ch18 不确定性和风险转移

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– probability of obtaining a head on the fair-flip of a coin is 0.5
• If a lottery offers n distinct prizes and the probabilities of winning the prizes are i (i=1,n) then
• Because no player would pay a lot to play this game, it is not worth its infinite expected value
Expected Utility
• Individuals do not care directly about the dollar values of the prizes
U(xi) = i ·U(xn) + (1 - i) ·U(x1)
The von NeumannMorgenstern Theorem
• Since U(xn) = 1 and U(x1) = 0
U(xi) = i ·1 + (1 - i) ·0 = i
• The utility number attached to any other prize is simply the probability of winning it • Note that this choice of utility numbers is arbitrary
Expected Utility Maximization
• Substituting the utility index numbers gives
expected utility (1) = q ·2 + (1-q) ·3 expected utility (2) = t ·5 + nMorgenstern Theorem
• Suppose that there are n possible prizes that an individual might win (x1,…xn) arranged in ascending order of desirability
• When faced with two gambles with the same expected value, individuals will usually choose the one with lower risk
Risk Aversion
• In general, we assume that the marginal utility of wealth falls as wealth gets larger
• we will assume that this is not the case
St. Petersburg Paradox
• A coin is flipped until a head appears • If a head appears on the nth flip, the player is paid $2n
1 1 2 2 n n
E ( X ) i xi
i 1
• The expected value is a weighted sum of the outcomes
– the weights are the respective probabilities
Expected Value
• Suppose that Smith and Jones decide to flip a coin
Expected Value
• Games which have an expected value of zero (or cost their expected values) are called actuarially fair games
– a common observation is that people often refuse to participate in actuarially fair games
– this would measure how much the game is worth to the individual
Expected Utility
• Expected utility can be calculated in the same manner as expected value
x1 = $2, x2 = $4, x3 = $8,…,xn = $2n
• The probability of getting of getting a head on the ith trial is (½)i
1=½, 2= ¼,…, n= 1/2n
St. Petersburg Paradox

i 1
Expected Value
• For a lottery (X) with prizes x1,x2,…,xn and the probabilities of winning 1,2,…n, the expected value of the lottery E( X ) x x ... x is
The von NeumannMorgenstern Theorem
• The von Neumann-Morgenstern method is to define the utility of xi as the expected utility of the gamble that the individual considers equally desirable to xi
Fair Games
• People are generally unwilling to play fair games • There may be a few exceptions
– when very small amounts of money are at stake – when there is utility derived from the actual play of the game
E ( X ) i U ( xi )
i 1 n
• Because utility may rise less rapidly than the dollar value of the prizes, it is possible that expected utility will be less than the monetary expected value
Expected Utility Maximization
• Consider two gambles:
– first gamble offers x2 with probability q and x3 with probability (1-q) expected utility (1) = q ·U(x2) + (1-q) ·U(x3) – second gamble offers x5 with probability t and x6 with probability (1-t) expected utility (2) = t ·U(x5) + (1-t) ·U(x6)
– they care about the utility that the dollars provide
• If we assume diminishing marginal utility of wealth, the St. Petersburg game may converge to a finite expected utility value
Risk Aversion
• Two lotteries may have the same expected value but differ in their riskiness
– flip a coin for $1 versus $1,000
• Risk refers to the variability of the outcomes of some uncertain activity
• The expected value of the St. Petersburg paradox game is infinite
1 E ( X ) i x i 2 2 i 1 i 1
i i
E ( X ) 1 1 1 ... 1
Chapter 18
• The probability of a repetitive event happening is the relative frequency with which it will occur
– x1 = least preferred prize U(x1) = 0 – xn = most preferred prize U(xn) = 1
The von NeumannMorgenstern Theorem
• The point of the von NeumannMorgenstern theorem is to show that there is a reasonable way to assign specific utility numbers to the other prizes available
– heads (x1) Jones will pay Smith $1 – tails (x2) Smith will pay Jones $1
• From Smith’s point of view,
E( X ) 1x1 2 x2
1 1 E ( X ) ($1) ( $1) 0 2 2
• The individual will prefer gamble 1 to gamble 2 if and only if
q ·2 + (1-q) ·3 > t ·5 + (1-t) ·6
Expected Utility Maximization
• If individuals obey the von NeumannMorgenstern axioms of behavior in uncertain situations, they will act as if they choose the option that maximizes the expected value of their von Neumann-Morgenstern utility index
Expected Utility Maximization
• A rational individual will choose among gambles based on their expected utilities (the expected values of the von Neumann-Morgenstern utility index)
– a flip of a coin for $1,000 promises a small gain in utility if you win, but a large loss in utility if you lose – a flip of a coin for $1 is inconsequential as the gain in utility from a win is not much different as the drop in utility from a loss