附录二:中医英语水平考试词汇表(讨论稿)中华中医药学会翻译分会Ⅰ 医学英语词汇 (约440 条)n. 腹;腹部n. 流产, 堕胎, 早产. 急性的, 剧烈n. 服用n.允许入住(医院). 使恶化, 加重n.极度痛苦n. 疾病(尤指微恙)n. 蛋白n.酒精,乙醇n. 酒精中毒. 食物的, 营养的. 碱性的n. 过敏氨基酸n. 健忘症n. 止痛剂n. 解剖学n. 贫血, 贫血症n. 麻醉n. 食欲减退, 厌食n. 缺氧n. 抗生素n. 抗体 n. 抗抑郁药n. 抗原n. 主动脉n. 阑尾炎, 盲肠炎n. 阑尾n.食欲,胃口n. 心律不齐, 心律失常n. 动脉硬化n. 动脉n. 关节痛n. 关节炎n. 腹水n. 阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药), 乙酰水杨酸 n. 哮喘n. 心房n. 听诊. 腋下的钡餐. 双侧的,两边的n. 胆汁n. 活组织检查, 活组织切片检查n. 膀胱n. 肠n. 支气管炎n. 钙n. 小腿n. 毛细血管n. 包囊;胶囊n. 碳水化合物n. 癌,腺癌n. 心电图. 心脏血管的n. 携带者,带菌者n. 软骨(组织)n. 白内障n. 导管. 脑的, 大脑的. 脑血管的n.药剂师n. 化学疗法n. 水痘n. 胆固醇. 慢性的n. 肝硬化n.绞痛n. 结肠n. 昏迷n. 并发症. 天生的, 先天的n. 充血结缔组织n. 便秘. 传染性的, 会感染的n. 污染, 污染物n. 禁忌证冠状动脉心脏病(冠心病) n. 皮层n. 危象. 危急的, 临界的n. 紫绀n. 耳聋n. 残废;畸形. 退化性的n. 脱水n. 分娩n. 痴呆. 牙齿的n. 抑郁(症)n. 皮炎n. 皮肤学v. [病情等]恶化,变坏v. 解毒n. 糖尿病n. 诊断,诊断结果n. 渗析,透析n. 横膈膜n. 腹泻舒张压n. 消化v. 允许..离开;n. 排泄物,出院 . 远侧的. 利尿的; n. 利尿剂n. 头昏眼花() n. 供体, 捐赠者. 背側的,后面的n. 剂量n. 痢疾n.呼吸困难n. 水肿n. 心电图 (略作)n. 栓塞n. 胚胎n. 脑炎n. 内分泌n. 内窥镜n. 肠炎n. 酶n. . 流行病;流行性的n. 上腹部n. 表皮组织, 上皮组织n. 爆发;出疹n. 红血球n. 食道n. 病因学, 病源论v. 排泄n. 呼出, 呼气n. (生命)期望值n. 手足,末端n.视力,目力n. 衰竭输卵管n. . 禁食;禁食的,空腹的 n. 粪, 屎n. 胎儿n.流行性感冒n. 病灶由食物传播的n. 镊子, 钳子n. 骨折;挫伤n. 胆囊n. 胆石n. 胃切除术n. 胃炎. 胃肠的. 遗传的, 起源的n. 腺体n. 球蛋白葡萄糖液输注n. 腹股沟n. 齿龈n. 妇科医学心力衰竭n. 心痛n. 血尿(症)n. 血液透析n. 血色素, 血红蛋白 n. 出血n. 肝炎n. 肝肿大n. 遗传n. 疝气n. 荨麻疹n. 荷尔蒙, 激素n. 主人;宿主n. 卫生, 卫生学n. 高血压. 免疫的n. 发病率n. 切口, 切开n. 失禁,不能自制n. 指征,适应证n. 消化不良n. 梗塞形成, 梗死形成 n. 传染, 感染. 有传染性的, 易传染的 n. 不生育,不育症n. 炎症, 发炎n. 输注n. 摄食; 摄取n. 吸入n. 精神错乱n. 失眠, 失眠症n. 吸〔气〕n. 胰岛素n. 干预,介入肠梗阻n. 肠. 肌肉内的 . 静脉内的. [检查等]进入体内的. 非随意的n. 碘n. 刺激n. 局部缺血n. 隔绝,隔离. 痒的n. 黄疸n.颌,颚n. 分娩n. 喉. 侧面的n. 损害, 身体上的伤害. 致死的n. 白血病n. 白细胞, 白血球n. 白带n. 肢(臂、腿)n. 脂质;油脂 [脂肪;乳酪]大叶性肺炎n. [肺、肝等的]叶v. (使)局限化n. 腰神经, 腰椎n. 淋巴腺, 淋巴淋巴结n. 淋巴细胞磁共振显像()n. 疟疾. 恶性的n. 营养失调, 营养不良 n. 治疗失当,医疗差错 n. 表现,显示n. 髓, 骨髓v. & n. 按摩n. . 母性; 产科病房 n. 麻疹, 风疹n. 药物,药物治疗n. 黑便n. 膜, 隔膜n. 脑膜炎n. 绝经期, 更年期n. 月经n. 新陈代谢n. (癌肿的)转移n. 微生物n. 偏头痛n. 吗啡n. 死亡率晕车(船等)n. 黏膜n. 黏液n. 腮腺炎. 肌肉的n. 心肌梗死n. 近视 n. 恶心, 反胃,晕船n. 坏疽, 坏死. 阴性的. 新生儿的n. 神经学, 神经科n. 神经细胞, 神经元n. 烟碱, 尼古丁n. 乳头. n. 生理盐水n. 营养品,食物n. 营养(学)n. 肥胖n. 产科医生n. 产科n. 药膏n. 肿瘤学n. 发作n. 眼科学. 眼的, 视力的, 光学的 n. 生物体, 有机体n. 整形外科n. 卵巢n. 超剂量n. 卵n. 起搏器n. (医生诊断时等) 摸, 触 n. 心悸n. 胰腺n. 胰腺炎n.气喘n. 瘫痪,麻痹n. 寄生虫n. 病原体n. 病理学n. 小儿科n. 骨盆;骨盘n. 阴茎n. 叩诊n. 穿孔n. 心包. 围产期的n. 蠕动n. 汗;出汗n. 药剂师n. 药理学;药物学n. 药房,药剂学n. 咽n. 痰n. 色素n. 安慰剂,安慰治疗n. 胎盘n. 血浆n. 血小板n. 肺炎n. 气胸n..小儿麻痹症, 急性骨髓灰质炎 n. 息肉. 阳性的. [位置上]后面的. 手术后的n. 钾n. 怀孕a. 产前的n.预防n. 预后俯卧位. 前列腺的 n. 前列腺n. 蛋白尿. 精神病学的, 精神病治疗的 .心理的,心理学的. 肺部的n. 脓, 脓汁狂犬病n. X 光线学, 放射医学n. 水泡音,啰音n. 皮疹n. 反跳痛n. 接受者,受体n. 直肠. 复发的,周期性发作的n. 养生法n. 康复n. 排异作用,拒绝n.(疾病)复发n.(疾病)缓解(期) . 肾脏的, 肾的n. 呼吸. 有反应的a.不安的,焦虑的n. 复苏n. 保持, 潴留n. 视网膜. 风湿的n. 唾液n. 公共卫生n. 手术刀, 解剖刀 . 继发性的n. 分泌物,隐藏n. 切开术n. 镇静剂. 久坐的n. 发作, 癫痫发作 . 感觉的,感觉器官的 n. 后遗症n. 血清() 非典型肺炎n. 休克n. 窦n. (动物之)骨架, 骨骼 n. 头骨,颅骨,脑壳 n. 天花 n. 钠. 疼痛的 n. 疮,(皮肉的)伤 n. (感情等)一阵发作, 痉挛n. 精子n. 括约肌n. 血压计, 血压测量计n. 脊柱n. 脾n. 夹板n. 海绵体 (外科用的)棉球, 纱布 v. n. 扭伤n. 唾液, 痰n. (器官)狭窄. 消过毒的,无菌n. 杀菌; 绝育n. 类固醇n. 听诊器n. 兴奋剂n. 缝n. 大便n. 脑卒中. 皮下的n. 吸引. 表浅的,表层的. 仰卧的n. 补充;补充剂n. 易感性,易受影响性. 肿胀的a.交感的n. 症状, 征兆n. 昏厥n. 综合症. 合成的n. 梅毒收缩压n. 压痛n. 腱n. 绷紧;张力;紧张,焦虑 . 晚期的n. 睾丸n. 破伤风. 治疗的n. 治疗剂, 治疗学家 n. 治疗, 疗法n. 体温计n. 大腿. 胸的n. 胸, 胸腔n. 血栓症n. 扁桃腺n. 毒素n. 气管切开术n. 镇静剂n. 输血, 输液v. 移植, 移种n. 移植. 横向的 n. 外伤. 肺结核, 结核病n. 肿块,肿瘤B 超n. 溃疡n. 溃疡形成n. 尿毒症n. 输尿管. 泌尿的n. 泌尿学n. 子宫n. 疫苗n. 阴道n.(心脏)瓣膜n. 血管扩张剂n. 静脉. 静脉的n. 呼吸机n. 脑室, 心室n. 囊,泡;水疱n. 脉管;导管. 内脏的v. & n. 呕吐. 喘息, 很困难地呼吸n. 喘息 n. 子宫Ⅱ 中医英语词汇 (约1330 条)阿是穴嗳气艾灸艾条安神安神定志安胎按摩按诊八法八纲八纲辨证八会穴拔罐疗法拔针白睛白苔百日咳斑疹瘢痕灸半表半里半表半里证半身不遂膀胱膀胱经膀胱气化膀胱湿热膀胱虚寒包煎胞宫胞睑胞络悲悲则气消本本草纲目本虚标实崩漏鼻衄鼻塞鼻翼煽动鼻渊鼻准闭经闭证痹证砭石便秘便溏变证辨病论治辨证论治标标本同治表寒表寒里热表里表里俱实表里配穴表里双解表里同病表气不固表实表实里虚表邪表邪入里表虚表证别络禀赋不足并病病变病机 ()病脉病色病性病因病因辨证病证薄苔补 1.补不足 (广义) ; 2.(偏阳气) ; 3. 滋养 ( 偏阴血) ; 4. 强壮; 5.壮阳 ; 6. 针刺手法补法补火助阳补脾益气补气补气固表补气摄血补肾固精补肾纳气补肾阳补肾滋阴补泻补血补血调经补血药补阳补益剂补益心脾补阴补阴剂补中益气不得眠不寐不内外因不通则痛不育不孕仓廪之官藏 1.同"脏" ; 2.脏器总称 ; 3产科产门 ()长夏肠鸣肠澼肠痈常脉常色朝食暮吐潮红潮热炒制沉脉乘痴呆迟脉齿痕舌冲剂冲脉冲任不调冲任不固冲任虚寒抽搐抽筋处方传变传导之官传经喘鸣喘息疮疡春温纯阳之体刺络拔罐刺手刺痛从治法腠理催乳寸口搓针大便不通大便失禁大肠寒结大肠津亏大肠经大肠湿热大汗大络带脉带下病 's 丹剂丹田单方单煎单手进针法胆经胆虚气怯胆郁痰扰但寒不热但热不寒淡渗利湿导便导引盗汗得气得神地支电针电针麻醉调和肝脾调和气血调和营卫调经调理冲任跌打损伤督脉短气顿服多汗 ()多梦多尿鹅口疮呃逆恶风恶寒恶露恶色恶心耳聋耳轮耳鸣耳穴耳针发病发汗解表发散风寒药烦渴烦闷烦热烦躁易怒反胃泛酸方剂房室不节肥胖肺朝百脉肺合大肠肺津不布肺经肺痨肺脾两虚肺气不利肺气不宣肺气上逆肺气虚肺热炽盛肺肾阴虚肺司呼吸肺痿肺阴虚证肺主皮毛肺主气肺主治节风关风寒表证风寒感冒风寒束表风轮风热证风湿相搏风痰风温风疹伏脉伏痰伏邪伏饮扶正固本扶正祛邪浮络浮脉浮肿复方腹满腹痛拒按腹痛喜温腹泄腹胀干咳干咳无痰肝肝藏血肝胆火旺肝胆气郁肝胆湿热肝风内动肝火犯肺肝火上炎肝脾不调肝脾两虚肝气不舒肝气犯胃肝气横逆肝气郁结肝肾不足肝肾同源肝肾阴虚肝胃不和肝血亏虚肝阳化风肝阳上亢肝郁气滞肝主筋肝主疏泄膏药隔物灸攻补兼施骨蒸潮热固崩止带固表止汗固冲止带固经止血固涩药固肾涩精刮痧疗法归经鬼门滚法寒化寒积寒极生热寒凝气滞寒热往来寒湿困脾寒痰寒邪寒者热之毫针和解表里和胃降逆黑睛洪脉后天之本后天之精后下滑脉滑苔化湿药化痰开窍化痰止咳黄带黄疸黄帝内经’s 黄苔回阳救逆魂活血调经活血化瘀活血通络火克金火生土霍乱饥不欲食急下存阴煎药法健脾健脾和胃健脾化湿健忘交通心肾绞痛结胸解表剂金克木金匮要略金水相生津津血同源津液筋紧脉近血进针经别经方经络经络辨证经脉 ; 经外奇穴经穴惊风惊悸精气精神精血颈椎病九针灸法厥逆 1. ; 2. 厥阴厥证君臣佐使, , 君火开窍剂开胃咳嗽咳血克客邪恐芤脉口臭口疮口淡口干口渴口苦口眼歪斜苦寒清气宽胸散结髋狂言劳倦冷汗冷秘离经之血里寒里寒证里急后重里热里实里虚理法方药 , , , 理气理气化痰理气健脾理气药理气止痛理中利水渗湿利水消肿利咽痢疾敛肺止咳凉肝熄风凉血止血淋证另煎留针六经辨证六经病六气六淫咯痰癃闭络脉络穴落枕麻疹脉 1. ; 2. ; 3. 脉合四时脉静脉象脉诊脉证合参梅花针梦遗泌别清浊秘方面色面色不华面色苍白面瘫命关命门摩法母病及子母气木火刑金木克土木生火木郁化火目系目痒募穴暮食朝吐内服内伤发热内因内眦纳呆纳气纳气平喘脑脑髓逆传逆传心包逆证腻苔尿闭尿黄尿急尿频尿少尿痛尿血尿浊捏法扭伤浓缩丸脓弄舌怒怒伤肝怒则气上女子胞呕逆呕吐呕血排便排脓排石胖大舌炮制培土生金 () 培土抑木 () 配伍配伍禁忌配穴皮肤针皮毛疲乏脾不统血脾合胃脾经脾气脾气不升脾气不舒脾气亏虚证脾气下陷脾气郁结脾肾阳虚脾失健运脾统血脾胃不和脾胃湿热脾胃虚寒脾虚脾虚湿困脾虚水泛证脾阳不振脾主升清脾主运化痞满偏瘫平补平泻平刺平旦服平肝潜阳平肝息风平脉破血七怪脉七窍七情七情内伤奇方奇恒之腑奇经奇经八脉脐起针气气闭气不摄血气分气分证气功气化气化不利气机气机不畅气机失调气轮气门气逆气随血脱气脱气陷气虚气虚血瘀气虚证气血气血辨证气血不足气血两燔气血两虚气血失调气血双补气阴两伤气阴两虚气营两燔气郁气郁化火气滞气滞血瘀切脉轻剂轻证清法清肺清气泄热清热化痰清热剂清热解毒清热利湿清热凉血清热药清热燥湿清暑益气清胃降逆清泻肝胆清心清心泻火清虚热清阳不升清营凉血清营泄热情志内伤情志郁结驱虫药祛风祛风剂祛风通络祛痰剂祛邪扶正雀啄灸热 1. 抽象义; 2. 外感病症状热闭热毒内陷热伏冲任热化热极生寒热结阳明热秘热迫大肠热扰心神证热入心包热入血分热邪热因热用热者寒之热证任脉 ()妊娠腹痛妊娠呕吐日晡潮热 3-5 .柔肝揉法濡脉乳痈褥疮软膏软坚散结锐眦润肠通便润肺润肺化痰润肺止咳润下弱脉三部九候三关三焦三焦辨证三焦经三焦虚寒三因散寒解表散寒祛湿散寒止痛散剂散瘀散瘀消肿色脉合参涩肠止泻涩剂涩脉痧证闪罐疝善色伤风伤寒伤津伤食伤暑上寒下热上焦上热下寒上实下虚上脘上虚下实少腹硬满少火少气少神少阳少阴少阴寒化舌红少津舌尖红舌强舌苔舌苔白腻舌态舌下络脉舌象舌诊舌质摄生身热身痛身痒身重神神昏神倦神明神疲乏力神气神志神志不清审证求因肾不纳气肾藏精肾经肾精肾精不足肾气肾气不固肾气不足肾气虚肾水肾司二便肾虚水泛肾阳不足肾阳衰微肾阴肾主纳气肾主水渗湿渗湿利水升降出入 , , 升降浮沉 , , 升清升清降浊生化之源生津止渴生药失音 ()湿湿痹湿毒湿化湿困脾阳湿气湿热湿热下注湿邪十二经脉十二皮部十五络时方时气时疫实实喘实寒实火实脉实热实邪实者泻之食积食入即吐食少手法手厥阴心包经手少阳三焦经手少阴心经手太阳小肠经手太阴肺经手阳明大肠经手足汗出手足厥冷手足心热受盛之官疏风解表疏风透疹疏肝和胃疏肝解郁疏肝理气疏肝利胆疏肝泻火疏散风热疏通经络舒肝理气暑邪数脉腧穴水不涵木 () 水道水谷不化水谷精微水寒射肺水火不济水火相济水煎水气凌心水热互结水饮水饮内停顺传顺证思则气结四气四诊四肢倦怠四肢厥冷宿食宿痰酸甘化阴酸痛随证加减髓海不足孙络胎动不安胎息痰 1. ; 2. 痰多痰火痰火扰心痰蒙心包痰迷心窍痰气互结痰热痰热内扰痰热壅肺痰热阻肺痰湿痰饮痰瘀互结痰中带血汤剂特定穴体倦体倦乏力体质天干天癸天人相应停经通便通调水道通经通经活络通利关节通利小便通络通窍通阳化气通因通用同病异治痛风痛经痛无定处痛有定处头痛头项强痛头晕头重脚轻透热转气透营转气吐法吐故纳新吐舌吐酸吐血推拿退黄退虚热吞酸吞咽困难脱证外感发热外感风寒外感风热外感热病外邪外因外治法丸剂完谷不化脘腹胀满脘痞脘痛亡阳亡阴望色望诊危候微脉萎黄痿软舌痿证卫表卫表不固卫气卫气同病卫气营血 , , 卫阳畏寒肢冷胃不和胃寒胃寒呕吐胃寒证胃火胃火炽盛胃火上升胃经胃纳不佳胃气不和胃气上逆胃热消谷胃失和降胃实胃阳胃阳虚胃阴胃阴不足胃主降浊胃主受纳温病温补脾胃温补脾阳温肺温肺化痰温肺化饮温肺散寒温经活血温经散寒温经止痛温经止血温里温里散寒温里药温疟温肾健脾温肾纳气温胃止呕温邪犯肺温阳利水温运脾阳温针灸温中和胃温中健脾温中降逆温中散寒温中止呕瘟疫文火闻诊问寒热问汗问诊无汗 ()无尿五迟五更泄五积五劳五淋五禽戏五心烦热五行五行学说五运五脏五志午后潮热武火熄风熄风止痉喜按喜则气缓细脉下法下焦下焦湿热下利清谷下脘先煎先天先天不足先天之本先天之精弦脉涎相乘相火相火妄动相克相生相侮消导消渴消痞化积消食导滞消食化痰消食剂消肿解毒小便不利小便浑浊小便涩痛小便失禁小便自利小肠经小肠实热小肠虚寒小腹哮病哮喘哮鸣邪气邪正消长胁斜刺泄泻泻法泻肺泻火泻火解毒泻南补北泻下药泻下逐水心包心包经心藏神心烦心烦不寐心肺气虚心肝火旺心肝血虚心火亢盛心火上炎心悸心脾两虚心气不宁心气血两虚心窍心肾不交心痛彻背心血虚心阴阳两虚心主神明心主血脉辛辛凉解表新感行气宽中行气止痛形寒肢冷胸闷胸痞胸胁胸胁苦满虚虚喘虚烦虚寒虚火虚火上炎虚劳虚实夹杂虚阳上浮虚则补之虚证宣肺宣肺化痰宣肺平喘宣肺止咳悬灸眩晕穴血不归经血不循经血分血分热毒血分瘀热血分证血海血脉血热血热妄行血热证血脱血虚血瘀血郁血燥血燥生风血证血肿押手牙关紧闭牙痛牙龈肿痛咽喉不利咽喉肿痛咽痒岩羊癫风阳明阳气阳跷脉阳胜则热阳盛阳盛阴衰阳损及阴阳维脉阳痿阳邪阳虚阳虚阴盛阳证阳中求阴疡养生养胎养胃阴养心安神养血养血安神养血柔肝养血息风养血药养阴养阴润燥腰酸腰痛腰膝酸软药膏药酒药膳夜盲夜寐不安夜啼液遗尿以毒攻毒以右治左异病同治疫毒疫疠益气益气安神益气和胃益气养阴益胃意因地制宜因人制宜因时制宜阴阴寒凝结阴竭阳脱阴经阴络阴气阴跷脉阴胜则寒阴盛阴盛格阳证阴盛阳衰阴损及阳阴维脉阴邪阴虚阴虚动风阴虚火旺阴虚阳亢阴阳对立阴阳格拒阴阳互根阴阳两虚阴阳偏盛阴阳偏衰阴阳失调阴阳消长阴阳学说阴阳转化阴液阴液不足阴证阴中求阳引火归原饮饮留胃肠饮食不振饮停胸胁饮邪隐痛营分 () 营分证营气营卫不和营血痈忧游走痛有汗有神瘀血瘀血证瘀血阻络瘀阻胞宫语声低微语声重浊郁证预后元气元气不足原气远血月经月经不调月经过多月经过少月经后期月经先期运化运化失职晕厥脏脏病及腑脏腑脏腑辨证脏腑学说脏寒脏气脏象燥热犯肺燥湿化痰燥湿健脾燥湿止痒燥邪燥邪犯肺证躁动不安痄腮谵语战汗胀痛针刺麻醉针灸真寒假热真气真实假虚真心痛真阳真阴真阴耗损诊籍疹镇肝熄风镇惊镇惊安神镇咳怔忡癥瘕正骨正气正气大虚正邪相争正治证 1. ; 2. (亚型)证候证型症状支饮肢倦乏力肢体困重肢体麻木直刺直中止痉止咳化痰止痛止血药止痒志治本治标治病求本治未病治则痔滞针中风中风闭证中风脱证中腑中寒中焦中焦湿热中经中络中气中气下陷中暑中脘中阳不足中药中药学中医 1. ();2.中医学中脏肿胀重镇安神逐水逐水药主色主证助阳解表爪甲不荣壮热壮阳灼痛滋肾养肝滋肾益阴滋水涵木滋阴滋阴安神滋阴潜阳子病犯母子气自汗走罐足厥阴肝经足少阳胆经足少阴肾经足太阳膀胱经足太阴脾经足阳明胃经卒中。
附录二:中医英语水平考试词汇表(讨论稿)中华中医药学会翻译分会PartⅠ医学英语词汇(约440 条)abdomen n. 腹;腹部abortion n. 流产, 堕胎, 早产acute adj. 急性的, 剧烈administration n. 服用admission n.允许入住(医院) aggravate vt. 使恶化, 加重agony n.极度痛苦ailment n. 疾病(尤指微恙) albumin n. 蛋白alcohol n.酒精,乙醇alcoholism n. 酒精中毒alimentary adj. 食物的, 营养的alkaline adj. 碱性的allergy n. 过敏amino acid 氨基酸amnesia n. 健忘症analgesic n. 止痛剂anatomy n. 解剖学anemia n. 贫血, 贫血症anesthesia n. 麻醉anorexia n. 食欲减退, 厌食anoxia n. 缺氧antibiotic n. 抗生素antibody n. 抗体antidepressant n. 抗抑郁药antigen n. 抗原aorta n. 主动脉appendicitis n. 阑尾炎, 盲肠炎appendix n. 阑尾appetite n.食欲,胃口arrhythmia n. 心律不齐, 心律失常arteriosclerosis n. 动脉硬化artery n. 动脉arthralgia n. 关节痛arthritis n. 关节炎ascites n. 腹水aspirin n. 阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药), 乙酰水杨酸asthma n. 哮喘atrium n. 心房auscultation n. 听诊axillary adj. 腋下的barium meal 钡餐bilateral adj. 双侧的,两边的bile n. 胆汁biopsy n. 活组织检查, 活组织切片检查bladder n. 膀胱bowel n. 肠bronchitis n. 支气管炎calcium n. 钙calf n. 小腿capillary n. 毛细血管capsule n. 包囊;胶囊carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物carcinoma n. 癌,腺癌cardiogram n. 心电图cardiovascular adj. 心脏血管的carrier n. 携带者,带菌者cartilage n. 软骨(组织)cataract n. 白内障catheter n. 导管cerebral adj. 脑的, 大脑的cerebrovascular adj. 脑血管的chemist n.药剂师chemotherapy n. 化学疗法chickenpox n. 水痘cholesterol n. 胆固醇chronic adj. 慢性的cirrhosis n. 肝硬化colic n.绞痛colon n. 结肠coma n. 昏迷complication n. 并发症congenital adj. 天生的, 先天的congestion n. 充血connective tissue 结缔组织constipation n. 便秘contagious adj. 传染性的, 会感染的contamination n. 污染, 污染物contraindication n. 禁忌证coronary heart disease 冠状动脉心脏病(冠心病)cortex n. 皮层crisis n. 危象critical adj. 危急的, 临界的cyanosis n. 紫绀deafness n. 耳聋deformity n. 残废;畸形degenerative adj. 退化性的dehydration n. 脱水delivery n. 分娩dementia n. 痴呆dental adj. 牙齿的depression n. 抑郁(症)dermatitis n. 皮炎dermatology n. 皮肤学deteriorate v. [病情等]恶化,变坏detoxify v. 解毒diabetes n. 糖尿病diagnosis n. 诊断,诊断结果dialysis n. 渗析,透析diaphragm n. 横膈膜diarrhea n. 腹泻diastolic pressure 舒张压digestion n. 消化discharge v. 允许..离开;n. 排泄物,出院distal adj. 远侧的diuretic adj. 利尿的; n. 利尿剂dizziness n. 头昏眼花donator (donor) n. 供体, 捐赠者dorsal adj. 背側的,后面的dosage n. 剂量dysentery n. 痢疾dyspnea n.呼吸困难edema n. 水肿electrocardiogram n. 心电图(略作ECG)embolism n. 栓塞embryo n. 胚胎encephalitis n. 脑炎endocrine n. 内分泌endoscope n. 内窥镜enteritis n. 肠炎enzyme n. 酶epidemic n. adj. 流行病;流行性的epigastrium n. 上腹部epithelium n. 表皮组织, 上皮组织eruption n. 爆发;出疹erythrocyte n. 红血球esophagus n. 食道etiology n. 病因学, 病源论excrete v. 排泄exhalation n. 呼出, 呼气expectancy n. (生命)期望值extremity n. 手足,末端eyesight n.视力,目力failure n. 衰竭fallopian tube 输卵管fasting n. adj. 禁食;禁食的,空腹的feces n. 粪, 屎fetus n. 胎儿flu n.流行性感冒focus n. 病灶foodborne 由食物传播的forceps n. 镊子, 钳子fracture n. 骨折;挫伤gallbladder n. 胆囊gallstone n. 胆石gastrectomy n. 胃切除术gastritis n. 胃炎gastrointestinal adj. 胃肠的genetic adj. 遗传的, 起源的gland n. 腺体globulin n. 球蛋白glucose infusion 葡萄糖液输注groin n. 腹股沟gum n. 齿龈gynecology n. 妇科医学heart failure 心力衰竭heartburn n. 心痛hematuria n. 血尿(症)hemodialysis n. 血液透析hemoglobin n. 血色素, 血红蛋白hemorrhage n. 出血hepatitis n. 肝炎hepatomegaly n. 肝肿大heredity n. 遗传hernia n. 疝气hives n. 荨麻疹hormone n. 荷尔蒙, 激素host n. 主人;宿主hygiene n. 卫生, 卫生学hypertension n. 高血压immune adj. 免疫的incidence n. 发病率incision n. 切口, 切开incontinence n. 失禁,不能自制indication n. 指征,适应证indigestion n. 消化不良infarction n. 梗塞形成, 梗死形成infection n. 传染, 感染infectious adj. 有传染性的, 易传染的infertility n. 不生育,不育症inflammation n. 炎症, 发炎infusion n. 输注ingestion n. 摄食; 摄取inhalation n. 吸入insanity n. 精神错乱insomnia n. 失眠, 失眠症inspiration n. 吸〔气〕insulin n. 胰岛素intervention n. 干预,介入intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻intestine n. 肠intramuscular adj. 肌肉内的intravenous adj. 静脉内的invasive adj. [检查等]进入体内的involuntary adj. 非随意的iodine n. 碘irritation n. 刺激ischemia n. 局部缺血isolation n. 隔绝,隔离itching adj. 痒的jaundice n. 黄疸jaw n.颌,颚labor n. 分娩larynx n. 喉lateral adj. 侧面的lesion n. 损害, 身体上的伤害lethal adj. 致死的leukemia n. 白血病leukocyte n. 白细胞, 白血球leukorrhea n. 白带limb n. 肢(臂、腿)lipid n. 脂质;油脂[脂肪;乳酪]lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎lobe n. [肺、肝等的]叶localize v. (使)局限化lumbar n. 腰神经, 腰椎lymph n. 淋巴腺, 淋巴lymph node 淋巴结lymphocyte n. 淋巴细胞magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振显像(MRI)malaria n. 疟疾malignant adj. 恶性的malnutrition n. 营养失调, 营养不良malpractice n. 治疗失当,医疗差错manifestation n. 表现,显示marrow n. 髓, 骨髓massage v. & n. 按摩maternal n. adj. 母性; 产科病房measles n. 麻疹, 风疹medication n. 药物,药物治疗melena n. 黑便membrane n. 膜, 隔膜meningitis n. 脑膜炎menopause n. 绝经期, 更年期menstruation n. 月经metabolism n. 新陈代谢metastasis n. (癌肿的)转移microorganism n. 微生物migraine n. 偏头痛morphine n. 吗啡mortality n. 死亡率motion sickness 晕车(船等)mucosa n. 黏膜mucus n. 黏液mumps n. 腮腺炎muscular adj. 肌肉的myocardial infarction n. 心肌梗死myopia n. 近视nausea n. 恶心, 反胃,晕船necrosis n. 坏疽, 坏死negative adj. 阴性的neonatal adj. 新生儿的neurology n. 神经学, 神经科neuron n. 神经细胞, 神经元nicotine n. 烟碱, 尼古丁nipple n. 乳头normal saline NS. n. 生理盐水nourishment n. 营养品,食物nutrition n. 营养(学)obesity n. 肥胖obstetrician n. 产科医生obstetrics n. 产科ointment n. 药膏oncology n. 肿瘤学onset n. 发作ophthalmology n. 眼科学optical adj. 眼的, 视力的, 光学的organism n. 生物体, 有机体orthopedics n. 整形外科ovary n. 卵巢overdose n. 超剂量ovum n. 卵pacemaker n. 起搏器palpation n. (医生诊断时等) 摸, 触palpitation n. 心悸pancreas n. 胰腺pancreatitis n. 胰腺炎pant n.气喘paralysis n. 瘫痪,麻痹parasite n. 寄生虫pathogen n. 病原体pathology n. 病理学pediatrics n. 小儿科pelvis n. 骨盆;骨盘penis n. 阴茎percussion n. 叩诊perforation n. 穿孔pericardium n. 心包perinatal adj. 围产期的peristalsis n. 蠕动perspiration n. 汗;出汗pharmacist n. 药剂师pharmacology n. 药理学;药物学pharmacy n. 药房,药剂学pharynx n. 咽phlegm n. 痰pigment n. 色素placebo n. 安慰剂,安慰治疗placenta n. 胎盘plasma n. 血浆platelet n. 血小板pneumonia n. 肺炎pneumothorax n. 气胸poliomyelitis n..小儿麻痹症, 急性骨髓灰质炎polyp n. 息肉positive adj. 阳性的posterior adj. [位置上]后面的postoperative adj. 手术后的potassium n. 钾pregnancy n. 怀孕prenatal a. 产前的prevention n.预防prognosis n. 预后prone position 俯卧位prostate adj. 前列腺的n. 前列腺proteinuria n. 蛋白尿psychiatric adj. 精神病学的, 精神病治疗的psychological adj.心理的,心理学的pulmonary adj. 肺部的pus n. 脓, 脓汁rabies 狂犬病radiology n. X 光线学, 放射医学rale n. 水泡音,啰音rash n. 皮疹rebound tenderness n. 反跳痛recipient n. 接受者,受体rectum n. 直肠recurrent adj. 复发的,周期性发作的regimen n. 养生法rehabilitation n. 康复rejection n. 排异作用,拒绝relapse n.(疾病)复发remission n.(疾病)缓解(期)renal adj. 肾脏的, 肾的respiration n. 呼吸responsive adj. 有反应的restless a.不安的,焦虑的resuscitation n. 复苏retention n. 保持, 潴留retina n. 视网膜rheumatic adj. 风湿的saliva n. 唾液sanitation n. 公共卫生scalpel n. 手术刀, 解剖刀secondary adj. 继发性的secretion n. 分泌物,隐藏section n. 切开术sedative n. 镇静剂sedentary adj. 久坐的seizure n. 发作, 癫痫发作sensory adj. 感觉的,感觉器官的sequela n. 后遗症serum n. 血清Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) 非典型肺炎shock n. 休克sinus n. 窦skeleton n. (动物之)骨架, 骨骼skull n. 头骨,颅骨,脑壳smallpox n. 天花sodium n. 钠sore adj. 疼痛的n. 疮,(皮肉的)伤spasm n. (感情等)一阵发作, 痉挛sperm n. 精子sphincter n. 括约肌sphygmomanometer n. 血压计, 血压测量计spine n. 脊柱spleen n. 脾splint n. 夹板sponge n. 海绵体(外科用的)棉球, 纱布sprain v. n. 扭伤sputum n. 唾液, 痰stenosis n. (器官)狭窄sterile adj. 消过毒的,无菌sterilization n. 杀菌; 绝育steroid n. 类固醇stethoscope n. 听诊器stimulant n. 兴奋剂stitch n. 缝stool n. 大便stroke n. 脑卒中subcutaneous adj. 皮下的suction n. 吸引superficial adj. 表浅的,表层的supine adj. 仰卧的supplement n. 补充;补充剂susceptibility n. 易感性,易受影响性swollen adj. 肿胀的sympathetic a.交感的symptom n. 症状, 征兆syncope n. 昏厥syndrome n. 综合症synthetic adj. 合成的syphilis n. 梅毒systolic pressure 收缩压tenderness n. 压痛tendon n. 腱tension n. 绷紧;张力;紧张,焦虑terminal adj. 晚期的testis n. 睾丸tetanus n. 破伤风therapeutic adj. 治疗的n. 治疗剂, 治疗学家therapy n. 治疗, 疗法thermometer n. 体温计thigh n. 大腿thoracic adj. 胸的thorax n. 胸, 胸腔thrombosis n. 血栓症tonsil n. 扁桃腺toxin n. 毒素tracheotomy n. 气管切开术tranquilizer n. 镇静剂transfusion n. 输血, 输液transplant v. 移植, 移种transplantation n. 移植transverse adj. 横向的trauma n. 外伤tuberculosis adj. 肺结核, 结核病tumor n. 肿块,肿瘤type-B ultrasonography B 超ulcer n. 溃疡ulceration n. 溃疡形成uremia n. 尿毒症ureter n. 输尿管urinary adj. 泌尿的urology n. 泌尿学uterus n. 子宫vaccine n. 疫苗vagina n. 阴道valve n.(心脏)瓣膜vasodilator n. 血管扩张剂vein n. 静脉venous adj. 静脉的ventilator n. 呼吸机ventricle n. 脑室, 心室vesicle n. 囊,泡;水疱vessel n. 脉管;导管visceral adj. 内脏的vomit v. & n. 呕吐wheeze vi. 喘息, 很困难地呼吸n. 喘息womb n. 子宫PartⅡ中医英语词汇(约1330 条)阿是穴Ashi point嗳气belching艾灸moxibustion艾条moxa stick安神tranquilizing mind安神定志tranquilizing and quieting mind安胎quieting fetus按摩massage按诊palpation八法eight methods八纲eight principles八纲辨证eight-principle pattern differentiation八会穴eight converging acupoints 拔罐疗法cupping therapy 拔针withdrawing needle白睛white of the eye白苔white coating百日咳whooping cough斑疹macula and eruption瘢痕灸scarring moxibustion半表半里half-exterior andhalf-interior半表半里证half-exteriorhalf-interior pattern半身不遂hemiplegia膀胱bladder膀胱经bladder meridian膀胱气化bladder Qi transformation膀胱湿热bladder dampness-heat 膀胱虚寒bladder deficiency-coldness包煎wrap-decocting胞宫uterus胞睑eyelid胞络uterine collaterals悲sorrow悲则气消excessive sorrow leading to Qiconsumption本root本草纲目Compendium of Materia Medica本虚标实deficient root and excessive branch崩漏metrorrhagia and metrostaxis 鼻衄epistaxis鼻塞stuffy nose鼻翼煽动flaring nostrils鼻渊persistent turbid nasal discharge鼻准nasal apex闭经amenorrhea闭证block pattern痹证Bi syndrome砭石wedge stone便秘constipation便溏loose stool 变证transmuted pattern辨病论治treatment based on disease differentiation辨证论治treatment based on patterndifferentiation标branch标本同治treating both the root and branch表寒exterior coldness表寒里热exterior coldness and interior heat表里exterior and interior表里俱实excess in both the exterior andinterior表里配穴exterior and interior acupointscombination表里双解dispelling both interior and exterior evils表里同病dual disease of exteriorand interior表气不固unconsolidation of exterior Qi表实exterior excess表实里虚exterior excess and interior deficiency表邪exterior evil表邪入里exterior evil entering interior表虚exterior deficiency表证exterior pattern别络divergent collateral禀赋不足insufficiency of natural endowment并病simutaneous diseases involving two meridians病变disease changes病机disease mechanism (pathogenesis)病脉abnormal pulse病色sick complexion 病性disease nature病因cause of disease病因辨证disease cause differentiation病证disease pattern薄苔thin coating补 1.补不足(广义) supplement;2.(偏阳气)invigorate; 3. 滋养( 偏阴血) nourish; 4. 强壮strengthen; 5.壮阳tonify; 6. 针刺手法reinforce补法supplementation补火助阳tonifying fire to support Yang补脾益气supplementing spleen and benefitingQi补气invigorating Qi补气固表invigorating Qi to strengthenexterior补气摄血invigorating Qi to control blood补肾固精supplementing kidney to consolidateessence补肾纳气supplementing kidney to receive Qi补肾阳invigorating kidney Yang 补肾滋阴supplementing kidney andnourishing Yin补泻reinforcng and reducing补血nourishing blood补血调经nourishing blood to regulatemenstruation补血药blood-nourishing drugs 补阳invigorating Yang补益剂supplementing formula 补益心脾supplementing heart and spleen补阴nourishing Yin 补阴剂Yin-nourishing formula补中益气supplementing the middle to benefit Qi不得眠insomnia不寐sleeplessness不内外因non-interiornon-exterior causes不通则痛stagnation leading to pain不育male infertility不孕infertility仓廪之官organ of granary藏 1.同"脏" Zang; 2.脏器总称viscera; 3.store产科obstetrics产门delivery gate (vigina)长夏long summer肠鸣borborygmus肠澼dysentery肠痈intestinal abscess常脉normal pulse常色normal complexion朝食暮吐vomiting in the evening of foodeaten in the morning潮红flushing潮热tidal fever炒制stir-fry processing沉脉deep pulse乘over-restrain痴呆dementia迟脉slow pulse齿痕舌scalloped tongue冲剂soluble medicine冲脉Chong meridian冲任不调disharmony of Chong and Renmeridians冲任不固unconsolidation of Chong and Renmeridians冲任虚寒deficiency coldness of Chong andRen meridians 抽搐convulsion抽筋cramp处方prescription传变transmission传导之官organ of transportation 传经meridian transmission喘鸣wheezing喘息panting疮疡sore春温spring-warm disease纯阳之体pure Yang constitution 刺络拔罐collateral-pricking and cupping刺手needling hand刺痛stabbing pain从治法contrary treatment腠理interstices催乳promoting lactation寸口Cunkou搓针twisting needle大便不通constipation大便失禁fecal incontinence大肠寒结coldness accumulation of largeintestine大肠津亏large intestine fluid deficiency大肠经large intestine meridian 大肠湿热large intestine dampness-heat大汗profuse sweating大络large collateral带脉Dai meridian带下病women's diseases丹剂elixir丹田Dantian单方single-medicine formula单煎decocted alone单手进针法single-handed needle insertion胆经gallbladder meridian胆虚气怯gallbladder-Qi deficiency胆郁痰扰gallbladder-stagnation and phlegmdisturbance但寒不热chill without fever但热不寒fever without chill淡渗利湿eliminating dampness with bland drugs导便laxation导引Daoyin盗汗night sweating得气obtaining Qi得神fullness of vitality地支earthly branch电针electroacupuncture电针麻醉electroacupuncture anesthesia调和肝脾harmonizing liver and spleen调和气血harmonizing Qi and blood调和营卫harmonizing Ying and Wei phases调经regulating menstruation调理冲任regulating Chong and Ren meridians跌打损伤traumatic injury督脉Du meridian短气shortness of breath顿服taken at draught多汗profuse sweating (hyperhidrosis)多梦excessive dreaming多尿polyuria鹅口疮thrush呃逆hiccup恶风aversion to wind恶寒aversion to coldness恶露lochia恶色malignant complexion恶心nausea耳聋deafness耳轮helix耳鸣tinnitus耳穴ear acupoint耳针auricular needling 发病onset of disease发汗解表inducing sweating to relieve exterior发散风寒药wind-coldness-dispersing drugs烦渴vexation and thirst烦闷vexation and oppression烦热fever with vexation烦躁易怒vexation and irritablility反胃regurgitation泛酸acid regurgitation方剂formula房室不节excessive sexual life肥胖obesity肺朝百脉lung connecting all vessels肺合大肠lung being related to large intestine肺津不布lung-liquid failing to be distributed肺经lung meridian肺痨lung consumption肺脾两虚deficiency of both lung and spleen肺气不利dysfunction of lung Qi 肺气不宣lung Qi failing to disperse肺气上逆lung Qi ascending reversely肺气虚lung Qi deficiency肺热炽盛lung heat exuberance 肺肾阴虚Yin deficiency of lung and kidney肺司呼吸lung governing breath 肺痿lung atrophy肺阴虚证lung Yin deficiency pattern肺主皮毛lung governing skin and hair肺主气lung governing Qi肺主治节lung governing management andregulation 风关wind pass风寒表证wind coldness exterior pattern风寒感冒common coldness due towind-coldness风寒束表wind-coldness binding exterior风轮wind wheel风热证wind-heat pattern风湿相搏wind and dampness conflictingmutually风痰wind-phlegm风温wind-warm disease风疹rubella伏脉deep-hidden pulse伏痰latent phlegm伏邪latent evils伏饮latent fluid-retention扶正固本supporting vital Qi to consolidate root扶正祛邪supporting vital Qi and expelling evils浮络superficial collaterals浮脉floating pulse浮肿edema复方compound formula腹满abdominal fullness腹痛拒按unpalpable abdominal pain腹痛喜温abdominal pain with preference forwarmth腹泄diarrhea腹胀abdominal distention干咳dry cough干咳无痰dry cough without sputum肝liver肝藏血liver storing blood肝胆火旺exuberant fire of liver andgallbladder 肝胆气郁Qi depression of liver andgallbladder肝胆湿热dampness-heat in liver andgallbladder肝风内动liver wind stirring inside肝火犯肺liver fire invading lung 肝火上炎liver fire flaming upward肝脾不调disharmony between liver and spleen肝脾两虚deficiency of both liver and spleen肝气不舒constrained liver-Qi 肝气犯胃liver Qi invading stomach肝气横逆transverse invading of liver Qi肝气郁结liver-Qi depression肝肾不足insufficiency of liverand kidney肝肾同源liver and kidney sharing the same source肝肾阴虚Yin deficiency of liver and kidney肝胃不和disharmony between liver and stomach肝血亏虚deficiency of liver blood 肝阳化风liver Yang transforming into wind肝阳上亢hyperactive liver Yang ascending肝郁气滞liver depression and Qi stagnation肝主筋liver governing sinews肝主疏泄liver governing soothing膏药plaster隔物灸indirect moxibustion攻补兼施combination of supplement andelimination 骨蒸潮热bone-steaming tidal fever固崩止带stopping metrorrhagia andleukorrhagia固表止汗consolidating exterior to stop sweating固冲止带consolidating Chong meridian tostop leukorrhagia固经止血regulating menstruation andstopping bleeding固涩药astringing drugs固肾涩精consolidating kidney to astringe essence刮痧疗法Guasha therapy归经meridian entry鬼门sweat pore滚法rolling manipulation寒化coldness transformation寒积coldness accumulation寒极生热extreme coldness transforming intoheat寒凝气滞Qi stagnation due to coldnesscoagulation寒热往来alternating chills and fever寒湿困脾coldness dampness encumbering spleen寒痰coldness phlegm寒邪coldness evil寒者热之treating coldness syndrome withhot-natured drugs毫针filiform needle和解表里harmonizing and relieving exteriorand interior和胃降逆harmonizing stomach to lowerQi-reversal 黑睛black part of eye洪脉surging pulse后天之本root of acquired constitution后天之精postnatal essence后下decocted late滑脉slippery pulse滑苔slippery coating化湿药dampness-eliminating drugs化痰开窍resolving phlegm to open orifices化痰止咳resolving phlegm to stop cough黄带yellow leukorrhagia黄疸jaundice黄帝内经Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic黄苔yellow coating回阳救逆restoring Yang from collapse魂soul活血调经activating blood to regulatemenstruation活血化瘀activating blood to resolve stasis活血通络activating blood to dredgecollaterals火克金fire restraining metal火生土fire generating earth霍乱cholera饥不欲食hunger without appetite 急下存阴urgent purging to preserve Yin煎药法decocting method健脾strengthening spleen健脾和胃strengthening spleen andharmonizing stomach健脾化湿strengthening spleen to eliminatedampness 健忘amnesia交通心肾coordinating heart and kidney绞痛colic结胸chest bind解表剂exterior-relieving formula 金克木metal restraining wood金匮要略Synopsis of Golden Chamber金水相生metal generating water 津liquid津血同源liquid and blood sharing the same source津液fluid筋sinew紧脉tense pulse近血proximal anal bleeding进针needle insertion经别meridian branch经方classical formula经络meridians and collaterals经络辨证meridian differentiation经脉meridian; channel经外奇穴extraordinary acupoint 经穴meridian acupoint惊风infantile convulsion惊悸frightened palpitation精气essence Qi精神spirit精血essence and blood颈椎病cervical spondylosis九针nine needles灸法moxibustion厥逆 1. coldness limbs; 2. reverse flow厥阴Jueyin厥证syncope syndrome君臣佐使monarch, minister, assistant and guide君火monarch fire开窍剂orifice-opening formula 开胃increasing appetite咳嗽cough咳血hemoptysis 克restrain客邪visiting evil恐fear芤脉hollow pulse口臭bad breath口疮oral sore口淡bland taste in mouth口干dry mouth口渴thirst口苦bitter taste in mouth口眼歪斜deviated eyes and mouth苦寒清气clearing heat in Qi phase withbitter-coldness drugs宽胸散结soothing chest and dissipating stagnation髋hip狂言ravings劳倦overstrain冷汗coldness sweat冷秘coldness constipation离经之血blood circulating out of vessels里寒internal coldness里寒证interior coldness pattern 里急后重tenesmus里热internal heat里实internal excess里虚internal deficiency理法方药principles, methods, formulas, andmedicinals理气regulating Qi理气化痰regulating Qi to resolve phlegm理气健脾regulating Qi to strengthen spleen理气药Qi-regulating drugs理气止痛regulating Qi to relieve pain理中regulating the middle利水渗湿promoting urination to eliminate dampness利水消肿promoting urination to dissolveswelling利咽relieving sore throat痢疾dysentery敛肺止咳astringing lung to stop cough凉肝熄风cooling liver to extinguish wind凉血止血cooling blood to stop bleeding淋证stranguria syndrome另煎decocted separately留针needle retention六经辨证pattern differentiation of six meridians六经病six-meridian disease六气six Qi六淫six exogenous evils咯痰expectoration癃闭urinary retention络脉collateral络穴collateral acupoint落枕stiff neck麻疹measles脉 1. pulse; 2. meridian; 3. vessel 脉合四时pulse corresponding with four seasons脉静tranquil pulse脉象pulse manifestation脉诊pulse taking脉证合参comprehensive analysis of pulsecondition and syndromes梅花针plum-blossom needle梦遗nocturnal emission泌别清浊separation of clear and turbid秘方secret prescription面色complexion面色不华lusterless complexion 面色苍白pale complexion面瘫facial paralysis 命关life pass命门life gate摩法rubbing manipulation母病及子mother-organ disease involvingchild-organ母气mother Qi木火刑金wood-fire impairing metal木克土wood restraining earth 木生火wood generating fire木郁化火wood depression transforming into fire目系ocular system目痒itchy eyes募穴Mu acupoint暮食朝吐morning vomiting of food eaten inthe previous evening内服oral administration内伤发热fever due to internal damage内因internal cause内眦inner canthus纳呆anorexia纳气Qi reception纳气平喘receiving Qi to relieve panting脑brain脑髓brain marrow逆传reverse transmission逆传心包resverse transmission into pericardium逆证unfavorable pattern腻苔greasy tongue coating尿闭urinary blockage尿黄yellow urine尿急urgent urination尿频frequent urination尿少scanty urine尿痛painful urination尿血hematuria尿浊turbid urine捏法pinching manipulation 扭伤sprain浓缩丸concentrated pill脓pus弄舌wagging tongue怒anger怒伤肝rage impairing liver 怒则气上rage leading to Qi ascending女子胞uterus呕逆vomiting with Qi reversal 呕吐vomiting呕血hematemesis排便defecation排脓expelling pus排石removing stones胖大舌enlarged tongue炮制processing of medicinals 培土生金supplementing earth(spleen) togenerate metal (lung)培土抑木supplementing earth(spleen) toinhibit wood (liver)配伍combination配伍禁忌incompatibility of drug combination配穴acupoint combination皮肤针skin needle皮毛skin and hair疲乏fatigue脾不统血spleen failing to control blood脾合胃spleen being related to stomach脾经spleen meridian脾气spleen Qi脾气不升spleen Qi failing to ascend脾气不舒constrained spleen Qi 脾气亏虚证spleen Qi insufficiency pattern脾气下陷spleen Qi sinking脾气郁结depression of spleen Qi 脾肾阳虚Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney脾失健运spleen failing to transport脾统血spleen controlling blood 脾胃不和spleen-stomach disharmony脾胃湿热dampness-heat of spleen and stomach脾胃虚寒deficiency coldness of spleen andstomach脾虚spleen deficiency脾虚湿困spleen deficiency with dampnessencumbrance脾虚水泛证pattern of spleen deficiency withwater flooding脾阳不振devitalized spleen Yang 脾主升清spleen governing clear-ascending脾主运化spleen governingtransportation and transformation痞满distention and fullness偏瘫hemiplegia平补平泻neutral reinforcing and reducing平刺horizontal needling平旦服taking drugs at dawn平肝潜阳soothing liver to subdue Yang平肝息风soothing liver to extinguish wind平脉normal pulse破血breaking blood七怪脉seven strange pulses七窍seven orifices七情seven emotions七情内伤internal impairments due to sevenemotions奇方odd-ingredient formula奇恒之腑extraordinary Fu-organ 奇经extraordinary meridians 奇经八脉eight extraordinary meridians脐navel起针withdrawing needle气Qi气闭Qi blockage气不摄血Qi failing to control blood气分Qi phase气分证Qi-phase pattern气功Qigong气化Qi transformation气化不利dysfunction of Qi transformation气机Qi movement气机不畅Qi failing to move smoothly气机失调disorder of Qi movement气轮Qi wheel气门Qi gate气逆Qi reversal气随血脱Qi collapse following bleeding气脱Qi collapse气陷Qi sinking气虚Qi deficiency气虚血瘀Qi deficiency and blood stasis气虚证Qi deficiency pattern气血Qi and blood气血辨证pattern differentiation of Qi and blood气血不足insufficiency of Qi and blood气血两燔blazing of both Qi and blood phases气血两虚deficiency of both Qi and blood气血失调disharmony between Qi and blood气血双补supplementing both Qi and blood 气阴两伤impairment of both Qi and Yin气阴两虚deficiency of both Qi and Yin气营两燔blazing of both Qi and Ying phases气郁Qi depression气郁化火Qi depression transforming into fire气滞Qi stagnation气滞血瘀blood stasis due to Qi stagnation切脉taking pulse轻剂light formula轻证mild pattern清法clearing method清肺clearing lung清气泄热clearing Qi and purging heat清热化痰clearing heat and resolving phlegm清热剂heat-clearing formula清热解毒clearing heat and removing toxin清热利湿clearing heat and eliminating dampness清热凉血clearing heat and cooling blood清热药heat-clearing drugs清热燥湿clearing heat and drying dampness清暑益气clearing summer-heat and benefitingQi清胃降逆clearing stomach and lowering Qireversal清泻肝胆clearing and draining liver andgallbladder清心clearing heart清心泻火clearing heart and purging fire清虚热clearing deficiency-heat 清阳不升clear-Yang failing to ascend清营凉血clearing Ying and cooling blood清营泄热clearing Ying and purging heat情志内伤internal impairment by emotionalchanges情志郁结emotional depression 驱虫药worm-eliminating drugs 祛风dispelling wind祛风剂wind-dispelling formula 祛风通络dispelling wind and dredging collaterals祛痰剂phlegm-eliminating formula祛邪扶正dispelling evil and supporting vital Qi雀啄灸bird-pecking moxibustion 热 1. 抽象义heat; 2. 外感病症状fever热闭heat blockage热毒内陷inward invading of heat toxin热伏冲任heat lodging in Chong and Ren meridians热化heat transformation热极生寒extreme heat transforming intocoldness热结阳明heat accumulation in Yangming热秘heat constipation热迫大肠heat invading large intestine热扰心神证pattern of heat disturbing heart spirit热入心包heat invading pericardium热入血分heat invading blood phase热邪heat evil热因热用treating false-heat syndrome withhot-natured drugs热者寒之treating heat syndrome withcoldness-natured drugs热证heat syndrome任脉Ren (Conception) meridian 妊娠腹痛abdominal pain during pregnancy妊娠呕吐pregnant vomiting日晡潮热tidal fever during 3-5 p.m.柔肝soothing liver揉法kneading manipulation濡脉soft pulse乳痈mammary abscess褥疮bedsore软膏ointment软坚散结softening hardness and dissipating mass锐眦outer canthus润肠通便moistening intestines tofree stool润肺moistening lung润肺化痰moistening lung to resolve phlegm润肺止咳moistening lung to stop coughing润下lubricant purgation弱脉weak pulse三部九候three body parts and ninepulse-taking sites三关three passes三焦triple-Jiao三焦辨证triple-Jiao pattern differentiation三焦经triple-Jiao meridian三焦虚寒deficiency coldness in triple-Jiao三因three categories of disease cause散寒解表dispelling coldness to relieve exterior散寒祛湿dispelling coldness to eliminatedampness散寒止痛dispelling coldness to relieve pain散剂powder散瘀dissipating stasis散瘀消肿dissipating stasis and dissolving swelling色脉合参comprehensive analysis of bothcomplexion and pulse涩肠止泻astringing intestines to stop diarrhea涩剂astringent formula涩脉unsmooth pulse痧证Sha syndrome闪罐quick cupping疝hernia善色benign complexion伤风wind attacking伤寒coldness damage伤津consuming fluid伤食dyspepsia伤暑sunstroke上寒下热upper coldness and lower heat上焦upper-Jiao上热下寒upper heat and lower coldness上实下虚upper excess and lower deficiency上脘upper gastric part上虚下实upper deficiency and lower excess少腹硬满hardness and fullness of lower abdomen少火normal fire少气shortage of Qi少神lack of vitality少阳Shaoyang少阴Shaoyin少阴寒化coldness transformation of Shaoyin舌红少津red tongue with scant liquid舌尖红red-tipped tongue舌强stiff tongue舌苔tongue coating舌苔白腻white greasy tongue coating舌态tongue movement舌下络脉sublingual collaterals 舌象tongue manifestation舌诊tongue inspection舌质tongue proper摄生health cultivation身热generalized heat身痛generalized pain身痒itching body身重heavy sensation of body神spirit神昏unconsciousness神倦lassitude of the spirit神明mind。
药典• pharmacopoeia 药典• drug standard 药品标准• specifications 检测项目• drug production 药品生存• description 性状• identification 鉴别• purity test 纯度检查• content assay 含量测定• strength 规格• storage贮藏• preparation 制备• drug substances 药品• dosage forms 剂型• compounded preparations复方制剂• excipients 辅料• medical devices 医疗器械• dietary supplements 食品补充剂• excipient 辅料• univer sal test 常规检查• specific test 专属检查• content assay 含量测定• Ginsenoside 人参皂苷• diluent 稀释液• Botanic Characteristics 植物学特征• Histology Characteristics 组织学特征• Foreign Organic Matter 外来(有机)物• Alcohol-Soluble Extractives 醇溶物• Loss on Drying 干燥失重• Total Ash 总灰分• Acid-Insoluble Ash 酸不溶灰分• Contaminants 毒害物• Heavy Metals 重金属• Pesticide Residues 农药残留• Specified Microorganisms 微生物抑制菌(控制)• NLT no less than 不少于• NMT no more than 不多于• TLC 薄层色谱法• Standard solution 对照品• Sample solution 供试品• Adsorbent 吸附剂• Application volume 进样量(应用体积)• Development solvent 展开剂• Spray reagent 显色剂• Acceptance criteria 验收准则• Retention time 保留时间• Extract 提取物extraction 提取• tablet 片剂天然产物化学• natural product 天然产物• chemical compound 化合物• pharmacological activity 药理活性• biological activity 生理活性• drug discovery 药物开发• drug design 药物设计• total synthesis 全合成• semi-synthesis 半合成• marine organism 海洋生物• microorganism fermentation broths 微生物发酵液• compound library 化合物库• pharmacophore 药效团• genomic; prot eome 基因组的;蛋白组• chemical diversity 化学多样性• active principle 活性成分• lead compound 先导化合物• secondary metabolite 二级代谢产物• molecule 分子,微粒• synonymous 同义的• bioassay 生物检定• bioassay-guided isolation 生物活性导向的分离• analogue 类似物• HTS 高通量筛选• combinatorial chemistry 组合化学• dereplication 去重复化• formulation 制剂• mimic 模拟物• de novo 创新• synthetic 合成的• bioactivity 生物活性• biodiversity 生物多样性• antimicrobial 抗微生物的• antiviral 抗病毒的• target 生物靶标• extraction 提取• isolation 分离• identification鉴定• separation 分离,分开• fraction ate 分离• in vivo 体内的• in vitro体外的药理学• pharmacology 药理学• ligand 配体• receptor 受体• mechanism of action 反应机制• absorption 吸收• distribution 分布• biotransformation 吸收,生物转化• metabolism 新陈代谢• excretion 排泄• elimination 消除• medicinal preparation 药物制剂• dosage form剂型• intelligent prescription 合理的处方• medication 药物治疗• concentration 浓度• active transfer 主动转运• passive transfer 被动转运• Enzymology酶学• biological membrane 生物膜• pharmacokinetics 药动学• half-life period 半衰期• pharmacodynamics 药效学• preclinical medical science 基础医学• action and effect作用与影响• structure-activity relationship 构效关系• interspecies variatio n 种属差异• clinical pharmacology 临床药理学• pharmacotherapeutics 药物治疗学• chemotherapeutic agent 化疗药物• toxicology 毒理学• adverse effect 不良反应• Intoxication 中毒•心heart cardiac 加粗为形容词•肝liver hepatic•脾spleen•肺lung pulmonary•肾kidney renal• 肠intestine intestinal•胃stomach gastric•胆bile (胆汁)•尿urine• LD50半数致死量药剂学• pharmaceutics 药剂学• biopharmaceutics 生物药剂学• new chemical entity (NCE) 新的化学实体分子• medication 治疗药物• route of administration 给药途径• target site 靶部位• formulation 制剂• dosage form; dose 剂型;剂量• DDS drug delivery system 药物传输系统• solid formulation 固体制剂• active ingredient 活性成分• solubility 溶解度• excipient辅料• solutions 溶液剂• aromatic water 芳香水剂• syrups 糖浆剂• tinctures 酊剂• suspensions 混悬剂• injections 注射剂• eye drops 滴眼剂• tablets 片剂• powders 散剂• capsule 胶囊剂• granules 颗粒剂• drop pills滴丸剂• bioavailability 生物利用度• therapeutic response 治疗效果• systemic circulation 体循环• dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡• plasma concentration 血药浓度• unbound drug 游离药物• therapeutic index 治疗指数• unchanged form 原形;intact form 原形• the time course of drug 药时曲线• c oadministration 同时服用• composition 处方• formulation处方• frequency of administration给药频率• decoction 汤剂• mixtures 合剂• oral liquid 口服液• fluid extracts 流浸膏剂• extracts 浸膏剂• patch 贴膏剂• bolus 丸• powder散• plaster 膏• pellet丹药物分析• analytical chemistry 分析化学• qualitative analysis定性分析• quantitative analysis 定量分析• elements 元素• ions 离子• compounds 化合物• sample composition 样品构成• analysis 分析• analyst 分析者• analyte 分析物• pharmaceutical analysis 药物分析• doping control 兴奋剂检测• formulation analysis制剂分析• physical and chemical inspection 理化检验• finished drugs 药物成品• quality observation 质量考察• preparation formulated 调配制剂• quality control 质量控制• quality standard 质量标准• selective 选择性的• specific 专属性的• method validation 方法学验证• accuracy 准确度• recovery 回收率• spiked recovery 加样回收率• precision 精密度• specificit y 专属性• detection limit 检测限• quantitation limit 定量限• linearity 线性• range 范围• robustness 耐用性• relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差• signal-to-noise ratios 信噪比• HPLC高效液相色谱法• UPLC 超高效液相色谱法• DAD 二极管阵列检测器• UVD 紫外检测器• ELSD 蒸法光散射检测器• MS 质谱• UV-Vis 紫外-可见分光光度计• GC-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用仪• binary gradient mobile phase 二元梯度流动相• chromatographic column色谱柱药品说明书• package insert 说明书• drug instructions 药品说明书• prescribing information 处方信息• Indications and usage 适应症• Dosage and administration 用法用量• Dosage forms and strengths 剂型规格• Contraindications 禁忌症• Warnings 警告• Precautions 注意事项• Adverse reactions 不良反应• Drug interactions 药物相互作用• Overdosage 用药过量• Description 药物介绍• Specific populations 特定人群• Pregnancy 孕妇• Nursing Mothers/ Lactation 哺乳期妇女• Pediatric Use 儿童用药• Geriatric Use 老年人用药• Clinical pharmacology 临床药理学• Mechanism of action 反应机制• Pharmacodynamics 药效学• Pharmacokinetics 药动学• Nonclinical toxicology 非临床毒理学• Carcinogenesis 致癌• Mutagenesis 致突变• Impairment of fertility 致畸• Clinical study 临床研究• How supplied/ Package 包装• Storage 贮存• Shelf life 有效期• Black box warning 黑框警告• active ingredient 活性成分• inactive component 非活性成分• failure/insufficiency 不足• damage/impairment 损伤• hepatic/renal impairment 肝/肾损伤• infectious diarrhea 感染性腹泻• delayed-release tablet 缓释片剂• enteric-coated 包有肠溶衣的•一天两次twice a day• oral administration 口服• ion channel 离子通道• secretion 分泌物• nhibitor 抑制剂• positive patients 阳性患者• area under the curve 曲线下面积• maximum concentration 最大浓度• half-life 半衰期• double-blind 双盲• placebo-controlled 安慰剂对照• placebo-free 无安慰剂• multi-center study 多中心研究中医药• Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 中医学• Science of Chinese Materia Medica 中药学• Chinese Medicinals 中药(Chines herbs, minerals and animal products)• Chinese herbal medicines 中草药• Crude medicinal materials 中药材• Authentic medicinal materials 道地药材• Processing pieces 中药饮片• Chinese patent medicines 中成药• TCM physician / TCM practitioner 中医医生• Pharmacist of TCM 中药师• University of TCM 中医药大学• properties and actions 药性• processing 炮制• compatibility 配伍• contraindication 禁忌• rehabilitation 康复• health care 保健• harmonious interaction 和谐相互作用• Imbalance 失衡• meridian 经络• symptom 症• syndrome /pattern 证• syndrome differentiation 辩证• pattern discrimination 分型• pathogenic factor 致病因素•four natures 四气寒cold凉cool温warm热hot平neutral•five flavors 五味辛pungent甘sweet苦bitter酸sour咸salty•six excesses 六邪风wind寒cold热fire/heat湿dampness暑summer-heat•阴阳yin and yang表里exterior and interior寒热cold and heat虚实deficiency and excess•升降沉浮lifting, lowering, floating and sinking 毒性toxicity归经meridian tropism•purifying and cutting 修制•processing with water: softening/rinsing水制:润/漂•processing with fire 火制•stir-baking with liquid adjuvants: honey, wine, vinegar, saline, ginger juice炙:蜜糖,酒,醋,盐,姜汁•processing with both and water: steaming, boiling 水火共制:蒸,煮•compatibility 配伍•incompatibility 相反•mutual reinforcement/ assistance 相须/使•mutual restraint/ detoxication/ inhibition 相胃/杀/恶•18反18 incompatible medicaments19畏19 medicaments of mutual antagonisms •oral/external 内服/外用•decoction 汤剂•decocted first/later 先煎/后下•boiled with wrapped herbs 包煎• decocted or boiled separately另煎•解表药CHMs for Relieving Exterior Syndromes •清热药CHMs for Clearing Interior Heat•泻下药Cathartic CHMs•祛湿药CHMs for Removing Dampness•温里药Warming Interior CHMs•理气药CHMs for Regulating Qi•消食药CHMs for Relieving Food Retention•止血药Hemostatic CHMs•活血化瘀药CHMs for Invigorating Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis•化痰止咳药Phlegm Resolving, Antitussive and antiasthmatic CHMs•安神药Tranquillizers•平肝息风药CHMs for Calming the Liver and Stopping Endogenous Wind•开窍药Resuscitative CHMs•补虚药Restorative CHMs。
Recently, with the changes of human illness the people all over the world are making an appeal to go back to the nature, and getting to like natural resource. Meanwhile the influence of Chinese herbal medicines is over increasing in many countries.
et cetra = and so on
Compilation of Chinese Herbal Drugs 《全国中草药汇编》
An Encyclopedia of Chinese Materia Medica 《中药大辞典》
Chinese National Minorities Medicines, 《中国少数民族药物志》
Quality control is one of the important requirements for satisfactory curative effect of CMM. The scientific research groups, led by Prof. XU Guojun of our university and all, have done systematic studies on 105 different medicinal herbs. eg. Radix Codonopsis, Radix Ophiopogonis, Rhizoma Coptidis, tec., and proposed the criteria and methods of differentiating the Chinese medicinal herbs. It is significant for revising the national standards of some common-used Chinese materia medica.
《天然药物化学》专业英语词汇 ppt课件
3. 炮制常用词汇 (1)打碎:break to pieces
(2)洗净泥土:wash或wash clean (3)霉:mould (4)蛀:moth ( 5 )沸水中略烫: treated with boiling water for a
(6) 除去杂质:eliminate foreign matter (7)在开水中煮十分钟:boil in water for ten minutes.
(8)防曝晒:protected from exposure to strong sun light. 在中国药典中药材、制剂中 出现的炮制品,均用被动态, (9) 润透:soften (tho roughly)或moisten 即其过去分词形式。 (thoroughly).
4. 中成药名称
水丸 蜜丸 大蜜丸 水蜜丸 素片 watered pills honeyed pills big honeyed pills water-honeyed pills uncoated tablets
易弯曲的 角质样的 粉质的
easily broken
flexible horny mealy,starchy
2. 与植物形态组织有关的术语
(4) 外表external (ly + adj.)
包围, 围绕 surrounded with
accreted at base
第三节 中药专业英语词汇 1. 与中药有关的中英文名词:
中 药/ Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM)
中药材 /Chinese materia Medica (CMM)
This course is a specialized one based on common English and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Its main contents include the English expression of basic theories of TCM, the cultural differences between Chinese and Western medicine, the translation of classical terms and commonly used phrases in TCM, spoken English training for outpatient service, listening practice of TCM sci-tech lectures in English and so on. The purpose of the course is to train students to understand and master the basic methods and techniques of TCM English translation and acquire the professional English skills for taking part in the clinic and research work as well as international exchange.大纲内容一、前言【课程目的】本课程是以中医学专业知识和普通英语为基础的专业英语课,旨在培养和提高学生中医专业英语水平,掌握中医翻译的方法与技巧,逐步具备中医专业英语翻译能力,为进一步从事对外医疗活动以及国际学术交流奠定坚实的基础。
常用中药介绍(英文)讲课教案Title: Introduction to Commonly Used Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)I. IntroductionTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a profound history and plays a significant role in healthcare practices. This teaching plan aims to provide an overview of some frequently used Chinese herbal medicines, focusing on their therapeutic properties and applications in modern healthcare.II. Yin Yang TheoryA fundamental concept in TCM is the Yin Yang theory, which emphasizes the balance between opposing forces. It states that everything in the universe can be categorized as Yin or Yang, and health is achieved when the Yin and Yang are harmoniously balanced.III. Basic Principles of TCM1. Qi: Qi refers to the vital energy that flows through the body's meridians. It is the foundation of TCM and is necessary for maintaining good health.2. Five Elements Theory: The Five Elements Theory categorizes everything into five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) and their corresponding organs. Understanding this theory helps determine the appropriate treatment for specific conditions.IV. Commonly Used Chinese Medicinal Herbs1. Astragalus (Huang Qi): Astragalus is known for its immune-enhancing properties. It is widely used in TCM to strengthen Qi, improve vitality, and boost the immune system.2. Ginseng (Ren Shen): Ginseng is a well-known herb used for its adaptogenic effects, which can help the body cope with stress. It is used to restore energy, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall well-being.3. Licorice Root (Gan Cao): Licorice root is commonly used as a harmonizing herb to balance the effects of other herbs in a formula. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and is used to soothe the throat and stomach.4. Reishi Mushroom (Ling Zhi): Reishi mushroom is known as the "mushroom of immortality" in TCM. It is believed to enhance the body's resistance to diseases, support liver function, and promote longevity.5. Cinnamon Bark (Rou Gui): Cinnamon bark is used to warm the body and invigorate blood circulation. It is often used in the treatment of cold limbs, menstrual disorders, and abdominal pain.6. Chinese Skullcap (Huang Qin): Chinese skullcap is widely used for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is commonly prescribed to alleviate fever, infections, and respiratory conditions.V. Herbal FormulationsTCM often combines multiple herbs to create synergistic effects. Some commonly used herbal formulas include:1. Xiao Yao San (Free and Easy Wanderer): This formula is used to regulate emotions and relieve symptoms related to stress, such as irritability, depression, and menstrual disorders.2. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle and Boost Qi Decoction): This formula is prescribed to strengthen the spleen and stomach, improve digestion, and enhance vitality.3. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia): This formula is used to nourish Yin, especially in cases of kidney and liver deficiencies, and is often prescribed for symptoms like night sweats, dizziness, and tinnitus.VI. ConclusionTraditional Chinese Medicine utilizes a wide array of medicinal herbs to address various health conditions. The incorporation of TCM principles and the proper use of these herbal medicines can contribute to holistic well-being. Understanding the applications and therapeutic properties of commonly used Chinese herbs empowers individuals to make informed choices regarding their healthcare.。
美国FDA有关文件指出,能够获得FDA批准的仿制药必须满足以下条件:和 被仿制产品含有相同的活性成分,其中非活性成分可以不同;和被仿制产 品的适应症、剂型、规格、给药途径一致;生物等效;质量符合相同的要 求;生产的GMP标准和被仿制产品同样严格
方法 应用硅胶柱色谱法对甘西鼠尾根中化学成分进行分离 ,根据理化常数测定 和光谱 (EI MS,1HNMR ,1 3 CNMR , H-H COSY , H-C COSY ,HMBC ,NOESY)分析鉴定化 合物的结构。
Journal of natural products 3.128 Planta medica 2.153 Tetrahedron 3.025 Journal of medicinal chemistry 5.248 Natural prducts reports 9.202 Chemical communication 6.169 Carbohydrate research 2.332 Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry 2.921 Fitoterapia 1.848 Chemistry & biodiversify 1.926 Separation and purification technology 2.921 Heterocycle 0.999 Asian natural products research 0.944 Chinese chemical letters 0.978 Journal of chromatography a 4.531 Journal of chromatography b 2.888
药典• pharmacopoeia 药典• drug standard 药品标准• specifications 检测项目• drug production 药品生存• description 性状• identification 鉴别• purity test 纯度检查• content assay 含量测定• strength 规格• storage贮藏• preparation 制备• drug substances 药品• dosage forms 剂型• compounded preparations复方制剂• excipients 辅料• medical devices 医疗器械• dietary supplements 食品补充剂• excipient 辅料• universal test 常规检查• specific test 专属检查• content assay 含量测定• Gi nsenoside 人参皂苷• diluent 稀释液• Botanic Characteristics 植物学特征• Histology Characteristics 组织学特征• Foreign Organic Matter 外来(有机)物• Alcohol-Soluble Extractives 醇溶物• Loss on Drying 干燥失重• Total Ash 总灰分• Acid-Insoluble Ash 酸不溶灰分• Contaminants 毒害物• Heavy Metals 重金属• Pesticide Residues 农药残留• Specified Microorganisms 微生物抑制菌(控制)• NLT no less than 不少于• NMT no more than 不多于• TLC 薄层色谱法• Standar d solution 对照品• Sample solution 供试品• Adsorbent 吸附剂• Application volume 进样量(应用体积)• Development solvent 展开剂• Spray reagent 显色剂• Acceptance criteria 验收准则• Retention time 保留时间• Extract提取物 extraction 提取• tablet 片剂天然产物化学• natural product 天然产物• chemical compound 化合物• pharmacological activity 药理活性• biological activity 生理活性• drug discovery 药物开发• drug design 药物设计• total synthesis 全合成• semi-synthesis 半合成• marine organism 海洋生物• microorganism fermentation broths 微生物发酵液• compound library 化合物库• pharmacophore 药效团• genomic; prot eome 基因组的;蛋白组• chemical diversity 化学多样性• active principle 活性成分• lead compound 先导化合物• secondary metabolite 二级代谢产物• molecule 分子,微粒• synonymous 同义的• bioassay 生物检定•bioassay-guided isolation 生物活性导向的分离• analogue 类似物• HTS 高通量筛选• combinatorial chemistry 组合化学• dereplication 去重复化• formulation 制剂• mimic 模拟物• de novo 创新• synthetic 合成的• bioactivity 生物活性• biodiversity 生物多样性• antimicrobial 抗微生物的• antiviral 抗病毒的• target 生物靶标• extraction 提取• isolation 分离• identification鉴定• separation 分离,分开• fraction ate 分离• in vivo 体内的• in vitro体外的药理学• pharmacology 药理学• ligand 配体• receptor 受体• mechanism of action 反应机制• absorption 吸收• distribution 分布• biotransformation 吸收,生物转化• metabolism 新陈代谢• excretion 排泄• elimination 消除• medicinal preparation 药物制剂• dosage form剂型• intellige nt prescription 合理的处方• medication 药物治疗• concentration 浓度• active transfer 主动转运• passive transfer 被动转运• Enzymology 酶学• biological membrane 生物膜• pharmacokinetics 药动学• half-life period 半衰期• pharmacodynamics 药效学• preclinical medical science 基础医学• action and effect作用与影响• structure-activity relationship 构效关系• interspecies variation 种属差异• clinical pharmacology 临床药理学• pharmacotherapeutics 药物治疗学• chemotherapeut ic agent 化疗药物• toxicology 毒理学• adverse effect 不良反应• Intoxication 中毒•心 heart cardiac 加粗为形容词•肝 liver hepatic•脾 spleen•肺 lung pulmonary•肾 kidney renal• 肠 intestine intestinal•胃 stomach gastric•胆 bile (胆汁)•尿 urine• LD50半数致死量药剂学• pharmaceutics 药剂学• biopharmaceutics 生物药剂学• new chemical entity (NCE) 新的化学实体分子• medication 治疗药物• route of administration 给药途径• target site 靶部位• formulation 制剂• dosage form; dose 剂型;剂量• DDS drug delivery system 药物传输系统• solid formulation 固体制剂• active ingredient 活性成分• solubility 溶解度• excipient辅料• solutions 溶液剂• aromatic water 芳香水剂• syrups 糖浆剂• tinctures 酊剂• suspensions 混悬剂• injections 注射剂• eye drops 滴眼剂• tablets 片剂• powders 散剂• capsule 胶囊剂• granules 颗粒剂• drop pills滴丸剂• bioavailability 生物利用度• therapeutic response 治疗效果• systemic circulation 体循环• dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡• plasma concentration 血药浓度• unbou nd drug 游离药物• therapeutic index 治疗指数• unchanged form 原形;intact form 原形• the time course of drug 药时曲线• coadministration 同时服用• composition 处方• formulation处方• frequency of administration给药频率• decocti on 汤剂• mixtures 合剂• oral liquid 口服液• fluid extracts 流浸膏剂• extracts 浸膏剂• patch 贴膏剂• bolus 丸• powder散• plaster 膏• pellet丹药物分析• analytical chemistry 分析化学• qualitative analysis定性分析• quantitative analysis 定量分析• elements 元素• ions 离子• compounds 化合物• sample composition 样品构成• an alysis 分析• analyst 分析者• analyte 分析物• pharmaceutical analysis 药物分析• doping control 兴奋剂检测• formulation analysis制剂分析• physical and chemical inspection 理化检验• finished drugs 药物成品• quality observation 质量考察• preparation formulated 调配制剂• quality control 质量控制• quality standard 质量标准• selective 选择性的• specific 专属性的• method validation 方法学验证• accuracy 准确度• recovery 回收率• spiked recovery 加样回收率• precision 精密度• specificity专属性• detection limit 检测限• quantitation limit 定量限• linearity 线性• range 范围• robustness 耐用性• relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差• signal-to-noise ratios 信噪比• HPLC高效液相色谱法• UPLC 超高效液相色谱法• DAD 二极管阵列检测器• UVD 紫外检测器• ELSD 蒸法光散射检测器• MS 质谱• UV-Vis 紫外-可见分光光度计• GC-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用仪• binary gradient mobile phase 二元梯度流动相• chromatographic column色谱柱药品说明书• package insert 说明书• drug instructions 药品说明书• prescribing information 处方信息• Indications and usage 适应症• Dosage and administration 用法用量• Dosage forms and strengths 剂型规格• Contraindication s 禁忌症• Warnings 警告• Precautions 注意事项• Adverse reactions 不良反应• Drug interactions 药物相互作用• Overdosage 用药过量• Description 药物介绍• Specific populations 特定人群• Pregnancy 孕妇• Nursing Mothers/ Lactation 哺乳期妇女• Pediatric Use 儿童用药• Geriatric Use 老年人用药• Clinical pharmacology 临床药理学• Mechanism of action 反应机制• Pharmacodynamics 药效学• Pharmacokinetics 药动学• Nonclinical toxicology 非临床毒理学• Carcino genesis 致癌• Mutagenesis 致突变• Impairment of fertility 致畸• Clinical study 临床研究• How supplied/ Package 包装• Storage 贮存• Shelf life 有效期• Black box warning 黑框警告• active ingredient 活性成分• inactive component 非活性成分• failure/insufficiency 不足• damage/impairment 损伤• hepatic/renal impairment 肝/肾损伤• infectious diarrhea 感染性腹泻• delayed-release tablet 缓释片剂• enteric-coated 包有肠溶衣的•一天两次 twice a day• oral administration 口服• ion channel 离子通道• secretion 分泌物• nhibitor 抑制剂• positive patients 阳性患者• area under the curve 曲线下面积• maximum concentration 最大浓度• half-life 半衰期• randomized 随机的• dou ble-blind 双盲• placebo-controlled 安慰剂对照• placebo-free 无安慰剂• multi-center study 多中心研究中医药• Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 中医学• Science of Chinese Materia Medica 中药学• Chinese Medicinals 中药(Chines herbs, minerals and animal products) • Chinese herbal medicines 中草药• Crude medicinal materials 中药材• Authentic medicinal materials 道地药材• Processing pieces 中药饮片• Chinese patent medicines 中成药• TCM physician / TCM practitioner 中医医生• Pharmacist of TCM 中药师• University of TCM 中医药大学• properties and actions 药性• processing 炮制• compatibility 配伍• contraindication 禁忌• rehabilita tion 康复• health care 保健• harmonious interaction 和谐相互作用• Imbalance 失衡• meridian 经络• symptom 症• syndrome /pattern 证• syndrome differentiation 辩证• pattern discrimination 分型• pathogenic factor 致病因素• four natures 四气寒 cold凉 cool温 warm热 hot平 neutral• five flavors 五味辛 pungent甘 sweet苦 bitter酸 sour咸 salty• six excesses 六邪风 wind寒 cold热 fire/heat湿 dampness燥 dryness暑summer-heat•阴阳 yin and yang表里 exterior and interior寒热 cold and heat•外用药CHMs for External Application虚实 deficiency and excess•升降沉浮 lifting, lowering, floating and sinking毒性 toxicity归经 meridian tropism• purifying and cutting 修制• processing with water: softening/rinsing 水制:润/漂• processing with fire 火制• stir-baking with liquid adjuvants: honey, wine, vinegar, saline, ginger juice炙:蜜糖,酒,醋,盐,姜汁• processing with both and water: steaming, boiling水火共制:蒸,煮• compatibility 配伍• incompatibility 相反• mutual reinforcement/ assistance 相须/使• mutual restraint/ detoxication/ inhibition 相胃/杀/恶• 18反 18 incompatible medicaments19畏 19 medicaments of mutual antagonisms • oral/external 内服/外用• decoction 汤剂• decocted first/later 先煎/后下• boiled with wrapped herbs 包煎• decoct ed or boiled separately 另煎•解表药CHMs for Relieving Exterior Syndromes•清热药 CHMs for Clearing Interior Heat •泻下药 Cathartic CHMs•祛湿药 CHMs for Removing Dampness•温里药 Warming Interior CHMs•理气药 CHMs for Regulating Qi•消食药 CHMs for Relieving Food Retention •止血药 Hemostatic CHMs•活血化瘀药CHMs for Invigorating Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis•化痰止咳药Phlegm Resolving, Antitussive and antiasthmatic CHMs•安神药 Tranquillizers•平肝息风药CHMs for Calming the Liver and Stopping Endogenous Wind •开窍药 Resuscitative CHMs •补虚药 Restorative CHMs •收敛固涩药 Astringent CHMs。
Curriculum design and class hour arrangement
• Course content: Professional English knowledge in basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine preparations, identification of traditional Chinese medicine, and development of traditional Chinese medicine resources.
• Traditional Chinese Medicine Preparation Technology and Equipment: Explain the production process, equipment principles, and other knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine preparations, so d the production process and key control points of traditional Chinese medicine preparations.
feedback • Construction and sharing of
teaching resources • Teacher Team Building and
Course background and objectives
二、课程目标1. 理解和使用中药材的英语术语;2. 理解和描述中药材的性质和功效;3. 掌握相关学科领域的英语交流能力;4. 分析和解释中药材的研究文献;5. 参与相关学术讨论和学术交流。
三、课程内容1. 中药材的基本知识- 中药材的定义和分类- 中药材的采集、加工和质量控制- 中药材的储藏和保藏方法2. 中药材的命名和分类- 中药材的命名规范- 中药材的分类体系3. 中药材的性质和功效- 中药材的性味与归经- 中药材的功效与应用- 中药材的配伍禁忌4. 中药材的临床应用- 中药材的处方组方- 中药材的药物制剂和疗法- 中药材的病症应用5. 中药材的研究与发展- 中药材的现代科学研究方法- 中药材的临床试验与评估- 中药材的市场和贸易发展四、教学方法1. 讲授:通过课堂讲授介绍中药材的相关知识;2. 学生讨论:组织学生小组讨论中药材的案例和问题;3. 实践操作:开展中药材的实践操作,如中药材的辨识和加工;4. 学术讨论:组织学生参与中药材的学术讨论和研究文献阅读。
五、考核方式1. 期末考试:考察学生对中药材知识和英语表达能力的综合掌握;2. 小组讨论报告:要求学生以小组形式完成中药材案例分析和学术讨论,并进行报告;3. 课堂表现、作业和参与度:考察学生平时研究和参与课堂活动的情况。
六、参考教材1. "Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine" by X. Zhang2. "Practical Handbook of Chinese Medicinal Herbs" by X. Wang3. "Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas and Strategies" by D. Bensky七、备注本教学大纲仅供参考,授课教师有权根据实际情况进行调整和变更。
一、中药基础知识1. 中药的定义和分类2. 中药的来源和采集3. 中药的制备和质量控制4. 中药的药理作用和临床应用二、中药药材学1. 常用中药药材的英文名称和拉丁学名2. 中药药材的形态特征和鉴别方法3. 中药药材的化学成分和药理活性4. 中药药材的药用部位和药效三、中药方剂学1. 中药方剂的定义和分类2. 中药方剂的组成和配伍原则3. 中药方剂的制备和用法4. 中药方剂的临床应用和疗效评价四、中药炮制学1. 中药炮制的基本原理和方法2. 中药炮制中的质量控制和安全性评价3. 中药炮制的传统和现代技术4. 中药炮制的研究进展和未来发展方向五、中药质量控制1. 中药质量控制的重要性和目标2. 中药质量控制的基本原理和方法3. 中药质量控制的国内外标准和法规4. 中药质量控制的新技术和新方法六、中药安全性评价1. 中药的毒副作用和安全性评价2. 中药的药物相互作用和禁忌症3. 中药的质量控制和安全性保障4. 中药的合理用药和风险管理七、中药国际传播与交流1. 中药在国际医学领域的地位和作用2. 中药国际标准和国际合作3. 中药的国际注册和知识产权保护4. 中药的国际市场和发展前景结语:中药英文教学大纲的制定将有助于推动中药的国际传播和交流,提高中药在国际医学领域的地位和影响力。
中药部分内源性的:end ogenous外源性的:ex ogenous激动剂:agonists部分激动:redesigned or modified agonists 拮抗剂:antagonists or blockers 药典:Pharmacopoeia各论、专论:monographs中药:Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) 中药材:Chinese materia Medica (CMM)饮片:decoction pieces1、来源:Origin药材英文名称is the 药用部位(名词单数) of 植(动)物拉丁学名[属名和种(变种)加词为斜体字](科名).药用部位:根:root根茎:rhizome 皮:bark木:wood 叶:leaf 花:flower 果实:fruit 种子:seed 全草:herb2. 采收与加工采收:The drug is collected in 季节洗净泥土:wash clean除去杂质:removed from foreign matter 晾干:dried in the air阴干:dried in the shade 晒干:dried in the sun3.性状:description外表:external(ly + adj.)主根:main root(principal root )根茎:rhizome须根:rootlets支根:branch root不定根:adventitious root痕:scars皱纹:wrinkles环纹:annulations皮孔:lenticels突起:protrusions稀疏的:sparse密集的:dense明显的:distinct不明显的:inconspicuous间断的:interrupted不平坦的:uneven粗糙的:coarse 散在的:scattered质地:texture较:relatively + adj.坚硬的:hard坚实的:compact松脆的:lax and fragile 易折断的:easily broken 易弯曲的:flexible折断面:fracture纹理:striations,星点:star spots角质样的:horny粉性的:starchy粘性的:viscous味:taste微:slightly + adj.淡:weak甜的:sweet辛辣的:pungent气:odour特异:characteristic 芳香的:aromatic 形状:圆锥形:conical圆柱形:cylindrical 纺锤形:fusiform 近、类:sub-近三角形:subtriangular 类圆形:subrounded类多角形:subpolygonal 近方形:subsquare菱形:rhombic不规则的:irregular人参性状:Main roots fusiform(纺锤形)or cylindrical(圆柱形), 3-15 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter; externally grayish-yellow, the upper part or entire root exhibiting sparse(稀疏的), shallow (浅的), interrupted(间断的)and coarse(粗糙的)transverse-striations(横纹)and distinct longitudinal wrinkles(纵皱纹); the lower part bearing 2-3 branch roots(支根)and numerous slender(细长的)rootlets(须根)with inconspicuous(不明显的)minute(微小的)rubercles(疣状粒).3.鉴别显微特征:microscopical characters横切面:transverse section纵切面:longitudinal section木栓层:cork栓内层:phelloderm韧皮部:phloem裂缝、裂隙:cracks(clefts)薄壁细胞:parenchymatous cells 形成层:cambium木质部:xylem射线:ray导管:vessels网纹的:reticulated梯纹的:scalariform螺纹的:spiral环纹的:annular纤维:fibres木化的:lignified 树脂道:resin canal草酸钙簇晶:clusters of calcium oxalate 具缘纹孔:bordered-pitted淀粉粒:starch granules脐点:hilum髓:pith中空的:hollow丰富的:abundant宽的:broad窄的:narrow间断的:interrupted散在的:scattered聚集的:grouped理化鉴别:physical and chemical identification超声处理:ultra sonicate加热回流:heat under reflux on a water bath 提取:extract残渣:residue浸泡:macerate润湿:moisten 稀释:dilute过滤:fliter溶解:disslove逐滴的:dropwise点样于:apply separately to 展开剂:mobile phase荧光的:fluorescentTo上述操作…… as the test solution.取本品粉末……(经上述操作)……作为供试品溶液。
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中药专业英语重点词汇药典• pharmacopoeia 药典• drug standard 药品标准• specifications 检测项目• drug production 药品生存• description 性状• identification 鉴别• purity test 纯度检查• content assay 含量测定• strength 规格• storage贮藏• prep aration 制备• drug substances 药品• dosage forms 剂型• compounded preparations复方制剂• excipients 辅料• medical devices 医疗器械• dietary supplements 食品补充剂• excipient 辅料• universal test 常规检查• specific test 专属检查• content as say 含量测定• Ginsenoside 人参皂苷• diluent 稀释液• Botanic Characteristics 植物学特征• Histology Characteristics 组织学特征• Foreign Organic Matter 外来(有机)物• Alcohol-Soluble Extractives 醇溶物• Loss on Drying 干燥失重• Total Ash 总灰分• Acid-Insoluble Ash 酸不溶灰分• Contaminants 毒害物• Heavy Metals 重金属• Pesticide Residues 农药残留• Specified Microorganisms 微生物抑制菌(控制)• NLT no less than 不少于• NMT no more than 不多于• TLC 薄层色谱法• Standard solution 对照品• Sample solution 供试品• Adsorbent 吸附剂• Application volume 进样量(应用体积)• Development solvent 展开剂• Spray reagent 显色剂• Acceptance criteria 验收准则• Retention time 保留时间• Extract 提取物extraction 提取• tablet 片剂天然产物化学• natural product 天然产物• chemical compound 化合物• pharmacological activity药理活性• biological activity 生理活性• drug discovery 药物开发• drug design 药物设计• total synthesis 全合成• semi-synthesis 半合成• marine organism 海洋生物• microorganism fermentation broths 微生物发酵液• compound library 化合物库• pharmacophore 药效团• genomic; p roteome 基因组的;蛋白组• chemical diversity 化学多样性• active principle 活性成分• lead compound 先导化合物• secondary metabolite 二级代谢产物• molecule 分子,微粒• synonymous 同义的• bioassay 生物检定• bioassay-guided isolation 生物活性导向的分离• analogue 类似物• HTS 高通量筛选• combinatorial chemistry 组合化学• dereplication 去重复化• formulation 制剂• mimic 模拟物• de novo 创新• synthetic 合成的• bioactivity 生物活性• biodiversity 生物多样性• antimicrobial 抗微生物的• antiviral 抗病毒的• target 生物靶标• extraction 提取• isolation 分离• identification 鉴定• separation 分离,分开• fraction ate 分离• in vivo 体内的• in vitro体外的药理学• pharmacology 药理学• ligand 配体• receptor 受体• mechanism of action 反应机制• absorption 吸收• distribution 分布• biotransformation 吸收,生物转化• metabolism 新陈代谢• excretion 排泄• elimination 消除• medicinal preparation 药物制剂• dosage form剂型• intelligent prescription 合理的处方• medication 药物治疗• concentration 浓度• active transfer 主动转运• passive transfer 被动转运• Enzymology 酶学• biological membrane 生物膜• pharmacokinetics 药动学• half-life period 半衰期• pharmacodynamics 药效学• preclinical medical science 基础医学• action and effect作用与影响• structure-activity relationship 构效关系• interspecies variation种属差异• clinical pharmacology 临床药理学• pharmacotherapeutics 药物治疗学• chemotherapeutic agent 化疗药物• toxicology 毒理学• adverse effect 不良反应• Intoxication 中毒•心 heart cardiac 加粗为形容词•肝 liver hepatic•脾 spleen•肺 lung pulmonary•肾 kidney renal• 肠 intestine intestinal •胃 stomach gastric•胆 bile (胆汁)•尿 urine• LD50半数致死量药剂学• pharmaceutics 药剂学• biopharmaceutics 生物药剂学• new chemical entity (NCE) 新的化学实体分子• medication 治疗药物• route of administr ation 给药途径• target site 靶部位• formulation 制剂• dosage form; dose 剂型;剂量• DDS drug delivery system 药物传输系统• solid formulation 固体制剂• active ingredient 活性成分• solubility 溶解度• e xcipient 辅料• solutions 溶液剂• aromatic water 芳香水剂• syrups 糖浆剂• tinctures 酊剂• suspensions 混悬剂• injections 注射剂• eye drops 滴眼剂• tablets 片剂• powders 散剂• capsule 胶囊剂• granules 颗粒剂• drop pills滴丸剂• bioavailability 生物利用度• therapeutic response 治疗效果• systemic circulation 体循环• dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡• plasma concentrati on 血药浓度• unbound drug 游离药物• therapeutic index 治疗指数• unchanged form 原形;intact form 原形• the time course of drug 药时曲线• coadministration 同时服用• composition 处方• formulation处方• frequency of administration给药频率• decoction 汤剂• mixtures 合剂• oral liquid 口服液• fluid extracts 流浸膏剂• extracts 浸膏剂• patch 贴膏剂• bolus 丸• powder散• plaster 膏• pellet丹药物分析• analytical chemistry 分析化学• qualitative analysis定性分析• quantitative analysis定量分析• elements 元素• ions 离子• compounds 化合物• sample composition样品构成• analysis 分析• analyst 分析者• analyte 分析物• pharmaceutical analysis 药物分析• doping control 兴奋剂检测• formulation analysis制剂分析• physical and chemical inspection 理化检验• fini shed drugs 药物成品• quality observation 质量考察• preparation formulated 调配制剂• quality control 质量控制• quality standard 质量标准• selective 选择性的• specific 专属性的• method validation 方法学验证• accuracy 准确度• recovery 回收率• spiked recovery 加样回收率• precision 精密度• specificity专属性• detection limit 检测限• quantitation limit 定量限• linearity 线性• range 范围• robustness 耐用性• relative standard deviation相对标准偏差• signal-to-noise ratios 信噪比• HPLC高效液相色谱法• UPLC 超高效液相色谱法• DAD 二极管阵列检测器• UVD 紫外检测器• ELSD 蒸法光散射检测器• MS 质谱• UV-Vis 紫外-可见分光光度计• GC-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用仪• binary gradient mo bile phase 二元梯度流动相• chromatographic column色谱柱药品说明书• package insert 说明书• drug instructions 药品说明书• prescribing information 处方信息• Indications and usage 适应症• Dosage and administration 用法用量• Dosage forms and strengths 剂型规格• Contraindications 禁忌症• Warnings 警告• Precautions 注意事项• Adverse reactions 不良反应• Drug interactions 药物相互作用• Overdosage 用药过量• Description 药物介绍• Specific populations 特定人群• Pregnan cy 孕妇• Nursing Mothers/ Lactation 哺乳期妇女• Pediatric Use 儿童用药• Geriatric Use 老年人用药• Clinical pharmacology 临床药理学• Mechanism of action 反应机制• Pharmacodynamics 药效学• Pharmacokinetics 药动学• Nonclinical toxicology 非临床毒理学• Carcinogenesis 致癌• Mutagenesis 致突变• Impairment of fertility 致畸• Clinical study 临床研究• How supplied/ Package 包装• Storage 贮存• Shelf life 有效期• Black box warning 黑框警告• active ingredient 活性成分• inactive component 非活性成分• failure/insufficiency 不足• damage/impairment 损伤• hepatic/renal impairment 肝/肾损伤• infectious diarrhea 感染性腹泻• delayed-release tablet 缓释片剂• enteric-coated 包有肠溶衣的•一天两次 twice a day • oral administration 口服• ion channel 离子通道• secretion 分泌物• nhibitor 抑制剂• positive patients 阳性患者• area under the curve 曲线下面积• maximum concentration 最大浓度• half-life 半衰期• randomized 随机的• double-blind 双盲• placebo -controlled 安慰剂对照• placebo -free 无安慰剂• multi -center study 多中心研究中医药• Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 中医学• Science of Chinese Materia Medica 中药学• Chinese Medicinals中药(Chines herbs, minerals andanimal products)• Chinese herbal medicines中草药• Crude medicinal materials中药材• Authentic medicinal materials道地药材• Processing pieces 中药饮片• Chinese patent medic ines 中成药• TCM physician / TCM practitioner 中医医生• Pharmacist of TCM 中药师• University of TCM 中医药大学• properties and actions药性• processing 炮制• compatibility 配伍• contraindication 禁忌• rehabilitation 康复• health care 保健• harmonious interaction 和谐相互作用• Imbalance 失衡• meridian 经络• symptom 症• syndrome /pattern 证• syndrome differentiation 辩证• pattern dis crimination 分型• pathogenic factor 致病因素• four natures 四气寒 cold凉 cool温 warm热 hot平 neutral• five flavors 五味辛 pungent甘 sweet苦 bitter酸 sour咸 salty• six excesses 六邪风 wind寒 cold热 fire/heat湿 dampness燥dryness暑 summer-heat•阴阳 yin and yang表里 exterior and interior寒热 cold and heat虚实 deficiency and excess •升降沉浮 lifting, lowering, floating and sinking毒性 toxicity归经 meridian tropism• purifying and cutting 修制• processing with water: softening/rinsing水制:润/漂• processing with fire 火制• stir-baking with liquidadjuvants: honey, wine,vinegar, saline, ginger juice 炙:蜜糖,酒,醋,盐,姜汁•外用药 CHMs for ExternalApplication• processing with both and water: steaming, boiling水火共制:蒸,煮• compatibility 配伍• incompatibility 相反• mutual reinforcement/ assistance 相须/使• mutual restraint/detoxication/ inhibition相胃/杀/恶• 18反 18 incompatible medicaments19畏 19 medicaments ofmutual antagonisms• oral/external 内服/外用• decoction 汤剂• decocted first/later 先煎/后下• boiled with wrapped herbs 包煎• decocted or boiled separately另煎•解表药 CHMs for Relieving Exterior Syndromes•清热药 CHMs for Clearing Interior Heat•泻下药 Cathartic CHMs•祛湿药 CHMs for Removing Dampness•温里药 Warming Interior CHMs •理气药 CHMs for Regulating Qi •消食药 CHMs for Relieving Food Retention•止血药 Hemostatic CHMs•活血化瘀药CHMs for Invigorating Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis•化痰止咳药Phlegm Resolving, Antitussive and antiasthmatic CHMs•安神药 Tranquillizers•平肝息风药CHMs for Calming the Liver and Stopping Endogenous Wind•开窍药 Resuscitative CHMs•补虚药 Restorative CHMs•收敛固涩药 Astringent CHMs。