

跨文化 Verbal Communication

跨文化  Verbal Communication

5.2 The nation and types of verbal communication 1Definition of verbal communicationVerbal communication refers to how people communicateby verbal means,i.e.through the oral use of words or in a written way. 2The elements and featuresVerbal communication has three elements:the participants of communication,the purpose of the communication andthe setting.(1)participants:verbal communication can happenbetween a speaker and a listener or a speaker and a groupof listeners.(2)the purpose:any verbal communication is made tofulfill certain communicative purposes.(3)setting:setting includes temporal and spatial as well asany background information about the speakers such astheir psychology,their age,education level.3The elements and featuresVerbal communication has following features:1.It is dynamic.Oral communication,as an important type of verbal communication,is always dynamic.The speakerexpresses his thoughts through words,which aretransmitted to the listener's ears.The whole process isalways changing and cannot be repeated.2.It is interactive.Verbal communication happensbetween speakers and listeners.The two sides interact with each other to achieve communicative purposes.3.It is restrained by social context.Verbal communication takes place in certain context.Ifwe cannot adjust our communication to context,it willresult in communicative failure.4.It is irreversible.Once taking place,a verbal communication cannot be reversed.简写The elements and featuresVerbal communication has following features:1.It is dynamic.2.It is interactive.3.It is restrained by social context.4.It is irreversible.4The principlesPrinciple(1):cooperative principleWhile making verbal communication,the participants should follow certain principles to fulfill the communicative purposes.One of the important principlesis cooperative principle.Specifically,we should pay attention to the following points:(1)Accuracy of the information.The speaker should provide the accurate information and the listener tries to get the accurate information.(2)True information.The information transmitted should be true,otherwise the communicative attempt will be a failure.(3)Relevance of the information.The speaker and listener revolve around a relevant rather than rrelevant topics.Principle(2):politeness principlePoliteness principle has different realizations in different cultures.But its essence is to be polite to and show your respect for your partner so that the verbal communication can go on smoothly.简写The principlesPrinciple1 :cooperative principle(1)Accuracy of the information.(2)True information.(3)Relevance of the information.Principle2 :politeness principle5Culture difference in verbal communication(1)dragon(龙)Since the ancient times,龙has been regarded by the Chinese as the incarnation of their ancestor.They like to address themselves as the offspring of龙.In China,the traditional symbols of royalty are the dragon and phoenix. To Westerners,however,the dragon is often a symbol of evil.In Bible,the devil,is called“the great dragon. When the word is used to refer to a person,it is always inderogatory sense.E.g.she is a bit of dragon around the place.(2)phoenix(风凰)In Chinese mythology,the“phoenix‘is regarded as the king of birds.The phoenix is considered by Chinese as a creature of good omen.As the traditional symbol of royalty,the phoenix stands for the queen.The phoenix is also used in metaphors,standing for something rare and precious,for example,“凤毛麟角”The phoenix,in Western mythology,is associated with rebirth and resurrection.According to Greek legend,the phoenix lives a certain number of years-500by one account.At the end of the period,it makes a nest,sings a death song,and then sets fire to its nest by flapping his wings.The phoenix is burned to ashes,but from these ashes emerges a new the legendary phoenix,it will rise from the ashes in new splendor.(3)bat(蝙蝠)To Chinese,the bat is a symbol of good fortune,well-being,and happiness-all positive qualities.The reason for such associations is probably that the name of the creature is pronounced the same as the word“福”Thus the traditional design that shows the batand the deer together is very popular in China,because“蝠鹿,is pronounced the same as福禄,good fortune,happiness,wealthand position.In the Western countries,the bat is usually associated withnegative qualities.As blind as a bat,crazy as a bat,he is a bitbatty(他有点反常)are typically expressions of the negative associations.简写Culture difference in verbal communication(1)dragon(龙)(2)phoenix(风凰)(3)bat(蝙蝠)5Culture difference in verbal communicationDifferences in individual sounds1)Chinese sounds are not distinguished by length,but English sounds are2)Sounds may occur in one language but not the other.So people tend to replace the sounds with the ones in their own language,resulting in com municative failure.3)English sounds are pronounced differently in different contexts,but Ch inese sounds are not.So his words will sound foreign and unnatural to a native English speaker's ear when a Chinese ignores the sound variants.Verbal Communication Styles-1 Language is an important way of communication.We can communicate successfully if we master the language.Five communication stylesDirect and indirect stylesElaborate, exacting and succinct stylesPersonal and contextual stylesInstrumental and affective stylesself-enhancement and self-effacement stylesrecognize differences in communication stylesunderstand cultrual differencesavoid intercultural communication failure。



❖ 引言:

各民族的语言是自足的. 处于不同语言世界里的人,即使面对同一个现实面向,
也会在描述它时沿着各自的思路,采用不同的策略, 刻画出不同的版本.正如维特

语言与文化紧密相连, 不可分割; 语言是文化的一部分.
❖ Culture and language are intertwined and are shaping each other. Each time we select words, form sentences, and send a massage, either oral or written, we also make cultural choices.
❖ ( Beamer, L. and Varner, I Intercultural communication in the Global Workplace. New York, NY:
❖ Teaching objectives: ❖ In this part you are expected to understand some commonly observed differences
The power of verbal communication
Ⅰ. cultural differences on lexical level ❖ (cases) ❖ 1. types of lexical meaning ❖ Words are the basic units of meaning. Understanding
❖ farther and farther away from home.

verbal communication

verbal communication

Clips from the Joy Luck Club
Verbal intercultural communication 什么时候发生
Verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other bye divine land of China has its rivers flowing across; the brilliant culture of China has its roots tracing back long…The light-some dragon-boats appear on the river as though the stars twinkle in the Milky Way. The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendid awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. Is this a fairyland or a mere dream? Looking above, you can see the beautiful doves flying about. Looking below, you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Cracking are the fireworks, which present you a picture of fiery trees and silver flowers. Circling are the lantern-dancers, who present you a variation of exquisite manner. Over there the motor boats are plowing the waters, thus a tide stirs up. Over there the marksmen are shooting to their targets, thus colorful beads whirl around. Besides, the birds' chirping, the potted landscape's charm, the exhibition of arts and painting, all claim a strong appeal to you. Therefore, we should say, XXX is a city of no night; its Dragon-boat Festival a gathering of heroes.



----Sometimes we think about this but talk about that.
• Verbal communication differentiates humans and makes them unique from all creatures.
Verbal communication
definition significance forms/styles cultural differences in verbal communication
• definition in our book:Verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.
In U.S
In Asian China Japan Moderate uncertainty avoidance, high context Low uncertainty avoidance, low context High uncertainty avoidance, high context High power distance, collective, high context Low power distance, individualistic, low context Collective, high context Individualistic, low context

verbal communication

verbal communication

Examples of Invitation in itten form
1).sending a invitation card.(formal) 2).leaving an invitation note. 3).sending an e-mail.
Examples of Invitation in Speech form
No.3 compliment (恭维的话)
Examples : 1).A: Sophia is a nice girl and beautiful. B: Where is the soil compared with the star? (B is expressing the view that A is even more beautiful than Sophia.) 2). The words such as“ nice , good , beautiful, pretty , great”.( traditional ) 3). The words such as ” cool, cute, awesome” . (in the 1960s) 4). Different countries have different meanings and responses while they are complimenting.
Written form
Unreal invitation
Real invitation
Verbal communication styles
NO.1 addressing(称呼)
Definition: is the product of a certain culture, and it is the cultural symbol of interpersonal relation. Classification : kinship addressing eg. “Mike”/”Kate”( for westerners) “大爷”“大姐”“老弟”“大婶”“大哥”(for Chinese) social addressing eg. “professor Lin”/”Dr Lee”

跨文化交际Unit 2 Daily verbal communication 1

跨文化交际Unit 2 Daily verbal communication 1

A 46
B 10 12.2 34 41.46
C 22 26.83 28 34.15
D 4 4.88 16 19.51
Total 82 100 82 100
-Title + last name B-Full name C-First name D-Nickname

“My name is Margaret Wilkinson, but please call me Margaret,” my grammar teach tells in front blackboard. But I must give respect, not just call Margaret. I will call Mrs Margaret.” (A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers, Xiaolu Guo)

HIGH-CONTEXT 内隐,含蓄 暗码信息 较多非语言编码 反应很少外露 人际关系紧密 内外有别 高承诺 时间处理高度灵活
LOW-CONTEXT 外显,明了 明码信息 较多语言编码 反应外露 人际关系不密切 内外灵活 低承诺 时间高度组织化
Three cousins of the French President were also to receive presents.

1. What are the differences in addressing people between English and Chinese cultures? 2. How do you address your teacher’s husband or wife? 3. What’s your attitude towards “同志” or “Comrade”? 4. How to translate “师傅” “解放军叔叔” into English?

daily_verbal_communication 跨文化交际

daily_verbal_communication 跨文化交际

Addressபைடு நூலகம்ng
Differences in Pronouns of Address
Differences in FN and LN
Differences in Extension of Kinship
Differences in kinship terms
In Chinese, are there other forms of address to He
Family, relatives or close neighbors:
In China: 二哥, 三姐, 四婶, 王大伯 In America: Given names
Think about it:
Why do kin terms are extensively used by Chinese?
Communication Barriers
• Language Barriers • Cultural Barriers • Perceptual Barriers
A Chinese mother, Mrs. Zhang, was seeing her son and her American daughter-in-law, Susan, off at the airport. They would fly back to New York. Now Susan was talking with her motherin-law. Since Mrs. Zhang doesn’t know any English and Susan can speak little Chinese, Susan’s husband had to act as the intepreter for them.



1.verbal communication1.言语交际V erbal intercultural communications happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.当来自不同文化背景的人们用语言进行交流时言语交际就发生了。

2.非言语信号:(狭义)noverbal communication refers to intertional use of non-spoken symbol to communicate a specific message .运用非言语符号传达特定信息的交际行为。

(广义)refers to elements of the environment that communicate by virtue of people’s use of them.人们交际时运用的环境因素。

municative context;Communicative context is more likely to affect our communication with those who have different culture from ours or hold our language as their second language.情境context交际发生的环境并且有助于解释交际内容的含义。

The final component of communication is context. Generally, context can be defined as the environment in which the communication takes place and which helps define the communication. It’s the information that surrounds an event, it is in extricably bound up with the meaning of the event.4.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

Verbal Communication

Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication
Definition Significance Examples
a) definition in the book:
Verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.
• Good good study; day day up – 好好学习,天天向上(work hard and improve daily,do better every day ) • People mountain; people sea – 人山人海(crowded conditions) • Morning three night four – 朝三暮四(change one’s mind often) • No care three seven two ten one – 不管三七二十一(regardless of the consequences)
• Heart flower angry open – 心花怒放(be wild with joy) • American Chinese not enough – 美中不足(a flaw in an otherwise perfect thing)
• A speech form (phrase or expression) that is grammatically peculiar and cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements



• 3 Forms/styles (respective
• definitions & characteristics)
• 4 Cultural differences
• 5 Related studies / researches
1How do you define verbal communication

Everyone's mind is having different opinions about the
definition of verbal communication
• Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts through words. Such thoughts may be ideas, opinions, directions, dissatisfaction, objections, your emotions and pleasures.
1.Direct and indirect styles 2.Self-enhancement and self-effacement . 3.Elaborate and exacting styles (详细和严格) 4.Personal and contextual styles (个人和语境)
Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face.



• It’s raining cats and dogs. - It’s raining heavily.
• put one’s foot in one’s mouth - someone blunders by saying something he should not have.

– never-ending: everlasting 不停的
• 区分下列同义词:
– job
– vocation: job的正式用语
– profession: 脑力劳动者的职业
– field: 广义的职业“领域”
– occupation: 与vocation意思相近
– specialization: 具体的一个专长
Verbal Communication
在全球化时代,要达到更高的成功几率,须努 力成为具有全球视野的国际化人才。学好至少一 门外语是必要的,但国际化人才最基本的素质是 跨文化沟通能力。 这是一种能够超越本族文化, 跨越不同文化鸿沟,穿透不同文化壁垒,在多元 文化的环境中游刃有余的能力。因此,你的外语 语言能力必须建立在理解不同文化的价值观体系 和行为规范模式之上, 其最终表现是能够适应、 掌控和化解多元文化环境中的矛盾和冲突。
• keep one’s hand in: • do activity in order to remain skilled at
it. • within arm’s reach; • sth.which you can reach easily. • ask for a woman’s hand; • to propose marriage. • put one’s finger on sth.: • to identify an error, or cause of a



第一部分谚语翻译不劳不获No pains, no gains.眼不见,心不烦Out of sight, out of mind.有志者事竟成Where there is a will there is a way.三思而后行Look before you leap.物以类聚,人以群分Birds of a feather flock together.人多好办事Many hands make light work.趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot.人靠衣装马靠鞍。

Clothes make the man.哑巴狗最危险。

Dumb dogs are dangerous.孩子不打不成器。

Spare the rod and spoil the child.傻人有傻福。

Fortune favors fools.熟能生巧。

Practice makes perfect.眼见为实。

Seeing is believing.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

As a man sows, so he shall reap.欲速则不达。

Haste makes waste.来得容易去得快。

Easy come, easy go.艺术是永恒的,生命是短暂的。

Art is long, life is short.夸夸其谈,所成不多。

Great boast, small roast.有情人终成眷属。

All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill.好事不出门,坏事传千里。

Bad news has wings.凡人皆有死。

Death will have his day.王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。

Every cook praises his own broth(肉汤). 好事多磨。

Roses have thorns.英雄所见略同。

Great minds think alike.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。



Here turkey, as the American explained, is a
large North American bird. But it can also refer to a person considered inept (不适当的, 无能的, 不称 职的) or undesirable. As 火鸡 in Chinese has no such association, it makes difficult for the Chinese to understand the real meaning of the word used in the last sentence.
CASE TWO In the United States, Bomb means that something is a massive failure, e.g. “The project was a bomb.” But in Britain if you said, “The project went a bomb.” you would be saying it was a huge success.
语言 是由声音和意义结合而成的符号体系,比如:汉语、英语、法
语等。任何一种语言都是由语音、词汇和语法等组成的一个完整 的符号体系。-- langue 言语 是指人们对语言的运用,指人们在运用语言的过程中说的话和 书写的文字。(语言的实际运用)-parole
Difference between langue & parole
Language as a reflection of the environment 语言反映人们生活的自然环境 Words sometimes have different connotational meanings because of the different geographical environment. For instance, the English word “zephyr” (the west wind) reflects the specific culture of UK. To British people the west wind is warm and gentle, because UK is on the brink of the Atlantic and the wind blows from the ocean. In the famous poem “Ode to the West Wind”, Shelly, a brilliant poet of Britain eulogizes the warm and gentle wind. However, in the eyes of Chinese people, what the west wind brings them is not warmth but frigidity. There is a saying in China, “it’s the east wind that brings warmth.” Therefore, the trucks produced in China No.2 Automobile Manufacturing Plant use “East Wind” as the trademark, while Zephyr is used as the trademark for British-manufactured automobiles.

跨文化交际(Verbal Communication)PPT

跨文化交际(Verbal Communication)PPT

The significance of words in different languages
• E.g. In Arabic, the camel plays significant roles in people’s life, so there are more than 40 words for “camel”.
Nothing is more important than rice to the Chinese, so we have expressions like “人是铁,饭 know: The relation between words and their meanings are arbitrary. Words in themselves do not carry the meaning. The meaning comes out of the context.
E.g. The best fish swim near the bottom. (好鱼居水底)比喻“有价值的东西不会 轻易得到”. He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet. (要像抓鱼就不能怕弄 湿衣。比喻意义与汉语谚语“要吃龙肉, 就得亲自下海”相似)
Language as a Reflection of the Environment
Language reflects the environment in which we live and we label the things that are around us.
E.g. people in the Amazon area do not have a word for snow. Most Americans use terms such as snow, powder snow, sleet, slush, blizzard, and ice.



VerbalCommunicationVerbal Communication: The Use of LanguageIf thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.George OrwellLanguage is the light of the mind.John Stuart MillWhen I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) (1832-1898)Why do we use language? How does language function in our lives? Experience tells us that the words we use and the way we use them have profound effects on our relationships and communication with other people.In this session, we learn that our language enables us to classify our thinking and to construct meanings for our world of people, ideas, objects and happenings. Some examples of how people speak to each other nowadays demonstrate how language is ever changing and developing in our society.Learning ObjectivesAfter you have studies the ideas, arguments and suggestions presented in this session you should be able to do the following: Explain the difference between denotation and connotation.List three function of language and provide an example for each.Give examples that show how language is dynamic and how it has changed over the years you have been using it.Show how poorly constructed written messages can lead to miscommunication and inappropriate reactions.Explain the relationship between language and the process of thinking.Indicate how we conform, through language, to socially acceptable norms and etiquette.The Nature and Functions of LanguageAll our image-making is bound up with our use of language. When we construct images of others we activate a system of words to form impressions of people. Even when we meet people for the first time, we tend to size them up as friendly or unfriendly, interesting or dull, warm or distant, intelligent or unintelligent, and so on.In effect, we use words to classify our experience of people, events, and places. The words we use to make our judgements and classifications of people are often expressed as logical opposites - as sincere or insincere, honest or dishonest, fair or unfair, and so on.Our judgements are probably based on more than either-or type of classification because we modify the adjectives or descriptions we use. For example, instead of thinking of someone as being either approachable or unapproachable, we tend to think of them as quite approachable, or fairly approachable; we create our own methods of classifying the people and events we encounter. These methods are like roughly developed scales with intervals loosely defined by words such as very, extremely, moderately, mildly, and so on.Language, therefore is something we use to classify thought. Words becomes symbols to denote people, objects, events, places. Note that words by themselves, out of context, do not always carry significant meanings. They are often merely convenient labels to identify classes of objects, places, events orpeople. Meanings conveyed by words alone tend to be literal rather than emotive. When people interpret their experience by assigning meanings to words, language becomes not only a tool for classifying thought but also a vehicle for communication.In using language to communicate with others, individuals construct two different kinds of meanings. The basic level of meaning is known as denotation, which is the literal description, or dictionary definition.Constructing Meanings with Words: SpeakingOne of the distinctive feature of speech is that meanings are constructed aurally: people act and communicate according to what they hear. Sometimes, of course, speech is accompanied by visual reinforcers. For example, people presenting papers at conferences often use overhead projectors to display their messages, so that their audience can interpret the presentation both visually and aurally.Another important difference between speaking and writing is that speech is not always as tightly worded as most written messages are. Formal speeches and presentations may, of course, be carefully scripted, but the face-to-face or oral communication of people at work tends to be less rigid than their written memos. Oral communication is usually planned in general rather than detailed terms. For example, although a manager may plan a series of points to present at a committee meeting, the exact wording is seldom determined until the time comes. By contrast, written messages are constructed in significantly more detail and are not subject to change once they are issued.Constructing Meanings with Words: Writing。

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One example of the hypothesis:
If my language has only one term--- brother-inlaw---that is applied to my sister’s husband, my husband’s brother, and my husband’s sisters’ husbands, I am led by my language to perceive all of these relatives in a similar way. Vocabulary, through what it groups together under one label and what it differentiates with different labels, is one way in which language shapes our perception of the world.
In Roget’s Thesaurus there are 120 synonyms for blackness and at least sixty of them are offensive, such as blot(污点), grim(冷酷) , devil(恶魔) and foul(污秽) . And there are some 134 synonyms for whiteness and all are favorable, expressed in such words as purity, cleanliness, chastity(贞洁) and innocence. A white lie is better than a black lie. The most degenerate member of a family is the “black sheep”(败 类,害群之马). Ossie Davis has suggested that maybe the English language has to be reconstructed so that teachers will not be forced to teach the Negro child sixty ways to despise(鄙视) himself, and thereby perpetuate(延续) his false sense of inferiority, and the white child 134 ways to adore himself, and therebt perpetuate his false sense of superiority. ---Martin Luther King, Where do we go from here
If a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a good shot, but not necessarily a good man. ---G.K.Chesterton(British auther, 1874-1936)
Do you agree with this hypothesis? You may have read the Chinese classic The Red Chamber Dream. How did Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu relate to Grandma Jia? Did the old lady love both of them? Did she treat them as if they were equally important to her? Can you find the English equivalents for 孙 and 外孙?
No one when he uses a word has in mind exactly the same thing that another has, and the difference, however tiny, sends its tremors throughout language. --- K. J. Irving, 1986
Communication, Language and Culture
Language is both a means of communication and a channel of culture.
Language and Thought
When an old English lady hears some foreign words (meaning water) for the first time, she feels that foreign languages are odd and quite unreasonable. She says this is just plain water, but how strange that the Chinese call it shui, the French call it de l’eau. Only we English give it the right name water, because it is nothing else but water.
Байду номын сангаасVerbal Communication
Understanding Language
Language is a set of symbols and the rules for combining those symbols that are used and understood by a large community of people.
Two Japanese who knew some Chinese were one day at a Beijing subway station. They saw a warning sign which read: 小心地 滑!They were very much surprised to see that nobody around them was skating, though the floor was flat and somewhat slippery.
Language and context co-constitute one another: languge contextualizes and is contextualized, such that language does not just function “in” context, language also forms and provides context.
Functions of Language:
To communicate To give meaning to random experience; To enable us to reason, to draw logical conclusions from the evidence of our senses, to generalize from one event to another, and to predict, create and understand.
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis(SWH)
Whorf proposed first that all higher levels of thinking are dependent on language. Or put it more bluntly, language determines thought, hence the strong notion of linguistic determinism. Because languages differ in many ways, Whorf also believed that speakers of different languages perceive and experience the world differently, that is, relative to their linguistic background, hence the notion of linguistic relativism. 沃尔夫首先提出,所有高层次的思维都倚赖于语言。说 得更明白一些,就是语言决定思维,这就是语言决定论这一 强假设。由于语言在很多方面都有不同,沃尔夫还认为,使 用不同语言的人对世界的感受和体验也不同,也就是说与他 们的语言背景有关,这就是语言相对论。