在这里,把握个人解决这个问题的思路进行总结,以供大家参考(在此,我只讨论PLC 以外的故障)。
2.IFIX向PLC中写数据:IFIX 写数据到PDB,PDB将数据写入DIT,I\O驱动器从DIT中读取数据写入PLC中。
如果Dtata项显示不是”Good”,请检查” Channel”,” Device”,” DataBlock”的”Enable”复选框是否选中;” Channel”中,主备网卡选择是否正确;” Device”的IP地址是否配置正确,PLC中确实有这些地址;”DataBlock”块中开始和结束地址是否正确;打开的*.mbe文件与IFIX节点名是否一致;Options->Setup->Default Path中的节点名和路径是否配置正确等问题。
iFIX常见问题问答(你留言我回答)有这方面的问题留个话(三)作者: lostCity发表时间:2006-12-31iFIX常见问题问答(你留言我回答)有这方面的问题留个话(三)很久没更新了,这里新开一页,那个让那个恶心见鬼的家伙实在让人受不了。
有问题还是这里说:)常见问题问答(一):[url]/d-64685.html[/url]常见问题问答(二):[url]/d-70268.html[/url][lostCity]2007-6-5 0:34 ------------- 011 楼首先抱歉我也不确定是怎么回事!按理说数据库数据状态发生了变化应该表示数据已经跟新成功,是不是si7的驱动配置中有什么配置选项没有注意的?检查一下有没有可疑的吧。
[jhb] 评论于2007-06-04 19:46请教一个问题,我的IFIX与PLC用的是SI7通讯,现在在工控机上看一切都正常,在IFIX里,所有的输入信号,包括DI、AI都可以上来,可以看到;但所有的输出信号如DO、AO都出不去,就是说,在IFIX的画面里操作后,PLC里的状态都不变(数据库里的状态变了),怎么回事呢?(模拟量是在画面上用中间点设的)[LostCity]2007-5-15 1:39 ------------- 010 楼ADODB.Connection是ado的一个子集,既然提示未定义那就是未定义吧哈:)。
睡觉去,感谢你们还记得这里![ifix] 评论于2007-05-14 21:38LOSTCITY:你好在ifix中我把数据写到access中时,执行到Dim conODBC As ADODB.Connection 时提示用户定义类型未定义是怎么回事啊谢谢[LostCity]2007-5-15 1:32 ------------- 009 楼其实你的水平已经远远超越了我,问我这个从来没有想过的问题。
Prificy软件问题与解答1、安装时选网络还是独立,如果选择了独立还能改为网络吗:可以,但要修改配置的启动和安全性,并保存配置,重新启动,如果安全不能进去,可以先手动登录,独立不与网络上的其他软件交换数据,选择网络时并且做冗余时需要配置节点和逻辑节点(如果是单台服务器可以不用配逻辑节点,客户端只配远程节点就可以了),画面连时选择逻辑节点2、装ifix5时historia3.1要装吗:可以不装3、winstaller3.0要装吗,不装行吗:可以不装,需要时再单独装4、webspace与portal区别:基于WEB的scada,不需要转换画面;基于WEB的hmtl,需要转换画面,较慢,可以编辑页面5、historia能和sql server2008配套吗:配套,装ih时装sql express6、冗余如何实现,需要购买单独的授权吗:要单独买(选项),5.0后狗里限制,同步报警、实时数据库,节点选网络7、一个开发、一个运行,一个搞好后,另一个如何配置:直接复制工程,修改相关配置,启动项,安全性等8、工程如何移植到另一台电脑中,要修改那些东西:直接将项目目录(不要在C盘)拷贝到另外的电脑,再修改配置的项目路径,然后修改启动节点及scu配置文件、安全性等9、画面可以导出(不能实现),能导入吗:画面可以直接复制,不用导入导出,导出功能是转换为Portal网页文件10、ifix标准版具有网络互联功能吗:不具有,要用PLuse网络版,专业版具有标签签名、配方等高级功能ifix标准版能和另外一台电脑的ih相连吗:不可以,它不具有网络功能,且ifix标准版不能和远程的数据库SQL连接11、启动时总出现报警益处提示,如何解决解决办法:打开scu---报警配置—高级点击队列配置,将数值改最大3276712、新建ifix工程方法截图:启动ifix首项打开SCU配置画面, 点击新建配置-scada, scada支持启动配置-路径,根目录选择路径—点击更改根目录—粘贴默认安装根目录---点击更改项目---点击是点击确定---点击是点击否点击创建全部点击继续,再配置网络功能配置本地启动的节点等,保存配置,确认为启动配置启动ifix,登录Admin,再打开SCU刚才的配置文件,配置安全性—配置,更改安全路径并启动更改安全性—自动登录,更改节点名,及自动登录用户,保存安全性配置配置SCU的任务,加工作台自动启动保存配置启动生成的工程注意:在启动别的节点名的工程时,需要再修改scu的安全性(配置及自动启动)及本地启动配置;scu只是个工程新建和配置工具,可以修改和打开别的工程配置文件,但安全性和本地启动需要重新修改。
下面的例子代码描述了怎样访问的方法:" First get a pointer to the Application object in the WorkspaceDim WrkSpcApp As ObjectSet WrkSpcApp = GetObject("", "Workspace.Application")" Get a pointer to the Variable object called Variable1 in the User globalsDim TargetVar As ObjectSet TargetVar = WrkSpcApp.Documents("User").Page.FindObject("Variable1")" Set the current value in the variable object to a 1TargetVar.CurrentValue = 12、脉冲输出示例Dim PauseTime, StartCloseDigitalPoint "Fix32.FIX.DDD.F_CV"PauseTime = 0.8 " 设置暂停时间。
Start = Timer " 设置开始暂停的时刻。
Do While Timer < Start + PauseTimeDoEvents " 将控制让给其他程序。
LoopOpenDigitalPoint "Fix32.FIX.DDD.F_CV"3、显示通讯状态Is there a way to view communication status of the driver without using Mission Control? ResolutionUsing a digital input block reading a hardware register, the A_cualm field will be utilized. Chain the DI block to an event action block to a digital output tag using the SIM driver. In the event action block use the following script:IF the A_cualm =comThen set DO =1Else set the DO=0A data link can be made to the Sim block. The value of this block will determine the status of the communcation.4、用VBA脚本打开和关闭调度为了打开和关闭调度,必须用下列方法:打开一个名字为“ddd”的调度:Application.Documents.Open "C:\Dynamics\pdb\ddd.evs"关闭一个名字为“ddd”的调度:Application.Documents("ddd").Close注意:关闭调度时不用扩展名 .evs 。
i f i x经典问题回答iFIX经典问题问答1:iFIX中如何使用vba开启和停止wsqlodc和alarmsODBC?DescriptionThe ability to stop or start the SQL task, wsqlodc, and to pause or continue the alarms toODBC task used to only be available by launching Mission Control and manually co ntrolling them.The ability to perform this control programmatically using VBA was added as part of a SIM foriFix 2.5. The function calls to allow this are not widely documented and are shown be low: -ResolutionDeclare Function TurnOnSqlTask Lib "missionvba" (ByVal cmd$) As Long'Turns on a SQL task. The cmd$ parameter is the command line passed to the SQL ta sk'Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user must have security rights to turn'on/off SAC. If a non-zero error code is returned, you can use the err2str'utility in the fix base directory to translate the error to a stringDeclare Function TurnOffSqlTask Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Turns off a SQL task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user must'have security rights to turn on/off SAC. If a non-zero error code is returned,'you can use the err2str utility in the fix base directory to translate the error to a string Declare Function PauseAlarmODBC Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Pauses the AlarmODBC task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user does NOT'have to have security rights.'This function will execute regardless of the "Allow Operator to Pause Alarm Logging "'Setting found in the iFIX ODBC Alarm Service Configurator of the System Configur ation'Utility.Private Declare Function ContinueAlarmODBC Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Resumes the AlarmODBC task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user doe s NOT'have to have security rights.'This function will execute regardless of the "Allow Operator to Pause Alarm Logging "'Setting found in the iFIX ODBC Alarm Service Configurator of the System Configur ation'Utility.'All of these functions will block until the request is completed.2:iFIX如何使用vba开启和停止基于时间和事件的调度?Description:This solution shows how to start and stop a time-based or event-based schedulerunning in the background.Resolution:STOP / START a EVENT BASED SCHEDULETo Start:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StartEventEnd SubTo Stop:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StopEventEnd SubSTOP / START a TIME BASED SCHEDULETo Stop the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("Sched1.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = FalseEnd SubTo Start the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("sched.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = TrueVar2.StartTimerEnd Sub3:iFIX如何使用vba进行网络打印机打印?Description:The following is an example of printing an Excel Document to a Network Printer or a printer other than thedefault printer on the machine.Dim objXL As ObjectDim myDoc As ObjectSet objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Set myDoc = objXL.Workbooks.Open("C:\testfile.xls", , True)myDoc.Printout copies:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:="'\\SERVER\PRINTER", printtofile:=False, collate:=TruemyDoc.CloseSet objXL = NothingSet myDoc = NothingReferencesIf this script is used in a background schedule with FixBackgroundServer configured t o run as a Service, the Fixservice must run under a user account that has printers defined. See KnowledgeBase Article i013417 for moreinformation on this configuration.The Printout command can be used for other document types (Word, PowerPoint, etc) , however different syntaxis required, refer to for other examples.4:iFIX报警状态代码以及意义?Description:FIX displays alarm status codes for each alarm in the Alarm Summary Link. What is t he meaning of each of these codes?ResolutionPriority --> Alarm Type --> Description1 --> COMM --> Communication Error ("BAD" value)1 --> OCD --> Open circuit detected1 --> OVER --> Over Range1 --> UNDER --> Under Range1 --> ERROR --> Any Statistical Data block alarm2 --> CFN --> Change from normal alarm (digital blocks only)2 --> COS --> Change of State alarm (digital blocks only)2 --> HIHI --> Block in HIHI alarm state2 --> LOLO --> Block in LOLO alarm state3 --> RATE --> Value exceeds rate-of-change setting3 --> HI --> Block in HI alarm state3 --> LO --> Block in LO alarm state4 --> DEV --> Deviation Alarm5 --> OK --> Block in normal state5:如何禁止和使能7X驱动标签点(对驱动自动禁止特别有用)?Dim opcDriver As New OPCDrv.OPCServerDim objDriver As ObjectDim strDRVAcronym As StringDim strProgId As String''Variables for GetChannelDim lngNumChannels As LongDim lngChanHandlesDim strChanNames''Variables for GetDevicesDim lngNumDevices As LongDim lngDeviceHandlesDim strDeviceNames''Variables for GetDataBlocksDim lngNumDataBlocks As LongDim lngDataBlockHandlesDim strDataBlockNamesDim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerDim lngErrorsDim myvar As LongDim readEnable'strDRVAcronym = InputBox("Please enter the driver''s three letter acronym?" & vbC rLf & "(For Example:Enter ABR for the ABR Driver)", "What Driver are you using?")'strProgId = "Intellution." & strDRVAcronym & "drv"'strProgId = "Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1"'Set objDriver = CreateObject(strProgId)lngNumChannels = opcDriver.GetChannels(lngChanHandles, strChanNames)''Build Variables for SetPropertyData function.lngHandle = lngDataBlockHandles(0)varProperties = "Enabled"varProperyData = "1"opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngChanHandles(1), varProperties, readEnable'对服器1置真If readEnable = "0" ThenlngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngChanHandles(1), varProperties, varProp eryData)End IflngNumDevices = opcDriver.GetDevices(lngChanHandles(1), lngDeviceHandles, str DeviceNames)lngNumDataBlocks = opcDriver.GetDataBlocks(lngDeviceHandles(0), lngDataBlock Handles, strDataBlockNames)lngHandle = lngDataBlockHandles(0)'读工作组opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngDeviceHandles(0), varProperties, readEnableIf readEnable = "0" ThenlngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngDeviceHandles(0), varProperties, varPr operyData)End If'处理工作块opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngDataBlockHandles(0), varProperties, readEnableIf readEnable = "0" ThenFor i = 0 To 1lngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngDataBlockHandles(i), varProperties, varProperyData)Next iEnd IfSet opcDriver = Nothing6:iFIX_如何使用脚本实现驱动(7x)的启动和停止?DescriptionThe following solution explains how to Start and Stop a 7.x driver through VBA code. This example usesthe ABR driver. To implement this with another 7.x driver, change the ABR to the thr ee letter acronym ofthe other driver and switch the reference to that driver.ResolutionThis code will only work with 7.x drivers. If you want to implement this is code in a n ew picture youneed to set a reference to Intellution ABRDrv OPC Server 7.20 Library. To set a refer ence, use the following steps:1) On the Tools menu in the VB Editor choose References.2) Select the Intellution ABRDrv OPC Server 7.20 Library from the list.Add two command buttons to your picture and name them cmdStart_Click and cmdSt op_Click.Then paste the following code into the picture:Private Sub cmdStart_Click()Dim ABRDriver As New ABRDrv.ABRServerABRDriver.StopSet ABRDriver = NothingEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdStop_Click()Dim ABRDriver As New ABRDrv.ABRServerABRDriver.StartSet ABRDriver = NothingEnd Sub7:iFIX_如何使用脚本实现驱动(6x)的启动和停止?DescriptionThis articles describes how to control (start or stop) the 6.x drivers through VBA, Co mmand Script,or DOS rather than in Mission Control.ResolutionThe attached application DCTRL61.EXE enables you to do this. Below are the usage instructions.Usage: DCTRL command driver acronym delay [sleep]where command is:START - start the driverSTOP - stop the driver from pollingSTOP_EXIT - stop polling and exitSLEEP - set new sleep time (period)STATUS - displays current valuesDELAY -Wait a Number of milliseconds before executing this command ( 1000 = 1 second). The the dctrl61.exe must be located in the FIX32 or Dynamics directory. The comma nd and driveracronym must be in ALL CAPS.Example from the DOS prompt: dctrl60 START MBRExample from a iFIX VBA: Shell c:\fix32\dctrl60 "START MBR"Example from a FIX32 script: Runtask c:\fix32\dctrl60 "START MBR"8:iFIX_脚本进行调度的启动和关闭方法?DescriptionThis solution shows how to start and stop a time-based or event-based schedule running in the background.ResolutionSTOP / START a EVENT BASED SCHEDULETo Start:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StartEventEnd SubTo Stop:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StopEventEnd SubSTOP / START a TIME BASED SCHEDULETo Stop the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("Sched1.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = FalseEnd SubTo Start the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("sched.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = TrueVar2.StartTimerEnd Sub9:iFIX_excel报表实现的方法?Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()'注释: 1。
IFIX冗余服务器配置IFIX冗余服务器配置 (2)IFIX冗余服务器数据源的切换 (5)历史报警的查询(这里只做出来在客户机上生成的) (7)历史数据时间保存一年。
(12)2 1................................................................................................... 自动运行。
探索iFix的未来前景,了解可 能的技术和市场趋势。
研究iFix系统的安全性,了解 如何保护数据和网络。
深入了解iFix的高级功能和编 程技巧,提高工作效率。
追溯iFix过去的里程碑,了 解它是如何不断发展和改 进的。
掌握iFix的基本操作和功能, 轻松开始使用它来解决您的 问题。
深入了解iFix的用户界面,探 索其友好的设计和易于使用 的功能。
发现iFix的核心功能,包括数 据采集、图形化展示和报警 通知等。
iFix培训资料PPT课件将带您全方位了解iFix,包括简介、使用方法、常见问 题解答和其他相关知识。让我们一起开始这场精彩的探索之旅吧!
探索iFix的功能和特点,了 解为什么它成为了首选的 解决方案。
从工业自动化到能源管理, 发现iFix在不同领域的广泛 应用。
要的数据,如果有则结束循环,但有些时候通讯状态不是很好,数据返回比较慢,甚至 是严重超时,结果循环帱无限期的进行下去,CPU被占满,绻统假死,他改用别的方滕 后,问题解决。 如果时间间隔设置的比较短,即使代码中溡有循环结构,有些操作也会导致运行时间超 过定时器的间隔时间,如果这个超时是可接受的正常情况,那么帱要滨意另一个问题, 那帱是定时器的QueueEvents幞性。它决定了当定时器某一次触发的脚本还溡有执行完 毕,下一次触发时间帱到时了,这种性况下,新的事件是排队等候,还是被丢弃掉。默 认值是False,如果希望它们“一个都不能帑”,那么帱要把这个幞性改为True。但你 必须保证这种超时只是偶然发生,否则,这个队帱会也排越长,直到崩溃。
这个是API函数: Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Any) 把这个填入到脚本里边帱可以了。
Proficy HMI/SCADA – iFix常见问题汇总Proficy HMI/SCADA – iFix1 Standard/Plus/Professional版本说明2 通讯正常,但是画面和数据库一些或是所有标签显示问号3 禁止报错对话框4 安装iFIX并且插上狗以后,启动iFIX,仍然以运行模式启动5 iFIX 2.6更换硬件狗以后,不能检测到硬件狗6 做趋势图的显示的时候,历史库为Proficy Historian,而不是iFIX的历史数据库7 直接使用VisiconX查询Proficy Historian的历史数据8 Windows XP中,安装iFIX之后,重新启动计算器,新建用户:FixIOUser9 数据库中,如何计算点数10 I/O驱动通讯不正常或是无法正常通讯11 iFIX PDB中添加数据块地址时,出现“无法加载驱动映像表”错误信息。
12 iFix提供哪些方式与关系数据库连接相连?13 PLUS 版本与CLIENT 版本的区别14 iFIX数据连接精度不准的解决方法15 iFIX的画面转换为Portal16 PDB作为DDE Server,DDE Client 获得数值,小数位为两位17 运行状态,在画面中修改标签的报警范围18 硬件狗能够检测到,但仍然以运行模式运行/ 运行时可检测到硬件狗,但是使用iKeyDiag.exe检测不到狗的信息19 基于时间的调度没有在设定的时间点触发,有几秒或是几十秒的延时20 全局变量无法在后台运行的调度中使用21 AlarmODBC中,字段alm_timein的含义22 数据库的值显示为问号,但是驱动器收发状态正常23 驱动无法连接硬件24 Error:The license didn‘t have Historian Collect function25 外部程序访问iFix中的实时报警信息26 iFix启动错误:应用要求32 位扩展27 过滤iFIX 中出现的错误28 报警一览控件(Alarm Summary)最多可以设置的过滤条件29 抑制通讯报警(COMM)30 在多显示器上,全屏显示画面31 iFIX数据库量程转换无法实现。
11、数据显示方面,12、SIM IO地址10和10:1区别13、施耐德PLC内存0 开头的数字量输出中间两%m1 开头的数字输入%i3 开头的模拟两输入%iw4 开头的模拟两输出和中间两%mwEbool 和外面通信的,bool内部使用。
历史数据库先在历史趋势定义中把变量添加好在任务控制中将htc 启动系统配置应用中任务配置把htc_scan添加好。
服务器和客户端客户端在system32\drivers\etc\hosts 中把服务器的ip 和节点改好,系统配置应用里面把网络配置登陆安全应用配置启动,在全局变量中添加3个变量用户首选项:常规,环境保护,需要配置。
先装ifix ,再装授权。
写值不能写到group上的要写到group以下层的rect方格和其他的取值在画面上显示而取前景色2种方式Group 中直接在group中动画在高级动画产生的动画名称为AnimateForegroudColor Rect74 等图形中则直接在图形中动画名称为Lookup时间定义:MyDate = Now()MyMonth = Month(MyDate)MyDay = Day(MyDate)MyHour = Hour(MyDate)MyMinute = Minute(MyDate)MySecond = Second(MyDate)StartTime = "2000" & "-" & MyMonth & "-" &MyDay - 1 & " " & "00:00:00"EndTime = "2000" & "-" & MyMonth & "-" &MyDay - 1 & " " & "23:00:00"Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()WriteValue "1", "FAN_ZH" 为sim内部变量user.fan_z.CurrentValue = 1 为全局变量Historian 访问方式:1、excel 宏2、图表3、vba 4、ole db。
这个是API函数: Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Any) 把这个填入到脚本里边帱可以了。
长,那溡问题,这样是唯一正确且简便的方滕。但如果你设置的延时间隔比较帏,如 3秒以内,甚至是毫秒级的,那么这个方滕帱会产生比较严重的误差。因为StartTime幞 性的时间纾度只达到秒级,也帱是说,实际的运行效果还是会有一定的误差,当然,这 个误差最大不会超过1秒,所以一般来说对于5秒以上的延时设置,这个误差可以忽略。 但如果延时设置是2秒,然后产生了接近1秒的误差,这帱成问题了,误差率帆近50% 啊!如何解决此繻问题呢?有办滕,只是稍复杂一点。 例如,我们希望做到这样一个效果——有一个按钮对蹡(名为cmd1),当用鼠标点 击这个按钮时,按钮消失不见,2秒钟之后又出现。也帱是说在点击的时候把按钮的 Visible幞性设为False,并且启动一个定时器控件,2秒之后在定时器的OnTimeOut事件 代码中,再把cmd1的Visible幞性设为True。 如何比较纾确地实现这2秒的时间间隔呢?具体做滕是:帆定时器的Interval幞性 设为100毫秒,定义一个模块级变量intTimes,定时器每触发1次,这个变量的值帱增加 1,定时器被触发20次后,变量的值为20,总时间正好是2秒。代码如下:
IFIX历史趋势图问题第一篇:IFIX历史趋势图问题IFIX 历史趋势图起始时间问题解决方案IFIX演示工程上的趋势图功能强大及使用,一般在做工程时会借鉴里面的画面及控件。
如该函数正确使用,会发现历史文件越来越多,函数读取的文件名称越多,下拉列框的数据也会越来越多,不方便操作解决方案:1.在CFixPicture_Initialize()过程中将图片对象(Chart Object)起始时间srtChartStartDT=FindHistoricalFiles(“THISNODE”)(0),修改为srtChartStartDT=NOW, 2.日期选择控件使用DTPicker代替下拉列框做为趋势图时间选择。
iFIX经典问题问答1:iFIX中如何使用vba开启和停止wsqlodc和alarmsODBC?DescriptionThe ability to stop or start the SQL task, wsqlodc, and to pause or continue the alarms toODBC task used to only be available by launching Mission Control and manually controlling the m.The ability to perform this control programmatically using VBA was added as part of a SIM for iFix 2.5. The function calls to allow this are not widely documented and are shown below: -ResolutionDeclare Function TurnOnSqlTask Lib "missionvba" (ByVal cmd$) As Long'Turns on a SQL task. The cmd$ parameter is the command line passed to the SQL task'Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user must have security rights to turn'on/off SAC. If a non-zero error code is returned, you can use the err2str'utility in the fix base directory to translate the error to a stringDeclare Function TurnOffSqlTask Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Turns off a SQL task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user must'have security rights to turn on/off SAC. If a non-zero error code is returned,'you can use the err2str utility in the fix base directory to translate the error to a stringDeclare Function PauseAlarmODBC Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Pauses the AlarmODBC task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user does NOT'have to have security rights.'This function will execute regardless of the "Allow Operator to Pause Alarm Logging"'Setting found in the iFIX ODBC Alarm Service Configurator of the System Configuration'Utility.Private Declare Function ContinueAlarmODBC Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Resumes the AlarmODBC task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user does NOT'have to have security rights.'This function will execute regardless of the "Allow Operator to Pause Alarm Logging"'Setting found in the iFIX ODBC Alarm Service Configurator of the System Configuration'Utility.'All of these functions will block until the request is completed.2:iFIX如何使用vba开启和停止基于时间和事件的调度?Description:This solution shows how to start and stop a time-based or event-based schedule running in the background.Resolution:STOP / START a EVENT BASED SCHEDULETo Start:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StartEventEnd SubTo Stop:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StopEventEnd SubSTOP / START a TIME BASED SCHEDULETo Stop the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("Sched1.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = FalseEnd SubTo Start the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("sched.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = TrueVar2.StartTimerEnd Sub3:iFIX如何使用vba进行网络打印机打印?Description:The following is an example of printing an Excel Document to a Network Printer or a printer other than thedefault printer on the machine.Dim objXL As ObjectDim myDoc As ObjectSet objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Set myDoc = objXL.Workbooks.Open("C:\testfile.xls", , True)myDoc.Printout copies:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:="'\\SERVER\PRINTER", printtofile:= False, collate:=TruemyDoc.CloseSet objXL = NothingSet myDoc = NothingReferencesIf this script is used in a background schedule with FixBackgroundServer configured to run as a S ervice, the Fixservice must run under a user account that has printers defined. See KnowledgeBase Article i0134 17 for moreinformation on this configuration.The Printout command can be used for other document types (Word, PowerPoint, etc), however different syntaxis required, refer to for other examples.4:iFIX报警状态代码以及意义?Description:FIX displays alarm status codes for each alarm in the Alarm Summary Link. What is the meaning of each of these codes?ResolutionPriority --> Alarm Type --> Description1 --> COMM --> Communication Error ("BAD" value)1 --> OCD --> Open circuit detected1 --> OVER --> Over Range1 --> UNDER --> Under Range1 --> ERROR --> Any Statistical Data block alarm2 --> CFN --> Change from normal alarm (digital blocks only)2 --> COS --> Change of State alarm (digital blocks only)2 --> HIHI --> Block in HIHI alarm state2 --> LOLO --> Block in LOLO alarm state3 --> RA TE --> Value exceeds rate-of-change setting3 --> HI --> Block in HI alarm state3 --> LO --> Block in LO alarm state4 --> DEV --> Deviation Alarm5 --> OK --> Block in normal state5:如何禁止和使能7X驱动标签点(对驱动自动禁止特别有用)?Dim opcDriver As New OPCDrv.OPCServerDim objDriver As ObjectDim strDRVAcronym As StringDim strProgId As String''Variables for GetChannelDim lngNumChannels As LongDim lngChanHandlesDim strChanNames''Variables for GetDevicesDim lngNumDevices As LongDim lngDeviceHandlesDim strDeviceNames''Variables for GetDataBlocksDim lngNumDataBlocks As LongDim lngDataBlockHandlesDim strDataBlockNamesDim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerDim lngErrorsDim myvar As LongDim readEnable'strDRV Acronym = InputBox("Please enter the driver''s three letter acronym?" & vbCrLf & "(For Example:Enter ABR for the ABR Driver)", "What Driver are you using?")'strProgId = "Intellution." & strDRV Acronym & "drv"'strProgId = "Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1"'Set objDriver = CreateObject(strProgId)lngNumChannels = opcDriver.GetChannels(lngChanHandles, strChanNames)''Build Variables for SetPropertyData function.lngHandle = lngDataBlockHandles(0)varProperties = "Enabled"varProperyData = "1"opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngChanHandles(1), varProperties, readEnable'对服器1置真If readEnable = "0" ThenlngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngChanHandles(1), varProperties, varProperyData) End IflngNumDevices = opcDriver.GetDevices(lngChanHandles(1), lngDeviceHandles, strDeviceName s)lngNumDataBlocks = opcDriver.GetDataBlocks(lngDeviceHandles(0), lngDataBlockHandles, str DataBlockNames)lngHandle = lngDataBlockHandles(0)'读工作组opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngDeviceHandles(0), varProperties, readEnableIf readEnable = "0" ThenlngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngDeviceHandles(0), varProperties, varProperyData) End If'处理工作块opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngDataBlockHandles(0), varProperties, readEnableIf readEnable = "0" ThenFor i = 0 To 1lngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngDataBlockHandles(i), varProperties, varProperyD ata)Next iEnd IfSet opcDriver = Nothing6:iFIX_如何使用脚本实现驱动(7x)的启动和停止?DescriptionThe following solution explains how to Start and Stop a 7.x driver through VBA code. This examp le usesthe ABR driver. To implement this with another 7.x driver, change the ABR to the three letter acro nym ofthe other driver and switch the reference to that driver.ResolutionThis code will only work with 7.x drivers. If you want to implement this is code in a new picture y ouneed to set a reference to Intellution ABRDrv OPC Server 7.20 Library. To set a reference, use the following steps:1) On the Tools menu in the VB Editor choose References.2) Select the Intellution ABRDrv OPC Server 7.20 Library from the list.Add two command buttons to your picture and name them cmdStart_Click and cmdStop_Click.Then paste the following code into the picture:Private Sub cmdStart_Click()Dim ABRDriver As New ABRDrv.ABRServerABRDriver.StopSet ABRDriver = NothingEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdStop_Click()Dim ABRDriver As New ABRDrv.ABRServerABRDriver.StartSet ABRDriver = NothingEnd Sub7:iFIX_如何使用脚本实现驱动(6x)的启动和停止?DescriptionThis articles describes how to control (start or stop) the 6.x drivers through VBA, Command Script,or DOS rather than in Mission Control.ResolutionThe attached application DCTRL61.EXE enables you to do this. Below are the usage instructions. Usage: DCTRL command driver acronym delay [sleep]where command is:START - start the driverSTOP - stop the driver from pollingSTOP_EXIT - stop polling and exitSLEEP - set new sleep time (period)STA TUS - displays current valuesDELAY - Wait a Number of milliseconds before executing this command ( 1000 = 1 second).The the dctrl61.exe must be located in the FIX32 or Dynamics directory. The command and driver acronym must be in ALL CAPS.Example from the DOS prompt: dctrl60 START MBRExample from a iFIX VBA: Shell c:\fix32\dctrl60 "START MBR"Example from a FIX32 script: Runtask c:\fix32\dctrl60 "START MBR"8:iFIX_脚本进行调度的启动和关闭方法?DescriptionThis solution shows how to start and stop a time-based or event-based schedule running in the bac kground.ResolutionSTOP / START a EVENT BASED SCHEDULETo Start:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StartEventEnd SubTo Stop:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application") Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StopEventEnd SubSTOP / START a TIME BASED SCHEDULETo Stop the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application") Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("Sched1.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = FalseEnd SubTo Start the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application") Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("sched.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = TrueVar2.StartTimerEnd Sub9:iFIX_excel报表实现的方法?Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()'注释: 1。
a)本地节点名: 为scu名字一样.
b)本地逻辑节点名: 在做冗余上位机时使用.
c)组态文件: 就时scu文件所在的文件夹路径.
2. 打开RSLinx 新建TOPIC{注:TOPIC是指IFIX数据库中I/O地址中的中括号”[TOPIC]”的主题
} 找到CPU然后指向下DONE
a)打开ifix OPC 选择(Options)中设置(Setup)中自定义路径中设置组态文
取名为Ifix_Alarm 数据库中选择路径选中工程中的文件夹Access
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1:iFIX中如何使用vba开启和停止wsqlodc和alarmsODBC?DescriptionThe ability to stop or start the SQL task, wsqlodc, and to pause or continue the alarms to ODBC task used to only be available by launching Mission Control and manually controlli ng them.The ability to perform this control programmatically using VBA was added as part of a SI M foriFix 2.5. The function calls to allow this are not widely documented and are shown below: -ResolutionDeclare Function TurnOnSqlTask Lib "missionvba" (ByVal cmd$) As Long'Turns on a SQL task. The cmd$ parameter is the command line passed to the SQL task 'Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user must have security rights to turn'on/off SAC. If a non-zero error code is returned, you can use the err2str'utility in the fix base directory to translate the error to a stringDeclare Function TurnOffSqlTask Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Turns off a SQL task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user must'have security rights to turn on/off SAC. If a non-zero error code is returned,'you can use the err2str utility in the fix base directory to translate the error to a stringDeclare Function PauseAlarmODBC Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Pauses the AlarmODBC task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user does NO T'have to have security rights.'This function will execute regardless of the "Allow Operator to Pause Alarm Logging"'Setting found in the iFIX ODBC Alarm Service Configurator of the System Configuration 'Utility.Private Declare Function ContinueAlarmODBC Lib "missionvba" () As Long'Resumes the AlarmODBC task. Return of 0 is a success. Current logged in user does NOT'have to have security rights.'This function will execute regardless of the "Allow Operator to Pause Alarm Logging"'Setting found in the iFIX ODBC Alarm Service Configurator of the System Configuration 'Utility.'All of these functions will block until the request is completed.2:iFIX如何使用vba开启和停止基于时间和事件的调度?Description:This solution shows how to start and stop a time-based or event-based schedulerunning in the background.Resolution:STOP / START a EVENT BASED SCHEDULETo Start:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StartEventEnd SubTo Stop:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StopEventEnd SubSTOP / START a TIME BASED SCHEDULETo Stop the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("Sched1.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = FalseEnd SubTo Start the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("sched.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = TrueVar2.StartTimerEnd Sub3:iFIX如何使用vba进行网络打印机打印?Description:The following is an example of printing an Excel Document to a Network Printer or a print er other than thedefault printer on the machine.Dim objXL As ObjectDim myDoc As ObjectSet objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Set myDoc = objXL.Workbooks.Open("C:\testfile.xls", , True)myDoc.Printout copies:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:="'\\SERVER\PRINTER", printto file:=False, collate:=TruemyDoc.CloseSet objXL = NothingSet myDoc = NothingReferencesIf this script is used in a background schedule with FixBackgroundServer configured to ru n as a Service, the Fixservice must run under a user account that has printers defined. See KnowledgeBase Article i013417 for moreinformation on this configuration.The Printout command can be used for other document types (Word, PowerPoint, etc), h owever different syntaxis required, refer to for other examples.4:iFIX报警状态代码以及意义?Description:FIX displays alarm status codes for each alarm in the Alarm Summary Link. What is the meaning of each of these codes?ResolutionPriority --> Alarm Type --> Description1 --> COMM --> Communication Error ("BAD" value)1 --> OCD --> Open circuit detected1 --> OVER --> Over Range1 --> UNDER --> Under Range1 --> ERROR --> Any Statistical Data block alarm2 --> CFN --> Change from normal alarm (digital blocks only)2 --> COS --> Change of State alarm (digital blocks only)2 --> HIHI --> Block in HIHI alarm state2 --> LOLO --> Block in LOLO alarm state3 --> RATE --> Value exceeds rate-of-change setting3 --> HI --> Block in HI alarm state3 --> LO --> Block in LO alarm state4 --> DEV --> Deviation Alarm5 --> OK --> Block in normal state5:如何禁止和使能7X驱动标签点(对驱动自动禁止特别有用)?Dim opcDriver As New OPCDrv.OPCServerDim objDriver As ObjectDim strDRVAcronym As StringDim strProgId As String''Variables for GetChannelDim lngNumChannels As LongDim lngChanHandlesDim strChanNames''Variables for GetDevicesDim lngNumDevices As LongDim lngDeviceHandlesDim strDeviceNames''Variables for GetDataBlocksDim lngNumDataBlocks As LongDim lngDataBlockHandlesDim strDataBlockNamesDim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerDim lngErrorsDim myvar As LongDim readEnable'strDRVAcronym = InputBox("Please enter the driver''s three letter acronym?" & vbCrLf & "(For Example:Enter ABR for the ABR Driver)", "What Driver are you using?")'strProgId = "Intellution." & strDRVAcronym & "drv"'strProgId = "Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1"'Set objDriver = CreateObject(strProgId)lngNumChannels = opcDriver.GetChannels(lngChanHandles, strChanNames)''Build Variables for SetPropertyData function.lngHandle = lngDataBlockHandles(0)varProperties = "Enabled"varProperyData = "1"opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngChanHandles(1), varProperties, readEnable'对服器1置真If readEnable = "0" ThenlngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngChanHandles(1), varProperties, varPropery Data)End IflngNumDevices = opcDriver.GetDevices(lngChanHandles(1), lngDeviceHandles, strDevi ceNames)lngNumDataBlocks = opcDriver.GetDataBlocks(lngDeviceHandles(0), lngDataBlockHandl es, strDataBlockNames)lngHandle = lngDataBlockHandles(0)'读工作组opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngDeviceHandles(0), varProperties, readEnableIf readEnable = "0" ThenlngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngDeviceHandles(0), varProperties, varProper yData)End If'处理工作块opcDriver.GetPropertyData lngDataBlockHandles(0), varProperties, readEnableIf readEnable = "0" ThenFor i = 0 To 1lngErrors = opcDriver.SetPropertyData(lngDataBlockHandles(i), varProperties, varP roperyData)Next iEnd IfSet opcDriver = Nothing6:iFIX_如何使用脚本实现驱动(7x)的启动和停止?DescriptionThe following solution explains how to Start and Stop a 7.x driver through VBA code. This example usesthe ABR driver. To implement this with another 7.x driver, change the ABR to the three let ter acronym ofthe other driver and switch the reference to that driver.ResolutionThis code will only work with 7.x drivers. If you want to implement this is code in a new pi cture youneed to set a reference to Intellution ABRDrv OPC Server 7.20 Library. To set a referenc e, use the following steps:1) On the Tools menu in the VB Editor choose References.2) Select the Intellution ABRDrv OPC Server 7.20 Library from the list.Add two command buttons to your picture and name them cmdStart_Click and cmdStop_ Click.Then paste the following code into the picture:Private Sub cmdStart_Click()Dim ABRDriver As New ABRDrv.ABRServerABRDriver.StopSet ABRDriver = NothingEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdStop_Click()Dim ABRDriver As New ABRDrv.ABRServerABRDriver.StartSet ABRDriver = Nothing7:iFIX_如何使用脚本实现驱动(6x)的启动和停止?DescriptionThis articles describes how to control (start or stop) the 6.x drivers through VBA, Comma nd Script,or DOS rather than in Mission Control.ResolutionThe attached application DCTRL61.EXE enables you to do this. Below are the usage inst ructions.Usage: DCTRL command driver acronym delay [sleep]where command is:START - start the driverSTOP - stop the driver from pollingSTOP_EXIT - stop polling and exitSLEEP - set new sleep time (period)STATUS - displays current valuesDELAY - Wait a Number of milliseconds before executing this command ( 1000 = 1 seco nd).The the dctrl61.exe must be located in the FIX32 or Dynamics directory. The command a nd driveracronym must be in ALL CAPS.Example from the DOS prompt: dctrl60 START MBRExample from a iFIX VBA: Shell c:\fix32\dctrl60 "START MBR"Example from a FIX32 script: Runtask c:\fix32\dctrl60 "START MBR"8:iFIX_脚本进行调度的启动和关闭方法?DescriptionThis solution shows how to start and stop a time-based or event-based schedule running in the background.ResolutionSTOP / START a EVENT BASED SCHEDULEPrivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application") Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StartEventEnd SubTo Stop:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject(, "FixBackGroundServer.Application") Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("SchedTest1.FIXEvent1")Var2.StopEventEnd SubSTOP / START a TIME BASED SCHEDULETo Stop the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application") Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("Sched1.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = FalseEnd SubTo Start the TimerObject:Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Dim Var1 As ObjectDim Var2 As ObjectSet Var1 = GetObject (,"FixBackGroundServer.Application")Set Var2 = Var1.System.FindObject("sched.Timer1")Var2.TimerEnabled = TrueVar2.StartTimerEnd Sub9:iFIX_excel报表实现的方法?Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()'注释: 1。