unit 15 wound care Microsoft Word 文档
Unit 15 word
Unit 15 No signposts in the seaDifficult sentences and language features1.have an eye for:to appreciate, understand, to be able to judgeeg. He never had much of an eye for modern sculpture.2.take to:to be engaged ine.g. He took to column writing right after the graduation.He took to drinking after he lost his job. ( to be indulged in)3.midnight blue: very dark blue4.improbably: surprising and slightly strange5.beguile: to interest and attract someone, to pass time pleasantly6.he used to read me: read my articles7.deferential: respectful 恭顺deference: polite behavior that shows that you respect someoneand are therefore willing to accept their opinions or judgment8.prefacing: beginning9.proceed: continue to do10.topical :a subject that is topical is interesting because it is important at the present timetopical subject/issue/theme etce.g. a new TV comedy dealing with topical issuestopical jokes (=jokes about topical subjects)11.domestic or foreign policy:policy about domestic affairs or foreign affairs12.by no means: not at allopp. by all means13.ill-informed: ignorant;opp. well-informed14. opinionated: expressing very strong opinions about thingsholding one’s opinions without changing it; conservativee.g. I found him very arrogant and opinionated.15. concern: something that is important to you or that involves youe.g. topics of concern to television viewers16.to the exclusion: as to keep out17.gluttonously: greedily18.releasing some suppressed inclination which in fact was always latent.release: set free,opp. suppressed;inclination: liking, wish;latent: existing but inactive, unconscious or unintentional, yet to be developed.Now he had the chance to do what he always liked or wished to do.19. dismissive: refuse to admit, view with contempt20.spare no regrets for: feel no regrets at all for;spare: refrain from, omit, avoid using21.freeze me with contempt: strike me, keep me motionless, unable to speak22.A hard materialism was my creed, accepted as a law of progress:I firmly believe in materialism which in my opinion representsthe law of human progress.23.any ascription of disinterested motives aroused not only my suspicionbut my scorn:When people attribute their unselfish motive to their actionsI suspected them and viewed them with contempt.24.flattered oneself that: to hold self-satisfying or self-deluding believe that25.I am gloriously and adolescently silly:I am delightfully and childishly silly.gloriously: delightfully, enjoyablyadolescently: youthful, immature, unsettled26.calf-love: immature love, puppy love27.into the bargain: in addition, moreover28.I want my fill of beauty before I go:Before I die, I want to enjoy beauty to my heart’s content.fill: need to satisfy;e.g. Eat and drink one’s fill29.Clovis: refers to the savage pagan king of the Frands (481-511),who was later converted to Christianity and became a gentleChristian monarch.30.suitable if not seemingly for a virginI think it is suitable although improper to a virgin31.Not a star but might not shoot down:Every single star might come down quickly.32.ocean-going liner远洋客轮33.liberated being:a human being freed from all worries, mental pressure, human frailties, etc.34.all weight lifted from limbs: I felt weightless35.I’m one with the night: I am part of night. I’m absorbed by night.36.pantheism: the doctrine that God is not a personality (as in Christianity)but that all laws, forces, manifestations, etc, of the self-existing universe are God.37.frailties: weakness38.score off my neighbor:to defeat my neighbor in competitions.Similar expression: to keep up with the Joneses39.voluptuousnes s: luxurious sensational pleasure40.pious people: those who have strong devotion to religious belief41.the confessional: a small, enclosed place in a church,where a priest hears confessions42.absolution: a remission of sin; specifically, in the Roman Catholic Church,such remission is formally given by a priest, gaining pardon, forgiveness43.The stars seemed little cuts in the black cover, through which a bright beyondwas seen.Beyond: whatever is beyond or far away;something that lies beyond; distant, far away places44.a way of putting things: describing, expressing, explaining45.precipitous: dangerously high and steep46.rising sheer out of sea: almost vertical steep47.forbidding and unapproachable: looking dangerous and disagreeable48.featureless: without special characteristics49.recesses: inner place, remote secret50.mortal: some ordinary person51.he gets relieved every so often: he is replaced by othersso that he can be free from jobevery so often: sometimesAn inspector comes round every so often to check the safety equipment.The silence was broken every so often by the sound of guns in the distance.52.a few odd fish: stupid person53.There is a touch of rough poetry about him.There is a trace of simple poetic quality in his character54.out-of-the-way information: unusual, strange news55.impart: to give information56.put me right: correct me57.there is quite a lot of lore stored away in the Colonel’s otherwise not veryinteresting mindhis mind is full of knowledge though on the other handhe is not a very interesting person58.serenity: peacefulness59.espy: catch sight of60.all to themselves: all belong to themselves61.the peak of a submarine mountain range, lonely (unpopulated),unblemished (unspoiled).62.appropriate them: take for one’s own use without permission63.a small manageable domain: a territory under a ruler64.in a large unmanageable world:unmanageable: difficult to control or deal with65.no more than: only, just66.unless indeed it be: unless it should be67.should I return to find it waiting for me: If I should return …68.save: prep. excepte.g. Little is known about his early life, save that he had a brother.She answered all the questions save one.69.incommunicable: hard to express70.quirks: coincidence71.private mind: secret mind72.divert myself: direct my attention to something else73.idyllic: pleasing, simple, picturesque74.with a vengeance: to a greater degree than usualwith great force or more effort than beforee.g. The music started up again with a vengeance.This is new Edmund Carr with a vengeance.This is a completely new Edmund Carr75. catch:a quantity of fish that has been caught at one time76. self-contained: 自给自足的complete and not needing other things or help from somewhere else to worke.g. self-contained communitya self-contained apartment has its own kitchen and bathroom77. fallacy: a false idea or belief, misconceptione.g. Don't believe the fallacy that money brings happiness.78. indolence: idleness, laziness79. port of call: a port one ship stops80. exhilarated: feeling extremely happy, excited。
人教版九年级英语全册Unit15 SectionA1a-2c课件
3. In 1972,it was discovered that they were endangered.
(1)句中it 作形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。it代 替名词性从句作形式主语,主要用于“It+ be +形容词/名词 /过去分词+that从句”结构中。
(1) 10 feet long 是一种表达长度的方法。在英语中,常 用表达长、宽、高的结构为:数词+量词+形容词。
(2)表达长、宽、高还可用复合形容词即“数词+量词 (单数)+long/wide/high. . . ”表达,中间要加连字符,常 用作定语。
______ reported that some people in Europe are suffering from E. coli(大肠杆菌).
A. It
B. It’s
C. This
D. That’s
【点拨】选B。句意:据报道,一些欧洲人正遭受着大肠杆 菌的折磨。It’s reported that. . . “据报道……”,其中it代替 that引导的名词性从句作形式主语。
(2)it在被动结构中作形式主语的常见句型: It is reported that. . . 据报道…… It is believed that. . . 大家相信…… It is said that. . . 据说…… It is known that. . . 众所周知…… It has been decided that. . . 已决定……
pull planet society 词汇短语 president inspiration
单职业神途 [单选]仪表(云中)飞行空域的边界距离航路,空中走廊以及其他空域的边界,不得小于:()。A.5公里B.10公里C.15公里 单职业神途 [单选]()负担指农民依照法律法规和政策规定向国家提供的经济和劳务负担。A.国家B.隐性C.社会D.显性 单职业神途 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: 单职业神途 [判断题]方法发明一般不能授予专利权。A.正确B.错误 单职业神途 [单选]下列有关紧急事件的说法,错误的是()。A.在发生紧急事件时,企业应尽可能努力控制事态的恶化和蔓延,在最短的时间内恢复正常B.在紧急事件发生后,应由一名管理人员做好统一的现场指挥,安排调度,以免造成混乱C.在发生紧急事件时,管理人员不能以消极、推脱甚 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]道德最显著的特征是()A.继承性B.实践性C.自律性D.他律性E.客观性 单职业神途 [单选]心肌不发生完全强直性收缩是因为心肌()A.缺Ca2+B.有效不应期长C.无低常期D.“全或无”收缩特性E.心肌的自律性低 单职业神途 [填空题]对有m条支路n个节点的复杂电路,仅能列出()个独立节点方程式及[m-(n-1)]个独立回路方程式。 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列疾病中由于DNA合成障碍导致的贫血是()。A.溶血性贫血B.海洋性贫血C.缺铁性贫血D.再生障碍性贫血E.巨幼细胞性贫血 单职业神途 [填空题]发现牵引供电设备断线及其部件损坏,或发现牵引供电设备上挂有线头、绳索、塑料布或脱落搭接等异物,均不得与之(),应立即通知附近车站,在牵引供电设备检修人员到达未采取措施以前,任何人员均应距已断线索或异物处所()以外。 单职业神途 [单选]下列()不是渠道常见病害。A、渗漏B、裂缝C、蚁害D、漫顶 单职业神途 [问答题,简答题]怎样帮助学生降低考试焦虑? 单职业神途 [填空题]在地震区进行高层建筑结构设计时,要实现(),这一要求是通过()措施来实现的;对框架结构而言,就是要实现()、()、()和强锚固。 单职业神途 [单选]丙烯塔压力正常,丙烯质量不合格,下列哪项是正确的()。A、提高塔底蒸汽量B、提高回流量C、降低脱丙烷塔塔压D、提高脱丙烷塔塔底温度 单职业神途 [单选]技术监督部门对厂内机动车实行每()定期检验一次,未经检验或检验不合格的,不准继续行驶A、一年B、二年C、六个月 单职业神途 [问答题,简答题]蒸汽管线出现水击如何处理? 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]对于术后尿潴留患者,首先应采取的处理措施为()A.在严格无菌操作下,进行导尿B.肌注卡巴胆碱0.25mgC.诱导患者自行排尿D.下腹部热敷E.针刺治疗 单职业神途 [问答题,案例分析题]蓝天公司2×14年发生的与或有事项有关的业务如下。(1)2×14年10月1日,蓝天公司与甲公司签订一项不可撤销的产品销售合同,合同规定:蓝天公司于3个月后提交甲公司A产品,合同价格(不含增值税额)为5000万元,如蓝天公司违约,将支付违约金1000万 单职业神途 [单选]()标志着合同成立。A.承诺生效B.承诺发出时C.要约到达受要约人时D.承诺发出后经过合理的期限 单职业神途 [单选]下列不属于招标采购合同基本法律特点的是()。A.招标采购合同是一种民事法律行为B.招标采购合同是一种刑事法律行为C.招标采购合同是合同当事人意思表示一致的协议D.招标采购合同以设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系为目的 单职业神途 [配伍题,B1型题]患者不断地无目的地重复某些简单的言语,该症状为()</br>患者在回答问题时对前一个问题的答案要重复多次才能转入后一个问题。该症状为()A.模仿言语B.持续言语C.赘述症D.刻板言语E.谵妄 单职业神途 [单选,A型题]十二指肠壶腹部溃疡的说法不正确的是()A.位于十二指肠腔外B.边缘清晰C.壶腹部形态不正常变形D.周围黏膜显示中断紊乱E.壶腹部管腔钡剂量较正常人少 单职业神途 [单选,A1型题]下列各项中,不是热衰竭临床表现的是()。A.患者先有头痛、头晕、恶心B.典型表现为高热、无汗、昏迷C.热衰竭可有低钠、低钾血症D.热衰竭可有晕厥、抽搐E.热衰竭重者出现循环衰竭 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列关于儿童孤独症的流行病学的描述中正确的是()A.根据DSM-Ⅳ,其患病率约为儿童人口的万分之二~万分之五B.女孩明显多于男孩C.男童患儿的症状往往都比较重D.社会经济状况较高的家庭患病率较高E.近些年来随着新的治疗手段的出现,孤独症的患 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列疾病中,可导致右心室后负荷过重的是()。A.房间隔缺损B.主动脉瓣关闭不全C.动脉导管未闭D.慢性阻塞性肺气肿E.肺动脉瓣关闭不全 单职业神途 [单选]最重要的可控制的中风危险因素是()A.高胆固醇和高脂血症B.糖尿病C.吸烟D.高血压病E.高血黏稠度 单职业神途 [单选]出境快件在其运输工具离境()小时前向离境口岸检验检疫机构办理报检手续。A.4B.8C.12D.24 单职业神途 [单选]港口与航道工程的技术档案应当移交给()。A.设计单位B.质量监督部门C.建设单位D.政府行政主管部门 单职业神途 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: 单职业神途 [单选]建设单位最迟应当自领取施工许可证之日起()内申请延期。A.1个月B.3个月C.6个月D.9个月 单职业神途 [单选,案例分析题]贝加尔湖湖面每年1—5月封冻,冰厚可达90厘米。图5为贝加尔湖地区等高线图。贝加尔湖()A.结冰主要原因是海拔高B.湖面中心结冰早于边缘C.位于山谷导致冰层较厚D.北部的封冻期长于南部 单职业神途 [填空题]如果气动调节执行机构动作缓慢或不动时,最可排除在外的原因是调节机构的()没调整好。 单职业神途 [单选]从法学视角来说,()是指人们围绕社会物质财富的生产、交换、分配和消费过程所进行的各种社会关系的总和。A.社会B.生产力C.经济D.生产关系 单职业神途 [多选]下列关于计算机撮合成交的说法正确的是()。A.计算机撮合成交是根据公开喊价的原理设计的B.一般将买卖申报单以价格优先、时间优先的原则进行排序C.当买人价大于、等于卖出价时自动撮合成交D.集合竞价采用最大成交量原则 单职业神途 [问答题,简答题]合成甲醇的原料气中含有少量的CO2对合成甲醇有什么影响? 单职业神途 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: 单职业神途 [判断题]液力变矩器要想能够传递转矩,必须要有ATF冲击到涡轮的叶片,即泵轮与涡轮之间一定要有转速差(泵轮转速大于涡轮转速)。()A.正确B.错误 单职业神途 [单选,A3型题]3岁小儿,请判断其各种能力的正常状态。有关思维能力的发展,正常的是()A.产生萌芽状态的表象B.逐步发展其具体形象思维C.感知动作思维D.操纵动作的思维E.思维活动占主导地位 单职业神途 [单选]提出目标管理的管理学家是()。A.巴纳德B.韦伯C.孔茨D.德鲁克E.泰勒 单职业神途 [名词解释]雷电保护接地
New words (unit1)
25. fluid balance chart 体液平衡表 26. IV infusion pump 静脉输液泵 27. IV line 静脉内导管 28. IV pole 静脉输液架 29. IV solution 静脉输液药液 30. intubate ['ɪntjʊbeɪt] 插管 31. drain 引流管 32. extubate [eks'tjuːbeɪt] 除管 33. deteriorate [dɪ'tɪərɪəreɪt] 恶化 34. ascite [æ 'saɪt] 腹水 35. abdomen ['æbdəmən] 腹部,下腹 36. sedation [sɪˈde ɪʃn] n. (尤指服用镇静 剂而进入的)休息状态,睡眠状态
Unit5 New words
• 1. rehabilitation [ˈri:əˈb ɪlɪ'teɪʃn] 康复 • 2. Occupational Therapist [ˈ ɔkjəˈpe ɪʃənəl ˈθerəp ɪst] 职业治疗师(OT) • 3. Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) 言语和语 言治疗师 • 4. physiotherapist [ˈf ɪzɪəʊ'θerəpɪst] 理疗医师 • 5.modified utensil [ju:ˈtensl]改良器皿 • 6. non-tip cup 不倒杯 • 7. spill-proof lid 防溢盖 • 8. utensil handclip [ju:ˈtensl] 器皿手夹 • 9. pureed diet 流食 • 10. nasal cavity [ˈne ɪzəl ˈkæviti] 鼻腔 • 11. larynx [ˈlær ɪŋks] 喉
A安乐死euthanasia安全带损伤seat belt injury凹陷性骨折depressed fractureB白骨化skeletonized remains半接触枪创near contact gun-shot wound膀胱损伤injuries of the urinary bladder保存型尸体preserved corpse保险杠损伤bumper injury暴力性死亡violent death爆炸explosion爆炸伤explosion injury被虐待儿童综合征battered child syndrome病毒性心肌炎viral myocarditis病理性死亡pathological death病理性窒息pathological asphyxia病态窦房结综合症sick sinus syndrome不可逆转的昏迷irreversible comaC擦过枪弹创grazing bullet wound擦痕grazes, brush abrasion擦伤abrasion擦拭轮abrasion collar产瘤caput succedaneum超生反应supravital reaction超生期supravital period成人呼吸窘迫综合征adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS 迟发性溺死delayed drowning冲击波blast wave冲击性脑挫伤coup contusion船舶事故损伤shipwreck injury创wound创伤性窒息traumatic asphyxia创伤愈合wound healing锤击伤injury by hammer刺创stab wound刺切创stab incised wound挫裂创laceration挫伤contusion bruise挫伤轮contusion collarD道路交通事故损伤road traffic accident injury,RTAI低角度射击shallow angle fire低血糖症hypoglycemia抵抗伤defense wound电击死electric death电流斑,电流印记electric mark电流性昏睡electric lethargy电流性水肿electric edema电烧伤electric burns电损伤或电击伤electric injury, electric burns电性窒息electrical asphyxia冻伤frostbite冻死death from cold窦房结动脉狭窄stenosis of sinoaurieular artery对冲性骨折contrecoup fracture对冲性脑挫伤contrecoup contusion钝力性心损伤blunt injuries of the heart钝器伤blunt force injury, blunt instrument injury E鹅皮样皮肤gooseflesh,cutis anserina扼死manual strangulation二次射入创reentry woundF法医病理学forensic pathology法医昆虫学forensic entomology反常脱衣现象paradoxical undressing反跳枪弹创ricochet bullet wound方向盘挤压损伤steering wheel injury放射状骨折radial fracture非典型射入口atypical entrance bullet wound非法行医illegal medical practice非法行医罪guilt of illegal medical practice非医源性医疗纠纷noniatrogenic medical tangle非自然死亡unnatural death肺挫伤contusion of the lungs肺动脉狭窄pulmonary arterial embolism肺浮扬试验hydrostatic test of lung肺裂创laceration of the lungs肺气肿pulmonary emphysema肺死亡pulmonary death肺损伤injuries of the lungs肺性脑病pulmonary encephalopathy肺炎pneumonia分子死亡molecular death粉碎性骨折comminuted fracture浮尸floating cadaver浮游生物plankton斧背伤injury by back of axe辅助死因contributory cause of death腐败decomposition, putrefaction腐败静脉网putrefactive networks腐败气泡putrefactive blister腹部损伤abdominal injuriesG干性溺死dry drowning肝损伤injuries of the liver高坠伤injury by fall from height睾丸鞘膜积血hematocele睾丸鞘膜外伤性积水traumatic hydrocele个人识别personal identification of the deceased 根本死因primary cause of death哽死death from choking宫外孕extrauterine pregnancy沟状枪创gutter wound古尸the ancient corpse骨发育不良osteogenesis imperfecta骨折fracture骨折性脑挫伤fracture contusion骨珍珠osseous pearls冠状动脉口狭窄stenosis of opening of coronary artery 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病arterioscterotic coronary heart disease 贯通枪弹创perforating bullet wound硅藻diatom棍棒伤injury by club过敏性猝死sudden death from hypersensitivityH航空事故损伤aviation accident injury合法他杀死death from justifiable homicide呼吸机脑respiratory brain呼吸性死亡respiratory death滑动性脑挫伤gliding contusion化骨核ossification center坏死necrosis环状隆起骨折concentric heaving fracture挥鞭样损伤whiplash injuries回旋枪弹创circumferential bullet wound毁坏型尸体destructive corpse毁坏型死后变化destructive postmortem changes活套loop with a slip knot火器firearms火器损伤firearm injury火药斑纹powder tattooingJ机械性损伤mechanical injury机械性窒息mechanical asphyxia肌肉松弛muscular flaccidity即时死instantaneous death急性出血坏死性胰腺炎acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis,AHNP 急性喉阻塞acute laryngemphraxis急性死亡sudden death急性胃扩张acute dilatation of stomach急性心肌缺血acute cardiac ischemia挤压伤crush injury挤压综合征crush syndrome脊髓出血压迫hemorrhage and compression of the spinal cord 脊髓挫伤contusion of the spinal cord脊髓断裂rupture of spinal cord脊髓水肿edema of spinal cord脊髓损伤injuries of the spinal cord脊髓震荡concussion of spinal cord脊柱损伤injuries of the vertebral column继发性脑死亡secondary brain death假死apparent death剪创clip wound交通事故损伤traffic accident injury交通事故重建traffic accident reconstruction交通损伤injury in transportation交通意外损伤unforeseen injury in transportation角膜混浊postmortem turbidity of cornea接触枪创contact gun-shot wound浸软maceration局部干燥local desiccation巨人观bloated cadaver绝对致命伤absolutely fatal traumaK砍创chop wound空气中缺氧性窒息asphyxia due to ambient hypoxia孔状骨折hole fracture, perforated fractureL勒死ligature strangulation雷电击纹lightning mark雷击死death from lightning雷击综合征lightning syndrome肋骨骨折rib fracture联合死因combined cause of death临床死亡clinical death颅底骨折basilar skull fracture颅盖骨折fractures of the calvarium颅骨擦痕scratch on the skull颅骨骨折fractures of the skull颅骨砍削创peeling of the skull颅骨压痕imprint on the skull颅脑损伤head injuries轮胎花纹印痕wheel grain print轮胎印迹tire marks螺旋桨损伤propeller injuryM慢性死亡chronic death盲管枪弹创penetrating, blind track bullet wound 霉尸molded cadaver弥漫性轴索损伤diffuse axonal injury, DAI泌尿生殖器官损伤injuries of the genitourinary organ 摩托车事故损伤motorcycle accident injury谋杀死death from murder木乃伊mummyN内脏挫伤visceral contusion内脏器官破裂rupture of visceral organ内脏震荡visceral concussion挠痕scratch marks脑挫伤brain contusion脑死亡brain death脑损伤brain injury脑震荡brain concussion泥炭鞣尸cadaver tanned in peat bog溺死drowning碾压伤run-over injury虐待儿童child abuse; child maltreatment虐待儿综合征child abuse syndromePPaltauf斑(溺死斑)Paltauf’s spots泡沫器官foaming organ皮肤金属化electric metallization of skin皮肤撕脱伤或剥皮创avulsion injury of skin皮革样化parchment-like transformation皮内出血intradermal bruise皮下出血subcutaneous hemorrhage脾损伤injuries of the spleenQ气胸pneumothorax气压病dysbarism气压性损伤barotraumas前驱期prodromal stage枪弹创gunshot wound枪弹损伤gunshot injury枪口印痕muzzle imprint切创incised wound切线状射击tangential fire青壮年猝死综合征sudden menhood death syndrome, SMDS屈折枪弹创deflected bullet wound全脑死亡total brain death拳斗姿势pugilistic attitude拳击伤punchingR热痉挛heat cramp热损伤thermal injury热射病heat stroke热衰竭heat exhaustion妊娠高血压综合征pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, PIH 妊娠类过敏综合征anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy日射病sun stroke锐器伤sharp instrument injuryS散弹枪shotgun杀婴infanticide疝性脑挫伤herniation contusion伤害死death from malicious injury伤后存活时间survival period after wounding上行性脊髓缺血性损伤ascending ischemic injury of spinal cord烧伤burn射出口exit bullet wound射创管bullet wound track射击方向direction of fire射击距离range of fire射击命中角度projectile entry angle射入口entrance bullet wound伸展创extension wound肾损伤injuries of the kidneys生活反应vital reaction生理性死亡physiological death生命体征vital sign生前伤ante-mortem injuries生物力学biomechanics生物学死亡biological death尸斑livor mortis尸臭odor of putrefaction尸碱ptomaine尸僵rigor mortis, cadaveric rigidity尸蜡adipocere尸冷algor mortis, cooling of the body尸绿greenish discoloration on cadaver尸体解剖autopsy尸体痉挛cadaveric spasm, instantaneous rigor尸体现象postmortem phenomena试切创hesitation marks, hesitation wounds嗜铬细胞瘤pheochromocytoma树枝状纹arborescent marking or dendritic pattern 刷状擦伤brush abrasion摔跌伤tumbling injury栓塞embolism水性肺气肿aqueous emphysema睡眠中猝死nocturnal sudden unexpected death瞬时空腔效应temporary cavitation effect撕裂创tearing wound死后变化postmortem changes死后分娩postmortem delivery死后化学变化postmortem chemical changes死后间隔时间postmortem interval, PMI死后经历时间the time since death, TSD死后呕吐postmortem vomiting死后人为现象postmortem artifacts死后伤postmortem injuries死后循环cadaveric circulation死套loop with a fixed knot死亡方式manner or mode of death死亡方式不明manner of death unknown死亡机制mechanism of death死亡确认determination of death死亡时间time of death死亡学thanatology死亡诱因inducing cause of death死因cause of death损伤injury损伤机制mechanism of injury损伤时间推断dating of wound锁孔状骨折keyhole fractureTTardieu斑Tardieu’s spots他杀homicide他杀死death from homicide, homicidal death胎便小体meconium corpuscle胎头血肿cephalohaematoma糖尿病diabetes mellitus烫伤scaldingtramline bruises体表平行条状挫伤(中空性皮下出血、“竹打中空”、“铁轨样挫伤”)体位性窒息positional asphyxia体温过低hypothermia条件致命伤conditional fatal trauma铁轨样挫伤train-line bruise, railway line bruise铁路事故损伤railway accident injury捅创poking wound头皮擦伤abrasion of the scalp头皮挫伤bruising of the scalp头皮裂伤laceration of the scalp头皮损伤scalp injuries突发性生理性死亡又称抑制性instantaneous physiological death inhibition death 推断死亡时间estimation of time of death拖擦伤dragging injuryW外伤性窒息traumatic asphyxia晚期死后变化late postmortem changes未成熟儿premature胃肠浮扬试验hydrostatic test of stomach and bowel胃肠损伤injuries of the gastrointestinal tract污垢轮grease ring捂死smothering物理性爆炸physical explosionX细胞性死亡cellular death先天性主动脉狭窄congenital aortic stenosis现场勘查scene investigation线形骨折linear fracture小脑扁桃体疝cerebellar tonsillar hernia小脑幕裂孔疝transtentorial hernia心瓣膜病cardiovalvular disease心功能不全cardiac insufficiency心肌梗死cardiac infarction心损伤injuries of the heart心性死亡cardiac death心源性休克cardiogenic shock心脏骤停cardiac standstill性虐待sexual abuse胸部损伤injuries of the chest血酒精浓度blood alcohol concentration,BAC血液坠积visceral hypostasis血肿hematoma蕈样泡沫mushroom-like frothY压擦痕friction bruise, pressure bruise压痕impression marks压迫胸腹部所致的窒息asphyxia due to overlay亚急性死亡subacute death烟晕smudging羊水栓塞amniotic fluid embolism咬伤bite mark医疗过失纠纷tangle from medical fault医疗纠纷medical tangle医疗事故medical negligence, medical malpractice 医疗意外medical accident医学检验人medical examiner医源性医疗纠纷iatrogenic medical tangle胰损伤injuries of the pancreas异位妊娠ectopic pregnancy抑制死death from inhibition意外死accidental death, death from accident缢沟furrow,groove缢颈后迟发性死亡delayed death after hanging缢死(吊死)death from hanging阴道损伤injuries of the vagina阴茎的创伤与离断wound and severing of the penis阴茎的折断fracture of the penis阴茎绞窄incarceration of the penis阴茎皮肤剥脱denudation of the penis阴茎损伤injuries of the penis阴茎脱位dislocation of the penis阴囊及睾丸损伤injuries of the scrotum and testis印痕样损伤patterned injury印痕状擦伤patterned abrasion婴幼儿猝死综合征sudden infant death syndrome,SIDS硬脑膜外热血肿extradural heat hematoma硬脑膜外血肿epidural hematoma硬脑膜下血肿subdural hematoma永久性创道permanent wound track瘀点性出血petechial hemorrhage原发性脑死亡primary brain death原发性心跳停止primary cardiac arrest远距离枪创distant gun-shot woundZ砸压伤tamp injury早产儿preterm infant早期死后变化early postmortem changes掌击伤injury by palm整体死亡somatic death支气管哮喘bronchial asthma肢体断离dismemberment致命伤deadly wounds致伤物的认定identification of the instrument causing the trauma 致伤物的推断estimation of the instrument causing the trauma窒息asphyxia窒息死asphyxial death中毒性窒息toxic asphyxia中间性脑挫伤inner cerebral trauma中间障碍物intermediate target中距离枪创medium-distance gun-shot wound蛛网膜下腔出血subarachnoid hemorrhage主动脉瓣狭窄subaortic stenosis主动脉窦动脉瘤aneurysm of aortic sinus主动脉夹层动脉瘤disecting aneurysm of aorta主动脉瘤aortic aneurysm主动脉粥样硬化性动脉瘤arteriosclerotic aneurysm of aorta抓痕claw marks, scratch, nail abrasion砖石伤injury by brick or stone撞痕impact abrasion, crushing abrasion撞击伤impact injury子宫损伤injuries of the uterus自家消化autodigestion自然死亡natural death自溶autolysis自杀suicide自杀死death from suicide, suicidal death自行车事故损伤bicycle accident injury足踢kicking组织间桥tissue bridge以下是附加文档,不需要的朋友下载后删除,谢谢顶岗实习总结专题13篇第一篇:顶岗实习总结为了进一步巩固理论知识,将理论与实践有机地结合起来,按照学校的计划要求,本人进行了为期个月的顶岗实习。
1 Introduction to Trauma Care 创伤护理导论2 Patterns of Blunt Injury 钝器损伤的类型3 Mechanisms of Injury/Penetrating Trauma 损伤发病机制/穿透性创伤4 The Physiologic Response to Injury 对损伤的生理学反应5 Shock 休克6 Measurements of Injury Severity 损伤严重程度的测定7 Prehospital Triage 送医院前伤员分类8 Prehospital Therapy 送医院前的治疗9 Field Teams:Composition,Direction, and Communication with the Trauma Center 现场救护队:组成,指导,与创伤中心的联系10 Air Medical and Interhospital Transport 空中医疗和医院间转运11 Trauma Team Activation 创伤救护队的活动12 Organization prior to Trauma Patient Arrival 创伤病人到达前的组织13 Adult Trauma Resuscitation 成人创伤复苏14 Airway Management in the Trauma Patient 创伤病人的气道处理15 Vascular Access 血管穿刺16 Imaging of Trauma Patients 创伤病人的影像17 Operating Room Practice 手术室常现18 Head Injury 头损伤19 Injuries to the Spinal Cord and Spinal Column 脊髓和脊柱损伤20 Soft Tissue Wounds of the Face 面部软组织伤21 Ophthalmic Injuries 眼损伤22 Penetrating Neck Injury 穿透性颈损伤23 Blunt Neck Injury 颈部钝器损伤24 Thoracic Injury 胸部损伤25 Thoracic Vascular Injury 胸部血管损伤26 Abdominal Injury 腹部损伤27 Abdominal Vascular Injury 腹部血管损伤28 Damage Control 损伤的控制29 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome 腹部隔室综合征30 Genitourinary Injuries 泌尿生殖系统损伤31 Orthopedic Injuries 矫形外科损伤32 Pelvic Fractures 骨盆骨折33 Hand Trauma 手创伤34 Compartment Syndrome and Rhabdomyolysis 隔室综合征和横纹肌溶解35 Peripheral Vascular Injuries 周围血管损伤36 Soft—Tissue Trauma 软组织创伤37 Priorities in the ICU Care of the Adult Trauma Patient 在ICU护理的成人创伤病人的优先项目38 Commonly Missed Injuries and Pitfalls 常遗漏的损伤和易犯的错误39 Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient 创伤病人的麻醉40 Trauma Pain Management 创伤疼痛的处理41 Hypothermia,Cold Injury,and Drowning 低温、冷损伤和淹溺42 Blood Transfusion and Complications 输血和并发症43 Nutrition/Metabolism in the Trauma Patient 创伤病人的营养/代谢44 Support of the Organ Donor 器官供体的保养45 Burns/Inhalation 烧伤/吸入46 Pediatric Trauma 儿科创伤47 Care of the Pregnant Trauma Patient 妊娠创伤病人的护理48 Geriatric Trauma 老年人创伤49 Rehabilitation 康复50 Venous Thromboembolism 静脉血栓栓塞51 Injury Prevention 损伤的预防52 House Staff Responsibilities 住院医师的责任53 Legal, Ethical and Family Issues 法律、伦理道德和家庭问题54 Miscellaneous Procedures 各种其它操作程序55 oral health education activity口腔健康教育活动56 Oral Health Education Unit [Department of Health]口腔健康教育组57 oral poliomyelitis trivalent 脊灰口服剂58 oral toilet 口腔料理59 oral-maxillofacial surgery and dental unit口腔颌面外科及牙科部60 outbreak高峰期;发作;流行61 outbreak control疫症控制;暴病控制62 outcome management project 医疗成效管理计划63 out-of—pocket expenditure by the user服务使用者自付64 out—patient appointment system门诊病人预约制度65 out—patient clinic门诊诊疗所66 out-patient clinical operations support system门诊临床运作支持系统67 out-patient consultation service门诊服务68 out-patient department门诊部69 out—patient registration system门诊病人登记制度70 outreach community care programme外展小区护理计划71 outreach health care team外展医护队72 outreach medical team外展医疗队73 outreach specialist medical team外展专科医疗队74 outside appointment book出外就医册75 ordinary diet普通膳食76 organ donation器官捐赠77 Organ Donation Card器官捐赠证78 Organ Donation Centre器官捐赠中心79 organ donation form 器官捐赠表格80 Organ Donation Register [Hong Kong Medical Association]器官捐赠册81 organ donor 器官捐赠人82 organ imaging器官造影83 organ pledge 承诺捐出的器官数目84 organ recipient器官受赠人85 organ transplant器官移植86 organic psychosis器质性精神病87 organoleptic inspection感官检查88 overall incidence总发病率89 overflow ward暂时收容病房;后备病房90 overnight room夜间当值室91 over-sensitivity过敏92 ovulation排卵93 ovulation cycle排卵周期94 ovulation method安全期避孕法95 on—call duty doctor候召当值医生96 oncology肿瘤学;肿瘤科97 one-way referral单向转介98 onset of labour分娩阵痛发作99 onset of symptom症状发作100 on-site triage treatment现场分流治疗101 occupational disease职业病102 occupational health 职业健康103 occupational health nurse职业健康护士104 Occupational Health Officer 职业健康科医生105 Occupational Hygienist职业环境生师106 occupational mortality职业性死亡率107occupational neurosis职业性神经病108 occupational therapist职业治疗师109 Occupational Therapists Board职业治疗师管理委员会110 occupational therapy assessment room职业治疗评估室111 Occupational Therapy Assistant职业治疗助理员112 ochlophobia 众恐惧113 ocular pathology眼科病理学114 ocular prosthesis假眼115 optimal health理想的健康状况116 optimum occupancy rate [hospital bed]最适度病住用率117 optometric assessment视力测验118 Operations and Training Division [Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters] 行动及训练部〔医疗辅助队总部〕119 Operations and Training Officer [Auxiliary Medical Service行动及训练主任〔医疗辅助队〕120 Operations Section [Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters] 行动组〔医疗辅助队总部〕121 Operations Wing [Auxiliary Medical Service volunteer structure]行动翼〔医疗辅助队志愿架构〕122 operative treatment 施手术123 oral health care口腔健康护理;口腔卫生服务124 oral health clinic口腔卫生诊疗所主任医师(讲课) Professor of Medicine主任医师(讲课) Professor of Medicine主任医师(医疗)Professor of Treatment儿科主任医师 Professor of Paediatrics主治医师 Doctor-in-charge外科主治医师 Surgeon-in-charge内科主治医师 Physician-in-charge眼科主治医师 Oculist—in—charge妇科主治医师 Gynaecologist-in-charge牙科主治医师 Dentist-in-charge医师 Doctor医士 Assistant Doctor主任药师 Professor of Pharmacy主管药师 Pharmacist—in—charge药师 Pharmacist药士Assistant Pharmacist主任护师 Professor of Nursing主管护师 Nurse—in-charge护师 Nurse Practitioner护士 Nurse主任技师 Senior Technologist主管技师 Technologist—in-charge技师Technologis技士 TechnicianHello, may (can) I help you? 您好,我可以帮您吗?What seems to be bothering you? 您觉得哪儿不舒服?Do you have a record? 您有病历吗?I`ll transfer you to the surgery department。
《Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!》教案(2)I.Learning objectives 教学目标II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1. 教材分析本单元以Protecting the environment为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容:Section A该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕Describing the animals这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕We’re trying to save the manatees进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块以Whether to build zoos就如何保护动物这一话题展开讨论,观点一:反对建动物园(3a);观点二:支持动物园建设(3b);第四模块仍就是否需要动物园这一话题,以小组活动形式展开讨论(4)。
Section B该部分有4个模块:第一模块以How to save the planet展开话题,列举观点(1a),并展开讨论(1b);第二模块仍然以“保护环境”为话题,继续对How to save the environment 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块围绕How to recycle这一话题展开阅读(3a)和写作(3b)训练;第四模块仍以Recycling为话题,以口语训练形式展开小组活动(4)。
Self check该部分有2个模块:第一模块以填空形式对所学词汇进行训练(1);第二模块要求利用所给句型展开自由对话,以训练学生对所学知识的实际运用能力(2)。
2.教材重组和课时分配Period 1 (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c )New function presentingPeriod 2 (Section A: 3a, 3b, 4)PracticePeriod 3 (Section B)Integrating skillsPeriod 4 (Self check: 1, 2 )Comprehensive reviewIII. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案Period 1 New function presentingLanguage goals语言目标1. Words && expressions 生词和短语save, gentle, furry, enormous, playful, aggressive, gray, spotted, manatee, cheetah, chimpanzee, kangaroo, ma ngrove, swamp, habitat, aquatic, feed, underwater, vegetation2. Key sentences 重点句子 (P119)We are trying to save the manatees.Manatees eat about 100 pounds of food a day.There used to be a lot of manatees.In 1972, it was discovered that they were endangered.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to describe animals.Emotion && attitude goals 情感和态度目标Enable the students to protect animals and environment gladly.Strategy goals 策略目标To understand the target language by reading pictures.Culture awareness goals文化意识目标The importance of protecting animals and the environment.Teaching important points教学重点Talk about the animals and whether to build zoos.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and Lead-inAsk the students to show their work.T: In the last unit, we’ve learned to talk about the things that we have done. Now I’ll ask you a question: Have you ever been to a zoo? What kind of animals can you see in it?S1: In the zoo of our city we can see tigers, lions, elephants, and monkeys.S2: I can see deer and sheep.S3: We can see some chickens, birds, camels and horses. ...T: Have you ever seen cheetahs, pandas or manatees in our zoos?Ss: No, we haven’t.T: Do you know why we can’t see these animals in our zoos?Ss: I think they are rare. / There aren’t any in our country ...T: Some animals can’t be seen because they are endangered. So we should protect them.Show the picture of a manatee.T: Now look at the picture. This animal is called manatee. It’s endangered, too.We can’t see it in the zoo, either. OK! Today we’ll learn Unit 15. We’re trying to save the manatees!Write down the topic: We’re trying to save manatees!Ask the students to look at the picture and answer the question.T: We know animals are our best friends. Now look at the picture, please tell me which animal you like best and why you like it.Show the following picture to the students.S1: I like pandas best because they are gentle.Write the word “gentle” on the blackboard and ask for more ideas from other st udents.S2: I like tigers best because they are the kings of the animals.T: We know tigers are very aggressive.Write the word“aggressive”down on the blackboard.S3: I like monkeys best because they are clever and they can climb trees very quickly. They are playful.Write down more useful words on the blackboard.Step II Brainstorming (1a: P118)T: Good. When we describe animals, we often use some adjectives, such as enormous, spotted, gray ... Now please find out the words that can describe the animals. You can use the adjectives from 1a.Kangaroos: __________ _________ _________Manatees: __________ _________ _________Cheetahs: __________ _________ _________Polar bears: __________ _________ _________Elephants: __________ _________ _________Chimpanzees: __________ _________ _________Sample answers:Kangaroos: playful, fast, bigManatees: gentle, shy, enormousCheetahs: spotted, fast, aggressivePolar bears: aggressive, furry, fatElephants: enormous, gray, strongChimpanzees: noisy, furry, uglyStep III Listening and Oral P ractice (1b, 1c: P118)T: Next you will hear Ginny and Victor talking about the animals in the picture in 1a. Please listen. For the first time, get the main idea. Keep down the words used to describe the animals while listening. OK?Play the recording. Then check the answers.T: We just now heard that manatees are gentle and very shy. I think different people are like different animals to some extent. Different animals have different characters. For example, Jim is like a monkey because he is clever and he can climb trees very quickly. Please talk with your partners about what you are like. First, read the example from 1c in the box please.Let the students work with their partners.T: Which pairs would like to act out your dialogues?Sample dialogue 1:S1: I am like this animal because I am strong and live in the forest.S2: You are like a lion.S1: No.S2: You are like a tiger.S1: No. Because I don’t eat meat.S2: You are like an elephant.S1: Yes. You are right.Sample dialogue 2:S1: I’m like this animal because I’m spotted. I like to eat meat and I can run fast.S2: You’re like a tiger.S1: No.S2: You are like a cheetah.S1: Yes.Sample dialogue 3:S1: I am like this animal because I am gentle and very shy. I live in water.S2: You’re like a manatee.S1: Yes! You are great!Step IV Listening Practice (2a, 2b: P119)T: OK. We all know that manatees are gentle and very shy. They live in water and like eating vegetables. But do you want to know more about them? First let’s look at the picture on page 119. Can you say more about manatees?Sample answers:S1: I think they are living in the water.S2: I believe that they eat aquatic food.S3: I feel that there aren’t many of them.S4: I know that they live in a place where trees grow in water.S5: I think they are endangered.Ask the students to listen to the recording.T: Very well. I think your answers are all right. Manatees in the world are fewer and fewer. We should save them. We should take care of the environment that they are living in. Now let’s listen to the tape. First listen to the recording and match the words and definitions in 2a.Play the recording for the first time.T: Listen again and check your answers.Play the recording for the second time. Check the answers.T: You’ll hear the same conversation again. This time complete the chart in 2b.Put your answers on the line.Play the recording again, then check the answers.Step V Pairwork (2c: P119)T: After listening, we know more about manatees. We know that they are fewer and fewer. The government has passed laws to protect them. They eat a lot of food every day. They are enormous. Can you make conversations about the animal in pairs? You can base on the model dialogue in 2c.A sample dialogue:S1: How many manatees are there in the US?S2: About 2,500.S1: Where are they living?S2: Their favorite habitat is in the water under the trees in mangrove swamps. S1: Why are they endangered?S2: Some of the swamps have been polluted.S1: Do they eat a lot?S2: Yes, they do....Step VI Grammar (Grammar Focus: P119)Help the students sum up the following patterns.一般过去时did现在进行时be (am / is / are) doing现在完成时have / has done一般过去时被动语态was / were done现在完成时被动语态have / has been doneT: Look at the Grammar Focus box on page 119. Now who’d like to read the sentences to the class?Ask a student to read the sentences in the box.T: Can you make some sentences with the different tenses and passive voice? Please write down your sentences in your exercise-books.Ask the students to do more practicing exercises, such as the following:Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.1. Every day my mother _____(get) up early.2. The dinosaur eggs _____(discover) many years ago by scientists.3. Listen! Some children _____(sing) an English song over there.4. In our hometown there used to _____(be) many old trees.5. My work _____(not finish) yet. I can’t go out to play with you.Sample answers:1. gets2. were discovered3. are singing4. be5. hasn’t been finishedStep VII HomeworkT: In this class, we’ve heard two spoken conversations: in the first conversaiton, we heard ab out some adjectives for describing animals; in the second, we heard something about manatees. After class, p lease listen to th e conversations again. Make some sentences with different tenses. Then remember the new words in Section B.Period 2 PracticeLanguage goals语言目标1. Words && expressions 生词和短语against, suitable, tiny, cage, educate, public, care for, urge2. Key sentences 重点句子(P120)I am against building a new zoo i n our town.... one that was suitable for animals to live in.... they won’t have enough money to take care of so many fine animals.I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon.I agree / disagree with you. I feel that ...Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to understand and talk about the problems of animal protection. Emotion && attitude goals情感和态度目标Enable the students to learn to protect animals and environment.Strategy goals 策略目标Sharing ideas with others.Culture awareness goals文化意识目标The importance of animals and environment protection.Teaching important points 教学重点Talk about animals and environment protection.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and Lead-inAsk the students to think about ways to protect animals.T: Last class, we’ve learned some adjectives for animal description and something about manatees. Can you describe a kind of animals?S1: Manatees are gentle and shy. They are also enormous. They live in water. They are endangered. Their living environment has been polluted.T: In fact, many other animals are endangered, too.Now please think it over and tell me how to protect the animals.S1: I think we must make a law to forbid killing animals.S2: I don’t think we should put animals in cages.S3: I believe zoos are terrible places for animals to live. S4: I think it’s good for animals to live in the zoo....Step II Reading (3a, 3b: P120)T: Next you’ll read two letters to the editors. In the two letters, two different opinions are presented. First, please read the passages in 3a and 3b and underline Disgusted’s and Animal Friend’s opinions.Then ask the students to underline the reasons why the writer is for or against the zoos.Sample answers:Disgusted: ①Terrible places for animals to live.②... animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all.③... only given food once a day.Animal Friend: ①Zoos are very important places.②... like living textbooks for young people.③... provide homes ... educate the public ...Ask the students to read the text carefully and find out the useful expressions in the materials.Expressions for reference:be against, be suitable for, hardly, once a day, urge sb to do sthAsk the students to make sentences with the above expressions.Sample sentences:1. I’m against his opinion.2. He is suitable for the work.3. The boy can hardly do the work, can he?4. I visit my grandparents once a day.5. She urged me to jump the fence.Ask the students to read the letters again and find out the main ideas of them.A sample version:The first letter tells us that zoos are not suitable for animals to live in. The animals are kept in cages and can’t move at all. They are given food once a day; In the second letter, the writer tells us that zoos provide homes for manyendangered animals. We should support the zoos.Step III Debating (4: P120)First ask the students to write down their views about the zoos.T: You have read two letters showing different views. What is your opinion? Write it down.A sample version:In our city there is a zoo. There are a lot of animals in it. Every day many people go to the zoo to visit the animals. But some visitors often throw something at the animals. The places that they live in are very dirty ... So I think we shouldn’t build zoos for animals. They should live in the forest. There they are free and they can find enough food to eat. They can play with each other ... Then ask the students to work in groups and make a debate.Sample debating conversation 1:S1: I feel that we should not build a zoo in which animals can not walk or run freely. S2: I disagree with you. I think We can build a large zoo where the animals can walk and run freely. When people visit the animals in the zoo, they can sit on a bus to see the animals. They are safe.S1: I don’t believe that many people will sup port to build such a zoo.Sample debating conversation 2:S1: We think it’s good for animals to live in zoos. Because they are safe and they have enough food to eat every day.S2: We disagree with you. We feel it’s bad for animals to stay in zoos. We think animals can’t walk freely. They can’t catch small animals by themselves, either.S3: We think some animals can stay in zoos, such as manatees, tigers, pandas. But others can live in the forest, such as lions, snakes, monkeys ...Step IV HomeworkAsk the students to write a letter to an editor to express their opinion. Period 3 Integrating skillsLanguage goals语言目标1. Words && expressions 生词和短语recycle, stuff, material, pull down, be made from, bottle, glue, roof, discard, tile, fence, can, inspiration, spare2. Key sentences重点句子 (P121)Recycling paper is really easy.But it’s hard to stop riding in cars.Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to talk about environment protection.Emotion && attitude goals情感和态度目标Enable the students to learn to protect animals and environment.Strategy goals 策略目标Listening and reading for the ideas of animal and environment protection. Culture awareness goals文化意识目标Enable the students to realize the importance of environment protection. Teaching important points教学重点Talk about how to protect animals and environment.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and Lead-inT: As we all know, humans can’t live without animals. So animals should be treated well. As to the question, different people may have different opinions about it. On one hand, zoos are one of the ways to protect animals while most of the animals lose their ways of living; on the other hand, most animals which live outside the zoos become endangered because of the destroying of human beings while they are living in freedom. It’s hard to say which is better. In the last class I told you to write a letter to the editor. Have you finished it?Ask some of the students to read their letters.A sample version:Dear editor,I live in the city of Dong Cheng and there is a zoo. Every day many visitors come and watch the animals in it. But I find the animals in it are very thin. Someof them are dejected all day. So I think they are not happy staying in the zoo. They want to go back to the forest. I feel they miss the ir friends and families. They are very lonely here. I urge all of us to treat animals well. They are our friends.Sincerely,Animal FriendAsk the students to think of ways to protect the environment.T: We should take care of animals because they are our good friends. They should live freely. We also know some of animals are endangered. The main reason is that their living environment has been destroyed. What should we do now?Ss: We have to provide a good environment for animals.T: But how?S1: We should keep the environment clean.S2: We have to plant more trees.S3: We mustn’t throw litter about.S4: We can stop some factories from pouring waste water into rivers....Ask the students to discuss about the pictures.T: Well done. Now I will show two pictures to you. What should we do if we see the following things happen?Showing the picture that the water is running on.Ss: We should turn off the tap at once to save water. People in some places in the world are short of fresh water.T: Good. We should save water and protect the environment. Now look at another picture.Show a picture of old books and waste paper.S1: We can sell them for money.S2: We should recycle them.S3: We shouldn’t throw them about.Step II Pairwork (1a, 1b: P121)Ask the students to make dialogues.T: Now please read the statements and the dialogues in 1a and 1b on page 121 first, then make similar ones by yourself.Sample dialogue 1:S1: Stopping riding in cars is easy, I think.S2: I agree. But it’s hard for some people to ride a bike to go to work. Sample dialogue 2:S1: Turning off the lights when you leave a room is easy.S2: I agree with you. But it’s hard to remember it.Step III Listening Practice (2a, 2b, 2c: P121)Ask the students to listen to the dialogue between Julia and Jack and find out what they are doing and what they will do.Play the recording for the first time.T: Now listen for the first time to get the key words. Keep notes while listening. Play the recording again.T: For the second time, listen and write the answers to the given questions. Help the students to finish the exercises. Then ask them to role play the conversation.T: In the listening, Julia tells us what she is doing, the things she will do in the future, and the things she would never do. What is true for you? Can you tell me? Please read the model dialogue in 2c first. Then role play the conversation. Sample dialogue 1:S1: We really should turn off the lights when we leave the room.S2: I know. I often do so.Sample dialogue 2:S3: We shouldn’t ride in cars, you know.S4: I know. I ride a bike now.Step IV Reading (3a: P122)T: Just now we listened to something about Julia and Jack. What do you have to do in order to protect the environment?S1: We should save fresh water.S2: We have to keep water clean.S3: We mustn’t cut down trees.S4: We have to plant trees every year to stop sandstorm spreading.Ask the students to read The house of trash.T: Do you know Amy Winterbourne? She is a most unusual woman. What did she do in her life? She built a house with trash. She is an inspiration to us all. Now read the passage in 3a on page 122.Ask the students to find out the useful expressions in it.Sample references:pull down, be made from, used to be, be an inspiration to sb, raise money for the Children’s HospitalThen ask the students to make sentences with the expressions.Sample sentences:S1: The house was pulled down last week.S2: The house is made from trash.S3: Amy Winterbourne’s hat used to be a paper napkin.S4: Liu Xiang is an inspiration to all of Chinese.S5: Do you usually raise money for the old?S6: The new schoolbag used to be two old shirts. / The new schoolbag is made from two old shirts.S7: The vase used to be an old glass bottle. / The vase is made from an old glass bottle.S8: The statue used to be a piece of wood. / The statue is made from a piece of wood. Step Ⅴ Writing (3b: P122)T: Suppose your deskmate is Amy Winterbourne, you want to know something from her. What would you like to ask her? Write down at least five questions you’d like to ask her.A sample dialogue:S1: Who taught you to build such a house?S2: No one.S1: When did you start to build the house?S2: Long ago.S1: Did you often colle ct the stuff?S2: No, but sometimes.S1: Why did you want to build the house with trash?S2: In order to use the recycled materials.S1: How long did it take you to build the house?S2: Sorry, I don’t know.T: Ok, now look at the pictures of 3b on page 122. Please compare the two pictures, and then tell me what you would learn from them. You’d better use “made from”and “used to be”.S1: His hat is made from a trash basket.S2: His scarf used to be a piece of cloth.S3: His schoolbag is made from trousers....T: Very good. Next you can finish the article of 3b.A sample version:Joe Winterbourne loves the clothes his mother made for him. At school, everyone calls him Mr Recycling. His hat is made from a trash basket. His scarf used to be a piece of cloth and his schoolbag is made from trousers. Everyday he wears them to go to school.Step VI HomeworkT: From the above, we know what we should do to help protect the environment. We can use recycled things to make new things. After class make a survey among your classmates and write down what recycling work they have done.Period 4 Comprehensive reviewLanguage goals 语言目标1. Words && expressions 生词和短语politely, environment, be suitable for, pull down, support, endangered, recycle, wear2. Key sentences 重点句子 (P123)What are three things you are supposed to do?How do you feel about ...?Have you ever won anything?Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to write about how to protect animals and environment. Emotion && attitude goals 情感和态度目标Enable the students to contribute to animals and environment protection. Strategy goals 策略目标Learn to write using the given information.Culture awareness goals文化意识目标The importance of protecting animals and the environment.Teaching important points 教学重点Write something about how to protect animals and the environment.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision (4: P122; Self check 1: P123)Ask two or more students to show their work.T: Last class, you were asked to make a survey among your classmates about the recycling work they did. Now who’d like to show your work?A sample version:I have surveyed several students. Among them I know Li Lei recycles most. Every day he recycles waste paper, glass, aluminum cans and many other things. He sells them and gives the money to an old man ...Make a dictation.T: Now I want to check the words we’ve learned in this unit. Please write down the words you hear.Reference words:save, gentle, enormous, aggressive, manatee, weigh, against, suitable, cage, care for, urge, recycle, material, pull down, be made from, used to, inspiration Then ask the students to make sentences with some of the above words and expressions.Sample sentences:S1: The doctor saved the boy’s life yesterday.S2: Manatees are gentle and shy.S3: Elephants are enormous....After that, ask the students to do 1 on page 123.Check the answers with the students.Step II Lead-inShow the following pictures to the students. Then ask them to describe the pictures. T: Now please look at the following pictures and answer my questions.T: What can you see in Picture 1?S1: I can see a beautiful village surrounded by many trees.T: What is the man doing in Picture 2?S2: I think he is cutting down the trees.T: What happened in Picture 3?S3: All the trees have been cut down.T: Have you ever seen such a terrible flood in Picture 4?S4: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.T: How do you feel about the flood?S5: It makes me very sad.T: What do we learn from the story?S6: We should plant more trees. We should take care of our living environment. Then ask the students to write a short passage according to the pictures above.A sample version:Once there was a village at the foot of a hill. There were many green trees on the hill. Though the villagers were a little poor, they lived happily and safely. One day, some of them had an idea. They cut the trees on the hill and sold them. With the money they built some new houses. They seemed to have become rich. Several years later, no trees were left and the hill was bare.Unluckily the village became very hot in summer and there were heavy storms andfloods.Many of the fields and even the houses were destroyed.Step III Practice (Self check 2: P123)Ask the students to write some conversations and then practice them.T: Next write down your own conversations using the information on page 123. Before that, let’s look at the following pictures. They may help you solve the problem. Show the following pictures to the students.Sample conversation 1:S1: What happened to the factory?S2: It often produced much air and water pollution.Sample conversation 2:S1: What are three things you are supposed to do if you find a factory producing waste gases and water?S2: We should write a letter to the factory. If they don’t stop, we can write a letter to a TV station or a newspaper.Sample conversation 3:S1: Do you need some help?S2: Yes. Give me that pen.S1: Please ask politely.S2: I’m sorry. Could you give me a pen?S1: Sure. Here you are.Sample conversation 4:S1: Have you ever written to a factory?S2: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.Step IV Just for Fun (P123)Ask the students to read the pictures and make dialogues.T: Look at the picture in Just for Fun, read the dialogue and then make another one. Sample dialogue 1:S1: What are they doing?S2: They are try ing to plant more trees.Sample dialogue 2:S1: What are they doing?S2: They are trying to clean the classroom.Sample dialogue 3:S1: What is Jim trying to do?S2: He is trying to help me water the trees....Step V HomeworkT: Environmental problems have greatly influenced our life. We should take more measures to protect our planet and animals. Everyone should do something. After class, please make a plan to do something to help protect the environment.Teaching Resources 教学资源库一、动词时态1. 一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、现在完成时的用法:2. 与以上四种时态连用的时间状语:⑴一般现在时:always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, twice a week, today, in the morning, on Sunday等。
unit 15 wound care Microsoft Word 文档
Unit 15 wound careBreast CancerBreast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. Breast cancer affects one in eight women during their lives. Men can have breast cancer too, but the number of cases is small. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death from all causes in women 40-44 years of age and is frequent in women of all ages over 30. No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there are a number of risk factors. The women whose family members with breast or ovarian cancer are more likely to develop the disease. Risk is increased when when breast cancer has occurred before menopause, was bilateral, or was present in 2 or more first-degree relatives. Early menarche and late natural menopause are associated with a slight increase in risk of developing breast cancers. Other risks include being overweight, using hormone replacement therapy, taking birth control pills, drinking alcohol, not having children or having your first child after age 35 or having dense breasts.The earlier breast cancer is found and diagnosed, the better the chances of beating it. Women 20-40 years of age should have a breast examination as part of routine medical care every 2-3 years . If women are over 40 or at a high risk for the disease,they should have an annual radiography with molybdenum target tube and physical exam by a doctor.They may perform monthly breast self-exams to check for any change in their breasts. It is important to remember that changes can occur because of aging, your menstrual cycle,pregnancy, menopause, or taking birth control pills or other hormones. It is normal for breasts to feel a little lumpy and uneven. Also, it is common for the breasts to be swollen and tender right before or during their menstrual period. Breast self-exams cannot replace regular screening mammograms and clinical breast exams. Studies have not shown that breast self-exams alone reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer.The patient with breast cancer usually presents with a lump in the breast. The diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed by biopsy. The presenting complaint in about 70% of patients with breast cancer is a lump (usually painless ) in the breast. About 90% of breast masses are discovered by the patient herself.Less frequent symptoms are breast pain,nipple discharge, erosion,retraction,enlargement, or itching of the nipple; and redness, generalized hardness,enlargement ,or shrinking of the breast.Inspection of the breast is the first step in physical examination and should be carried out with the patient sitting,arms at sides and then overhead..Palpation of the breast for masses or other changes should be performed with the patient both seated and supine with the arm abducted. Breast cancer usually consists of anon-tender, firm or hard lump with poorly delineated margins. Slight skin or nipple retraction is an important sign. Women with breast cancer have many treatment options. These include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy,and biological therapy. Treatment by segmental mastectomy plus axillary dissection and radiation therapy or by total mastectomy plus axillary dissection (modified radical mastectomy) is the best initial treatment for most patients with potentially curable carcinoma of the breast.Full discussion with the patient regarding the rationality for mastectomy and the manner of coping with the cosmetic and psychological effects of the operation is essential.Breast reconstruction should be discussed with the patient if this is a realistic possibility. Time spent preoperatively in educating the patient and her family is well spent.Post-operative care for the patient with mastectomy includes:(1) wound care and observation for bleeding.(2) promoting comfort by placing the patient in semi-Fowler’s position and elevating the operated arm.(3)providing the patient with a protein-rich diet.(4) giving the patient some advice on activity and exercises, such as climbing the wall or arm swinging.(5) observing and recording any change of the patient’s physiologic and psychologica l conditions.New wordsovarian [əu'vεəriən] adj. 卵巢的;子房的menopause ['menəupɔ:z] n. 更年期;活动终止期bilateral [baɪ'læt(ə)r(ə)l] adj. 双边的;有两边的menarche [me'nɑːkɪ] n. 初潮(少女的第一次月经来潮)hormone ['hɔ:məun] n. 激素,荷尔蒙radiography [,reidi'ɔɡrəfi] n. 放射线照相术;X光线照相术molybdenum [mə'lɪbdənəm] n. [化学] 钼(金属元素,符号Mo,原子序号42)menstrual ['menstruəl] adj. 月经的;每月的;一月一次的pregnancy ['preɡnənsi] n. 怀孕;丰富,多产;意义深长lumpy ['lʌmpi] adj. 粗笨的;波浪起伏的;多块状物的uneven [,ʌn'i:vən] adj. 不均匀的;不平坦的;奇数的swollen ['swəulən] adj. 肿胀的,浮肿的;浮夸的;激动兴奋的lump [lʌmp] n. 块,块状;肿块;瘤;很多;笨人vt. 混在一起;使成块状;忍耐;笨重地移动biopsy ['bai,ɔpsi] n. 活组织检查;活组织切片检查;切片检查法mass [mæs] n. 块,团;群众,民众;大量,众多adj. 群众的,民众的;大规模的,集中的nipple ['nipl] n. 乳头,奶头;奶嘴erosion [i'rəuʒən] n. 侵蚀,腐蚀retraction [ri'trækʃən] n. 撤回,撤销;收回enlargement [in'lɑ:dʒmənt] n. 放大;放大的照片;增补物itch [itʃ] n. 痒;渴望;vi. 发痒;渴望shrink [ʃriŋk] vi. 收缩;畏缩vt. 使缩小,使收缩margin ['mɑ:dʒin] n. 边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白vt. 加边于;加旁注于segmental segmental [seɡ'mentəl] dj. 部分的axillary [æk'sɪlərɪ] n. [鸟] 腋羽adj. [植] 腋生的;腋窝的;叶腋的dissection [di'sekʃən] n. 解剖,切开;解剖体;详细查究cosmetic [kɔz'metik] adj. 美容的;化妆用的n. 化妆品;装饰品Phrases and Expressionsassociate somebody\something with somebody\something 联系cope with 处理,对付EXERCISESRead the passage aloud until you can say it from memory.Post-operative care for the patient with mastectomy includes:(1) wound care and observation for bleeding.(2) promoting comfort by placing the patient in semi-Fowler’s position and elevating the operated arm.(3)providing the patient with a protein-rich diet.(4) giving the patient some advice on activity and exercises, such as climbing the wall or arm swinging.(5) observing and recording any change of the patient’s physiologic and psychological conditions.Vocabulary ExercisesComplete the short dialogues by using the words from the passage.consist occur discuss replace carry initial replace likely perform present1. It’s not a good idea to miss meals and_________them with snacks2. It’s more than ________that the thieves don’t know how much i t is worth.3. On his birthday, his friend __________him with a new book.4.Make exercises a part of your daily___________5.This operation has never been __________in this country.6.My ___________reaction was to decline the offer.7.Have you_________the the problem with anyone?8.A lot of tests have been ___________out on the old man.9.When exactly did the incident_____________10.Their diet__________largely of vegetablesTranslating:Translate the following into Chinese1. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women.2. No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there are a number of risk factors.3. Breast cancer usually consists of anon-tender, firm or hard lump with poorly delineatedmargins4. The patient with breast cancer usually presents with a lump in the breast.5. Slight skin or nipple retraction is an important signTranslate the following into English.1. high risk 高风险2. breast cancer乳腺癌3. the number of 数量4. post-operative care术后护理5. protein-rich diet.高蛋白饮食参考译文乳腺癌乳腺癌是女性癌症中最常见的一种。
九年级英语全册 Unit 15 We're trying to save the manatees!
Unit 15 We're trying to save the manatees!The Second PeriodⅠ.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyendangered, mangrove, swamp, habitat, aquatic feed, underwater, vegetation, foot, weigh, pound(2) Target LanguageHow big are manatees?They're about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1 000 pounds.2.Ability Objects(1) Train students' listening ability.(2) Train students' speaking ability.(3) Train students' the ability of using grammar focus.3.Moral ObjectWe must be fully aware of the importance of reducing pollution and protecting animals.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points1.Key Vocabularyendangered, mangrove, swamps, habitat, aquatic feed2.Target LanguageHow big are manatees?They're about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1 000 pounds.3.StructuresPresent progressiveWe're trying to save the manatees.PresentManatees eat about 100 pounds of food a day.Past with “used to”There used to be a lot of manatees.Passive voiceIn 1972, it was discovered that they were endangered.Present perfectSome of the swamps have bee polluted.Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points1.the target language2.How to train students' listening ability.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods1.Listening method to improve students' listening ability.2.Pairwork to make every student work in class.3.Review, explanation, inductive methodsⅤ.Teaching Aids1.A tape recorder2.The blackboardⅥ.Teaching ProceduresStep Ⅰ RevisionCheck homework. Get some pairs to act out their conversations. When they work, the rest of students also guess what animals they are talking about.Step Ⅱ2aThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Look at the picture. Ask, What can you see in the picture? (A manatee is in the water.)Go through the instructions with the class. You will hear two people talking about manatees. Listen and draw a line between each word and its definition.Read the sample answer. Then say, The word endangered means there aren't very many of this animal left in the world. The manatee is endangered because there aren't very many of these animals.Play the recording for students the first time. This time students only listen to the recording carefully. Play the recording a second time. This time students draw lines between each word and its definition.Check the answers with the class.Answers1.b 2.d 3.a 4.cTapescriptBoy: Can you tell us about the manatees, please?Man: Sure. We're trying to save them.Boy: Why? Are they endangered?Man: Yes. There used to be a lot of manatees, but now there aren't very many of them.Boy: Do you know how many there are?Man: At this point, there are only about 2 500 in the U. S. In 1972, it was discovered that they were endangered. Since then, the government has passed laws to protect them.Boy: Where do they live?Man: Their favorite habitat is the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.Boy: And why are they endangered?Man: Some of the swamps have bee polluted. Also, there sometimes isn't enough food for all of them. As you can see, they're large. The average manatee is about three meters long and weighs about 1 000 pounds.They need about 100 pounds of aquatic feed a day.Boy: Aquatic feed?Man: Oh, that's underwater plants and vegetation. That's what they eat.Step Ⅲ 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the class. Look at the headings in the chart and the blanks next to each heading. You will hear the same recording again. This time listen carefully to what both people say and fill in the blanks in the chart.Look at the sample answer. The two people on the recording are talking about manatees, so you write the word manatee after the words kind of animal in the chart.Play the recording again. Get students to fill in the blanks in the chart. Check the answers with the class.AnswersKind of animal: manateeNumbers:2 500 in the U. S.Habitat: water under trees in mangrove swampsReason why they are endangered: swamps polluted, not enough foodDescription: large, three metres long, weighs 1 000 poundsStep Ⅳ2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Look at the sample conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.S A: How big are manatees?S B: They're about 10 feet long and they weigh about I 000 pounds.Read the instructions aloud to the class.Each pair of students can make a conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b. Let students work in pairs. While they are working, move around the classroom, checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.When students finish the work, ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Conversation 1S A: Where do manatees live?S B: They live in the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.Conversation 2S A: Why are manatees endangered?S B: Because some swamps have been polluted. And there isn't enough food for all the manatees, either.Step Ⅴ Grammar FocusLook at the grammar focus box. Invite five students to read the statements to the class.We're trying to save the manages.Manatees eat about 100 pounds of food a day.There used to be a lot of manatees.In 1972 ,it was discovered that they were endangered.Some of the swamps have bee polluted.Put the class in five groups and ask each group to bee“experts”in one of the verb tenses and presents a review of that tense to the rest of the class. Have the students explain what the verb tense is used for and then give some sample sentences.Students can look back at the units where their verb tense was presented or practiced.Present progressive; Reviewed throughoutthe book.Present: Reviewed throughout the book Past with used to: Unit 4Passive voice: Unit 10Present perfect: Unit 14While the groups are working, walk around the classroom helping the students with their explanations and their sample sentences.Ask one student of each group to show their work. As the students show their work, ask questions and correct any errors in their explanations or sentences.(1) Present progressive: One form of the verbs that express action that continues over a period of time, also called Present continues tense. The structure is am/is/are+-ing. For example: He is reading a story book.(2) Present; It is used for indicating action that is usual and habitual.The form of the verb is do or does.For example:I go to school by bike.She does her homework every day.(3) Past with used to: The structure of used to+inf. indicates a constant orfrequent practice in the past. For example:I used to go swimming when I was a child.(4) Passive voice: The form of the verb is be+ p. p in the sentence.For example:Our classroom is cleaned every day.(5) Present Perfect: The from of the verb is have/has+p. pFor example:I have already finished my homework.Step Ⅵ SummaryIn this class, we've learned some important words, such as endangered, mangrove swamps, habitat, aquatic feed. We've also learned the target language How big are manatees? They've about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1 000 pounds. At last, we reviewed some grammar we have learned.Step Ⅶ Homework1.Make conversations in pairs to review the target language.2.Make five sentences to review the grammar focus.Step Ⅷ Blackboard DesignUnit 15 We're trying to save the manatees!Section AThe Second PeriodMake sentences to review the grammar focus:(1) He is reading a story book.(2) I go to school by bike.She does her homework every day.(3) I used to go swimming when I was a child.(4) Our classroom is cleaned every day.(5) I have already finished my homework.。
广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册《Unit 15 We’re trying to save the ma
《Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!-Manatee of theMonth》文章素材Flicker checks out a researcher doing manateephoto identification work. (Photo courtesy of FWCC)When you first see Flicker, you can't help but notice the many small propeller scars that run across her back. When she was identified in 1983 near Ft. Myers, Florida, a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation mission (FWCC) researcher mented that her scars looked like flickering flames. That's how she got her name.Flicker has had more than one run-in with a boat. Her tail is missing a few chunks from contact with a propeller, and she's also had her share of entanglement woes (more on that later). But that hasn't stopped her from racking up manatee miles on her frequent trips around TampaBay.In the winter, Flicker hangs out at Tampa Electric pany's (TECO) power plant in Apollo Beach, Florida. Manatees can't tolerate watertemperat ures below 21° C (70° F), and they gathernear natural springs or warm water outflow of powerplants when the weather turns colder. Besides visitingthe TECO plant, Flicker also makes trips across the bayto the Florida Progress plant in Bartow. After all, she doesn't want to play favorites!Her distinctive scars resemble "flickering flames" and earned Flicker her nameA few years ago, Flicker literally got caught up in some trouble that turned into a real adventure for her and her rescuers. One day, residents of Coffeepot Bayou in TampaBay reported a manatee with a crab trap line and a bouy wrapped around her tail. It was Flicker. But the extra additions didn't slow her down. She towed the line and bouy almost 10 nautical miles across the bay! Then she turned north to the AlafiaRiver where she picked up more line and another bouy.And then she got caught in two mooring lines attached to a houseboat.By the time the FWCC rescue staff had arrived, Flicker -- who is a big manatee -- had stripped off one of the bouys and almost swamped a law enforcement boat. It took three attempts by the rescue staff (along with a couple of cleats and several planks from the houseboat) before she was free.Both Flicker and her rescuers escaped with no injuries. And she's still continuing to trek across TampaBay. In fact, last winter, she was a bay-wide traveler, visiting TECO, the Florida Progress' power plant, and Culbreath Key (across the bay from Florida Progress) all in one year. The winter fluctuated between cold and warm weather, and Flicker may have decided to hightail it to Bartow when things warmed up a bit. The warm water disperses faster there on the unprotected flats, but lush seagrass beds can be found, so there are always good eats!We're happy to report that last spring Flicker was spotted with six other adults in the Culbreath Isles area -- in an area newly protected by boat speed zones for manatees.Flicker keeps on truckin' across TampaBay. (Photo courtesy of FWCC)。
[单选]霍奇金病的根治剂量为()A.25GyB.30GyC.35GyD.45GyE.55Gy [名词解释]服务器 [单选]在护患非技术关系中最重要的内容是()。A.道德关系B.利益关系C.法律关系D.价值关系E.信任关系 [单选]大脑前动脉阻塞时出现小便失禁,是由于损害了()A.额极B.旁中央小叶C.胼胝体前4/5D.扣带回E.额叶底部 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下主诉描述正确的是()A.月经停闭3年B.月经过多5天C.痛经3年D.每次月经期间及月经以后发热,五心烦热,口干咽燥1年E.小产3次 [单选]下列不符合发票开具要求的是()。A.开具发票时应按号顺序填开,填写项目齐全、内容真实、字迹清楚B.填写发票应当使用中文C.可以拆本使用发票D.开具发票时限、地点应符合规定 [问答题,简答题]目前我国铁路货车车钩有哪些主要型号? [填空题]旅游业的四要素是指()、()、旅行社、()。 [单选]乳腺癌的超声特征不包括()。A.边界清晰B.边缘毛刺C.微小钙化D.血流信号丰富E.后方声影 [填空题]植物的分枝方式主要有:单轴分枝、合轴分枝、()三种。 [单选]在母线倒闸操作中,母联断路器的()应拉开。A.跳闸回路B.操作电源C.直流回路D.断路器本体 [单选]某产妇,产后2天,自述下腹阵发性疼痛,无恶心、呕吐,查子宫底在脐下3指,可能的诊断为()。A.阑尾炎B.腹膜炎C.产后宫缩痛D.胰腺炎E.卵巢囊肿 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]治疗亚硝酸盐食物中毒的特效药物是()。A.美蓝B.二巯基丙醇C.亚硝酸异戊酯D.硫代硫酸钠E.亚硝酸钠 [多选]边防检查站为维护国家主权、安全和社会秩序,履行的职责有()。A、对出境、入境的人员及其携带的行李物品、交通运输工具及其载运的货物实施边防检查B、按照国家有关规定对出境、入境的交通运输工具进行监护C、对口岸的限定区域进行警戒,维护出境、入境秩序D、执行主管机关 [多选]下列各项中,应列入资产负债表“应付利息”项目的有()。A.计提的短期借款利息B.计提的一次还本付息债券利息C.计提的分期付息到期还本债券利息D.计提的分期付息到期还本长期借款利息 [单选]功能分配也叫要素分配,它最注重的是在总体国民收入中()A.各个个人从各要素中获得收入是多少B.各个个人从某个要素中获得收入是多少C.每种要素获得的收入所占的百分比D.各个个人从某个要素收入中所占的百分比 [单选]若施工合同约定工程保修期间采用质量保证金方式担保,则建设单位应按工程价款()左右的比例预留保留金。A.结算总额5%B.预算总额5%C.预算总额10%D.结算总额10% [单选]印刷的要素不包括()。A.原稿B.承印物C.图文载体D.校样 [问答题,案例分析题]男性,40岁。主诉:间断上腹部隐痛伴呕吐3年,加重1周入院。请针对该案例,说明问诊内容与技巧。 [问答题,简答题]轴箱定位方式有哪几类? [单选]下列哪项不是寒冷疗法的作用机制()A.开始血管收缩,继之血管扩张B.降低毛细血管壁通透性C.降低新陈代谢(抑制炎症)D.始疼痛减轻,继之加重疼痛(如寒冷、麻醉、止痛)E.降低肌肉活动性(抑制肌肉痉挛) [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列腧穴属于手阳明大肠经的是()A.阳谷B.阳溪C.太渊D.阳池E.腕骨 [判断题]每次停机后再启机时都要进行危急保安器超速试验。()A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项是错误的()A.HbA--α2β2B.HbA2--ζ2γ2C.HbGower2--α2ε2D.HbF--α2γ2E.HbBart--γ4 [单选]某高速公路路堤填筑到上路床时,施工人员发现填料粒径偏大,要求填料最大粒径不宜超过()。A.10CmB.15CmC.20CmD.30Cm [多选]课程开发的基本原则()A、学科性原则B、单一性原则C、超前性原则D、灵活性原则E、技能性原则 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]DSA是()A.X线平片系统与计算机数字图像系统的结合B.X线电视系统与计算机数字图像系统的结合C.X线平片系统与血管造影系统的结合D.X线电视系统与血管造影系统的结合E.以上描述均不对 [判断题]中性点非有效接地系统中的互感器,系统有自动切除对地故障保护时,允许在1.9倍额定电压下运行1min。A.正确B.错误 [单选]保险的数理基础是()。A.中心极限定理B.均匀法则C.正态法则D.大数法则 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]男,30岁,既往发作性心悸史,2小时前突然心悸,伴有头晕、乏力、出汗来诊。体格检查:BP90/60mmHg,心脏无扩大,心率190次/分,节律不规则,第一心音强弱不等,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及心脏杂音。心电图检查:P波消失,QRS波群宽大畸形,节律不规则。如药物治 [单选]不受气候影响的地下水是()。A.气包带水B.潜水C.承压水D.裂隙水 [多选]根据《中华人民共和国消防法》的规定,有下列哪些行为之一的,责令改正,处五千元以上五万元以下罚款()A、个人损坏、挪用或者擅自拆除、停用消防设施、器材的B、单位埋压、圈占、遮挡消防栓或者占用防火间距的C、单位占用、堵塞、封闭消防车通道,妨碍消防车通行的D、个人 [单选]暗沟是由于筑堤()、土块堆垒或裂缝遇水冲扩而造成的。A.较高B.不够密实C.较宽D.较早 [多选]属于开车前塔器外部检查主要内容正确的有()。A、液面计是否安装好B、浮阀安装质量C、仪表是否安装好D、安全阀是否打好铅封 [单选]医疗机构对本单位内被传染病病原体污染的场所、物品、医疗废物应依法()A.封闭场所并销毁物品B.强制隔离治疗C.实施消毒和无害化处理D.报上级卫生行政部门处理E.报卫生防疫部门处理 [单选]下列各项中,不属于行政处罚的是()。A.罚金B.吊销许可证C.警告D.没收违法所得 [填空题]停工装大盲板过程中,应防止空气窜入(),引起()。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]Th2类细胞因子可刺激表达细胞间黏附分子1等的细胞是()。A.血管内皮细胞B.肥大细胞C.嗜碱性粒细胞D.嗜酸性粒细胞E.黏膜上皮细胞 [单选]重复电刺激前,通常停用抗胆碱酯酶药()A.2~4小时B.4~8小时C.8~12小时D.12~18小时E.无要求 [单选]石油钻井是一项复杂的系统工程,是()油气田的主要手段。A.勘探B.开发C.勘探和开发D.评价
河南省开封市第三十三中学九年级英语全册Unit 15 We" re trying to save the mana tees Section A The second period 学案(无答案)人教新目标版educate sb. about sth ・ 4. _________________ sing in front of other people 6.在某人的一生中 8.照顾,照料 10.赞成Step L Ask the students to read the two letters in 3a ,then describe the ad.vantages and disadvantages ofthese animals being kept in the zoos and cagesStep 2 3b.Read this letter to the editor.Step 3. Activity 4.Debate: TeamA and Team B. Take turns giving your opini ons.重点讲解1・I’ m writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town ・.against 的用法:(1) ............................................................................ against 作介词,意为"反对,违反,与 相反",相当于opposite 。
Are most people against the proposal (提议)?(2) against 作介词,还有“触,碰,倚,靠”的意思。
Put the piano there, with its back against the wal 1・(3〉be against doing sth.反对做某事,反义短语是be for doing sth •赞成做某事©例 如: All the people around the world are against cloning human beings ・全世界的人民「反对克隆人类。
广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册《Unit 15 We’re trying to save the ma
《Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!》常用时态归纳本期我们对初中阶段需要掌握的时态做一简要归纳,相信定会对大家有所帮助。
(过去将来时与过去完成时只需要大家了解,在此不再涉及)【例句】1. He often goes to see his grandmother.他经常去看望他的祖母。
2. She is making dumplings now.她正在包饺子。
3. He will e next week.他下星期来。
4. I read a book last week.上星期我读了一本书。
5. When I called him, he was having dinner.我给他打时,他正在吃晚饭。
6. The car has arrived.车到了。
【结论】A. 一般现在时强调动作的习惯性与经常性。
其构成为:主语 + 动词原形或动词的______B. 现在进行时强调动作正在进行。
其构成为:主语+am / is / are + ______C. 一般将来时强调将来要发生的动作。
其构成为:主语 + will / shall + ______D. 一般过去时强调动作发生在过去。
其构成为:主语+动词的______E. 过去进行时强调在过去某一时间点动作正在进行。
其构成为:主语 + ______ + 动词的-ing形式F. 现在完成时可强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,也可表示过去的动作或状态持续到现在。
其构成为:主语 + have / has + 动词的______Key: A. 第三人称单数形式 B. 动词的-ing形式C. 动词原形D. 过去式E. was / wereF. 过去分词【运用】根据括号中所给动词,用其正确时态填空。
1. Frank ______(help) his mother with the housework on Sundays.2. I ______(bee) a middle school student three years ago.3. —Hello! May I speak to your father, please?—Sorry, my father ______(go) to Shanghai. He went there this morning.4. —What’s the noise?—Jane and her sister ______(watch) TV.5. They ______ (have) eggs and bread for breakfast tomorrow morning.6. He ______ (cross) the street when he was hit by a bike.Grammar Focus1. helps2. became3. has gone4. are watching5. will have6. was crossing。
九年级英语全册Unit15基础知识必背手册人教新目标版15. take good care of sb. 照顾好某人 look after sb. well 好好照顾某人care for sb. well16. urge sb to do sth. 强烈要求某人做某事17. recycle sth./paper 循环使用纸/某物18. be built out of sth 由……制造 be made of/from 由……制成19. be glued 被胶合20. discarded tile/kid 被丢弃的瓦片/孩子 discard sth. 丢弃某物be discarded 被丢弃give up 放弃21. cola/soda can 可乐/汽水罐头 a can of beer一听啤酒22. the Help Save Our Planet 帮助拯救我们星球的社团23. be an inspiration to sb. 对某人是一个灵感24. in one’s spare/free time 在某人空闲时间25. model plan/toy模型玩具/飞机26. raise money for charity 为慈善机构筹钱27. on business 经商28. be proud of=take pride in sth. 对……感到自豪29. aquatic feed水下生物30. in the pond 在池塘中31. There used to be…. 过去常常有…。
32. be endangered 濒临灭绝 endangered animals 濒临灭绝的动物33. a number of =a lot of =many/much 许多the number of ……的数目(谓语用单数)34. pass laws to do sth. 通过法律做某事35. protect sth. 保护某物36. as you can see 正如你所见37. ten feet long 10英尺长 eight meters high 8米高 1.75 meters tall 1.75米高twenty meters wide 20米宽38. be against doing 反对做某事 be for doing 赞成做某事Are you for or against? 你赞成还是反对?39. in one’s life 在某人的一生中40. be surprised to do 惊奇做…… be surprised at 吃惊于……to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是41. stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事stop (doing sth.) to do sth. 停止正在做的事去做另一事42. wash one’s hair 洗(某人的)头43. paper towels/napkins 纸巾 beach towels 沙滩毛巾44. save electricity 省电save money 省钱 use up all of his savings用光他的储蓄45. in a hurry 匆匆忙忙 hurry up=quickly=be quick 快点46. be interested in=take an interest in 对……感趣 interest sb. 引起某人的兴趣/注意力47. average person 普通人48. take one’s own bag带某人自己的包用法集萃1.a most, the most与most的用法(1)a most的用法。
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Unit 15 wound careBreast CancerBreast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. Breast cancer affects one in eight women during their lives. Men can have breast cancer too, but the number of cases is small. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death from all causes in women 40-44 years of age and is frequent in women of all ages over 30. No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there are a number of risk factors. The women whose family members with breast or ovarian cancer are more likely to develop the disease. Risk is increased when when breast cancer has occurred before menopause, was bilateral, or was present in 2 or more first-degree relatives. Early menarche and late natural menopause are associated with a slight increase in risk of developing breast cancers. Other risks include being overweight, using hormone replacement therapy, taking birth control pills, drinking alcohol, not having children or having your first child after age 35 or having dense breasts.The earlier breast cancer is found and diagnosed, the better the chances of beating it. Women 20-40 years of age should have a breast examination as part of routine medical care every 2-3 years . If women are over 40 or at a high risk for the disease,they should have an annual radiography with molybdenum target tube and physical exam by a doctor.They may perform monthly breast self-exams to check for any change in their breasts. It is important to remember that changes can occur because of aging, your menstrual cycle,pregnancy, menopause, or taking birth control pills or other hormones. It is normal for breasts to feel a little lumpy and uneven. Also, it is common for the breasts to be swollen and tender right before or during their menstrual period. Breast self-exams cannot replace regular screening mammograms and clinical breast exams. Studies have not shown that breast self-exams alone reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer.The patient with breast cancer usually presents with a lump in the breast. The diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed by biopsy. The presenting complaint in about 70% of patients with breast cancer is a lump (usually painless ) in the breast. About 90% of breast masses are discovered by the patient herself.Less frequent symptoms are breast pain,nipple discharge, erosion,retraction,enlargement, or itching of the nipple; and redness, generalized hardness,enlargement ,or shrinking of the breast.Inspection of the breast is the first step in physical examination and should be carried out with the patient sitting,arms at sides and then overhead..Palpation of the breast for masses or other changes should be performed with the patient both seated and supine with the arm abducted. Breast cancer usually consists of anon-tender, firm or hard lump with poorly delineated margins. Slight skin or nipple retraction is an important sign. Women with breast cancer have many treatment options. These include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy,and biological therapy. Treatment by segmental mastectomy plus axillary dissection and radiation therapy or by total mastectomy plus axillary dissection (modified radical mastectomy) is the best initial treatment for most patients with potentially curable carcinoma of the breast.Full discussion with the patient regarding the rationality for mastectomy and the manner of coping with the cosmetic and psychological effects of the operation is essential.Breast reconstruction should be discussed with the patient if this is a realistic possibility. Time spent preoperatively in educating the patient and her family is well spent.Post-operative care for the patient with mastectomy includes:(1) wound care and observation for bleeding.(2) promoting comfort by placing the patient in semi-Fowler’s position and elevating the operated arm.(3)providing the patient with a protein-rich diet.(4) giving the patient some advice on activity and exercises, such as climbing the wall or arm swinging.(5) observing and recording any change of the patient’s physiologic and psychologica l conditions.New wordsovarian [əu'vεəriən] adj. 卵巢的;子房的menopause ['menəupɔ:z] n. 更年期;活动终止期bilateral [baɪ'læt(ə)r(ə)l] adj. 双边的;有两边的menarche [me'nɑːkɪ] n. 初潮(少女的第一次月经来潮)hormone ['hɔ:məun] n. 激素,荷尔蒙radiography [,reidi'ɔɡrəfi] n. 放射线照相术;X光线照相术molybdenum [mə'lɪbdənəm] n. [化学] 钼(金属元素,符号Mo,原子序号42)menstrual ['menstruəl] adj. 月经的;每月的;一月一次的pregnancy ['preɡnənsi] n. 怀孕;丰富,多产;意义深长lumpy ['lʌmpi] adj. 粗笨的;波浪起伏的;多块状物的uneven [,ʌn'i:vən] adj. 不均匀的;不平坦的;奇数的swollen ['swəulən] adj. 肿胀的,浮肿的;浮夸的;激动兴奋的lump [lʌmp] n. 块,块状;肿块;瘤;很多;笨人vt. 混在一起;使成块状;忍耐;笨重地移动biopsy ['bai,ɔpsi] n. 活组织检查;活组织切片检查;切片检查法mass [mæs] n. 块,团;群众,民众;大量,众多adj. 群众的,民众的;大规模的,集中的nipple ['nipl] n. 乳头,奶头;奶嘴erosion [i'rəuʒən] n. 侵蚀,腐蚀retraction [ri'trækʃən] n. 撤回,撤销;收回enlargement [in'lɑ:dʒmənt] n. 放大;放大的照片;增补物itch [itʃ] n. 痒;渴望;vi. 发痒;渴望shrink [ʃriŋk] vi. 收缩;畏缩vt. 使缩小,使收缩margin ['mɑ:dʒin] n. 边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白vt. 加边于;加旁注于segmental segmental [seɡ'mentəl] dj. 部分的axillary [æk'sɪlərɪ] n. [鸟] 腋羽adj. [植] 腋生的;腋窝的;叶腋的dissection [di'sekʃən] n. 解剖,切开;解剖体;详细查究cosmetic [kɔz'metik] adj. 美容的;化妆用的n. 化妆品;装饰品Phrases and Expressionsassociate somebody\something with somebody\something 联系cope with 处理,对付EXERCISESRead the passage aloud until you can say it from memory.Post-operative care for the patient with mastectomy includes:(1) wound care and observation for bleeding.(2) promoting comfort by placing the patient in semi-Fowler’s position and elevating the operated arm.(3)providing the patient with a protein-rich diet.(4) giving the patient some advice on activity and exercises, such as climbing the wall or arm swinging.(5) observing and recording any change of the patient’s physiologic and psychological conditions.Vocabulary ExercisesComplete the short dialogues by using the words from the passage.consist occur discuss replace carry initial replace likely perform present1. It’s not a good idea to miss meals and_________them with snacks2. It’s more than ________that the thieves don’t know how much i t is worth.3. On his birthday, his friend __________him with a new book.4.Make exercises a part of your daily___________5.This operation has never been __________in this country.6.My ___________reaction was to decline the offer.7.Have you_________the the problem with anyone?8.A lot of tests have been ___________out on the old man.9.When exactly did the incident_____________10.Their diet__________largely of vegetablesTranslating:Translate the following into Chinese1. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women.2. No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there are a number of risk factors.3. Breast cancer usually consists of anon-tender, firm or hard lump with poorly delineatedmargins4. The patient with breast cancer usually presents with a lump in the breast.5. Slight skin or nipple retraction is an important signTranslate the following into English.1. high risk 高风险2. breast cancer乳腺癌3. the number of 数量4. post-operative care术后护理5. protein-rich diet.高蛋白饮食参考译文乳腺癌乳腺癌是女性癌症中最常见的一种。