Situational Language Teaching (STL)
《语⾔教学流派第⼆版》⾃⼰整理笔记第⼀章A brief history of language teaching第⼆章The nature of approaches and methods前两章很简单,详见前⾯中⽂导读第三章The oral approach and situational language teachingThe oral approach (situational language teaching) is a grammar-based method in whichprinciples of grammatical and lexical gradation are used and new teaching points arepresented and practiced through meaningful situation-based activities.⼀、Background1. Two of the leaders were Harold palmer and A.S.Hornby.2. Vocabulary control3. Grammar control⼆、The Oral Approach and Situational Language TeachingThe main characteristics of the approach were as follows:1. Language teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally.2. The target language is the language of the classroom.3. New language points are introduced and practiced situationally.4. Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general service vocabulary is covered.5. Items of grammar are graded by their complexity.6. Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established.三、Approach(2).An inductive approach is used to the teaching of grammar(3).The same processed are thought to occur both in child language learning and in second language learning.四、Design(1). Practical command of the four basic skills of language(2). Accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regarded as crucial.(3). Automatic control of basic structures and sentence patterns is fundamental.—a list of the basic structures and sentence patternsa drill-based manner to practicing the new sentence patterns(2) Situation: the use of concrete objects, pictures and realia, which together with actions and gestures(3) Practice techniques: guided repetition, substitution activities, pair practiceThreefold: a model、a skillful manipulator、on the lookout for errors(2)Visual aids: consists of wall charts, flashcards, pictures, stick figuresThe teacher is expected to be the master of his textbook.五、ProcedureAim: to move from controlled to freer practice of structures and from oral use of sentenceRevision ( to prepare for new work if necessary)Presentation of new structure or vocabularyOral practice (drilling)Choral imitationIndividual imitationIsolationBuilding up to a new modelElicitationSubstitution drillingQuestion-answer drillingCorrection第四章The Audiolingual MethodIt is a method of foreign or second language teaching which (a) emphasizes the teaching ofspeaking and listening before reading and writing (b) uses dialogues and drills. (c)discourages use of the mother tongue in the classroom (d) often makes use of contrastiveanalysis. The audiolingual method was prominent in the 1950s and 1960s, especially in theUnited States, and has been widely used in many other parts of the world.⼀、BackgroundThe combination of structural linguistic theory, contrastive analysis, aural-oral procedures, and behaviorist psychology led to the Audiolingual Method.情境法与听说法的异同There are many similarities between situational language teaching and audiolingualism.1. The order in which language skills are introduced2. Focus on accuracy through drill and practice in the basic structures3. Sectence patterns of the target languageHowever, situational language teaching was a development of the earlier Direct Method and does not have the strong ties to linguistic and behavioral psychology that characterize audiolingualism. The similarities of the two methods reflect similar views about the nature of language and of language learning, through these views were in fact development from quite different traditions.⼆、Approach1. Foreign language learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation.2. Language skills are learned more effectively if the items to be learned in the target language are presented in sporken form before they are seen in written form.3. Analogy provides a better foundation for language learning than analysis. Hence the approach to the teaching of grammar is essentially inductive rather than deductive.4.The meaning of word can be learned in a linguistic and cultural context and not in isolation.三、Design、accurate pronunciation, reading comprehension and productionModels the target languageControls the direction and pace of learningTape recorders and audiovisual equipment四、Procedure1、The process of teaching involves extensive oral instruction2、The procedures the teacher should adopt ( Brook)3、In a typical audiolingual lesson the following procedures will be observed:a. Recognition;b. Imitation and repetitionc. Patterns drill:d. Follow-up activities五、The decline of Audiolingualism1、Criticism on two fronts: the theoretical foundations(both in language and language learning)and the practical results fell short of expectation.2、the theoretical attack: Noam Chomsky’s theory of transformational grammar第五章Total Physical ResponseTotal Physical Response is a language learning method based on the coordination of speechand action. This method of learning was developed by James Asher, a professor of psychologyat San Jose State University, California.⼀、Background1、the “trace theory” of memory in psychology2、developmental psychology:child first language acquisition3、humanistic psychology: the role of affective factors4、Comprehension Approach5、a tradition: the use of physical actions to teach a foreign language at an introductory level⼆、Approachstructuralist or grammar-based views of languagedetailed cognitive map (abstractions and nonabstractions)the central role of comprehension in language learningReminiscent of the views of behavioral psychology: a stimulus-response viewLearning hypotheses ( to facilitate or inhibit foreign language learning )According to Asher, the language learning theories are similar to those of other behavioral psychologists. The principals that help elaborate his idea are:1. Second language learning is parallel to first language learning and should reflect the samenaturalistic processes.2. Listening should develop before speaking.3. Once listening comprehension has been developed, speech develops naturally and effortlesslyout of it.4. Adults should use right-brain motor activities, while the left hemisphere watches and learns.三、Designoral proficiency at a beginning levelA sentence-based syllabusA fixed number of items be introduced at a timeImperative drills are the major classroom activity.Role plays:center on everyday situationSlide presentationsA primary role : listener and performerHave little influence over the contentActive and direct roleWell prepared and well organizedTeachers follow the example of parents giving feedbackNo basic text, materials and realia play an increasing role in later learning stages.Student kits that focus on specific situations (supporting materials)四、ProcedureAsher’s account of a course:ReviewNew commandsRole reversalReading and writingConclusion:Total Physical Response has enjoyed some popularity because of its support by those who emphasize the role of comprehension in second language acquisition.第六章The Silent WayIt is a method of foreign-language teaching developed by Gattegno which makes use of gesture,mime, visual aids, wall charts, and in particular Cuisiniere rods (wooden sticks of differentlengths and colors) that the teacher uses to help the students to talk. The method takes itsname from the relative silence of the teacher using these techniques.⼀、BackgroundThe premise of the Silent WayThe learning hypothesesLearning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates. (discovery learning)Learning is facilitated by accompanying physical objects.Learning is facilitated by problem solving.⼆、ApproachBy the "spirit" of the language Gattegno is referring to the way each language isComposed of phonological and suprasegmentalA structural approachArtificial approachThe self of the learnerLearning to learn三、DesignAn immediate objectives: to provide the learner with a basic practical knowledge of the grammar of the languageLearners exert a strong influence over each other’s learning.To teach, to test, to get out of the wayCreate an environmentThe colored cuisenaire rodsThe vocabulary or word chartsOther materials四、ProcedureA standard formatPractice of the sounds (using the pronunciation charts)Practice of sentence patterns, structure, and vocabulary (using the rods and charts)A sample lessonFidel chartConclusion:The actual practices of the Silent Way are much less revolutionary than might be expected. The innovations derive from the manner in which classroom activities are organized, the indirect role the teacher is required to assume in directing and monitoring learner performance, the responsibility placed upon learners, and the materials used.第七章Community Language Learning社团语⾔学习法It is a method of second and foreign language teaching developed by Charles Curran. CLL is an application of counseling learning(咨询学习法)to second and foreign languageteaching and learning. It uses techniques developed in group counseling to help people withpsychological and emotional problems. The method makes use of group learning in small orlarge groups. Thes e groups are the “Community”. The method places emphasis on thelearners’ personal feelings and their reactions to language learning. Learners say thingswhich they want to talk about, in their native language. The teacher (known as “Counselor”)translat es the learners’ sentences into the foreign language, and the learner then repeats thisto other members of the group.⼀、Background1、Rogerian counseling——Charles A. Curren2、Humanistic techniques:the whole person3、Language alternation⼆、ApproachLanguage as social processThe interactional view of language: interaction between equals, interaction betweenunequalsThe whole-person learning (five stages)Consensual validationS(secure)A(attention and aggression)R(retention and reflection)D(discrimination)the personal commitments三、Designnot defined.Teacher transfers knowledge and proficiency to the learner.Goal: attaining near-native like mastery of the target languageTopic-based courseTeacher’s responsibility:teacher transfers knowledge and proficiency to the learnerGoal: attenting near-native like mastery of the target language.Translation, Group Work, Recording, Transcription, Analysis, Reflection andbecome counselors to other learnersSpecific teacher roles are keyed to the five development stages.providing a safe environmentMaterials may be developed by the teacher as the course develops.the use of teaching machines四、Procedure1、classical CLL and personal interpretations of it2、the description of some typical activities in CLL classed3、 a protocol of what a first day’s CLL class coveredConclusion:Community Language Learning is the most responsive of the methods we have reviewed in terms of its sensitivity to learner communication intent. It places unusual demands on language teachers. Critics of Community Language Learning question many aspects of CLL. Supporters of CLL emphasize the positive benefits of a method that centered on the learner and stresses the humanistic side of language learning.⾃⼰想法:学校英语⾓活动Question for discussion:社团学习法把语⾔学习过程⽐作是咨询过程,你们觉得这个⽐喻合适吗?为什么?第⼋章SuggostopediaSuggestopedia/Lozanov Method (暗⽰法/罗扎诺夫法)It is a method of foreign-language teaching developed by the Bulgarian Lozanov. It makes use of dialogues, situations and translation to present and practise language, and in particular,makes use of music, visual images, and relaxation exercises to make learning morecomfortable and effective.⼀、Background1、Suggestology2、the most conspicuous characteristics of Suggestopedia3、Soviet psychology4、mental states5、the centrality of music and musical rhythm to learning⼆、Approachwhole meaningful textsix principal theoretical components:authority, infantilization, double-planedness, intonation, rhythm, concertpseudo-passivenessthe type of musicthe rate of presentation of material to be learned within the rhythmic pattern三、Designdeliver advanced conversational proficiency quicklytime duration——30 dayseach uniteach unitexpected teacher behaviorsDirect support materials: text and tapeIndirect support materials: classroom fixtures and music四、ProcedureBancroft’s description: a four-hour language class has three distinct parts.The first part: an oral review sectionThe second part: new material is presented and discussedThe third part: the séance or concert sessionConclusion:Suggestopedia has probably received both the most enthusiastic and the most critical response of any of the so-called new methods. It is not productive to further belabor the science/nonscience, date/double-talk issues and instead try to identify and validate those techniques from Suggestopedia that appear effective and that harmonize with other successful techniques in the language teaching inventory.Question for discussion;暗⽰法强调⾳乐的作⽤,那么⾳乐在外语学习过程中究竟起了怎样的作⽤?谈谈你们的看法。
• The Audiolingual Method is a method of foreign language teaching which emphasize the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in class.
Theoretical Basis
Structural Linguistic
• Language is a system of structural related to elements,like phonological units,grammatical units,and lexical items,for the transmission of meaning.So to learn the target language is to master the elements of the Target language system.
Theoretical Basis
• Theory of Language Underlying the SLT -Structuralism(构造主义) • Contents are: Word order(词序), Structural Words(虚词), the few inflection(变形;音调 变化) of English, and Content Words(实义词) etc. • Techniques to use: oral practice in situation .
CLT Views of language and learning
Delivered by Swift
I. Historical background
正当Situational Language Teaching (SLT) 在 英国的语言教学界盛行之时,美国已于1960年代 末期开始检讨Audio-lingual Method (ALM) 的理 论基础。此举让英国的语言学家们重新对SLT的 教学理论产生质疑。他们开始注意到语言教学的 重点应该摆在“交际能力”(communicative competence/ability);正巧,欧陆的语言学家所 提出的观点也与英美两国对语言教学理论所产生 的反思潮互相辉映:语言教学的课程内容应该以 语言学习者所需之沟通需求与能力为主。于是, 在英、美、欧陆三方的教学理论的激荡下,诞生 了Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)。
IV. Definition of CLT
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is a system of teaching methods that takes language function as the key link to cultivate students ’ communicative ability. 交际语言教学法(CLT),又称“意念法”、 “功能法”或“意念-功能法”。它是以语言功 能项目(请求、致谢、道歉、问路等)为纲,培 养在特定的社会语境中运用语言进行交际能力 的一种教学法体系。
Their opinions:
situational language teaching
• Introduction • Features • Definition • Background • Advantages • Disadvantages
• Theory base
• Situational language teaching is a term not commonly used today, but it is an approach developed by British applied linguist H.E.Patmer(帕默) and A.S.Hornby(洪贝) in the 1930s to the 1960s, and which had an impact on language courses which survive in some still being used today.
1920s, Palmer, Hornby, etc. developed the approach Oral Approach 1950s, the Oral Approach was accepted in English language teaching. 1965, the approach was more widely used 1960s, the Oral Approach was renamed into Situational Language Teaching (SLT)
Was proposed by P. Guberina(古布里纳) in the 1950s used in French teaching
Situational Language Teaching 1
Thank you!
The objectives of Situational Language Teaching method are to teach a practical command of the four basic skills of language. the syllabus
Basic to the teaching of English in
Language Teaching is a structrual
syllabus and a word list.
Types of learning and teaching activies
Situational Language Teaching employs a situational approach to presenting new sentence patterns and a drill-based manner of practicing them. The practice techniques employed generally consist of guided repetition and substitution activities, including chorus repetition, dictation, drills,and controlled oral-based reading and writing tasks. Other oral-practice techniques are sometimes used, including pair practice and group work.
Learner roles---simply to listen and
COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING 溝通式教學法 (CLT; orNOTIONAL-FUNCTIONAL APPROACH)正當Situational Language Teaching (SLT) 在英國的語言教學界盛行之時,美國已於1960年代末期開始檢討Audiolingual Method (ALM) 的理論基礎。
他們開始注意到語言教學的重點應該擺在〝溝通能力〞(communicative competence; 用來呼應美國語言學家瓊姆斯基所提的〝語言能力〞linguistic competence),而非語言結構的熟練度(mastery of structures)。
於是,在英、美、歐陸三方的教學理論的激盪下,誕生了Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)。
CLT認為,語言包含了〝溝通能力〞和語言所處的〝文化社會意涵〞,其功用則包括了功能性(functional; 指用言語和他人互動)、規範性(regulatory; 指用言語限制他人行動)、互動性(interactional; 指用言語和他人互動)、想像性(imaginative; 指用言語創造出想像世界)以及再現性(representative; 指用言語溝通、呈現訊息)等多種用途。
其中,〝溝通能力〞還可細分為文法能力(grammatical competence,也就是字彙、構詞、語法的能力)、社會性語言能力(sociolinguistic competence,指對溝通者本身的角色、說 / 聽者雙方所共同知道的背景資訊、以及溝通互動之意旨等的瞭解)、言談能力(discourse competence,指如何根據聽 / 說者雙方間的關係來闡釋訊息、如何將意義呈現等之能力)、和溝通策略能力(strategic competence,只指如何開始、終止、延續或修正溝通過程的能力)。
The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching
The Oral Approach and Situational Language TeachingThe Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching refer to an approach to language teaching developed by British applied linguists from the 1930s to the 1960s. It’s grammar-based method in which principles of grammatical and lexical gradation are used and new teaching points presented and practiced through meaningful situational-based activities. As a recent British methodology text states, “This method is widely used at the time of writing and a very large number of textbooks are based on it”. It is important therefore to understand the principles and practices of the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching. Originated from the Direct Method and the Audio-Lingual Method, also called Audio-visual Method. The origins of this approach began with the work of British applied linguistics in the 1920s and 1930s. Two of the leaders in this movement were Harold Palmer and A.S. Hornby, two of the most prominent figures in British twentieth-century language teaching, who attempted to formally develop a scientifically-founded approach to teaching English. What they attempted was to develop a more scientific foundation for an oral approach to teaching English than was evidenced in the Direct Method. They realized that vocabulary played one of the important roles in foreign language learning, and frequency counts showedthat a core of 2000 words occurred frequently in daily use and writing text. They also paid much attention to the important role of grammar in their writings. According to them, organization of grammatical content of a language course should be based on the principle of gradation. The result was a systematic study of principles and procedures that could be applied to the selection and organization of the content of a language course. It was developed by British applied linguists from the 1930s to the 1960s. A number of large-scale investigations about language learning and the increased emphasis on reading skills in the 1920s led to the notion of "vocabulary control". Parallel to this was the notion of "grammar control".One of the first aspects of method design to receive attention was the role of vocabulary. One of the outstanding features of the method is its emphasis on vocabulary and reading skills learning. This led to the development of principles of vocabulary control. Frequency counts showed that a core of about 2000 words occurred frequently in written text and that a mastery of such an inventory would lead to better reading skills. These efforts to introduce a scientific and rational basis for choosing the vocabulary content for a language course represented the first attempts to establish principles to syllabus design in language teaching. Then parallel tothe interest in developing rational principles for vocabulary selection was a focus on the grammatical content of a language course. It emphasized the sentence patterns most-commonly found in spoken conversation, very different from the abstract model of grammar seen in the Grammar-Translation Method. Such patterns were incorporated into dictionaries and handbooks for students. Palmer viewed grammar as the underlying sentence patterns of the spoken language. Palmer, Hornby, and other British applied linguists analyzed English and classified its major grammatical structures into sentence patterns (later called substitution tables”), which could be used to help internalize the rules of English sentence structure. The main characteristics of the approach are as follows: (1) Language teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally before it is presented in written form. (2) The target language is the language of the classroom. (3) New language points are introduced and practiced situationally. (4) Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general service vocabulary is covered. (5) Items of grammar are graded following the principle that simple forms should be taught before complex ones. (6) Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established. It was the third principle that became a key feature of the approach in the sixties, and it was thenthat the term situational was used in increasingly in referring to the Oral Approach. To avoid further confusion we will see use the term Situational Language Teaching (SLT) to include theStructural-Situational and Oral approaches. How can Situational Language Teaching be characterized at the levels of approach, design, and procedure?At first, it’s the details of the approach. Above all, the theory of language underlying Situation Language Teaching can be characterized as a type of British “structuralism”. Speech was regarded as the basis of language, and structure was viewed as being at the heart of speaking ability. The theory that knowledge of structures must be linked to situations in which they could be used gave Situational Language Teaching one of its distinctive features. It emphasizes the close relationship between the structure of language and the context and situations in which language is used, and language was viewed as purposeful activity related to goals and situations in the real world. Then, the theory of learning underlying Situational Language Teaching is a type of behaviorist habit-learning theory. It addresses primarily the processes rather than the conditions of learning. For example, cites Palmer’s views as authoritative: As Palmer has pointed out, there are three process in learning a language—receiving the knowledge or materials, fixing itin the memory by repetition, and using it in actual practice until it becomes a personal skill. Like the Direct Method, Situational Language Teaching adopts an inductive approach to the teaching of grammar. The meaning of words or structures is not to be given through explanation in either the native tongue or the target language but is to be induced from the way the form is used in a situation. Explanation is therefore discouraged, and the learner is expected to deduce the meaning of a particular structure or vocabulary item from the situation in which it is presented. Extending structures and vocabulary to new situations takes place by generalization. This is how child language learning is believed to take place, and the same processes are thought to occur in second and foreign language learning, according to practitioners of Situational Language Teaching. Second, it’s the details of the design. Above all, the objectives of the Situational Language Teaching method are to teach a practical command of the four basic skills of language. Accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regards as crucial, and errors are to be avoided at all costs. Automatic control of basic structures and sentences pattern is fundamental to reading and writing skills, and this is achieved through speech work. Then, basic to the teaching of English in Situational Language Teaching is a structural syllabus and a word list. A structural syllabus is a list ofthe basic structures and sentence patterns of English, arranged according to their order of presentation. In Situational Language Teaching, structures are always taught within sentences, and vocabulary is chosen according to how well it enables sentence patterns to be taught. The syllabus was not therefore a situational syllabus in the sense that this item is sometimes used (i.e., a list of situations and the language associated with them). Rather, situation refers to manner of presenting and practicing sentence patterns. Practice techniques such as guided repetition and substitution activities, including chorus repetition, dictation, drills, and controlled oral-based reading and writing tasks. Other oral-practice techniques are sometimes used including pair practice and group work. The main features of Situational Language Teaching are: (1) Language teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally before it is presented in written form. (2) The target language is the language of the classroom. (3) New language points are introduced and practiced situationally. (4) Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general service vocabulary is covered. (5) Items of grammar are graded following the principle that simple forms should be taught before complex one. (6) Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established. Next, it’s about the roles andthe types of learning and teaching activities. Situational Language Teaching employs a situational approach to presenting new sentence patterns and a drill-based manner of practicing them. The practice techniques employed generally consist of guided repetition and substitution activities, including chorus repetition, dictation, drills, and controlled oral-based reading and writing tasks. Other oral-practice techniques are sometimes used, including pair practice and group work. In the initial stages of learning, the learner is required simply to listen and repeat what the teacher says and to respond to questions and commands. The teacher has no control over the content of learning and is often regarded as likely to succumb to undesirable behaviors unless skillfully manipulated by the teacher. Later, more active participation is encouraged, but teacher-controlled introduction and practice of new language is stressed throughout. The teacher’s function is threefold. The teacher is essential to the success of the approach. In the presentation stage of the classroom, the teacher serves as a model. Then the teacher is required to be a skillful manipulator, using questions, commands, and other cues to elicit correct sentences from learners. Lessons are hence teacher directed, and the teacher sets the pace. During the practice phrase of the lesson, students are given more of an opportunity to use the language in less controlledsituations, but the teacher is ever on the lookout for grammatical and structural errors that can form the basis of subsequent lessons. Situational Language Teaching is dependent upon both a textbook and visual aids. The textbook contains tightly organized lessons planned around different grammatical structures. Visual aids may be produced by the teacher or may be commercially produced, they consist of wall charts, flashcards, pictures, stick figures, and so on. So the textbook should be used “only as a guide to the learning process. The teacher is expected to be the master of his textbook”. What’s more is the procedure. Third, it’s the details of the procedures. Classroom procedures in Situational Language Teaching vary according to the level of the class, but procedures at any level aim to move from controlled to freer practice of structures and from oral use of sentence patterns to their automatic use in speech, reading, and writing. The classroom procedures generally consists of: (1) Listening practice in which the teacher obtains his student’s attention and repeats an example of the patterns or a word in isolation clearly, several times, probably saying it slowly at least once, separating the words. (2) Choral imitation in which students all together or in large groups repeat what the teacher has said. This works best if the teacher gives a clear instruction like “repeat”, or “everybody” and hand signals to mark time and stress. (3) Individualimitation in which the teacher asks several individual students to repeat the model he has given in order to check their pronunciation.(4) Isolation, in which the teacher isolates sounds, words or groups of words which cause trouble and goes through techniques with them before replacing them in context. (5) Building up to a new model, in which the teacher gets students to ask and answer questions using patterns they already know in order to bring about the information necessary to introduce the new model. (6) Elicitation, in which the teacher, using mime, prompt words, gestures, etc. , gets students to ask questions, make statements, or give new examples of the pattern. (7) Substitution drilling, in which the teacher uses cue words to get individual students to mix the examples of the new patterns. (8) Question-answer drilling, in which the teacher gets one student to ask a question and another to answer until most students in the class have practiced asking and answering the new question form. (9) Correction, in which the teacher indicates by shaking his head, repeating the error, etc. , that there is a mistake and invites the student or a different student to correct it. Where possible the teacher does not simply correct the mistake himself. He gets students to correct themselves so they will be encouraged to listen to each other carefully. The practical techniques in the approach generally consist of: (1) New sentencepatterns presented in situations. (2) Drill-based practice. (3) Guided repetition and substitution activities. (4) Dictation, imitation and controlled oral-based reading and writing tasks.•The advantages of the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching are that it has made the first attempt toestablish theoretical principles to develop a methodologicalframework for teaching English as a foreign language in ELThistory. These attempts mark the beginnings of the disciplineof a applied linguistics. Also, its strong emphasis on oralpractice, grammar and sentence patterns conform to theintuitions of many practically oriented classroom teachers.The disadvantages of the Oral Approach and SituationalLanguage Teaching are that in language teaching practice, this approach has made up some shortcomings of the DirectMethod. The teaching content is graded, and the students will not suffer from the difficulties of a flow of ungraded speech in target language. In presenting the language structure, itemphasizes the function of situation which can help studentsto apply what they have learned to real-life practice. Also, the views of language and language learning underlyingSituational Language Teaching were called into question.Chomsky showed that the structural and the behavioristicapproaches to language were erroneous and did not account for the fundamental characteristic of language namely the creativity and uniqueness of individual sentences. Children do not acquire their mother tongue through repetition and habit formation. There must be, however, an innate predisposition which leads them to a certain kind of linguistic competence. What’s more, it doesn’t concern with appropriateness or rules for use in real discourse. The approach being largely a grammar-based one. This approach is not concerned with appropriateness or with rules for use in real discourse. The situations are vehicle through which the grammatical syllabus is conveyed. Therefore, this approach is still largely a grammar-based one.Procedures associated with Situational Language Teaching in the fifties and sixties are an extension and further development of well-established techniques advocated by proponents of the earlier Oral Approach in the British school of language teaching. They continue to the part of the standard set of procedures advocated in many current British methodology texts and as we noted above, textbooks written according to the principles of Situational Language Teaching continue to be widely used in many parts of the world.Although it had called into question in the past, finally because the principles of Situational Language Teaching, with its strong emphasis on oral practice, grammar, and sentence patterns, conform to the intuitions of many practically oriented classroom teachers, it continues to be widely used.。
四种二语习得理论1、中介语理论(Interlanguage)by SelinkerML TLchiglishtarget language中介语是介于母语与目标语之间的一种语言Positive transfer(正迁移)母语的干扰:Transfer(迁移)Negative transfer(负迁移)正迁移(positive):母语帮助目标语2、文化移入说(Acculturation . Model)--by Schunman(舒曼)3、渐进体系说(Approximative System)循序渐进(Graduality)Palmer ( 帕默) "Snowball"四先原则:先易后难,先简后繁,先死后活,先集体后个人。
4、输入说(Input Theory)S.D.Krashen(克拉申)对于二语的习得,要进行大量的,可理解性的输入"i+1"即"input+1","1"相当于不定量"n"“中国外语立体教学理论”by “张正东”所用甚少四、环境对外语教学的影响Critical period 关键期假说“13”is the critical age1、印度狼孩2、非洲黑猩猩孩3、辽宁猪孩思考题:语言学对我国外语教学有什么样的启示第二部分:外语教学流派(Schools of FILM )教学目的:1、了解英语教学法主要流派。
2、借签第四讲:一、FLIM: Foreign Language Teaching Methods(一).GTM(语法翻译法)----Grammar Translation Methods始于18世纪末19世纪中,源于欧洲(西欧),(18世纪前的拉丁语)中国从1872年开始,同文馆标志着中国班级教学的开始。
The Syllabus Structural syllabus & Word list a. A structural syllabus is a list of the basic structures and sentence patterns of English, arranged according to their order of presentation b. Structures are always taught within sentences c. Vocabulary is chosen according to how well it enables sentence patterns to be taught an example on P.42
Situational langrage teaching’s main characteristics Language teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally before it is presented in written form. The target language is the language of the classroom. New language points are introduced and practiced situationally.
The origins of this approach began with the work of British applied linguists in the 1920s and 1930s. A number of applied linguists developed the basis for a principled approach to methodology in language teaching. Two of the leaders in this movement were Harold Palmer and A.S. Hornby, two of the most prominent figures in British twentieth-century language teaching.
The Oral Approach and SituationalLanguage Teaching1、IntroductionThe oral approach was developed from the 1930s to the 1960s by British applied linguists such asHarold Palmer and A.S. Hornsby, who attempted to formally develop a scientifically-foundedapproach to teaching English. A number of large-scale investigations about language learning andthe increased emphasis on reading skills in the 1920s led to the notion of "vocabulary control".Parallel to this was the notion of "grammar control".●Vocabulary controlSeveral large-scale investigations of foreign language vocabulary showed that vocabulary wasone of the most important aspects of foreign language learning and the increased emphasis onreading skills as the goal of foreign language study implied that vocabulary was an essentialcomponent of reading proficiency.It was discovered that languages have a core basic vocabulary of about 2,000 words that occurredfrequently in written texts, and it was assumed that mastery of these would greatly aid readingcomprehension.Choosing the vocabulary content of a language course represented the first attempts to establishprinciples of syllabus design in language teaching.●Grammar controlGrammar control emphasized the sentence patterns most-commonly found in spoken conversation, very different from the abstract model of grammar seen in the Grammar-Translation Method. Suchpatterns were incorporated into dictionaries and handbooks for students.2、The Oral Approach and Situational Language TeachingThe main characteristics of the approach◆ 1. Language teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally before it ispresented in written form.◆ 2. The target language is the language of the classroom.◆ 3. New language points are introduced and practiced situationally.◆ 4. Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general servicevocabulary is covered.◆ 5. Items of grammar are graded following the principle that simple forms should be taughtbefore complex ones.◆ 6. Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis isestablished.3、Approach●Theory of language◊The British theoreticians had a focus to their version of structuralism - the notion of "situation." ◊British "structuralism.": Speech was regarded as the basis of language, and structure was viewed as being at the heart of speaking ability.●The theory is that knowledge of structures must be linked to situations in which theycould be used gave Situational Language Teaching one of its distinctive features.●Many British linguists had emphasized the close relationship between the structure oflanguage and the context and situations in which language is used.●Thus, in contrast to American structuralist views on language, language was viewed aspurposeful activity related to goals and situations in the real world.●Theory of learningThe theory of learning underlying Situational Language Teaching is a type of behaviorist habit-learning theory.◆Situational Language Teaching adopts an inductive approach to the teaching of grammar.◆The meaning of words or structures is not to be given through explanation in either the native tongue or the target language but is to be induced from the way the form is used in a situation. ◆"If we give the meaning of a new word, either by translation into the home language or by an equivalent in the same language, as soon as we introduce it, we weaken the impression which the word makes on the mind" (Billows 1961: 28). Explanation is therefore discouraged, and the learner is expected to deduce the meaning of a particular structure or vocabulary item from the situation in which it is presented.◆The learner is expected to apply the language learned in a classroom to situations outside the classroom. (This is how child language learning is believed to take place, and the same processes are thought to occur in second and foreign language learning, according to practitioners of Situational Language Teaching.)4、Design●ObjectivesThe objectives of the Situational Language Teaching method are to teach a command of the four basic skills of language, goals it shares with methods of language teaching.but the skills are approached through structure.Accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regarded as crucial, and errors are to be avoided at all costs.Automatic control of basic structures and sentence patterns is fundamental to reading and writing skills, and this is achieved through speech work.Writing likewise derives from speech.●The syllabusa structural syllabus + a word listA structural syllabus is a list of the basic structures and sentence patterns of English, arranged according to their order of presentation. In Situational Language Teaching, structures are always taught within sentences, and vocabulary is chosen according to how well it enables sentence patterns to be taught.The syllabus was not therefore a situational syllabus in the sense that this term is sometimes used.Rather,situation refers to the manner of presenting and practicing sentence patterns,as well shall see later.●Types of learning and teaching activitiesSituational Language Teaching employs a situational approach to presenting new sentence patterns and a drill-based manner of practicing them.“s ituation” implies the use of concrete objects, pictures, and realia, which together with actions and gestures can be used to demonstrate the meanings of new language items.The practice techniques consist of guided repetition and substitution activities, including chorus repetition, dictation, and drills, and other oral-practice techniques are sometimes used, such as pair work and group work.The form of new words and sentence patterns is demonstrated with examples and not through grammatical explanation or description. The meaning of new words and sentence patterns is not conveyed through translation. It is made clear visually (with objects, pictures, action and mime). Wherever possible model sentences are related and taken from a single situation. (Davies, Roberts, and Rossner 1975: 3)●Learner rolesIn the initial stages of learning, the learner is required simply to listen and repeat what the teacher says and to respond to questionsand commands.The learner has no control over the content of learning and is often regarded as likely to succumb to undesirable behaviors unless skillfully manipulated by the teacher .●Teacher rolesThe teacher's function is threefold.◆In the presentation stage of the lesson, the teacher serves as a model, setting up situations in which the need for the target structure is created and then modeling the new structure for students to repeat.◆Then the teacher is required to be a skillful manipulator, using questions and other cues to elicit correct sentences from the learners. Lessons are hence teacher directed, and the teacher sets the pace.◆During the practice phase of the lesson, students are given more of an opportunity to use the language in less controlled situations, but the teacher is ever on the lookout for grammatical and structural errors.●The role of instructional materialsSituational Language Teaching is dependent upon both a textbook and visual aids. The textbookcontains tightly organized lessons planned around different grammatical structures. Visual aids may be produced by the teacher or may be commercially produced; they consist of flashcards, pictures and so on. The visual element along with a carefully graded grammatical syllabus is a crucial aspect of Situational Language Teaching, hence the importance of the textbook. The textbook should be used "only as a guide to the learning process. The teacher is expected to be the master of his textbook" (Pittman,1963: 176).5.6 ProcedureProcedures aim to move from controlled to freer practice of structures and from oral use of sentence patterns to their automatic use in speech, reading, and writing.Davies et al. likewise give detailed information about teaching procedures to be used with Situational Language Teaching.1. Listening practice in which the teacher obtains his student's attention and repeats an example of the patterns or a word in isolation clearly, several times, probably saying it slowly at least once (where ... is ... the ... pen?), separating the words.2. Choral imitation in which students all together or in large groups repeat what the teacher has said.3. Individual imitation in which the teacher asks several individual students to repeat the model he has given in order to check their pronunciation.4. Isolation, in which the teacher isolates sounds, words or groups of words which cause trouble and goes through techniques 1-3 with them before replacing them in context.5. Building up to a new model, in which the teacher gets students to ask and answer questions using patterns they already know in order to bring about the information necessary to introduce the new model.6. Elicitation, in which the teacher, using mime, prompt words, gestures, etc., gets students to ask questions, make statements, or give new examples of the pattern.7. Substitution drilling, in which the teacher uses cue words (words, pictures, numbers, names, etc.) to get individual students to mix the examples of the new patterns.8. Question-answer drilling, in which the teacher gets one student to ask a question and another to answer until most students in the class have practiced asking and answering the new question form.9. Correction, in which the teacher indicates by shaking his head, repeating the error, etc., that there is a mistake and invites the student or a different student to correct it.。
SITUATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING 情境教學法(SLT)歷史背景與淵源DM的沒落,除了因為語言能力與教學技巧造成教師一大負擔外,另外一個令人詬病的因素在於DM本身較無語言學理論為其基本架構。
一般的SLT課程大綱如下所示(Frisby 1957:134):句型單字1st lesson This is … book, pencil, rulerThat is … desk2nd lesson These are… chair, picture, door,Those are… window3rd lesson Is this …? Yes it is. watch, box, pen,Is that …? Yes it is. Black board實際上,SLT是最早使用課程進度表(structural syllabus)的教學法。
第二语言教学,英文为Second Language Teaching(SLT),是指在一个非母语环境下教授一门或多门语言的过程。
1.语言习得(Language Acquisition):指非意识、自然而然地学会一种语言的过程,类似于孩子们学习母语的方式。
2.语言学习(Language Learning):指通过有意识的学习来掌握一种语言的过程,通常是通过学习语法规则、词汇等知识来实现的。
5.教学法(Teaching Methodology):指用于实现教学目标的方法和策略,包括教学计划、教学材料、教学技巧等。
CLT教学法相关介绍大连翻译职业学院教务处阅读:366次发布:2009-1-18 9:19:561. 交际教学法的历史背景与渊源正当Situational Language Teaching (SLT) 在英国的语言教学界盛行之时,美国已于1960年代末期开始检讨Audiolingual Method (ALM) 的理论基础。
他们开始注意到语言教学的重点应该摆在“交际能力”(communicative competence/ability);用来呼应美国语言学家乔姆斯基所提的“语言能力”(linguistic competence),而非语言结构的熟练度(mastery of structures)。
于是,在英、美、欧陆三方的教学理论的激荡下,诞生了Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)。
2. 交际教学法的教学观交际教学法认为,语言包含了〝交际能力〞和语言所处的〝文化社会意涵〞,其功用则包括了功能性(functional;指用言语和他人互动)、规范性(regulatory;指用言语限制他人行动)、互动性(interactional; 指用言语和他人互动)、想像性(imaginative;指用言语创造出想像世界)以及再现性(representative;指用言语沟通、呈现讯息)等多种用途。
海姆斯的〝交际能力〞可以概括为一个人对语言知识和能力的运用,主要包括4个方面:⑴语法能力(grammatical competence),也就是语言符号本身的知识(包括词汇,构词规则,语音,句法等方面),主要涉及正确理解和和表达话语(utterance)的字面意义的知识,也就是句平面上遣词造句的能力。
• 4.注重情景的完整性、故事性。 • 创设完整性、故事性的教学情景是培养 学生言语交际能力的关键所在。
• • • •
情景教学的原则: ---- 生动直观,形象有趣 ---- 方便实用,具有可操作性 ---- 具有灵活性与开放性
Stage 4 Extension
Work in groups. 1. Adapt some texts from primary English textbook and act them out. 2. Make use of the resouces in the classroom and create learning situation for certurn teaching contents.
• 教学策略 • 1.确保情景优先. 在教学中,教师应当把情景创设放在优 先的地位,先让学生观察情景,然后再让 学生进行听音、仿说和练习。这样学生就 能比较容易地感知和理解新的语言材料。
• 2. 注意情景的多样化 • 在日常生活中,情景是丰富多彩的。教学 情景应该也应当是各式各样的, 因此,教师 必须根据教学内容来设计和创设好教学情 景。 • 3. 尽可能地多创设趣味性的情景。 • 小学生好动,学习的注意力不能持久。所 以.创设趣味性的教学情景就显得尤为重要。
The Situational Language Teaching (情景教学法)
广西师范学院初等教育学院 蓝卫红
After learning this topic, you should be able • ---- to develop some concepts of situational language teaching in primary English classroom ---- to master some skills of creating language learning environment in primary English class.
或叫其他學生更正 1. 在 1960 年代由於 Chomsky 提出語言基本特性—創造性和獨特性,
使 SLT 受到質疑。 2. 由於 SLT 非常強調口語練習、文法及句型,對於許多實際上主導
加強練習 5. 新模式之建立(building up to a new model)—叫學生起來用之前模
仿的句子來練習問與答 6. 誘導(elicitation)—老師用指令或手勢等來叫學生問與答,或舉例 7. 代換練習(substitution drilling)—使用線索(各種教具)提示不同的
字詞,讓學生代入新句型 8. 問答練習(question-answer drilling)—讓大部分學生都練過這些新
materials 2.視覺教具(Visual aids)──如:wall charts, flashcards, pictures, stick
五〃 教學流程
(一) 舉例 例一
Procedures T: (holding up a watch) Look. This is a watch. (2×)(pointing to a clock
1.語言理論 1. 口語是語言的根據,而結構是口語能力的中心
Theory of 2. 英國的結構主義強調,教學要將大量的情境放在文法句型練習中
language 3. 美國語言結構學家則視語言是與真實世界中的目的和情境有相
2.學習理論 1. 視語言學習為習慣的養成,故基本要求是正確的說話習慣
a pen) This is a pen. (2×)(drawing large pencil on blackboard and
On the situational teaching of vocabulary
- 28-校园英语 / 高等教育On the situational teaching of vocabulary吉林职工医科大学/徐圆【Abstract】The paper mainly uses the situational theory combined with vocabulary teaching to analyze the effect of teaching in order to make students have an ability to master more vocabulary knowledge and express themselves well.【Key words】Situational Teaching; V ocabulary Teaching1. IntroductionTeaching vocabulary plays a very important role in the foreign language teaching. However, there is a phenomenon which we called “Dumb English” in China. According to the observation, the problem is caused by the ways Chinese teachers teach. In addition, a lot of schools do not have enough facilities such as English laboratory, LCD, and other multimedia. So based on the phenomenon the researchers try to teach English vocabulary by using Situational Language Teaching(SLT).2. Literature Review2.1 Theory of languageStructuralism is the theoretical basis of the Situational Language Teaching. It was proposed by Jean Piaget and Lev. S Vygotsky. It believed that the learners are the subjects of the information processing and the initiative constructors of the knowledge. Here are five slogans of structural linguists: Language is speech, not writing; A language is a set of habits; Teach the language, not about the language; A language is what its native speakers say, no what someone thinks they ought to say; Languages are different.2.2 Theory of learningThe Situational Language Teaching is based on the behaviorist psychology theory. It was proposed by J.B Watson the B.F.Skinner. This theory stresses that human and animals should be studied from physical process. According to Palmer, there are three processes in learning a language. The first one is receiving the knowledge or materials, the second one is remembering the language by repetition, and the last one is using the language in actual practice in the real situation. The learners are supposed to deduce the meaning from the situations and explanation.3. Application in English vocabulary teachingSpecifically, here are some concrete situational teaching methods to improve vocabulary teaching.The first one is telling stories. It means that the teacher makes the students create stories through imagination by the learned words. This method does not need complex procedures but clear directions given by the teacher.(1) Show certain words to students.(2) Give clear directions.(3) Ask students to create their stories within the set time.(4) Ask students to tell their stories and stress the given words.(5) Select some better stories to share with others.The second one is using social context. Teachers should try to create certain social context to help students consolidate their vocabulary. For example, teachers can help students review the words through showing relative programmers. These programmers can make students recall the meaning of the words better because they add some relative mew materials into exiting cognitive units.The third one is introducing cultural backgrounds. When the teachers teach some new words, they should try to dig its cultural backgrounds, especially the difference between China and America. For example, the word “red” represents auspicious things and joyous atmosphere in China. However, it represents a kind of dangerous signal like “red-tapism”, “red cock” in America.4. ConclusionSituational language Teaching method is an efficient way for the students to help them remember the new words quickly and also a good method for the teachers to teach vocabulary. Situational Language Teaching approach mainly focuses on situation-based learning, as opposed to the traditional approaches that rely more on methodological explications. It is designed to help students gain confidence by understanding the practical use of the words.Every approach has its own characteristics, so we need to evaluate them and choose a suitable method for our own teaching. Here for our vocabulary teaching, the teachers the and students all should try their best to find more efficient methods, especially the Situational Teaching method, to improve and enlarge students' vocabulary.References:[1]Richards,Jack C.And Theodore S.Rodgers.Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2005.[2]李红.词汇教学法与研究生英语教学[M].山东外语教学,2005 (02).作者简介:徐圆(1989.7-),女,吉林省吉林市人,英语专业研究生,初级职称,研究方向:英语教学法。
各种教学法及其优缺点1 the grammar-translation method优点:注重培养阅读能力和写作翻译能力缺点:忽视听说训练,不能培养学生运用英语思维进行英语交际的能力,语法规则的学习脱离了语言的实际应用,过多的使用机械记忆使课堂教学沉闷,单调乏味,忽视学生的学习兴趣,学习效果事倍功半认识:语法翻译法主要要求学生背诵,学习效率低,没有顾及英语学习听说训练,不利于学生全面发展,是一种比较传统的学习方法。
2 the direct method优点;直接法重视口语教学,强调英语思维,能够培养学生较强的口头语言交际能力。
3 audio-lingual method优点:听说法的优势是通过句型操练熟练掌握一定数量的句式,有利于语言表达习惯的养成,在有限范围内,能流利的听说英语,语调比较准确自然。
4 the situational language teaching优点:便于使学生获得感性材料,把理论与实际联系起来。
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• Main characteristics of SLT
– – – – – Beginning with the spoken language Using the target language in class Introducing language points situationally Selecting vocabulary Grading(排序) contents from simply points to complex ones – Introducing reading and writing afterwards
Part 5 Procedures in SLT
1.listening practice 2.choral imitation 3.individual imitation 4.isolation 5.building up to a new model
6.elicitation 7.substitution drilling 8.question-answer drilling processes of language learning (Palmer): 1. receiving the knowledge or materials; 2. fixing it in memory by repetition; 3. using it in actual practice until it becomes your personal skill.
Beliefs of theoreticians: Speech was regarded as the basis of language, and structure was viewed as being the heart of speaking ability. The oral practice of controlled sentence patterns should be given in situations designed to give the greatest amount of practice in English speech to the pupil
Situational Language Teaching (STL)
Part 1 General introduction
• STL is an approach to methodology that involves systematic principles of:
– Selection (to choose contents) – Gradation (to organize and sequence) – Presentation (to present and practice)
Part 6
Part 2 History of SLT
• 1920s, Palmer, Hornby, etc. developed the approach Oral Approach • 1950s, the Oral Approach was accepted in English language teaching. • 1965, the approach was more widely used • 1960s, the Oral Approach was renamed into Situational Language Teaching (SLT)
Part 4 Roles of Learners and Teachers in SLT
• Roles of Learners
– In initial stages: listen, repeat, respond, no control, succumb to the teacher – Later: more active participation, initiating responses, asking questions
• Roles of Teachers
– In the presentation stage: serves as a model, set up situations, model the new structures; – Then: become a skillful “conductor”, skillfully manipulate, use questions, commands, other cues to elicit learners’ answers, set the pace – During the practice phase: lookout grammatical and structural errors, organize review
Part 3 Background Theories
• Theory of Language Underlying the SLT:
– Structuralism: Contents to teach are: Word order, Structural Words, the few inflections of English, and Content Words etc. Techniques to use: oral practice in situations
• Theory of Learning in the SLT
– Behaviorist habit-learning theory Focus: on process rather than learning conditions Way to learning languages: habit formation