Unit 5 The British Ways and Manners
Unit 5 The British Ways & Manners
1 2 3 4
Howtowards Women
What will you bring with you when invited to somebody’s home? Some Polite Expressions
Cross-cultural communication 1) What suggestions you may give to a British friend about to visit a Chinese family? 2) What suggestions you may give to a Chinese friend about to host a British guest?
Unit 5 Text B What’s Typically British
British people used to sit down to a traditional cooked breakfast. But many people don't have enough time to enjoy a hearty breakfast, they just grab a cup of coffee and a piece of toast.
Mini A. B. C.
Request & Offer (Dialogues)
How to make a polite request? The situation: It is the end of the semester, you are broke and you want to borrow some money from your room-mate… How to refuse an offer politely? The situation: You are walking to the dorm with an armful of books and someone comes up to offer help…
chapter1Ageneralsurvey1、UK全称:Officialname---theUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland.----theUnitedKingdomoftheUK每个nation的capitalCapitalcity NationalEmblemEngland London roseScotland Edinburgh Thistle蓟花Wales Cardiff加的夫Daffodil水仙花NorthernIreland Belfast贝尔法斯特Shamrock三叶草2、NorthernIreland:LoughNeagh:thelargestlake inBritainwhichcoversanareaof396k㎡(内伊湖)3、Scotland:BenNevis:thehighestmountain inBritain(本尼维斯山)4、Edinburgh:1.thecapitalcityofScotland2.economiccenterofScotland3.atouristcitysecondonlytoLondoninUK(RoyalMiles&PrincesStreet)皇家英里大道&王子大街(1)Edinburghcastle(十字皇宫):symbolofEdinburgh&situatedona moundofVol(2)Windsorcastle(温莎城堡):largestoccupiedcastle(3)Holyroodpalace(荷里路德宫):theofficialresidence(住处)oftheMonarch oftheUnitedKingdominScotland,locatedatthebottomoftheRoyalMileinEdinburgh,attheoppo siteendtoEdinburghCastleThestoneofdestiny命运之石Coronationstone加冕石==referredtoinEnglandReferendum苏格兰公投5、EnglandMountain-thePennines(北乃恩山脉)BackboneofthecentralNorthernEnglandLondonEast-poorWest-richimportantriverinLondon:Thames泰晤士河LondonEye:thelargestFerrisWheel摩天轮inEurope/BigBen=ElizabethTowerthelargestfour-facedchimingclockWestminsterAbbey威斯敏斯特教堂PalaceofWestminster威斯敏斯特宫HouseofParliament国会大厦BuckinghamPalace白金汉宫3、FurtherinformationNationalcurrency(本国货币):GBP=GreatBritainPound(英镑)Nationalday:Queen’sBirthday2nd SaturdayofJunesince1952实际=April21,1926Nationalflag:UnionFlagadoptedonJan1st1801Nationalflower:roseLocation:WesternEurope6、Geography(Q:DescribethegeographicalpositionofBritain?).Location---LocatedoffthenorthwestcoastofEurope ---anislandcountrysurroundedbyfourseas.tothesouthbytheEnglishChannel,whichseparatesitfromcontinentalEurope .totheeastbytheNorthSea .tothewestbytheIrishsea.tothenorthbytheAtlanticOcean 7、Land&People.veryunevenlydistributed:90%urban10%rural.Britain multiracial societyand1in20peopleareof non-European ethnicity 8、Climate :a Favorable MaritimeClimate (海洋性气候) Q:.arainy,changeableandunpredictableweather .mild (温和的)wintersandcoolsummers.asteadyandreliable (稳定的)rainfallthroughouttheyear.asmallrangeoftemperature(4-6℃inthenorthinWinter,and12-17℃inthesouthinsummer) AndFactor 影响因素.Thesurroundingwaters Q:.south-westwinds.NorthAtlanticDrift (北大西洋漂流)9、TheBritishIsles,GreatBritain,England,theUnitedKingdomandtheBritishCommonwealth Officialname+TheBritishIsles-----GreatBritain(England,Wales,Scotland) -----NorthernIreland(alsoknownasUlster)-----TheRepublicofIreland(alsotheIrishRepublic,formerly Eire) -----Numerous smallerislandsernment1、政治体制--议会制君主立宪制ConstitutionalMonarchy 君主立宪制ParliamentaryDemocracy 议会民主制 2、Monarch 君主:QueenElizabeth Ⅱ Born:April21,1926QueensinceJune2,1952 Officiallytheheadofstate,thecountryisactuallyrun BythegovernmentandledbythePrimeMinister3、MagnaCarta(=GreatCharter)大宪章KingJohn(agreedin)1215 Q:WhatpowersdoestheQueenhave? -Shereignsbutdoesnotrule(临朝不理政)Theoretically,sheisthesourceofallgovernmentpowers: .anintegralpartofthelegislature.headoftheexecutive,legislativeandjudiciarybranches .thecommander-in-chiefofallarmedforcesoftheCrown .”supremegove rn or”oftheChurchofEnglan d4、Parliament :Legislativebody Locatedin WestminsterQ:Parliamentconsistsof theSovereign,theHouseofLords&theHouseofCommons Parliament (aFrenchwordforatalking-place) .Femalesallowedtovoteuntil1918 BritishIslesUnitedKingdomIreland RepublicNorthern OfIrelandIreland GreatBritainScotlandWalesEngland WalesEngland.Aby-electionisheldwhenaMemberofParliamentdies,retiresorresigns(递补选举)Q:MainFunctionofParliament:.tomakelaws.tocontrolandcriticizetheexecutivegovernment.tocontroltheraisingandthespendingofmoney.todebatethemajorissuesofthedayTheHouseofLords上议院ConsistsoftheLordsSpiritual(神职议员)andthelordsTemporal(世俗议员)withtheLord chancellor(大法官)asthePresidentoftheHouseTheheadoftheHouseofCommons--theSpeaker议长NextonlytothePrimeMinisterHouseofCommonsnumberofmembers6505.Executive行政Executivebody:theSovereign,PrimeMinister&CabinetNo.10DowningStreet唐宁街10号→Legislature-Parliament→HouseofLords(semi-political)→HouseofCommons(Political)Monarch(non-political)→Executive:PrimeMinister&Cabinet(Political)→Judiciary:HouseofLords(non-political)Chapter3GeneralElection&PoliticalParties1.GeneralElection(1)Theelectorate(选民,有选举权者):About99%ofthepopulation(excludingcriminals,insane(疯的)people,etc)intheUKhaverighttovote.(2)Constituencies(选区):about650(3)Thetermofaparliament:5years(4)Thepartywhichholdsa majority oftheseatsinparliamentformsagovernment,withitspartyleader asPrimeMi nster(5)InBritainthecitizensaged18orover havetherighttovote.(6)InBritainacandidatemustbeatleast21orover withthedeposit(押金)of500pounds.(7)TheUK’s First-Past-the-Post(简单多数票当选)electoralsystem.Q:Itwascoinedasananalogytohorseracing1).Thewinneroftheraceisthefirsttopassaparticularpointonthetrack.2).Allotherrunnersautomaticallyandcompletelylose.3).Itis“winner-takes-all”(赢者统吃)4).Thecandidatemustreceivethelargestnumberofvoteswins.UnitedKingdomgeneralelection,2010The ConservativeParty,ledbyDavidCameron,wonthelargestnumberofvotesandseatsbutstillfelltwentyseat sshort.Thisresultedina hungparliament(悬垂议会)wherenopartywasabletocommandamajorityintheHouseofCommons.Coalitiontalks(联合声明)beganimmediatelybetweentheConservativesandtheLiberalDemocratsandlastedforfivedays.OnTuesday11M ay,BrownannouncedhisresignationasPrimeMinister,makingtheendof13yearsofLabourgovernment.Thiswas acceptedbyQueenElizabethⅡ,whotheninvitedDavidCamerontoformagovernmentandbecomePrimeMiniste r2.PoliticalPartiesHistoryofPoliticalParties---Priortothemid-19th:TheTory(托利党)TheWhig(辉格党)---Betweenthemid19th centuryand1920s:TheTories--theConservativeParty(保守党)TheWhig--theLiberalParty(自由党)---Post1920s:TheConservativePartyTheLabourPartyQ:.relativelyrichandprivileged.thepartyofthecentral-right.opposedtogreatchangesinsociety.haveabeliefinprivateenterpriseandfreedomfromstatecontrol.maintenanceoftheexistinginstitutionsasitspolicyBigNames.WinstonChurchill:PM1940-1945&1951-1955.MargretThatcher:PM1979-1990.DavidCameron:PM2010-presentQ:.relativelypoorandunderprivileged.thepartyofcentral-left(thereformist,non-revolutionary).aimingatthenationalizationasthemeansofproductionanddistribution.fewresourcesandheavilydependentonthetradeunions.haveamajoreffectonUK’s NationalHealthServiceBigNamesTonyBlair1997-2007GordonBrown2007-2010EdwardMiliband2010-2015JeremyCorbyn2015-presentChapter4Economy Introduction:1.Factoryoftheworld2.BritishDisease---amockingtermQ:Whatis“BritishDisease”?(1)atermusedtocharacterizeBritain’s economicdecline afterthewars.(2)Britain’s slowgrowth ofproductivity,soaringinflation,and largeunemployment3.a majordeveloped capitalistcountry4.6th largesteconomyin20125.3periodsofBritain economicevolution.Steadydevelopmentinthe50sand60s;.Economicrecessioninthe70s;.Economicrecoveryinthe80s;.Bythe1880s,dominant intheworld,*onethirdof thewo rld’smanufacturedgoods*half itscoalandiron*half itscotton.By1900,overtakenby USandGermany6.ReasonsforRelativeDeclineQ:WhatcausestherelativedeclineofUKEconomy?(1).heavilyintodebtinordertofinancethewar.(2).theeraoftheBritishEmpirewasover-decolonization殖民地独立(lossesofrawmaterial&market).(3).militaryexpense(untiltheprocessofdecolonizationcompletedinthe1960s).$.lackedinvestmentinmodernequipmentandnewproducts.$.lowratesofdomesticindustrialinvestment$.highrateofoverseasinvestment$.lackofacloserelationshipbetweenindustryandbanks.Absolutedeclinea.Introductionandrelativedeclineb.ReasonsforrelativedeclineEconomyc.RecentHistoryThecurrent PrimaryIndustriesUKeconomy SecondaryIndustriesTertiaryIndustriesCasesAnalysisPositiveEffectsNegativeEffects7.Primaryindustries--EnergyProduction.5%ofnationalwealth.Coal.oilandgas:NorthSea(decline since1999).producerandexporter.offshoreoilindustry8.Secondaryindustries*manufacturing(20%ofnationalwealth)Pharmaceuticals(GlaxoSmithKline),chemicals(ICI)Aerospace航天(3rd largestintheworld)Electronicsindustry(4th largestintheworld)9.Tertiaryindustries.Serviceindustries(65ofnationalwealth).Domesticactivity:retailing,tourism.Internationalservices(10%~70%).Financialandbusinessservices10.LondonStockExchange(伦敦证券交易所)In2010,amarketcapitalization(资本总额)ofUS$2.63trillion,madeitthefourthlargeststockexchangeintheworldandthelargestin EuropeChapter5literature1.OldEnglishPeriod(449-1066)Background:TheAnglo-SaxonsfromNorthernEuropebroughttheirlanguage,thebasisofModernEnglish,asw ellasaspecific poetictradition.OldEnglishliteratureisalsocalledAnglo-SaxonLiterature.✓Beowulf《贝奥武夫》:thenationalepicoftheAnglo-Saxons北欧大陆盎人迁移英格兰的英雄史诗,杀死海怪(seamonsterGrendel)teMedieval(中世纪)EnglishLiterature(1066-14thcentury)difficultiesandcalamities(灾害),suchasfamine,plague,andwar,(darkage)theBlackDeathfolkliterature(民间文学)✓RobinHood《罗宾汉》*GeoffreyChaucer杰弗里.乔叟-thefatherofEnglishpoetry(wisdom,humor,humanity)✓TheCanterburyTales..................《坎特伯雷故事集》(26stories) Itismadeupofaseriesofstoriestoldby pilgrims(朝圣者)toentertaineachotherontheirwaytotheChristianChurchatCanterbury3.EnglishRenaissancePeriod(15thcentury-early17th century)Staredin ItalyTheRenaissance-a Frenchword whichmeans rebirthorrevivalHumanism人文主义-theessence(本质)oftheRenaissance,thedignityofhumanbeing(人的尊严)&theimportanceofthepresentlife(珍惜当下).PeakofEnglishRenaissance:ElizabethanDrama英国文艺复兴时期的巅峰:伊丽莎白戏剧*WilliamShakespeare威廉·莎士比亚(1564-1616)✓Tragedies:RomeoandJuliet,Hamlet,Othello,KingLear李尔王,Macbeth麦克白✓HistoricalPlays:RichardⅢ,RichardⅡ,HenryⅣ,HenryⅤ✓Comedies:TheTamingoftheShrew悍妇,AMidsummerNight’sDream仲夏夜之梦,TwelfthNight,TheTempest,TheMerchantofVenice威尼斯商人Sonnet十四行诗(Afourteen-linelyricpoemwithasingletheme,usuallywritteniniambicpentameter)抑扬格五步格诗*ThomasMore托马斯.莫尔(1478-1535)✓Utopia《乌托邦》*JohnMilton约翰.弥尔顿(1608-1674)✓ParadiseLost《失乐园》*FrancisBacon弗兰西斯.培根✓Essays《随笔》4.TheNeoclassicalPeriod(新古典主义时期1660-1798)*AlexanderPope亚历山大.蒲伯(1688-1744)✓AnEssayonMan人论(=ParadiseLost)*SamuelJohnson塞缪尔.约翰逊✓TheDictionaryofEnglishLanguage/London(英语辞典)9年*JonathanSwift乔纳森.斯威夫特✓Gulliver'sTravels格列夫游记*DanielDefoe丹尼尔.笛福✓RobinsonCrusoe鲁宾逊漂流记*HenryFielding亨利.菲尔丁英国小说之父✓TheHistoryofTomJones,aFounding弃婴汤姆.琼斯的故事5.TheRomanticPeriod浪漫主义时期(1798-1832).twomajornovelistsoftheRomanticperiodareJaneAusten(realistic)andWalterScott(romantic) *RobertBurns罗伯特.彭斯✓ARed,RedRose一朵红红的玫瑰/AuldLongSyne往昔时光*WilliamWordsworth威廉.华兹华斯(beganwith)LyricalBallads抒情歌谣集/IWanderedLonelyasaCloud✓“湖畔”派诗人:WilliamWordsworth威廉.华兹华斯SamuelTaylorColeridge塞缪尔.泰勒.柯勒律治RobertSouthey骚赛*SamuelTaylorColeridge塞缪尔.泰勒.柯勒律治TheRimeofAncientMariner古舟子咏*GeorgeGordonByron乔治.戈登.拜伦✓DonJuan唐.璜*JohnKeates约翰.济慈✓OdetotheWestWind西风颂*WilliamBlake威廉.布莱克✓SongsofInnocence天真之歌✓SongsofExperience经验之歌SirWalterScott沃尔特.斯科特爵士(endedin)✓Ivanhoe《艾凡赫》(12世纪英国”狮心王”查理)*JaneAusten简.奥斯丁upper-middle-class✓SenseandSensibility理智与情感✓PrideandPrejudice傲慢与偏见✓Emma爱玛6.TheVictorianPeriod(1837-1901)维多利亚时期*CharlesDickens查尔斯.狄更斯✓OliverTwist雾都孤儿✓ATaleofTwoCities双城记✓GreatExpectations远大前程TheBronteSisters*CharlotteBronte✓JaneEyre简爱*EmilyBronte✓WutheringHeights呼啸山庄*AnneBronte✓AgnesGrey安格尼斯.格雷*WilliamThackeray威廉.萨克雷✓VanityFair名利场*ThomasHardy托马斯.哈代✓TessoftheD’Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝*OscarWilde奥斯卡.王尔德✓TheHappyPrinceandOtherTales快乐王子故事集✓TheNightingaleandtheRose夜莺与玫瑰7.TheModernPeriod*GeorgeBernardShaw乔治.伯纳.萧✓SaintJoan圣女贞德✓Pygmalion卖花女(MyFairLady窈窕淑女)Chapter6EducationTheUKSchoolSystem:compulsory(义务)betweenagesof5and16years,totalof11years1、Co-educatedSchools:1).admit bothboysandgirls联合教育学校2).AcademicYear:dividedintothreeterms,withholidays atChristmas,Easter,andinthesummer3).followthe NationalCurriculumguide-lines setdownbygovernment2、StateSchool:totallyfundedbythe government andfree3、IndependentSchool:foundedbythefeeschargedtothe parents(publicschool公学)4、PrimaryEducation:Pre-schoolingwhichcalled NurserySchool5、SecondarySchools:1).GrammarSchools(文法中学3%):“the11plus”examination,preparingstudentsforhighereducation.2).ComprehensiveSchools(综合中学83%):Noentranceexam,generaleducation.3).SecondaryModernSchool(现代中学7%)6、ThehighSchoolCurriculum:1)16years:GCSE Examination2)16-18years A-LevelCourse:3-4subjectsstudentschoosethesubjectstheywishtostudy.3)18years:A-LevelExaminationGCSE:GeneralCertificateofSecondaryEducation(中学生毕业证书)7、HigherEducation:receivefundsfromthe centralgovernment.Theamountoffundingisbasedon itssize,thenu mberofstudentsitteaches,andtheresearchitconducts8、EntranceProcedures:1).Studentscanapplytoamaximumof6universities/institutions.2).Admission--selectiononbasisof Alevelresults&aninterview9、FamousUniversities:1)TheUniversityofOxford:1.The oldestuniversity intheEnglishspeakingword.2.TeachingexistedatOxfordin1096anddevelopedrapidlyfrom1167.2)TheUniversityofCambridge:second-oldest (1281)---TwocharacteristicsofOxfordandCambridgeCollegesystem(学院制度)Tutorialsystem(导师制度)3)TheUniversityofLondon:1.Itwasfoundedin1836.(联邦制大学)2.a federation ofcolleges4)BuckinghamUniversity:theonly independent university5)OpenUniversity:UKlargestuniversityfor part-time higherChinese&BritishEducationSystemChineseHigherEducationEliteedu.VSMassedu.EnrollmentexpansionResourcesarestrainingEducationqualityissuffering IntensecompetitioninthejobmarketUnit7BritishForeignRelation1.---imperialhistory---geopoliticaltraits 地缘政治特点 2.HowForeignPolicyismade? ForeignPolicy→ThePM&Cabinet →Governmentdepartments3.Whenthesecondworldwarended,itwasstillthelargestmilitarypowerinwesternEurope.4.TheNuclearClubRussia,USA,France,Britain,Israel,China,India,Pakistan,NorthKorea 5.WhydoesBritainhaveitsnuclearnavalforce? ---Becauseit’satraditionalseapower. YearChina Age Britain Year5PrimarySchool1 1 Elementary School6 2 27 3 38 4 49 5 5 106 6 11 SecondarySchool7 7 JuniorMiddle School12 8 8 139 9 14 GCSECourseGCSEExaminations10 10 SeniorMiddleSchoo l15 11 11 16 A-LevelCourse A-LevelExaminations12 1217 136.MemberofUNSecurityCouncil联合国安理会---oneofthefivepermanentmembers(greatinfluence)---othermembers--Russia,China,theUS,France7.MemberoftheEuropeanUnionSince19738.MemberofNATO北约---NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization---asystemofcollectivedefense9.TheCommonwealthofNations英联邦国家---TheBritishcommonwealthisafreeassociationofindependentcountriesthatwereoncecoloniesofBritain.殖民地10.TheUKanditsrelationwiththeUSA.AlliedduringWWⅡ√.WorkedtogetheragainstUUSR√.The1956SuezCrisis×11.Conclusion.Britainisnolongerasuperpower,butitstillhasgreatinfluenceinmilitarypowerintheworld(navy,nuclear).Britainforeignpolicyinfluencedmainlybyitshistoryandgeopoliticaltraits..Britainsitsataveryimportantseatinmanyinternationalinstitutions,suchastheUN,theEU,NATO,Common wealth,etc.Chapter8TheBritishMedia1.Whatfunctionsdoyouthinkthemediahave?.providepeoplewithinformationaboutpoliticalandsocialissues.provideweatherreports.carryadvertising.usedforeducationalpurposes.provideaforumforpeopletoexpresstheirviews.seekadvice.givepeopleentertainment.serveforthepoliticalandeconomicsystem.workasamonitor2.Newspaper(types)(1)Thequalitypress(thebroadsheets)严肃类大版面报纸(2)Thetabloids(thegutterpress)通俗类小版面报纸3.SomequalitynewspaperinUK(1)Times《泰晤士报》oldestdailynewspaper(2)TheDailyTelegraph《每日电讯报》--工党右(3)TheGuardian《卫报》(4)TheObserver《观察家报》oldestSundaynewspaper4.SometabloidsinUK(1).TheDailyMail《每日邮报》--保守党(2)DailyMirror《每日镜报》--工党(3)TheSun《太阳报》Chapter9Sports1.Football1)FootballAssociation(FA)2)FootballHooligans流氓,恶棍Policepatrolthestreets,pubsnearthefootballgroundsareclosed,andshopslocktheirdoor.2.TennisWimbledon温布尔顿3.GolfByScottishatSt.Andrew’s圣安德鲁斯4.HorseRacingRoyalAscot英国皇家爱斯科赛马会5.Equestrianism马术Chapter10Festival1.Religionsholiday:Christmas/Easter2.Nationalholiday:Queen'sbirthday3.Regionalholiday:EnglandBonfireNight篝火之夜NorthernIreland:St.Patrick’sDay圣帕特里克节3.17Scotland:Hogmanay除夕12.31Wales:Eisteddfod诗歌音乐比赛会Chapter4.2作家作品时代作者作品OldEnglishPeriod Beowulf《贝奥武夫》LateMedieval(中世)EnglishLiterature( 1066-14thcentury)RobinHood《罗宾汉》GeoffreyChaucer杰弗里.乔叟thefatherofEnglishpoetryTheCanterburyTales《坎特伯雷故事集》EnglishRenaissancePer iod(15thcentury-early 17thcentury) WilliamShakespeare莎士比亚Tragedies:RomeoandJulietHamletOthelloKingLear李尔王Macbeth麦克白HistoricalPlaysRichard3,Richard2Henry4,Henry5Comedies:TheTamingoftheShrew悍妇AMidsummerNight’sDream仲夏夜之梦TwelfthNightTheTempestTheMerchantofVenice威尼斯商人Sonnet十四行诗抑扬格五步格诗ThomasMore托马斯.莫尔(1478-1535)Utopia乌托邦JohnMilton约翰.弥尔顿(1608-1674)ParadiseLost失乐园FrancisBacon弗兰西斯.培根Essays《随笔》TheNeoclassical新古典主义Period(1660-1798) AlexanderPope亚历山大.蒲伯(1688-1744)AnEssayonMan人论,人性本恶SamuelJohnson塞缪尔.约翰逊TheDictionaryofEnglishLanguageLondonJonathanSwift乔纳森.斯威夫特Gulliver'sTravels格列夫游记DanielDefoe丹尼尔.笛福RobinsonCrusoe鲁宾逊漂流记HenryFielding亨利.菲尔丁英国小说之父TheHistoryofTomJones,aFounding弃婴汤姆.琼斯的故事TheRomanticPeriod浪漫主义时期RobertBurns罗伯特.彭斯ARed,RedRose一朵红红的玫瑰AuldLongSyne往昔时光WilliamWordsworth威廉.华兹华斯LyricalBallads抒情歌谣集IWanderedLonelyasaCloudSamuelTaylorColeridgeTheRimeofAncientMariner古舟子咏GeorgeGordonByronDonJuan唐.璜JohnKeats约翰.济慈OdetoaNightingale夜莺颂PersyByssheShelley雪莱OdetotheWestWind西风颂WilliamBlake威廉.布莱克SongsofInnocence天真之歌SongofExperience经验之歌SirWalterScott斯科特爵士Ivanhoe艾凡赫JaneAusten简.奥斯丁SenseandSensibility理智与情感PrideandPrejudice傲慢与偏见Emma艾玛TheVictorianPeriod(18 37-1901) CharlesDickens查尔斯.狄更斯OliverTwist雾都孤儿ATaleofTwoCities双城记GreatExpectations远大前程CharlotteBronteJaneEyre简爱EmilyBronte WutheringHeights呼啸山庄AnneBronte AgnesGrey安格尼斯.格雷WilliamThackeray威廉.萨克雷VanityFair名利场ThomasHardy托马斯.哈代TessoftheD’Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝OscarWilde奥斯卡.王尔德TheHappyPrinceandOtherTales快乐王子故事集TheNightingaleandtheRose夜莺与玫瑰TheModernPeriod GeorgeBernardShaw萧伯纳SaintJoan圣女贞德Pygmalion卖花女(MyFairLady窈窕淑女)。
British Manners英国礼仪介绍Taboo 16
? Personnel space : Don't be too close.√
? Private affairs :×
? Political issues :The Irish problem, the monarchy and the royal family ×
? British people do not like to be referred to as English , they can be referred to as the British .
? The V sign done with your palm facing yourself and thrust upward. ×
? Little finger poins at others. × ? Middle finger points at
others. × ? With your index finger sign for
? If need to cancel the appointment,you must inform the other party 24 hours in advance, otherwise you may have to pay for consuminutes later after the arranged time.√
? The guest can sit for an hour or two, and then to say goodbye to the host.√
? The next day after leaving ,send a letter of thanks to thank the host, and enclose a small gift, like a box of chocolates or some flowers, etc.√
阅读(三)British Table Manners
British Table Manners-One of the things that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom is the ability to eat with cutlery; unfortunately it’s not unusual for cutlery to be used in such a way as to question that belief. Whilst in the process of writing this page I went to my local pub and saw two young men each eat their whole meal without even unwrapping their cutlery from its serviette. So point one is a very basic but necessary one.∙Use cutlery to eat your meals.∙Keep your mouth closed when chewing.∙Finish one mouthful before starting the next.∙Never put your knife in your mouth, or lick your plate.∙Do not speak with your mouth full.∙Unless there is an imminent threat of the theft of your meal take your time and enjoy it, you are not just filling up a hole. Overly bulging hamster cheeks arenot attractive.∙Finish your mouthful before taking a drink.∙Never spit food out.∙If you always eat off of your lap in front of the TV when at home try to make an effort to eat at the table once in a while.∙Make time for family meals, family is the building block of society, eating together is fundamental, after all we are sociable animals.∙Break your bread into small pieces with your fingers and butter it one piece at a time, your butter knife will normally be on your side plate (remember this ison your left) or next to it. The only time you should butter a piece of breadwithout breaking it is your toast at breakfast as it will normally have been cutin half for you.∙Do not scrape your plate with your cutlery.∙Never scoop food up with your fork the tines should always point downwards.∙Move your soup spoon from 6 o’clock to 12 o’clock when spooning up soup, when only a little is remaining, tilt the bowl away from you to enable you to finish it.∙Ask “May I get down please” if you’d like to leave the table early.Cutlery is a potential minefield all of its own, it is important that we know how to hold it and how to use it. The following photographs show the correct way to hold the various types of cutlery together with positions that your cutlery should be placed in when you have finished or are merely taking a rest. It is important to note that if you are taking a rest, no food is left on your fork.The place settings below are for a three course meal starting with soup, the first has the pudding cutlery alongside the crockery whereas the second has the pudding cutlery placed above; both are correct. The fundamental rule regarding the order of use ofcutlery is to work inwards from both sides./Table_Manners。
character and manners
4. English Modesty
Within the English hearts, they are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else, but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty. Self-praise is felt to be impolite. If a person is very good at tennis and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will reply ?? A: “Yes” B: “I‟m not bad” C: “I think I‟m very good” D: “Well, I‟m very keen on tennis.”
2. Conservativeness
The English people are generally regarded as conservative. Englishmen think their way of doing things is always the best, and always the most normal. Americans say that the English people always need 20 or 40 years to do things that they do today, because the English people are so conservative that they have to wait a long time before they are prepared to try something new.
I. Exclusiveness
the best-known quality
Reasons 1. Special geographical location: Island country separated and isolated from the rest of the world 2. The distinct development of its history:
are cold to others.
• British people have their own ways of thinking and acting. • The characteristics of the people living in different regions and of different social classes vary enormously. Some are limited to the upper and upper-middle classes.
English people are proud of*&&……%&……#……
Englishmen think their way of doing things is always the best, and always the most normal.
III. Politeness
based on the basic rule of showing consideration for others
1. British people do not readily ask you to do anything inconvenient for them, they prefer to wait for such service to be offered, rather than ask for it. 2. British people are quite particular about table manners. 3. British people usually do not cry and shout in public.
英国人的礼仪英语作文80词八年级全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1British etiquette is known for its emphasis on manners, politeness, and respect for others. It is an important aspect of British culture and is deeply ingrained in society. From polite greetings to the rules of social interaction, British etiquette shapes the way people behave in various social situations.One of the key aspects of British etiquette is the art of polite conversation. Brits are known for their ability to engage inlight-hearted banter, and it is common to engage in small talk before getting to the main topic of conversation. It is also important to be respectful and listen carefully to what others have to say, as interrupting or talking over someone is considered rude.When it comes to social gatherings, Brits are known for their love of socializing, whether it be over a cup of tea, a pint at the pub, or a formal dinner party. Regardless of the setting, it is important to greet others with a firm handshake and maintain eye contact while speaking. It is also important to follow thetraditional etiquette of saying "please" and "thank you" when interacting with others.Another important aspect of British etiquette is the importance of punctuality. Brits value their time and expect others to do the same, so it is important to arrive on time for social engagements, meetings, and appointments. Being late is considered disrespectful and can be seen as a sign of rudeness.Overall, British etiquette plays a significant role in shaping social interactions in British society. It is important to be polite, respectful, and considerate of others in order to navigate social situations with ease. By following the rules of British etiquette, one can ensure smooth and harmonious interactions with others.篇2British people are known for their strict adherence to etiquette and manners. These behaviors are deeply ingrained in British society and play a significant role in everyday interactions. From greetings to table manners, there is a set of unwritten rules that govern how people should behave in various social situations.One of the most important aspects of British etiquette is politeness. British people are known for being polite andcourteous in their interactions with others. Common courtesies such as saying "please" and "thank you" are expected in all social interactions, whether it's ordering a coffee at a cafe or asking for directions on the street. British people also tend to be reserved in their behavior, often avoiding confrontation or overt displays of emotion.Another key aspect of British etiquette is punctuality. Being on time is highly valued in British society, and being late for a meeting or appointment is considered rude and disrespectful. It is important to arrive promptly for social engagements, whether it's a dinner party or a business meeting.In addition to politeness and punctuality, British people also place a high value on personal space and privacy. It is important to respect other people's personal boundaries and not intrude on their space without permission. British people are also known for their strong sense of propriety and are generally more reserved in their behavior than people from other cultures.When it comes to dining etiquette, British people have a set of rules that govern how to behave at the table. For example, it is considered rude to talk with your mouth full or to reach across the table for food. It is also important to use proper cutlery and to chew with your mouth closed.Overall, British etiquette plays a significant role in shaping social interactions in British society. By adhering to these unwritten rules, people can navigate social situations with grace and ease, allowing for smooth and respectful communication with others.篇3Etiquette among the British people is an important aspect of their culture. The British are known for their politeness, manners, and adherence to social norms. From saying "please" and "thank you" to standing in a queue, there are clear rules on how to behave in different social situations in the UK.One of the most common etiquettes among the British people is the use of "please" and "thank you." It is considered impolite to make a request without saying "please" and to not express gratitude without saying "thank you." These simple words are used in everyday interactions, from ordering coffee at a café to asking for directions on the street.Another important aspect of British etiquette is the concept of queuing. The British people take queuing very seriously and will patiently wait their turn in line, whether it is at a bus stop, in asupermarket, or at a ticket counter. Cutting in line is seen as rude and disrespectful, and is not tolerated in British society.In social situations, the British people value punctuality. It is important to arrive on time for appointments, meetings, and social gatherings. Being late is considered disrespectful and shows a lack of consideration for other people's time.When it comes to dining etiquette, the British are known for their formal table manners. It is common practice to hold cutlery properly, chew with their mouths closed, and avoid talking with food in their mouths. In formal settings, the British people may also use specific utensils for different courses and follow proper dining etiquette, such as placing their napkin on their lap and signaling when they have finished eating.In terms of greetings, the British people are known for their handshake. A firm handshake is seen as a sign of confidence and respect. When meeting someone for the first time, it is customary to shake hands and introduce oneself. In more formal settings, such as business meetings or interviews, a handshake is often accompanied by a polite greeting, such as "Nice to meet you" or "How do you do."Overall, etiquette is an important part of British culture and society. By following the unwritten rules of politeness andmanners, the British people maintain harmony and respect in their interactions with others. Whether it is saying "please" and "thank you," queuing in an orderly fashion, or practicing formal dining etiquette, the British people take pride in their etiquette and see it as a reflection of their values and upbringing.。
英国文化及中国文化对比英文The cultural differences between the United Kingdom andChina are significant and reflect the unique historical, social, political, and economic backgrounds of these two nations. Inthis essay, we will explore some of the main aspects that distinguish British and Chinese culture.One of the most apparent differences between these two cultures is language. While English is the official language in the United Kingdom, China has Mandarin Chinese as its official language, spoken by the majority of its population. The written forms of these languages also vastly differ, with English using the Latin alphabet and Chinese using logographic characters.Another notable contrast lies in the cultural attitude towards individualism and collectivism. The British culture emphasizes individualism, valuing personal achievement and independence. On the other hand, Chinese culture is collectivist, prioritizing the needs of the group over the individual. Confucian principles, such as filial piety and respect for authority, greatly influence Chinese society.Food is a significant aspect of both cultures, albeit with distinct characteristics. British cuisine is often associatedwith traditional dishes such as fish and chips, roast beef, and English breakfast. Chinese cuisine, on the other hand, isdiverse and varies greatly across regions. It is known for itsemphasis on fresh ingredients, distinctive flavors, and cooking techniques such as stir-frying and steaming.Cultural celebrations also differ between the UK and China. Chinese New Year is a major event in the Chinese calendar, marked with family reunions, fireworks, and elaborate lion dances. The British celebrate holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Guy Fawkes Night with traditions such as decoratingChristmas trees, exchanging gifts, and attending family gatherings.Religion plays a significant role in both cultures as well. Christianity is the dominant religion in the UK, with various denominations present throughout the country. In contrast, China is known for its religious diversity, including Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Christianity among others. Traditional Chinese beliefs also involve ancestor worship and spiritual practices such as feng shui.Another difference lies in the cultural attitude towards hierarchy and social etiquette. British society values politeness, punctuality, and formal manners. In China, hierarchical relationships and social harmony are highly regarded. Respect for elders and authority figures isparticularly emphasized, and proper social etiquette is crucial.These examples highlight just a few of the many differences between British and Chinese culture. It is important to note,however, that these cultural distinctions should not be seen as inherently superior or inferior to one another. Instead, they reflect unique traditions and values that have evolved over centuries. Understanding and appreciating these cultural differences can foster mutual respect and better international relations between the UK and China.。
英国交换生之旅:跨文化交流与个人成长As a student eager to explore new horizons and immerse myself in a different culture, I jumped at the opportunityto participate in an exchange program in the United Kingdom. My journey there was not just an academic pursuit, but a personal quest to understand a culture that was radically different from my own.Arriving in the UK, I was immediately struck by the contrast between its bustling cities and serene countryside. The architecture, with its blend of old and new, spoke of a rich history that I was eager to explore. From thegrandiose cathedrals to the modern skyscrapers, every building seemed to have a story to tell.My exchange program was hosted by a prestigious university in the heart of London. The academic rigor was intense, but the opportunities for intellectual growth were abundant. I was exposed to a diverse range of perspectives and viewpoints that challenged my own assumptions and beliefs. Discussions in class were lively and engaging,often extending beyond the classroom into lively debates over coffee and tea.Outside the classroom, I delved into the heart of British culture. I attended concerts, theater performances, and art exhibitions that showcased the creativity and diversity of the nation. I also made it a point to explore the local food culture, sampling everything fromtraditional pub grub to fine dining experiences.Living with a British host family was an enriching experience. They were warm and welcoming, eager to share their daily lives and traditions with me. I learned about the nuances of British etiquette and customs that go beyond the basics of polite conversation and table manners.One of the most significant lessons I learned during my exchange was the importance of tolerance and understanding. Interacting with people from different backgrounds and perspectives taught me to be more empathetic and less judgmental. I realized that every culture has its unique strengths and beauty, and that it is through mutual respect and understanding that we can truly bridge the gaps that divide us.In conclusion, my exchange program in the UK was not just an academic endeavor, but a transformative experiencethat broadened my horizons and enriched my life. It taught me about the power of cross-cultural communication and the value of understanding and respecting different viewpoints. As I look back on my journey, I am grateful for the opportunities it provided and the lessons it taught me about the world and myself.**英国交换生之旅:跨文化交流与个人成长**作为一名渴望探索新天地并沉浸在异国文化中的学生,我毫不犹豫地抓住了去英国交流学习的机会。
英国文化 英语作文
英国文化英语作文英文回答:British culture is a vibrant tapestry woven from centuries of history, immigration, and social change. Its unique quirks, traditions, and values have shaped the lives of its people and continue to fascinate outsiders.One of the most defining characteristics of British culture is its politeness. The British are known for their impeccable manners and adherence to social etiquette. From saying "please" and "thank you" to queuing patiently in lines, politeness is deeply ingrained in British society. This politeness extends beyond everyday interactions to larger social issues, such as respecting personal space and privacy.Another notable aspect of British culture is its humor. The British have a knack for finding the funny side of life, even in the most trying of times. Their humor is oftencharacterized by irony, sarcasm, and understatement. For example, a British person might say, "Lovely weather we're having," on a particularly miserable day.Britain is also famous for its love of tea. Teadrinking is a national pastime, enjoyed by people from all walks of life. It is a ritual that brings people together, be it a quick cuppa during a break or an afternoon tea with friends. Tea is so deeply ingrained in British culture that it has become a symbol of the country itself.Beyond these well-known traits, British culture is also characterized by a strong sense of community. People often socialize in pubs, where they can enjoy a pint or two and chat with neighbors. There is also a long tradition of volunteering and charitable work, reflecting the British value of helping those in need.However, British culture is not without its complexities. The country has a long history of class divisions, which continue to play a role in society today. There are also regional differences, with each regionhaving its own unique customs and traditions.Overall, British culture is a rich and diverse tapestry that reflects the country's long and fascinating history. From its politeness and humor to its love of tea and strong sense of community, British culture continues to captivate and inspire people around the world.中文回答:英国文化是一个充满活力的挂毯,它由几个世纪的历史、移民和社会变革交织而成。
British Character
The English CharacterDue to the various geography, history and culture, any people in the world have their unique character. Britain is no exception. After several years of social change, they formed their own unique way of thinking and behavior, and are unlike other countries in the world. To sum up, there are several character traits.The English are generally regarded as the most boring people. They wear unimaginative formal clothes; they eat tasteless food, jogging and have a unique sense of humor. Usually, foreign visitors cannot understand such behaviors and British are described as conservative, reserved and indifference. In fact, the British are not very open or enthusiastic. They do not kiss or embrace even they do not say hello. They always keep a certain distance and are not willing to show their feelings and emotions. They even accuse others hypocrisy, because they might pointing at one person but abusing another. So, it is not easy to make a friend with British, but once you have a friend, this is a friend. They don't like any boasting, dress or speech. Sometimes they conceal their knowledge. A linguist, for example, may not mention his understanding of any foreigner language.The typical feature of the British is that they are educated, polite and considering the needs of others. The British are naturally polite and never tired in saying “Thank you”, “I'm sorry”, “Beg your pardon”. They are always busy in queuing, but also open the door for the person behind them. There is almost little noisy behavior, and no loud disputing in the street. People do not rush excitedly for seats in buses or trains, but take their seats in queues at bus stops in a quiet and orderly manner.On one hand, the British reputation in the world is started with the friendliest and helpful .On the other hand, British football fans are treated as hooligans and vandals, and are able to put the stadium into shreds. However, in generally, the British are polite. They care about the poor, because there are a lot of charity groups across theUK.“There is no place like home”, it describes the English people. The proverb exactly expresses the tradition that British people loving family. About 70% of British people have their own house. Most families have a garden, and the British people spend a lot of time taking care of the grass and flowers. Many houses, especially the older house, which are surrounded by hedges, is a symbol of British people that they want to protect the privacy of their desiring. “My home is my castle”, as we all know, the saying is to remind visitors, unless he is invited, or he could be taken as an intruder.British people love not only their home but also their pets. Many people keep dogs, cats and other animals at home. Their love for pets is somewhat crazy love. In the UK, the conditions of the animal rights group are better than anywhere else in the world. On the other hand, English people love to hunt some wild animals at the same time, such as the fox.Deciding typically British trait is not easy. Not all British people are cold, silent or boring, not all people are crazy like grass or animals. There is one common phenomenon, however, in the UK: a strong attachment to the tradition, and the hope to keep the uniqueness of their county. Some people say that British people living in the past, but they are in a pride of the past.邓文学1470967矿业工程。
Character and Manners
English people tend to be like that
• If they are making a journey by bus… • If by train … • If they have to share the compartment
with a stranger… • If a conversation does start… • Similarly, conversation in Britain is in general much more quiet and restrained • Loud speech is considered ill-bred
4 sportsmanship
• Sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport in
obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat.
• He never tells you anything about himself • and you may work with him for years
without ever knowing where he lives, how many children he has and what his interests are.
8 privacy, individualism
• My home is my castle. • The wind can come in, but the kings and
queens and human beings can never come in without my permission.
British Cuisine and Table Manners in British
British Cuisine and Table Manners in BritishBritain is a very gentle country. It gives me a feeling that it’s a beautiful castle in Grimm’s fairy tales. Its people are elegant graceful and dainty. In this castle, no flippancy no fuss, ease likes the air involving it. People live in slow rhythm. They devote particular care of work and rest. And from their exquisite cuisine we can see their elaborate life.British cuisine is the specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. Historically, British cuisine means "unfussy dishes made with quality local ingredients, matched with simple sauces to accentuate flavor, rather than disguise it." However, British cuisine has absorbed the cultural influence of those that settled in Britain, producing hybrid dishes, such as the Anglo-Indian Chicken tikka masala, hailed as "Britain's true national dish".British cuisine has traditionally been limited in its international recognition to the full breakfast and the Christmas dinner. However, Celtic agriculture and animal breeding produced a wide variety of foodstuffs for indigenous Celts. Anglo-Saxon England developed meat and savoury herb stewing techniques before the practice became common in Europe. The Norman conquest introduced exotic spices into Great Britain in the Middle Ages. The British Empire facilitated a knowledge of India's elaborate food tradition of "strong, penetrating spices and herbs".The first recipe for ice cream was published in Mrs. Mary Eales's Receipts in London 1718. The 18th-century English aristocrat John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich is most renowned for the claim to have originated the modern concept of the sandwich which was named after him. It is said that he ordered his valet to bring him meat tucked between two pieces of bread, and because Montagu also happened to be the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, others began to order "the same as Sandwich!" . In 1767, Joseph Priestley invented carbonated water (also known as soda water), the major and defining component of most soft drinks.Each country within Britain has its own specialities. There are two traditional examples as follow:the Sunday roast:There are (at least) two opinions on the origins of the Sunday Roast. One holds that, during the industrial revolution, Yorkshire families left a cut of meat in the oven before going to church on a Sunday morning, which was then ready to eat by the time they arrived home at lunchtime.[1] The second opinion holds that the Sunday Roast dates back to medieval times, when the village serfs served the squire for six days a week. Then on the Sunday, after the morning church service, serfs would assemble in a field and practice their battle techniques and were rewarded with a feast of oxen roasted on a spit.It features a roasted joint, usually beef, lamb or chicken, served with assorted boiled vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast—consisting of bacon, grilled tomatoes, fried bread, black pudding, baked beans, fried mushrooms, sausages and eggs. Various meat pies are consumed such as steak and kidney pie, shepherd's pie, cottage pie, Cornish pasty and pork pie, the later of which is consumed cold.Christmas feast: Christmas pudding has its origins in medieval England.Sausages are commonly eaten, either as bangers and mash or toad in the hole. Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. Some of the most popular cheeses are Cheddar and Wensleydale. Many Anglo-Indian hybrid dishes, curries, have been created such as chicken tikka masala and balti. Sweet English dishes include apple pie, mince pies, spotted dick, scones, Eccles cakes, pancakes, sponge cake, Battenberg cake, Jaffa cakes, trifle, custard, and sticky toffee pudding. Common drinks include tea, which became far more widely drunk due to Catherine of Braganza. The public house is an important aspect of British culture, and alcoholic drinks include wines and English beers such as bitter, mild, stout, and brown ale. Scottish cuisine includes Arbroath Smokie and Haggis; Irish cuisine features the Ulster fry and Irish Stew and Welsh cuisine is noted for Welsh rarebit. Whisky dates back to Ireland and Scotland in the Middle Ages, with each producing their own unique brand, Irish Whiskey and Scotch Whisky. On Christmas Day, turkey is traditionally served at dinner, and Christmas pudding for dessert. The 16th-century English navigator WilliamStrickland is credited with introducing the turkey into England, and his family coat of arms showing a turkey cock as the family crest, is one of the earliest known pictures of a turkey. Since being invented in London in the 1840s, Christmas crackers are an integral part of Christmas celebrations, often pulled before or after dinner, or at parties.Table Manner:From time to time -- perhaps at an important business dinner, a romantic date at an expensive restaurant, or a first dinner with the family of the person who may be "the One" -- it is necessary to display a more sophisticated knowledge of table etiquette.∙The fork is held in your left hand and the knife is held in your right when used at the same time. Hands should be kept close to the plate for cutting and scooping food; this should not be done in mid-air. It is bad manners to gesticulate with your knife and fork, and they should be put down when you reach for your glass, etc.∙You should hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your fork in the other hand with the tines (prongs) pointing downwards.∙Food should be cut "one piece at a time" directly prior to eating, and then consumed. You should not "carve up" multiple pieces and then proceed to eat them.∙If you're eating a dessert, your fork (if you have one) should be held in the left hand and the spoon in the right.∙When eating soup, you should hold your spoon in your right hand and tip the bowl away from you, scooping the soup in movements away from yourself. The soup spoon should never be put into the mouth, and soup should be sipped from the side of the spoon, not the end.∙It is not acceptable to use your fingers to push food onto your fork, nor to handle most food items. Some foods such as fruit, bread, sandwiches or burgers may be eaten using fingers, and fingers are mandatory for eating some items, such as asparagus spears, which are traditionally served with sauce on the side for dipping.∙If there are a number of knives or forks, start from the outside set working your way in as each course is served.∙Drinks should always be to the right of the plate with the bread plate to the left.∙When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before buttering. Use your knife only to butter the bread, not to cut it.∙Do not start eating before the host does or instructs guests to do so. At meals with a very large number of people, it is acceptable to start eating once others have been served.∙When finished, place the knife and fork together at four o'clock with your fork on the left (tines facing down) and knife on the right, with the knife blade facing in. This signals that one has finished."Together" is the important part; nobody will check with aprotractor which angle your knife and fork are at.∙The napkin should never be crumpled. Nor should it be folded neatly as that would suggest that your host might plan to use it again without washing it—just leave it neatly but loosely on the table to the left of the plate.∙Never blow your nose on your napkin. Place it on your lap and use it to dab your mouth if you make a mess.∙It is considered rude to answer the telephone at the table. If you need to take an urgent call, excuse yourself and go outside.∙Always ask for permission from the host and excuse yourself if you need to leave the table. You should place your napkin on your seat until you return. It was historically considered common courtesy for all gentlemen at the table to stand when a lady arrives or leaves the table but in modern times this is no longer common.∙If you must leave the table or are resting, your fork should be at eight o'clock tines (prongs) pointing downwards and your knife at four o'clock (with the blade inwards). Once an item of cutlery has been used, it should not touch the table again.∙Food should be brought to your mouth on the back of the fork.∙Dishes should be served from the left, and taken away from the right.Unless the food is placed on your plate at the table, then it should arrive from the right.∙Drinks should be served from the right.∙Never lean across somebody else's plate. If you need something to be passed, ask the person closest to it. If you have to passsomething, only pass it if you are closest to it and pass it directly to them if you can.∙Salt and pepper shakers should be passed together.∙Do not take food from a neighbor's plate and don't ask to do so unless it is an interesting new dish and you would like a small taste. ∙You must not put your elbows on the table.∙If pouring a drink for yourself, offer to pour a drink for your neighbors before serving yourself.∙If extra food is on the table, ask others if they would like it before taking it yourself. If the answer is no, it is normal to still only take half the remaining food, until the point where one would have to actually cut the pieces of food in the serving dish to divide them in half.∙When chewing food, close your mouth and only talk after you have swallowed it.∙Swallow all food before eating more or drinking.∙Do not slurp your food or eat loudly.∙Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails.∙Try to eat all the food you are served.∙Wine glasses should be held by the stem in the case of white wines, and by cupping the bowl in the case of red wines.∙If port is served after the meal, then the decanter should be passed to the person on your left and never passed to the right.∙Never transfer food to your mouth with your knife, and never put your knife in your mouth or lick the blade.。
British Manners(英国礼仪介绍)Taboo 16PPT
Gentility & Lady first
• When a man and a woman go into a room,the man open the door for the lady.√
• Walking in the street, or crossing the street, men is to the side of the car direction.√
• Color:Dark green(The Nazi's military uniform) ,black(mourning apparel),red×
• Pattern:The goat pattern(as hate animals),The elephant design (symbol of stupid),The peacock pattern ,A black cat pattern (as ominous),Bats pattern(Symbol of the vampire)×
• Before the meal • Arrive • Leave
Before the meal:
• To notify the other party in advance before visiting friends √
• Phone call before 10 p.m√
• Many of Britain's services need to make an appointment in advance, such as a doctor, barber, beauty, glasses, etc.√
• Queue up √ Jump the queue × • Ask a lady's age.× • Ask a man's salary× • Go to the toilet.× • Go to the man's room or lady's
课文 notes on the english character 英国人的性格特点 译文
英国传统菜肴和餐桌礼仪英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1In the UK, there are lots of yummy traditional dishes that people like to eat. One of the most famous ones is fish and chips! It's like breaded fish with crispy chips, kind of like French fries but thicker. And you eat it with tartar sauce, which is super tasty.Another classic British dish is roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. The beef is cooked in the oven with yummy spices and the Yorkshire pudding is like a fluffy bread that you dip in gravy. It's so good, especially with some roast potatoes and vegetables on the side.When you're eating these dishes, it's important to follow some table manners. For example, you should always use your knife and fork to cut your food neatly. And when you're finished, you should place your cutlery together on your plate to show that you're done. It's also polite to say "please" and "thank you" when asking for food or passing dishes around the table.Another important thing is to chew with your mouth closed and not talk with your mouth full. It's also good to eat slowly andenjoy your food, instead of rushing through your meal. And don't forget to drink lots of water to wash down your yummy food!In the UK, we take our food seriously and it's important to show respect for the delicious dishes we eat. So next time you're tucking into some fish and chips or roast beef, remember to follow these simple table manners and enjoy every bite!篇2Hey guys!Today I'm gonna talk about British traditional dishes and table manners. Are you ready? Let's get started!First, let's talk about some yummy British dishes. In England, they love to eat fish and chips. Oh, it's so delicious! And have you ever heard of a Sunday roast? It's a big meal with roast meat, potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. Yum yum!Another famous British dish is the full English breakfast. It has eggs, bacon, sausages, beans, tomatoes, and toast. A perfect way to start the day!Now, let's talk about table manners. In England, people eat with their fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand.And you should always chew with your mouth closed. No one wants to see your food, right?Oh, and don't forget to say "please" and "thank you" when you're asking for something or receiving your food. It's called being polite!Also, when you're finished eating, place your knife and fork together on the plate with the prongs facing down. This shows that you're done, and the waiter can take your plate away.So, remember to try some British dishes and use good table manners. It's a great way to show respect and enjoy a tasty meal!That's all for today. See you next time! Bye bye!篇3Hey guys, today I want to talk about some yummy British traditional dishes and the table manners. Are you ready? Let's go!First of all, let's talk about the traditional British dishes. One super famous dish is fish and chips. It's basically fried fish and crispy chips. Yummy! Another classic dish is roast beef with roasted potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. It's so delicious!But when you eat these dishes, you have to remember some table manners. For example, always use your knife and fork to cut your food. And don't forget to say please and thank you when you ask for something or someone passes you the salt. Also, always chew with your mouth closed and don't talk with your mouth full. It's not polite!When you're finished eating, remember to place your knife and fork together on your plate in the 4 o'clock position. This shows that you're done. And if you want to leave the table, always say excuse me and ask to be excused. It's important to be polite at the dinner table.So guys, next time you try some British traditional dishes, remember these table manners. It's not just about eating food, it's about showing respect and being polite to others. Enjoy your meal!篇4Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk to you about traditional British food and table manners. Are you ready?First, let’s talk about some yummy traditional British dishes. One of the most famous British foods is fish a nd chips. It’s fried fish with fries and it’s so delicious! Another popular dish is thefull English breakfast, which includes bacon, eggs, baked beans, sausages, and toast. Yum yum! And we can’t forget about the classic shepherd’s pie, made with minced me at and mashed potatoes on top.Now let’s talk about table manners. In Britain, it’s very important to have good manners when eating at the table. Here are some tips:1. Always wait for everyone to be served before you start eating.2. Use your knife and fork to cut food into small pieces before eating.3. Keep your napkin on your lap during the meal.4. Chew with your mouth closed and don’t talk with food in your mouth.5. Say “please” and “thank you” when asking for something or receiving something.Remember, having good table manners is not only polite, but it also shows respect for the people you are eating with.So there you have it, some traditional British dishes and table manners. I hope you enjoyed lear ning about them. Let’sall practice good manners at the table and enjoy some yummy British food together! Bye bye!篇5Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about traditional British dishes and table manners. Do you know what British people like to eat? Let's find out!First, let's talk about bangers and mash. It's a popular dish in Britain, which is basically sausages served with mashed potatoes and gravy. It's super yummy and filling!Another famous British dish is fish and chips. Have you ever tried it? It's deep-fried fish served with thick-cut fries. You can add some vinegar or tartar sauce on top for extra flavor. It's a must-try when you visit Britain!Now, let's talk about some table manners in Britain. When you sit down to eat, remember to place your napkin on your lap and say "please" and "thank you" when asking for food. Also, make sure to chew with your mouth closed and not talk with food in your mouth. It's polite to wait for everyone to be served before starting to eat, and always use utensils to eat your food.In Britain, it's considered rude to slurp your soup or burp at the table. Make sure to use your fork and knife properly, and never use your hands to eat unless it's finger food.After you finish your meal, it's nice to say "excuse me" if you need to leave the table. And don't forget to thank the person who prepared the meal for you!I hope you learned something new about British food and table manners. Remember to try some bangers and mash or fish and chips next time you have the chance. Have a great day!篇6Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about traditional British dishes and table manners.One of the most famous British dishes is fish and chips. It's a yummy meal consisting of deep-fried fish with crispy batter and thick-cut fries. You can add some malt vinegar or tartar sauce to make it even tastier. Another popular dish is a full English breakfast, which includes bacon, sausages, eggs, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, and toast. It's often served with a cup of tea or orange juice.When it comes to table manners, British people have some rules to follow. Firstly, it's polite to wait for everyone to be served before starting to eat. Always use your cutlery – a fork in your left hand and a knife in your right hand. Don't slurp or blow your nose at the table, and remember to say "please" and "thank you."If you're invited to a British home for dinner, it's customary to bring a small gift for the host, such as flowers or a bottle of wine. Offer to help with the dishes after the meal, and always accept a second helping if offered. And don't forget to compliment the cook on the delicious food!In conclusion, British cuisine is delicious and diverse, with a range of traditional dishes to enjoy. By following proper table manners, you can show respect for the food and the people around you. So next time you sit down for a British meal, remember to enjoy every bite and mind your manners!篇7In da UK, dere are lots of traditional foods dat people like to eat. Some of dem are like fish and chips, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, and bangers and mash. Dey sound funny but dey taste really good!Fish and chips is like fried fish and fries. People eat it wit tartar sauce or ketchup. It's really yummy and you can find it in lots of places all over da UK. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is a big roast dinner wit beef, mashed potatoes, veggies, and a special kind of bread called Yorkshire pudding. It's really filling and tasty. Bangers and mash is like sausages and mashed potatoes. It's a simple but delicious dish dat lots of people like to eat.When people eat dese traditional foods, dey also have special manners at da dinner table. For example, you should always use your knife and fork to eat, and never eat wit your hands. You should also wait until everyone has their food before you start eating. And if you need to leave da table during da meal, you should always say "excuse me" and "thank you" when you come back.In da UK, food is not just about eating. It's also about being polite and respectful at da table. So next time you try some traditional British food, remember your manners and enjoy!篇8British traditional food is super cool and yummy! There are so many delicious dishes to try, like fish and chips, roast beef,and bangers and mash. They may sound funny, but trust me, they taste awesome!When it comes to eating British food, there are some table manners and etiquette that you should follow. For example, when sitting at the table, remember to keep your napkin on your lap until you're finished eating. And don't forget to say "please" and "thank you" when asking for or receiving food.In England, people often eat with a fork in their left hand and a knife in their right hand. It's kind of tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll look like a pro! And when you're eating soup, remember to scoop it away from you and sip it quietly without making any slurping noises.If you're ever invited to a British person's house for dinner, make sure to bring a small gift for the host or hostess, like a box of chocolates or a pretty bouquet of flowers. It's a nice way to show your appreciation for their hospitality.Overall, British food is delicious and the table manners are easy to learn. So next time you're in England, be sure to try some traditional dishes and impress everyone with your classy dining skills! Cheers to good food and good manners!篇9Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about some traditional British dishes and table manners.First, let's talk about some famous British dishes. One of the most popular ones is fish and chips. It's basically deep-fried fish fillets and French fries. It's super yummy and a must-try when you visit England. Another famous dish is the Sunday roast, which is a big roast dinner with meat (usually beef, lamb or chicken), roasted potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. It's a special meal that families often have on Sundays.Now, let’s talk about table manners in England. In England, it's important to wait for everyone to be seated before you start eating. Also, remember to keep your elbows off the table and wait for the host to start eating before you dig in. When using a napkin, gently dab your mouth instead of wiping it. And don't forget to say "please" and "thank you" when asking for food or passing dishes around the table.When eating, use your utensils properly. Forks go in your left hand and knives in your right hand. Cut your food with the knife and then switch the fork to your right hand to eat. When finished eating, place your knife and fork together on your plate with the prongs facing down.So, that's a little bit about British dishes and table manners. Remember to try fish and chips when you visit England and always mind your manners at the dinner table. Bye for now!篇10Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the traditional British dishes and table manners. Do you know what people in the UK like to eat for their meals? Let's find out together!First of all, let's talk about the famous British dishes. Have you ever heard of fish and chips? It's a popular dish in the UK. Fish and chips are fried fish and potatoes served with salt and vinegar. The fish is usually cod or haddock, and the chips are thick-cut potatoes. It's yummy!Another traditional British dish is the Sunday roast. On Sundays, families in the UK often have a roast dinner together. This meal usually includes roast meat (such as beef, lamb, or chicken), roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, vegetables, and gravy. It's a hearty and delicious meal that brings everyone together.Now, let's talk about table manners in the UK. When you're eating with others in the UK, it's important to remember some basic manners. For example, always wait for everyone to beserved before starting to eat. It's polite to say "please" and "thank you" when asking for or receiving food. And don't forget to chew with your mouth closed!In addition, in the UK, it's considered rude to slurp your soup or talk with your mouth full. Always use your utensils to eat, and remember to keep your elbows off the table. And if you need to leave the table during a meal, excuse yourself by saying "excuse me" or "please may I be excused."So, there you have it – some traditional British dishes and table manners. I hope you learned something new today. Next time you eat fish and chips or roast dinner, remember to eat with good manners. Bye for now!。
关于英国餐桌礼仪的英语作文80字篇1In the charming land of the United Kingdom, table manners hold a significant place! When it comes to the use of cutlery, one must know that the knife is held in the right hand and the fork in the left. For instance, in a formal setting, the knife and fork are placed neatly on either side of the plate before the meal begins. Oh my! And the sequence of dining is quite interesting. You start with the appetizer, which whets your appetite, and then move on to the main course. Isn't that wonderful? Remember, these rules are not just for show, but they add to the elegance and charm of the dining experience. So, next time you find yourself at a British table, follow these basic rules and enjoy the meal to the fullest!篇2In the realm of British table manners, politeness reigns supreme! When communicating with others at the table, it's essential to maintain a gentle tone and actively listen. One should never raise their voice or interrupt rudely. For instance, when sharing a story, it's crucial to ensure it's appropriate and engaging. Moreover, showing respect to the service staff is of great significance. Always say "Thank you" when they serve you. Isn't it wonderful to create a pleasant dining atmosphere by being polite? Remember, not making loud noises during the meal is also a sign of goodbreeding. Such small acts of courtesy can make a big difference in our social interactions. So, let's all embrace these fine British table manners and enjoy a delightful dining experience!篇3In the realm of British table manners, there are fascinating norms related to food that are truly worth noting! When it comes to different dishes, the way of consumption varies. Take bread, for instance. One should break it into small pieces and eat them gracefully, rather than biting into it directly. And when it comes to portion control, it's essential to take only as much food as one can consume to avoid waste. How astonishing it is that such simple rules can reflect a culture's refinement! Isn't it a wonderful way to show respect for the food and the people sharing the meal? Remember, in British table etiquette, wasting food is highly frowned upon. So, let's all be mindful and enjoy our meals with elegance and respect!篇4In the realm of British table manners, the arrangement of seats holds significant importance! When it comes to family gatherings, the elders are usually seated at the head of the table, showing respect and honor. For instance, during a special occasion like Christmas, Grandpa and Grandma would occupy the prominent positions. This not only reflects the family's hierarchy but also emphasizes the value of tradition.In business banquets, the seating arrangement is equally crucial. The main guest or the person of highest importance is placed to the right of the host. Such placements are not random but are guided by strict etiquette rules. Imagine a corporate dinner where a potential business partner is seated in this strategic position. It conveys a message of respect and importance, which can greatly influence the outcome of the business discussions.So, understanding and adhering to these seat arrangement principles in British table manners is essential for creating a pleasant and harmonious dining atmosphere!篇5In the realm of British table manners, the etiquette regarding drinking is truly fascinating! When it comes to toasting, it is customary to raise your glass with a gentle smile and make eye contact with the person you are toasting to. In a formal setting, one should hold the glass by the stem and offer kind words of celebration or appreciation. For instance, at a business dinner, you might say, "Here's to a successful partnership and a prosperous future!" But remember, moderation is key! Excessive drinking is frowned upon. One should always be aware of their limits and drink responsibly. So, the next time you find yourself at a British table, keep these tips in mind and enjoy the occasion with grace and poise. Isn't it wonderful to know and follow these fine customs?。
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我是于谨,我想交一个英国朋友英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My name is Yu Jin, and I am from China. I have always been interested in making friends from different parts of the world, and lately, I have been thinking about finding a friend from England. I believe that having an English friend will not only help me improve my English skills but also provide me with a different perspective on life and culture.I have always been fascinated by English culture, history, and the charming accents of the people there. I have read many books and watched numerous movies and TV shows about England, but I know that nothing can compare to the experience of actually getting to know someone from that country.I believe that having an English friend will allow me to learn more about the traditions, customs, and daily life of people in England. I am curious to know about things like the British cuisine, the etiquette and manners, and even the weather! I also want to learn about the famous landmarks, historical sites, and the diverse cities of England.Moreover, I am eager to practice my English with a native speaker. While I have been studying English for many years, I still struggle with certain aspects of the language, such as pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. I believe that chatting with an English friend will help me improve my skills and become more fluent in English.I am also interested in sharing my own culture and traditions with my new English friend. I want to introduce them to Chinese cuisine, music, festivals, and customs. I think it will be a fun and enriching experience for both of us to learn about each other's culture and traditions.In addition to cultural exchange and language practice, I also hope to build a meaningful and lasting friendship with my English friend. I believe that having a friend from a different country will broaden my horizons, expand my social circle, and enrich my life in ways that I cannot even imagine.If you are from England and looking to make a new friend from China, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am open, friendly, and eager to connect with you. Let's embark on a journey of cultural exchange, friendship, and language learning together. I look forward to hearing from you soon!篇2Hello, I am Yu Jin. I am a Chinese national residing in Beijing.I am a senior in high school and I have always wanted to make friends from different parts of the world. Recently, I have been thinking about making a British friend to learn more about their culture, traditions, and language.I believe that having a friend from the United Kingdom will not only help me improve my English skills, but also broaden my horizons and provide me with a new perspective on life. I am fascinated by British history, literature, and music, and I would love to learn more about these topics from someone who is living in the UK.I am a friendly, outgoing, and open-minded person who enjoys meeting new people and learning about different cultures.I am also a good listener and I am always interested in hearing about other people's experiences and perspectives. I believe that friendship knows no boundaries and that we can learn a lot from each other regardless of where we come from or what language we speak.If you are interested in becoming my British friend, please feel free to reach out to me. I am looking forward to getting toknow you and sharing our experiences, thoughts, and ideas with each other. Let's embark on this friendship journey together and create lasting memories that will enrich our lives. I can't wait to meet you and learn more about the UK and everything it has to offer. Cheers!篇3Hello, my name is Yu Jin. I am a Chinese student who is eager to make an English friend. I believe that having an English friend can not only improve my language skills but also broaden my horizons and learn about different cultures.I have always been fascinated by the English language and culture. From Shakespearean literature to British history, I find the UK to be a place full of rich traditions and diverse perspectives. I have been studying English for many years and have a good grasp of the language, so I am confident in communicating effectively with an English-speaking friend.I am an outgoing and friendly person who enjoys meeting new people and learning about their experiences. I am also a good listener and am always willing to offer support and advice to my friends. I believe that friendship is built on trust andunderstanding, and I am committed to developing a meaningful and long-lasting relationship with an English friend.I am excited at the prospect of making a new friend from the UK and exploring the similarities and differences between our cultures. I am eager to share my experiences of living in China and learning about the English way of life. I believe that having an English friend will not only enhance my language skills but also enrich my life in many other ways.If you are interested in becoming my friend and sharing your experiences with me, please feel free to reach out to me. I am looking forward to establishing a meaningful and rewarding friendship with you. Thank you for considering me as your friend.。
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