海馬生物能量測定儀 XF24 實驗手冊
可以注意到,設定畫面中分為數個獨立的子頁 面,每個頁面分別用於紀錄實驗中各類參數的細 節,這些資訊用意在協助研究人員追蹤實驗的流 程,除了protocol此項之外其餘的內容均不會直 接影響實驗的結果,不過強烈建議使用者確實的 紀錄實驗的細節,以便後續的追蹤。
已編寫的流程一覽,執行指令時會由上向下執行,每當使用者新增指令 的時候,指令會新增在圖中藍色光棒的上方。
OCR (pmol/min) 25-50 50-100 100-200 200-400 400-800 800+
Mix Time 2 min. 2 min. 3 min. 4 min. 5 min. 5 min.
Wait 2 2 2 2 2 2 min. min. min. min. min. min.
Day 2
結果輸出 最佳解決方案
實驗第一天 準備實驗分析所需要的細胞
XF生物能量測定儀專用培養盤 XF測定儀所使用的細胞培養盤與一般所使用的二 十四孔培養盤略有不同,原則上同樣具有4乘6的 格式,但是每個孔都具有類似漏斗的構造,底部 平坦的部分才是實際用於細胞培養的區域,其面 積與一般常用的九十六孔盤底面積相當。
David Li
海馬生物能量測定儀實驗流程 貼附型細胞
Day 1
XF Analyzer
背景校正設定 製備培養基 暖機
兩段式細胞培養 更換培養基 37 C無CO2 培養一小時
微生物屏障试验 DIN 58953-6_2010 Test report
Interlaboratory T est …Microbial barrier testing of packa ging materials for medical devices which are tobe ster ili ze d“according to DIN 58953-6:2010Test re portJanuary 2013Author: Daniel ZahnISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungsgesellschaft mbHTest report Page 2 / 15Table of contentsSeite1.General information on the Interlaboratory Test (3)1.1 Organization (3)1.2 Occasion and Objective (3)1.3 Time Schedule (3)1.4 Participants (4)2.Sample material (4)2.1 Sample Description and Execution of the Test (4)2.1.1 Materials for the Analysis of the Germ Proofness under Humidityaccording to DIN 58953-6, section 3 (5)2.1.2 Materials for the Analysis of the Germ Proofness with Air Permeanceaccording to DIN 58953-6, section 4 (5)2.2 Sample Preparation and Despatch (5)2.3 Additional Sample and Re-examination (6)3.Results (6)3.1 Preliminary Remark (6)3.2 Note on the Record of Test Results (6)3.3 Comment on the Statistical Evaluation (6)3.4 Outlier tests (7)3.5 Record of Test Results (7)3.5.1 Record of Test Results Sample F1 (8)3.5.2 Record of Test Results Sample F2 (9)3.5.3 Record of Test Results Sample F3 (10)3.5.4 Record of Test Results Sample L1 (11)3.5.5 Record of Test Results Sample L2 (12)3.5.6 Record of Test Results Sample L3 (13)3.5.7 Record of Test Results Sample L4 (14)4.Overview and Summary (15)Test report Page 3 / 15 1. General Information on the Interlaboratory Test1.1 OrganizationOrganizer of the Interlaboratory Test:Sterile Barrier Association (SBA)Mr. David Harding (director.general@)Pennygate House, St WeonardsHerfordshire HR2 8PT / Great BritainRealization of the Interlaboratory Test:Verein zur Förderung der Forschung und Ausbildung fürFaserstoff- und Verpackungschemie e. V. (VFV)vfv@isega.dePostfach 10 11 0963707 Aschaffenburg / GermanyTechnical support:ISEGA Forschungs- u. Untersuchungsgesellschaft mbHDr. Julia Riedlinger / Mr. Daniel Zahn (ße 3 – 563741 Aschaffenburg / Germany1.2 Occasion and ObjectiveIn order to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the ISO 11607-1:2006 …Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices -- Part 1: Requirements for materials, sterile barrier systems and packaging systems“ validated test methods are to be preferably utilized.For the confirmation of the microbial barrier properties of porous materials demanded in the ISO 11607-1, the DIN 58953-6:2010 …Sterilization – Sterile supply – Part 6: Microbial barrier testing of packaging materials for medical devices which are to be sterilized“ represents a conclusive method which can be performed without the need for extensive equipment.However, since momentarily no validation data on DIN 58953-6 is at hand concerns emerged that the method may lose importance against validated methods in a revision of the ISO 11607-1 or may even not be considered at all.Within the framework of this interlaboratory test, data on the reproducibility of the results obtained by means of the analysis according to DIN 58953-6 shall be gathered.1.3 Time ScheduleSeptember 2010:The Sterile Barrier Association queried ISEGA Forschungs- und Unter-suchungsgesellschaft about the technical support for the interlaboratory test.For the realization, the Verein zur Förderung der Forschung und Ausbildungfür Faserstoff- und Verpackungschemie e. V. (VFV) was won over.November 2010: Preliminary announcement of the interlaboratory test / Seach for interested laboratoriesTest report Page 4 / 15 January toDecember 2011: Search for suitable sample material / Carrying out of numerous pre-trials on various materialsJanuary 2012:Renewed contact or search for additional interested laboratories, respectively February 2012: Sending out of registration forms / preparation of sample materialMarch 2012: Registration deadline / sample despatchMay / June 2012: Results come in / statistical evaluationJuly 2012: Despatch of samples for the re-examinationSeptember 2012: Results of the re-examination come in / statistical evaluationNovember 2012: Results are sent to the participantsDecember 2012/January 2013: Compilation of the test report1.4 ParticipantsFive different German laboratories participated in the interlaboratory test. In one laboratory, the analyses were performed by two testers working independently so that six valid results overall were received which can be taken into consideration in the evaluation.To ensure an anonymous evaluation of the results, each participant was assigned a laboratory number (laboratory 1 to laboratory 6) in random order, which was disclosed only to the laboratory in question. The complete laboratory number breakdown was known solely by the ISEGA staff supporting the proficiency test.2. Sample Material2.1 Sample Description and Execution of the TestUtmost care in the selection of suitable sample material was taken to include different materials used in the manufacture of packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices.With the help of numerous pre-trials the materials were chosen covering a wide range of results from mostly germ-proof samples to germ permeable materials.Test report Page 5 / 15 2.1.1 Materials for the Analysis of Germ Proofness under Humidity according to DIN 58953-6, section 3:The participants were advised to perform the analysis on the samples according to DIN 58953-6, section 3, and to protocol their findings on the provided result sheets.The only deviation from the norm was that in case of the growth of 1 -5 colony-forming units (in the following abbreviated as CFU) per sample, no re-examination 20 test pieces was performed.2.1.2 Materials for the Analysis of Germ Proofness with Air Permeance according to DIN 58953-6, section 4:The participants were advised to perform the analysis on the samples according to DIN 58953-6, section 4, and to protocol their findings on the provided result sheets.2.2 Sample Preparation and DespatchFor the analysis of the germ proofness under humidity, 10 test pieces in the size of 50 x 50 mm were cut out of each sample and heat-sealed into a sterilization pouch with the side to be tested up.Out of the 10 test pieces, 5 were intended for the testing and one each for the two controls according to DIN 58953-6, sections 3.6.2 and 3.6.3. The rest should remain as replacements (e.g. in case of the dropping of a test piece on the floor etc.).For the analysis of the germ proofness with air permeance, 15 circular test pieces with a diameter of 40 mm were punched out of each sample and heat-sealed into a sterilization pouch with the side to be tested up.Test report Page 6 / 15 Out of the 15 test pieces, 10 were intended for the testing and one each for the two controls according to DIN 58953-6, section 4.9. The rest should remain as replacements (e.g. in case of the dropping of a test piece on the floor etc.).The sterilization pouches with the test pieces were steam-sterilized in an autoclave for 15 minutes at 121 °C and stored in an climatic room at 23 °C and 50 % relative humidity until despatch.2.3 Additional Sample and Re-examinationFor the analysis of the germ proofness under humidity another test round was performed in July / August 2012. For this, an additional sample (sample L4) was sent to the laboratories and analysed (see 2.1.2). The results were considered in the evaluation.For validation or confirmation of non-plausible results, occasional samples for re-examination were sent out to the laboratories. The results of these re-examinations (July / August 2012) were not taken into consideration in the evaluation.3. Results3.1 Preliminary RemarkSince the analysis of germ proofness is designed to be a pass / fail – test, the statistical values and precision data were meant only to serve informative purposes.The evaluation of the materials according to DIN58953-6,sections 3.7and 4.7.6by the laboratories should be the most decisive criterion for the evaluation of reproducibility of the interlaboratory test results. Based on this, the classification of a sample as “sufficiently germ-proof” or “not sufficiently germ-proof” is carried out.3.2 Note on the Record of Test Results:The exact counting of individual CFUs is not possible with the required precision if the values turn out to be very high. Thus, an upper limit of 100 CFU per agar plate or per test pieces, respectively, was defined. Individual values above this limit and values which were stated with “> 100” by the laboratories, are listed as 100 CFU per agar plate or per test piece, respectively, in the evaluation.Test report Page 7 / 153.3 Comment on the Statistical EvaluationThe statistical evaluation was done based on the series of standards DIN ISO 5725-1ff.The arithmetic laboratory mean X i and the laboratory standard deviation s i were calculated from the individual measurement values obtained by the laboratories.The overall mean X of the laboratory means as well as the precision data of the method (reproducibility and repeatability) were determined for each sample3.4 Outlier testsThe Mandel's h-statistics test was utilised as outlier test for differences between the laboratory means of the participants.A laboratory was identified as a “statistical outlier” as soon as an exceedance of Mandel's h test statistic at the 1 % significance level was detected.The respective results of the laboratories identified as outliers were not considered in the statistical evaluation.3.5 Record of Test ResultsOn the following pages, the records of the test results for each interlaboratory test sample with the statistical evaluation and the evaluation according to DIN 58953-6 are compiled.Test report Page 8 / 153.5.1 Record of Test Results Sample F1Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Comment:Laboratory 4, as an outlier, has not been taken into consideration in the statistical Evaluation.Outlier criterion: Mandel's h-statistics (1 % level of significance)Overall mean X:91.0CFU / agar plateRepeatability standard deviation s r:17.9CFU / agar plateReproducibility standard deviation s R:19.8CFU / agar plateRepeatability r:50.0CFU / agar plateRepeatability coefficient of variation:19.6%Reproducibility R:55.5CFU / agar plateReproducibility coefficient of variation:21.8%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 3.7:Lab. 1 - 6:Number of CFU > 5, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:All of the participants, even the Laboratory 4 which was identified as an outlier, came to the same results and would classify the sample material as “not sufficiently germ-proof”Test report Page 9 / 153.5.2 Record of Test Results Sample F2Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Comment:Laboratory 4, as an outlier, has not been taken into consideration in the statistical Evaluation.Outlier criterion: Mandel's h-statistics (1 % level of significance)Overall mean X:0CFU / agar plateRepeatability standard deviation s r:0CFU / agar plateReproducibility standard deviation s R:0CFU / agar plateRepeatability r:0CFU / agar plateRepeatability coefficient of variation:0%Reproducibility R:0CFU / agar plateReproducibility coefficient of variation:0%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 3.7:Lab. 1 – 3:Number of CFU = 0, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proofLab. 4:Number of CFU ≤ 5, i.e. a re-examination on 20 test pieces would have to be done Lab. 5 – 6:Number of CFU = 0, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proofConclusion:All of the participants, except for the Laboratory 4 which was identified as an outlier, came to the same results and would classify the sample material as “sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 10 / 153.5.3 Record of Test Results Sample F3Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:30.1CFU / agar plateRepeatability standard deviation s r:17.2CFU / agar plateReproducibility standard deviation s R:30.9CFU / agar plateRepeatability r:48.2CFU / agar plateRepeatability coefficient of variation:57.1%Reproducibility R:86.5CFU / agar plateReproducibility coefficient of variation:103%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 3.7:Lab. 1 - 4:Number of CFU > 5, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 5:Number of CFU = 0, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 6:Number of CFU > 5, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:Five of the six participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as “not sufficiently germ-proof”. Only laboratory 5 would classify the sample material as “sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 11 / 153.5.4 Record of Test Results Sample L1Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:0.09CFU / test pieceRepeatability standard deviation s r:0.32CFU / test pieceReproducibility standard deviation s R:0.33CFU / test pieceRepeatability r:0.91CFU / test pieceRepeatability coefficient of variation:357%Reproducibility R:0.93CFU / test pieceReproducibility coefficient of variation:366%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 4.7:Lab. 1 - 6:Number of CFU < 15, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:All participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as “sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 12 / 153.5.5 Record of Test Results Sample L2Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:0.73CFU / test pieceRepeatability standard deviation s r: 1.10CFU / test pieceReproducibility standard deviation s R: 1.18CFU / test pieceRepeatability r: 3.07CFU / test pieceRepeatability coefficient of variation:151%Reproducibility R: 3.32CFU / test pieceReproducibility coefficient of variation:163%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 4.7:Lab. 1:Number of CFU > 15, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 2 - 6:Number of CFU < 15, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:Five of the six participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as “sufficiently germ-proof”. Only laboratory 1 exceeds the limit value slightly by 1 CFU, so that the sample would be classified as “not sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 13 / 153.5.6 Record of Test Results Sample L3Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:0.36CFU / test pieceRepeatability standard deviation s r: 1.00CFU / test pieceReproducibility standard deviation s R: 1.06CFU / test pieceRepeatability r: 2.79CFU / test pieceRepeatability coefficient of variation:274%Reproducibility R: 2.98CFU / test pieceReproducibility coefficient of variation:293%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 4.7:Lab. 1 - 6:Number of CFU < 15, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:All participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as “sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 14 / 153.5.7 Record of Test Results Sample L4Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:35.1CFU / test pieceRepeatability standard deviation s r:18.8CFU / test pieceReproducibility standard deviation s R:42.6CFU / test pieceRepeatability r:52.7CFU / test pieceRepeatability coefficient of variation:53.7%Reproducibility R:119CFU / test pieceReproducibility coefficient of variation:122%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 4.7:Lab. 1 - 3:Number of CFU > 15, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 4:Number of CFU < 15, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 5 - 6:Number of CFU > 15, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:Five of the six participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as“not sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 15 / 15 4. Overview and SummarySummary:In case of four of the overall seven tested materials, a 100 % consensus was reached regarding the evaluation as“sufficiently germ-proof”and“not sufficiently germ-proof”according to DIN 58 953-6.As for the other three tested materials, there were always 5 concurrent participants out of 6 (83 %). In each case, only one laboratory would have evaluated the sample differently.It is noteworthy that the materials about the evaluation of which a 100 % consensus was reached were the smooth sterilization papers. The differences with one deviating laboratory each occurred with the slightly less homogeneous materials, such as with the creped paper and the nonwoven materials.。
Panamax MR4000电源保护设备说明书
LAN SURGE PROTECTION 1 PAIR OF RJ-45 IN/OUT CONNECTORSCOAXIAL SURGE PROTECTIONSRACK EARS NOT INCLUDED, SOLD SEPARATELYSpecifications subject to change due to product upgrades and improvements.*Go to for detailed noise filtering information.Español - Para la versión en español de este documento, vaya a /products Français - Pour la version espagnole de ce document, allez à /productsDIN-00011 - REV. BNote to CATV Installers:This reminder is provided to call attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC. That article provides specific guidelines for proper grounding.It specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building and as close to the point of entry as practical.©2012 Panamax LLC, Panamax Logo is a US registered trademark of PanamaxModel MR4000 Reference GuideAC PROTECTIONProtect or Disconnect Circuitry______________________________________Yes Patented Power Management Circuit__________________________________Yes Overvoltage Shutoff__________________________________________140V ±4Undervoltage Shutoff_________________________________________95V ±3V Thermal Fusing_________________________________________________Yes Line Voltage_________________________________________120VAC, 50/60HZ Initial Clamping Level_______________________________200V Peak, 141VRMS Voltage Protection Rating (UL 1449 3rd Edition, 3,000A)__________________400V Protection Modes________________________________________ L-N, L-G, N-G Maximum Current Rating____________________________________15A (1800W)EMI/RFI Noise Filtration________________________Panamax Level 2 Noise Filtration*Response Time________________________________________________< 1ns Single Pulse Energy Dissipation________________________________1350 Joules Peak Impulse Current_________________________________________52,000 A LAN PROTECTIONClamping Level__________________________________________________50V Compatibility_______________________________________________10/100bT Wires Protected_______________________________________________8-Wires Connectors__________________________________________________RJ-45UNIVERSAL COAX PROTECTIONHD 1080 i/p Ready_______________________________________________Yes Bidirectional_____________________________________________Yes Shielded_________________________________________________Yes Clamping Level_________________________________________________75V Frequency Range________________________________________OMHz - 2.2 GHz Insertion Loss______________________________________________<0.5 dB Connections_____________________________________Female “F”, Gold PlatedFOR ALL OUTLETS Right Angle(Blue lights can be illuminated when power is off)SAFE POWER AND UNSAFE VOLTAGE INDICATOR normally OFF; when lit, indicates that incoming voltage is unsfe However, if it is LIT call a licensed electrician for proper and safe wiring for your wall outlet.FRONT PANELCONVENIENCE OUTLETKey FeaturesExclusive Automatic Voltage Monitoring (AVM) Panamax’s patent pending power monitoring circuitry constantly monitors the AC line voltage for unsafe voltage conditions such as momentary spikes, prolonged over-voltages and undervoltag-es (brownouts). These unsafe conditions pose a very dangerous threat to all electronic equipment within the home. If the MR4000 senses an unsafe power condition, it will automatically disconnect power from your equipment from the to protect equipment from damage. The front panel indica-tor will also alert users to the power condition. Once the voltage returns to a safe level, the MR4000 will automatically reconnect the power to the outlets.Protect or Disconnect™ TechnologiesIn the event of a catastrophic surge such as light-ning, it completely disconnects AC power to con-nected equipment.Front Panel OutletMR4000 features a protected and noise filtered convenience outlet located on the front panel. Perfect for temporary gaming systems, por-table electronics (such as music players or smart phones), or other personal electronics.Front Panel LightsBlue decorative lights add an attractive look at feel to your equipment rack or TV cabinet.Antenna, Cable, Sat and LAN Signal protection Coaxial protection circuits prevent damaging surges from entering through signal paths and have the smallest signal loss on the market - less than 0.5 db of attenuation from 0Hz to 2.2GHz. Our coaxial protection has been specifically designed to virtually eliminate signal loss. The clamping level of 75V will meet and exceed the demands of both cable and satellite voltages while minimizing exposure to damaging spikes and surges. LAN protection allows for 10/100 base-T Ethernet equipment to integrate into an audio/video system without the risk of upstream surge damage from a gateway, switch, router or other network device.Eight Protected and Filtered Power Outlets (see specifications)Eight Foot Power Cable with Low Profile Plug This 45° angle low profile plug allows yourequipment to be as close as it can get to the wall outlet while not blocking an adjacent outlets. The 8’ power cord means your installation loca-tion isn’t restricted by wall outlet location. Don’t let your electronics control your lifestyle.TO GET STARTED1. Turn OFF the power to all equipment that will be plugged into the MR4000.2. Plug the MR4000 into the wall outlet then turn it ON.3. Verify that the LINE FAULT INDICATOR LED is NOT lit, indicating that the wall outlet is properly wired and grounded. (If it is LIT call a licensed electrician to inspect and implement proper and safe wiring).4. Plug the equipment to be proteced into the MR4000 AC outlets and leave everything off until after the TELEPHONE and COAX Lines are connected and then proceed to turn on your connected equipment.IMPORTANT SAFETY POINTSPanamax surge protectors and the connected equipment must be indoors, in a dry location and in the same building. Although your Panamax protector is very durable, its internal components are not isolated from theenvironment. Do not install any Panamax product near heat emitting appliances such as a radiator or heat register. Do not install this product where excessive moisture is present; for example near a bath tub, sink, pool basement floor, fish tank, etc. It is not uncommon for a building to be improperly grounded. In order to protect your equipment, Panamax products must be plugged into a properly wired and grounded 3-wire outlet. Additionally, building wiring and grounding must conform to applicable NEC (USA) or CEC (Canada) codes for the Panamax protection policy to be valid. Do not use 2-blade adapters or any other “power strips” with this product. Use only Panamax extension cord, or a UL / CSA recognized power cord.CAUTION!All Panamax Warranties and Connected Equipment Policies are valid only in the United States and Canada.CAUTION!Audio/Video, computer and/or telephone system installations can be very complex systems, consisting of many interconnected components.Due to the nature of electricity and surges, a single protector may not be able to completely protect complex installations. In those cases, a systematic approach using multiple protectors must be employed. Systematic protection requires professional design. AC power, satellite cables, CATV cables, telephone/network lines, signal lines or any other electrical conductors, entering the system that do not pass through this surge protector may invalidate the Panamax Connected Equipment Protection Policy. For additional information on how to protect your system, please contact Panamax before connecting your equipment to the surge protector.CAUTION!WARRANTY LIMITATION FOR INTERNET PURCHASERSPanamax products purchased through the Internet do not carry a valid Product Warranty or Connected Equipment Protection Policy unless purchased from an Authorized Panamax Internet Dealer and the original factory serial numbers are intact (they must not have been removed, defaced or replaced in any way). Purchasing from an Authorized Panamax Internet Dealer insures that the product was intended for consumer use, has passed all quality inspections and is safe. Buying through auction sites or unauthorized dealers may result in the purchase of salvaged, failed and/or products not intended for use in the US. In addition, Authorized Panamax Internet dealers have demonstrated sufficient expertise to insure warranty compliant installations. For a list of Authorized Panamax Internet Dealers go to . If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact Panamax Customer Relations.Product Upgrade Program If your Panamax power conditioner sacrifices it-self while protecting your connected equipment, you have an option to upgrade to the latest tech-nology. Please go to our web site www.panamax. com or contact Panamax Customer Relations at 800-472-5555 for details.Panamax PowerConditioner LimitedProduct WarrantyPanamax warrants to the purchaser of this Pan-amax audio/video component style power con-ditioner, for a period of three (3) years from the date of purchase, that the unit shall be free of defects in design, material or workmanship, and Panamax will repair or replace any defective unit. For product replacement see “NOTIFICATION” section (3).Panamax Power Conditioner Limited Connected Equipment Protection PolicyI t is the policy of Panamax that it will, at its elec-tion, either replace, pay to replace at fair market value, or pay to repair, up to the dollar amount specified below, equipment that is damaged by an AC power, cable, telephone, or lightning surge while connected to a properly installed Panamax power conditioner. To be eligible for compensa-tion, repair and or replacement, the power con-ditioner must shows signs of surge damage or that it is operating outside of design specifica-tions, relative to its surge protection capability, and under all of the circumstances failed to pro-tect your connected equipment.MR4000: $5,000,000THE CONNECTED EQUIPMENT POLICY IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSAND LIMITATIONS1. ORIGINAL OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENT: Panamax’s connected equipment policy extends to the original purchaser of the Panamax product only and is non-transferable. Original purchase receipts must accompany any product return or claim for connected equipment damage.2. PROPER INSTALLATION: Panamax AC protec-tors must be directly plugged into a properlygrounded 3-wire AC outlet. Extension cords*,non-grounded two prong adapters, or othernon-Panamax surge products must not be used.Building wiring and other connections to protect-ed equipment must conform to applicable codes(NEC or CEC). No other ground wires or groundconnections may be used. All wires (including,e.g., AC power lines, telephone lines, signal/datalines, coaxial cable, antenna lead-ins) leadinginto the protected equipment must first passthrough a single Panamax protector designed forthe particular application. The protector and theequipment to be protected must be indoors in adry location, and in the same building. Panamaxinstallation instructions and diagrams must befollowed3. NOTIFICATION:You must notify Panamaxwithin ten days of any event precipitating requestfor product replacement or payment for con-nected equipment damage. A return authoriza-tion (RA) number must first be obtained fromthe Panamax Customer Relations Departmentat ** before returning theprotector Panamax. At this time, you must no-tify Panamax if you believe you have a claim fordamaged connected equipment. Once you obtainan RA number, please mark the number on thebottom of the unit and pack it in a shipping car-ton/box with enough packing material to protectit during transit. The RA number must also beclearly marked on the outside of the carton. Shipthe unit Panamax. Please note that you are re-sponsible for any and all charges related to ship-ping the unit to Panamax. If connected equip-ment damage was indicated on your RA request,Panamax will mail you claim kit to be completedand returned within 30 days. A connection dia-gram of your system will be required as part ofthe claim kit. Be sure to note its configurationbefore disconnecting your equipment.4. DETERMINATION OF FAILURE:Panamax willevaluate the protector for surge damage. ThePanamax protector must show signs of surgedamage or must be performing outside (>10%)of design specifications relative to its surgeprotection capability. Opening the enclosure,tampering with, or modifying the unit in any wayshall be grounds for an automatic denial yourrequest for payment. Panamax, after evaluatingall information provided, will determine whetheror not your request is eligible for payment. If thesurge protector shows no signs of AC power orsignal line surge damage and is working withindesign specifications, Panamax will return theunit to you with a letter explaining the test resultsExceptions: If a dealer or installer replacesfor a Canadian customer, the protector willfor any and all charges related to shippingPanamax until the claim is finalized.5. REQUEST PAYMENTS:lence of replacement equipment.6. OTHER INSURANCE/WARRANTIES:7. EXCLUSIONS: THE PANAMAXPLY TO:8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Any controversyclaim arising out of or relating toConnected Equipment Protection Policy, orAssociation under its CommercialRules. You may file for arbitration at anyparty special, exemplary, consequential,。
四丁基氟化铵核磁-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述四丁基氟化铵是一种常用的核磁共振(NMR)谱学研究中的参考物质,其化学结构稳定且易于合成,被广泛应用于有机化学、生物化学和医药化学等领域。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分包括本文的组织结构和内容安排。
1.3 目的四丁基氟化铵是一种常用的核磁共振谱学试剂,广泛应用于有机化学和生物化学领域。
2.正文2.1 四丁基氟化铵的性质四丁基氟化铵,化学式为C16H36F2N,是一种季铵盐化合物。
四丁基氟化铵具有以下性质:1. 热稳定性高:四丁基氟化铵具有很高的热稳定性,能够在高温下保持其结构稳定性。
F-1414 U 变量滤波器(HP模型8445B)维修部件和特殊工具清单说明书
mal supply channels.
Cannibalization or salvage may be used as a source of supply for any items source coded above except those coded XA and aircraft support items as restricted by AR 700-42.
FILTER, VARIABLE F-1414/U (HP MODEL 8445B) (NSN 6625-00-253-4833)
Current as of 6 August 1981
(a) The maintenance code entered in the third position will indicate the lowest maintenance level authorized to remove, replace, and use the support item. The maintenance code entered in the third position will indicate one of the following levels of maintenance:
(2) Maintenance code. Maintenance codes are assigned to indicate the levels of maintenance authorized to USE and REPAIR support items. The maintenance codes are entered in the third and fourth positions of the Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
- 180 -end-expiratory pressure alone minimizes atelectasis formation in nonabdominal surgery:a randomized controlled trial[J].Anesthesiology,2018,128(6):1117-1124.[39] KIM N,LEE S H,CHOI K W,et al.Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure on pulmonary oxygenation and biventricular function during one-lung ventilation:a randomized crossover study[J].J Clin Med,2019,8(5):740.[40] KATZ J A,LAVERNE R G,FAIRLEY H B,et al.Pulmonaryoxygen exchange during endobronchial anesthesia:effect of tidal volume and PEEP[J].Anesthesiology,1982,56(3):164-171.[41] SENT ÜRK N M,DILEK A,CAMCI E,et al.Effects ofpositive end-expiratory pressure on ventilatory and oxygenation parameters during pressure-controlled one-lung ventilation[J]. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth,2005,19(1):71-75.[42] KANG W S,KIM S H,CHUNG J parison of pulmonarygas exchange according to intraoperative ventilation modes for mitral valve repair surgery via thoracotomy with one-lung ventilation:a randomized controlled trial[J].J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth,2014,28(4):908-913.(收稿日期:2023-03-03) (本文编辑:田婧)*基金项目:安溪县科技计划项目(2022S002)①福建省安溪县医院 福建 安溪 362400通信作者:许永鹏铁死亡诱导剂在结直肠癌中的研究进展*陈伟鸿① 苏小苹① 苏宇超① 黄栋钦① 许永鹏① 【摘要】 结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)是全球第三大常见癌症,传统治疗方案对CRC 晚期患者的疗效不佳,因此,发现新的治疗策略可能有助于改善CRC 患者的治疗和预后。
Rapamycin(Sirolimus)说明书修订日期说明书修订日期::2015.07.13Cat.No :KGATGR005Store at :-20 for at least 36 months ℃ For Research Use Only (科研专用)化学数据分子量 914.18DMSO 20 mg/mL化学式C 51H 79NO 13溶解性(25°C)水 <1 mg/mL 乙醇 <1 mg/mL3年 -20℃粉状 CAS 号53123-88-9稳定性6月-80℃溶于DMSO制备储液1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 1 mM 1.0939 mL 5.4694 mL 10.9388 mL 5 mM 0.2188 mL 1.0939 mL 2.1878 mL 10 mM 0.1094 mL0.5469 mL1.0939 mL50 mM---生物活性产品描述 Rapamycin (Sirolimus)是一种选择性的mTOR 抑制剂,IC50为~0.1 nM 。
靶点 mTOR IC50~0.1nM体外研究Rapamycin 作用于HEK293细胞,抑制内源性mTOR 活性,IC50为~0.1 nM,而iRap 和AP21967 作用时,IC50分别为~5 nM 和~10 nM 。
Rapamycin 处理酿酒酵母,诱导细胞周期停在G1/S 期,且抑制翻译。
Rapamycin 显著抑制T98G 和U87-MG 细胞活力,这种作用具有剂量依赖性,IC50分别为2 nM 和 1 µM, 而对U373-MG 细胞没有作用活性,IC50>25 µM 。
Rapamycin(100 nM) 作用于对Rapamycin 敏感的U87-MG 和T98G 细胞,通过抑制mTOR 功能,而诱导细胞周期停在G1期,也诱导自噬而不是凋亡。
体内研究在体内,Rapamycin 处理,特定阻断mTOR 下游靶点,如p70S6K 磷酸化和激活,和PHAS-1/4E-BP1导致的eIF4E 抑制释放, 完全阻断跖肌重量和纤维尺寸的肥厚增高。
MRF101BN和MRF101AN RF 设备数据手册说明书
MRF101BN MRF101ANMRF101AN MRF101BN1RF Power LDMOS TransistorsHigh Ruggedness N--ChannelEnhancement--Mode Lateral MOSFETsThese devices are designed for use in VHF/UHF communications,VHF TV broadcast and aerospaceapplications as well as industrial,scientific and medical applications.The devices are exceptionally rugged and exhibit high performance up to 250MHz.Typical Performance:V DD =50VdcFrequency (MHz)Signal TypeP out (W)G ps (dB)ηD (%)13.56CW 130CW 27.179.627CW 130CW 24.081.540.68(1)CW 120CW 23.881.550CW 115CW 23.079.581.36CW 130CW 23.280.887.5–108CW 110CW 21.377.1136–174(2,3)CW104CW 21.276.5230(4)Pulse(100μsec,20%Duty Cycle)115Peak21.176.7Load Mismatch/RuggednessFrequency (MHz)Signal TypeVSWR P in (W)Test Voltage Result 40.68CW>65:1at all Phase Angles 0.64Peak (3dB Overdrive)50No Device Degradation 230Pulse(100μsec,20%Duty Cycle)>65:1at all Phase Angles1.8Peak (3dB Overdrive)50No Device Degradation1.Measured in 40.68MHz reference circuit (page 5).2.Measured in 136–174MHz VHF broadband reference circuit (page3.The values shown are the center band performance numbers across the indicated frequency range.4.Measured in 230MHz fixture (page 13).Features ∙Mirror pinout versions (A and B)to simplify use in a push--pull,two--up configuration∙Characterized from 30to 50V ∙Suitable for linear application∙Integrated ESD protection with greater negative gate--source voltage range for improved Class C operation∙Included in NXP product longevity program with assured supply for a minimum of 15years after launchTypical Applications∙Industrial,scientific,medical (ISM)–Laser generation –Plasma etching –Particle accelerators–MRI and other medical applications–Industrial heating,welding and drying systems∙Radio and VHF TV broadcast ∙HF and VHF communications ∙Switch mode power supplies Document Number:MRF101ANRev.0,11/2018Technical Data1.8–250MHz,100W CW,50VWIDEBANDRF POWER LDMOS TRANSISTORSMRF101AN MRF101BNTO--220--3LMRF101BNTO--220--3LMRF101ANGSDDS GNote:Exposed backside of the packageand tab also serves as a source terminal for the transistor.BacksideSS2RF Device Data NXP SemiconductorsMRF101AN MRF101BN Table 1.Maximum RatingsRatingSymbol Value Unit Drain--Source Voltage V DSS –0.5,+133Vdc Gate--Source Voltage V GS –6.0,+10Vdc Operating VoltageV DD 50Vdc Storage Temperature Range T stg –65to +150︒C Case Operating Temperature Range T C –40to +150︒C Operating Junction Temperature Range (1,2)T J –40to +175︒C Total Device Dissipation @T C =25︒C Derate above 25︒CP D1820.91W W/︒CTable 2.Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristicSymbol Value (2,3)Unit Thermal Resistance,Junction to CaseCW:Case Temperature 77︒C,150W CW,50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,40.68MHz R θJC 1.1︒C/W Thermal Impedance,Junction to CasePulse:Case Temperature 73︒C,113W Peak,100μsec Pulse Width,20%Duty Cycle,50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,230MHzZ θJC0.37︒C/WTable 3.ESD Protection CharacteristicsTest MethodologyClass Human Body Model (per JS--001--2017)1B,passes 1000V Charge Device Model (per JS--002--2014)C3,passes 1200VTable 4.Electrical Characteristics (T A =25︒C unless otherwise noted)CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitOff CharacteristicsGate--Source Leakage Current (V GS =5Vdc,V DS =0Vdc)I GSS ——1μAdc Drain--Source Breakdown Voltage (V GS =0Vdc,I D =50mAdc)V (BR)DSS 133——Vdc Zero Gate Voltage Drain Leakage Current (V DS =100Vdc,V GS =0Vdc)I DSS——10μAdcOn CharacteristicsGate Threshold Voltage(V DS =10Vdc,I D =290μAdc)V GS(th) 1.7 2.2 2.7Vdc Gate Quiescent Voltage(V DS =50Vdc,I D =100mAdc)V GS(Q)— 2.5—Vdc Drain--Source On--Voltage (V GS =10Vdc,I D =1Adc)V DS(on)—0.45—Vdc Forward Transconductance (V DS =10Vdc,I D =8.8Adc)g fs—7.1—S1.Continuous use at maximum temperature will affect MTTF.2.MTTF calculator available at /RF/calculators .3.Refer to AN1955,Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers.Go to /RF and search for AN1955.(continued)MRF101AN MRF101BN3RF Device DataNXP SemiconductorsTable 4.Electrical Characteristics (T A =25︒C unless otherwise noted)(continued)CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitDynamic CharacteristicsReverse Transfer Capacitance(V DS =50Vdc ±30mV(rms)ac @1MHz,V GS =0Vdc)C rss —0.96—pF Output Capacitance(V DS =50Vdc ±30mV(rms)ac @1MHz,V GS =0Vdc)C oss —43.4—pF Input Capacitance(V DS =50Vdc,V GS =0Vdc ±30mV(rms)ac @1MHz)C iss—149—pFTypical Performance —230MHz (In NXP 230MHz Fixture,50ohm system)V DD =50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,P in =0.9W,f =230MHz,100μsec Pulse Width,20%Duty Cycle Common--Source Amplifier Output Power P out —115—W Power Gain G ps —21.1—dB Drain EfficiencyηD—76.7—%Table 5.Load Mismatch/Ruggedness (In NXP 230MHz Fixture,50ohm system)I DQ =100mAFrequency (MHz)Signal TypeVSWR P in (W)Test Voltage,V DDResult230Pulse(100μsec,20%Duty Cycle)>65:1at all Phase Angles1.8Peak (3dB Overdrive)50No Device DegradationTable 6.Ordering InformationDeviceShipping InformationPackageMRF101AN MPQ =250devices (50devices per tube,5tubes per box)TO--220--3L (Pin 1:Gate,Pin 2:Source,Pin 3:Drain)MRF101BNTO--220--3L (Pin 1:Drain,Pin 2:Source,Pin 3:Gate)4RF Device Data NXP SemiconductorsMRF101AN MRF101BNTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS1100V DS,DRAIN--SOURCE VOLTAGE(VOLTS)Figure1.Capacitance versus Drain--Source Voltage C,CAPACITANCE(pF)1010000.1MRF101AN MRF101BN5RF Device DataNXP Semiconductors40.68MHz COMPACT REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)—0.7"⨯2.0"(1.8cm ⨯5.0cm)Table 7.40.68MHz Performance (In NXP Reference Circuit,50ohm system)V DD =50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,P in =0.50W,CWFrequency (MHz)P out (W)G ps (dB)ηD (%)40.6812023.881.56RF Device Data NXP SemiconductorsMRF101AN MRF101BN 40.68MHz COMPACT REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)—0.7"⨯2.0"(1.8cm ⨯5.0cm)Figure 2.MRF101AN Compact Reference Circuit Component Layout and Assembly Example —40.68MHzFigure 3.MRF101AN Compact Reference CircuitBoardaaa--032274Table 8.MRF101AN Compact Reference Circuit Component Designations and Values —40.68MHzPartDescriptionPart NumberManufacturer B1Short RF Bead 2743019447Fair-Rite C1,C582pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E820GB12D Murata C2,C4200pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2A201GB12D Murata C333pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E330GB12D Murata C6,C7,C8,C9,C101000pF Chip Capacitor GRM2165C2A102JA01D Murata C111μF Chip Capacitor GJ821BR71H105KA12L Murata C12,C1310nF Chip Capacitor GRM21BR72A103KA01B Murata C141μF Chip Capacitor C3216X7R2A105K160AA TDK L1150nH Chip Inductor 0805WL151JT ATC L217.5nH,4Turn Inductor GA3095-ACL Coilcraft L3160nH Square Air Core Inductor 2222SQ-161JEC Coilcraft L4110nH Square Air Core Inductor 2222SQ-111JEB Coilcraft Q1RF Power LDMOS Transistor MRF101ANNXP R175Ω,1/4W Chip Resistor SG73P2ATTD75R0F KOA Speer PCBFR40.09",εr =4.8,2oz.CopperD113958MTLMRF101AN MRF101BN7RF Device DataNXP SemiconductorsTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS —40.68MHz COMPACT REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)V GS ,GATE--SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)8060P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )40 4.CW Output Power versus Gate--SourceVoltage at a Constant Input PowerP in ,INPUT POWER (WATTS)8060P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )40010012001402040.68101121f (MHz)P1dB (W)P3dB (W)Figure 5.CW Output Power versus Input PowerP out ,OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)Figure 6.Power Gain and Drain Efficiencyversus CW Output PowerG p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)25242802090705030302223262729806040201004060801001201400.5230. Device Data NXP SemiconductorsMRF101AN MRF101BN40.68MHz COMPACT REFERENCE CIRCUIT(MRF101AN)fMHzZ sourceΩZ loadΩ40.6824.0+j12.614.2–j2.5Z source=Testcircuit impedance as measured fromgate to ground.Z load=Test circuit impedance as measuredfromdrain toground.Figure7.Series Equivalent Source and Load Impedance—40.68MHzZ source Z load50Ω50ΩMRF101AN MRF101BN9RF Device DataNXP Semiconductors136–174MHz COMPACT VHF BROADBAND REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)—0.7"⨯2.0"(1.8cm ⨯5.0cm)Table 9.136–174MHz VHF Broadband Performance (In NXP Reference Circuit,50ohm system)V DD =50Vdc,I DQ =100mA,P in =0.79W,CWFrequency (MHz)P out (W)G ps (dB)ηD (%)13511721.780.015510421.276.517510721.375.4136–174MHz COMPACT VHF BROADBAND REFERENCE CIRCUIT(MRF101AN)—0.7"⨯2.0"(1.8cm⨯5.0cm)Figure8.MRF101AN Compact Reference Circuit Component Layout and Assembly Example—136–174MHzFigure9.MRF101AN Compact Reference Circuit BoardTable10.MRF101AN Compact VHF Broadband Reference Circuit Component Designations and Values—136–174MHz Part Description Part Number ManufacturerB1Short RF Bead2743019447Fair-RiteC139pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E390GB12D MurataC2,C5,C6,C7,C8,C12510pF Chip Capacitor GRM2165C2A511JA01D MurataC368pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E680GB12D MurataC427pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E270GB12D MurataC910pF Chip Capacitor GQM2195C2E100FB12D MurataC111μF Chip Capacitor GJ821BR71H105KA12L MurataC1310nF Chip Capacitor GRM21BR72A103KA01B MurataC141μF Chip Capacitor C3216X7R2A105K160AA TDKL122nH Chip Inductor0805WL220JT ATCL212nH Chip Inductor0805WL120JT ATCL3,L4,L668nH Air Core Inductor1812SMS-68NJLC CoilcraftL512nH,3Turn Inductor GA3094-ALC CoilcraftQ1RF Power LDMOS Transistor MRF101AN NXPR175Ω,1/4W Chip Resistor SG73P2ATTD75R0F KOA SpeerPCB FR40.09",εr=4.8,2oz.Copper D113958MTLTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS —136–174MHzCOMPACT VHF BROADBAND REFERENCE CIRCUIT (MRF101AN)20150f,FREQUENCY (MHz)26259085807565130120ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)G p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )242322211715516016517070110P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )14514017513519100180P in,INPUT POWER (WATTS)0P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )806040200.40.61201000.20.8140 1.027202422807570G p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )20406026858025232110012014065605550ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)Figure 10.Power Gain,Drain Efficiency and CW Output Power versus Frequency at a Constant Input PowerFigure 11.CW Output Power versus Input Power and FrequencyP out ,OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)Figure 12.Power Gain and Drain Efficiency versusCW Output Power and Frequency191817454035136–174MHz COMPACT VHF BROADBAND REFERENCE CIRCUIT(MRF101AN)f MHz Z sourceΩZ loadΩ135 6.8+j10.29.5+j5.2145 6.2+j10.29.9+j5.9155 5.3+j10.810.2+j6.2165 4.4+j11.910.0+j5.9175 3.9+j13.48.8+j5.0Z source=Test circuit impedance as measured fromgate to ground.Z load=Test circuit impedance as measured fromdrain to ground.Figure13.Series Equivalent Source and Load Impedance—136–174MHzZ source Z load50Ω50Ω230MHz FIXTURE(MRF101AN)—4.0"⨯5.0"(10.2cm⨯12.7cm)aaa--031939Figure14.MRF101AN Fixture Component Layout—230MHzTable11.MRF101AN Fixture Component Designations and Values—230MHzPart Description Part Number Manufacturer B1Long Ferrite Bead2743021447Fair-RiteC1,C2,C1018pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B180JT500XT ATCC343pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B430JT500XT ATCC4,C131000pF Chip Capacitor ATC800B102JT50XT ATCC50.1μF Chip Capacitor GRM319R72A104KA01D MurataC610nF Chip Capacitor C1210C103J5GACTU KemetC7 2.2μF Chip Capacitor C3225X7R1H225K TDKC847μF,16V Tantalum Capacitor T491D476K016AT KemetC951pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B510JT500XT ATCC1116pF Chip Capacitor ATC100B160JT500XT ATCC12470pF Chip Capacitor ATC800B471JW50XT ATCC140.1μF Chip Capacitor C1812104K1RACTU KemetC15 2.2μF Chip Capacitor C3225X7R2A225K TDKC16 2.2μF Chip Capacitor HMK432B7225KM-T Taiyo YudenC17220μF,100V Electrolytic Capacitor MCGPR100V227M16X26MulticompL139nH Chip Inductor1812SMS-39NJLC CoilcraftL246nH Chip Inductor1010VS-46NME CoilcraftL317.5nH,4Turn Inductor GA3095-ALC CoilcraftR1470Ω,1/4W Chip Resistor CRCW1206470RFKEA VishayPCB Rogers AD255C,0.030",εr=2.55,2oz.Copper D113651MTLTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS —230MHz FIXTURE,T C =25_C (MRF101AN)0V GS ,GATE--SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 15.Output Power versus Gate--SourceVoltage at a Constant Input PowerP o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (W A T T S )P E A K755025 1.52 2.531251000.51P in ,INPUT POWER (dBm)PEAK 514943P o u t ,O U T P U T P O W E R (d B m )P E A K4733302127245318230110128f (MHz)P1dB (W)P3dB (W)Figure 16.Output Power versus Input PowerP out ,OUTPUT POWER(WATTS)PEAKFigure 17.Power Gain and Drain Efficiency versus Output Power and Quiescent CurrentG p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)3300806040203301080706050403020P out ,OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)PEAKFigure 18.Power Gain and Drain Efficiencyversus Output PowerG p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )ηD ,D R A I N E F F I C I E N C Y (%)0P out ,OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)PEAKFigure 19.Power Gain versus Output Powerand Drain--Source Voltage20G p s ,P O W E R G A I N (d B )16145075100182522150451001251503003002441393715230MHz FIXTURE (MRF101AN)f MHz Z sourceΩZ load Ω2302.1+j5.95.5+j3.2Z source =Test circuitimpedance as measured fromgate to ground.Z load=Test circuit impedance asmeasured from drain toground.Figure 20.Series Equivalent Source and Load Impedance —230MHzZ source Z load50Ω50ΩPACKAGE DIMENSIONSPRODUCT DOCUMENTATION,SOFTWARE AND TOOLS Refer to the following resources to aid your design process.Application Notes∙AN1955:Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power AmplifiersEngineering Bulletins∙EB212:Using Data Sheet Impedances for RF LDMOS DevicesSoftware∙Electromigration MTTF Calculator∙RF High Power Model∙.s2p FileDevelopment Tools∙Printed Circuit BoardsTo Download Resources Specific to a Given Part Number:1.Go to /RF2.Search by part number3.Click part number link4.Choose the desired resource from the drop down menuREVISION HISTORYThe following table summarizes revisions to this document.Revision Date Description 0Nov.2018∙Initial release of data sheetRF Device DataNXP Semiconductors How to Reach Us:Home Page: Web Support:/support Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use NXP products.There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document.NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty,representation,or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose,nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit,and specifically disclaims any and all liability,including without limitation consequential or incidental damages.“Typical”parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications,and actual performance may vary over time.All operating parameters,including “typicals,”must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts.NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale,which can be found at the following address:/SalesTermsandConditions .NXP and the NXP logo are trademarks of NXP B.V.All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.E 2018NXP B.V.MRF101BN MRF101AN。
4. Perform a leak test following instructions on page 7. 5. Ignite the torch according to lighting instructions. Check operation of
B20460 ECN-15100 (1007)
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Maintenance Prior to each use: 1. Inspect all components of the device for damage, excessive abrasion or wear.
If the hose is cut or is more than 5 years old, it must be replaced prior to operation. 2. Verify that all connections are tight. The nozzle stem assembly should not swivel or rotate where attached to the Turbo Blast Valve Trigger, tighten any loose joints.
B20460 ECN-15100 (1007)
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B20460 ECN-15100 (1007)
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Belimo EFX120-SR N4 可定制的失效安全调节阀门驱动器说明书
EFX120-SR N4 ArrayCustomizable Fail-Safe modulating actuatorfor controlling dampers in typical commercialHVAC applications.• Torque motor 270 in-lb [30 Nm]• Nominal voltage AC 100...240 V• Control Modulating• Position feedback 2...10 V• NEMA 4Technical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 100...240 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 85...265 VPower consumption in operation9.5 WPower consumption in rest position 4.5 WTransformer sizing21 VAElectrical Connection Terminal block(s) inside junction box withknockoutsOverload Protection electronic throughout 0...95° rotationElectrical Protection actuators are double insulatedFunctional data Torque motor270 in-lb [30 Nm]Operating range Y 2...10 VOperating range Y note 4...20 mA w/ ZG-R01 (500 Ω, 1/4 W resistor)Input impedance100 kΩ for 2...10 V (0.1 mA), 500 Ω for 4...20 mAPosition feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mADirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Direction of motion fail-safe reversible with cw/ccw mountingManual override 5 mm hex crank (3/16" Allen), suppliedAngle of rotation Max. 95°Angle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical end stop, 35...95°Running Time (Motor)95 s / 90°Running time fail-safe<20 s @ -4...122°F [-20...50°C], <60 s @ -22°F[-30°C]Adaptation Setting Range manual, by two full cycles of 0/1 switchNoise level, motor56 dB(A)Noise level, fail-safe71 dB(A)Position indication MechanicalSafety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP66Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 4Agency Listing cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSAE60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and2014/35/EUQuality Standard ISO 9001Ambient humidity Max. 100% RHAmbient temperature-22...122°F [-30...50°C]Ambient temperature note-40...50°C for actuator with integrated heatingStorage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicing maintenance-freeEFX120-SR N4FootnotesApplicationOperationTypical specificationAdaptation and synchronisationWeight Weight10 lb [4.7 kg]MaterialsHousing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casing†Rated Impulse Voltage 4kV, Type of action 1.AA, Control Pollution Degree 4.Product featuresFor fail-safe, modulating control of dampers in HVAC systems. Actuator sizing should be done in accordance with the damper manufacturer’s specifications. The actuator is mounted directly to a damper shaft up to 1.05” in diameter by means of its universal clamp. A crank arm and several mounting brackets are available for applications where the actuator cannot be direct coupled to the damper shaft. The actuator operates in response to a DC 2...10 Vor, with the addition of a 500Ω resistor, a 4...20 mA control input from an electronic controller or positioner. A DC 2...10 V feedback signal is provided for position indication.A common installation technique for control of multi-section dampers is to use the U5 position feedback of one actuator (Primary) to control multiple actuators (Secondary). Belimo refers to this as primary and secondary control. The only requirement is that the actuators are installed on MECHANICALLY SEPARATE damper shafts.The EF..120-SR N4 series actuators provide true spring return operation for reliable failsafe application and positive close off on air tight dampers. The spring return system providesconstant torque to the damper with, and without, power applied to the actuator. The EF..120-SR N4 series provides 95° of rotation and is provided with a graduated position indicator showing 0° to 95°. The EF..120-SR N4 uses a brushless DC motor which is controlled by an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and a microprocessor. The microprocessor provides theintelligence to the ASIC to provide a constant rotation rate and to know the actuator’s exact fail-safe position. The ASIC monitors and controls the brushless DC motor’s rotation and provides a digital rotation sensing function to prevent damage to the actuator in a stall condition. The actuator may be stalled anywhere in its normal rotation without the need of mechanical end switches. The EF..120-SR N4 actuator is shipped at 5° (5° from full fail-safe) to provide automatic compression against damper gaskets for tight shut-off.Installation Note: Use 60°C/75°C copper (CU) conductor and wire size range 12-26 AWG,stranded or solid. If conduit is used, use flexible metal conduit; UL listed and CSA certified strain relief or conduit fitting suitable for outdoor applications, rated NEMA type 4, 4X, 6 or 6X or watertight.Spring return control damper actuators shall be direct coupled type which require no crank arm and linkage and be capable of direct mounting to a jackshaft up to a 1.05” diameter. The actuator must provide modulating damper control in response to a 2 to 10 VDC or, with the addition of a 500Ω resistor, a 4 to 20 mA control input from an electronic controller orpositioner. The actuators must be designed so that they may be used for either clockwise or counter clockwise fail-safe operation. Actuators shall use a brushless DC motor controlled by a microprocessor and be protected from overload at all angles of rotation. Run time shall be constant, and independent of torque. A 2 to 10 VDC feedback signal shall be provided for position feedback. Actuators with auxiliary switches must be constructed to meet therequirements for Double Insulation so an electrical ground is not required to meet agencylistings. Actuators shall be cULus listed and have a 5 year warranty, and be manufactured under ISO 9001 International Quality Control Standards. Actuators shall be as manufactured by Belimo.An adaption can be triggered by manually rotating the direction of rotation switch TWO full cycles. Adaption will detect the applications mechanical end stops by driving to each stop. An adaption will scale the control signal input, position feedback voltage, and running time to the new working mechanical angle of rotation. It is good practice to initiate an adaption on each actuator when mounting and controlling EF..-SR.. actuators in Piggy-back mode.If the manual override is used, with power applied, the actuator will perform a Synchronization upon release of the manual override hand crank. The actuator drives from the current control position to the synchronize reference of 0%. The actuator then drives back to the control position defined by the input signal.Electrical accessories Description TypeDC Voltage Input Rescaling Module IRM-100Auxiliary switch, mercury-free P475Auxiliary switch, mercury-free P475-1Signal simulator, Power supply AC 120 V PS-100Convert Pulse Width Modulated Signal to a 2...10 V Signal for BelimoPTA-250Proportional ActuatorsPositioner for wall mounting SGA24Positioner for front-panel mounting SGF24Resistor, 500 Ω, 1/4" wire resistor with 6" pigtail wires ZG-R01Resistor kit, 50% voltage divider ZG-R02 Mechanical accessories Description TypeShaft extension 240 mm ø20 mm for damper shaft ø8...22.7 mm AV8-25Anti-rotation bracket EFB(X)/GKB(X)/GMB(X).EF-PEnd stop indicator IND-EFBShaft clamp reversible, clamping range ø12...26.7 mm K9-2Ball joint suitable for damper crank arm KH8 / KH10KG10ADamper crank arm Slot width 8.2 mm, clamping range ø14...25 mm KH10Actuator arm Slot width 8.2 mm KH-EFBPush rod for KG10A ball joint 36” L, 3/8” diameter SH10Wrench 0.512 in. [13 mm]TOOL-07Mounting bracket for AF..ZG-100Jackshaft mounting bracket.ZG-120Damper clip for damper blade, 3.5” width.ZG-DC1Damper clip for damper blade, 6” width.ZG-DC2Mounting kit for linkage operation for flat and side installation ZG-EFB1.05" diameter jackshaft adaptor (12" L).ZG-JSA-3 Electrical installationWarning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessaryto work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individualwho has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks.Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical componentscould result in death or serious injury.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.A 500 Ω resistor (ZG-R01) converts the 4...20 mA control signal to 2...10 V.Actuators may be connected in parallel if not mechanically linked. Power consumption andinput impedance must be observed.Wiring diagrams2...10 V / 4...20 mA Control。
关键词:肌萎缩侧索硬化;运动神经元病;临床分型;基因型中图分类号:R744.8 文献标识码:AAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis caused by a rare mutation in the SOD1 gene at p. H44R locus: a case report and lit⁃erature review WANG Yahuan,YANG Si,LIU Hongyu,et al.(Fourth Inpatient Area of Department of Neurology,China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130033, China)Abstract:Objective This study aims to explore the clinical characteristics of common mutation sites in the SOD1 gene and provide assistance for the early identification, diagnosis, and course evaluation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Methods The clinical data and genetic testing results of a patient with ALS caused by the c.131A>G:p.H44R muta⁃tion in the second exon of the SOD1 gene were retrospectively analyzed and discussed in conjunction with the literature. Results The patient presented with pain and weakness in the right lower limb accompanied by muscle atrophy. No posi⁃tive signs were observed in the sensory system. The electromyogram revealed subclinical neurogenic changes in the unaf⁃fected limbs. Whole-exome sequencing identified a rare mutation in exon c.131A>G:p.H44R of the SOD1gene. Conclusion Early diagnosis of ALS is challenging, and the clinical manifestations vary depending on the gene site muta⁃tions. Genetic testing can assist in diagnosis and has significant identification value in the early stages of the disease.Key words:Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;Motor neuron disease;Clinical classification;Genotype运动神经元病(motor neuron disease,MND)是一组起病隐匿的慢性进行性神经系统变性疾病,病因尚不十分清楚,可能与遗传或环境因素相关。