Clean Energy _ Natural Resources Canada
1 概 况
加拿 大位 于北美 洲 的北 部,东 濒大 西 洋, 西 临太 平 洋 , 濒 北 冰 洋, 北 与美 国 阿拉 斯 加 州 北 西 接壤 , 与美 国本 土毗邻 。面积 9 7万 k , 世 南 9 mz 居 界 第 2位 , 口 30 7万 (0 0年 ) 均 每平 方 人 5 20 , 平 公 里 31人,是世 界 上 人 口密度 较 低 的 国家 之 . 绝 大 数 多居 民居 住 在南 部 沿加 美 边界 的狭 长地 带, 占 国土 8 %的地 区均无 常住 居 民。加 而 9 拿大 太平 洋沿岸 属 温带海 洋 性气 候。 降水 量 2 年 0 0 30 0m 0 — 0 m;东 南部 大 西洋 沿岸 地 区 和大 湖 圣 劳伦 斯低 地 属温 带 大 陆性 湿润 气候 ,年 降 水 量 8 0 14 0m 0 ~ 0 m。加 拿 大 内陆 河 湖星 罗 棋 布。 水资 源非 常丰 富, 水 占世界 淡水 总量 的 7 人 淡 %, 均拥 有水 量位居 世界 前列 。河湖 占国土 总面 积 的 7 %, 地 占 1%, 久性 冰雪 覆 盖地 占 2 . 湿 6 4 永 %。 境 内河流 分属 四大 流域 系统, 系相互 连通 。全 水 国建 有大 型水库 6 0座, 型水 电站 6 0 大 0座 国 全 23的电 力来 自于水 力 发 电。加 拿 大 6 %的 淡 / O 水 流往北 方,0 9 %的人 口居 住 在距 美 国边 境 3 0 0 k m范 围 以内,2 8 %的污 水 能 够得 到污 水 处 理 厂 的处 理 。目前, 拿 大 9 %的农 田灌 溉依 赖于 地 加 0 下水 ,8 3 %的城 镇 以使用 地 下水 为 主,近 3 %的 O 人 口的用水 取 自地下 水和 井水 。 2 水 资源 管理模 式 首 先重 视立 法 , 法 律 层 面 明确各 级 政 府 从 的权 利, 利用 法律 的强 制力管 理水 资源 。例如 根 据加 拿 大 宪法,省政 府 对绝 大 多数 自然资 源 包 括水 资 源 拥有 所 有 权, 因此 , 省政 府 对 其 边 界 内 的水 资源拥 有管 理权 。各 省 拥有 对 于各种 水 事 务 的立 法权 ,包 括在 民用 和工业 供 水 、污 染 防 治 、 核热 电和 水 电开发 、 溉和 娱乐 等涉 水 领 非 灌 域有立 法权 。 邦政 府对 于联邦 所属 的土地 、 联 领 地,包 括 国家 公 园及 印 第安 保 留地 中的水 资 源 拥有 主权 。 国会 在商 业航 行 领域具 有 至 高无 上 的立 法权 , 该权 力 覆盖 了绝 大多 数 的大 型河 流 。 国会 对 于 内陆河 流 的渔业 ,包括 对 于各 流 域 渔 业 的保 护, 都有 至 高无上 的立 法权 。联邦政 府 对 与其 他 国家 的关 系 负责 , 于水 资 源 来 说 , 是 对 这 个 及 其重 要 的权 力,因为 加拿 大 的许 多 水 资 源都是 跨边 界水 域 。
托福听力能源类词汇总结Renewable Energy/ Alternative Energy/ Clean Energy这三个短语经常替换着用,表示可再生能源,替代能源,清洁能源。
那么首先,传统能源(Traditional / Conventional Energy )有哪些呢?1. Natural gas = Methane天然气(学名甲烷),是四川地区常用的燃料。
2. Coal煤当然也是古老,不清洁的一种能源了,挖煤(coal mining) 也是一个即将被淘汰的产业3. Petroleum/ Gasoline/ Oil石油是现代最重要的产业之一,TPO 50 Lecture 4 介绍了petroleum industry 的背景和发展。
美国人在日常生活中,去Gas Station 加油,注意不是加气哦。
Crude Oil特指原油,即没有经炼油厂加工的油。
Oil Shale指油页岩,是一种含油的岩石,在美国储存量很大。
那么可再生能源有哪些呢?1. SolarEnergy太阳能,大家常常在楼顶看到的吸收太阳能板板就是 Solar Panel. TPO 12 L4 介绍了太阳能发展的历史背景和现阶段应用上的困难。
2. Hydroelectricity/ Tidal Energy/ Wave Power水力发电(Hydroelectricity)是大家比较熟悉的一种水能。
当然,中国的水利工程是三峡水坝(TheThree Gorges Dam). 潮汐能(Tidal Energy)和波浪能(WavePower)比较相似,都是利用河流或海洋的潮汐,波浪产生的动能转化会电能。
介绍加拿大的作文英语作文Canada is a beautiful and diverse country located in North America. It is the second largest country in the world by land area, and it is known for its stunning natural landscapes, friendly people, and high quality of life. In this essay, I will introduce some of the key aspects of Canada, including its geography, culture, and economy.First and foremost, Canada is known for its breathtaking natural beauty. The country is home to a wide variety of landscapes, including mountains, forests, lakes, and coastlines. The Rocky Mountains in western Canada are particularly stunning, and they attract millions ofvisitors each year. In addition, Canada is also home to several national parks, including Banff and Jasper, which offer opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing.In terms of culture, Canada is a diverse andmulticultural country. The country has two official languages, English and French, and it is home to a wide variety of ethnic and cultural groups. In fact, Canada has a long history of immigration, and today it is known forits welcoming and inclusive attitude towards newcomers. As a result, Canada is home to a wide variety of cultural festivals, events, and traditions, which reflect the country's rich and diverse heritage.Finally, Canada has a strong and stable economy, which is based on a mix of natural resources, manufacturing, and services. The country is known for its high standard of living, excellent healthcare and education systems, and strong social safety net. In addition, Canada is also a leader in technology and innovation, with a thriving startup scene and a strong presence in industries such as aerospace, biotechnology, and clean energy.In conclusion, Canada is a beautiful and diverse country with a rich culture, stunning natural landscapes, and a strong and stable economy. Whether you are interested in outdoor adventure, cultural experiences, or economicopportunities, Canada has something to offer for everyone.I hope that this essay has given you a better understanding of this amazing country, and perhaps inspired you to visit or even consider living in Canada in the future.。
――加拿大的石油和戊烷储量约有10.7 亿立方米,主要集中在艾伯塔省。
其它常规石油资源估计相当于已探明储量的4 倍,加拿大还储备大量非常规石油资源,如油沙和重质油。
加拿大已探明的天然气储量有2.8 亿立方米,约占世界储量的3%,加上潜在的天然气资源,可达10 亿立方米。
如果按加拿大目前产量计算,仅探明的资源就足以开采40 年。
加拿大有20 多万公里长的油气管道网络,遍布全国各地,并一直延伸到美国境内。
――加拿大煤资源储量有850 亿吨,90%分布在西部省份。
――加拿大煤资源储量有850 亿吨,90%分布在西部省份。
关于加拿大的作文英语Canada, the second-largest country in the world, is a land of vast forests, majestic mountains, and pristine lakes. It is a nation that is as diverse in its geography as it is in its people and culture.Geography and Natural BeautyCanada's geography is a tapestry of natural wonders. From the rugged coastline of British Columbia to the rolling hills of the Prairies, the country offers a vast array of landscapes. The Rocky Mountains are a breathtaking sight, with their towering peaks and sparkling glaciers. The Great Lakes, the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth, are a testament to Canada's abundant natural resources. The country's northern regions are home to the Arctic tundra, where one can witness the awe-inspiring Northern Lights.Cultural DiversityCanada is a melting pot of cultures, with a rich history of indigenous peoples and waves of immigration from around the globe. This cultural diversity is reflected in the country's official bilingualism, with both English and French being official languages. The multicultural mosaic is celebrated through various festivals and events that take place throughout the year, showcasing music, dance, and cuisine from around the world.Economy and InnovationCanada has a strong and stable economy, with a focus on industries such as natural resources, technology, and services. It is known for its innovation in sectors like artificial intelligence, clean energy, and biotechnology. The country's commitment to education and research has led to numerous breakthroughs and inventions that have had a global impact.Quality of LifeCanadians enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world. The country consistently ranks high in terms ofquality of life, with excellent healthcare, education, and social services. The Canadian government places a strong emphasis on social welfare and equality, striving to create a fair and inclusive society for all its citizens.Political Stability and PeaceCanada is known for its political stability and peaceful nature. It is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. The country has a long history of peaceful transitions of power and is committed to maintaining peace and order both domestically and internationally.ConclusionCanada is a nation that offers a unique blend of naturalbeauty, cultural richness, and modern prosperity. It is aplace where the old and new coexist, where innovation and tradition go hand in hand. Whether you are drawn to its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, or welcoming communities, Canada is a country that has something for everyone.。
加拿大cmdr法规 -回复
加拿大cmdr法规-回复加拿大cmdr 法规:保护加拿大海洋环境导言:加拿大是一个拥有丰富海洋资源的国家,其海洋领域是加强保护的重点领域之一。
加拿大命令(Canadian Marine Defense Regulations,CMDR)是一系列法规和政策的总称,它们旨在保护加拿大海洋环境,确保可持续利用海洋资源。
第二节:CMDR的内容和要求1. 海洋资源管理:CMDR规定了加拿大政府对海洋资源的管理措施。
2. 海洋生态系统保护:CMDR强调保护加拿大海洋生态系统的重要性。
3. 海洋污染物排放控制:CMDR对海洋污染物的排放进行了严格的管控。
4. 渔业活动监管:CMDR规定了加拿大对渔业活动的管理措施。
5. 海岸保护:CMDR强调保护海岸地区的环境和生态系统。
加拿大农业和自然资源英文agriculture and natural resources
In 1925, Saskatchewan produced
over half of the wheat in the Dominion of Canada, threshing in
excess of 240,000,000 bushels of wheat.
Rapeseed, alfalfa, barley, canola, flax, rye, and oats are other popularly
grown grain crops.
Horticulture which includes nursery
and floral crops, and fruits became easier
to grow with the development of planthardiness zones.
Major Agricultural Products
Five Largest Agricultural Production Sectors.
per cent cash receipt
Primary market
grains and oilseeds (wheat, durum, oats, barley, rye, flax seed, canola, soybeans, rice, and corn)
Canada Agriculture Museum
Eastern Canada was settled well before the West. Immigration and trading posts came later to Rupert's Land and the Northwest Territories. The early immigrants combined European agricultural and domestication procedures with the indigenous knowledge of the land and animals of the area.
自然资源部 监制英文专用语
自然资源部监制英文专用语自然资源部监制英文专用语指南1. Natural resources 自然资源2. Mineral resources 矿物资源3. Renewable resources 可再生资源4. Non-renewable resources 不可再生资源5. Fossil fuels 化石燃料6. Petroleum 石油7. Natural gas 天然气8. Coal 煤9. Geothermal energy 地热能10. Solar energy 太阳能11. Wind energy 风能12. Hydroelectric energy 水力能13. Biomass 能源生物质14. Conservation 保护15. Preservation 保存16. Sustainability 可持续性17. Environmental impact 环境影响18. Pollution 污染19. Emission 排放20. Climate change 气候变化21. Greenhouse gases 温室气体22. Biodiversity 生物多样性23. Ecosystem 生态系统24. Habitat 生境25. Wildlife 野生动物26. Endangered species 濒危物种27. Natural disaster 自然灾害28. Hazardous waste 危险废物29. Recycling 回收利用30. Renewable energy 可再生能源31. Energy efficiency 能源效率32. Sustainable development 可持续发展33. Land use 土地利用34. Water resources 水资源35. Wetlands 湿地36. Forests 森林37. Desertification 沙漠化38. Soil degradation 土地退化39. Mining industry 采矿业40. Environmental regulations 环境法规。
(1美元约合6.12元人民币)加拿大科技部部长盖瑞·古德伊尔(Gary Goodyear)说:“示范工程对我们的环境和经济都将产生巨大的意义,将进一步树立加拿大在控制二氧化碳排放方面的领导者地位。
”加拿大自然资源公司总裁史蒂夫?劳特(Steve Laut)说:“作为加拿大最大的原油和天然气独立生产商,加拿大自然资源公司很荣幸能与国家研究委员会和藻生物燃料公司一起开展这个有助于减少碳足迹的示范项目。
藻生物燃料公司首席执行官史蒂夫.马丁(Steve Martin)说:“藻生物燃料公司很高兴能与国家研究委员会和加拿大自然资源公司合作。
加拿大英语作文介绍矿产Mining is an important industry in Canada, contributing significantly to the country's economy and providing employment opportunities for many Canadians. Canada is rich in mineral resources, with vast deposits of metals, minerals, and energy resources scattered throughout the country.One of the most significant mineral resources in Canada is gold. Canada is one of the top gold-producing countriesin the world, with major gold mines located in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. Gold mining has a longhistory in Canada, dating back to the 1800s whenprospectors flocked to the country in search of fortune. Today, gold mining continues to be a major industry in Canada, with companies like Barrick Gold and Kinross Gold leading the way in production.Another important mineral resource in Canada is uranium. Canada is the world's second-largest producer of uranium,with major uranium mines located in Saskatchewan. Uraniumis used primarily as fuel for nuclear power plants, makingit a crucial resource for the production of clean energy. Canada's uranium industry is tightly regulated to ensurethe safe and responsible extraction of this valuable resource.In addition to gold and uranium, Canada is also rich in other mineral resources such as copper, nickel, and zinc. These metals are essential for the production of a wide range of products, from electronics to vehicles to infrastructure. Canada's mining industry plays a crucialrole in supplying these metals to domestic andinternational markets, supporting various industries and creating jobs for Canadians.Canada is also a major producer of energy resources, particularly oil and natural gas. The country's oil sandsin Alberta are one of the largest oil reserves in the world, making Canada a key player in the global energy market. The extraction of oil and gas in Canada has both economic benefits and environmental challenges, with ongoing debatesabout the impact of resource development on the environment and indigenous communities.Overall, mining is a vital industry in Canada,providing valuable mineral resources that support the country's economy and infrastructure. While the industry faces challenges in terms of environmental sustainability and community relations, Canadian mining companies are working to address these issues through responsiblepractices and engagement with stakeholders. With its rich mineral resources and commitment to sustainable development, Canada's mining industry is poised to continue thriving in the years to come.。
canada 英语作文
canada 英语作文Canada is a beautiful country with diverse landscapes and friendly people. The natural beauty of Canada is truly breathtaking, from the stunning Rocky Mountains to the picturesque coastline of the East and West coasts.The people of Canada are known for their politeness and welcoming nature. It's not uncommon to strike up a conversation with a stranger and feel like you've known them for years. Canadians are also very proud of their multicultural society, and you can find a wide variety of ethnic cuisines and cultural events throughout the country.One of the things that sets Canada apart is its commitment to environmental conservation. The country has a strong focus on sustainability and protecting its natural resources. This can be seen in the abundance of national parks and protected areas, as well as the efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote clean energy.In addition to its natural beauty, Canada also has a thriving arts and culture scene. From world-class museums and galleries to lively music festivals and theater productions, there is always something exciting happeningin the arts community. Whether you're a fan of traditional First Nations art or avant-garde contemporary pieces, Canada has something to offer everyone.Overall, Canada is a place of immense beauty, diversity, and opportunity. Whether you're exploring the great outdoors, immersing yourself in the vibrant culture, or simply enjoying the company of friendly locals, there's no shortage of reasons to love this incredible country.。
七年级英语地理区域特色单选题40题1. Tom wants to travel to a place where there are many pyramids. Which country should he go to?A. ChinaB. EgyptC. AustraliaD. Canada答案:B。
埃及以金字塔闻名,选项A 中国有长城等著名建筑;选项C 澳大利亚有悉尼歌剧院等;选项D 加拿大有尼亚加拉大瀑布等。
所以应该选择B 埃及。
2. Lily is interested in a country which is famous for its kangaroos. Where should she go?A. The United StatesB. BrazilC. AustraliaD. India答案:C。
澳大利亚以袋鼠闻名,选项A 美国有自由女神像等;选项B 巴西有足球和热带雨林;选项D 印度有泰姬陵等。
所以答案是C 澳大利亚。
3. Mike wants to visit a country where there is the Eiffel Tower. Which one should he choose?A. FranceB. JapanC. GermanyD. Italy答案:A。
埃菲尔铁塔在法国,选项B 日本有富士山等;选项C 德国有柏林墙等;选项D 意大利有罗马斗兽场等。
因此,答案是 A 法国。
4. Lucy dreams of going to a country which is known for its Big Ben. Where can she go?A. The UKB. RussiaC. South KoreaD. Thailand答案:A。
加拿大环保认证是根据加拿大环境与气候变化部(Environment and Climate Change Canada,简称ECCC)的规定进行的。
作为一家拥有加拿大环保认证的企业,我们承诺:1. 继续遵循环保法规,确保产品的环保性能符合加拿大政府的要求。
2. 积极研发新型环保技术,提高产品的能效和环保性能。
3. 推广环保理念,引导客户正确使用和处理产品,减少对环境的影响。
4. 与社会各界合作,共同应对环境挑战,为可持续发展做出贡献。
全新认证程序 ▪ Energy star partner 首先, 厂家要和EPA签订协议成为Energy Star Partner, Partner以及 相关协议文件可以在Energy star 网站查得。 ▪ Initial Testing 厂家提交样品给EPA授权的实验室测试并签发证书,如 TUV;证书签发 后如果厂家已经是Energy star partner, TUV将为客户提交资料到EPA注 册Energy Star ▪ Verification Test EPA对以下产品指定授权测试实验室在市场上抽查验证测试 1. Manufacturer-funded Testing: 涉及电子产品和IT产品 2. Quality Assurance Testing: 涉及灯具产品 3. Third Party Testing: 商用食品处理产品, 家用器具产品等
Heating & Cooling Products (HVAC)
锅炉、火炉 Boilers, Furnaces 中央空调和热泵 Central Air Conditioning 除湿机 Dehumidifiers 地热热泵 Heat Pumps (Air-Source, Geothermal) 轻型商用暖通空调 Light Commercial HVAC 民用吊扇家用通风扇 Res. Fans, Ceiling and Ventilating 家用热水器 Res. Water Heaters 家用空气清洁过滤器 Room Air Cleaners/Purifiers 家用空调 Room Air Conditioners Climate Controls
过去,渥太华的清洁能源公司把它们的商业发展集中在安大略省的本地市场。情况正在发生变 化 虽然本省市场仍然是主要公司的兴趣点,但日益增长的国际出口市场,也包括美国和其他加拿 大省的市场成为这个产业公司的目标 商业管理杂志企业《企业骑士》(Corporate Knights)在2007年10月与清洁能源技术网 络(Cleantech Network)合作宣布了加拿大全国的“10个正在涌现的明天的清洁能源技 术领导者”排名。获选的6个公司是渥太华清洁产业的公司,它们是:爱恩森公司技术公司 (Ensyn),第四组半导体有限公司(Group IV Semiconductor Inc.),埃澳根公司 (Iogen Corp),曼根电力有限公(Magenn Power Inc.),麦诺娃有限公司(Menova Inc.)和普兰斯克能源集团有限公司(Plasco Energy Group Inc)。
公共资金支持:由于渥太华清洁能源公司所具有的优势,加拿大可持续发展技术公司(STDC) 表示将支持这个产业一些公司的技术创新
商业发展重点 金融支持 建立伙伴关系的渠道
发展商 商业合作伙伴
生产和劳动力 其他
▪ 较新的公司常常有此类需要 ▪ 中期发展公司和老公司有时也有此类需求
商业管理杂志企业《企业骑士》(Corporate Knights)在2007年10月与清洁 能源技术网络(Cleantech Network)合作宣布了加拿大全国的“10个正在涌 现的明天的清洁能源技术领导者”排名。获选的6个公司是渥太华清洁产业的公司, 它们是:爱恩森公司技术公司(Ensyn),第四组半导体有限公司(Group IV Semiconductor Inc.),埃澳根公司(Iogen Corp),曼根电力有限公 (Magenn Power Inc.),麦诺娃有限公司(Menova Inc.)和普兰斯克能源集 团有限公司(Plasco Energy Group Inc)。
加拿大环境及新能源专业名校推荐加拿大新能源专业 (New Energy Resource) 作为加拿大大学扩招的新兴专业,越来越多的人才开始对这一片领域拭目以待。
关于能源开发, 北美拥有着世界最好的研究土壤和平台,对于那些还未出国志向留学,对科研感兴趣的理工科同学们,可以重点关注这个在北美开始逐渐重视的新兴专业,很多全新的科研理念,都是值得留学生学习和借鉴。
相关领域的热门大学1.多伦多大学世界排名十四位2.北美最美大学-- 英属哥伦比亚大学UBC 世界排名前三十位3.戴尔豪斯大学4.阿尔伯塔大学5.渥太华大学6.滑铁卢大学(以超高的就业率著称北美)7.韦士敦大学(原名西安大略大学)8.卡尔顿大学9.纽芬兰纪念大学10.温莎大学以上是百利天下留学专家为大家介绍的加拿大环境及新能源专业名校推荐,希望学生及家长结合自身条件选择合适的学校就学。
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Natural Resources Canada2. Establish rigorous proposal review process;NRCan was responsible for defining the scope of Letters of Interest and Requests for Project Proposals (RFPs), following the initial engagem ent with key leaders, for issuing and com m unicating RFPs, for defining project evaluation criteria and establishing expert review com m ittees, and for m anaging the evaluation process. NRCan provided secretariat support to the interdepartm ental technical, DG and ADM project selection com m ittees. The ecoEII Program put in place service standards during the RFP solicitation and the forthcom ing project delivery stages.3. Com pleted project selection (both R&D and Dem o com ponents);Overall 1,114 letters of interest were received and processed in a tim ely fashion. This resulted in 111 projects from 159 proposals being selected for R&D by Federal departm ents in the first year of ecoEII. For the subsequent years of the program, 139 projects were selected from 460 proposals for federal R&D (including quick start R&D), external R&D and dem onstration projects. These will proceed to the due diligence phase.5. Program Lessons LearnedA num ber of m inor process im provem ents were noted, but overall the launch, which was planned and executed based on experience gained with previous, sim ilar program s, was very successful -the response was at an unprecedented level, with 1,114 proposals received and the Initiative being over 12 tim es oversubscribed financially. The feedback on rejected proposals was appreciated by those proponents who took advantage of it.6. Financial Information (excluding PWGSC accommodation costs) ($ million)Total funding for the program approved under the CAA: $279.51Program's planned spending in 2011-2012: $24.23Program's actual spending in 2011-2012: $19.071a) CAA ThemeClean Energy1b) Program NameecoENERGY Efficiency2. Linkage to the 2011/12 departmental Program Activity ArchitectureSub Activity 2.1.4 - Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation FuelsSub-Sub Activities: – Equipm ent2.1.4.2 – Housing2.1.4.3 – Buildings2.1.4.4 – Industry2.1.4.5 – Transportation3a) Program DescriptionThe ecoENERGY Efficiency program is investing $195 m illion between 2011 and 2016 to m aintain the Governm ent of Canada’s m om entum to im prove energy efficiency in Canada - at hom e, at work and on the road. These efforts will m ake the housing, building, and equipm ent stock m ore energy efficient, energy perform ance m ore visible, and industry and vehicle operations m ore efficient. Im proving energy efficiency will contribute to a cleaner environm ent, reducing greenhouse gas em issions, while saving Canadians m oney and m aking the m ost of our natural resources.The ecoENERGY Efficiency program features the following com ponents:ecoENERGY Efficiency for Buildings supports the developm ent and im plem entation of energy codes, benchm arking tools, training and inform ation m aterials to im prove the energy efficiency of com m ercial and institutional buildings in Canada.5. Program Lessons LearnedThe ecoENERGY Efficiency program was launched in Septem ber 2011. This provided a significant challenge to achieving the overall and sector specific targets. Effective program delivery ensured that this risk was m itigated, and the program’s targets were achieved in 8 m onths. Launching any future program s earlier in the fiscal year than the Septem ber date of ecoENERGY Efficiency would m ake it easier for the program to achieve its objectives.6. Financial Information (excluding PWGSC accommodation costs) ($ million)Total funding for the program approved under the CAA (2011-2016): $190.11Program's planned spending in 2011-2012: $38.04Program's actual spending in 2011-2012: $34.441a) CAA ThemeClean Energy1b) Program NameecoENERGY Retrofit - Hom es2. Linkage to the 2011/12 departmental Program Activity ArchitectureSub Activity 2.1.4 - Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation FuelsSub-Sub Activity – Housing3a) Program DescriptionInitiated on April 1, 2007, the four-year, $745-m illion ecoENERGY Retrofit – Hom es program provided federal grants to property owners for im proving the energy efficiency of their hom es and reducing their hom es' im pacts on the environm ent. Budget 2011 allocated an additional one-year investm ent of $400 m illion to the program.ecoENERGY Retrofit – Hom es used the EnerGuide Rating System to help hom eowners m ake sm art energy retrofit decisions for their hom e. With this system, a certified energy advisor perform s a professional evaluation of the energy efficiency characteristics of the house, including a diagnostic test to determ ine air leakage. The energy advisor prepares a detailed personalized checklist of recom m ended upgrades for the property owner, including the EnerGuide pre-retrofit energy rating of the house. The checklist shows the recom m ended, m ost effective upgrades. The property owner then chooses which upgrades to have done.Under ecoENERGY Retrofit – Hom es, after the retrofit work was com pleted, the advisor perform ed a post-retrofit energy evaluation and assigned a new energy-rating label, and the property owner was then entitled to a grant.Along with ecoENERGY Retrofit – Hom es, 12 of 13 provinces and territories offered com plem entary incentive program s. Five of these continue to offer incentive program s, m aking ongoing use of NRCan’s EnerGuide Rating System and its national infrastructure (file processing, quality assurance, technical support, software, etc.), as do em erging program s from utilities andm unicipalities3b) Expected AchievementsUp to between 250,000 and 280,000 incentive grants paid directly to property owners whoim plem ent hom e energy retrofits.Up to 11 petajoules of energy is saved through ecoENERGY Retrofit - Hom es.4. Program Achievements / Performance Summary13-1-22Clean Energy | Natural Resources CanadaTechnology3a) Program DescriptionThe ecoETI is a com ponent of ecoACTION, the Governm ent of Canada’s actions toward clean air and greenhouse gas (GHG) em issions reductions. It is a $230-m illion investm ent in clean energy S&T. The funding helps in the search for long-term solutions to reducing and elim inating airpollutants from energy production and use. Part of the funding has been allocated to thedem onstration of carbon capture and storage (CCS). Ten projects have been selected in this area.3b) Expected AchievementsExpected achievem ents for 2011-12:1. Making significant progress in advancing eight carbon capture & storage (CCS)dem onstration projects, which are expected to be com pleted on March 31 2012.2. Knowledge dissem ination of science and technology using different tools (e.g. publications,reports, workshops).4. Program Achievements / Performance SummaryAchievem ents for 2011-12:1. Made significant progress in advancing ten carbon capture & storage (CCS) pilot-scale andsm all dem onstration projects. These projects are expected to be com pleted in the 2012-13fiscal year. Som e highlights include:a. Signature of a new contribution agreem ent with SaskPower for the Carbon CaptureTest Facility. The SaskPower Carbon Capture Test Facility com m enced detailedengineering and concluded a $60M partnership agreem ent with Hitachi, the first ofthree expected strategic partners.b. Signature of a new $9 m illion contribution agreem ent with the Petroleum TechnologyResearch Centre to dem onstrate that captured CO2 can be safely stored in deepsaline form ations in south eastern Saskatchewan.c. Signature of an am endm ent to the contribution agreem ents with Enhance. EnhanceEnergy Inc. has com pleted Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) studies and ism oving ahead to im plem ent the $1.2B Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL) project toenable the transportation of CO2 gathered in the Alberta Industrial Heartland to oilreservoirs in central Alberta.d. Signature of an am endm ent to the contribution agreem ents with TransAlta. TransaltaCorporation has com pleted FEED studies for the project Pioneer, a proposedintegrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in the area of coal firedelectricity. This project has inform ed the developm ent of Environm ent Canada’s GHGregulations for the coal fired electricity sector. The FEED studies were used as abasis for a m ajor decision not to proceed with the project in April 2012. Nevertheless,the FEED studies will add to the em erging knowledge base for CCS application for thecoal fired electricity sector.e. The CCS project with Husky Oil Operations Ltd has started operation at theLloydm inster, Saskatchewan upgrading facility and has started capturing CO2 at therate of 100,000 tonnes of CO2 /yr. The CO2 will be sequestered in depleted oil wellslocated in Lashburn and Tangleflags, SK.f. The $41M IEA GHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, funded bythe program, will be com pleted by Decem ber 2012. The key deliverable will be a BestPractices Manual, scheduled for publication in Septem ber 2012. More results will bedissem inated through various publications and conference presentations.2. Knowledge dissem ination was achieved via publications and workshops including:a. The com pletion of the “North Am erican Carbon Storage Atlas”, which identifies inCanada, Mexico and the United States all m ajor em ission sources of CO2 andpotential geological reservoirs where these CO2 em issions can be stored, includingestim ates of the storage capacity of these reservoirs, was com pleted in 2011-12 andunveiled on May 1, 2012 at the 11th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture Utilization& Sequestration Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.\organizations to forecast future energy and associated GHG em issions.6. Financial Information (excluding PWGSC accommodation costs) ($ million) Total funding for the program approved under the CAA (2011-2016): $11.64 Program's planned spending in 2011-2012: $2.33Program's actual spending in 2011-2012: $1.54Date Modified:2012-11-02。