Analysis of case reports···
迈向SCI之路:新英格兰杂志Casereport全⽂解析作为医学科研狗,当你没有经费,没有数据,统计跟英语都是渣渣的时候怎么样才能发表SCI呢,除了Meta分析,病例报道(Case report)可能是你迈向SCI之门的⾸选论⽂模式。
Case report是通过对⼀两个⽣动的病例进⾏记录和描述,使抽象的⼀般性的疾病表现和诊疗过程有了具体的形象的内容,试图在疾病的表现、机理以及诊断治疗等⽅⾯提供第⼀⼿感性资料的医学报告。
总结发现,⼀篇漂亮的Case report⾄少具备三个特征:1. 临床意义⼀篇个案报道最重要的是对临床实践的指导意义,这⼀点需要明确表达出来。
2. 引⼈⼊胜⼀篇个案报道必须写成⼀个简练但引⼈⼊胜的故事,这⼀点可以借鉴别⼈已经发表的东西。
注意:每个⼈都可能有不良习惯,需要借鉴的是学术界内能被⼴泛接受的东西,不能认为 “有⼈这么写,所以我也这么写”。
3. 符合习惯个案报道的语⾔表述必须符合学术界普遍认可的基本习惯。
举例⼀位医⽣⽂章第⼀句话是:In September 13, a 56-year-old male was admitted witha history of DiscTrode radiofrequency treatment ……编辑分析第⼀句话需要把⼊院的基本原因(例如双腿肿胀/疼痛2周)写出来。
今天将⽤⼤篇幅从专业⽤词、典型句式、常⽤语法结构等⽅⾯,详细解读⼀篇Case report,标题为Thinking Inside the Box,于2010年8⽉发表在新英格兰杂志(The New England Journalof Medicine, IF 51.658)第363期574-579页(获取这篇⽂献全⽂可分享此⽂到朋友圈,截图发给⼩编后(微信号mrwxiaobian)即可获得。
A 62-year-old woman presented to a community hospital with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever, all of 1 week's duration.第⼀句话:主述。
SCI之路1——Case Report篇
1、总体上介绍GIST,什么是 GIST,有什么特点,病 理特征怎么样等等。。。 2、我们在这里报道1例由于 阑尾出血而偶然诊断的 GIST。
Case ReΒιβλιοθήκη ort 病例报告1、最简单易写,但是认为 最关键,因为要引起 别人的兴趣。 2、好写在什么地方? 好比我们中文个案一 样—男,多少岁,因 为XX入院,实验室检 查。。,手术。。 3、很多话是可以“拿来” 的,好比一个填空一 样,只是个别数值需 要修改下就好。
Case Report组成
1.Abstract and Keywords(摘要和关键词) 2.INTRODUCTION(引言) 3.CASE REPORT(病例报告) 4.DISCUSSION(讨论) 5.REFERENCES(参考文献)
这是一例关于阑尾间质瘤的病例,我之前说过胃肠 道间质瘤在胃肠道常见,阑尾罕见。
Abstract an Keywords
概述性摘要: 三步走 1、GIST是什么? 2、GIST是少见,绝大部分 位于胃肠部位,但是 位于阑尾非常罕见。 3、我们在此报道1例阑尾 GIST,由于阑尾出血 而被偶然诊断。 关键词: 一般满足要求即可。
Case Report
Case Report中注意事项
1、前面讲过,比较好写,因为很多话在任何病例中基本是一样的,A 56-year-old man was admitted to our department on an emergency basis because of a sudden onset of hematochezia.注意我划线部分, 就是所谓的可以填空的,一个56岁的男性患者因为突然开始便血 而来我院就诊,那你可以替换成因为头疼,或因为腹疼,或因为 腹泻。。。 2、写作中基本就是按照我们诊断基本的步骤而来,从体检到实验室或 者影像学检查,再到手术或者治疗,再到预后等等,限于篇幅, 但是在此之间要在相应部位插入图片,比如术前的影像学、术中 照片以及术后病理等等。。。。。。
中性细胞值 6.33 109/L ;
凝血功能、肾功能、脑钠肽均正常。尿常规、大便常规、肝功能、输血四项示正常。甲状腺功能示促甲状腺素5.00ulu/ml;血脂示甘油三醇2.50 mmol/L;高密度脂蛋白胆固醇92 mmol/L;总胆固醇/高密度 5.00;同型半胱氨酸 23.1 umol/L;
Review of work contents
Review of work contents
Review of work contents
< 1%
case report 写作顺序 -回复
case report 写作顺序-回复1. 引言(Introduction)- 介绍案例背景和目的(200-300字)在引言中,作者首先应该提供一个简要的案例背景,描述患者的基本信息和相关症状。
2. 患者病史(Patient History)- 描述患者的医疗史和诊断过程(200-300字)在患者病史部分,作者应详细叙述患者就诊的时间、原因和医疗过程。
3. 临床表现(Clinical Presentation)- 描述患者的症状和体征(200-300字)在这一部分,作者详细描述患者的临床表现,包括主诉、症状和体征。
4. 诊断过程(Diagnostic Process)- 描述患者的诊断过程和结果(200-300字)在这一部分,作者详细描述医生是如何通过不同的检查和实验室结果对患者进行诊断的。
5. 治疗过程(Treatment Process)- 描述患者的治疗过程和效果(200-300字)在治疗过程部分,作者详细描述患者接受的治疗方案以及治疗结果。
6. 病因分析(Etiology Analysis)- 分析可能的病因和相关因素(200-300字)在这一部分,作者可以根据文献资料和自身观察,分析患者病因的可能性。
7. 讨论和结论(Discussion and Conclusion)- 对案例进行分析和总结(200-300字)在讨论和结论部分,作者可以根据已有的文献资料对患者的病情进行深入的分析和讨论。
如何写casereport97-2003文档引言临床病例报告是描述和分析诊断和/或管理1或2 患者健康的第一线证据。
许多麻烦可避免通过了解必要的属性和零件的出版物案件report15值得,16 并具有一对同侪审查和理解出版过程。
【2018-2019】Analysis report-推荐word版 (2页)
2.analysis:_____vs.______.,thesupremepeople'scourtheldthatdisparateimpactaloneestablishesaprimafaciecaseofracediscrimination,becauseitraisesapermissiveinferencewithregardtoprotectedclass. thesameanalysisshouldapplyinagediscriminationcases,be causeofcongressionalintenttocreateaprotectedclass.
这是我第一篇case report,投了4次,前三次都拒绝了,最后这个IF2.3的杂志接收了。
没什么经验,谈下感受吧:1. case report病历报告上一定要详细、全面反映你的病历,同时重点突出你的新颖独特之处,突出和其他人不同的地方。
附接受信Dear ##:The reviewers and the Editorial Team have re-evaluated your revised manuscript.We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication in ##.Manuscript ID: ##Title: A case of ##We are currently reviewing it for style and we may be in touch with you again to ask for specific information.The comments of the reviewerMoon who reviewed your manuscript are included at the foot of this letter.Thank you for your fine contribution. On behalf of the Editors of the ##, we look forward to your continued contributions to the Journal.。
case analysis范文
case analysis范文Case Analysis: An In-depth Examination of a Specific CaseIntroduction:Case analysis is a method used to study and understand a specific case thoroughly. It involves a detailed examination of the case, identification of key issues, analysis of possible solutions, and recommendations for future actions. In this article, we will discuss the importance of case analysis and its relevance in various fields.Body:1. Importance of Case Analysis:Case analysis is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it allows researchers to gain a deep understanding of the case under study. By analyzing the details, context, and intricacies of a case, researchers can identify patterns, causes, and effects. This comprehensive understanding helps in making informed decisions and formulating effective strategies.2. Process of Case Analysis:The process of case analysis typically involves several steps. These include:a) Identifying the Problem: The first step is to identify the problem or issue that needs to be addressed. This requires a clear understanding of the case and its context.b) Gathering Relevant Information: Once the problem is identified, the next step is to gather all the relevant information related to the case. This may include data, documents, interviews, or other sources.c) Analyzing the Information: After gathering the information, it is important to analyze it critically. This involves identifying patterns, trends, and relationships among the data points.d) Developing Solutions: Based on the analysis, potential solutions or strategies can be developed. These solutions should address the root causes of the problem and be feasible to implement.e) Evaluating Alternatives: It is important to evaluate the potential solutions and compare them based on their feasibility, effectiveness, and potential impact. This helps in selecting the most suitable solution.f) Making Recommendations: Finally, based on the evaluation,recommendations can be made for future actions. These recommendations should be practical, actionable, and aligned with the goals of the case.3. Applications of Case Analysis:Case analysis is widely used in various fields, including business, law, medicine, and social sciences. Some specific applications include:a) Business Strategy: Case analysis is often used in the business world to analyze market trends, competitive landscapes, and customer behavior. It helps in formulating effective strategies and making informed business decisions.b) Legal Cases: In the field of law, case analysis is crucial for understanding legal precedents, interpreting legislation, and building strong arguments. It allows lawyers to analyze past cases and apply relevant legal principles to their case.c) Medical Research: Case analysis plays a significant role in medical research. It helps in understanding diseases, identifying risk factors, and developing treatment protocols. Case analysis also helps in identifying potential adverse events and improving patient outcomes.d) Social Sciences: In social sciences, case analysis is used to study human behavior, societal issues, and cultural phenomena. Researchers analyze individual cases to draw broader conclusions and understand social patterns.Conclusion:Case analysis is a valuable method for gaining a deep understanding of a specific case. By following a systematic process, researchers can identify key issues, analyze information, and develop effective solutions. This method finds applications in various fields and contributes to informed decision-making and problem-solving. Mastering the art of case analysis can be beneficial for professionals in diverse industries.。
关于Casereport,你知道多少真相不会做实验,流行病学也不懂,meta好像很难的样子,在魔都三甲医院快被逼疯了,好像case report是我的唯一出路了。
真的么?让我们来八一八case report那些真相。
case report字数少,工作量小,写起来简单,轻松。
主要原因有三:1、绝大多数杂志发表case report的标准是:该类case report没有人报道过;该case report对本专业的知识有重大贡献。
第二个标准比较主观,不好确定,什么是“重大贡献”,不同的editors可能有不同的标准,有时候是否能够被接受完全取决于editors当时的心情;2、杂志给case report版面远少于给researcharticle的版面。
绝大多数杂志给case report的版面很有限,每期就1-3个cases的版面。
更有甚者,有些杂志根本不接受case report,有些杂志说:由于已接受的case report太多,2年内发不完,故近2年不接受casereport投稿。
至于为什么杂志case report版面少于researcharticle,是因为case report不易被引用,影响杂志社的IF 值,杂志社也是要活的嘛。
3、向杂志投稿的case report量大,因为casereport字数少,工作量小,故大多数临床作者都愿意写,愿意投,故投稿量大。
因此,发表标准有些主观,发表版面很少,但投稿量又大,造成了发表case report实际上是一件看起来“简单”但实际上“不简单”的事情。
1(病例报告(case report)是有关单个病例或10个以下病例的详尽临床报告,是对罕见病进行临床研究的主要形式,也是唯一的方法。
据Fletcher RH的统计,国外的主要医学期刊,20,~30,的原著中刊登10例以下的病例报道。
2(病例系列分析(case series analysis)病例系列分析是对发生在一个相当短的时期中,单个病例报告的集合描述与分析。
1.病例报告(case report)是有关单个病例或10个以下病例的详尽临床报告,是对罕见病进行临床研究的主要形式,也是唯一的方法。
据Fletcher RH的统计,国外的主要医学期刊,20%~30%的原著中刊登10例以下的病例报道。
2・病例系列分析(case series analysis)病例系列分析是对发生在一个相当短的时期中,单个病例报告的集合描述与分析。
The Joanna Briggs InstituteIntroductionThe Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) is an international, membership based research and development organization within the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Adelaide. The Institute specializes in promoting and supporting evidence-based healthcare by providing access to resources for professionals in nursing, midwifery, medicine, and allied health. With over 80 collaborating centres and entities, servicing over 90 countries, the Institute is a recognized global leader in evidence-based healthcare.JBI Systematic ReviewsThe core of evidence synthesis is the systematic review of literature of a particular intervention, condition or issue. The systematic review is essentially an analysis of the available literature (that is, evidence) and a judgment of the effectiveness or otherwise of a practice, involving a series of complex steps. The JBI takes a particular view on what counts as evidence and the methods utilized to synthesize those different types of evidence. In line with this broader view of evidence, the Institute has developed theories, methodologiesand rigorous processes for the critical appraisal and synthesis of these diverse forms of evidence in order to aid in clinical decision-making in health care. There now exists JBI guidance for conducting reviews of effectiveness research, qualitative research, prevalence/incidence, etiology/risk, economic evaluations, text/opinion, diagnostic test accuracy, mixed-methods, umbrella reviews and scoping reviews. Further information regarding JBI systematic reviews can be found in the JBI Reviewer’s Manual on our website.JBI Critical Appraisal ToolsAll systematic reviews incorporate a process of critique or appraisal of the research evidence. The purpose of this appraisal is to assess the methodological quality of a study and to determine the extent to which a study has addressed the possibility of bias in its design, conduct and analysis. All papers selected for inclusion in the systematic review (that is –those that meet the inclusion criteria described in the protocol) need to be subjected to rigorous appraisal by two critical appraisers. The results of this appraisal can then be used to inform synthesis and interpretation of the results of the study. JBI Critical appraisal tools have been developed by the JBI and collaborators and approved by the JBI Scientific Committee followingextensive peer review. Although designed for use in systematic reviews, JBI critical appraisal tools can also be used when creating Critically Appraised Topics (CAT), in journal clubs and as an educational tool.JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Case ReportsReviewer DateAuthor Year Record NumberYes No Unclear Notapplicable1.Were patient’s demographic□□□□characteristics clearly described?2.Was the patient’s history clearly□□□□described and presented as a timeline?3.Was the current clinical condition of□□□□the patient on presentation clearlydescribed?4.Were diagnostic tests or assessmentmethods and the results clearly□□□□described?5.Was the intervention(s) or treatment□□□□procedure(s) clearly described?6.Was the post-intervention clinical□□□□condition clearly described?7.Were adverse events (harms) orunanticipated events identified and□□□□described?8.Does the case report provide takeaway□□□□lessons?Overall appraisal: Include □Exclude □Seek furtherinfo □Comments (Including reason for exclusion)Explanation of case reports critical appraisalHow to cite:The Joanna Briggs Institute. Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewers' Manual: 2016 edition. Australia: The Joanna Briggs Institute; 2016.Case Reports Critical Appraisal ToolAnswers: Yes, No, Unclear or Not/Applicable1.Were patient’s demographic characteristics clearly described?Does the case report clearly describe patient's age, sex, race, medical history, diagnosis, prognosis, previous treatments, past and current diagnostic test results, and medications? The setting and context may also be described.2.Was the patient’s history clearly described and presented as atimeline?A good case report will clearly describe the history of the patient, their medical, family and psychosocial history including relevant genetic information, as well as relevant past interventions and their outcomes. (CARE Checklist 2013).3.Was the current clinical condition of the patient on presentationclearly described?The current clinical condition of the patient should be described in detail including the uniqueness of the condition/disease, symptoms, frequency and severity. The case report should also be able to present whether differential diagnoses was considered.4.Were diagnostic tests or methods and the results clearly described?A reader of the case report should be provided sufficient information to understand how the patient was assessed. It is important that all appropriate tests are ordered to confirm a diagnosis and therefore the case report should provide a clear description of various diagnostic tests used (whether a gold standard or alternative diagnostic tests). Photographs or illustrations of diagnostic procedures, radiographs, or treatment procedures are usually presented when appropriate to convey a clear message to readers.5.Was the intervention(s) or treatment procedure(s) clearlydescribed?It is important to clearly describe treatment or intervention procedures as other clinicians will be reading the paper and therefore may enable clear understanding of the treatment protocol. The report should describe the treatment/intervention protocol in detail; for e.g. in pharmacological management of dental anxiety - the type of drug, route of administration, drug dosage and frequency, and any side effects.6.Was the post-intervention clinical condition clearly described?A good case report should clearly describe the clinical condition post-intervention in terms of the presence or lack thereof symptoms. Theoutcomes of management/treatment when presented as images or figures would help in conveying the information to the reader/clinician.7.Were adverse events (harms) or unanticipated events identified anddescribed?With any treatment/intervention/drug, there are bound to be some adverse events and in some cases, they may be severe. It is important that adverse events are clearly documented and described, particularly a new or unique condition is being treated or when a new drug or treatment is used. In addition, unanticipated events, if any that may yield new or useful information should be identified and clearly described.8.Does the case report provide takeaway lessons?Case reports should summarize key lessons learned from a case in terms of the background of the condition/disease and clinical practice guidance for clinicians when presented with similar cases.References:Gagnier, J. J., Kienle, G., Altman, D. G., Moher, D., Sox, H., & Riley, D. (2013). The CARE Guidelines: Consensus‐Based Clinical Case ReportingGuideline Development.?Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain,53(10), 1541-1547.。
横断面研究和病例系列报告英文回答:Cross-sectional studies and case series reports are two different types of research designs used in the field of medical and clinical research.Cross-sectional studies, also known as prevalence studies, are observational studies that aim to assess the prevalence of a particular disease or condition at a specific point in time. In this type of study, data is collected from a sample of individuals from a population of interest, and the prevalence of the disease or condition is estimated. Cross-sectional studies are often used to generate hypotheses and explore the associations between different variables. For example, a cross-sectional study may investigate the prevalence of diabetes among a sample of adults in a specific geographic area. The researchers may collect data on the participants' age, gender,lifestyle factors, and other variables to explore thepotential risk factors associated with diabetes.On the other hand, case series reports are a type of descriptive study that involves the collection and reporting of data on a series of cases with a particular disease or condition. Unlike cross-sectional studies, case series reports do not have a control group, and the focus is on describing the characteristics and outcomes of the cases. Case series reports are often used to provide preliminary evidence and generate hypotheses for further research. For example, a case series report may describe a series of patients with a rare neurological disorder and provide information on their clinical presentation, diagnostic tests, treatment, and outcomes. This type of report can be valuable in identifying rare diseases or conditions and informing clinical practice.中文回答:横断面研究和病例系列报告是医学和临床研究领域中使用的两种不同的研究设计。
international journal of surgery case reports影响因子
international journal of surgery case reports影响因子摘要:一、国际外科手术报告杂志(International Journal of Surgery Case Reports)简介二、影响因子概述三、如何提高影响因子四、对我国外科手术领域的影响正文:一、国际外科手术报告杂志(International Journal of Surgery Case Reports)简介国际外科手术报告杂志(International Journal of Surgery Case Reports,简称IJSCR)是一本致力于发布外科手术领域各类病例报告的专业期刊。
二、影响因子概述影响因子(Impact Factor,简称IF)是衡量一本期刊学术影响力的重要指标。
most of the studies were case reports -回复
most of the studies were case reports -回复题目:"The Importance of Case Reports in Research"Introduction (100-150 words):Case reports are a form of medical research that presents detailed information about an individual patient's diagnosis, treatment, and outcome. They are often the first step in discovering new diseases, understanding rare conditions, or identifying adverse reactions to medications or therapies. However, it is important to assess the significance and limitations of case reports within the broader context of research. In this article, we will explore the role of case reports in medical research, their strengths and weaknesses, and why they continue to hold value in the scientific community.1. Defining Case Reports (200-250 words):Case reports are descriptive accounts of individual patients' medical conditions, diagnoses, therapeutic interventions, and outcomes, typically presented in a narrative format. They are often comprised of five key components: introduction, case description, case management, outcome, and discussion/analysis. These reports aim to capture unique and noteworthy clinical observations that may be beneficial for medical knowledge, future research, orclinical decision-making. While they cannot provide definitive evidence or establish causation, they serve as a foundation for generating hypotheses and exploring clinical patterns.2. The Significance of Case Reports (400-500 words):Despite their reliance on anecdotal evidence, case reports play a crucial role in medical research for several reasons. Firstly, they can highlight novel disease presentations or previously unrecognized conditions that may have significant implications for diagnosis and treatment. They provide an opportunity to document and share rare or unusual clinical findings that can contribute to medical education and raise awareness among healthcare providers. Additionally, case reports can aid in identifying potential risk factors, adverse drug reactions, or treatment complications that might not be adequately captured in larger studies or clinical trials.Furthermore, case reports allow for in-depth examination of an individual patient's course of illness and response to treatment. They provide detailed clinical information, including laboratory results, imaging findings, and histopathological data, which can serve as a valuable resource for medical professionals who encounter similar cases. Case reports often serve as a starting pointfor researchers to investigate underlying mechanisms, develop diagnostic criteria, or propose new therapeutic approaches.3. Strengths and Limitations of Case Reports (400-500 words): While case reports are valuable, they have inherent limitations that must be acknowledged. One significant limitation is the lack of controls, making it challenging to establish causation or determine the true efficacy of a particular treatment. Additionally, case reports are subjective and susceptible to various biases, such as recall bias, selection bias, or publication bias. These factors may affect the generalizability of findings and limit their ability to inform clinical practice on a broader scale.However, case reports also possess unique strengths. They allow for the reporting of rare or unique cases that may not occur frequently enough to support large-scale studies. Case reports can spark further research and generate hypotheses that can be tested through more rigorous study designs. Moreover, case reports often provide a comprehensive overview of a patient's medical journey, including their experiences, challenges, and outcomes, creating a more holistic understanding of the disease or condition under investigation.Conclusion (150-200 words):Although case reports may not carry the same weight as randomized controlled trials or systematic reviews, they are an essential component of medical research. They provide valuable insights into rare diseases, adverse events, and potential treatment options. By sharing clinical observations and outcomes, case reports contribute to the collective knowledge of the medical community, guiding future research and potentially improving patient care. However, caution should be exercised when interpreting case reports, recognizing their limitations and the need for further investigation. Thus, case reports remain an integral part of the scientific literature, facilitating the advancement of medical knowledge and ultimately benefiting patients worldwide.。
case report
Executive summary:This case study report concerns about some management problems along with other issues which derived from them that arisen from a particular department in an organization. Discussions are focused on what should be done about the supervisor who is in charge of the department. The purpose of this report is to make the best decision to settle these matters and thus improve management quality and organizational performance. The report starts by giving some background information about what happened in the department and follows with identifications and analysis of the issues. And then possible solutions are considered based on those analyses. Finally, a recommendation is selected from all the possible solutions.Contents:1. Background2. Analysis2.1 Identification of the problems2.1.1 Problem 12.1.2 Problem 22.1.3 Problem 32.2 Analysis of the problems2.2.1 Analysis for Problem 12.2.2 Analysis for Problem 22.2.3 Analysis for Problem 33. Possible solutions3.1 Solution 13.2 Solution 23.3 Solution 34. Recommendation4.1 Analysis for possible solutions4.1.1 Analysis for solution 1 and 24.1.2 Analysis for solution 34.2 Recommended solution5. Bibliography1. Background:A very meticulous and detail-minded employee named Frank has been promoted as a department supervisor for about a year. Under his supervision, there arise some problems in the department. Currently productivity falls dramatically, staff morale is poor, and a number of staffs in his department have left the organization or are about to leave and Frank himself is very stressful.2. Analysis2.1 Identification of problems:2.1.1 Problem 1:Low productivity is resulted due to no initiative given to the member of staffs in the department and his insists on checking every piece of work that leaves the department.2.1.2 Problem 2:Under Frank’s supervision, staff morale is poor; many staffs have left the organization or are about to leave.2.1.3 Problem 3:Frank himself is highly stressed.2.2 Analysis of problems:2.2.1 Analysis of Problem 1:This is a serious problem as low productivity usually means low profit and poor organizational performance. In order to understand more about the problem, several causes can be considered.Firstly, no initiative given to his employees in the job offers little incentive for them to work hard and therefore it is likely to create a de-motivated workforce which contributes less than they could have done and results in low productivity. According to Herzberg’s motivation theory, every worker has the need to feel valued and needed. And they are motivated by ‘motivators’ such as responsibility, recognition, promotion achievement and so on (Marcouse, 2003). Since those factors provide employees the opportunity to use their abilities, to realize their own potentials, they create positive job satisfactions. However, in Frank’s department, no initiative is given to the member of staffs suggests that the employees are offered no right and power to determine what needs to be done and how to do it. Therefore they feel unvalued because little responsibility is involved in their jobs. Also, according to Herman, "People are hungry for opportunities to grow into their jobs. They crave advancement, both in position and stature, and in responsibility and opportunity.”(/gopher/Business-Development/Success-Series/Vol6/morale.txt). This suggests that no initiative can associate with poor recognition and indicate less chance for promotion and lower potential for career opportunities, which contribute to low productivity and poor performance. Secondly, low productivity may partly due to the time wasted by the staffs waiting for him to check the work or redoing the work that is unsatisfied. Because it is almost impossible for only him to check every piece of work and even it is possible, large amount of time would be spent on checking and waiting which could have been used to increase production.Third, redoing the work that does not meet his high standards can be an explanation of poor productivity. One thing is that redoing work is time consuming especially when there are many nonstandard pieces. The other is that the high standard that he required maybe too high so that it is unattainable for many workers. In addition, his attitude and behaviour may cause feelings of not being trusted at work and make people commit less into their work. Besides, the high standard may result to inappropriate tasks which can lead to stress for his subordinates due to being unable to complete their tasks satisfactorily.2.2.2 Analysis of Problem 2:Low morale is harmful for an organization because it can cause high labour turnover and thus influence the department’s performance in the form of poor productivity, lowprofitability as well as reduced reputation and social image. In the case we discussed, low morale is resulted mainly due to Frank’s style of supervision. Since Frank failed to motivate his employees, many of them left the firm as they felt they were lack of opportunities. And the effect is that the firm lost its capital that it infused into the employee and it has to repeat the cost through recruitment. If experienced guide worker leaves frequently, the production will be hard to guarantee. Therefore the firm may have troubles in getting orders out on time and hence, customers may go elsewhere for further purchase, firm’s profit goes down and shareholder will be unsatisfied. At the same time, the culture of the firm can also be affected as people’s commitment is reduced if they see others leaving frequently and the management of the firm may find it difficulty to sustain a positive environment. As a result, the organisation’s reputation and social image will also be reduced (Wales&Reaich, 2004:163).2.2.3 Analysis of Problem 3:The final problem that derived from the issues discussed is that Frank himself is very stressful. Although this is only a personal issue, it needs to be solved if he were stay in the organization as this can help him to deal with the problems that occurred within his department effectively and thus improve the quality of supervision and achieve better organizational performance.3. Possible solutions:3.1 Solution 1:Retraining can be given to Frank as a supervisor, which can be done by teaching him what a supervisor should do and how and encourage and direct him to solve the problems that he currently facing. For example, let him talk with his subordinates about the issues, share information with them to understand more about the problems in order to find out what causes these problems and also to reduce his stress level. Suggest him to send emails, arrange meetings with his subordinates and encourage him to be open to everyone and ask for employees’ opinions. Train him to be involved in a team as a leader. Meanwhile, make sure that he understands the firm’s objectives and his department goals as well as his own responsibilities by putting him to work with other supervisors. Instruct and encourage him to teach employees on how a particular task should be carried out, suggest him to coach employees by talking them through the job stage by stage or by encouraging experienced workers to teach other inexperienced ones. Let him to get to know about his people, identify each individual’s needs and wants, their expectations and their strengths and weakness so as to make sure that tasks are assigned to appropriate people. By retaining Frank, productivity can be increased. Also, staff morale can be boosted as the working environment can be improved with an increased staff enthusiasm.3.2 Solution 2:Replace him to another department with a new role can be an alternative solution. The reason is that although he does not know how to manage people, he can set a good example for staffs as he is hard-working and responsible, which can be show from his behaviours such as insist on checking every piece of work that leaves the department. Also, managers of the organization can relocate his role by making good use of his meticulousness and detail-minded personality.3.3 Solution 3:The final alternative is to fire him. The managers of the organization can then decide whether to promote a new supervisor from the existing employees or leave the department with no supervisor until a suitable one can be found.4. Recommendations4.1 Analysis of possible solutions:4.1.1 Analysis of solution 1 and 2:Both fire Frank or replace him can slow down labour turnover rate and maintain experienced workforce and thus improve employee morale. Nevertheless, the outcome may not necessarily be desirable. For instance, to introduce a new supervisor from the existing ones can cause conflicts in the department if it is thought to be unfair. Also, business will sacrifice on the costs that derived from introducing the new supervisor such as the training cost and time lost for production.Similarly, leave the department without supervisor is risky. The department can function more effectively only if corporate culture can be created with which every one has a defined level of responsibility, clear direction and realistic goals (Cotton; Robbins 2003).4.1.2 Analysis of solution 3:On the other hand, although retaining Frank involves cost it is the best alternative in this situation since the business can not only be out of difficulties but also obtain improved human resource without loosing the capital that it infused into the employee previously.4.2 Recommended solution:After discussing the benefits and drawbacks for all possible solutions, retraining Frank should be recommended.5. Bibliography:Cotton, D; Robbins, S. (2003). Business Class, Pearson Education Limited, Essex, England.Marcouse, I. Gillespie, A. et al. (2003, 2nd).Wales and Reaich (2004). Business Studies AS, the Complete Companion. Published by Neloson Thornes Ltd, United Kingdom.U.S Small business administration, SBA Gopher, Available from/gopher/Business-Development/Success-Series/Vol6/morale.txt assessed 17 March 2006。
The Joanna Briggs InstituteIntroductionThe Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) is an international, membership based research and development organization within the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Adelaide. The Institute specializes in promoting and supporting evidence-based healthcare by providing access to resources for professionals in nursing, midwifery, medicine, and allied health. With over 80 collaborating centres and entities, servicing over 90 countries, the Institute is a recognized global leader in evidence-based healthcare.JBI Systematic ReviewsThe core of evidence synthesis is the systematic review of literature of a particular intervention, condition or issue. The systematic review is essentially an analysis of the available literature (that is, evidence) and a judgment of the effectiveness or otherwise of a practice, involving a series of complex steps. The JBI takes a particular view on what counts as evidence and the methods utilized to synthesize those different types of evidence. In line with this broader view of evidence, the Institute has developed theories, methodologiesand rigorous processes for the critical appraisal and synthesis of these diverse forms of evidence in order to aid in clinical decision-making in health care. There now exists JBI guidance for conducting reviews of effectiveness research, qualitative research, prevalence/incidence, etiology/risk, economic evaluations, text/opinion, diagnostic test accuracy, mixed-methods, umbrella reviews and scoping reviews. Further information regarding JBI systematic reviews can be found in the JBI Reviewer’s Manual on our website.JBI Critical Appraisal ToolsAll systematic reviews incorporate a process of critique or appraisal of the research evidence. The purpose of this appraisal is to assess the methodological quality of a study and to determine the extent to which a study has addressed the possibility of bias in its design, conduct and analysis. All papers selected for inclusion in the systematic review (that is –those that meet the inclusion criteria described in the protocol) need to be subjected to rigorous appraisal by two critical appraisers. The results of this appraisal can then be used to inform synthesis and interpretation of the results of the study. JBI Critical appraisal tools have been developed by the JBI and collaborators and approved by the JBI Scientific Committee followingextensive peer review. Although designed for use in systematic reviews, JBI critical appraisal tools can also be used when creating Critically Appraised Topics (CAT), in journal clubs and as an educational tool.JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Case ReportsReviewer DateAuthor Year Record NumberYes No Unclear Notapplicable1.Were patient’s demographic□□□□characteristics clearly described?2.Was the patient’s history clearly□□□□described and presented as a timeline?3.Was the current clinical condition of□□□□the patient on presentation clearlydescribed?4.Were diagnostic tests or assessmentmethods and the results clearly□□□□described?5.Was the intervention(s) or treatment□□□□procedure(s) clearly described?6.Was the post-intervention clinical□□□□condition clearly described?7.Were adverse events (harms) orunanticipated events identified and□□□□described?8.Does the case report provide takeaway□□□□lessons?Overall appraisal: Include □Exclude □Seek furtherinfo □Comments (Including reason for exclusion)Explanation of case reports critical appraisalHow to cite:The Joanna Briggs Institute. Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewers' Manual: 2016 edition. Australia: The Joanna Briggs Institute; 2016.Case Reports Critical Appraisal ToolAnswers: Yes, No, Unclear or Not/Applicable1.Were patient’s demographic characteristics clearly described?Does the case report clearly describe patient's age, sex, race, medical history, diagnosis, prognosis, previous treatments, past and current diagnostic test results, and medications? The setting and context may also be described.2.Was the patient’s history clearly described and presented as atimeline?A good case report will clearly describe the history of the patient, their medical, family and psychosocial history including relevant genetic information, as well as relevant past interventions and their outcomes. (CARE Checklist 2013).3.Was the current clinical condition of the patient on presentationclearly described?The current clinical condition of the patient should be described in detail including the uniqueness of the condition/disease, symptoms, frequency and severity. The case report should also be able to present whether differential diagnoses was considered.4.Were diagnostic tests or methods and the results clearly described?A reader of the case report should be provided sufficient information to understand how the patient was assessed. It is important that all appropriate tests are ordered to confirm a diagnosis and therefore the case report should provide a clear description of various diagnostic tests used (whether a gold standard or alternative diagnostic tests). Photographs or illustrations of diagnostic procedures, radiographs, or treatment procedures are usually presented when appropriate to convey a clear message to readers.5.Was the intervention(s) or treatment procedure(s) clearlydescribed?It is important to clearly describe treatment or intervention procedures as other clinicians will be reading the paper and therefore may enable clear understanding of the treatment protocol. The report should describe the treatment/intervention protocol in detail; for e.g. in pharmacological management of dental anxiety - the type of drug, route of administration, drug dosage and frequency, and any side effects.6.Was the post-intervention clinical condition clearly described?A good case report should clearly describe the clinical condition post-intervention in terms of the presence or lack thereof symptoms. Theoutcomes of management/treatment when presented as images or figures would help in conveying the information to the reader/clinician.7.Were adverse events (harms) or unanticipated events identified anddescribed?With any treatment/intervention/drug, there are bound to be some adverse events and in some cases, they may be severe. It is important that adverse events are clearly documented and described, particularly a new or unique condition is being treated or when a new drug or treatment is used. In addition, unanticipated events, if any that may yield new or useful information should be identified and clearly described.8.Does the case report provide takeaway lessons?Case reports should summarize key lessons learned from a case in terms of the background of the condition/disease and clinical practice guidance for clinicians when presented with similar cases.References:Gagnier, J. J., Kienle, G., Altman, D. G., Moher, D., Sox, H., & Riley, D. (2013). The CARE Guidelines: Consensus‐Based Clinical Case ReportingGuideline Development.?Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain,53(10), 1541-1547.。
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SWOT analysisInternal effects External effects Strength Weakness●large market shareand good customerresources●The widespreadinternational market●KEC has a newmodel of sedan●KEC is a publiccompany●The strong moralvalues and sense ofmission●the low average ageof managers●KEC’ s popularity is nothigh●The receipt percentagepercent of main business●Aging facilities, the lackOf core technology,dropped-behind scientific●traditional accountingmethods●R&D is not good●security features of theproducts●acquisition remainingproblems●Current size is not bigenoughOpportunities SO strategy WO strategy● slow economic recovery after the crisiscreate a good chanceto expand overseasmarkets● operating environmentin china is thriving● revenue in handset industry is promising to grow● Joint-venture area isneeded to explore● Opportunities in International markets● R&D● Acquisition of small enterprises to expand production scale ● Pay more attention to the domestic market and existing international market.● Joint-venture with foreign car makers ● Plus a largemarketing and do more advertisement aim to promote its popularity ● Improve the production line to product more and better mini-van &sedan to meet the demand ● Increase research efforts ●ThreatsST strategy WT strategy● competition from home and abroad ● threats come from government policies oftax ● international economic recession and highrisk in overseas market● Others exploration on mass-market hybrid and electric cars ● The future orientation for automobile industryis not clear● Consolidate the existing market ● Develop a low-emission vehicles ● Cooperate with foreign car makers to develop the electric cars● Find somejoint-venturepartnersin the new model● Improvement the productionand management to reduce cost● Raise money to do research and development● Expand in new marketsTextStrength●KEC has large market share and good customer resourcesAccording to the China Association Manufacturers (CAAM), KEC’ s mini-van rank second in the PRC market in terms of sales volume. KEC has 20% of the PRC market .In addition; KEC is one of the dominant producers in the sedan market and holds about 15% of the market.●The widespread international marketKEC’ s major export markets include Asia Pacific , Eastern Europe, South America ,Africa and the Middle East and there is an established international sales network .In 2010, KEC exported its products to 42 countries and regions.●KEC has a new model of sedanKEC released a new model of its premier brand during the year, the ‘Honey Bee’, and this was well received by the PRC market.●KEC is a public company which has been listed on the Hong Kong StockExchange since 2001, so it’s easy to raise money.●KEC’ s strong moral values and sense of missionThey place the 21st century global consumer first. A safe, affordable and reliable vehicle meeting customer’s driving needs –and the need of generations.●the low average age of managersWeakness●KEC’ s popularity is not high enough●The receipt percentage percent of main businessMini-van sales dropped to 46.5% of overall revenue in 2010, and sedan saleswere also at a lower overall revenue in 2010.●Aging facilities, the lack of core technology, dropped-behind scientificMost of the key components are sourced overseas. What’ s more ,both manufacturing plants are operating with out of date and aging production equipment .●the traditional accounting methodsBoth manufacturing plants are adopting traditional costing instead of activity-based costing when costing and pricing products.●Research and developmentThe R&D plant has been in operation since company formation in 2001 but has not been successful in being first to market on any new product .It’s poorly funded and inadequately staffed.●the security features of the productsIn the practice of the Romanian Production Plant Joint Venture, to receive tax credits, Fast Trans has to add local parts to the KD kit, one of which is the full range of safety features.●the acquisition remaining problemsIn 2004, KEC acquired a smaller Kunming-based private automobile manufacturer with a specialization in mini-van business. While company management and financials have been integrated into the KEC structure, the Kunming manufacturing plant operations have remained separate. This is the only acquisition to date.●Current size is not big enough●the main managers with good education are short of rich market experience Opportunities●slow economic recovery after the crisis create a good chance to expand overseasmarkets●operating environment in china is thrivingThe PRC still managed to post overall GDP growth of 8.7% and 8.9% in 2009 and 2010 respectively despite the global recession after the financial tsunami in 2008. This growth was driven by large-scale government stimulus measures and rising affluence that helped the continued boom of the domestic market .Overall growth is likely to be around 9.6% in 2011 amid in a period of high domestic inflation. China has overtaken the US to become the world’s largest car manufactured for the second consecutive years. Most of the vehicles manufacturer in China is sold within China. The domestic market is very strong and is forecast to continue into 2012. It is expected that overall sales for KEC in domestic market will continue to grow, and there will be an increase in mini-van sales due to the continuous improvement on economic climate. And the market for private vehicles within China is growing art an exponential rate.●National policy encourages, Chinese auto industry blossomThe government implemented a policy of replacing old vehicles and electrical home appliances with new products to spearhead a general boost in the industry, as well as to encourage the use of more environmentally friendly cars and appliances.Also the government has committed to the development, sale, and use of electricand hybrid cars, referred to as “alternative powered cars”, in order to strengthen the deployment of energy conservation and emission reduction.●revenue in handset industry is promising to growRevenues from 2009 to 2010 increased from 4.2% to 7.1% of the overall revenue respectively. The rechargeable battery market in handset industry accounted for the leap in revenue growth. So KEC continued its enhancement of production capacity to meet market growing demands.●Joint-venture area is needed to exploreIn 2009, KEC entered into a collaborative agreement with Fast Trans SRL in Romania regarding the construction of an assembly plant. The plant became fully operational in February 2011. What’s more , KEC has not entered into any joint ventures with foreign car makers but would like to explore this possibility.●Opportunities in International marketsThe company expects its export volume to rebound in 2011 in its existing markets and to increase in developing markets, such as Eastern Europe. The collaborative agreement ,the first of its kind in Chinese automobiles going abroad, to operate a complete knock-down (KD) assembly plant in Romania means it can better meet European and Eastern European demand . the European market for the ‘Honey Bee’ is expected to increase due to certification, with a flow-on effect to other models .In the Romanian Production Plant Joint Venture, KEC has entered into its venture to Romanian to avoid import taxes and to receive tax credits for creating local Romanianjobs.●R&DKEC’ s internal R&D division is developing an electric car prototype .There are no joint-ventures with foreign manufacturers.Threats●competition from home and abroadOf the automobiles produced, 44.3% are local brands and the rest of the vehicles are being produced through joint ventures with foreign car markets, including Volkswagen, BMW, General Motors, Hyundai, Nissan, Honda, and Toyota.●threats come from government policies of taxThe purchase tax on passenger vehicles with a displacement engine of 1.6 liters (1.6L) or less was reduced by 50% in January 2009. As anticipated, this subsidy significantly boosted the sale of small displacement passenger vehicles with engines of 1.6L across China. But KEC was unable to garner this advantage as all its vehicles are over the 1.6L engine capacity. And then the PRC government increased general purchase tax from 5% to 7.5% on automobiles in December 2009, however the 50% discount still applies to vehicles with less than 1.6L capacity. Even further, if the government re-introduces its subsidies on alternative powered cars in the latter half of 2011 then sales growth may be further impacted.●international economic recession and high risk in overseas market , lowacceptance of Chinese products abroadThe international market is, generally, weaker than the domestic market. PRC vehicles are perceived as being of poor quality in the developed (for example, European and US) markets and are often viewed suspiciously by consumers. However, this reputation is slowly changing PRC maintains its status as number 1 world producer.●large amount of diesel and petrol leads to large amount of greenhouse gasesThe consultancy McKinsey estimates that demand for diesel and petrol in China will rise from 100 million tones to 500 million tones –a large rise in emissions from a country that is now the world’s biggest source of greenhouse gases.●Others exploration on mass-market hybrid and electric carsMost of China’s largest automobile manufacturers have plants to mass-market hybrid and electric cars but many are now holding off due to the delay in government subsides .R&D is expensive and many manufacturers have entered into joint ventures with foreign manufacturers to develop this market ,in addition to expanding overseas markets.●The future orientation for automobile industry is not clearThe international markets (particularly Europe) are showing a trend towards smaller, more environmentally-friendly vehicles; or even towards substitutes such as public transport and bicycles. Lastly,while electric-powered cars have been released worldwide ,consumer take-up has been extremely disappointing in all instances to the point of causing serious investment loss.AnswersaAccording to above analysis, we draw the conclusion that the priority of the four strategy to the organization should be :1 Growth in existing markets and existing products2 Development of new products3 Cost control4 Expansion into new marketsbAnsoff product-market matrix Market penetration ● Expand the market by reducing price and advertising promotion● Providing better services to gain consumers’ acknowledge ● Improving production equipment .● Acquire small plants or joint–venture with others to expandmarket share Product development● Improving the condition of theR&D plant ,and providing fund and adequate staff to develop displacement vehiclesDevelopmass-market hybrid and electric carsMarket development ● Expand more market in international market Diversification● Develop mass-market hybrid andelectric cars and put them intointernational market before ours● Producing kit for bus or rail inRomanian and then sell them in theEuropean marketCAs far as we are concerned ,the Market penetration strategy is the best strategy for KEC in the next five years .1 Expand the market by reducing price and advertising promotion2 Providing better services to gain consumers’ acknowledge3 Improving production equipment to product more reliable products .4 Acquire small plants or joint –venture with others to expand market share5 According to the following pie chartswhich present revenues of 2010 and 2009 respectively:The company should continue increase the percentage of Automotive parts and components for they are the most profit project of the company.。