Cancer stem cells generated by alcohol, diabetes, and
基础医学与临床㊀㊀Basic&ClinicalMedicine2019 39(1)参考文献:[1]ChouHCꎬChenCM.Neonatalhyperoxiadisruptsthein ̄testinalbarrierandimpairsintestinalfunctioninrats[J].ExpMolPatholꎬ2017ꎬ102:415 ̄421.[2]ShivannaBꎬZhangWꎬJiangWꎬetal.Functionaldefi ̄ciencyofarylhydrocarbonreceptoraugmentsoxygentoxic ̄ity ̄inducedalveolarsimplificationinnewbornmice[J].ToxicolApplPharmacolꎬ2013ꎬ267:209 ̄217. [3]KumarHꎬChoiDK.Hypoxiainduciblefactorpathwayandphysiologicaladaptation:acellsurvivalpathway[J].MediatorsInflammꎬ2015ꎬdoi:10.1155/2015/584758. [4]TianHꎬBiehsBꎬWarningSꎬetal.AreservestemcellpopulationinsmallintestinerendersLgr5 ̄positivecellsdispensable[J].Natureꎬ2011ꎬ478:255 ̄259. [5]KraftCLꎬRappaportJAꎬSnookAEꎬetal.GUCY2CmaintainsintestinalLgr5+stemcellsbyopposingERstress[J].Oncotargetꎬ2017ꎬ8:102923 ̄102933. [6]BarkerNꎬvandeWeteringMꎬCleversH.Theintestinalstemcell[J].GenesDevꎬ2008ꎬ22:1856 ̄1864. [7]UmarS.Intestinalstemcells[J].CurrGastroenterolRepꎬ2010ꎬ12:340 ̄348.[8]CleversH.Theintestinalcryptꎬaprotoypestemcellcom ̄partment[J].Cellꎬ2013ꎬ154:274 ̄284.[9]MariaCambuliFꎬRezzaAꎬNadjarJꎬetal.Briefreport:musashi1 ̄eGFPmiceꎬanewtoolfordifferentialisolationoftheintestinalstemcellpopulations[J].StemCellsꎬ2013ꎬ31:2273 ̄2278.[10]QiZꎬChenYG.Regulationofintestinalstemcellfatespecification[J].SciChinaLifeSciꎬ2015ꎬ58:570 ̄578. [11]LuRꎬVoigtRMꎬZhangYꎬetal.Alcoholinjurydamagesintestinalstemcells[J].AlcoholClinExpResꎬ2017ꎬ41:727 ̄734.[12]SakuraiTꎬHigashitsujiHꎬKashidaHꎬetal.Theoncop ̄roteingankyrinpromotesthedevelopmentofcolitis ̄associ ̄atedcancerthroughactivationofSTAT3[J].Oncotargetꎬ2017ꎬ8:24762 ̄24776.[13]HolmbergFEOꎬPedersenJꎬJørgensenPꎬetal.Intestinalbarrierintegrityandinflammatoryboweldisease:Stemcell ̄basedapproachestoregeneratethebarrier[J].JTissueEngRegenMedꎬ2018ꎬ12:923 ̄935.新闻点击科学家发现人体新器官据英国«BBC新闻»(BBCNEWS)2018 ̄04 ̄01报道ꎬ来自美国纽约大学医学院的科学家在2018 ̄03 ̄27«科学报告»上报告发现了一个新的人体器官ꎮ这个被叫做间质(interstitium)的新器官是一个遍布人体㊁里面充满了流动体液的复杂结缔组织网ꎮ它分布于皮肤之下ꎬ同时也存在于消化道㊁肺㊁泌尿系统等内脏器官的间隙㊁血管周围和肌肉筋膜间等处ꎮ一旦被确认ꎬ 间质 可能成为最大的人体器官ꎮ目前被医学界普遍承认的人体最大器官是皮肤ꎬ总质量占体质量的16%左右ꎮ而发现 间质 的科学家则表示ꎬ 间质 大约占人体体积的20%左右ꎬ在成人体内约有10L水的质量ꎮ在此之前的人体研究中ꎬ由于科学家在准备 间质 解剖切片的过程中都会对其进行脱水处理ꎬ这也导致 间质 在显微镜下看起来只是一些扁平而紧密的细胞层ꎬ因此未受到重视ꎬ只是被简单地当作是由蛋白质构成的结缔组织ꎮ但是这一次ꎬ科学家们在对患者胆管活体组织分析的过程中ꎬ往其中注射了一种荧光液体ꎬ使得 间质 在充满水分后得以充分展开ꎬ使科学家们首次一窥其原貌ꎮ刘晓荻㊀译王㊀欣㊀编62。
No, sorry there isn't one. The general advice is to drink plenty of water, possibly even a sports drink to rebalance those electrolytes and go back to bed.
Alcohol is a diuretic, which makes you wee more. In fact, you lose far more water in your urine than you are taking in the drink itself. Dehydration causes the brain to shrink away from the skull slightly. This triggers pain sensors on the outside surface of your brain.
When You’re Plastered
There are plenty of words to describe it: bladdered, slaughtered, mullered, legless or as drunk as a skunk. Call it what you will, if you keep drinking beyond the early warning signs you're heading for trouble - trouble focussing, trouble speaking, trouble keeping upright.For that classic sitcom moment, the thing to do at the end of the evening is fall off the barstool. Falling over is a common mistake when drunk because alcohol affects the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls fine movements. If finding the end of your nose with your index finger is difficult, you know your cerebellum has been affected.
As confusing as it may seem
As confusing as it may seem, in small quantities, alcohol can be benefic for health. But excess can produce so much damage, that any trace of a benefit is erased. Moderate use of alcohol includes two drinks for a man & only one for a woman per day, under the age of 65. Together with his doctor, a person will establish whether to enjoy a glass of wine or a beer, or this can seriously affect health.In small quantities, the following benefits can result from alcohol:- It decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems- Decreases the possibility of lethal heart attack- Sometimes, alcohol reduces the possibility of ischemic or other kind of strokes- Diminishes the possibility of gallstone- It may reduce the diabetes dangerIn large quantities, or in excess, the consequences may be terrible:- The pancreas, the mouth, pharynx, esophageal, breast & liver are more likely to be affected by cancer- Pancreatitis may appear, especially in youth- Stroke- Atrophy of the brain- Cirrhosis- Pregnancy problems, like spontaneous abortion- Possible malformations & other birth problems of the fetus- Car accidents- Suicidal tendencies- Sudden death in case of cardiovascular problems- Cardiophaty generated by alcoholThere are certain diseases that forbid the affected person to drink at all, such as:- Conditions of the liver- Affection of the pancreas- Precancerous stages affecting the digestive system- A record including a previous hemorrhagic strokePregnant women or people whose family has an alcohol related background must be extremely cautious and, if possible, not to drink at all.One drink each day is permitted to persons over 65 years, because in their case, a higher consume is more dangerous; the process of absorption needs more time, the effects are stronger, & the risk of intoxication is a real one.Alcohol must not be used during the following medications' administration:- Anticoagulants- Medication for diabetes- Beta blockers- Antihistamines- Antibiotics- Antidepressants- Pain relievers- Sleeping pillsAlcohol should not interfere with medication at all, because in combination to aspirin increases its stomach damaging action & the possibility of gastrointestinal hemorrhage, if combined with acetamine damages the liver.Both he positive effects of a reduced quantity & the dangerous, negative ones must be taken into consideration. Also, a person shouldn't be influenced to drink, because no doctor will give such piece of advice. Consumed with responsibility & moderation, in case of healthy persons, the alcohol doesn't need to be completely eliminated.令人困惑,因为它看起来,小批量,酒精可用于保健提供有益的。
大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷310(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. What is the amount of alcohol suggested in the new guideline?2. What worries people most according to the news report?1.A.Men should drink less than 14 units per week.B.Women should not drink at all.C.Women can drink 24 units per week.D.Men can drink 6 glasses of wine per day.正确答案:A解析:新闻中提到,新的英国健康指南里建议,不论是男性还是女性,每周喝酒不超过14单位(no more than 14 units of alcohol per week),故A正确。
知识模块:听力2.A.Pregnant women should not drink.B.Any amount of alcohol may increase the risk of cancer.C.Some wine is not safe to drink.D.Medicine doesn’t work in diseases caused by alcohol.正确答案:B解析:新闻末尾提到,新的研究表明,最令人担忧的是:不论饮酒量多少,都有可能增加罹患癌症的几率(any amount of alcohol call increase the risk of cancer),故选B。
方法:MTT法检测ATRA对H1299细胞存活率的影响;平板克隆形成实验检测H1299细胞的放射敏感性;流式细胞术检测细胞周期;Western blotting检测survivin与NF-k B的蛋白表达情况。
结果:不同浓度ATRA对H1299细胞均有抑制作用,浓度为10滋mo^L时最佳(P< 0.05)。
Western blotting结果显示,ATRA+放射组细胞survivin、NF-KB蛋白表达明显降低(P<0.01)。
结论:ATRA对肺腺癌H1299细胞具有放射增敏作用,其机制可能与ATRA直接抑制H1299细胞增殖、促进H1299细胞凋亡,下调survivin及NF-k B蛋白表达有关。
[关键词]肺肿瘤;全反式维A酸;放射敏感性[中图法分类号]R734.2;R811.5[文献标志码]A DOI:10.13898/ki.issn.1000-2200.2021.03.001Effect of all-trans retinoic acid on radiosensitivity of lung adenocarcinoma H1299cells SUN Qian,XUAN Ai-li,WANG Geng-ming,ZHOU Yong-chun,XU Hong-bo,HE Ze-lai,ZHOU Yan,ZHOU Yu-fu,JIANG Hao (Department of Radiation Oncology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College,Bengbu Anhui233004,China)[Abstract]Objective:To investigate the effects of all-trans retinoic acid(ATRA)on the radiosensitivity of lung adenocarcinoma cell line H1299,and explore its possible molecular mechanisms.Methods:MTT assay was used to determine the effects of ATRA on the survival rate of H1299cells,the radiosensitivity of H1299cells was detected using plate cloning formation experiment,the H1299cell cycle was detected using flow cytometry and the protein expression levels of survivin and NF-k B in the cells were detected using Western blotting.Results:The H1299cells could be inhibited by ATRA at different concentrations, and the best concentration of which was10滋moL/L(P<0.05).Compared with the cells treated with ATRA alone,10滋moL/L ATRA combined with different doses of radiation,the inhibition rate of cell growth significantly increased(P<0.01),the number of cell apoptosiss increased(P<0.01),and the total apoptosis rate of ATRA combined with radiation was significantly higher than that of ATRA alone(P<0.01).Compared with the control group,radiation group,and ATRA group,the proportion of G0/G1phase in ATRA combined with radiation group significantly increased(P<0.01).Compared with the radiation group,the cell survival fraction in ATRA combined with radiation group decreased,and ATRA could increase the radiosensitivity of lung adenocarcinoma H1299cells with a sensitization ratio of1.406.The results of Western blotting showed that the expression levels of survivin and NF-k B in H1299cells significantly decreased in ATRA combined with radiation group(P<0.01).Conclusions:ATRA can increase the radiosensitivity of lung adenocarcinoma H1299cells, and the mechanism may be related to ATRA directly inhibiting the proliferation of H1299cells,promoting the apoptosis of H1299cells and down-regulating the survivin protein and NF-k B protein expression.[Key words]lung neoplasms;all-trans retinoic acid;radiosensitivity2015年世界卫生组织统计,癌症是91个国家70岁前人群的主要死亡原因。
《从DNA到基因组》课程教学大纲学时:36 学分:2课程属性:专业选修课开课单位:华侨大学生物医学学院(医学院)先修课程:普通生物学、遗传学、细胞生物学、分子生物学一、课程的性质和任务《从DNA到基因组》是高等综合性大学院校临床医学专业选修课程之一。
从DNA 到基因组主要从人类遗传信息DNA出发,探究宏观基因组遗传信息异常、基因表达水平异常等造成的人类健康问题,同时探究在人类疾病研究及临床诊疗中,与DNA及基因组有关的新型技术和前沿科技。
具体内容如下:Chapter 1 Human genetics and human diseasesUnderstand basic rules of Mendel’s genetics and human genetics, know human chromosomal diseases, and understand human genome project and methods to diagnose human genetic to distinguish human dominant and recessive to draw and understand human genetic pedigree tree?Chapter 2 Molecular diagnostics and personalized medicineUnderstand basic mechanisms of molecular medicine, know the concept and rules ofpersonalized medicine, and understand how to perform personalized medicine.1.principles of phamacogenetics and personalized medicine.2.methods of personalized medicine?Chapter 3 The Paternal and Maternal genetic factors in Neonatal Diseases Classification of Neonatal Diseases:chromosomal aberration;Inborn error of metabolism: Amino acids metabolism disease(氨基酸类代谢病); Fatty acid metabolism disease(脂肪酸类代谢病); organic acids metabolism disease(有机酸类代谢病). The Risk Factors for Birth Defects; The Prenatal diagnosis1.What Are the Risk Factors for Birth Defects?2.How to prevent Birth Defects?3.The classification of Prenatal diagnosis.4.What Are the Risk Factors for Birth Defects?5.How to prevent Birth Defects?6.The classification of Prenatal diagnosis.Chapter 4 The CancerWhat Is Cancer? Differences between Cancer Cells and Normal Cells. When Cancer Spreads. Common Cancer Myths and Misconceptions(误解).Types of Cancer. The risk Factors for Cancer. Tips to reduce your risk in cancer. Diagnosed and treatment of the cancer. TNM stands for Tumour, Node and Metastasis.1.What Is Cancer?2.Differences between Cancer Cells and Normal Cells3.Types of Cancer4.Risk Factors for Cancer5.How to reduce your risk in cancer6.The principal of cancer stagesChapter 5 Developmental biology and human healthUnderstand major events in animal development, know the process of human fetal development, and understand major factors that affect human fetal development.1.process of human fetal development.2.major factors that affect human fetal development.3.Why does alcohol affect normal human development?Chapter 6 Stem cell biology and cancerUnderstand terms of stem cells, know methods to isolate stem cells and use stem cells for treatment, and understand cancer stem cells and their relationship to cancer.1.what are stem cells?2.isolation of stem cells and their usage3.cancer stem cells4.production of inducible programmed stem cells5.transition of tumor stem cells?Chapter 7 Biological mechanisms of neurological diseasesUnderstand clinical traits of anxiety and depression disorders, Kno w pathology of Alzheimer’s disease, Understand pathology of Parkinson’s disease.1.anxiety and depression disorders2.pathology of Alzheimer’s disease3.pathology of Parkinson’s disease4.pathology of anxiety and depression disorders5.why is there no treatment for Alzheimer’s disease?Chapter 9 The epigenetics and agingWhat is Epigenetics(表观遗传学)? Genetics versus epigenetics, and the characteristics of epigenetics. HOW EPIGENETICS WORKS. The outside changes and Physiological change of aging.Hallmarks of aging1.What is Epigenetics(表观遗传学)?2.The characteristics of epigenetics3.HOW EPIGENETICS WORKS4.the outside changes and Physiological change of aging5.Hallmarks of agingChapter 10 Non-coding RNA and human diseaseWhat is non-coding RNAs? The interaction between ncRNAs and nerves systematic disorders; The interaction between ncRNAs and alcohol- or tobacco-related diseases;The interaction between ncRNAs and cancer;The interaction between ncRNAs and immune or inflammation;The future of ncRNAs in application of clinical diagnosis; The current situation and concept of precise medicine.1. The biological meaning of non-coding RNAs;2. The relationship between human diseases and non-coding RNAs;3. The inducing mechanisms of non-coding RNAs in human diseases;4. The advantages and disadvantages of ncRNAs in clinical diagnosis;5. The interaction of ncRNAs and human diseases;6. The critical role of ncRNAs in precise medicine.Chapter 11 Intestinal microorganisms and neurological diseasesKnow the structure and function of gut;Full understand the way that gut interacts with brain; Well known the interaction between aberrant gut microorganisms and human diseases, especially nerve systematic disorders;The applied strategy of gut microorganisms in clinical remedy of human diseases。
英语难句翻译作者: wlm2001 发布日期: 2005-11-18 查看数: 57 出自: 1.that our environment has little , if anything to do with our abilities , characteristics and behavior is central to this theory .这种观点的核心是:我们的环境即使和我们的能力,性格,行为有关系的话,也是很微不足道的 holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life .人类手中握有的力量,可以消灭人类一切的贫穷状态,也可以灭绝人类所有的生命形态3.Many statements, which have appeared in textbooks as universal and absolute truths have, in their original form, been put forward as only approximately, true, or true only in certain circumstances.教科书上许多普遍真理和绝对真理的观点原本(起初)是作为近似真理或在特定环境下的真理提出来的。
4.many statements which have appeared in textbooks as universal and absolute truths have , in their orginal form , been put forward as only approximately true , or true only in certain circumstances .许多论述在教科书中看起来似乎是放之四海而皆准的绝对真理,而在其原著中它们的表述仅仅是某种近似正确或在某些情况下才正确的东西.5.the phrase " substance abuse"is often used instead of " drug abuse " to make clear substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine .用滥用物而不用滥用毒品、药物是为了清楚表明:像酒精和烟草这样的物品的滥用和海洛因、可卡因的滥用一样有害.6.those unware of what is happening in philosophy today may be surprised to learn that few academic philosophers address the sort of problems once studied in college : death , the existence of god, the cardinal virtues , the external world , or the prospects for happiness .不知道哲学现状的人也许会惊奇的发现:现在大学的哲学家中很少有人去研究过去在大学曾经探讨过的问题----死亡,上帝的存在,基本道德,客观世界或对幸福的期望.7.the made of life in preliterate society , based upon kinship and functioning in accordance with the principles of cooperation and mutual aid , did indeed justify the adjective communal , it was the noun communism that was resented ——if not feared —— because of its marxist connotation .文字出现以前社会的生活方式建筑在亲属关系上,生活中依据的基本原则是合作和互相帮助。
6. Are clinical treatments available now to target cancer stem cells?
early stages Initial results are positive additional trials in a larger number of patients
target cancer stem cells?
1. What are cancer stem cells(CSC)?
➢ a selectively endowed tumori-genic capacity ➢ to recreate the full repertoire of cancer cells of the
weed root
cancer stem cells
3. In what tumor types have cancer stem cells been identified?
Leukemia Stem Cells Breast Cancer Stem Cells Head and Neck Cancer Stem Cells Adrenal Cancer Stem Cells Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells Lung, melanoma, myeloma, prostate and thyroid
4. How are cancer stem cells identified?
Table 1 Examples of non-carbohydrate stem cell markers which are also cancer stem cell markers
分类号:R656.9 学校代码:10114密级: 公开学号:2012200714青蒿琥酯对人结肠癌细胞HCT116和HT29增殖与凋亡的影响Effect of artemisine on proliferation and apoptosis of human colon cancer HCT116 and HT29研究生:贾文斌指导教师:郭建昇主任医师专业名称:外科学研究方向:胃肠外科学位类型:专业学位所在学院:第一临床医学院中国山西二○一五年五月二十八日目录中文摘要 (I)英文摘要 ............................................................................................................................... I I 常用缩写词中英文对照表 .. (III)前言 (1)1材料和方法 (3)1.1 实验材料 (3)1.2 实验方法 (3)1.3流式细胞术(FCM)检测细胞凋亡 (4)1.4统计学方法 (4)2结果 (5)2.1青蒿琥酯对细胞增殖的影响 (5)2.2 青蒿琥酯对人结肠癌细胞凋亡率的影响 (6)3讨论 (8)4结论 (11)参考文献 (12)综述 (14)致谢 (22)在学期间承担/参与的科研课题与研究成果 (23)个人简历 (24)青蒿琥酯对人结肠癌细T116和HT29的抑制与凋亡影响摘要目的:观察青蒿琥酯对人结肠癌细胞HCT116和HT29抑制和凋亡的影响,为日后临床结直肠癌(CRC)的治疗提供可行的新的辅助化疗治疗手段。
Stem cells, cancer, and cancer stem cells-中文翻译
Stem cells, cancer, and cancer stem cells干细胞、癌症和肿瘤干细胞杜忆华(德国杜塞尔多夫大学博士生)译干细胞生物学已经成熟。
通过这一特征能够发现干细胞和癌细胞之间有惊人的相似:肿瘤可能通常起源于正常干细胞的转化,相似的信号通路可能既调节干细胞也调节癌细胞的自我更新,且癌细胞中可能包含有“肿瘤干细胞”(cancer stem cells)----它们是一些极少的具有自我更新不定潜能的驱使肿瘤形成的细胞。
来自于多种器官的干细胞可能被用于未来的治疗,而 HSCs -----是骨髓移植中重要的成分,已广泛地用于临床治疗。
*Signs and symptoms *Radiological techniques *Endoscopy *Tumor markers(CEA, CA199…) *Pathologic assessment
The extent of the disease is usually determined by a CT scan of the chest,abdomen and pelvis. There are other potential imaging test such as PET and MRI which may be used in certain cases. Colon cancer staging is done next and based on the TNM system which is determined by how much the initial tumor has spread, if and where lymph nodes are involved, and the extent of metastatic disease.
Colorectal cancer occurs in the colon and the rectum
Risk factors for colorectal cancer include lifestyle, older age, and inherited genetic disorders. Other risk factors include diet, smoking, alcohol, lack of physical activity, family history of colon cancer and colon polyps, presence of colon polyps, race, exposure to radiation, and even other diabetes, obesity.
在肿瘤发生和进展过程中,肿瘤干细胞(Cancer stem cells,简称CSCs)的重要性日益受到关注。
1. 自噬的作用与调控自噬是自身吞噬和酶降解细胞内的有害物质和细胞器的过程。
RAS-MAPK通路对细胞的增殖、分化、生存和凋亡等都有重要的影响,而且也与Cancer stem cells的分化谓词相关。
2. CSCs的特征与治疗挑战Cancer stem cells是一类在多个肿瘤中发现的癌细胞亚群体,它们具有化疗、放疗等创伤性抗癌治疗的耐药性,并且趋向于转移和再生。
been identified? ➢How are cancer stem cells identified? ➢What happens after stem cells are identified? ➢Are clinical treatments available now to
weed root
cancer stem cells
3. In what tumor types have cancer stem cells been identified?
Leukemia Stem Cells Breast Cancer Stem Cells Head and Neck Cancer Stem Cells Adrenal Cancer Stem Cells Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells Lung, melanoma, myeloma, prostate and thyroid
parental tumor ➢ the expression of a distinctive repertoire of surface
2. Why is research on cancer stem cells important?
---No prairie fire can destroy the grass, it shoots up again with the spring breeze blows.
4. How are cancer stem cells identified?
Cancer Stem Cells - University of South Carolina
Distinct classes of cells exist within a tumor. Only a small definable subset, the cancer stem cells can initiate tumor growth.
Two General Models for Cancer Heterogeneity
1. All cancer cells are potential cancer stem cells but have a low probability of proliferation in clonogenic assays
• Cancer stem cells undergo self-renewal to maintain tumor growth
– Differentiation into phenotypically diverse mature cell types
• Give rise to a heterogeneous population of cells that compose the organ or the tumor but lack the ability for unlimited proliferation (hierarchical arrangement of cells)
Cancer Stem Cells
Maria M. (Marj) Peña, PhD Dept. of Biological Sciences Center for Colon Cancer Research University of South Carolina
Normal stem cells
transit-amplifying cells, and the two differentiated branches. The right branch constitutes the enterocyte
YAP蛋白与肿瘤蒋宁;顾恺;牛远杰【摘要】Hippo-YAP信号通路是新发现的生长控制信号通路,能够限制调结细胞的生长增殖,细胞凋亡,信号通路异常有利于肿瘤的发生.YAP蛋白还参与调控AKT-mTORC、WNT和MAPK等信号通路,进而影响肿瘤细胞的生长和侵润转移.YAP 蛋白在多种类型的人类肿瘤中表达异常增加,或许成为肿瘤新的治疗靶点.【期刊名称】《基础医学与临床》【年(卷),期】2014(034)002【总页数】4页(P262-265)【关键词】YAP蛋白;信号通路;肿瘤【作者】蒋宁;顾恺;牛远杰【作者单位】天津医科大学第二医院天津市泌尿外科研究所,天津300211;天津医科大学第二医院天津市泌尿外科研究所,天津300211;天津医科大学第二医院天津市泌尿外科研究所,天津300211【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R737.25YAP(Yes-associated protein),即Yes相关蛋白,是一种多功能的细胞内连接蛋白和转录共激活因子[1]。
1 YAP蛋白及其功能YAP蛋白在Hippo信号通路所介导的细胞生长控制中起着中心枢纽作用。
Sudol 等发现YAP与Src家族的酪氨酸蛋白激酶Yes结合[1]。
在不同的剪接情况下YAP具有一个或两个WW结构域,通过第一个WW结构域可以与转录因子如PEBP2α的 PPXY 模体结合[2]。
McDonald研究发现在YAP的C端具有转录激活结构域然而却没有DNA结合结构域,因此其被归类为转录共激活子,也有报道YAP与其他含有PPXY模体的转录因子结合起着转录共激活的作用,如 ErbB4、P73等[3]。
胃癌干细胞标志物的研究进展王莉莉【摘要】The tumor stem cells have high self renewal and multiple differentiation potentials,which are similar to the featuresof adult stem cells. Until recently, screening special biomarkers is the key to cancer stem cells research. With the discovery of cancer stem cells surface markers such as CD44 , CD24 , EpCAM and so on, and side populations functional markers, specific molecular markers for precondition for the isolation and purification of stem cells in gastric carcinoma are provided,which also provides a feasibility basis for further research in the genesis, development, treatment, metastasis and prognosis of gastric carcinoma. Here is to make a review on the stem cells theories, surface markers and functional markers of gastric carcinoma, and the relationship between the markers and treatment,metastasis and prognosis of gastric cancer.%肿瘤干细胞(CSCs)具有类似成体组织干细胞的特性,可以自我更新并具有多向分化潜能.目前CSCs研究的难点主要是特异性标志物的筛选,CD44、CD24、上皮细胞黏附分子等胃癌干细胞表面标志物及侧群细胞功能性标志物的发现为胃癌干细胞的分离和纯化提供了特异性的分子标记,也为深入研究其与胃癌发生、发展、治疗、转移和预后提供了可行性依据.现就胃癌干细胞理论、表面标志物、功能性标志物及其标志物与胃癌的治疗、转移和预后的关系进行综述.【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2012(018)006【总页数】4页(P851-854)【关键词】胃癌;胃癌干细胞;标志物【作者】王莉莉【作者单位】南华大学肿瘤研究所,湖南,衡阳,421001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R36;R735.2在我国,胃癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,病死率很高。
虎杖提取物白藜芦醇对鼠肝癌细胞H22生长及扩增的影响刘红山;齐咏;刘青光;潘承恩【期刊名称】《新乡医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2001(018)006【摘要】目的测定虎杖的有效成分白藜芦醇对体外培养的小鼠肝癌H22的抗癌活性.方法肝癌细胞H22调节到(1×106)·ml-1,将适宜H22细胞数(2×104/孔)接种在96孔培养板上,在5%CO2、37℃培养箱中温育12 h后,用MTT法测定白藜芦醇对肝癌细胞的生长抑制率,并在显微镜和电镜下观察肝癌细胞的变化.结果白藜芦醇终浓度为5.0μg·ml-1、10μg·ml-1及20μg·ml-1,在8 h、12 h、24 h和48 h及白藜芦醇终浓度为2.5μg·ml-1的抑制率,较对照组有显著性差异(P<0.05).显微镜下观察经药物处理48 h的肝癌细胞可见细胞膜不规则、肿胀和染色质断裂,电镜下可见细胞出现细胞电子密度增加及出现凋亡小体.结论白藜芦醇对体外培养的肝癌细胞H22的生长具有抑制作用,它的机制也许是诱导H22细胞凋亡.%Objective To study the anti- cancer activity of resveratrol derived from Huzhang on hepatocellular carcinoma cell H22 of mouse (H22 cell) in vitro. Methods The H22 cell line was adjusted to( 1 × 106 ) cells· mi- 1 ,and the cells suspension were incubated in 96 - well plates(2 × 104)· well-1 for 12h before the addition of resveratrol,and then were incubated CO2 incubator with 5 % CO2 and 37℃ with resveratrol in different concentrations for different time, the inhibitive rates of H22 cells induced by resvertrol was determined by the MTT assay. The macroscopical and intracellular urtrastructure of H22 cells was investigated by light microscope andscanning electron microscope. Results The inhibiting rates of resveratrol in 5.0 μg· ml- 1, 10μg· ml- 1 and 20 μg· ml- 1 at 8h, 12h,24h and 48h, and 2.5 μg ml-1 at 24h and 48h were more significantly than those of control groups( P < 0.05). The inordinace of membrance,swelling and H22 cells treated with resveratrol 5 μg·ml-1 for 48h showed chromatin fragmentation of cell under miroscopy and increase of electron density,and apearance of apoptotic body under electron microscopy. Conclusions Resveratrol can inhibit the growth and proliferation of mouse hepatocellular carcinoma H22 in vitro whose probable mechanism is induce apoptosis of H22 cells.【总页数】5页(P381-385)【作者】刘红山;齐咏;刘青光;潘承恩【作者单位】Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;Department of Respiratory Diseases, the First Affiliated Hospital, Xi' an Jiaotong University,;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R361.5【相关文献】1.北虫草素对体外小鼠肝癌H22细胞增殖及肝癌鼠血清中IL-2/TNF-α水平的影响 [J], 张莉莉;陈伟;梁国强2.虎杖白藜芦醇对人肝癌HepG-2细胞株增殖和生长周期的影响 [J], 顾生玖;李美波;许有瑞;朱开梅3.肝癌细胞H22培养上清液对鼠细胞L929细胞周期、CyclinD1、P27蛋白表达的影响 [J], 张晓艳;付旭东;汤为学4.白藜芦醇合用5-FU对小鼠移植肝癌H22生长的影响 [J], 刘红山;潘承恩;齐咏;刘青光;刘学民5.虎杖提取物白藜芦醇对人胃癌7901细胞增殖和凋亡的影响 [J], 刘俊;徐云虹因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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STEM CELLS IN ALD,LIVER AND PANCREATIC CANCERCancer stem cells generated by alcohol,diabetes,and hepatitis C virusKeigo Machida,*†Chia-Lin Chen,†Jian-Chang Liu,†Claudine Kashiwabara,†Douglas Feldman,*‡Samuel W French,¶Linda Sher,§Jeong Joseph Hyeongnam †and Hidekazu Tsukamoto*‡***Southern California Research Center for ALPD and Cirrhosis,†Departments of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology,‡Pathology and §Surgery,University of Southern California,¶University of California,and **Department of Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System,Los Angeles,California,USAAbstractCancer stem cells (tumor-initiating stem-like cells:TISCs)are resistant to chemotherapy and are associated with metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),which is commonly observed in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients with obesity or alcohol abuse.However,it is unknown whether the TLR4-NANOG pathway serves as a universal onco-genic signaling in the genesis of TISCs and HCC.We aimed to determine whether Tlr4is a putative proto-oncogene for TISCs in liver oncogenesis due to different etiologies and how Tlr4is regulated at the transcriptional and epigenetic levels.CD133+/CD49f +TISCs were isolated using FACS from HCC developed in HCV Core Tg mice fed alcohol,diethylnitrosamine-treated mice,and alcoholic patients with or without HCV infection.CD133+/CD49f +cells isolated from the animal models and patients are tumorigenic both in vitro and in a xenograft model,and Tlr4or Nanog silencing with shRNA attenuates their tumor initiating property.Functional oncogene screening of a cDNA library identified the organ size control pathway targets Yap1and AKT activator Igf2bp3as NANOG-dependent genes that inhibit transforming growth factor-b signaling in TISCs.Tlr4expression is higher in TISCs compared with CD133-/CD49f +cells.Taken together,Tlr4may be a universal proto-oncogene responsible for the genesis of TLR4-NANOG dependent TISCs,and this pathway serves as a novel therapeutic target for HCC.Key wordsalcohol,hepatocellular carcinoma,hepatitis C virus,obesity,tumor-initiating stem-like cells.Accepted for publication 16October 2011.CorrespondenceDr.Keigo Machida,Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology,University of Southern California School of Medicine,2011Zonal Avenue,503B-HMR,Los Angeles,CA 90033,USA.Email:kmachida@ Declaration of conflict of interest:The authors declare no competing financial interests.HCV,diabetes,alcohol,and HCCChronic liver damage caused by viral infection,alcohol,or meta-bolic syndrome can result in increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),which is the third most common cancer in the world.1Clearly,understanding the molecular mechanisms of hepa-titis C virus (HCV)-induced hepatocarcinogenesis is required for the eventual development of improved therapeutic modalities for this disease.2In particular,chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV)or HCV represents a major risk factor for HCC.1HCV affects more than 170million people worldwide.1,3,4Ample epidemiological evidence suggests that there is a strong connection between HCV and obesity/alcoholic liver diseases (ALD).First,the prevalence of HCV is significantly higher among obesity/alcoholics than in the general population;for example,while the HCV positive rate in the general population of the USA is roughly 1%,it is 16%for alcoholics and nearly 30%for alco-holics with liver diseases.5Second,the presence of HCV infection correlates with the severity of the disease in alcoholic subjects,i.e.HCV-infected patients with obesity and ALD develop liver cirrho-sis and HCC at a significantly younger age than uninfected ALD patients,suggesting that alcohol and HCV work synergistically to cause liver damage.6Many studies also support synergistic inter-actions between HCV and alcoholism in hepatocarcinogenesis.7–11Heavy alcohol consumption/obesity and viral hepatitis synergisti-cally increase the risk for HCC among blacks and whites in the USA.10HCC odds ratio increases to 48.3-fold or 47.8from 8.1or 8.6by having concomitant alcohol abuse or obesity in HBV/HCV infected patients,respectively.9,10Indeed,our recent result demon-strates that the incidence of spontaneous HCC inductioninKeigo Machidadoi:10.1111/j.1440-1746.2011.07010.xHCV core transgenic mice is increased twofold by chronic alcohol intake.Recent studies with mice expressing HCV proteins have shed pivotal insights into the mechanisms underlying this synergism. The HCV core protein causes overproduction of reactive oxygen species,which appears to be responsible for mitochondrial DNA damage.3,12,13Thus,these core-induced perturbations such as oxidant stress and insulin resistance,which are also known risk factors for ALD,may underlie the synergism reproduced in alcohol-fed core transgenic mice.14Toll-like Receptor(TLR)2and TLR4are markedly upregulated in hepatocytes,Kupffer cells,and peripheral monocytes of patients with chronic hepatitis C.TLR-mediated signals result in liver disease associated with hepatitis B, hepatitis C,alcoholic hepatitis,non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,and hepaticfibrosis.15The most devastating consequence of the syner-gism between viral hepatitis and alcohol is HCC.7–11TLRs signaling in HCCThe TLR signaling pathway is upregulated in chronic liver dis-eases.Many different cell types in the liver express TLRs.15 Chronic alcohol consumption activates other TLRs,such as TLR1,2and6–9,which further increases the TNF-a response to lipopolysaccharide(LPS)in mice.15Human monocytes ex-posed to ethanol for a week develop hypersensitivity to LPS through decreased Pelle/interleukin-1receptor-associated kinase (IRAK)-M expression,which activates mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)and nuclear factor-k B(NF-k B)through TLR4 signaling,leading to activation of NF-k B,Activator Protein1 (AP-1),and ERK.16The direct mechanistic evidence has recently been attained by our research using mice expressing the HCV non-structural protein NS5A in a hepatocyte-specific manner. When fed alcohol for12months,these mice develop liver tumors in a manner dependent on TLR4induced by NS5A.17This NS5A-induced TLR4is activated by endotoxemia associated with alcohol intake,leading to accentuated TLR4signaling,which in turn upregulates the stem cell marker Nanog,required for TLR4-dependent liver oncogenesis.Thisfinding on the NS5A-TLR4-Nanog axis in synergistic oncogenesis,is beginning to shed a novel insight into molecular mechanisms for HCC in alcoholic HCV patients.Tumor-initiating stem-like cells and HCCStem cells have three major characteristics,self renewal,asym-metric and multiple cell division(clonality),and plasticity.The liver has a high regenerative potential,and hepatic small oval progenitor cells around the peripheral branches of the bile ducts, the canals of Hering,can differentiate into biliary epithelial cells and hepatocytes.18These oval liver progenitor cells share molecu-lar markers with adult hepatocytes(albumin,cytokeratin7[CK7], CK19,oval cell markers[OV-6,A6,and OV-1],chromogranin-A, NCAM[neural cell adhesion molecule])and fetal hepatocytes (a-fetoprotein,AFP).18,19They are also positive for more common stem cell markers such as CD34+,Thy-1+,c-Kit+,and Flt-3+ (FMS-like tyrosine kinase3).20Thus,it currently remains unclear whether these stem cells are derived from the bone marrow and just migrate to this periportal niche or whether they represent true resident liver stem/progenitor cells.Binding of stroma-derived factor-1a(SDF-1a)to its surface receptor CXCR4activates oval hepatic cells.21Forty percent of HCCs have clonality,and thus are considered to originate from progenitor/stem cells.19,22–24Recent studies of HCC have centered on TISCs,including detection of TISCs in cancer,identification of TISCs markers,and isolation of TISCs from human HCC cell lines.TISCs were identified as a CD117+/CD133+hepatic precursors in regenerating liver tissue25 and a CD45-/CD90+subpopulation of tumor cells in HCC.26The CD90+cells are not present in the normal liver and,when injected into immunodeficient mice,create tumors repeatedly.In human HCC and HCC cell lines,specifically CD133+cells,not CD133-cells,had the ability to self-renew,create differentiated progenies, and form tumors.27One potential reason for this chemoresistance may lie in the plasticity of cancer stem cells with dysregulated signaling and gene expression.Nanog is one of the core transcription factors found in pluripo-tent embryonic stem cells(ESCs).28It is essential for maintaining self-renewal and pluripotency of both human and mouse embry-onic stem cells.29–32Overexpression of Nanog induces and main-tains the pluripotency and self-renewing characteristics of ESCs under what normally would be differentiation-inducing culture conditions.33Recently,Nanog expression has been reported in human neoplasms,including germ cell tumors,34–37breast carcino-mas,37osteosarcoma,38and HCC.39Ectopic expression of Nanog induces an oncogenic potential in NIH3T3.40Nanog-positive cancer stem cells induced by HCV and alcoholAlcohol synergistically enhances the progression of liver disease and the risk for liver cancer caused by HCV.TLR4is induced by hepatocyte-specific transgenic(Tg)expression of the HCV non-structural protein NS5A,and this induction mediates synergistic liver damage and tumor development by alcohol-induced endot-oxemia.17The stem/progenitor cell marker,Nanog,is upregulated as a novel downstream gene by TLR4activation and the presence of CD133/Nanog-positive cells in liver tumors of alcohol-fed NS5A Tg mice.17Transplantation of p53-deficient hepatic progeni-tor cells transduced with TLR4results in liver tumor development in mice following repetitive LPS injection,but concomitant trans-duction of Nanog short-hairpin RNA abrogates this outcome.17 Despite the common understanding that TLR4is one of the pattern recognition receptors expressed predominantly by innate immune cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes,our study demon-strates that hepatocytes can be the primary cellular site of both TLR4upregulation and its pathologic consequences in the context of HCV infection.Therefore,the TLR4-dependent mechanism synergizes liver disease by HCV and alcohol and is partly depen-dent on Nanog,a TLR4downstream gene.Nanog transduction alone is not as effective as TLR4activation in liver tumorigenesis,as shown by our cell transplantation experi-ment.17We believe that TLR4activation induces other tumor-driver genes,which cooperatively work with Nanog to cause liver oncogenesis.Thus,Nanog is still essential for TLR4-dependent oncogenesis,but it alone is poorly oncogenic.In our previous work using a cell line,we demonstrated that TLR4promoter upregula-tion by NS5A is mediated by PU.1,Oct-1,and AP-1elements.41 The similar transcriptional mechanism may underlie TLR4induc-tion in primary hepatocytes.Toll-like receptor signaling in liver diseases K Machida et al.Epigenetic regulation of tumor-initiating stem-like cellsCellular memory mechanisms enable cells to remember their chosen fate over many cell divisions.The dynamic interactions between epigenetic regulators and DNA components orchestrate transcriptional memory system for several hundred genes.DNA methylation is a major epigenetic modification of the genome particularly as it relates to pluripotency and differentiation of stem cells (Fig.1).42–44Genomic methylation patterns in somatic differ-entiated cells are generally stable and heritable.In contrast,aberrant genome-wide DNA hypomethylation links to tumorigenesis.45,46In TISCs,DNA methylation patterns and histone modifications are suspected be reprogrammed genome-wide,leading to generation of cells with altered gene expression profile for stem cell-like charac-ters.47However,epigenetic mechanism and implications in HCC remain to be elucidated,and the role of epigenetic reprogramming in generation of cancer stem cells is yet to be investigated.In summary,alcohol,obesity,and HCV synergistically induce liver tumor development via induction and activation of TLR4in mice.Pharmacologic inhibition of TLR4signaling may become a novel therapeutic strategy for HCV-associated liver tumors.AcknowledgmentWe thank Akiko Ueno and Raul Lazaro for performing mouse experiments,Naomi Anderson (USC)for technical support and critical reading,Ratna Ray (Saint Louis University)for providing HCV Ns5a Tg mice,Michael Karin (UCSD)for suggestions and reagents,Steve Weinman (University Kansas)for critiques and discussions.This project was supported by NIH grants 1R01AA018857-01,P50AA11999(Animal Core,Morphology Core,and Pilot Project Program),R24AA012885(Non-Parenchymal Liver Cell Core),Zumberge Foundation,AI83025U19,RC2AA019392-01,CA123328,and CA108302.Microscopy was performed by the Cell and Tissue Imaging Core of the USC Research Center for Liver Diseases (P30DK048522).Animal imaging was performed by the USC Molecular Imaging Center supported by NIH/NVRR S10.Tissue pathological slide preparation was performed by Ms Moli Chen Translational Pathol-ogy Core of Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center.References1Okuda K.Hepatocellular carcinoma.J.Hepatol.2000;32:225–37.2Crippin JS,McCashland T,Terrault N,Sheiner P,Charlton MR.A pilot study of the tolerability and efficacy of antiviral therapy in hepatitis C virus-infected patients awaiting liver transplantation.Liver Transpl.2002;8:350–5.3Okuda M et al .Mitochondrial injury,oxidative stress,andantioxidant gene expression are induced by hepatitis C virus core protein.Gastroenterology 2002;122:366–75.4Yao F,Terrault N.Hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma.Curr.Treat.Options Oncol.2001;2:473–83.5Heintges T,Wands JR.Hepatitis C virus:epidemiology and transmission.Hepatology 1997;26:521–6.6Brechot C,Nalpas B,Feitelson MA.Interactions betweenalcohol and hepatitis viruses in the b.Med.1996;16:273–87.7Peters MG,Terrault NA.Alcohol use and hepatitis C.Hepatology 2002;36:S220–5.8Donato F,Gelatti U,Limina RM,Fattovich 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