二、考试要求:1.学生应熟悉语言学的基本概念, 主要流派及其理论观点;2.了解语言学核心领域及其边缘领域的发展;3.初步具备运用相关理论分析语言现象的能力;三、考试题型:1.知识题: 测验学生对基本理论概念的掌握;2.论述题: 根据所学原理,对题目进行充分论证;3.语言事件分析: 语音/语法/语篇等语言现象的具体分析;四、参考书目:Radford, A. et al, 2000, Linguistics: An Introduction, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing.第三部分:“英美概况”(45分)一、考试目的:考察学生的综合人文素质及语言使用情况。
006040000 英美文学选读课程考试说明一、本课程使用的教材、大纲英美文学选读课程指定使用的教材为《英美文学选读》(附大纲),全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会组编,张伯香主编,外语教学与研究出版社,1999年版。
1、方罗兰( )
2、吕纬甫( )
3、俞实夫( )
4、郭全海( )
5、陶岚 ( )
6、曾树生( )
7、愫芳 ( )
8、蒋少祖( )
9、程仁 ( )
10 翠翠 ( )
814- 英语语言文学综合考试
(三)试卷内容结构各部分内容所占分值为:英美文学 70分(其中,英国文学35分,美国文学35分)英美文化 40分语言学 40分(四)试卷题型结构1. 英美文学题型(共70分,其中,英国文学35分,美国文学35分)(1)英国文学部分题型(共35分)作家与作品相匹配约5分判断所给作品选段的出处约10分小论文写作约20分(2)美国文学部分题型文学常识(多种形式)约20分论述题约15分2. 英美文化部分题型(共40分)正误判断题或选择题约10分名词解释约10分论述题约20分3.语言学部分题型(共40分)正误判断题或选择题约10分分析题约10分论述题约20分三、考查范围英国文学英国文学部分的考察范围分为英国文学史和英国文学作品选读两个部分。
英国文学史考察范围The Anglo-Saxon Period: BeowulfThe Anglo-Norman Period: Chaucer; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The Renaissance: More; Bacon; Sidney; Spenser; Marlowe; Shakespeare The 17th Century: Donne; Jonson; Milton; Dryden; BunyanThe 18th Century: Defoe; Swift; Addison and Steele; Pope; Johnson;Gray; Goldsmith; Fielding; Sheridan; Blake; Burns The Romantic Period: Wordsworth; Coleridge; Byron; Shelley; Keats;Scott; Austen; LambThe Victorian Age: E. B. Browning; Tennyson; Robert Browning; TheBronte Sisters; Dickens; Thackeray; EliotThe 20th Century: Hardy; Shaw; Conrad; Yeats; Forster; Woolf; Joyce;Lawrence; T. S. Eliot; Orwell英国文学作品选读考查范围Popular ballads: Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale; Get Up and Bar theDoorChaucer: The Canterbury Tales (General Prologue)Shakespeare: Hamlet(Act III, Scene I); Sonnets 18, 29, and 106 Bacon: Of StudiesDonne: Song; A Valediction: Forbidding MourningMilton: Paradise Lost (Book I)Swift: Gulliver’s Travels (Part IV)Gray: Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardBlake: London; The Chimney SweeperBurns: John Anderson, My Jo; A Red, Red RoseWordsworth: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud; The Solitary Reaper Lord Byron: Don Juan (The Isles of Greece)Shelley: Ozymandias; Ode to the West WindKeats: On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer; Ode on a Grecian Urn Emily Bronte: Wuthering HeightsLord Tennyson: UlyssesRobert Browning: My Last Duchess美国文学Chapter 1 Before the Revolution of Independence1.1 Native American Literature1.2 Colonial AmericaChapter 2 Around the Revolution of IndependenceChapter 3 American Romanticism/Renaissance3.1 Pre-Romanticism3.2 The Peak of Romanticism3.3 Post-RomanticismChapter 4 The Age of RealismChapter 5 The Age of ModernismChapter 6 American Literature since 1945英美文化1. British Society & Culture1.1 Land and People1.2 History1.3 Economy1.4 Politics and Society1.5 Education2. American Society & Culture2.1 Land and People2.2 History2.3 Economy2.4 Politics and Law2.5 Family2.6 Society2.7 Education2.8 Beliefs and Values语言学Chapter 1 Language and Linguistics1.1The nature of language1.2The functions of language1.3Language families1.4Some important distinctions in linguistics1.5The scope of linguisticsChapter 2 Phonetics and phonology2.1 Production of sounds2.2 Phonemes2.3 Sound patterns2.4 Suprasegmental featuresChapter 3 Morphology and lexicon3.1 Word and word class3.2 Morpheme3.3 Inflection and word-formation3.4 LexiconChapter 4 Syntax4.1 Sentence structure4.2 Syntactic function and category4.3 Transformational rulesChapter 5 Semantics5.1 Approaches to meaning5.2 Semantic field and semantic relations5.3 Semantic analysisChapter 6 Pragmatics and text analysis6.1 Speech act theory6.2 The Cooperative principle and the politeness principle6.3 Presupposition and the structure of spoken text6.4 Cohesion6.5 Thematic structure ad information unitChapter 7 Language and social culture7.1 Language varieties7.2 Language and culture7.3 Language change7.4 Language planningChapter 8 Language acquisition and thought8.1 First language acquisition8.2 Second language acquisition8.3 Language and thoughtChapter 9 Linguistics and Language teaching9.1 Approaches to language teaching9.2 Syllabus design9.3 Language testing9.4 Error analysis。
1.谁发现美洲新大陆;the new world and the old world
17.Spoils system(名词解释)
19.进步主义运动progressivemovement (名词解释) Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson P301
21.战后President Wilson提出“fourteen points”, only“the league of nations”was adopted.
30.Civil rights movement(名词解释)P362代表
32.the Civil Rights Acts of 1964and president JohnsonP365
33.in 1973, the Nixon administration signed peace treaty with North Vietnam
26.美国参加二战的直接原因Japanese air-raid on Pearl Harborin 1941
27.The lend-Lease bill(名词解释)P353
28.Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine(名词解释)P358
29.Beat Generation垮掉的一代(名词解释)
北京第二外国语学院美学(无此试卷)比较文学与世界文学(无此试卷)英语语言文学日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础英语1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)综合考试(英1)(含英美文学、英美概况、语言学)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:其中英美文学部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美文学部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;语言学部分试卷惟独2001,2003——2023年年,语言学部分答案有:2001,2003——2023年年]综合考试(英2)(含经贸翻译、英美概况、国际贸易)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:经贸翻译部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,经贸翻译部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;国际贸易部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,国际贸易部分答案有:2003——2023年年]翻译1997(1997有答案)综合考试(现代汉语部分)1998——2002(2000——2002有答案)跨文化学(专业知识)1998,2001(2001有答案)美国研究1999——2001第 1 页/共 5 页英语写作1998——2001(2000有答案)应用英语(英文写作)2001应用英语(英语语言文学专业国际经济合作方向)2001应用英语(专业英语)2001英美文学2000——2002(2000——2002有答案)英美文学专业知识考试1998经济学原理1999俄语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)德语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)日语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础日语1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(专业)1998——1999,2002(2002有答案)专业日语(日本文学史)2004答案综合考试(日)(含日本文学、日本概况、翻译)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)综合考试(日本概况)1998——1999,2002——2003(2002——2003有答案)综合考试(日本文学史)1998——1999,2002——2003(2002——2003有答案)综合考试(日语翻译部分)2003——2023年年(2004——2023年年有答案)阿拉伯语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)外国语言学及应用语言学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础英语1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)综合考试(英1)(含英美文学、英美概况、语言学)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:其中英美文学部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,第 3 页/共 5 页英美文学部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;语言学部分试卷惟独2001,2003——2023年年,语言学部分答案有:2001,2003——2023年年]综合考试(英2)(含经贸翻译、英美概况、国际贸易)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:经贸翻译部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,经贸翻译部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;国际贸易部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,国际贸易部分答案有:2003——2023年年]翻译1997(1997有答案)综合考试(现代汉语部分)1998——2002(2000——2002有答案)跨文化学(专业知识)1998,2001(2001有答案)美国研究1999——2001英语写作1998——2001(2000有答案)应用英语(英文写作)2001应用英语(英语语言文学专业国际经济合作方向)2001应用英语(专业英语)2001英美文学2000——2002(2000——2002有答案)英美文学专业知识考试1998经济学原理1999国际贸易学国际贸易与国际金融2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)国际贸易理论与实务1998——2003(2003有答案)经济学原理1999企业管理管理学综合(企业管理专业)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)管理学综合2023年年(2023年年有答案)管理学原理2000——2002经济学原理1999旅游管理管理学综合(旅游管理专业)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)管理学综合2023年年(2023年年有答案)管理学原理2000——2002旅游管理2004——2023年年(2023年年有答案)旅游经济学1998——1999,2003旅游学概论2000旅游专业综合考试2001——2003经济学原理1999第 5 页/共 5 页。
合肥工业大学2013年攻读硕士学位研究生招生专业目录考 试 科 目 代 码 表思想政治理论101英语翻译基础357经济学原理802材料科学基础(一)824有机化学(二)845单独考试思想政治理论111电子线路803材料科学基础(二)825运筹与管理846马克思主义哲学711马克思主义发展简史804固体物理826企业管理学847管理类联考综合能力199心理学712思想政治教育原理及方法论805材料成形基本原理827软件工程学科专业基础综合848基础英语713英语专业综合考试(一)806工程热力学(一)828流体机械原理849英语一201艺术原理与美术史714英语专业综合考试(二)807真空技术829俄语202艺术原理与基础理论715高等代数808电路830美术创作(6小时素描写生)501日语203数学分析716高分子化学809半导体物理831艺术设计与表现(6小时)502英语二 204单独考试数学717岩石学810数字电路832建筑设计与表现(6小时)503翻译硕士英语211有机化学(一)718生物化学(二)811“信号与系统”和建筑技术设计与表现(6小时)504单独考试英语240地质学基础719十六位微机原理812“数字信号处理”833规划设计与表现(6小时)505二外德语241生物学综合720材料力学813自动控制原理834景观设计与表现(6小时)506二外法语242设计基础理论(一)721理论力学814结构力学835二外日语243设计基础理论(二)722机械原理815水力学836二外俄语244规划设计基础理论723自动控制理论816工程热力学(二)837景观设计原理724生产计划与控制817测绘科学基础838数学一301工程流体力学818物理化学839数学二302计算机学科专业基础综合408造型设计基础819生物化学(一)840数学三303资产评估专业基础436普通物理820工程地质学841汉语写作与百科知识448误差理论与数据处理821交通工程学842教育学专业基础综合311传感器822路基路面工程843建筑学基础355自然辩证法原理801应用光学823环境科学概论844第一部分 学术型硕士研究生招生部分学科专业代码名称研 究 方 向招生计划指导教师姓名及职称考 试 科目参 考 书 目01.生态哲学理论与方法黄志斌吴椒军刘志峰万伦来任雪萍朱双庆陈绪新魏 荣02.科技进步与社会发展03.新兴战略性产业及其政策010108科学技术哲学04.科技管理哲学16教授王章豹朱明峰(兼)研究员秦继荣(兼)正高级政工师朱湖根(兼)李 良(兼)正高级工程师周 彬朱 浩茆诗珍葛万锋周甄武董 军邱国侠李才华副教授1.思想政治理论 2.英语一、日语或俄语 3.马克思主义哲学 4.自然辩证法原理《自然辩证法概论新编》,黄志斌主编,安徽大学出版社,2007年版;《辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义》,李秀林等编,中国人民大学出版社,2004年版。
北京第二外国语学院2003年硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试科目:综合考试(英美文学)满分:40分A. the farceB. the romanceC. the melodrama2. Geoffrey Chaucer’s language, now called ________, is vivid and exact.A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Primitive English3. Apart from its religious significance, ________ has had a great influence on English language and literature.A. the King Arthur BibleB. the King George BibleC. the King James Bible4. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus was written by ________.A. Christopher MarloweB. John MiltonC. William Shakespeare5. John Dome (1573-1631), the founder of the ________ school of poetry, lived and wrote during the successive reigns of Elizabeth to Charles I.A. MetaphoricalB. MetamorphicC. Metaphysical6. Essay on Criticism, a didactic poem written by Alexander Pope in heroic couplets, tells the poets and critics how to write and appreciate poetry according to the principles set up by the old________ writers.A. Anglo-SaxonB. Greek and RomanC. French and German7. The following quotation is taken from William Blake’s The Marriage of He aven and Hell-- “What is now proved was once only.”A. imagin’dB. reason’dC. learn’d8. William Wordsworth, _____________have often been mentioned as the “Lake Poets” because they lived in the lake district in the northwestern part of England.A. John Keats and William Butler YeatsB. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert SoutheyC. George Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley9. Walter Scott’s historical novels may be conveniently divided into three groups according to their subject-matter, namely, the group on the history of_____________, the group on English history, and the group on the history of European countries.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. Northern Ireland10. Matthew Arnold said, “It is of the last importance that English criticism should clearly discernwhat rule for its course, in order to avail itself of the field now opening to it; and to produce fruit for the future it ought to take. The rule may be summed up in one word _____________.”A. disobedienceB. disinterestednessC. disconnectednessA. the early colonial periodB. the pre-colonial periodC. the pre-Christian period12. Puritan influence over American romanticism was conspicuously noticeable. One of itspalpable manifestations was the fact that American romantic writers tended more_____________ than their English and European brothers.A. to socializeB. to philosophizeC. to moralizeA. Benjamin FranklinB. Henry David ThoreauC. Ralph Waldo Emerson14. Henry David Thoreau helped Ralph Waldo Emerson edit the Transcendentalist journal TheDial, and was susceptible to oriental influences such as Hinduism and_____________A. ConfucianismB. MaterialismC. Epicureanism15. A handy way of seeing modem American poetry is to find its sources in the two founts, _____________.A. Wallace Stevens and Sylvia PlathB. Walt Whitman and Emily DickinsonC. Robert Frost and Elizabeth Bishop16. Although William Dean Howells, Henry James and Mark Twain all workedfor_____________, there were obvious differences between them. In thematic terms, for instance, James wrote mostly of the upper reaches of American society, and Howells concerned himself chiefly with middle class life, whereas Twain dealt largely with the lower strata of society.A. naturalismB. neoclassicismC. realism17. The reason that Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell found value in Chinese poetry was becauseChinese poetry is, by virtue of the ideographic and pictographic nature of the Chinese language, essentially _____________ poetry.A. impressionisticB. imagisticC. expressionisticA. The Gilded AgeB. The Sun Also RisesC. Tender Is the Night19. Both Beyond the Horizon and The Hairy Ape were written by_____________.A. Eugene O’NeillB. Arthur MillerC. Sinclair Lewis20. _____________ career reached its exciting climax in 1976 when he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize for Literature.A. Saul Bellow’sB. John Steinbeck’sC. William Faulkner’sII. Read the following poem by William Butler Yeats, and answer the three questions (10 points):Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction, while the worstAre full of passionate intensity.Surely some revelation is at hand;When a vast image out of Spirtus MundiTroubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desertA shape with lion body and the head of a man,A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,Is moving its slow thighs, while all about itReel shadows of the indignant desert birds.The darkness drops again; but now I knowThat twenty centuries of stony sleepWere vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?1. What images are used in the first stanza? What do they indicate respectively?2. What are the implications of the description of the “rough beast” in the second stanza?3. Why do you think the poem ends with a question mark?III. The following excerpt is taken from the short story A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway. Read it, and answer the three questions (10 points):“Good night,” said the younger waiter.“Good night,” the other said. Turning off the electric light he continued the conversation with himself. It is the light of course, but it is necessary that the place be clean and pleasant. You do not want music. Certainly you do not want music. Nor can you stand before a bar with dignity although that is all that is provided for these hours. What did he fear? It was not fear or dread. It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was ail a nothing and a man was nothing too. It was only that the light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y pues nada y nada y pues nada. Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee. He smiled and stood before a bar with a shining steam pressure coffee machine.“What’s yours?” asked the barman.“Nada.”“Ot r o loco mas,” said the barman and turned away.“A little cup,” said the waiter.The barman poured it for him.“The light is very bright and pleasant but the bar is unpolished,” the waiter said.The barman looked at him but did not answer. It was too late at night for conversation.“You want another copita?” the barman asked.“No, thank you,” said the waiter and went out. He disliked bars and bodegas. A clean, well-lighted cafe was a very different thing. Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia. Many must have it.1. What is the significance of the parodied Lord’s Prayer?2. Why does the older waiter think that a clean, well-lighted cafe is “a very different thing”?3. What is the significance of the last sentence of the story (“Many must have it.”)?考试科目:综合考试(语言学部分) 满分:30分I. Fill in each blank with a proper term. (15 points )1. Linguistics is usually defined as the ___________study of language.2. One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy of speech over___________3. I n Sanssure’s view, the relationship between signifier(sound image) and signified (concept)is___________4. The branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns of a language is called ________5. A ___________ morpheme is one that cannot constitute a word by itself.6. The branch of general linguistics which is named ___________studies the internal structure ofsentences.7. The ___________relation, which was originally called associative relation by Saussure, is arelation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure, or between one element present and the others absent.8. The sense relation between “A lent a book to B” and “B borrowed a book from A”is___________.9. The sound [k] can be described with “voiceless, ___________, stop”.11. Antonyms like “husband” v. “wife” a re ___________ antonyms.12. Terms like “desk” and “stool” a re ___________of the term “furniture”.13. According to G. Leech, ___________ meaning refers to logic, cognitive, or denotative content.14. IC is the short form of immediate ___________. used in the study of syntax.15. Chomsky initiated the distinction between___________ and performance.II. Choose the correct one among the three choices for each statement. (5 points)1. A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of word from another in agiven language is a___________.A. allophoneB. phoneC. phoneme2. The ___________is the minimal distinctive trait in grammar, a unit which cannot be dividedwithout destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.A. morphemeB. phonemeC. syllable3. Words like pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles are ___________ items.A. open-classB. closed-classC. neither open-class nor closed-classA. boundB. freeC. both bound and free5. When language is used to get information from others, it serves an___________ function.A. informativeB. directiveC. interrogativeⅢ. Give the phonetic term for each of the following locations in articulation. (4 points)1. Both lips2. Teeth3. Opening between vocal cords4. Ridge behind upper teethIV. Tell if each of the following statements is true or false. If you think it false, correct it.(6 points)1. All syllables contain three parts: onset, nucleus and coda.2. Broad Transcription is intended to symbolize all the possible speech sounds, including the minute shades.3. The most important sociological use of language is the performative function, by which people establish and maintain their status in society.考试科目:综合考试(英美概况)满分:40分Instruction:I. Choose the correct answer from the following four choices: (10分)1. In England, the Protestant Reformation began withA. Bloody MaryB. Queen ElizabethC. King Henry ⅦD. King Henry Ⅷ2. Victorianism was characterized by the following exceptA. It was in an age of imperialism.B. It was the great progress in social sciences.D. It was an age when the Battle of Waterloo was won by the Duke of Wellington.A. six JudgesB. seven JudgesC. eight JudgesD. nine Judges4. The pilgrims were able to survive in America becauseA. they received help from the Indians.C. many ships brought them food from England.5. Which of the following did not take place in the 1960s?A. The Anti-Viet Nam War Movement.B. The Anti-Drug Movement.C. Women’s Liberation Movement.D. Public protests by blacks and other minority groups.II .Explain the following in English. (20 分)1. the pioneer spirit2. the American Dream3. John Locke4. the separation of powers5. The Boston Tea PartyⅢ. Answer the following question. (10分)Describe the diversity of the physical conditions of the U.S.A.考试科目:翻译满分:40分一、英译汉(20分)Pico lyer二、汉译英(20分)说明:下为“做一个勤奋乐群的华人”一文的节选。
考研试题(与英美概况有关试题) Microsoft Word 文档
北京第二外国语大学试卷(2004)综合考试(英美文学)作家及作品等(40%)语言学部分(30%) 英美概况:(40%) 翻译:(40%)(汉译英20%,英译汉20%)I.Answer all the following questions.(10%)Explain the following :1.the Pilgrims(1) In England, there had been a group of people called Puritan who had broken away from the Church of England and formed their own churches. Later they fled to Holland to escape the persecution in their native land. (2) Several years passed when they were again threatened by religious suppression, they thought of moving, and this time to American. (3) They began to call themselves Pilgrim because of their wanderings in search of religious freedom. (4) In 1620, they crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts.2. Boston Tea Party (1) In the years following the French and Indian War, British Government enforced several acts which were bitterly opposed by colonists.(2) In order to ease tensions, British government removed all the new taxes except that on tea. (3) In 1773, a group of patriots responed to the tea tax by staging the Boston Tea Party. Disguised as Indians, they boarded British merchant ships and tossed 342 crates of tea into Boston harbour. (4) British parliament then passed “ the Intolerable Acts”, and in response to this, the First Continental was held in Sep.1774.II. Choose the correct answer in each of the following(15%)1.美国独立前有几个洲(35 1348 50)2.哪一个不是New England 的洲(Connecticut New York State New Hampshire Vermont)3.哪个州是最晚加入the Union (Kentucky Pennsylvania Arizona Alaska)4.下列那个名称不在New York City(Hollywood Broadway Rockefeller Centre Harlem)5. 那几个州是大西洋中部的洲(mid-Atlantic States)(6 5 11 4) III.(15%)Explain the characteristics of the uniformity in American cultureand give your own evaluation.北京第二外国语大学试卷(2005)综合考试(英美文学)(50%) 语言学部分(50%)综合考试(英1,英2)(英美概况)(50%)I. 解释(15%)1.pioneering spirit (1) In the mid-nineteenth centry, it was this pioneering spirit that led American settlers to travel westward by the thousands in search of land and gold. (2) It is still an important part of the American character . (3) Today, Northerners and Midwesterners are attracted to the West because of good business opportunities and a mild climate.2. Separation of powers Influenced by Montesquieu‟s theory of division of powers, the US Constitution ruled that political structures should share out political power between legislative, executive and judicial authorities, and that these authorities should exercise checks against each other.II.选择正确答案(15%)1.下面有关美国宪法的表述那个是不对的。
综合考试(英1)1999(英美概况、英美文学、现代汉语)第一篇:综合考试(英1)1999(英美概况、英美文学、现代汉语) 北京第二外国语学院1999年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:综合考试(英美概况部分)一、填空:(每空1分,共20分)1.美国本土自大西洋岸到太平洋岸,横贯北美大陆南部,全部位于温带和亚热带。
东北师范大学22春“英语”《英美概况(二)》期末考试高频考点版(带答案)一.综合考核(共50题)1.The USA includes 50 states and a federal district,the District of Columbia, which is the seat of the Federal Government.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B2.____ is the largest city in the US.A.Los AngelesB.ChicagoC.DetroitD.the New York City参考答案:D3.The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on ____.A.the size of the areaB.the size of populationC.the traditionD.the wealth参考答案:B4.Protestant Church was separated from the Roman Catholic Church at the Reformation in the 16th century, with about ____ million members.A.320B.330C.340D.3505.America was named after Amerigo Vespucci.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6.Before the breakout of the Civil War, the Whig Party, which had been formed during Jackson's day, began to break up.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7.The U.S.A. is known as a “Melting Pot” for it's ____.A.mixture of religionsB.mixture of nationalitiesC.mixture of climatesD.mixture of habits参考答案:B8.The largest public library in the U.S. is ____.A.Library of CongressB.Library of HarvardC.Franklin LibraryD.Roosevelt Library参考答案:A9.____ has the power to interpret the constitution.B.The CongressC.The Supreme CourtD.The House of Representatives参考答案:C10.In western California lies Death Valley, 280 feet below sea level. It is the lowest point in the whole of North America.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A11.The “Senior Citizens” in the senior centers refer to ____.A.high officialsB.professorsC.presidentsD.old people参考答案:D12.The US is the worlds leading exporter of agricultural products, in which the second most important export is ____.A.CottonB.vegetable oilsC.cereal grainsD.soybeans参考答案:C13.In the USA, a two-year college was originally called a “junior college”, but now it is called a “community college”.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14.American industry is developing so rapidly that it has been in the leadin gposition for the past century.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15.The victory at Saratoga was viewed as the turning point of the War of Independence.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B16.The state to which the Mayflower sailed is ____.A.FloridaB.MaineC.MassachusettsD.Virginia参考答案:C17.NBC also called National Broadcasting Network, is one of the three major radio and television networks in the USA.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B18.The three biggest newspapers are of the following except ____.B.Readers DigestC.Washington PostD.Los Angeles Times参考答案:B19.American economy is a free enterprise system.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B20.The western part consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Appalachian Range.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21.Telephone companies in the United States are not all private businesses.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A22.The first American President who inaugurated in Washington City was ____.A.George WashingtonB.Thomas JeffersonC.John AdamsD.Andrew Jackson参考答案:B23.The Midway Island Battle was the turning point of the ____ War.A.PacificB.ColdC.AtlanticD.Civil参考答案:A24.Niagara Falls is not in New York City.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25.Detroit has been known as the automobile capital of the world.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B26.The Indians were the original inhabitants on the continent. However, ever since the discovery of the land in 1492 they have been cruelly treated. They were driven into barren desert regions, the so-called “Indian Reservations”.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B27.The official holidays include ____.A.ThanksgivingB.Saint Patrick's DayC.Mothers DayD.Halloween参考答案:A28.The continental USA runs 4505 kilometers from its Atlantic coast to Pacific coast,and 2574 kilometers from Canada to Mexico.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29.The city's name, “Philadelphia” means ____.A.fishing pitB.brotherly loveC.waste landD.wild laral参考答案:B30.The land can be pided into three parts according to its geographical features:the eastern part,the western part,and the central Plains.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B31.The original name of New York is ____.A.New HampshireB.New AmsterdamC.New JerseyD.New England参考答案:BWhich of the following American values did NOT come from Puritanism?____A.Separation of state and churchB.Respect of educationC.Intolerant moralismD.A sense of mission参考答案:A33.The following were some of the characteristics of Protestantism except ____.A.challenging the authority of the PopeB.salvation through faithC.salvation through the churchD.establishing a direct contact with God参考答案:C34.Harvard University was founded in ____.A.1366B.1633C.1636D.1363参考答案:C35.You can get quick and inexpensive meals in ____ .A.magnificent restaurantsB.snack barsC.guest houseD.motels参考答案:B36.The river that serves as the piding line between the South and the North of the United States is ____.B.the Potomac RiverC.the Ohio RiverD.the Colorado River参考答案:B37.Most of the USA is in the temperate zone,with four distinct seasons and varying numbers of hot and co1d days each season, while the northern states and AIaska have extremely cold winters.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B38.The first Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia in September 1775 to consider and act on the situation arising from the so-called Intolerable Acts passed by the Bitish Parliament.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A39.The leading producing area for chemicals and machinery is ____.A.The East North CentralB.the Middle Atlantic regionC.the Pacific coast regionD.the South Atlantic region参考答案:B40.In the U.S. people go to church mainly for the following reasons except ____.A.for finding a job in socielyB.for having a place in a communityC.for identifying themselves with dominant values参考答案:A41.The ____ River forms part of the boundary between Canada and the USA, serving as an international river.A.ColoradoB.OhioC.Missouriwrence参考答案:D42.The United States is situated in the central part of North America with its two youngest states-Alaska and Hawaii.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B43.The national flag of the United States is known as ____.A.the Star-Spangled BannerB.Uncle SamC.Hot DogD.Union Jack参考答案:A44.____ are the most numerous in the minorities of the United States.A.blacksB.Hispanicsn-AmericansD.Jews参考答案:A45.The first computer came into being in 1944 and in the same year, the first atom bomb was tested.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A46.The largest freshwater lake in the world is ____.ke Superiorke Erieke Ontarike Michigan参考答案:A47.In the autumn of 1620, the first group of people started for America in a ship named the “Mayflower”. They landed at a place they named Plymouth.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B48.Franklin Roosevelt was elected President of the US in ____.A.1931B.1932C.1933D.1934参考答案:B49.Mount Mekinley, 6187 meters high, on the north of the Alaska, the highest peak on the American continent.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A50.Abraham Lincoln is the sixteenth president of the USA from 1861 to 1865.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B。
英语专业考研英美概况自测题〔一〕British Survey TestPart I Geography1. The total area of the U.K. is _____.A. 211,440B. 244,110C. 241,410D. 242,5342. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K.A. northernB. easternC. southern3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____.A. Northern IrelandB. EnglandC. Scotland4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary.A. WalesB. ScotlandC. England5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century.A. 14thB. 15thC. 16th6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain.A. 1707B. 1921C. 18017. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces.A. 13B. 12C. 148. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____.A. the Scottish HighlandsB. WalesC. England9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____.A. north to southB. south to northC. east to west10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. Vale of Eden11. The longest river in Britain is _____.A. SevernB. ClydeC. Bann12. London is situated on the River of _____.A. ParretB. ThamesC. Spey13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Wales14. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short.A. North SeaB. English ChannelC. Dee estuary15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____.A. ScotlandB. WalesC. England16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____.A. CotswoldsB. Oxford ClayC. Pennines17. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources.A. 50%B. 38%C. 42%18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____.A. ScotlandB. EnglandC. Northern Ireland19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____.A. 1964B. 1946C. 169420. Britain is basically an importer of _____.A. foodB. raw materialsC. manufacturesD. both A and B21. British farmers produce enough food to supply _____ of the needs of the population.A. 2/3B. 4/5C. 1/222. Britain’s main cereal crop is _____.A. oatsB. cornC. barleyD. rye23. The center of the Britain financial system is _____.A. Bank of EnglandB. Bank of BritainC. Bank of U.K.24. The three Germanic tribes that invaded Britain include the following except _____.A. the AnglesB. the SaxonsC. the PictsD. the Jutes25. “Black Country” refers to _____.A. countryside in EnglandB. an area around BirminghamC. a country in Africa26. The second largest port in Britain is _____.A. LondonB. BelfastC. Liverpool27. The capital city of Northern Ireland is _____.A. CardiffB. BelfastC. Leith28. Celtic tribes began to settle in Britain from about _____ B.C.A. 410B. 750C. 30029. The U.K. is rich in the following except _____.A. coalB. ironC. goldD. tin30. The decrease of British population is caused by the following except _____.A. limitation of immigrationB. fall of the birth rateC. fall of death rateD. unemployment31. The proportion of the English in the whole population is _____.A. 60%B. 80%C. 70%32. The Queen’s University is in the city of _____.A. BelfastB. EdinburghC. Manchester33. The contribution made by the Normans to Britain is the following except _____.A. final unification of EnglandB. foundation of aristocracyC. great administrative progressD. some peculiarities of dialect34. About _____ percent of the population live in cities or towns.A. 80B. 85C. 9035. The land available for farming in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland does not exceed _____ million acres.A. 30B. 25C. 4036. The highest mountain in England is _____.A. Mt. MourneB. Mt. SnowdonC. Mt. Seafell37. The second largest city in England is _____.A. GlasgowB. BirminghamC. Manchester38. The modern Scots and Irish are the descendants of _____.A. GaelsB. BritonsC. Anglo-Saxons39. Scotland occupies the _____ portion of Great Britain.A. southernB. northernC. western40. By the Act of Union in _____, the name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was adopted.41. _____ has its own national church and its own system of law.A. WalesB. Northern IrelandC. Scotland42. The _____ End includes Westminster, St. James’ PalaceA. EastB. WestC. North43. _____ includes London, the centre of government for the whole nation.A. ScotlandB. Northern IrelandC. WalesD. England1. The U.K. is situated in _Northwestern____ Europe.2. The full title of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of _____ _____ and _____ _____.3. The U.K. consists of England, _____, _____ and Northern Ireland.4. The largest part of U.K. is _____.5. The capital of England and of Great Britain is _____.6. _____ _____ is composed of six Irish counties that elected to remain in the union with Great Britain.7. The name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was replaced by the present name after the 26 counties of Ireland obtained autonomy in _____.8. The highest mountain in Britain is _____ _____.9. The “Backbone of England” refers to the _____.10. Natural gas was discovered in Britain in the _____ _____.11. The most important river is the River of _____.12. The political centre of the Commonwealth is _____.13. Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh lie in _____ _____.14. The climate of Britain is moderated by the _____ _____ _____ and is much milder than that of many places in the same latitude.15. Britain’s Industrial Revolution took place betwee n _____ and _____.16. The Bank of England was founded in _____.17. The population of the U.K. is more than _____ million.18. Britain is basically an exporter of _____.19. The population of the U.K. consists of the English, the Welsh, the Scottish and the _____.20. In Wales many people speak _____.21. People sing the national anthem in _____.22. The earliest invasion is that by the _____-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.23. The modern _____ and _____ are the descendants of the Gaels of the Celtic tribes.24. The Britons of the Celtic tribes were the forefathers of the modern _____.25. Greater London is made up of 12 _____ London boroughs and _____ Outer London boroughs.26. The International festival of music and the arts is held every year in the city of _____.27. The British national anthem is _____ _____ _____ _____.28. The U.K. lies to the _____ of France.29. Westminster, the area of central government administration is situated in the _____ End.30. River _____ flows through Glasgow.31. Mt. Seafell stands in _____.32. The source of the River _____ is in the Cotswolds.33. The capital city of Wales is _____.34. The United Kingdom is rich in _____, iron, tin, copper, lead and silver.35. Define the Following Terms36. “Backbone of England”:Pennines37. Greater London38. Celts39. The “Irish Question”I. Answer the Following Questions英美概况一答案Part I DCBAA CAAAB ABBBB ABABD ACACB CBBCD BADAA CBABA CBDII. Northwestern Great Britain, Northern Ireland Scottish, Welsh England London Northern Ireland 1921 Ben Nevis Pennines North Sea Thames London Northern Ireland Atlantic Gulf Stream 1750, 1850 1694 57 manufacture Irish Welsh English dark Scots, Irish Welsh Inner, 20 Edinburgh God Save the Queen North West Clyde England Thames Cardiff coal英美概况英国历史部分History1. Julius Caesar invaded Britain __B___.A. onceB. twiceC. three times2. King Arthur was the king of __B___.A. PictsB. CeltsC. ScotsD. Jutes3. The first “King of the English” was _B____.A. AlfredB. EgbertC. BedeD. Ethelred4. Christianity was introduced into England in the late __C__ century.A. 14thB. 8thC. 6th5. In 1653 _A____ was made Lord Protector for life.A. Oliver CromwellB. Charles IC. William II6. The three great Germanic tribes: the Anglos, the _A____ and the Jutes which invaded Britain form the basis of the modern British people.A. SaxonsB. ScotsC. WelshD. Wessex7. The head of the church in Anglo-Saxon times was _D____.A. the King of Denmark and NorwayB. the king of EnglandC. Julius CaesarD. the Archbishop of Canterbury8. The ___B__ invaded England in the earliest time.A. DanesB. IberiansC. RomansD. Celts9. The Vikings who invaded England at the turn of the 8th century came from __D___.A. NorwayB. DenmarkC. FranceD. both A and B10. Edward was kno wn as the “__A___” because of his reputation for saintliness.]A. ConfessorB. ConquerorC. Protector11. Norman Conquest began in __B___.A. 1016B. 1066C. 103512. In history ___A__ was nicknamed “King of Lackland”.A. JohnB. Henry IC. Henry II13. In 1181 Henry II issued the ___B__ which made it compulsory for every freeman in England to be provided with arms.A. Inquest of SheriffsB. Assize of ArmsC. Doomsday Book14. Henry Plantagenet, in 1154, established the House of Angevin as _B____.A. Henry IB. Henry IIC. Henry III15. Henry II appointed in 1162 _A____ Archbishop of Canterbury.A. Thomas BecketB. Stephen LangtonC. Simon de Mortfort16. Charles I was beheaded in _A____.A. 1649B. 1648C. 165317. It was __A___ who summoned Model Parliament in 1295.A. Edward IB. Henry IVC. Simon de Montfort18. The Great Charter contained __C___ sets of provisions.A. twoB. fourC. three19. The Peasants Uprising in 1381 was led by _B____.A. Henry TurnerB. Watt TylerC. Richard20. The English Church was strictly __A___.A. nationalB. internationalC. regional21. The Glorious Revolution in 1688 was in nature a __A___.A. coup d’etatB. racial slaughterC. peasant rising22. The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the _A____.A. factory of the worldB. expansion of marketsC. social upheaval23. The American Revolution (the American War of Independence) broke out in __A___ and ended in _____.A. 1775, 1783B. 1774, 1782C. 1786, 178424. The Battle of Hastings took place in ___C.A. 1606B. 1042C. 106625. The Great Charter was signed by ___C__ in 1215.A. King Henry IIB. King RichardC. King John26. In the early 14th century feudalism began to ___C__ in England.A. growB. flourishC. declineD. end27. It was ___B__ who published the book “The Rights of Man”.A. Thomas MoreB. Thomas PaineC. Thomas Jefferson28. The first Prime Minister was __C___.A. WilmintonB. George GrenvilleC. Robert Walpole29. The Parliament of 1265 which is known as the “__A___” is considered the “beginning ofparliament”.A. All Estates ParliamentB. Model ParliamentC. Long Parliament30. The Anglo-French hostility which began in 1337 and ended in 1453 was known as _B____.A. the Wars of Ros esB. the Hundred Years’ WarC. Peasant Uprising31. In the first half of 17th century __B___ grow rapidly in England.A. feudalismB. capitalismC. Catholicism32. Prime Minister ___A__ resisted any reform that could be resisted.A. PalmerstonB. Robert PeelC. Gladstone33. By the end of the Hundred Years’ War only the port of __C___ remained under English rule.A. TroyesB. GasconC. Calais34. In the 14th century took place the ___B__, the severest of many plagues in the middle ages.A. EarthquakeB. Black DeathC. Drought35. __A___ and his followers, known as Lollards, provided ideological preparation for the labour movement of the 14th century.A. John WycliffeB. Watt TylerC. Somerset36. By the end of the Wars of the Roses the House of _A____ began.A. TudorB. LancasterC. Plantagenet37. In the “___B__” of 1388 five lords accused the King’s friends of treason under a very expansive definition of crime.A. All Estates parliamentB. Merciless ParliamentC. Model Parliament38. In the Wars of the Roses the Lancastrians wire badges of _B____ rose.A. whiteB. redC. pinkD. yellow39. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from ___C__ to _____.A. 1600, 1604B. 1640, 1644C. 1642, 164640. William Shakespeare is mainly a _B____.A. novelistB. dramatistC. poet41. In 1689 the “Bill of Rights” was passed. __A___ began in England.A. The Constitutional MonarchyB. All Estates ParliamentC. House of Lancaster42. The ___A__ carried on trade relations with Russia and central Asian countries.A. Moscow CompanyB. Eastland CompanyC. East India Company43. ___A__ started the slave trade in the second part of the 16th century.A. John HawkinsB. Francis DrakeC. Diaz44. In 1534 Parliament passed the “_B____”, ac cording to which Henry VIII was declared the head of the English Church.A. the Bill of RightsB. Act of SupremacyC. Act of Settlement45. Under Elizabeth I __C___ was restored, and she was declared “governor” of the church.A. the Roman ChurchB. the Catholic ChurchC. the Anglican Church46. In 1337 the hostility between England and _A____ resulted in the Hundred Years’ War.A. FranceB. SpainC. Russia47. The religious persecution mainly existed during the reign of ___B__.A. CromwellB. Charles IC. Henry VIII48. England first became a sea power in the time of _B____.A. Henry VIIB. Elizabeth IC. Victoria49. The Industrial Revolution first started in __B___.A. the iron industryB. the textile industryC. the coal industry50. From 1688 to 1783 English Parliament was mainly controlled by the party of ___B__.A. ToryB. WhigC. Labour51. The English Prime Minister during the Second World War was _A____.A. ChurchillB. ChamberlainC. Baldwin52. At the End of __B__ century, the East India Company was formed.A. 15thB. 16thC. 14th53. The Seven Years War between England and France lasted from __A___ to _____.A. 1756, 1763B. 1713, 1720C. 1754, 176154. In 1689 Parliament passed “__B___”, limiting the powers of the c rown.A. Habeas Corpus ActB. the Bill of RightsC. Navigation Act55. __A___ contrasted the first successful steam locomotive.A. George StephensonB. Samuel CromptonC. James Hargreaves56. The “Peterloo Massacre” took place in ___C__.A. BirminghamB. LiverpoolC. Manchester57. Between 1911 and 1914 took place the following strikes except _B____.A. railway strikeB. strike of the postmenC. coal strikeD. strike of the transport58. The Victorian Age was over the __A___ began.A. Edwardian AgeB. Georgian AgeC. Elizabethan Age59. The ___B__ government surrendered to the British invaders and was forced to sign the first unequal Treaty of Nanjing in 1842.A. IndianB. QingC. IrishD. Spanish60. The Great Charter was essentially a __C___.A. Culture MovementB. colonial documentC. feudal document61. ___B__ broke out two years after the Hundred Years’ War with France.A. The Bore WarB. The Wars of the RosesC. Queen Annes’ War62. The Reformation was a product of _A____.A. the RenaissanceB. the Chartist MovementC. the Hundred Years’ War63. The greatest dramatist of the English Renaissance was _A____.A. ShakespeareB. MiltonC. ChaucerD. Bacon64. The English Revolution marks the beginning of the __B___ period of capitalism.A. feudalB. modernC. colonialD. medieval65. By the ____B_ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.A. Declaratory ActB. Treaty of ParisC. Treaty of Montgomery66. The Chartist Movement began in _____ and reached its height in __C___.A. 1845, 1858B. 1828, 1835C. 1839, 184867. In 1840 Britain launched an aggressive war against _C____.A. FranceB. IndiaC. ChinaD. America68. __A___ formed a coalition government in 1940.A. Winston ChurchillB. Lloyd GeorgeC. Neville Chamberlain69. By the ___A__ the British dominions became independent states in all but name.A. Statue of WestminsterB. Locarno TreatyC. Disputes Act70. The Fabians Society was founded in 1883, including intellectuals such as ___C__.A. William Shakespeare & Ben JonsonB. Christopher Marlowe & John MiltonC. G. B. Shaw & H. G. Wells71. Before WWII __A___ relied on appeasement of the European dictators to reduce tensions that might lead to war.A. Neville Chamberlain A. Stanley Baldwin C. Winston Churchill72. During WWII, Britain, America, France, Soviet Union and other antifascist countries formed a united international alliance which was called _B____.A. Locarno TreatyB. Grand AllianceC. Statute of Westminster73. The first coalition government during WWI was organized when __B___ was the Prime Minister.A. Lloyd GeorgeB. Herbert AsquithC. Stanley Baldwin74. When Germany invaded __C__ which was neutral, Britain declared war on Germany on 4 August, 1914.A. AustriaB. RussiaC. BelgiumD. Poland1. At about 3000 BC, some of the _____ settled in Britain.2. About 122 AD, in order to keep back the Picts and , the _____ built Hadrian’s Wall.3. The real Roman conquest began in _____.4. _____ _____’s “Paradise Lost” was published in 1667.5. Beowulf, considered the greatest Old English poem, is assigned to _____ Times.6. _____ was considered the first national hero.7. On Christmas Day 1066 Duke _____ was crowned in Westminster Abbey.8. In history John was nicknamed King of _____.9. John signed the document in 1215, which in history was called the Great Charter or _____ _____.10. In 1086 William had his official to make a general survey of the land, known as _____ Book.11. The most famous scholar during Anglo-Saxon Times was _____.12. The Battle of _____ paved the way for the Norman Conquest to England.13. The Norman Conquest increased the process of _____ which had begun during the Anglo-Saxon Times.14. Duke William was known in history as William the _____.15. Along with the Normans came the _____ language.16. The English parliament originated in the _____ _____.17. The head of the _____ was Archbishop of _____.18. The _____ _____ in 1688 was in nature a coup d’etat.19. The Peopl e’s Charter included _____ points such as universal male suffrage.20. The corrupt Qing government surrendered to Britain and was forced to sign the first unequal Treaty of _____ in 1842.21. After the Crimean War _____ was forced not to fortify Sebastopol.22. The third collection of the poll tax in the early part of 1381 became the fuse of _____ _____ rising.23. The Wars of the Roses broke out between the _____ and the _____.24. The Enclosure Movement began in the _____ century.25. By the treaty of _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.26. In _____ Britain launched the Opium War against China.27. The East India Company formed at the end of the 16th century was one of _____ companies.28. After the Reformation the Roman Catholic Church was _, the English Church was strictly ___.29. Mary I re-established Catholicism and burnt three hundred Protestants, for which she was called “_____” Mary.30. “Renaissance” means “___”, i.e. Europe rediscovering its origins in the cultures of anc ient Greek and Rome.31. During the Renaissance, the thinkers who worked for freedom and enlightenment were called “__”.32. The nature of the Wars of the Roses was a _____ _____ war.33. By the beginning of the Tudor reign the manor system was replaced by the _____ system.34. In the summer of 1588 the Spanish ships, the _____ _____ was defeated by English ships.35. The greatest English humanist was Sir _____ whose work _____ became a humanistic classic in the world literature.36. English Renaissance began in _____ century.37. The House of _____ was notorious for its absolutist rule.38. During the Civil Wars (1642 – 1648) the supporters of Parliament were called _____ while the supporters of the King Charles I were called _____.39. In 1653 Cromwell was made _____ _____ for life and started his military dictatorship openly.40. The Seven Years War was ended by the Treaty of _____.41. The first two parties appeared in England were the _____ and the _____.42. The basic point of the People’s Charter is _____ _____.43. In 1764 James Hargreaves invented the _____ _____.44. From 1863 to the end of the century Britain had been carrying a foreign policy of ____ _____.45. The Parliament passed the Act of __ in 1701, excluding James Catholic son from the succession.46. After Charles I was beheaded in 1649 England was declared a _____.47. In September 1939 Germany invaded _____, thus Britain and France declared war on Germany.48. The Industrial Revolution started during the last part of the _____ century.49. The steam engine was invented by _____ _____ in 1769.50. Samuel Crompton invented the _____ _____ in 1779.51. Edmund Cartwright invented the _____ _____ in 1785.52. Upon the completion of the _____ _____ by 1850 England became the workshop of the world.53. In 1868 the first Trade Union Congress met in _____.54. In 1534 Parliament passed the “_____ _____ _____”.55. On the eve of WWI the Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and _____ was formed.56. The First World War was an imperialist war as well as a _____ war because it was not confined only to Europe. It lasted _____ years.57. At the _____ _____ _____, the League of Nations was established and the Treaty of Versailles was signed.58. The _____ _____ of 1926 was Austen chamberlain’s ch ief claim to fame as foreign secretary.59. On May 7, 1945, _____ surrendered unconditionally.60. It was _____ _____ who led the country during the “miracle of Dunkirk”.61. When George I began the Houses of Hanover in 1714, the _____ system was established. Explain the Following Terms英美概况自测题〔二〕英国历史部分答案I. BBBCA ADBDA 11-15 BABBA 16-20 AACBA AAACC CBAAB 31-35BACBA ABBCB 41-45AAABC ABBBB 51-55 ABABA CBABC 61-65BAABB CCAAC 71-74ABBC1. II. Iberians Romans 43 A.D John Milton Anglo-Saxon Alfred William Lackland Magna Carta Domesday Bede Hastings feudalism Conqueror French Great Council Church Glorious Revolution 6 Nanjing Russia Watt Tyler’s2. Lancasterians, Yorkists 15th Paris 1840 Chartered international, national Bloody rebirth humanists feudal civil money Invincible Armada Thomas More, Utopia 16th Stuart Roundheads, Cavaliers Lord Protector Paris Tory, Whig universal suffrage Spinning Jenny splendid isolation Settlement Commonwealth Poland 18th James Watt Spinning Mule Power Loom Industrial Revolution Manchester Act of Supremacy Italy world, 4 Paris Peace Conference Locarno Treaty Germany Winston Churchill cabinet英语考研英美概况模拟题〔三〕英国文化部分CultureMultiple Choice1. All children in the UK must, by law, receive a full-time education from the age of ___ to _____.A. 5, 16B. 6, 17C. 7, 182. In state schools the letters A, B and C are often used to describe “_____” or parallel classes.A. gradeB. formC. streams3. Public schools belong to the category of the _____ schools.A. stateB. independentC. local4. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven plus” examination would go to_ school.A. grammarB. technicalC. secondary modern5. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities dating from _____ and _____.A. 1167, 1284B. 1234, 1325C. 1335, 14276. There are over _____ universities in Britain.A. thirtyB. fortyC. fifty7. The two features of Oxford and Cambridge are the college system and the _____.A. records of attendanceB. governing councilC. tutorial system8. The universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh are called the four _____ universities.A. oldB. newC. Scottish9. The _____ university offers courses through one of BBC’s television channels and b y radio.A. openB. newC. middle aged10. Buckingham University is and _____ university which was established in 1973.A. independentB. openC. old11. The second centre of the British press is in _____.A. LondonB. the Fleet StreetC. Manchester12. In Britain great majority of children attend _____ schools.A. stateB. independentC. religious13. In Britain education at the age from 5 to 16 is _____.A. optionalB. compulsoryC. self-taught14. The oldest university in Britain is _____.A. CambridgeB. EdinburghC. Oxford15. British newspapers possess the following features except _____.A. freedom of speechB. fast deliveryC. monoplied by one of the five large organizationD. no difficulty for independent newspapers to survive16. The earliest newspaper in Britain is _____.A. Daily MailB. Daily TelegraphsC. The TimesD. Guardian17. _____ is the oldest Sunday newspaper in Britain.A. Sunday TimesB. The ObserverC. The peopleD. News of the World18. The most humorous magazine is _____.A. New SocietyB. Private EyeC. PunchD. Spectator19. In the UK there are about _____ dailies and over _____ weeklies.A. 130, 1000B. 200, 800C. 160, 120020. There are _____ national daily newspapers which appear every morning except on Sundays.A. nineB. sevenC. eight21. The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph support the _____.A. Liberal PartyB. Labour PartyC. Conservative Party22. The Economist, New Statesman, Spectator are _____.A. journalsB. daily newspapersC. local papers I. CAACA ACBAB23. BBC was founded in _____ and chartered in _____ as an independent public corporation.A. 1922, 1927B. 1292, 1297C. 1822, 182724. The Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd. is a _____ news agency.A. publicB. governmentalC. localD. private25. The BBC is mainly financed by _____.A. payment from all people who possess TV setsB. the income from advertisementsC. some large corporationsD. British government26. The most famous broadcasting company in Britain is _____.A. British Broadcasting CorporationB. Independent Broadcasting AuthorityC. Reuters27. Reuters was founded in the year of _____.A. 1518B. 1815C. 185128. The new headquarters’ building of _____ is at 85 Fleet Street, London.A. BBCB. the Press Association Ltd.C. the Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd.29. _____ is regarded as the most English of games.A. CricketB. SoccerC. Rugger30. _____ claims the highest popular attendance in Britain.A. Rugby footballB. Association footballC. Baseball31. _____ “pools” provide amusement for millions of people who bet on the results of matches.A. Association footballB. BaseballC. Cricket32. The annual _____ championships at Wimbledon, in London, are the most famous in the world.A. hockeyB. tennisC. netball33. _____ racing is chiefly a betting sport.A. HorseB. BoatC. Dog34. Hurdle or steeplechase racing takes up the winter months, leading to its climax in the Grand National Steeplechase at _____ in March.A. LondonB. EdinburghC. Liverpool35. It was _____ who first revolutionized scientific thought in Britain.A. Francis BaconB. Thomas NewcomerC. James Watt36. _____ discovered the circulation of food.A. Francis GlissonB. William HarveyC. George Stephenson37. The Royal Society was founded in _____ in _____.A. London, 1660B. Liverpool, 1660C. London, 176038. The Royal Society reached the summit of its prestige in 1703, when _____ became its president.A. Robert BoyleB. Issae NewtonC. Francis Bacon39. James Watt was a great _____ engineer and inventor.A. IrishB. ScottishC. English40. _____ developed atomic theory in the 18th century.A. John DaltonB. Francis GlissonC. Robert Boyle41. The minor’s safety lamp was invented by _____.A. Francis BaconB. William HarveyC. Humphy Davy42. Charles Robert Darwin Developed the theory of _____.A. evolutionB. immunologyC. virology43. _____ is considered the father of English poetry.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. John MiltonC. John Donne44. Big Ben is the nickname of _____.A. Benjamin FranklinB. Sir Benjamin HallC. the 315-foot Clock Tower45. The British Museum was founded in _____.。
《英美概况》谢福之课后简答题及答案Chapter 1 geography people and language1.what is the full name of the U.K?A: the full name is the united kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland。
Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?A: because they like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink the scotch whisky and to see the Scotsmen wearing kilts andplaying bagpipes。
How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and whatare they?A:the development of English language be divided into three period :old English , middle English ,modern English .4.Why did English become more important after the Black Death?A: the laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social important after the Black Death。
二、英美概况考题内容安师大英美概况考题主要涉及以下几个方面:1. 英美历史•英国历史:从古代不列颠时期到现代英国王室的发展,包括重要历史事件和人物。
2. 英美地理•英国地理:包括地形地势、气候环境、主要城市和名胜古迹等。
3. 英美政治制度•英国政治制度:包括君主立宪制、议会制度、政党体系等。
4. 英美经济•英国经济:包括工业革命、金融中心、主要产业和国际贸易等。
5. 英美文化•英国文化:包括文学作品、音乐艺术、传统节日等。
教师公开招聘考试小学英语-英美概况-2一、单项选择(总题数:62,分数:100.00)1.Which zone doesn"t lie in Great Britain?A.ScotlandB.EnglandC.Northern Ireland √D.Wales解析:考查英美概况知识。
英国由大不列颠岛(Great Britain)和北爱尔兰岛(Northern Ireland)组成。
2.Scotland is in the ______ of Great Britain.A.eastB.westC.southD.north √解析:考查英美概况知识。
3.The largest lake in Britain is ______.A.Loch LomondB.Neagh Lough √C.WindermereD.Ullswater解析:内伊湖是英国最大的湖。
4.Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?A.AnglosB.SaxonsC.JutesD.Celts √解析:最早来英国的部族是凯尔特部族5.______ brought the new religion, Christianity to Britain.A.The CeltsB.The Anglo-SaxonC.JutesD.The Romans √解析:罗马人把基督教这门新宗教带到了不列颠。
6.The majority of the current populations in the UK are decedents of all the followings respectively EXCEPT ______.A.the AnglosB.the CeltsC.the Jutes √D.the Saxons解析:7.The Norman Conquest of ______ is perhaps the best-known event in England history.A.1063B.1064C.1065D.1066 √解析: 1066年的诺曼征服也许是英国历史上的最著名事件。
第一部分(客观题,共40分)I. Directions : Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully .For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question.Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. (25% )1. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the _______ and the North Sea in the east.A. eastB. southC. westD. north2. The first known settlers of Britain were _______.A. the JutesB. the CeltsC. the SaxonsD. the Iberians3. The English Civil War is also called ______.A. the Puritan RevolutionB. the second Magna CartaC. the Long ParliamentD. the Anglican War4. The Tories were the forerunners 0f _______ , which still bears the nickname today.A. the Labour PartyB. the Liberal PartyC. the Social Democratic PartyD. the Conservative Party5. In Britain only _______ of the population are farmers but they manage 7O% of the land area.A. 2%B. 3%C. 4%D. 5%6. Which of the following Statements is NOT true about the Prime Minister in Britain?A. He is appointed by the Queen.B. He is Minister for the Civil Service.C. He sits in the House of Commons.D. He receives ?88,292 a year.7. London''s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of _______ .A. the Lord ChancellorB. the Home SecretaryC. the Attorney GeneralD. the Prime Minister8. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the National Health Service?A. It Provides for every resident a full range of medical services.B. It is administered by the central government.C. Its emergency ambulances are available for doctors'' urgent calls.D. It has suffered from under funding in recent decades.9. There are some _______ universities in the UnitedKingdom,including the Open University.A. 75B. 80C. 85D. 9O10. Ireland is divided into two political parts: _______ .A. Northern Ireland and southern IrelandB. Southern Ireland and the Republic of IrelandC. the Republic of Ireland and Northern IrelandD. Northern Ireland and Britain11. The Grand Canyon in north-western _______ is one of nature''s most impeessive sights.A. UtahB. ArizonaC. NevadaD. Idaho12. The first immigrants in American history came from _______ .A. England and GermanyB. England and IrelandC. England and the NetherlandsD. England and Spain13. The United States went to war with _______ in 1812, the last war fought between these two countries.A. BritainB. FranceC. SpainD. Mexico14. In 1932, in the depth of the depression, the American people chose _______ as their next president who promised a "new deal" to get America out of depression.A. TheodoreB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. Woodrow WilsonD. Herbert Hoover15. Martin Luther King, Jr., a young black clergyman, became a national leader of the _______ Movement.A. BoycottB. Civil RightsC. SegregationD. Integration16. The cultivated land in the U.S. makes up _______ of the total land, and people who are engaged in farming make up only 2.7% of the total population.A. 21%B. 31%C. 41%D. 51%17. The Constitution of the United States provides that _______ shall be President of the Senate.A. the Secretary of StateB. the Chief JusticeC. the PresidentD. the Vice President18. The typical organizational pattern for elementary and secondary schools in the United States is that of _______ .A. classified schoolsB. vocational schoolsC. graded schoolsD. public schools19. In the 1920s, Black Literature developed into an upsurge which has come to be known as _______ .A. the Manhattan RenaissanceB. the Harlem RenaissanceC. the Black RevivalD. the African-American Rebirth20. Of all the symbols, _______ , which are considered to represent fertility and new life: are those most frequently associated with Easter.A. the pumpkin and the turkeyB. the lamb and the beefC. the spring peas and the potatoesD. the egg and the rabbit21. Canada was divided Into Upper Canada (English speaking) and Lower Canada (French speaking) in _______ and they were unitedagain in _______ .A. 1791/1840B. 1775/1791C. 1840/1867D. 1775/186722. Canada''s early economic development was founded on _______ .A. resource industriesB. heavy industriesC. light industriesD. manufacturing industries23. What law made French the offical language in Canada''s Quebec?A. The Official Language Act.B. The Charter of the French Language in Quebec.C. The Meech Lake Accord.D. The new Canadian Constitution.24. The Canadian population is chiefly characterized by _______ .A. its sizeB. its growthC. its linguistic dualityD. its French origins25. Australia has always been a continent with few people mainly because _______ .A. Australia is too far away fram EuropeB. Australia is the least mountainous and most level of theworld''s continentsC. Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seasD. most of the continent is hot and dryII. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully and see if it is true or false .Blacken A if you think it is true or B if you think it is false on your answer sheet. Blackening C、D or E is useless. (15% )26.Britain became a world leader in shipbuilding during the middle of the 20th century.27. The Queen is the center of much of the nation''s ceremonial and, by ancient tradition, the leader of society.28.The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges, the recorders and the 76 metropolitan and stipendiary magistrates.29.The social security system in Britain is designed to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need.30.The Open University in Britain is a non-residential university based in London.31. Since the 1960s, manufacturing has become the mainstay of the Irish economy.32. Although tobacco is grown in many countries, the United States is the World''s biggest producer and user of this profitable crop.33.The Supreme Court is the highest court of the United States and is the only organ which has the power to interpret the Constitution.34. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of University of Michigan in 1636.35. Mark Twain''s real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he was born and brought up in the small town of Hannibal, Missouri, on the Mississippi River.36. Before World War II, it was customary for each community to hold veteran''s parades and public ceremonies in the U.S.A.37. Canada, a self-governing member of the Commonwealth of Nations, is a federation of 15 provinces and two territories.38. British explorers had a good knowledge of animals, the seasons and all aspects of Australia.39. In January 1940 Australian troops first sailed for overseas theatres of war, and in the next two years they fought with theBritish against the Germans and Italians in northern Africa, the Middle East and Mediterranean.40. New Zealanders take a community approach to problems, but at the same time they are very proud of being independent and self-reliant.第二部分(主观题,共60分)III. Directions: For each of the following blanks, only one wordis suitable. Write the word in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (25%)●The capital of the Republic of Ireland is (1) ________ , and the capital of Northern Ireland is (2) ________ .●The English Renaissance was largely (3) ________ and itsfinest exponents were Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson and William (4)________ .●The Whigs were the forerunners of the (5) ________ Partywhile the Tories were the forerunners of the (6) ________ party of England.●Most of Britain''s oil reserves are thought to be under the (7)______ (8) ______.●British Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of (9)_____ and the House of (10) ______.●The United Kingdom is a (11) ______ monarchy, it began in the (12) _______th century.●In the United Kingdom, in criminal trials by j ury, the (13)______ passes sentence but the (14) _______ decides the issue of guilt or innocence.●Britain is regarded as a (15) _______ state. The term applies mainly to the National (16) ______ Service, national insurance and social security.●In th e United Kingdom, education is compulsory for all between the ages of (17) ______ and (18) ________.●The British national newspapers can be divided into two groups: national (19) _____ and national (20) ________.●The most important lakes in the Unite d States are the (21)_____ Lakes, they are all located between (22) ______ and the United States except Lake Michigan.●In respect of population, (23) ______ (24) _______ is the biggest city in the United States.●The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. is the (25) _______, who were first brought to North America as (26)______ in 1619.●Counterculture in 1960s was a movement of (27) ________ against the moral values, the aesthetic (28) _______ and the personal behavior.●Americ an government is divided into three branches: the legislative, the (29) ______ and the (30) ________, each has part of the powers but not all the power.●Formal education in the United States consists of elementary, (31) _________ and (32) _______ education.●The first British settlers in Canada were (33) _______ refugees who refused to fight against the British army in the War of American Independence. They called themselves (34) ________.●It is assumed that the first Europeans who reached Australia''s shores were the (35) ________ and Portuguese, whom were followed by the (36) _______ and then the English.●In the 1950s, there was a boom in Australia''s economy and people''s living standard was high, so Australia was called "the (37)_______ (38) ________" in that period.●In World War II, Australia declared war on Japan immediately after Japan bombed the U.S. naval base at (39) _______ (40)_________.●The main feature of Australia''s trade is that it has always involved the exchange of (41) ________ materials for (42)________ products.●The basic structure of Australian government is based on both the (43) ______ and (44) _______ models.●New Zealand has two main islands. They are (45) ________Island and (46) ______ Island.●New Zealan d is a sovereign independent state with a parliamentary (47) ________ and a constitutional (48) _______.●The official languages in New Zealand are (49) ________ and (50) _______.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms in English. Writeyour answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (15%)1. Black Death2. The Gunpowder Plot3. Ulysses4. The Puritans5. the Axis powersV. Directions: Give a brief answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (12%)1. What happened in the four-day London smog in 1952?2. What does IBM stand for? What is the corporation''s main product?3. When is "Trick or treat" played and what does it mean?4. What is special about the Kiwi, a national symbol of New Zealand?VI. Directions: Write between 100-15O words on the following topic in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (8%)Describe briefly the size and location of the United States of America.。
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