






DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Errors and Omissions ClauseIt is hereby agreed and understood that the liability under this policy shall not be prejudiced by any unintentional delay, error or omission in reporting new locations acquired or occupied or in reporting values of property or in description of any other information provided that such delay, error or omission shall be reported to the Company as soon as practicable after knowledge thereof, and the Insured shall pay an appropriate additional premium upon request by the company, from the date of any increase in risk.Improper, faulty or erroneous appraisals shall not be considered to be an unintentional error or omission.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。















Loading and Unloading of Vehicles Clause
It is hereby agreed and understood that this Policy shall be extended to cover the Insured’s liability for the claims arising from the loading and unloading of the Insured’s vehicles in connection with the business at the specified premises.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。



















DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Seepage, Pollution and Contamination CoverThis Insurance does not cover any liability for:1) Personal Injury or Bodily Injury or loss of, damage to, or loss of use of property directly or indirectly caused by seepage, pollution or contamination, provided always that this paragraph(1) shall not apply to liability for Personal Injury or Bodily Injury or loss of or physical damage to or destruction of tangible property, or loss of use of such property damaged or destroyed, where such seepage, pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden, unintended and unexpected happening during the period of this Insurance.2) The cost of removing, nullifying or cleaning-up seeping, polluting or contaminating substances unless the seepage, pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden, unintended and unexpected happening during the period of this Insurance.3) Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages.This Clause shall not extend this Insurance to cover any liability which would not have been covered under this Insurance had this Clause not been attached.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。


保险人依照前款的规定作出核定后,对不属于保险责任的,应当自作出核定之日起三日 内向被保险人发出拒绝赔偿或者拒绝给付保险金通知书,并说明理由。
第十四条 保险人自收到赔偿的请求和有关证明、资料之日起六十日内,对其赔偿的数 额不能确定的,应当根据已有证明和资料可以确定的数额先予支付;保险人最终确定赔偿的 数额后,应当支付相应的差额。
第六条 存在下列情形之一,被保险人身故或残疾的,保险人不承担保险金给付责任:
(五)被保险人酒后驾驶、无有效驾驶执照驾驶或者驾驶无有效行驶证的机动交通工 具;
第十五条 除另有约定外,投保人应当在保险合同成立时交清保险费。 第十六条 订立本合同,保险人就被保险人的有关情况提出询问的,投保人应当如实告 知。 投保人故意或者因重大过失未履行前款规定的义务,足以影响保险人决定是否同意承 保或者提高保险费率的,保险人有权解除本合同或取消该被保险人资格。 前款规定的合同解除权,自保险人知道有解除事由之日起,超过三十日不行使而消灭。 自合同成立之日起超过二年的,保险人不得解除合同;发生保险事故的,保险人应当承担给 付保险金责任。 投保人故意不履行如实告知义务的,保险人对于合同解除前或取消该被保险人资格前 发生的保险事故,不承担给付保险金责任,并不退还保险费。 投保人因重大过失未履行如实告知义务,对保险事故的发生有严重影响的,保险人对 于合同解除前或取消该被保险人资格前发生的保险事故,不承担给付保险金责任,但应当 退还保险费。 保险人在合同订立时已经知道投保人未如实告知的情况的,保险人不得解除本合同;发 生保险事故的,保险人应当承担给付保险金责任。






保险责任第二条 兹经双方同意,在被保险人依法取得停车场有效经营许可证的前提下,鉴于投保人交纳了附加的保险费,保险人按本附加保险合同的约定对下列责任负责赔偿:(一)凡持被保险人发放的有效停车卡或出入卡停放在保险单中列明的停车场内的机动车辆,因被保险人管理上的疏忽或过失,造成全车被盗窃、抢劫、抢夺,经县级以上公安刑侦部门立案证实,满三个月未查明下落,依法应由被保险人承担的经济赔偿责任;(二)因空中物体坠落或建筑物倒塌导致上述机动车辆损毁的,依法应由被保险人承担的经济赔偿责任。










DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Advertising Signs and Decorations Liability ClauseIt is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy extends to indemnify the Named Insured for claims in respect of bodily injury or damage to property arising solely out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any neon/advertising signs and decorations located on, at or away from the Insured’s premises anywhere in CHINA, subject to the following additional provisions.The insurance does not apply to any neon/advertising signs and decorations in the course of erection, maintenance or repair conducted by or on behalf of the Named Insured.Warranted that the Named Insured shall comply with all statutory enactments by-laws and regulations and shall at all times ensure that the neon/Advertising Signs and Decorations installations are kept in a proper state of repair and if any defect be discovered the Named Insured shall forth-with cause such defect to be made good and shall in the meantime cause such additional precautions to be taken for the prevention of accident as the circumstances may require and no alteration in the position of the Signs shall be made without the consent of the Company.So far as is reasonable practicable no alteration or repair shall without the consent of the Company be made to the said Neon/Advertising Signs and Decorations after any accident has occurred in connection therewith until the Company shall have had an opportunity of inspecting same.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。






DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Cross Liability ClauseIt is hereby understood and agreed that for the purpose of this Policy each of the Parties comprising the Insured shall be considered as separate and distinct unit and the words “the Insured” shall be considered as applying to each party in the same manner as if a separate policy had been issued to each of the said parties and the Company hereby agrees to waive all rights of subrogation or action which the Company may have or acquire against either of the aforesaid parties arising out of any accident in respect of which any claim is made hereunder.Provided that any aggregate liability of the Company shall not be increased beyond the limits as stated in the schedule.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。




二、保险金额及免赔额1. 保险金额:本保险合同的保险金额由双方约定,保险公司将根据雇主的实际需求和风险状况来确定保险金额的具体数额。

2. 免赔额:雇主须承担一定的免赔额。


三、保险责任1. 工伤责任:保险公司将承担雇主因雇员工作意外导致的伤害、伤残或死亡的赔偿责任。


2. 职业疾病责任:保险公司将承担雇主因雇员患上职业疾病导致的医疗费用、工伤津贴及其他合理费用的赔偿责任。


四、保险费用及付款方式1. 保险费用:保险费用将根据雇主的雇员规模、行业类型、工伤风险等因素进行确定。


2. 付款方式:雇主需按照合同约定,在规定的时间内支付保险费用。


五、保险期限及终止1. 保险期限:本保险合同的保险期限为一年。


2. 终止条件:本保险合同在以下情况下可提前终止:a. 双方协商一致终止;b. 雇主未按时支付保险费用;c. 雇员人数不满足保险公司规定的最低要求。

六、索赔及理赔流程1. 雇主在发生工伤或职业疾病后应及时向保险公司报案,并提供相关证明文件和资料。

2. 保险公司将根据相关的索赔及理赔流程进行审核和赔付处理。


七、保险合同的解释及争议解决1. 保险合同的解释:对于保险合同的解释,雇主和保险公司应本着诚实信用原则进行协商。


2. 争议解决:雇主和保险公司在履行保险合同过程中发生争议时,应首先通过友好协商解决。











:It is hereby agreed that loss as insured by this Policy resulting from interruption of orinterference with the Business carried on by the Insured at the premises described within inconsequence of electricity, gas or water supply at the terminal ends of the electricity servicefeeders/Gas Works/Water Works from which the Insured obtained electric supply/Gas/Water atthe said premises directly due to the damage (as within defined) to property at an ElectricityStation or Sub-station of Public Electricity Supply Undertaking from which the Insured obtainedelectric supply/Gas/Water shall be deemed to be loss resulting from the damage to property usedby the Insured at the premises.Provided, however, that the Company shall not be liable for any loss occasioned by thedeliberate act of the Government, Municipal or Local Authority or Supply Authority notperformed for the sole purpose of safeguarding life or protecting any part of the supplyundertaking’s system or by the exercise by any such authority of its power to withhold or restrictor ration supply not necessitated solely by the damage to the supply undertaking’s generating orsupply equipment by an insured peril.For the purpose of the above extension, the Indemnity Period in respect of each damage or ofa series of damages consequent on or attributable to one source or original cause shall be asfollows:The period beginning with the occurrence of the damage and ending not later than sixty daysthereafter during which the result of the business shall be affected in consequence of the damage.Provided that the Company shall not be liable for any loss unless the duration of each suchfailure exceeds twenty-four hours and the Company shall not be liable for any loss for the firsttwenty-four hours of each such failure.In any action, suit or other proceedings where the Company alleges that by reason of theprovisions of this condition any loss or damage is not covered by this insurance, the burden ofproving that this loss or damage is covered shall be upon the Insured.This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.。






DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Liability to Directors & Non-manual Employees whilst OverseasIt is hereby declared and agreed that the Policy extends to indemnify the Insured for claims in respect of bodily injury or damage to property arising from the presence, outside China but excluding the United States of America, its territories of possessions, or Canada on the Business of the Insured of directors and non-manual employees of the Insured who are normally resident in China.Provided that this extension shall not operate in respect of claims brought against the Insured in any country (outside China) in which the Insured is represented by a branch or by any employee domiciled in the country or by a company firm or individual holding the Insured’s power of attorney.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。













EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY INSURANCE CLAUSESⅠ. PARTIES TO BE INSURED1.Enterprises including but not limited to foreign-invested enterprises, private enterprises, domestic stock companies, state-owned enterprises, non-profit enterprises, collective enterprises and collectively or privately contracted enterprises, and also public organizations, government institutions, schools, are all entitled to applying to China Continent Property & Casualty Insurance Company Limited(hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer") to insure against their legal liability to their employees (regular workers, casual labor, temporary and seasonal workers and apprentices included) subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy.2.The aforesaid employees of the Insured refer to those who are paid for a certain or uncertain period of employment by the Insured and over the age of sixteen or to those approved to be employed by statutes and other legal means.Ⅱ. COVERAGE3.The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against his liability under the contract of employment and at laws and regulations of the People′s Republic of China to pay medical expenses and other economic compensations within the agreed limit of indemnity in respect of death or bodily injury or disablement by accident or through occupational disease, to his employee(s) while, during the effective period of this insurance and in the course of employment (including to and off work) by the Insured, being engaged in the Insured′s business as stated in this Policy.The Insurer will also indemnify the Insured within the agreed sub-limit against defense costs payable by the Insured to the claimant, and other legal costs and expenses incurred with the written consent of the Insurer.Within the period of insurance, the maximum amount of indemnity by the Insurer for all and each item(s) mentioned hereinabove shall in no case exceed the aggregate limit of indemnity as stated in the Policy Schedule.Ⅲ. EXCLUSIONS4.The Insurer shall not be liable for:1) Death, diseases, disability or bodily injury sustained by the Insured′s employee(s) named in the Schedule in the course of employment by the Insured, arising from war, military actions, strikes, riots, civil commotion or nuclear radiation;2) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to illness other than occupational diseases, infectious diseases, childbirth , abortion , medical treatment and surgical operations necessitated by such diseases;3) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to intentional self-injury, suicide and criminal act;4) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to alcohol or drug not necessitated by the aforesaid occupation;5) Intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured;6) The Insured′s liability to employees of contractors to the Insured, unless otherwise stated;7) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, occurring outside the territorial limit of the People’s Republic of China, unless otherwise stated;8) Other losses and expenses not included in the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅳ. LIMIT OF INDEMNITY5.The limit of indemnity refers to the agreed maximum amount of indemnity payable by the Insurer to the Insured for losses or damages sustained by the Insured’s employee(s) in respect of any occurrence within the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅴ. PREMIUM6.An appropriate premium rate for the Insured shall be ascertained by the Insurer with a view of the exposures and Rating Table. The Limit of Indemnity multiplied by the Rate makes the due premium.Ⅵ.PERIOD OF INSURANCE7.The insurance period of this Policy is one year, as from 0:00 on the day of inception to 24:00 on the day of expiration. This Policy shall be renewed on the expiry date.Ⅶ. TREATMENT OF CLAIM8.When lodging a claim against the Insurer, the Insured shall provide the original Policy, the relevant Proof of Accident, Medical Report issued by medical organization(s) recognized by the Insurer, Original receipt of medical expenses and any other necessary and effective documents required by the Insurer. The Insurer shall as soon as possible examine all these documents, settle the claim and effect payment within 10 days from the date when the amount of indemnity is mutually agreed upon.9.In the event of occurrence falling within the Coverage during the period of Insurance, the Insurer shall, in the manners as follows, indemnify the Insured against his liability for the death of, bodily injury and disablement to the employee(s), specified in the Name List provided by the Insured:1) In respect of death, Permanent Full Disablement/Permanent Partial Disablement: The total amount of indemnity shall be calculated by multiplying the percentage set forth in the attached Indemnity Scale of the Policy by the limit of indemnity for death, bodily injury and disablement respectively.2) In respect of Temporary Disability for a period exceeding 5 days (the first five days not included): During this period, as certified by the hospital, the professional injury subsidy per person per day shall be in accordance with the minimum living expenses stipulated by the local government. Such subsidy shall be terminated once the medical treatment is completed or the extent of disablement is ascertained. But in no case shall the period of indemnity exceed one year. If permanent full or partial disablement is ascertained by medical organization(s), the indemnity shall be calculated according to the above section 9. 1). The total amount payable, including injuryallowance/subsidy, shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity for death or bodily injury stipulated in the Schedule of this Policy.3) In respect of Medical Expenses: the Insurer shall pay the expenses for registration, treatment, operation, sickbed, examination (with a limit of RMB300 Yuan), and medicines at public expenses as stipulated by the government. But such expenses shall not include those for tending, food, nutrition, transportation, heating, air conditioning and artificial limb, tooth, eye and other supporting utensils for disabled persons. Except in the case of emergency, the injured employees should be treated in the hospitals at or above the county level or appointed by the government or the Insurer.Remarks:The amount of indemnity payable to the Insured for each of his employee under each section of Article 9 hereinabove shall not exceed his liability at law or under the contract of employment, and in no case exceed any sub-limit of indemnity for any one person as indicated in the Schedule of this Policy.The employees of the Insured shall not have compensations both for death and bodily injury in respect of any one occurrence. The indemnity limit of medical expense payment and that to death or bodily injury payment shall be applied severally.10.If a claim arises under this Policy while there is in existence of any other insurance covering the same liability, the Insurer shall only be liable for his proportion of the claim for medical expenses, injury subsidy, and the defense costs, no matter whether any payment has been made under other insurance. If the actual number of the employees exceeds the number indicated in the Schedule of the Policy, the Insurer shall only be liable to pay the claims for listed employees if the names of the employees insured are listed in the Policy, or to pay such proportion of the claim as the number of the employees indicated in the Schedule bears to the actual number of the employees, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer if necessary.11.The effective period of time for lodging any claim: two years, commencing from the date of occurrence of the accident.Ⅷ. OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSURED12.The Insured and his representative(s) shall give true and detailed answers and/or descriptions to the questions in the Proposal and Questionnaire or to any other question raised by the Insurer.13.The Insured shall pay to the Insurer in due course the agreed premium in the manner as specified in the Schedule of the Policy.14.The Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent accident by strengthening safety management and complying with all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures. In the event of any occurrence of accident, the Insured shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to minimize the loss.15.The Insured shall notify the Insurer in writing within five (5) days if there has any material change of the subject insured in the Proposal and/or the Schedule of the Policy, and the premium would be readjusted by the Insurer accordingly. Otherwise, the Insurer shall not be liable for any claim resulting therefrom.16.In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:1) Notify the Insurer immediately and within seven (7) days or any further period as may be agreed by the Insurer in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course and probable reason of the accident, the extent of loss or damage, and assist the Insurer in investigating the accident;2) Make no admission, offer, promise, or express of payment without prior consent of the Insurer. Otherwise, the Insurer will not be liable;3) Give immediate notice in writing to the Insurer whenever having knowledge of any impending prosecution in connection with any accident for which there may be liability under this Policy against him, and forward to the Insurer every letter, writ, summon or process or other legal documents on receipt thereof. The Insurer shall be entitled to lodging a lawsuit or pursue recovery in the name of and on behalf of the Insured, and the Insured shall make every effort to render all necessary assistance.17.If the Insured fails to fulfill any of his obligations as stipulated in Clause 12 to Clause 16, the Insurer will be entitled, at his discretion, either to repudiating any liability under the Policy or to canceling this Policy by written notice.Ⅸ. GENERAL CONDITIONS18.Policy EffectThe due observance and fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Insurer under this Policy.19.Policy TerminationThis Policy shall be automatically terminated if the insurable interest of the Insured is lost. After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded to the Insured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date of termination to the date of expiry.20.Policy CancellationThis Policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at the option of the Insurer by giving a fifteen (15) days prior notice to the Insured. In the former case the Insurer shall retain a premium calculated on short-term rate basis for the time the Policy has been in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis.21.Forfeit of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or his representative to obtain any benefit under this Policy or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then inany of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited, and all consequent losses arising therefrom including the amount of claim paid by the Insurer shall be indemnified by the Insured.22.SubrogationWhere a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Insurer or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Insurer, subrogate to the Insurer all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Insurer in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.23.DisputeRegarding the dispute arising out of this insurance, the contracting parties are obliged to choose and specify in the contract one of the following two dispute settlement means:1) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, such dispute should be submitted to arbitration committee for arbitration.2) Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, either party may file a lawsuit on the People’s Court.24. JurisdictionThis Policy shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.。






时间进度偏差 _____________ 星期DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Time Schedule ClauseIt is agreed and understood that the following shall apply to this insurance:The construction and/or erection time schedule together with any other statements made in writing by the Insured for the purpose of obtaining cover under the Policy as well as technical information forwarded to the Insurers is deemed to be incorporated herein.The Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of loss or damage caused by or arising out of or aggravated by deviations from the construction and/or erection time schedule exceeding the number of weeks stated below unless the Insurers had agreed in writing to such a deviation before the loss occurred.This Clause is Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.Deviation from time schedule: weeks。



都邦财产保险股份有限公司董事及高级职员责任保险条款(保监会备案编号:都邦[2009]N62号)总则第一条 本保险合同由保险条款、投保单、保险单、批单和特别约定组成。


保险责任第二条 本保险合同的保险责任包括董事及高级职员责任保险,公司补偿保险,被保险个人配偶的赔偿责任,诉讼费用和继承人或法定代理人保障五个部分。

第三条 (一)董事及高级职员责任保险被保险个人在以其身份执行职务的过程中,由于单独或共同的过错行为导致第三者遭受经济损失,依法应由被保险个人承担的经济赔偿责任,且被保险个人不能从被保险公司获得赔偿的,保险人按本保险合同的约定负责赔偿。










都邦财产保险股份有限公司雇主责任保险条款总则第一条 本保险合同由保险条款、投保单、保险单、批单和特别约定组成。


第一条第二条 中华人民共和国境内的各类机关、企事业单位、个体经济组织以及其他组织均可成为本保险的被保险人。

第二条保险责任第三条 在保险期间内,凡被保险人的雇员,在其雇佣期间因从事保险单载明的被保险人的工作而遭受意外事故或患与工作有关的国家规定的职业性疾病所致伤、残或死亡,对被第三条保险人因此依照中华人民共和国法律(不包括港澳台地区法律)应承担的下列经济赔偿责任,保险人依据本保险合同的约定,在约定的赔偿限额内予以赔偿:(一)死亡赔偿金;(二)伤残赔偿金;(三)误工费用;(四)医疗费用。

第四条 保险事故发生后,被保险人因保险事故而被提起仲裁或者诉讼的,对应由被保险人支付的仲裁或诉讼费用以及事先经保险人书面同意支付的其他必要的、合理的费用(以第四条下简称“法律费用”),保险人按照本保险合同约定也负责赔偿。

责任免除保险人不负责赔偿:下列损失、费用和责任,保险人不负责赔偿:第五条第五条 下列损失、费用和责任,(一)被保险人的雇员由于职业性疾病以外的疾病、传染病、分娩、流产以及因上述原因接受医疗、诊疗所致的伤残或死亡;(二)由于被保险人的雇员自伤、自杀、打架、斗殴、犯罪及无照驾驶各种机动车辆所致的伤残或死亡;(三)被保险人的雇员因非职业原因而受酒精或药剂的影响所导致的伤残或死亡;(四)被保险人的雇员因工外出期间以及上下班途中遭受意外事故而导致的伤残或死亡;(五)被保险人直接或指使他人对其雇员故意实施的骚扰、伤害、性侵犯,而直接或间接造成其雇员的伤残、死亡;(六)精神损害赔偿;(七)罚款、罚金、惩罚性赔偿;(八)被保险人对其承包商所雇佣雇员的责任;(九)保险费交清前发生的保险事故所导致的任何损失、费用和责任;(十)在中华人民共和国境外,包括我国香港、澳门和台湾地区,所发生的被保险人雇员的伤残或死亡;(十一)国务院颁布的《工伤保险条例》所规定的工伤保险诊疗项目目录、工伤保险药品目录、工伤保险住院服务标准之外的医药费用;(十二)劳动和社会保障部所颁布的《国家基本医疗保险药品目录》规定之外的医药费用;(十三)假肢、矫形器、假眼、假牙和配置轮椅等辅助器具;(十四)住宿费用、陪护人员的误工费、交通费、生活护理费、丧葬费用、供养亲属抚恤金、抚养费;(十五)战争、军事行动、恐怖活动、罢工、暴动、民众骚乱或由于核子辐射所致被保险人雇员的伤残、死亡或疾病;(十六)根据本保险合同的约定应当由被保险人自行承担的免赔额;(十七)其它不属于保险责任范围内的损失、费用和费用。



EMPLOYER ’S LIABILITY INSURANCE CLAUSESⅠ. PARTIES TO BE INSUREDincluding but not limited to foreign-invested enterprises, private enterprises, domestic stock companies, state-owned enterprises, non-profit enterprises, collective enterprises and collectively or privately contracted enterprises, and also public organizations, government institutions, schools, are all entitled to applying to China Continent Property & Casualty Insurance CompanyLimited(hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer") to insure against their legal liability to their employees (regular workers, casual labor, temporary and seasonal workers and apprentices included) subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy.aforesaid employees of the Insured refer to those who are paid for a certain or uncertain period of employment by the Insured and over the age of sixteen or to those approved to be employed by statutes and other legal means.Ⅱ. COVERAGEInsurer will indemnify the Insured against his liability under the contract of employmentand at laws and regulations of the People′ s Republic of China to pay medical expenses andother economic compensations within the agreed limit of indemnity in respect of death or bodily injury or disablement by accident or through occupational disease, to his employee(s) while, during the effective period of this insurance and in the course of employment (including to andoff work) by the Insured, being engaged in the Insured ′ s business as stated in this Policy.The Insurer will also indemnify the Insured within the agreed sub-limit against defense costs payable by the Insured to the claimant, and other legal costs and expenses incurred with the written consent of the Insurer.Within the period of insurance, the maximum amount of indemnity by the Insurer for all and each item(s) mentioned hereinabove shall in no case exceed the aggregate limit ofindemnity as stated in the Policy Schedule.Ⅲ. EXCLUSIONSInsurer shall not be liable for:1) Death, diseases, disability or bodily injury sustained by the Insured ′ s employee(s) named in the Schedule in the course of employment by the Insured, arising from war, military actions, strikes, riots, civil commotion or nuclear radiation;2)Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to illness other than occupational diseases, infectious diseases, childbirth , abortion , medical treatment and surgical operations necessitated by such diseases;3)Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to intentional self-injury, suicide and criminal act;4)Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course of employment by the Insured, caused by or attributed to alcohol or drug not necessitated by the aforesaid occupation;5)Intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured;6) The Insured ′ s liability to employees of contractors to the Insured, unless otherwisestated;7) Bodily injury and/or disability to, or death of the employee(s) in the course ofemployment by the Insured, occurring outside the territorial limit of the People ’sRepublic of China, unless otherwise stated;8)Other losses and expenses not included in the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅳ. LIMIT OF INDEMNITYlimit of indemnity refers to the agreed maximum amount of indemnity payable by the Insurer to the Insured for losses or damages sustained by the Insured ’semployee(s) in respect of any occurrence within the Coverage of this Policy.Ⅴ. PREMIUMappropriate premium rate for the Insured shall be ascertained by the Insurer with a view of the exposures and Rating Table. The Limit of Indemnity multiplied by the Rate makes the due premium.Ⅵ.PERIOD OF INSURANCEinsurance period of this Policy is one year, as from 0:00 on the day of inception to 24:00 on the day of expiration. This Policy shall be renewed on the expiry date.Ⅶ. TREATMENT OF CLAIMlodging a claim against the Insurer, the Insured shall provide the original Policy, the relevant Proof of Accident, Medical Report issued by medical organization(s) recognized by the Insurer, Original receipt of medical expenses and any other necessary and effective documents requiredby the Insurer. The Insurer shall as soon as possible examine all these documents, settle the claim and effect payment within 10 days from the date when the amount of indemnity is mutually agreed upon.the event of occurrence falling within the Coverage during the period of Insurance, the Insurer shall, in the manners as follows, indemnify the Insured against his liability for the death of, bodily injury and disablement to the employee(s), specified in the Name List provided by the Insured:1)In respect of death, Permanent Full Disablement/Permanent Partial Disablement: The total amount of indemnity shall be calculated by multiplying the percentage set forth in the attached Indemnity Scale of the Policy by the limit of indemnity for death, bodily injury and disablement respectively.2)In respect of Temporary Disability for a period exceeding 5 days (the first five days not included): During this period, as certified by the hospital, the professional injury subsidy per person per day shall be in accordance with the minimum living expenses stipulated by the local government. Such subsidy shall be terminated once the medical treatment is completed or the extent of disablement is ascertained. But in no case shall the period of indemnity exceed one year. If permanent full or partial disablement is ascertained by medical organization(s), the indemnity shall be calculated according to the above section 9. 1). The total amount payable, including injury allowance/subsidy, shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity for death or bodily injurystipulated in the Schedule of this Policy.3)In respect of Medical Expenses: the Insurer shall pay the expenses for registration, treatment, operation, sickbed, examination (with a limit of RMB300 Yuan), and medicines at public expenses as stipulated by the government. But such expenses shall not include those for tending, food, nutrition, transportation, heating, air conditioning and artificial limb, tooth, eye and other supporting utensils for disabled persons. Except in the case of emergency, the injured employees should be treated in the hospitals at or above the county level or appointed by the government or the Insurer.Remarks:The amount of indemnity payable to the Insured for each of his employee under each section of Article 9 hereinabove shall not exceed his liability at law or under the contract of employment, and in no case exceed any sub-limit of indemnity for any one person as indicated in the Schedule of this Policy.The employees of the Insured shall not have compensations both for death and bodilyinjury in respect of any one occurrence. The indemnity limit of medical expense payment andthat to death or bodily injury payment shall be applied severally.a claim arises under this Policy while there is in existence of any other insurance coveringthe same liability, the Insurer shall only be liable for his proportion of the claim for medical expenses, injury subsidy, and the defense costs, no matter whether any payment has been made under other insurance. If the actual number of the employees exceeds the number indicated inthe Schedule of the Policy, the Insurer shall only be liable to pay the claims for listed employees if the names of the employees insured are listed in the Policy, or to pay such proportion of the claim as the number of the employees indicated in the Schedule bears to the actual number of the employees, unless otherwise agreed by the Insurer if necessary.effective period of time for lodging any claim: two years, commencing from the date of occurrence of the accident.Ⅷ. OBLIGATIONS OF THE INSUREDInsured and his representative(s) shall give true and detailed answers and/or descriptionsto the questions in the Proposal and Questionnaire or to any other question raised by the Insurer.Insured shall pay to the Insurer in due course the agreed premium in the manner as specified in the Schedule of the Policy.Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent accident by strengthening safety management and complying with all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures. In the event of any occurrence of accident, the Insured shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to minimize the loss.Insured shall notify the Insurer in writing within five (5) days if there has any materialchange of the subject insured in the Proposal and/or the Schedule of the Policy, and thepremium would be readjusted by the Insurer accordingly. Otherwise, the Insurer shall not beliable for any claim resulting therefrom.the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:1) Notify the Insurer immediately and within seven (7) days or any further period as may be agreed by the Insurer in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course and probable reason of the accident, the extent of loss or damage, and assist the Insurer in investigating theaccident; 2) Make no admission, offer, promise, or express of payment without prior consent of the Insurer. Otherwise, the Insurer will not be liable;3)Give immediate notice in writing to the Insurer whenever having knowledge of any impending prosecution in connection with any accident for which there may be liability under this Policy against him, and forward to the Insurer every letter, writ, summon or process or other legal documents on receipt thereof. The Insurer shall be entitled to lodging a lawsuit or pursue recovery in the name of and on behalf of the Insured, and the Insured shall make every effort to render all necessary assistance.the Insured fails to fulfill any of his obligations as stipulated in Clause 12 to Clause 16,the Insurer will be entitled, at his discretion, either to repudiating any liability under the Policy orto canceling this Policy by written notice.Ⅸ. GENERAL CONDITIONSEffectThe due observance and fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far asthey relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedentto any liability of the Insurer under this Policy.TerminationThis Policy shall be automatically terminated if the insurable interest of the Insured is lost. After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded to the Insured calculated on prorata daily basis for the period from the date of termination to the date of expiry.CancellationThis Policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at theoption of the Insurer by giving a fifteen (15) days prior notice to the Insured. In the former case the Insurer shall retain a premium calculated on short-term rate basis for the time the Policy has beenin force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis.of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used bythe Insured or his representative to obtain any benefit under this Policy or if any loss or damageis occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then in any of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall beforfeited, and all consequent losses arising therefrom including the amount of claim paid by the Insurer shall be indemnified by the Insured.Where a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Insurer or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Insurer, subrogate to the Insurer all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Insurer in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.Regarding the dispute arising out of this insurance, the contracting parties are obliged to choose and specify in the contract one of the following two dispute settlement means:1)Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle thedispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, such dispute should besubmitted to arbitration committee for arbitration.2)Should any dispute arise under this Policy, the contracting parties shall settle the dispute through negotiation. In case no agreement is reached, either party may file a lawsuit on the People’s Court.24. JurisdictionThis Policy shall be governed by the laws of the People ’sRepublic of China.。





附加保险费:DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Personal Injury Liability ClauseIt is hereby agreed and understood that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy shall be extended to cover the Insured’s liability for the claims made in respect of personal injury to third parties arising out of the following offenses:1. false arrest, detention or imprisonment, or malicious prosecution;2. libel, slander, defamation or violation of rights of privacy;3. wrongful entry or eviction or other invasion of rights of private occupancy.The observance of the regulations and laws of the People’s Republic of China shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.Extra Premium:。

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(三)误工费用保险人负责赔偿被保险人雇员因疾病或受伤导致其暂时丧失工作能力(持续五天以上<不包括五天>无法工作的)而遭受的误工损失:经医院证明,按以下公式计算赔偿:当地最低工资标准/ 30 *(实际暂时丧失工作能力天数-5 天),最长赔付天数为365天,且以保单约定的每人死亡赔偿限额为限。







(五)赔偿金的给付1. 无论发生一次或多次保险事故,保险人对被保险人的单个雇员所给付的死亡赔偿金、伤残赔偿金和误工费用之和不超过保险单约定的每人死亡赔偿限额。



2. 无论发生一次或多次保险事故,保险人对被保险人所雇佣的每个雇员所给付的医疗费用不超过保险单约定的每人医疗费用赔偿限额。




