taitron components lm358 双运算放大器 说明书.pdf
Dual Operational AmplifierGeneral Description• The LM358 series consists of two independent high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers. It can be operated from a single power supply and also split power supplies.• The LM358 is available in SOP-8, DIP-8, TSSOP-8 and MSOP-8 packagesFeatures Applications• Internally frequency compensated for unity gain•Wide power supply range 3V - 32 V• Input common-mode voltage range include ground• Large DC voltage gain: 100dB Typical • RoHS ComplianceOrdering InformationDIP-8SOP-8MSOP-8 • Battery Charger • Cordless Telephone • Switching Power SupplyTSSOP-8LM358 Internal Block DiagramSchematic DiagramLM358Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbol Description Ratings Unit V CC Supply Voltage±16 V V I(DIFF) Differential Input Voltage±32 V V I Input Voltage -0.3 ~ +32 V -Output Short to GroundContinuous-TSSOP-8 200MSSOP-8 200 SOP-8 280 P DPower DissipationDip-8 500mWT J Junction Temperature 125 ° C T OPR Operating Temperature Range 0 ~ +70 ° C T STGStorage Temperature Range-65~ +150° CNote: Absolute maximum ratings are those beyond which the device could be permanently damaged.Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied.Electrical Characteristics (V CC =5.0V, V EE =GND, T A =25ºC unless noted otherwise)LM358Symbol DescriptionMin.Typ.Max.Unit ConditionsV I(OFF) Input Offset Voltage - 2.9 7mVV CM =0V to V CC -1.5V V O(P)=1.4V,R S =0ΩV I(CM) Input Common Mode Voltage0 - V CC -1.5V V CC =30VV I(DIFF) Differential Input Voltage--V CC V-26 - -V CC =30V, R L =2K Ω V O(H)27 28 - VV CC =30V, R L =10K ΩV O(L) Output Voltage Swing- 5 20 mV V CC =5V, R L ≥10K Ω G VLarge Singnal Voltage Gain25100-V/mVV CC =15V, R L ≥2K ΩV O(P)=1V ~11VLM358Fig.1- Input Voltage RangePower Supply Voltage (V)Fig.2- Input Current vs. TemperatureTemperature (° C)LM358Symbol DescriptionMin. Typ. Max.Unit Conditions- 0.8 2.0 R L=∞, V CC=30VI CC Power Supply Current- 0.5 1.2mAR L=∞, Full TemperatureRangeI I(OFF)Input Offset Current - 5 50 nA -I BIAS Input Bias Current - 45 250 nA -I SCShort Circuit Current toGround- 40 60mA -I SOURCE10 30 - mAV I(+)=1V, V I(-)=0VV CC=15V, V O(P)=2V10 15 - mAV I(+)=0V, VI(-)=1VV CC=15V, V O(P)=2VI SINKOutput Current12 100 - µAV I(+)=0V, VI(-)=1VV CC=15V, V O(P)=200mV CMRRCommon Mode RejectionRatio65 80 - dB -PSRRPower Supply RejectionRatio65 100 - dB -CS Channel Separation - 120 - dB f=1KHZ ~ 20KHZ Typical Characteristics CurvesInputVoltage(V)InputCurrent(nA)LM358Fig.3- Input Current vs Supply VoltageSupply Voltage (V)I n p u t C u r r e n t (n A )Fig.5- Open Loop Frequency Response f – Frequency (Hz)Fig.4- Voltage Gain vs Supply VoltageSupply Voltage (V)V o l t a g e G a i n (d B )Fig.6- Common Mode Rejection Ratiof – Frequency (Hz)C o m m o n M o d e R e j e c t i o n R a t i o (d B )V o l t a g e G a i n (d B )LM358Fig.7- Voltage Follower Pulse Response t – Time (us) Fig.8- Voltage Follower Pulse Response(Small Signal)t – Time (us)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (m V )Fig.9- Gain vs Large Signal Frequency f – Frequency (Hz) O u t p u t V o l t a g e G a i n (V p -p )Fig.10- Output Current SinkingOutput Source Current (mA )V O - O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )V O – O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V ) V I N – I n p u t V o l t a g e (V )LM358Typical ApplicationFig.11- Output Sink Current Output Sink Current (mA ) V O - O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Fig.12- Current Limiting vs TemperatureTemperature (° C)I O , O u t p u t S o u r c e C u r r e n t (m A )Fig.13- Battery ChargerLM358Typical Application (Continued)Fig.14- Power Amplifier Fig.15- DC Summing AmplifierFig.16- AC Coupled Non-Inverting Amplifier Fig.17- Fixed Current SourcesLM358Typical Application (Continued)Dimensions in inches (mm)Fig.18- Pulse GeneratorFig.19- DC Coupled Low-Pass Active FilterSOP-8LM358DIP-8TSSOP-8Dual Operational AmplifierLM358How to contact us:MSOP-8 查询"LM358MS8-XX-TR30"供应商。
0 50
3 45 0.8 0.5 100 28 5 85 100 120 40
30 150 Vcc -1.5 2.0 1.2 20 60
0 25 26 27 65 65 -
5 45 0.8 0.5 100 28 5 80 100 120 40
50 250 Vcc -1.5 2.0 1.2 20 60
ICCBiblioteka GV VO(H)Output Voltage Swing VO(L) Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Power Supply Rejection Ratio Channel Separation Short Circuit to GND CMRR PSRR CS ISC
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. 2.9 5.0 2.9 7.0 2.9 7.0
Input Offset Voltage Input Offset Current Input Bias Current Input Voltage Range
1 8-SOP 1
Internal Block Diagram
IN1 (-)
7 OUT2 6 IN2 (-)
IN1 (+)
IN2 (+)
Rev. 1.0.2
©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
LM358的特点:. 内部频率补偿. 低输入偏流. 低输入失调电压和失调电流. 共模输入电压范围宽,包括接地. 差模输入电压范围宽,等于电源电压范围. 直流电压增益高(约100dB). 单位增益频带宽(约1MHz). 电源电压范围宽:单电源(3—30V);. 双电源(?1.5 一?15V). 低功耗电流,适合于电池供电. 输出电压摆幅大(0 至Vcc-1.5V)lm358稳压电路制作电路原理:本稳压器的核心器件采用LM358。
市电电压正常时,因C点电压始终为3V(即R1降压DW稳压所得),A、B点均大于3V,故A1、A2(lm358芯片)输出低电平;当市电电压下降时,5、6头的电压也随之下降,A点电压也跟着下降,当A点电压下降到低于3V时,A1输出高电平,使三极管V1饱和导通,继电器K1吸合,将调压器输出调于1、3头;当市电电压继续下降时,同理B点电压低于3V时,(VA 反之,如果电压升高时,B点电压也随之升高,当B点电压高于3V时,A2输出低电平,V2截止,H2释放,输出端调至1、3头;当市电电压继续升高时,A点电压高于3V,A1输出低电平,V1截止,K1释放,输出端调至1、2头。
FEATURES* Current transfer ratio( CTR : MIN. 80% at I F =5mA, V CE =5V )* Isolation voltage between input and output LTV-358T( V iso =3,750Vrms )* High collector-emitter voltage( V CEO = 120V )* Employs double transfer mold technology* Subminiature type( The volume is smaller than that of conventional DIP type by as far as 30% ) * Mini-flat package :2.0mm profile : LTV-358T* UL approved ( No. E113898 )* CUL approved ( No. E113898 , 01SC19287 )* CSA approved ( No. 1243207 )* FIMKO approved ( No. FI-16420 )* NEMKO approved ( No. P0******* )* DEMKO approved ( No. 310475-01 )* SEMKO approved ( No. 0109173 / 01-08 )* VDE approved ( No. 094722 )* RoHS complianceAPPLICATIONS* Hybrid substrates that require high density mounting.* Programmable controllersABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING( Ta = 25°C ) PARAMETER SYMBOL RATING UNITForward Current I F50 mA INPUTReverse Voltage V R 6 VPower Dissipation P 70 mWCollector - Emitter Voltage V CEO120 VEmitter - Collector Voltage V ECO 6 V OUTPUTCollector Current I C50 mACollector Power Dissipation P C150 mW Total Power Dissipation P tot170 mW*1 Isolation Voltage V iso3,750 Vrms Operating Temperature T opr-55 ~ +100 °CStorage Temperature T stg-55 ~ +150 °C*2 Soldering Temperature T sol260 °C*1. AC For 1 Minute, R.H. = 40 ~ 60%Isolation voltage shall be measured using the following method.(1) Short between anode and cathode on the primary side and between collector andemitter on the secondary side.(2) The isolation voltage tester with zero-cross circuit shall be used.(3) The waveform of applied voltage shall be a sine wave.*2. For 10 SecondsRANK TABLE OF CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO CTRMODEL NO. RANK MARK CTR ( % ) CTR ( % )A 80 ~ 160 >20B 130 ~ 260 >45C 200 ~ 400 >70LTV-358TA orB orC or No Rank 80 ~ 400 >20CONDITIONS I F = 5 mAV CE = 5 VTa = 25 °CI F = 1 mAV CE = 5 VTa = 25 °C。
图1 DIP塑封引脚图引脚功能图2 圆形金属壳封装管脚图图3 内部电路原理图lm358中文资料LM358内部包括有两个独立的、高增益、内部频率补偿的双运算放大器,适合于电源电压范围很宽的单电源使用,也适用于双电源工作模式,在推荐的工作条件下,电源电流与电源电压无关。
*直流电压增益高(约100dB) 。
*单位增益频带宽(约1MHz) 。
*电源电压范围宽:单电源(3—30V);双电源(±1.5一±15V) 。
*输出电压摆幅大(0至Vcc-1.5V) 。
参数输入偏置电流45 nA输入失调电流50 nA输入失调电压2.9mV输入共模电压最大值VCC~1.5 V共模抑制比80dB电源抑制比100dBLM358应用电路图:图4 直流耦合低通RC有源滤波器图5 LED驱动器图6 TTL驱动电路图7 RC有源带通滤波器图8 Squarewave振荡器图9 滞后比较器图10 带通有源滤波器图11 灯驱动程序图12 电流监视器图13 低漂移峰值检测器图14 电压跟随器图15 功率放大器外围电路图16 电压控制振荡器VCO图17 固定电流源图18 脉冲发生器图19 交流耦合反相放大器图20 交流耦合非反相放大器图21 可调增益仪表放大器图22 直流放大器图23脉冲发生器图24 桥式电流放大器图25 引用差分输入信号。
PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)5962-87710012A ACTIVE LCCC FK 201None POST-PLATE Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-8771001PA ACTIVE CDIP JG 81None A42SNPB Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-87710022A ACTIVE LCCC FK 201None POST-PLATE Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-8771002PA ACTIVE CDIP JG 81None A42SNPB Level-NC-NC-NC LM158AFKB ACTIVE LCCC FK 201None POST-PLATE Level-NC-NC-NCLM158AJG ACTIVE CDIP JG 81None A42SNPB Level-NC-NC-NC LM158AJGB ACTIVE CDIP JG 81None A42SNPB Level-NC-NC-NC LM158FKB ACTIVE LCCC FK 201None POST-PLATE Level-NC-NC-NCLM158JG ACTIVE CDIP JG 81None A42SNPB Level-NC-NC-NC LM158JGB ACTIVE CDIP JG 81None A42SNPB Level-NC-NC-NC LM258AD ACTIVE SOIC D 875Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIM LM258ADGKR ACTIVE MSOP DGK 82500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR LM258ADR ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIM LM258AP ACTIVE PDIP P 850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC LM258D ACTIVE SOIC D 875Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIM LM258DGKR ACTIVE MSOP DGK 82500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR LM258DR ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM LM258P ACTIVE PDIP P 850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC LM2904AVQDR ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-250C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIM LM2904AVQPWRACTIVE TSSOP PW 82000None CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIM LM2904D ACTIVE SOIC D 875Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIM LM2904DGKR ACTIVE MSOP DGK 82500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR LM2904DR ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM LM2904P ACTIVE PDIP P 850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC LM2904PSR ACTIVE SO PS 82000Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIM LM2904PW ACTIVE TSSOP PW 8150Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIM LM2904PWLE OBSOLETE TSSOP PW 8None Call TI Call TILM2904PWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW 82000Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIM LM2904QD OBSOLETE SOIC D 8None Call TI Call TILM2904QDROBSOLETESOICD8Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAULevel-2-250C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMPACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM4-Mar-2005Addendum-Page 1元器件交易网Orderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)LM2904QP OBSOLETE PDIP P8None Call TI Call TILM2904VQDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-250C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMLM2904VQPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000None CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIMLM358AD ACTIVE SOIC D875Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMLM358ADGKR ACTIVE MSOP DGK82500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARLM358ADR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMLM358AP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCLM358APW ACTIVE TSSOP PW8150Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIMLM358APWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIMLM358D ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMLM358DGKR ACTIVE MSOP DGK82500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARLM358DR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMLM358P ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCLM358PSLE OBSOLETE SO PS8None Call TI Call TILM358PSR ACTIVE SO PS82000Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMLM358PW ACTIVE TSSOP PW8150Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIM LM358PWLE OBSOLETE TSSOP PW8None Call TI Call TILM358PWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW82000Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-1-250C-UNLIM(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-May not be currently available-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.None:Not yet available Lead(Pb-Free).Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean"Pb-Free"and in addition,uses package materials that do not contain halogens, including bromine(Br)or antimony(Sb)above0.1%of total product weight.(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDECindustry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it isprovided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.元器件交易网IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments 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Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placingorders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s termsand conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale inaccordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TIdeems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of allparameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible fortheir products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer productsand applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right,copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or processin which TI products or services are used. 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LM358功能 中文资料【范本模板】
〈LM358引脚图及引脚功能〉LM358封装有塑封8引线双列直插式和贴片式两种. LM358的特点:。
内部频率补偿. 低输入偏流. 低输入失调电压和失调电流。
直流电压增益高(约100dB). 单位增益频带宽(约1MHz)。
电源电压范围宽:单电源(3—30V);. 双电源(±1.5 一±15V). 低功耗电流,适合于电池供电。
输出电压摆幅大(0 至Vcc—1.5V)LM358稳压电路制作电路原理:本稳压器的核心器件采用LM358。
市电电压正常时,因C点电压始终为3V(即R1降压DW稳压所得),A、B点均大于3V,故A1、A2(lm358芯片)输出低电平;当市电电压下降时,5、6头的电压也随之下降,A点电压也跟着下降,当A点电压下降到低于3V时,A1输出高电平,使三极管V1饱和导通,继电器K1吸合,将调压器输出调于1、3头;当市电电压继续下降时,同理B点电压低于3V时,(VA 反之,如果电压升高时,B点电压也随之升高,当B点电压高于3V时,A2输出低电平,V2截止,H2释放,输出端调至1、3头;当市电电压继续升高时,A点电压高于3V,A1输出低电平,V1截止,K1释放,输出端调至1、2头。
tilizing the circuit designs perfected for recentlyintroduced Quad Operational Amplifiers, these dual operational amplifiers feature 1) low power drain 2) a common mode input voltage range extending to ground/V EE, 3) Single Supply or Split Supply operation and 4) pin outs compatible with the popular MC1558 dual operational amplifier. The PJ358 Series is equivalent to one half of an PJ324.These amplifiers have several distinct advantages over standard operational amplifier types in single supply applications . They can operate at supply voltages as low as 3.0 Volts or as high as 32 Volts with quiescent currents aboutone fifth of those associated with the LM741 (on a pet amplifier basis). The common mode input range includes the negative supply, thereby eliminating the necessity for external biasing components in many applications.The output voltage range also includes the negative power supply voltage.• Short circuit protected outputs • True differential input stage• Single supply operation : 3.0 V to 32 Volts • Low input bias currents • Internally compensated• Common mode range extends to negative supply •Single and split supply operation•Similar performance to the popular MC1558NOTE :1. Split Power Supplies.2. For supply. Voltages less than 32V for the PJ358 the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage.3. This input curent will only exist when the voltage is negative at any of the input teads. Normal output states will retablish when the input voltage returns to a voltage greater than -0.3V.UDevice Operating Temperature PackagePJ358CS SOP-8PJ358CD -20℃ to +85℃DIP-8Rating Symbol PJ358 UnitPower Supply Voltage Single Supply Split Supplies V CC V CC , V EE 32 ±16 VdcInput Differential Voltage Range (1) V IDR ±32 VdcInput Common Mode Voltage Range (2) V ICR-0.3 to 32Vdc Input forward current (3) (VI --0.3V) I IF 50 mA Output Short Circuit Durationt S ContinuousJunction Temperature Plastic Packages T J 150 ℃ Storage Temperature Range Plastic Packages T stg-55 to +125℃Pin : 1. Output A 5. Input BCharacteristics Symbol Min TypMaxUnitInput Offset Voltage V CC = 5.0V to 30V V IC =0V to Vcc -1.7 V, Vo =1.4V, R S =0ΩT A =25℃T A =85 ℃to -20℃V IO-- -- 2.0 -- 5.0 7.0 mV Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Voltage T A =85 ℃to -20℃ △I IO /△T -- 7.0 -- uV/℃ Input Offset Current T A =85℃ to -20℃ I IO -- -- 5.0 -- 50 150 nA Average Temperature Coefficient of input Offset Current T A =85℃ to -20℃ △I IO /△T -- 10 -- pA/℃ Input Bias Current T A =85 t ℃o -20℃ I IB -- 45 50 -250 -500µA Input Common-Mode Voltage Range (Note1)V CC = 30 VV CC = 30 V , (T A =85℃ to -10℃)V ICR0 0 -- -- 28.3 28 V Differental Input Voltage Range V IDR -- -- V CC VLarge Signal Open-Loop Voltage Gain R L = 2.0K , V CC =15V, For Large V O Swing, T A =85℃ to -20℃A VOL2515 100 -- -- -- V/mV Channel Separation 1.0 Khz to 20khz, Input Reterenced -- -- -120 -- dB Common Mode Rejection Ratio R S ≤ 10 k ΩCMRR 65 70 -- dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 65 100 -- dB Output Voltage RangeRL = 2K Ω V OR 0 -- 3.3 VOutput Voltage -- High Limit , (T A =70 ℃to 0℃) V CC = 30 V, R L = 2 k Ω V CC = 30 V, R L = 10 k ΩV OH2627 -- 28 -- -- V Output Voltage -- Low Limit , (T A =70 ℃to 0℃) V CC = 5.0 V, R L = 10 k ΩV OL -- 5.0 20 mV Output Source Current V ID =+1.0V,V CC =15V I O+ 20 40 -- mAOutput Sink Current V ID = -1.0 V, V CC = 15 V V ID = -1.0 V, V O = 200 mVI O-1012 20 50 -- -- mA µA Output Short Circuit to Ground (Note 2) I os -- 40 60 mAPower Supply Current , (T A =-20 ℃ to 85℃) V CC = 30 VV O = 0 V, R L = ∞ V CC = 5.0 V, V O = 0 V, R L = ∞I CC---- 1.5 0.7 3.0 1.2 mA Notes :1. The input common mode voltage or either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 V. The upper end of the common mode voltage range is Vcc 17 V , but either or both inputs can go to +32 V .2. Short circuits from the output to Vcc can cause excessive heating and eventual destruction. Destructive dissipation can resuit from simultaneous shorts on all amplifiers.REPRESENTATIVE CIRCUIT SCHEMATICCIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe PJ358 series made using two internally compensated,two-stage operational amplifiers. The first stage of each consists of differential input devices Q20 and Q18 with input buffer transistors Q21 and Q17 and differential to single ended converter Q3 and Q4. The first stage performs not onl the first stage gain function but also performs the level shifting and transconductance reduction functions. By reducing the transconductance, a smaller compensation capacitor (only 5.0pF) can be empllyed, thussaving chip area. The transconductance reduction is accomplished by splitting the collectors of Q20 and Q18.Another feature of this input stage is that the input common mode range can include the negative supply or ground, in single supply operation, without saturating either the input devices or the differential to single-ended converter. The second stage consists of a standard current source load amplifier stage.Each amplifier is biased from an internal-voltage regulator which has a low temperature coefficient thus giving each amplifier good temperature chatacteristics as well as excellent power supply rejection.DIP-8 Mechanical drawingSOP-8 Mechanical drawingMILLIMETERS INCHES DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX A 9.07 9.32 0.357 0.367 B 6.22 6.48 0.245 0.255 C 3.18 4.43 0.125 0.135 D 0.35 0.55 0.019 0.020 G 2.54BSC 0.10BSC J 0.29 0.31 0.011 0.012 K 3.25 3.35 0.128 0.132 L 7.75 8.00 0.305 0.315 M - 10° - 10°MILLIMETERS INCHES DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX A 4.80 5.00 0.189 0.196 B 3.80 4.00 0.150 0.157 C 1.35 1.75 0.054 0.068 D 0.35 0.49 0.014 0.019 F 0.40 1.25 0.016 0.049 G 1.27BSC 0.05BSC K 0.10 0.25 0.004 0.009M 0° 7° 0° 7° P 5.80 6.20 0.229 0.244R 0.25 0.50 0.010 0.019。
LM358的中文资料资料2009-10-06 17:00:01 阅读3109 评论0 字号:大中小LM35字号:大大中中小小LM358是常用的双运放,这里我们介绍一下他的一些资料以及简单电路应用等,有什么问题请去电子论坛.简介:LM358里面包括有两个高增益、独立的、内部频率补偿的双运放,适用于电压范围很宽的单电源,而且也适用于双电源工作方式,它的应用范围包括传感放大器、直流增益模块和其他所有可用单电源供电的使用运放的地方使用。
LM358的特点:. 内部频率补偿. 低输入偏流. 低输入失调电压和失调电流. 共模输入电压范围宽,包括接地. 差模输入电压范围宽,等于电源电压范围. 直流电压增益高(约100dB). 单位增益频带宽(约1MHz). 电源电压范围宽:单电源(3—30V);. 双电源(±1.5 一±15V). 低功耗电流,适合于电池供电. 输出电压摆幅大(0 至Vcc-1.5V)lm358 pdf资料:下载LM358 pdf资料下载LM358中文资料lm358稳压电路制作电路原理:本稳压器的核心器件采用LM358。
市电电压正常时,因C点电压始终为3V(即R1降压DW稳压所得),A、B点均大于3V,故A1、A2(lm358芯片)输出低电平;当市电电压下降时,5、6头的电压也随之下降,A点电压也跟着下降,当A点电压下降到低于3V时,A1输出高电平,使三极管V1饱和导通,继电器K1吸合,将调压器输出调于1、3头;当市电电压继续下降时,同理B点电压低于3V时,(VA 反之,如果电压升高时,B点电压也随之升高,当B点电压高于3V时,A2输出低电平,V2截止,H2释放,输出端调至1、3头;当市电电压继续升高时,A点电压高于3V,A1输出低电平,V1截止,K1释放,输出端调至1、2头。
Rail-to-Rail OutputLow Voltage, Low Supply current General Purpose Dual OP AmpsFEATURES‧CMOS rail to rail output‧2.7 to 5.5V single supply operation‧Low supply current : 112uA (per channel) ‧Gain-Bandwidth Product : 1MHz ‧Slew rate : 1V/µs‧No crossover distortion‧Space saving package SOP8, MSOP8 ‧Cost efficient‧Pin assignments is the same as the general-purpose dual operational amplifiersAPPLICATIONS‧Active filters‧Supply current monitoring ‧Battery monitoring ‧Voice preamplifier‧General purpose low voltage applications ‧General purpose portable devices ‧Cross-reference : LMV358DESCRIPTIONThe MSV358 is the most cost-effective solutions for applications where low voltage operation. Each amplifier has low supply current of 112uA. The IC designed to be used for general purpose amplifier of general electronic equipment for consumer appliances.BLOCK DIAGRAM+INBV DDOutB -INB OutA -INA +INA V SSPINNINGSymbol Pin DescriptionOutA 1 output A-INA 2 inverting input A +INA 3 non-inverting input A V SS 4 negative supply+INB 5 non-inverting input B -INB 6inverting input BOutB 7 output BV DD 8 positive supplyV DDOUTB -INB +INBOUTA -INA +INA V SSPin configurationELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit V DDSingle power supply voltage2.7 - 5.5 V Topr Operating temperature -20 - 85 Tstg Storage temperature -40 - 125 V ESD Electrostatic handling-2000-2000V5V DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Ta=25 , V DD =5V, V SS =0V, V CM =V O = V DD /2) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitV OSInput offset voltage-15mVCMRR Common mode rejection ratio 0 V CM V50 65 - dB +PSRR Positive Power supply rejection ratio Ripple = 400mV , 100Hz - 61 - dB -PSRR Negative Power supply rejection ratio Ripple = 400mV , 100Hz -59dBV CM Common mode voltage CMRR 50dB -0.2 - 4.2 V V O Output voltage swing R L =100k Ω, Av = -1 (THD+N) < -65dB - V DD -10 V DD-5mVI SSupply currentDual Amplifiers-224-µA5V AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Ta=25 , V DD =5V, V SS =0V, V CM =V O = V DD /2) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitSR Slew rate- 1 - V/µs GBWP Gain bandwidth product-1-MHz(THD+N) /S Total harmonic distortion plus noise f = 1kHz, Av = -1 R L > 10k, Vin = 4Vpp- -75 -70 dB2.7V DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Ta=25 , V DD =2.7V, V SS =0V, V CM =V O = V DD /2) Symbol Parameter Test conditionsMin Typ Max Unit V OSInput offset voltage-15mVCMRR Common mode rejection ratio 0 V CM 1.7V 50 63 - dB +PSRR Positive Power supplyrejection ratioRipple = 200mV , 100Hz - -56 - dB -PSRR Negative Power supply rejection ratio Ripple = 200mV , 100Hz -63 dB V CM Common mode voltage CMRR ≥ 50dB -0.2 -1.9VV O Output voltage swing R L =100k Ω, Av = -1 (THD+N) < -65dB V DD -25 V DD -10 mV I SSupply currentDual Amplifiers-192-µA2.7V AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Ta=25 , V DD =2.7V, V SS =0V, V CM =V O = V DD /2) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ MaxUnitGBWP Gain bandwidth product-1-MHz(THD+N) /S Total harmonic distortion plus noise f = 1kHz, Av = -1 R L > 10k, Vin = 2Vpp- -70 -65dBAPPLICATION INFORMATION (Single Supply)Voltage FollowerVinDifference AmplifierDD /2DDInverting AmplifierSimple High-Pass FilterVinV DD /2Simple Low-Pass FilterC2nd Order Multiple FeedbackLow-Pass FilterVinEXTERNAL DIMENSIONSSOP8MSOP8TAPE AND REEL (Unit : mm)0.3R MAX0.3R MAXORDERING INFORMATIONPackagePart number Packaging Marking Transport Media8-Pin SOP MSV358TR MSV358 2.5k Units Tape and Reel 8-Pin SOPMSV358U MSV358 100 Units Tube 8-Pin SOP (lead free) MSV358GTR MSV358G 2.5k Units Tape and Reel 8-Pin SOP (lead free) MSV358GU MSV358G 100 Units Tube 8-Pin MSOP MSV358MTR V358 3.5k Units Tape and Reel 8-Pin MSOPMSV358MU V358 80 Units Tube8-Pin MSOP (lead free) MSV358MGTR V358G 3.5k Units Tape and Reel 8-Pin MSOP (lead free) MSV358MGUV358G80 Units Tube。
operate over a wide voltage range from a single power supply. Also
use a split power supply. The device has low power supply current
drain, regardless of the power supply voltage. The low power drain
• Low input offset voltage and offset current
• Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltage
LM358D DIP-8
LM358S SOP-8
Figure 1.Input Voltage Range
Figure 2. Open-Loop Frequency
Figure 3. Large-Signal Frequency Response
Figure 4. Small-Signal Voltage Follower Pulse Response (Noninverting)
Differential Input Voltage Range
Test Conditions VO=1.4V VCC=5.030V;RS=0Ω VICM=0V to VCC-1.7V RS=0Ω, VCC=30V
RS=0Ω, VCC=30V
电气特性: 5.0 V
除非另有说明,否则 Ta=25°C,RL=10kΩ连接至 Vs/2,Vcm=Vout=Vs/2。
最小 典型 最大 单位
输入失调电压 输入失调温度漂移 输入偏置电流 输入失调电流 输入共模电压范围 共模抑制比
2020 年 06 月 5
1.2MHz, 30μA, 轨对轨输入/输出 CMOS 运算放大器
除非另有说明,否则 Ta=25°C,Vs=5V,RL=10kΩ连接到 Vs/2,Vcm=Vout=Vs/2。
地址:深圳市福田区益田路皇都广场 A 座 2305 室
28 22 21
MHz V/μs μs μs
nV/Hz nV/Hz fA/√Hz
电气特性: 2.7 V
除非另有说明,否则 Ta=25°C,RL=10kΩ连接至 Vs/2,Vcm=Vout=Vs/2。
最小 典型 最大 单位
AOL RL = 2kΩ, VOUT = 0.3V to 4.7V
RL = 100kΩ, VOUT = 0.05V to 4.95V
dB dB
输出电流 电源
RL = 2kΩ RL = 100kΩ IOUT RL = 10Ω to VS/2
LM358的特点:. 内部频率补偿. 低输⼊偏流. 低输⼊失调电压和失调电流. 共模输⼊电压范围宽,包括接地. 差模输⼊电压范围宽,等于电源电压范围. 直流电压增益⾼(约100dB). 单位增益频带宽(约1MHz). 电源电压范围宽:单电源(3—30V);. 双电源(±1.5 ⼀±15V). 低功耗电流,适合于电池供电. 输出电压摆幅⼤(0 ⾄Vcc-1.5V)lm358 pdf资料:下载LM358 pdf资料下载LM358中⽂资料lm358稳压电路制作电路原理:本稳压器的核⼼器件采⽤LM358。
市电电压正常时,因C点电压始终为3V(即R1降压DW稳压所得),A、B点均⼤于3V,故A1、A2(lm358芯⽚)输出低电平;当市电电压下降时,5、6头的电压也随之下降,A点电压也跟着下降,当A点电压下降到低于3V时,A1输出⾼电平,使三极管V1饱和导通,继电器K1吸合,将调压器输出调于1、3头;当市电电压继续下降时,同理B点电压低于3V时,(VA 反之,如果电压升⾼时,B点电压也随之升⾼,当B点电压⾼于3V时,A2输出低电平,V2截⽌,H2释放,输出端调⾄1、3头;当市电电压继续升⾼时,A点电压⾼于3V,A1输出低电平,V1截⽌,K1释放,输出端调⾄1、2头。
*Internally frequency compensated for unity gain. *Wide power supply range 3V - 32V. *Input common-mode voltage range include ground. *Large DC voltage gain.
Output Voltage Gain (Vp-p)
3 2
Time (uS)
Fig. 9 Gain vs Large Signal Frequency
100k +15V
10 3
10 4
10 5
Frequency (Hz)
100 Ω
100 Ω Vin
+7.5V 100k Ω
100k Ω -7.5V
Frequency (Hz)
Voltage Gain (dB)
VO(P)=1V to 11V
Output Voltage Swing
图1 DIP塑封引脚图引脚功能
. 内部频率补偿
. 低输入偏流
. 低输入失调电压和失调电流
. 共模输入电压范围宽,包括接地
. 差模输入电压范围宽,等于电源电压范围. 直流电压增益高(约100dB)
. 单位增益频带宽(约1MHz)
. 电源电压范围宽:单电源(3—30V);
. 双电源(±1.5 一±15V)
. 低功耗电流,适合于电池供电. 输出电压摆幅大(0 至Vcc-1.5V) 参数
输入偏置电流45 nA
输入失调电流50 nA
输入共模电压最大值VCC~1.5 V 共模抑制比80dB
ST TSV321-TSV358-TSV324 说明书
December 2005 Rev. 31/15TSV321-TSV358-TSV324General Purpose, Input/Output Rail-to-RailLow Power Operational Amplifiers■Operating at V CC = 2.5V to 6V ■Rail-to-rail input & output■Extended V icm (V DD - 0.2V to V CC + 0.2V)■Capable of driving a 32Ω load resistor ■High stability: 500pF■Available in SOT23-5 micropackage ■Operating temperature range: -40, +125°CDescriptionThe TSV358 and TSV324 (dual & quad) are low voltage versions of LM358 and LM324 commodity operational amplifiers. TSV321 is the singleversion. The TSV321/358/324 are able to operate with voltage as low as 2.5V and features both I/O rail-to-rail.The common mode input voltage extends 200mV at 25°C beyond the supply voltages while the output voltage swing is within 100mV of each rail with 600Ohm load resistor. These devices offer 1.3MHz of gain-bandwidth product and provide high output drive capability typically at 65mA-load.These performances make the TSV3xx family ideal for active filters, general purpose low-voltage applications, general purpose portable devices.Applications■Battery-powered applications ■Audio driver (headphone driver)■Sensor signal conditioning ■Laptop/notebook computers查询TSV358IYD供应商Order Codes TSV321-TSV358-TSV3242/151 Order CodesPart Number TemperatureRangePackage Packaging Marking TSV321RIL T -40°C to +125°C SOT23-5L T ape & Reel K174TSV321RAIL T SOT23-5L T ape & Reel K178TSV321ID/IDT SO-8Tube or Tape & ReelV321ID TSV358ID/IDT V358ID TSV358IPT TSSOP8(Thin Shrink Outline Package)T ape & ReelV358I TSV358IST MiniSO-8K175TSV358IYD/IYDT SO-8 (automotive grade level)Tube or Tape & ReelTSV358IYPT TSSOP8(automotive grade level)T ape & Reel V358Y TSV324ID/IDT SO-14Tube or Tape & ReelV324ID TSV324IPTTSSOP14(Thin Shrink Outline Package)T ape & ReelV324IPTSV321-TSV358-TSV324Absolute Maximum Ratings3/152 Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 1.Key parameters and their absolute maximum ratingsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V CC Supply Voltage (1)1.All voltages values, except differential voltage are with respect to network terminal.7V V id Differential Input Voltage (2)2.Differential voltages are the non-inverting input terminal with respect to the inverting input terminal. If Vid > ±1V , themaximum input current must not exceed ±1mA. In this case (Vid > ±1V) an input series resistor must be added to limit input current.±1V V i Input Voltage V DD -0.3 to V CC +0.3V T stg Storage T emperature-65 to +150°C T jMaximum Junction Temperature150°C R thjaThermal Resistance Junction to Ambient (3)SOT23-5SO-8SO-14TSSOP8TSSOP14MiniSO-83.Short-circuits can cause excessive heating. Destructive dissipation can result from simultaneous short-circuit on allamplifiers.250125103120100190°C/WESDHBM: Human Body Model (4)4.Human body model, 100pF discharged through a 1.5k Ω resistor into pin of device.2kV MM: Machine Model (5)5.Machine model ESD, a 200pF cap is charged to the specified voltage, then discharged directly into the IC with no externalseries resistor (internal resistor < 5Ω), into pin to pin of device.200V CDM: Charged Device Model 1.5kV Latch-up Immunity200mA Lead T emperature (soldering, 10s)250°COutput Short Circuit Durationsee note (6)6.Short-circuits from the output to V CC can cause excessive heating. The maximum output current is approximately 80mA,independent of the magnitude of V CC . Destructive dissipation can result from simultaneous short-circuits on all amplifiers.Table 2.Operating conditionsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V CC Supply Voltage2.5 to 6V V icm Common Mode Input Voltage Range (1)1.At 25°C, for 2.5 ≤ V CC ≤ 6V, V icm is extended to V DD - 0.2V, V CC + 0.2V.V DD - 0.2 to V CC + 0.2V V icm Common Mode Input Voltage Range (2)2.In full temperature range, both Rails can be reached when V CC does not exceed 5.5V.V DD to V CC V T operOperating Free Air Temperature Range-40 to + 125°CElectrical Characteristics TSV321-TSV358-TSV3244/153 Electrical CharacteristicsTable 3.V CC = +3V, V DD = 0V, R L , C L connected to V CC /2, T amb = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V io Input Offset Voltage V icm = V out = V CC /2TSV321/358/324TSV321A/358A/324A0.20.131mV ∆V io Input Offset Voltage Drift 2µV/°CI io Input Offset Current (1)1.Maximum values including unavoidable inaccuracies of the industrial test.V icm = V out = V CC /2330nA I ib Input Bias Current 1)V icm = V out = V CC /24125nA CMR Common Mode Rejection Ratio 0 ≤ V icm ≤ V CC , V out = V CC /26080dB SVR Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio 7085dB A vdLarge Signal Voltage GainV out = 0.5V to 2.5VR L = 2k ΩR L = 600Ω80749295dBV OHHigh Level Output Voltage V id = 100mV R L = 2k ΩR L = 600Ω 2.822.802.952.95VV OLLow Level Output Voltage V id = -100mV R L = 2k ΩR L = 600Ω88115120160mVI o Output Source Current V ID = 100mV , V O = V DD 2080mAOutput Sink CurrentV ID = -100mV, V O = V CC 2080I CC Supply Current (per amplifier)A VCL = 1, no load420650µA GBP Gain Bandwidth Product R L =10k Ω, C L =100pF , f =100kHz 1 1.3MHz SR Slew Rate R L =10k Ω, C L =100pF , AV =10.420.6V/µs φm Phase Margin C L =100pF53Degrees en Input Voltage Noise 27nV/√Hz THDT otal Harmonic Distortion0.01%TSV321-TSV358-TSV324Electrical Characteristics5/15Table 4.V CC = +5V, V DD = 0V, R L , C L connected to V CC /2, T amb = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V io Input Offset Voltage V icm = V out = V CC /2TSV321/358/324TSV321A/358A/324A0.20.131mV ∆V io Input Offset Voltage Drift 2µV/°CI io Input Offset Current (1)V icm = V out = V CC /2330nA I ib Input Bias Current 1)V icm = V out = V CC /270130nA CMR Common Mode Rejection Ratio 0 ≤ V icm ≤ V CC , V out = V CC /26585dB SVR Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio 7090dB A vdLarge Signal Voltage GainV out = 0.5V to 2.5V R L = 2k ΩR L = 600Ω83779285dBV OHHigh Level Output Voltage V id = 100mV R L = 2k ΩR L = 600Ω 4.804.754.954.90VV OLLow Level Output Voltage V id = -100mV R L = 2k ΩR L = 600Ω88115130188mVI o Output Source Current V ID = 100mV , V O = V DD 2080mAOutput Sink CurrentV ID = -100mV, V O = V CC 2080I CC Supply Current (per amplifier)A VCL = 1, no load500835µA GBP Gain Bandwidth Product R L =10k Ω, C L =100pF , f =100kHz 1 1.4MHz SR Slew Rate R L =10k Ω, C L =100pF , AV =10.420.6V/µs φm Phase Margin C L =100pF55Degrees en Input Voltage Noise 27nV/√Hz THDT otal Harmonic Distortion0.01%1.Maximum values including unavoidable inaccuracies of the industrial test.Electrical Characteristics TSV321-TSV358-TSV3246/15Figure 1.Supply current/amplifier vs. supply voltageFigure 2.Supply current/amplifier vs. temperatureFigure 3.Output power vs. supply voltage Figure 4.Input offset voltage drift vs. temperatureFigure 5.Input bias current vs. temperatureFigure 6.Open loop gain vs. temperatureTSV321-TSV358-TSV324Electrical Characteristics7/15Figure 7.Open loop gain vs. temperatureFigure 8.High level output voltage vs. temperatureFigure 9.Low level output voltage vs. temperatureFigure 10.Output current vs. temperatureFigure 11.Output current vs. temperatureFigure 12.Output current vs. temperatureElectrical CharacteristicsTSV321-TSV358-TSV3248/15Figure 13.Output current vs. temperatureFigure 14.Gain & phase vs. frequencyFigure 15.Gain & phase vs. frequencyFigure 16.Slew rate vs. temperatureFigure 17.Slew rate vs. temperatureFigure 18.Distortion vs. frequencyTSV321-TSV358-TSV324Package Mechanical Data 4 Package Mechanical DataIn order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in ECOPACK®packages. These packages have a Lead-free second level interconnect. The category ofsecond level interconnect is marked on the package and on the inner box label, incompliance with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The maximum ratings related to solderingconditions are also marked on the inner box label. ECOPACK is an ST trademark.ECOPACK specifications are available at: .9/15Package Mechanical Data TSV321-TSV358-TSV32410/15TSV321-TSV358-TSV324Package Mechanical Data11/154.3 MiniSO-8PackagePackage Mechanical Data TSV321-TSV358-TSV32412/15TSV321-TSV358-TSV324Package Mechanical Data13/15Package Mechanical Data TSV321-TSV358-TSV32414/15TSV321-TSV358-TSV324Revision History15/155 Revision HistoryInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics.All other names are the property of their respective owners© 7 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan -Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of AmericaTable 5.Document revision historyDate RevisionChangesAug. 20051–First Release - Products in full productionSept. 20052–Addition of TS321A/TS324A/TS358A data in tables inChapter 3: Electrical Characteristics on page 4.–Minor formatting and grammatical changes.Dec. 20053–Missing PPAP references inserted see Table 1: Order Codes on page 2.。
LM358中文资料芯片资料 2009-08-11 08:02 阅读664 评论0字号:大中小图1 DIP塑封引脚图引脚功能图2 圆形金属壳封装管脚图图3 内部电路原理图lm358中文资料LM358内部包括有两个独立的、高增益、内部频率补偿的双运算放大器,适合于电源电压范围很宽的单电源使用,也适用于双电源工作模式,在推荐的工作条件下,电源电流与电源电压无关。
*直流电压增益高(约100dB) 。
*单位增益频带宽(约1MHz) 。
*电源电压范围宽:单电源(3—30V);双电源(±1.5一±15V) 。
*输出电压摆幅大(0至Vcc-1.5V) 。
参数输入偏置电流45 nA输入失调电流50 nA输入失调电压2.9mV输入共模电压最大值VCC~1.5 V共模抑制比80dB电源抑制比100dBLM358应用电路图:图4 直流耦合低通RC有源滤波器图5 LED驱动器图6 TTL驱动电路图7 RC有源带通滤波器图8 Squarewave振荡器图9 滞后比较器图10 带通有源滤波器图11 灯驱动程序图12 电流监视器图13 低漂移峰值检测器图14 电压跟随器图15 功率放大器外围电路图16 电压控制振荡器VCO图17 固定电流源图18 脉冲发生器图19 交流耦合反相放大器图20 交流耦合非反相放大器图21 可调增益仪表放大器图22 直流放大器图23脉冲发生器图24 桥式电流放大器图25 引用差分输入信号图26 直流差动放大器。
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TS358Dual Operating AmplifierSupply Voltage Range 3 V to 32VDual Channel AmplifierGeneral DescriptionUtilizing the circuit designs perfected for recently introduced Quad Operational Amplifiers, these dual operational amplifiers have several distinct advantages over standard operational amplifier types in single supply applications. They can operate at supply voltages as low as 3.0 Volts or as high as 32 Volts with quiescent currents about one fifth of those associated with the LM741 (on a pet amplifier basis). The common mode input range includes the negative supply, thereby eliminating the necessity for external biasing components in many applications.The TS358 is equivalent to one half of TS324, and output voltage range also includes the negative supply voltage. The TS358 is offered in 8 pin SOP-8 and DIP-8 package.Block DiagramFeaturesShort circuit protected outputs True differential input stage Single supply operation: 3V to 32VLow input bias currentsInternally compensated Common mode range extends to negative supply Single and split supply operationSimilar performance to the popular MC1558Ordering InformationPart No.Operating Temp.(Ambient)PackageTS358CD DIP-8 TS358CS-20 ~ +85 oCSOP-8 Absolute Maximum RatingSupply VoltageVcc, Vcc/Vee+32 or ±16 Vdc Differential Input Voltage (note 1)V IDR 32 VdcInput Common Mode Voltage Range (note 2) Input Forward Current (note 3) V ICR Iif -0.3 to 3250 Vdc mA Output Short Circuit Duration Isc ContinuousmA Power Dissipation @ Ta=25 o CDerate above 25 oC1/R θja 570 5.7 mWmW/ oC Operating Junction Temperature Range T J 0 ~ +125 o C Storage Temperature RangeT STG-65 ~ +150oCNOTE :1. Split Power Supplies.2. For supply. Voltages less than 32V for the TS358 the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage.3. This input current will only exist when the voltage is negative at any of the input leads. Normal output states will reestablish when the input voltage returns to a voltage greater than -0.3V.Pin assignment:1. Output 2. Input A (-) 3. Input A (+) 4. Gnd5. Input B (+)6. Input B (-)7. Output B8. VccElectrical Characteristics(V CC = 5V, Ta=25 o C; unless otherwise specified.) Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max UnitInput Offset VoltageV CC = 5.0V to 30V, V IC = 0V to Vcc -1.7 V, Vo= 1.4V, R S = 0Ω T LOW ≤ Ta ≤T HIGHVio-- -- 2.0 -- 5.0 7.0 mVAverage Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Voltage Iio/T △△-- 7.0 -- uV/o CInput Offset Current T LOW ≤ Ta ≤T HIGHIio -- -- 5.0 -- 50 150 nAAverage Temperature Coefficient of input Offset Current Iio/T△△-- 10 -- pA/o CInput Bias Current T LOW ≤ Ta ≤T HIGHI IB-- 45 50 -250 -500 uAInput Common-Mode Voltage Range (Note1) V CC = 30 VV CC = 30 V, T LOW ≤ Ta ≤T HIGH V ICR 0 0 -- -- 28.3 28 V Differential Input Voltage Range V IDR -- -- V CC VLarge Signal Open-Loop Voltage Gain R L = 2.0K, V CC =15V, For Large V O Swing, T LOW ≤ Ta ≤T HIGH A VOL 25 15100 ---- --V/mV Channel Separation 1.0 KHz to 20KHz-- -- -120 -- dB Common Mode Rejection Ratio R S ≤ 10 k ΩCMRR 65 70 -- dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 65 100 -- dB Output Voltage Range, RL = 2K Ω V OR 0 -- 3.3 VOutput Voltage -- High Limit V CC = 30 V, R L = 2 k Ω V CC = 30 V, R L = 10 k Ω V OH 26 27-- 28-- --VOutput Voltage -- Low Limit V CC = 5.0 V, R L = 10 k Ω V OL -- 5.0 20mVOutput Source Current V ID =+1.0V,V CC =15V I O+ 20 40 -- mAOutput Sink Current V ID = -1.0 V, V CC = 15 V V ID = -1.0 V, V O = 200 mVI O- 10 12 20 50 -- -- mA uAOutput Short Circuit to Ground (Note 2) I OS -- 40 60 mAPower Supply Current , V CC = 30 VV O = 0 V, R L = ∞V CC = 5.0 V, V O = 0 V, R L = ∞ I CC ---- 1.50.7 3.01.2 mA Notes :1. The input common mode voltage or either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 V. The upper end of the common mode voltage range is Vcc 17V, but either or both inputs can go to +32V.2. Short circuits from the output to Vcc can cause excessive heating and eventual destruction. Destructive dissipation can recruit from simultaneous shorts on all amplifiers.Circuit DescriptionThe TS358 made using two internally compensated, two-stage operational amplifiers. The first stage performs not only the first stage gain function but also performs the level shifting and transconductance reduction functions. By reducing the transconductance, a smaller compensation capacitor (only 5.0pF) can be employed, thus saving chip area. Another feature of this input stage is that the input common mode range can include the negative supply or ground, in single supply operation, without saturating either the input devices or the differential to single-ended converter. The second stage consists of a standard current source load amplifier stage.Each amplifier is biased from an internal-voltage regulator, and which has a low temperature coefficient thus giving each amplifier good temperature characteristics as well as excellent power supply rejection.Circuit DescriptionElectrical Characteristics Curve。