



丰田各代ths解析摘要:一、丰田THS混合动力系统简介二、丰田各代THS技术特点及发展历程1.第一代THS(1997年)2.第二代THS(2003年)3.第三代THS(2008年)4.第四代THS(2012年)5.第五代THS(2018年)三、丰田THS在我国市场的应用及市场表现四、丰田未来混合动力技术发展趋势正文:一、丰田THS混合动力系统简介丰田混合动力系统(Toyota Hybrid System,简称THS)是全球范围内最为成功的混合动力技术之一。














P(档换r位档iu传, s选感系择器) 统框图
加速踏板位置 传感器
发动机 制动执行器
车速传感 器
发动机 ECU (ECM)
防滑控制 ECU
分解器型速度传感 器 (MG2)
Arms 最大转速 冷却系统
’04 PRIUS 同步交流电动机 发电机, 发动机的起动
机 AC 500
37.8 (51) / 9500
45 (4.58) / 0 – 6000
75 10,000 rpm
类型 功能
’04 PRIUS 同步交流电动机
最大输出功率 kW (PS) / rpm
椭圆型转子与MG的永磁转子相 连接,同步转动。椭圆型转子 外圆曲线代表着永磁转子磁极 位置。定子包括1个励磁线圈和 2个检测线圈,2个检测线圈S和 C轴线在空间坐标上正交,HV ECU按预定频率的交流电流输 入励磁线圈A,随着椭圆型转 子的旋转,转子和定子间的间 隙发生变化,就会在检测线圈S 和C上感应出相位差90°正弦、 余弦感 应电流,HV ECU根据 检测线圈S和C感应电流的波形 相位和幅值,以及波形的脉冲 次数,计算出MG1和MG2永磁 转子的磁极位置和转速值信号, 作为HV ECU对电机MG1、 MG2矢量控制的基础信号。
转子采用稀土永磁材料作 为永磁铁,安装在转子铁 芯内部(内埋式永磁转 子)。
转子内的永磁铁为“V”形, 有效集中了磁通量,提高 电机的扭矩。



元器件交易网IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinueany product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant informationto verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are soldsubject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including thosepertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability.TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale inaccordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extentTI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarilyperformed, except those mandated by government requirements.CERTAIN APPLICATIONS USING SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS MAY INVOLVE POTENTIAL RISKS OFDEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE (“CRITICALAPPLICATIONS”). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED, ORWARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHERCRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF TI PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TOBE FULLY AT THE CUSTOMER’S RISK.In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operatingsafeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or representthat any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or otherintellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which suchsemiconductor products or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any thirdparty’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof.Copyright © 1999, Texas Instruments Incorporated。



DEVICE THS4520 THS4121 THS4130
BW (MHz)
570 100 150
IQ (mA) 15.3 16 16
THD (dBc) at 100 kHz
(nV/√Hz) TO-RAIL
THS4522 THS4524 (2)
The family includes single (THS4521), dual (THS4522), and quad (THS4524)(1) versions.
These fully differential op amps feature accurate output common-mode control that allows for dc-coupling when driving analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). This control, coupled with an input common-mode range below the negative rail as well as rail-to-rail output, allows for easy interfacing between single-ended, ground-referenced signal sources. Additionally, these devices are ideally suited for driving both successive-approximation register (SAR) and delta-sigma (ΔΣ) ADCs using only a single +3V to +5V and ground power supply.



混联式混合动力系统结 合了串联式混合动力系统 和并联式混合动力系统, 这是为了最大化的利用这 两种系统的优势。、
它有两个电机,根据驾 驶工况,可以选择电动机 单独驱动或者电动机和发 动机联合驱动,以便达到 最高效率水平。而且,当 需要的时候,系统在驱动 车轮的同时还可以通过发 电机发电。
Prius 和Estima 混合 动力车都是采用这种系统 。
1.什么是THS 2.丰田THS的发展 3.丰田普锐斯的操作 4.丰田普锐斯混合动力系统的组成
1997年丰田公司开发出一代丰田混合动力系统,并安装使 用在丰田普锐斯车型。当时的电机使用电压为274V。 2003年4月,丰田公司开发出第二代混合动力系统,即 THS-Ⅱ.该系统使用在丰田普锐斯车型上。 2005年12月在中国长春下线此时的电机工作电压达到了 500V,并装备1.5L 的1NZ-FXE发动机配合电机工作.第二 代丰田混合动力系统比第一代在汽车的提速方面有明显的改 进。
混合动力传动桥 • 发电机(MG1) • 马达(MG2)
1.1 发动机参数
2.1 P112型驱动桥 组成
2.2 MG1电机参数
2.3 MG2电机参数源自2.4传动原理2.5 工况分析
2.6 EV模式
5.1电子档杆系 统图
b. 驻车执行器



丰田ths原理丰田生产系统(Toyota Production System,缩写为TPS)又被称为“丰田THS原理”,是一种先进的生产管理理念,其目标是最大限度地提高生产效率、降低成本,提高生产质量和产品质量,从而创造更高的客户价值和企业竞争力。



丰田THS原理主要包括以下几个方面:1. 精益生产(Lean Production)精益生产是丰田THS原理的核心思想之一,它的目的是最大限度地降低成本,提高生产效率和品质,从而给客户提供更高的价值。



2. 客户价值(Customer Value)客户价值是丰田生产系统中的另一个核心理念,其核心思想是将客户的需求放在第一位,提供更高质量、更符合客户要求的产品。






IC资料-THS1041中文资料,pdf (高速模数转换器)

IC资料-THS1041中文资料,pdf (高速模数转换器)

高速ADC THS1041 的钳位功能作者:Hui-Qing Liu,德州仪器(TI) 高速ADC 应用工程师引言TI 推出的THS1041 是一款10 位、40-MSPS、CMOS 高速模数转换器(ADC)。

该转换器具有诸多优异的特性,其中包括:单节3-V 电源、低功耗、灵活的输入结构、内置可编程增益放大器(PGA) 以及内置钳位功能。

由于上述这些特性(特别是内置的钳位功能),多年来THS1041 已在各种应用中得到广泛使用。

钳位功能可以使该器件能够生成并输出一个针对灵活ADC 应用的缓冲DC 电压,例如,为ADC 提供一个共模电压或允许ADC 模拟输入端AC 耦合视频信号上的DC 恢复,这一功能可被启用或禁用。

如图 1 所示,THS1041 的钳位功能由一个片上数模转换器(DAC)、逻辑控制、一个钳位输入端、一个缓冲器以及一个钳位输出端组成。

根据其Clamp 引脚是否从外部源接收到了一个DC 或脉冲信号,该钳位输出可以是一个连续的或非连续的DC 信号。

当该非连续的DC 信号被施加到ADC 单端(SE) 输入电路以提供共模电压时,ADC 模拟输入端的DC 稳定性就成为我们所担心的问题了。

当钳位功能和SE 输入结构被同时使用时,有些用户就开始怀疑DC 稳定性问题了。

本文展示了一些测试数据,这些数据解释说明了在这种应用条件下DC 电压如何运转以及当钳位功能开启时如何获得高佳的ADC 性能。

钳位功能如图 1 所示,THS1041 的钳位功能是通过设置 4 个引脚(Clampin 引脚、Clampout 引脚、Clamp 引脚和Mode 引脚)以及该器件的内部寄存器实施的。

凭借片上DAC,就可以将来自THS1041 内部寄存器的由数据总线b0~b9书写的数字数据转换成一个模拟DC电压,然后该电压将被缓冲并通过内部开关输出到Clampout 引脚。

缓冲器和DAC 之间的内部开关可以根据寄存器的设置方式进行开启或关闭。



高电压,低失真,电流反馈运算放大器·低失真- 77 dBc的HD2在10兆赫,RL = 1 K- 69 dBc的在10 MHz的HD3,R L = 1千瓦·低噪音- 14 PA / ÖHz同相电流噪声- 17 PA / ÖHz反相电流噪声- 2 NV / ÖHz电压噪声·高转换率:7300 V /μs的(G = 5 V0 = 20 VPP)·宽带:210兆赫(G = 2,RL = 100瓦)·高输出电流驱动器:± 250毫安·宽电源电压范围:± 5 V至± 15 V的·省电特性:(THS3095只有)·高电压的任意波形·电源FET驱动器·引脚驱动程序VDSL线路驱动器THS3091和THS3095是高电压,低失真,高速电流反馈设计工作在宽电源放大器±5 V的要求大,线性输出信号,如PIN,功率FET,和VDSL线路驱动器的应用到± 15 V的范围内。


总谐波结合的宽电源电压范围在10 MHz时为-69 dBc的低失真,除了7300 V /μs的高压摆率使得非常适合用于高电压的任意THS3091 / 5波形驱动器应用。


THS3091和THS3095提供8引脚· VDSL的线路驱动器,采用SOIC(D)和8引脚SOIC(DDA)的包PowerPAD™。





Easy temperature and humidity management using an SD card•Unparalleled measurement accuracy•A large amount of data can be stored on a single SD card.•Alarm output for immediate response when trouble occurs•Bundled with PC software for easy conversions of logging data to graphs.Ordering InformationMain unitSensor heads*Please choose this form when you buy with the calibrationcertificate.Contents of Certificate of Calibration Set: Calibration Certificate, Inspection Result, and Traceability ChartLoggers Options (Order separately)or less. (Two logger installation screws are attached.) Calibration serviceNote:1.As the sensor head and station are digitally connected, only the sensor head is subject to calibration.2.It is necessary to ship the product back to OMRON inJapan.For the most recent information on models that have been certified forsafety standards, refer to your OMRON website.Be sure to read “Safety Precautions” onpage 3.Appearance Item ModelSensor head 1.5 m type ZN-THS11-S ZN-THS11C-S *Sensor head Anchored type ZN-THS17-S ZN-THS17C-S *Appearance Item Model Power supplyLogger ZN-THX11-SA Battery/DC cableItem ModelSensor head1.5 m type Calibration Certificate,Inspection Result,Traceability chart ZN-THS11-CALSensor headAnchored typeZN-THS17-CALRatings and SpecificationsSensor headNote:1.As performance may deteriorate through the adhesion of impurities or contaminants in the environment on the sensor surface, calibration is recommended once a year.2.When ZN-THS1@@-S is exposed over a long period of time at a high humidity of 80% or higher, the humidity measurement value may be offset.In that case, expose the product at room temperature and humidity for 24 hours prior to use.3.When ZN-THS1@@-S is transferred rapidly between the places where temperature difference is large, condensation may occur on the sensor surface. In that case, the ZN-THS1@@-S may not work properly. When the product becomes wet due to condensation, allow the product to dry in dry, room temperature environment before use.4.When using the ZN-THS1@@-S under conditions with temperature of -20︒C or less or with humidity of 90% or more, acceleration of sensor deterioration may occur.5.To avoid deterioration of sensor, avoid storing the product under high temperature and high humidity for a long period of time.6.Please don’t use the product in the environment to which organic chemistry material disperses.Logger*1.Power saving mode. The indicator is always OFF in default setting. (Turns ON with button operation.)*2.It automatically writes data to the SD card when reaching the upper limit of the internal memory, and keeps recording until the capacity limit of the SD card. If the SD card is not inserted when the internal memory reaches the upper limit, recording stops. (Data can be output to the SD card by pressing the button after inserting the SD card.)*3.This mode always records the latest measured values for the upper limit of the internal memory. (When the measured values exceed the upper limit of the internal memory, the data items will be deleted beginning with the oldest data item.)*4.An alarm is output when exceeding the upper limit value or lower limit value that has been set in threshold setting mode.*5.If you use an SD card from another manufacturer, use an SDHC Class 4 or higher card. (You must confirm the operation of the SD card yourself.)*6.Nickel hydride battery and alkaline battery can be used. Manganese batteries cannot be used.*7.Battery life differs depending on measurement environment, sampling, operating mode, battery type or performance.*8.System Requirements for Enclosed PC Software (Station Utility: Setup Tool, Logging Tool, and SD Viewer ES) OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 (64 Bit not supported) CPU: compatible Intel processors, 1 GHz or higher. Memory: 1 GB or more (2 GB or more recommended)Microsoft, Windows, and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.*9.The connector is type XW4B-02B1-H1, made by OMRON.ModelItem1.5 m typeAnchored typeZN-THS11-S ZN-THS11C-SZN-THS17-S ZN-THS17C-STemperatureMeasurement range-25 to 60︒C 0 to 60︒CMeasurement precision ±0.3︒C (at 25)Resolution 0.1︒C Relative humidityMeasurement range0% to 99%20% to 85%Measurement precision ±2.5% (at 25 , 10 to 85%)Resolution0.1%Weight (packaged)Approx. 300 gAccessories 1Instruction sheet, Mounting screw (M3 ⨯ 8) x 1Instruction sheet, Mounting screw (M3 ⨯ 8) ⨯ 1, Caps to secure cable Accessories 2--Calibration Certificate,Inspection Result Traceability chart --Calibration Certificate,Inspection Result Traceability chartItem ModelZN-THX11-SASensor that can be connectedThermo-Humidity Sensor Head (ZN-THS @@-S)DisplayLCD 7-segment 5-digit 2-step displayMeasurement interval 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 1 h Calculation function Instantaneous value, maximum value, minimum value, average value Operating mode Normal mode, sleep mode *1Recording mode Continue *2, ring *3External output Alarm output *4 (Photocoupler output)Internal storage device Internal memory: Approx. 8,500 data itemsExternal storage device SD card (to save measured values and to save/read set values), Recommended SD card: HMC-SD291 (manufactured by OMRON) *5Power supply voltage DC input: 24 VDC ±10%, AC adapter: 100 to 240 VAC/50 to 60 Hz, Battery: 2 AAA batteries *6Battery lifeApprox. 1 year *7 (sleep mode, measurement interval of 10 minutes, with 2 AAA nickel metal hydride batteries, with SD card not inserted)Operating temperature range Main unit: 0 to 60︒COperating humidity range 20% to 85% (no condensation)Weight (packaged)Approx. 500 gAccessories Instruction Sheet, Startup Guide, Utility disk (CD-ROM) *8, Alarm output connector *9, DC cable (straight type), Ferrite coreSafety PrecautionsFor technical information and product FAQs, refer to the “Technical Guide” on your OMRON website.DimensionsSensor headWARNINGThis product is not designed or rated for ensuring safety of persons either directly or indirectly. Do not use it for such purposes.(Unit: mm)Tolerance class IT16 applies to dimensions in this data sheet unless otherwise specified.T erms and Conditions AgreementRead and understand this catalog.Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.Warranties.(a) Exclusive Warranty. Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.(b) Limitations. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THEPRODUCTS WILL SUITABLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE.Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right. (c) Buyer Re medy. Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.See /global/or contact your Omron representative for published information.Limitation on Liability; Etc.OMRON COMPANIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY.Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted. Suitability of Use.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY OR IN LARGE QUANTITIES WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCT(S) IS PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.Programmable Products.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.Performance Data.Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Om ron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.Change in Specifications.Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.Errors and Omissions.Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.2013.11In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. OMRON CorporationIndustrial Automation Company/(c)Copyright OMRON Corporation 2013 All Right Reserved.。


685 W
(1) This data was taken using the JEDEC standard low-K test PCB. For the JEDEC proposed high-K test PCB, the ΘJA is 95°C/W with power rating at TA = 25°C of 1.05 W.
• Low Noise – 1 pA/√Hz Noninverting Current Noise – 10 pA/√Hz Inverting Current Noise – 2.5 nV/√Hz Voltage Noise
• High Output Current Drive: 475 mA • High Slew Rate: 1700 V/µs (RL = 50 Ω,
TA 0°C to 70°C -40°C to 85°C 0°C to 70°C -40°C to 85°C
Note: The device with the power down option defaults to the ON state if no signal is applied to the PD pin. Additionallly, the REF pin functional range is from VS− to (VS+ − 4 V).




100 k
f − Frequency − Hz
0°C to 70°C –40°C to 85°C –55°C to 125°C
1 2 1 2 1
Case temperature for 60 seconds, FK package
See Dissipation Ratings Table
0 to 70
–40 to 85
–55 to 125
–65 to 150
PCB ground plane is recommended, although not required, as this copper plane is typically the largest copper plane on the PCB.
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THS788 SLOS616B–MARCH2010–REVISED JUNE2011 QUAD-CHANNEL TIME MEASUREMENT UNIT(TMU)Check for Samples:THS788FEATURES APPLICATIONS•Four Event Channels+Sync Channel•Automatic Test Equipment•Single-Shot Accuracy:8ps,One Sigma•Benchtop Time-Measurement Equipment •Precision:13ps(LSB)•Radar and Sonar•Result Interface Range:0s to7s•Medical Imaging•Event Input Rate:200MHz•Mass Spectroscopy•Low TC:0.1ps/°C•Nuclear/Particle Physics•High-Speed Serial Host-Processor Bus•Laser Distance Measurement Interface:50MHz•Ultrasonic Flow Measurement •Programmable Serial-Result Interface Speed:75MHz–300MHz•High-Speed LVDS-Compatible Serial-ResultBus per Channel•Programmable Serial-Result Bus Length•Temperature Sensor•Single3.3-V Supply•Power:675mW/Channel,18Bits,300MHz,Four ChannelsDESCRIPTIONThe THS788is a four-channel timing measurement unit(TMU)that incorporates a time-to-digital converter(TDC) architecture for fast and accurate measurements.The TMU is able to provide8ps of single-shot accuracy.The TDC has13ps resolution(LSB),which is derived from an external master clock of200MHz.It uses fast LVDS-compatible interfaces for all of its event inputs and serial result outputs,which allows for fast and reliable data transfer.Each channel can process time stamps at a maximum speed of200MSPS.The THS788has a wide range of programmability that makes it flexible in different applications.The serial-result interface has programmable data length,frequency,and data-rate mode(DDR and normal).The event channels can be programmed to take time stamps on rising edges or falling edges.The TMU has a mode for event management,where the user can program wait times before measurements.This programming is achieved through a50-MHz LVCMOS interface.The THS788is available in a TQFP-100with a heat slug on top for easy heat-sink access.The device is built using Texas Instruments RF SiGe process technology,which allows for maximum timing accuracy with low power.Table1.PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION(1)TEMPERATURE PACKAGE(2)ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKINGTHS788PFD Tray,900°C to70°C PFD THS788PFDTHS788PFDT Tape and reel,250(1)For the most current package and ordering information,see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,or see the TIwebsite at .(2)Package drawings,standard packaging quanities,thermal data,symbolization,and PCB design guidelines are available at/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.OT_ALARMTEMP MCLK (Fixed)Sync InputResetSerial Host Processor InterfaceB0347-01RdataCRdataD RCLK RstrobeA RstrobeB RstrobeC RstrobeDRdataA RdataB EventA EventB EventC EventDTHS788SLOS616B –MARCH 2010–REVISED JUNE 2011These devices have limited built-in ESD protection.The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.TMU BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 1.TMU Block DiagramABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSover operating junction temperature range (unless otherwise noted)VALUEUNIT V CC4V Analog I/O to GND (1)–0.3to VCC +0.3V Digital I/O to GND–0.3to VCC +0.3V T J Maximum junction temperature (2)150°C T stgStorage temperature 150°C HBM 2000ESD ratingsVCDM250(1)LVDS outputs are not short-circuit-proof to GND.(2)The THS788has an automatic power shutdown at 140°C,typical.THS788 SLOS616B–MARCH2010–REVISED JUNE2011POWER CONSUMPTIONTypical conditions are at55°C junction temperature,V CC=3.3VCURRENTCONDITION UNITTYP MAXOne channel plus sync,counter length=18bits,output interface speed=75MHz420mAAs above with an additional channel add125mA150MHz add10Output interface speed mA 300MHz add2527bits add60Counter length mA 34bits add10575MHz795107518bits150MHz8051090300MHz820110175MHz8551150Four channel current27bits150MHz8651165mA300MHz880117675MHz900121034bits150MHz9101225300MHz9251236 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSover operating junction temperature range(unless otherwise noted)MIN NOM MAX UNITV CC Supply voltage 3.135 3.465VT J Junction temperature0105°C MCLOCK frequency200MHz THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSover operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITRθJP Thermal resistance,junction-to-pad 3.11°C/WTHS788SLOS616B–MARCH2010–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTypical conditions are at T J=55°C and VCC=3.3V.PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT TDC CHARACTERISTICSTime-measurement precision(LSB)13.02ps Measurement accuracy after calibration,mean±8ps Single-event accuracy,one sigma8ps Time-measurement temperature coefficient0.1ps/°C Time-measurement voltage coefficient±30ps/V Event input rate200MHzWith preconditioning 2.5ns Minimum event pulse durationWithout preconditioning250ps Turnon time(ready to take timestamp)250μs MASTER CLOCK CHARACTERISTICSFrequency200MHz Duty cycle0.40.6Jitter3ps rms HIGH-SPEED LVDS INPUTS:MCLK,Event,SYNCDifferential input voltage100–Ωtermination,line-to-line200350500mV Common-mode voltage 1.25V Peak voltage,either input0.6 1.7V Input capacitance1pF HIGH-SPEED LVDS OUTPUTS:Rdata,Rstrobe,RCLKDifferential output voltage100–Ωtermination,line-to-line250325400mV Common-mode voltage 1.125 1.28 1.375V Rise time/fall time20%/80%250ps Output resistance40ΩTEMPERATURE SENSOR DC CHARACTERISTICSOutput voltage T J=65°C 1.69V Output voltage temperature slope5mV/°C Max capacitive load30pF Max resistive load10kΩOVERTEMPERATURE ALARM DC CHARACTERISTICSTrip point Active-low pulldown141°C Leakage current Temperature<trip point1μA Output voltage,low I sink=1ma0.2V OUTPUT INTERFACE TIMINGRCLK duty cycle45%50%55%300MHz 1.4Rdata/Rstrobe to RCLK setup time150MHz 3.1ns75MHz 6.4300MHz 1.5Rdata/Rstrobe to RCLK hold time150MHz 3.2ns75MHz 6.5THS788 SLOS616B–MARCH2010–REVISED JUNE2011HOST SERIAL INTERFACE DC CHARACTERISTICSover operating junction temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITV IH High-level input voltage0.7×VCC VCC+0.5VV IL Low-level input voltage GND–0.30.3×VCC VV OH High-level output voltage VCC–0.5VCC+0.3VV OL Low-level output voltage00.4VI lkg Leakage current1µAHOST SERIAL INTERFACE AC CHARACTERISTICSover operating junction temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT HCLK frequency50MHz Rise and fall times 3.5ns HCLK duty cycle40%50%60%Hstrobe high period between two consecutive transactions40ns Hstrobe low to HCLK high setup5ns HCLK high to Hstrobe high hold time5ns Hdata in to HCLK high setup5ns Hdata in to HCLK high hold time5ns HCLK falling edge to Hdata out(L or H)C L=20pF 3.25ns HCLK falling edge to Hdata out(H or L)C L=20pF 3.25nsEventD Reserved ReservedVCC GND MCLK MCLK NC NC VCC GNDNC EventDGND GND EventC NC EventCNC NC NC NC GND GND ResetTEMP OT ALARM NC GND SYNC SYNC VCC NC VCC EventB NC EventB GND GND EventA NC EventA VCC NC NC NC NC GND GND P0011-03PFD Package (Top View)VCC N CR d a t a DR d a t a DR s t r o b e DR s t r o b e BV C CG N DH d a t aH C L KG N DV C CG N DV C CG N DV C CH s t r o b eG N DV C CR C L KR C L KR s t r o b e BR d a t a BR d a t a BN C R s t r o b e DN CV C CR d a t a CR d a t a CR s t r o b e CR s t r o b e CG N DV C CG N DR e s e r v e dR e s e r v e dG N DV C CG N DV C CG N DG N DV C CG N DR s t r o b e AR s t r o b e AR d a t a AR d a t a AV C CN CTHS788SLOS616B –MARCH 2010–REVISED JUNE 2011DEVICE INFORMATIONPIN ASSIGNMENTNote:Pin 1indicator is symbolized with a white dot,and is located near pin 1corner.Figure 2.Pinout DiagramTHS788 SLOS616B–MARCH2010–REVISED JUNE2011PIN FUNCTIONSPINFUNCTION DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.EventA68LVDS-compatible input Positive event input for channel AEventA66LVDS-compatible input Negative event input for channel AEventB61LVDS-compatible input Positive event input for channel BEventB63LVDS-compatible input Negative event input for channel BEventC8LVDS-compatible input Positive event input for channel CEventC10LVDS-compatible input Negative event input for channel CEventD15LVDS-compatible input Positive event input for channel DEventD13LVDS-compatible input Negative event input for channel D1,2,11,12,21,25,32,35,37,39,GND42,55,64,65,74,75,82,84,85,Ground Chip ground87,89,92,94HCLK34LVCMOS input Host serial-interface clockHdata33LVCMOS I/O Host serial-interface data I/OHstrobe41LVCMOS input Host serial-interface chip selectMCLK19LVDS-compatible input Positive master-clock inputMCLK20LVDS-compatible input Negative master-clock input3–6,9,14,17,18,26,50,54,59,NC No connect Physically not connected to silicon62,67,70–73,76,100OT_ALARM53Open-drain output Overtemperature alarmRCLK45LVDS-compatible output Positive result-interface clockRCLK44LVDS-compatible output Negative result-interface clockRdataA78LVDS-compatible output Positive result-data output for channel ARdataA79LVDS-compatible output Negative result-data output for channel ARdataB49LVDS-compatible output Positive result-data output for channel BRdataB48LVDS-compatible output Negative result-data output for channel BRdataC98LVDS-compatible output Positive result-data output for channel CRdataC97LVDS-compatible output Negative result-data output for channel CRdataD27LVDS-compatible output Positive result-data output for channel DRdataD28LVDS-compatible output Negative result-data output for channel DReserved23,24,90,91Engineering or test pins Connect to VCCReset51LVCMOS input Chip reset,active-lowRstrobeA80LVDS-compatible output Positive strobe signal for channel ARstrobeA81LVDS-compatible output Negative strobe signal for channel ARstrobeB47LVDS-compatible output Positive strobe signal for channel BRstrobeB46LVDS-compatible output Negative strobe signal for channel BRstrobeC96LVDS-compatible output Positive strobe signal for channel CRstrobeC95LVDS-compatible output Negative strobe signal for channel CRstrobeD29LVDS-compatible output Positive strobe signal for channel DRstrobeD30LVDS-compatible output Negative strobe signal for channel DSYNC57LVDS-compatible input Positive input for sync channelSYNC56LVDS-compatible input Negative input for sync channelTEMP52Analog output Die temperature7,16,22,31,36,38,40,43,58,Power supply Positive supply,nominal3.3VVCC60,69,77,83,86,88,93,99THS788SLOS616B–MARCH2010–REVISED THS788CIRCUIT FEATURESThe THS788time-measurement unit(TMU)includes four measurement channels plus a synchronization channel optimized to make high-accuracy time-interval measurements.The following is a brief description of the various circuit blocks and how they interact to make and process the time measurements.Counter,Latches,Clock MultiplierThe center of the TMU is a master synchronous counter which counts continuously at a rate of1.2GHz.This is the master timing generator for the whole TMU and defines the basic timing interval of833ps,which is further subdivided with Interpolator circuitry.The counter is divided into four sections,which can be powered off so that the effective length is selectable as18,27,or34bits long.The output bits of the counter are connected to five sets of latches,which can latch and hold the counter state on command from each of the channels.In this way, when an event occurs,the counter time is recorded in the particular channel’s latches.The latch output is converted to CMOS levels and passed to the respective channel’s FIFO buffer,which is15samples deep.The counter1.2-GHz clock is derived from the MCLK input to the TMU at200MHz.This MCLK input is critical to the accuracy of the TMU,and any error in frequency is reflected as errors in time measurement.Likewise,jitter propagates to the counter and other circuits and adds noise to the measurement accuracy.The200-MHz clock is the input to a clock multiplier.The clock multiplier uses delay-lock loop(DLL)techniques and combinatorial logic to construct a six-times clock from the reference input.This1.2-GHz clock is passed to a high-power clock buffer,which drives all the circuitry in the master counter and many other circuits in the TMU.Channels,Interpolator,PreconditioningThere are four event channels and one sync channel.The event channels are identical,and the sync channel contains most of the event channel circuitry,but without a FIFO and preconditioning.An input pulse to the sync channel serves as the reference time zero for the TMU.An event input to a channel is compared to the sync time reference,and the time delay is calculated as the time difference modified by a calibration value.An event input follows the following signal path:the event input edge sets a fast latch(hit latch).This latch is gated on/off by a block of preconditioning logic which can set up holdoff delay conditions to determine when to allow the latch to accept an event pulse.This document discusses holdoff preconditioning in more complete detail in later sections. The output of the latch is current-buffered and applied to the interpolator.The interpolator uses DLL techniques to subdivide the counter interval of833ps into64time intervals of13ps each.A large array of fast latches triggered by the hit latch captures the state of the64time intervals and logically determines6bits of timing data based on where the event occurred in the833-ps clock interval.These6bits are latched and eventually passed to the FIFO,where they become the LSBs of the time-to-data conversion.A synchronizer circuit is also connected to the64-latch array and removes the possible timing ambiguity between the64latches and the master counter.This takes a few1.2-GHz clock pulses.When this process is complete,a pulse occurs which captures the master counter bits into the channel latches.A subsequent pulse loads all the bits from the interpolator and the counter into the channel FIFO.While this is happening,the hit latch is being reset,and the channel is prepared to accept another event edge.This process is fast enough to accept and measure event edges as close together as5ns.FIFOEach event channel contains a15-deep,40-bit-wide FIFO,which allows for rapid accepting and measurement of event inputs and a user-defined data-output rate of those measurements.Calibration,ALU,Tag,ShifterThe output of the FIFO is controlled by the shifter,which is a free-running parallel-to-serial register.The shifter bit length and clock rate are user controlled.The shifter generates a load pulse,which transfers the data in the FIFO output into an arithmetic logic unit,which does the sync time and calibration time subtractions and then parallel-loads the result into the output serial register.An LVDS output buffer outputs the clock,data,and strobe signals to transfer the time-measurement data to the user.A TAG bit is appended to the leading edge of the data word.Currently the TAG feature is not implemented.The bit will always be0representing data.THS788 SLOS616B–MARCH2010–REVISED JUNE2011Serial Interface,Temperature,OverheadThe TMU functions and options are controlled and read out by a serial interface built in CMOS logic that can operate up to50MB/s.There is one central controller which then drives registers,counters,etc.,in each channel.A temperature sensor is located central to the chip and outputs a voltage proportional to the chip temperature.If the chip temperature rises above141°C,the TMU powers down and outputs an overtemperature alarm signal.The TMU does not restart without a command through the serial interface.A bias circuit provides a regulated current bias and voltage reference for the TMU.The serial controller sequences some of the bias circuits to account for some acquisition times,and thereby,turns on the TMU.Host Processor Bus InterfaceThe THS788includes a high-speed serial interface to a host processor.The host interface is used for writing or reading registers that reside in the TMU chip.These registers allow configuration of the device functions.All registers are capable of both read and write operations unless otherwise stated.Serial InterfaceThe TMU serial interface operates at speeds of up to50MHz.Register addresses are8bits long.Data words are16bits wide,enabling more-efficient interface transactions.The serial bus implementation uses three LVCMOS signals:HCLK,Hstrobe,and Hdata.The HCLK and Hstrobe signals are inputs only,and the Hdata signal is bidirectional.The HCLK signal is not required to run continuously.Thus,the host processor may disable the clock by setting it to a low state after the completion of any required register accesses.When data is transferred into the device,Hdata is configured as an input bus,and data is latched on a rising edge of HCLK.When data is transferred out of the part,Hdata is configured as an output bus,and data is updated on the falling edge of the control signal that identifies the beginning of a host bus transaction.Hstrobe must remain low for the duration of the transaction,and must go high for at least two clock cycles before another transaction can begin.Read vs Write CycleThe first Hdata bit latched by HCLK in a transaction identifies the transaction type.First Hdata bit=1for read;data flows out of the chip.First Hdata bit=0for write;data flows into the chip.Parallel(Broadcast)WriteParallel write is a means of allowing identical data to be transferred to more than one channel in one transaction. The second Hdata bit of a transaction indicates whether a parallel write occurs.Second Hdata bit=0;data goes to the selected channel.Second Hdata bit=1;data goes to all four channels.AddressAfter the bit and the parallel write bit,the following8bits on the Hdata line contain the source address of the data word for a read cycle or the destination address of the data word for a write cycle.Address bits are shifted in MSB first,LSB last.Third HCLK–Address Bit7(MSB)Tenth HCLK–Address Bit0(LSB)DataThe data stream is16bits long,and it is loaded or read back MSB first,LSB last.The timing for read and write cycles is different,as the drivers on Hdata alternate between going into high-impedance and driving the line. ResetReset is an external hardware signal that places all internal registers and control lines into their default states. The THS788resets after a power-up sequence(POR).Hardware reset is an LVCMOS active-low signal and is required to stay low for approximately100ns.Data transfer protocol for Read operationsHCLKHdataHstrobeDriving the lineT0427-01THS788SLOS616B –MARCH 2010–REVISED JUNE 2011places the TMU in a predetermined idle state at power on,and anytime the system software initializes the system hardware.In the idle state,the TMU ignores state changes on the Event inputs and never creates time stamps.The TMU is capable of switching within 250μs from the idle state to a state that creates accurate time stamps.Chip IDAddress (83h)is a read-only register that identifies the product and the die revision.The 16-bit register is divided into two 8-bit sections.The LSB represents the revision history and the MSB represents the last two digits of THS788(i.e.,80).The first revision (1.0)is as follows:100000000001.0000Read OperationsReading the THS788registers via the host interface requires the following sequence:The host controller initiates a read cycle by setting the host strobe signal,Hstrobe,to a low state.The serial Hdata sequence starts with a high bit,followed by (either 1or 0)for parallel-write bit and 8bits of address,with most-significant bit (A7)first.The host controller should put the Hdata signal in the high-impedance state beginning at the falling edge of HCLK pulse 10.The THS788allows one clock cycle,(r)for the host to reverse the data-channel direction and begins driving the Hdata line on the falling edge of HCLK pulse 12.The data is read beginning with the most-significant bit (D15)and ending with the least-significant bit (D0).The host must drive Hstrobe to a high state for a minimum of two HCLK periods beginning at the falling edge of HCLK pulse 27to indicate the completion of the read cycle.Figure 3shows the timing diagram of the read operation.Figure 3.Read OperationWrite OperationsWriting into the THS788registers via the host interface requires the following sequence:After the line is pulled low (start condition),the bit is set low,followed by a 0for the parallel-write bit (single-register write),then the memory address (A7–A0)followed by the data (D15:D0)to be programmed.The next clock cycle (w)is required to allow data to be latched and stored at the destination address (or addresses in the case of a parallel write),followed by at least two dummy clock cycles during which the is high,indicating the completion of the write cycle.Figure 4and Figure 5show timing diagrams of write operations.分销商库存信息:TITHS788PFD THS788PFDT。

混联式混合动力系统工作原理 丰田普锐斯THS

混联式混合动力系统工作原理 丰田普锐斯THS

AC 500
最大输出功率kW (PS) / rpm
最大输出扭矩N·m (kgf·m) / rpm
最大扭矩时的电流值 Arms
最大转速 转/分
50 (68) / 1200 – 1540
400 (40.8) / 0 1200
6,700 rpm 水冷
➢ 电机控制器:
直流 交流 高电压
HV 蓄电池
➢ THS 高压DC/DC:MG1与MG2都为500Vac电压等级电机,而电池电压为201.6V, 首先采用升压斩波Boost电路进行电压提升,Vout=Vin/(1-n)
风向标 廖扬
➢ 虚拟组成图:
MG1(主发电机 ) 发动机 行星齿轮机构
HV 蓄电池
MG2(主动力电 机)
➢ 剖视图:
➢ 发动机:
气缸数和排列 气门机构
16气门DOHC, 链传动机构(带VVT-i)
➢ THS工作模式:低中速行驶
➢ THS工作模式:中高速行驶
➢ THS工作模式:全速或需要大扭矩时



► 混合动力汽车结构
▪ 动力系统
► 发动机 ► 电机
▪ 发电机MG1 ▪ 驱动电机MG2
Байду номын сангаас► 变速驱动桥
▪ 行星齿轮组 ▪ 传动系统
► 电池
▪ 动力控制系统
MG2 (AC 500V)
► 混合动力汽车结构
▪ 动力系统 ▪ 动力控制系统
► 变频器总成
▪ 增压转换器 ▪ DC/DC转换器 ▪ 空调变频器
▪ ②DC/DC转换器:将最高电压从DC 201.6V降到DC 12V 为车身电气组件供电以及为备用蓄电池再次充电(DC 12V)。
▪ ③空调变频器:将HV蓄电池的额定电压DC 201.6V转换 为AC 201.6V为空调系统中电动变频压缩机供电。
► (4)HV ECU
▪ 接收每个传感器及ECU(发动机ECU、蓄电池ECU、制动 防滑控制ECU和EPS ECU)的信息,根据此信息计算所需 的扭矩和输出功率。HV ECU将计算结果发送给发动机 ECU、变频器总成、蓄电池ECU和制动防滑控制ECU。
► HV ECU ► 发动机ECU ► 蓄电池ECU ► 制动防滑控制ECU ► 加速踏板传感器 ► 档位传感器 ► SMR系统主继电器 ► 断路器传感器
▪ (1)HV变速驱动桥:
▪ 混合动力车辆(HV)变速驱动桥由发电机(MGl)、 电动机(MG2)和行星齿轮组组成。
►①发电机(MGl):发电机(MGl)由发动机带动旋转产 生高压电以操作电动机(MG2)或为HV蓄电池充电。同 时,它还可以作为启动机启动发动机。
▪ 将加速踏板角度转换为电信号并输出到HV ECU。



20 VCC = ± 15 V AND ± 5 V TA = 25°C Vn − Voltage Noise − nV/ Hz I n − Current Noise − pA/ Hz 10
Vn In 1 10 100 1k f − Frequency − Hz 10 k 100 k
Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted).
VALUE VCC VI IO VIO Supply voltage, VCC+ to VCC– Input voltage Output current Differential input voltage Continuous total power dissipation C-suffix TA TJ Tstg Operating free-air temperature I-suffix M-suffix Maximum junction temperature, (any condition) Maximum junction temperature, continuous operation, long term reliability (2) Storage temperature Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 60 seconds, JG package Case temperature for 60 seconds, FK package (1) (2) 33 ±VCC 150 ±4 0 to 70 –40 to 85 –55 to 125 150 130 –65 to 150 300 300 260 °C °C °C °C °C °C °C mA V UNIT V

Omega THS系列可靠性温度传感器说明书

Omega THS系列可靠性温度传感器说明书

CABLE BUSHING STYLETHS SERIESSanitary Thermistor Sensorse-mail:**************For latest product manuals: Shop online at User’s GuideM-4913-F Instruction Manual for Cable Bushing Style THS SeriesSanitary Thermistor SensorsGENERAL DESCRIPTIONPROCESS CONNECTION:This sensor includes a mounting flange that connects to a similar flange located at theprocess connection point. A commercially available gasket is used between the sensor flange and the process flange, with a clamp used to compress the two together.The PRS series sensors are manufactured with 316L stainless steel wetted surfaces that have surface finishes of 32 microinch or better.Care should be exercised when handling the sensors so that the surface finish is not damaged during handling or installation.WIRING CONFIGURATION:OPERATING CURRENT:SPECIFICATIONS:These sensors are supplied with thermistor elements that provide a non-linear resistance temperature output that has significantly greater resolution (in ohms per degree) than do our RTD sensors. Please note that thermistor sensors require lower operating currents than do RTD sensors, typically around 12 microamps max, in order to insure that no self-heating occurs. Resistance vs. Temperature Tables and Equations for each thermistor offered are provided on page 2.The Omega THS style sanitary sensors are supplied with 2 conductor PFA insulated and jacketed cables for convenientconnection to your process instrumentation. Please note that these thermistor sensors are 2-wire devices with no polarity associated with their use.As is the case with most precision thermistor sensors, Omega THS series sensors should be powdered with no more than 12microamps of excitation current. If operated at higher currents, self heating errors may occur.Sensing Element Type: Thermistor Accuracy: ±0.2°C between 0 and 70°C Temperature Range: -80 to 150°C (-112 to 302°F).Excitation Current: 12 microamps max.Response Time: 2.5 seconds max (63%)Wetted Surfaces: 316L Stainless Steel with 32 microinch or better surface finish.Process Connection: 2-Conductor PFA insulated and jacketed cable with molded nylon strain relief.The Omega PRS series sensors are designed for use in Sanitary Clean-In-Place (CIP)systems. They are supplied standard with 1-1/2" 16AMP Style flanges so they can be assembled to like style piping connections.Other connection sizes and styles are available.Resistance Vs. Temperature Table: Resistance Listed in OhmsTemp (°F)Temp(°C)2K 3K 5K 10K 30K -112-80166256422200433686168358135715739361-103-75107311514329002378027244959610508458-94-70704145940215155979216976587114634-85-65469308626650103931411913254881167-76-603174604238997029188459983391326-67-552177882908154821826076042384663-58-501514232022023352434411171696095-49-451066301423922360823235591219577-40-4076003101497168287239671886113-31-355480373187121359179206650261-22-30399545335888488135203481743-13-25294363931265204102883360159-4-20219062925548531789362716165-151645921981364706104220655714-101248016667276584756115834323-5954612749211603732812231832073649834163242950095188415572676461269523470746015010448659919949187935886559153541472978541514146753682028153759624412271373677725225330084998100023004686301815242340268198243019535147119643264675419765104401199.51601266155931616211345983.81313218346551328512250811.21082.5180038921097513155672.6897.314923270911114060560.4747.612432758759914965469.3625.91041.12337636615870394.8526.5875.81988535716775333.7444.9740.21698452617680283.3377.6628.31456384018585241.5321.9535.51253327119490206.7275.5458.31082.4279720395177.6236.7393.8938.12400212100153.2204.1339.6815.82067221105132.6176.7293.9711.71786230110115.2153.4255.3622.81548239115100.4133.7222.5546.7134724812087.8116.9194.6481.3117525712577.1102.6170.7424.9102926613067.890.3150.2376.2902.827513559.979.7132.5333.9794.728414053.070.5117.3297.2701.429314547.062.6104.1265.2620.830215041.955.792.6237.2550.8Equations::e r u t a r e p m e T m o rf e c n a t s i s e Rg n i t a l u c l a C :e c n a t s i s e R m o r f e r u t a r e p m e T g n i t a l u c l a C 3/1))2/a h p l a (+a t e b ((-3/1))2/a h p l a (-a t e b (e =R 3])R (n L [C + ])R (n L [B +A =t /1 where t = temperature in °C Constants:Code R A B CConstants:2K 2252 1.468x10-3 2.383x10-4 1.007x10-7alpha = ((A-(1/T))/C)3K 3000 1.403x10-3 2.373x10-49.827x10-8beta = SQRT(((B/3C))3)+(alpha2/4))5K 5000 1.285x10-3 2.362x10-49.285x10-8T = Temperature in Kelvins (°C+273.15)10K 10000 1.032x10-3 2.387x10-4 1.580x10-730K 300009.376x10-4 2.208x10-41.276x10-7For Resistance Vs. Temperature Tables in 1°C Increments, go to our website at /temperature/Z/pdf/z256-257.pdfM-4913-F Instruction Manual for Cable Bushing StyleSanitary Thermistor SensorsSensor CodeDISCLAIMERIf the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER W ARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). T he assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.T he purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and 3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of the product, and3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. T his affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2018 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.***********************The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.Servicing North America:U.S.A.Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters:Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only) Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only) Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700 e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideM4913-F /0418。



ths电池规格【实用版】目录1.THS 电池概述2.THS 电池规格参数3.THS 电池的优点与应用正文【THS 电池概述】THS 电池,全称为“低温热释电陶瓷电池”,是一种在低温环境下能够正常工作的陶瓷电池。

与传统的锂电池、镍氢电池等相比,THS 电池具有更高的安全性、更低的自放电率以及更长的循环寿命等特点,因此在各个领域得到了广泛的应用。

【THS 电池规格参数】1.工作温度:THS 电池的最佳工作温度范围为 -40℃至 +80℃。


2.电压:THS 电池的标称电压为 1.4V,与锂电池的标称电压3.7V 相比,电压较低,但更适合低功耗设备和应用。

3.容量:THS 电池的容量范围较大,可以从几十毫安时到几千毫安时。


4.循环寿命:THS 电池的循环寿命较长,一般可达到 1000 次以上的充放电循环。


5.自放电率:THS 电池的自放电率较低,可以长时间保存而不会导致电量损失。

这使得 THS 电池在储存备用电源方面具有优势。

【THS 电池的优点与应用】1.安全性:THS 电池在充放电过程中的热效应较小,不会因为过热而导致安全事故。


2.环保性:THS 电池不含有对环境有害的重金属元素,具有良好的环保性能。

3.应用领域:THS 电池广泛应用于各种低温环境下的电子产品,如物联网设备、医疗设备、工业控制设备等。

同时,THS 电池在军事、航空航天等领域也具有较大的应用潜力。

总之,THS 电池凭借其优异的性能和安全性,已成为低温环境下的首选电池类型。





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类别产品名称产品描述本店出售价格面膜THE FACE SHOP冰花水珠睡眠面膜70ML 有效的弥补外出紫外线的损伤,抵抗辐射对皮肤的老化和刺激充足的完全无油的补充水份。







3、采用独特配方将阿尔卑斯冰河水溶入其中.给皮肤补充大量的水份.避免夏天过多的水份流失32元面霜The Face Shop菲诗小铺大米面霜适用肌肤:适合肤质:中性、干性、混合偏干性、敏感性肌肤等适合人群:适合各类女性的日常肌肤保湿使用,特别适合对肌肤有美白需求的人群使用功效:亮白皮肤,重整皮肤纹理。



乳液The Face Shop速洁乳液/收缩毛孔控油祛痘适合肤质任何肌肤,尤其适合毛孔粗大、痘痘肌、油性及混合性等肌肤四季均可使适用人群 16岁以上女性以及需要洁净皮肤,控制油份补充水份。

同时清洁毛孔内深层污垢,快速改善毛孔扩张的女性(强烈推荐)产品功效 THE FACE SHOP速洁毛孔系列采用天然配方,让粗糙的毛孔收缩变小,达到真正的毛孔收缩功能。





毛孔速洁系列确实是一款不可多得的,清洁毛孔垃圾,收细毛孔的产品,使用效果非常好!68元The Face Shop 蓝莓乳液浆果保湿抗辐射美白蓝莓浆果系列,专为年轻皮肤设计,成分更安全,抵挡电磁波带来的伤害,抗自由基,抗氧化!增加皮肤弹性,防止色素沉着!防止皮肤出现由电脑带来的诸多症状!补水不油腻~ 很舒服的。








The Face Shop 菲诗小铺大米调理乳液适用年龄:18岁以上适用肤质:适合任何肌肤功效:T滋润,保湿,美白。

源自于韩国热销米糙乳液.可充分保充面部所缺少的水分并可持久不流失.柔和而不粘腻! 萃取水果和植物的精华做成的产品,纯净,清爽且芳香。




46元The Face Shop 阿尔卑斯乳液采自阿尔卑斯山上海拔3000米上草本精华素,富含多种矿物质,能软化角质,净化肌肤,促进新陈代谢,纯自然的植物58元提取物精华能抑制脸上多余油脂的分泌,能高效保湿,舒缓肌肤压力唤醒您每一寸肌肤的生命力和活力。






3、收缩毛孔:The Face Shop这个牌子真的很厉害,皮肤偏油的JMS很多都是毛孔偏大的,这样的设计是全方位的,让JMS买一个产品得到多个功效。







THE FACE SHOP 芦荟乳液140ML 主要特效美白补水保湿抗敏感适合人群所有人群产品特点:改善干燥的肌肤新鲜的芦荟萃取物不仅可以随时为脸部肌肤提供充足的水分,具有温和的全自然成分。




58元菲诗小铺金盏花保湿乳液150ml 功效:紧致毛孔壁:多种天然植物萃取精华,帮助促进天然骨胶元和弹性蛋白的合成,重建肌肤天然滋润保护膜,使毛孔壁更加强壮健康,更好抵御日间环境对肌肤的侵害,毛孔更为紧致细小。



有助改善暗疮疤痕的愈合:对淡化色素斑、豆印、缩小毛孔,有明显的效果爽肤水The Face Shop芦荟清新防晒喷雾TheFaceShop芦荟清新保湿补水喷雾规格:130ml产地:韩国包装情况:塑封适合人群:所有肤质主要成分:60%的新鲜芦荟萃取物等主要功效:保湿补水宝贝介绍:新鲜的芦荟萃取物不仅可以随时为脸部肌肤提供充足的水分,并且帮助调理面部肌肤的PH值,在干燥的环境里更好得滋润裸露于被污染环境中的肌肤,给你最清新滋润的呵护。




含神经酰胺成份,护肤养肤:The Face Shop大米系列含神经酰胺成份,在维持皮肤屏障功能方面起着十分重要作用,同时可显著增强角化细胞之间粘着力,改善皮肤干燥程度,减少皮肤脱屑现象;同时使用神46元经酰胺能使表皮角质层中神经酰胺含量增高,可改善皮肤干燥、脱屑、粗糙等状况;同时神经酰胺能增加表皮角质层厚度,提高皮肤持水能力,减少皱纹,增强皮肤弹性,延缓皮肤衰老THE FACE SHOP 阿尔卑斯芦荟保湿水新鲜的芦荟萃取物不仅可以随时为脸部肌肤提供充足的水分,并且帮助调理面部肌肤的PH值,温和补水,使皮肤一直保持含水状态!合并了原来的阿尔卑斯和洋柑橘系列,新推出的这款草本阿尔卑斯24小时保湿系列不单延续了以往保湿卓越的效果更多添加了草本成分,有效抵抗外界对于皮肤的伤害。





3、收缩毛孔: The Face Shop这个牌子真的很厉害,皮肤偏油的JMS很多都是毛孔偏大的,这样的设计是全方位的,让JMS58元买一个产品得到多个功效。


the face shop蓝莓补水保湿美白爽肤水【产品名称】: The Face Shop蓝莓保湿调理水【产品产地】:韩国【产品规格】:140ml【产品说明】:蓝莓本身就是抗辐射的圣品,能显著滋养皮肤焕发原有的活力。







57元The Face Shop冰花水润爽肤水130ML 名称:The Face Shop 冰花爽肤水清爽补水保湿规格:130ml产地:韩国78元冰花高水份水是阿尔卑斯系列和浪漫莲花的结合体,有这两个系列的共同优点:抗辐射,强健皮肤保护膜以及温和补水,清爽不油腻。


*有效防辐射是经常面对电脑的MM的最佳选择哦~*采用独特配方将阿尔卑斯冰河水溶入其中.给皮肤补充大量的水份the face shop最新推出的冰花系列,高水无油,涂抹到脸上就会感觉被迅速吸收了,而且还有冰凉的感觉,一点不夸张哦!内含的矿物精华和菊花精华等有效舒缓、镇静的成分,抵挡紫外线及电脑辐射对皮肤造成的伤害,有效防护阻隔空气中的有害物质。
