索尼爱立信W890 Walkman随身听音乐手机
Walkman丽人 索尼爱立信W995全体验
身 的玩 乐型 手 机 。而 W9 5 , 9 1 水准 。在 其 兄 弟 姐妹 中可 是 数 一 )  ̄
口径 的 立体 声扬 声器 。
数 二 的。其 最 让人 津 津 乐道 的 ,就 是 增加 了直插 35 mm接 口和 大
当然 .在 音 乐 设计 上 还 是 有 一 些 瑕 疵 。 I  ̄ 说 在 音 乐存 储 : I L3
最 早仅 是优 化 音 乐播 放 器 到现 在 集外 观 、动 态 操作 与 动 感灯 效 的 键 盘 灯 在 转 入 音 乐 界 面 后 将 发 出 Wak n 型 特 有 的橙 色光 , 同时 导 航键 中央 会 出 现 “ 放 / lma 机 播 停 止 ” 的图 标 ,这让 音 乐操作 过 程 变得 更有 趣味 。
在色 彩 搭 配上 ,W9 5 很 注重 对 比色 的运 用 。 比 如金 属 材料 9还 的银 色按 键 与鲜 艳 的红 色外 壳形 成 的对 比就 让 人赏 心悦 目。屏 幕下
方 的L oGo。在 不 同 角度 下能 显 示 出镭射 效 果 ,也 让机 器 更显 现代 气息 。
音 乐体验 :分 享变 得更 容 墓
些偏 左 ,因此在 接 听 电话 时 。会 给 不 习惯 这一 设 计 的用 户带 来麻
烦 。先 前 的W71 5由于 将 功能 键 都 整合 在 一 起 。较 为容 易 出 现误
仅以此文献给随身听爱好者随身听指南2002年12月作者:公鸡先生说明:本文全部摘自网上,转载需注明原作者关于现在的CD随身听音质不如老产品的一点感想 (5)老机王VS新机王, 老话再提: D-777 VS D-EJ01 (5)哪里可以找到D777的资料? (6)sony 经典的顶级 WLAKMAN :WM-EX1、3、5、7、9 、20 (7):!!!!!!!!!!!!!!来看!!!!!!!!!!!! (10)不比不知道!KSC35真让我。
(12)我在这里看了好几天贴子,发现对我自己选购耳机一点帮助也没有,越看越晕!!!! (12)koss ksc35 和 sony mdr-v300 (13)耳机里之三大真理 (13)其貌不扬的panasonic一脚踩扁一个777esp版(d-e900) (16)随身听耳机的秘密(转贴)大家看看就好:) (20)谈随身听 (22)贴一篇吹捧D-303的文章! (26)CD walkman的误区! (26)谈谈我对这里的一点看法 (27)关于随身听,功率,音质 (28)关于对许多人对耳机的看法的看法 (28)随身听的发烧耳机配置综述(米饭在清华BBS上扫盲的) (28)为什么要买耳机(转贴)! (29)妙不可言的耳机 (36)前天买了G73,有惊无险 (37)漫谈随身听收藏。
(38)再谈303和555! (40)继续讨论741耳塞的音质问题——741和848/838的比较 (40)!!!!!火星撞地球!!!!!恐怖的老机对决!!!!!什么才是最强?!?!? (41)D150 、D303、D777、D335、XPS900等机器的试听感受 (42)极品对极品,顶级对顶级! 75 对 7 (43)SX75使用记 (44)我的看法想法(不要删!!!) (45)CT570与CT780音质的比较 (45)请问松下S450CD随身听怎么样 (46)Panasonic的sl-sx510如何?有熟悉的兄弟说说看 (47)向对日产耳塞持有偏见的朋友进一言 (47)非主流民用级随身听耳机选购指南 (49)公认超强低音大比拼 (52)完整版主流MD随身听耳塞搭配 (54)常见的随身听音效简介 (57)AIWA极品耳机HP—V743、HP—J9完全对比报告 (58)耳机名器榜:心动耳机TOP10推荐 (59)浅谈耳机购买要点分析 (63)随身听耳机导购指南(上) (64)随身听耳机导购指南(中) (66)随身听耳机导购指南(下) (69)奸商的小秘密耳机真假浅谈 (70)数码随身听商家不正当谋利手段大揭露 (71)市面常见索尼耳机选购入门(上) (73)市面常见索尼耳机选购入门(下) (75)SONY EJ955 印象 (76)SONY常见耳塞入门 (77)随身听的新趋势是MP3还是MP3-CD (78)十五款常见内耳式耳机试听感受 (80)海印小行情! (81)国产随身听离我们有多远 (82)随身听:迷雾重重说进口 (84)CD随身听辨假购机攻略 (86)论行货水货随身听选购 (88)商场现形记 (90)选购一副适合自己的随身听耳塞 (91)随身听耳机的秘密 (97)教你几招----细选一副好耳机 (98)购机“五法” (99)discman大比拼 (105)鉴别随身听四法 (109)随身听的选择 (110)耳听为凭,什么才是好声 (112)怎样鉴别进口随身听的产地和品质 (113)1992——2000年AIWA耳塞全记录 (116)今天真爽啊,逛百脑汇淘到了我一直寻觅已久的V553 (121)AIWA V553没有传说中的那么好!!! (121)借尸还魂!让AIWIA V553起死回生!!! (122)少量爱华HP-V543到货! (124)谈谈耳机的声场再现 (125)真假爱华HP-V553耳机大揭秘 (126)肖先生(原创工程师)谈CD机1BT与多BT(摘录) (129)最终还是决定卖了,老机+耳塞。
索尼WALKMAN 卡带机(磁带机)历史!仅此纪念卡带机!
索尼WALKMAN 卡带机(磁带机)历史!仅此纪念卡带机!索尼WALKMAN 卡带机(磁带机)历史!仅此纪念卡带机!来自: bioos(我是天庭小玉帝) 2010-11-06 17:07:461979年7月:索尼TPS-L2正式上市。
,一代解析力妙不可言梦幻机型1984年1月:索尼WM-F15,收录版WM-F65同期发售1984年2月:索尼WM-D6改进版WM-D6C上市,时价64000日元!!!!!第一次运用杜比-C的随声听WM-DC2及其简化版WM-DD2推出1984年6月:索尼WM-30上市,以及增加TV伴音/FM/AM 的WM-F30上市。
折服的人来膜拜分享吧~先来几张全家福以上是大致我用得比较熟的机器,其实还有一些普通的,不太经典的机型,就没有列出来我把十一年用过的所有手机全部拍照发了上来,第一款用的手机,NOKIA 3210,除了结实,重以外,没有别的想法了.连中文短信都没有的手机,是NOKIA第一款没有天线的手机.一次和朋友去外面吃烧烤,从口袋掉出来,自己没发现,然后一个服务员走过来说:先生,你的手机掉了一地.因为NOKIA支持换壳,所以当时面壳,背壳,电池,SIM卡,键盘,都散落一地.然后马上装起来又能用了..Ericsson T28sc...当时算是很薄的手机,用到了锂聚合物技术,所以机身在当时算很薄的了.而且输入法也不错..天线很有性格.另外的一键开启的键盘很好玩..Ericsson T29sc..第一款支持蓝牙耳机的手机...主要是看金城武的广告着迷了..其实也挺好用D....MOTO V8088,没有什么特色咯,主要是当时没有折叠的这么小型的手机.外面还有个灯会闪...就是这样.没了.AMOI A6,夏新潜龙A6,非常有中国特色的机型,高分辨率的黑白屏幕..厉害,外型也很MAN.BIRD V08,波导V08,金属机身,和弦.高分辨率的黑白灰度屏...用起来还真不错..铃声好听.悦耳,难得的好机机...ALCATEL OT511,轻巧,直板...支持和弦,支持录音做铃声,在当年还是很神奇的事情..很不错.很小巧.特点是打字特别快.ALCATEL OT512,和OT511几乎同出一辙,不过颜色是金色,很耐看,屏幕变成了白色灯光屏幕.摇杆依旧出色.!但是图片上为什么是蓝色灯光我就不知道怎么回事了.NOKIA 3310,没有什么特色,就是结实,当时的街机.很好用的吧,相信用过的人深有体会.NOKIA 8250...蓝色魅力...这个没什么好说的,风靡一时,所有手机屏幕灯光都一夜之间由绿色变成蓝色.实际上就是把8210支持中文电话本,灯光改了一下而已.MOTO V66,没有什么特色,珍珠白,外壳漆料开始变好的时代...MOTO T190,手机开始普及化年代,T190几乎是学生手机的代表.透明的外壳,过硬的质量.MOTO T191,和T190差不多一样吧...就是银色的而已.MOTO V70,手机工业设计的颠峰咯,360度不停转....很好看,很贵...,反色的单色屏幕.Sony Ericsson T102,第一次开始工作,家里给钱,所以选了一款非常简约的手机.其实还是不错的...Sony Ericsson T602,终于找到喜欢的,异常小巧,为什么异常呢?因为从来没有想到一个手机可以做得这么精致小巧.和一个ZIPPO差不多大小吧..NOKIA 8850,家人用淘汰给我的...现在肯定没有多少人会喜欢啦,但是当时已经奢华到无法形容的那种地步咯~~蓝宝石屏,金属外壳,到今天依旧记得打开盖子的那种豪华到不得了的金属声音..PHILIPS 330,一款很简约,屏幕很亮,环型灯光装饰,还是表面的三叶草,还有超长的待机时间...一般可以用1周左右..电话不多10天八天吧..不过..外壳稍微有些脆.另外输入法超级难用..现在想起来手指都疼得要命.MOTO C330,咦,又是330? 没错啊..当时就想换一个便宜的机器看看咯.所以当时这款手机被我割开后盖,强行装入两颗电池同时使用...因为这个机器电池是不可更换的,就象现在的iPod一样咯SONY Z28..是我非常欣赏的一款手机,可惜后来因为各种原因,急速淘汰了..可怜的SONY,不过那个五维滚轮,到后来的UIQ系列手机都应用非常广泛.KONKIA C688,不是NOKIA,是康佳,没办法,当时我用的第一款彩屏手机...其实是MOTO的某一款产品,同一个主板芯片.当时的怪现状..用着还不错.NOKIA 3100,没错...NOKIA3100,街机...除了好用,没什么好说的...哈哈BIRD S689.呵呵,当时是SEGAME法国的OEM机器,看中了当时的硬件参数..确实是一款性价比比较高的的彩屏摄像手机..ALCATEL OT535,从此走进大屏幕爱好者行列...很结实,很耐新的一款设计特别的大眼睛.LG G650,当时买这种高丽手鸡是因为当时随便找的.马马虎虎的东西ALCATEL OT556,很有特色的一款耐用机器.ALCATEL OT756.当时一款屏幕和外形还有射象头都不错的机机.NOKIA 3300,俗称"螃蟹"的音乐手机,还有FM收音,支持MMC 卡...JAVA功能也很强,音质还是很不错的说...喜欢.......SEIMENS SL55,第一次用当时最早的滑盖机器,体积也是非常之小...质量做工真的是没话说的,西门子果然是百年老厂...SEIMENS 6688,西门子6688,小8,最早支持MMC和MP3播放功能的手机,因为支持开放型系统(准智能机),而资源异常丰富成为经典机器,可玩性异常的高,从那个时候开始就一直用手机看书的习惯了~这款手机我一共买了四部(6688,6680?,Sl42,SL45e?),其中一部买给妹妹用的.软件也很丰富,还自己做过一些软件,电池也用得很长,MP3也很好听..自己都DIY一些外设配件.好怀念啊...但是,时代终于是需要被淘汰的.因为单音,屏幕为单色,没有后继机型...我自己觉得应该是西门子自己对市场的不敏感导致的..小8和NOKIA的8250是同一个时代的产物,而销量竟远远落后,看来..以貌取物的人还是大多数的..无奈ing.(哈~今年过年的时候,我又买了两个SL45.哈哈,放在包里,看看书,听听歌或者当备用机)TOSHIBA A5501T,100W CCD的设象头,240*320的TFT,支持miniSD卡,支持音乐,电影,GPS...还奢望什么!?做工也是到达了手机工业的极限....注意,当时是2003年.MOTO E680i,第一次使用智能手机,linux系统,感觉还可以,资源太少,电池实在是...哎...放弃咯~MOTO MPX200,感觉比Linux系统要好用得多的microsoft windows smartphone系统..当时就换了1G的SD卡,花了不少$$(大约是6XX元,1G)...后来感觉到windows实在太慢了的时候,换掉~NOKIA 6630,号称S60系统的性价之王...很有特色的造型,精良的做工,设计良好的射象头..不错,一直给了我良好的印象.NOKIA N-GAGE QD.NOKIA的游戏机...类似早期3300的造型,一上手就马上开玩了,有了6630的基础,S60对于我来说简直是驾轻就熟咯~这是我玩得比较久的手机之一.后来到了北京工作,因为工作关系,实在受不了QD莫名其妙就当机的毛病了,耽误了不少事情,结果就换了.NOKIA 7280.倾城...很多人一定在疑惑,这个手机键盘在哪里!?其实里面有一个类似ipod的转盘式的舒服键盘,用起来手感很好,虽然速度不算太快,但是对于熟练来说,还是可以的...50W的射象头,很少见,内有52M的内存,MP3,FM,蓝牙,红外,能有的功能它都有,真是怀疑有的人不知道为什么说它功能不强..其实主要是因为他的转盘耽误了.不过,确实是很好看很不错的一款机器....555太喜欢了,估计我可能还会再买回来收藏..经典的东西.Sony Ericsson P802,嗯...这款机器.对于当时来说,简直是可以用轰动来说咯..3.0寸的TFT屏幕,手写(在今天山寨横行的年代,手写也没有什么奇怪的,但是当时...),外内键盘,射象头.屏幕在室外是越亮越清晰...UIQ系统....强悍啊..可惜就是键盘太弱了一点,还有造型太卡通了..呵呵....NOKIA 6681,相对6630来说.好象屏幕颜色提高了.造型有点变化,依旧是S60的性能之选..没有6630感觉好啦~~~不过,用的人挺多.dopodo 565,多普达一直做windows平台的智能手机,因为MPX200给我的感觉,WINDOWS太慢了..但是多普达给了我一个全新的印象,对于我来说,565属于难得的一款好机器,金属外壳,过硬的质量,缺点在于,听歌的时候来电话,话筒就没有声音(偶尔).因为我不用原装的耳机.Sony Ericsson W550,音乐开始流行..我是一直喜欢听音乐的人..所以入手w550也是情理之中的事情,256M的内置内存,在有电脑的年代,其实也挺方便的.效果...很好,速度很快,射象头还不错.."离完美并不远"的一款手机..Sony Ericsson这一帐漂亮Sony Ericsson P908,音乐没用多久,发觉非智能机果然不适合我..所以就换咯..P908,系统比P802有所升级,屏幕也是,可是内存依旧只支持最高128M的MS卡.Sony Ericsson P910,完美,对于我来说,这款机器外形设计是接近非常完美的,99.9分的机器.我不想说太多..缺点当然不少,可是优点太多...Sony Ericsson W31S,仅在日本上市的手机,2.4寸屏幕,带线控制,200W的AF自动对焦相机,支持MS卡.一键弹射的滑盖...音乐功能第一的手机..非常好看和漂亮.Pansonic X800,这款机器其实很日本风格,居然是个S60 V2的机器,所以就买来玩玩咯,不过我没用3天就丢掉了~速度和电池都差强人意,不过外形我很喜欢,一键弹开的屏幕.哈哈哈很好看倒是真的.Sony Ericsson M600i,qwert键盘,乳白色..UIQ 3.0系统..支持M2卡.其实还是挺经典的,但是竟然比W950还贵?不能理解.Sony Ericsson W950i,Walkman的强悍机器,紫色..4G内存,线控与耳机都很爽.BlackBerry 7100V,黑莓咯,买来玩的...看起来很商务的样子.哈哈,其实除了开机很慢,其实当手机和电子邮件接受端,还是不错的.NOKIA N70,我的是米黄色港版的,N70不用说了,几乎是S60 V2的终结者..缺点就是那个镜盖实在是太松了,一放进口袋就开始照相...SHARP 902sh,嗯,旋转的屏幕,不错的照相机,精细的大屏幕..SHARP,开创了日机流行的典范~~~SHARP 902SH 和902差不多啦,象素和造型有些区别..但是还是一贯的帅.~~潮就一个字咯~SHARP 920SH,08年5月1日入手,金色..哈哈,好看..现在依然是潮机之一...当时入手时还没有上行货,只有日文和英文,自己做的输入法..郁闷的是,收到短信竟然缺字..郁闷..不过造型和屏幕几乎是无与伦比咯~~O2 ZINC,性能和培植都不错的WM6机器...QWERTY键盘,侧滑.PPC,还是不错的NOKIA N73,当年的街机,当时买的是N73音乐版,就是黑色的...其实照相还是不错的,只是,用久后(一个月后)就开始很慢,没办法,S60V3的机器,CPU却只有220.不过还是阻止不了它成为街机.NOKIA N95 8G,见仁见智吧,确实是很好的机器.大家都见过,就不用介绍了.NOKIA 5800XpressMusic,08年11月在公司内部找同事借用过,然后自己买了.S60首款触摸屏的手机,V5版. 我可以负责任的说,绝对比你们想象的要好 3.2寸屏,AF 320W ,S60V5,8G卡,可以扩展到32G,3.5MM,GPS速度几乎是我见过的GPS最快的一款.声音大(虽然我不喜欢声音大,但是很实用)..去优点太多.我觉得不喜欢5800的同志无外是觉得它是槊料的,但是我却觉得槊料才是高科技的代表.娃卡卡卡Apple iPhone,08年1月入手,机王,需要解释么?Apple iPhone 3G,机王Part II,需要解释么?Sharp 703sh,还不错啦~~70X系列,肯定不比90X啦.O2 ATOM,强机啊童木~~~~PPC的经典咯~~dopodo,818.PPC经典,不用解释了.欢乐时光啊简直是...dopodo,828.PPC经典,不用解释了.欢乐时光啊简直是...dopodo,838.PPC经典,带QWERTY键盘,不用解释了.欢乐时光啊简直是...以上是大致我用得比较熟的机器,其实还有一些普通的,不太经典的机型,就没有列出来,不过大致差不多吧....好累.基本全是网购的。
索尼爱立信Live with Walkman系列开机指南翻译程序分析说明书
Journal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-48AN ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATING PROCEDURES ON SONY ERICSSON LIVE WITH WALKMAN SERIES STARTUP GUIDENaufal Purnama Satriadi************************.id*Graduated in January 2014 from English Education Study Program of Indonesia University ofEducationAbstract: The present research entitled Analysis of Translating Procedures on Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Series Startup Guide aims at analyzing the translation procedures and determining the translation quality of Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide. A qualitative descriptive method was employed to analyze the data by referring to two theories of translating procedures proposed by Newmark (1988) and Vinay & Darbelnet (2000) and a number of theories of quality of translation: Barnwell (1980, in Larson 1984), Larson (1984), etc. The result of data analysis shows that there are six translation procedures found in the text: Borrowing or Transference (54 itemsor 27%), Calque or Through Translation (12 items or 6%), Literal or Word for Word Translation (31 items or 15.5%), Transposition (42 items or 21%), Adaptation or Naturalization (43 items or 21.5%), and Reduction (18 items or 9%). Moreover, the data analysis result also reveals that the quality of translation is good based on the percentages of acceptable translation (94%) and unacceptable translation (6%). In the words level there are 76 acceptable items and 10 unacceptable items. Next, in the phrases level there are 60 acceptable items and 2 unacceptable items. Then, in the sentences level there are 52 acceptable items and no unacceptable items. Furthermore, the total acceptable items in the text are 188 items (76 words, 60 phrases, and 52 sentences) or 94 % from 200 items and for the unacceptable items there are 12 items (10 words, 2 phrases, and 0 sentences) or 6% from 200 items.Keywords: Translation procedures, Translation qualityNaufal Purnama SatriadiAn Analysis of Translating Procedures on Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Series Startup Guide IntroductionNowadays, translation has an important role especially for people in Indonesia. This is owing to the fact that only little information is available in Bahasa Indonesia. That is, a great deal of information is mostly presented in foreign languages, particularly in English (Choliludin, 2005, p.1). In many places in Indonesia, one can find many text books, journals, news articles, movies, and advertisements are addressed in English. This situation may become a barrier for someone who wants to get information from English texts.Based on the descriptions above, translation plays a crucial role for people to get information which is written in English. Regarding this, Weber (1984, p.3) says that translation is the process of transposition of a text written in a source language into a target language, which in this case is from English into Indonesian.Literature Review∙Definition of TranslationDefinitions of translation have been proposed by a number of translation experts. Regarding this, it is defined by Newmark (1988) that translation is “the process of rendering the meaning of a text into another language in a way that the author intended the text” (Newmark, 1998, p. 5). In addition, Bell (1991) states that translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in a second language (1991, p. 6).∙Translation ProceduresIt has been proposed by a number of translation theorists that a translator needs to use translation procedures translating a text (Newmark, 1988). In what follow is some procedures proposed by some translation theorists:1.Word-for-word translation,2.Transference or Borrowing,3.Calque or Through Translation,4.Transposition or Shift,5.Modulation,6.Equivalence,7.Naturalization,8.Cultural Equivalent,9.Functional Equivalent,10.Descriptive Equivalent,11.Synonymy,12.Recognized Translation,13.Translation Label,pensation,Journal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-4815.Reduction and Expansion,16.Paraphrase,17.Couplets,18.Notes, Additions, Glosses.∙Criteria of a Good Translation Barnwell (1980) in Larson (1984) proposed that there are 3 main aspects ofa good translation:1.Accuracy2.Clarity3.NaturalnessThose 3 main aspects would be applied in this research in order to find out the translation quality of Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide.Methodology∙DesignThe research employed qualitative descriptive method as the research methodology. This is because the researcher analyzed the data descriptively and the presentation of the result was in a form of explanation of words which would be supported by data presented in the form of tables. With regard to the description above, it is indicated by Fraenkel and Wallen (2012, p.426) that a study that investigates the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials is frequently refer to as qualitative research Fraenkel and Wallen (2012, p.426).∙SampleIn conducting descriptive research, as suggested by Fraenkel and Wallen (1993) a researcher must at least have sample with a minimum number of 100 (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1993, p.83).The current research used 200 samples to be analyzed.∙Data CollectionThere were some steps in collecting the data:1.The researcher presented and listedthe translation of Sony EricssonLive with Walkman Startup Guide.In this step, the researcher countedall sentences in the manual bookand then selected 200 sentences tobe analyzed.2.The researcher read and learnedboth the English version and theIndonesian version of the selectedsentences. In this step, theresearcher analyzed the sentencesin order to find out the translationprocedure used in every selectedsentence.3.The researcher sought the relevanttheories related to translationprocedures and translation qualityfrom some books, literatures, andinternet sources.∙Data AnalysisAfter the data were collected, the data were analyzed to find the answers to the research questions. Furthermore, the collected data was analyzed by using the following steps:1.Juxtaposing the English versionand Indonesian version to checkthe translation2.Identifying and classifying thetranslation procedures accordingto their types, based on thetheoretical foundations that areproposed by some experts, whichhave been mentioned in chaptertwo.3.Calculating the total number andpercentage of each procedure tofind out the amount of eachprocedure based on the followingformula:x 100%P = Number of percentageF = Frequency of translation procedureN = Number of whole sample4.Judging the quality of thetranslation based on some theoriesdescribed in chapter two by usingthe same formula with the thirdstep. This step is supported bysome experts in determining thequality of translation.5.Drawing conclusionData Presentation and Discussion∙Translation Procedures in Sony Ericsson Live with WalkmanStartup GuideIn the end of the research, there were six translation procedures found in the text.Table 1 Percentages of the translation procedures in Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup GuideJournal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-48The table above shows the numerical data of the translation procedures that were employed in Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide. Based on this finding, it is very obvious that the procedures mostly used in the text, from the highest to the lowest percentages are borrowing/transference(56 items or 28%), adaptation/naturalization(42 items or 21%), transposition (42 items or 21%), literal/word for word (32 items or 16%), reduction(16 items or 8%), and Calque/through-translation(12 items or 6%).∙BorrowingThe first procedure is borrowing/transference. Borrowing of transference is a process of transferring the SL (Source Language) into the TL (Target Language) in which the words ofthe text become “loan words” because there is no change of form when transferring SL text into the TL (Vinay and Darbelnet, 2000). Some examples of borrowing found in the data analysis are presented in the following table:Table 2 Examples of Borrowing orTransference Translation ProcedureAll the SL words in the table above are not lexicalized into TL. They were transferred without changing the original forms because they had no equivalent meaning in the TL. That is, the words “headset”, “walkman”, ”sensor”, ”google”, “android market”, “nokia”, “symbian S60”, “IPhone”, “PC”, “ITunes”are easy to understand by the reader.∙AdaptationThe second translation procedure mostly found in translating the text is adaptation or Naturalization translation procedure. Adaptation or Naturalization is the procedure that succeeds, transfers, and adapts the SL word first to normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL (Newmark, 1988). The examples of adaptation procedure investigated in the text are presented in the following table:Table 3 Examples of Adaptation or Naturalization Translation ProcedureThe examples in the table above were categorized as adaptation or naturalizationtranslationprocedurebecause all of them had been adapted to normal pronunciation and morphology of the TL. That is, most of Indonesian use those words in many occasions in their daily activities such as at work, at school, etc. The TL has almost the same sense of words with the SL; the translation resembles the SL form, so the meaning is delivered well. This case is relevant to the theory proposed by Newmark (1998, p.82).TranspositionThe next translation procedure that was found in the Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide is transposition .Transposition or Shift is a translation procedure that is proposed by Catford (1965) and Vinay and Darbelnet (2000). They assert that this is a kind oftranslation procedure which involves a change in the grammar from the SL to the TL. In what follows are some examples of transposition procedure:Table 4 Examples of Transpositiontranslation ProcedureIt can be seen clearly that there were changes position in the examples above. The translator chose transposition to translate those sentences in order to produce acceptable translations. With regard to this, if the translator applied word for word translation to translate the words, the meaning would be awkward. For example, if the phrase “step by step instructions” was translated “petunjuk langkah demi langkah” the translation was more acceptable and understandable than “langkah demi langkah petunjuk” in which the phrase “langkah de mi langkah petunjuk” was translated using word for wordtranslationprocedure.Thisexplanation goes with the theory suggested by Catford (1965) and Newmark (1988)whostatethatJournal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-48transposition involves a change in the grammar from the SL to the TL.∙LiteralAnother translation procedure found in Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide was literal translation or word-for-word translation. This kind of translation procedure is considered as the easiest or the most effortless translation procedure (Fawcet, 1997, p.36). Regarding this, it is said that the TL was translated one-by-one and literally by their most common meanings, they also have no changes in their form (Newmark, 1998, p.45). The examples are presented in the following table: Table 5 Examples of Literal or Word-for-Word Translation ProcedureThe examples in the table above were categorized as literal or word-for-word translation because the translator translated completely all of the words so that the meaning was identical to the SL. This is relevant to the theory proposed by Newmark (1998) who stated that literal translation transfers SL text to the nearest equivalence of the TL text, meaning that this is also referred to as word for word translation.∙ReductionReduction is the omission of information considered to be unnecessary or unlikely to make sense to the target-language reader. It is in line with what Newmark (1988, p. 90) andFawcet (1997, p. 47) in which reduction is used to make simplicity in creating meaning. In this text, the amount of this procedure reached 16 items or 8%. Here are the examples of reduction translation procedure found in the manual translation:Table 6 Examples of ReductionTranslation ProcedureThe sentences above indicate omissions. In the examples above, the preposition “to” in all sentences, the word “your” in the sentence “to change your home screen wallpaper”, and the word “a” in the sentence “to end a call” w erenot translated. The translator might do it to omit unimportant parts. It is on the contrary to the expansion translation procedure because in the expansion translation procedure the text needs an addition to produce a clear translation i.e. the meaning seem sensible, as declared by Barnwell (1980 as cited in Larson 1984), and Nida and Taber (1982).∙CalqueThrough-translation is the literal translation of phrase or idiom (Newmark, 1988, p.46). Besides, Vinay and Darbelnet (2000) in Munday (2001) has another term for this translation procedure. Their term is known as calque. In this text, calque or through-translation was used in order to translate phrases or common collocations. Here are the examples of reduction translation procedure found in the manual translation:Table 7 Examples of Calque or Through-Translation Procedureabove were categorized as calque or through-translation translation procedure because they were common collocations. This is consistent with what Newmark (1998) and Vinay and Darbelnet (1995, in Munday, 2001) declare that through translation or calque is used to translate common collocations.∙Translation Quality in Sony Ericsson Live with WalkmanStartup GuideBased on data analysis, the frequency of acceptable translations reached 188 items or 94%. Meanwhile, the unacceptable translations were only 12 items or 6%. It proves that overall the translation quality of Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide was good or acceptable.Founded on the table 4.10, in the words column there are 76 acceptable items and 10 unacceptable items. Next, in the phrases column there were more acceptable items (60 items from 62 items) than unacceptable items (2 items from 62 items). Then, in the sentences column there are 52 items and no unacceptable items. Furthermore, the total acceptable items in the text are 188 items (76 words, 60 phrases, and 52 sentences) or 94 % from 200 items and for the unacceptable items there are 12 items (10 words, 2 phrases, and 0 sentence) or 6% from 200 items.Journal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-48ConclusionsBased on the findings and discussion presented in the previous chapter, the research actually had reached its aims. Based on the result of data analysis, two points can be concluded. There are the conclusion of translation procedure and the translation quality of Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide. Firstly, for the translation procedures the researcher found several translation procedures applied by the translator. The findings, sorting from the highest to the lowest percentage are as follows: borrowing/transference(54 items or 27%), adaptation/naturalization (43 items or 21.5%), transposition(42 items or 21%), literal/word-for-word (31 items or 15.5%), reduction(18 items or 9%), and Calque/through-translation (12 items or 6%).Founded on the data analysis, the result showed that the translation quality of the text was good. From the samples, there were 94% or 188 items which were acceptable or had a good quality of translation and the rest were unacceptable (6% or 12 items). This result is supported by Barnwell (1980) in Larson (1984). In the words there are 76 acceptable items and 10 unacceptable items. Next, in the phrases there were more acceptable items (60 items from 62 items) than unacceptable items (2 items from 62 items). Then, in the sentences there are 52 items and no unacceptable items. Furthermore, the total acceptable items in the text are 188 items (76 words, 60 phrases, and 52 sentences) or 94 % from 200 items and for the unacceptable items there are 12 items (10 words, 2 phrases, and 0 sentence) or 6% from 200 items.ReferencesBell, R. T. (1991). Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice.London: Longman.Catford, J. C. (1965). A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: OxfordUniversity Press.Choliludin.( 2005). The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation.Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc. Fawcett.P. (1997). Translation and Language Linguistic TheoriesExplained. Manchester: St. JeromePublishing.)Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. G.(1993).How To Design EvaluateResearch in Education-SecondEdition. Singapore: Mc. Graw HillBook Co.Fraenkell, J. R, &Wallen N. E.(2012).How to Design andEvaluate Research in Education(Eight Ed.). New York: Mc. Graw-Hill International Edition. Larson, M. L. (1984). Meaning-Based Translation. New York: Universityof America.Munday, J. (2001). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories andApplications. London and NewYork: Routledge.Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. London: Prentice HallInternational.Nida, E. A. and Taber, Charles R. (1982).The Theory and Practice ofherlands: E. J.Brill, Leiden.Vinay, J, & Darbelnet, J. (2000). A Methodology for Translation.London: Routledge Weber, W. K. (1984). Training Translation and ConferenceInterpreters. New Jersey: PrenticeHall Regents.。
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Xperia arc S LT18i
LT18i给人的第一感觉就是相当 的薄
LT18i的机身正面很平整,给人一 种十分精致的感觉 LT18i搭载了一块4.2英寸的LED背 光屏,色彩表现十分出众。
2004年,索尼爱立信推出了一款S700,以其2.4英寸的屏 幕、独特的旋屏式设计和130万像素感光元件带来的优异成 像效果,备受消费者好评。但之后就没有推出同系列新款 手机,第二款S系列手机S500的设计灵感来源于自然,以 美轮美奂的造型,独特的桌面及主题随季节、日夜轮换功 能作为主要卖点。
J系列原先是低端时尚系列,功能实用,外型时尚,而且每 款J系列都会有个出彩的功能,让低端用户也能体验索尼爱 立信的功能。该系列的手机以环保、易用为主。外壳大部 分采用可降解材料制成,不含有害化学物质,有助于减小 环境污染。
重温经典--索尼CD_WALKMAN随身听发展史重温是去的经典!索尼CD WALKMAN随身听发展史_蛤蟆呱呱滴数码空间_百度空间用户名: 密码: 登录注册蛤蟆呱呱滴数码空间主页博客相册|个人档案 |好友查看文章重温是去的经典!索尼CD WALKMAN随身听发展史2010-01-3114:22谈起CD随身听,大家可能就会联想到不错的音质,没错,这也是它具有旺盛生命力的原因之一。
SONY Walkman的历史前言:SONY的随身听诞生至今有25年的历史了。
TPS-L2(1979年)WM -2(1981年)1999年7月1日是Sony公司庆祝Walkman(随身听)发明20周年的日子。
也世界上第一台Walkman (型号为TPS-L2)于1979年的7月1日由Sony正式推出。
据Sony公司的最新统计,截止到1999年3月底,Sony已向全球累积销售了1.86亿台磁带Walkman,4,600万台CD Walkman 以及460万台MD Walkman。
WM -20(1983年)D-50(1984年)在Walkman问世之前,人们只能在家里或在汽车中用立体声录音机欣赏音乐。
当时任Sony公司名誉董事长的Sony公司创始人及最高顾问,已故的井深大先生,以及当时任Sony 董事长的Sony公司创始人及名誉董事长盛田昭夫,共同创造了Walkman便携式立体声录音机的概念,开创了个人娱乐市场的先河。
<STRONG< STRONG>WM -101(1985年)D-515(1992年)然而,在Walkman的研发过程中,一些市场观察家,甚至Sony自己的员工对这一产品的市场前景均持怀疑的态度。
但研发小组对这一新市场的潜力抱以很大信心,经过潜心研究,终于推出了世界上第一台Walkman “TPS-L2”。
Walkman的逆袭 索尼近年产品回顾
NWZ-A820支持MPEG-4、AVC/H.264 Baseline视频文件播放以及MP3、WMA、AAC、WAV(线性PCM)等音频文件播放;配备索尼DSEE数字音效提升引擎、ClearStereo清晰立体声技术、Clear Bass清晰低音及索尼的VPT虚拟立体声音效。
索尼 WM-FX890随身听 说明书
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.
Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet.
• Do not place the unit on the charging stand without the rechargeable battery. Otherwise, this may cause malfunction.
When to replace/ charge the battery C
Tape playback
Radio reception
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)** and Rechargeable NH-14WM (A)
Tape playback
Radio reception
* Measured value by the standard of JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association). (Using a Sony HF series cassette tape)
** When using a Sony LR6(SG) alkaline dry battery (produced in Japan).
• The battery life may be shorter depending on the operating condition, the surrounding temperature and battery type.
索尼爱立信W890 Walkman随身听音乐手机
索尼爱立信W890 Walkman随身听音乐手机
1.索尼爱立信音乐手机W908c Walkman音乐超维度 [J],
2.最强智能Walkman音乐手机索尼爱立信WT19i [J], 维维
3.乐章为三周年而奏响—索尼爱立信Walkman系列音乐手机 [J],
4.音乐手机“掌门人”索尼爱立信W890 [J],
5.新品展台:索尼爱立信发布全新滑盖设计W760 Walkman随身听音乐手机 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
音乐迷们的最爱:索尼爱立信W850W850是索尼爱立信推出的高端音乐手机之一,其参数相当不俗:QVGA(320×240像素)屏幕、UMTS(高速数据连线)、附赠1GB的Memory Stick Pro Duo,看来一款高端手机拥有的一切这款产品都有了!现在市场上2GB记忆棒的价格也不过几百块钱,而W850最高可以支持4GB的记忆棒,这样一来,它的存储空间就和NOKIA的N91不相上下了。
W850内置了Walkman 2.0版本,在播放音乐时更加方便。
索尼爱立信Walkman W302c
索尼爱立信Walkman W302c
【摘要】近日,索尼爱立信宣布,最新的Walkman W302c随身听手机在国内正式上市!Walkman W302c随身听手机以超薄铝质机身、全面的多媒体影音娱乐性能,以及拥有易用的TracklD“曲目识别”最新功能,成为年轻时尚人士追赶潮流、收获移动精彩的秘密武器!
1.智能“随身听”:索尼爱立信Walkman W8 [J],
2.索尼爱立信Walkman音乐智能手机乐动华夏 [J],
3.我的Android爱唱歌——索尼爱立信Walkman E16i智能手机 [J],
4.Walkman不死索尼爱立信Live with Walkman [J], 无
5.索尼爱立信W302c音乐手机 [J],
索尼爱立信W902评测 兼而有之
1.奔向1200万索尼爱立信赏秀U_1&华晶altek T8680对比评测 [J],
2.索尼爱立信W908c评测趣味伴侣 [J],
3.玩美汇聚索尼爱立信K530c评测 [J],
4.新一代音乐小精灵索尼爱立信W890i评测 [J],
5.500万像素音乐机索尼爱立信W902 [J], 无
【摘要】自A8C101开始,索尼旗下的音乐随身听便逐步开始了向视频随身听转移的步伐,2008年4月则推出了NWZ-S710降噪产品系列,不仅延续了s610F 系列的轻盈小巧,而目屏幕依然为1.8英寸大小。
1.智能“随身听”:索尼爱立信Walkman W8 [J],
2.随身听的逆袭索尼NWZ-F885 Walkman [J],
3.智能“随身听”:索尼爱立信Walkman W8 [J],
4.产业研究的文化取向--《做文化研究:索尼随身听的故事》读书报告 [J], 王佳
5.已经2019年了,但我还要玩随身听!索尼NW-A55上手体验 [J], ;