Chapter 15 Managing Organisations
organisational control
Managing People and Organisations
Lectured by Tang Yalin
Types of Plans
Why Do Managers Plan? Refer to Activity 1.25
Plans can be classified according to: pg100
Managing People and Organisations
Short-term VS Long-term Plan
Short-term Intermediate Long-term
Degree of Environmental Uncertainty
Managing People and Organisations
High Operational Plans
Shorter periods of time – day-to-day, weekly, monthly
More Specific
Assume the existence of objectives
Levels of Management
Lectured by Tang Yalin
Managing People and Organisations
Lectured by Tang Yalin
Organisational Control
Managers must monitor and evaluate:
Is the firm efficiently converting inputs into outputs?
英语PPT Managing in organizations
The culture of organization
company has its own values, history, customs, attitudes, relationship patterns, and preferred ways of working. If you are applying for a job with a foreign company or working for one, it is helpful to understand the characteristics of its organizational culture.
In his research Hofstede found many differences within national cultures on the values of tenderness and toughness. Age Young people, regardless of gender, tend to have more masculine values than older people do. Occupation Sales people regardless of gender have tougher values than managers do, and managers have tougher values than unskilled industrial and office workers do. Those with higher positions in work organizations may be expected to be tough, while those occupying lower positions may be expected to be more modest.
Managing People and Organizations
Managing People and OrganizationsOutcome 4ReportA hybrid structure will include elements of both matrix and functional organisations.The advantage of this approach is that it may be adaptable to changing business circumstances.Disadvantages are that it may lead to staff being confused about what their responsibilities are.The main contingency models and the imporyance of situational variables for organisational designThe contingency approach suggests that an effective organisation must adjust its structure in a way that is consistent with the type of environment in which it operates as well as the technology it uses and any other context related factors such as the business environment.Thus the structure will adapt in response to the prevailing circumstances at any point in time.The success of the organisation will be dependent on the business achieving a match between its situation and its strategy.The structure of the organisation is itself a result of delegation.If there is not delegation then there is no structure.Delegation involves the passing on of authority and reponsibility to various levels throughout the organisation.Within the structure of the organisation the various activities thay have to be undertaken must be distributed among individual members of the workforce.Delegation is not, however,the arbitraryshedding of work.It is the systematic allocation of duties and responsibilities.It is the authorisation to undertake activities that would otherwise be carries out by someone in amore senior position.Delegation is founded on the concepts of Authority and responsibility. Authority: is the right to take action or make decisions that the manager would otherwise have handled. Authority legitimis es the exercise of power whithin the structure and rules of the organization. It enables the subordinate to issue valid instructions of others to follow. Authority is the right to direct or guide the actions of others and extract from them responses that are appropriate to achieving the goals of the organization. It enables the subordinate to issue valid instructions for others to follow. Each firm has own special rules.Responsibility: involves an obligation by the subordinate to perform cerain duties or make certain decisions and having to accept possible reprimand from the manger for unsatisfactory performance.Authority and responsibility are at the basis of the ‘manager-subordiante’relationship. Utimate Responsibility: cannot be delegated. Managers have to accept ‘responsibility’ for the control of their of their staff,for the performance of all duties allocated to their departmance of all duties allocated to their department/section within the structure of the organisation and for the standards of results achieved.The manager is in return responsible to higher management.This is the nature of dual responsbility of the supervisor for the acts if subordinates is absolute. Accountability:The subordinate is responsible to the manager for doing the job gets done.The manager is accountable to a superior for the actions of subordinates.Need for control:the concept of ultimate responsibility gives rise to the need for effective management control over the actions and decisions of subordinate staff.The manager will need to keep open the lines of delegation and to have an upward flow of communication.The concept of accountability is an important principle of management.The anager remains accountable a superior not just for the work carried out personally but also for the total operation of the department.It is essential to maintain effective co-ordination and control.Control is an intergrated part of the system of delegation.But control should not be so close as to inhibit the effective use of delegation.It is a question of balance.Flat structure currently operated could be loosely described as a hybrid with a centralized line structure operated by David and with Neil operating a de-centralized team approach.Work is divided by product/service⏹Civil⏹Structural⏹AdministrationGrouping by product is ok but the company could think about operating either a shamrock organization, or a hybrid based on line project team concept with each partner responsible for a specific function and work division.Matrix StructureAdvantages:●Better control of project; greater security.●Better customer relations and higher profit margins.●Shorter project development of managers as the work includes widerresponsibilities.Disadvantages:●More complex internal operations.●Lower staff utilization.●More difficult to manage where there are a number of projects going on at onetime and possible inconsistent application of company policy.●The functional departments may neglect their job and let the project organisationdo everything.●Too much shifting of staff from project to project may hinder the training of newemployees in particular functional areas.The alternative Approaches to structureThe structure of a hierarchy has a number of levels of authority.Some organisations such as the police and army have many levels in their hierarchy.Others may have only one level,for example a small business.The hierarchy is an intergrating and coordinating device intended to bring together the activities of individuall,teams,groups and departments,which were previously separated by the division of labour and function.With a narrow span of control the daily contact between staff and manager will be more frequent.Hierarchical organisations are favoured by government,military and public bodies where there needs to be clarity of status.Advantages:◆Clear roles and responsibilities◆Clarity of reporting structure.Disadvantages:◆If there are many layers there may as a result be a cumbersome decision-markingprocess.Tasks and activities of a similar nature will be grouped into departments or units with people working within the departments.Functional activites refer to the grouping of jobs and tasks into the function to which they belong.Examples of functions include production,finance,and sales.Thus in an organisation that manufactures a product the functions will likely comprise:●Production:responsible for making the products and having in place theappropriate manufacturing processes●Purchasing:responsible for sourcing and buying raw materials●Marketing:responsible for advertising products and identifying and targetingmarkets for products●Sales:responsible for presenting products and selling them to customers●Distribution:responsible for getting the product to the cusomer●Finance:responsible for managering cash flow,accounting,invoicing,payments●Human resources:reponsible for personnel policies,supporting functional heads toemployee the right people,developing and training staff●Information management:responsible for managing data flows and often includesinformation technology and computing.This is the most widely used basis.Three maintain categories occur in most enterprises,although the names given to the function maybe different in practice:Operations(the trasnformation process used to create a product or service);Sales and Marketing(identifying potential customers and their needs; communicating these to the rest of the or the organisation); Finance(controlling&monitoring funds).Task –Scope of product/service will be wider and engineers will have more control over the site workers.Technology – Allows the movement to alternative locations, creating reduction in size of administrative support.Size – bigger is better. The bigger organization allows the company to compete more effectively for future projects and the reduction of support area, thus creating economies of scale.Identify the different line, staff, functional/lateral relationships within the proposed new structure.Line: Each partner having responsibility for a given area/division and also support area, ie Neil, marketing John site development and David administrative support.Project teams: A team leader, created for structural work (one team), site development (two teams) and civil work (three teams).Staff relationship would exist between the administrative support staff and the different teams.Functional relationship would exist between the finance and the project teams and also between the team leader for engineering design team and site development team.A lateral relationship would be between engineering team leaders.Describe how authority, responsibility and delegation should be exercised within the new structure.Responsibility for each partner (Neil: Bus development, David, admin, John site development). Each team has the authority to organize and divide work. Team leaders exercise the authority to delegate specific duties within their teams.An organisation set up on a location or geographical basis will be where the service is most readily provided within a limited distance.Typically organisations offering matintenance and repair services will be organised in this way.Each location may have i’s own subset of functions such as finance and adminsration,as well as the sales force.Geographical Advantages:◆Lower cost of operation◆Local knowledge of market and customers◆Provides a good training ground for managers.Disadvantages:◆Potential loss of control by head office◆The most common one to remain centralised is finance,but can also includehuman resources,quality management and nowdays information management.In departmentation bu product,a production unit is set up for each good service.This approach is mainly adopted bu large organisations,but can work effectively in smaller ones.Top management can delegate wide authority to a division or plant that manufactures and sells a product or family of products(or services). Advantages:●Aids specialization of staff and equipment●Coordination is facilitated and customers may get better services Disadvantages:●Difficulty of maintaining coordination among product areas,i.e.between thoselooking after one family of products and others●Duplication of some activities in each product group.Barbour Brown Engineering Ltd faced many difficulties,and they didn’t used methods properly to improve the situation,the company would collapse soon.。
Chapter 10 Managing Organisations
correct: b
your answer:
When departments are grouped together into separate, self-contained divisions based on a common product, program or geographical region, this is known as the:
An organisation's structure is defined as: (a) the set of formal tasks assigned to individuals and departments; (b) formal reporting relationships, including lines of authority, decision responsibility, number of hierarchical levels and span of managers' control; and (c) the design of systems to ensure effective coordination of employees across departments.
your answer:
________ is the formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issue orders and allocate resources to achieve organisationally desired outcomes.
status: not answered ()
Managing Projects
Management Information Systems
Chapter 14: Managing Projects
The Importance of Project Management
• Project management
– Activities include planning work, assessing risk, estimating resources required, organizing the work, assigning tasks, controlling project execution, reporting progress, analyzing results – Five major variables
The Importance of Project Management
• Runaway projects and system failure • Runaway projects: 30–40 percent IT projects
– Exceed schedule, budget – Fail to perform as specified
Read the Interactive Session and discuss the following questions
• Clarify and describe the problems of the NHS Choose and Book System. What management, organization, and technology factors were responsible for those problems? • To what extent was Choose and Book a failure? Explain your answer. • What was the economic and social impact of Choose and Book? • Describe the steps that should have been taken to make Choose and Book more successful.
Maslow‘s motivation theory
Recently, the Gallup Poll survey found 55% employees from United States feel they are losing enthusiasm about their jobs (Jones, D, 2001). This figure is astonishing. The managers are trying all kind of methods to improve the employees work motivation. Motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organisational goals, conditioned by the effort‟s ability to satisfy some individual need. (Coulter Mary, Robbins Stephen P. 2003 p.393) Studying motivation is important to managers; they should know that staffs work well and easier to achieve goals if they are well motivated. There are a lot of motivations theories which can be divided into two parts: Early theories, such as Maslow‟s Hierarchy of need theory, Herzberg‟s Motivation hygiene theory and Contemporary theories, including Three- needs theory and Goal-setting theory. In this essay, the author will use examples to describe how a manager might use Maslow‟s Hierarchy of need theory to improve performance in work.Abraham Maslow was a humanistic psychologist who proposed that within every person is a hierarchy of five needs. (Coulter Mary, Robbins Stephen P. 2003 p.393) The hierarchy is performed like a pyramid with five levels which are physiological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem and self- actualization from the bottom up. Maslow separated the five needs into the higher and lower levels. Physiological and safety needs were described as low-order needs, belongingness and love, esteem and self- actualization were described as higher-order needs. Low-order need is more about externally, like food, water, they are corporeal; and higher-order needs is moreabout internally, like respect, admire, they are spiritual..Physiological needs are describe a person who need food, water and the basic things to support survive. As Maslow said: …undoubtedly physiological needs are the most prepotent of all needs. A person who is lacking food, safety, love, and esteem would most probably hunger for food more strongly than for anything else. (Maslow, 1943, pp.373-374) Assume one person without money to survive, he will not consider about others respect or building up relationships, he only care about is a piece of bread to live. In a company, employees in this level are working in basic and low level such as cleaners. They are with no educational and unskills, people in this level get low pay, for instance, the national minimum wage. They earn money only to survive. All they are care about is money for food. If employers want to motivate people in this level, they can improve the working conditions and promise to increase salary steady to motivate workers doing better in their job.After people have enough to eat, they seeking more. …It is quite true that man lives by bread alone- when there is no bread. But what happens to man‟s desires when there is plenty of bread and when his belly is chronically filled? At once other needs emerge and these, rather than physiological hungers, dominate the organism. This is what we mean by saying that the basic human needs are organised into a hierarchy of relative prepotency. If hunger is satisfied, it becomes unimportant in the current dynamics of the individual.‟ (Maslow, 1943, pp.375). When people feel satisfied in physiologicalneeds, they are looking for further needs, but it is still in low- order needs. People in this level still with less education and skills; they also only can do some physical force job. Management can offer employees in this level with safe working conditions, have insurance and pension, also get them absence and illness paid to make them satisfy.In the middle of the pyramid is the belongingness and love needs (often referred to as social needs). After people satisfied all the needs in safety and physiological needs level, social needs level emerged. These include affection, sense of belonging, social activities, acceptance, friendships, and both the giving and receiving of love. (Mullins, Laurie J. 2002, pp.75) In this level, the employees are with good educations and some working skills. They are not just doing basic work like sales in a company. They may work in the basic management level or in the office, but some of them can have chance to meet people in higher levels. Most of people in the level are new employees with educational but no working experience. They fancy build up relationships with colleagues and people higher than them and get affirmation, most of them are planning to move into higher levels. In this level, manager should understand of these people…s private and social life, not only just their behavior at work, but also encourage them to have more parties and friends.Maslow observed that most people have esteem- needs- self respect and the respect of others. (Boddy, David 2005 pp.489) They are two parts of this need, internal factorssuch as self- respect, autonomy and achievement; external factors such as: status, recognition and attention. (Coulter Mary, Robbins Stephen P. 2003 pp.75) People in this level are with good education, skills and good living conditions such as middle class. Most of them are in the middle level of management. They want others respect to them, regarded in society as a good job, and seek for grade prestige and want have chance to promotion. People in esteem needs level pursue the job title, because they want society can treat them with respect and admire. If a manager wants to motivate employees in this level, they need respect them, with commend and give chance to them to be promoted. For example, the manager can promise employees in this level, if they can do well in work, they may promote to get high respect.The highest level is the self- actualisation; people want to become what he or she is capable of becoming. …At this level, individual differences are greatest. The clear emergence of this needs usual rests upon some prior satisfaction of the physiological, safety, love and esteem needs‟. (Boddy David 2006, pp.46-7) People do not necessarily satisfy their needs, especially in the highest level needs, just through the work situation. They might satisfy through other areas of their life as well. (Mullins Laurie J 2002) They want have chance to promote either steady or fast track. They want funding and time off for further education and improve working skills. Most of them are in the top of the management in a company. People in this level want to actualise the greatest value and challenge target.In conclusion, this essay gave a brief introduce about motivation and how it important and influence employees, it also explained the five levels of Maslow‟s Hierarchy of needs which are physiological, safety, social, esteem and self- actualisation needs, and used examples to describe how a manager might use Maslow‟s Hierarchy of needs to improve performance in work. However, there are a number of problems in relating Maslow‟s theory to the work situation, as it mentioned in self-actualisation part, higher level‟s people do not necessarily satisfy their needs in work situation. Also there are not absolute same orders of the five levels. So manager should think carefully and pay attention to using this theory to motivate employees.BibliographyBoddy, David (2005) 3rd eds, Motivation, Management An Introduction, pp. 448-490, Chapter 15, Pearson, Harlow.Coulter Mary& Robbins Stephen P. (2005), 8th Eds, Management, Chapter 16, pp.393, Pearson, New Jersey.Jones, D., “Firms Spend Billions to Fire Up Workers—With Little Luck,” USA Today, 10th May 2001, p. 1A.Maslow, Abraham, (1943) A theory of Human Motivation, Psychological Review, pp. 370-396.Mullins laurie J. (2002) 6th eds, Management and Organisational Behaviour. pp.. 426-430, Pearson, Harlow.Naylor, John (1999), Organising Small Groups,Management,pp.538-556, Part 5, Pitman Pubilishing, London.Rosenfeld, Robert H.& Wilson David C., (2003), 2nd Eds, Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs, Managing Organisations,pp.75, Chapter 5, Mcgraw hill, Maidenhead, BerkshireSheldrake, John, (2004) 2nd Eds, Abraham Maslow and The Hierarchy of Needs, Management Theory, Chapter 14, pp134-144, Thomson, London.The assignment forManagement 114NAME: Yiding PengSTUDENT ID: 20040411DATE: 02/16/07CLASS: 4I declare this is my own words.。
Managing Human Resources Globally
States has led the world in eliminating discrimination in the workplace and controlling the process of labor management negotiations. Germany has provided employees with a legal right to "codetermination" in the workplace. The EEC provides for the fundamental social rights of workers: freedom of movement and freedom to choose one's occupation and be fairly compensated.
Managing Human Resources Globally
the different categories of international employees. Identify the four levels of global participation and the HRM issues faced within each level. Discuss the ways companies attempt to select, train, compensate, and reintegrate expatriate managers.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
1.0EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThis report describes the importance of management; let us know more about effective management organization. The importance of leadership in the management team. Ensure the effectiveness of leadership in the management of the organization. Leading the important role played by the organization. For example, team leadership, change leadership, the leadership of the charismatic and visionary leadership. In addition, the report also includes recommendations for managers lead organizations to success has been written.2.0TABLE OF CONTENT1.0EXECUTIVE SUMMARY----------------------------------------------------------12.0TABLE OF CONTENT--------------------------------------------------------------23.0Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------34.0LITERATURE REVIEW-----------------------------------------------------------34.1The Trait Approach to Leadership------------------------------------------44.2Team Leadership----------------------------------------------------------------54.3Servant Leadership-------------------------------------------------------------74.4Transactional and Transformational Leadership------------------------74.5Dispersed Leadership----------------------------------------------------------85.0Recommendation---------------------------------------------------------------------96.0Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------117.0References-----------------------------------------------------------------------------113.0IntroductionWhat is, organizations formation and behavior (as such organization) will be created. In addition, you can refer to the order or arrangement or system architecture, for the classification of things. Oddly enough, you can in words as your internal organs, the liver, the heart to mention organize, and is derived from the Old French. Deeper understanding of certain parts of the overall function is to be fulfilled, in order to realize it: intent verb structure, got those organic. Tissue by humans has been arranged in order to achieve a deliberately specific goals. Organization is the difference by the people and of each organization between the target.(David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth, Anne ,2006).Efficiency and effectiveness: effective management, we have two of the core. Efficiency, the means to achieve the goals of the speed of the organization, the effect is the range to achieve the goals of the organization. Important effect of only high-efficiency and management will be able to invoke the effective management achievement.(David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth, Anne ,2006).Procedure of scientific combination of structure and efficiency depends on the organization. The goal of efficient organization, you need to enable a clear organizational structure pass without full execution is prevented in order to ensure the implementation of clear instructions.(David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth, Anne ,2006).4.0LITERATURE REVIEWLeadership literature review reveals an evolving series from the "great man." "School" and "trait" theory, "transformation" of leadership (see table). Although early theories tend to focus on the characteristics and behavior of successful leaders, and later the theory began to consider the role of followers and situational leadership.These theories of all thought of get more recognition of the school, although the "distributed" leadership, leadership, and a unique point of view, will require. Sociology, psychology, political science, rather than in business administration, rather than a complete lie of "leaders that leadership has been designated officially, is the process by which the entire organization is filled. This practice,. We are these but most because the relevant management and leadership standards are considered to be, the focus shift "leaders from the development to the leadership leaderful organization of the development and co-responsible for". In the current section, we are, more traditional leader, we will focus on the personality point of view.(Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P, 2003).4.1 The Trait Approach to LeadershipOne way is, transformed the law by the theory of the "great man" of leaders who have identified major function appears successful. Some people, the characteristics of the key leadership by this approach, then, to recruit selection, can be installed in leadership positions I think that can be isolated with these qualities. This practice is the military in general is a set of criteria for the still to select a candidate for thecommission. Traits are traits of methods, such as were identified this question of fact has been studied many such like most. After a few years of the study, it is clear the presence can not be identified consistent characteristics. In spite of considerable research, we found a number of characteristics, the result is, does not generally decisive. Some of the leaders already may have certain characteristics, but without them, does not necessarily people means that it is not a leader. Different quality research results of, rarely consistent, however, some, including the frequency of features, appeared higher than that of the other: technical skills, fraternity, mission excited to be applied to the task, the task group support, social skills, emotional control, management skills, general intelligence and charm. Of these, it will explore the most widely frequently style.(Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P, 2003).4.2 Team LeadershipThe composition of the team is important, in style, away from the role and contribution of individual differences in the underlying weakness of the individual, the team is a source of potential power. Complementary role by the behavior of people who engage in such a balanced team perform better than unbalanced team. Nine unique role in the study were identified with was found that most people accept the combination of two or three roles, but also to avoid other people and they are notcomfortable. There they will be integrated into a team, the basic advantages they bring on, clear, useful and appreciated by individual properties. These people also have their own strength characteristics with a cluster of weakness. These potential defects are considered to be paid unique advantages, the price is a price worth paying, and known as "Allow weakness (Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P, 2003).Belbin was not able to find an individual that can be performed "ideal" team members, all of the roles. From this work, Belbin drew a distinction between "team" leader in between "solo". He is, "leadership is whether or not to permit it, their behavior does not deserve the attention is to recognize their own weaknesses, they do not have a weakness .." suggesting that many of the leaders of the image for the people - to lead the believers of the team, because it is based on our past experience and beliefs, to us very familiar with - all the responsibilities of any of the action and the people ready to take. Belbin is classified, it is possible to overcome the internal failure, determine, other leaders "are leaders and workplace of such acts solo, the urgency is carried out, to be put into practical use especially can, it little or are exactly the delay, can have significant advantages. Discontinuity of contemporary works sophistication, however, the solo leadership is not appropriate, "team leader" is causing a lot of problems is more appropriate. "Team leader" between the main participation and action about 2 difference between "solo leader", as shown below:4.3 Servant LeadershipThe concept of "servant leadership", of the obligation for leaders emphasize "his / her followers - service rather than the leadership that is obtained, the desire to lead the desire of Robert Greenleaf, servant-leadership as follows: Center founder shows it. "servant leaders and men are wanted to be a natural feeling, first serve, it begins ... is the first bottom. Then, it brings a willingness to lead a conscious choice. From whom he or she is probably in order to appease the reason unusual power drive, or is the first of the leaders, of the necessary in order to obtain the different people of material wealth. This will be the future of this service option - to build the post of leadership. Leader and two extreme types of bottom. Some of there shadow, among them, blend the human nature of the infinite diversity. First, in order to the needs of the highest priority of other people to ensure that you get the service, it will take care of the difference indicated by the employee. The best test, and it is difficult to manage: not served as they are growing. While it is being provided, they are easy to themselves in order to become civil servants, more autonomous, healthy smarter, does it become more freedom? And what is the impact on the least privileged in society. They will benefit, or, at least, will they not be further deprived? From the "servant-leader Robert Greenleaf, it was published in 1970, shooting.(Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P, 2003).4.4Transactional and Transformational LeadershipTransactional leadership has moved from 'bottom line' organization or business point of view and the traditional model of its roots leadership. Stephen Covey in "principle-centered leadership" written recommendation, transformational leadership "...... concern" top line "" and provide two (there is a choice) comparison between:Both types of leadership is required. It has been moved a lot of people and organizations in order to meet the challenges of our times change, or transactional leadership for the encouragement at all will require a change of the role of the organizational model. The goal of the leadership of the "reform is a" transformation "of the individuals and organizations in a literal sense - to change their minds and hearts, to expand the field of view, insight, and understanding, clear purpose, the same manufacturers and beliefs, principles and values, behavior, and brings permanent change, and self-perpetuating, the momentum of the building.4.5 Dispersed LeadershipThe importance of the social contract in the relationship between the leadership, for a leader and their followers need to realize that no one is in any case ideal leader has caused a new thought leadership school is accepted. Known as "informal", "urgent" or "distributed leadership, this approach considers the leadership role is separate from the leadership structure is less formal model. It is recommended that all levels of the organization, All roles (not just those with significant management level) personal leadership role of their colleagues, thus affecting the overall leadership of the organization.The origin of this approach are the foundation of sociology and political science thanthe more traditional management literature increasingly draw on concepts such as organizational culture and climate outstanding situational leadership. This is a more collective spirit would think from the culture and the analysis of the overall quality of individual leaders move to what constitutes a valid organization (or more appropriate) identifies the leadership process. A move the focus from the personal relationship itself(Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P, 2003).5.0RecommendationGood communicationThe ability to communicate with people by the manager and the team members of the most important skills. Team manager is a link to a large organization. He is, to ensure the success of the project team, you need to have the use of effective consultation and capacity for persuasion when needed. Through effective communication, members of management and support team of individuals, to complete the tasks and career development to create the guidelines for the achievement of the team.(Jones, Norman L, 2013).EnthusiasmIf the manager is negative - they bring the employee. Enthusiastic manager on his feet of the wind, the attitude is - you can do. Many people tend to follow the people you can do it attitude. Enthusiastic manager, committed to their goals, have expressed this commitment through optimism. (Jones, Norman L, 2013).CompetenceAdministrators as in the prior art to choose, than the rather technical, will be successful depending on the ability to lead others. Winning record, it may be regarded as the most competent and reliable way. Expert knowledge of management skills isthe ability of another dimension. Challenge, inspire, enable, it is recommended that you do not need to prove that if the model management has been regarded as possible and competent ability. (Jones, Norman L, 2013).Able to delegate tasksTrust is an essential element of the relationship between the manager and his or her team. You can prove your actions the trust of others - how much you have to check and control their work, how much you mean you get people involved (Jones, Norman L, 2013).Delegate work and responsibility.Is part of the employee, depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the people, with them and share their work load, the employee is to develop the habit and the ability of their good work, and assign the work. (Craig, S ,2009).Help employees set goals.If you set a deadline and a goal, draw their motivation to their work, busy, you can employees keep concentration. You are, to talk to each other to employees of the target company, and then work with them to establish a link directly to your corporate mission of its purpose. Make sure that the employees of the professional growth path is to understand the company.(Craig, S ,2009).problem foundIt is impossible to know the personality conflicts, lagging productivity or other problems in the office, if you have your head in the sand. If you find the staff to change work habits and attitudes, trying to find the source of the problem before it begins to affect the rest of your staff(Craig, S ,2009).6.0ConclusionCotton group led by a lion will be able to defeat a group of lions led by a sheep. This shows that a good team must also have a strong leader. The reason is because the leadership, especially irreplaceable role.The effectiveness of corporate governance is to enhance efficiency guarantee effectiveness. From a business perspective, a higher level of efficiency to the enterprise can lead to higher profit margins and more competitive, companies can make more rational allocation of resources.7.0 Reference1. Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P. (2003,June) A REVIEW OF LEADERSHIP THEORY AND COMPETENCY FRAMEWORKS Jones, Norman L. (2013). "Chapter Two: Of Poetry and Politics: The Managerial Culture of Sixteenth-Century England".3. Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin; Robert L. Cardy (2008). Management: People, Performance, Change, 3rd edition. New York,4. Craig, S. (2009, January 29). Merrill Bonus Case Widens as Deal Struggles. Wall Street Journal.5. David; Stanton, Pauline; Smyth, Anne (2006). "Learning management (and managing your own learning)". In Harris, Mary G.11。
Managing OrganizationalChange and Learning
Technological changes
Robotics Automation Wireless connectivity
Efficiency Output Quality
17-19பைடு நூலகம்
Appreciative Inquiry
A method of focusing on and bringing about positive change
Satisfaction Morale Performance Communications Attitudes Self-awareness Problem solving
Initiator of change: internal and/or external change agent
Behavioral changes
Managing Change
A Proactive Behavior
Learning Principles and Change
Principles of learning
Unfreezing old learning Movement to new learning Refreezing the learned behavior
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Managing Organizational Change and Learning
Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes Chapter 17
AG Barr 案例中英对照
Examination试卷This examination is based on the case study of A G Barr plc which you have been able to read beforehand. The copy which accompanies this examination is the same as the one you have already seen.本次考试是基于你们手中拿到的Barr公司的案例。
The questions are based on the case study material and you should make use of examples drawn from the case study to illustrate your answers. You should also make reference to concepts and ideas which you have studied in the following four Units in your HND:考试题目是基于案例的,所以在你的回答中你需要引用案例。
你的回答也需要涉及你在HND以下科目中学习到的各种知识和概念:Business Accounting商务会计Economic Issues: An Introduction经济理论基础Marketing: An Introduction市场学Managing People and Organisations人力与组织管理You are not required to refer to material from any other Units.除此之外你不需要引用其他学科的知识。
Attempt ALL questions. You have THREE hours in which to complete the paper.所有题目都要回答,你有三小时来完成这些题目1 (a) Analyse the advantages and disadvantages to Barr’s of its product mix.10 分析Barr公司产品组合的优点和缺点。
His chief executive’s post about the organisation’s latest results had attracted eight likes, while a post saying that a vending machine had been installed on the sixth floor had got 197.他们首席执行官发布的有关公司最新业绩的公告,只引来8个人点赞,而关于6楼安了一台自动售货机的告示却获赞197个。
I thought you’d enjoy that, he said.他说,我觉得你会对这事感兴趣。
I did enjoy it, but didn’t find it odd in the slightest.我确实觉得挺有意思,但一点都不觉得奇怪。
I’ve long known that corporate employees were irredeemably trivial.我早就知道公司的职员们是多么不可救药地关注小事。
A colleague who for years was the Financial Times’ managing editor once told me that by far the most unpopular thing she ever did — more so than making people redundant —was axing free coffee and superior biscuits that were delivered to every team on Thursday mornings.一位在英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)做了多年执行总编的同事告诉我,她干过的最不受待见的事——比炒人家鱿鱼更怨声载道——就是取消了周四一早给每个团队派送的免费咖啡和高级饼干。
Assessment Exemplar for Higher National Graded UnitDL18 34: HND Business with AccountingGraded Unit 1Exemplar 21st edition: July 2005Published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow,G2 7NQ, and Ironmills Road, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22 1LEThe information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications. If it isreproduced, SQA should be clearly acknowledged as the source. If it is to be used for any other purpose, then written permission must be obtained from the Support Materials Development Officer at SQA. It must not be reproduced for trade or commercial purposes.© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2005Contents1Introduction2How to generate evidence 3Assessment exemplar1 IntroductionThis pack must be used in conjunction with a copy of the Graded Unit specificationwhich details the standard of performance expected of the candidate. A copy of theGraded Unit specification can be obtained from SQA.This pack supplements the instructions for designing the assessment task and assessing candidates for the Graded Unit specification. It aims to provide an example ofassessment that is valid, reliable and practicable. The assessment task(s) detailed in this pack corresponds to the instructions for designing the assessment task outlined in theGraded Unit specification.Whilst the example provided is intended for guidance, it may also be used as anassessment instrument, as long as the centre ensures the integrity and confidentiality of the assessment in the first and subsequent years of use and between centres. It may be used in a variety of ways including, for example:♦as an assessment instrument, in whole or in part♦to exemplify the standard of performance expected of candidates achieving the Graded Unit, ie as a benchmark♦to help you develop your own assessment for the Graded Unit♦to help you develop a valid and practicable assessment for the Graded Unit within the subject area of the Group Award to which it contributes♦to give you new ideas♦as a staff development toolIt is important that you make sure that the assessment exemplar is used in a contextappropriate to the delivery of the Graded Unit and to the Group Award of which it formsa part. Although the content of this exemplar has been prior moderated as a suitableinstrument of assessment, you should note that using this assessment exemplar does not automatically guarantee successful external moderation. It is still your responsibility to make sure that all the appropriate internal quality assurance procedures are satisfactorily completed. For example, a valid, effective and approved internal moderation systemmust be in use at your centre.Recommended readingBefore using this material you might find it useful to look at some of our otherpublications, in particular:♦Guide to Assessment and Quality Assurance for Colleges of Further Education♦Guidance on Assessment Arrangements for Candidates with Disabilities and/or Additional Support Needs♦Quality Assurance Principles, Elements and CriteriaDetails of these and other SQA publications are available on our website. Mostpublications can be downloaded free of charge from our website at on the ‗Publications, Sales and Downloads‘ section. If you require a publication to be sent to you, please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0845 279 1000 quoting theproduct code and, where a charge is applicable, have a purchase order number or credit card details available.Details of all HN assessment exemplars published after April 2004 are listed on our website on the HN subject specific pages. Your centre‘s SQA or HN Co-ordinator will have access to these HN assessment exemplars on SQA‘s secure website. Please approach them for copies. However, if you require a paper copy you can obtain one from SQA‘s Customer Contact Centre, Scottish Qualifications Authority, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow, G2 7NQ (telephone: 0845 279 1000 or fax: 0141-242 2123).Other related UnitsThis Graded Unit has been validated as part of the HND Business with Accounting at level 7 within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)1. Centres are required to develop the assessment instrument in accordance with the validated specification.It is recommended that the candidate should have completed, or be in the process of completing, the following Units relating to these specific aims prior to undertaking this Graded Unit:Unit code SCQF level TitleDE39 34 7 Business AccountingDE3A 34 7 Economic Issues: An IntroductionDE3C 34 7 Marketing: An IntroductionDE3D 34 7 Managing People and Organisations(All these are mandatory Units in the HND Business with Accounting)Core SkillsThe Graded Unit specification will detail the Core Skills covered. Where Core Skills have been embedded in a Graded Unit specification and an assessor wishes to use an alternative method of assessment, she/he must ensure that the assessment generates the Evidence Requirements specified in the Graded Unit specification. It is recommended that the centre seek prior moderation for the alternative method to ensure that the Core Skill is still covered.There are no Core Skills embedded in this Graded Unit.2 How to generate evidenceIntroductionThe Scottish Qualifications Authority‘s system of assessment measures the evidence of a candidate‘s attainment of knowledge, understanding and skills against defined criteria.The assessment process must allow for evidence of each candidate‘s performance to be generated and collected. This evidence must then be judged against the standards set out in the Graded Unit specification. To achieve the Graded Unit the candidate mustsuccessfully meet the standards and there must be evidence to prove this.The Graded Unit specification defines the criteria you need to use to judge whether or not the candidate has met the standards. All Graded Units have the following:Instructions for designing the taskThese tell you what the candidate actually has to do.Recommended prior knowledge and/or skillsThis section details the recommended knowledge and skills which the candidate should have completed or be in the process of completing prior to undertaking this Graded Unit.Assessment guidelinesThis section should give guidance on how best to conduct the assessment to generate the evidence required.It is important to realise that it is up to the assessor to judge when and if the candidate has satisfactorily met the standards. This decision should be based on the quality and correct quantity of evidence collected, set against the standards in the Graded Unit.The assessment instrument in this pack should not create any unnecessary barriers toachievement for open/distance learning delivery and the additional support needs ofindividual candidates should be taken into account. You may need to adapt it so that you can assess candidates with additional support needs or candidates who are undertakingthe Graded Unit on an open/distance learning basis. However, whilst taking into account the needs of the candidate concerned, the methods of assessment you choose must still be valid, reliable and practicable. If you have any questions or problems, or if you are in any doubt as to whether or not the alternative assessment you have chosen is still valid, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on telephone: 0845 279 1000.External Moderation — Guidance on Best PracticeIn order to increase the likelihood of successful external moderation it is stronglyrecommended that you read the guidance documents on SQA‘s website.3 Assessment ExemplarAssessment tasksThe table below summarises how the assessment exemplar task is to be marked and also indicates the evidence which should be retained for external moderation.Conditions of assessmentThese are set out in the Graded Unit specification. They are also given below.The assessment is based on a closed-book written examination lasting three hours. The examination consists of a case study of an organisation and questions relating to the case study. The examination questions are unseen and the assessment should be conducted in controlled and invigilated conditions.The case study should be given to candidates no less than 10 days prior to the date of the examination. Candidates may not bring their copy of the case study to the examination with them. A fresh copy of the case study must be given to candidates at the time of the examination.Assessment task Closed-book examinationwith seen case studyAssessment task instructionsAn examination paper and a case study of Robert Wiseman Dairies plc are given on the following pages.As noted above, candidates may be given a copy of the case study no less than 10 days before the date of the examination. They are not allowed to bring their copy to the examination and should be given a clean copy on the day.The examination should last for three hours. In accordance with the Graded Unit specification, the total marks for the examination are 100. Assessors should aggregate the marks achieved by the candidate to arrive at an overall mark for the examination.Assessors will then assign a grade to the candidate for this group award Graded Unit based on the following grade boundaries:♦ A = 70% — 100%♦ B = 60% — 69%♦ C = 50% — 59%The examination has been structured to meet the requirements of the Graded Unit specification. The table below illustrates how this is achieved. The Graded Unit specification stresses that the weightings given are an approximation.HND BUSINESS WITH ACCOUNTING GRADED UNIT 1EXAMINATIONThis examination is based on the case study of Robert Wiseman Dairies plc which you have been able to read beforehand. The copy which accompanies this examination is the same as the one you have already seen.The questions are based on the case study material and you should make use of examples drawn from the case study to illustrate your answers. You should also make reference to concepts and ideas which you have studied in the following four Units in your HND:Unit code TitleDE39 34 Business AccountingDE3A 34 Economic Issues: An IntroductionDE3C 34 Marketing: An IntroductionDE3D 34 Managing People and OrganisationsYou are not required to refer to material from any other Units.Attempt ALL questions. You have THREE hours in which to complete the paper.1 Explain how changes in its external environment may have influenced theactions of senior managers in Robert Wiseman Dairies. (12)2 Using examples, explain how the information in W iseman‘s financial statementscan be used to demonstrate the success of the company. (12)3 (a) Using examples from the case study, outline the main factors which may affectthe demand for milk. (7) (b) Explain how these factors might have affected the activities of Robert WisemanDairies. (10) (c) Outline the main factors which supermarkets such as Asda and Tesco may takeinto account when choosing which milk supplier to use. (7)(24) 4 In the re-structuring of Robert Wiseman Dairies in 2002, marketing becamepart of the Commercial Division rather than a separate division in its own right.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this as far as Robert Wiseman Dairiesis concerned. (10)5 Robert Wiseman Dairies only produces milk and cream products. It does not,unlike its two main rivals, make other dairy products. Analyse the ways in whichthis may affect its marketing. (10)6 Robert Wiseman Dairies considers that good relationships with its suppliers are vital to itsbusiness.(a) Explain why these relationships are important to the company. (6)(b) Outline the difficulties that Robert Wiseman Dairies may have in keepinggood relationships with its suppliers. (6)(c) In the light of these difficulties, discuss the actions that managers inRobert Wiseman Dairies could take to try to ensure that good relationshipsare maintained in the future. (8)(20)7 Assess the strengths and weaknesses of Robert Wiseman Dairies at the end ofJanuary 2005. (12)ROBERT WISEMAN DAIRIES plcBackground informationRobert Wiseman Dairies plc (RWD) is based in East Kilbride. Its main activity is the production and distribution of liquid milk and cream. The company began in the 1940s when Robert Wiseman started retailing milk from his farm. It became a public limited company in 1994 but it remains a family business. It is now run by two of Robert Wiseman‘s son s, both of whom have been working for the company for more than 30 years. Alan Wiseman is Chairman and Robert Wiseman junior is Managing Director. Alan and Robert Wiseman junior are the biggest shareholders in the company and at the end of 2004 owned over 50% of the shares between them.RWD buys raw milk from farmers and milk co-operatives and processes the milk in five major processing dairies, three in Scotland and two in England. Milk is a perishable product and raw milk has to be purchased from sources which are reasonably close to processing dairies.The milk is distributed to retailers from the dairies or through 13 distribution depots throughout the UK. These depots enable milk to be supplied to customers who are located at some distance from one of the five main dairies.Robert Wiseman Dairies has grown organically and through acquisition of other companies such as Gilmours, a milk processor based in Ayrshire and Appleby Dairies, a small dairy company in Manchester. Since the late 1980s, it has concentrated particularly on expansion into England and a strong presence in the English m arket has been a key part of the company‘s strategy. RWD opened a new custom built dairy in Manchester in 1995 and one at Droitwich Spa near Birmingham in 2001. The former supplies the North of England while the latter serves the large market in the South of England. The need to obtain funds to finance these expansions was an important factor in the company‘s decision to become a plc.Structure of Robert Wiseman DairiesIn 2002, the company was re-structured into three core business Units, Operations, Commercial and Finance. These replaced the twelve departments into which the company had previously been divided. Appendix 1 gives some details of the business Units.The new structure had several objectives:♦to streamline and simplify the management structure♦to focus on key aspects of the company‘s business♦to make future growth and acquisition more effective — it should make it easier to integrate the operations of newly acquired businesses as they can slot directly into theproduction and distribution operationsThe sale of milk in the UKThe liquid milk market in the UK is dominated by three companies, Arla Foods, Wiseman‘s and Dairy Crest which together have about 70% of sales. Arla Foods, a Danish company with UK operations based in Leeds, became the largest company in 2004 when it merged with Express Dairies. The liquid milk market in Scotland and the UK is static and growth comes from capturing a larger share of the existing sales.Milk processors buy their milk from farmers and, after processing and packaging, sell it to retailers. Traditionally, milk in the UK was delivered to households but retailers, particularly the major supermarkets, are now by far the most important customers of milk processors. The success of milk processors depends on their ability to win contracts to supply retailers. Contracts are often negotiated on an area basis which requires the processor to supply all a retailer‘s outlets in a particular area. This means that a processor must have the facilitie s to distribute milk in that area. However, it also enables supermarkets to have contracts with more than one milk processor for different geographical areas. Contracts are relatively short term and thus come up for tender and negotiation on a regular basis.Relationships with customersRWD‘s main customers are the larger supermarkets such as Tesco. It also supplies ‗middle-ground‘ retailers like Spar and Costcutter as well as independent retailers (it supplies 4,000 corner shops in Scotland) and organisations such as schools and hospitals.Relationships with customers often change. In May 2004, after a review of its buying policy, Asda announced that, in future, it would buy all its milk from Arla Foods. This was a break from the traditional practice of supermarkets of using more than one supplier and meant that both Dairy Crest and RWD were dropped as suppliers. RWD lost its contract with Asda for the supply of 180 million litres of milk a year. It accounted for 15% of RWD‘s turnover and effectively wiped out the 15% increase in sales which the company had enjoyed during 2003. Asda was RWD second biggest customer and its oldest supermarket customer, which it had been supplying since 1979. Managing Director, Robert Wiseman, described himself as not offended but ‗hurt and disappointed‘.RWD has, however, been able to recover from this setback. Later in 2004, it secured new deals with Sainsbury‘s and Tesco‘s. Its share of Sainsbury‘s milk sales has risen from 20% to 50% while it now supplie s 60% of Tesco‘s requirements — up from 40%.In late 2004, its sales were 100 million litres more than before it lost the Asda contract. Another example of the potential risk in relationships with customers is the takeover of Safeway by Morrison, a rival supermarket chain. Morrison is now reviewing its milk buying policy for its expanded operation. RWD is Safeway‘s main supplier but Arla is the main source of milk for Morrisons.Relationships with suppliersRWD buys 60% of its milk direct from farmers and the remaining 40%, about 500 million litres a year, from milk co-operatives (ie associations of farmers who act collectively). RWD endeavours to build a strong, loyal farmer network and has a deliberate policy of obtaining high quality fresh milk. It is the only major milk producer which collects milk fresh from farms each day and it has a core procurement strategy of paying a higher price to farmers than other milk processors.In December 2004, however, RWD announced that it was cutting the price it paid for milk by 0.5p a litre to 19.16p a litre, a change which would save the company £5.5m. It was a response to Arla which had reduced its prices to 19.08p per litre in September 2004. This rivalry between milk producers has put strain s on Wiseman‘s relationships with its suppliers. The lower price means lower incomes for dairy farmers which can make it difficult for some to survive.In late 2004, First Milk, a Scottish milk co-operative, began negotiations to buy 15% of shares in RWD. Robert and Alan Wiseman agreed that they would personally sell 8% of their joint shareholding. They also guaranteed that they would make 15% of their shares available to First Milk if other shareholders did not agree to sell shares. Both RWD and First Milk see the share purchase as a beneficial move which will bring their interests closer together.First Milk is one of the largest milk co-operatives in the UK and supplies most of the milk which Wiseman buys from co-operatives. It has more than 4,000 dairy farmers who produce 2.5 billion litres of milk a year, more than 20% of the UK total output. It makes other dairy products such as Arran and Black Abbey cheese which it sells to the major supermarket chains. This is the first time that a milk supplier has bought into a milk processor. Other co-operatives which have tried to enter the milk processing market have invested in their own processing facilities.Operational efficiencyRWD pays particular attention to developing and maintaining productive and efficient operations. Some examples of this are given below.♦installing reverse osmosis technology in its Droitwich and Bellshill dairies with the result that its wastage levels in 2003 were half the industry average♦using plastic packaging technology which involves building a bottle making plant next to the dairy so that bottles go straight from manufacture to the dairy filling machines. The system also allows milk to be packaged in the exact size and shape of packaging needed at any particular time. It improves quality control and saves costs — it eliminates the need to transport empty bottles by road, for example.♦improving logistics by developing its IT capacity so that the right orders get to the right customers on timeRobert Wiseman Dairies and the Office of Fair Trading (OFT)In June 2000, the Competition Commission began an inquiry into the supply of fresh milk to middle-ground (non-supermarket) retailers in Scotland. Its provisional findings were that a monopoly situation existed in terms of the legislation in that RWD supplied at least a quarter of fresh processed milk to these retailers.In 2002, the investigation was closed as the Commission was unable to find evidence that RWD was able to use the situation to its advantage by engaging in anti-competitive practices such as charging low prices with the aim of driving competitors out of business.A major complainant had been Express Dairies which had been losing sales to RWD in Scotland. In 2003, the OFT re-opened the investigation into RWD in the light of information obtained during its investigation of the merger between Express Dairies and Arla Foods. RWD strongly denies any illegal activities, especially since milk processing in the UK is a very competitive market.The products of Robert Wiseman Dairies and their promotionRWD specialises in the production of liquid milk and cream. Unlike its main rivals, it does not make other dairy products such as cheese and butter (Arla Foods makes Lurpak butter, for example). It is, however, involved in the development of new milk products.RWD produces own-label milk for supermarkets but also sells under its own brands. One of these is ‗Robert Wiseman Dairies‘ but others include ‗Fresh‘N‘Lo‘, a semi-skimmed milk. RWD focuses its promotional efforts in two main areas. Firstly, it promotes its own brands using the company‘s distinctive black and white packaging and the slogan ‗Fresh Milk Daily‘. Secondly, RWD is involved in ‗generic‘ marketing campaigns to en courage consumers to drink more milk. It is, for example, the biggest of five contributors to the Scottish Dairy Marketing Company‘s ‗The White Stuff —Milk Moustache‘ campaign launched in 2003. These do not promote individual companies but aim to make consumers more positive about drinking milk which should benefit all sellers of milk. In this way, RWD can help sales of the milk it supplies to supermarkets but which is sold under their names.(The above information is taken from the Robert Wiseman Dairies plc Annual Reports, 2000–2004 and from the company’s website at . Additional material came from the Competition Commission Report, Scottish Milk: A Report on the Supply of Fresh Processed Milk to Middle Ground Retailers in Scotland (2000) available from)NB:The above and the accompanying appendices are current at 31 January 2005 and refer to the situation at that date.Appendix 1: Core business UnitsThe three core business Units in Robert Wiseman Dairies plc are:♦Operations — led by Martyn Mulcahy, Operations Director. This covers all aspects of getting milk from the farm to the final customer. It is responsible for buying milk,processing it and distributing it to buyers. Distribution includes the company‘s vehicle fleet. It has responsibility for maintaining product quality and for logistics.♦Commercial — led by David Dobbins, Commercial Director. This concentrates on dealing with customers and building business relationships. It has the responsibility of monitoring company performance and includes marketing and PR as well as human resourcemanagement.♦Finance — led by Billy Keane, Finance Director. Its prime purpose is financial processing, reporting and control but it also covers information technology and the negotiation and management of all company contracts.Appendix 2: Mission statementOn their website, Robert Wiseman Dairies give their mission statement as follows:―Our aim is to be the recognised supplier of choice to the fresh liquid milk market.We endeavour to understand the nature and significance of our customers needs allowing us to focus our attention and energy on delivering the highest quality products and tailored service to meet their requirements.We will continue to build a culture of continuous improvement which employees understand and share and where individual employee contribution and development is recognised, valued and rewarded.We will ensure that employees are supported by dairy facilities and a distribution network of the best quality and efficiency.We believe that being alert and receptive to change allows us to make uninterrupted progress towards our goal of being the best fresh liquid milk processors and suppliers.‖Appendix 3: Some measures of achievement for Robert Wiseman DairiesSome quantitative data on Robert Wiseman Dairies♦66% of its sales are now in England.♦In 2002/2003 annual sales of milk exceeded 1 billion litres for the first time.♦The dairy at Droitwich Spa is the biggest in the group. The initial investment in it in 2001 was £32m. The company spent £7m in 2004 to install the final phase which will bring total capacity up to 500 million litres a year. In 2004, it had a throughput of 368 million litres and also accounts for 55% of the company‘s production of pot cream.♦In 2004, RWD invested £2m in its other dairies in addition to the money spent at Droitwich Spa.♦In 2003, it purchased 153 new commercial vehicles and now has over 1,000 of them.♦99.9% of supermarket deliveries are achieved on target.♦10% of annual capital expenditure is committed to new IT equipment. In 2004, £1.5m was spent on improving logistics.♦Since flotation in 1994 RWD has spent over £230m on capital investment.♦RWD is the only company in the industry which is self sufficient in bottles — it makes.♦It achieves its annual target of less then three complaints per million Units.Some qualitative data on Robert Wiseman Dairies:♦It is the only dairy company which has been accredited with the environmental standard ISO14001 across all of its operations: processing, distribution, vehicle maintenance.♦In 2004, Robert Wiseman won the UK Entrepreneur of the Year award presented by the accountancy firm, Ernst & Young.♦In 2002, the Droitwich dairy was the first food factory in the UK to win an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) permit which all dairies must have by 2005.♦Robert Wiseman Dairies has a policy of developing links with the community. For example, it encourages employees to raise money for a chosen charity and each year it also makes a financial award (known as the Community Award) to help a communityorganisation (one beneficiary for example has been the Pakistan Welfare Trust).♦It runs a Neighbourhood Shop of the Year competition and prints health and other community messages on its milk cartons.Appendix 4: Two issues for Robert Wiseman DairiesExpansion into EnglandRWD first moved into supplying the English market during the late 1980s. Two Scottish based multiple retailers, Farmfoods and Capital, began to expand into England. Both were customers of Wiseman‘s and in order to continue s upplying them with milk, RWD bought Appleby Dairies.Since then expansion in England has been a key part of the company‘s strategy and has been an important factor in the company‘s growth. It has been a significant factor in the company‘s success in a static market.Sometimes, expansion can have adverse consequences. In January 2005, Wiseman‘s announced that its depot in Loanhead, Midlothian would close and the business would be transferred to its depot in Whitburn, West Lothian. The closure is because RWD supplies less milk to Scottish supermarkets as a result of the decision by Asda to use Arla as its sole supplier. Arla closed two dairies in England in October 2004 but expects to create new jobs in Scotland due to the Asda contract.Competition CommissionIn its investigation which began in 2000, the Competition Commission investigated issues like: ♦whether the market to middle ground retailers in Scotland is a separate market from supply to other supermarket groups throughout the UK♦whether the Scottish market for the purchase of raw milk is a separate market from the rest of the UKAfter the Competition Commission re-opened their investigation in 2003, Charles Hall, a leading analyst of the UK milk market pointed out the market for processed milk is a competitive market and has been for a few years, which makes it unlikely that there is any price fixing going on.。
Organisations and Management
It was at that time that
the cicada convinced the boss , the lion, of the absolute necessity to start a climatic study of
the environment .
就是那时蝉说服狮子上司, 强调要开始进行组织气氛调 查的绝对必要性。
where the ant worked. 狮子做出结论--这是提名蚂蚁所 在部门负责人的时候了。
The position was given to the
cicada, whose first decision was to
buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his office. 这个位置被赋予给了蝉,蝉的第一个決 定是为他的办公室买一张地毯和一把符 合人体工学的椅子。
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Have a distinct purpose (goal) Composed of people Have a deliberate structure
Characteristics of Organisations
Distinct purpose
Deliberate structure
• First-line Managers • Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees. • Middle Managers • Individuals who manage the work of first-line managers. • Top Managers • Individuals who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
简介欧洲工商学院学院建成后,一位名为Henri-Claude de Bettignes教授认为学院不仅要立足于欧洲,还要向世界经济另一个繁荣体亚洲挺进。
1999年,INSEAD的亚洲校区在新加坡建成,两所校区成为亚洲和欧洲两地自成体系的姐妹校园,2001年2月,INSEAD 与美国排名第一沃顿商学院(Wharton)结成学院联盟,使沃顿商学院位于费城和旧金山及INSEAD的校园资源与INSEAD的全球网络得以整合,连接成国际性知识及学习网络,展开具有全球影响力的轨迹管理教学和研究工作。
INSEAD 拥有良好先进的设施:7 个阶梯教室和一座 280 个座位的礼堂,180 个工作区域,外加一个综合性图书馆和覆盖广泛的电子查阅设施;新加坡校区还拥有与枫丹白露欧洲校区最先进的电讯连接和高速数据接入。
他们还为多校区授课提供了视频会议,并为高级管理人员课程学员提供85 间酒店式住处。
同时,为了在课欧洲工商管理学院程设置上注重开放和创新, INSEAD 开设了以 MBA 为主的多种专业学科课程,如财政与银行、市场、组织与管理、技术与管理、谈判与决策科学等。
• Tourism is a stay of one or more nights away from home for holidays, visitors to friends or relatives, business conferences or any other purpose except such things as boarding education or semi-permanent employment
(UNWTO, 2007)
Geographical elements of tourism
People travel for a variety of reasons: to escape, explore, understand, and participate. But at the core of the experience lies the destination — the place that hands something to the traveler to keep forever and share with others. This toolkit helps destinations put in place strategies and programs that will best tell their unique story and become an inviting host for visitors no matter the purpose of their journey.
Part Seven: Managing Competitiveness and Sustainability and Embracing Challenges and Opportunities 20) A Model of Destination Competitiveness and Sustainability 21) Destination Management: Challenges and Opportunities
unit 15Managing Conflicts
4 Analyzing conflict
4.1The automated system Jack and Laura are employees of a pencil manufacturing company. They are discussing about the new automated system.
1 Starting up
“When disagreements build, the conflict occurs.” What’s your understanding of this sentence? Exchange your idea with your partner.
2 Basic terms
3 Type of conflicts
A You are going to hear a short passage about two types of conflict. Listen carefully and complete the following table.
3 Type of conflicts
4 Analyzing conflict
4.2 Budget cutting A Listen to their conversation carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you’ve heard. B Now listen to the conversation again and complete the following sentences.
4 Analyzing conflict
4.2 Budget cutting Joe, the general manager of a sportswear company, is having a meeting with representatives from the other departments of the company.
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The three key elements of any definition of leadership are influence, goals and ________.
status: not answered ()
personality characteristics
authority to bestow rewards on other people
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:
Power resulting from a leader's special knowledge or skill regarding the tasks performed by followers is referred to as _______________ .
task readiness
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correct: er is the manager at Bonza Corporation. Hersey and Blanchard would consider most of his employees high in task readiness. Based on this, which of the following leadership styles is best for Peter?
status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:
The __________ approach focuses on the subtle, unseen, and often unrewarded acts that effective leaders perform everyday, rather than on the grand accomplishments of celebrated business heroes.
Leadership power comes from organisational structure, whereas management power comes from personal sources not invested in the organisation.
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status: not answered ()
correct: Traits
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Leadership research has validated Leadership Trait Theory, by recognising that all successful leaders share specific personality characteristics.
status: not answered ()
correct: expert power
your answer:
When workers admire a supervisor because of the way he or she deals with them, the influence is based on ________ power.
status: not answered ()
correct: referent
your answer:
Leadership situations can be analysed in terms of three elements: the quality of leader-member relationships, task structure and position power.
status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:
Deanne is a team manager at a Fry-up Fast Foods outlet. Deanne's newest team member is well trained but seems very lacking in confidence about doing her job. According to Hersey and Blanchard, Deanne should use a ________ leader style with this employee.
status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:
________ is/are the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, values, and appearance.
status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:
Referent power depends on the leader's ________.
formal title
position in the hierarchy
status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:
A(n) __________ leader is one who tends to centralise authority and rely on legitimate, reward and coercive power. A __________ leader delegates authority to others, encourages participation, and relies on expert and referent power to influence subordinates.
status: not answered ()
correct: path-goal theory
your answer:
The key assumption of Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory is that employees vary in their level of ________.
status: not answered ()
correct: leader
your answer:
Leadership is defined as the ability to influence people towards the attainment of personal and organisational goals.
status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:
Highly professional employees who know how to do their tasks do not need a leader who initiates structure for them and tells them what to do.
status: not answered ()
correct: true
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The ____________________ is a contingency approach to leadership that links the leader's behavioural style with the task readiness of employees.
status: not answered ()
correct: Situational Leadership Model
your answer:
According to the _______________ , the leader's responsibility is to increase employees' motivation to attain personal and organisational goals.