win10家庭中文版添加Hyper-V虚拟机Hyper-V之前一直专属Windows Server平台,从Windows 8系统开始,个人用户才能使用Hyper-V,不过令人遗憾的是,只有Windows专业版及以上的系统才能使用Hyper-V,Windows家庭版是不能使用的,这个政策一直延续到现在的Windows 10。
很多有Hyper-V需求的用户因此而升级为Windows 10专业版。
提示重启时保存好文件重启吧,重启完成就能使用功能完整的Hyper-V 了。
1.pushd "%~dp0"2.3.dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt4.5.for/f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart/add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"6.7.del hyper-v.txt8.9.Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V-All/LimitAccess /ALL脚本执行过程如上图所示,按Y重启之后,就可以在开始菜单-所有应用-Windows管理工具中找到“Hyper-V管理器”了,打开它就能使用Hyper-V。
hyperv创建虚拟机的方法与步骤嘿,朋友们!今天咱就来讲讲 hyperv 创建虚拟机的那些事儿。
咱先打开hyperv 管理器,这就好比是打开了一个神奇的宝库大门。
01 项目陈述 02 必备知识 03 项目实施
项目4 Hyper-V虚拟化技术
4.1 项目陈述
Hyper-V是微软的一款虚拟化产品,是微软第一个采用类似Vmware ESXi 和Citrix Xen的基于Hypervisor的一种系统管理程序虚拟化技术,它的主要作用 就是管理、调度虚拟机的创建和运行,能够实现桌面虚拟化。这也意味着微软会 更加直接地与市场先行者VMware展开竞争,但竞争的方式会有所不同。 Windows Server是领先的服务器操作系统,为全球中小企业提供帮助,特别是 Windows Server 2019操作系统在虚拟化和安全等方面都有较大的提升,而且 无论是桌面界面设计,还是特色功能选项,都更加人性化,可以说这是一个不可 多得的服务器操作系统。本章讲解Hyper-V基础知识、Hyper-V功能特性以及 Hyper-V系统架构及其优势等相关理论知识,项目实践部分讲解Hyper-V的安装、 Hyper-V虚拟机管理、Hyper-V虚拟机硬盘管理以及Hyper-V虚拟机存储管理等 相关知识与技能。
项目4 Hyper-V虚拟化技术
4.2 必备知识
4.2.1 Hyper-V基础知识 4.2.2 Hyper-V功能特性 4.2.3 Hyper-V系统架构及其优势
项目4 Hyper-V虚拟化技术
4.2.1 Hyper-V基础知识
Hyper-V设计的目的是为广泛的用户提供更为熟悉以及成本效益更高 的虚拟化基础设施软件,这样可以降低运作成本、提高硬件利用率、优化 基础设施并提高服务器的可用性。
1.Windows Server 2019操作系统简介 2.Hyper-V网络基本概念
hyper-v简介及安装使⽤(图⽂详解)前⾔:作为IT界的巨头,微软⾃⼰的虚拟化技术,也是微软第⼀个采⽤Vmware与CitrixXen⼀样基于hypervisor的虚拟化技术,有着⾃⼰可圈可点的地⽅,微软⾃⼰的虚拟化技术嘛,对windows的⽀持基本是没有问题的,⽽根据官⽅的资料介绍,它甚⾄可以安装专门为Linux设计的Integrated Components(⾥⾯包含磁盘和⽹络适配器的VMbus驱动)以使Linux虚机也能获得⾼性能,同样的,和主流的虚拟化技术相似,hyper-v也⽀持半虚拟化与全虚拟化,但它的半虚拟化仅⽀持与宿主机相同版本的系统,如果你不喜欢它的图形化界⾯,那你也可以在Server Core(命令⾏的windows)上安装hyper-v虚拟化程序,来满⾜⾃⼰的需求。
本⽂章旨在介绍在windows server2012操作系统上安装hyper-v并使⽤它来建⽴你的第⼀个虚拟机程序。
hyper-v运⾏平台:windows server2008R2及更⾼版本的服务器系统,win7及更⾼版本桌⾯操作系统,hyper-v server 操作系统硬件要求: Intel或者AMD64位处理器 CPU必须具备硬件的数据执⾏保护( DEP )功能,⽽且该功能必须启动 硬件辅助虚拟化,即为Intel VT或AMD-V 内存最低限度为2GB。
hyper-v 介绍
Hyper-V 虚拟化技术详细解读Hyper-V 技术简介TOP什么是Hyper-V?Hyper-V是微软提出的一种系统管理程序虚拟化技术。
Hyper-V最初预定在2008年第一季度,与Windows Server 2008同时发布。
Hyper-V的特点和优势TOPHyper-V与其他的虚拟化平台相比,突出的特点就是精简了结构提高了性能,下面我们用Virtual Server作为传统虚拟化技术的代表与Hyper-V进行对比。
Hyper-V和Virtual Server虽然同为微软的服务器虚拟化产品,却有着很显著的区别:Hyper-V在构架上已经完全不同于后者,可以说是微软在虚拟化技术上的一个突破性进展。
Virtual Server的基本架构是:层次一、服务器硬件(x86或者x64架构);层次二、服务器操作系统(Windows Server 2003);层次三、虚拟化软件(Virtual Server);层次四、虚拟机(虚拟硬件及虚拟操作系统)。
而Hyper-V从架构上讲只有“硬件-Hyper-V-虚拟机”三层,这种构架使得虚拟机和硬件之间只通过很薄的一层进行连接,不像 Virtual Server那样虚拟机和硬件之间需要经过多层的转换,因而虚拟机执行效率非常高,可以更加充分的利用硬件资源,使虚拟机系统性能非常接近真实的操作系统性能。
Hyperv解决方案1. 什么是HypervHyper-V是一种虚拟化技术,是微软Windows Server操作系统中的一项重要功能。
2. Hyperv的应用场景Hyper-V广泛应用于以下场景:2.1 数据中心虚拟化Hyper-V可以在一台物理服务器上运行多个虚拟机,每个虚拟机可以运行不同的操作系统和应用程序。
2.2 网络虚拟化Hyper-V支持虚拟交换机和虚拟局域网(VLAN)功能,可以将多个虚拟机连接到虚拟网络中,并提供灵活的网络配置和管理。
2.3 私有云部署借助Hyper-V和System Center Virtual Machine Manager(SCVMM),可以快速构建和部署私有云环境。
2.4 虚拟桌面基础设施(VDI)Hyper-V可以作为VDI解决方案的基础,为用户提供虚拟桌面服务。
3. Hyperv的安装与配置要使用Hyper-V,首先需要确保物理计算机符合以下要求:•64位处理器,支持硬件虚拟化•至少4GB的内存•至少40GB的硬盘空间•Windows Server操作系统,如Windows Server 2016或更高版本在满足以上要求后,可以按照以下步骤来安装和配置Hyper-V:1.打开Server Manager,并选择“添加角色和功能”向导。
Part 1.开启hyper-v功能hyper-v功能只存在于Windows 8专业版和企业版中,并且默认未开启。
Part 2.设置“虚拟交换机”hyper-v的虚拟机是可以访问主机的网络资源的,如果你不需要访问网络就可以跳过这个步骤。
Part 3.创建“虚拟机”再次返回hyper-v主界面,开始创建虚拟机,依次点击如下图中所示的“新建”-“虚拟机”,开始虚拟机的创建过程。
Hyper-V组件,Windows 8是首次将企业用Hyper-V集成在个人系统中,可见虚拟化技术的发展之迅速。
Hyper-V是微软提供的一款高效率的虚拟化管理软件,在早期的Windows服务器中配备Hyper-V组件,Windows 8是首次将企业用Hyper-V集成在个人系统中,可见虚拟化技术的发展之迅速。
该技术基于Windows Virtual PC的基础上发展而来,与虚拟机不同的是,该软件将直接使用部分物理设备如CPU而不进行虚拟化。
使用Hyper-V功能,对系统和设备都有一定的要求:系统要求:32位和64位的Windows 8均可开启Hyper-V功能,但是只有64位的Windows 8可以创建虚拟机,32位的系统却不可以,只能进行虚拟机的链接。
Hyper-V功能的添加在“控制面板”中,选择“程序”:之后点击“启用或关闭Windows功能”:之后会弹出“Windows功能”对话框,稍稍等待加载功能选项:加载好之后,找到Hyper-V功能,将其勾选,并点击“确定”:Windows功能进行功能的启用:将Hyper-V 添加到你的计算机之后,必须重新启动才能完成该过程。
因为重启后才能启动Windows 虚拟机监控程序和虚拟机管理服务。
hyper-v 增强会话实现原理概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述本篇文章的主题是关于Hyper-V 增强会话实现原理的概述和解释说明。
1.2 文章结构本文分为五个主要部分,每个部分都有特定的内容和目标。
下面将对各部分进行简要介绍:第一部分是引言,我们将在此给出这篇文章的总体概述,并解释为什么研究Hyper-V 增强会话的实现原理很重要。
第二部分将介绍Hyper-V 的基础知识,包括其主要特点和功能。
第四部分将与其他虚拟化技术进行对比分析,例如VMware Workstation、VirtualBox 和KVM。
1.3 目的本文旨在深入了解Hyper-V 增强会话的实现原理,并介绍它在不同场景下的具体应用。
通过对比其他虚拟化技术,读者可以更好地了解Hyper-V 在功能和性能方面的优势。
同时,希望通过本文能够提供给读者一些有关Hyper-V 增强会话的知识和洞察力,使其能够更好地理解和应用这一技术。
2. Hyper-V 增强会话的实现原理:2.1 Hyper-V基础知识:在讨论Hyper-V增强会话的实现原理之前,我们需要了解一些Hyper-V的基础知识。
2.2 增强会话的定义和功能:增强会话是指在使用Hyper-V管理工具(如Hyper-V管理器)与运行在虚拟机中的操作系统进行交互时所使用的一种高级会话。
增强会话提供了以下功能:- 拖放文件:可以通过拖放文件来传输文件,而不需要使用其他传输工具。
- 复制和粘贴:可以在主机和虚拟机之间复制和粘贴文本内容。
一下载与安装我是在Windows Server 2008 X64的计算机上下载该补丁的,在下载的时候,需要下载一个“Windows正版增强验证”的软件,下载并运行该软件后,得到一个验证码,验证通过之后,才可以下载。
图1 下载后的Hyper-V正式版下载了正式版(英文版)和多语言包后,双击安装。
图3 不需要重新启动安装完成后,重新启动计算机,再次进入后,从“管理工具”中运行“Hyper-V管理器”,如图4所示。
图4 Hyper-V管理器在“Hyper-V”设置对话框中,可以设置默认的虚拟硬盘、虚拟机的保存路径,我通常都是保存在一个空闲空间比较大的磁盘分区上,并且使用一个很短的路径,例如E盘的VMS文件夹,对于Microsoft虚拟机来说,则可以保存为MVMS,这个就看自己的爱好与习惯了。
图5 Hyper-V设置在图4中,选择“虚拟网络管理器”,还可以添加虚拟网络,类似于VMware的VMnet1、VMnet2等虚拟网卡,这些比较简单,也不介绍。
Hyper-V实验手册实验前准备Lab 01:配置iSCSI目标服务器实验目的:通过配置iSCSI目标服务器,可以让学员了解Windows Server 2012的存储管理功能,为之后的群集实验做准备。
实验内容在本实验中,学员将在虚拟机:Windows Server 2012域控制器(VDC1)上,安装并配置iSCSI目标服务器。
11)在‘选择服务器角色’页面,勾选‘文件和存储服务(已安装)-文件和iSCSI服务(已安装– iSCSI目标服务器)’,单机‘下一步’。
Lab 02:配置实时迁移虚拟机存储实验目的:通过配置实时迁移虚拟机存储,可以让学员了解Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V对虚拟机存储调用的灵活性。
实验内容在本实验中,学员将在物理机Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V(Host11)上,在不中断虚拟机运行的情况下迁移其存储。
Lab 03:配置实时迁移虚拟机(无共享存储)实验目的:通过配置实时迁移虚拟机及其存储,可以让学员了解Windows Server 2012Hyper-V 在虚拟机迁移方面的新特性。
Lab 04:Hyper-V复制实验目的:通过配置Hyper-V复制,可以让学员了解Windows Server 2012 在Hyper-V服务器高可用性方面的新特性。
实验内容在本实验中,学员将在两台Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V服务器上,实现虚拟机复制功能。
hyper-v是什么?有什么作⽤?hyperv详细图⽂教程介绍hyer v简介Hyer-V是⼀个微软的虚拟机,部署在win 8.x 64位 pro以上版本中,和Windows 2008以上服务器的版本中。
hyer v图⽂使⽤教程要求CPU⽀持虚拟化,所以没有虚拟化的还是⽤vm、vb吧;1.打开功能:2.会出现Hyper-V管理器3.打开管理器,更改hyper-v的路径(可选);4.创建虚拟交换机,我这⾥创建了⼀个外部和⼀个内部,可选的是创建⼀个内部或者两个内部交换机,内部交换机可以⽤于桥接到主机⽹络,也可以进⾏远程控制,这⾥创建内部⽹络的作⽤是控制,创建外部⽹络的作⽤是上⽹。
7.虚拟机安装好了,打开windows xp虚拟机,运⾏gpedit.msc,然后按下图更改客户端为24⾊(因为xp在远程访问时候默认只有16位⾊,这⾥搞到24⾊算是我的极限了,不知道有没有办法调到32位⾊),已经看不出来和32位⾊的区别了。
9.(可选)如果进⾏了5的设置,⽤ipconfig /all来获取本地连接2的ip地址。
Hyper-v使用手册系统要求1 .基于x64处理器,运行x64版本的Windows Server 2008的标准,在Windows Server 2008企业或Windows Server 2008数据。
这是在现有的处理器,包括一个虚拟化的选择工具体来说,佛蒙特州英特尔或AMD的虚拟化(AMD公司-五,以前的代号为“ Pacifica ”的) 。
3.NX的位元相容的CPU必须具备硬件和数据执行保护(DEP )必须启用。
Hyper-V采用基于VM bus的高速内存总线架构,来自虚机的硬件请求(显卡、鼠标、磁盘、网络),可以直接经过VSC,通过VMbus总线发送到根分区的VSP,VSP调用对应的设备驱动,直接访问硬件,中间不需要Hypervisor的帮助。
这种架构效率很高,不再像以前的Virtual Server,每个硬件请求,都需要经过用户模式、内核模式的多次切换转移。
更何况Hyper-V现在可以支持Virtual SMP,Windows Server 2008虚机最多可以支持4个虚拟CPU;而Windows Server 2003最多可以支持2个虚拟CPU。
安装和使用方法点开“服务管理器”,点击“添加角色”,勾上“HPV-管理器”,如下图:点“下一步”,点“安装”,就OK了,安装完后系统会提示你“重启”,“重启”好后,点击“管理工具”打开“HPV-管理器”,如下图:现在还没有创建任何的虚拟机,所以列表里是空的,单击右上角“创建”右击选择“虚拟机”,如下图:在这里为创建的虚拟机输入名称,由于这里要创建的是2008 Server,所以就叫08,还有虚拟机存放的位置,为了方便,就新建一个08的文件夹,将其存放在里面,如下图:点“下一步”,会看见让设置创建虚拟机的内存,默认08是512M,而03则是256M,其实这也足够了,当然如果你机器内存非常的大,你也可以设置的大点,如下图:点“下一步”,这里会提示让你选择网络适配器,在这里,先不要管它,继续我们的“下一步”,会看见下图:这里让你输入创建虚拟机文件的名称及位置,还有虚拟机硬盘的大小,我给它20G足够了,点“下一步”,会出现下图:这里其实就是提示我们插入2008 Server的光盘镜像,所以选择“从引导CD/DVD-ROM安装操作系统”,然后浏览到当前镜像文件的位置,点“完成”,就可以了,如下图:这时,在回到虚拟机列表,会看见有了2008这台机器,实际上它还没有安装操作系统,如下图:右击“2008”这台机点“启动”。
Hyper-V产品分为Hyper-V Server 2008 R2和Hyper-V角色管理器Hyper-V Server 2008 R2系统界面如下:Hyper-V角色管理器界面如下:Hyper-V Server 2008 R2Hyper-V Server 2008 R2是一种无图形化界面的server core,有独特的hypervisor,使得Hyper-V Server 2008 R2上的虚拟机,可以通过hypervisor来调用server的硬件资源,而Hyper-V角色,则是Windows Server 2008 R2中的一个管理工具,其作用和可以通过网络直接管理Hyper-V Server 2008 R2上的虚拟机Hyper-V Server 2008 R2与之前版本的对比:Hyper-V Server 2008 R2作为一个server虚拟化底层,配合SCVMM使用,可以实现很强大的功能,如,虚拟机的模板转换,支持虚拟机不宕机而进行动态迁移,支持linux 的V2P(即虚拟机克隆到物理机)对企业备份,容灾,高可靠,起到决定性的作用。
Hyper-V角色管理器Hyper-V角色管理器是windows server 2008 R2服务器管理器中的一个角色,在windows系统下,可以通过Hyper-V角色管理器对拥有Hyper-V角色管理器的服务器和Hyper-V Server 2008 R2系统的服务器进行简单的管理,如,创建虚拟机,关闭虚拟机,更改虚拟机网络等简单操作,如果想实现迁移,克隆,模板转换等功能,需要使用System Center中的SCVMM进行Hyper-V角色管理器服务器和Hyper-V Server 2008 R2系统的服务器的管理从而实现。
Course 10981A: Infrastructure Provisioning with System Center Virtual Machine ManagerCourse OutlineModule 1: Overview of Hyper-V and Virtual Machine ManagerBefore Virtual Machine Manager can be used to manage the virtualized environment you should understand some of the key concepts and features in both Hyper-V and Virtual Machine Manager. This includes the various networking and storage features in Virtual Machine Manger and how Virtual Machine Manager User Roles and Run As Account can be used to control access to the resources being managed. You should also understand how you can use Windows PowerShell with Virtual Machine Manager and how you can generate PowerShell Cmdlets for many tasks in the Virtual Machine Manager Console.Lessons∙Overview of Hyper-V∙Overview of Virtual Machine ManagerLab : Completing the Fabric for the VMM environmentAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Describe the key components and features in Hyper-V.∙Describe the key components and features in Virtual Machine Manager.Module 2: Configuring High Availability for Virtual Machine Manager and Hyper-VIn most enterprise virtualized environments high availability is a key function that is implemented for business-critical workloads. This ensures workloads remain available at all times and also provides load-balancing capabilities. For this reason it is important that you understand how high availability can be configured for the Hyper-V Hosts, Virtual Machine Manager Management Server and the Virtual Machine Manager database. In this module you will learn about the clustering requirements for Virtual Machine Manager. You will also learn how to configure SQL AlwaysOn for the Virtual Machine Manager database. Finally, you will learn how to configure clustering for Hyper-V.Lessons∙Clustering requirements for Virtual Machine Manager∙Configuring SQL AlwaysOn for the Virtual Machine Manager Database∙Hyper-V Host ClusteringLab : Implementing High Availability for Virtual Machine ManagerAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Describe the clustering requirements Virtual Machine Manager.∙Configure SQL AlwaysOn for the Virtual Machine Manager database.∙Configure Hyper-V clustering.Module 3: Updating Virtual Machine Manager and Fabric ServersKeeping the IT environment up to date in an enterprise is paramount from both a security and a performance perspective. Proper update management also helps ensure that systems remain available by applying patches that improve the applications running on them. In the virtualized environment updatemanagement is just as important, especially when there are multiple System Center components deployed. In this module you will learn how Virtual Machine Manager integrates with Windows Server Update Services to manage the updates on Virtual Machine Manager Fabric infrastructure servers such as the Virtual Machine Manager Management Server and Library Server. You will also learn the considerations that should be taken into account and service order that should be applied when updating Virtual Machine Manager when you have other System Center components deployed.Lessons∙Understanding the Servicing Order for System Center∙Performing the manual update process in Virtual Machine Manager∙Patching the Virtual Machine Manager Fabric with Windows Server Update ServicesLab : Updating the Virtual Machine Manager environmentAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Describe the servicing order when updating System Center components.∙Update Virtual Machine Manager.∙Update the Virtual Machine Manager Fabric.Module 4: Configuring Networking in Virtual Machine ManagerNetworking in Virtual Machine Manager has been extended extensively within the last two iterations of System Center. For example, in System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager, the ability to deploy third-party switch extensions such as Cisco was added. In System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager, Top-of-rack (TOR) switch integration was added. It is important that you not only understand the basic concepts of networking in Virtual Machine Manager but that you also know how to configure some of the advanced network settings. This knowledge will prove invaluable when configuring Virtual Machine Manager in an enterprise environment, especially where networking spans multiples sites and/or locations. In this module you will learn some of the key networking fundamentals in Virtual Machine Manager before moving onto advanced networking features such as Port Profiles, Top-of-rack switches and Windows Server Gateways.Lessons∙Overview of Networking in Virtual Machine Manager∙Logical Networks∙Uplink and Virtual Port Profiles∙Logical Switches∙Virtual Machine Networks∙Software Defined Networking (optional)Lab : Configuring Networking in VMMAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Describe the core networking features in Virtual Machine Manager.∙Create logical networks, network sites and IP pools.∙Configure Uplink Port Profiles and Virtual Port Profiles.∙Configure Logical Switches.∙Configure VM Networks.∙Understand Software Defined Networking in Virtual Machine Manager (optional).Module 5: Configuring Storage in Virtual Machine Manager Virtual Machine Manager provides support for both Block Storage and File Storage. Block Storage can include Fibre Channel, iSCSI and Serial Attached SCSI (SAS). File storage includes network file shares that can be located on a Windows File Server or on third party Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices provided by vendors such as NetApp or EMC. When configuring storage in Virtual Machine Manager you need to understand how it is discovered, classified, provisioned, allocated and decommissioned. In this module you will learn about the various storage options that are available in Hyper-V and Virtual Machine Manager. You will also learn how storage is discovered and classified. Finally, you will learn how to configure and manage storage in Virtual Machine Manager.Lessons∙Storage options available in Hyper-V and Virtual Machine Manager∙Understanding Storage in Virtual Machine Manager∙What Storage will be managed?∙Configuring and Managing Storage in Virtual Machine ManagerLab : Provisioning and configuring Storage in Virtual Machine ManagerAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Describe the storage options available in Virtual Machine Manager.∙Understand storage in Virtual Machine Manager.∙Understand what storage will be managed in Virtual Machine Manager.∙Configure and manage storage in Virtual Machine Manager.Module 6: Managing Clouds in Virtual Machine Manager One of Virtual Machine Managers most powerful features is its ability to create and manage Private Clouds including the resources made available to them and controlling access to Virtual Machines and Services deployed within them. Before provisioning a Private Cloud in Virtual Machine Manager it is important that you understand the key concepts around Cloud Computing such the difference between Private, Public and Hybrid Clouds. When provisioning a Private Cloud it is also important that you configure the resources available to the cloud appropriately. This includes the Library resources, Virtual Machines and Services that are deployed to the cloud. In this module you will learn some of the key concepts in Cloud computing. You will also learn how to create and manage a Private Cloud in Virtual Machine Manager including how resources, capacity and capability are configured for the cloud. Finally, you will learn how access to the Private Cloud and its associated resources is configured.Lessons∙Introduction to Clouds∙Creating and Managing a Private Cloud in Virtual Machine Manager∙Working with User Roles in Virtual Machine ManagerLab : Managing Clouds in Virtual Machine ManagerAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Describe the key concepts in Cloud Computing.∙Create and manage Clouds in Virtual Machine Manager.∙Create and configure User Roles in Virtual Machine Manager.Module 7: Configuring and Managing the Virtual Machine Manager Library and Library Objects The Virtual Machine Manager Library provides access to file-based resources such as sysprep images, virtual hard disks and ISO files. This makes provisioning Virtual Machines and Services much quicker and easier as the Library acts as a catalog of resources that are available at all times. It is important that you understand how to configure and manage the Virtual Machine Manager Library especially when you have multiple Library servers in your environment. In this module you will learn about the Virtual Machine Manager Library structure and how Libraries are synchronized. You will also learn about equivalence objects with the Library and how library objects can be tagged and versioned.Lessons∙Overview of the Virtual Machine Manager Library∙Managing LibrariesLab : Configuring and Managing the Virtual Machine Manager LibraryAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Describe the Virtual Machine Manager Library.∙Configure and manager the Virtual Machine Manager Library.Module 8: Preparing the Windows Operating System for deployment in Virtual Machine Manager There are a number of methods that can be used to prepare an Operating System for deployment in Virtual Machine Manager. For example, you can use Sysprep to prepare an Operating System which then generalizes the image so that it can be re-used indefinitely. You can also use a Windows Imaging Format (WIM) file to create a .VHD. It is important that you understand the various methods in which an Operating System can be prepared for deployment so that you can use the best method for your environment. In this module you will learn how to use Sysprep and WIM to prepare Operating System images for deployment with Virtual Machine Manager. You will also learn the architecture of virtual machines in relation to physical computers including how application settings are affected in a virtualized environment. Finally, you will learn about the preparations that must be performed when deploying bare-metal Hyper-V Hosts and Scale-out File Servers.Lessons∙Preparing a Windows Operating System∙Virtual Machine Architecture∙Preparations required for Bare Metal deployments of Hyper-V and Scale-out File ServersLab : Preparing the Windows Operating SystemAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Prepare a Windows Operating System for deployment in Virtual Machine Manager.∙Understand Virtual Machine Architecture.∙Prepare for a bare-metal deployment of Hyper-V and Sale-out File Server.Module 9: Virtual Machine and Service Templates Templates in Virtual Machine Manager provide a method of standardizing the deployment of Virtual Machines and Services thereby saving time and ensuring that when deploying them, they are configured appropriately. When creating a Virtual Machine or Service Template there are many properties that can be configured such as the hardware, Operating System and applications that will be deployed, so it is important that you understand how these properties are configured. In addition, when creating Virtual Machine Templates you can also apply Hardware, Guest OS and Application Profiles which can be used to apply standard settings for Virtual Machines and Services deployed with Virtual Machine Manager. In this module you will learn how to configure Virtual Machine and Service Templates. You will also learn how to create hardware and Guest OS Profiles to help standardize the deployment of Virtual Machines and Services. You will also learn how to configure, deploy and update Service Templates including how Service Templates are used in the realworld.Lessons∙Overview of Virtual Machine Templates∙Overview of Service Template TemplatesLab : Deploying Virtual Machines and ServicesAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Configure Virtual Machine Templates.∙Configure Service Templates.Module 10: System Center Integration Virtual Machine Manager, as with other System Center components can be integrated with other components to provide additional features and manageability. For example when Virtual Machine Manager is integrated with Operations Manager you can monitor the Virtual Machine Manager environment and be alerted when Operations Manager detects problems such as a pending hard disk failure in the Virtual Machine Manager fabric. By integrating Virtual Machine Manager with Orchestrator you can also automate tasks in Virtual Machine Manager such as deploying a Virtual Machine or a Service. In this module you will learn how integration between Virtual Machine Manager and Operations Manager is configured and what benefits this brings. You will also learn how integration between Virtual Machine Manager and Orchestrator is configured including the benefits this brings.Lessons∙Monitoring the Virtual Machine Manager environment with Operations Manager∙Automation with OrchestratorLab : Responding to Alerts using OrchestratorAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Monitor the Virtual Machine Manager environment with Operations Manager.∙Automate the Virtual Machine Manager environment with Orchestrator.Module 11: Windows Azure Pack Windows Azure Pack is a no-cost Azure solution for the datacenter. By using Windows Azure Pack and Virtual Machine Manager you can offer cloud-based services such as Virtual Machine Clouds, Web Site Clouds and SQL Server databases from a secure Self-Service environment hosted in your datacenter. In this module you will learn about the key features of Windows Azure Pack including its architecture and the Tenant and Administrator Portals that provide access to the Windows Azure Pack features. You will also learn about the various deployment methods for Windows Azure Pack including how to perform an express deployment. Finally, you will learn how to configure VM Clouds, User Accounts and Plans in Windows Azure Pack so that you can offer Self-Service Virtual Machine provisioning.Lessons∙Overview of Windows Azure Pack∙Deploying Windows Azure Pack∙Configuring Windows Azure Pack∙Windows Azure Pack Tenant ExperienceLab : Deploying Windows Azure Pack and provisioning infrastructure servicesAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Describe Windows Azure Pack.∙Perform an Express deployment of Windows Azure Pack.∙Configure Windows Azure Pack.Module 12: Azure Site Recovery As with most business critical applications and services, a disaster recovery solution is key to ensure applications and services are available at all times. This is also the case in a virtualized environment. Microsoft Azure Site Recovery provides a service that can be used to orchestrate the replication, failover and recovery of an on-premise Virtual Machine Manager environment to another on-premise Virtual Machine Manager environment such as a disaster recovery site. In addition Azure Site Recovery can be used to replicate the Virtual Machine Manager environment to Azure. In this module you will learn how to configure Azure Site Recovery to provide protection for the Virtual Machine Manager environment including how it can be integrated with Windows Azure Pack to provide disaster recovery for IaaS workloads.Lessons∙Overview of Azure Site Recovery∙Configuring and using Azure Site RecoveryLab : Configuring Azure Site RecoveryAfter completing this module, students will be able to:∙Understand Azure Site Recovery.∙Configure Azure Site Recovery.。
它可以在Windows Server上轻松安装和配置,而且拥有简单直观的管理界面,让管理员可以方便地对虚拟化资源进行监控和管理。
此外,Hyperv还支持各种管理工具和接口,包括PowerShell、System Center等,可以实现强大的自动化和集中管理功能。
⾸先介绍微软windows的两⼤服务虚拟化产品:1)windows server 2012 r2的Hyper ⾓⾊,系统要收费的,系统有standard和datacenter两种版本,hyper只是server操作系统的⼀个⾓⾊⽽已。
2)Hyper-V server 2012,免费的,类似于vmware的esxi,只是为虚拟化定制的⼀个操作系统,只具备虚拟化的基本功能。
安装篇windows2012 R2 之Hyper安装⾸先你要安装⼀台windows 2012 r2 OS然后打开服务器管理添加“⾓⾊”,添加'hyper“⾓⾊,如下进⼊hype虚拟⽹卡r配置配置虚拟磁盘、配置⽂件存储位置等待配置完毕重启,打开服务器管理可以看到Hyper-V管理器配置⼀个虚拟机,这个简单,就不写了。
Hyper-V server 2012安装⾸先到微软官⽹下载⼀个Hyper-V 2012,⽂件⼤⼩2G,ISO⽂件,制作光盘并由光盘启动服务器,和普通系统没什么差别。
于是打开命令⾏输⼊”slmgr.vbs -dlv“看到如下:好,确实是免费的。
Hyper V
Windows Server 2012中的 Hyper-V在许多方面都做了改进。下表列出了此版本 Hyper-V中最明显的功能 变化。有关这些变化以及此处未列出的其他功能变化的详细信息,请参阅Hyper-V中的新功能。
就搜集一些Hyper-V的常见问题,希望能对广大的虚拟化技术爱好者有所帮助。 问题一:Hyper-V对硬件上有什么要求? 答:Hyper-V从架构上看属于裸金属架构,裸金属架构对硬件有一定要求,具体是: 1.CPU支持AMD-V或Intel-VT 2.CPU支持64位运算 3.CPU支持DEP技术 问题二:Hyper-V是Win2008的一个角色,如果Hyper-V必须依赖于Win2008操作系统系,那Hyper-V是否应 该被理解为寄居架构? 答:Win2008上安装了Hyper-V角色后,重新启动计算机时会先加载hvboot.sys文件,这个文件就是 Hypervisor层。Hyper-V依靠hvboot.sys控制硬件,因此应该是裸金属架构。
Hyper V
01 系统要求
03 技术 05 安全
02 架构特点 04 实际部署 06 认证
Hyper-V是微软的一款虚拟化产品,是微软第一个采用类似Vmware ESXi和Citrix Xen的基于hypervisor的 技术。这也意味着微软会更加直接地与市场先行者VMware展开竞争,但竞争的方式会有所不同。
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Windows Server 2008Microsoft CorporationPublished: October 2008The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.This White Paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT.Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred.© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft, Active Directory, ActiveX, , Visual Basic, Windows, the Windows logo, Windows NT, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows Server System are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Table of Contents Introduction (5)Hyper-V Overview (6)Flexible Virtualization Capabilities (6)Robust Virtualization Platform (7)Enhanced Security (7)Hyper-V as Part of Microsoft’s Datacenter-to-desktop Virtualization Strategy (8)Server Virtualization (8)Presentation Virtualization (9)Desktop Virtualization (9)Application Virtualization (9)Comprehensive Management in a Familiar Environment (9)Addressing Key Business Needs (10)Server Consolidation (10)Cost Savings (10)Optimizing Infrastructure (11)Flexibility (11)Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (11)Testing and Development (12)Extensive Guest Operating System Support (13)Virtual Machine Libraries and Self-service Portals (13)Checkpoints in Testing and Development (13)Moving Toward the Dynamic Datacenter (13)Automated Virtual Machine Reconfiguration (14)Flexible Resource Control (14)Quick Migration (15)Utilization Counters (15)Branch Office Management (15)Server Consolidation in the Branch Office (15)Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery in the Branch Office (15)Development and Testing for the Branch Office (16)Improving Agility in the Branch Office (16)Summary (16)IntroductionToday’s datacenter is a complex ecosystem with different kinds of servers, operating systems, and applications interacting with a wide variety of desktop computers and mobile client computers. For IT departments, managing and supporting this assortment of mission-critical technologies is a challenge. Deploying server virtualization technology—moving disparate servers to virtual machines (Virtual machines) in a centrally managed environment—is an increasingly popular option for facing this challenge.Virtualization reduces IT costs, increases hardware utilization, optimizes business and network infrastructure, and improves server availability.Windows Server® 2008 includes Hyper-V (formerly codenamed viridian), a powerful virtualization technology that enables businesses to take advantage of the benefits of virtualization without having to buy third-party software.The most widely leveraged benefit of virtualization technology is server consolidation, enabling one server to take on the workloads of multiple servers. For example, by consolidating a branch office’s print server, FAX server, Exchange server, and Web server on a single Windows Server, businesses reduce the costs of hardware, maintenance, and staffing.Hyper-V enables consolidation of a broad range of services ranging from resource-intensive services like Microsoft SQL Server™ to third-party applications that may run on previous versions of Windows® or Linux. In addition to reducing the cost of buying or leasing server hardware, virtualization reduces costs associated with managing server heat, electricity usage, physical space, and maintenance.Hyper-V enables more than server consolidation, however. It also improves network reliability, scalability, security, and flexibility. Servers that slow down due to peak usage at the start of the workday, for example, can offload some of their workloads t o other servers, which increase their capabilities, or move to more powerful servers, improving network availability. Virtual machines are able to take advantage of security and capacity advancements found in the current generation of server hardware. Server software designed for other operating systems like Linux can run on the same hardware as Windows solutions, and take advantage of centralized management using industry-standard tools, making Hyper-V a flexible alternative to dedicating separate servers to a single type of architecture or operating system with disparate management tools.This white paper introduces Hyper-V as a key component of the Microsoft datacenter-to-desktop virtualization strategy. It shows how new and enhanced features in Hyper-V help relieve enterprise customer pain points in common scenarios: server consolidation, business continuity and disaster recovery management, testing and development, and the dynamic data center. It also highlights how these benefits scale to meet the unique needs of small businesses and branch offices.Hyper-V OverviewMicrosoft has been providing powerful virtualization tools for years. Microsoft Virtual Server 2005, the current server offering, remains a leader in compatibility and industry support. As virtualization goes mainstream — majority of enterprise organizations are using or evaluating virtualization — and businesses are benefiting from total cost of ownership reduction for server infrastructure and the other advantages for server consolidation and increased agility. IT administrators and planners are now looking to extend the use and virtualize applications and processes that are more demanding. They want more powerful and flexible virtualization solutions that are better integrated with their management tools, and that can take advantage of the next generation of 64-bit server hardware.In light of these developments, Microsoft developed Hyper-V, a next-generation, 64-bit virtualization technology that reduces costs, increases hardware utilization, optimizes network and business infrastructure, and improves server availability.Hyper-V is a key feature of Windows Server 2008, integrating with familiar, Windows-based server management tools. Businesses don’t have to purchase additional software to take advantage of powerful virtualization features like live backup and quick migration. For customers who want a complete server management solution that works with virtual machines and physical servers, Microsoft’s System Center product line now includes advanced virtual machine management and monitoring capabilities. Hyper-V’s open architecture enables internal development teams and third-party software developers to build enhancements to the technology and tools.With Hyper-V, Microsoft provides a platform with flexible and robust virtualization capabilities.Flexible Virtualization CapabilitiesHyper-V is part of the Microsoft datacenter-to-desktop virtualization strategy, delivering the benefits of virtualization at all levels of a company’s IT infrastructure. Its server virtualization features can benefit not only enterprise-level servers with hundreds or thousands of clients, but also servers in small branch offices, and everything in between.Hyper-V enables virtual machines to take advantage of very large amounts of memory, powerful multi-core processors, dynamic storage solutions, and the latest generation of fast networking functionality. That means even very resource-intensive, mission-critical server applications become viable candidates for consolidation and virtualization rather than requiring their own dedicated servers.At the other end of the spectrum, businesses can consolidate small branch office servers to benefit from Hyper-V and System Center features, such as centralized management and monitoring, automated backup, and industry-standard management tools. This enables branch locations to operate without local IT staffs, with the branch’s servers being completely managed and backed up by the central office. In the event of a severe problem at the branch, virtual machine backups can be very quickly redeployed to new hardware. The central office can use local contractors for any hands-on work, secure in theknowledge that they’ll be familiar with the standard Windows interface on the branch’s network management tools.System Center is able to increase system flexibility by converting existing physical servers to VM-based servers. For example, System Center Virtual Machine Manager’s Physical-to-virtual (P2V) conversion enables an administrator to standardize the server hardware platform and use virtualization to bring even some line of business applications into a virtual machine format, all from the console and with minimal downtime. With System Center monitoring tools this process can be automated based on administrator-determined metrics.Robust Virtualization PlatformVirtual machines can leverage powerful clustering, backup, and security features in Windows Server 2008 to keep the network running as smoothly as possible through demand spikes, increased workload, or server problems. Hyper-V uses Windows Server 2008’s Volume Shadow Copy Services to enable fast and reliable disaster recovery, getting businesses back to work with the minimum of interruption, even after natural disasters or hardware failures.Host clustering uses multiple physical servers to minimize the potential impact of one server failing. Guest clustering uses multiple virtual machines to provide the same type of protection for Virtual machines as well as load balancing within a single virtualization host server. Hyper-V supports host and guest clustering, enabling network architects to design and implement more robust and flexible network configurations.Hyper-V’s quick migration feature enables Virtual machines to be moved to other servers, automatically or manually, with minimal downtime.Customers can leverage their current management investments in products like System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) to preempt problems by identifying important but non-urgent issues with servers—a system nearing its maximum capacity, for example. SCOM can alert administrators, and/or automatically move that server to virtual machine on another physical server based on thresholds.Enhanced SecuritySecurity is a core challenge in every server solution, whether physical or virtualized. Virtualization hosts are, in many ways, at least as exposed as their standalone counterparts. However, the exposure of the host systems, if not managed, could also lead to weakening of the security of the virtual machines. Hyper-V enhances virtual machine and host security in several ways.Hyper-V enables virtual machines to take advantage of hardware-level security features available on servers built with the latest generation of processors. For example, “execute disable bit” is a hardware-level feature that senses the most common type of virus attacks and prevents many viruses from being able to take over a system, overload the system, and spread to other machines.Shared servers with multiple administrators can also present security risks. Hyper-V provides strong role-based security through Active Directory and Group Policy integration, preventing exposure of secure virtual machines through shared servers. For example, a system can be set up so that the administrator for the payroll application is unable to reconfigure the mail server.By integrating with industry-standard network security tools, Hyper-V enables administrators to provide the same kinds of protections for the host systems and virtual machines that they provide for physical servers. Virtual machines can utilize the Windows Firewall and Network Access Protection Policies (quarantine) just like physical servers.Hyper-V’s streamlined architecture itself represents a security benefit. By minimizing the code base for the hypervisor component of the virtualization technology in combination with the Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2008, Hyper-V is able to present a much smaller “attack surface” for viruses and malicious attacks.Hyper-V as Part of Microsoft’s Datacenter-to-desktop Virtualization StrategyThe Microsoft datacenter-to-desktop virtualization strategy enables businesses to leverage virtualization benefits throughout the organization. Hyper-V is an integral part of the overall Microsoft virtualization strategy. This section will briefly describe the different components of Microsoft’s strategy and establishes the context of how Hyper-V along with other technologies helps you solve your organizations pain points. Microsoft’s virtualization strategy includes five key components:•Server virtualization, enabling multiple servers to run on the same physical server•Presentation virtualization, enabling remote users to access their office desktops or server-based applications•Desktop virtualization, enabling desktop operating systems to be consolidated into the datacenter•Application virtualization, helping to prevent conflicts between applications on the same PC •Comprehensive management, tying virtual components into the same management tools used to monitor and control physical componentsServer VirtualizationMicrosoft has two server virtualization offerings: Hyper-V in Windows Server 2008, and Virtual Server 2005 R2. Hyper-V extends virtualization capability to manage 32-bit Virtual machines alongside 64-bit Virtual machines, enable Virtual machines to access larger amounts of memory, and enable Virtual machines to leverage multiple processors. Virtualization is a key feature of the operating system and helps customers get complete isolation of the different virtual machines and still benefit from server consolidation.Presentation VirtualizationPresentation virtualization is a technology that enables applications to execute on a remote server, yet display its user interface locally. Microsoft’s presentation virtualization technology, Microsoft Terminal Services, enables remote users to connect to their office desktops from anywhere in the world, taking full advantage of applications, resources, and familiar interfaces even from computers with different operating systems or system capabilities. Administrators can access system management tools from remote locations, for example, or applications can be run on a server and accessed by remote users.Presentation virtualization enables customers to centralize and secure data, reduce cost of managing applications, reduce test costs for compatibility between the OS and applications, and potentially improve the performance of systems overall.Desktop VirtualizationWhen server virtualization is used host client OSes for remote access, this approach is often called desktop virtualization. While the principles of desktop virtualization are similar to server virtualization, this approach can be useful in a variety of situations. One of the most common is to deal with incompatibility between applications and desktop operating systems. For example, suppose a user running Windows Vista needs to use an application that runs only on Windows XP with Service Pack 2. By creating a VM that runs this older operating system, then installing the application in that VM, this problem can be solved. Microsoft VirtualPC is an example of a solution in this space to help address the scenario for hosting VMs in a desktop environment for application compatibility.Application VirtualizationApplication virtualization helps isolate the application running environment from the operating system install requirements by creating application-specific copies of all shared resources and helps reduce application to application incompatibility and testing needs. With Microsoft SoftGrid, desktop and network users can also reduce application installation time and eliminate potential conflicts between applications by giving each application a virtual environment that’s not quite as extensive as an entire virtual machine. By providing an abstracted view of key parts of the system, application virtualization reduces the time and expense required to deploy and update applications.Comprehensive Management in a Familiar EnvironmentVirtualization technologies provide a range of benefits. Yet as an organization’s computing environment gets more virtualized, it also gets more abstract. Increasing abstraction can increase complexity, making it harder for IT staff to control their world. The corollary is clear: If a virtualized world isn’t managed well, its benefits can be elusive.To a large degree, the specifics of managing a virtualized world are the same as those of managing a physical world, and so the same tools can be used. To this end, Windows Server virtualization and the Microsoft System Center family of products includes many management features designed to makemanaging virtual machines simple and familiar while enabling easy access to powerful VM-specific management functions.Having multiple management interfaces excludes Virtual machines from network-wide shared management tools, making problems more difficult to diagnose and address than necessary. System Center family is designed to provide an integrated management experience for all your virtual and physical resources in the same industry-standard tools that administrators are already using to manage large numbers of physical server resources. When an administrator checks the status for a group of servers, issues on virtual machines are presented along with issues on physical servers.Using a familiar environment to manage virtual resources reduces the learning curve for system administrators, enabling administration teams to reuse knowledge they already have to manage a new virtualization environment. Standardizing on Windows also makes it easy to find support from Microsoft’s far-reaching partner ecosystem. System Center is designed to help businesses create self-managing dynamic systems, where the management and monitoring tools are able to diagnose and address problems in an automated fashion with as little human interaction as possible.For more details of how each of these components function and their specific usage benefits, please refer to /virtualization.Addressing Key Business NeedsIn this section we will see how Hyper-V helps address some of the key solution scenarios: •Server consolidation•Business continuity and disaster recovery•Testing and development•Moving to the dynamic datacenter•Branch office managementServer ConsolidationOne of the leading drivers for adoption of virtualization technology is server consolidation. Businesses are under pressure to ease management and reduce costs while retaining and enhancing competitive advantages, such as flexibility, reliability, scalability, and security. The fundamental use of virtualization to help consolidate many servers on a single system while maintaining isolation helps address these demands.Cost SavingsReducing the number of servers means more than just cost reduction in hardware expenditures. Power consumption for servers and heating problems—rapidly becoming pain points for data centers, large and small—are reduced by deploying fewer servers. Consolidation also leaves a smaller data center physical footprint, resulting in cost reduction in facilities management and real estate.Deploying virtual machines on a standard platform of reliable, enterprise-class servers improves systems availability and reduces management costs.Optimizing InfrastructureToday, most dedicated servers run at far below their capacity and only utilize 5% -15% of the actual hardware capabilities. This low asset utilization is a problem created by the lack of flexibility in utilizing computing resources and the difficulty in estimating how much capacity would be required by the workloads. Traditionally, most organization allocate server resources for production workloads based on processing power, storage, and memory to handle anticipated peak loads and unanticipated usage spikes rather than having optimal capacity to meet their normal operating requirements. The result is that most of the additional capacity allocated for peaks sits idle rather than working to process current workloads. Such workloads are great candidates for consolidation using virtualization and allocating resources based on usage needs and balancing the total computing resources across several virtual machines.Server virtualization also enables previously unused or under-used server capacity to be better utilized. Rather than dedicate a server to a task that leaves most of its capacity untapped, that server can become a host to virtual machines, apportioning its resources to multiple workloads.Hyper-V with System Center Operations Manager provides for the same kinds of peak load handling, clustering, and security previously available only with dedicated servers.FlexibilityThe new architecture in Hyper-V adds flexibility to consolidated servers. By enabling virtual machines to take advantage of powerful features like multi-core technology, improved disk access, and greater memory support, Hyper-V improves scalability and performance of the virtualization platform. Combined with the rest of the Windows Server 2008 capabilities, Hyper-V now enables you to consolidate most workloads including 32-bit and 64-bit workloads on a single system and helps you balance 64-bit technology adoption with continued support for 32-bit workloads that are already in your environment.Business Continuity and Disaster RecoveryBusiness continuity is the ability to minimize both scheduled and unscheduled downtime. That includes time lost to routine functions, such as maintenance and backup, as well as unanticipated outages. Hyper-V includes powerful business continuity features, enabling businesses to meet stringent uptime and response metrics.Disaster recovery is a key component of business continuity. Natural disasters, malicious attacks, and even simple configuration problems like software conflicts can cripple services and applications until administrators resolve the problems and restore any backed up data. Rapid and reliable disaster and business recovery demands minimal data loss and powerful remote management capabilities.Hyper-V now supports volume shadow copy services (VSS), an automated backup feature that enables point in time backups of running virtual machines without any interruption. Combined with System Center Data Protection Manager or other similar backup technologies from the vast set of Microsoft partners, you can now take these snapshot backups and enable the data to be stored in secure locations, even offsite locations, for when it’s needed. In a disaster recovery situation where the original host server can’t be recovered, administrators can easily recreate the virtual machine from a backup copy in a manner of minutes to recreate the server in another location and minimize overall downtime. What’s more, now with the standard VHD format for virtual machines, you can now confidently restore the virtual machine in the remote location on any hardware resource with Hyper-V platform enabled.System Center Operations Manager’s health monitoring feature, combined with Hyper-V capabilities, now enables administrators at remote locations to see the states of servers in real time. It also responds programmatically to server problems, potentially using administrator-created scripts to launch disaster recovery tasks without manual intervention. System monitoring is useful for contingency planning, for example, showing the minimum capabilities that would be required of a server being called into service to take over for one that fails.One of the core features of Hyper-V, Quick Migration, has been specifically designed for improving business continuity. In combination with Windows Server 2008’s clustering support in Enterprise and Datacenter editions, Quick Migration enables high availability features for virtual machines, so if one server fails, its workload can be picked up by another node member with minimal interruption in user access. This feature is also useful for improving availability during planned maintenance windows and enables the administrators to move the virtual machines to other systems before performing hardware or software update maintenance on the primary host system.These features and much more now make Hyper-V a robust virtualization platform that provides business continuity and disaster recovery protection for all your virtual machines, while leveraging the full capabilities of your existing server and management infrastructure.Testing and DevelopmentTesting and development are frequently the first business functions to take advantage of virtualization technology. Using virtual machines, development staffs can create and test a wide variety of scenarios in a safe, self-contained environment that accurately approximates the operation of physical servers and clients.For example, a development team can test the latest version of an application on multiple platforms with a variety of virtual hardware capabilities. An IT department can use virtual machines to test deployment of new server and client features.Hyper-V maximizes utilization of test hardware, reducing costs, improving lifecycle management and improving test coverage.Extensive Guest Operating System SupportHyper-V supports 64-bit virtual machines running Windows, specific 3rd party operating systems including some distributions of Xen-enabled Linux, enabling virtual machine based test beds to run the vast majority of server applications and workloads. Hyper-V also runs most other major operating systems in 32-bit virtual machines. Because Hyper-V supports simultaneous 64-bit and 32-bit Virtual machines in the same environment, a very wide array of scenarios can be designed, tested, and deployed, all within the Hyper-V virtual machine environment using industry-standard management tools.Virtual Machine Libraries and Self-service PortalsSystem Center Virtual Machine Manager includes the ability to store and manage virtual machines in libraries, which is very valuable for testing and development. A library might include virtual machines or templates of virtual machines based on each operating system used throughout the company, enabling development staff to test new products rapidly to understand the impact on all those environments before deploying them to the live network.In many testing environments, server-level virtual machines have to be created and managed by server administrators—even virtual machines that will only exist for a few hours. That situation can create needless demands on administrators and delays for testers. With SCVMM’s self-service portal feature, testers can set up and remove testing Virtual machines as needed, without involving administrators. The administrators still get to control the overall resource allocation for each set of testers and also control the types of virtual machines that can be accessed or created in the network.Hyper-V provides a strong platform for these capabilities with deep integration with Active Directory and Group Policy support. The fine grained resource control provided by Hyper-V also helps administrators isolate the testing environment via the use of features like VLAN support.Checkpoints in Testing and DevelopmentCheckpoints, in addition to being a valuable tool for disaster recovery, also provide benefits for testing and development.Some testing and development procedures involve a lot of waiting for programs and operating systems to install, uninstall, and reinstall. With Hyper-V’s checkpoint feature, a virtual machine that has been changed (for example, one where a new application has been installed) can be reset to a previous configuration, minimizing the need to uninstall programs or reinstall operating systems. This also helps test applications across various configurations easily (such as with different service packs applied to the OS), enabling you to save both time and minimizing hardware requirement for the test suite.Moving Toward the Dynamic DatacenterDatacenters face increased pressure to optimize hardware and facilities usage, and to increase performance and leverage business intelligence. Hyper-V gives data centers the agility they need to respond to changing needs, and the power and flexibility to design for the future.。