I蓝牙也能真高清? LHDC 让蓝牙更Hi-Fi 了尽显胆管秀丽—音特网奥立合并胆王试听演示会活动回顾11月14日下午2点,Allnic 、Audium、NuPrime (新派)的产品代 理音特网、广州海印广场巴洛音响与《视听前线》杂志社联合举办了 奥立合并胆王试听演示会,让广州及周边地区音响发烧友更好了解和 体验音特网代理的产品。
这次活动特别邀请了本刊主编张戈先生,与 发烧友分享关于音响、音乐和生活的心得体会。
本次试听会演示的器材NuPrime CDT -10旗舰镭射转盘、 Evolution DAC 旗舰解码前级、AllnicT -2000 25th 电子管合并功放搭配 德国八1)0丨111\/1奥笛(:〇17^8.2全频落地咅箱。
Allnic Audio 是来自韩国的发烧音响品牌,成立于2005年,公司主脑为朴康秀先生。
朴先生成立Allnic Audio 的目的,是为了达到甚至超 越Kondo 、Shindo 和Wavac 等公司的高度,制造出世界上最好的电子管 器材。
Allnic 这个名字来源于All Nickel 全镍磁芯变压器(又称坡莫合金 变压器)。
Allnic 公司认为,作为放大级的耦合器件,坡莫合金变压器 的高成本和制造难度是非常值得的,它能够高效率传输信号,并保持 动态和保真度。
所有Allnic 的电子管器材,都坚持使用自己制造的坡莫 合金变压器。
Audium 自然流畅的表 现,很好地诠释了Allnic 奥立、NuPrime 新派器材的细节丰富、动态极 大、背景宁静、声场极富3D 感的特点,获得在场发烧友的好评,大家 在活动结束后也与张主编进行互动交流,更加深入地了解奥立、奥笛 及新派更多的资讯。
音特网的总经理连泳华先生为大家介绍了这套本刊主编张戈先生与在场的发烧友分享不同类 器材的特点 型的音乐唱片11月3日,由三耳工作室策划的“尽探 蓝牙真高清’’主题分享会在广州东山口觉园 举行。
EAW 音箱技术参数
Avalon -- 娱乐场所系列DC系列DC 系列是为舞厅、夜总会等娱乐场所扩声而度身定制的高水准固定安装型扬声器系统。
DC1全频三分频扬声器系统;4x15”低频单元, 10”号筒中频单元,2 ”高频单元;非对称下倾式涵盖;包括3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 46Hz-16 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . 90°x 40°(+10°- -30°垂直) 功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频1: . . . . . . . . 1600W/129dB/4Ω低频2: . . . . . . . . 1600W/129dB/4Ω低频1+ 低频2: . .3200W/135dB/2Ω中频/高频: . . . . .350 W/133dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4和NL8 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 1016高x1770前/1133后宽x652深重量(kg): . . . . . . .182.3产品编号: . . . . . . .999968选件DC1系统悬吊杆将低频部分与中/高频部分固定为一体 , 每一DC1系统需要2个产品编号 . . . . . . . 179114DC2全频三分频扬声器系统;2x15”低频单元, 10”号筒中频单元,1.4 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点; 双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 45 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . .90° x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . 1600W/132dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . 350 W/133dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 572前高/489后高x1449宽x483 深重量(kg): . . . . . . 86.4产品编号 . . . . . . . 999969DC3全频三分频扬声器系统;2x12”低频单元, 8”号筒中频单元,1”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . 50 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . 90°x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . 800W/128dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . 250W/128dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . 476前/406后高x 1321宽 x406 深重量(kg): . . . . . . 54.5产品编号 . . . . . . .999970DC4全频三分频扬声器系统;2x12”低频单元, 8”中频单元1 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;双路功放驱动 (采用数字信号处理)频响范围: . . . . . . . 45 Hz - 17.5kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . 90° x 40°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗低频: . . . . . . . . . . .800W/128dB/4Ω中频/高频: . . . . . .220W/120dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 486前/354后高 x959宽 x 508 深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .45产品编号 . . . . . . . . 999937DC5全频二分频扬声器系统;12”低频单元;1.4 ”高频单元;配有3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;单路功放驱动频响范围: . . . . . . . .50 Hz - 18 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . .90°x 45°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗全频: . . . . . . . . . . 500W/124dB/8Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 395前/306后高 x 762宽 x 346深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .29.5产品编号 . . . . . . . . 999972DC6全频二分频扬声器系统;2x8”低频单元, 1”高频单元;包括3/8”-16螺纹安装/吊装点;单路功放驱动频响范围: . . . . . . .50 Hz - 19 kHz覆盖角度 : . . . . . . 90° x 60°功率/最大长期声压级/阻抗全频: . . . . . . . . . . . 400W/121dB/4Ω连接: . . . . . . . . . . . NL4 Speakon尺寸(mm): . . . . . . 270前高/189后高x762宽x297深重量(kg): . . . . . . . .25.5kg产品编号 . . . . . . . . 997207D C S 系列EAW工程师发现,现代舞厅音乐的频谱具有这样一个特点:50Hz至60Hz低频段的声压级要比其他频段高出10-20dB。
音乐止于至善 本田思域改装TEC和ARC音响
撒信平台搜 音响改装技术杂志 1 59
中音 的倒 模在 作了 精密 的专业 角度 调整之 外 ,还为 整个A柱 甚 至 中 控台 增 添 了视 觉 美感 ,营造 了 浓郁 的 音乐 氛 围 。后 声 场 作 为 前声 场 的衔 接 补 充 ,大部 分 车 主 常常 选择 同 轴扬 声 器或
者 普 通 两 分 频 , 这 里 车 主 居 然 选 择 TEC神 曲 系 列 三 分 频 , 足 精挑 细 选的 产 品设 备 与精雕 细琢 的 安 装工艺 带 我们 一起 欣赏 了真 正
主机 : 先锋 ODR 二代 二解 码
本 田思域改装T E C  ̄ D A R C 音 响
E d i t o r / m. k D e s i g n / 紫依 T h a n k s /  ̄托声频
前声场 : 意大利T E C 手提箱L S 1 6 5 / K + 中音L S 1 2 0  ̄ 1 后声场 : 意大 U T E C S Q 6 / K 3
音效浮 想联翩 。
思域 改 装 音 响 ,从主 机 、喇叭 、功放 再到 超 低 音 ,原 车音 响 器材 可 谓 是脱 胎 换 骨 ,全新 为 车 主量 身定 制 ,从设 备 安装 位 置的 排 布到 精 致 倒模 ,安装 过 程 中专 业且 注 重 艺术 美 感的 改 装 工艺 ,一 步一 步 地实 现 了思 域 兼具 内在涵 养 与外 在 视 觉完 美音 乐 境界 。顶 级发 烧先 锋ODR主 机给 整套 系统 打 下了 坚实 的 基础 ,音 源处 就 已经 流 露 出不 凡的 音 乐气 质 ,前 声 场 意大
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 NX SB0300Sound Blaster Extigy SB0130EXUSB Sound Blaster MP3+ SB0270Sound Blaster Go SB0270GSound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro SB0360Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum SB0350Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS SB0350Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Gamer SB0350Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum eX SB0280Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum SB0240PSound Blaster Audigy 2 SB0240Sound Blaster Audigy 2 OEM SB0320Sound Blaster Audigy 2 OEM SB0244Sound Blaster Audigy 2 OEM SB0242Sound Blaster Audiyg LS SB0312Sound Blaster Audigy MP3+ SB0090MSound Blaster Audigy Platinum SB0090MSound Blaster Audigy X-Gamer SB0090GSound Blaster Audigy (without 1394 Connectors) SB0162Sound Blaster Audigy Without the 1394 port Var Pack SB0162Sound Blaster Audigy Var Pack W/1394 port SB0092Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 MP3+ SB0060PSound Blaster Live! 5.1Platinum SB0060PSound Blaster Live! 5.1 X-Gamer SB0060GSound Blaster Live! 5.1 Compaq OEM SB0105Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Gateway OEM SB0103Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 (Var Pack) SB0102Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 SB0100Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Compaq/IBM/HP OEM (No AC-3decode) SB0100Emu Creation Studio EMUCRSEmu Audio Production Studio EMUAPSSound Blaster Live! For Mac / Also known as Sound Blaster Live 4.1 CT4875 Sound Blaster Live 4.1 CT4875Sound Blaster Live! Value CT4832Sound Blaster Live! Platinum CT4760PSound Blaster Live! X-Gamer CT4760XSound Blaster Live! MP3+ CT4760MSound Blaster Live! MP3+ Studio (Sp/Po) CT4760LSound Blaster Live! CT4760Sound Blaster Live! Value Latin American Edition CT4670L Sound Blaster Live! Value PCI CT4670Sound Blaster Live! PCI CT4620Sound Blaster PCI512 CT4790Sound Blaster PCI512 SB0150Sound Blaster PCI 128 4 speaker CT5880**Sound Blaster PCI 64 SBE370Sound Blaster Audio PCI CT5800Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI/PCI16 CT4815Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI CT4810Sound Blaster AudioPCI Compaq SB1010Sound Blaster PCI 128 Varpak CT4751Sound Blaster PCI 128 CT4750Sound Blaster 16 PCI CT4740Sound Blaster PCI128 English/French CT4700Sound Blaster AWE64D CT4601Sound Blaster 16 WavEffects CT4525Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold CT4540Sound Blaster AWE64 Value CT4520Sound Blaster AWE64 Value CT4502Sound Blaster AWE64 Value CT4501Sound Blaster AWE64 Value PnP CT4500Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold PnP CT4390Sound Blaster AWE64 CT4381Sound Blaster AWE64 PnP CT4380Sound Blaster AWE32 Value PnP CT4332Sound Blaster AWE32 Value PnP CT4331Sound Blaster AWE32 IDE PnP CT3991Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP Internet Enhanced CT3990Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP CT3980Sound Blaster AWE32 IDE PnP (prelim) CT3960Sound Blaster AWE32 Value PnP CT3940Sound Blaster AWE32 IDE PnP CT3999Sound Blaster AWE32 Value IDE CT3919Sound Blaster AWE32 Value IDE CT3910Sound Blaster AWE32 IDE CT3900Sound Blaster AWE32 Value CT3780Sound Blaster 32 PnP CT3672Sound Blaster 32 PnP Internet Enhanced CT3671 Sound Blaster 32 PnP CT3620Sound Blaster 32 IDE CT3930Sound Blaster 32 Value PnP CT4336Sound Blaster 32 Value PnP CT4335Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP CT4182Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP CT4181Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP CT4173Sound Blaster 16 WavEffects CT4171Sound Blaster 16 SONY CT1799Sound Blaster 16 LMSI CT1789Sound Blaster 16 SONY CSP CT1789Sound Blaster 16 CSP LMSI CT1780Sound Blaster 16 SCSI-2 CT1779Sound Blaster 16 SCSI-2 CSP CT1770Sound Blaster 16 MCD CT1759Sound Blaster 16 MCD CSP CT1750Sound Blaster 16 CSP CT1748Sound Blaster 16 CSP CT1740Sound Blaster 16 CT1730Sound Blaster 16 Pro CT1299Sound Blaster 16 Value IDE CT1291Sound Blaster 16 Pro CSP CT1290Sound Blaster 16 VIBRA CT1262Sound Blaster 16 VIBRA CT1261Sound Blaster 16 VIBRA MCD OEM CT1260Sound Blaster 16 MCD CT1239sSound Blaster 16 MCD CT1239cSound Blaster 16 MCD CT1239Sound Blaster 16 CT1231Sound Blaster 16 MCD CSP CT1230SSound Blaster 16 MCD CSP CT1230CSound Blaster 16 MCD CSP CT1230Sound Blaster PRO SONY OEM CT1690Sound Blaster PRO LMSI OEM CT1620Sound Blaster PRO scsi CT1610Sound Blaster PRO 2 CT1600Sound Blaster 2.0 CT1350Sound Blaster PRO CT1330Sound Blaster 1.5 CT1320Sound Blaster 1.0 CT1310Game Blaster CT1300Sound Blaster MCV CT5320Sound Blaster Pro MCV CT5330Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 OEM/VAR SB0226OEM Sound Blaster Live!5.1 SB 0101AWE Upgrade Card Goldfinch CT920PCI 128 OEM CT5880Sound Blaster Audio PCI compaq OEM CT5810Sound Blaster Audio PCI 128 /Sound Blaster Compact OEM CT5808 OEM Sound Blaster 16PCI CT5807Sound Blaster Audio Pci 64 Dell oem CT5807OEM Sound Blaster 16PCI CT5806Sound Blaster Audio PCI 128 Gateway CT5806Sound Blaster Audio PCI 64/128 Compaq oem CT5805Sound Blaster Audio PCI 64 Dell/Gateway OEM CT5803OEM Sound Blaster 16PCI CT5801Sound Blaster Audio PCi 64 HP Oem CT5801Sound Blaster Audio PCI Compaq /Epson OEM CT5800Sound Blaster Live! Value Gateway OEM CT4871Sound Blaster Live! Value HP / NEC OEM CT4870Sound Blaster Live! Value/Player Gateway OEM CT4831Sound Blaster Live! Value/Player Compaq /Intel/IBM/NEc OEM CT4830 Digital I/O Module for CT4770 CT4800Sound Blaster Live! Value Packard Bell OEM CT4782Sound Blaster Live! Value Packard Bell OEM CT4782OEM Live! Value CT4781Sound Blaster Live! Value Gateway OEM CT4781Sound Blaster Live! Value Gateway OEM CT4781OEM Live! Value CT4780Sound Blaster Live! Value Dell OEM CT4780AWE64 D CT4655AWE64 D CT4650Sound Blaster Live! Value Digital CT4381OEM AWE64 CT4337Sound Blaster 16 Value (Gateway only) CT4173OEM/BULK Sound Blaster 16 CT4131OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT4130/CT4132OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT4102OEM/BULK Sound Blaster 16 CT4101Sound Blaster 32 Value PnP CT3690Sound Blaster 32 PnP CT3681AWE32 PnP (IDE) CT3680AWE32 PnP (IDE) CT3670OEM AWE32 Value CT3666OEM AWE32 Value CT3665OEM AWE32 Value CT3662OEM AWE32 Value CT3660/CT3661Sound Blaster 32 Value PnP CT3640OEM AWE32 Value CT3635/CT3636OEM AWE32 Value CT3630/CT3631/CT3632OEM AWE32 CT3607Sound Blaster 32 PnP CT3605OEM Sound Blaster 32 CT3604OEM AWE32 CT3603OEM AWE32 CT3602OEM AWE32 CT3601OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2CT262OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2CT261OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2CT260OEM Sound Blaster 16 (HP Sonate) CT2970Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM (HP Sonate) CT2970 OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2963Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP Dell OEM CT2963OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2962Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP Dell OEM CT2962Sound Blaster 16 CT2961Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2961OEM Sound Blaster 16 (HP Prelude) CT2960Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2960Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP IDE CT2959OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2951Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2951Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2950OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2945Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2945OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2943Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2943OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2942Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2942OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2941Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2941OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2940Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM CT2940OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2907Sound Blaster 16 Value OEM VIBRA CT2907OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2906Sound Blaster 16 Value OEM VIBRA CT2906OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2902Sound Blaster 16 Value OEM VIBRA CT2902OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2901Sound Blaster 16 Value OEM VIBRA CT2901OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2900Sound Blaster 16 Value OEM VIBRA CT2900Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM VIBRA CT2892OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2891Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM VIBRA CT2891OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2890Sound Blaster 16 Value PnP OEM VIBRA CT2890OEM Sound Blaster 16 (HP Menuet) CT2860Sound Blaster 16 Value OEM VIBRA CT2860OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2840OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2810OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2806OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2805OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2804OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2802OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2801OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2800OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2772OEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2771Sound Blaster AWE32 CSP (Multi-CD) CT2760ASound Blaster 16 (Mitsumi) CT2709Sound Blaster 16 CSP (Mitsumi) CT2700Sound Blaster Pro 2 (Mitsumi) CT2600Sound Blaster 16 (Panasonic and IDE) CT2290Sound Blaster 16 Sony / OEM CT1799OEM Audigy w/Sound Blaster 1394 on rear and w/o gameport header on circuitboard CT0095Sound Blaster 16 Value OEM CT2771Sound Blaster AWE32 MCD PnP OEM CT2760Sound Blaster 16 (Mitsumi) 2239MSound Blaster 16 (Mitsumi) 2230MOEM Sound Blaster 16 CT2892AUDIO ACCESSORIESAdvanced Wave Table Upgrade Card AWTCSound Blaster Gaming Audio Kit Sound Blaster 002Sound Blaster Live! MP3+ Audio Kit Sound Blaster 001Sound Blaster Audigy External drive SB0110Daughter Card to connect Sound Blaster 0110 SB0110BSound Blaster Live! Digital I/O Card CT4660Optical Digital I/O Card 2 CT4770Optical Digital I/O Card CT4710Live Drive 11 (Optical Drive Bay for Sound Blaster Live! Platinum) CT1861Extra Board with Optical and Aux-In 2 connectors on the CT1861 CT1860A Livedrive (Non-Optical Drive Bay for Sound Blaster Live! Platinum) CT1860** CT5880 is most certainly an audio chip instead of a standalone card.SB Live!£¨±ê×¼°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4620SB Live! Value£¨³¬Öµ°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4670SB Live! Value£¨ÖÜÄê¼ÍÄî°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4620SB Live! Digital£¨ÊýÂë°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4830SB Live! Platinum£¨°×½ð°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4760SB Live! Digital Deluxe£¨Êý×ÖºÀ»ª°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4760SB Live! X-Gamer£¨×¨ÒµÓÎÏ·°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4760SB Live! Player£¨ÆÕͨÓÎÏ·°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4760SB Live! MP3+£¨MP3ѹËõÒôƵ°æ£©£¬Ö÷¿¨ÐͺÅCT-4760。
发烧音响有问有答问:请问Mission Pilastro报价。
用什么功放推?答:此扬声器的定价大概30万左右,建议用PASS LABS X350推,或者BRYSTON的4B、7B或者14B来推,也可以用MARK LEVENSON 4系列来推。
现有器材:功放.马兰士pm-16;cd机.TEAC 20;音箱.AE100;全套超时空方心铜线材.听音广范,现想升级音箱,心意的有PROAC 50S,PROAC 2000S,B&W CDM 1NT..请推荐。
问:请问BRYSTON 7Bst 和7Bst Pro ,BP-25前级的价钱,有现货吗?答:这套器材全部大概7万元左右,具体要与代理那边联系下才知道有没有现货,他们的电话是,。
问:本人想查询英国ATC音箱的中国(广州市)代理商是谁? 答:他们的代理的电话是,问:我于今年购得森海塞尔HD580耳机一副,望推荐耳放(国产,进口)及讯号线,现看中科颂U5及VHL 102D,不知此番搭配是否妥当。
另外,不知国产的滤波器效果如何望指点一二,平日喜欢听人声和小的作品,如钢琴、小号的小段,听感要求细节丰富,富有音乐感和层次感,对低频要求不高答:耳放可以用英国瑟顿SUGDEN或者意大利的BLUE NOTE的产品。
英特硅尔(Intersil)推出新D2Audio DAE-3HT 12-channel数位音效处理器和放大控制器,其具高效能与成本效益特性,符合消费者对音响系统的高音质音响要求。
并已于2012年国际消费性电子展(CES)展示其数位音效引擎(Digital Audio Engine)处理器和放大器技术。
DAE-3HT是特别为重视价格的条型音箱(Sound Bar)与蓝光家庭剧院系统提供高品质音响而设计,可接受多达八个数位输入声道和支援多达十二个脉冲宽度调变(PWM)输出讯号,以驱动Class-D功率放大器。
此外,DAE-3HT相容于Audio Canvas III设计工具,支援开发客制化的音讯路径组态,包括支援D2Audio SoundSuite音讯路径强化与虚拟化。
Definitive Technology Descend DN12和DN15低音炮 用户手册说明书
Date File Name Scale Drawn By Color Paper Artwork 16 July 2021DT_Descend_12-15_Owners_Manual_RoHS_071621_CH_Only.pdf144 mm x 129 mmKBTwo-color (Black and Pantone 299)Tortilla smooth/80T (uncoated stock) (98 opacity, 10.6 caliper, 150 smoothness) Offset Digital fileRevision Date DescriptionA3/11/21Initial release of Chinese versionB3/31/21Incorporated updatesC4/2/21Incorporated edits and added InputSensitivity Setting content.D6/11/21Added RoHS regulatory content.E7/16/21Updated specifications and low-passfilter tables.TITLE BLOCK DOES NOT PRINTDN12和DN15低音炮欢迎感谢您选购 Definitive Technology 的 Descend 低音炮。
享受美妙音乐吧!目录安全预防措施 (3)了解低音炮 (6)入门 (7)定位低音炮 (8)交流电源连接 (9)连接和设置 (10)调整和使用 Descend 低音炮 (12)低音炮低通滤波器指南 (14)规格 (14)服务 (15)有限质保 (16)23用户手册安全预防措施1. 内带闪电箭头的等边三角形符号旨在提醒用户,产品箱体内存在未绝缘的“危险电压”,可能足以构成触电风险。
位于单元中心的高音部分采用了特殊设计的双曲线号角,使加有空气负载的高音与低音锥盆的直接辐射实现良好的耦合,使高音成为低音锥盆扩展的自然延续,实现完整的辐射波,厂家介绍,这支SOLO单元的磁路是普通磁体,低音音圈为75mm铜线,双短路环;高音为44mm 铜包铝线,使用铝线是为了减轻质量,增加瞬态和高频延伸。
MICRO Hi-Fi SYSTEM ] USER GUIDE 3want to play.station sound effect.SLEEP Turn on or offMP3 Info while a file isimpressions. To change the functions, you can scroll throughthem and select one. (see Listening to the CDs)once to repeat the track REPEAT twice to CD. The MICRO Hi-Fi SYSTEM ] USER GUIDE 5MICRO Hi-Fi SYSTEM ] USER GUIDE 7Listen to cassette tapes - more you can doTo Play Fast backward or ForwardAfter pressing bb /BB during playback, or stop, press B at a point you want.Listening to the radio - more you can doLook for radio stations automaticallyPress - TUNING +(o r TUN.- /TUN.+) for more than 0.5 second. The tuner will scan automatically and stop when it finds a radio station.Delete all the saved stationsPress and hold PROGRAM MEMORY or PROGRAM/MEMO for two sec-onds. “CLEAR” shows. Press STOP CLEAR (or x )to erase all the saved stations.Choose a ‘preset number’for a radio stationSelect a station you want by pressing - TUNING +or TUN.- /TUN.+.Press PROGRAM MEMORY or PROGRAM/MEMO ,the station flashes.Press - PRESET +or PRESET/FOLDER to select the preset number you want. Press PROGRAM MEMORY or PROGRAM/MEMO to save it.Improve poor FM receptionPress MODE/RIF on the front panel . This will change the tuner from stereo to mono and usually improve the reception.See information about your radio stations - OPTIONALThe FM tuner is supplied with the Radio Data System (RDS) facility. This shows the letters RDS on the display, plus information about the radio sta-tion being listened to. Press RDS on the front panel several times to view the information.PTY - Programme Type, such as News, Sport, Jazz Music.RT - Radio Text, the name of the radio station.CT - Time Control, the time at the location of the radio station.PS - Programme Service name, the name of channel.You can search the radio stations by programme type by pressing- PRESET +. The display will show the last PTY in use. Press - PRESET +one or more times to select your preferred programme type. Press and hold - TUNING +. The tuner will search automatically. When a station is found the search will stop.MICRO Hi-Fi SYSTEM ] USER GUIDE 9Use your player as an alarm clockPress and hold TIMER for two seconds. Each function, TUNER, CD, USB (in the USB supplied models)flashes for two seconds. Press SET when the function you want to be woken by is showing.If you choose TUNER you will be shown the stations you have saved as presets. Use - TUNING + to select the station you want, then press SET . You will be shown the ON TIME display. This is where you set the time you want the alarm to go off. Use - TUNING +to change the hours and minutes and SET to save.You will then be shown the OFF TIME display. This is where you set the time you want the function to stop. Use - TUNING +to change the hours and minutes and press SET to save.Next you will be shown the volume (VOL) you want to be woken by. Use - TUNING +to change the volume and SET to save. Switch the system off. The clock icon shows that the alarm is set.When the system is turned off you can check the time the alarm is set for by pressing TIMER . You can also turn the alarm on and off by pressing TIMER . To set the alarm to go off at a different time, switch the system on and reprogramme following the same steps as initially.About MP3/WMAMP3/WMA Disc compatibility with this unit is limited as follows:• Sampling Frequency : 8 - 48 kHz (MP3), 32 - 48 kHz (WMA)•Bit rate : 8 - 320 kbps (MP3), 48 - 320 kbps (WMA)• CD-R physical format should be “ISO 9660”• If you record MP3/WMA files using the software which cannot create a FILE SYSTEM, for example “Direct-CD” etc., it is impossible to playback MP3 files. We recommend that you use “Easy-CD Creator”, which creates an ISO 9660 file system.•File names should be named using 30 letters or less and mustincorporate “.mp3”,“.wma” extension e.g. “********.MP3” or “********.WMA”•Do not use special letters such as “/ : * ? “ < >”etc.•Even if the total number of files on the disc has more than 1000, it will only be shown up to 999.MICRO Hi-Fi SYSTEM ] USER GUIDE 11Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice.。
得胜 EKA-415 合并式四通道功放说明书
■产品特性• 带蓝牙输入,录音输出功能。
• 4通道输出,每通道输出功率150W(8Ω),可带负载4-8欧姆• EKA-415功放是一款合并式专业功放机。
尊敬的用户:感谢您选购得胜EKA -415四通道功放,为了您能够更好的了解使用本产品,建议您在使用前仔细阅读本说明书。
若存在有疑问或者您有宝贵的建议,可通过拨打得胜官方服务热线400 6828 333或微信扫描二维码关注得胜官方公众号与我们联系。
■前言■技术参数• 输出功率:150W *4(8Ω)• 总谐波失真:<0.1%(1KHz ,1W ,8Ω)• 频率响应:20Hz -20KHz• 信噪比:≥80dB (A 计权)• 输入灵敏度:250mV• 麦克风输入灵敏度:20mV• 电源要求:~AC220V /50Hz• 外形尺寸(宽*长*高):480mm *445mm *90mm• 重量:13Kg■适用范围用于教室、小型会议室① 暂停/播放按键②上一曲按键③下一曲按键④循环按键⑤USB 输入接口⑥麦克风插孔(MIC1、MIC2)⑦ DELAY /ECHO 回音时间/回音强度⑧ MIC TONE BASS /TREBLE 麦克风音质控制⑨ 麦克风总音量旋钮⑩ 音乐总音量旋钮⑪ MUSIC TONE BASS /TREBLE 音乐音质控制⑫ CH1-CH4音量控制⑬ 电源开关按键⑭ 输入信号源指示灯⑮ 输入模式切换按键■前面板功能说明⑭⑮■后面板功能说明① 风扇散热窗② SPEAKER SYSTEM喇叭输出接线端子用于喇叭连接之用,可分成一组系统连接.只接SYSTEM A时,喇叭最低阻抗不可低于4欧;只接SYSTEM B时,喇叭最低阻抗不可低于4欧;SYSTEM A与SYSTEM B同时接时,喇叭阻抗不可低于8欧。
BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data SheetGeneral Description ApplicationsBlueCore2-Audio is a single chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth™ 2.4GHz systems.It is implemented in 0.18µm CMOS technology.BlueCore2-Audio has the same pinout and electrical characteristics as available inBlueCore2-Flash to enable development ofcustom code before committing to ROM.The 4Mbit ROM is metal programmable, whichenables a six week turn-around from approval offirmware to production samples.The integrated mono audio CODEC allows formore compact designs and low powerconsumption for battery powered applications.n Headsetsn Cellular Handsetsn Personal Digital Assistantsn High volume, cost sensitive production BlueCore2-Audio has been designed to reduce thenumber of external components required whichensures production costs are minimised.The device incorporates auto-calibration andbuilt-in self-test (BIST) routines to simplifydevelopment, type approval and production test. Allhardware and device firmware is fully compliantwith the Bluetooth specification v1.1.BlueCore2-Audio System ArchitectureDevice Features n Fully qualified Bluetooth system n Low power 1.8V operation n Minimum external componentsn Integrated 1.8V regulator n 15-bit linear audio CODEC n Dual UART portsn Available in VFBGA and LFBGApackagesn Also available in ‘RF Plug and Go’package for low cost manufactureBlueCore TM 2-Audio Single Chip Bluetooth TM System Advance Information Data Sheet for BC213159AJanuary 2003BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data SheetContents1Key Features (4)2 6 x 6 Package Information (5)2.1BC213159AXX-EK and BC213159AXX-RK Pinout Diagram (5)2.2Device Terminal Functions (6)310 x 10 Package Information (9)3.1BC213159AXX-BN Pinout Diagram (9)3.2Device Terminal Functions (10)4Electrical Characteristics (14)5Radio Characteristics (19)6Device Diagrams (22)7Description of Functional Blocks (24)7.1RF Receiver (24)7.1.1Low Noise Amplifier (24)7.1.2Analogue to Digital Converter (24)7.2RF Transmitter (24)7.2.1IQ Modulator (24)7.2.2Power Amplifier (24)7.2.3Auxiliary DAC (24)7.3RF Synthesiser (24)7.4Clock Input and Generation (24)7.5Baseband and Logic (25)7.5.1Memory Management Unit (25)7.5.2Burst Mode Controller (25)7.5.3Physical Layer Hardware Engine DSP (25)7.5.4RAM (25)7.5.5ROM (25)7.5.6USB (25)7.5.7Synchronous Serial Interface (25)7.5.8UART (26)7.5.9Audio PCM Interface (26)7.6Microcontroller (26)7.6.1Programmable I/O (26)7.6.2Extended Programmable I/O Port (26)7.6.3Audio CODEC (26)8CSR Bluetooth Software Stacks (27)8.1BlueCore HCI Stack (27)8.1.1Key Features of the HCI Stack (28)8.2BlueCore RFCOMM Stack (30)8.2.1Key Features of the BlueCore2-Audio RFCOMM Stack (30)8.3BlueCore Virtual Machine Stack (31)8.4Host-Side Software (32)8.5Additional Software for Other Embedded Applications (32)8.6CSR Development Systems (32)9External Interfaces (33)9.1Transmitter/Receiver Inputs and Outputs (33)9.2RF Plug and Go (34)9.3Asynchronous Serial Data Port (UART) and USB Port (34)9.4UART Bypass (35)9.4.1UART Configuration while RESET is Active (35)9.4.2UART Bypass Mode (35)9.5PCM CODEC Interface (36)9.6Serial Peripheral Interface (36)9.7I/O Parallel Ports (36)BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet9.7.1PIO Defaults for BTv1.1 HCI level Bluetooth Stack (37)9.8I2C Interface (37)9.9TCXO Enable OR Function (38)9.10Reset (38)9.11Power Supply (39)9.11.1Voltage Regulator (39)9.11.2Sequencing (39)9.11.3Sensitivity to Disturbances (39)9.12Audio CODEC (40)9.12.1Input Stage (40)9.12.2Microphone Input (41)9.12.3Line Input (41)9.12.4Output stage (42)10Application Schematic (43)10.1 6 x 6 VFBGA 84-Ball Package (43)10.210 x 10 LFBGA 96-Ball Package (44)11Package Dimensions (45)11.1 6 x 6 VFBGA 84-Ball Package (45)11.210 x 10 LFBGA 96-Ball Package (46)12Ordering Information (47)13BlueCore2-Audio (47)14Contact Information (48)15Document References (49)16Acronyms and Definitions (50)17Record of Changes......................................................................................................................................................53List of FiguresFigure 2.1: BlueCore2-Audio 6 x 6mm Packages (BC213159AXX-EK and BC213159AXX-RK) (5)Figure 3.1: BlueCore2-Audio 10 x 10mm LFBGA Package (BC213159AXX-BN) (9)Figure 6.1: BlueCore2-Audio Device Diagram for 6 x 6mm VFBGA Packages (22)Figure 6.2: BlueCore2-Audio Device Diagram for 10 x 10mm LFBGA Package (23)Figure 8.1: BlueCore HCI Stack (27)Figure 8.2: BlueCore RFCOMM Stack (30)Figure 8.3: Virtual Machine (31)Figure 9.1: Circuit TX/RX_A and TX/RX_B (33)Figure 9.2: Circuit RF_IN (33)Figure 9.3: Circuit for RF_CONNECT (34)Figure 9.4: UART Bypass Architecture (35)Figure 9.5: Example EEPROM Connection (37)Figure 9.6: Example TXCO Enable OR Function (38)Figure 9.7: VDD_DIG Output Circuit (39)Figure 10.1: Example of a Headset Design for 6 x 6 VFBGA Package (43)Figure 10.2: Application Circuit for Radio Characteristics Specification (44)Figure 11.1: BlueCore2-Audio VFBGA Package Dimensions (45)Figure 11.2: BlueCore2-Audio LFBGA Package Dimensions (46)Key Features BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet1 Key FeaturesRadio n Operation with common TX/RX terminals simplifies external matching circuitry and eliminates external antenna switchn Extensive built-in self-test minimises productiontest time n No external trimming is required in production n Full RF reference designs are available Transmitter n Up to +6dBm RF transmit power with level control from the on-chip 6-bit DAC over a dynamic range greater than 30dB n Supports Class 2 and Class 3 radios without the need for an external power amplifier or TX/RX switch n Supports Class 1 radios with an external power amplifier, provided by a power control terminal controlled by an internal 8-bit voltage DAC andan external RF TX/RX switch Receiver n Integrated channel filters n Digital demodulator for improved sensitivity and co-channel rejection n Digitised RSSI available in real time over the HCI interface n Fast AGC for enhanced dynamic range Synthesisern Fully integrated synthesizer; no external VCO varactor diode, resonator or loop filter n Compatible with crystals between 8 and 32MHz (in multiples of 250kHz) or an external clock n Accepts 15.36, 16.2, 16.8, 19.2, 19.44, 19.68,19.8 and 38.4MHz TCXO frequencies for GSM and CDMA devices with either sinusoidal orlogic level signals Auxiliary Features n Crystal oscillator with built-in digital trimming n Power management includes digital shut downand wake up commands and an integrated low power oscillator for ultra-low power consumption during Park/Sniff/Hold modes n Device can be used with an external Master oscillator and provides a ‘clock request signal’ to control external clock sourcen On-chip linear regulator, producing 1.8V output from 2.2-4.2V input n Power-on-reset cell detects low supply voltage n Arbitrary sequencing of power supplies is permittedAuxiliary Features (continued)n Uncommitted 8-bit ADC and 8-bit DAC areavailable to application programs Baseband and Softwaren Internal programmed 4Mbit ROM for completesystem solutionn 32Kbyte on-chip RAM allows full speedBluetooth data transfer, mixed voice and data,plus full 7 Slave piconet operation n Dedicated logic for forward error correction,header error control, access code correlation,demodulation, cyclic redundancy check,encryption bitstream generation, whitening andtransmit pulse shapingn Transcoders for A-law, µ-law and linear voice from host and A-law, µ-law and CVSD voice overairPhysical Interfacesn Synchronous serial interface up to 4Mbaud forsystem debuggingn UART interface with programmable Baud rate up to 1.5Mbaud with an optional bypass moden Full speed USB interface supports OHCI and UHCI host interfaces. Compliant with USB v2.0n Synchronous bi-directional serial programmable audio interfacen Optional I 2C T M compatible interfaceBluetooth Stack Running on anInternal MicrocontrollerCSR’s Bluetooth Protocol Stack runs on-chip in avariety of configurations:n Standard HCI (UART or USB)n Fully embedded to RFCOMM n Customer specific builds with embeddedapplication codeAudio CODECn 15-bit resolution with 8kHz sampling frequency n Designed for use in voice applications such as headsets and hands-free kitsn Integrated input/output amplifiers capable of driving a microphone and speaker with minimumexternal componentsPackage Optionsn 84-ball VFBGA 6 x 6 x 1.0mm 0.5mm pitch n 96-ball LFBGA 10 x 10 x 1.4mm 0.8mm pitch (RF Plug and GO package)BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet2 6 x 6 Package Information2.1 BC213159AXX-EK and BC213159AXX-RK Pinout DiagramOrientation from top of deviceA B C D E F G H J K 12345678910A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A10B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9B10C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10D1D2D3D8D9D10E1E2E3E8E9E10F1F2F3F8F9F10G1G2G3G8G9G10H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8H9H10J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J8J9J10K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9K10Figure 2.1: BlueCore2-Audio 6 x 6mm Packages (BC213159AXX-EK and BC213159AXX-RK)BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet2.2 Device Terminal Functions Radio Ball Pad Type DescriptionRF_IN D1Analogue Single ended receiver inputPIO[0]/RXEN B1Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downControl output for external LNA (if fitted)PIO[1]/TXEN B2Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downControl output for external PA, Class 1 onlyTX_A F1Analogue Transmitter output/switched receiver input TX_B E1Analogue Complement of TX_AAUX_DAC D3Analogue Voltage DAC outputSynthesiser andOscillator Ball Pad Type DescriptionXTAL_IN K3Analogue For crystal or external clock input XTAL_OUT J3Analogue Drive for crystalLOOP_FILTER H2Analogue Connection to external PLL loop filter(Do not connect)PCM Interface Ball Pad Type DescriptionPCM_OUT G8CMOS output, tristatablewith weak internal pull-down Synchronous data outputPCM_IN G9CMOS input, with weakinternal pull-down Synchronous data inputPCM_SYNC G10Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Synchronous data syncPCM_CLK H10Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Synchronous data clock USB and UART Ball Pad Type DescriptionUART_TX J10CMOS output, tristatablewith weak internal pull-up UART data output active highUART_RX H9CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down UART data input active highUART_RTS H7CMOS output, tristatablewith weak internal pull-up UART request to send active lowUART_CTS H8CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down UART clear to send active lowUSB_DP J8Bi-directional USB data plus with selectable internal1.5k Ω pull-up resistorUSB_DN K8Bi-directional USB data minusCODEC Ball Pad Type DescriptionMIC_P H3Analogue Microphone input positiveMIC_N G3Analogue Microphone input negativeSPKR_P J1Analogue Speaker output positiveSPKR_N K1Analogue Speaker output negativeBlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet Test and Debug Ball Pad Type DescriptionRESET C7CMOS input with weak internal pull-down Reset if high. Input debounced so must behigh for >5ms to cause a resetRESET_B D8CMOS input with weak internal pull-up Reset if low. Input debounced so must below for >5ms to cause a resetSPI_CSB C9CMOS input with weak internal pull-up Chip select for Serial Peripheral Interface,active lowSPI_CLK C10CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface clockSPI_MOSI C8CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface data inputSPI_MISO B9CMOS output, tristatablewith weak internal pull-downSerial Peripheral Interface data outputTEST_EN C6CMOS input with stronginternal pull-down For test purposes only (leave unconnected)FLASH_EN B8CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Pull high to VDD_MEM PIO Port Ball Pad Type DescriptionPIO[2]B3Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[3]B4Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[4]E8Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[5]F8Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[6]F10Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[7]F9Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[8]C5Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[9]C3Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[10]C4Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[11]E3Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output lineAIO[0]H4Bi-directional Programmable input/output line AIO[1]H5Bi-directional Programmable input/output line AIO[2]J5Bi-directional Programmable input/output lineBlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet Power Suppliesand Control Ball Pad Type DescriptionVREG_IN K6VDD 2.2-3.6V Voltage inputVDD_USB K9VDD Positive supply for UART/USB ports VDD_PIO A3VDD Positive supply for PIO and AUX DAC (1)VDD_PADS D10VDD Positive supply for all other digitalinput/output ports (2)VDD_MEM A6,A7,A9, H6,J6, K7VDD Positive supply for ROM memory and AIOportsVDD_CORE E10VDD Positive supply for internal digital circuitry VDD_RADIO C1, C2VDD Positive supply for RF circuitryVDD_VCO H1VDD Positive supply for VCO and synthesisercircuitryVDD_ANA K4VDD Positive supply for analogue circuitry and1.8V regulated outputVSS_USB J9, K10VSS Ground connections for UART/USB ports VSS_PIO A1, A2VSS Ground connections for PIO and AUX DAC VSS_PADS D9VSS Ground connection for input/outputVSS_MEM A10, B5,B7, B10,J7VSS Ground connections for ROM memory andAIO portsVSS_CORE E9VSS Ground connection for internal digitalcircuitryVSS_RADIO D2, E2,F2VSS Ground connections for RF circuitryVSS_VCO G1, G2VSS Ground connections for VCO andsynthesiserVSS_ANA J2, J4,K2VSS Ground connections for analogue circuitryVSS F3VSS Ground connection for internal packageshieldBall DescriptionUnconnected Terminals A4, A5, A8, B6 and K5Leave unconnectedNotes:(1) Positive supply for PIO[3:0] and PIO[11:8].(2) Positive supply for SPI/PCM ports and PIO[7:4].BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet3 10 x 10 Package Information3.1 BC213159AXX-BN Pinout Diagram Orientation from top of deviceA B C D E F G H J K L 1234567891011A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A10A11B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9B10B11C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11D1D2D3D9D10D11E1E2E3E9E10E11F1F2F3F9F10F11G1G2G3G9G10G11H1H2H3H9H10H11J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J8J9J10J11K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9K10K11L1L2L3L4L5L6L7L8L9L10L11Figure 3.1: BlueCore2-Audio 10 x 10mm LFBGA Package (BC213159AXX-BN)BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet 3.2 Device Terminal Functions Radio Ball Pad Type DescriptionRF_IN D2Analogue Single ended receiver inputPIO[0]/RXEN D3Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downControl output for external LNA (if fitted)PIO[1]/TXEN C4Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downControl output for external PA Class 1 onlyBAL_MATCH A1Analogue Tie to VSS_RADIORF_CONNECT B1Analogue 50O RF matched I/OAUX_DAC C2Analogue Voltage DAC outputSynthesiser andOscillator Ball Pad Type DescriptionXTAL_IN L3Analogue For crystal or external clock input XTAL_OUT L4Analogue Drive for crystalLOOP_FILTER J2Analogue Connection to external PLL loop filter(Do not connect)PCM Interface Ball Pad Type DescriptionPCM_OUT G10CMOS output, tristatablewith weak internal pull-down Synchronous data outputPCM_IN H11CMOS input, with weakinternal pull-down Synchronous data inputPCM_SYNC G11Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Synchronous data syncPCM_CLK H10Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Synchronous data clock USB and UART Ball Pad Type DescriptionUART_TX J10CMOS output, tristatablewith weak internal pull-up UART data output active highUART_RX J11CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down UART data input active highUART_RTS L11CMOS output, tristatablewith weak internal pull-up UART request to send active lowUART_CTS K11CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down UART clear to send active lowUSB_DP L9Bi-directional USB data plus with selectable internal1.5k Ω pull-up resistorUSB_DN L8Bi-directional USB data minusCODEC Ball Pad Type DescriptionMIC_P K2Analogue Microphone input positive MIC_N L2Analogue Microphone input negative SPKR_P J5Analogue Speaker output positive SPKR_N J4Analogue Speaker output negativeBlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet Test and Debug Ball Pad Type DescriptionRESET F9CMOS input with weak internal pull-down Reset if high. Input debounced so must behigh for >5ms to cause a resetRESETB G9CMOS input with weak internal pull-up Reset if low. Input debounced so must below for >5ms to cause a resetSPI_CSB C10CMOS input with weak internal pull-up Chip select for Synchronous PeripheralInterface, active lowSPI_CLK D10CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface clockSPI_MOSI D11CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Serial Peripheral Interface data inputSPI_MISO C11CMOS output, tristatablewith weak internal pull-downSerial Peripheral Interface data outputTEST_EN E9CMOS input with stronginternal pull-down For test purposes only (leave unconnected)FLASH_EN B10CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Pull high to VDD_MEM PIO Port Ball Pad Type DescriptionPIO[2]C3Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[3]B2Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[4]H9Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[5]J8Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[6]K8Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[7]K9Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[8]B3Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[9]B4Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[10]A4Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output linePIO[11]A5Bi-directional withprogrammable strength internal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output lineAIO[0]K5Bi-directional Programmable input/output lineAIO[1]J6Bi-directional Programmable input/output lineAIO[2]K7Bi-directional Programmable input/output lineBlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet PIO Port Ball Pad Type DescriptionD[0]B5Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[1]C6Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[2]B6Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[3]A7Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[4]A8Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[5]B8Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[6]A9Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[7]A10Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[8]C5Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[9]A6Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[10]C7Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[11]B7Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[12]C8Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[13]C9Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[14]B9Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineD[15]A11Bi-directional with weakinternal pull-down Programmable input/output lineBlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet Power Suppliesand Control Ball Pad Type DescriptionVREG_IN L7VDD 2.2-3.6V Voltage inputVDD_USB L10VDD Positive supply for UART/USB ports VDD_PIO A3VDD Positive supply for PIO and AUX DAC (1)VDD_PADS E11VDD Positive supply for all other digitalinput/output ports (2)VDD_DIG L6VDD Positive 1.8V supply for VDD_MEM andVDD_COREVDD_MEM B11, K6VDD Positive supply for ROM memory and AIOand Extended PIO portsVDD_CORE F11VDD Positive supply for internal digital circuitry VDD_RADIO E3VDD Positive supply for RF circuitryVDD_ANA L5VDD Positive supply for analogue circuitry and1.8V regulated outputVDD_BALUN F1VDD Positive supply for BalunVSS_USB K10VSS Ground connection for UART/USB ports VSS_PIO A2VSS Ground connection for PIO and AUX DAC VSS_PADS E10VSS Ground connection for input/output VSS_MEM D9, J9VSS Ground connections for ROM memory andAIO portsVSS_CORE F10VSS Ground connection for internal digitalcircuitryVSS_RADIO E2, F3,G2VSS Ground connections for RF circuitryVSS_VCO G3, H2,H3VSS Ground connections for VCO andsynthesiserVSS_ANA K4VSS Ground connection for analogue circuitry VSS_BAL G1,J1,K1VSS Ground connections for BalunBall DescriptionUnconnected Terminals C1, D1, E1, F2, H1, J3, J7, K3 and L1Leave unconnectedNotes :(1) Positive supply for PIO[3:0] and PIO[11:8].(2) Positive supply for SPI/PCM ports and PIO[7:4].BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet4 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum RatingsRating Min Max Storage Temperature -40°C 150°C Supply Voltage: VDD_RADIO, VDD_VCO, VDD_ANA,VDD_CORE, VDD_MEM, VDD_BAL -0.40V 1.90V Supply Voltage: VDD_PADS, VDD_PIO, VDD_USB -0.40V 3.70V Supply Voltage: VREG_IN -0.40V 4.20V Other Terminal Voltages VSS-0.4V VDD+0.4V Recommended Operating ConditionsOperating Condition Min Max Operating Temperature Range -40°C 105°C Guaranteed RF performance range (1)-25°C 85°C Supply Voltage: VDD_RADIO, VDD_VCO, VDD_ANA,VDD_CORE, VDD_MEM, VDD_BAL 1.70V 1.90V Supply Voltage: VDD_PADS, VDD_PIO, VDD_USB 1.70V 3.60V Supply Voltage: VREG_IN 2.20V 4.20V Note :(1) Typical figures are given for RF performance between -40°C and +105°C.BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet Input/Output Terminal CharacteristicsLinear Regulator Min Typ Max Unit Normal OperationOutput Voltage (Iload = 70 mA / Vreg_IN = 3.0V) 1.70 1.78 1.85V Temperature Coefficient -250-250ppm/C Output Noise (1)(2)--1mV rms Load Regulation (Iload < 100 mA)--50mV/A Settling Time (1)(3)--50µs Line Regulation (1)(4)-20--dB Maximum Output Current 100--mA Minimum Load Current 5--µA Input Voltage -- 3.6V Dropout Voltage (Iload = 70 mA)--350mV Quiescent Current (excluding Ioad, Iload < 1mA)253550µA Low Power Mode(5)Quiescent Current (excluding Ioad, Iload < 100µA)4710µA Disabled Mode(6)Quiescent Current 1.5 2.5 3.5µA Notes:(1) Regulator output connected to 47nF pure and 4.7µF 2.2Ω ESR capacitors.(2) Frequency range 100Hz to 100kHz.(3) 1mA to 70mA pulsed load.(4) Frequency range 100Hz to 10MHz.(5) Low power mode is entered and exited automatically when the chip enters/leaves Deep Sleep mode.(6) Regulator is disabled when VREG_IN is either open circuit or driven to the same voltage as VDD_ANA.BlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet Input/Output Terminal Characteristics (Continued)Digital Terminals Min Typ Max Unit Input Voltage Levels-0.4-0.8V V IL input logic level low (VDD=3.0V) (VDD=1.8V)-0.4-0.4V V IH input logic level high 0.7VDD -VDD+0.4V Output Voltage LevelsV OL output logic level low, (l O = 4.0mA), VDD=3.0V --0.2V V OL output logic level low, (l O = 4.0mA), VDD=1.8V --0.4V V OH output logic level high, (l O = -4.0mA), VDD=3.0V VDD-0.2--V V OH output logic level high, (l O = -4.0mA), VDD=1.8V VDD-0.4--V Input and Tristate Current with:Strong pull-up -100-20-10µA Strong pull-down 1020100µA Weak pull-up -5-10µA Weak pull-down 015µA I/O pad leakage current -101µA C I Input Capacitance 1.0- 5.0pF Input/Output Terminal Characteristics (Continued)USB Terminals Min Typ Max Unit Input thresholdV IL input logic level low --0.3VDD_USB V V IH input logic level high 0.57VDD_USB --V Input leakage currentVSS_USB < V IN < VDD_USB (1)-1-1µA C I Input capacitance 2.5-10.0pF Output Voltage levelsTo correctly terminated USB CableV OL output logic level low 0.0-0.2V V OH output logic level high 2.8-VDD_USB V Input/Output Terminal Characteristics (Continued)Auxiliary DAC, 8-Bit Resolution Min Typ Max Unit Resolution --8Bits Average output step size (2)12.514.216.5mV Output Voltage monotonic (2)Voltage range (I O =0mA)VSS_PIO -VDD_PIO V Current range -10.0-+0.1mA Minimum output voltage (I O =100µA)0.0-0.2V Maximum output voltage (I O =10mA)VDD_PIO-0.3-VDD_PIO V High Impedance leakage current -1-1µA Offset -120-120mV Integral non-linearity (2)-1.5- 1.5LSB Starting time (50pF load)--10µs Settling time (50pF load)--5µsBlueCore ™2-Audio Product Data Sheet Input/Output Terminal Characteristics (Continued)Crystal Oscillator Min Typ Max Unit Crystal frequency (3)8.0-32.0MHz Digital trim range (4) 5.0 6.28.0pF Trim step size (4)-0.1-pF Transconductance 2.0--mS Negative resistance (5)87015002400ΩExternal ClockInput frequency (6)8.0-40.0MHz Clock input level (7)0.4-VDD_ANA V pk-pk Phase noise (at zero crossing)--15ps rms XTAL_IN input impedance -≥10-k ΩXTAL_IN input capacitance -≤4-pF Input/Output Terminal Characteristics (Continued)Power-on reset Min Typ Max Unit VDD_CORE falling threshold 1.40 1.50 1.60V VDD_CORE rising threshold 1.50 1.60 1.70V Hysteresis Notes :VDD_CORE, VDD_RADIO, VDD_VCO, VDD_ANA, VDD_BAL and VDD_MEM are at 1.8V unless shown otherwise.VDD_PADS, VDD_PIO and VDD_USB are at 3.0V unless shown otherwise.The same setting of the digital trim is applied to both XTAL_IN and XTAL_OUT.Current drawn into a pin is defined as positive, current supplied out of a pin is defined as negative.(1) Internal USB pull-up disabled.(2) Specified for an output voltage between 0.2V and VDD_PIO -0.2V.(3) Integer multiple of 250kHz.(4) The difference between the internal capacitance at minimum and maximum settings of the internal digital trim.(5) XTAL frequency = 16MHz; XTAL C 0 = 0.75pF; XTAL load capacitance = 8.5pF.(6) Clock input can be any frequency between 8 and 40MHz in steps of 250kHz + CDMA/3G TCXO frequencies of 15.36, 16.2, 16.8, 19.2, 19.44, 19.68, 19.8 and 38.4MHz.(7) Clock input can either be sinusoidal or square wave. If the peaks of the signal are below VSS_ANA or above VDD_ANA a DC blocking capacitor is required between the signal and XTAL_IN.。
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NS4158B 5W 单声道 D 类 防失真音频功率放大器说明书
4典型应用电路6极限工作参数●电源电压范围 2.8V ~5.5V ●输入电压范围-0.3V ~VDDV ●ESD 电压(HBM)4000V ●工作温度范围-40℃~+85℃●存储温度范围-65℃~+150℃●最大结温+150℃●焊接温度(10s 内)+220℃●θJC /θJA (SOP-8)20/80o C/W 注:超过上述极限工作参数范围可能导致芯片永久性的损坏。
dspMixFx技术的DSP引擎可提供完全无延迟的监听、REV-X混响和Sweet Sport Morphing通道条效果器;
赠送Cubase AI 6软件;
原生的VST 3 REV-X插件和Sweet Sport Morphing通道条效果器插件,使用DSP运算不占CPU资源;
分频点 Crossover Frequency 2.3Khz
最大峰值输出Maximum Peak Output ≥ 117dB SPL@1m
频率响应 Frequency Response 47Hz -20kHz(±2dB)
放大器功率参数 Amplifier Power Parameters 低频单元 LF Transducer100W
最大输出电平: +26dBu
TASSO T2TASSO T2有源多用途小型线阵音箱系统是一款可实现多种组合形成的线阵应用模块组。
H102全音域音箱不但体积轻巧,同时可提供130dB SPL的最大输出峰值声压极。
DSP18A里面内置了一个三通道D类3*600W/8Ω的功放模块组,并且通过内部的TASSO DSP360数字处理模块组可将T2有源多用途音箱系统性能进一步优化,声音更加清晰。
对耳朵好一点小评节奏坦克小夜曲iDSD【IT168 评测】要说的话,小编真正接触所谓PC-HIFI的时候可能还在上小学,那个时候的电脑可是不插一块声卡就不能出声的——虽然不知道从什么时候起这块必不可少的卡慢慢的就被集成到主板上,再也没人研究其所以然。
也有那么一两家厂子,在各种试水之后终于找到了那个切入点,扛着十来年的技术积累与工厂底子直接杀进现在所谓“P C-HIFI”的地盘,稳扎稳打的获得了属于自己的份额。
当年国产PCI-E 声卡的两大巨头:乐之邦与节奏坦克就属于这类。
外形:工业风与性能至上的设计挺好的说起小夜曲iDSD的外形的话,先抛开那个仿佛十来年前老美工的祖传方案一般的包装盒不谈,开盒之后的东西还是让人比较满意的,至少看着质感十足,不LOW 不糙,也没有寨味儿或者东莞味儿,说是森海新出了个一体机我都信。
hivi惠威 EA-800超低音汽车功率放大器 产品说明书
Model No. 型号: Amplifier parameters 功放参数: Frequency range 频率范围: Audio input 音源输入: Rated power 额定功率:
Signal-to-Noise 信噪比: Input sensitivity 输入灵敏度: Input impedance 输入阻抗: LPF tuning 低通滤波器调节: Working Voltage 工作电压: Remote control 遥控器: Dimensions 功放尺寸(L×W×H): Net weight 净重:
14 远 程 控 制 输 入 端 : 请连接 至 音 源设 备( 如 车 载CD机 ) 的控 制输 出 端 。当音源 设备打开时, 放大器也就可以跟着打开了。
15 + 12V端 子 ( 电 池 正 极 ) : 功 放 的 正 电 源 输 入 端 。 出 于 安 全 考 虑 , 请 尽 量 在 接 近 电 池 (+) 接 线 端 口 附近安装一个保险丝,它的安培数不能超过放大器上保险丝的安培总和。
!!注意!! 长 期 将 声 压 级 置 于 超 过8 5 d B情 况 中 将 会 对 听 觉 产 生 损 害 , 请 务 必 注 意 。
在钻孔前首先要确定自己的设计方案布局。在煤气罐、液压气罐及电线 旁边工作时要特别小心。确保功率放大器正确安装,以免在发生事故的时候 对人体造成二次伤害。
1、 用 螺 丝 刀 逆 时 针 旋 转 增 益 旋 钮 到 最 小 。 2、 请 在 车 载 播 放 器 上 播 放 强 劲 的 音 乐 , 并 把 音 量 调 节 在1 / 3位 置 处 。 3、 调 节 功 放 的 增 益 旋 钮 直 到 获 得 良 好 、 舒 适 的 听 觉 效 果 为 止 。 4、 调 大 车 载 播 放 器 的 音 量 直 到 声 音 开 始 失 真 , 再 往 回 调 小 一 点 音 量 使 它回到没有明显失真的音量级。 5、 调 节 功 放 的 增 益 旋 钮 直 到 获 得 可 接 受 的 强 劲 声 压 级 。 6、 调 小 车 载 播 放 器 的 音 量 直 到 达 到 舒 适 的 听 觉 效 果 为 止 。