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Quick quiz 1: Choose the one from the four choices which has the closest meaning to the underlined word.

1. The tardy progress of the work discouraged the foreman.

a. rapid

b. definite

c. slow

d. advanced

2. His boast that he was the strongest man in the village turned out not to be true.

a. vaunt

b. vault

c. vanguard

d. vouch

3. Death snatched him at a young age after he had had his first important novel published.

a. prevented

b. took him suddenly

c. discouraged

d. delayed

4. The economy experienced a severe recession, i.e. decline in real output, during the first half of

the period.

a. outcome

b. boost

c. upshot

d. reduction

5. The school’s good reputation has started to wane after the accident.

a. transform

b. decline

c. snip

d. growl

6. He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio.

a. tricks

b. baubles

c. mischief

d. boast

7. The defenders put up a stout resistance.

a. violent

b. roundabout

c. redundant

d. feeble

8. Despite the dangerous nature of the undertaking, the dauntless soldier volunteered for the


a. stupid

b. fearless

c. careless

d. discreet

9. The sick woman’s frail hands could hardly hold a cup.

a. anile

b. senile

c. juvenile

d. feeble

10. A long and cordial relationship was kept between the violinist and his protege.

a. feud

b. controversial

c. friendly

d. magnified

11. I know what’s in the secret letter, for I took a peep while no one was looking.

a. a look in a stealing way

b. a look in a proud way

c. a look in a cautious way

d. a look in

a condemning way

12. The youth glared defiance at the magistrate as he received a sentence of fifteen days in prison.

a. looked sharply

b. looked faintly

c. looked with an wide open eye

d. looked satisfactorily

13. His extravagant habits soon exhausted all the money he had inherited.

a. stingy

b. skimpy

c. senile

d. prodigal

14. He envied people who enjoyed the comforts of which he’d had to stint himself for so long.

a. squander

b. save

c. decline

d. dissipate

15. If you are to succeed as a salesman, you must first lose your timidity.

a. pusillanimity

b. audacity

c. pride

d. prejudice

16. From afar on the warm breeze came the rhythmic chiming of church bells.

a. gale

b. mizzle

c. hurricane

d. gentle wind

Quick quiz 2: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.

When he was retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit that has a halo around him. [A]worldly [B]earthly [C]heavenly [D]agrarian

She is an excellent hitter and able to drive the ball beyond 200 metres.

[A]asterisk [B]superb [C]interstellar [D]cosmic
