





在演奏前,需要调整琴弦的松紧程度,这样做的目的是调节琴弦发声时的()A.振幅 B.响度 C.音调 D.音色3.四冲程汽油机在工作过程中,机械能转化成内能的冲程是()A.吸气冲程B.压缩冲程C.做功冲程D.排气冲程4.下列数据中,最接近实际情况的是()A.中学生正常步行的速度约为1.0米|秒B.将一枚鸡蛋举过头顶做功约为10焦C.饺子煮熟即将出锅时的温度约为40摄氏度D.家里常用日光灯正常发光的电流约为10安5.如图1为同一密封的小包袋装食品的两张照片,(a)图摄于海拔200米的地方,(b)图摄于海拔3200米的地方。

小包袋装食品袋内气体不变的是()①质量②惯性③密度 4.体积A.①与②B.③与4 C①与4 D.②与③6.甲、乙两个质量相同的物体在钢索的牵引下竖直向上运动,它们的s-t图像如图2(a)、(b)所示,则()A.甲的速度等于乙的速度B.四秒内甲、乙通过的路程相等C.甲、乙受到钢索的拉力相等D.甲受到的合力大于乙受到的合力图27.如图3所示,闭合电键S,灯L亮,一段时间后灯L熄灭。


现将一只完好的电压表并联在灯L两端,则()A.若电压表无示数,则一定是R断路B.若电压表无示数,则一定是L短路C.若电压表有示数,则一定是R短路图3D.若电压表有示数,则一定是L断路8. 如图4所示,两个底面积不同的圆柱体容器内分别盛有深度不同的液体,已知距容器底部均为h 的A 、B 两点的压强相等。

现将实心金属球甲、乙分别浸没在左右两液体中,均无液体溢出,此时A 点的压强大于B 点的压强,则一定成立的是 ( )A.甲球的质量小于乙球的质量B.甲球的密度大于乙球的密度C.甲球的浮力小于乙球的浮力D.甲球的体积大于乙球的体积 图4 二、填空题9.家用电冰箱正常的工作电压是 (1) 伏,它与白炽灯是 (2) 的(选填“并联”或“串联");工作时,它消耗的能量用 (3) 表测量。





1.材料中所述的太阳打了强烈的“喷嚏”极有可能是A.太阳耀斑爆发B.太阳爆炸C.太阳辐射增强D.太阳辐射减弱2.该“喷嚏”还可能产生的明显影响不包括A.短波通讯中断B.信鸽丢失 C.指南针失灵D.地球公转速度的变化(二)2011年11月28日联合国气候变化公约第l7次缔约方会议在南非德班(29º52'S,31º02'E)开幕,右图为德班气候大会会徽。




北京时间约为A.26日20时50分 B.27日23时50分C.27日13时l0分 D.28日7 时50分4.德班气候大会会徽是一棵枯萎的猴面包树扎报在扭曲的地球上,该树种粗大树干能贮存大量水分抵御干旱,它广泛分布在非洲的A.东非高原东 B.撒哈拉沙漠 C.地中海沿岸D.刚果盆地(三)岩石是组成地壳的天然矿物集合体。




1.计算√4的结果是( )A. 2B.±2C.−2D.±√2<解答> cho A解:∵√4=2∴A选项正确故选A2.下列计算正确的是( )A.a+a=a2B.(2a)3=6a3C.(a−1)2=a2−1D.a3÷a=a2<解答> cho D解:a+a=a(1+1)=2a,故A项错误(2a)3=8a3,故B项错误(a−1)2=a2−2a+1,故C项错误a3÷a=a3−1=a2,故D项错误故选D3.已知:在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A、∠B、∠C所对的边分别是a、b、c,且a=3,b= 4,那么∠B的正弦值等于( )A.35B.45C.43D.34<解答> cho B解:∵在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,a=3,b=4,∴c=5∴sinB=4:5故选B4.小亮从家步行到公交车站台,等公交车去学校.图中的折线表示小亮的行程s(km)与所花时间t(min)之间的函数关系. 下列说法错误的是( )A. 他离家8km共用了30minB. 他等公交车时间为6minC. 他步行的速度是100m min⁄D. 公交车的速度是350m min⁄<解答> cho D解:A.依题意得他离家8km共用了30min,故A选项正确;B.依题意在第10min开始等公交车,第16min结束,故他等公交车时间为6min,故B选项正确;C.他步行10min走了1000m,故他步行的速度为他步行的速度是100m min⁄,故C选项正确;D.公交车(30−16)min走了(8−1)km,故公交车的速度为7000÷14=500m min⁄,故D 选项错误.故选D5.解方程x2−x+2=1x2−x 时,如果设2y x x=-,那么原方程可变形为关于y的整式方程是( )A.y2−2y−1=0B.y2+2y−1=0C.y2+2y+1=0D.y2−2y+1=0<解答> cho B解:原方程可化为:y+2=1y去分母得:y2+2y=1移项得:y2+2y−1=0故选B6.已知长方体ABCD∼EFGH如图所示,那么下列直线中与直线AB不平行也不垂直的直线是( )A.EAB.GHC.GCD.EF<解答> cho C解:根据平行线和垂线的定义可知:EA与直线AB垂直,GH、EF和AB平行,GC与直线AB 既不相交也不平行.故选C中,自变量x的取值范围是___.7.函数y=x+2x−1<解答>解:由题意得x−1≠0解得:x≠1故答案为x≠18.2010年11月,我国进行了第六次全国人口普查,据统计全国人口为1370536875人,将这个总人口数(保留三个有效数字)用科学计数法可以表示为___.<解答>解:1370536875=1.370536875×109≈1.37×109故答案为1.37×1099.方程√2x−1=1的解是___.<解答> one 1解:方程两边同时平方得:2x−1=1解得x=1故答案为110.分解因式:x2−2x−1=___.<解答>解:x2−2x−1=x2−2x+1−2=(x−1)2−(√2)2=(x −1−√2)(x −1+√2)故答案为(x −1−√2)(x −1+√2)11.已知关于x 的方程x 2−4x +a =0有两个相等的实数根,那么a 的值是___.<解答> one 4解:由题意得△=(−4)2−4a =0解得a =4 故答案为412.如果反比例函数y =m−3x 的图象在x <0的范围内,y 随x 的增大而减小,那么m 的取值范围是___.<解答>解:∵反比例函数y =m −3x 的图象在x <0的范围内y 随x 的增大而减小,∴m −3>0,∴m >3故答案为m >313.为响应“红歌唱响中国”活动,某镇举行了一场“红歌”歌咏比赛,组委会规定:任何一名参赛选手的成绩x 满足:60⩽x <100,赛后整理所有参赛选手的成绩如下表根据表中提供的信息可以得到n =___.<解答> one 0.3解:在分数段60⩽x <100内,频数为30,频率为0.15 ∴总人数为300.15=200故n =60200=0.3故答案为0.314.小明和小张两人练习电脑打字,小明每分钟比小张少打6个字,小明打120个字所用的时间和小张打180个字所用的时间相等.设小明打字速度为x 个/分钟,那么由题意可列方程是__________.<解答>解:小明打字速度为x 个/分钟,那么小明打120个字所需要的时间为:120x ;易得小张打字速度为(x +6)个/分钟,小张打180个字所需要的时间为:180x+6;∴可列方程为:120x =180x+6, 故答案为120x =180x+615.梯形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,E 、F 是AD 、BC 的中点,若AB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =a ,CD ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =b ⃗ ,那么用a 、b⃗ 地线性组合表示向量EF⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =___.<解答>解:∵梯形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,E 、F 是AD 、BC 的中点, ∴EF 是梯形ABCD 的中位线, ∴EF ∥AB ∥CD ,EF =12(AB +CD),∵AB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =a ,CD ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =b⃗ , ∴DC ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =b⃗ ∴EF ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =12(a −b ⃗ ). 故答案为12(a −b⃗ )16.已知两圆的半径R 、r 分别为方程x 2−5x +6=0的两根,两圆的圆心距为1,两圆的位置关系是___.<解答>解:∵两圆的半径分别是方程x 2−5x +6=0的两根,∴两圆半径和为:R +r =5,半径积为:Rr =6,∴半径差为|R −r|=√(R −r)2=√(R +r)2−4Rr =√52−4×6=1,即圆心距等于半径差,∴根据圆心距与半径之间的数量关系可知⊙O 1与⊙O 2的位置关系是内切. 故答案为内切17.已知△ABC 中,点G 是△ABC 的重心,过点G 作DE ∥BC ,与AB 相交于点D ,与AC 相交于点E ,如果△ABC 的面积为9,那么△ADE 的面积是___.<解答> one 4解:如图所示,∵DE ∥BC ,∴△ADE ∽△ABC , ∵点G 是△ABC 的重心, ∴AG =2GF , ∴AG =23AF ,∴AG AF =23, 即△ADE 和△ABC 的相似比为23,S △ADES △ABC =(23)2=49, ∵S △ABC =9, ∴S △ADE =49×9=4.故答案为418.矩形ABCD 中,AD =4,CD =2,边AD 绕A 旋转使得点D 落在射线CB 上的P 处,那么∠DPC 的度数为___°.<解答> any 75, 15解:当P 在线段CB 上时, ∵AP =AD =4,AB =CD =2,∴在直角△ABP 中,∠APB =30°,∵AD ∥BC∴∠DAP =∠APB =30°, ∵AP =AD∴∠APD =∠ADP =180°−30°2=75°.∴∠DPC =180°−∠APB −∠APD =180°−30°−75°=75° 当P′在CB 的延长线上时,同理,在直角△AP′B 中,∠AP′B =30°,∠P′AB =60°,则∠P′AD =∠P′AB +∠BAD =60°+90°=150° ∵AP′=AD ,∴∠AP′D =∠ADP′=180°−150°2=15°,∴∠DP′C =∠AP′B −∠AP′D =30°−15°=15°. 故答案为75,1519.计算:(−14)−1+√27+|√3−3|+cot30°.<解答>解:原式=−4+3√3+3−√3+√3=3√3−120.解不等式组:{3x −7<2(1−3x)x−32+1⩽3x−14,并把它的解集在数轴上表示出来.<解答>解:{3x −7<2(1−3x)①x−32+1⩽3x−14②, ∵由①得x <1, 由②得xgeslatn −1,∴原不等式组的解集为−1⩽x <1, 在数轴上表示不等式组的解集为:21.在一次对某水库大坝设计中,李设计师对修建一座长80米的水库大坝提出了以下方案;大坝的横截面为等腰梯形,如图,AD ∥BC ,坝高10m ,迎水坡面AB 的坡度i =53,审核组专家看后,从力学的角度对此方案提出了建议,李设计师决定在原方案的基础上,将迎水坡面AB 的坡度进行修改,修改后的迎水坡面AE 的坡度i =56.(1)求原方案中此大坝迎水坡AB 的长(结果保留根号)(2)如果方案修改前后,修建大坝所需土石方总体积不变,在方案修改后,若坝顶 沿EC 方向拓宽2.7m ,求坝底将会沿AD 方向加宽多少米?<解答>解:(1)过点B作BF⊥AD于F.在Rt△ABF中,∵i=BFAF =53,且BF=10m.∴AF=6m∴AB=2√34m(2)过点E作EG⊥AD于G. 在Rt△AEG中,∵i=EGAG =56,且EG=BF=10m∴AG=12m,∵AF=6m,∴BE=GF=AG−AF=6m,如图,延长EC至点M,至AD点N,连接,过MN点E作EG⊥AD于G. 在Rt△AEG中,∵i=EGAG =56,且BF=10m,∴AG=12m,BE=GF=AG−AF=6m.∵方案修改前后,修建大坝所需土石方总体积不变.∴S△ABE=S梯形CMND ,12⋅BE⋅EG=12(MC+ND).即BE=MC+NDND=BE−MC=6−2.7=3.3(m).答:坝底将会沿AD方向加宽3.3m.22.某校开展了以“人生观、价值观”为主题的班队活动,活动结束后,九(2)班数学兴趣小组提出了5个主要观点并在本班50名学生中进行了调查(要求每位同学只选自己最认可的一项观点),并制成了如下扇形统计图.(1)该班学生选择“互助”观点的有___人,在扇形统计图中,“和谐”观点所在扇形区域的圆心角是___度;(2)如果该校有1500名九年级学生,利用样本估计选择“感恩”观点的九年级学生约有___人;(3)如果数学兴趣小组在这5个主要观点中任选两项观点在全校学生中进行调查,求恰好选到“和谐”和“感恩”观点的概率.(用树状图或列表法分析解答)<解答>解:(1)共调查了50名学生,选择“和谐”观点的占10%,50×10%=5,360°×10%=36°;(2)∵选择“感恩”的占28%,∴1500×28%=420人,(3)以下两种方法任选一种(用树状图)设平等、进取、和谐、感恩、互助的序号依次是①②③④⑤∴恰好选到“和谐”和“感恩”观点的概率是110(用列表法)∴恰好选到“和谐”和“感恩”观点的概率是11023.已知:直角坐标平面内有点A(−1,2),过原点O的直线l⊥OA,且与过点A、O的抛物线相交于第一象限的B点,若OB=2OA.(1)求抛物线的解析式;(2)作BC ⊥x 轴于点C ,设有直线x =m(m >0)交直线l 于P ,交抛物线于点Q ,若B 、C 、P 、Q 组成的四边形是平行四边形,求m 的值.<解答>解:(1)解:过点A 作AH ⊥x 轴于点H ,过点B 作BC ⊥x 轴于点C ,∵A(−1,2) ∴AH =2,OH =1由直线OB ⊥OA ,可得△AHO ∽△OCB , ∴AH OC =OH BC =OA OB ,∵OB =2OA , ∴OC =4,BC =2, ∴B(4,2)设经过点A 、O 、B 的抛物线解析式为y =ax 2+bx +c(a ≠0) ∴{a −b +c =216a +4b +c =2c =0,解得a =12,b =−32.∴抛物线解析式为:y =12x 2−32x (2)设直线l 的解析式为y =kx(k ≠0)∵直线l经过点B(4,2),∴直线l的解析式为y=12x∵直线x=m(m>0)交直线l于,交抛物线于点Q,∴设P点坐标为(m,12m),点Q坐标为(m,12m2−32m).∵由B、C、P、Q四点组成的四边形是平行四边形,∴PQ∥BC且PQ=BC.即:|12m−(12m2−32m)|=2,解得m=2±2√2或m=2,∵m>0,∴m=2±2√2或224.如图,△ABC中,∠ABC=90°, E为AC的中点.操作:过点C作BE的垂线, 过点A作BE 的平行线,两直线相交于点D,在AD的延长线上截取DF=BE.连结EF、BD.(1)试判断EF与BD之间具有怎样的关系? 并证明你所得的结论;(2)如果AF=13,CD=6,求AC的长.<解答>解:如图,(1)EF与BD互相垂直平分.连结DE、BF,∵BE平行且等于DF∴四边形BEDF是平行四边形.∵CD⊥BE,∴CD⊥AD,∵∠ABC=90°,E为AC的中点,∴BE=DE=12AC,∴四边形BEDF是菱形.∴EF 与BD 互相垂直平分.(2)设DF =BE =x ,则AC =2x ,AD =AF–DF =13−x .在Rt△ACD 中, ∵AD 2+CD 2=AC 2,∴(13−x)2+62=(2x)2(13−x)2+62=(2x)2.3x 2+26x −205=0 解得:x 1=−413(舍去),x 2=5∴AC =10.25.已知:半圆O 的半径OA =4,P 是OA 延长线上一点,过线段OP 的中点B 做垂线交⊙O 于点C ,射线PC 交⊙O 于点D ,联结OD . (1)若AĈ=CD ̂,求弦CD 的长. (2)若点C 在AD̂上时,设PA =x ,CD =y ,求y 与x 的函数关系式及自变量x 的取值范围. (3)设CD 的中点为E ,射线BE 与射线OD 交于点F ,当DF =1时,请直接写出tan ∠P 的值.<解答>解:(1)连接OC ,如图1,∵AĈ=CD ̂, ∴∠DOC =∠AOC , 又∵BC 垂直平分OP , ∴PC =OC , 而OA =4, ∴CP =OC =4,∴∠P =∠POC ,∴∠CPO =∠COD ,而∠PDO =∠ODC ,∴△DOC ∽△DPO , ∴DC:OD =OD:DP ,即OD 2=DC ⋅DP ,∴DC(DC +4)=16,∴CD =2√5−2;(2)作OE ⊥CD ,垂足为E ,如图1,则CE =12CD =12y ,∵∠P =∠P ,∠PBC =∠PEO =90°, ∴△PBC ∽△PEO , ∴PB PE =PC OP ,而PB =12OP =12(x +4),PE =PC +CE =4+12y , ∴x+424+y 2=4x+4, ∴y =14x2+2x −4(4√2−4<x <4);(3)若点D 在AC 外部时,连接OC 和OE .显然可以得:Rt△CBP ≌Rt△CBO , ∴∠CPB =∠COB =x (不妨设其大小为x∴∠DCO =2x .(三角形外角的性质定理), 同时,PC =OC =R =4, ∵CE =DE (已知) ∴由垂径定理可知:OE ⊥CD , 在R t△OEC 和Rt△OED 中,{EO =EO CO =DO CE =ED∴Rt△OEC ≌Rt△OED (SSS )∴∠ODC =∠OCD =2x . 同时,由锐角三角函数定义, 在Rt△OPE 中.tan ∠APD =OE PE , ∵∠CBO =∠CEO =90°, ∴四点B ,C ,E ,O 四点共圆, ∴由同圆中,同弧上的圆周角相等可知 ∠BEC =∠BOC =x ,∴∠DEF =∠BEC =∠BOC =x . 在△DEF 中,由三角形外角性质定理,∠ODC =∠F +∠DEF , ∴2x =∠F +x ,∴∠F =x . ∴△DEF 为等腰三角形, CE =DE =DF =1.∴PE =PC +CE =4+1=5, 在Rt△ODE 中,DE =1,OD =R =4, ∴由勾股定理可得OE =√15,∴tan ∠P =OE PE =√155,若点D 在AC 上时, 同理可知CE =DE =DF =1,PC =OC =r =4, 故PE =3,OE =√15,则tan ∠P =OE PE =√153. 综上所述,tan ∠P 的值是√155或√153.。

















9.(6分)A F10.(3分)①我看到了皎洁的月色笼罩着洁白的苇花,那纯白无瑕的世界如天堂般美好;②我在自然纯白的世界里仿若超脱了现实,体味到摄人心魂的纯净美。




上海2012年初三英语二模奉贤卷word版 附答案

上海2012年初三英语二模奉贤卷word版 附答案



Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)31. Would you please help me pick up ____umbrella on the floor?A) a B) an C) the D) /32. --Mr. Smith, Can you give us some advice on how to learn English well'?--Remember, Nothing can be learned well ______hard work.A) by B) through C) with D) without33. It's not safe for teenagers to give out too much_____ about themselves on the Internet.A) information B) question C) ideas D) things .34. I don't quite understand what you said. Would you please give us ______example?A) others B) other C) the other D) another35. Of the two pairs of jeans, I chose _____ one because I hadn't enough money on me.A) expensive B) more expensive C) the less expensive D) the most expensive36.--- Linda, pass my glasses to me, please. I can _____read the words in the newspaper.---OK.A) hardly B) nearly C) clearly D) almost37. You have already tried your best, so you _____worry too much about the exams.A) can't B) needn't C) mustn't D) shouldn't38. It’s half past four. School is over. The children___ games happily on the playground.A) play B) are playing C) played D) have played39. When I ______ the cinema, the film _______for ten minutesA) got to; .has begun B) arrived at; has been onC) reached; had begun D) hurried to; had been on40. Even a drop of water ______because it is so important to all the living things.A) must waste B) must be wasted C) mustn't waste D) mustn't be wasted41. --- My plan is ______ videos at home. What are you going to do, Jenny?--- Well, I prefer ______movies at the cinema.A) to watch, see B) watching, see C) watching, to see D) to watch, to see42. Spring is here. Everyone is looking forward to _____ a trip to the Forest Park.A) take B) to take C) taking D) took43. ---What should we do first if we want to ______our village?A) decide B) discover C) describe D) develop44. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll _______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.A) catch up with B) agree with C) get on well with D) keep up with45. The people there did not allow them to set up a factory _____ pollute the water in the river.A) not so as to B) so as not to C) in order to D) so that46. The teacher, as well as his students_______ to attend the party last week.A) is invited B) are invited C) was invited D) were invited47.---________shall we deal with the waste paper. bottles and boxes?---Let's keep them for recycling. It's good for the environment.A) How B) What C) Why D) Where48. ________ it is to chat with our friends on the Internet!A.) What great funny B) What great fun C) What a great fun D) How great funny49. ---I will fly to Qingdao for my holiday this weekend.---Wonderful!_________A) Why not? B) I hope so. C) With pleasure. D) Have a good time!50.--- Could I use your bike for a while. Sam?--- ________. I’m not using it. .A) I have no idea B) Sure, go ahead C) No. you can't D) Never mind!III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can:(共8分)Nowadays there's a general discussion on zoos among people. These two students write their different ideas on a newspaper.Zoos Do a Good Job------ Maria SmithI know a large number of people think it is not wise to keep animals in zoos. ___51__ , I believe that it is good to keep animals in zoos.Firstly, zoos are places for people to see many different kinds or animals from all over the world. ___52____zoos, most people would never see a real bear or tiger.Secondly, zoos ___53___the animals very well. The animals are given food and cleaned regularly. In the wild (野外) , it is not always easy for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes___54____. But animals kept in zoos never suffer from hunger.Thirdly, zoos protect the animals they take care of. They ___55___them safe places to live in. In the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger of' becoming extinct (灭绝) . But zoos give these animals a chance to live. There would be fewer kinds of animals in the world if there were no zoos.Zoos Are Unnatural ------Philip BlackIn my opinion, zoos are not good for animals; they are only good for people.It is not natural and 56 to keep wild animals in cages. Most animals are kept in cages that are too small for them. In the wild, these animals would travel __57__. In zoos, they can't do this. This is why the bears and tigers always look so sad. 'Most cages are not very clean, either. It is true that zoos give the animals food regularly, but this is not natural. Wild animals _ 58 looking for their own food. We should treat animals in the same way that we treat other people----with respect.Would anyone be happy if you don't let him go outside his home? Would Maria like to have lots of people standing outside her flat looking at her? No, she wouldn’t. And animals don't like it, either.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。



上海市奉贤区2012年中考化学二模试卷完卷时间40分钟 满分60分 (2012、4)相对原子质量:H-1;k-39;Mg-24;Na-23;Zn-65 ;O-16 ;C-12;Fe-56;一、选择题(共20分,每题只有一个答案)27、化学科学的发展促进了人类社会的进步,下列各项不属于化学学科研究范畴的是( )A 、物质的运动状态B 、物质的组成和结构C 、物质的性质和用途D 、物质的制取和应用 28、有关物质的性质中属于物理性质的是( )A.浓盐酸的挥发性B.浓H 2SO 4的脱水性C.硝酸的氧化性D.碳酸的不稳定性29、海南椰树集团生产的“椰树牌矿泉水”荣获“中国国宴饮料”称号。

这种矿泉水是一种( )A .纯净物B .化合物C .氧化物D .混合物 30、下列烹饪用的调味品与足量水充分搅拌,不能形成溶液的是( )A .食盐B .橄榄油C .白糖D .黄酒31、X .Y .Z 三元素的化合价为+1.+4.-2,组成的化合物的化学式可能是------ ( ) A.XYZ 4 B.X 4YZ 3 C.X 2YZ 3 D.X 3YZ 232、秋冬干燥,医生建议在室内放盆热水增加空气的湿度。

此方法说明---------( ) A .分子很小 B .分子之间有间隔 C .分子是可分的 D .分子在不断运动 33、属于同素异形体的是 ( )A .氧气和液氧B .金刚石和C 60 C .水和过氧化氢D .冰和干冰34、农村有句谚语:“雷雨发庄稼”,这是由于在放电条件下,空气中的氮气和氧气化合生成了氮氧化物,氮氧化物再经过复杂的化学变化,最后生成了容易被农作物吸收的硝酸盐。

雷雨给庄稼施加了 ( )A 、钾肥B 、磷肥C 、氮肥D 、复合肥35、某物质在空气中完全燃烧后,生成的气体能使澄清石灰水变浑浊,则该物质一定 ( ) A .含碳元素的化合物 B .含碳、氢元素的物质 C .含碳元素的单质或含碳元素的化合物 D .无法判断36、滴有酚酞的氢氧化钙溶液与下列各物质恰好完全反应后溶液仍旧呈现红色的是 ( ) A 、稀硫酸 B 、氯化铜溶液 C 、稀盐酸 D 、碳酸钠溶液 37、储存烟花爆竹的仓库应贴上的标志是 ( ) A B C D38.单晶硅是制作电子集成电路的基础材料。





《江城子· 密州出猎》3、,百草红叶黄花。



《爱莲说》6、,饥渴而顿碚······ 《捕蛇者说》(二)阅读下面是个,完成7----8题(4分)观沧海三国曹操东临碣石,以观沧海。































2012上海各区县二模考试题答案(2012-04)1奉贤P32浦东P63静安P84 青浦P115 黄浦P146 松江P157 普陀P188 虹口P209 长宁P2310徐汇P2611金山P2812闵行P3113 宝山P33一、杨浦(崇明)Part 1 ListeningI. Listening comprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. Jack finds it interesting to keep fish as pets in his spare time. (B)2. People from all over the world enjoy traveling in Shanghai. (G)3. Jim and his father plant trees on Tree Planting Day every year. (F)4. The children sometimes fly kites happily in the park in spring. (E)5. It is raining heavily again. I hate such wet weather in Shanghai. (D)6. Mike volunteers to deliver newspapers and letters every morning. (C)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. M: Hi, Sarah! A nice day, isn't it?W: Yes, but tomorrow won't be a good day for a picnic. It will rain heavily.Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow? (D)8. M: What subject do you like best, Lucy?W: Music. What' s yours, Tim?M: Well, I like art and Chinese.Q: What is Lucy's favorite subject? (B)9. M: Rose, you'll have to go to school by yourself. My car doesn't work today.W: OK, Dad. I can ride my new bicycle.M: Take care, then.Q: How is Rose going to school today? (A)10. M: Excuse me, is this shop open on Sundays?W: Yes, of course.M: What time does it usually open?W: It usually opens at seven thirty during weekdays but an hour later on Saturdays and Sundays.Q: When does the shop open at the weekends? (C)11. M: Could you please tell me how to pronounce the word in English?W: Sorry, I'm not quite sure. Let's look it up in a dictionary.M: Good idea. Here's my dictionary.Q: What are they going to do then? (A)12. M: What's wrong with David?W: He has a bad headache.M: A headache? How did he get it?W: He went over his lessons the whole night. He was preparing for the exam.Q: Why doesn't David feel well? (D)13. W: What about some more dumplings?M: No, thank you. I'm full.Q: What does the man mean? (B)14. W: Can I help you?M: I want to buy a pair of sports shoes for my son.W: What size?M: Forty-one.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? (C)15. W: Where are you going, Tom?M. I'm going to the bookshop.W: Is it far from here?M: Yes, I have to take a bus there. Here comes the bus. I must get on. Bye!Q: Where does the dialogue most probably take place? (A)16. W: Could you finish your work at four?M: What's the time now?W: It's almost half past three.M: I think I can finish it then.Q: How soon will the man finish his work? (D)C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseA traveling salesman came upon an old farmer sitting in front of his house, next to the farmer was a pig with only one leg. The salesman suddenly became very interested in the pig."Excuse me sir, but why does your pig only have one leg?" asked the salesman."Well, I'll tell you. One day I was out working on the farm when my tractor overturned. I was underneath the tractor and I was losing blood. With nobody around to help, I thought I would die when that pig came. He dug and rooted around with his nose till he got me out and he pulled me back to the house. He saved my life."Wow, that's really amazing," said the salesman, but I still don't know why the pig only has one leg.""Well, I'll tell you," said the farmer. "One night, my wife and I were asleep at about 3 a.m. when a fire broke out in the kitchen. That pig broke the door and came into our bedroom. It woke us up and got us out before the fire could get us. He saved our lives again!""Well, that's really great but why does the pig only have one leg?"Well, when you get a pig that smart, you don't want to eat him all at once!"(17. F 18. T 19. F 20. F 21. T 22. T 23. T)D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences :The oldest school in the United States, Boston Latin, opened in 1635. Before that, most kids were taught what they needed to learn at home.When you learn reading, math, and other subjects taught in school from your parents or private teachers who come to your house, it's called homeschooling. A kid may be the only one, or he or she may be taught with brothers, sisters, or kids from the neighborhood.Parents choose to home school their children for many different reasons. Sometimes a kid is sick and can't go to regular school. But more often, kids are homeschooled because their parents feel they can give their child a better education than the local school can.You might wonder if kids have to go to school. It's true that kids must be educated, but the law allows the kids to be schooled at home. In fact, more than 1.3 million students do it in the USA alone. These kids can learn just as much as they do in regular schools, but their parents are in charge of their education.Homeschool parents must make sure that their kids get the instruction and the experiences they need. The parents also may have to write a report every year to explain to the government who's teaching the kid and which subjects are being taught at home.(24. 1635 25. math 26. sick 27. local 28. 1.3 29. law 30. report )Part 2II. 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. D 42. D 43.C 44.D 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. D 49. A 50. CIII. 51. c 52. E 53. G 54. H 55. B 56. F 57. A 58. DIV. 59. fifth 60. potatoes 61. yourself 62. changeable 63. Luckily 64. dishonest 65. pleasure 66. succeedV.67. Did, do 68. How does 69. do they 70: is published 71. so, that 72. how to 73. spent, flyingPart 3VI. A)74. D 75. B 76. A 77. B 78. C 79. DB) 80. B 81. A 82. C 83. D 84. B 85. CC) 86. allowed 87. short 88. leave 89. back 90. record 91. another/any 92. less/lightD) 93. Her friend, Jody 94. At around/By 9:00 p. m. 95. He deleted it.96. She felt tired. 97. Because it was too late/the store was already closed.98. That's all right, I can read your paper on the computer./Next time, you had better save the paper on the computer first.(Any reasonable answer is acceptable)二、奉贤I. Listening comprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. Mary practises listen by listening to English programs on the radio every day. (D)2. The policeman is telling Tom not to cross the roads when the traffic light is red. (G)3. Computers are one of the most wonderful machines in the twentieth Century. (E)4. Students should listen to the teacher carefully in class. (A)5. My cousin Tim is fond of playing on-line games on the computer. (F)6. Mrs. Green finds it tiring to pack all the things in the office. (B)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. W: Would you like some coffee or tea?M: I like both. But now I just want some water.Q: What's the man going to drink? (A)8. W: It's windy today, isn't it?M: Yes, the weather here in winter is always like this.Q: What's the weather like here in winter? (D)9. W: Look, Dad. It' s raining heavily.M. Yes. It's dangerous for you to ride your bike to school. You'd better take a bus, Mary.Q. How will Mary go to school this morning? (C)10. W. What time do you usually get up in the morning during weekdays. Mike?M. At 6:10 (Six ten). But yesterday morning I got up half an hour late. Something was wrong with my watch.Q. What time did Mike get up yesterday morning? (C)11. W. What has happened to you, Mike?M. I've lost my mobile phone on my way to school.Q. How does Mike probably feel? (B)12. W. How many students are there in your class?M: There are forty.W. Does every student have his own computer?M: No, 90% of us have computers of our own.Q: How many students have their own computers? (C)13. W. What' s wrong with you, young mail?M. I don't feel well and cough day and night.W. Take the medicine and you will be all right soon.Q. What's the relationship between the two speakers? (C)14. W. Can I help you, sir?M. Yes, please. I'd like a hamburger and a small cake, please.W. Here you are. It's 9 dollars altogether.M. Here's tile money.W. Thank you. Shall I find a seat for you'?M. No, thanks. I'd like to have it in my car.Q. Where are they talking? (B)15. W. Watching too much TV is bad for your eyes.M. I see. But I enjoy watching TV when I am free.W. Why not play some ball games instead. Exercise is good for your health.M: Thanks a lot. I'll take your advice.Q: What's the girl's suggestion? (A)16. W. Oh! How happy you look today! Is there any good news?M: Yes. My parents have bought me a new computer for my 15th birthday.W: Wonderful! But don't spend too much time playing games, will you?M: OK!Q. Why does the boy look happy today? (D)C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseTom's father has a farm. On New Year's Day, when Tom was 15, his father asked him to work on the farm for one year in his free time. Tom was not happy with his father's idea. "That isn't my job. I have too much schoolwork to do." When his father heard this. he said, "I promise to give you anything you want if you can finish one year's work." Tom thought for a moment and agreed.On the first Saturday, the boy got up early and worked hard until evening, just like any other farmer. Time passed quickly. Tom's crops grew well. On the last day of the year, the father called his son to him, "I'm happy to see that you have worked very hard this year," said the father. "Now, tell me what you want.”The boy smiled and showed his father a big piece of bread. He made it from the wheat he worked so hard to grow. "I've already got the best thing. No pain, no gain. I think this is what you wanted me to know." His father was very happy to hear that.(17. F 18. T 19. F 20. T 21. F 22. F 23. T)D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences 4These days, most people in Britain and the US do not dress formally. But sometimes it is important to wear the right things.Many British people don't think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas, and concerts you can put on what you like from beautiful suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, as long as you look clean and tidy.But in Britain, as Well as in the US, men in offices usually wear suits and ties, and women wear dresses or skirts(not trousers). Doctors, lawyers, and business people wear formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women wear tidy dresses.In many ways, Americans are less formal than British people, but they are careful with their clothes. At home, or on holidays, most Americans wear informal or sports clothes. But when they go out in the evening, they like to look nice. In hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets and ties, and women wear pretty clothes.It is difficult to say exactly what people wear in Britain and the US, because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and then dress the same. You will feel more comfortable if you don't look too different from everyone else.(24. right 25. comfortable 26. themselves 27. concerts 28. Doctors 29. less 30. Watch) Part.2II. Choose the best answer31. C 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. D 41. D42. C 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. B 49. D 50. BIII. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once51. E 52. F 53. G 54. A 55. H 56. D 57. I 58. CIV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms59. twenty-nine 60. mine 61. lives 62. thankful63. kindness 64. winners 65. organize 66. widelyV. Rewrite the following sentences as required67. doesn't have 68. do they 69. How often 70. be held/take place71. his sixties 72. are planted 73. if/whether wasPart 3VI. Reading comprehensionA. Choose the best answer74. A 75. B 76. C 77. D 78. A 79. DB. Choose the words or expressions and complete80. C 81. B 82. C 83. B 84. A 85. CC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(:186. borrows 87. faster 88. heart 89. others 90. parents 91. bad 92. controlD. Answer the questions93. Four. They are smelling, breathing, tasting and smell memory94. Yes, it does.95. Hair and mucus.96. The food doesn't taste as good.97. Your brain uses a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors you smell.98. I think it is busy and important. Because it does many important jobs.I think it is necessary because we can't breathe or smell without a nose.Any reasonable answer is acceptable.三、浦东新区I. Listening comprehensionA,. Listen and choose the right picture1. The new school buses are so welcomed by local students in Chong Ming Island. (B)2. Even in his sixties, the old man runs twice a week to keep fit. (E)3. January and February are the coldest time of the year in our city. (C)4. Jeremy Shu-How Lin, a rising star in NBA, graduated from Harvard in 2010. (F)5. It's not good for you to do homework while you are listening to the music. (A)6. Julia said that she liked the Dinosaur Jungle most and she would go there again. (G)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. M: Will Mary be able to join us for the party?W: She won' t. She's going to a concert.Q: Where will Mary go instead? (A)8. M: Have you seen the film "2012"?W: Yes, it's so wonderful. You will be amazed at the special effects.Q. What does the woman think of the film "2012"? (B)9. M. What did Ben tell you just now, Julia'?W. He said to me that he would take Becky to Hollywood during the holiday.Q. Who will go to Hollywood with Ben? (A)10. M: Excuse me, I'm Philip from Youth Post. Would you please tell me how often you watch English programmes?W. English programmes? You know, I will attend the Senior high school entrance examination in June. I haven't been allowed to watch TV for years.Q: How often does the girl watch English programmes? (B)11. M: Janet, what is your favourite television programme?W: It' s Best Friends.M. Wow, I love that programme too. My favourite character is Jeff.Q: What' s Janet' s favourtite programme? (C)12. M: How nice! Did you go out for a trip during the Spring Festival?W: Yes, I went to Beijing with my parents. This is one of the photos we took there.M: Travelling's always interesting, isn't it?Q: What are they talking about? (D)13. W: You look tired and sleepy. What's the matter with you, David?M: I've been reading "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" the whole night. It was really interesting.W. Well, I think you'd better go to bed early tonight.Q: Why did David look tired and sleepy? (D)14. M: Alice, may I have a look at your new iphone?W: Sure. It's a Christmas present from my cousin Peter.M. Sounds great. I will buy one if I win my scholarship in the reading contest.W. Come on, I'm sure you will win.Q: Who bought the iphone for Alice as a present? (B)15. M: I' m terribly sorry I'm very late, Mrs. Smith.W: What has happened, Tom?M: My bus had an accident on the way and it crashed into a book store.W. My goodness! Did you hurt yourself?Q: What happened to Tom? (C)16. M, Good morning, I want some information about flights to London next Tuesday.W: Well, there are three flights in the morning and two in the afternoon. Here's a timetable.M. I'd like a ticket for 7:15 P. M. , please.W: Sorry, all the tickets for this flight are sold out. What about 7:15 A. M. ?M. Mm, that will be all right.Q: When will the man leave for London? (C)C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseThe story of Harry Potter happened in an ancient castle, so many teenagers dream about living in an ancient castle. These dreams may include beautiful silk dresses, delicious food, servants and of course, magic. However, real life in an English castle was not easy. With thick stonewalls and high towers, castles were noisy places with an unpleasant smell. Horses, cows, chickens and sheep walked free. Soldiers practiced sword fights every day. And children of all ages played around them. Castles did not have central heating; the only heat came from the fireplace. Even in summer the castle was cool. People living in the castle had to use blankets to keep warm while at work.Life during the Middle Ages began at sunrise. Servants lit the fire, swept the floor and cooked the morning meal. After dinner, everyone continued his or her work. the owners of the castle sometimes took his guests hunting or shooting. His wife spent much of the day watching the servants work, as well as cooks working in the kitchen. Supper was simple and eaten late, just before bedtime.You may find some old magic books in a castle as Harry Potter once did. Read them before you go to bed, because when you fall asleep , the magic of castle life may appear before youreyes.(17. T 18. F 19. F 20. T 21. F 22. F 23. T)D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentencesM: Welcome to Shanghai, Kelly. We' re always glad to see you here.W: Thanks. I always enjoy my visit here very much.M: Last time you came, you were only here for 20 hours. Are you staying longer this time'?W: Yes, I'm staying a little longer than last time. Fourteen days, in fact, I leave on 19th for Sydney. M: And you're here to buy some clothes, aren't you?W: Yes. Shanghai is called a Shopping Paradise in the world, so after my concert, I'm planning to do a lot of shopping. And I have a Chinese designer here, so I have to visit here often.M: What changes have you noticed in Shanghai?W: Well, the biggest difference is the building! It's as if a magician had waved his wand. The same street is now lined with highrises, apartments and shopping malls.M: Yes, Shanghai has changed a lot! Were you pleased with the sales of your last CD?W: No, not really. Even if I thought the CD was a really good one, it sold worse than I had expected. I' m hoping the next one will sell better.M: Kelly, a lot of teenagers see you as a kind of role model. What do you think of it?W: It's quite a responsibility. These days I feel I should be more careful about what I say and do. I don't want to be a bad example.(24. visit 25. 14/fourteen 26. plans 27. biggest 28. sold 29. model 30. careful)Part 2II. 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. D 41. B 42. C 43.C 44. A 45. B 46. C 47. A 48.D 49. D 50. CIII. 51. D 52. H 53. A 54. I 55. F 56. E 57. B 58. CIV. 59. my 60. twentieth 61. director 62. importance 63. decide 64. gently 65. attractive 66. joyV. 67. don't have 68. did she 69. too.., to 70. was chosen 71. How often 72. to have 73. take placePart 3VI. A)74. D 75. C 76. B 77. D 78. C 79. AB) 80. B 81. A 82. D 83. C 84. B 85. CC) 86. appeared 87. regular 88. exactly 89. length 90. various 91. through/toward( s) /to 92. ownedD) 93. Yes, they will.94. At the age of 7, 11, 14 and 16.95. Boys should be taught English in single-sex classes.96. A mix of the genders.97. Because they realized that the girls are better than them. / Because the teaching style may be more appropriate to girls.98. Any reasonable answer is acceptable.四、静安I. Listening comprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. The film "My father and I" is Miss Lin's favourite.2. Exercise more, and you can become stronger and stronger.3. Father promised to buy me a new camera as my 15th birthday present.4. Tina is helping her desk-mate deal with problems in class.5. A cup of tea in the afternoon makes me feel very relaxed.6. Mr. and Mrs. Green have two children. They live a happy life.B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. W. Are you going to be a designer like your father after graduation?M: I'm not sure. I want to be a teacher. What about you?W. I don't have any plans yet. Maybe I will be a doctor or a journalist. But things change all too quickly.Q: What job does the boy's father do?8. W: Which bus can take us to the Bund?M: I'm afraid it's too crowded. And the underground isn't nearby. Why not go by taxi?W. All right.Q. How will they probably go to the Bund?9. W. Where are you going?M: I'm going to my grandma's. I usually visit her every two weeks.W: How long are you going to stay there this time?M. For two days.Q: How long will the man stay with his grandma this time?10. W. Can I help you?M: How much is this cup?W. Four yuan each. But if you buy two, it'll be seven yuan.W- OK, I'll take two cups.Q. How much is one cup if you buy two?11. W: Peter, How many languages can you speak?M: Four. English, French, German and Japanese.W: I can't believe it! Is English your native language?M. No, German. English is my second language.Q: What's Peter's nationality?12. W: This road is nice. There are so many trees on each side.M. And it's quiet, too. But do you know it used to be a dirty river with rubbish on the banks?W. Really?M. My grandfather told me all about it. He has lived here for fifty years.Q: What are they talking about?13. W: I'm very tired. Mr. Green kept me writing his business letters all day.M: Then let's go out and get something to eat.W: No, thanks. I only want to go to bed early for a change.Q: What did Mr. Green keep the girl doing that day?14. W. Let's hurry, or we'll be late for the lecture on "Keeping Healthy",M: What time is it now?W: 4 o' clock. There is only half an hour left.M: I see. Let's take a taxi there, and we'll get there on time.Q: When will the lecture begin?15. W: Could you change the channel, dear? This cartoon is really boring.M: What about Basketball World?W: You know I don't like sports or music programmes.M: Then what about TV. series?W: OK, I love TV series.Q: Which programme will they probably watch together?16. W: When are you going to the cinema?M: This coming Friday afternoon.W: I'm afraid you can't. You have the art lesson after school and then you have to look after your little brother until 9:00 p.m. You can go to enjoy it on Saturday afternoon.Q. Why can't the boy go to see the movie on Friday afternoon?C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseAn old man walked slowly with a stick into the restaurant. His old jacket and worn-out shoes made him stand out from the usual crowd.A young waitress watched him moving toward a table by the window. She ran over to him and said:"Here, sir.., let me help you with that chair". Without saying a word, he smiled and nodded a"thank you". She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him sit. Then she put his stick beside the table."Thank you, miss," he said, kindly."You' re welcome, sir," she said.After he had finished his breakfast, the waitress brought him the change from his bill. He left it on the table. She helped him up and walked with him to the front door.When she went to clean his table, she found a business card under his plate and a note on a napkin. Under the napkin was 100 dollars for her service.The note on the napkin read: "Dear miss, you did a good job in the restaurant. You have found the secret of happiness. Your kindness will shine through to all those who meet you.The man she had served on was the owner of the restaurant where she worked. This was the first time that she or any of the other workers had ever seen him.D. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks:Last Summer I went to Sam's school in Britain. It was really different from my school in China. Girls wore grey skirts and white shirts, boys wore grey trousers, and everyone wore the school tie. Some of Sam's lessons Were a bit strange for me. We were reading Shakespeare in the English lesson, and there were various old-fashioned words like "thou" and "thee" to mean "you". In history lessons, we studied 20th Century China. It was strange hearing English people trying to say all our Chinese names! Classes were also a lot more relaxing and active than in China. Male teachers were called "sir" and female teachers "miss" out of respect, but everyone shouted out and waved their hands in lessons. It was more like a debate than a class. A bell rang at the end of each lesson and everyone jumped up to go to the next class. At break we bought "potato crisps" and "cakes" in the dining room. Lunch was later than in China-at one o' clock. We had big plates of pies wi.th peas and carrots. For dessert there was hot sweet rice, called rice pudding, with jam in it. It was good that I'd had a huge lunch because at Sam's school, Monday afternoons are taken up with sports.Part 1I. A. 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. G 5. A 6. CB. 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. AC. 17. T 18. F 19. F 20. F 21. T 22. F 23. TD. 24. white 25. various 26. 20th/twentieth 27. active28. waved 29. cakes 30. hugePart 2II. 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. B41. D 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. D 48. A 49. A 50. Cm. 51. E 52. B 53. A 54. I 55. F 56. C 57. H 58. DIV. 59. painting(s) 60. hers 61. careless 62. heightt33. truth 64. examine 65. seriously 6t5. historicalV. 67. didn't, anything 68. Which girl 69. hasn't she 70. were given ,71. so that 72. It, for 73. when, wouldPart 3VI. A. 74. C 75. D 76. B 77. C 78. A 79. BB. 80. B 81. B 82. A 83. C 84. C 85. DC. 86. ancient 87. afford 88. done 89. possible 90. one 91. rarely 92. answersD. 93. The relaxing lifestyles of people (who live in the country)./ Simple stories about people's kindness.94. Stressful. / Full of stress. / Full of pressure./ Teenagers suffer a lot from stress./ Teenagers felt unhappy and unhealthy.95. Because they don't want to complete homework/ Because they refused to learn for exams./Because they want to relax themselves.96. When they keep away from stressful situations completely.97. No, it isn't.98. The stories on TV are not the same as those in real life. /The stories on TV are different from those in real life. / ..-五、青浦I. Listening ComprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. Linda usually goes to the supermarket at weekends. (B)2. Look! Peter is listening to the music. How happy he is! (G)3. My cousin likes painting, and she has a painting lesson twice a week. (C)4. Mr. Stone and his wife often have a walk in the park after dinner. (D)5. In many places in China, the children go to school by school bus. (A)6. The man who is fishing in the boat is our new headmaster. (E)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. W: What kind of sports do you like best, Jack?M: I used to be interested in football. But now I prefer tennis.Q: What kind of sports did Jack use to like best? (B)。


④他挽起袖子,从工具包里拿出小榔头,凿子,开始敲瓷砖。没想 到,一干起活,他就像彻底换了一个人一样,完全没有了刚见到我时的 拘谨、木讷和局促。只见他左手握着凿子,右手挥动榔头,一锤锤准确 有力地敲打在凿子上,在凿子的重击下,瓷砖一块块碎裂,飞溅。汗水 很快布满了他的脸,他浑然未觉,继续有节奏地敲打着。一个多小时 后,埋在地下的水管终于暴露了出来,只见水管拐弯接头处,正不停地 往外渗着水。他抹一把脸上的汗珠,又露出了憨厚的笑容,你瞧,问题 就出在这儿。还真被他找到症结了。得把水阀关了。我闻声赶紧跑到厨 房去关总水阀。他指指水管说,这个水管弯头老化了,必须更换了。我 点点头。找几块干布给我,将水擦干了。我忙去找干抹布 ……当我将抹
⑤不仅如此,入神,更要玩味。玩味者,探索体味也。只有探索 体味,读起经典来才有可能像食橄榄那样:咀嚼良久,才有回味; 品赏回味,才会深深体会到“真味久愈在”、“始觉甘如饴”的不 同凡响之处。否则,经典即便如熊掌豹胎,如果只是生吞活剥一 番,尽管其本身再稀缺、再珍贵,也不如平平常常的一蔬一笋那样
16、阅读第 1——3段,完成下列题目: (1)《史记》是中国第一部纪传体通识,作者是 _____,初中阶段我
们还学过出自这部作品的文章《 ______》。(2分)
(2)、第② 段横线上应填入的最恰当的句子 _____(2分)
C 、读书百遍,其义自见
D 、读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟
B、“无言谁会凭阑意 ”指主人公没有遇上熟识的人说话,所以没人理解 他登高望远的心情。
C、“强乐还无味 ”写出主人公勉强欢笑但仍抑制不住愁绪,更写出 “春 愁”的缠绵执着。 D、“衣带渐宽 两‘ 句写出了主人公因为 “春愁”的折磨而痛苦、无奈的心 情。



2012年上海奉贤区高考英语二模试题及答案I. Listening ComprehensionSection A1. A. At home. B. On the form. C. In a restaurant. D. In a supermarket.2. A. $6. B. $4.5 C. $5. D. $4.3. A. A worker at McDonald‘s. B. A student.C. A tutor. C. A customer in a market.4. A. She didn‘t receive the E-mail. B. She is too busy to check the E-mail.C. Her computer broke down.D. She has replied to his E-mail.5. A. It‘s certain that they will come to the lecture.B. They won‘t come if they don‘t call first.C. She is worried about it.D. There are plenty of seats for all the people.6. A. A math teacher and his colleague. B. A teacher and his student.C. A student and his classmate.D. A librarian and a student.7. A. A movie. B. A lecture. C. A play. D. A speech.8. A. The man should not dream of being a superstar.B. The man didn‘t practice hard enough.C. The man should find a new partner.D. The man should not give up.9. A. His injury kept him at home.B. He didn‘t consider it necessary.C. He was too weak to see the doctor.D. He failed to make an appointment.10. A. He wants to get a new position.B. He is asking the woman for help.C. He has left the woman a good application.D. He enjoys letter writing.Section BQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. A notice was put in a window seat.B. Some of the seats were not occupied.C. There was a seat that he had hoped to have.D. The plan was not very crowded.12. A. Mr. Jackson was the last passenger to get on board the plane.B. Mr. Jackson was surprised to see the notice in the seat.C. The window seats were all occupied when Mr. Jackson got on board the plane.D. The plane Mr. Jackson took was heavily loaded with luggage.13. A. The notice was put on the seat by the soldier.B. The soldier was waiting for his girl friend.C. The girl was the last passenger who got on the plane.D. The seat by the window was kept for the last passenger.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Sell your old things.B. Do some shopping online.C. Create your own announcement board.D. Get useful information about 450 cities.15. A. Companies often put job information in local shops.B. The Internet is the most popular tool for job hunters in the USA.C. Susan W. Miller‘s company is helping people cho ose careers.D. California Career Services mainly serves university students.16. A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.Section CBlanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.The day of Susa n‘s birthday party: Last __17___ .The subject Jessica wants to study in college:__18___ .The reason why the woman wants to be a doctor: She feels it a__19___ to save patients. The quality of being a good doctor: Having good__20___ and skills.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.What‘s the man‘s impression of Mrs. Cooper‘s resume? He thinks it is__21___ .Why does Mrs. Cooper apply to the company? Because she thinks the company enjoys__22___ in the field.What is Mrs. Cooper‘s current job?__23___ .What kind of benefits package does the company offer to Mrs. Cooper? Two weeks of__24___ in the first year employment, medical and dental insurance.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the test ______entering his dream company.A. inB. ofC. forD. to26. The customer didn‘t choose ______ of the ties and went away without looking at a third one.A. neitherB. anyC. allD. either27. One of the few things you ______say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.A. needB. mustC. canD. should28. In the center of the lake are two islands, one of which is ______, if not larger than, the other.A. twice as largeB. as twice largeC. twice as large asD. as twice large as29. The company promised to pay some money for the customers purchasing their shoddy(伪劣的) goods and ______ an apology in public.A. makingB. makeC. to makeD. made30. It even leaves the scientists in wonder _____ they should call the newly-born creature, which looks half-human and half-animal.A. thatB. whyC. whatD. how31. Something as simple as______ thoughts openly can make a powerful difference to one‘s health.A. to shareB. sharingC. shareD. shared32. No conclusion ______about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until several discussions have been made.A. will be reachedB. is reachedC. is being reachedD. had been reached33. ―Ungelivable‖ is so new an English word coined on the Internet ______ is forbidden to appear in official media or documents at present.A. thatB. whichC. itD. as34. ______after the race that he didn‘t know what to say before so many reporters.A. So excited the champion wasB. So excited was the championC. So excited the champion feltD. So excited felt the champion35. The Internet gives people the chance to have the information ______to them quickly and cheaply.A. deliverB. deliveringC. deliveredD. to deliver36. The speech the minister made on TV ______ the education reform made both teachers and students excited.A. being concernedB. to concernC. concernedD. concerning37. Many experts stick to the view ______teacher development is the key to the education quality.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where38. ______seems to be no possibility that the student majoring in liberal-arts can win the first prize in the100-meter race.A. WhatB. ThereC. ThatD. Whether39. ______ not to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is really dangerous.A. Being remindedB. To remindC. Having remindedD. Reminded40. Man must keep in mind that it will be years ______ the earth recovers from the damage he makes to it.A. whenB. beforeC. sinceD. untilSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. ignoredB. coincidentallyC. immoralD. modestE. publishedF. instancesG. instinctsH. changeI. simplyJ. announcedMoney is the root of all evil– and new study claims there may be some truth behind the saying. Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, US,__41___ on February 27 that rich people are more likely to do__42___ things, such as lie or cheat, than poorer people. The scientists did a series of eight experiments.They__43___ their findings online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).They carried out the first two experiments from the sidewalk near Berkeley. They noted that drivers of newer and more expensive cars were more likely to cut off other cars and pedestrians at crosswalks. Nearly 45 percent of people driving expensive cars__44___ a pedestrian compared with only 30 percent of people driving more __45___ cars.In another experiment, a group of college students was asked if they would do unethical(不道德的) things in various everyday situations and__46___ included taking printer paper from work and not telling a salesperson when he or she gave back more__47___ . Students from higher-class families were more likely to act dishonestly.According to the scientists, rich people often think money can get them out of trouble. This makes them less afraid to take risks. It also means they care less about other people‘s feelings.Finally, it__48___ makes them greedier . ―Higher wealth status seems to make you want even more, and that increased want leads you to bend the rules or break the rules to serve your self-interest,‖ said Paul Piff, lead scientist of the study.Piff pointed out that the findings don‘t mean that all rich people are untrustworthy or all poor people honest. He said the experiments were to show how people living in different social situations express their__49___ and values in different ways.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Is language, like food, a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of life canbe__50___ and damaged? Judging from an experiment in the thirteenth century, it may be. Hoping to discover what language a child would speak if a baby heard no mother__51___ , the experimenter told the nurses to keep silent.All the__52___ died before the first year. But clearly there was more than lack of language here.What was missing was good mothering. Without good mothering, in the first year oflife__53___ , the capacity to survive is seriously affected.Today no such severe lack exists as that ordered by the experimenter.__54___ , some children are still backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mother is__55___ to the signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for__56___ skills passes and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at right time, but the process is slow and hard once the__57___ stage has passed.Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a__58___ age, but there are cases where speech has started__59___ in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ. At twelve weeks a baby smiles and makes vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he can speak simple words and understand simple __60___ ; at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of three to fifty words. At three he knows about 1,000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four his language differs from that of his parents in style__61___ grammar.Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the__62___ to speak. What is special about man‘s brain, compared with that of the monkey, is the complex system which enables a child to__63___ the sight and feel of, say, a toy-bear with the sound pattern ―toy –bear‖. And even more__64___ is the young brain‘s ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him, to analyse, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways.50.A. constructed B. starved C. spoiled D. exhausted51.A. sound B. singing C. educating D. tongue52.A. parents B. care-takers C. infants D. investigators53.A. randomly B. originally C. greatly D. especially54.A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Theoretically D. Fortunately55.A. unfamiliar B. inaccessible C. insensitive D. unaccustomed56.A. acquiring B. practising C. occupying D. seizing57.A. critical B. temporary C. contemporary D. reasonable58.A. pleasing B. troublesome C. flexible D. constant59.A. last B. late C. early D. lately60.A. commands B. necessities C. resolutions D. directions61.A. or rather B. or else C. other than D. rather than62.A. inspiration B. passion C. creativity D. capacity63.A. justify B. connect C. oblige D. devote64.A. unpredictable B. unbelievable C. uncountable D. unbearableSection BDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C or D. Choose the one that suits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is ―Don‘t!‖. But it is useless to try to discourage someone who feels that he must act, though the chances of his becoming famous are slim. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a repertory company, usually as an assistant stage manager. This means doing everything that there is to do in the theatre: painting scenery, looking after the furniture, taking care of the costumes, and even acting in very small parts. It is very hard work indeed. The hours are long and the salary is tiny. But young actors with the stage in their blood are happy, waiting for the chances of working with a better company, or perhaps in films or television.Of course, some people have unusual chances which lead to fame and success without this long and dull training. Connie Pratt, for example, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he drove past in his big car. He told the driver to stop, and he got out to speak to the girl. He asked her if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test, and at first she thought he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took the producer twenty minutes to tell Connie that he was serious. Then an appointment was made for her to go to the studio the next day. The test was successful. They gave her some necessary lessons and within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day. Of Course, she was given a more dramatic name, which is now world-famous. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon!65. According to the passage, the main reason why young people should be discouraged from becoming actors is ______.A. actors are very unusual peopleB. the course at the drama school lasts two yearsC. acting is really a hard jobD. there are already too many actors66. Accord ing to the context, the sentence ―But young actors with the stage in their blood are happy‖ at the end of the first paragraph means ______.A. they don‘t care if their job is hardB. they like the stage naturallyC. they are born happyD. they are easily satisfied67. Connie Pratt soon became a famous actress after ______.A. learning some lessons about the art of speakingB. playing her part in the ―Blue Colored Moon‖C. successfully matching the most famous actorsD. acting a leading part with a most famous actor at that time68. The phrase ―once in a blue moon‖ in last line means ______.A. all at onceB. once for a long timeC. once in a whileD. once and for all(B)69. Which of the following does NOT provide training?A. The ABC 2011 Challenge.B. Advance.C. The Volunteer Centre Westminster.D. The Kingston Advocacy.70. We learn from the ads that Advance wants volunteers who ______.A. are over 18 years oldB. have relevant experienceC. can come to help every weekD. need only one day of training71. What kind of person might apply to Kingston Advocacy?A. One who hoped to be paid.B. One interested in doing interviews.C. One curious about police life.D. One who can work late into the night.(C)The gift of being able to describe a face accurately is a rare one, as every experienced police officer knows to his cost. As the Lancet put it recently, ―When we try to describe faces precisely, words fail us, and we resort to identikit (拼脸型图) procedures.‖Yet, according to one authority on the subject, we can each probably recognize more than 1,000 faces, the majority of which differ in fine details. This, when one comes to think of it, is a tremendous feat, though, curiously enough, relatively little attention has been devoted to thefundamental problems of how and why we acquire this gift for recognizing and remembering faces. Is it an inborn property of our brains, or an acquired one? As so often happens, the experts tend to differ.Thus, some argue that it is inborn, and that there are ―special characteristics about the brain‘s ability to distinguish faces‖. In support of this, they note how much better we are at recognizing a face after a single encounter than we are, for example, in recognizing an individual horse. On the other hand, there are those, and they are probably in the majority, who claim that the gift is an acquired one.The arguments in favor of this latter view, it must be confessed, are impressive. It is a habit that is acquired soon after birth. Watch, for instance, how a quite young baby recognizes his mother by sight. Granted that his other senses help – the sound, his sense of smell, the distinctive way she handles him. But of all these, sight is predominant. Formed at the very beginning of life, the ability to recognize faces quickly becomes an established habit, and one that is, essential for daily living, if not necessarily for survival. How essential and valuable it is we probably do not appreciate until we encounter people who have been deprived of the faculty.This unfortunate inability to recognize familiar faces is known to all, but such people can often recognize individuals by their voices, their walking manners or their spectacles. With typical human ingenuity, many of these unfortunate people overcome their handicap by recognizing other characteristic features.72. It is stated in the passage that ______.A. it is unusual for a person to be able to identify a face satisfactorilyB. the ability to recognize faces unhesitatingly is an unusual giftC. quite a few people can visualize faces they have seenD. few people can give exact details of the appearance of a face73. What the author feels strange about is that _______.A. people have the tremendous ability to recognize more than 1,000 facesB. people don‘t th ink much of the problem of how and why we acquire the ability to recognize and remember facesC. people don‘t realize how essential and valuable it is for them to have the ability to recognize facesD. people have been arguing much over the way people recognize and remember faces74. What is the first suggested explanation of the origin of the ability?A. It is one of the characteristics peculiar to human beings.B. It is acquired soon after birth.C. It is something we can do from the very moment we are born.D. It is learned from our environment and experiences.75. This passage seems to emphasize that ______.A. the ability to recognize individuals is dependent on other senses as well as sightB. sight is indispensable (必需的) to recognizing individualsC. the ability to recognize faces is a special inborn ability of the brainD. the importance of the ability of recognizing faces is fully appreciated by people.Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.What does the Olympic Motto mean?Research on individual styles improves performance.Research holds the key to success.Personalized programs will help.New equipment has made a difference.Is there a limit to record-breaking?76. __________________A world record is every athlete‘s dream, but the hard-won records of a few years ago are mostly just today‘s qualifying times. Roger Bannister‘s famous four-minute mile of 1956 has been beaten by nearly 15 seconds, while almost an hour and twenty minutes has been taken off the women‘s marathon since. 1953. ‗Faster, higher, stronger‘, is the Olympic motto, and today‘s competitors continue to push back the boundaries of what the body can achieve. But one wonders if this can continue.77. __________________The last forty years have seen many important technological advances. For example, since the introduction of strong flexible, fiberglass poles, over a meter has been added to the pole vault record. There have also been important developments in the design of the running shoe. And while a shoe won‘t actually make someone run faster, modern shoes do mean many more miles of comfortable, injury-free training.78. __________________Pushing back the limits now depends more on science, technology and medicine than anything else. Athletic technique, training programmes and diets are all being studied to find ways oftaking a few more seconds off or adding a few more centimetres to that elusive world record. It seems that natural ability and hard work are no longer enough.79. __________________The research to find more efficient ways of moving goes on. Analysis of an athlete‘s style is particularly useful for events like jumping and throwing. Studies show that long jumpers need to concentrate not on the speed of approach, as once thought, but on the angle their bodies make with the ground as they take off. However, the rules governing each sport limit advances achieved by new styles. For instance only one-footed takeoffs are allowed in the high jump.80. __________________In the future, it should be possible to develop a more individual approach to training programmes. Athletes will keep detailed diaries and collect data to help predict the point when training becomes overtraining, the cause of many injuries. If athletes feed all their information into a database, it may then be possible to predict patterns and to advise them individually when they should cutSection DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Culture shock is so named because of the effect it has on people when they enter a new culture. Experts have been interested in these effects and have agreed on five basic stages of culture shock. These stages are general and should only be used as a reference. Not every individual will go through each stage, and one stage may last longer than another for different individuals.The hardest thing for most travelers to deal with is the emotional ―roller coaster‖ they seem to be riding. One moment they feel very positive toward the new culture, and the next moment very negative. It seems common that international visitors and immigrants vacillate(犹豫不定)between loving and hating a new country. Feelings of separation and alienation can be intensified if they do not have a sense of fitting in or belonging.Fatigue is another problem people face when entering a new culture. There can be a sense of greater need for sleep. This is due not only to physical tiredness, but also to mental fatigue. This mental fatigue comes from straining to comprehend the language, and coping with new situation.The impact of culture shock can vary from person to person. There can be significant differences because some people may be better prepared to enter a new culture. Four factors which play into these are personality, language ability, length of stay, and the emotional support received.It is logical to think that when people are deprived of heir familiar surroundings they will feel disoriented. One solution some have found is to bring a few small reminders of home. Pictures, wall hangings, favorite utensils, and keepsake are all good candidates to make things feel more familiar. Another helpful activity is to establish little routines that become familiar over time. Even better is fitting things that were part of the regular routine back in the home country into the routine established in the new culture. This will make people feel more at home.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. According to the 1st paragraph, what have experts been interested in?82. What are the two problems people face when entering a new culture?83. Coping with new situations may result in________.84. The author thinks the more effective way to solve ―cultural shock‖ is________.第Ⅱ卷(共45分)Ⅰ.Translation(20分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. You are required to use the word given in the bracket for each respective sentence.1.你能帮我开一下电脑吗? (mind)2.伦敦奥运会的闭幕式将于今年的八月十二日举行。



2011学年奉贤区调研测试高三语文试卷(满分150 答题时间150分钟)命题人:赖黎明吴强孙赤婴一阅读 80分(一)阅读下文,完成第1—6题。





















图12012奉贤区高三数学二模调研卷一、填空题(本大题满分56分)1.若(4)a i i b i +=+,其中,,a b R i ∈是虚数单位,则a b -=2.函数()32-=x x f 的反函数()=-x f13.若集合{1,0,1},{cos ,},A B y y x x A =-==∈|则A B =4.阅读如图1,所示的程序框图,若输出y 的值为0,则输入x 的值为___________5.二项式61⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+x x 展开式中的常数项是 (用数字回答)6.无穷等比数列满足12+=n n a a ,11=a ,则数列{}n a 的各项和为7.已知数列{}n a 是等差数列,公差0≠d ,在行列式987654321a a a a a a a a a 中,元素()91,*≤≤∈i N i a i 是实数,则所有元素的代数余子式大于零的个数有__ 个8.不等式022>--a xx的在[]2,1内有实数解,则实数a 的取值范围是 9.(理)圆22cos 30ρρθ+-=的圆心到直线()是参数t ty tx ⎩⎨⎧+=-=4434的距离是(文)在ABC ∆中,C B C B A sin sin sin sin sin 222⋅-+=,则A ∠=________10.(理)盛有水的圆柱形容器的内壁底面半径为5cm ,两个直径为5cm 的玻璃小球都浸没于水中,若取出这两个小球,则水面将下降________cm (文)如图,一个空间几何体的正视图、侧视图、俯视图为全等的等腰直角三角形,如果直角三角形的直角边长为1, 那么这个几何体的体积为 ___________正视图 侧视图 俯视图 11.(理)已知33)6cos(-=-πx ,则=-+)3cos(cos πx x ___________(文)双曲线()012222>>=-b a by ax 的实轴长4,则双曲线上的一点()3,4到两渐近线的距离的乘积等于12. (理)关于x 的方程42-=+x m x 没有实数解,则实数m 的取值范围是(文)从11{,,2,3}32中随机抽取一个数记为a ,从{1,1,2,2}--中随机抽取一个数记为b ,则函数xy a b =+的图象经过第三象限的概率是13.(理)已知某随机变量ξ的概率分布列如右表,其中0,0x y >>,随机变量ξ的方差21=ξD ,则x =(文)过平面区域202020x y y x y -+≥⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪++≤⎩内一点P 作圆22:1O x y +=的两条切线,切点分别为,A B ,记A PB α∠=,当α最小时,此时点P 坐标为____________14.(理)若点集{}22(,)|1A x y x y =+≤,{}(,)|11,11B x y x y =--≤≤≤≤,则点集{}12121122(,)|,,(,),(,)Q x y x x x y y y x y A x y B ==+=+∈∈所表示的区域的面积为___________(文)操作变换记为),(1y x P ,其规则为:),(),(1y x y x y x P -+=,且规定:)),((),(11y x P P y x P n n -=,n 是大于1的整数,如:)1,3()2,1(1-=P ,)4,2()1,3())2,1(()2,1(1112=-==P P P P ,则=-)1,1(2012P二、选择题(本大题满分16分)15.已知b ,c 是平面α内的两条直线,则“直线a α⊥”是“直线a b ⊥且直线a c ⊥”的 [答]( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件16.若有不同的三点C B A ,,满足()()()()5:4:3::-=⋅⋅⋅BC AB AB CA CA BC则这三点 [答]( ) A .组成锐角三角形 B .组成直角三角形 C .组成钝角三角形 D .在同一条直线上17.(理)已知等比数列{}n a 的前10项的积为32,则以下命题为真命题的是 [答]( ) A .数列{}n a 的各项均为正数 B .数列{}n aC .数列{}n a 的公比必是正数D .数列{}n a 中的首项和公比中必有一个大于1(文)预测人口的变化趋势有多种方法,“直接推算法”使用的公式是()nn k P P +=10,其中n P 为预测人口数,0P 为初期人口数,k 为预测年内增长率,n 为预测期间隔年数.如果在某一时期k 满足01<<-k ,那么这期间人口数 [答]( )A.呈上升趋势B.呈下降趋势C.摆动变化D.不变18.(理)已知:P 为椭圆192522=+yx上的任意一点,过椭圆的右顶点A 和上顶点B 分别作与x 轴和y 轴的平行线交于C ,过P 引BC 、AC 的平行线交AC 于N ,交BC 于M ,交AB 于D 、E ,矩形PMCN 是1S ,三角形PDE 的面积是2S ,则21:S S [答] ( )A .1B .2C .21 D .与点P 的坐标有关(文)平行于x 轴的直线1l 与椭圆C :192522=+yx 交于左右A 、B 两点,平行于y 轴的直线2l 与椭圆C :192522=+yx交于上下C 、D 两点,则四边形ACBD 面积的最大值为 [答] ( )A .15B .60C .30D .不是一个定值三、解答题(本大题满分78分)本大题共有6题,解答下列各题必须写出必要的步骤. 19. (本题满分10分)本题共有两个小题,第1小题满分3分,第2小题满分7分. 设关于x 的不等式(1)0()x x a a --<∈R 的解集为M ,不等式031≤-+x x 的解集为N .(1)当1a =时,求集合M ; (2)若M N ⊆,求实数a 的取值范围.20.(本题满分11分)本题共有两个小题,第1小题满分5分,第2小题满分6分.已知函数2()sin cos f x x x x =+,π[,π]2x ∈.(1)求()f x 的零点; (2)求()f x 的最大值和最小值.21.(本题满分11分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分5分,第2小题满分6分. 函数()()x b x x f 24lg2++=,其中0>b(1)若()x f 是奇函数,求b 的值;(2)在(1)的条件下,判别函数()x f y =的图像是否存在两点A,B ,使得直线AB 平行于x 轴,说明理由;22.(本题满分12分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分6分.(理)如图,直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,AB AC AB AA ,11===⊥AC ,M 是1CC 的中点,N 是BC 的中点,点P 在直线11B A 上,且满足111B A P A λ=.(1)当λ取何值时,直线PN 与平面ABC 所成的角θ最大; (2) 在(1)的条件下,求三棱锥MNC P -的体积.(理) (文)(文)如图,直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中, 90ABC ∠=,4A B =,4B C =,13BB =,M 、N 分别是11B C 和AC 的中点.(1)求异面直线1A B 与N C 1所成的角;(2)求三棱锥CN C M 1-的体积.1A1B PNM ABC1C23.(本题满分17分)(理)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分9分,第3小题4分 平面内一动点()y x P ,到两定点()()0,1,0,121F F -的距离之积等于1,(1) 求动点()y x P ,的轨迹C 方程,用()x f y =2形式表示(4分)(2) 类似高二第二学期教材(12.4椭圆的性质、12.6双曲线的性质、12.8抛物线的性质)中研究曲线的方法请你研究轨迹C 的性质,请直接写出答案(9分)(3) 求21F PF ∆周长的取值范围(4分)(文)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分4分,第3小题9分 平面内一动点()y x P ,到两定点()()0,1,0,121F F -的距离之积等于2, (1) 求21F PF ∆周长的最小值(4分)(2) 求动点()y x P ,的轨迹C 方程,用()x f y =2形式表示(4分)(3) 类似高二第二学期教材(12.4椭圆的性质、12.6双曲线的性质、12.8抛物线的性质)中研究曲线的方法请你研究轨迹C 的性质,请直接写出答案(9分)24. (本题满分17分)(理)本题有3小题,第1小题满分5分,第2小题满分5分,第3小题满分7分. 数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,,1t a =1,*≥∈k N k ,0>p ,nk n n n n p a a a a 621=+++++++(1)当5,1==p k 时,若数列{}n a 是成等比数列,求t 的值; (2)当1=t ,1=k 时,设1212321---+++++=n n n n n pa pa pa p a a T ,参照高二教材书上推导等比数列前n 项求和公式的推导方法,求证:数列⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧--+n p a T p p n nn 61是一个常数; (3)设数列{}n a 是一个等比数列,求t (用k p ,的代数式表示);(文)本题有3小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分4分,第3小题满分7分.数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,,1p a =0>p ,*N k ∈,()n k n n p k p f a a ⋅=++,,(1)当,1=k ()k p k p f +=,,5=p 时,求32,a a ;(2)若数列{}n a 成等比数列,请写出()k p f ,满足的一个条件,并写出相应的通项公式(不必证明) (3)当,1=k ()k p k p f +=,时,设1321222++++++=n n n a a a a a T ,求n T2012调研测试高三数学参考答案一、填空题1、52、()3log 2+x 3、{}14、3log2=x 或0=x 5、20 6、27、4 8、3<a 9、理:532 文:3π10、理 :35 文:61 11、理:1- 文:54 12、理:[)()2,2,0-∞- 文:)或375.0(83 13、理:41 文:()2,4-- 14、理:12π+ 文;()100610062,2-二、选择题15、 A ; 16、C ; 17、(理)C 文)B ; 18、(理)A (文)C ; 三、解答题(10+11+11+12+17+17)19.解:(Ⅰ) {|02}M x x =<<. (3分) (Ⅱ) {}31<≤-=x x N . (5分) ①当1a <-时, 则{|10}M x a x =+<<.因为M N ⊆,所以110a -≤+<,解得21a -≤<- (7分) ②若1a =-时, M =∅,显然有M N ⊆,所以1a =-成立 (8分) ③若1a >-时, 因为10a +>,所以{|01}M x x a =<<+.又{}13N x x =-≤≤,因为M N ⊆,所以013a <+≤,解得12a -<≤ (9分)综上所述,a 的取值范围是[2,2]-. (10分)20.(1)解:令()0f x =,得 sin cos )0x x x ⋅+=,所以sin 0x =,或tan 3x =-. (2分)由 sin 0x =,π[,π]2x ∈,得πx =; (3分)由 tan 3x =-,π[,π]2x ∈,得5π6x =. (4分)综上,函数)(x f 的零点为5π6或π. (5分)(2)解:1π()1cos2sin 2sin(2)2232f x x x x =-+=-+(). (8分) 因为π[,π]2x ∈,所以π2π5π2[]333x -∈,. (9分)当π2π233x -=,即π2x =时,)(x f (10分)当π3π232x -=,即11π12x =时,)(x f 的最小值为12-+. (11分)21.解:(1)2244,0x b x b >+∴> 恒成立,所以函数()()x b x x f 24lg2++=的定义域是R ,关于原点对称 (2分)()x f 是奇函数,()00=f (3分)()0lg0==b f 1=∴b (5分)(2)假设存在B A ,两点,使得AB 平行x 轴,0=AB k (6分)⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++∴222121214lg 214lg x x x x (7分)122221221414x x x x -=+-+,两边平方化简得到:01442221=++x x (10分)得到矛盾,()x f y =∴的图像上不存在两点,使得所连的直线与x 轴平行 (11分) 说明:证明在整个R 上单调递增的要4分,不证明单调性,直接说函数是单调递增的,扣3分 22.(理)(1)(),1,0,λP 则)1,21,21(--=λPN ,(1分) 平面ABC 的一个法向量为(0,0,1)n =(2分)则=θsin 4521123122+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=+-=λλλ (4分)所以当21=λ时,552)(sin max =θ, (5分)552arcsinmax =θ(55arccos 2arctan = ) (6分)方法二:过P 作AB PH ⊥交于H 点,可得ABC PH 面⊥,PNH ∠就是所成的线面角 (1分) 计算:λ=AH ,212+-=λλHN (2分) 41211211tan 22+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=+-==λλλθHNPH (4分)所以当21=λ时,()2tan max =θ, (5分)2arctan max =θ (55arccos552arcsin= ) (6分)(2)过P 作⊥PT 面11BCC B ,可证得T 在11C B 上 (8分) 点P 到平面11BCC B 的距离42=PT (9分)82212221=⨯⨯=∆CMN S (10分)481428231=⨯⨯=-MNC P V (12分)注意:向量法类似给分 22.(文)解:(1)过A 作AQ ∥C 1N 交A 1C 1于Q ,连结Q B 1,∴AQ A 1∠为异面直线1A B 与N C 1所成的角(或其补角). (2分) 根据四边形C C AA 11,N 是中点,为矩形,可证Q 为中点 计算17,22,511===AQ Q B AB (3分)11B C ∥BC ,11B C =BC ,BC ∥AD ,B C A D =,∴四边形11AD C B 为矩形,且1A B ∥1C D ,由已知条件和余弦定理可得517cos 1=∠Q CC (5分) ∴异面直线1A B 与1BC 所成的角为517arccos(6分)(2)过M 作11C A MH ⊥于H ,面⊥111C B A 面C C AA 11于11C A∴⊥MH 面C C AA 11M P ⊥ 平面ABC , (8分)2=MH (10分)1NCC M V - MH C C NC ⨯⨯⨯=12131223222131=⨯⨯⨯⨯= (12分)23.(理)解:(1)121=⋅PF PF ,列式:()()1112222=+-⋅++yx y x 3分化简114222--+=x x y 1分(2)性质:对称性:关于原点对称关于x 轴对称关于y 轴对称 3分 顶点:()0,0,()0,2± 3分x 的范围:22≤≤-x 1分 y 的范围:2121≤≤-y 2分(3)2111212121++=++=∆PF PF F F PF PF C F PF 1分 ()x x y x PF 214122221++=++=,()()2,00,2 -∈x()()12,11,121+-∈∴ PF 1分()222,4212121+∈++=∴∆F F PF PF C F PF 1+1分23.(文)解:(1)2222121=⋅≥+PFPFPF PF 2分当且仅当()1,0,221±==P PF PF 时等式成立 1分21F PF ∆周长的最小值222+ 1分(2)221=⋅PF PF ,列式:()()2112222=+-⋅++yx y x 3分化简112222--+=x x y 1分(3)性质:对称性:关于原点对称关于x 轴对称关于y 轴对称 3分 顶点:()1,0±,()0,3±2分x 的范围:33≤≤-x 2分 y 的范围:11≤≤-y 2分24.(理)解(1)n n n a a 561⋅=++,12156+++⋅=+n n n a a ……2分设等比数列{}n a 的公比是q ,则可计算出5=q , ……4分1=n 时,305=+t t ,5=∴t ……5分(2)证明:1212321---+++++=n n n n n p a pa p a p a a T nn n n n pa pa pa pa pa T p +++++=--11332211 ……7分n n n n n np a p a a p a a p a a a T p ++++++++=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+--1123221111 ……8分 n n n np a a T p +++++=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+- 个1166611 ……9分 56a 611-=-=--+∴n pa T pp nn n ……10分(3)n k n n n n p a a a a 621=+++++++113216++++++=++++n k n n n n pa a a a ……11分数列{}n a 是一个等比数列,所以求出公比为p ……13分()nk n n n ppp pt 611=+++∴-+- ……15分当1=p 时,()61=+k t ,16+=∴k t ……16分 当01>≠p p 且时,nk n p pp pt61)1(11=--∴+-,()1116+--=∴k pp p t ……17分(文)解(1)nn n a a 561⋅=++ ……2分 252=∴a , 1253=∴a ……6分(2)当()k p k p f +=1,时,nn p a = ……10分 (3)()111+++=⋅+=+n n n n n p p p p a a 由(2)知,nn p a = ……12分1321222++++++=n n n a a a a a T()()()()113221+-++++++++=n n n n n a a a a a a a a T ……13分 ()()nn pp p p T ++++= 21 ……15分1=p 时,n T n 2= ……16分当01>≠p p 且时,()pp p p T nn --⋅+=1)1(1, ……17分。



上海市奉贤区2012届中考二模英语试题ingextinct(灭绝).Butzoosgivetheseanimalsachancetolive.Therewouldbefewerkindsofani malsintheworldiftherewerenozoos.ZoosAreUnnatural------PhilipBlackInmyopinion,zoosarenotgoodforanimals;theyareonlygoodforpeople. Itisnotnaturaland56tokeepwildanimalsincages.Mostanimalsarekeptincages thataretoosmallforthem.Inthewild,theseanimalswouldtravel__57__.Inzoos, theycan'tdothis.Thisiswhythebearsandtigersalwayslooksosad.' Mostcagesarenotveryclean,either.Itistruethatzoosgivetheanimalsfoodregul arly,butthisisnotnatural.Wildanimals_58lookingfortheirownfood.Weshould treatanimalsinthesamewaythatwetreatotherpeople----withrespect. Wouldanyonebehappyifyoudon'tlethimgooutsidehishome?WouldMarialike tohavelotsofpeoplestandingoutsideherflatlookingather?No,shewouldn’t.A ndanimalsdon'tlikeit,either.参考答案:EFGAHDICpletethesentenceswiththegivenwordsintheirsuitableforms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。
















上海市奉贤区2012届九年级3月二模试题英语II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)31. Would you please help me pick up ____umbrella on the floor? A) a B) an C) the D) /32. --Mr. Smith, Can you give us some advice on how to learn English well'?--Remember, Nothing can be learned well ______hard work. A) by B) through C) with D) without33. It's not safe for teenagers to give out too much_____ about themselves on the Internet.A) information B) question C) ideas D) things .34. I don't quite understand what you said. Would you please give us ______example?A) others B) other C) the other D) another35. Of the two pairs of jeans, I chose _____ one because I hadn't enough money on me.A) expensive B) more expensive C) the less expensive D) the most expensive36.--- Linda, pass my glasses to me, please. I can _____read the words in the newspaper.---OK. A) hardly B) nearly C) clearly D) almost37. You have already tried your best, so you _____worry too much about the exams.A) can't B) needn't C) mustn't D) shouldn't38. It’s half past four. School is over. The children___ games happily on the playground.A) play B) are playing C) played D) have played39. When I ______ the cinema, the film _______for ten minutesA) got to; .has begun B) arrived at; has been on C) reached; had begun D) hurried to; had been on40. Even a drop of water ______because it is so important to all the living things.A) must waste B) must be wasted C) mustn't waste D) mustn't be wasted41. --- My plan is ______ videos at home. What are you going to do, Jenny?--- Well, I prefer _____movies at the cinema. A) to watch, see B) watching, see C) watching, to see D) to watch, to see42. Spring is here. Everyone is looking forward to _____ a trip to the Forest Park. A) take B) to take C) taking D) took43. ---What should we do first if we want to ______our village? A) decide B) discover C) describe D) develop44. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll _______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.A) catch up with B) agree with C) get on well with D) keep up with45. The people there did not allow them to set up a factory _____ pollute the water in the river.A) not so as to B) so as not to C) in order to D) so that46. The teacher, as well as his students_______ to attend the party last week.A) is invited B) are invited C) was invited D) were invited47.---________shall we deal with the waste paper. bottles and boxes?---Let's keep them for recycling. It's good for the environment. A) How B) What C) Why D) Where48. ________ it is to chat with our friends on the Internet!A.) What great funny B) What great fun C) What a great fun D) How great funny49. ---I will fly to Qingdao for my holiday this weekend. ---Wonderful!_________A) Why not? B) I hope so. C) With pleasure. D) Have a good time!50.--- Could I use your bike for a while. Sam? --- ________. I’m not using it. .A) I have no idea B) Sure, go ahead C) No. you can't D) Never mind!III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once(共8分)Nowadays there's a general discussion on zoos among people. These two students write their different ideas on a newspaper.Zoos Do a Good Job------ Maria SmithI know a large number of people think it is not wise to keep animals in zoos. ___51__ , I believe that it is good to keep animals in zoos.Firstly, zoos are places for people to see many different kinds or animals from all over the world. ___52____zoos, most people would never see a real bear or tiger.Secondly, zoos ___53___the animals very well. The animals are given food and cleaned regularly. In the wild (野外) , it is not always easy for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes___54____. But animals kept in zoos never suffer from hunger.Thirdly, zoos protect the animals they take care of. They ___55___them safe places to live in. In the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger of' becoming extinct (灭绝) . But zoos give these animals a chance to live. There would be fewer kinds of animals in the world if there were no zoos.Zoos Are Unnatural ------Philip BlackIn my opinion, zoos are not good for animals; they are only good for people.It is not natural and 56 to keep wild animals in cages. Most animals are kept in cages that are too small for them. In the wild, these animals would travel __57__. In zoos, they can't do this. This is why the bears and tigers always look so sad.' Most cages are not very clean, either. It is true that zoos give the animals food regularly, but this is not natural. Wild animals _58 looking for their own food. We should treat animals in the same way that we treat other people----with respect.Would anyone be happy if you don't let him go outside his home? Would Maria like to have lots of people standing outside her flat looking at her? No, she wo uldn’t. And animals don't like it, either.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms:(共8分)59. 2012 is a leap year. That's why there are _____ days in February. (twenty-ninth)60. It is clear that your schoolbag is much heavier than _______. (I)61. Thousands of_______were lost in the terrible earthquake happened in Japan. (life)62. We are very ______to our teachers for their great help. (thank)63. Your smile is the best way to show people your_______. (kind)64. Wu Liangyong is one of the_____to get China's Top Science Award this year. (win)65. He needs a secretary who can also_________his life for him. (organization)66. With the development of China, Chinese has become an international language and is______used all over the world. (wide).V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。

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11.下列理解错误的一项是 (3分)A.文章首句用了比喻的修辞手法,用“仙”、“龙”比喻陋室的“室主”。


































































































