
2004—2005学年第二学期第二次月考数学试题命题人:开红星一、选择题(计60分)1、条件甲:直线a、b是异面直线;条件乙:两条直线a 、b无公共点,则甲是乙的( ) A.充分非必要条件B.必要非充分条件C.充要条件D.既非充分又非必要条件2、若球的大圆的面积扩大为原来的3倍,则它的体积扩大为原来的()A.3倍B.27倍C.33倍D.33倍3、如果直线a∥平面α,那么直线a与平面α内的()A、一条直线不相交B、两条相交直线不相交C、无数条直线不相交D、任意一条直线都不相交4、已知P是三角形ABC所在平面外的一点,且P到三角形三个顶点的距离相等,那么P在平面ABC内的射影一定是三角形ABC的( )A、垂心B、外心 C 、内心D、重心5、侧棱长为2a的正三棱锥其底面周长为9a,则棱锥的高为()A、aB、2aC、2D、27a6、已知一个凸多面体面数为8,各面多边形的内角总和为16π,则它的棱数为( )A、24B、32C、18D、167、正方形ABCD与正方形ABEF成90°的二面角,则异面直线AC 与BF所成的角为( ) A、45°B、60°C、30°D、90°8、在正方体ABCD —A 'B 'C 'D '中,BC '与截面BB 'D 'D 所成的角为( )A .3πB .4πC .6πD .arctan29、有一个三棱锥,如果它的底面是直角三角形,那么它的三个侧面( ) A 、一定都是直角三角形 B 、至多只能有一个直角三角形C 、至多只能有两个直角三角形D 、可能都是直角三角形 10、已知球面上的三点A ,B ,C ,且6A B c m =,8BC cm =,10AC cm =,球的半径为13cm,则球心到平面ABC 的距离是( )A 、11cmB 、12cmC 、13cmD 、14cm11、方程x 3-6x 2+9x-10=0的实根个数是 ( ) A 、3 B 、2 C 、1 D 、0 12、一个透明密闭的正方体容器中,恰好盛有该容器一半容积的水,任意转动这个正方体,则水面在容器中的形状可以是(1)三角形(2)菱形(3)矩形(4)正方形(5)正六边形其中正确的是 ( ) A 、(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) B 、(2)(3)(4) C 、(2)(3)(4)(5) D 、(3)(4) 二、填空题(计16分)13、正方形ABCD 中,AB=10㎝,PA 垂直于ABCD 所在的平面且PA=5㎝,则P 到DC 的距离为____________;14、函数f(x)= x 3-6x 2+9x(0<x<5)的单调增区间为___________; 15、已知正方体的八个顶点中,有四个点恰好为正四面体的顶点,则该正四面体与正方体的体积之比是_______________; 16、将边长为2,锐角为600的菱形ABCD 沿较短对角线BD 折成四面体ABCD ,点E 、F 分别为AC 、BD 的中点,则下列命题中正确的是______(将正确的命题序号全填上)① EF ∥AB ②EF 是异面直线AC 与BD 的公垂线 ③当四面体ABCD 的体积最大时,AC=6 ④AC 垂直于截面BDE2004—2005学年第二学期第二次月考数学答题卷13、_____________________ 14、____________________15、_____________________ 16、____________________ 三、解答题(74分)17、等腰直角三角形ABC 中,∠C=90°,平面ABC 外一点P 在平面ABC内的射影是AB 边的中点,若PC=AB=24,求: (1)PC 与平面ABC 所成的角(2)P 点到直线AC ,BC 的距离。

如果你是一棵大树,就撒下一片阴凉;如果你是一泓清泉,就滋润一方土地;___________________ _______________________⒍黄河是我们中华民族的母亲河,它哺育了一代又一代的中华儿女,孕育出了灿烂的华夏文明。
历代歌咏黄河的诗词很多,请你写出两句(课内外皆可 2分)①_______________________②_______________________ 7.背诵默写(4分)⑴啊!黄河!,五千年的古国文化,________________;多少英雄的故事,______________。

1. What does the woman mean?A. She’s too busy to help the man today.B. She’ll finish the report by noon.C. She’ll have time later on in the day.2. What is the man doing?A. He is asking the way.B. He is doing some shopping .C. He is seeing a doctor.3. Where are the speakers?A. At the supermarket.B. In a hotel.C. In a restaurant.4. What's the relationship between the two speakers?A. Wife and husbandB. Teacher and studentC. Doctor and patient5. How long has the man known Peter?A. For two years.B. For three years.C. For four years.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

经济应用数学2004~2005学年第二学期期末试题A一、填空题(每空2分,共20分 )1. 123213321= . 2.设矩阵235,14a b c d A B a bc d +-⎛⎫⎛⎫==⎪⎪--⎝⎭⎝⎭,若A B =,则a = ,b = ,c = ,d = . 3. 将10本书任意排列在书架上,其中仅有3本外文书排在一起的概率是 .4. 在6张记有号码1、2、……、6的卡片中任意抽取两张,则抽到的都是偶数的概率是 .5. 随机变量ξ的分布函数是()arctan F x A B x =+,则A = ,B = .6. 设随机变量ξ~(,)U a b ,则E ξ= . 二、计算题(76=42) 1. 求cos sin sin cos A θθθθ-⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭的逆矩阵2. 计算431712325701⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭3. 判断下列方程组是否有解,若有解,是唯一解还是无穷多解 123231232421224227x x x x x x x x ++=⎧⎪+=⎨⎪++=⎩4. 求解齐次线性方程组123451234523451234503230326054330x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ++++=⎧⎪+++-=⎪⎨+++=⎪⎪+++-=⎩5. 三个人独立地破译一份密码,他们各自能译出的概率分别是111,,534,问此密码能被破译的概率是多少?6. 袋中装有10个球,3个白球,7个红球,现从中任取两个球,求这两个球中的白球的数学期望与方差.7. 随机变量ξ~(,)U a b ,其概率密度函数为1,()()0,()a x b f x b a ⎧≤≤⎪=-⎨⎪⎩其他,求ξ的分布函数()F x .三、应用题 (8分)某公司1999年初准备购入一台设备,有三个方案可供选择:(1)向甲公司购入,一次性付款200,000元,(2)向乙公司购入,分两年付款,每年末支付102,500元,(3) 向丙公司购入,分四年付款,每年末支付52,500元,假定其资金成本率为10%,那么,这三个方案哪个最优?(2 1.736F =,4 3.170F =)经济应用数学2004~2005学年第二学期期末试题B一、填空题(2 10=20 )1. xa aax a aax= 2. 设矩阵245,2223a b c d A B a bc d +-⎛⎫⎛⎫==⎪⎪-+⎝⎭⎝⎭,若A B =,则a = ,b = ,c = ,d = . 3.从分别标有1~10十个数字的十张卡片中任意抽取三张,其中最小数字为5的概率是 . 4、在6张记有号码1、2、……、6的卡片中任意抽取两张,则抽到的都是奇数的概率是 . 5、随机变量ξ的分布函数是()arctan F x A B x =+,则A = ,B . 6、设随机变量ξ2~(,)N μσ,则E ξ= . 二、计算题(7 6=42) 1. 求(0)a b A ad bc cd ⎛⎫=-≠ ⎪⎝⎭的逆矩阵2. 计算()213105-⎛⎫ ⎪⎪- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭3. 判断下列方程组是否有解,若有解,是唯一解还是无穷多解 123122342325x x x x x x x ++=⎧⎪+=⎨⎪+=⎩4.求解齐次线性方程组 1234512345123452355043035670x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x +++-=⎧⎪+++-=⎨⎪+++-=⎩5. 甲乙丙三人独立地向同一目标射击,击中的概率分别是0.5、0.6、0.7,求目标被击中的概率是多少.6. 对一盒8只三极管作不放回抽样检查,每次1只,直至抽到次品为止,已知盒中有3只次品管,求抽样次数的分布律.7. 随机变量ξ的分布函数()F x =11arctan 2x π+,求(1){}11P ξ-<<;(2)ξ的概率密度函数.三、应用题 (8)某公司准备租用一套设备,每年年末支付租金80,000元,每年增加收益100,000元,租用期6年, 年利率为10%,试问净收益现值是多少?试卷A 答案一、填空题1. 122. a = 2 b = 1 c = 3 d = -13. 0.0674. 0.25. A =12,B =1π6.2a b +二、计算题 1. 解: cos sin 1sin cos A θθθθ-==,*cos sin sin cos A θθθθ⎛⎫=⎪-⎝⎭,*cos sin sin cos AA A θθθθ⎛⎫== ⎪-⎝⎭2.解:431712325701⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭=35649⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ 3.解:2421212271001012401240102122700220011⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪→→ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭因为()()R AB R A =,所以方程组有唯一解。

命题方式: 教研组命题佛山科学技术学院2004—2005学年第二学期 《高等数学》(经济类)课程期末考试试题(A 卷)专业、班级: 姓名: 学号:一、单项选择题:(每小题3分,共15分. 在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在该题括号内) 1.下列积分⑴ ⎰50231+x dxx , ⑵⎰11-2-1x xdx, ⑶⎰402235-)(/x xdx, ⑷⎰1ee xx dx/ln中,可直接使用牛顿——莱不尼兹公式的有 ( )A . ⑴B . ⑴⑶C . ⑴⑷D . ⑴⑵⑶⑷2.下面叙述中⑴ 发散级数加括号后所成的级数一定发散;⑵ 发散的正项级数加括号后所成的级数一定发散; ⑶ 交换级数的项的次序不会影响级数的敛散性,正确的有 ( ) A . ⑴ B . ⑵ C . ⑶ D . ⑵⑶3.设∑∞1=n n u 为任意项级数,且∑∞1=n n u || 发散,则 ( )A . 原级数绝对收敛B . 原级数发散C . 原级数敛散性不定D . 原级数条件收敛 4.设 ⎰⎰2=Ddxdy I ,其中}|),({4≤+≤1=22y x y x D ,则=I ( ) A . π B . π2 C . π6 D . π15 5.曲线3=x y 与直线2=x 、0=y 所围成的图形绕y 轴旋转产生立体的体积是( ) A . π7128 B . π596 C . π564D . π32二、填空题:(每小题3分,共12分.) 1.幂级数∑∞1=n nnnx 的收敛区间为 .2.二元函数22---4=y x y x z )(在点( , )处取得极 值 .3.交换二次积分⎰⎰2-21y ydx y x f dy ),(的次序得.共6页第1页4.微分方程 0=3+'4+''y y y 满足初始条件 2=0=x y,6='0=x y 的特解为.三、解答题(每小题6分,共12分):1.设y z z x ln =确定函数),(y x f z =,求xz∂∂.2.设 v e z u sin =,xy u =,y x v +=,求xz∂∂.四、解答题(7分): 计算⎰∞+0-dx e x .共6页第2页五、解答题(7分):试判断下面级数的敛散性:∑∞1=2⋅3nnnn.六、解答题(7分):级数∑∞1=1-1 1-nnn)( 是否收敛?若收敛,指出是条件收敛还是绝对收敛.共6页第3页七、解答题(7分):求微分方程x y y ='-''的通解.八、解答题(7分):求下面微分方程满足初始条件的特解:0=+1-+1dy xy dx y x,0=0=x y.共6页第4页九、解答题(7分):将函数2--=2x x xx f )( 展成 x 的幂级数,并确定其收敛区间.十、解答题(7分): 计算二重积分⎰⎰Dxy d xe σ,其中},|),({1≤≤01≤≤0=y x y x D .共6页第5页十一、解答题(7分): 计算二重积分⎰⎰Dxdxdy ,其中D 是由直线 x y = 和圆 1=1-+22)(y x所围成且在直线x y = 下方的平面区域.十二、解答题(5分):设可微函数)(x y 满足⎰-+=xx dt t y e x y )()(,求)(x y .共6页第6页。

(20分)1、第五次全国人口普查结果显示:我国总人口为1295330000人,“9”在( )位上,省略亿后面的尾数约是( )亿。
2、 的分数单位是( ),与它分数单位相同的最小的最简假分数是( )。
3、24分=( )时; 4升50毫升=( )毫升4、( )统计图能清楚地看出数量增减变化情况。
只需看出各种数量的多少,应选用( )统计图。
5、你上学背的书包重约( )。
你和同学们一起学习的教室地面面积约是( )。
6、如右图,如果用a 表示商场中商品的原价,现在的售价可以表示为( )。
一件原价200元的裙子,现在可便宜( )元。
7、27和18的最大公约数是( ),最小公倍数是( )8、一个10吨重的集装箱长约3米,宽约2.5米,高约2.6米,这个集装箱的体积是( )立方米,表面积是( )平方米。
9、一个平行四边形的底是0.5米,面积是120平方分米,高是( )分米,与它等底等高的三角形的面积是( )平方分米。
15710、甲、乙两列火车分别从A 、B 两地同时相对开出,甲车每小时行120千米,乙车每小时行100千米,相遇时两车的路程比是( ):( ),两车行完全程的时间比是( ):( )。
(8分)1、10克糖溶解在100克水中,糖与糖水的比是( )。
A 、1:10 B 、1:11 C1:92、用长6.28米的铁丝围成的图形中,面积最大的是( )。
A 、正方形 B 、长方形 C 、圆3、一元硬币厚0.2厘米,一亿枚一元硬币重叠起来约是珠穆朗玛峰高度的( )。
A 、20多倍B 、200多倍C 、2000多倍4、5名裁判员给一名体操运动员打分,去掉一个最高分,平均得分9分;去掉一个最低分,平均得分9.2。
最高分与最低分相差( )。
A 、1分B 、0.8分C 不能确定 三、计算。
(40分) 1、直接写出得数。
4708-999= +0.7= 1.6×0.3= 1÷0.4=×18= 0.6÷ =-4÷8= 2÷ × = 2、脱式计算。

考试日期:2004年6 月22日考试时间:120分钟考试形式:闭卷笔试华东政法学院2004-2005学年第二学期期末考试A卷一、填空题(每小题2分,共14分)1、在命题形式“¬ p∧q”与“SAP”中,常项是_____ ____,变项是_______ __。
如果母项的外延真包含诸子项的外延之和, 则犯了_______________的错误。
5、若¬ SAP取值为真,则PO S取值为______,SIP取值为________。
6、若“p→q”真且p与q不同真不同假,则“p∨¬ q”取值为____,“¬ p∧q”取值为____。

2004-2005学年度第二学期期末考试六年级数学试题注意事项:1.考试时间100分钟,满分120分.2.请同学们将座号填在第6页.3.本次考试根据答题情况(字迹是否工整,卷面是否整洁,答案是否规范)设卷面分.卷面分最大值为5分,采用加分的办法按0、1、3、5四档计分.一.选择题:(每小题4分,共48分)在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的,请把正确的选项涂在答题卡的相应位置上,错选、不选、多选均不得分.1. 下列由四舍五入得到的近似数,有三个有效数字的是(A)0.036(B)3.60(C)3.600(D)36.002.第五次人口普查资料表明,我国的人口总数为1295330000人,取近似值,则下列说法正确的个数有①精确到百万位为1.295×109,有4个有效数字②精确到千万位为1.30×109,有3个有效数字③精确到亿位为1.3×109,有2个有效数字④精确到十亿位为1×109,有1个有效数字(A)1个(B)2个(C)3个(D)4个3.在△ABC 中,三个内角∠A 、∠B 、∠C 的度数之比为∠A :∠B :∠C =1:2:3,则△ABC 是 (A )锐角三角形 (B )钝角三角形 (C )直角三角形 (D )等腰三角形4.下列每组数分别是三根小木棒的长度,用它们能摆成三角形的有 ①3cm 、4cm 、5cm ②8cm 、7cm 、15cm ③12cm 、12cm 、20cm ④5cm 、5cm 、11cm(A )①③ (B )②④ (C )①②③ (D )①②③④5.如图△ABC 中,∠A =50°,∠ABC 和∠ACB 的 平分线BD 、CE 交于点P ,则∠BPC 的度数为(A )100° (B )70° (C )115° (D )65°6.如图,在△ABC 中,点D 在BC 上,DE ⊥AB ,DF ⊥AC ,DE =DF ,则一定有(A )△BDE ≌△DCF (B )△ADE ≌△ADF (C )△ABD ≌△ACD (D )△BDE ≌△ADF 7.如图,△ADB ≌△EDB ,△BDE ≌△CDE ,B 、E 、 C 在同一条直线上,A 、D 、C 在同一条直线上,则下列 说法正确的个数为①∠A =90°②BD 平分∠ABC ③∠ADB =60°④∠C =30° (A )1个 (B )2个 (C )3个 (D )4个AEDBCP(第5题)AED BCF (第6题)AEDBC(第7题)8.如图,AB =AD ,AC =AE ,∠BAE =∠DAC ,则图中全等三角形共有(A )5对 (B )2对 (C )3对 (D )4对9.如图,在一长为10,宽为7的长方形铁片的四个角上,都截去一个相同的边长为x 的小正方形,则该铁片剩余部分的面积y 与小正方形的边长x 的关系式为(A )24x y = (B )x y 4= (C )2470x y -= (D )2417x y -=10.如图,是某人骑自行车行驶过程中,路程与时间的关系,则下列说法正确的是(A )从0时到2时骑车速度最快 (B )从2时到3时骑车速度最快 (C )从1时到3时骑车速度为0 (D )从3时到6时骑车速度最快11.如图,线段L 甲、L 乙t的关系,则下列说法正确的有①这是一次400米跑比赛 ②甲比乙早到终点 ③乙跑完全程用的时间比甲多8秒(A )0个 (B )1个 (C )2个 (D )3个AEDBCG (第8题)FH (第9题)(第10题)时间(时)400(第5题)t (秒)12.表格中表示的是摄氏温度(℃)与华氏温度(℉)的关系,则华氏温度y 与摄氏温度x 之间的关系还可以表示为(A )3259+=x y (B )40+=x y(C )3295+=x y (D )3159+=x y二、填空题(每小题4分,共20分)请将最终结果填写在每小题中的横线上。

2004—2005学年度第二学期期末考试初一地理试题2005.6 一、单项选择题:(各小题四个备选项中,只有一个是正确的,请将正确选项的字母代号填在下表中,使用答题卡的,请将正确的选项在卡上涂黑。

⼤连外国语学院期末考试试卷(基础A)⼤连外国语学院期末考试试卷(2004 —2005 学年第2学期)课程名称:基础德语2 试卷类型:A 卷考试对象:德语03级考试时间:120分钟I. Finden Sie bitte die richtige L?sung heraus(20%) 1. Wann bist du denn ____? a) geoperiert worden b) operiert geworden c) operiert worden d) operiert werden 2. Er drehte den Wasserhahn und ____. a) waschte sich die H?nde b) wusch sich die H? nde c) wasch sich die H?nde d) waschte sich die H?nde 3. Ich würde gern mit dir in die Diskothek gehen, aber ich ___heute noch viel zu tun. a) brauche b) mu? c) habe d) m?chte 4. Gestern glaubte ich alles ____, aber heute beim Test konnte ich wieder gar nichts mehr. a) verstanden b) verstanden habe c) verstehen d) verstanden zu haben 5. Ich habe mein Heft vergessen, ___ Sie mir wohl ein Blatt Papier geben?a) h?tten b) k?nnten c) dürfen d) wollten系别、班级:考试号:姓名:………………………………………………………装…………订…………线………………………………………………6. Was kann man nicht sagen?a) Er hat sich verliebt b) Er hat sich entlobtc) Er hat sich geschieden d) Er hat sich verlobt7. Ich ___ sehr zufrieden, wenn es mir so gut ginge wie dir.a) bin b) würde c) sei d) w?re8. Herr Meyer hat sich beim Skifahren das rechte Bein ___.a) zerbrochen b) verbrochen c) gebrochen d) abgebrochen9. Sie ___ so, als ob sie uns nicht gesehen h?tte.a) scheint b) sieht c) macht d) tut10. Die ____ von Nürnberg ist 90402.a) Postnummer b) Postleitziffer c) Postkartenzahl d) Postleitzahl11. Zwei Leute, die eng nebeneinander gehen, gehen ___.a) Seite bei Seite b) Seite für Seite c) Seite zu Seite d) Seite an Seite12. Diese Arbeit hat doch ___ gedauert, als ich gedacht hatte.a) so lange b) am l?ngsten c) ganz lange d) viel l?nger13. Ich habe endlich ein Zimmer gefunden! Wochenlang habe ich___gesucht.a) dafür b) dazu c) danach d) darüber14. Auf dem Markt gibt es frische Erdbeeren. Soll ich dir ____ mitbringen?a) sie b) diese c) solches d) welche15.Gibt es hier ___, der was von Elektronik versteht?a) einer b) ein c) eine d) einen16.Dieser Sessel ist wirklich bequem. Man fühlt sich wohl ___.a) daran b) darin c) darauf d) darüber17. Kennen Sie Herrn Li,____ Eltern ich ein Jahr gewohnt habe?a) bei denen b) mit dem c) mit ihm d) bei dessen18.Er zog sich aus und legte sich ___.a) im Bett b) in Bett c) ins Bett d) zu Bett19.Hast du dich schon ___ die Zulassung zum Studium beworben?a) um b) für c) an d) auf20.Der Lehrer schreibt das Wort ____ Wandtafel.a) an der b) auf die c) in die d) an die21.___ Schreck lie? sie das Tablett fallen.a) Aus b) Wegen c) Durch d) V or22. Hilf deiner Schwester lieber im Garten, ____ hier herumzusitzen!a)um b) ohne c) von d) statt23. Was ist denn los? Du bist ja ganz ____ Atem!a) ohne b) von c) aus dem d) au?er24.Wei?t du nichts, ____ man dem Kranken eine Freude machen k?nnte?a) dass b) das c) womit d) was25. "Wie geht es denn Ihrem kranken Kollegen?" "____ ich wei?, schon viel viel besser!"a) Was b) So dass c) Sowie d) Wieviel26.Ich würde keinen neuen Motor in diesen alten Wagen einbauen lassen! Ich glaube nicht, ___ sich das lohnt.a) dass b) ob c) wie d) wieviel27. Nach dieser schweren Krankheit willst du schon wieder arbeiten? ____das nicht zu früh ist?a) wie b) was c) obwohl d) ob28. Ich mu? diesen Brief noch schreiben, ___ ich nach Hause gehe.a) bevor b) zuvor c) daher d) vorher29.Er hat das Licht schon wieder brennen lassen, ___ ich ihn gebetenhatte, es auszumachen, wenn er weggeht.a) ob b) trotz c)wie d) obwohl30. Der Flu? ist nur an dieser Stelle tief, ____ ist er überall flach.a) sondern b) aber c) sonst d) dagegen31. ___ diese Tatsache nur durch W?rme erkl?rt werden kann, erscheint fraglich.a) Dass b)Wenn c)0b d)Da32. —Woher wei?t du denn das schon wieder?—Na,das hat doch gestern__Zeitung gestanden.a)auf der b) aus der c) in der d)von der33. Alle ?mter, ___ ich mich erkundigt habe, konnten mir auch nichts Genaues sagen.a) bei denen b) bei ihnen c) die d) wobei34. Er klagt seit Wochen darüber, kaum noch ___.a) geh?rt werden b) h?ren k?nnenc) h?ren werden d) h?ren zu k?nnen35. Du warst im Urlaub so weit weg? Da gibt es sicher viel ___.a) erz?hlen b) erz?hlt c) erz?hlt worden d) zu erz?hlen36. Er hat den Vertrag unterschrieben, ___ ihn vorher genau gelesen zu haben.a) ohne b) ohne da?c) ohne zu d) und nicht37. Mein Freund wei?genau, wie gern ich lange schlafe; ___ ruft er mich wieder morgens um sieben Uhr an.a) aber b)denn c) obwohl d) trotzdem38. Bist du schon wieder in der Wirtschaft gewesen? Du ___jaschrecklich nach Bier!a) hustest b) riechst c) rufst d) siehst39. Nach ___ Prüfung warf er seine Bücher aus dem Fenster.a) bestandener b) entstandener c) gestandener d) verstandener40. Er hat mir den Brief___ H?flichkeit geschrieben.a) von b) vor c) aus d) durchII.Formen Sie bitte die S?tze nach den angegebenen Hinweisen um (20%)1.Er geht früh ins Bett, denn er will morgen fit sein. (in Finalsatz)2.Das Wort "Theater" hat heute unterschiedliche Bedeutungen. DasWort stammt aus dem Griechischen.(in Relativsatz)3.In diesem Hotel kann man vor sieben Uhr nicht frühstücken.(inPassiv)4.Wir essen normalerweise um 5 Uhr. (in Passiv)5.Obwohl Herr Arm wenig Geld verdient, ist er glücklich.(mit6."Bei schwachen Winden aus Südwest bleibt es sonnig und warm.// (inindirekter Rede)7.Herr Müller arbeitet viel. Er wird reich, (mit je—, desto—)8.Wenn er ein h?heres Gehalt h?tte, würde er für ein eigenes Haussparen.(Wenn-Satz in Pr?positionalphrase)9.W?hrend seines Studiums in Berlin ging der Ausl?nder oft insTheater.(in Temporalsatz)10.Nachdem der Lehrer in Dresden angekommen war, besuchte ersofort seinen Freund.(in adverbialer Partizipialkonstruktion)III. Erg?nzen Sie die S?tze! (15%)1. Sonnabends ist der Supermarkt nur____ 14 Uhr ge?ffnet.2. Beim Schluss eines Briefes schreibt man oft: …Viele Grüsse _____ Deine Familie".3. ______ denkst du? - Ich denke an die Sommerferien.4. Nicht er, _____ du bist daran schuld.5. -Hast du Durst?- Nein, ich habe schon eine Flasche Limonade _______.6. Die Ludwigstra?e führt _____ Schwabing.7. Dann k?nnen Sie _____ auch das alte Rathaus ansehen.8. _____ Jahr findet in K?ln der Karneval statt.9. Er kann nicht mitspielen, seine Frau ist _____ schwer krank.10.Das schenke ich dir ____ Geburtstag.11. ______ der Prüfling für Leseverst?ndnis ist das W?rterbuch verboten.12._____ Frankfurt stammt der Dichter Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.13.Der Sohn sah den Vater aus dem Auto ______.14.Mein Bruder ist 10 Jahre _____ als ich.15. Er ist ____ nicht so intelligent, aber sehr flei?ig.IV. Kombination(5%)Bundesland1)Schleswig-Holstein 2)Niedersachsen 3)Brandenburg4)Mecklenburg-V orpommern 5)Nordrhein-Westfalen6)Hessen 7)Rheinland-Pfalz 8)Baden-Württemberg9)Thüringen 10)BayernHauptstadta.Mainzc.Kield.Hannovere.Potsdamf.Schwering.Düsseldorfh.Wiesbadeni.München J.ErfurtV. Erg?nzen Sie die S?tze, damit die neuen S?tze die gleiche oder ?hnliche Bedeutung von den angegebenen S?tzen haben (20%)1.Aber natürlich, das werde ich nie vergessen.→Aber natürlich, das werde ich nie ________________________.2.Ich habe ihn noch gut im Ged?chtnis.→1)Er ist _______________________.2)Ich _____________________an ihn.3.Er beh?lt neue W?rter schnell im Kopf.→1)Er _______________________ein.2)Er _______________________schnell.4.Unsere Mannschaft siegte über die der Fakult?t für Chemie.→Unsere Mannschaft ____die der Fakult?t für Chemie.5.übermorgen sprechen wir über seine V orschl?ge.→übermorgen ____wir seine V orschl?ge.6.Familie Beck bewohnt eine alte Villa.→Familie Beck ____in einer alten Villa.7.Frau Dr. von Zahnd verfolgt in Dürrenmatts Drama “Die Physiker”das Ziel, über die ganze Welt zu herrschen.→Frau Dr. von Zahnd verfolgt in Dürrenma tts Drama “Die Physiker”das Ziel, die ganze Welt zu ____.8.Moritz hatte auf die neue Tapete sch?ne, bunte Kreise gemalt.→Moritz hatte die neue Tapete __________________________.VI. Leseverst?ndnis(20%)Text ALesen Sie zuerst die 10 überschriften und dann die 5 Texte. Entscheiden Sie: Welche überschrift (a-j) passt am besten zu welchem Text (1-5)?der Freizeitaktivit?ten ganz weit vorne. Wer aber schlecht ausgerüstet losf?hrt bzw. joggt, dem vergeht schnell die Lust auf Bewegung. Hobbysportler ben?tigen keine Bikes der Spitzenklasse und auch keine Joggingschuhe, wie sie Wettkampfl? ufer verwenden, einen gewissen Standard sollte man aber dennoch wahren. Nicht umsonst gibt es Schuhe zum Tennisspielen, zum Joggen, zum Radfahren usw. Auch beim Fahrradkauf sollte man genau überlegen, was man will; wer nur auf asphaltierten Stra?en unterwegs ist, braucht kein Mountainbike.2.Schon wieder mit Mama und Papa nach Spanien? Oder zur Oma an den Bodensee? Da hat der Berliner Verein …Falken“eine bessere Idee. Auf seine Homepage www.jugendfahrten.de werden Erlebnisreisen für Jugendliche angeboten, die jede Menge Spa?und Abenteuer versprechen. Ob zum Kanufahren nach Schweden oder ins Strand-Camp nach Korsika, wer zwischen 6 und 17 Jahren alt ist, darf mit. Und: Die Gruppen werden von geschulten Betreuern begleitet, sodass Mama und Papa beruhigt wieder nach Spanien fliegen k?nnen.3.Als erste Schweizer Stadt gibt Basel seinen Hotel-Touristen einen Gratis-Fahrausweis für den ?ffentlichen Verkehr. Ab Januar erhalten alle G?ste beim Eincheken in ein Hotel, die Jugendherberge oder eine andere Beherbergungsst?tte automatisch eine pers?nliche Gratiskarte, das …Mobility-Ticket“. Mit diesem k?nnen sie Tram, Bahn und Bus in Basel und auf den V orortslinien (Zonen 10 und 11) frei benutzen. Informationen: Tel.: 0 61/2 67 81 81, Internet: www.tnw.ch.4.Gemeinsam etwas zu gestalten. Man kommt ins Gespr?ch, lernt sich besser kennen. Das ist das Ziel der Workcamps für Jugendliche zwischen 16 und 26 Jahren, die weltweit angeboten werden. Zum Beispiel in Israel, wo in Haifa ein Garten angelegt wird (eine Woche im Juli, August, Oktober). Oder auf Zypern, wo zwei Kapellen im St?dtchen Polis restauriert werden (drei Wochen im Juni und Juli). Preis für die Zypern-Reise: 1315 DM, inklusive Flug, Appartement, Halbpension; Pauschalpaket für Israel ab 895 DM (KolpingJugendreisen, Tel. 02 21/20 70 11 15, Fax 2 07 01 40, Internet: www.kolping.de).5.Der Winter ist nicht unbedingt die Lieblingsjahreszeit der Mehrheit. Doch ist man auch in der kalten Saison in der Freizeit nicht einfachzum Nichtstun verurteilt. Die Schweizer Bahnen haben auch in diesemJahr wieder zehn hei?e Ideen auf praktischen Freizeitk?rtchen gesammelt. Ob man nun eher auf dem Gemmipass durch den Schnee wandert oder die Warmwasserquellen in Yverdon-les-Bains besucht:Die Ideen-Kartei im A7-Format bietet für jeden Geschmack das Passende. Die K?rtchen sind an jedem SBB-Bahnhof erh? ltlich. Für Ordnung sorgt au?erdem eine Gratis-Sammelbox, die ebenfalls am Bahnhof bezogen werden kann.Text BWie sind die DeutschenDie Zeitschrift …Der Spiegel" machte in Frankreich und in der BRD eine Umfrage. Wie die Bürger das andere V olk finden und was sie über sich selbst denken? Franzosen über Deutsche: mutig und flei?ig. Deutsche über Franzosen: nicht besser als wir.Deutsche sind vor allem flei?ig, ordentlich, diszipliniert und genau, doch selten spontan, of f en und herzlich. Dieses Meinungsbild hat eine Auswertung der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung ergeben, die die Erfahrungen von 300 ausl?ndischen Wissenschaftlern zusammenfa?t, die ein Jahr oder l?nger in der BRD gelebt haben. überwiegend bezeichnet man das Verhalten der Deutschen gegenüber Ausl?ndern als freundlich, h?flich oder hilfsbereit. Doch 20% der Aussagen sind negativ. Die G?ste stellen bei den Deutschen Flei?, Disziplin, Ordnung, Zuverl?ssigkeit, Genauigkeit und Sparsamkeit fest, aber sie vermi?ten Phantasie, Flexibilit?t und Risikofreudigkeit. So nannten die Deutschen … e rn st, reserviert,vershiossen, unpers?nlich, kühl". Die meisten fanden es schwierig, freundsch a ftliche engere Kontakte mit Deutschen herzustellen. Ordn u ngsliebe und Flei? bleiben die Haupter z iehungsziele Ordnugnsliebe und Flei?sind für fast die H?lfte der Bundesbürger auch heute noch die wichtigsten Erziehungsziele. 49 Prozent von 2700 Deutschen,die das Institut für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaft in diesem Jahr befragte, nannten diese beiden Eigenschaften an erster Stelle. Fast ebenso viele Bundesbürger, 46 Prozent, gaben der Erziehung zu Selbst?ndigkeit und freiem Wille V orrang. Folgsamkeit und Anpassung waren für 24 Prozent die idealen Eigenschaften.Richtig oder falsch!(r/f)1. Franzosen finden Deutsche mutig und flei?ig, aber Deutsche haben einen sehr guten Eindruck von den Franzosen. ()2. Für Ausl?nder sind Deutsche h?flich und freundlich. ()3. Deutsche sind aber zu ernst, verschlossen und unpers?nlich. Mit ihnen kann man keine engeren Kontakte haben. ()4. Die Haupterziehungsziele aller Bundesbürger sind Ordnungsliebe und Flei?. ()5. Nur wenige Bundesbürger finden die Erziehung zu Selbst?ndigkeit und freiem Willen wichtig. ()。

六年级数学2004—2005学年度第二学期期中试卷(满分120分,时间90分钟)一、填空题:(28分)1、( )÷24= 38=24:( ) =( ) % 2、要反映本周气温的变化情况用( )统计图最好。
3、在一个比例中,两个外项的积是12 ,其中一个内项是23,则另一个内项是( )。
4、1:25化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。
5、甲数除以乙数,商是1.4,甲乙两数的比是( ):( ),乙数占两数和的( )( )。
6、总价一定,数量和单价成( )比例;比例尺一定,图上距离和实际距离成( )比例。
7、小圆半径是2厘米,大圆半径是3厘米,小圆与大圆周长的比是( ):( ),面积的比是( ):( )。
8、图上距离20厘米表示实际距离10千米,这幅地图的比例尺是( )。
9、一个圆柱体, 侧面积是9.42平方厘米, 高是3厘米, 它的底面半径是( ).10、能同时被2、3、5整除的最小三位数是( )。
11、一个圆锥的体积是48立方厘米,高是8厘米,底面积是( )平方厘米。
12、一个圆柱体削成一个与它等底等高的圆锥体, 削去的部分是圆锥体的( )。
A ※B 表示2A -B 。
那么9※6=( )。
14、有一列由三个数组成的数组(1、1、1)、(2、4、8)、(3、9、27)……第八个数组是( ),第100个数组的三个数的和是( ),读作( )。
二、判断题:(6分)1、 圆的面积和半径成正比例。
( )2、圆锥的体积是圆柱体积的13。
( ) 3、大于0.5小于0.6的两位小数有9个。
( )4、如果两个圆柱的体积相等,那么它们的底面积和高也一定相等。
( ) 5、因为2.4÷0.4=24÷4=6,所以2.4是0.4的倍数。
( )6、 如果乙数是甲数的1.75倍,那么甲数:乙数能与14:8组成比例。

中央广播电视大学2004--2005学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试公共教专业《教育评价》试题(总分100, 做题时间120分钟)一、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:自我评价2.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 4答案:等级量表,模糊量表3.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案: 计算机汇总4.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:参与性观察法5.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:常模参照测验6.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:潜在的自我评价7.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:课堂教学效果评价8.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 4答案:常设的,临时性的二、名词解释(每题4分,共20分)1.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 4答案:2.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 4答案:3.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 4答案:4.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 4答案:5.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 4答案:三、简答题(每题6分,共30分)1.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 62.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 6答案:3.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 6答案:4.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 6答案:5.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 6答案:四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 15答案:2.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 15答案:1。
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2004—2005学年第2学期考试试题(A卷)课程名称_大学英语(四级)_ 任课教师签名大学英语一教研室全体教师出题教师签名题库调题审题教师签名何广惠考试方式(闭)卷适用专业 03本科(B 班学生)考试时间( 120 )分钟考生须知:1.准考证填写方式: 采用考生本人学号的后面九位数字, 用铅笔将数字涂黑.2.本试题册由两部分组成, 即试卷一和试卷二, 试卷一上的答案必须做在答题卡上, 其它答题方式无效.3.试卷二上写清姓名, 学号和班级名称.4.考试结束后,请将试题册统一交给监考老师。
试卷一(客观题部分)Part I Listening Comprehension (1’ X 10 = 20’)Section A :Direction: Listen to the following 10 short conversations. Each conversation is followed by ONE q uestion. After you hear the question, there’ll be a break of 15 seconds. During the break, you will read the four choices marked A, B, C, D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A) Financial problems B) Social problemC) Academic problems D) Job problems2. A) Everybody starts with a temporary job.B) It is hard to get a job nowadays.C) The man shouldn’t be too picky in job hunting.D) The man should depend on one company for a lifetime job.3.A) Many people in this area travel by air.B) The man’s hands are often dirty.C) Flu can spread through shaking hands with other people.D) The man shouldn’t shake hands with other people.4.A) The man knows how the food is prepared.B) The man likes their cooking.C) The service there is always quick.D) The food there always tastes the same.5.A) She doesn’t like going shopping in big stores.B) She is afraid of being cheated.C) She doesn’t really know what to buy.D) She has too many choices of the same product.6.A) His wife is going to leave him.B) He doesn’t think smoking is serious matter.C) He hates to stop thinking.D) He is forced to stop smoking.7.A) She didn’t like the food there.B) She didn’t know what the food was like there.C) The food there is the best in the area.D) French food is not as good as Chinese food.8. A) 500,000 to one million B) 250,000 to two millionC) 200,000 to one million D) 215,000 to two million9. A) He is a travel agent. B) He is a salesman.C) He is a flight attendant. D) He is pilot.10. A) The man never liked roast chicken for Sunday dinner.B) Roast chicken used to be the man’s favorite but not now.C) The woman refused to follow what the man’s mother said.D) The man’s mother enjoyed roast chicken for Sunday dinner.Section BDirection: In this part, you will hear three short passages. At the end of the passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1 :Questions 11 ~ 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A) Most people have dictionaries but don’t use them frequently.B) Most people don’t have dictionaries but need them very often.C) Most people have dictionaries and seldom need them.D) Most people don’t have dictionaries and seldom need them.12. A) Finding the part of speech of a word.B) Finding what a word means.C) Finding how to spell a word.D) Finding how to pronounce a word.13. A) Looking for another word to use instead.B) Open a dictionary and check the spelling.C) Write it the way they think it’s spelled.D) Wait around for someone to tell them the spelling.Passage 2 :Questions 14 ~ 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) In green forest B) In dry desertC) In the Pacific Ocean D) In the North pole region15. A) Snakes like to stay in the sun. B) Snakes like warmthC) Snakes are use to extremely hot weather. D) Snakes are good swimmers.16. A) They are intelligent. B) They are fairly intelligent.C) They are not very intelligent D) They are not intelligent at all. Passage 3 :Questions 17 ~ 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. A) The care and proper selection of dogs for family pets.B) Different breeds of dogs.C) Responsibilities of seeing that dog are properly cared for.D) Different kinds of books about dogs.18. A) By reading books about various kinds of dogs including puppy training.B) By buying a dog from a pet dog.C) From the library.D) From the ASPCA.19. A) Because they are big and aggressive.B) Because they provide companionship as well as protection.C) Because they are easy to train.D) Because most people are afraid of them.20. A) When you have small children.B) When you live in an apartment.C) When space is limited.D) When you live in the city.Part II Reading Comprehension ( 2’ X 20 = 40’ )Direction:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One:Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:The U.S. military has blocked public access to nearly all its Web sites after its servers were attacked by a new computer virus.Late last week, the U.S. Space Command, which provides security for military computers, instructed all military organizations to block public access after a number of sites had contracted the virus, called the "Code Red" bug, according to an official.The virus is known as a "denial of service" bug, because it replicates (自我复制) itself by reading the log files on a network server and sending copies to other servers —thereby multiplying and sometimes crashing a system —and denying access to legitimate (合法的) users of the site."The Code Red worm did in fact show up in some DoD [Department of Defense] Web sites and we're working to contain that," command spokesman Army Maj. Barry Venable said. "Ways we're going about that include blocking public access to the Web sites, because that's the way this worm works, to prevent it from using our networks to propagate (繁殖) itself."The virus exploits a security flaw (缺陷) in certain Microsoft network servers. The flaw was announced last month when a patch was released to fix it."To protect our DoD Web sites from being compromised, DoD organizations have been told to review the status of the Internet information servers… to make sure that all the patches that were previously installed had been installed," says Venable.Only a handful of the major Defense Department sites, with the suffix ".mil", appear currently accessible to the public, including the central public affairs site DefenseLink and the military services' main homepages. Public access is blocked to information connected to those sites, and others such as the National Missile Defense site and the U.S. Air Forces in Europe site. Authorized Department of Defense personnel continue to have access to the sites, Venable said. (323 words)21 Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?A) The Code Red Worm B) DoD Blocks Public Web Site AccessC) DoD was Attacked D) Protect DoD Web sites against Virus22. The word "contracted"(Line 2, Para.2) most probably means ________.A) make less or smaller B) get an illnessC) make a legal agreement D) formally agree to marry somebody23 Which of the following statement is NOT true about the Code Red worm?A) It can multiply to a great number.B) It may make computer system stop working.C) It's included in a patch released by Microsoft.D) It may destroy the connection between legitimate users and the sites.24. Public access is blocked to most DoD [Department of Defense] Web sites sothat ________.A) the Code Red worm can't use the web site to replicates itself and send copiesB) DoD organizations can have necessary patches installed to protect their sitesC) the defense secrets can be prevented from being revealedD) the mistake in certain Microsoft network servers can be corrected25. Which of the following is NOT the measure taken by DoD to fight against theCode Red worm?A) Blocking public access.B) Shutting down e-mail.C) Reviewing the status of the Internet information servers.D) Having necessary patches installed.Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:In the primary school, a child is in a comparatively simple setting and most of the time forms a relationship with one familiar teacher. On entering secondary school, a new world opens up and frequently it is a much more difficult world. The pupil soon learns to be less free in the way he speaks to teachers and even to his fellow pupils. He begins to lose gradually the free and easy ways of the primary school, for he senses the need for a more cautious approach in the secondary school where there are older pupils. Secondary staff and pupils suffer from the pressures of academic work and seem to have less time to stop and talk. Teachers with specialist roles may see hundreds of children in a week, and a pupil may be able to form relationships with very few of the staff. He has to decide which adults are approachable; good schools will make clear to every young person from the first year what guidance and personal help is available — but whether the reality of life in the institution actually encourages requests for help is another matter.Adults often forget what a confusing picture school can offer to a child. He sees a great deal of movement, a great number of people —often rather frightening-looking people — and realizes that an increasing number of choices and decisions have to be made. As he progresses through the school the confusion may become less but the choices and decisions required will increase. The school will rightly expect the pupil to take the first steps to obtain the help he needs, for this is the pattern of adult life for which he has to be prepared, but all the time the opportunities for personal and group advice must be presented in a way which makes them easy to understand and within easy reach of pupils. (316 words)26. According to the passage one of the problems for pupils entering secondaryschools is that ________.A) they are taught by many different teachersB) they do not attend lessons in every subjectC) the teachers are not so friendly and helpfulD) the teachers give most attention to a few pupils27. In secondary schools every pupil having problems should ________.A) know how to ask for help B) go to ask any teacher he can findC) discuss his problem in class D) turn to his parents for help28. It can be inferred from the passage that the author is mainly concerned about________..A) academic standards B) the role of specialist teachersC) the training of the individualteachers D) the personal development of pupils29. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A) All the secondary schools know the way to encourage students' requests forhelp.B) The secondary schools are responsible for offering personal and groupadvice to new pupils.C) Secondary school pupils enjoy greater freedom in communicating withteachers and fellow pupils.D) Secondary school pupils can easily get the help they need.30. The most appropriate title for the passage would be ________.A) Primary School and Secondary SchoolB) Problems for New Secondary School TeachersC) Problems for New Secondary School PupilsD) Academic Work and Personal RelationshipPassage Three:Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:At one time a traveler could learn about a region by looking at the houses, For example, he or she could understand what building materials were available. In areas with many wood houses, the traveler would have guessed that there werenearby forests. Stone houses would have indicated that stones were easy to get. However, a closer look at the houses would have told the traveler even more about the area.People used to build houses that fitted the climate of their areas. For example, in desert regions there is a big difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures. Therefore, many desert people built houses with very thick walls. These thick walls served a useful purpose in the houses. For example, in the winter the thick walls absorbed the sun's warmth during the day and radiated the heat at night. Desert people were relatively comfortable in their homes, or residences, at all times because they built them to fit the desert climate.Then the supply of fuel for electricity became both cheap and easy to get. The effect on housing was immediate. People began to build their homes according to fashion instead of utility. Houses no longer reflected the availability of building materials or climate.Houses with steep roofs could be found in the tropics (热带地区), the warm regions of the Earth, even though these pointed roofs originated (来自,产生) in snowy regions of the world. Heavy snow falls off a slanted (歪斜的) roof. Another example is the use of glass. Houses made almost completely of glass could be found in very cold places. Yet ordinary glass does not insulate (绝缘) well because it neither keeps out cold air nor keeps in warm air. As long as fuel was cheap and easy to get, people could build any type of house any place. (297 words)31. What are two things that a traveler could learn about an area by looking at thehouses?A. The climate is poor and so are the people living in it.B. The climate in the area and the kind of building materials easy for the peopletoC. There is a forest nearby and they are on the top of a mountain.D. They are near a house and its owner is not there at the moment.32. The main idea of Para. 1 is that ________.A. wood is a forest product.B. there are no stones in forests.C. houses used to tell about a region.D. people used to travel to learn about houses.33. The main idea of Para. 2 is that ________.A. thick walls absorb heat from the sunB. people built houses to fit the climateC. people are comfortable in their housesD. in the desert, daytime temperatures are lower than nighttime temperatures34. The main idea of Para. 3 and 4 is that ________.A. heavy snow does not stay on steep roofsB. ordinary glass does not insulate wellC. fuel is used to produce electricityD. the supply of fuel affects home building35. What does "radiate"(Para. 2) mean?A. give offB. absorbC. gatherD. consume Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:It is hard to track the blue whale, the ocean's largest creature, which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species. Attaching radio devices to it is difficult, and visual sightings are too unreliable to give real insight into its behavior.So biologists were delighted early this year when, with the help of the Navy, they were able to track a particular blue whale for 43 days, monitoring its sounds. This was possible because of the Navy's formerly top-secret system of underwater listening devices spanning the oceans.Tracking whales is but one example of an exciting new world just opening to civilian scientists after the Cold War as the Navy starts to share and partly uncover its global network of underwater listening system built over the decades to track the ships of potential enemies.Earth scientists announced at a news conference recently that they had used the system for closely monitoring a deep-sea volcanic eruption (爆发) for the first time and that they plan similar studies.Other scientists have proposed to use the network for tracking ocean currents and measuring changes in ocean and global temperatures.The speed of sound in water is roughly one mile a second —slower than through land but faster than through air. What is most important, different layers of ocean water can act as channels for sounds, focusing them in the same way a stethoscope (听诊器) does when it caries faint noises from a patient's chest to a doctor's ear. This focusing is the main reason that even relatively weak sounds in the ocean, especially low-frequency ones, can often travel thousands of miles. (words: 279)36. The passage is chiefly about __________.A) an effort to protect an endangered marine speciesB) the civilian use of a military detection systemC) the exposure of a U.S. Navy top-secret weaponD) a new way to look into the behavior of blue whales37. The underwater listening system was originally designed __________.A) to trace and locate enemy vesselsB) to monitor deep-sea volcanic eruptionsC) to study the movement of ocean currentsD) to replace the global radio communications network38. The deep-sea listening system makes use of __________.A) the sophisticated technology of focusing sounds under waterB) the capability of sound to travel at high speedC) the unique property of layers of ocean water in transmitting soundD) low-frequency sounds traveling across different layers of water39. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.A) new radio devices should be developed for tracking the endangered bluewhalesB) blue whales are no longer endangered with the use of the new listeningsystemC) opinions differ as to whether civilian scientists should be allowed to usemilitary technologyD) military technology has great potential in civilian use40. Which of the following is true about the U.S. Navy underwater listeningnetwork?A) It is now partly accessible to civilian scientists.B) It has been replaced by a more advanced system.C) It became useless to the military after the Cold War.D) It is indispensable in protecting endangered species.Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 0.5’ X 30 = 15’ )Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.41. In a typhoon, winds ______ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.A) assume B) accomplish C) attain D) assemble42. Some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which ______them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.A) deprives B) restricts C) rejects D) denies43. Though ______ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to recordthe plain facts of small—town life.A) raised B) grown C) developed D) cultivated44. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be______ to it.A) connected B) fastened C) bound D) stuck45. Though she began her ______ by singing in a local pop group, she is now afamous Hollywood movie star.A) employment B) career C) occupation D) profession46. These teachers try to be objective when they ______ the integrated ability oftheir students.A) justify B) evaluate C) indicate D) reckon47. Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S.society. ______ it has affected the traditional role of men.A) Above all B) In all C) At most D) At last48. Can you give me even the ______ clue as to where her son might be?A) simplest B) slightest C) least D) utmost49. The ship’s generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated ______instead of mechanically.A) artificially B) automatically C) manually D) synthetically50. Mrs. Smith was so ______ about everything that no servants could please her.A) specific B) special C) precise D) particular51. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally ______ his point by relating hisown experiences.A) illustrated B) hinted C) cited D) displayed52. Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to ______.A) resign B) reject C) retreat D) replace53. A new technique ______ , the yields as a whole increased by about 30 percent.A) had applied B) having appliedC) to have applied D) having been applied54. The ______ Court is the highest court in the United States.A) Superior B) Supreme C) Super D) Superficial55. Poor health and lack of money may both be ______ to educational progress.A) losses B) barriers C) tragedies D) vacuums56. Evolution has won ______ acceptance as a scientific law.A) common B) consistent C) universal D) infinite57. What happened in that class probably reflects what is happening in society______.A) at large B) at random C) at first D) at length58. I expect an enthusiastic welcome, especially ______ it is the first time I am hereto give lecturesA) providing B) supposing C) comparing D) considering59. In recent years, the birth rate in Japan has sharply ______.A) declined B) lessened C) descended D) slipped60. When the Clinton family was on holiday in Hawaii, their mail ______ in thebox.A) gathered B) collected C) accumulated D) stored61. I think that she is really a qualified secretary because she is very competent and______.A) sufficient B) effective C) efficient D) intensive62. Telephone communication with all output has ______.A) broken down B) broken off C) broken out D) broken up63. ______ squeezing your own oranges, have you tried buying packs of orangejuice?A) Other than B) Better than C) Less than D) Rather than64. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ______.A) nuisance B) trouble C) worry D) anxiety65. At the end of the term, the teacher offered his students the ______ of a regulartest or a research paper.A) substitution B) alternative C) variety D) chance66. “Good” is a word she is fond of using and she ______ it to almost everything.A) dedicates B) applies C) contributes D) distributes67. A major ______ in child education is to help the children build upself—confidence.A) privilege B) preliminary C) primitive D) priority68.In previous times, when fresh meat was in short ______, pigeon were kept by many households as a source of food.A) store B) provision C) reserve D) supply69. When the host nods, it is a ______ that the speaker can begin to deliver hisspeech.A) picture B) mark C) signal D) gesture70. The book has been well reviewed, but ______ actual sales it hasn’t been verysuccessful.A) in terms of B) in need ofC) in contrast to D) in place of试卷二(主观题部分)Part IV (1’ X 10 = 10’)Direction : Replace the underlined words or expressions in the following sentences with words or expressions given below that best keep the original meaning. Change the form where necessary. (请将答案写在横线上)depend on spy on in earnest feel like make a fuss drink in at one sitting cast out refer to go for at one’s disposal be dressed in bear witness to have access to sign up1.People refused to talk to him after the scandal and he was discarded by the bestsociety.2.The story line was so fascinating that she finished reading the book without abreak.3.The professor promises that she will have office space and a computer for youto use.4.By choosing the most advanced technology, Shanghai aims to become one ofthe top financial centers in the world.5.The students sat around their teacher, listening with attention to his words ofwisdom.6.The meal wasn’t quite as hot as it could have been, but I didn’t say anything------ I didn’t like to express unreasonable anxiety.7.He was arrested because he was paid to watch secretly our air bases.8.Only a few crumbling walls show the past greatness of the city of Aksum,9.My friend put on a black coat whereas I had gone there in jeans.10.She decided long ago that she would study the subject seriously as soon as sheleft school.1 ____________________2 ____________________3 ____________________4 ____________________5 ____________________6 ____________________7 ____________________8 ____________________9 ____________________ 10 ____________________Part V Writing (15’)Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic of Criticism. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.criticism1.人们不太喜欢批评2.善意的批评是很必要的3.正确对待批评是完善人格的关键。