



Randy Pausch:兰迪·波许:Thank you, that's very kind, but never tip the waiter before the meal arrives. 谢谢. 非常感谢. 不过大餐尚未享用, 先别给我这个侍者小费. (讲的好再鼓掌.) Thank you, Gabe and Jim, I couldn't imagine being more grateful for an introduction.These are two people that I've known a long time, I taught here at UVA, I love this school,it's an incredible place filled with tradition and history and respect, the kind of qualities thatI really admire, that I want to see preserved in American society. And this is one of theplaces that I just love for preserving that. I think the honor code alone at the University ofVirginia is something that every university administrator should study and look at and say:“Why can't we do that too?“ I think there are a lot of things about this place to love.谢谢你们, 盖伯, 吉姆. 非常感谢对我的介绍. 我认识了这两个朋友很久了. 我曾经在弗尼吉亚大学这里讲过课. 我热爱这所学校, 这是一个充满非常深厚的传统, 历史与尊崇的地方. 我确实很欣赏这样的特点, 我也期望这些特点长存于美国社会中, 而这里也正是一个我所希望能长存这样的特点的地方. 我认为, 光是弗尼吉亚大学的荣誉规范体系这一件事就值得每个大学管理者去学习, 他们应该去反思: “为什么我们不能这样做?”我觉得这里的许多东西都让我喜爱.I'm going to talk today on the topic of time management. The circumstances are, as youprobably know, a little bit unusual. I think at this point I'm an authority to talk about what todo with limited time. My battle with pancreatic cancer started about a year and a half ago.Fought, did all the right things but as my oncologist said, if you could pick off a list, that'snot the one you'd want to pick. On August 15th, these were my CAT scans. You can seethat if you scroll through all of them, there are about a dozen tumors in my liver, and thedoctors at that time said, - I love the way they say it: “You have three to sixmonths of good1health left.“ Optimism and positive phrasing. It's like when you are at Disney: “What timedoes the park close?“ - “The park is open until eight.“ So I have “three to six months ofgood health.“ Well, let's do the math: Today is three months and twelve days. So what Ihad on my day-timer for today was not necessarily being at the UVA. I'm pleased to saythat we do treat with palliative chemo, they're going to buy me a little bit of time on theorder of a few months if it continues to work. I'm still in perfectly good health. With Gabe inthe audience, I'm not going to do push-ups, because I'm not going to be shown up. Gabeis really in good shape! But I continue to be in relatively good health, I had chemotherapyyesterday, you should all try it, it's great.我今天要讲的话题是时间管理. 你可能已经知道了, 我现在的情况有些不寻常. 我觉得现在, 在利用有限的时间能做些什么的话题上, 我算是个权威了. 我与胰腺癌的战斗开始于一年半之前. 我尽我所能和它战斗, 但就像我的肿瘤医师说的那样, 如果有一张写着各种癌症名字的单子来让我挑, 那也不要选择得上胰腺癌. 在8月15日, 我的CAT扫描结果出来了. 你们翻翻页就可以看到, 我的肝脏上差不多有一打肿瘤. 那时医生说到--我喜欢他们这样说--你还有三至六个月的健康生命可活. 这是个乐观而积极的表述. 这就像当你身在迪士尼乐园问道: “公园几点关门?” “ 公园一直开到八点.” 那么, 我有“三到六个月的健康生命”. 那么来做个计算吧. 明天就已经三个月零十二天了, 我的日历不知道带到这里没有, 我很高兴与化疗打交道, 要是它能继续有效的话, 它能帮我换回几个月的时间, 我仍非常健康. 盖伯在听众里面, 我就不做俯卧撑了,因为我不想炫耀了. 盖伯身体很棒! 我一直处在相对健康的情况下. 我昨天刚做过化疗, 你们不妨都试一下, 很棒.But it does beg the question, I have finite time - some people said: “So why are you goingand giving a talk?“ There are a lot of reasons I'm coming here and giving a talk. One ofthem is that I said I would. That's a pretty simple reason. And I'm physically able to.Another one is that going to the University of Virginia is not like going to some foreignplace. People say: “Aren't you spending all your time with family?“ And by coming backhere for a day, I am spending my time with family both metaphorically and literally becauseit turns out that - many of you have probably seen this picture from the talk that I gave,these are my niece and nephew Chris and Laura. My niece Laura is actually a senior... afourth- year! here at Mr. Jefferson's university. Laura, could you stand up, so they seeyou've gotten taller? There you are. I couldn't be happier to have her here at thisuniversity. The other person in this picture is Chris, if you could stand up so they seeyou've gotten much taller? They have grown in so many ways, not just in height. It's beenwonderful to see that and be an uncle to them. Is there anybody here on the faculty orPh.D. students of the history department? Any history people here at all? Anybody herewho is from history, find Chris right after the talk. Because he is currently in his sophomoreyear at William and Mary and he's interested in going into a Ph.D. program in history downthe road and there aren't many better Ph.D. programs in history than this one. So I'mpimping for my nephew here! Let's be clear!但说实在的, 我只有有限的时间了. 有人说, 那你为什么来做讲座呢? 我来这里做讲座有许多原因. 一个原因就是我曾说过我会来. 这是一个非常简单的理由. 并且我的身体条件也允许我这样做. 另外, 对我来说弗尼吉亚大学并不是一个陌生的地方. 人们常问: “难道你不打算将所有的余生都与家人度过吗?”我与我的家人一起来到这里, 不仅是身体一起, 心灵也在一起.你们中的许多人可能已经在我原先的演讲中看到过这张图片了. 我的侄女劳拉是个大三..大四的学生. 她在杰弗逊大学.劳拉, 站起来下好吗, 让大家看看你长高了没有. 你在这哦. 她在这里,我别提多开心了. 另一个照片里的人是克里思, 能不能站起来, 让大家也看看你长高没有?他们在很多方面都成长了, 而不仅仅是身高. 看到这些, 作为叔叔的我感觉非常棒. 这里有历史部的老师或是博士生吗? 这里有搞历史的人吗? 要是谁搞历史的话, 讲座结束后不妨找克里思谈谈. 他现在是威廉玛丽大学的大二的学生, 对继续读历史学的博士生非常感兴趣. 没几个大学的历史学博士项目比这里更好. 说白了,我在给我的侄子找后门!What are we going to talk about today? We're going to talk about - this is not like thelecture that you may have seen me give before. This is a very pragmatic lecture. One of2the reasons that I had agreed to come back and give this is because Gabe and manyother faculty members had told me that they had gotten so much tangible value about howto get more done, and I truly do believe that time is the only commodity that matters. Sothis is a very pragmatic talk. It is inspirational in the sense that it will inspire you by givingyou some concrete things you might do to be able to get more things done in yourfinite time. I'm going to talk specifically about how to set goals, how to avoid wasting time,how to deal with a boss, - originally this talk was how to deal with your advisor, but I triedto broaden it, so it's not quite so academically focused. How to delegate to people, somespecific skills and tools that I might recommend to help you get more out of the day. And todeal with the real problems in our lives, which are stress and procrastination. If you canlick that last one, you are probably in good shape.我们今天都要讲些什么呢? 我们要讲些-- 这和你们以前看到的我的讲座不一样. 这是一个很实用的讲座. 我愿意回来做这个讲座的一个原因就是盖伯和许多教师都告诉我,他们觉得如何在有限的时间内做更多事, 有实实在在的价值, 我真的觉得时间是唯一重要的东西. 这是一个非常实用的讲座. 它告诉你一些非常实际的方法来帮助你在有限的时间内做更多的事情. 从这个角度而言, 这个讲座是很有启发性的. 我将专门地讨论如何设立目标, 如何避免浪费时间. 如何与老板打交道.. 本来是要讲如何与你的辅导员打交道的, 但我尝试去扩展这次讲座, 使之不是仅针对学术. 如何委派他人, 教你们使用一些特定的技巧和工具来使你的一天更有效率. 还包括如何与身边的问题打交道, 例如面对压力和拖延. 如果你不拖延的话, 你身材可能会很棒.You don't need to take any notes. I presume if I see any laptops open you're actually justdoing IM or email or something. If you're listening to music, please at least wearheadphones. All of this will be posted on my website and to make it really easy, if you wantto know when to look up, any slides that have a red star are the points that I think youshould really make sure that you got that one. Conversely, if it doesn't have a red star,well...你们不用记笔记.要是我看到有笔记本电脑开着的话, 我会假定你实际上是在聊天,发邮件, 或干其它的事. 要是你在听音乐, 至少把耳机戴上. 这次的讲座的全部内容将会在我的网站上发布出来. 更方便的是, 如果你想回顾这次讲座, 我把重点的幻灯片用红星标注出来了. 反之, 要是没有红星, 呃..The first thing I want to say is that Americans are very, very bad at dealing with time as acommodity. We're really good at dealing with money as a commodity. We are, as a culture,very interested in dealing with money, how much somebody earns is a status thing and soon, but we don't really have time elevated to that. People waste their time and it alwaysfascinates me. One of the things that I've noticed is that very few people equate time andmoney and they are very, very equatable. The first thing I started doing when I was ateacher was asking my graduate students: “Well, how much is your time worth an ho ur?“Or if you work at a company: “How much is your time worth to the company?“ What mostpeople don't realize is that if you have a salary, let's say you make 50,000 $ a year, youprobably cost that company twice that in order to have you as an employee becausethere's heating and lighting and other staff members and so forth, so if you get paid 50,000a year, you are costing that company - they have to raise 100,000 $ in revenue! And if youdivide that by your hourly rate, you begin to get some sense of what you are worth anhour. When you have to make trade-offs of “Should I do something like write software orshould I just buy it or should I outsource this?“, having in your head what you cost yourorganization an hour is really a staggering thing to change your behavior. Because youstart realizing that, wow, if I free up three hours of my time and I'm thinking in that in termsof dollars, that's a big savings! So start thinking about your time and your money almost asif they are the same thing. Of course Ben Franklin knew that a long time ago. 3我想说的第一件事是, 美国人不善于将时间看作商品, 我们很善于将金钱看成商品. 作为一种文化, 我们对跟金钱打交道非常感兴趣, 一个人的收入多少往往是身份高低的象征, 但我们却从未将时间提升到这样的高度. 人们浪费他们的时间, 这种现象经常引起我的注意. 我注意到:极少的人将时间看作与金钱同等重要的东西, 尽管它们事实上非常同质. 在我当老师时, 第一件事就是问我的研究生, 你的一个小时值多少钱? 或者你工作在公司里, 你的一小时对公司来说值多少钱? 许多人并不知道, 如果你有一份50000美元年薪的工作, 那么你可能实际上要耗掉公司两倍于你的薪水的钱来雇用你: 要考率到水电, 其它人力等等的费用. 也就是说, 如果你每年拿到50000美元, 那么公司的盈利得相应增加100000美元! 用这个数字去除你的工时,你就能对你自己一个小时的价值有点感觉了. 当你需要做一些交易的时候, 比如说, 我是去自己写一个程序, 还是去买一个, 或是将这项工作外包出去给别人. 在你的头脑中保持你每个小时耗掉公司多少钱这样的概念, 对改变你的行为有巨大的帮助. 因为你开始意识到, 哇, 如果我能节省自己三个小时的时间, 把它换算成金钱, 那真是省了很多钱啊! 所以, 要开始把你的时间和金钱当成同等的事物来考虑. 当然, 本杰明.富兰克林很久之前就懂这个道理了.So you've got to manage it and you've got to manage it just like you manage your money.Now I realize not all Americans manage their money, that's what makes the credit cardindustry possible. And apparently, mortgages too. But most people do at least understand -they don't look at you funny if you say: “Can I see your monetary budget for yourhousehold?“ In fact, when I say “your household budget“, you presume that I'm talkingabout money when in fact the household budget I really want to talk about is probably yourhousehold time budget.于是你需要开始像打理你的金钱一样来打理你的时间, 我知道现在也不是所有美国人都去打理自己的金钱, 这造就了信用卡行业. 当然, 还有抵押贷款. 不过许多人最终将会明白. 当你说:“我能否看一下你的家政预算?”的时候, 他们不会以滑稽的眼神看着你了. 事实上, 当我提到你的家政预算的时候, 你可能会假定我说的是经济上的, 而实际上,我说的是你的家政时间预算.At the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon, students would come induring the orientation, I would say: “This is a master's program, everybody is paying fulltuition.“ It was roughly 30,000 $ a semester, and the first thing I would say is: “If you'regoing to come into my office and say: “I don't think this is worth 60,000 $ a year“, I willthrow you out of the office. I'm not even going to have this discussion.“ Of course theywould say: “Oh god, this Pausch guy is a real jerk.“ And then they were right! But what Ithen followed on with was: “Because the money is not important. You can go and earnmore money later. What you'll never do is get the two years of your life back. So if youwant to come into my office and talk about the money, I'll throw you out, but if you want tocome into my office and say: “I'm no t sure this is a good place for me to spend two years“,I will talk to you all day and all night because that means we're talking about the right thing,which is your time, because you can't ever get it back.在卡耐基-梅隆大学的娱乐技术中心, 参观的学生有时会走进我的办公室. 我会告诉他: “这是一个硕士项目, 每个人都要付全额的学费.”大约是三万美元一年. 首先我要说, 要是你走进我的办公室对我说, “我觉得这不值六万美元一年的学费.”那我会把你扔出办公室. 我将不再和你讨论. 当然, 他们会说: “哦,老天, 这个叫波许的家伙真混蛋.”他们说对了! 但我接着要说: “因为金钱并不重要, 你能把你的钱以后再挣回来. 但你永远不能找回你这两年度过的时光. 要是你打算走进我的办公室跟我讨论钱的事, 我会把你扔出去;但如果你走进了跟我说:“我不知道这里是否值得我花费两年时光.”我会跟你没日没夜的谈, 因为这代表着我们在谈论正确的事情, 那就是你的时间, 你永远也不能找回自己逝去的时光.A lot of the advice I'm going to give you particularly for undergraduates - how many peoplein this room are undergraduates, by show of hands? Okay, good! Still young! A lot of this -put it to Hans and Franz of Saturday Night Life if you're old enough: “Hear me now, butbelieve me later!“ A lot of this is going to make sense later, and one of the nicest things isthat Gabe has volunteered to put this up on the web. I understand that people can actually4watch videos on the web now. So a lot of this will make sense later, and when I talk aboutyour boss if you're a student, think about that as your academic advisor, if you're a Ph.D.student, think about it as your Ph.D. advisor, and if you're watching this and youare ayoung child, think of this as your parent because that is the person who is in some senseyour boss.许多建议是专门为本科生准备的. 这里有多少人是本科生, 手举起来! 好的! 你们还年轻啊! 今天说的许多好多东西, 如果你看Saturday Night Life的Hans and Franz的话, 都是“现在先听着, 晚些才相信”的. 许多东西, 你以后才会意识到. 最好的是, 盖伯愿意将这次讲座整理到网上. 我知道人们现在可以通过网络观看视频了, 到你再次看这视频时, 可能就能意识到一些东西了. 如果你是个学生, 当我讨论到关于老板的时候, 你可以想象成是你的辅导员, 如果你是博士生, 那就换成博士生导师. 要是你还是个年轻的孩子, 那么就想象成你的父母, 他们就类似你的老板.{注:Saturdy Night Life是一档美国周末晚间的节目, Hanz and Franz是其中的角色. 我没有看过这个节目, 如果有朋友看过的话不妨告诉我更多背景知识.}The talk goes very fast and I'm very big on specific techniques. I'm not really big onplatitudes. Platitudes are nice, but they don't really help me get something done tomorrow.The other thing is that one good thief is worth ten good scholars. And in fact, you canreplace the word “scholars“ in that sentence with almost anything. Almost everything in thistalk is to some degree inspired, which is a fancy way of saying lifted, from these two books[Cathy Collins: Time Management for Teachers, 1987; Career Track Seminar: Takingcontrol of Your Work Day, 1990], and I found those books very useful but it's much betterto get them into a distilled form. What I've basically done is I've collected the nuggets foryour bath.讲座的速度很快, 我长于专业技巧, 而不善于老生常谈. 它们可能听起来不错, 但不能真正地帮助我们在未来去把事情搞定. 同时,“一个好的贼顶过十个好的学者.”事实上, 你可以将句子中“学者”这个词换成几乎任何一个其它的词. 这次讲座中几乎所有的思想都收到这两本书的启发:[Cathy Collins: Time Management for Teachers, 1987; Career TrackSeminar:Taking control of Your Work Day, 1990] 我发现这些书非常有用, 可将它们中的精华提炼出来会更好. 我基本上已经将书中的精华采集出来, 为你准备好了.I like to talk about “The Time Famine“. I think it's a nice phrase. Does anybody here feellike they have too much time? Okay, nobody, excellent. I like the word “famine“, becauseit's a little bit like thinking about Africa. You can airlift all the food you want in to solve thecrisis this week but the problem is systemic, and you really need systemic solutions. A timemanagement solution that says, “I'm going to fix things for you in the next 24 hours“ islaughable, just like saying: “I'm going to cure hunger in Africa in the next year.“ You need tothink long-term and you need to change fundamental underlying processes because theproblem is systemic, we just have too many things to do and not enough time to do them.我喜欢讲“时间饥荒”. 我觉得这个短语很好. 在座的各位, 有人觉得自己的时间很多吗? 很好,没有. 我喜欢“饥荒”这个词, 是因为这有点让人联想到非洲. 你可以空降一些食物来解决这周的危机, 可问题是系统性的,因此你也需要系统性的解决方案. “24小时之内我能帮你把事情做完”, 这样的时间管理方法就很可笑, 这就像是说: “一年之内我能解决非洲的饥饿”一样.你得从长计议, 你需要通过改变基础的,潜在的过程来解决这个系统性的问题: 我们有太多的事情要做, 但我们没有足够的时间.The other thing to remember is that it's not just about time management. That sounds likea kind of a lukewarm, a talk about time management, that's kind of milk-toast. But howabout if the talk is: How about not having ulcers? That catches my attention! So a lot of thisis life advice.This is, how to change the way you're doing a lot of the things and how youallocate your time so that you will lead a happier, more wonderful life, and I loved in the5introduction that you talked about fun! Because if I've brought fun to academia, well, it'sabout damn time! If you're not going to have fun, why do it? That's what I want to know.Life really is too short, if you're not going to enjoy it... People who say: “Well, I've got a joband I don't really like it“, I'm like: “Well, you could change?!“ “But that'll be a lot of work!“ -“You're right, you should keep going to work every day doing a job you don't like. Thankyou, good night.“此外, 这次讲座并不仅仅是关于时间管理. 一个关于时间管理的讲座, 听起来可能就感觉无关痛痒-无非就那么回事. 但如果这个讲座是: 如果没有得溃疡会怎样? 那就会引起我的注意. 这次讲座包含了不少对人生的建议. 这包括如何去改变你行事的方式, 如何把你的时间汇聚起来, 以使你过上更幸福,更精彩的生活. 我挺喜欢刚刚谈到快乐的讲座前的介绍. 因为要说我能给学术界带来了些欢乐, 那就是在关于时间的问题上. 如果你不打算快乐, 那么为什么还要做某件事? 我想知道答案. 生命着实太短暂, 难道你不想好好去享受它吗? 有人说, “嗯, 我有一份工作, 但我不喜欢.”我会说“那么, 你能改变现状吗?”“可那要做很多工作!” “确实如此, 可你每天做着自己不喜欢的工作, 也要干很多事啊. 谢谢, 晚安..”So the overall goal is fun. My middle child Logan is my favorite example. I don't think heknows how to not have fun. No, grant, the lot of the things he does are not fun for hismother and me. But he's loving every second of it. He doesn't know to do anything thatisn't ballistic and full of life. He's going to keep that quality, he's my little Tigger, and Ialways remember Logan when I think about the goal is to make sure that you lead your life- I want to maximize use of time, but that's the means, not the end. The end is maximizingfun.所以说人生的总目标就是快乐. 我最喜欢拿我的孩子劳甘举例子. 我不知道他什么时候才不快乐. 他做的许多事情对我和我的妻子来说, 都不显得那么有趣. 然而, 他却的确非常享受做这些事的每一秒钟. 他不知道怎样不去专心的做什么事情. 他一直保持着这样的特点, 他就是我的小跳跳虎. 当我意识到我的目标是让自己能够引领自己的生活时, 我总能想起劳甘. 我希望尽可能最大化的利用我的时间--但这就意味着, 还没到止境. 止境是获得最大化的快乐.People who do intense studies and log people on videotape and so on say that the typicaloffice worker wastes almost two hours a day. Their desk is messy, they can't find things,they miss appointments, are unprepared for meetings, they can't concentrate. Doesanybody in here by show of hands ever have any sense that one of these things is part oftheir life? Okay, I think we've got everybody! So these are a universal thing and youshouldn't feel guilty if some of these things are plagueing you because they plague all ofus, they plague me for sure.有人做了仔细的研究, 他们通过录影带观察, 发现普通的办公室职员一天差不多能能浪费掉两个小时. 他们的桌面乱糟糟的, 东西要用的时候就找不着, 他们经常忘记掉约会, 或是对会议毫无准备, 无法集中注意力. 这里有人也有过同样的感觉吗? 举手. 好的, 差不多所有人都这样!这是件很普遍的事情, 你也没必要因为这些现象的困扰感到负罪感. 因为这些事也同样困扰着所有人. 当然, 也包括我.The other thing I want to tell you is that it sounds a little clichéd and tried, but beingsuccessful does not make you manage your time well. Managing your time well makes yousuccessful. If I've been successful in my career, I assure you it's not because I'm smarterthan all the other faculty. I mean, I'm looking around, and I'm looking at some of my formercolleagues, and I see Jim Cohoon up there: I'm not smarter than Jim Cohoon. I constantlylook around at the faculty at places like the University of Virginia or Carnegie Mellon, and Igo: “Damn, these are smart people!“ And I snuck in! But what I like to think I'm good at isthe meta-skills, because if you're going to have to run with people who are faster than youyou have to find the right ways to optimize what skills you do have.6另外我想告诉你们, 可能听起来有点陈腐, 不过成功并不意味着你会管理好你的时间. 而管理好你的时间却能够使你成功. 要说我的职业生涯还算成功的话, 我向你保证, 这不是因为我比别人聪明. 我的意思是, 当我放眼四顾, 我能看到一些我曾经的同事, 我看到了吉姆·科洪, 我没有他聪明. 我一直在观察那些在卡耐基-梅隆或者弗尼吉亚大学这样地方的教师, 我会惊叹,“天啊, 全是聪明人.”而我也在其中暂露头角. 我倾向于认为我擅长(时间管理这个)基本技能. 因为如果你要和比你跑的快的人赛跑, 你就必须找到能最大程度的发挥你掌握的技能的路径.Let's talk first about goals, priorities and planning. Anytime anything crosses your life,you've got to ask: “This thing I'm thinking about doing, why am I doing it? Almost no onethat I know starts with the core principle of, there's this thing on my To Do list, why is itthere? Because if you're start asking like, why am I... my kids are great at this. That is, allI've ever heard at home is: Why? Why? Sooner or later they're going to stop saying “Why“,they're just going to say: “Okay, I'll do it.“ So ask, why am I doing this, what is the goal,why will I succeed at doing it, and here's my favorite: What will happen if I don't do it? Thebest thing in the world is when I have something on my To Do list and I just go: Hmm, no.No one has ever come and taken me to jail.让我们先谈谈目标, 优先级和计划. 无论什么时候, 有什么事进入你的生活, 你得要问问自己,我想做的这件事, 我为什么要做? 然而我认识的人里面, 几乎没有人能够去想这个核心的问题:如果这件事出现在我的任务列表中, 它为什么会出现在那里? 因为如果你这样问自己, 我为什么... 我的孩子很擅长这样问. 我在家经常听到, 为什么? 为什么? 过一阵他们就会停下来不再问为什么, 他们会说, 好吧, 我做. 所以, 要问自己, 为什么我要做这件事? 目标是什么? 为什么我能做成这件事? 还有我最喜欢问自己的: 如果我不做这件事会怎样? 世界上最好的事情就是当我的任务列表上面还有东西没有做的时候, 我把它放在一边, 也没有人来把我抓到监狱里.I talked my way out of a speeding ticket last week, that was really cool. It's likeI've ever going to be to attractive and blonde. I told the guy why we had just moved and soon and so forth, and he looked at me and said: “Well, for a guy who's only got a couple ofmonths to live, you sure look good!“ I just pulled up my shirt to show the scar and I said,“Yeah, I look good on the outside but the tumors are on the inside.“ He just ran back to hiscruiser and... ! So that's one positive law enforcement experience for me.我上周和警察交谈把我的一张超速罚单免了,这真的很酷,这感觉就像我变成金发美女那样诱人一样. 我告诉那个警察我们刚刚搬到这里,很多情况不熟悉, 等等等等... 他看着我对我说,“作为一个只有几个月能活的人, 你看起来不错!” 我拉起我的T恤, 把手术疤给他看, 说: “是的,从外面看我还不错, 不过肿瘤在里面. ”他就跑回到他的巡警车里面..对我来说, 这是和执法机构打交道的一次愉快经历.The police have never come because I crossed something off my To Do list. That's a verypowerful thing because you've got all that time back. The other thing to keep in mind whenyou're doing goal setting is, a lot of people focus on doing things right. I think it's verydangerous to focus on doing things right. I think it's much more important to do the rightthings. If you do the right things adequately, that's much more important than doing thewrong things beautifully. Doesn't matter how well you polish the underside of the banister.Keep that in mind.警察从来没有因为我忽略掉我任务清单上的某事而把我抓走. 这是件很棒的事, 因为你可以把做这些事的时间省下来. 另外要记住, 当你制定自己的目标的时候, 许多人把精力放在正确的做事上面. 我觉得把精力集中在正确的做事上不好,做正确的事更重要. 把正确的事做的差不多, 要比把错误的事做得漂亮重要的多. 就像你把栏杆的下沿擦的再亮也一点也不重要. 牢记于心.Lou Holtz had a great list: Lou Holtz's 100 things to do in his life. He would once a weeklook at it and say: If I'm not working on those 100 things, why was I working on。

Time Management 时间管理

Time Management 时间管理

Making List 列出清单
(to do list) Illustrations 每天的“执行事项清单” 图例
Date 日期:
order 次 序 Items 事项
Objectives time needed 所需时间 What time to deal with 什么时间 处理 Status of completion 完成情况 (Y或N)
Developing good habits 培养良好的习惯
1. 5 - S Practice
五常法 --- The Key to Improve Your Quality and Productivity --- 改善品质及生产力的关键
5-S Practice 五常法
日语 Seiri 英语 Structurise 意义 常组织 例子 Clean up the trash 把垃圾清掉 Find the document you want within 30 second 30秒内就可找到要找的文 件 Responsibilities of personal hygiene 个人清洁卫生责任 Transparency of storage贮藏 的透明度 Apply the “5- S practice” Method 每天运用五常法
二. Scheduling Your Time
Dealing with Deadlines 设立最后期限
Setting Undisturbed Time 规定不受打扰的时间
Tackling Large Tasks 解决大任务

Time management

Time management
escribe time management (In China)
Another way to describe time management
• 以年为单位的时间管理 年 • To the unit in time management • 以天为单位的时间管理 天 • To-day management unit of time • 以小时 小时为单位的时间管理 小时 • In hours as a unit of Time Management
Three steps
• the first step in efficient time management is to organize the workspace or home. Even if one's schedule is well-ordered, but the office and filing system are a disaster, time will be wasted trying to work efficiently in a disorderly place.
Stephen Covey’s time management matrix
• 美国管理学家科维(Covey)提出的时间管理理 科维( 科维 ) 论(时间四象限法):把工作按重要( Important ) 和紧急( Urgent )两个不同的程度进行了划分, 大体分为4个象限(Four Quadrants ): • A.既紧急又重要(如客户投诉、即将到期的任务、 财务危机等) • B.重要但不紧急(如建立人际关系、人员培训、 制订防范措施等) • C.紧急但不重要(如电话铃声、不速之客、部门 会议等) • D.既不紧急也不重要(如上网、闲谈、邮件、写 博客等)

时间管理(Time Management)

时间管理(Time Management)

TIME MANAGEMENTOverview of the SessionThe aim of this session is to improve the ability of participants to manage their time effectively and achieve their business objectives.ObjectivesBy the end of the session, participants will have:∙explored how they currently organise themselves∙identified practical approaches that they can implement back at work to help them manage their time more effectivelyThe session is approximately 2 hours.The session is staged as followsStage 1What is time management?∙Introduces the participants to the issues around time management and how it links to planning and underpins the personal competency of self-management.∙Participants complete a short exercise to identify areas where they currently focus their time.Stage 2Priorities∙Develops participants‟ understanding that time management is within their control if we are organised, know where we are going and are disciplined.∙Reviews the concept of objectives and the need to be effective, not just efficient.Stage 3Time management techniques∙Reviews some techniques/approaches covered in Supervision that can be used to help participants organise themselves and focus on what‟s really important to them in theirrole.Stage 4Planning to take control∙Participants complete an exercise that forces them to analyze their job, barriers that get in the way of achieving it and creative solutions to help them overcome these barriers.∙Introduces the booklet 'Solving the 126 Commonest Time Problems'.Stage 1 – What is time management?Time management is probably the most popular training request. We are all busy, and it is fair to say that more is expected of us now than ever before, i.e. to produce more, of a higher quality, faster and with less people! So we all want some magic formula that will help us control the time we have available and not let it control us!If there‟s one certainty in life it‟s that there will never be any more time than there is - we can‟t change that fact - but what we can change is how we spend the time available to us. This session won‟t give you a magic formula or decrease your workload and, indeed, what it may make you realise is that if we can pro-actively manage ourselves, we can actually achieve more! It‟s about working smarter - not harder - and being effective, not just efficient.Time management is perhaps a misleading title as you can‟t manage time, but you can manage yourself, and how you choose to spend your time.To do this, we need to analyse how we are currently spending our time to see if we are focusing on the “right” areas.”“How I Currently Use My Time” (Exercise 1)Prepare flipchart and pen per person (participants to draw circles)Ask participants to consider how they spend their average day. Issue the exercise and ask each delegate to divide the circle into portions like a pie. Each piece of the pie relates to areas where they currently spend their time,For example:∙crisis management/fire-fighting∙in meetings∙training∙duty management∙working on my objectives∙etcParticipants to stick their circle on the wall and discuss them with the group.DiscussAre we spending our time in the right areas? Why not?EXERCISE 1 HOW I CURRENTLY USE MY TIMEName: ..............................................................Stage 2 – Priorities“Although other people will impact how we spend our time, at the end of the day much of it is down to us - it’s our choice. What we ne ed to ensure is that we’re choosing to spend it appropriately. To do this we need to understand what’s expected of us and know what we’re trying to achieve - again, it’s about having a purpose.”Facilitate a discussion on the above quotation.What do we have in the business that tells us where we are going?“Objectives - these will (if clear and well written) give us direction - we then need to plan and organise ourselves to achieve these, as well as completing the day-to-day tasks our jobs require which is not as easy as it sounds!”Why are objectives so important?“They are the things that drive the business forward rather than keep it ticking over. They are the things we are measured against and remembered for. No matter what your job title is, your key objectives will be those things designed to take the business forward. We refer to these objectives as "A" priorities.We can divide our working priorities into 3 sets - A's, B's and C's.Mark a flipchart into 3 columns.What are our A priorities?Examples include:∙Planning new restaurant concept∙Increasing occupancy/average rate∙Improving market share by x%∙Appraising staff, setting objectives with them, etcWhat are our B and C priorities?Examples include:∙Completing timesheets∙Sending memos∙Daily meetings, etcWhy is it more difficult to do our “A”s?Time, takes longer, getting down to it, overwhelming, big. B's and C's are easier as they tend to be quick - see an end result - satisfying and sometimes urgent, therefore must be done now.However the wrong type of hard work may kill your chance of achieving by deadening your senses to your priorities and objectives of your job.”If all you do is deal with B's and C's you might be efficient. If you deal with A's you are being effective and proactive. You will meet your objectives and move the business forward.It is important to remember that A's are often best approached in manageable chunks. When we leave them to the last minute they become stressful.Distribute Handout 1: Categories of Time Use.HANDOUT 1 CATEGORIES OF TIME USEAction can be broken down into five categories:1.Important and urgent2.Important but not urgent3.Urgent but not important4.Busy work5.Wasted time1. Important and UrgentThere are tasks that must be done, immediately or in the near future. Examples:a)Your boss demands a certain report by 10am tomorrowb)The exhaust on your car blowsc)You‟ve just received the reminder to pay your …phone bill and are due to be cut off any dayUnless these situations all develop simultaneously, you can cope with them. Because of their urgency and their importance, they take precedence over everything else, and procrastination, if a factor, is no longer possible. It is not here that there are time management problems.2. Important but not UrgentTasks normally fall into two categories - important and urgent. The important, positive tasks are the ones you must do to achieve the objectives of your job - our A priorities. The urgent tasks are all the jobs that land on you every day and have to be dealt with to keep things running, the B and C priorities. The dangers - and this is the trap in which most disorganised managers are caught up - is that you will spend all the available time on urgent tasks, coping with day-to-day jobs, and no time on the important tasks.So it is vital to be as ruthless as you can with yourself in categorising your “to do list” and only allocate positive task status to those jobs which help you to build the business and achieve the objectives of the organisation.3. Urgent but not ImportantThose are our B priorities, the jobs that need immediate attention, but that we would assign a low priority if we examined them objectively. For example, someone asks you to give a presentation or attend a meeting. You might consider each of these a low priority, but someone is standing in front of you waiting for an answer. You accept because you can‟t say no. Then, because these tasks have built-in time limits, they get done, while important items get moved down the list.4. Busy WorkThere are many tasks which are marginally worth doing but are neither urgent nor important- our C priorities. We often do them ahead of more important things because they are diversionary - they provide a feeling of activity and accomplishment while giving us an excuse to put off tackling those important tasks which have far greater benefit.5. Wasted TimeThe definition of wasted time is subjective. Television viewing, for example, can be time well spent if we come away feeling that we have been enlightened or entertained. But if, afterwards, we feel that the time could have been better spent mowing the lawn, playing tennis or reading a good book, then we can chalk up that time as wasted.People who scramble madly to get control of their time often look in vain for things in this category upon which to blame their inefficiency. However, with most people, this is not where the problem lies. It lies with allocating too much time to urgent, busy work, and not enough time to important work.It’s no longer enough to do t hings right (efficiency)We must also do the right things (effectiveness)Stage 3 – Time Management TechniquesIn Supervision we examined a 5 step approach to time management:1.Plan to plan2.Prioritise your tasks3.Exploit your body clock 'peaks'4.Control non-urgent interruptions and time wasters5.Assign and delegateLet's spend the next 10 minutes reviewing each of the steps.1.Plan to planIn order to meet our objectives we need to plan what we will do and when. We need to make time in our work schedule for planning, however difficult this may be. Find somewhere quiet to sit, divert your phone and make sure you are only interrupted in an emergency.2.Prioritise your tasksWe have just examined setting A, B and C priorities to each of the tasks we must complete.Use simple tools:A diary - a planning record and a log of what we have actually doneA to do' list - decide A,B andC priorities as well as which tasks you will assign or delegate.3.Exploit your body clock 'peaks'Everyone has peaks and troughs of energy throughout the day. We can increase our effectiveness by taking advantage of the most productive times of the day. For example: it is best to tackle our A priorities during our high energy or 'peak' time of the day.4.Control interruptionsIt is surprising how much of our day is take up with non-essential interruptions to our day. Later in this session we will consider creative solutions to time wasting problems as part of an ALT exercise.5.Assign and DelegateAssigning and delegating work to others not only frees you time; it also provides useful practise for the person who does the work for you.Stage 4 – Planning to take Control“Taking Control” (Exercise 2 - 60 Minutes)We will have the opportunity now to really analyse how we spend our time and identify if we are focused on achieving what we want and need to do in our jobs.We will identify:∙what our job is and what gets in the way of achieving it∙creative solutions for managing our personal timeExplain:The first stage of the exercise is completed individually (30 minutes), then each person will share what they have learnt about themselves and what they want to do differently with their ALT, and then a representative from each group will present the key points back in the main session.EXERCISE 2 TAKING CONTROLComplete the five points individually. Then join with your ALT to share what you have learnt about yourself and what you want to do differently as a result.1.Identify what you have to do in the next two weeks. Brainstorm all your thoughts. Include all theday-to-day things and anything you plan to do towards your objectives.2.Identify who is likely to make demands on your time during this period ie. interruptions from staff,telephone calls, requests from Head Office, a crisis, etc.3.You have now established where some of your problems may lie (ie. more of point 2 than point 1) ortoo many urgent rather than important tasks.4.Decide what you really want to change to enable you to spend more time on “A” tasks. Take intoaccount both business and social things.5.What are you going to do when you return to work to make this happen?TAKING CONTROL1.What I have to do .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................2.Likely demands on my time .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................3.What I want to change .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................4.What I am going to do to make this happen .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................5.How am I going to measure my success? ......................................................................................................................……………......................................................................................................................................…. ........................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................Hints & Tips'Solving the 126 Commonest Time Problems'Distribute handout 2 and ask participants to take 10 minutes reading through the handout.Within their ALT's ask participants to select 3 strategies from the handout and discuss how they plan to implement them in the next week at work.Explain that at the end of the week participants are asked to reflect on the impact these strategies have made on their time management in their Action Learning Journals. They are to present the journal entry to their manager for discussion.HANDOUT 4 SOLVING THE 126 COMMONEST TIME PROBLEMSThis handout identifies 126 time problems that people have encountered and solved at work. These people come from all kinds of organisations - big, small, public and private. Not all the solutions will work for you because they might not fit your department or your needs. But if even a quarter fitted your needs, that would be more than 30 ways of turning time, which sometimes seems our enemy, into our most powerful resource.Work through the handout in any way you like. Tackle your most pressing needs first, then put it away until you feel like doing a bit more. Add your own solutions and keep a record of how much time this wins back for you!Use this space to record your own particular time solutions.Remember - “Time management is not easy and takes practice, real discipline and may be uncomfortable, but it is worth it - so do it now!”Time Problem No. 1 - Telephone eg. too many interruptions, incoming calls too1 Unaware ofimportance Look at time log. Some systems will record telephone time use.Consider where the calls come from.2 Need to beuninterrupted These are things youdo on your own.3 Isolate yourself Use your secretary orcolleagues. Explain theneed for controlled time.Screen.4 People don‟tscreen meExplain your priorities and needs.5 Ego You don‟t always have toanswer it NOW. It islegitimate to be unavailable.How do you get your workdone otherwise?6 Open phone Plan “open phone” and“shut phone” ti me.7 Taking and placingcallsRealise how much time it takes. Delegate if possible. Learn to use technology.8 Outgoing callsunplannedhand9 Postpone incomingcalls until planned “I‟ll call ba ck in 5 minuteswhen I‟ve had a chance to look at the papers”.10 Unable to say “no”or “not now”What about your priorities. Learn to be assertive (ie.not submissive or aggressive).11 No agenda or timeplana meeting. “I would like to discuss 2 things...is this a convenient time?”.12 Not able to use thetelephone systemfully Get trained. Use it to itsbest extent.Time Problem No. 2 - UnexpectedVisitors eg. colleagues or others dropping in without1 Unaware ofimportanceExamine time logs. Checkon interruptions from bossand subordinates.2 Open door policy Plan “open” and “closed”door policy. You need notfeel isolated or cold, but youdecide when you areavailable.3No planned quiettimeEncourage staff to set asideone hour each day not tointerrupt.4 AcceptingproblemsTry to accept solutions.5 Your office If you must, see them intheir office, then you canleave when you want.6 Important versusagendaThey may not realise thatyou are doing somethingimportant. Communicatepriorities (yours/theirs)often.7 No agenda Don‟t just wand er. Setagenda and time scale.8 Enjoy socialising Plan it if necessary. Stickto what is planned.9 Delegate more Direct visitors (orsecretary/colleague can) toperson with authority.10 Desire to beinformed/involvedRecognise! Change!11 Subordinates -checking toofrequentlyEstablish objectives forsubordinates so they knowwhat they are doing. Agreeand programme time scalefor meetings.12 Interruption bybossRecognise that bossesalmost never realise howmuch time they take andhow much hindering andhow much hinderingyoudelays their goals (keep atime log!)Time Problem No. 3 - Delegation eg. doing work which could - in theory at least - be done by your subordinates, can‟t say “no”.1 Unaware ofimportance Check time log with question “Could it be delegated?”. Do nothingyou can delegate.2 Can‟t say “no”No-one is indispensable. Recognise it.3 “It‟s my job”Who says so? Your job isto get results.4 Fear of failure Recognise it as inevitable.Supervise mistakes andlearn from them. Give itenough time.5 Poor or incompleteinstructions May lead to crisis or confusion. Learn fromyour mistakes.6 “Takes too long”Time spent now is an investment for the future.7 “Why aren‟t mystaff like me?”They aren‟t.8 I like doing theinteresting thingsYes, but is it what you should be doing?9 Prefer “work” workto “management”work Don‟t go for impossibly perfect standards. You couldn‟t do it once. Thinkabout the future.10 Inadequate controls Establish plans, time-tables, resources,checkpoints, successcriteria.11 Over-control Let go. Trust and train.Measure results notenergy.12 InsufficientauthorityLeads to ineffectiveness frustration and stress13 People keep comingto you Tell them what has beendelegated and to whom.Time Problem No. 4 - Meetingseg. excessive length, not necessary, needn‟tattend yourself, too many, badly run.1 Unaware ofimportanceKeep separate time log.Record time, peoplepresent, usefulness etc.2 No agenda Agendas should be morethen DO lists. They shouldindicate informationrequired and decision to betaken.3 Wrong people Status problem? Only getthose there as needed.4 Too many Try skipping someoccasionally and see whathappens.5 InadequatepreparationImportant to do this. Don‟tlet urgent trivia crowd thisout.6 Inadequate noticeIndicate contributionexpected.7 Start on time Waiting for late-comerspenalises those who cameearly.8 End on time Indicate intended closingtime.9 No agendamanagementSchedule time. Urgentadequate time fordiscussion on importantones.10 Wandering fromagendaRespect agenda. Avoid“hidden agenda”.11 Concludingwithout agreementThis may not waste time inthe meeting, but will wasteplenty after if no-one isaware of decisions.12Failure to end ontimeCauses concern forparticipants who should beelsewhere.13No longernecessaryWind up meetings,committees after they ceaseto be useful.Personal Objectiveseg. unclear about priorities because they are always changing, agreed definition of results/ standards.1 Unaware ofimportance Check time log to see how often priority objectives are squeezed out by urgent matters. Either youmanage your job or it is managed for you.2 Lack of method Establish daily priorities interms of importance noturgency. Schedule time forthem.3 No review on adaily basis Evaluate the effectivenessof each day at the end. Learn from it.4 Over-ambitious Learn to plan things you cando. Then increase the load.5 No time to plan Get into the habit andcommunicate plan tocolleagues so they knowwhat you are doing.6 Don‟t over-plan Realise that in each day youcannot have 100% control.Try to set a balance. Over75% planned may give noopportunity to react. Lessthen 25% is too vague.7 Fear of time -tabling oneself What are you here for if itis not to achieve highpriority items.Disorganisation and Cluttereg. poor personal planning, bad filing andsystems.1 Unaware ofimportanceRecognise you are prob-ably your biggest timemanagement problem. Seewhat your time log saysabout dashing about andinterrupting yourself.2 Lack of system Establish important andurgent tasks. Allocate timeto them. Screen for highconcentration.3 Ego I am too important/clever/indispensable/wonderful toneed a system ororganisation. May alsomean you are dis-organised,procrastinate, confused,muddled and fail to meetdeadlines because of lostdocuments and otherdetails.4 LazyOK. Just do the importantthings well.5 No system forhandling paperDevelop one (withsecretary or assistant).Allocate time to it.6 React to everyincoming piece ofpaperDon‟t. Plan time for iteach day am/pm.7 Ineffective help Train assistant/secretary.Explain priorities and plan.Screen when reallynecessary.8 Leaving tasksunfinishedAssess importance fromtime log.9 Lack of objectives/prioritiesThese tell you how toconcentrate your energy.10Getting stressedand anxiousBecause you have no plan.eg. too much paperwork to get through, too many reports and journals to read.1 Unaware ofimportance Evaluate reading time fromtime log. Eliminate what you can.2 Failure to delegate Brief subordinate to filterand present only what isnecessary.3 Accepting poormaterial Encourage subordinates/ colleagues to write clearlysignposted/indexed material.4 Allowing readingto interrupt othertasks Allocate reading to the right time. Don‟t let thingsdistract or interrupt.5 Too much paper Encourage short/relevantpapers. Get into the habitof sending things back tobe written better.6 Too slow atreading Learn to read quicker.good success record.7 Asking far toomuch and toodetailedinformationAvoid perfectionism. It is extremely expensive.8 Cluttered desk Clear it. Develop systemsfor Bring Back (put awayuntil needed) or eventemporary filing systems. Itis not creative. Informationeg. time wasted because relevant andspeedy information not available.1 Unaware ofimportanceRecognise, reorganise andestablish priorities.2 Lack of usefulsystemEstablish your own.3 Feel anxious aboutmissinginformationRecognise that a propersystem will replace anxiety.Worth taking trouble toinstall.4 Information delaysfouling up yourplans and deadlinesDo the informationproviders know and fullyunderstand your deadlinesand priorities?5 Office proceduresnot serving youwellExamine procedures.Modify. Streamline.6 Filing on desktops, cupboards etcRealise that the only way tofind what you do want is toread through all that youdon‟t!7 Driven by thein-trayit all now. Move it out ofsight.Procrastination and Indecision eg. habit of putting off until tomorrow.1 Unaware ofimportance Recognise the power of procrastination and indecision to waste time. And they lie under your control. Analyse possiblecauses.2 Work best againstpressures anddeadlines Not generally true. Often important work is not done well enough, done “half cock”. Makes us feelcramped and unprofessional.3 Fear of failure Learn from failure.Recognise the need forchange. Take a plannedrisk.4 Perfectionism Very expensive. Frequentreason for both failure todelegate and failure to start.You are not the only onewho can do things aroundhere.5 Habit of doingwhat we like first,postponing theunpleasant Admit it. Schedule work giving more time than you wish to, to the unpleasant. Get it done. Rewardyourself.6 Unrealistic timeestimates Everything takes longer than you think. Leavesome time each day/week unplanned.7 Welcomingdistractions,interruptions,visitors, phonecalls Realise how they use up important time. The real time an interruption takes is longer than the interruption itself. Use “open door”policy according to plan.8 Lack of skill orability We put off what we doleast well. Get trained.Over-Ambitiouseg. constantly misjudging the time tasks take.1 Unaware of howoften importantdeadlines are notmet because of toomany thingsattemptedTime logs may show over-full days.2 Trying to fill all thetimeMay be efficient. Certainlyineffective.3 Unable to say “no”Learn to stick to importantthings.4 No priorities Establish priorities andschedule time for them.Leave at least 20% of theday free for theunexpected.5 No monitoring ofdaily effectivenessEstablish daily DO list andmonitor what you haveachieved each evening.6 UnrealisticdeadlinesYou have a right to say ifcan‟t be done immediatelyand you must say so.7 Desire to pleaseeveryoneEither you run your job orthey run it for you.8 Leaving tasksunfinishedRecognise implication offragmentation on work.Clutter.9 Panicking aboutdeadlinesTake time to planimportant tasks. Otherscan follow.10 Always finishingthings badlyTake time to planimportant tasks.11 Desire to beproductive or moreproductiveBetter to do less, but do itwell, than more poorly.12 No time to thinkof a way of notaccepting thingsCount to ten before takingon new things. Delayresponse.。



时间管理英文表达时间管理(Time Management)是指有效地利用时间,提高工作效率和个人生活质量的一种技能和能力。



1. 时间词汇•Time(时间)•Clock(时钟)•Watch(手表)•Hour(小时)•Minute(分钟)•Second(秒)•Day(天)•Week(周)•Month(月)•Year(年)•Schedule(日程安排)•Deadline(截止日期)•Timeframe(时间范围)•Timetable(课程表)•Duration(持续时间)•Prioritize(优先处理)•Procrastination(拖延)2. 表达时间的方式•What’s the time?(现在几点了?)•It’s 8 o’clock.(现在八点。

)•What time is the meeting?(会议是几点开始?)•The meeting starts at 9 am.(会议九点开始。

)•How long does it take to finish the project?(完成这个项目需要多长时间?)•It takes about 3 days.(需要大约三天。

)•I need to finish this report by tomorrow.(我需要在明天之前完成这份报告。

)•The deadline for the assignment is next Friday.(作业的截止日期是下周五。

)3. 时间管理技巧•Set SMART goals.(设定明确的目标。

)•Make a to-do list.(列出待办事项清单。

)•Prioritize tasks.(优先处理任务。

)•Break tasks into smaller, manageable parts.(将任务分解成较小、可管理的部分。







1. 时间管理时间管理(Time Management)这个词组在英文中可以直接翻译为“Time Management”。



2. 添加或删除时间管理在某些情况下,我们可能需要对时间管理的内容进行修改,比如添加新的任务或删除一些不必要的事务。


当我们需要添加任务或事务时,可以说“Add time management tasks”。

而当我们需要删除一些不必要的事务时,可以说“Delete unnecessary tasks in time management”。

3. 设定目标和优先级在时间管理中,设定目标(Set goals)和确定优先级(Determine priorities)是非常重要的步骤。


在英文中,我们可以使用以下表达来表示这两个步骤:- Set goals: 这个短语可用于表示设定目标。

- Determine priorities: 这个短语可用于表示确定优先级。

4. 制定计划和安排时间制定计划(Develop a plan)和安排时间(Schedule time)是时间管理过程中的重要环节。




时间管理出自 MBA智库百科(/)(重定向自Time-Management)该条目对应的页面分类是时间管理。

时间管理(Time Management)目录[隐藏]∙ 1 什么是时间管理∙ 2 时间管理方法∙ 3 13种时间管理方法∙ 4 时间管理之重要事情∙ 5 最新的时间管理概念--GTD∙ 6 时间管理的十一条金律[1]∙7 时间管理——华为成功之宝[2]∙8 几款在线的时间管理工具∙9 时间管理的原则[3]∙10 时间管理案例分析o10.1 案例一:浅谈高校管理者的时间管理[4]∙11 参考文献[编辑]什么是时间管理时间管理是有效地运用时间,降低变动性。















英文简称:TMM(Time Management Master)时间管理大师(英文简称:TMM)介绍什么是时间管理?时间管理是指通过合理安排和有效利用时间来提高个人工作效率和生活质量的一种技能。






















如何管理好自己的时间英语作文Time Management.Time management is the process of planning, organizing, and directing resources to achieve a goal. It involves setting priorities, making decisions, and taking action to accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently. Good time management skills can help you achieve your goals, improve your productivity, and reduce stress.There are many different time management techniquesthat you can use. Some popular techniques include:The Pomodoro Technique: This technique involves breaking down your work into 25-minute intervals, separated by short breaks. After four intervals, take a longer break of 20-30 minutes.The Eisenhower Matrix: This matrix helps youprioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.Urgent and important tasks should be done first, while less urgent and less important tasks can be delegated or scheduled for later.The Getting Things Done (GTD) Method: This method is a comprehensive system for managing tasks and projects. It involves capturing all of your tasks in one place, organizing them into projects, and then breaking them down into smaller, actionable steps.The best time management technique for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. It is important to experiment with different techniques until you find one that works well for you.In addition to using a time management technique, there are other things you can do to improve your time management skills, such as:Set clear goals: Before you can manage your time effectively, you need to know what you want to achieve. Set clear, specific, and achievable goals.Prioritize your tasks: Once you have set your goals, you need to prioritize them. Decide which tasks are most important and need to be done first.Delegate tasks: If you have too much on your plate, don't be afraid to delegate tasks to others. This will free up your time so that you can focus on the most important tasks.Take breaks: It is important to take breaks throughout the day, even if it is just for a few minutes. Breaks will help you to stay focused and productive.Say no to distractions: Distractions are one of the biggest enemies of time management. Learn to say no to distractions so that you can focus on your work.Good time management skills are essential for success in any field. By following these tips, you can improve your time management skills and achieve your goals.时间管理。



在大学如何管理时间英语作文Time management is a crucial skill for college students, asit can significantly impact their academic performance and overall well-being. Here are some strategies to effectively manage time in college:1. Set Clear Goals: Begin by setting both short-term andlong-term academic and personal goals. This will give you a clear direction and help you prioritize your tasks.2. Create a Schedule: Use a planner or digital calendar tomap out your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Allocatespecific time slots for classes, study sessions,extracurricular activities, and leisure time.3. Prioritize Tasks: Not all tasks are created equal. Learnto differentiate between urgent and important tasks. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your tasks based on their urgency and importance.4. Avoid Procrastination: Procrastination can be a majortime-waster. Combat it by breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable parts and setting deadlines for each part.5. Use Time Management Tools: There are numerous apps andtools available that can help you track your time and stay organized. Consider using a task management app or a time-tracking tool.6. Limit Distractions: Identify what commonly distracts you and take steps to minimize these distractions. This might involve turning off notifications on your phone, finding a quiet place to study, or setting specific times for checking social media.7. Stay Flexible: While it's important to have a plan, it's equally important to be flexible. Unexpected events can occur, and you need to be able to adapt your schedule accordingly.8. Take Breaks: Regular breaks can actually improve productivity. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break.9. Learn to Say No: It's important to know your limits. Ifyou're already overwhelmed with tasks, it's okay to decline additional commitments.10. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly review your time management strategies. Reflect on what's working and what isn't, and adjust your approach as necessary.11. Seek Support: If you're struggling with time management, don't hesitate to seek help. Many colleges offer workshops or counseling services to assist students in developing these skills.12. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Good health is foundational for effective time management. Ensure you're getting enoughsleep, eating well, and exercising regularly.By implementing these strategies, you can manage your time more effectively, reduce stress, and enhance your academic success in college. Remember, effective time management is a skill that takes practice to develop, so be patient with yourself as you work to improve.。

大学英语Unit 1 Time Management

大学英语Unit 1 Time Management

Words and Expressions
try out: test or use (sb./sth.) in order to see how good or effective they are 试用 I like this soap. You may try it out, too. 我喜欢这种肥皂。你不妨也试试。 We talked to some American visitors in the park to try out our English. 我们同公园里的美国来访者交谈,以试一下 我们的英语.
Unit One Time Management
Lead–in Activities Words & Expressions
Text Understanding Writing
Words and Expressions
work on: try hard to improve or achieve (sth.) 努力改善;努力完成 You need to work on your pronunciation a bit more. 你需要稍加努力来改善你的发音。 John has been working on an English textbook with Prof. Lee. 约翰一直在和李教授一起编写一本英语教材。
Words and Expressions
depend 视…而定,取决(于);依靠(on,
upon) The cooking time depends on the size of the potato. 烹调时间要看土豆的大小而定。 He depended on his writing for his income. 他依靠写作取得收入。

Time Management 时间管理【中英】

Time Management 时间管理【中英】

Do you feel the need to be more organized and/or more productive? Do you spend your day in a frenzy of activity and then wonder why you haven't accomplished much?Time management skills are especially important for small business people, who often find themselves performing many different jobs during the course of a single day. These time management tips will help you increase your productivity and stay cool and collected.你是否想要变得更加有组织性或者更加有效率?你是否经常花费你的一天去进行一场狂乱的活动,然后又为没有完成太多而感到奇怪?时间管理技能对那些小型企业的人尤其重要,他们一天内要履行很多不同的职能。


1) Realize that time management is a myth.No matter how organized we are, there are always only 24 hours in a day. Time doesn't change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.1)要知道,时间的管理不过是一个神话。


1 时间管理【Time Management】

1 时间管理【Time Management】

Time Management(时间管理)一、What Is Time Management? 什么是时间管理?“时间管理”是组织和计划如何在具体活动中分配时间的过程。



“Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder – so that you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages your effectiveness and causes stress.二、时间管理会遇到的问题(There are some problems in Time Management.)1.做事没有方法。


不要毫不考虑的就直接做了,先花几分钟的时间衡量一下,有什么方法可以更有效率的完成事情?There is no way to do things.There are many ways to accomplish a thing. The key is whether you can find the fastest way. Don't just do it without thinking about it. Take a few minutes to measure it. What can be done more efficiently?2.周围有众多的干扰因素,是时间流逝的致命杀手,比如,嘈杂声、杂志、零食、报纸等。






1. Time Management - 时间管理Time management refers to the ability to plan and organize one’s time effectively in order to achieve goals and tasks efficiently. It involves prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and allocating the right amount of time to each activity. Here are some key terms related to time management:•Prioritization - 优先级•Goal setting - 目标设定•Time allocation - 时间分配•Procrastination - 拖延•Time tracking - 时间追踪•Deadlines - 截止日期•Productivity - 生产力2. Techniques for Effective Time Management - 有效的时间管理技巧There are various time management techniques that can help individuals become more efficient and productive. Here are some popular techniques:2.1. The Pomodoro Technique - 番茄工作法The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method created by Francesco Cirillo. It involves breaking work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. The key steps of the Pomodoro Technique are:1.Choose a task to work on.2.Set a timer for 25 minutes.3.Work on the task until the timer goes off.4.Take a short break, around 5 minutes.5.Repeat the process.2.2. Eisenhower Matrix - 艾森豪威尔矩阵The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is a tool for prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. It categorizes tasks into four quadrants:•Quadrant 1: Urgent and important tasks - Do these tasks immediately.•Quadrant 2: Important but not urgent tasks - Schedule and prioritize these tasks.•Quadrant 3: Urgent but not important tasks - Delegate these tasks if possible.•Quadrant 4: Not urgent and not important tasks - Eliminate or minimize these tasks.2.3. Time Blocking - 时间分块Time blocking is a technique where you schedule specific blocks of time for different activities or tasks. By allocating dedicated time slots to specific tasks, you can better manage your time and avoid distractions. It helps in setting boundaries and improving focus.3. Time Management Tips - 时间管理技巧To become a time management expert, here are some practical tips to consider:1.Set clear goals and priorities for each day.2.Make a to-do list and prioritize tasks based on importance.3.Break large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.4.Avoid multitasking and focus on one task at a time.5.Minimize distractions, such as turning off notifications or working in aquiet environment.6.Take regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout.7.Learn to delegate tasks to others when necessary.8.Track and analyze your time spent on different activities.e technology tools and apps to assist with time management.Conclusion - 结论时间管理是提高生产力和效率的关键因素。



时间管理方面的英文单词1. Introduction时间管理(Time Management)是日常生活和工作中至关重要的一项技能。



2. Essential Time Management Vocabulary2.1 Prioritization•Prioritize:按优先顺序安排任务•Priority:优先级•Urgent:紧急的•Important:重要的•Deadlines:截止日期•Time-sensitive:时间敏感的2.2 Planning and Organization•Planning:计划•Organize:组织•Schedule:安排时间表•Procrastination:拖延•Breakdown:分解•Task:任务•Milestone:里程碑•Timeframe:时间框架•Project management:项目管理2.3 Time Tracking•Time tracking:时间跟踪•Time log:时间日志•Productivity:生产力•Efficiency:效率•Distractions:干扰•Interruptions:打断•Time wasters:时间浪费者•Time audit:时间审计2.4 Delegation and Collaboration•Delegate:委派•Collaboration:合作•Teamwork:团队合作•Accountability:责任•Time allocation:时间分配•Shared calendar:共享日历•Meeting:会议•Communication:沟通2.5 Time-saving Techniques•Time blocking:时间块•Pomodoro Technique:番茄工作法•Multitasking:多任务处理•Automation:自动化•Batch processing:批处理•Outsourcing:外包3. Conclusion以上是一些与时间管理有关的英文单词。



时间管理好处英语作文英文回答:Time management is the ability to plan, prioritize, and execute tasks effectively within a given timeframe. It involves setting clear goals, allocating time wisely, and following a structured approach to accomplish tasks in a timely manner. Effective time management brings numerous benefits to individuals both personally and professionally.1. Increased Productivity: Time management allows individuals to maximize their time and complete more tasks efficiently. By organizing their schedules, prioritizing important activities, and minimizing distractions, they can achieve greater productivity and accomplish their goals faster.2. Reduced Stress: When time is managed effectively, individuals experience less stress and anxiety. Knowingthat they have a clear plan and are making progress towardstheir goals can provide a sense of control and reduce the overwhelming feeling of having too much to do.3. Improved Focus and Concentration: Time management techniques help individuals stay focused and minimize distractions. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and setting specific time slots for each activity, they can avoid multitasking and improve their concentration,resulting in better task execution.4. Enhanced Decision-Making: Effective time management requires individuals to prioritize tasks and make decisions about how to allocate their time. This process strengthens their decision-making skills and helps them choose the most important and beneficial activities.5. Increased Motivation: When individuals see the progress they are making by managing their time effectively, they become more motivated to continue their efforts. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction they gain from completing tasks on time boosts their confidence and drives them to achieve more.6. Improved Health and Well-being: Proper time management contributes to better physical and mental health. By avoiding overwork and managing stress, individuals can create a work-life balance that promotes well-being and prevents burnout.7. Greater Personal Fulfillment: When individuals have control over their time, they can allocate more time to activities they enjoy and find meaningful. This fulfillment leads to greater happiness and life satisfaction.中文回答:时间管理是指在既定的时间范围内有效规划、优先排序和执行任务的能力。

time management的英语作文

time management的英语作文

time management的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Time Management JourneyHey everyone, I'm here to talk about time management! It's super important to use our time wisely and get things done. Let me share with you my own journey in learning how to manage my time better.First of all, I used to be really bad at keeping track of time. I would often waste hours playing video games or watching TV, and then realize I had homework to do or chores to finish. It was pretty stressful! But then I learned some tips and tricks to help me stay on top of things.One thing that really helped me was making a schedule. I started writing down all the things I needed to do each day, like homework, study time, and chores. Then I would assign each task a specific time slot, so I knew exactly when I needed to work on each one. This made it so much easier to stay organized and make sure I didn't forget anything.Another thing that helped me was setting goals for myself. I would break down big tasks into smaller steps, and then set deadlines for each step. This way, I could see my progress and feel a sense of accomplishment as I checked off each task. It really motivated me to keep going and finish everything on time.I also learned the importance of prioritizing. Sometimes I would have too many things to do and not enough time to do them all. In those situations, I would figure out which tasks were the most important or urgent, and focus on those first. This helped me avoid feeling overwhelmed and made it easier to manage my time effectively.Overall, I've come a long way in improving my time management skills. I still have moments where I procrastinate or get distracted, but I'm much better at staying organized and getting things done on time. I hope these tips can help you too! Remember, time is precious, so let's make the most of it together. Thanks for listening!篇2Time management is super important for us little humans to do everything we need to do without feeling stressed out oroverwhelmed. So let me tell you all about it in a fun and simple way!Okay, first things first, what is time management? Well, it's basically about using our time wisely and making sure we get all our tasks done without wasting any precious minutes. It's like being a little master chef in the kitchen of life, making sure all the ingredients (which are our tasks) are cooked up perfectly and ready to be served on time.One way to manage our time better is by making a schedule or a to-do list. This is like having a little roadmap to guide us through our day. We can jot down all the things we need to do, like homework, chores, playtime, and even some relaxation time. By having a plan, we can be more organized and focused on what needs to be done.Another key aspect of time management is prioritizing our tasks. This means figuring out which tasks are the most important or urgent and doing them first. It's like eating dessert after finishing your veggies - you tackle the tough stuff first so that the easier tasks feel like a treat.We also need to learn how to say no to distractions. It's easy to get sidetracked by fun things like video games or playing with toys, but we need to stay focused on our tasks at hand. Bysetting boundaries and limiting our distractions, we can use our time more effectively and efficiently.And let's not forget about taking breaks! It's important to give ourselves little moments to rest and recharge. Just like a little battery, we need to power up so we can keep going strong throughout the day.So there you have it, my little friends - time management in a nutshell! By being organized, prioritizing tasks, staying focused, and taking breaks, we can be little time management pros in no time. Remember, time is a precious gift, so let's use it wisely and make the most out of every moment!篇3Hi guys, today I want to talk to you about time management. It’s super important to learn how to manage our time well so we can get everything done and have time to play too!First of all, it’s a good idea to make a schedule. You can write down all the things you need to do each day and plan out when you will do them. This way, you won’t forget anything and you can see how much time you have for each task.Next, it’s important to prioritize your tasks. This means figuring out which things are the most important and need to be done first. For example, if you have homework that’s due tomorrow, you should do that before playing video games.It’s also a good idea to set goals for yourself. Maybe you want to finish your homework by 6 o’clock so you can have dinner with your family. Setting goals helps you stay focused and motivated to get things done.And remember, it’s okay to take breaks! If you’ve been working hard for a while, it’s important to give your brain a rest. You can go for a walk, play with your pet, or have a snack. Just make sure your breaks aren’t too long so you can get back to work.So guys, remember to manage your time wisely so you can get everything done and still have time to have fun. Time management is a super important skill to learn, so start practicing now!篇4Hello everyone, do you know what time management is? Time management is when we plan out our day so we can get everything done that we need to do. It's super importantbecause if we don't manage our time well, we might run out of time to do things like homework, play with our friends, or even watch our favorite TV show.One way to manage our time is to make a schedule. We can write down all the things we need to do and when we need to do them. For example, we can write down that we need to do our homework at 4:00pm, then play outside at 5:00pm. This way, we can make sure we have enough time for everything.Another way to manage our time is to set priorities. This means we should do the most important things first. For example, if we have a big test coming up, we should study for the test before playing video games. It's all about making sure we get the important stuff done first.We should also try to avoid distractions when we are trying to manage our time. Distractions can be things like our phone, TV, or even our favorite toy. If we get distracted, we might run out of time to do the things we need to do.Remember, time management is all about making sure we use our time wisely. By making a schedule, setting priorities, and avoiding distractions, we can make sure we have enough time to do everything we need to do. So let's all work on managing our time better so we can have more time for fun and activities!篇5Time management is super duper important for us little kids, and even for grown-ups too! It's like making sure we have enough time to play and have fun, while also getting our homework done and helping out around the house.First of all, we need to make a schedule. This means figuring out what we need to do each day and when we should do it. Like, maybe we have school in the morning, then playtime in the afternoon, and homework in the evening. By having a schedule, we can make sure we don't forget to do anything important.Next, we need to learn how to prioritize. This means deciding what's most important and doing that first. For example, if we have a big test coming up, we should study for that before playing video games. By prioritizing our tasks, we can make sure we get everything done on time.Also, it's important to avoid distractions. Sometimes we get so caught up in watching TV or playing with toys that we forget about our responsibilities. But if we stay focused and avoid distractions, we can finish our tasks faster and have more time to play later.Lastly, we should learn to manage our time wisely. This means not procrastinating and leaving things until the last minute. If we start working on our homework as soon as we get home from school, we won't have to rush to finish it before bedtime.In conclusion, time management is a skill that we should all learn, no matter how old we are. By making a schedule, prioritizing tasks, avoiding distractions, and managing our time wisely, we can make sure we have enough time for everything we need to do. So let's all work on our time management skills and make the most of our time!I hope you liked my essay on time management! Thank you for reading!篇6Time management is super important for all of us. If we don't manage our time well, we may end up feeling stressed, not finish all our work, or miss out on fun stuff. Here are some tips to help us manage our time better:First, make a schedule. Write down all the things you need to do each day, like homework, chores, and playtime. Then, figure out how much time each task will take and plan when you will dothem. It's important to stick to your schedule, but don't forget to give yourself breaks too!Second, prioritize your tasks. Think about which ones are most important and do those first. This way, you won't waste time on less important things and you'll feel accomplished when you finish the important stuff.Third, avoid distractions. It's easy to get distracted by TV, video games, or playing with friends. Try to limit these distractions when you have work to do. You can reward yourself with fun activities after you finish your tasks.Lastly, be flexible. Sometimes unexpected things come up and you need to adjust your schedule. That's okay! Just make sure to get back on track as soon as possible.By managing our time well, we can feel less stressed, get more things done, and have more time for fun. Let's all start practicing good time management habits from now on!。



如何管理时间的英语作文范文英文回答:Time management is an essential skill for both personal and professional life. It allows individuals to prioritize tasks, optimize their productivity, and achieve their goals. Effective time management techniques can help people makethe most of their time, reduce stress, and improve their overall well-being. Here are some strategies for effective time management:Set clear goals and objectives: Define your priorities and focus on the tasks that are most important. Consider using the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) framework to set clear and actionable goals.Create a schedule and stick to it: Allocate specific time slots for different tasks and activities. Use a planner, calendar, or task management app to schedule your appointments, meetings, and work deadlines. Try to adhereto your schedule as much as possible to maintain consistency and avoid procrastination.Prioritize tasks: Use the Eisenhower Matrix or ABCDE method to categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Focus on completing the most critical tasksfirst to avoid overwhelming yourself and ensure that the most essential work gets done.Delegate and outsource: Don't try to do everything yourself. Identify tasks that can be delegated to others to free up your time for more important matters. Consider outsourcing certain tasks to external providers if necessary.Eliminate distractions: Create a distraction-free work environment. Identify the sources of distractions and find ways to minimize them. Consider using noise-canceling headphones, blocking distracting websites, or finding a quiet place to work.Take breaks: Regular breaks are essential formaintaining focus and productivity. Step away from your work for short intervals to clear your head and return refreshed. Use breaks to engage in activities that help you relax and recharge, such as going for a walk or listening to music.Use technology: Utilize technology tools to your advantage. Task management apps, calendar reminders, and time-tracking software can help you stay organized, track your progress, and avoid missing deadlines.Evaluate and adjust: Time management is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Regularly evaluate your time management techniques and make adjustments as needed. Identify what works best for you and refine your strategies to continuously improve your productivity.中文回答:如何管理时间。



时间管理的英语作文80词英文回答:Time management is the process of planning andcontrolling how you spend your time to achieve your goals.It involves setting priorities, making schedules, and sticking to them. Effective time management skills can help you make the most of your time and achieve your personaland professional goals.There are many different time management techniquesthat you can use to improve your productivity. Some popular techniques include:The Pomodoro Technique: This technique involves breaking down your work into 25-minute intervals, separated by short breaks.The Eisenhower Matrix: This matrix helps youprioritize your tasks based on their urgency and importance.Time blocking: This technique involves scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks throughout the day.The 80/20 rule: This rule suggests that you should focus on the 20% of tasks that will produce 80% of your results.No matter which time management technique you choose, the most important thing is to find a system that works for you and to stick to it. With consistent practice, you can develop effective time management skills that will help you make the most of your time and achieve your goals.中文回答:时间管理是指计划和控制你如何分配时间以实现目标的过程。



时间管理英文版Time management is a crucial aspect of success in today's fast-paced world. With numerous tasks and responsibilities vying for our attention, it is important to find effective ways to prioritize and organize our time. Here are some tips for effective time management:1. Set clear goals: Start by defining your goals and objectives. Determine what you want to achieve within a specific time frame. This will help you stay focused and motivated.2. Prioritize tasks: Once you have set your goals, prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. Identify the most critical tasks and complete them first. This will help prevent procrastination and ensure that you are consistently working towards your goals.3. Create a schedule: Develop a schedule or a to-do list to allocate time for each task. This will help you stay organized and stay on track. Be realistic in estimating the time required for each task to avoid overcommitting yourself.4. Eliminate distractions: Identify and eliminate any potential distractions that may hinder your productivity. This may include turning off notifications on your phone, closing unnecessary tabs on your computer, or finding a quiet place to work.5. Delegate and outsource: If possible, delegate tasks to others or outsource certain responsibilities. This will free up your time for more critical tasks or allow you to focus on activities that alignwith your strengths and expertise.6. Take breaks: It is important to take regular breaks to rest and recharge. Breaks help prevent burnout and increase productivity. Use this time to relax, exercise, or engage in activities that rejuvenate your mind and body.7. Learn to say no: Do not be afraid to say no to tasks or activities that do not align with your goals or priorities. Be selective in what you commit to and learn to set boundaries. This will protect your time and energy for tasks that truly matter.8. Use technology to your advantage: Utilize technology tools such as calendars, alarms, and task management apps to stay organized and keep track of your commitments. These tools can help automate reminders and keep you accountable.9. Review and reflect: Regularly review your progress and reflect on your time management strategies. Determine what is working well for you and what needs improvement. Making adjustments as necessary will help you refine your approach and increase your efficiency over time.10. Practice self-care: Lastly, do not forget the importance of self-care. Prioritize your physical and mental well-being, as this will greatly impact your productivity and overall effectiveness in managing your time.By implementing these time management strategies, you will be able to reduce stress, increase productivity, and make the most ofyour time. Remember, effective time management is a skill thatcan be developed with practice and commitment.继续优化时间管理是成功的关键。

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