Radiance Calibration of DMSP-OLS Low-Light
关键词:密度拐点,经济效率,城市规模,夜光增益图,倒U型曲线1简介世界银行2009年报告《重塑世界经济地理Reshaping economic geograpgy》以3D理论(密度Density,距离Distance,分割Division)为框架,系统阐释了全球范围内地理空间要素对经济增长和社会发展的重要影响[1]。
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关键词:绕射波成像;断裂系统成像;地震方差体属性;叠后断面成像提升中图分类号:P631 文献标识码:AApplicationofseismicvariancebodyattributeinimprovingsectionimagingoffaultsystems:acasestudyofthesteepslopezoneinthenorthofwesternsub-saginXijiangSagSHIYunhua1,YANGJianfeng1,ZHANGXiaozhao1,XUYunxia1,ZHANGZhizhong1,CHENHaijun2(1.NanHaiEastPetroleumResearchInstitute,ShenzhenCompanyofCNOOC(China)Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen518000,Guangdong,China;2.SchlumbergerTechnology(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.,Beijing100020,China)Abstract:Forcomplexfracturesystems,theimprovementofcrosssectionimagingqualityisthekeytosol vinggeologicalproblemssuchasthedevelopmentofgeologicabnormalbody,lowsignalnoiseratio(SNR),unclearfractureimageandgreatdifficultyoncrosssectionintersectionrelationshipidentification.Thesteepslopezoneinthenorthofwesternsub-saginXijiangsaghasthedominanthydrocarbonmigrationmodeofsource-fault-ridge.Thereservoirisdominatedbycomplexfaultedstructures,andsomeareasareaffectedbyvolcanicrocks.Inordertosolvetheproblemsofblurredfaultsystemimaging,unclearfaultintersectionrelationship,andstrongmulti-solutionofseismicinformation,thetechnologyofimprovingcrosssectionimagingbasedonseismicvariancebodyattributeisstudiedandapplied.Thebasicideaistoutilizethead vantageofvariancevolumeattributeanalysismethodforcoherenttracking,andtoperformcoherentweigh tingprocessingontheimagingvolumebasedonthecoherenceofvariancevolumeattributes,therebyimpro vingtheimagingeffectofcross-sections.Theresultsshowthattheimprovementofpost-stackimagingda taqualitynotonlymaintainsthecontinuityoflayersbutalsomaximizesthecharacteristicsofbreak-pointimaging,andimprovesthequalityofseismicdata.Theimagingofcross-sections,basementmorphology,2024年3月石油地质与工程PETROLEUMGEOLOGYANDENGINEERING第38卷 第2期andfaultsbecomeclearer,andtherefore,ithasgoodapplication.Keywords:diffractionwaveimaging;fracturesystemimaging;seismicvarianceattributes;enhancedpost-stackprofileimaging 断面成像提升多年来一直都是地震资料处理中的难点,目前针对叠前数据的处理方法,诸如散射波成像、绕射波成像改善复杂构造成像的处理技术相对复杂且周期较长,而针对叠后数据断裂体系成像提升和改进的技术方法较少。
夜间灯光数据包括三种年平均数据:平均可见灯光、 稳定灯光、无云灯光。一般采用最常用的稳定灯光 (Stable Lights)数据,该数据剔除了短暂的亮光, 且背景噪音也被识别并用0替换。数据的灯光灰度 值(DN)的范围从0到63,0表示没有灯光,63是 最大亮度值。一个地区的灯光亮度是其区域内部所 有栅格灰度值的总和,其中每一个栅格单元表示30 秒经纬格网(大约970多米)。首先采用韩向娣等 (2012)的做法对原始数据进行处理,夜间灯光数 据采用WGS_84 椭球体坐标系,考虑到中国的特点, 为了将投影面积变形最小,首先将该坐标系转换成 Krasovsky_1940_Albers投影坐标系。其次,使用 双线性采样方法重采样为1km格网栅格,同时用1: 400万国家基础地理信息中心的各地级行政区矢量 数据进行裁剪。最后,从上面得到的数据中提取研 究范围内的数据。
以上仅是DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据的处理流程,该卫星数据属 于老一代夜间灯光遥感数据。而从2013年开始,美国地球观 测组织NOAA/NGDC发布了新一代夜间灯光数据NPP-VIIRS, 与DMSP数据(30弧秒)相比, NPP-VIIRS具有更高的空间分 辨率(15弧秒),并且也具有更强的光辐射探测能力,可以 有效地避免DMSP/OLS卫星数据出现的灯光过饱和问题(即 DMSP的最大值限定为63,因此很难区分大城市中心城区栅格 单元的灯光亮度差别,或称为“天花板问题”)。除了对高 值灯光亮度有区分外,VIIRS卫星对于较弱的灯光探测能力也 更强,因此其值域范围要比DMSP数据(0-63)更广。采集灯 光的时间范围不同,DMSP为夜间八点半到10点,而VIIRS为午 夜1点半。数据单位不同,DMSP的像元值为DN值,即影像灰 度亮度值,而VIIRS的像元值为平均辐射值乘以10亿,单位 为 nWcm-2sr-1
科技与创新|Science and Technology & Innovation2024年第05期DOI:10.15913/ki.kjycx.2024.05.050基于DMSP-OLS与NPP-VIIRS的长时序夜间灯光数据模拟郑秋红(江西理工大学土木与测绘工程学院,江西赣州341000)摘要:以2000—2013年DMSP-OLS数据和2012—2019年NPP-VIIRS数据为基础数据,对其进行预处理之后,选取2012年和2013年数据,提取县域行政范围内灯光亮度值进行拟合。
关键词:夜间灯光数据;线性拟合;融合校正;结果评价中图分类号:P237 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-6835(2024)05-0172-03DMSP-OLS数据具有空间覆盖范围广和时间跨度长等优点,但同时也存在以下缺陷:①城市中心像元饱和值的问题,像元值达到特定值63以后就统一设置为63,不会继续增大;②DMSP-OLS数据缺少连续性和对比性,同一卫星在不同年份获取到的影像像元之间存在异常波动;③同一年份2颗卫星的发光像素个数不同,以及同一卫星的光照像元数在不同年份间异常减少。
与DMSP-OLS数据相比,NPP-VIIRS数据并不存在DN值(Digital Number,遥感影像像元亮度值)有最大值的问题,具有更高的时间空间分辨率,同时NPP-VIIRS为月度合成数据,从2012年投入使用开始获取影像。
1 数据来源与研究方法1.1 DMSP-OLS数据本文采用的DMSP-OLS夜间灯光数据来自美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA),DMSP是美国空军国防气象卫星计划的卫星传感器,OLS传感器是DMSP卫星的主要遥感器之一,每天可以获取白天和晚上2景全球灯光数据[1]。
Discrete Applied Mathematics
Discrete Applied Mathematics157(2009)2217–2220Contents lists available at ScienceDirectDiscrete Applied Mathematicsjournal homepage:/locate/damPreface$This special issue on Networks in Computational Biology is based on a workshop at Middle East Technical University in Ankara,Turkey,September10–12,2006(.tr/Networks_in_Computational_Biology/). Computational biology is one of the many currently emerging areas of applied mathematics and science.During the last century,cooperation between biology and chemistry,physics,mathematics,and other sciences increased dramatically,thus providing a solid foundation for,and initiating an enormous momentum in,many areas of the life sciences.This special issue focuses on networks,a topic that is equally important in biology and mathematics,and presents snapshots of current theoretical and methodological work in network analysis.Both discrete and continuous optimization,dynamical systems, graph theory,pertinent inverse problems,and data mining procedures are addressed.The principal goal of this special issue is to contribute to the mathematical foundation of computational biology by stressing its particular aspects relating to network theory.This special issue consists of25articles,written by65authors and rigorously reviewed by70referees.The guest editors express their cordial thanks to all of them,as well as to the Editors-in-Chief of Discrete Applied Mathematics,Prof.Dr.Endre Boros and his predecessor,Prof.Dr.Peter L.Hammer,who was one of the initiators of this special issue but left us in2006, and to Mrs.Katie D’Agosta who was at our side in each phase of preparation of this DAM special issue.The articles are ordered according to their contents.Let us briefly summarize them:In the paper of Jacek Błażewicz,Dorota Formanowicz,Piotr Formanowicz,Andrea Sackmann,and MichałSajkowski, entitled Modeling the process of human body iron homeostasis using a variant of timed Petri nets,the standard model of body iron homeostasis is enriched by including the durations of the pertinent biochemical reactions.A Petri-net variant in which, at each node,a time interval is specified is used in order to describe the time lag of the commencement of conditions that must be fulfilled before a biochemical reaction can start.Due to critical changes in the environment,switches can occur in metabolic networks that lead to systems exhibiting simultaneously discrete and continuous dynamics.Hybrid systems represent this accurately.The paper Modeling and simulation of metabolic networks for estimation of biomass-accumulation parameters by Uˇg ur Kaplan,Metin Türkay,Bülent Karasözen,and Lorenz Biegler develops a hybrid system to simulate cell-metabolism dynamics that includes the effects of extra-cellular stresses on metabolic responses.Path-finding approaches to metabolic-pathway analysis adopt a graph-theoretical approach to determine the reactions that an organism might use to transform a source compound into a target compound.In the contribution Path-finding approaches and metabolic pathways,Francisco J.Planes and John E.Beasley examine the effectiveness of using compound-node connectivities in a path-finding approach.An approach to path finding based on integer programming is also presented. Existing literature is reviewed.This paper is well illustrated and provides many examples as well as,as an extra service,some supplementary information.In A new constraint-based description of the steady-state flux cone of metabolic networks,Abdelhalim Larhlimi and Alexander Bockmayr present a new constraint-based approach to metabolic-pathway analysis.Based on sets of non-negativity constraints,it uses a description of the set of all possible flux distributions over a metabolic network at a steady state in terms of the steady-state flux cone.The constraints can be identified with irreversible reactions and,thus,allow a direct interpretation.The resulting description of the flux cone is minimal and unique.Furthermore,it satisfies a simplicity condition similar to the one for elementary flux modes.Most biological networks share some properties like being,e.g.,‘‘scale free’’.Etienne Birmeléproposes a new random-graph model in his contribution A scale-free graph model based on bipartite graphs that can be interpreted in terms of metabolic networks,and exhibits this specific feature.$Dedicated to our dear teacher and friend Prof.Dr.Peter Ladislaw Hammer(1936–2006).0166-218X/$–see front matter©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.dam.2009.01.0212218Preface/Discrete Applied Mathematics157(2009)2217–2220Differential equations have been established to quantitatively model the dynamic behaviour of regulatory networks representing interactions between cell components.In the paper Inference of an oscillating model for the yeast cell cycle, Nicole Radde and Lars Kaderali study differential equations within a Bayesian setting.First,an oscillating core network is learned that is to be extended,in a second step,using‘‘Bayesian’’methodology.A specifically designed hierarchical prior distribution over interaction strengths prevents overfitting and drives the solutions to sparse networks.An application to a real-world data set is provided,and its dynamical behaviour is reconstructed.The contribution An introduction to the perplex number system by Jerry L.R.Chandler derives from his approach to theoretical chemistry,and provides a universal source of diagrams.The perplex number system,a new logic for describing relationships between concrete objects and processes,provides in particular an exact notation for chemistry without invoking either chemical or‘‘alchemical’’symbols.Practical applications to concrete compounds(e.g.,isomers of ethanol and dimethyl ether)are given.In conjunction with the real number system,the relations between perplex numbers and scientific theories of concrete systems(e.g.,intermolecular dynamics,molecular biology,and individual medicine)are described.Since exact determination of haplotype blocks is usually impossible,a method is desired which can account for recombinations,especially,via phylogenetic networks or a simplified version.In their work Haplotype inferring via galled-tree networks using a hypergraph-covering problem for special genotype matrices,Arvind Gupta,Ján Maňuch,Ladislav Stacho, and Xiaohong Zhao reduce the problem via galled-tree networks to a hypergraph-covering problem for genotype matrices satisfying a certain combinatorial condition.Experiments on real data show that this condition is mostly satisfied when the minor alleles(per SNP)reach at least30%.Recently the Quartet-Net or,for short,‘‘QNet’’method was introduced by Stefan Grünewald et al.as a method for computing phylogenetic split networks from a collection of weighted quartet trees.Here,Stefan Grünewald,Vincent Moulton,and Andreas Spillner show that QNet is a‘‘consistent’’method.This key property of QNet does not only guarantee to produce a tree if the input corresponds to a tree—and an outer-labeled planar split network if the input corresponds to such a network;the proof given in their contribution Consistency of the QNet algorithm for generating planar split networks from weighted quartets also provides the main guiding principle for the design of the method.Kangal and Akbash dogs are the two well-known shepherd dog breeds in Turkey.In the article The genetic relationship between Kangal,Akbash,and other dog populations,Evren Koban,Çigdem Gökçek Saraç,Sinan Can Açan,Peter Savolainen, andİnci Togan present a comparative examination by mitochondrial DNA control region,using a consensus neighbour-joining tree with bootstrapping which is constructed from pairwise FST values between populations.This study indicates that Kangal and Akbash dogs belong to different branches of the tree,i.e.,they might have descended maternally from rather different origins created by an early branching event in the history of the domestic dogs of Eurasia.In their paper The Asian contribution to the Turkish population with respect to the Balkans:Y-chromosome perspective,Ceren Caner Berkman and inci Togan investigate historical migrations from Asia using computational approaches.The admixture method of Chikhi et al.was used to estimate the male genetic contribution of Central Asia to hybrids.The authors observed that the male contribution from Central Asia to the Turkish population with reference to the Balkans was13%.Comparison of the admixture estimate for Turkey with those of neighboring populations indicated that the Central Asian contribution was lowest in Turkey.Split-decomposition theory deals with relations between real-valued split systems and metrics.In his work Split decomposition over an Abelian group Part2:Group-valued split systems with weakly compatible support,Andreas Dress uses a general conceptual framework to study these relations from an essentially algebraic point of view.He establishes the principal results of split-decomposition theory regarding split systems with weakly compatible support within this new algebraic framework.This study contributes to computational biology by analyzing the conceptual mathematical foundations of a tool widely used in phylogenetic analysis and studies of bio-diversity.The contribution Phylogenetic graph models beyond trees of Ulrik Brandes and Sabine Cornelsen deals with methods for phylogenetic analysis,i.e.,the study of kinship relationships between species.The authors demonstrate that the phylogenetic tree model can be generalized to a cactus(i.e.,a tree all of whose2-connected components are cycles)without losing computational efficiency.A cactus can represent a quadratic rather than a linear number of splits in linear space.They show how to decide in linear time whether a set of splits can be accommodated by a cactus model and,in that case,how to construct it within the same time bounds.Finally,the authors briefly discuss further generalizations of tree models.In their paper Whole-genome prokaryotic clustering based on gene lengths,Alexander Bolshoy and Zeev Volkovich present a novel method of taxonomic analysis constructed on the basis of gene content and lengths of orthologous genes of 66completely sequenced genomes of unicellular organisms.They cluster given input data using an application of the information-bottleneck method for unsupervised clustering.This approach is not a regular distance-based method and, thus,differs from other recently published whole-genome-based clustering techniques.The results correlate well with the standard‘‘tree of life’’.For characterization of prokaryotic genomes we used clustering methods based on mean DNA curvature distributions in coding and noncoding regions.In their article Prokaryote clustering based on DNA curvature distributions,due to the extensive amount of data Limor Kozobay-Avraham,Sergey Hosida,Zeev Volkovich,and Alexander Bolshoy were able to define the external and internal factors influencing the curvature distribution in promoter and terminator regions.Prokaryotes grow in the wide temperature range from4◦C to100◦C.Each type of bacteria has an optimal temperature for growth.They found very strong correlation between arrangements of prokaryotes according to the growth temperature and clustering based on curvature excess in promoter and terminator regions.They found also that the main internal factors influencingPreface/Discrete Applied Mathematics157(2009)2217–22202219 the curvature excess are genome size and A+T composition.Two clustering methods,K-means and PAM,were applied and produced very similar clusterings that reflect the aforementioned genomic attributes and environmental conditions of the species’habitat.The paper Pattern analysis for the prediction of fungal pro-peptide cleavage sites by SüreyyaÖzöˇgür Ayzüz,John Shawe-Taylor,Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber,and Zümrüt B.Ögel applies support-vector machines to predict the pro-peptide cleavage site of fungal extra-cellular proteins displaying mostly a monobasic or dibasic processing site.A specific kernel is expressed as an application of the Gaussian kernel via feature spaces.The novel approach simultaneously performs model selection, tests the accuracy,and computes confidence levels.The results are found to be accurate and compared with the ones provided by a server.Preetam Ghosh,Samik Ghosh,Kalyan Basu,and Sajal Das adopt an‘‘in silico’’stochastic-event-based simulation methodology to determine the temporal dynamics of different molecules.In their paper Parametric modeling of protein–DNA binding kinetics:A discrete event-based simulation approach,they present a parametric model for predicting the execution time of protein–DNA binding.It considers the actual binding mechanism along with some approximated protein-and DNA-structural information using a collision-theory-based approach incorporating important biological parameters and functions into the consideration.Murat Ali Bayır,Tacettin Doˇg acan Güney,and Tolga Can propose a novel technique in their paper Integration of topological measures for eliminating non-specific interactions in protein interaction networks for removing non-specific interactions in a large-scale protein–protein interaction network.After transforming the interaction network into a line graph,they compute betweenness and other clustering coefficients for all the edges in the network.The authors use confidence estimates and validate their method by comparing the results of a test case relating to the detection of a molecular complex with reality.The article Graph spectra as a systematic tool in computational biology by Anirban Banarjee and Jürgen Jost deals with the obviously important question of how biological content can be extracted from the graphs to which biological data are often reduced.From the spectrum of the graph’s Laplacian that yields an essentially complete qualitative characterization of a graph,a spectral density plot is derived that can easily be represented graphically and,therefore,analyzed visually and compared for different classes of networks.The authors apply this method to the study of protein–protein interaction and other biological and infrastructural networks.It is detected that specific such classes of networks exhibit common features in their spectral plots that readily distinguish them from other classes.This represents a valuable complement to the currently fashionable search for universal properties that hold across networks emanating from many different contexts.Konstantin Klemm and Peter F.Stadler’s Note on fundamental,nonfundamental,and robust cycle bases investigates the mutual relationships between various classes of cycle bases in a network that have been studied in the literature.The authors show for instance that strictly fundamental bases are not necessarily cyclically robust;and that,conversely, cyclically robust bases are not necessarily fundamental.The contribution focuses on cyclically robust cycle bases whose existence for arbitrary graphs remains open despite their practical use for generating all cycles of a given2-connected graph. It presents also a class of cubic graphs for which cyclically robust bases can be constructed explicitly.Understanding the interplay and function of a system’s components also requires the study of the system’s functional response to controlled experimental perturbations.For biological systems,it is problematic with an experimental design to aim at a complete identification of the system’s mechanisms.In his contribution A refinement of the common-cause principle,Nihat Ay employs graph theory and studies the interplay between stochastic dependence and causal relations within Bayesian networks and information theory.Applying a causal information-flow measure,he provides a quantitative refinement of Reichenbach’s common-cause principle.Based on observing an appropriate collection of nodes of the network, this refinement allows one to infer a hitherto unknown lower bound for information flows within the network.In their article Discovering cis-regulatory modules by optimizing barbecues,Axel Mosig,Türker Bıyıkoˇg lu,Sonja J.Prohaska, and Peter F.Stadler ask for simultaneously stabbing a maximum number of differently coloured intervals from K arrangements of coloured intervals.A decision version of this best barbecue problem is shown to be NP-complete.Because of the relevance for complex regulatory networks on gene expression in eukaryotic cells,they propose algorithmic variations that are suitable for the analysis of real data sets comprising either many sequences or many binding sites.The optimization problem studied generalizes frequent itemset mining.The contribution A mathematical program to refine gene regulatory networks by Guglielmo Lulli and Martin Romauch proposes a methodology for making sense of large,multiple time-series data sets arising in expression analysis.It introduces a mathematical model for producing a reduced and coherent regulatory system,provided a putative regulatory network is given.Two equivalent formulations of the problem are given,and NP-completeness is established.For solving large-scale instances,the authors implemented an ant-colony optimization procedure.The proposed algorithm is validated by a computational analysis on randomly generated test instances.The practicability of the proposed methodology is also shown using real data for Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Jutta Gebert,Nicole Radde,Ulrich Faigle,Julia Strösser,and Andreas Burkovski aim in their paper Modelling and simulation of nitrogen regulation in Corynebacterium glutamicum at understanding and predicting the interactions of macromolecules inside the cell.It sets up a theoretical model for biochemical networks,and introduces a general method for parameter estimation,applicable in the case of very short time series.This approach is applied to a special system concerning nitrogen uptake.The equations are set up for its main components,the corresponding optimization problem is formulated and solved, and simulations are carried out.2220Preface/Discrete Applied Mathematics157(2009)2217–2220Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber,Ömür Uˇg ur,Pakize Taylan,and Aysun Tezel model and predict gene-expression patterns incorporating a rigorous treatment of environmental aspects,and aspects of errors and uncertainty.For this purpose,they employ Chebyshev approximation and generalized semi-infinite optimization in their paper On optimization,dynamics and uncertainty:A tutorial for gene–environment networks.Then,time-discretized dynamical systems are studied,the region of parametric stability is detected by a combinatorial algorithm and,then,the topological landscape of gene–environment networks is analyzed in terms of its‘‘structural stability’’.We are convinced that all papers selected for this special issue constitute valuable contributions to many different areas in computational biology,employing methods from discrete mathematics and related fields.We again thank all colleagues who have participated in this exciting endeavor with care,foresight,and vision,for their highly appreciated help.Guest editorsAndreas DressBülent KarasözenPeter F.StadlerGerhard-Wilhelm Weber125July2008Available online29March2009 1Assistant to the guest editors:Mrs.Cand.MSc.Bengisen Pekmen(Institute of Applied Mathematics,METU,Ankara).。
第44卷第2期航天返回与遥感2023年4月SPACECRAFT RECOVERY & REMOTE SENSING153基于双时相遥感影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测瞿渝王志辉于会泳*石娴(山东科技大学测绘与空间信息学院,青岛266590)摘要目前利用高分辨率卫星影像进行滑坡等地质灾害识别逐渐成为研究热点,滑坡目视解译依赖于解译人员的经验,耗时费力且提取精度低,而传统的滑坡自动识别方法易将滑坡和道路、裸地、建筑等多种具有相似光谱信息的地物混淆。
针对以上问题,文章使用一种双时相高分辨率卫星影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测算法,获取时序影像各个波段和归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)的差异影像作为深度学习的输入特征。
为充分挖掘滑坡前后影像多种信息差异特征,采用了U-net 网络模型耦合空洞空间金字塔池化和嵌入注意力机制模块相结合进行滑坡特征提取的方法,该方法增强了滑坡边界信息的保存,能够有效地提取滑坡边界信息和发生剧烈变化的区域。
关键词滑坡检测差异影像空洞空间金字塔池化注意力机制模块中图分类号: TP79;P642.22文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1009-8518(2023)02-0153-10 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-8518.2023.02.016Deep Learning Landslide Extraction Based on Difference Information of Dual-phase Remote Sensing ImagesQU Yu WANG Zhihui YU Huiyong*SHI Xian(College of Surveying and Spatial Information, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)Abstract Current using of high-resolution satellite images to identify geological hazards such as landslides has gradually become a research hotspot. The visual interpretation of landslides relies on the experience of the interpreter, and is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the extraction accuracy is low. However, the traditional landslide automatic identification method is easy to confuse the landslide with various ground objects with similar spectral information, such as roads, bare ground and buildings. In response to the above problems, this paper uses a deep learning technology landslide detection algorithm based on dual-phase high-resolution satellite image difference information, obtain each band of time series images and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) difference image as the input feature of deep learning. To fully excavate the characteristics of various information differences in the images before and after the landslide, a收稿日期:2022-05-24基金项目:山东省自然科学基金(ZR2020MD051)引用格式:瞿渝, 王志辉, 于会泳, 等. 基于双时相遥感影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2023, 44(2): 153-162.QU Yu, WANG Zhihui, YU Huiyong, et al. Deep Learning Landslide Extraction Based on Difference Information of154航天返回与遥感2023年第44卷method for landslide feature detection with U-net network model coupled with atrous spatial pyramid pooling and embedded attention mechanism module, this method enhances the preservation of landslide boundary information, and can effectively extract landslide boundary information and areas with drastic changes. Landslide detection in Enshi and Jiuzhaigou by the method in this paper, the experimental results show that the obtained F1-Scores are 88.4% and 90.53%, respectively, with small errors and high precision. The method in this paper can accurately detect the landslide boundary of high-resolution satellite data, and can maintain the integrity of the landslide.Keywords landslide detection; difference image; atrous spatial pyramid pooling; attention mechanism module 0 引言滑坡作为自然灾害之一,对人们的生命和财产构成了严重威胁,频繁发生的滑坡引起了极大的社会关注。
第26卷第12期2013年12月传感技术学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF SENSORS AND ACTUATORSVol.26 No.12Dec.2013项目来源:国家自然科学基金项目(51105348);第45批教育部留学回国启动基金项目(2013R10066);浙江省钱江人才计划项目(2013R1066)收稿日期:2013-08-06 修改日期:2013-11-13Design and Experimental Study of Polarimetric Interferometric Nanopositioing System *XU Su ’an *,QIAN Fei ,XIE Min ,HUANG Yanyan ,FU Yaqiong ,CHEN Le ,SUN Jian(College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering ,China Jiliang University ,Hangzhou 310018,China )Abstract :Aiming at the requirement of higher accuracy of positioning in industry and metrology ,a positionning method is proposed based on polarimetric interferometer.In this interferometric system ,a polarimeter combined with polarization beamsplitter and polarizer has replaced photo⁃detector.The fringe interpolation of output laser beam canbe reached at 36000,for a 633nm laser source ,the potential theoretical resolution is 10pm.The measurements have both carried out by own⁃developed polarimetric interferometer and commercial SIOS interferometer.Thecomparison results between this two interferometer show that the polarimetric interferometer is feasible.The experiments have also been done to get the quantified value for each source of errors.Under standard experimentalenvironment ,according to uncertainty evaluation ,the total uncertainty of measurement is less than 1.4nm over mi⁃crometric displacement range.This method can be dedicated to various fields of nano⁃positioning.Key words :polarimetric interferometric ;positioning control ;experimental study ;error analysisEEACC :11464 doi :10.3969/j.issn.1004-1699.2013.12.009激光偏振干涉纳米定位系统的设计与实验研究*许素安*,钱 飞,谢 敏,黄艳岩,富雅琼,陈 乐,孙 坚(中国计量学院机电学院,杭州310018)摘 要:为适应工业发展和计量界对精密定位提出的越来越高的要求,提出了基于偏振激光干涉技术的纳米定位方法㊂在该干涉测长系统中,用偏振计取代传统单频激光干涉仪的光电传感器并配置偏振分光元件㊁起偏镜等,可将干涉仪出射光的干涉条纹相位细分为36000份,使用波长为633nm 的激光源,可将理论测量分辨率提高到10pm ㊂将完成的偏振干涉测长系统与商用SIOS 干涉仪的实验测量结果做了比对㊂对完成的实验系统的各误差源做了实验研究,得到量化值㊂经不确定度评估计算,在标准实验室环境条件下,对于微米级行程的位移,其位置测量不确定度小于1.4nm ㊂该方法可应用于纳米定位的各个领域㊂关键词:偏振干涉;定位控制;实验研究;误差分析中图分类号:TH741 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-1699(2013)12-1671-05 当前,在现代机械加工㊁生物工程㊁纳米科学与技术㊁先进光学器件及半导体等领域的推动下,精密测量与精密加工的精度水平正从微米量级向纳米量级以至亚纳米量级过渡㊂直接决定精密测量与加工精度的超精密定位方法与技术是这些领域的研究重点之一[1-5]㊂精密定位多采用电容测微仪,光栅,激光干涉仪㊂电容测微仪和光栅虽然能够实现纳米甚至是亚纳米的测量分辨率,但从溯源性角度考虑,仍需用激光干涉仪进行标定和校准㊂因此,在现代超精密加工中,激光干涉仪由于具有可溯源性㊁抗干扰能力强㊁无限高分辨率等特点,被广泛使用[6-10]㊂激光干涉仪可分为单频激光干涉仪和双频激光干涉仪㊂在精密测量中,双频激光干涉仪以其测量稳定㊁抗干扰能力强㊁分辨率高等特点逐渐取代单频激光干涉仪,但单频激光干涉仪仍有其固有的优点如光路简单,成本低和周期性误差小㊂对于激光干涉仪系统,一旦经典误差源(如激光稳定性㊁线性误差㊁温度波动㊁机械振动)被抑制在一定范围,干涉仪的主要非线性误差则来源于光学偏振混叠㊂比如同样对于两偏振态混叠率为0.1的情况,单频激光干涉仪的误差传 感 技 术 学 报第26卷比双频激光干涉仪约小20倍[11-12]㊂鉴于此,国内外研究机构和生产厂商又重新将眼光投向单频激光干涉仪,致力于单频激光干涉仪测量分辨率的提高研究㊂如Heidenhain公司的单频激光干涉仪(ILM311)的分辨率为0.15nm;美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)利用光学倍频细分法获得了0.1(0.7nm的分辨率;我国清华大学利用组合频率解调法获得了0.49nm的分辨率[13-14];天津大学研制了干涉条纹8细分法的单频激光干涉仪,其分辨率为0.16nm[15];哈尔滨理工大学研发了基于偏振光的集成式单频激光干涉仪,其分辨率可达10pm/Hz1/2[16]㊂本文提出了基于偏振光干涉的纳米定位系统㊂在传统的单频激光干涉仪的基础上,引入偏振光技术㊂用偏振计取代传统单频激光干涉仪的光电传感器并配置偏振分光元件㊁起偏镜等,可将干涉仪出射光的干涉条纹相位细分为36000份,使用波长为633nm的激光源,可将理论测量分辨率提高到10pm㊂本文还就实现的纳米系统进行了实验研究和误差分析,分别给出了余弦误差㊁阿贝误差㊁激光源频率稳定性㊁空气折射率误差和出射光偏振态线性误差等各误差源的不确定度值㊂1 激光偏振干涉测量位移原理激光偏振干涉测长原理如图1所示㊂激光源的出射线性偏振光其偏振角为45°,该偏振光经偏振分光镜被分成两束:即P偏振光和S偏振光㊂P偏振光经λ/4玻片后变成圆偏振光被发送至固定镜,S偏振光经λ/4玻片后变成圆偏振光被发送至移动镜,该两束偏振光分别经固定镜和移动镜反射,依次通过λ/4玻片㊁偏振分光镜PBS后,成为两圆偏振光,最后经λ/4成为线性偏振光,被发送至偏振计㊂图1 激光偏振干涉测长原理方位角为45°的线偏振光的琼斯向量为æèçöø÷1 1,参考光经干涉仪后,经琼斯矩阵计算后,参考光束在干涉仪输出处的电矢量方程为:E ref=121-æèçöø÷i(1)测量光束在干涉仪输出处的电矢量方程为:E mes=121æèçöø÷i(2)当移动镜移动时,测量光束相位角的变化量值为±ϕ,正负符号取决于移动镜的移动方向㊂测量光束的电矢量方程变为:E mes=121æèçöø÷i㊃e±iϕ(3)干涉仪出射光的总电矢量方程为:E=E ref+E mes=121-æèçöø÷i+121æèçöø÷i㊃e±iϕ=2e±iϕ2cosϕ2±sinϕæèççççöø÷÷÷÷2(4)因此,干涉仪出射光归一化琼斯矢量为:E=cosϕ2±sinϕæèççççöø÷÷÷÷2=cosθsinæèçöø÷θ(5)干涉仪出射光束为线性偏振光,方位角θ与相位变化量Φ有关㊂移动镜的位移量可通过测量偏振平面的方位角θ来测量,位移量Δx与方位角变化量Δθ的关系可表达为:Δx=λ0Δθ2πn(6)式中λ0为真空激光波长,n为空气折射率㊂方位角θ可由偏振计测量,其分辨率为0.01°,则针对633nm波长源,位移测量可能达到的分辨率为17pm㊂2 激光偏振干涉纳米定位系统偏振干涉纳米定位系统的结构图如图2所示,激光源出射光为线性偏振光,该线性偏振光的方位角为45°(实际可由线性偏振片和λ/2玻片组合调节而成)㊂移动镜固定于压电陶瓷(Thorlabs AE0505D16)上,该压电陶瓷对应于±20V电压的最大行程为±1.5μm,压电陶瓷由可编程电压源驱动㊂干涉仪的出射光发送至偏振计的传感单元,该传感单元通过串口线与偏振计的数据采集单元相连㊂PC机通过RS232串口实时采集由偏振计测量得到的方位角数据㊂实验室用的商用偏振计(Thorlabs-PA410)测量方位角,其测量分辨率为0.01°,因一个周期360°对应的位移量2761第12期许素安,钱 飞等:激光偏振干涉纳米定位系统的设计与实验研究 值为一个波长值λ,则该干涉仪的位移测量分辨率可达λ/36000㊂整个实验系统安放于气浮隔震实验台上㊂实验室安装有小型环境监测仪以监控实验室内的温度(PT100,1σ=0.01℃),压力(Paroscientific1σ=3Pa )和湿度(HygroM4,1σ=1%)的变化㊂图2 激光偏振干涉定位系统结构图图3 偏振干涉仪与商用干涉仪位移测量装置照片为了验证自研单频偏振干涉仪的测量能力及理论推导的正确性,我们将自研的偏振干涉仪与商用单频干涉仪(SIOS -SP2000TR )的测量结果进行对比㊂其实验装置图如图3所示㊂偏振干涉仪与SIOS 干涉仪测量同时测量安装于压电陶瓷执行器上的移动镜,该移动镜为双面移动镜㊂SIOS 干涉仪的其中一束光束与偏振干涉仪的激光束共轴㊂值得一提的是两干涉仪的参考镜不是同一个,SIOS 干涉仪的移动镜位于其测量头内,因此,两干涉仪的测量光路不同,故很难用该测量装置来测量大行程的位移㊂我们在短行程上将两干涉仪的测量结果做了比较,其实验结果如图4所示㊂另外,压电陶瓷的灵敏度为(75nm /V ),欲得到理论值为10nm 步距值的位移,其步进驱动电压为0.13V ㊂该电压源为可编程电压源(Thorlabs-BPC301),通过USB 接口与PC 机相连,自编的LabView 软件可控制电压源的电压产生幅值和频率,图4的测量图对应的压电陶瓷的电压产生频率为0.1Hz ㊂图4为压电陶瓷理论步进值为10nm 的两干涉仪测量结果,偏振干涉仪的测量曲线,其采样频率为2Hz 且数据未作均值处理㊂SIOS 干涉仪的测量曲线,其采样频率为128Hz 且在64bit 数值上做平均处理㊂从图4可以看出,两干涉仪的测量结果基本拟合,考虑到两干涉仪不同光路,很难对实验结果做量化对比㊂图4 偏振干涉仪与SIOS 干涉仪位移测量实验结果3 纳米定位系统实验研究与误差分析激光干涉测长的测量精度容易受多种因素的影响,如机械误差㊁光学误差和环境误差㊂我们对这些误差源逐一进行了量化,并且特别给出了偏振干涉仪出射光的偏振态对位移测量的影响㊂3.1 余弦误差当测量轴线(光轴)与压电陶瓷运动轴线不平行时,会有测量误差,其值为:ε=L -L m ,L 为沿机械轴的实际位移距离,L m 为干涉仪的测量距离㊂由图5可知,cos α=L mL㊂在满足实际运动要求时,α值为小量,则余弦值可取其多项展开式的前两项,即cos α=1-α22㊂因此,余弦误差值为:ε=α22L ㊂对于微米级行程的位移,该余弦误差可忽略㊂如α小于10mrad ,则误差ε为:ε=(10-6)×(10-2)22=5×10-11m ,即为50pm㊂图5 余弦误差示意图3.2 阿贝误差当被测轴线与反射镜运动轴线不重合时,反射3761传 感 技 术 学 报第26卷镜沿镜面中心的微小偏转会引起阿贝误差,如图6中E所示,当E→0时,阿贝误差E可近似的表示为E≅hα,h为阿贝臂㊂由此可见由俯仰角或摇摆角引起的阿贝误差与阿贝臂h成线性关系㊂图6 阿贝误差示意图我们实验系统中的俯仰角和摇摆角由商用单频干涉仪(SIOS SP2000-TR)测得,偏转角的测量范围为±2arcmin,测量分辨率为0.02arcsec㊂俯仰角和摇摆角的测量结果如图7所示㊂图7 俯仰角和摇摆角实验结果图7(a)所示为俯仰角测试结果图,由图7(a)可知,压电陶瓷在1μm行程上的俯仰角为0.5″(2.4μrad)㊂图7(b)所示为摇摆角测试结果图,由图7(b)可知,压电陶瓷在1μm行程上的摇摆角为0.3″(1.5μrad)㊂对于我们的单频激光偏振干涉定位系统,很难测量阿贝臂的精确值,但其最大估计值为0.2mm㊂因此,由俯仰角和摇摆角引起的阿贝误差分别为E=0.5nm和E=0.3nm,我们可得定位系统的阿贝误差为0.8nm㊂3.3 干涉仪出射光偏振态的影响为研究激光束的偏振态对位移测量结果的影响,我们调节图2示例中置于偏振计前的λ/4玻片㊂干涉仪出射光的偏振态可随λ/4玻片的旋转方位角的改变而改变㊂图8为不同偏振态条件下的位移测量实验结果㊂压电陶瓷的步进驱动电压为0.7V,相应的压电陶瓷理论步进位移值为70nm㊂图6中实线对应的椭偏角ε=0°,虚线对应的椭偏角ε= 10°,由图可知,虚线和实线终点处的差值为ε=20 nm㊂因此,在实验前,应确保干涉仪的出射光为线性偏振光(ε=0°)㊂经20次重复性实验表明,经来回行程后其起㊁始点的差值小于1nm㊂图8 激光束偏振态对位移测量的影响3.4 激光源频率稳定性实验所用激光源为单频633nm波长光源(Renishaw ML10),ML10激光源可溯源于国家标准㊂其频率长期稳定性为10-7,也就是说对于100μm行程位移,其测量误差值小于10pm,因此该误差值对于我们的定位系统可忽略㊂3.5 空气折射率误差与所有的干涉仪一样,我们的偏振干涉仪的测量结果也受到空气折射率n的影响㊂该折射率主要与环境温度㊁气压㊁湿度和CO2含量有关㊂如测量是在标准实验室条件下进行,即大气压强为101325Pa,环境温度为20℃,水蒸气压为1170Pa(h≈50%,T amb=20℃),CO2含量为450×10-6㊂国际上通用的空气折射率计算公式为:(n-1)s=8342.54+2406147130-σ2+1599838.9-σ2(7)标准空气折射率(n-1)s与波长数σ(μm-1)有关,对于波长范围在350nm<λ<650nm时,σ介于1.538和2.587之间㊂对于严格环境控制的实验条件,空气折射率不确定度的最优值可为10-8㊂在标准实验室环境条件下,空气折射率不确定值可控制在10-5至10-6㊂对于微米级行程的位移,其测量不确定度可控制在皮米(pm)级㊂3.6 定位系统误差评定根据以上的分析,表1总结了本定位系统的主要误差源对应于位移量d的测量不确定值㊂4761第12期许素安,钱 飞等:激光偏振干涉纳米定位系统的设计与实验研究 表1 定位系统误差分析表误差源注释位移量为d的位置测量不确定度余弦误差测量轴线与运动轴线夹角可调节为小于1mrad<50pm for d=1μm阿贝误差阿贝臂h可控制在0.2mm<1nm干涉仪出射光偏振态的影响采用λ/4玻片来改变出射光束偏振态<1nm激光源频率稳定性数据由生产厂家提供相对值为10-7,或<0.1pm ford=1μm空气折射率空气折射率控制在10-5,对于大行程位移,其实验环境控制要求更为严格<10pm for d=1μm4摇结论本文提出了基于偏振激光干涉技术的纳米定位方法,并就完成的纳米定位系统做了实验研究和误差分析,其主要误差源包括余弦误差㊁阿贝误差㊁激光源频率稳定性㊁空气折射率误差和该系统特有的干涉仪出射光偏振态对位移测量的影响㊂根据不确定度评定公式σ=∑σ2i及表一中各分量的不确定度值,计算该定位系统的不确定度值为1.4nm㊂因此,在标准实验室环境条件下,对于微米级行程的位移,其位置测量不确定度小于1.4nm㊂参考文献:[1] 许素安,Luc Chassagne,Suat Topcu,等.偏振激光干涉仪的纳米定位系统[J].中国计量学院学报,2009,20(2):118-121. 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环境试验设备/E盟露酩高量级随机振动试验用滑台动态特性分析孙立明,路梓照,闫旭东(1.北京强度环境研究所,北京100076; 2.天津航天瑞莱科技有限公司,天津300462)摘要:针对高量级随机振动试验,提出一种新的工装形式,即水平滑台工装。
关键词:高量级随机振动试验;水平滑台工装;小滑板;试验仿真中图分类号:V41&2;0324文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-7204(2021)02-0205-06Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Sliding Table in High-level RandomVibrationSUN Li-ming,LU Zi-zhao,YAN Xu-dong(1.Beijing Institute of Strueture and Environment Engineering,Beijing100076;2.Tianjin Aerospace Reliability Technology Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin300462)Abstract:A new type of fixture is put forward for high-level random vibration tests.The simulation of random vibration test and the estimation of output acceleration are carried out for two different types of new horizontal slide fixture and small slide.The horizontai slide fixture has strong universality,the control effect is good within15kg of product mass,the additional mass can be reduced,and the vibration magnitude can be greatly improved.The design and characteristic comparison analysis of the horizontal sliding table provide reference scheme and guidance for the future high-level random vibration test*Key words:high-level random vibration test;horizontal slide fixture;small slide;test Simulation引言振动环境试验是考核产品耐振动环境适应性的重要研究手段,在航空航天领域,随机振动环境较为普遍。
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M的秩最大为6,式(21)说明,在定理1的条件 下,其秩能达到6,系统是完全能观的。定理1的第 2个条件可以通过增加一个非平行观测的偏振光模 块来保证至少有一个模块满足该条件,从而使应用 不受该条件约束。第1个条件如果不满足,m“x 口淼=0,则系统不再完全能观,系统的观测在结构 上产生退化。此条件说明了采用偏振光与地磁联合 辅助定姿,能观性受太阳方向与地磁方向夹角的影 响,夹角越大,能观性越好,反之则差。在极圈附近, 如果两个方向平行,则会退化到不完全能观的情况。 1.4偏振光/地磁/GPS/SINS组合导航算法
时,GPS对姿态修正的效果很好,而当机动较弱时姿 态修正效果则变差,因此本文仿真主要针对弱机动 情况展开,飞行过程中速度变化如图2所示。相同 飞行条件下,考察各种情况下修正效果。飞行器姿 态在飞行中不断围绕地理坐标系三个轴做正弦运 动,幅值、频率分别为(600,0.10Hm),(600,0.05Hz),
自然光在穿透大气层时将发生偏振,偏振方向 垂直于入射光与散射光所确定的平面…。偏振光中 带有的方位信息可以用于定向。地磁场是地球的基 本物理场,也可以提供方位信息。本文提出将地磁 矢量测量与偏振光测量技术结合的方法,可以为飞 行器提供完整的姿态信息测量能力。基于偏振光和 地磁的定向方法具有不随时间积累发散的特点,在 已有的研究中多用于舰船和地面车辆等二维运动导 航和定向。Matthias等人用6个偏振光测量单元、8 个环境光强传感器和一个全景摄像机构成了移动机 器人的导航系统,该系统使用路径积分方法来连续 的确定位置,并使用路标进行修正乜]。本文所使用 的方法只使用3个简单的偏振光测量单元和一个微 型三维磁强计,构成偏振光/地磁姿态测量子系统, 与SINS、GPS组合用于三维空间导航。SINS和GPS 一般是飞行器常用导航系统,在小型飞行器中,由于 单天线GPS缺乏对姿态的直接测量而使GPS/SINS 组合对姿态误差的修正效果依赖于载体飞行动态和 模型精确程度,增加偏振光与地磁测量并不会给载 体带来太大的额外负担,但却可以使载体姿态误差 估计精度和稳定程度大为提高。
Keysight NFA系列噪声度分析器说明书
Noise Figure AnalyzersN8972A N8973A N8974A N8975ANFA SeriesA Flexible and Intuitive User InterfaceThe user interface on the new NFA series of Noise Figure Analyzers is intuitive and easy to use, with easy to find keys, which are sized and then placed in the relevant key group according to function. The soft-key depths have been kept to a minimum and there are clear visual indicators on the screen showing the current machine state.Easy Measurement SetupThe NFA series of Noise Figure Analyzers now takes the pain out of complex measurement setups, with their simple but instructive menus. The built-in help button gives key function and remote pro-gramming commands, that should eliminate the need to carry man-uals when setting up measurements.Low Instrumentation UncertaintyWhen making noise figure measurements, a key parameter to be aware of is measurement uncertainty. The NFA has a low instru-mentation uncertainty to aid in accurate and repeatable measure-ment of manufacturers’ components. In addition, to aid customers in setting their components/systems specifications, Agilent has pro-duced a web-based uncertainty calculator that will give customers information on how to improve and classify their measurement specifications more accurately.For more information, visit our web site at: /find/nfIncrease Measurement ThroughputIn manufacturing environments, fast measurement speed and repeatability are critical. The NFA series of Noise Figure Analyzers now include many features that can reduce your measurement time and increase throughput. The frequency list function allows you to select specific points within a complete measurement span to make your measurement. The Sweep averaging function allows a real-time update to the screen during a measurement, as you adjust the per-formance of the DUT during a sweep. Both these functions, as well as the limit line functionality for quick and easy pass/fail testing and the additional ability to recall complete calibrated instrument states, increase productivity and measurement throughput.Enhanced ConnectivityThe built-in floppy disk drive, GPIB, RS232 serial and Printer port connectors allow quick and easy data transfer between the analyzer and a PC or workstation. There is also a built-in VGA connector for connecting a large-screen monitor.Color Graphical DisplayTo enhance usability, the new Noise Figure Analyzers now come with an integrated 17 cm full color LCD display, for simultaneous viewing of noise figure and gain against frequency. There are three different formats for viewing measurements, the two separate chan-nel or combined graph format, a table format, and a spot frequency noise figure and gain measurement “meter” format.Ease of AutomationThe NFA series of Noise Figure Analyzers include 2 industry-stan-dard GPIB ports and an RS232 serial port, to aid in the automated control of the instrument. The second GPIB port is dedicated to Local oscillator control. The default control language is SCPI, but users can also define custom LO commands.Ease of IntegrationTo aid with the integration of the new analyzer into manufacturing environments, Agilent has produced a Programmers Reference Manual containing example programs to help migrate to the new system. The NFA is not code compatible with the 8970B, nor can it control the 8971C.Full Measurement CapabilityFeatures present in all NFA series noise figure analyzers•ENR data automatically loaded into NFA series noise figure analyzer when using SNS noise source•Floppy disk loading and saving of ENR data when used with a 346 or 347 noise source•Enhanced analysis through Limit lines and Marker functions •Enhanced PC and printer connectivity and VGA output•Internal data storage capable of storing up to 30 different state,trace, and setup files (dependent upon measurement complexity)•4 MHz measurement bandwidth•Frequency list mode, which enables the user to avoid known, polluted frequencies during a measurement or, used tactically to speed up a measurementFeatures only Available on the N8973A, N8974A, N8975A•Lower noise figure measurement uncertainty ±<0.05 dB•Six user selectable bandwidths (100 KHz, 200 KHz, 400 KHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz, and 4 MHz)• Enhanced speed•A flexible and intuitive user interface •Easy measurement setup •Low instrument uncertainty•Color graphical display of noise figure and gain versus frequency •Enhanced PC and printer connectivity•SNS, 346 and 347 Series noise source compatible•Ability to automatically upload ENR calibration data from SNS Series noise source•Local oscillator control through second dedicated GP-IB •3-year warranty as standardN8973ANoise Figure AnalyzersN8972A N8973A N8974A N8975A NFA Series Key SpecificationsSpecifications apply over 0°C to +55°C unless otherwise noted. Theanalyzer will meet its specifications after 2 hours of storage withinthe operating temperature range, 60 minutes after the analyzer isturned on, with Alignment running. A user calibration is requiredbefore corrected measurements can be made.Frequency RangeNFA Series:N8972A10 MHz to 1.5 GHzN8973A10 MHz to 3 GHzN8974A10 MHz to 6.7 GHzN8975A10 MHz to 26.5 GHzMeasurement Speed (nominal)8 Averages 64 AveragesN8972A:<100 ms/measurement<80 ms/measurementN8973A:<50 ms/measurement<42 ms/measurementN8974A:<70 ms/measurement<50 ms/measurementN8975A:<70 ms/measurement <50 ms/measurementMeasurement Bandwidth (nominal)N8972A:4 MHzN8973A, N8974A, N8975A:4 MHz, 2 MHz, 1 MHz, 400 kHz, 200 kHz, 100 kHzNoise Figure and Gain(Performance is dependent upon ENR of noise source used)N8972A Noise Source ENR4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.1 dB±<0.1 dB±<0.15 dBGainMeasurement range–20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBN8973A, N8974A and Noise Source ENRN8975A(10 MHz to 3.0 GHz) 4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.05 dB±<0.05 dB±<0.1 dBGainMeasurement range –20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBN8974A and N8975A Noise Source ENR(>3.0 GHz) 4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.15 dB±<0.15 dB±<0.2 dBGainMeasurement range–20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBCharacteristic1Noise figure at 23ºC ±3ºC (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz)Characteristic1Noise figure at 23ºC ±3ºC (3.0 GHz to 26.5 GHz)Characteristic values are met or bettered by 90% of instruments with 90%confidence.Frequency ReferenceStandard Opt.1D5Aging±<2 ppm1/year±<0.1 ppm/yearTemperature stability±<6 ppm±<0.01 ppmSettability ±<0.5 ppm±<0.01 ppmTuning Accuracy (Start, Stop, Center, Marker)4 MHz Measurement Bandwidth (default on all models of Noise FigureAnalyzer)Frequency Error10 MHz – 3.0 GHz±<Reference error + 100 kHz3.0 GHz – 26.5 GHz±<Reference error + 400 kHz<4MHz Measurement Bandwidth (functionality not present in N8972A)Frequency Error10 MHz – 3.0 GHz±<Reference error + 20 kHz3.0 GHz – 26.5 GHz±<Reference error + 20% of measurementbandwidthParts Per Million (10e-6)1086421050010001500200025003000Frequency (MHz)NoiseFigure(dB)8911112Frequency (MHz)NoiseFigure(dB)3388347756517418833818791871721956118112724136814492153761626171451829189131879716812156522419233342421251225986265Noise Figure AnalyzersN8972A N8973A N8974A N8975AGeneral SpecificationsDimensionsWithout handle: 222 mm H x 375 mm W x 410 mm D With handle (max): 222 mm H x 409 mm W x 515 mm D Weight (typical, without options)N8972A:15.3 kg N8973A:15.5 kg N8974A:17.5 kg N8975A:17.5 kgData Storage (nominal)Internal drive: 30 traces, states or ENR tables Floppy disk: 30 traces, states or ENR tablesPower RequirementsOn (line 1): 90 to 132 V rms, 47 to 440 Hz, 195 to 250 V rms, 47 to 66 Hz Power consumption: <300 W Standby (line 0): <5 W Temperature RangeOperating: 0ºC to +55ºC Storage: –40ºC to +70ºCHumidity RangeOperating: Up to 95% relative humidity to 40ºC (non-condensing)Altitude range: Operating to 4,600 meters Calibration Interval1-year minimum recommendedElectromagnetic CompatibilityComplies with the requirements of the EMC directive 89/336/EEC. This includes Generic Immunity Standard EN 50082-1:1992 and Radiated Interference Standard CISPR 11:1990/EN 55011:1991, Group 1 Class A.The conducted and radiated emissions performance typically meets CISPR 11:1990/EN 55011:1991 Group 1 Class B limits.Warranty3-Year warranty as standardKey LiteratureNoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Brochure, p/n 5980-0166ENoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Data Sheet, p/n 5980-0164ENoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Configuration Guide, p/n 5980-0163EFundamentals of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements, App note 57-1, p/n 5952-8255E Noise Figure Measurement Accuracy, App note 57-2, p/n 5952-370610 Hints for Making Successful Noise Figure Measurements, p/n 5980-0228E N8972A and N8973A, NFA Series, Noise Figure Analyzer ProgrammingExamples, p/n 5968-9498EOrdering InformationN8972A 10 MHz to 1.5 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8973A 10 MHz to 3.0 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8974A 10 MHz to 6.7 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8975A 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure AnalyzerAll options, other than those marked with *, can be ordered at any time for use with an instrument.Frequency ReferenceN897xA-1D5NFA series high stability frequency reference*Calibration DocumentationN897xA-A6J NFA series ANSI Z540 compliant calibration with test data*AccessoriesN897xA-1CP NFA series rackmount and handle kit N897xA-UK9NFA series front panel coverN897xA-1FP NFA series calibration, performance verification and adjustment softwareDocumentationA hard copy and CD version of the English language Quick Reference Guide, User’s Guide, Programmers Reference, and Calibration andPerformance Verification Manual are included with the NFA as standard.Selections can be made to change the localization of the manual set or to delete the hardcopy.N897xA-AB0NFA series manual set for Taiwan – Chinese localization N897xA-AB1NFA series manual set – Korean localization N897xA-AB2NFA series manual set – Chinese localization N897xA-ABE NFA series manual set – Spanish localization N897xA-ABF NFA series manual set – French localization N897xA-ABZ NFA series manual set – Italian localization N897xA-ABD NFA series manual set – German localization N897xA-ABJ NFA series manual set – Japanese localization N897xA-0B0Delete hardcopy manual set*Note: The localized options will include a localized version of the Quick Reference Guide and User Guide, and an English language version of the Programmers Reference, and Calibration and Performance Verification Manual.Additional DocumentationN897xA-0B1NFA series manual set (English version)N897xA-0B2NFA series user manual (English version)N897xA-0BF NFA series programmers reference (English version)Service Options:Warranty and Service Standard warranty is 3 years. For warranty and service of 5 years, please order R-51B-001-5F: “3 year Return-to Agilent warranty extended to 5 years” (quantity = 1).Calibration 2For 3 years, order 36 months of the appropriate calibration plan shown below. For 5 years, specify 60 months.R-50C-001Standard calibration plan*R-50C-002Standard compliant calibration plan*Options not available in all countries。
磁场作用下轴向运动功能梯度 Timoshenko 梁的振动特性
磁场作用下轴向运动功能梯度 Timoshenko 梁的振动特性作者:陈喜唐有绮柳爽来源:《振动工程学报》2021年第06期摘要:軸向运动结构的工程振动问题一直是动力学领域中的重要课题之一。
为了更全面地分析工程中的振动,针对磁场作用下轴向运动功能梯度 Timoshenko 梁的振动特性展开论述。
关键词: Timoshenko 梁;功能梯度材料;复模态方法;固有频率;衰减系数中图分类号: O326 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1004-4523(2021)06-1161-08DOI:10.16385/ki.issn.1004-4523.2021.06.007引言随着科学技术的迅速发展,轴向运动功能梯度结构的磁力控制在航空航天、机械工程和交通运输等领域得到广泛的应用。
轴向运动结构的研究最早可以追溯到 Aiken[1]的实验观测和分析。
王乐等[9]求解自由边界下轴力对 Timoshenko 梁的横向振动影响。
Tang 等[10]研究了不同边界条件下轴向运动 Timoshenko 梁的固有频率、模态以及临界速度。
杨晓东等[11]研究了两端铰支边界条件下 Timoshenko 模型轴向运动梁的横向振动问题。
微波辐射计反演大气折射率的改进线性回归算法李江漫;舒婷婷;林乐科;郭立新;赵振维【摘要】提出了一种地基双通道微波辐射计反演大气折射率的改进线性回归算法,该算法将折射率干项和湿项的函数表达式作为地面气象参数的输入量,更好地反映了大气折射率与地面大气参数间的相关性,物理概念清晰.通过对伊春、哈尔滨、锦州、太原、青岛、广州、三亚地区不同月份的历史探空数据进行仿真计算,证明了所提算法的有效性,结果表明:利用改进线性回归算法反演大气折射率廓线的精度普遍在5 km以下,较原线性回归模型有所改善,尤其对近地面的大气折射率反演精度改善明显.【期刊名称】《电波科学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(028)002【总页数】5页(P316-320)【关键词】微波辐射计;折射率;反演;线性回归【作者】李江漫;舒婷婷;林乐科;郭立新;赵振维【作者单位】西安电子科技大学理学院,陕西西安710071;中国电波传播研究所,山东青岛266107;西安电子科技大学理学院,陕西西安710071;中国电波传播研究所,山东青岛266107;西安电子科技大学理学院,陕西西安710071;中国电波传播研究所,山东青岛266107【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN011引言地基微波辐射计已广泛应用于大气温度、大气中水汽和云中液态水、降水等被动遥感中,并发展了多种统计回归算法[1-5].Guiraud等人给出了双通道微波辐射计反演水汽密度廓线的回归算式,取得了较好的反演结果;随着多通道微波辐射计大气廓线反演技术的发展,F.D. Frate等人利用七通道微波辐射计在上述反演算法的基础上,考虑与地面观测量的相关性,建立了反演大气温度和湿度廓线的线性回归算式,获得了较好的反演结果[6].由于电波折射修正、无线电测控、导航定位等需要,地基微波辐射计也被用来反演大气折射率廓线,多元线性回归算法是其常用的、有效的方法[7-8].本文在多元线性回归算法的基础上运用了折射率干项和湿项的函数表达式,改进了地面参数的输入形式,用于反演大气折射率廓线,精度普遍在5 km以下,较原线性回归模型有所改善.1 反演大气折射率的线性回归算法大气折射率N可由气象参数经下式计算得出(1)式中: N为折射率; P为大气压强,hPa; e为水汽压,hPa; T为大气温度,K. 地基微波辐射计接收到的大气辐射亮温TB,可以根据大气辐射传输方程得出[1] TB(ν,θ)= TBb(∞)exp(-τν(0,∞)sec θ)+ sec θkν(z)T(z)exp(-τν(0,z)sec θ)dz,(2)式中: TB是大气辐射亮温,K;TBb(∞)表示进入地球大气层以前的宇宙辐射(约为2.73 K); T(z)为高度z处大气的温度;ν为频率;θ为天顶角; k为大气吸收系数,是大气压强、温度和水汽密度的函数.由式(1)、(2)可以看出大气折射率与大气辐射亮温TB均为大气温湿压的函数,由此可以建立线性回归方程,用于反演大气折射率廓线[6],(3)式中: TBn是不同频率下微波辐射计的亮温; F是不同高度的待反演参数; F0是地面的待反演参数; an是回归系数.参照式(3),针对双通道微波辐射计,加入地面的气象参数,可以建立下面的反演大气折射率的多元线性回归算式[6]N= a0+a1TB1+a2TB2+a3P0+a4T0+a5RH0,(4)式中:N是不同高度的大气折射率;P0是地面的压强,hPa;T0是地面的温度,K; RH0是地面的相对湿度; TB1、TB2分别是23.8 GHz和31.65 GHz下微波辐射计的亮温,K; an是回归系数.将式(4)作为原始线性回归模型.2 反演大气折射率的改进线性回归算法在式(4)的多元线性回归算式的基础上,根据大气折射率的干项和湿项函数表达式(1),改变地面气象参数的输入形式,得到了改进的线性回归算式(5)式中e0为地面的水汽压.在气象探空数据中,往往直接给出地面温度t0(℃)、相对湿度RH0和压强P0,可以由这些数据求出所需要的水汽压为(6)(7)式中: E0为饱和水汽压; a、b、c为常数.T0与t0的转换关系为T0=t0+273.15.(8)反演大气折射率廓线还可以采用神经网络等方法,采用改进的线性回归方法,其特点是,在不同的高度回归系数不同,而随着高度的减小,在地面层可以退化为真实的地面折射率的干湿项的系数,形式简洁,物理概念清晰.3 仿真结果及误差分析选取伊春、哈尔滨、锦州、太原、青岛、广州、三亚不同月份的历史数据进行仿真计算,将仿真正演的亮温值和地面的气象参数作为反演折射率的数据基础,并用约95%的数据训练回归系数,用剩余约5%的数据评估误差.分别用原始线性回归模型式(4)和改进的线性回归模型式(5)反演折射率廓线,比较误差.将大气分为47层(包括地面层),地面到1 km每隔100 m为一层,1 km到10 km每隔250 m为一层,每一层单独建立一组折射率与输入变量之间的回归关系,反演时先将47层分别计算,然后再合到一起得到折射率廓线.计算每一层大气折射率的反演均方根误差(不包括地面层)为(9)式中: Q为测试样本数目; FRetr和FRadio分别表示某一层反演的折射率和真实的探空折射率.选取4个地区的仿真结果示意图.图1为太原7月份原始线性回归模型与改进线性回归模型反演折射率的均方根误差比较.图1 太原7月份反演均方差随海拔高度变化由图1可以看出:6 km以下改进模型的反演结果较原模型有一定的改善,其中接近地面的几层均方根误差改善比较明显.6 km以下这一段高度内,原模型折射率廓线的反演平均均方差为4.609 N;改进模型的反演平均均方差为4.234 1 N. 6 km 以上改进模型与原模型精度相当.图2为青岛9月份原始线性回归模型与改进线性回归模型反演折射率的均方根误差比较.图2 青岛9月份反演均方差随海拔高度变化由图2可以看出:5 km以下改进模型的反演结果较原模型有一定的改善,其中,接近地面的几层均方根误差改善比较明显.5 km以下这一段高度内,原模型折射率廓线的反演平均均方差为4.715 1 N;改进模型的反演平均均方差为4.247 9 N. 5 km以上改进模型与原模型精度相当.图3为广州3月份原始线性回归模型与改进线性回归模型反演折射率的均方根误差比较.由图3可以看出:7 km以下改进模型的反演结果较原模型有一定的改善,其中,接近地面的几层均方根误差改善比较明显.7 km以下这一段高度内,原模型折射率廓线的反演平均均方差为3.889 7 N;改进模型的反演平均均方差为3.658 1 N. 7 km以上改进模型与原模型精度相当.图4为哈尔滨3月份原始线性回归模型与改进线性回归模型反演折射率的均方根误差比较.图3 广州3月份反演均方差随海拔高度变化图4 哈尔滨3月份反演均方差随海拔高度变化由图4可以看出:5 km以下改进模型的反演结果较原模型有一定的改善,其中,接近地面的几层均方根误差改善比较明显.5 km以下这一段高度内,原模型折射率廓线的反演平均均方差为2.721 6 N;改进模型的反演平均均方差为2.309 4 N. 5 km以上改进模型的反演误差稍大于原模型.通过以上的反演结果和误差分析可以看出:因区域特性不同,改进的线性回归模型适用范围稍有差异,但普遍在5 km以下改进模型的反演均方差比原模型小.尤其在近地面,改进模型对反演误差的改善程度较为明显,均减小了2~3 N左右.其他仿真图形不一一列举,现将所有仿真结果统一列表说明.表1和表2为5 km以下各地区不同月份原模型和改进模型反演折射率廓线的平均均方差.可以看出:改进线性回归模型的反演精度较原始线性回归模型大体上都有所改善,改善程度有所不同.表1 5 km以下折射率反演平均均方差比较平均均方差伊春4月伊春7月青岛3月青岛7月原始2.66294.52693.46857.3456改进2.43944.33403.44356.9643(原始-改进)/原始0.08390.04260.00720.0519平均均方差青岛9月锦州7月哈尔滨3月哈尔滨9月原始4.71515.28942.72163.3473改进4.24794.55542.30943.0638(原始-改进)/原始0.09910.13880.15150.0847表2 5 km以下折射率反演平均均方差比较平均均方差太原3月太原7月广州3月广州7月原始2.32134.84524.24912.5148改进2.33694.43334.00762.3056(原始-改进)/原始-0.00670.08500.05680.0832平均均方差三亚3月三亚7月原始5.63632.7286改进5.57672.5672(原始-改进)/原始0.01060.0592由于在折射率计算式中包含水汽项,所以,选取对水汽含量敏感的23.8 GHz通道,考虑到云中的液态水对辐射计所测亮温的影响,增加了对液态水含量敏感的31.65GHz通道.由于在折射率计算式中还包含温度项,还可以增加对氧气敏感的60 GHz氧吸收带中的频率.以太原7月为例进行仿真计算,不同频率组合下改进线性回归算法的反演误差如表3所示.表3 5 km以下折射率反演平均均方差比较频率/GHz误差/N23.8+31.654.433323.8+31.65+51.254.467423.8+31.65+52.284.396723.8+31.65+53.854.318723.8+31.65+54.944.3821 23.8+31.65+56.664.433723.8+31.65+57.294.437723.8+31.6 5+58.804.4409由表3可以看出,加入氧气通道之后,反演结果较两通道改善程度不尽相同,其中53.85 GHz通道组合反演误差最小,计算不同高度的反演误差如图5所示,可以看出反演误差在高度约1.5~6 km有所改善.图5 折射率反演均方差随海拔高度变化4 结论本文介绍了一种利用地基双通道微波辐射计反演大气折射率廓线的改进线性回归算法.通过仿真反演结果可以看出:改进的线性回归反演算法由于运用了折射率干项和湿项的函数表达式,能更好地反映折射率与地面大气参数间的关系,物理概念清晰.反演精度较原有的线性回归算法普遍在5 km以下有一定的提高,尤其在近地面改善明显.根据区域性与季节性的不同,在实际应用地基双通道微波辐射计反演大气折射率廓线时,可以根据反演的高度不同,将原始线性回归模型与改进的线性回归模型结合起来,同时还可以增加氧气通道,使反演精度有更大的改善.参考文献[1] 张培昌. 大气微波遥感基础[M]. 北京: 气象出版社, 1995.[2] 周秀骥. 大气微波辐射及遥感原理[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 1982.[3] CHURNSIDE J H, STERMISZ T A, SEHROEDER J A. 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Means for in-place automated calibration of optica
专利名称:Means for in-place automated calibration ofoptically-based thickness sensor发明人:Harriss T. King,Wesley D. French,SteveAxelrod,Scott C. Wiley申请号:US10679198申请日:20031003公开号:US06967726B2公开日:20051122专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The calibration of a laser caliber is described. The laser caliber uses first and second sensors to determine the distance to different sides of a sheet. A third sensor isused to determine the distance between the first and second sensors. The calibration of the first, second, and third sensors is done by positioning a test object onto the platform sensed by the third sensor. The platform is moved to multiple positions in order to calibrate the first, second and third sensors. Since the displacement of the platform moves the distance to the target of the first, second and third sensors the same amount, the sensors can be accurately calibrated for a number of different positions of the test object. A very accurate calibrating displacement measuring device such as an LVDT can be used.申请人:Harriss T. King,Wesley D. French,Steve Axelrod,Scott C. Wiley地址:Cupertino CA US,San Jose CA US,Los Altos CA US,Los Altos CA US国籍:US,US,US,US代理机构:Fliesler Meyer LLP代理人:Charles H. Jew更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Infrared and Laser Engineering
2021年 6 月 Jun. 2021
CALIO P反演海洋颗粒物后向散射系数方法概述
陶 雨 婷 \ 赵 泓 楷 、周 雨 迪 、 卓 文 淇 1,刘 群 \ 崔 晓 宇 、刘 斌 、乐成峰2,潘 孙 强 3, 刘 崇 1,刘 东 1
6bp的 反 演 结 果 ,旨在为我国未来星载海洋激光雷达的数据处理及应用工作提供参考。
关键词:星载激光雷达; 图分类号:P734.2 文 献 标 志 码 : A
D O I:10.3788/IRLA20211037
Overview of inversion methods of ocean subsurface particulate backscattering coefficient by using CALIOP data
的星载激光雷达,特别是为极地观测和昼夜观测提供了重要数据。文中详细介绍了 C A L IO P 系统原理
及 其 三 级 主 要 数 据 产 品 ,重 点 梳 理 了 利 用 CALIOP 532 nm 偏 振 通 道 退 偏 比 反 演 Z>bp的方法以及后续的
退 卷 积 校 正 系 统 瞬 态 响 应 等 改 进 措 施 ,总 结 出 了 一 套 详 细 完 整 的 反 演 流 程 ,开发出对应算法并展示了
(1.浙 江 大 学 宁 波 研 究 院 光 电 科 学 与 工 程 学 院 ,浙 江 杭 州 310027; 2.浙 江 大 学 海 洋 学 院 ,浙 江 舟 山 316021;
3.浙 江 省 计 量 科 学 研 究 院 ,浙 江 杭 州 310018)
MODIS Operation, Calibration & Performance 201304
MODIS Operation, Calibration & Performance
Jack Xiong (NASA GSFC) and MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST) MODIS Science Discipline Representatives
Telemetry Trends (Cold FPA)
0.4 K
Weekly average (Cal events excluded)
Aqua CFPA Oscillations Long-term trend
~0.7 K ~0.7 K
References: ST M Plenary Presentations on MODIS Instrument Status and L1 C6
MODIS Operation, Calibration & Performance
MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST)
MODIS Operation, Calibration, and Performance Introduction (Jack Xiong) MODIS Operation and L1B Status (Brian Wenny) Thermal Emissive Bands Calibration and Performance (Aisheng Wu) Reflective Solar Bands Calibration and Performance (Amit Angal) Special Topics (Junqiang Sun) MODIS Geo-location Status (Robert Wolfe) Summary and Plans (Jack Xiong) Break Science Discipline Presentations Land Discipline Cal/Val Updates – RSB (Eric Vermote) Land Discipline Cal/Val Updates – TEB (Simon Hook) Ocean Discipline Cal/Val Updates (Gerhard Meister) Atmosphere Discipline Cal/Val Updates – RSB (TBD) Atmosphere Discipline Cal/Val Updates – TEB (Chris Moeller) Discussions (All) Adjourn 08:30 am 08:35 am 08:50 am 09:10 am 09:30 am 09:50 am 10:10 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 11:15 am 11:30 am 11:45 am 12:00 pm 12:15 pm
动态监测脑血流及脑氧饱和度对沙滩椅位肩关节镜手术后缺血性脑损伤的影响陈静霞;赵昭【摘要】Objective To investigate the clinical effect of dynamic monitoring of cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen saturation on prevention of ischemic brain injury after arthroscopic surgery of beach chair shoulder.Methods From May 2014 to August 2016,48 cases of undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery patients was selected in Shenzhen Second People's Hospital.According to the simple random method they were divided into control group and observation group,with 24 cases in each group.The blood pressure and oxygen saturation were monitored during the operation in the control group and monitoring of cerebral blood pressure and cerebral oxygen saturation in the observation group was carried out.The operation situation,ULCA score 7 d after operation,blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation,and MMSE score were compared between two groups.Results There wasno significant difference between the two groups in operation time,intraoperative blood loss,postoperative drainage volume and postoperative extubation time (P > 0.05).In the observation group,the excellent and good rate of ULCA score (87.50%) at 7 d after operation was not significantly different from that of the control group (91.67%) (P > 0.05).The postoperative blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation of patients in the two groups were decreased,the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05).The postoperative bloodpressure and blood oxygen saturation of patients in the observation group were higher than those in the control group,the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05).The postoperative MMSE scores of patients in the two groups were decreased,but the MMSE score of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group,the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05).Conclusion The dynamic detection of cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen saturation can effectively reduce the risk of ischemic brain injury and improve the recovery of patients after undergoing arthroscopic surgery.%目的探讨动态监测脑血流及脑氧饱和度对预防沙滩椅位肩关节镜手术后缺血性脑损伤的临床效果.方法选取2014年5月~2016年8月在深圳市第二人民医院进行沙滩椅位肩关节镜手术患者48例作为研究对象,按照简单随机法将患者分为对照组和观察组,每组各24例.对照组术中监测指端血压及氧饱和度,观察组术中监测脑血压及脑氧饱和度.比较两组患者手术情况、术后7 d ULCA评分、血压及血氧饱和度变化、术后简易精神状态量表(MMSE)评分.结果两组患者手术时间、术中出血量、术后引流量及术后拔管时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).观察组患者术后7 d ULCA评分优良率(87.50%)与对照组(91.67%)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组患者术后血压及血氧饱和度均明显下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者术后血压及血氧饱和度均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组患者术后MMSE评分均有下降,但是观察组患者MMSE评分明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论进行沙滩椅位肩关节镜手术时,动态检测脑血流及脑氧饱和度,可有效降低缺血脑损伤的发生风险,提高患者术后恢复.【期刊名称】《中国医药导报》【年(卷),期】2018(015)004【总页数】4页(P82-85)【关键词】脑血流量;脑氧饱和度;沙滩椅位;肩关节镜;缺血性脑损伤【作者】陈静霞;赵昭【作者单位】广东省深圳市第二人民医院麻醉科,广东深圳518035;广东省深圳市第二人民医院麻醉科,广东深圳518035【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R743.31肩关节镜手术过程中,合适体位不仅可以充分暴露手术视野,提高手术质量及缩短手术时间,还可以减少术后并发症的发生[1]。
空间频率域超声背散射参量用于骨质状况的评价第五强强;李博艺;李颖;徐峰;刘成成;他得安【期刊名称】《应用声学》【年(卷),期】2018(037)001【摘要】Ultrasonic backscattering signals changed with the different regions of interest(ROI)in ultrasonic backscattering boneevaluation,resulting in the decrease of diagnostic accuracy. The purpose of this paper is to study the variation of ultrasonic backscatter signals with the ROI changes. 35 cancellous bone specimens were measured in vitro by spatial scanning measurement. Ultrasonic backscattering parameters were transformed from the spatial domain to the spatial frequency domain. The results show that the main spatial frequency components of ultrasonic backscattering parameters were concentrated in the low frequency part. The maximum magnitude of ultrasonic backscattering parameters in spatial frequency domain(MASF)had highly significant correlation with bone mineral density and other parameters (R2=0.45~0.83, p<0.001). The attenuation coefficients of ultrasonic backscattering parameters in spatial frequency domain (AC) were also significantly related to the cancellous bone density and structure parameters (R2= 0.41 ~ 0.72, p < 0.001). This article shows that the method of spatial frequency domain transformation is helpful for clarifying the variation of ultrasonic backscatter signals with the ROI changes. The new parameters obtained by ultrasonicbackscattering in spatial frequency domain are feasible to evaluate cancellous bone.%在超声背散射骨质评价中,不同测量感兴趣区域(ROI)的超声背散射信号会有波动,致使诊断准确度降低.该文目的是研究超声背散射信号随测量区域的变化规律.采用空间扫描方法离体测量了35块骨样本,将超声背散射参数从空间域变换到空间频率域.结果表明,超声背散射参数的主要空间频率成分集中于低频部分;空间频率域超声背散射参量最大值(MASF)与骨矿密度等参数具有中高度显著相关性(R2=0.45~0.83,p<0.001);空间频率域超声背散射参量衰减系数(℃)也与松质骨密度及结构特征有显著相关性(R2=0.41~0.72,p<0.001).研究表明空间频率域变换方法有助于明确超声背散射信号随测量ROI的变化规律,空间频率域的超声背散射相关新参量评价松质骨状况具有可行性.【总页数】7页(P145-151)【作者】第五强强;李博艺;李颖;徐峰;刘成成;他得安【作者单位】复旦大学电子工程系上海200433;复旦大学电子工程系上海200433;复旦大学电子工程系上海200433;复旦大学电子工程系上海200433;同济大学声学研究所上海200092;复旦大学电子工程系上海200433【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB551【相关文献】1.超声背散射法评价松质骨状况的研究 [J], 他得安;王威琪2.超声背散射骨质评价中的频散衰减测量与补偿 [J], 东蕊; 刘成成; 蔡勋兵; 邵留磊; 李博艺; 他得安3.超声表观积分背散射系数评价2型糖尿病跟骨骨质状况 [J], 徐铮;冒蓓;李雪峰;左晓勇;李冠武4.基于超声背散射的骨质评价实验研究 [J], 汤伟;黄璜;丑幸幸5.超声背散射系数评价松质骨状况的可行性研究 [J], 他得安;王威琪;汪源源;余建国因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
鲜花生的低场核磁共振横向弛豫分析李潮锐;刘青;杨培强【摘要】As low field 1 H NMR relaxation can effectively measure moisture and fat in oil seed,the key problem is technology for identification of the contribution from these components respectively.The pea-nut mass change with hydrogenation is recorded for optimizing NMR measurement process.The CPMG (Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill) technique was applied to obtain the NMR transverse relaxation of peanut and peanut oil samples,and the resonance relaxation spectrum was analyzed with the method of continu-ous spectrum iteration.According to the variation of relaxation spectrum peak area with peanut mass,the assignments of the relaxation peaks were determined with the results from peanut oil.The study found that the transverse relaxation spectrum peaks reflected the fat content in dry pared with fat con-tent measured with traditional technology,the peak areas for dry fresh peanut had a positive linear corre-lation with its fat concentration.The results demonstrate that the NMR transverse relaxation spectrum can be used for determination of fat content in fresh peanut.%尽管低场1 H-核磁共振(NMR)弛豫谱技术可以有效地获取油料作物种子中水和油脂等组分含量信息,但实现准确分析的关键前提是解决弛豫谱的标识问题。
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Radiance Calibration of DMSP-OLS Low-Light Imaging Data of Human SettlementsChristopher D.Elvidge,*Kimberly E.Baugh,†John B.Dietz,‡Theodore Bland,§Paul C.Sutton, and Herbert W.Kroehl¶N octurnal lighting is a primary method for enabling hu-tering the global environment include greenhouse gas man activity.Outdoor lighting is used extensively world-emissions from fossil fuel consumption,air and waterpollution,and land cover/land use change.wide in residential,commercial,industrial,public facili-Far from being evenly distributed across the land ties,and roadways.A radiance calibrated nighttime lightssurface,to a great extent human activities with environ-image of the United States has been assembled from De-mental consequences are concentrated in or near human fense Meteorological Satellite Program(DMSP)Opera-population centers.One approach to modeling the spatial tional Linescan System(OLS).The satellite observationdistribution of human activities is to use population den-of the location and intensity of nocturnal lighting providesity as an indicator for the phenomenon of interest(e.g., a unique view of humanities presence and can be used asthe percent coverage of impermeable surfaces).There a spatial indicator for other variables that are more diffi-are two primary disadvantages to using population den-cult to observe at a global scale.Examples include thesity as an indicator for human activities with environmen-modeling of population density and energy related green-tal consequences.At a global level,population density is house gas emissions.Published by Elsevier Science Inc.not well characterized.Currently available global popula-tion density grids cover approximately60sq km per datacell(Tobler et al.,1995),far too coarse for many envi-INTRODUCTIONronmental applications.In areas where high spatial reso-Much of global change research is dedicated to discern-lution population density data sets are available,the envi-ing and documenting the impacts of human activities on ronmental applicability of the data suffer due to the fact natural systems.Human population numbers have ex-that population density is defined as a residential param-panded fromف750million in the mid-1700s,will reach eter.As a result transportation corridors,public,com-6billion in1999,and could double in the next49years mercial,and industrial zones have very low population if current growth continues(Haub and Cornelius,1998).density.In many cases these areas have much higher Human activities which are known to be cumulatively al-densities of people present8–12h/day than the associ-ated residential zones.Thus the use of population den-sity as an indicator for percent of land area covered by *NOAA National Geophysical Data Center,Boulderimpermeable surface(roads,roofs,parking lots)would †Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences,University of Colorado,Boulder result in a substantial skewing of the results towards resi-‡Cooperative Institute for Research on Atmosphere,Colorado dential areas.State University,Fort CollinsHaving a capability for direct global observation of a §Electronic Sensors and Systems Division,Northrop GrummanCorporation,Baltimore widespread and distinctly human activity that varies in Department of Geography,University of California,Santa intensity could substantially improve understanding of Barbarathe magnitude of humanities presence and modeling hu-¶Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division,NOAA National GeophysicalData Center,Boulder man impacts on the environment.Available satellites Address correspondence to C.D.Elvidge,NOAA National Geo-sensors with global data acquisition capabilities have all physical Data Center,325Broadway,Boulder,CO80303.E-mail:focused on the observation of natural systems as their cde@Received9May1998;revised2October1998.design criteria.If global observation of human activity REMOTE SENS.ENVIRON.68:77–88(1999)Published by Elsevier Science Inc.0034-4257/99/$–see front matter 655Avenue of the Americas,New York,NY10010PII S0034-4257(98)00098-478Elvidge et al.1976.In1999,DMSP operates three OLS(satellitesF-12,F-13,and F-14).Many details of the OLS instru-ment and the onboard data processing are described byLieske(1981).The OLS is an oscillating scan radiometer whichgenerates images with a swath width ofف3000km.With14orbits per day,each OLS is capable of generatingglobal daytime and nighttime coverages of the Earth ev-ery24h.The full resolution data,having a ground sam-ple distance(GSD)of0.56km,is referred to as“fine.”Onboard averaging of five by five blocks of fine data pro-duces“smoothed”data with a GSD of2.7km.The“visi-ble”bandpass straddles the visible and near-infrared(VNIR)portion of the spectrum(Fig.1).The thermal Figure1.Bandpass for the visible band for the OLS instru-infrared channel has a bandpass covering10–13l m.The ment aboard DMSP F-12.visible band has6-bit quantization,producing digitalnumber(digital number)values ranging from0to63. was set as a design criteria,what wavelength(s)would beThe thermal infrared band has8-bit quantization(digital investigated?Radio frequencies emitted by power lines,number range from0to255).A constellation of two sat-electrical devices,and cellular telephones might be aellites provides for global coverage four times a day: good starting point!As an alternative,we have been in-dawn,day,dusk,and night.Satellite attitude is stabilized vestigating the nocturnal observation of artificial lightingusing four gyroscopes(three-axis stabilization),a star as a measure or indicator of human activity using data mapper,Earth limb sensor,and a solar detector.The potential use of nighttime OLS data for the ob-collected by the U.S.Air Force Defense MeteorologicalSatellite Program(DMSP)Operational Linescan System servation of city lights and other VNIR emission sources (OLS).This instrument has a low-light imaging capabil-was first noted in the1970s by Croft(1973;1978;1979). ity,which was designed for the observation of clouds illu-Welch(1980)and Foster(1983)speculated that OLS minated by moonlight.In addition to moonlit clouds,thedata could be used to map the distribution human settle-data can be used to detect light sources present at the ments and inventory the spatial distribution of human ac-Earth’s surface.tivities,such as energy consumption.Sullivan(1989)pro-We have explored the gain control of the OLS and duced a10km resolution global image of OLS observed discovered that it is possible to adjust the gain to coverVNIR emission sources using film data.The global map the range of radiances encountered from brightly lit published by Sullivan(1989)was derived from single commercial centers in the largest cities down to residen-dates of OLS imagery,selected based on the presence tial areas in urban,suburban,and many rural settings.of large number cloud-free VNIR emission sources and The OLS low-light imaging data can be converted tomosaicked into a global product.As a result,many of the brightness values based on the preflight calibration of the features presented in areas such as Africa are ephemeralVNIR emissions from fires.These early studies with OLS OLS sensor.The objective of this article is to review thelow-light imaging features of the OLS,to describe meth-data relied on the analysis of film strips,which limited ods used for the assembly of radiance calibrated night-the scope of the studies.time lights products of the United States,and to com-In1992the U.S.Air Force and NOAA established pare this product to several other data types.a digital archive for DMSP data at the NOAA NationalGeophysical Data Center.Subsequently,algorithms havebeen developed to identify and geolocate VNIR emission BACKGROUNDsources in nighttime OLS imagery(Elvidge et al.,1997a). Since1970the DMSP has operated polar orbiting satel-NGDC has produced a global inventory of fires,gas lite sensors capable of low-light imaging the Earth at flares,fishing lightboats,and human settlements using ing light intensifying photomultiplier tube tech-DMSP-OLS observations acquired between1October nology,these sensors were designed to observe clouds il-1994through31March1995.The thermal infrared band luminated by moonlight using a single broad spectralOLS data are used to identify clouds,and the number band(Fig.1).With sunlight eliminated,it possible to of times lights are detected in cloud-free areas are tal-also detect city lights,gas flares,and fires.From1970tolied.By dividing this tally by the total number of cloud-1975DMSP Blocks5A,B,and C flew equipped with the free observation,it is possible to normalize the frequency SAP(S ensor A erospace Vehicle Electronics P ackage).of the lights for differences in the number of usable ob-The Operational Linescan System(OLS)first flew on servations.The percent frequency values are then DMSP Block5D-1satellite F-1,launched in Septemberthresholded to eliminate ephemeral events like noise,Calibration of Low-Light,Nighttime Imagery79Figure2.Relationship between the F-12OLS visible band gain when operated in PMT mode,dig-ital numbers,and observed radiances derived from the preflight sensor calibration.lightning,and fires.Our experience indicates that most OLS LOW-LIGHT IMAGING GAIN CONTROL ephemeral events can be eliminated by deleting detec-An optical instrument’s gain can be thought of as the tions which occurred in less than6–10%of the cloud-amplification of the incoming signal,from the front end free observations for a time series spanning a6-monthof the telescope to the output of the digital number data time period.The finished stable lights data record thestream.The full system contains both gains and losses; percent frequency with which lights were observed withinhowever,the overall system amplifies the original signal. the set of cloud-free observations.The OLS has analog preamplifiers and postamplifier with Stable lights for the1994–1995time period havefixed gains as well as VDGA(Variable Digital Gain Am-been produced for most of the Americas,Europe,Asia,plifier)gain.The gain of the photomultiplier tube(PMT) and northern Africa(Elvidge et al.,1997b).Sutton et al.also contributes to the overall system gain for night scenes. (1997)examined the potential use of the stable lights dataPrimary control of the low-light imaging gain is achieved to spatially apportion population.Imhoff et al.(1997a,b)through ground command of the VDGA,which has values used the stable lights to estimate the extent of land areasfrom0to63decibels(dB is the log of the amplification). withdrawn from agricultural production.Gallo et al.Prior to launch,the OLS is calibrated under condi-(1995)used nighttime lights to assess urban heat islandtions which simulate the space environment.During the impacts on meteorological records.Elvidge et al.(1997b,c)calibration the OLS views light sources having known ir-found that the area lit(km2)from the stable lights of in-radiance,and digital numbers are recorded over the full dividual counties to be highly correlated to Gross Do-range of VDGA.The calibration data equate telescope mestic Product.input illuminance to digital numbers at specific VDGA The stable lights product indicates the percent fre-gain settings.quency with which lights were detected within the set ofFigure2shows the relationship between OLS cloud-free observations,with no indication of the bright-VDGA gain settings and the observed range of radiances, ness of the lights.The stable lights products were assem-based on the preflight sensor calibration.This calibration bled utilizing data acquired under low lunar illuminationdata makes it possible to relate OLS digital numbers conditions,making it is possible to exclude moonlit cloudsback to the laboratory observed radiances known in and reservoirs from the analysis.The high gain settingsterms of W/cm2/sr/l m.The solid diagonal line indicates (or amplification)used during the dark half of the monththe saturation radiance(digital numberϭ63).Observed make it possible to detect faint sources of VNIR emis-pixels with radiances greater than this radiance yield dig-sion,but result in saturated data for many urban areas.ital number values of63.The dashed diagonal line indi-This prevented implementation of a radiance calibrationin our earliest nighttime lights products.cates the radiance for a digital number of1,the lowest80Elvidge et al.detectable radiance.At a VDGA gain setting of63,thefull system gain,including the fixed gain amplifiers,is136dB.This is a light intensification of1013.6times theoriginal input signal,permitting measurement of radi-ances down to10Ϫ10W/cm2/sr/l m.This is approximately6orders of magnitude lower than the OLS daytime visi-ble band or the VNIR bands of other sensors,such asthe NOAA AVHRR or the Landsat Thematic Mapper.The primary objective of the on-orbit OLS gain con-trol is the generation of consistent imagery of clouds atall scan angles for visual interpretation by Air Force me-teorologists.In normal operations the VDGA is modifiedto track scene illumination predicted from lunar phaseand elevation.The resulting base gains are modified ev-ery0.4ms by an onboard along scan gain control(ASGC)algorithm.In addition,a BRDF(bidirectionalreflectance distribution function)algorithm further ad-justs the gain in the scan segment where the illuminationangle equals the observation angle.The lowest gain settings occur under full moon con-Figure3.F-12OLS visible band data acquired with a range ditions,producing imagery which looks strikingly similarof gain settings on16March1996.to daytime visible band data.Gain settings gradually riseas lunar illumination declines,reaching levels at or near60dB(Fig.2)between the last quarter and first quartersaturation.This examination lead to the selection of a lunar phases.During the darkest10nights of each lunarVDGA gain setting of26dB for use in the second24h. cycle,illumination is too low to detect clouds in the OLSIt was found that this gain setting continued to produce visible band data,even with high gain settings.Undersaturated data in the bright centers of major cities and these conditions the effects of the along scan gain andthe gain level was reduced to24dB for the third24-h BRDF algorithms are minimized,and the gain rises toperiod.Very few urban centers continued to have satu-its maximum monthly level.rated pixels in the data acquired at24dB.For example,a set of three saturated OLS pixels were found in the DATA ACQUISITION center of Las Vegas,Nevada.However,at this low gainsetting,only the bright cores of urban centers were de-In early1996,NGDC requested and received permissiontected.To detect the larger number of the smaller and from the DMSP program office to acquire OLS data atdimmer sites,it was decided to acquire data with gain reduced gain settings,with onboard ASGC(along scansettings of40dB on the fourth24-h period and to then gain control)and BDRF functions turned off.The“low-alternate between24dB and40dB every24h(Fig.2). gain”data acquisition was requested for an8-night pe-Initial examination of the1996low-gain revealed riod,corresponding to the darkest nights in March1996,that it is possible to observe brightness variations within with a start date of16March.In order to avoid interfer-urban centers.A global radiance calibrated product could ence with ongoing observations of the leading edge ofnot yet be assembled due the presence of solar glare at the aurora at high northern latitudes,the NGDC requestlatitudes greater than45Њand the relatively small num-was for the acquisition of reduced gain nighttime visibleber of orbits available at each gain setting.It was also band data for theϪ55Њto55Њlatitude range.The north-concluded that a gain setting higher than40dB would ern limit of the usable data was reduced to latitudes lessbe required to detect the large numbers of small towns than45Њdue to the presence of solar glare(see Fig.3).detected in the1994–1995stable lights products.As a Because the OLS gain had never been operated withresult,NGDC requested and received additional low-the objective of observing the brightness patterns of lightgain data acquisitions for5–14January and3–12Febru-sources present at the Earth’s surface,there was no aary1997fromϪ65Њto75Њlatitude,using alternating gain priori information available on what gain setting wouldsettings of24dB and50dB(Fig.2).These correspond be required to avoid saturation on major urban centers.to the10darkest nights of January and February1997. To address this question,OLS data was acquired at aseries of VDGA gain settings,by switching the gain in asteplike fashion for the first24h of the8-day period.AnDATA PROCESSINGexample of this data is shown in Figure3.As a first step in the processing,sections(suborbits)of On17March the step-gain OLS data values of ma-jor urban centers were examined to determine extent of usable nighttime lights data were extracted from theCalibration of Low-Light,Nighttime Imagery81Figure5.Total number of cloud-free data coverages for ob-Figure4.Total number of data coverages for observations servations made at gains greater than30dB(top)andmade at gains greater than30dB(top)and for obser-observations made at gains less than30dB(bottom). vations made at gains less than30dB(bottom).which draws a polygon at the edges of the scan and along original full orbit files.The data processing then involvedthe edges of data gaps.These polygons are ultimately the following primary steps:1)establishment of a refer-used to track the total number of cloud-free observations ence grid;2)identification and geolocation of lights,within the reference grid.clouds,and coverage areas;3)establishing a digital num-In our previous nighttime lights products,lights ber to radiance scale for the final product;4)cloud-freewere detected using an automatic algorithm that estab-compositing within two overlapping gain ranges(highlished a local threshold based on background brightness and low);5)threshold to eliminate isolated detections;levels(Elvidge et al.,1997a).This methodology was de-and6)combine the calibrated images from the two gainveloped to reduce human involvement in the identifica-ranges by averaging based on the number of detections.tion of the lights,to contend with the high noise levels1.Reference Grid:Development of a spatially coher-typically encountered(see bottom section of imagery in ent temporal image composite requires the use of a ref-Fig.3),and to permit processing at all lunar illumina-erence grid with finer spatial resolution than the inputtion conditions.imagery.We have used the1km equal area InterruptedThe local thresholding algorithm operates very Goode Homolosine Projection(Goode,1925;Steinwand,quickly and identifies lights from major cities and towns 1993)developed for the NASA-USGS Global1km(points of light)under a wide range of conditions.How-AVHRR project(Eidenshink and Faundeen,1995).Theever,the algorithm does not generally detect“diffuse IGHP is optimized to provide a uniform grid cell size atlighting,”which is dim and scattered across the landscape. all latitudes and contiguous land masses(except Antarc-These areas can be observed in OLS data in locations like tica).These are favorable characteristics for the productionthe northeastern United States and surrounding major of global land datasets from raster imagery(Steinwand,metropolitan areas.1993).We found that noise was greatly reduced in the data2.Identification and Geolocation of Lights,Clouds,that were acquired for our study.In an attempt to iden-and Coverages:Data gaps within suborbits are filled withtify areas of diffuse lighting as well as lights in focused digital number values of zero.The outline of each blockof valid data was identified using an automatic program centers such as cities and towns,we developed a soft-82Elvidge et al.Figure6.Digital number versus ra-diance diagram for the compositedoutput product.ware tool that an image analyst can use to select athreshold a single digital number above the noise levelFigure7.Radiance calibrated OLS image composites of encountered in a suborbit.An image analyst then re-Minneapolis,Minnesota for two overlapping gain ranges, viewed each suborbit,selecting thresholds,which were indicating the use of compositing to overcome the dynamicused to extract pixels with detectable levels of VNIR range limitations of the OLS sensor.emission.The analyst also identified defective scan linesand scan lines with lightning.In addition,the analyst cre-ated image masks for image areas which contained exces-sive noise or phenomena such as solar glare.Data withinthe marked scan lines of under the image masks wereeliminated from the compositing procedure describedbelow.Because of the low level of lunar illumination pres-ent in the orbital segment,it was not possible to use thevisible band to identify clouds.The cloud identificationwas based entirely on thresholds set on the thermal in-frared band.Clouds are generally colder than the Earth’ssurface.However,the separation of cloud pixels fromEarth surface pixels using thermal infrared thresholdingis complicated by seasonal,latitudinal,and altitudinalvariations in the background Earth surface temperature.The separation of clouds from Earth surface pixels is rel-atively easy at low latitudes,where there is generally alarge temperature difference between pixels of cloudtops and pixels containing land or ocean.Because of thestrong latitudinal effects on the thermal infrared thresh-old for cloud screening in our data,we segment each su-borbit into200-pixel-wide latitudinal bands and visuallyselect a thermal infrared threshold for identification ofthe cloud pixels.Calibration of Low-Light,Nighttime Imagery83Figure8.Radiance calibrated nighttime lights of the United States.Lights,clouds,and the coverage polygons were then calibrated radiance observed was3.17ϫ10Ϫ7W/cm2/sr/l m.In establishing a digital number to radiance conver-geolocated.Our geolocation algorithm operates in theforward mode,projecting the center point of each pixel sion scale,we had two criteria:1)The digital number onto the Earth’s surface.The geolocation algorithm esti-data in byte format(0–255),and2)the scale should ex-mates the latitude and longitude of pixel centers based ceed the range of current data to accommodate later ex-on the geodetic subtrack of the satellite orbit,satellitetensions made at lower or higher OLS gain settings.We altitude,OLS scan angle equations,an Earth sea level developed a logarithmic scaling using the function:Radi-anceϭ(digital number)3/2ϫ10Ϫ10W/cm2/sr/l m(Fig.6). model,and digital terrain data.The geodetic subtrack ofeach orbit is modeled using daily radar bevel vector positing within High and Low Gain Ranges: sightings of the satellite(provided by Naval Space Com-Suborbits were divided into two,roughly equal data vol-mand)as input into an Air Force orbital mechanics ume groups:A)data acquired at gains less than30dB model that calculates the satellite position every0.4208s.and B)data acquired at gains greater than30dB.The satellite heading is estimated by computing the tan-To determine the total number of“cloud-free”ob-gent to the orbital subtrack.We have used an oblate el-servations,the data coverage polygons and cloud detec-lipsoid model of sea level and have used30arc second tions are tallied within the reference grid.Subtraction of digital terrain data provided by the U.S.Geological Sur-these two images yields the number of cloud-free obser-vey,EROS Data Center.vations in the time series.This was performed to both3.Digital Number to Radiance Scale:The thresholdsthe less than and greater than30dB data sets(Figs.4 for the light detection established the range of radiances and5)to ensure that each land surface area had multiple which would be encompassed in the output product.Thevalid observations.Inspection of the images in Figure5 lowest radiances,detected in data acquired with a gain revealed that land areas had at least three cloud-free ob-of50dB,was1.54ϫ10Ϫ9W/cm2/sr/l m.The maximumservations in both gain ranges.84Elvidge et al.Figure9.Stable lights of the United States derived from a1994–1995DMSP-OLS time series(Elvidge et al.,1997a).The second step in the preliminary compositing stage to the stable lights:1)The radiance calibrated lights pro-is to tally the number of light detections and to producevide spatial detail related to brightness variations within an average radiance for each reference grid pixel with urban centers(Fig.10)that was not present in the stable light detection.lights.2)The radiance calibrated lights show low levels5.Thresholding:The high and low gain composite of“diffuse lighting”(shown as purple on Fig.8)indensely populated rural environments in the Washington, images were filtered to eliminate detections which oc-curred only once.This step removes noise and many DC to Boston corridor,western Pennsylvania,Indiana, ephemeral events such as fires or lightning.Michigan,Wisconsin,and surrounding major metropoli-bining High and Low Gain Composites:The tan areas like Minneapolis-St.Paul,Minnesota.high and low gain cloud-free composites are averaged.The radiance calibrated nighttime lights are substan-The radiance calibrated digital number average from tially different in character than other available geos-each image is weighted by the total number of detec-patial data sources.Figure10a shows a Landsat MSS tions.Images demonstrating this final step in the product scene of the St.Louis,Missouri region in a traditional generation are shown in Figure7.“false color”rendition.The information content is pri-marily land cover and geomorphology.Major roads canbe observed,but there appears to be substantial spectral RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONoverlap between human settlements and other land cover Figure8is a color-coded image of the radiance cali-types.Figure10b shows a color-coded version of popula-brated nighttime lights of the United States from1996–tion density,processed from1990U.S.Census Bureau 1997.For comparison,the1994–1995stable lights prod-data by CIESIN(1996).Note that there is substantial uct of the United States(Elvidge et al.,1997a),is shown detail present in the St.Louis area but that outside of in Figure9.As with the1994–1995stable lights data,thethe metropolitan area the data appear to be in large ho-radiance calibrated product shows the cities and many of mogeneous blocks.This is due to the fact the reporting the smaller towns of the United States.Two major differ-units used in the census data are postal ZIP codes,which ences have been identified in the spatial information can be quite large in rural areas.Figure10c shows the content of the radiance calibrated lights when comparedradiance calibrated nighttime lights data for the sameCalibration of Low-Light,Nighttime Imagery85Figure10.a)Landsat MSS data of the St.Louis,Missouri area,Path24Row33,Bands4,2,1as red,green,blue,3Octo-ber1992.b)Population density of the St.Louis,Missouri area in a1km grid(CIESIN,1996).Derived from1990U.S. Census Bureau data.c)Radiance calibrated nighttime lights of the St.Louis,Missouri area derived from DMSP-OLS data acquired during March1996and January–February1997.d)Stable lights of the St.Louis,Missouri area derived froma1994–1995DMSP-OLS time series.area.Note that radiance calibrated data is more similar out the ability of the OLS data to inventory human activ-to the population density data than the Landsat data.ity that is not associated with residences.The1994–1995 Close examination of the data in Figures10b and10c OLS stable lights data are presented in Figure10d.The and more detailed maps indicates that the St.Louis air-units for the stable lights data are percent frequency of port and surrounding commercial and industrial zones detection rather than brightness.The stable light data are quite bright in the radiance calibrated nighttimeprovide clear indications of the locations of small towns lights but have low population density.This is one of the in rural settings,but do not provide the detailed zonation busiest areas within the metropolitan region and pointsof the radiance calibrated lights within the metropolitan。