kpmg-case presen
国际四大会计师事务所简介会计人生2008-07-08 18:06 阅读64 评论0 字号:大大中中小小“四大”(Big4)是国际四大会计师行的简称。
当时的工业革命为会计师提供广阔的发展空间,同时也吸引了越来越多的优秀人才投身于会计行业,威廉·巴克利·皮特(William Barclay Peat)就是其中的杰出代表。
皮特最初是一名苏格兰人开办的会计师事务所的低级职员,其后于1895年设立WB皮特公司(WBpeat &co.)。
1911年,皮特赴美国途中结识了詹姆斯·马威克(James Marwick)。
詹姆斯在纽约成功地经营着一家名为Marwick Mitchell的会计师事务所。
于是,1911年,William Barclay Peat&Co.和Marwick,Mitchell&Co.合并成为一家网络遍布全球的会计及专业咨询机构—Peat Marwick International(PMI),直到1987年PMI与KMG合并,在PM两侧增加了字母KG。
KMG是于1979年,Klynveld、Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft和跨国专业服务机构McLintock MainLafrentz进行合并组成的Klynveld Main Goerdeler(KMG)。
四大德勤群面AC面案例分析必备模型 (1)
企业环境分析必备模型:1. PEST:分析宏观环境,考虑policy,economy,society,teconology 四个方面2. Porter's diamond:分析特定国家地区环境,如新进入某国市场,考虑factor conditions,demand conditions, supporting and related industry, firm strategy and structure 四个因素3. Market segmentation: 通常按地域、人口统计学、经济状况、心理、行为划分,也可按维护客户成本等因素划分4. 4P:分析市场组合,production,price,place,promotion5. convergence:分析所在市场环境,横轴分为供应商推动和消费者拉动两维度,纵轴为新旧技术可并存和新技术取代旧技术两维度6. Porter's five force: 分析所处竞争环境,new entrant, substitute, power of supplier, power of customer, rivalry 五因素7. life cycle: 分析产品或企业所处地位,introduction,growth,maturity,decline 四阶段8. BCG matrix 波士顿矩阵:分析产品或子公司增长速度和市场份额,可结合财务信息计算和life cycle 使用,分为problem child,star,cash cow,dog 四种9. SWOT:这个几乎适用于所有案例,但由于过于笼统,一般需要其他模型辅助10. Value chain:分析企业竞争优势,首要活动分为inbound logistics,operations,outboundlogistics,marketing,service,辅助活动包括infrastructure,HR,technology,procurement11.stakeholder mapping:分析对不同利益相关方的态度,企业社会责任问题中重点使用,分为interest 和power 两个维度企业发展战略选择:12. 赢得竞争三大策略:cost-leadership,differentiation,focus。
KPMG的审计服务以高质量、全面和细致而著称。我们的专业团队拥有深厚的行 业经验和卓越的技术能力,能够为客户提供无与伦比的审计服务。
KPMG的税务服务以专业、高效和策略性而闻名。我们的税务专家团队不断关注税收法规的变化,并 能够提供符合客户需求的定制化解决方案,帮助客户实现税务优化。
根据审计计划,审计师实施一系列审计程序,包括检查财 务报表、内部控制和治理结构的有效性等。
根据初步了解的情况,审计师制定详细的审计计划,包括 审计时间表、人员配备、预算和风险评估等。
在实施审计程序后,审计师根据收集到的证据和信息,形 成审计意见,并对被审计单位的财务报表、内部控制和治 理结构的有效性进行评价。
公司治理应遵循透明、公正、责任、效率、风险控制等原 则,以确保公司的决策科学、管理规范、运营稳健。
良好的公司治理能够增强公司的竞争力,提高公司的市场 地位和声誉,同时能够有效地保护股东和利益相关者的权 益。
KPMG 毕马威 税务经理面 Case_Study 之 华为
Goodafternoon,dear manangers:I t’s my honor to be here to introduce this corporation to you today.The company that I will introduce named HUAWEI,a high technology corporation.One of the major clients of KPMG in China.It’s a private enterprise which is located in Shenzhen. Its main business is producing various network terminal products.Ren Zhengfei set it up in 1987 at Shenzhen with only 21,000 yuan original Registered Capital.But now it is generally accepted as one of the most successful company in China and even in this world.HUAWEI’s slogan is to enrich life through communication.This is also its vision.Its mission is to focus on its customers' market challenges and needs by providing excellent ICT solutions and services in order to consistently create maximum value for their customers. Every company has its corporate core values,HUAWEI is without exception. These values can be explained by customers first,dedication, continuous improvement,intergrity, openness & initiative and teamwork. These core values are deeply rooted in every aspect of their business. They are the internal driving force for the company. These values enable them to provide effective services for their customers and to achieve their vision and mission.At first this company was just a sales agent that sold swithboard which was produced by a HK corporation.Its profit was very low but when he got his first revenue he put more than ten percnet of it into its products’ research and development and kept this ratio all these years.It will have especially high risk when a corporation chooses the way to do self_reaearch.But HUAWEI choose to do so rather firmly. They all know clearlly that if they don’t have their own technologies,they can’t have a place in this competitive field and won’t last long in this market.They made breakthrough in some small parts and got dominant position in those small parts and those strengths helped them to get more profits and those profits helped them to do more research and breakthrough that is a circle.They repeat it again and again.Their business is becoming larger and larger when this circle operates smoothly. Its researchers occupy more than half of its empolyees. Everyday HUAWEI will apply more than six patents and most of them are inventions.It has set up 17 research institution and 36 training center around the world. All these elements lead to its rapid growth of its patent all these years and its first place among its competitors. It is one of the most important reasons that can explain why this company can become world_famous in such a short time and why so many corporations regard HUAWEI as the biggest threaten to them.Another important factor that contributes to its success is its sales strategy. When it started its own business,it was so hard for him to find market to sell its products.Beacause there has been so many big corporations that have separated the limited market in China.They made a hard and chellenge decision that put its products abroad at the same time.Their attention mianly concentrated on the third_world countries like South Africa and Brizil.This was a roundabout strategyand also called “surround the cities from the countryside”.This way was full of risks and chaellenges.They failed many times but they sticked to it firmly.Finnally,after six years persistence they succeeded.Their orders had been grown rapidly since then and their market share was becoming bigger and bigger. We all know that all of HUAWEI’s products are high quality with low price.So at the same level,there will be more companies that will choose HUAWEI rather than other companies whose products are high quality but high price.This is the reason why HUAWEI can succeed in those third_world countries.Of course those achievements can n’t accomplished without its large and high quality group of sales team.It has a specific trainingsystem.After training those sales talent are rather sensitive that they can react to the market changes quickly.Their products are populor due to threir efforts.Its sales volume grown from 11 billion in 2006 to 30.8 billion in 2010,increased nearly 180%.Compared to Ericsson’s 13% growth,this was incredible high.The three factors that metioned above can explain how HUAWEI incorporates its Vision and Mission into the services they deliver and products they produced in my personal view.I believe that HUAWEI will have a greater future in the following years.That’s all.Thanks for listening.。
北京KPMGadvisory经理面试小小总结北京 KPMG advisory 经理面试小小总结上周五收到的KPMG HR姐姐的来电,通知下周二上午九点半东方广场E2经理面,并提醒我记得查看邮件,要求都在邮件里。
最后她问我感觉我的个人经历来看应该数学还不错,我大概描述了下我的数学能力,然后她说我的数学笔试是far below the average的,我解释了下,那天我借了一个计算器,然后对那个计算器不熟悉,计算结果除数都是分数的形式,不知道按那个键转换数字显示格式,所以很多都是靠手动算的。
kpmg毕马威 经典case
Case 1:Wolf (转型问题)Case内容:版本1:富士康中国内地和世界各地都有工厂,员工满意度低,媒体评价差,污染环境,blabla.........然后就说这工厂因为不可持续发展正在失去一些企业的大单,它过于依赖大型客户,所以要转型。
准备去做太阳能这样的可再生能源,重塑品牌自主发展;版本2:在亚洲、欧洲、南美…都有市场,但最近employee management、working environment、pollution之类都广受诟病,使得一个大的国际客户把自己一半的订购量都转移到了其对手公司,所以高层想改变战略,不想过于依赖国际大顾客,改为生产太阳能光板,走greener、renewable的路子版本3:case大意是说wolf一直做电子器件的生产,在全世界都有工厂,属于廉价的制造及供货商,并将其提供给大公司诸如apple一类的(其实感觉就是富士康嘛。
2020 KPMG秘书笔试归来.doc
2020 KPMG秘书笔试归来背景:不是学会计、审计的,向往大公司、外企,毕业已经两年。
我也许会对PWC、EY以及KPMG 的一些事情提出批评,也请任何人把这些批评看作是就事论事的讨论,不要将我牵涉进任何争论或诉讼中。
PWC太大了,它把AA 在中国的人员吸收了过去,但AA的很多全球客户却跑到其他四大那里了。
TISAX题库1、安永EY2020(大陆)有摄像头无具体题库认知行测(28min)+行为20min+职业20min2、安永帕特农(EY-Partenon)UK无摄像头题库:SHL (全英文)文字推理11min+数字推理20min 3、德勤Deloitte2020无摄像头题库:SHL (全英文)行测24题4、毕马威(KPMG)无摄像头题库:GBA 10关游戏总分100005、普华永道(PWC)UK无摄像头题库:GBA 10关题库:GBA游戏总分100006、普华永道(PWC)大陆无摄像头题库:GBA 11关游戏总分11000二、咨询公司笔试题库1、麦肯锡MBB无摄像头题库:SHL (英文)NV数字推理45min+文字推理45min 2、波士顿咨询BCG无摄像头(全英文)第一部分25min推理逻辑计算+第二部分短视频测评3、美驰Moelis无摄像头(全英文)4、Advancy咨询无摄像头题库:SHL (英文)NV数字推理30min+文字推理30min 5、贝恩无摄像头60min案例分析+行测6、尼尔森无摄像头类似安永7、益普索无摄像头(英文)数字17题+逻辑16题+案例分析1题60min 8、埃森哲无摄像头辅仁致胜行测80min+性格9、IBM无摄像头题库:游戏7关10、怡安翰威特无摄像头职业问卷+文字6min+逻辑6min11、Iqvia无摄像头文字6min+数字6min+逻辑min+英语10min12、凯度无摄像头EAS 1组行测50题13、天职无摄像头EAS 性格+行测14、立信有摄像头题库:北森行政职业能力测试+性格9部分15、信永中和无摄像头题库:北森性格3组+5678行测23题16、瑞华无摄像头题库:北森50min50题三、券商基金笔试题库1、海通证券有摄像头北森4*10组+1*7组+性格2、中信证券(定时)有摄像头北森3*10组+性格3、中信证券(非定时)无摄像头北森3*10组+性格4、中信证券(分部)无摄像头北森性格5、德邦证券无摄像头6、国海证券无摄像头北森3*10组+性格7、广发证券无摄像头倍智TAS 3组(15+15+10)行测40题8、招商证券(实习)有摄像头北森行测40min60题+专业80题+企业文化20题9、银河证券有摄像头言语8min+数字12min+抽象推理8min10、东北证券有摄像头北森3*15组+1*11行测56题11、兴业证券无摄像头北森3*10组+性格12、华泰证券分支有摄像头北森行测20+专业单20+多5+公司文化10+2调研。
KPMG 一面准备
KPMG Interview正装,面带笑容,眼神交流,结束时和面试官握手。
一面,又叫经理面(Manager interview, 简称M面),一两个面试官对一,大概30-40分钟,一般提前10-15分钟到。
一般面试内容:1. Case study presentation (10min)2. Getting to know you (20-30min)3. 向M提问(一般2个左右)具体:1. Case study presentation案例分析,讲10分钟,中或英文,之后面试官会根据你说的提问。
(既然没有让你提前准备,可能是到那给你材料看,可以打草稿列大纲,然后做一个presentation,准备时间可能为一小时;也可能万一就不做case study了,只是万一。
以给定题目的面试为例,email里的要求是描述公司如何incorporate its vision and mission into services or products。
最好的一开始就介绍你的结构 presented in the following sequence: part one...part two...part three...。
I n t r o d u c t i o nThe volume of data that companies process and store is exploding, along with the cost of managing that data. This unprecedented growth, coupled with companies’ need to focus more on customer service than storage administration, requires organizations to thoroughly analyze their investments in data-storage infrastructures. Data storage is becoming such a vital strategic element of an enterprise’s success that John T. McArthur, Vice President at IDC, recently commented, “Information is the lifeblood of the modern enterprise. Driven by advances in the storage and transmission of information, enterprises can make highly informed business decisions.” Further evidence of this trend comes from a May 2001 Gartner Dataquest report that shows external storage growing at a 104 percent compound annual rate, to over 3.8 million terabytes in 2005. Seventy-two percent of that storagein 2005, according to Gartner, will be Storage Area Network (SAN)-attached.SANs are gaining momentum as a data storage solution.Brocade CommunicationsSystems,Inc.,a leading manufacturer of switches and software for SANs,engagedKPMG Consulting to analyze and quantify the business benefits of SANs that someof its selected customers have realized.T wo of these—Intuit,Inc.and Federal Express Corporation—granted interviews,filled out questionnaires and shared technical documentation,enabling theKPMG Consulting professionals to compile significant data regarding their SANdeployments.The consultants also worked with Brocade to generate a financialmodel that analyzed the return on the companies’investments when compared withthe direct-attached storage architecture that they had prior to the SAN1.The following are the key findings from the study of the two companies:•SANs provide substantial business,financial,and operational benefits•The major benefits of a SAN include:- Reduced capital expenditures- Increased IT staff efficiency- Higher system and application availability- Highly scalable,flexible storage architecture- Enhanced ability to efficiently exploit the full value of a company’sinformation assets•The financial return from implementing a SAN is significant•Companies can use SANs to improve their competitive position11These calculations are generated by a financial model prepared by KPMG Consulting and Brocade.For a full list and explanation of the assumptions and definitions under which this calculation was made,please consult Methodology and General Financial Model for the Evaluation of a Storage Area Network,Brocade, May 2001.SAN Definition and DescriptionA SAN is a networked storage infrastructure environment dedicated solely to storagefor the purpose of providing a scalable,reliable IT infrastructure.SANs are generallycomprised of two components,storage systems and a logically independent network.The storage system includes disk storage,tape libraries,and SAN-managementsoftware.The network includes adapters,wiring,and switches.Host Bus Adaptersattach servers and peripherals to the wiring in the network,while switches providethe central connection point and routing capability—much like a LAN hubor switch.The SAN industry was born of the proliferation and criticality of data.The storageindustry’s response to the dual problem of tremendous growth in data and the costof managing that data leaped forward with the SAN,which offered the first open-standard opportunity to network and centralize storage.SANs can create increasedsystem availability,greater accessibility to data due to greater connectivity,and ascalable,flexible architecture that efficiently meets future growth requirements.The primary alternative to SAN-based storage is direct-attached storage,although many companies use consolidated enterprise storage to make sharingdata easier.These solutions have limited value because they support a singleoperating system and are limited by the number of servers and connections theycan simultaneously support.SANs eliminate direct-attached storage’s limitation on connectivity by utilizing afabric switch,and have rapidly evolved to eliminate limitations on heterogeneousoperating system support.SAN implementations can now support multiple operatingsystems and a variety of storage products,both disk and tape.Summary of Principal FindingsThe data that KPMG Consulting compiled revealed that the companies studiedrealized numerous benefits and were using them to gain competitive advantages.Moreover,these benefits also yielded compelling quantifiable financial return asmeasured by return on investment (ROI) and Payback Period.It is important to notethat the ROI is the annual return generated from the investment in a SANduring the life of the SAN.The Payback Period is the number of months needed torecoup the costs of implementing a SAN and is a measure of how quickly thesefinancial benefits are realized.Table 1 provides a summary of the results from analyzing a number of SANimplementations at Intuit and Fed Ex.Table 2 provides a summary of the key driversof these financial benefits.An ROI of 525 percent means that the SAN provided$5.25 of benefit annually for every $1 of investment required to implement andmaintain the SAN.Measured over a three-year lifecycle,the SAN returned over$15 for every $1 invested.The Payback Period,9 months or less for all projects,is anindication that these financial benefits were realized in a very short period of time.High LowTable 1Annual ROI525%125%Payback Period 2 Months9 Months3The Study Participants Have Translated their SANs intoCompetitive AdvantagesIn addition to providing companies a lower cost structure for their IT organization,SANs are having an even larger impact on the overall business.FedEx and Intuit areusing the availability,connectivity,and scalability features of their SANs to provide acompetitive advantage for their businesses.Here are several examples:•FedEx and Intuit both reported that they are now able to respond to users’requests for large amounts of storage in hours instead of weeks.This enablesthese companies to deliver on key business initiatives with unprecedented speed.•FedEx is bringing new products to market more quickly because the requiredchanges to its billing systems,which are one of the most important aspects ofany new FedEx product offering,are implemented and tested much faster andthoroughly with a SAN.•Intuit’s ability to keep its customer-facing W eb systems up and running 24 x 7 is amajor factor in customer retention and loyalty for this new and strategic channel.For a full explanation of all of the benefits that were noted by the companiesincluded in this study,please consult the following case studies.5The financial consequences of Intuit’s SAN deployment reflect the technical benefits that the SAN achieved.Broken down into the three solutions that Intuit implemented,the company realized the estimated following returns on its investment in SAN technology 1:Solution Annual ROI Payback Period Storage Consolidation 296% 4 months Backup/Restore 123%9 months High Availability Systems 525% 2 months The most significant drivers of these returns included:•Additional revenue generated during backups that prior to the SAN required taking the system offline •Lower IT management costs and increased productivity due to the centralization of Intuit’s storage libraries •Significantly shorter process time for adding and reconfiguring storage •Reduced capital spending through shared storage The following study,prepared by KPMG Consulting,Inc.on behalf of Brocade,provides an in-depth discussion regarding these gains and Intuit’s experiences with its pany and Business Unit Background Intuit, an industry-leading developer and marketer of consumer software applications that support personal finance,small-business accounting,and tax preparation.The company also creates W eb-based investment applications and provides related services to better enable individuals and businesses to automate commonly performed financial tasks such as accounting and tax filings.Intuit is the author of such prolific W eb-based and shrink-wrap software applications as Quicken ®,QuickBooks ®,QuickBooks for the W eb,T urboTax ®,T urboTax for the W eb ™,and QuickBase ®.Intuit also offers additional,fee-for-service functionality via its W eb st year,the company performed the electronic filing of federal income tax returns on behalf of 25 percent of the approximately 120 million tax-paying people and entities in the United States.Intuit customers have on-demand access to all of their previously filed data along with a myriad of forms and records that reside in Intuit databases.The growth associated with this business creates a huge demand for storage capacity—up to 500 percent annually in some cases and generally 75 to 100 percent per year.Intuit relies heavily on its Internet facilities to provide revenue from its applications and enhance its shrink-wrap products.Obviously,this business model requires an extensive IT infrastructure—including extremely high levels of scalability,flexibility,security and availability—and manage-ment of a tremendous amount of data.At Intuit,the company’s Storage T eam,part of the T echnology Operations organization,investigated,purchased and implemented the SAN.These individuals are tasked with building and maintaining the entire IT 7Table 31These calculations are generated by a financial model prepared by KPMG Consulting and Brocade.For a full list and explanation of the assumptions and definitions under which this calculation was made,please consult Methodology and General Financial Model for the Evaluation of a Storage Area Network ,Brocade,May 2001.In addition,the IT staff discussed other characteristics they desired in a storage solution but weren’t getting in a direct-attached solution.These included:•Centralized storage •Data redundancy •Standard configurations •Resource sharing •Backup management Marino described the staff ’s priorities much more succinctly:“Why did we go to a SAN? Four reasons–costs,costs,costs and costs–we needed to improve control of them!”Intuit faced a potentially severe data and application availability issue before the SAN deployments.This,coupled with the need to accommodate exploding storage capacity and the capital expenditures of purchasing storage that often goes unused for several months,caused the IT staff at Intuit to begin looking for alternative storage solutions.Marino told KPMG Consulting that the investigation didn’t take long before they decided to turn to a fabric-based SAN technology.The Post-SAN Environment—Significant Improvements in Storage Consolidation, Backup and Restore, and Disaster Tolerance Approximately two years ago,Intuit deployed its first fabric-based SAN.At the time of the decision-making process,Philp commented that Intuit “chose Brocade switches for [our] SAN because the Brocade market presence created a ‘de facto’standard.”The deployment of the SAN enabled Intuit to conduct backups much more quickly and with greatly improved overall application availability.Philp told KPMG that,“the fabric switches increased storage reliability and performance and,most importantly,minimized downtime associated with our backups.”Marino also noted that,“backup and restore became much more efficient,quicker and easier to manage.The net result was much higher availability,less disruptive infrastructure upgrades and much higher levels of data integrity.”Backup Prior to the SAN deployment,Intuit experienced long backups with even longer restore times.Currently,backups conducted each day take only about three hours each.Significantly,Intuit’s system remains available during this time now that the bandwidth of its non-storage network is completely free of this process.Marino noted further that,“W e simply couldn’t have done all of this without a SAN.W e can do our backups in the middle of the day,while providing maximum service to our customers.There is no question that this infrastructure has given us a competitive advantage.”Providing further evidence of the staff ’s increased efficiency is Marino’s comment that the SAN deployment enabled Intuit to significantly reduce the IT personnel required for nightly backups.Storage Consolidation The staff also mentioned that Intuit is working more efficiently due to the SAN’s ability to deliver centralized storage.Philp discussed the cost savings the company has realized as a result of the SAN infrastructure,“The system now performs at a much 9”Since we implementedthe SAN, we havea very centralizedsystem. Further, ourfault tolerance hasimproved so much sothat we stayed availablethroughout the entiretax season this yearwithout even putting astrain on our existingIT staff.”Peter Philp,Senior Systems Manager”The long-range effect of the SAN is the competitive advantage that FedEx gets because of the reduced cycle time that it takes the company to offernew products toits customers.”Darryl Rochester,IT Manager F E D E R A L E X P R E S SC O R P O R AT I O NCase Study SummaryAnother of the selected customers that KPMG Consulting studied was the Federal Express Corporation,one of the largest express delivery and logistics service providers in the world.According to the members of the FedEx product development business unit,the pre-SAN environment at the FedEx testing site was direct-attached storage.However,according to Darryl Rochester,FedEx IT Manager, this infrastructure was not sufficiently flexible to allow for the frequent storage and server configuration changes the staff must do to test functionality enhancements in the company’s billing software.“There are times when we have to completely switch environments from one billing application to another.With direct-attached storage, there was no way to do this quickly or efficiently,”noted Rochester.The direct-attached architecture also did not have the capacity to perform testing with large production databases in a cost efficient manner.The direct-attached environment was also not scalable enough to support the company’s anticipated data growth nor did it provide the company with the connectivity it needed to conserve valuable real estate in their data center. According to Rochester,his staff was constantly working to add or reallocate storage and these processes required significant company and staff time and resources. Further,the pre-SAN environment provided the company with no ability to fail over to an alternate data center.Rochester noted that the problems that his staff encountered prior to the implementation of the SAN had very real affects on FedEx business—they increased the cycle time new FedEx products would take to make their way into production. Any delay caused in testing,“…caused our customers,the company developers and testers to miss deliverables for releases for production.These engineers often worked overtime hours to catch up because they were unable to do any work whatsoever during unscheduled system downtime,”commented Rochester.The lifestyle and morale of the IT staff was also affected.The KPMG Consulting professionals heard comments describing the direct-attached environment as “a nightmare.”T oday,as a result of the SAN,FedEx can change testing environments and increase the sizes of its databases almost immediately,according to Rochester.They have reduced the workload of their IT staff so much so that they are performing the same work that they were prior to the deployment of the SAN with one-third less staff. They have also decreased the number of file servers in their systems by 50 percent in such a seamless fashion that the 600 developers that the servers support were completely unaware of the transition.Remarkably,this entire transition was done in a total of 36 hours spread over three months and resulted in no system downtime. The additional connectivity available in a SAN environment has allowed FedEx to conserve real estate in their data center due to a reduction in the number of servers and storage arrays.Rochester also noted that they have reduced their number of11application infrastructure so that FedEx can simulate a high volume of transactionsto test how system changes react prior to the enhancement entering the productionenvironment.With this system,the IT staff can evaluate proposed changes to itsproduction environment without compromising the service levels they offer to theircustomers.An effective test environment that allows for seamless productionenhancements can be a significant competitive advantage for companies because itwill enable seamless application upgrades and enhancements to the production system.The consultants discussed the problems that FedEx was having with Darryl Rochester,IT Manager,and Vijay Banga,one of Rochester’s System Engineers Consultants.The information that they supplied helped generate both the foundation for thisstudy and an ROI financial model.A Description of the Pre-SAN StateOne of the major problems associated with direct-attached storage that FedExencountered was the lack of manageability that it allowed in their test environment.Because the unit’s job is to test the FedEx billing applications and each of itscomponents,they needed to evaluate different combinations of application modulesboth in performance and volume testing.However,with direct-attached storage,the staff was forced to completely reconfigure each of their test servers every timethey wanted to check a different billing component combination.This led tosignificant system downtime during the reconfiguration periods.Because downtimemeant that their customers,600 highly trained software engineers and testers,couldn’t work,system downtime created significant costs and inefficiencies.Further,the direct-attached connection limitations did not allow them to test theirentire billing application at once.Rochester also told the consultants that it became very clear that the direct-attachedinfrastructure was not delivering the flexibility that FedEx needed to efficientlymanage their data.Rochester felt that,to deliver the level of service requiredby the production group,they needed the ability to combine or change serversconstantly all while maintaining a high level of system availability.The data needs ofFedEx were growing so rapidly that they were outpacing the physical constraintsassociated with a SCSI-based,direct-attached architecture and its limited number ofconnections.They needed an infrastructure that would allow the company to growquickly without requiring a tremendous outflow of resources every time morestorage was to be added.This direct-attached system and its limitations with respect to flexibility,storagemanageability and scalability caused the unit’s customers,who are software developersand testers,to miss deliverables for releases of system enhancements.Rochester notedthat this would happen frequently prior to the SAN deployment:“When this occurs,the developers and testers are forced to work significant overtime to catch up ontheir work.While the system is down or undergoing storage increases,these sameengineers have nothing to do.”One of the other major problems that the group was encountering was the inabilityto use a multi-vendor strategy because of the limited connectivity,Rochester told theconsultants.They wanted the ability to obtain the pricing advantages of using multi-ple storage vendors but felt that they couldn’t achieve a heterogeneous environmentwith the lack of connectivity that a direct-attached architecture offered.13The deployment was completed in just 36 hours over three months.The NFS serverreduction saved significant capital outlays and the costs associated with the IT staff tomanage twice the hardware.High AvailabilityFedEx also implemented a SAN to reduce the costs for its HA systems.In a direct-attached environment,implementing an HA system requires one standby server forevery production server.The connectivity provided by a SAN enables customers toimplement an HA system with one standby server for a number of productionservers.In FedEx’s case,the SAN enabled FedEx to eliminate 75 percent of theirstandby servers along with the associated software license and maintenance costs foreach server.They also realized management savings since there are now fewer serversto manage.ConclusionAccording to Rochester,not only has the SAN produced substantial cost savings andincreased efficiency,it has greatly reduced delays in the time it takes to test enhance-ments in full scale production testing.This ability has a real influence on how quicklyFedEx can get new products and enhancements to existing products to the customer.Reducing cycle time in a business as competitive as package delivery can provide acompany with long-lasting competitive advantages and greater earnings to its share-holders.“Any delay that we experience will be felt throughout the entire companybecause that is a delay in when these applications will be ready for implementationthroughout the rest of the company,”noted Rochester.Rochester also providedthe consultants with an excellent summary of their SAN experience and his visioninto the future of this architecture:“In the last two years,SANs have become a veryhot technology in the company and I would guess outside the company as well.At FedEx,everyone in IT is looking for open solutions using SANs.”KPMG Consulting and Brocade would like to thank FedEx,Darryl Rochester andVijay Banga for their time and participation in our research to document the businessvalue of today’s Storage Area Networks.15© 2001 by Brocade Communications Systems,Incorporated.All Rights Reserved.07/01 GA-CS-133-00If you have questions on how networking your storage can benefit your company,contact info @ or visit our website at .。
可能很多人也跟我有一样的感觉,既然是case study, 那是不是找出问题,然后自己找出解决的方法,然后可以做些swot, pest分析啥的,但是要求说present how this company incorprates its value into service and products,我就觉得怎么想怎么矛盾,如果就是简单陈述how的话也根本用不到分析啊,总之在这里纠结了好久。
现在我可以以一个过来人的经验告诉在这个地方迷茫的同志们,其实根本不是case study,就是个presentation.这个presentation考察的主要目的就是你的表述能力和调查能力。
KPMGNumerical 241. 顾客题:难餐馆名字 每星期的 熟客 光顾四次或 平均每位顾客 顾客总人数 所占比例 以上的熟客数 的消费金额2. 黄金买卖:汇率题的翻版月份数 对应黄金价格 兑换美元的金额3.学校的考试成绩问题,有问单科通过率、两门课对比4.传说中的税率题,条形图。
5. 某天的午间健身班:班级总人数 首次参加人数 参加5次以上人数问题:两个班级特定人数比较,某一个班级除第1次月5次以上的剩余人数,根据增长率求出第二天某班特定人数。
9. 国家的农场数量,农户数目,表格,超多数字,后面有个总计。
KPMG经典24题The classical 24 numerical reasoning 经典的24数值推理一.bar chart below shows the number of temporary and permanent staff working in five regional call centres:这个柱状图下面显示的数量和永久性的工作人员临时在5个地区的呼叫中心:1. the actual number of calls taken per hour in region sw fell 10% short of the target set – what was the target number of calls per hour?采取实际的通话次数每小时在地区下降了10%的sw -短设定的目标是什么电话数量每小时的目标吗?E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=90002. an increase of 6% in both the number of temporary and permanent staff in region NW is planned. If the average number of calls taken per hour stayed the same for all staff, what would be the increase in the total number of calls taken per hour?每年增加6%的数量在两个临时及永久性员工在滇西北地区是必要的。
一. Ourdoor sport全球扩张Page 1:某公司1973年成立,专注于运动服饰、配件诸如滑板等。
Page 2~3:按时间顺序罗列了该公司收购的各种品牌,以及对应的信息,比如定位、营业额、公众形象等,有十多家吧,有表现好的,也有表现不好的。
LZ就记得一个Tiger Rose,高端奢侈风的泳衣品牌,主打女性市场==Page 4:该公司在2011年以前的营业额利润都是一路飙升,到2011年却下降了70%。
市占率在一个财年中下降70%,要求通过回溯其10年的并购历史给出原因,并提出意见以及进一步需要的数据资料等等;3、在outdoor迅速扩张的过程中,在business和local 方面会遇到哪些挑战;4、公司全球化扩张过程中,公司管理者应在哪些方面给予考虑,使得公司可以平稳、顺利的完成扩张;5、有个别的企业要并购他,因为最大股东不愿意,没成。
从你的角度分析是要接受被收购还是继续发展或者说其他什么更好的方法~6、它的老板在过程中犯过的错误(参考公司的发展历程)这家企业犯了什么错误,如何避免;7、how to know customer needs, customer satisfaction之类的问题。
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• 1 完善的物流服务 DHL的快递服务拥有覆盖全球220个国家和地区的120,000多个 目的地(主要城市)的运输网络,而物流服务能覆盖全球150个国家和地 区。同时DHL的运输手段,包括公路、铁路、空运以及多式联运使DHL 能承运不同种类规格的货物,并有相当大的服务弹性,能满足不同客户 的多样化需求。
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备用) 生存责任 - 构建可持续未来 (备用 备用 在“生存责任”的座右铭下,我们制定了履行我们企业责任的全面战略。该战略规定 我们如何主动构建未来。 我们的承诺通过三个企业方案:
• •
GoGreen 环保 GoGreen 合理使用资源,将我们的行为对环境的影响降至最低。我们是第一家为自身设 定合格 CO2 效率目标的全球物流公司。到 2020 年,我们预计将能源效率在 2007 年的 基础上提高 30% - 采用更高效运输、优化规划、替代能源和创新技术等措施。此外, Deutsche Post。
• DHL是全球快递和物流行业的领军企业,它始建于1969年美国旧金山 ,以三个创始人的姓的首字母进行命名。 • DHL的主营业务包括全球快递、国际空运和国际海运、欧洲地面运输 以及提供供应链整体解决方案。 • DHL于2002年年底由德国邮政100%控股,并于2005年与英国物流企业 EXEL进行合并,形成现有DHL的三个核心品牌:
• 2 强大的信息系统
货物都由条形码录入数据库 报关手续都通过信息系统的EDI报文完成 运输工具均安装了GPS 客户可通过INTERNET平台在途查询
早在20世纪70年代DHL就率先将业务网络铺设到香港、日本、新加坡、澳大利亚等 国家和地区,随后又极快地完成了全球布局,并且率先进入中国市场,如今成为四大 物流里在中国的市场占有率最高的一家。
• 1986年,DHL和中国对外贸易运输集团总公司,也就是中外运, 合资成立了中外运敦豪,成为第一家进入中国市场的国际快递公司
• 现代物流的目标是提高物流效率、降低物流成 本、满足客户需求,信息化成为现代物流的核 心。 • 目前,国际快递和物流行业处于寡头垄断状态, DHL的主要竞争对手有UPS,FEDEX和TNT,共称 物流“四大”。它们在不同的区域市场具有优 势,这主要体现在网络覆盖和价格上。DHL的 优势市场有欧洲、亚太、非洲以及中东。
1. 在被德国邮政敦豪100%股权收购后,其母公司强大的财力及政府性 龙头企业的背景可能会为DHL在全球市场扩张和稳固欧洲市场方面 带来机遇。 巩固中国市场。 四大物流公司都在上世纪80年代进入中国,因为政策的限制, 都和中外运公司合资成立了公司,DHL的合资合同期限是50年,其 他三家都是15年,所以,DHL受到了国家的重点照顾,也成为这四 家公司里在中国的市场占有率最高的一家,其他三家分别在2003年 和2004年和中外运公司分家,独资成立的相应公司,唯独DHL在中 国市场的名称至今还是中外运敦豪。 3. LLP成为物流行业新趋势 DHL应运用自己的综合实力和与客户的稳定关系加速推广LLP, 在供应链管理方面为公司获取更多的利润。
1.谈及DHL的劣势,不得不提到DHL的美国市场所经历的波折。 • 自2002年底德国邮政完成对DHL全面收购之后,宣布在美国市场大力开拓航 空次日达快递派送服务,并着手开始投资12亿美元的计划。然而由于构建 高覆盖率需要大量的时间和资金,并且在美国市场上的快递行业利润已十 分有限,DHL并未竞争过UPS和FEDEX这两家美国本土快递。最终,DHL因巨 额亏算退出了美国国内市场,而为摆脱在美国市场的困境,DHL推出一项耗 资20亿美元的重组计划。这给DHL带来了巨大的压力,直到去年财报显示出 的盈利能力仍受着美国市场失利的负面影响,而这样的影响可能还要持续 几年。
• 如何在激烈竞争中保持甚至扩大市场份额 比如:虽然dhl进入中国市场最早且拥 有最大份额,但是并没有把握住在中国航 空物流市场中货物量最大的中美航线。
• 能否很好地克服战略重组带来的压力
• 作为全球快递与物流行业的领导者,DHL这 个品牌代表着了专业、高效、创新和全球 化。 • 2009年,DHL提出了2015 年发展战略,其愿 景是使 DHL 成为“全球性的物流公司”, 简化客户的生活,为全人类提供积极的贡 献。以它的实际行动践行着那句话:“一 路成就所托。”
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GoTeach 教育 GoTeach 代表我们对更好的教育水平和平等教育机会的承诺。教育是社会进步的前提。 所以我们推广和制定各种计划,支持人们的发展和丰富他们的技能。
2008年,DHL提出未来要做中国的LLP(Lead Logistics Provider),而如今物流的主流概 念是3PL(thirdpartylogis cs,即“第三方物流”)。与3PL相比,LLP不仅提供分捡、包装、 逆向回收等增值服务,还连接客户的生产、销售流程,帮助客户计划、控制库存,管 理IT系统。 DHL设立了创新中心,与来自行业研究合作伙伴的科学家和工程师们一起协作,开发灵 活、有利于环保,且具有市场前景的创新物流解决方案。在这里,想象变成了现实。 设想一下,您的快件将通过RFID和卫星监控系统被轻松地送到收件人手中,而派送员驾
2.同时DHL业务结构也存在问题,DHL53%的营业收入来自信件和快递,26%来自国际 物流,21%来自供应链管理服务。 • 根据行业数据,国际快递的利润率在9%~10%,国际物流利润率在7%~9%,而大 型企业供应链管理利润率普遍超过10%,说明DHL业务重心倾向于利润较低的 业务,导致DHL赢利能力较低。
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GoHelp 灾难管理 我们同合作伙伴一起努力改善人们的生活条件。我们的核心物流专家帮助我们实现这 些目标。我们同联合国合作在受到自然灾害影响的区域提供有效的紧急协助。我们还 在存在风险的地区组织培训课程,为紧急情况下的物流挑战做好准备。我们同联合国 儿童基金会 (UNICEF) 建立了合作关系帮助减少儿童死亡。