响 或结果,而过去未完成时则强调动作或状 态在过去某一时间的持续或存在。
过去简单时强调动作或状态在过去某一时 间的简单、静态的存在,而过去未完成时 则强调动作或状态的动态性或发展过程。
动词现在时第一人称单数 和复数形式
Yo hablo / Hablamos
动词现在时第二人称单数和 复数形式
Tú hablas / Habl你们
动词现在时第三人称单数 和复数形式
Él/Ella/Usted habla / Hablan
Yo trabajo en la oficina(我在办公室工作)。
• 语式:西班牙语动词有六种语式,包括陈述式、虚拟式、命令式、条件式、不定式和分词式。这些语式可 以表达不同的语气和逻辑关系。
• 时态:西班牙语动词有18种时态,包括现在时、过去时、将来时等。每个时态都有特定的用法和表达方式 ,用于描述动作发生的时间、方式和状态。以下是18种时态的总结
西班牙语动词变位总结 - 常用
西班牙语动词变位总结 - 常用动词变位表规章动词:-ar 第一变位动词陈述式现在时:o as a amos áis an过去未完成式:aba abas aba ábamos abais aban 容易过去式:éaste óamos asteis aron未来未完成式:rérás ráremos réis rán命令式:----- a e emos ad en-er 其次变位动词陈述式现在时:o es e emos éis en过去未完成式:ía ías ía íamos íais ían容易过去式:íiste ióimos isteis ieron未来未完成式:rérás ráremos réis rán命令式:----- e a amos ed an-ir 第三变位动词陈述式现在时:o es e imos ís en过去未完成式:ía ías ía íamos íais ían容易过去式:íiste ióimos isteis ieron未来未完成式:rérás ráremos réis rán命令式:----- e a amos id an不规章动词:estar(在,处于某状态)陈述式现在时:estoy estás estáestamos estáis están过去未完成式:estaba estabas estaba estabámos estabais estaban容易过去式:estuve estuviste estuvo estuvimos estuvisteis estuvieron 未来未完成式:estaréestarás estaráestaremos estaréis estarán命令式:----- estáestéestemos estad estén haber(有)陈述式现在时:hay过去未完成式:había habías había habíamos habíais habían 容易过去式:hube hubiste hubo hubimos hubisteis hubieron 未来未完成式:habréhabrás habráhabremos habréis habrán 命令式:------ he haya hayamos habed hayan hacer(做)陈述式现在时:hago haces hace hacemos hacéis hacen过去未完成式:hacía hacías hacía hacíamos hacíais hacían 容易过去式:hice hiciste hizo hicimos hicisteis hicieron 未来未完成式:haréharás haráharemos haréis harán命令式:----- haz haga hagamos haced haganir(去)陈述式现在时:voy vas va vamos vais van过去未完成式:iba ibas iba íbamos ibais iban容易过去式:fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron未来未完成式:iréirás iráiremos iréis irán命令式:--- ve vaya vamos id vayan poder(能够)陈述式现在时:puedo puedes puede podemos podéis pueden 过去未完成式:podía podías podía podíamos podíais podían 容易过去式:pude pudiste pudo pudimos pudisteis pudieron 未来未完成式:podrépodrás podrápodremos podréis podrán 命令式:------ puede pueda podamos poded puedan poner(放)陈述式现在时:pongo pones pone ponemos ponéis ponen过去未完成式:ponía ponías ponía poníamos poníais ponían容易过去式:puse pusiste puso pusimos pusisteis pusieron未来未完成式:pondrépondrás pondrápondremos pondréis pondrán命令式:------ pon ponga pongamos poned pongan querer(想要)陈述式现在时:quiero quieres quiere queremos queréis quieren过去未完成式:quería querías quería queríamos queríais querían容易过去式:quise quisiste quiso quisimos quisisteis quisieron 未来未完成式:querréquerrás querráquerremos querréis querrán命令式:------- quierre quierra queramos quered quieranser(是)陈述式现在时:soy eres es somos sois son过去未完成式:era eras era éramos erais eran容易过去式:fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron未来未完成式:seréserás seráseremos seréis serán命令式:----- sésea seamos sed seantener(拥有)陈述式现在时:tengo tienes tiene tenemos tenéis tienen过去未完成式:tenía tenías tenía temíamos teníais tenían容易过去式:tuve tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvisteis tuvieron未来未完成式:tendrétendrás tendrátendremos tendréis tendrán命令式:---- ten tenga tengamos tened tenganvenir(来)陈述式现在时:vengo vienes viene venemos venís vienen过去未完成式:venía venías venía veníamos veníais venían容易过去式:vine viniste vino vinimos vinisteis vinieron未来未完成式:vendrévendrás vendrávendremos vendréis vendrán 命令式:------ ven venga vengamos venid vengan文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。
西班牙语500个最常用动词500 most used Spanish verbs1. abatir - to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down2. abrasar - to burn, to set on fire3. abrazar - to embrace, to hug; to clamp4. abrir - to open5. absolver - to absolve, to acquit6. abstenerse - to abstain7. aburrir - to annoy, to bore, to vex8. aburrirse - to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary9. acabar - to finish, to end, to complete10. acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry11. aceptar - to accept12. acercar - to bring near, to place near13. acercarse - to approach, to draw near14. acertar - to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something) right, to succeed in, to guess right15. aclamar - to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail16. aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear17. acompañar - to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company18. aconsejar - to advise, to counsel19. acordar - to agree (upon)20. acordarse - to remember21. acostarse - to go to bed, to lie down22. acostumbrar - to be accustomed23. acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to flash, to cut open24. acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call), to come to the rescue25. acusar - to accuse26. adelantar - to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead27. adelantarse - to go forward, to go ahead, to move ahead, to take the lead28. adivinar - to divine, to foretell, to guess29. admirar - to admire30. admitir - to admit, to grant, to permit31. adoptar - to adopt32. adorar - to adore, to worship33. adquirir - to acquire, to get, to obtain34. advertir - to advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn35. afeitarse - to shave oneself36. agarrar - to grasp, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon37. agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir38. agotar - to exhaust, to use up39. agradar - to please, to be pleasing40. agradecer - to thank, to be thankful for41. agrandar - to enlarge, to grow larger, to increase42. agravar - to aggravate, to make worse43. agregar - to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate44. agrupar - to group45. aguardar - to expect, to wait for46. ahorrar - to economize, to save47. alcanzar - to reach, to overtake48. alegrarse - to be glad, to rejoice49. almorzar - to lunch, to have lunch50. alquilar - to hire, to rent51. alumbrar - to illuminate, to light, to enlighten52. alumbrarse - to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively (from liquor)53. alzar - to heave, to lift, to pick up, to raise (prices)54. amar - to love55. añadir - to add56. andar - to walk57. anunciar - to announce, to foretell, to proclaim58. apagar - to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off (flame, fire, light)59. aparecer - to appear, to show up60. aplaudir - to applaud61. apoderarse - to take power, to take possession62. apreciar - to appreciate, to appraise, to esteem63. aprender - to learn64. apresurarse - to hasten, to hurry, to rush65. aprobar - to approve, to pass a test66. aprovecharse - to take advantage, to avail oneself67. apurarse - to fret, to grieve, to worry68. arrancar - to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch69. arreglar - to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to settle, to repair70. arrojar - to fling, to hurl, to throw71. articular - to articulate, to pronounce distinctly72. asegurar - to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure73. asir - to seize, to grasp74. asistir - to attend, to assist, to be present75. asustarse - to be frightened, to be scared76. atacar - to attack77. atenerse - to rely on, to depend on78. atraer - to attract, to allure, to charm79. atravesar - to cross, to go through, to run through80. atreverse - to dare, to venture81. avanzar - to advance82. averiguar - to find out, to inquire, to investigate83. ayudar - to help, to aid, to assist84. bailar - to dance85. bajar - to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend86. balbucear - to stammer, to hesitate in speech87. bañarse - to bathe oneself, to take a bath88. barrer - to sweep, to whisk89. bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice90. bautizar - to baptize, to christen91. beber - to drink92. bendecir - to bless, to consecrate93. borrar - to erase, to cross out94. bostezar - to yawn, to gape95. botar - to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch96. broncear - to bronze, to tan97. bullir - to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir98. burlarse - to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule99. buscar - to look for, to seek100. caber - to be contained, to fit into101. caer - to fall102. caerse - to fall, to fall down, to tumble103. calentar - to heat (up), to warm (up)104. callarse - to be silent, to keep quiet105. calzar - to shoe, to wear (shoes), to put on (shoes)106. cambiar - to change107. caminar - to walk, to move along108. cansarse - to become tired, to become weary, to get tired 109. cantar - to sing110. caracterizar - to characterize111. cargar - to load, to burden112. casarse - to get married, to marry113. celebrar - to celebrate114. cenar - to have supper, to eat supper115. cepillar - to brush116. cerrar - to close117. certificar - to certify, to register (a letter), to attest118. charlar - to chat, to prattle119. chistar - to mumble, to mutter120. chupar - to suck121. cocinar - to cook122. coger - to seize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch123. colegir - to collect124. colgar - to hang (up)125. colocar - to put, to place126. comenzar - to begin, to commence, to start127. comer - to eat128. componer - to compose129. comprar - to buy, to purchase130. comprender - to understand131. conducir - to lead, to conduct, to drive132. confesar - to confess133. conocer - to know, to be acquainted with134. conseguir - to attain, to get, to obtain135. constituir - to constitute, to make up136. construir - to construct, to build137. contar - to count, to relate, to tell138. contener - to contain, to hold139. contestar - to answer, to reply140. continuar - to continue141. contribuir - to contribute142. convencer - to convince143. convenir - to agree, to convene144. convertir - to convert145. convocar - to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon 146. corregir - to correct147. correr - to run, to race, to flow148. cortar - to cut, to cut off, to cut out149. costar - to cost150. crecer - to grow151. creer - to believe152. criar - to breed, to raise, to bring up (rear)153. cruzar - to cross154. cubrir - to cover155. cuidarse - to take care of oneself156. cumplir - to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with años)157. dar - to give158. deber - to owe, must, ought159. decidir - to decide160. decir - to say, to tell161. declarar - to declare162. dedicarse - to devote oneself163. defender - to defend164. dejar - to let, to permit, to allow, to leave165. delinquir - to be delinquent, to violate the law166. demostrar - to demonstrate, to prove167. denunciar - to denounce168. depender - to depend169. derribar - to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down170. desayunarse - to breakfast, to have breakfast171. descansar - to rest172. describir - to describe, to delineate173. descubrir - to discover174. desear - to desire, to wish, to want175. desempeñar - to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn176. deshacer - to undo, to destroy, to take apart177. despedirse - to take leave of, to say good-bye to178. despegar - to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane)179. desperezarse - to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs180. despertarse - to wake up oneself181. destruir - to destroy182. desvestirse - to undress oneself, to get undressed183. detener - to stop (someone or something), to detain184. detenerse - to stop (oneself)185. devolver - to return (an object), to refund, to give back186. dibujar - to design, to draw, to sketch187. dirigir - to direct188. disculparse - to apologize, to excuse (oneself)189. discutir - to discuss190. dispensar - to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt 191. distinguir - to distinguish192. divertirse - to have a good time, to enjoy oneself193. divorciarse - to be (get) divorced194. doler - to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret 195. dormir - to sleep196. ducharse - to take a shower, to shower oneself197. dudar - to doubt198. echar - to cast, to fling, to hurt, to pitch, to throw199. ejecutar - to execute, to carry out, to perform200. ejercer - to exercise, to practice (a professional)201. elegir - to elect, to select, to choose202. embeber - to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe203. empezar - to begin, to start204. emplear - to employ, to use205. encender - to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light206. encerrar - to enclose, to lock up, to confine207. encontrar - to meet, to encounter, to find208. enfadarse - to become angry209. enfermarse - to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill210. enojarse - to become angry, to get angry, to get cross211. enseñar - to teach, to show, to point out212. entender - to understand213. entrar - to enter, to go (in), to come (in)214. entregar - to deliver, to hand over, to give215. enunciar - to enunciate, to state216. enviar - to send217. envolver - to wrap up218. equivocarse - to be mistaken219. erguir - to raise, to stand up straight220. errar - to err, to wander, to roam, to miss221. escoger - to choose, to select222. escribir - to write223. escuchar - to listen (to)224. esparcir - to scatter, to spread225. esperar - to expect, to hope, to wait (for)226. esquiar - to ski227. establecer - to establish228. estar - to be229. estimar - to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value230. estudiar - to study231. exigir - to demand, to urge, to require232. explicar - to explain233. expresar - to express234. fabricar - to fabricate, to manufacture235. faltar - to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need 236. felicitar - to congratulate, to felicitate237. festejar - to feast, to entertain, to celebrate238. fiar - to confide, to trust239. fijarse - to take notice, to pay attention, to settle240. fingir - to feign, to pretend241. firmar - to sign242. formar - to form, to shape243. fregar - to wash dishes, to scrub244. freír - to fry245. fumar - to smoke246. funcionar - to function, to run (machine)247. ganar - to earn, to gain, to win248. gastar - to spend (money), to wear out, to waste249. gemir - to grieve, to groan, to moan250. gobernar - to govern, to rule251. gozar - to enjoy252. gritar - to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out253. gruñir - to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak254. guiar - to lead, to guide255. gustar - to be pleasing (to), to like256. haber - to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb to form the compound tenses)257. habitar - to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside258. hablar - to talk, to speak259. hacer - to do, to make260. hallar - to find, to discover, to locate261. helar - to freeze262. heredar - to inherit263. herir - to harm, to hurt, to wound264. huir - to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away265. ignorar - to be ignorant of, not to know266. impedir - to hinder, to impede, to prevent267. importar - to matter, to be important268. imprimir - to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind 269. incluir - to include, to enclose270. indicar - to indicate, to point out271. inducir - to induce, to influence, to persuade272. influir - to influence273. informarse - to inform oneself, to find out274. inscribir - to inscribe, to record, to register275. inscribirse - to enroll, to register276. insistir - to insist, to persist277. interesarse - to be interested in278. introducir - to introduce279. invitar - to invite280. ir - to go281. irse - to go away282. jugar - to play (a game, sport)283. juntar - to join, to unite, to connect284. jurar - to swear, to take an oath285. juzgar - to judge286. lanzar - to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch287. lastimarse - to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, to regret288. lavar - to wash289. lavarse - to wash oneself290. leer - to read291. levantar - to lift, to raise292. levantarse - to get up, to rise293. limpiar - to clean294. limpiarse - to clean oneself295. llamar - to call, to name296. llamarse - to call oneself, to be named297. llegar - to arrive298. llenar - to fill299. llevar - to carry (away), to take (away), to wear300. llorar - to weep, to cry, to whine301. llover - to rain302. luchar - to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle303. maldecir - to curse304. manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle) 305. mantener - to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for 306. marcar - to mark, to note, to observe307. marchar - to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine)308. marcharse - to go away, to leave309. matar - to kill310. medir - to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses)311. mejorar - to improve312. mencionar - to mention313. mentir - to lie, to tell a lie314. merecer - to merit, to deserve315. mirar - to look, to look at, to watch316. mirarse - to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)317. mojarse - to get wet, to wet oneself318. montar - to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch)319. morder - to bite320. morir - to die321. mostrar - to show, to point out322. mover - to move, to persuade, to excite323. mudarse - to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move324. nacer - to be born325. nadar - to swim326. navegar - to navigate, to sail327. necesitar - to need328. negar - to deny329. nevar - to snow330. obedecer - to obey331. observar - to observe332. obtener - to obtain, to get333. ocultarse - to hide oneself334. ocupar - to occupy335. ocurrir - to occur, to happen336. ofrecer - to offer337. oír - to hear338. oler - to smell, to scent339. olvidar - to forget340. oponer - to oppose341. ordenar - to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange 342. organizar - to organize, to arrange, to set up343. osar - to dare, to venture344. pagar - to pay345. parar - to stop (someone or something)346. pararse - to stop (oneself)347. parecer - to seem, to appear348. parecerse - to resemble each other, to look alike349. partir - to leave, to depart, to divide, to split350. pasar - to pass (by), to happen, to spend (time)351. pasearse - to take a walk, to parade352. pedir - to ask for, to request353. pegar - to beat, to hit, to slap, to stick, to glue, to paste 354. peinarse - to comb one's hair355. pensar - to think356. percibir - to perceive357. perder - to lose358. perdonar - to pardon, to forgive, to excuse359. permitir - to permit, to admit, to allow, to grant360. pertenecer - to pertain, to appertain, to belong361. pintar - to paint362. pintarse - to make up (one's face), to tint, to color (one's hair, lips, etc.)363. pisar - to tread (on), to step on, to trample364. placer - to gratify, to humor, to please365. platicar - to chat, to talk over, to discuss366. poder - to be able, can367. poner - to put, to place368. ponerse - to put on (clothing), to become, to set (of sun) 369. poseer - to possess, to own370. practicar - to practice371. predecir - to predict, to forecast, to foretell372. predicar - to preach373. preferir - to prefer374. preguntar - to ask, to inquire, to question375. preocuparse - to be concerned, to worry, to be worried376. preparar - to prepare377. prepararse - to be prepared, to get ready, to prepare oneself 378. presentar - to present, to display, to show, to introduce379. prestar - to lend380. principiar - to begin381. probar - to test, to prove, to try, to try on382. probarse - to try on (clothes)383. proclamar - to proclaim, to promulgate384. producir - to produce, to cause385. prohibir - to prohibit, to forbid386. pronunciar - to pronounce387. proteger - to protect388. pulir - to polish389. quedarse - to remain, to stay390. quejarse - to complain, to grumble391. quemar - to burn, to fire392. querer - to want, to wish393. quitarse - to take off (clothing), to remove oneself, to withdraw 394. raer - to scrape, to rub off, to erase, to wipe out395. realizar - to realize, to carry out, to fulfill396. recibir - to receive, to get397. recoger - to pick (up), to gather, to harvest398. recomendar - to recommend, to commend, to advise399. reconocer - to recognize, to acknowledge, to be grateful for 400. recordar - to remember, to recall, to remind401. referir - to refer, to relate402. regalar - to give as a present, to make a present of, to give as a gift403. regar - to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle404. regresar - to return, to go back, to regress405. reír - to laugh406. reírse - to laugh407. rellenar - to refill, to fill again, to stuff408. remitir - to remit, to forward, to transmit409. reparar - to mend, to repair, to notice, to observe410. repartir - to distribute, to deal cards411. repetir - to repeat412. resolver - to resolve, to solve (a problem)413. responder - to answer, to reply, to respond414. retirar - to retire, to withdraw415. retrasar - to delay, to retard416. reunirse - to assemble, to get together, to meet, to gather 417. revocar - to revoke, to repeal418. revolver - to revolve, to turn around, to turn over, to turn upside down419. robar - to rob, to steal420. rogar - to supplicate, to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, to pray421. romper - to break, to shatter, to tear422. saber - to know, to know how423. sacar - to take out, to get424. sacudir - to shake, to jerk, to jolt425. salir - to go out, to leave426. saltar - to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring427. saludar - to greet, to salute428. satisfacer - to satisfy429. secar - to dry, to wipe dry430. secarse - to dry oneself431. seguir - to follow, to pursue, to continue432. señalar - to signal, to indicate, to point out, to show433. sentarse - to sit down434. sentir - to feel sorry, to regret, to feel435. sentirse - to feel (well, ill)436. separar - to separate, to detach, to sort, to set apart437. ser - to be438. servir - to serve439. socorrer - to help, to aid, to assist, to succor440. sofocar - to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle441. soler - to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to have the custom of442. sollozar - to sob, to whimper443. someter - to subdue, to subject, to surrender, to submit 444. sonar - to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound445. soñar - to dream446. sonreír - to smile447. soplar - to blow, to blow out448. sorprender - to surprise, to astonish449. sospechar - to suspect450. sostener - to sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold 451. subir - to go up, to come up, to climb, to rise, to mount, to geton (a train, bus, etc.)452. subrayar - to underline, to underscore, to emphasize453. subscribir - to subscribe, to agree with, to sign454. suceder - to happen455. sufrir - to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo456. sugerir - to hint, to insinuate, to suggest457. sumergir - to submerge, to plunge, to immerse, to sink458. suponer - to suppose, to assume459. suprimir - to suppress, to abolish, to cancel (in mathematics), to eliminate460. surgir - to surge, to appear, to spout, to spurt461. suspirar - to sigh462. tañer - to pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)463. telefonear - to telephone464. telegrafiar - to telegraph, to cable465. temblar - to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver 466. temer - to fear, to dread467. tender - to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing)468. tener - to have, to hold469. tentar - to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try470. terminar - to end, to terminate, to finish471. tirar - to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling472. tocar - to play (a musical instrument), to touch473. tomar - to take, to have (something to eat or to drink)474. tostar - to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)475. trabajar - to work, to labor476. traducir - to translate477. traer - to bring478. tratar - to try, to treat a subject479. tropezar - to stumble, to blunder480. unir - to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach481. usar - to use, to employ, to wear482. utilizar - to utilize483. vaciar - to empty484. valer - to be worth485. velar - to stay awake, to guard, to watch over486. vencer - to conquer, to overcome, to defeat487. vender - to sell488. venir - to come489. ver - to see490. vestirse - to dress oneself, to get dressed491. viajar - to travel492. vigilar - to watch (over), to keep guard, to look out for 493. visitar - to visit494. vivir - to live495. volar - to fly496. volver - to return, to go back497. votar - to vote, to vow498. yacer - to lie down, to be lying down, to lie in a grave 499. zumbar - to buzz, to hum, to flutter around500. zurcir - to darn, to mend。
1. 词汇和词类西班牙语中的单词分为名词(sustantivo)、形容词(adjetivo)、动词(verbo)、副词(adverbio)等几类。
2. 语法性别和名词变化西班牙语中的名词分为阳性和阴性两种性别,阳性名词通常以-o结尾,而阴性名词通常以-a结尾。
3. 形容词和副词的变化形容词和副词在西班牙语中也会根据性别和数的变化而发生变化。
4. 动词的时态和语态西班牙语中的动词有多种时态和语态,包括现在时(presente)、过去时(pretérito)、将来时(futuro)等等。
动词的语态包括主动语态(voz activa)和被动语态(voz pasiva)。
5. 句子结构和语序西班牙语的句子结构通常是主语(sujeto)、谓语(predicado)和宾语(complemento)的组合。
6. 疑问句和否定句在西班牙语中,构成疑问句通常是将动词调至句首,句末加上问号。
7. 直接和间接宾语西班牙语中的宾语分为直接宾语(complemento directo)和间接宾语(complemento indirecto)。
500 most used Spanish verbs1. abatir - to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down2. abrasar - to burn, to set on fire3. abrazar - to embrace, to hug; to clamp4. abrir - to open5. absolver - to absolve, to acquit6. abstenerse - to abstain7. aburrir - to annoy, to bore, to vex8. aburrirse - to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary9. acabar - to finish, to end, to complete10. acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry11. aceptar - to accept12. acercar - to bring near, to place near13. acercarse - to approach, to draw near14. acertar - to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something) right, to succeed in, to guess right15. aclamar - to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail16. aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear17. acompañar - to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company18. aconsejar - to advise, to counsel19. acordar - to agree (upon)20. acordarse - to remember21. acostarse - to go to bed, to lie down22. acostumbrar - to be accustomed23. acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to flash, to cut open24. acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call), to come to the rescue25. acusar - to accuse26. adelantar - to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead27. adelantarse - to go forward, to go ahead, to move ahead, to take the lead28. adivinar - to divine, to foretell, to guess29. admirar - to admire30. admitir - to admit, to grant, to permit31. adoptar - to adopt32. adorar - to adore, to worship33. adquirir - to acquire, to get, to obtain34. advertir - to advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn35. afeitarse - to shave oneself36. agarrar - to grasp, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon37. agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir38. agotar - to exhaust, to use up39. agradar - to please, to be pleasing40. agradecer - to thank, to be thankful for41. agrandar - to enlarge, to grow larger, to increase42. agravar - to aggravate, to make worse43. agregar - to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate44. agrupar - to group45. aguardar - to expect, to wait for46. ahorrar - to economize, to save47. alcanzar - to reach, to overtake48. alegrarse - to be glad, to rejoice49. almorzar - to lunch, to have lunch50. alquilar - to hire, to rent51. alumbrar - to illuminate, to light, to enlighten52. alumbrarse - to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively (from liquor)53. alzar - to heave, to lift, to pick up, to raise (prices)54. amar - to love55. añadir - to add56. andar - to walk57. anunciar - to announce, to foretell, to proclaim58. apagar - to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off (flame, fire, light)59. aparecer - to appear, to show up60. aplaudir - to applaud61. apoderarse - to take power, to take possession62. apreciar - to appreciate, to appraise, to esteem63. aprender - to learn64. apresurarse - to hasten, to hurry, to rush65. aprobar - to approve, to pass a test66. aprovecharse - to take advantage, to avail oneself67. apurarse - to fret, to grieve, to worry68. arrancar - to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch69. arreglar - to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to settle, to repair70. arrojar - to fling, to hurl, to throw71. articular - to articulate, to pronounce distinctly72. asegurar - to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure73. asir - to seize, to grasp74. asistir - to attend, to assist, to be present75. asustarse - to be frightened, to be scared76. atacar - to attack77. atenerse - to rely on, to depend on78. atraer - to attract, to allure, to charm79. atravesar - to cross, to go through, to run through80. atreverse - to dare, to venture81. avanzar - to advance82. averiguar - to find out, to inquire, to investigate83. ayudar - to help, to aid, to assist84. bailar - to dance85. bajar - to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend86. balbucear - to stammer, to hesitate in speech87. bañarse - to bathe oneself, to take a bath88. barrer - to sweep, to whisk89. bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice90. bautizar - to baptize, to christen91. beber - to drink92. bendecir - to bless, to consecrate93. borrar - to erase, to cross out94. bostezar - to yawn, to gape95. botar - to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch96. broncear - to bronze, to tan97. bullir - to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir98. burlarse - to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule99. buscar - to look for, to seek100. caber - to be contained, to fit into101. caer - to fall102. caerse - to fall, to fall down, to tumble103. calentar - to heat (up), to warm (up)104. callarse - to be silent, to keep quiet105. calzar - to shoe, to wear (shoes), to put on (shoes)106. cambiar - to change107. caminar - to walk, to move along108. cansarse - to become tired, to become weary, to get tired 109. cantar - to sing110. caracterizar - to characterize111. cargar - to load, to burden112. casarse - to get married, to marry113. celebrar - to celebrate114. cenar - to have supper, to eat supper115. cepillar - to brush116. cerrar - to close117. certificar - to certify, to register (a letter), to attest118. charlar - to chat, to prattle119. chistar - to mumble, to mutter120. chupar - to suck121. cocinar - to cook122. coger - to seize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch123. colegir - to collect124. colgar - to hang (up)125. colocar - to put, to place126. comenzar - to begin, to commence, to start127. comer - to eat128. componer - to compose129. comprar - to buy, to purchase130. comprender - to understand131. conducir - to lead, to conduct, to drive132. confesar - to confess133. conocer - to know, to be acquainted with134. conseguir - to attain, to get, to obtain135. constituir - to constitute, to make up136. construir - to construct, to build137. contar - to count, to relate, to tell138. contener - to contain, to hold139. contestar - to answer, to reply140. continuar - to continue141. contribuir - to contribute142. convencer - to convince143. convenir - to agree, to convene144. convertir - to convert145. convocar - to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon 146. corregir - to correct147. correr - to run, to race, to flow148. cortar - to cut, to cut off, to cut out149. costar - to cost150. crecer - to grow151. creer - to believe152. criar - to breed, to raise, to bring up (rear)153. cruzar - to cross154. cubrir - to cover155. cuidarse - to take care of oneself156. cumplir - to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with años)157. dar - to give158. deber - to owe, must, ought159. decidir - to decide160. decir - to say, to tell161. declarar - to declare162. dedicarse - to devote oneself163. defender - to defend164. dejar - to let, to permit, to allow, to leave165. delinquir - to be delinquent, to violate the law166. demostrar - to demonstrate, to prove167. denunciar - to denounce168. depender - to depend169. derribar - to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down170. desayunarse - to breakfast, to have breakfast171. descansar - to rest172. describir - to describe, to delineate173. descubrir - to discover174. desear - to desire, to wish, to want175. desempeñar - to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn176. deshacer - to undo, to destroy, to take apart177. despedirse - to take leave of, to say good-bye to178. despegar - to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane) 179. desperezarse - to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs 180. despertarse - to wake up oneself181. destruir - to destroy182. desvestirse - to undress oneself, to get undressed183. detener - to stop (someone or something), to detain184. detenerse - to stop (oneself)185. devolver - to return (an object), to refund, to give back186. dibujar - to design, to draw, to sketch187. dirigir - to direct188. disculparse - to apologize, to excuse (oneself)189. discutir - to discuss190. dispensar - to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt 191. distinguir - to distinguish192. divertirse - to have a good time, to enjoy oneself193. divorciarse - to be (get) divorced194. doler - to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret 195. dormir - to sleep196. ducharse - to take a shower, to shower oneself197. dudar - to doubt198. echar - to cast, to fling, to hurt, to pitch, to throw199. ejecutar - to execute, to carry out, to perform200. ejercer - to exercise, to practice (a professional)201. elegir - to elect, to select, to choose202. embeber - to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe203. empezar - to begin, to start204. emplear - to employ, to use205. encender - to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light206. encerrar - to enclose, to lock up, to confine207. encontrar - to meet, to encounter, to find208. enfadarse - to become angry209. enfermarse - to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill210. enojarse - to become angry, to get angry, to get cross211. enseñar - to teach, to show, to point out212. entender - to understand213. entrar - to enter, to go (in), to come (in)214. entregar - to deliver, to hand over, to give215. enunciar - to enunciate, to state216. enviar - to send217. envolver - to wrap up218. equivocarse - to be mistaken219. erguir - to raise, to stand up straight220. errar - to err, to wander, to roam, to miss221. escoger - to choose, to select222. escribir - to write223. escuchar - to listen (to)224. esparcir - to scatter, to spread225. esperar - to expect, to hope, to wait (for)226. esquiar - to ski227. establecer - to establish228. estar - to be229. estimar - to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value230. estudiar - to study231. exigir - to demand, to urge, to require232. explicar - to explain233. expresar - to express234. fabricar - to fabricate, to manufacture235. faltar - to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need 236. felicitar - to congratulate, to felicitate237. festejar - to feast, to entertain, to celebrate238. fiar - to confide, to trust239. fijarse - to take notice, to pay attention, to settle240. fingir - to feign, to pretend241. firmar - to sign242. formar - to form, to shape243. fregar - to wash dishes, to scrub244. freír - to fry245. fumar - to smoke246. funcionar - to function, to run (machine)247. ganar - to earn, to gain, to win248. gastar - to spend (money), to wear out, to waste249. gemir - to grieve, to groan, to moan250. gobernar - to govern, to rule251. gozar - to enjoy252. gritar - to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out253. gruñir - to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak254. guiar - to lead, to guide255. gustar - to be pleasing (to), to like256. haber - to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb to form the compound tenses)257. habitar - to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside258. hablar - to talk, to speak259. hacer - to do, to make260. hallar - to find, to discover, to locate261. helar - to freeze262. heredar - to inherit263. herir - to harm, to hurt, to wound264. huir - to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away265. ignorar - to be ignorant of, not to know266. impedir - to hinder, to impede, to prevent267. importar - to matter, to be important268. imprimir - to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind 269. incluir - to include, to enclose270. indicar - to indicate, to point out271. inducir - to induce, to influence, to persuade272. influir - to influence273. informarse - to inform oneself, to find out274. inscribir - to inscribe, to record, to register275. inscribirse - to enroll, to register276. insistir - to insist, to persist277. interesarse - to be interested in278. introducir - to introduce279. invitar - to invite280. ir - to go281. irse - to go away282. jugar - to play (a game, sport)283. juntar - to join, to unite, to connect284. jurar - to swear, to take an oath285. juzgar - to judge286. lanzar - to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch287. lastimarse - to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, toregret288. lavar - to wash289. lavarse - to wash oneself290. leer - to read291. levantar - to lift, to raise292. levantarse - to get up, to rise293. limpiar - to clean294. limpiarse - to clean oneself295. llamar - to call, to name296. llamarse - to call oneself, to be named297. llegar - to arrive298. llenar - to fill299. llevar - to carry (away), to take (away), to wear300. llorar - to weep, to cry, to whine301. llover - to rain302. luchar - to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle303. maldecir - to curse304. manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle) 305. mantener - to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for 306. marcar - to mark, to note, to observe307. marchar - to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine)308. marcharse - to go away, to leave309. matar - to kill310. medir - to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses)311. mejorar - to improve312. mencionar - to mention313. mentir - to lie, to tell a lie314. merecer - to merit, to deserve315. mirar - to look, to look at, to watch316. mirarse - to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)317. mojarse - to get wet, to wet oneself318. montar - to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch)319. morder - to bite320. morir - to die321. mostrar - to show, to point out322. mover - to move, to persuade, to excite323. mudarse - to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move324. nacer - to be born325. nadar - to swim326. navegar - to navigate, to sail327. necesitar - to need328. negar - to deny329. nevar - to snow330. obedecer - to obey331. observar - to observe332. obtener - to obtain, to get333. ocultarse - to hide oneself334. ocupar - to occupy335. ocurrir - to occur, to happen336. ofrecer - to offer337. oír - to hear338. oler - to smell, to scent339. olvidar - to forget340. oponer - to oppose341. ordenar - to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange 342. organizar - to organize, to arrange, to set up343. osar - to dare, to venture344. pagar - to pay345. parar - to stop (someone or something)346. pararse - to stop (oneself)347. parecer - to seem, to appear348. parecerse - to resemble each other, to look alike349. partir - to leave, to depart, to divide, to split350. pasar - to pass (by), to happen, to spend (time)351. pasearse - to take a walk, to parade352. pedir - to ask for, to request353. pegar - to beat, to hit, to slap, to stick, to glue, to paste 354. peinarse - to comb one's hair355. pensar - to think356. percibir - to perceive357. perder - to lose358. perdonar - to pardon, to forgive, to excuse359. permitir - to permit, to admit, to allow, to grant360. pertenecer - to pertain, to appertain, to belong361. pintar - to paint362. pintarse - to make up (one's face), to tint, to color (one's hair, lips, etc.)363. pisar - to tread (on), to step on, to trample364. placer - to gratify, to humor, to please365. platicar - to chat, to talk over, to discuss366. poder - to be able, can367. poner - to put, to place368. ponerse - to put on (clothing), to become, to set (of sun) 369. poseer - to possess, to own370. practicar - to practice371. predecir - to predict, to forecast, to foretell372. predicar - to preach373. preferir - to prefer374. preguntar - to ask, to inquire, to question375. preocuparse - to be concerned, to worry, to be worried376. preparar - to prepare377. prepararse - to be prepared, to get ready, to prepare oneself 378. presentar - to present, to display, to show, to introduce379. prestar - to lend380. principiar - to begin381. probar - to test, to prove, to try, to try on382. probarse - to try on (clothes)383. proclamar - to proclaim, to promulgate384. producir - to produce, to cause385. prohibir - to prohibit, to forbid386. pronunciar - to pronounce387. proteger - to protect388. pulir - to polish389. quedarse - to remain, to stay390. quejarse - to complain, to grumble391. quemar - to burn, to fire392. querer - to want, to wish393. quitarse - to take off (clothing), to remove oneself, to withdraw 394. raer - to scrape, to rub off, to erase, to wipe out395. realizar - to realize, to carry out, to fulfill396. recibir - to receive, to get397. recoger - to pick (up), to gather, to harvest398. recomendar - to recommend, to commend, to advise399. reconocer - to recognize, to acknowledge, to be grateful for 400. recordar - to remember, to recall, to remind401. referir - to refer, to relate402. regalar - to give as a present, to make a present of, to give as a gift403. regar - to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle404. regresar - to return, to go back, to regress405. reír - to laugh406. reírse - to laugh407. rellenar - to refill, to fill again, to stuff408. remitir - to remit, to forward, to transmit409. reparar - to mend, to repair, to notice, to observe410. repartir - to distribute, to deal cards411. repetir - to repeat412. resolver - to resolve, to solve (a problem)413. responder - to answer, to reply, to respond414. retirar - to retire, to withdraw415. retrasar - to delay, to retard416. reunirse - to assemble, to get together, to meet, to gather 417. revocar - to revoke, to repeal418. revolver - to revolve, to turn around, to turn over, to turn upside down419. robar - to rob, to steal420. rogar - to supplicate, to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, to pray 421. romper - to break, to shatter, to tear422. saber - to know, to know how423. sacar - to take out, to get424. sacudir - to shake, to jerk, to jolt425. salir - to go out, to leave426. saltar - to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring427. saludar - to greet, to salute428. satisfacer - to satisfy429. secar - to dry, to wipe dry430. secarse - to dry oneself431. seguir - to follow, to pursue, to continue432. señalar - to signal, to indicate, to point out, to show433. sentarse - to sit down434. sentir - to feel sorry, to regret, to feel435. sentirse - to feel (well, ill)436. separar - to separate, to detach, to sort, to set apart437. ser - to be438. servir - to serve439. socorrer - to help, to aid, to assist, to succor440. sofocar - to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle441. soler - to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to have the custom of442. sollozar - to sob, to whimper443. someter - to subdue, to subject, to surrender, to submit444. sonar - to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound445. soñar - to dream446. sonreír - to smile447. soplar - to blow, to blow out448. sorprender - to surprise, to astonish449. sospechar - to suspect450. sostener - to sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold451. subir - to go up, to come up, to climb, to rise, to mount, to get on (a train, bus, etc.)452. subrayar - to underline, to underscore, to emphasize453. subscribir - to subscribe, to agree with, to sign454. suceder - to happen455. sufrir - to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo456. sugerir - to hint, to insinuate, to suggest457. sumergir - to submerge, to plunge, to immerse, to sink458. suponer - to suppose, to assume459. suprimir - to suppress, to abolish, to cancel (in mathematics), to eliminate460. surgir - to surge, to appear, to spout, to spurt461. suspirar - to sigh462. tañer - to pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)463. telefonear - to telephone464. telegrafiar - to telegraph, to cable465. temblar - to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver 466. temer - to fear, to dread467. tender - to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing)468. tener - to have, to hold469. tentar - to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try470. terminar - to end, to terminate, to finish471. tirar - to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling472. tocar - to play (a musical instrument), to touch473. tomar - to take, to have (something to eat or to drink)474. tostar - to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)475. trabajar - to work, to labor476. traducir - to translate477. traer - to bring478. tratar - to try, to treat a subject479. tropezar - to stumble, to blunder480. unir - to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach481. usar - to use, to employ, to wear482. utilizar - to utilize483. vaciar - to empty484. valer - to be worth485. velar - to stay awake, to guard, to watch over486. vencer - to conquer, to overcome, to defeat487. vender - to sell488. venir - to come489. ver - to see490. vestirse - to dress oneself, to get dressed491. viajar - to travel492. vigilar - to watch (over), to keep guard, to look out for493. visitar - to visit494. vivir - to live495. volar - to fly496. volver - to return, to go back497. votar - to vote, to vow498. yacer - to lie down, to be lying down, to lie in a grave 499. zumbar - to buzz, to hum, to flutter around500. zurcir - to darn, to mend。
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Helvetica; color: #000000; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Times; color: #000000; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Times; color: #2d3639; -webkit-text-stroke: #2d3639; background-color: #ffffff} span.s1 {font-kerning: none}ser/ to beestar/ to betener/ to havehacer/ to makepoder/ to be abledecir/ to tellir/ to gover/ to seedar/ to givesaber/ to knowquerer/ to what, to lovellegar to arrivepasar/ to passbailar/ to dancecomer/ to eatbeber/ to drinknadar/ to swimhablar/ to speakvivir/ to liveescribir/ to writerecorder/ to rememberleer/ to readabrir/ to opencrear/ to creategustar/ to pleaseescuchar/ to listencontar/ to countdecir/ to saynecesitar/ to needcaminar/ to walkcerrar/ to closecomprar/ to buydormir/ to sleepconocer/ to knowbuscar/ to look forjugar/ to playponer/ to putpoder/ to givecantar/ to singcenar/ to eat dinnerdibujar/ to drawensañar/ to teachviajar/ to traveldeber/ to ownquedar/ to stayllevar/ to carrydejar/ to leaveseguir/ to follow encontrar/ to findllamar/ to callvenir/ to comepensar/ to thinksalir/ to leavevolver/ to returntomar/ to takesentir/ to feeltratar/ to treatmirar/ to watchempear/ to begin sprender/ to learn concinar/ to cook contestar/ to answer desayunar/ to eat breakfast explicar/ to explain estudiar/ to studyganar/ to winirse/ to leavelebantar/ to raiselimpiar/ to cleanmirar/ to watcholvidar/ to forget practicar/ to practice probar/ to tasteregresar/ to returnsacar/ to take utsecar/ to dryvender/ to selltoser/ to coughborrar/ to eraseasistir/ to attendmorir/ to dienacer/ to be born arreglar/ to fixbarrer/ to sweepgritar/ to shoutllover/ to raingastar/ to spend (money) quitarse/ to take off ( cloth) ponerse/ to put on ( cloth) fumar/ to smoke estornudar/ to sneezeparecer/ to seem enjarse/ to get angry sentarse/ to sit down regresar/ to return preguntar/ to ask parar/ to stop mezclar/ to mix。
西班牙语500个常用动词————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:500 most used Spanish verbs1. abatir - to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down2. abrasar - to burn, to set on fire3. abrazar - to embrace, to hug; to clamp4. abrir - to open5. absolver - to absolve, to acquit6. abstenerse - to abstain7. aburrir - to annoy, to bore, to vex8. aburrirse - to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary9. acabar - to finish, to end, to complete10. acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry11. aceptar - to accept12. acercar - to bring near, to place near13. acercarse - to approach, to draw near14. acertar - to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something) right, to succeed in, to guess right15. aclamar - to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail16. aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear17. acompañar - to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company18. aconsejar - to advise, to counsel19. acordar - to agree (upon)20. acordarse - to remember21. acostarse - to go to bed, to lie down22. acostumbrar - to be accustomed23. acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to flash, to cut open24. acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call), to come to the rescue25. acusar - to accuse26. adelantar - to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead27. adelantarse - to go forward, to go ahead, to move ahead, to take the lead28. adivinar - to divine, to foretell, to guess29. admirar - to admire30. admitir - to admit, to grant, to permit31. adoptar - to adopt32. adorar - to adore, to worship33. adquirir - to acquire, to get, to obtain34. advertir - to advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn35. afeitarse - to shave oneself36. agarrar - to grasp, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon37. agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir38. agotar - to exhaust, to use up39. agradar - to please, to be pleasing40. agradecer - to thank, to be thankful for41. agrandar - to enlarge, to grow larger, to increase42. agravar - to aggravate, to make worse43. agregar - to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate44. agrupar - to group45. aguardar - to expect, to wait for46. ahorrar - to economize, to save47. alcanzar - to reach, to overtake48. alegrarse - to be glad, to rejoice49. almorzar - to lunch, to have lunch50. alquilar - to hire, to rent51. alumbrar - to illuminate, to light, to enlighten52. alumbrarse - to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively (from liquor)53. alzar - to heave, to lift, to pick up, to raise (prices)54. amar - to love55. añadir - to add56. andar - to walk57. anunciar - to announce, to foretell, to proclaim58. apagar - to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off (flame, fire, light)59. aparecer - to appear, to show up60. aplaudir - to applaud61. apoderarse - to take power, to take possession62. apreciar - to appreciate, to appraise, to esteem63. aprender - to learn64. apresurarse - to hasten, to hurry, to rush65. aprobar - to approve, to pass a test66. aprovecharse - to take advantage, to avail oneself67. apurarse - to fret, to grieve, to worry68. arrancar - to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch69. arreglar - to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to settle, to repair70. arrojar - to fling, to hurl, to throw71. articular - to articulate, to pronounce distinctly72. asegurar - to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure73. asir - to seize, to grasp74. asistir - to attend, to assist, to be present75. asustarse - to be frightened, to be scared76. atacar - to attack77. atenerse - to rely on, to depend on78. atraer - to attract, to allure, to charm79. atravesar - to cross, to go through, to run through80. atreverse - to dare, to venture81. avanzar - to advance82. averiguar - to find out, to inquire, to investigate83. ayudar - to help, to aid, to assist84. bailar - to dance85. bajar - to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend86. balbucear - to stammer, to hesitate in speech87. bañarse - to bathe oneself, to take a bath88. barrer - to sweep, to whisk89. bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice90. bautizar - to baptize, to christen91. beber - to drink92. bendecir - to bless, to consecrate93. borrar - to erase, to cross out94. bostezar - to yawn, to gape95. botar - to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch96. broncear - to bronze, to tan97. bullir - to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir98. burlarse - to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule99. buscar - to look for, to seek100. caber - to be contained, to fit into101. caer - to fall102. caerse - to fall, to fall down, to tumble103. calentar - to heat (up), to warm (up)104. callarse - to be silent, to keep quiet105. calzar - to shoe, to wear (shoes), to put on (shoes)106. cambiar - to change107. caminar - to walk, to move along108. cansarse - to become tired, to become weary, to get tired 109. cantar - to sing110. caracterizar - to characterize111. cargar - to load, to burden112. casarse - to get married, to marry113. celebrar - to celebrate114. cenar - to have supper, to eat supper115. cepillar - to brush116. cerrar - to close117. certificar - to certify, to register (a letter), to attest118. charlar - to chat, to prattle119. chistar - to mumble, to mutter120. chupar - to suck121. cocinar - to cook122. coger - to seize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch123. colegir - to collect124. colgar - to hang (up)125. colocar - to put, to place126. comenzar - to begin, to commence, to start127. comer - to eat128. componer - to compose129. comprar - to buy, to purchase130. comprender - to understand131. conducir - to lead, to conduct, to drive132. confesar - to confess133. conocer - to know, to be acquainted with134. conseguir - to attain, to get, to obtain135. constituir - to constitute, to make up136. construir - to construct, to build137. contar - to count, to relate, to tell138. contener - to contain, to hold139. contestar - to answer, to reply140. continuar - to continue141. contribuir - to contribute142. convencer - to convince143. convenir - to agree, to convene144. convertir - to convert145. convocar - to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon 146. corregir - to correct147. correr - to run, to race, to flow148. cortar - to cut, to cut off, to cut out149. costar - to cost150. crecer - to grow151. creer - to believe152. criar - to breed, to raise, to bring up (rear)153. cruzar - to cross154. cubrir - to cover155. cuidarse - to take care of oneself156. cumplir - to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with años)157. dar - to give158. deber - to owe, must, ought159. decidir - to decide160. decir - to say, to tell161. declarar - to declare162. dedicarse - to devote oneself163. defender - to defend164. dejar - to let, to permit, to allow, to leave165. delinquir - to be delinquent, to violate the law166. demostrar - to demonstrate, to prove167. denunciar - to denounce168. depender - to depend169. derribar - to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down170. desayunarse - to breakfast, to have breakfast171. descansar - to rest172. describir - to describe, to delineate173. descubrir - to discover174. desear - to desire, to wish, to want175. desempeñar - to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn176. deshacer - to undo, to destroy, to take apart177. despedirse - to take leave of, to say good-bye to178. despegar - to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane) 179. desperezarse - to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs 180. despertarse - to wake up oneself181. destruir - to destroy182. desvestirse - to undress oneself, to get undressed183. detener - to stop (someone or something), to detain184. detenerse - to stop (oneself)185. devolver - to return (an object), to refund, to give back186. dibujar - to design, to draw, to sketch187. dirigir - to direct188. disculparse - to apologize, to excuse (oneself)189. discutir - to discuss190. dispensar - to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt 191. distinguir - to distinguish192. divertirse - to have a good time, to enjoy oneself193. divorciarse - to be (get) divorced194. doler - to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret 195. dormir - to sleep196. ducharse - to take a shower, to shower oneself197. dudar - to doubt198. echar - to cast, to fling, to hurt, to pitch, to throw199. ejecutar - to execute, to carry out, to perform200. ejercer - to exercise, to practice (a professional)201. elegir - to elect, to select, to choose202. embeber - to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe203. empezar - to begin, to start204. emplear - to employ, to use205. encender - to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light206. encerrar - to enclose, to lock up, to confine207. encontrar - to meet, to encounter, to find208. enfadarse - to become angry209. enfermarse - to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill210. enojarse - to become angry, to get angry, to get cross211. enseñar - to teach, to show, to point out212. entender - to understand213. entrar - to enter, to go (in), to come (in)214. entregar - to deliver, to hand over, to give215. enunciar - to enunciate, to state216. enviar - to send217. envolver - to wrap up218. equivocarse - to be mistaken219. erguir - to raise, to stand up straight220. errar - to err, to wander, to roam, to miss221. escoger - to choose, to select222. escribir - to write223. escuchar - to listen (to)224. esparcir - to scatter, to spread225. esperar - to expect, to hope, to wait (for)226. esquiar - to ski227. establecer - to establish228. estar - to be229. estimar - to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value230. estudiar - to study231. exigir - to demand, to urge, to require232. explicar - to explain233. expresar - to express234. fabricar - to fabricate, to manufacture235. faltar - to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need 236. felicitar - to congratulate, to felicitate237. festejar - to feast, to entertain, to celebrate238. fiar - to confide, to trust239. fijarse - to take notice, to pay attention, to settle240. fingir - to feign, to pretend241. firmar - to sign242. formar - to form, to shape243. fregar - to wash dishes, to scrub244. freír - to fry245. fumar - to smoke246. funcionar - to function, to run (machine)247. ganar - to earn, to gain, to win248. gastar - to spend (money), to wear out, to waste249. gemir - to grieve, to groan, to moan250. gobernar - to govern, to rule251. gozar - to enjoy252. gritar - to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out253. gruñir - to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak254. guiar - to lead, to guide255. gustar - to be pleasing (to), to like256. haber - to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb to form the compound tenses)257. habitar - to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside258. hablar - to talk, to speak259. hacer - to do, to make260. hallar - to find, to discover, to locate261. helar - to freeze262. heredar - to inherit263. herir - to harm, to hurt, to wound264. huir - to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away265. ignorar - to be ignorant of, not to know266. impedir - to hinder, to impede, to prevent267. importar - to matter, to be important268. imprimir - to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind 269. incluir - to include, to enclose270. indicar - to indicate, to point out271. inducir - to induce, to influence, to persuade272. influir - to influence273. informarse - to inform oneself, to find out274. inscribir - to inscribe, to record, to register275. inscribirse - to enroll, to register276. insistir - to insist, to persist277. interesarse - to be interested in278. introducir - to introduce279. invitar - to invite280. ir - to go281. irse - to go away282. jugar - to play (a game, sport)283. juntar - to join, to unite, to connect284. jurar - to swear, to take an oath285. juzgar - to judge286. lanzar - to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch287. lastimarse - to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, toregret288. lavar - to wash289. lavarse - to wash oneself290. leer - to read291. levantar - to lift, to raise292. levantarse - to get up, to rise293. limpiar - to clean294. limpiarse - to clean oneself295. llamar - to call, to name296. llamarse - to call oneself, to be named297. llegar - to arrive298. llenar - to fill299. llevar - to carry (away), to take (away), to wear300. llorar - to weep, to cry, to whine301. llover - to rain302. luchar - to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle303. maldecir - to curse304. manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle) 305. mantener - to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for 306. marcar - to mark, to note, to observe307. marchar - to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine)308. marcharse - to go away, to leave309. matar - to kill310. medir - to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses)311. mejorar - to improve312. mencionar - to mention313. mentir - to lie, to tell a lie314. merecer - to merit, to deserve315. mirar - to look, to look at, to watch316. mirarse - to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)317. mojarse - to get wet, to wet oneself318. montar - to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch)319. morder - to bite320. morir - to die321. mostrar - to show, to point out322. mover - to move, to persuade, to excite323. mudarse - to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move324. nacer - to be born325. nadar - to swim326. navegar - to navigate, to sail327. necesitar - to need328. negar - to deny329. nevar - to snow330. obedecer - to obey331. observar - to observe332. obtener - to obtain, to get333. ocultarse - to hide oneself334. ocupar - to occupy335. ocurrir - to occur, to happen336. ofrecer - to offer337. oír - to hear338. oler - to smell, to scent339. olvidar - to forget340. oponer - to oppose341. ordenar - to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange 342. organizar - to organize, to arrange, to set up343. osar - to dare, to venture344. pagar - to pay345. parar - to stop (someone or something)346. pararse - to stop (oneself)347. parecer - to seem, to appear348. parecerse - to resemble each other, to look alike349. partir - to leave, to depart, to divide, to split350. pasar - to pass (by), to happen, to spend (time)351. pasearse - to take a walk, to parade352. pedir - to ask for, to request353. pegar - to beat, to hit, to slap, to stick, to glue, to paste 354. peinarse - to comb one's hair355. pensar - to think356. percibir - to perceive357. perder - to lose358. perdonar - to pardon, to forgive, to excuse359. permitir - to permit, to admit, to allow, to grant360. pertenecer - to pertain, to appertain, to belong361. pintar - to paint362. pintarse - to make up (one's face), to tint, to color (one's hair, lips, etc.)363. pisar - to tread (on), to step on, to trample364. placer - to gratify, to humor, to please365. platicar - to chat, to talk over, to discuss366. poder - to be able, can367. poner - to put, to place368. ponerse - to put on (clothing), to become, to set (of sun) 369. poseer - to possess, to own370. practicar - to practice371. predecir - to predict, to forecast, to foretell372. predicar - to preach373. preferir - to prefer374. preguntar - to ask, to inquire, to question375. preocuparse - to be concerned, to worry, to be worried376. preparar - to prepare377. prepararse - to be prepared, to get ready, to prepare oneself 378. presentar - to present, to display, to show, to introduce379. prestar - to lend380. principiar - to begin381. probar - to test, to prove, to try, to try on382. probarse - to try on (clothes)383. proclamar - to proclaim, to promulgate384. producir - to produce, to cause385. prohibir - to prohibit, to forbid386. pronunciar - to pronounce387. proteger - to protect388. pulir - to polish389. quedarse - to remain, to stay390. quejarse - to complain, to grumble391. quemar - to burn, to fire392. querer - to want, to wish393. quitarse - to take off (clothing), to remove oneself, to withdraw 394. raer - to scrape, to rub off, to erase, to wipe out395. realizar - to realize, to carry out, to fulfill396. recibir - to receive, to get397. recoger - to pick (up), to gather, to harvest398. recomendar - to recommend, to commend, to advise399. reconocer - to recognize, to acknowledge, to be grateful for 400. recordar - to remember, to recall, to remind401. referir - to refer, to relate402. regalar - to give as a present, to make a present of, to give as a gift403. regar - to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle404. regresar - to return, to go back, to regress405. reír - to laugh406. reírse - to laugh407. rellenar - to refill, to fill again, to stuff408. remitir - to remit, to forward, to transmit409. reparar - to mend, to repair, to notice, to observe410. repartir - to distribute, to deal cards411. repetir - to repeat412. resolver - to resolve, to solve (a problem)413. responder - to answer, to reply, to respond414. retirar - to retire, to withdraw415. retrasar - to delay, to retard416. reunirse - to assemble, to get together, to meet, to gather 417. revocar - to revoke, to repeal418. revolver - to revolve, to turn around, to turn over, to turn upside down419. robar - to rob, to steal420. rogar - to supplicate, to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, to pray 421. romper - to break, to shatter, to tear422. saber - to know, to know how423. sacar - to take out, to get424. sacudir - to shake, to jerk, to jolt425. salir - to go out, to leave426. saltar - to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring427. saludar - to greet, to salute428. satisfacer - to satisfy429. secar - to dry, to wipe dry430. secarse - to dry oneself431. seguir - to follow, to pursue, to continue432. señalar - to signal, to indicate, to point out, to show433. sentarse - to sit down434. sentir - to feel sorry, to regret, to feel435. sentirse - to feel (well, ill)436. separar - to separate, to detach, to sort, to set apart437. ser - to be438. servir - to serve439. socorrer - to help, to aid, to assist, to succor440. sofocar - to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle441. soler - to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to have the custom of442. sollozar - to sob, to whimper443. someter - to subdue, to subject, to surrender, to submit444. sonar - to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound445. soñar - to dream446. sonreír - to smile447. soplar - to blow, to blow out448. sorprender - to surprise, to astonish449. sospechar - to suspect450. sostener - to sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold451. subir - to go up, to come up, to climb, to rise, to mount, to get on (a train, bus, etc.)452. subrayar - to underline, to underscore, to emphasize453. subscribir - to subscribe, to agree with, to sign454. suceder - to happen455. sufrir - to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo456. sugerir - to hint, to insinuate, to suggest457. sumergir - to submerge, to plunge, to immerse, to sink458. suponer - to suppose, to assume459. suprimir - to suppress, to abolish, to cancel (in mathematics), to eliminate460. surgir - to surge, to appear, to spout, to spurt461. suspirar - to sigh462. tañer - to pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)463. telefonear - to telephone464. telegrafiar - to telegraph, to cable465. temblar - to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver 466. temer - to fear, to dread467. tender - to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing)468. tener - to have, to hold469. tentar - to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try470. terminar - to end, to terminate, to finish471. tirar - to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling472. tocar - to play (a musical instrument), to touch473. tomar - to take, to have (something to eat or to drink)474. tostar - to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)475. trabajar - to work, to labor476. traducir - to translate477. traer - to bring478. tratar - to try, to treat a subject479. tropezar - to stumble, to blunder480. unir - to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach481. usar - to use, to employ, to wear482. utilizar - to utilize483. vaciar - to empty484. valer - to be worth485. velar - to stay awake, to guard, to watch over486. vencer - to conquer, to overcome, to defeat487. vender - to sell488. venir - to come489. ver - to see490. vestirse - to dress oneself, to get dressed491. viajar - to travel492. vigilar - to watch (over), to keep guard, to look out for493. visitar - to visit494. vivir - to live495. volar - to fly496. volver - to return, to go back497. votar - to vote, to vow498. yacer - to lie down, to be lying down, to lie in a grave 499. zumbar - to buzz, to hum, to flutter around500. zurcir - to darn, to mend。
上床睡觉;acostarse上床6.Prepararse:preparar准备(algo);prepararse准备好(para)7.Despertarse:despertar叫醒;despertarse(自己)醒来8.Levantarse:levantar举起抬起;levantarse起床(de)9.Vestirse:vestir给某人穿衣(de+color);vestirse(自己)穿衣(con/de+ropa)Lección 14varse:lavar洗。
;romperse某物(自己)破掉/某人自己撞伤3.Calzarse:calzar帮某人穿(鞋);calzarse自己穿(鞋)4.Quedarse:quedar显得(合适/大/小)-后接adj/adv;留下,剩下Quedarse(自己)留下;+con表示买某物(comprar)注:使动用法5.Probarse:probar尝试某物;probarse试穿(衣服)6.Sentirse:sentir感觉(+s);+inf 对。
Vi a Juan corriendo. 我看到胡安在跑步。 • b)感知动词+原形动词这一结构侧重指出“看到、听到、
感到 ”某人在做什么 ,重点在所做的事情(一般表示“看 到、听到、感到 ”一个人已经做完了这个动作)。
Ya irás comprendiendo cada díamás. 你慢慢地就会 懂了。
Estoy seguro de que con el tiempo nuestra vida va mejorando. 我相信随着时间的发展 ,我们的生活会越来越 好。
• 3)llevar+(时间段)+副动词 ,表示“干(某事)已有(多长时间 了) ”。其中llevar通常只能是现在时、过去未完成时、将 来未完成时等简单时态。 Ya llevamos un mes estudiando español. 我们已经
llevaba, se la puso a Gonzalo con sus propias manos. 他从脖子 上取下珍贵的项链 ,亲手交给了贡萨罗。
Salió de la estancia dando un fuerte portazo. 他走 出了 房间嘭的把门关上。
• 1 、起副词作用,修饰动词,表示动作发生时的时间、条件、 原因等等景况。
• 1 、用作形容词 。西语动词所表示的动作根据含义可以分 为延续性动作和瞬时性动作 ,它们都可以通过分词变成形 容词 。其中瞬时性动作在前面已经讲了使用的是过去分词, 而延续性动作则使用现在分词。 un río corriente 奔腾的河流 (correr 奔跑) un avión volante 飞行中的飞机 (volar 飞行) un perro durmiente 睡着的狗 (dormir 睡觉)
速成西班牙语前16课重点动词和变位:1. 系动词Ser ,意思是“是”,根据不同的主语变为以下6种形式:2. 牢记动词Estar (在)的变位形式:例句: 1. Estoy en casa. 我在家。
2. ¿Dónde estás ? 你在哪儿? 3. Mi padre está en la fábrica. 我爸爸在工厂。
4. Estamos en la sala de clase. 我们在教室。
5. ¿Estáis en la cocina? 你们在厨房吗?6. Los funcionarios están en la oficina. 公务员们在办公室。
3. 动词Haber(存在,有)的变位形式Hay:例句:En la sala de clase hay una tele. 在教室里有一台电视。
Hay seis muchachos en el dormitorio. 在宿舍有六个男孩子。
¿Qué hay en tu habitación? 你房间里有什么?En ella hay una cama, un armario y un escritorio.里面有张床,一个衣柜和一张书桌。
4. 动词Tener 有(有主语)Tengo una familia grande.我有一个大家庭。
2) ¿Cuántos años tienes ? 你多大了? 3) Felisa tiene 2 hijos. 费里莎有两个小孩。
4) No tenemos muchas habitaciones. 我们的客房不多。
5) ¿Qué tenéis en vuestro dormitorio? 你们的宿舍里有什么?6) Mis hermanos no tienen dinero. 我的哥哥们没钱。
全面完整的西班牙语语法总结1. 介词 (Prepositions)介词用于描述名词与其他词之间的关系。
以下是一些常见的西班牙语介词:- a: 表示"到"或"向"。
例如:Voy a la playa. (我去海滩。
)a la playa. (我去海滩。
)- en: 表示"在"或"于"。
例如:Estoy en casa. (我在家。
)en casa. (我在家。
)- de: 表示"属于"或"来自"。
例如:Soy de España. (我来自西班牙。
)de España. (我来自西班牙。
)2. 动词 (Verbs)西班牙语动词有三种不同的词性:动词不定式、动词原型和动词时态。
- 时态 (Tenses): 特定动作或状态发生的时间和情况。
3. 名词 (Nouns)名词是用来表示人、事物、概念或抽象的词语。
- 阳性 (Masculine): 以辅音结尾的名词通常是阳性。
例如:el libro (书)、el coche (车)。
- 阴性 (Feminine): 以"–a"或"–ión"结尾的名词通常是阴性。
例如:la casa (房子)、la canción (歌曲)。
- 单数 (Singular): 表示一个物品或个体。
例如:un perro (一只狗)、una mesa (一个桌子)。
- 复数 (Plural): 表示多个物品或个体。
例如:perros (狗们)、mesas (桌子们)。
4. 形容词 (Adjectives)形容词用于描述名词的性质或特征。
- 阳性单数: 结尾为"-o"。
西班牙语常用动词短语preparar + n. + para + inf. 为什么事情做打算; venir + a + inf. 来做某事estar + listo + para + inf. 打算好了干某事ser + 形容词+ inf. 要干什么事情怎么样ayudar + a + alguien + {en + n.} o { a + inf.} 援助某人干某事estar + ocupado + en + algo 忙于干某事deber + inf. 应该干某事; preferir + inf. 宁愿,更爱干某事volver + a + inf. 重新干某事; estar junto con 和某人在一起; estar junto a 靠近desear + inf. 想要干某事; acerca de 关于; apetecer + inf. /algo 渴望…; entrar + en 进入de buena calidad 质量好; sacar + de 从那里取出; hacer el favor + de + inf. 请干某事acabar de + inf. 刚刚结束; invitar + a + alguien + a + (país / inf.) 邀请permitir + alguien + inf. 同意某人干某事; estar + encantado + de + inf. 快乐…mucho gusto + en + inf. 很快乐…; de pie站着; a pie 步行estar + lleno + de + algo 装满了…; al fondo del pasillo 走廊尽头distinguir algo de algo 区分; arriba + de 在上面separar en las partes / separar algo de algo 分开…; viajar + a /por 到那里旅游subir + a 上去; apearse + de 下来; ordenar + alguien + a + inf. 命令某人干某事asistir + a 出席…; pasear + por 散步…; tener ganas + de 期望…interesar(se) + por + n. 对什么感兴趣; dejar + de + inf. 停止干某事dejar + a + alguien + inf. / + que + 虚拟让某人干某事además de + n. / inf. 除了…; ponerse en marcha 上路; decidir + a + inf. 决定tardar + tiempo + en + inf.耽误时间干某事; dar vuelta / (recorrido) por + 地点逛了一圈en memoria de 纪念; cada uno en su puesto 各就各位; asombrarse + de + algo 惊讶no es para tanto;不至于如此huir de逃离eatar en apuro; 陷入困境tener miedo + de + inf. / tener miedo + a + n.; 畏惧…merecer(se) + inf. 应该得到aconsejar + a + alguien + inf. 劝说某人; preocuparse + de + alguien 担忧despedirse + de + alguien 辞别; faltar + a + n. 缺少; acudir + a + inf. 赶来援助atraído + por + n. 吸引; disfrutar de 拥有; disfrutar con 享受…fijarse + en + alguien 凝视; tener oportunidad de + inf. 有时机干某事aplaudir + a + alguien 为某人鼓掌; tener el hábito de + inf. 习惯…cultivar el hábito de养成…的习惯; prestar atención a + n. 注意elogiar + a + alguien 赞扬某人; dar + consejo + a + alguien 给某人劝告;limitarse + a + inf. 仅仅; agradecer + a + alguien 感激insistir + en + algo/inf. 坚持; recordar + a + alguien + que + 虚拟句提示estar + contento + de + inf. 快乐…; servir de + n. 充当; precipitarse + a + inf. 赶…olvidarse + de + inf. 忘记; alejarse + de 远离echar + a + inf. 开始干…; echarse en el sofá躺在沙发上; echar del trabajo 丢了工作echar la siesta 睡午觉; pensar + inf. 想干某事; pensar + en + n. 想念某人apresurarse + a + inf. 赶着干; impedir + a + alguien 阻挡…; acreditado + en + país 驻在tener + posibilidad + de + inf. 有可能…; dedicarse + a + n. 从事…tener + experiencia + de + inf. 有经验; ser + aficionado + a + n. 爱好…graduarse + de 毕业于…; en + sentido + inverso 相反方向ser + capaz + de + inf.有能力…; alegrarse + de + inf. 快乐…; confiar + en信托envidiar + a + alguien + por + algo 忌妒; tener + motivo + de + inf. 有原因…estar + dispuesto + a + inf. 打算…; temer + que + 虚拟,畏惧…ingresar + en 参加; adolecer + de 痛; la mayoría de + n. 大局部…exigir + a + alguien + que + 虚拟要求某人干什么。
西班牙语的动词变位规则西班牙语的动词变位规则导语:西班牙语的动词是可以变位的,下面YJBYS店铺向大家介绍西班牙语的动词变位规则,欢迎参考!西班牙语第一、二人称复数命令式动词变位规则:第一变位动词(ar):-emos, -ad,如estudiar(学习),esdusiemos, estudiad第二变位动词(er):-amos, -ed,如comer(吃),comamos, comed第三变位动词(ir):-amos, -id,如discutir(讨论),discutamos, discutid说明:在命令式中当自复动词肯定式变位时,人称代词必须连写在变位动词的后面,但复数第一人称的连写要求省掉动词词尾的“s”,并在必要的时候给变位动词的原重音音节上添加重音符号,如levantarnos在命令式第一人称复数肯定式变位中,其连写后的`形式是这样:levantémonos。
但在否定式中不必将人称代词和动词联系,而是要放到变位动词的前面单独写出,如no levantarnos变位后为no nos levantemos。
现在正在进行的动作的表达法用动词estar + 副动词来表达。
副动词的构成:以ar结尾的动词,去掉ar,加上ando:trabajando, descansando.以er, ir结尾的动词,去掉er, ir,加上iendo :comiendo, viviendo例如:Estamos estudiando. 我们正在学习。
L os ingenieros están trabajando. 工程师们在工作。
Estoy comiendo. 我正在吃饭。
Ella está escribiendo. 她在写字。
beber 喝dar 给cancelar 取消esperar 等待;希望,期望,盼望:mirar 看escribir 写hablar 说话,谈论,讲述:pagar 支付;偿还;报答,酬谢responder 回答,应答ponerse de pie 起立fumar 吸烟explicar 解释,说明;讲解olvidar 忘记* tomar 拿,取;吃, 喝escribir a máquina 打字tener exito 取得成功comprar 购买romper 打破comenzar 开始vivir 生活firmar 在……上签字;签署;签订nadar 游泳llover 下雨vender 出售llenar 填充cambiar 换;交换;改变,使发生变化quejarse 呻吟;哀叹;抱怨(de),发牢骚;告状(a)oir 听到caber « por »进得去,通得过;en,entre »放得下,容纳得了;有可能,存在可能limpiar 清理prestar 提供pensar 思考estudiar 研究,学习dañar / herir 损害/伤害bailar 跳舞correr 跑,奔,驰.volar 飞utilizar / usar 使用enseñar 教育;教会saber / conocer 知道/了解abrir 打开encender 点燃;打开(电器开关)creer 相信hacer 做jugar 玩poder 能够,可以cerrar 关掉sentarse 坐下apagar 熄灭ir 去escuchar 听toser 咳嗽.aprender «a, de, por»学习, 学会, 掌握;记住peinar 梳理(毛发). (也用作自复动词)perder 丢失,失落preocuparse 关心,注意,担心despertar 打断睡眠,使醒,唤醒gastar 花费(金钱);耗费,消耗entender 懂,明白poner 放,摆;安,装querer - desear 想,要,希望,渴望permitir 允许,许可,准许intentar 试图,努力encontrar 找到;遇到,看到,碰到viajar <por> 旅行dormir 睡觉traer 带来,拿来;致使,使处于(某种状况)cantar 唱歌caerse 跌倒,落下cortar 切,割,剪裁enviar <a,de,por>派,派遣,差遣contar 讲述, 叙述;算,计算preguntar 问deletrear 拼读.aceptar 接受leer 阅读* tener 有;拥有;享有terminar 完成conducir 传,送;驾驶(车辆)* salir 出去;离开;(书籍、期刊等)出版decir 说necesitar 需要trabajar 工作reparar 修复hablar 交谈ver 观看traducir 翻译decir 说dibujar 画mirar 看,望comer 吃;吃东西,吃饭organizar 组织;创立,建立(组织,企业)。
1. 抓住物品:Segurar最常见的用法就是表示抓住或握住物品,例如:- Segura el bolígrafo con fuerza.(紧握着笔)- El niño seguró la pelota.(孩子抓住了球)- ¿Me puedes segurar las llaves?(你能帮我握住钥匙吗?)2. 持续维持:除了表示抓住物品,segurar还可以表示持续维持某种状态或情况,例如:- No puedo segurar el equilibrio.(我不能保持平衡)- Seguramos la intensidad del entrenamiento.(我们保持了训练的强度)3. 保持联系:Segurar还可以表示保持联系或联系紧密,例如:- Quería segurar el contacto con mi viejo amigo.(我希望和老朋友保持联系)- Debemos segurar una comunicación fluida entre los equipos.(我们应该保持团队间的流畅沟通)4. 坚持:在西班牙语中,segurar还可以表示坚持某种态度或观点,例如:- Seguro mi posición hasta el final.(我会坚持到底)- No sé cómo convencerlo para que segure su posición.(我不知道该怎么说服他坚持自己的立场)5. 支持:除了表示坚持,segurar还可以表示支持或保护某种事物,例如:- Segura tu reputación en todo momento.(始终保护你的声誉)- Debemos segurar los derechos de los ciudadanos.(我们应该保护公民的权益)6. 审核:在某些情况下,segurar也可以表示审核或检查,例如:- La empresa debe segurar la calidad de los productos.(公司应该审核产品的质量)- El supervisor debe segurar que todo el personal esté cumpliendo con las normas.(主管应该检查所有员工是否遵守规定)在使用segurar时,还需要注意以下几点:1. 与其他动词搭配:Segurar可以和其他动词搭配使用,形成各种常用语言表达方式,例如:- Segurar el lugar:保卫某个地方- Segurar el negocio:确保生意的顺利进行- Segurar la puerta:锁住门- Segurar la victoria:确保胜利2. 转化成名词:Segurar有时也可以转化成名词seguridad,表示“安全、保护、安全性”,例如:- La seguridad de los ciudadanos es responsabilidad del gobierno.(保护公民的安全是政府的责任)- Debemos asegurar la seguridad de los trabajadores.(我们应该保障工人的安全)3. 否定形式:在否定形式中使用segurar时,要将它的否定词放在最前面,例如:- No puedo segurar que vendrás a mi fiesta.(我不能保证你会来参加我的聚会)4. 与物品的性质相关:有时,segurar的使用也会和物品的性质有关,例如:- 太阳眼镜:No puedo segurar las gafas porque son muy resbaladizas.(太阳镜我抓不住,因为它们太滑了)- 玻璃杯:Ten cuidado al segurar el vaso, es muy delicado.(当你拿起玻璃杯时要小心,它很娇嫩)segurar是西班牙语中一个非常常用的动词,它有很多不同的用法和含义。
这里是西班牙语动词图表。 为了能讲西班牙语您必须是熟悉的动词形 式,没有其他选择,你越快学会最常用的动词形式越好。
然而,他们可能会非常复杂,难度甚至西班牙人都可可能只有认为。红 色的动词形式是绝对必要的;蓝色的动词形式适合更高级别的学习者。
Present: I speak
habría habla do habrías habla do habría habla do habríamos habla do habríais habla do
habría comido habrías comido habría comido habríamos comido habríais comido
viviría vivirías vi viría viviríamos
hablaríais hablarían
comeríais comerían
Simple Past: I spoke
hablé hablaste habló hablamos
comí comiste comió comimos
hube habla do
hube comido
hubiste hablado
hubiste comido
hubo habla do
hubo comido
hubimos hablado
hubimos comido
hubisteis hablado
hubisteis comido
había vivido habías vivid o había vivido habíamos vivid o habíais vivid o habían vivid o
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冠詞西班牙語的冠詞分陽陰兩性、單眾兩數,名詞一般要在根據其性與數,加上不同的冠詞,如陰性單數的名詞mujer,加冠詞後變作la mujer,其他的依此類推。
代詞人稱代詞主格人稱代詞賓格人稱代詞與格人稱代詞反身人稱代詞屬格人稱代詞介詞人稱代詞在某些介詞後要應用這些特殊的人稱代詞:西班牙語動詞西班牙語動詞變位(西班牙語:la conjugacion),是指西班牙語動詞為了表達不同的語式、時態、體、人稱或數而改變動詞詞尾的後綴與輔助動詞的形式。
規則動詞第一組非人稱動詞(el verbo impersonal)分詞式(el participio)過去分詞(el participio pasado): -ado現在分詞(el participio presente): -ando不定式(el infinitivo)現在不定式(el infinitivo presente): -ar人稱動詞(el verbo personal)直陳式(el indicativo)過去直陳式(el preterito de indicativo): -e, -aste, -o, -amos, -asteis, -aron過去未完成直陳式(el preterito imperfecto de indicativo): -aba, -abas, -aba, -abamos, -abais, -aban現在直陳式(el presente de indicativo): -o, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an將來直陳式(el futuro de indicativo): -are, -aras, -ara, -aremos, -areis, -aran條件式(el condicional)現在條件式(el presente de condicional): -aria, -arias, -aria, -ariamos, -ariais, -arian 虛擬式(el subjuntivo)過去虛擬一式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): -ara, -aras, -ara, -aramos, -arais, -aran過去虛擬二式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): -ase, -ases, -ase, -asemos, -aseis, -asen現在虛擬式(el presente de subjuntivo): -e, -es, -e, -emos, -eis, -en命令式(el imperativo)現在命令式(el presente de imperativo): 無, -a, -e, -emos, -ad, -en第二組非人稱動詞(el verbo impersonal)分詞式(el participio)過去分詞(el participio pasado): -ido現在分詞(el participio presente): -iendo不定式(el infinitivo)現在不定式(el infinitivo presente): -er人稱動詞(el verbo personal)直陳式(el indicativo)過去直陳式(el preterito de indicativo): -i, -iste, -io, -imos, -isteis, -ieron過去未完成直陳式(el preterito imperfecto de indicativo): -ia, -ias, -ia, -iamos, -iais, -ian現在直陳式(el presente de indicativo): -o, -es, -e, -emos, -eis, -en將來直陳式(el futuro de indicativo): -ere, -eras, -era, -eremos, -ereis, -eran 條件式(el condicional)現在條件式(el presente de condicional): -eria, -erias, -eria, -eriamos, -eriais, -erian 虛擬式(el subjuntivo)過去虛擬一式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): -iera, -ieras, -iera, -ieramos, -ierais, -ieran過去虛擬二式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): -iese, -ieses, -iese, -iesemos, -ieseis, -iesen現在虛擬式(el presente de subjuntivo): -a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an命令式(el imperativo)現在命令式(el presente de imperativo): 無, -e, -a, -amos, -ed, -an第三組非人稱動詞(el verbo impersonal)分詞式(el participio)過去分詞(el participio pasado): -ido現在分詞(el participio presente): -iendo不定式(el infinitivo)現在不定式(el infinitivo presente): -ir人稱動詞(el verbo personal)直陳式(el indicativo)過去直陳式(el preterito de indicativo): -i, -iste, -io, -imos, -isteis, -ieron過去未完成直陳式(el preterito imperfecto de indicativo): -ia, -ias, -ia, -iamos, -iais, -ian現在直陳式(el presente de indicativo): -o, -es, -e, -imos, -is, -en將來直陳式(el futuro de indicativo): -ire, -iras, -ira, -iremos, -ireis, -iran 條件式(el condicional)現在條件式(el presente de condicional): -iria, -irias, -iria, -iriamos, -iriais, -irian 虛擬式(el subjuntivo)過去虛擬一式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): -iera, -ieras, -iera, -ieramos, -ierais, -ieran過去虛擬二式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): -iese, -ieses, -iese, -iesemos, -ieseis, -iesen現在虛擬式(el presente de subjuntivo): -a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an命令式(el imperativo)現在命令式(el presente de imperativo): 無, -e, -a, -amos, -id, -an不規則動詞西班牙語擁有四個輔助動詞,ser(是)、estar(是)、tener(有)與haber(有),它們都是不規則動詞,動詞變體如下:ser非人稱動詞(el verbo impersonal)分詞式(el participio)過去分詞(el participio pasado): sido現在分詞(el participio presente): siendo不定式(el infinitivo)現在不定式(el infinitivo presente): ser人稱動詞(el verbo personal)直陳式(el indicativo)過去直陳式(el preterito de indicativo): fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron過去未完成直陳式(el preterito imperfecto de indicativo): era, eras, era, eramos, erais, eran現在直陳式(el presente de indicativo): soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son將來直陳式(el futuro de indicativo): sere, seras, sera, seremos, sereis, seran條件式(el condicional)現在條件式(el presente de condicional): seria, serias, seria, seriamos, seriais, serian 虛擬式(el subjuntivo)過去虛擬一式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): fuera, fueras, fuera, fueramos, fuerais, fueran過去虛擬二式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): fuese, fueses, fuese, fuesemos, fueseis, fuesen現在虛擬式(el presente de subjuntivo): sea, seas, sea, seamos, seais, sean命令式(el imperativo)現在命令式(el presente de imperativo): 無, se, sea, seamos, sed, seanestar非人稱動詞(el verbo impersonal)分詞式(el participio)過去分詞(el participio pasado): estado現在分詞(el participio presente): estando不定式(el infinitivo)現在不定式(el infinitivo presente): estar人稱動詞(el verbo personal)過去直陳式(el preterito de indicativo): estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, estuvisteis, estuvieron過去未完成直陳式(el preterito imperfecto de indicativo): estaba, estabas, estaba, estabamos, estabais,estaban現在直陳式(el presente de indicativo): estoy, estas, esta, estamos, estais, estan將來直陳式(el futuro de indicativo): estare, estaras, estara, estaremos, estareis, estaran 條件式(el condicional)現在條件式(el presente de condicional): estaria, estarias, estaria, estariamos, estariais, estarian 虛擬式(el subjuntivo)過去虛擬一式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): estuviera, estuvieras, estuviera, estuvieramos, estuvierais,estuvieran過去虛擬二式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): estuviese, estuvieses, estuviese, estuviesemos, estuvieseis,estuviesen現在虛擬式(el presente de subjuntivo): este, estes, este, estemos, esteis, esten命令式(el imperativo)現在命令式(el presente de imperativo): 無, esta, este, estemos, estad, estenTener非人稱動詞(el verbo impersonal)分詞式(el participio)過去分詞(el participio pasado): tenido現在分詞(el participio presente): teniendo不定式(el infinitivo)現在不定式(el infinitivo presente): tener人稱動詞(el verbo personal)直陳式(el indicativo)過去直陳式(el preterito de indicativo): tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron過去未完成直陳式(el preterito imperfecto de indicativo): tenia, tenias, tenia, teniamos, teniais, tenian 現在直陳式(el presente de indicativo): tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, teneis, tienen將來直陳式(el futuro de indicativo): tendre, tendras, tendra, tendremos, tendreis, tendran 條件式(el condicional)現在條件式(el presente de condicional): tendria, tendrias, tendria, tendriamos, tendriais, tendrian 虛擬式(el subjuntivo)過去虛擬一式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): tuviera, tuvieras, tuviera, tuvieramos, tuvierais, tuvieran過去虛擬二式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): tuviese, tuvieses, tuviese, tuviesemos, tuvieseis, tuviesen現在虛擬式(el presente de subjuntivo): tenga, tengas, tenga, tengamos, tengais, tengan現在命令式(el presente de imperativo): 無, ten, tenga, tengamos, tened, tengahaber非人稱動詞(el verbo impersonal)分詞式(el participio)過去分詞(el participio pasado): habido現在分詞(el participio presente): habiendo不定式(el infinitivo)現在不定式(el infinitivo presente): haber人稱動詞(el verbo personal)直陳式(el indicativo)過去直陳式(el preterito de indicativo): hube, hubiste, hubo, hubimos, hubisteis, hubieron過去未完成直陳式(el preterito imperfecto de indicativo): habia, habias, habia, habiamos, habiais,habian現在直陳式(el presente de indicativo): he, has, ha, hemos, habeis, han將來直陳式(el futuro de indicativo): habre, habras, habra, habremos, habreis, habran 條件式(el condicional)現在條件式(el presente de condicional): habria, habrias, habria, habriamos, habriais, habrian 虛擬式(el subjuntivo)過去虛擬一式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): hubiera, hubieras, hubiera, hubieramos, hubierais,hubieran過去虛擬二式(el imperfecto de subjuntivo): hubiese, hubieses, hubiese, hubiesemos, hubieseis,hubiesen現在虛擬式(el presente de subjuntivo): haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayais, hayan 命令式(el imperativo)現在命令式(el presente de imperativo): 無, he, haya, hayamos, habed, hayan取自"西班牙語語法西班牙語動詞不規則動詞。