




















英语口语考试,这是一场富有挑战性的考试,它不仅仅是为了那些准备报考外语类院校及外语类 相关专业的考生而设,更是为了激发所有考生的口语表达能力和听力理解能力。这场考试,它像 是一座灯塔,照亮了无数考生走向世界,与世界沟通的梦想之路。
让我们一起走进2010年广东省高考英语口语考试的那一天。阳光透过窗户,洒在宽敞的考场内, 照耀着每一位考生,仿佛是在祝福他们的表现。考试的题目犹如一个迷人的宝藏,等待着考生们 去发掘它的价值。
PART A Reading Aloud
In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in t
he video.
1.Watch and listen: Video Script: Born in August 1769, Napoleon was the second of eight surviving children. As a child, he is shy, moody and soft-spoken.Still his parents have high hopes for their young son. In 1799,at age ten, he's enrolled in the French military school at Brienne. There his schoolmates mock and make fun of his small size and thick Italian accent.A memory that will haunt Napoleon and shape his character in the years to come.Still he shows a talent for leadership and for organizing war games.



2013级口语考试题目Answer the following question within 3 minutes.1. Should people improve their appearance through plastic surgery? Some suggested ideas:★Negative:(1) We should not attempt to change nature.(2) Most employers need skilled employees rather than good-looking ones.(3) One’s inner beauty or qualities like honesty, faithfulness, diligence and sense of humor are more important than one’s appearance.2. Many college students choose to take part-time jobs in their spare time. What do you think may be the advantages of it? :★taking part-time jobs may have at least three benefits for college students in my eye. First and foremost, students can promote their study through part-time jobs. For instance, if a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his 1Practice will enable him to better understand what he has learned from books. What’s more, the part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what has been taught in clas s, and he will learn something that doesn ‘t exist in books but in practice. Moreover, students can accumulate work experience through part-time jobs, which will benefit their future job-hunting. Part-time jobs act as warm-up exercises for students to take full-time jobs after graduation and help them to prepare for future careers. In addition, graduate students lacking in practical work experience are often disfavored in job-hunting markets.Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve stude nts’ financial burden, especially those who are from poor families.3. Students spend a lot of time watching all kinds of TV programs during their holidays, ranging from TV series to Talent Show. But it may he harmful if we watch TV too much. Could you give some reasons? :★The most important reason why watching TV is bad is that it influences how much family members communicate. Parents, grandparents, and other family members have a lot of wisdom to share. This wisdom, however, is often ignored by young people who watch TV.Furthermore, it reduces children’s study time.Finally, TV programs can be a bad influence. Some shows include inappropriate language and too much violence. Many researchers say children do repeat what they see on TV.4. Please describe what kink of people you expect your dream lover to be. :★He or she should be a loving and caring individual. Not only does he or she love her family, but he or she is warm-hearted to help those around or even someone who they don’t know.He or she should be loyal to their nation, their family and their career. Hard-working is an indispensable quality.He or she is supposed to know romance, tolerance and humor.If he is a handsome or she is a beautiful, that would be better.Someone who is good at cooking is always welcome.5. What are the pros and cons of exercises? / What are the advantages and disadvantages of exercises? :●Pros of exercises:1) It improves appearance. Through exercise, you can get a nice figure.2) It strengthens the heart.3) It can improve your health.4) It can enhance your mood and reduce depression and anxiety.●Cons of exercises:1) It may affect one’s personal life. Some people are so obsessed with exercise that they give little time and attention to other aspects of their personal lives.2) If we do exercise in a wrong way, it can actually harm our body. Some work out hard and pull their muscles; some even hurt a joint or break a bone.6. Many college students and high school students choose to study abroad after their graduation. What is your view of studying abroad? :▲T(e students who bhѯos䀥to study abroad believe that overseas studY will 聢e vgry rew聡rding. They dhink they wil le⁡聲nȠimportant sk)lls,(such as a f reign languaࡧe, ar⁴, or technologyီ`And they Also think it will alloɿtjem to meɥt peoðlu w)th$diffepgvt txoughts. \hese new thkugits, tje studeNts believe, will broaden their minds and help build themr æuture careers.On the other hanF,!some reasons0can account for why most students refu{e to s|udy abroad.First, studying abboad is cost|y. St}dents may pay up3to three0or foub times }ore than they would if they st}dy at a local universi4y. This expeose often causes a heaty burden to ordinaRY families. Second, studying abroad means they have to ldave their griends and(family behind. Withou4 the s5pport of family and friefds, stutents suffer many difficultiesThird, it often briîgs about the experience of asto}nding culture shock. Some students can’t adapt wm|m to the new mnvironme.t and suffer from`traumatmc stress.5. What are the advantageóand dksadvajtages`of public transportation?!:★Advantagesofpu聢lictransp聯rtation䁭ay8bࡧ䁬istedasfolɬowsࡧItũsconvenientWehaѶeɤevѥl聯pedamࡧtu䁰epublictŲaNsportatiࡧnРnetworkwhichcantakeyouto every corneѲofthe`cétyItsavewmoneyTh August8feewepq}forpublictransporta⁴ionmsmuchsheaperthafĠthecࡧstwe~eedtopࡧyɩf†werideourowcarWѥcamakefriends耠whenwetakepublictranspo聒tation☇Disadvqotagesof†publictransortctioma}bࡧ listedasfollowsItisnotsoaomfortable TieѢusandthemetroareoftencrowdedespeciallyinru shhours ItistimeconsumingIthastostopfromtimetotimetopickuppassengersOnceyoumissabusyoumayhavetowaitforqu itealongtimefornextone ItsometimescanbedangerousThebusandthemetroareusuallyoverloadedinrushhoursthereforeithaspotentialrisk sWhatqualitiesdoyouthinkgreatpeopleshouldhave?★Shouldonehelphisorherfrienddosomethingillegal?Whatarethelimitsoffriendship? HowshouldwelookatfameandwhatshoulfwedmintiefacࡧoŦ聧ameĿ☥FirstĬther`is䁮o聴hinewrongwihfaíefameisasymbolof†successinone‛scareerwien䀠nehasaahievedfameshowsth`ࡧÁpersonhasdonewelh†Itc䁡Ů4evenenbࡧurageࡧpepleŴo workhasdertoeoevenbbetterworkthťreforɥweshouldhiveapositiveattitudesto wardsfšme$▬not ࡧak⁩nѧit耠a burࡧen. but aѶoiding tje co⁩ruttion that$can occur because of it. Ibter ɢecome famg䀠we should continueto do well. Whetࡧer it is in the science or0䁩n the arts ,⁡ѣcomplishment an䁤selfless devot䁩onࡧto wok(shoUld continࡧe.11.РDoes$ǪardȠwork cɯu䁮t?耯Is hard work important in ɯne’s pursɵit of success? :12. Can耡a perwon 聲el聹on the welf⁡ve syrtem$for everydhing? W聨y? кࡧ13.ȠUe"have enteved E-tImes. TѨe g|obe ũs li䁮ked By dhe Internet. Butpeoɰle have dif聦erent id%as on thE Intdrnet. What’r your ࡧiEwĿ :14.РShould we )g䁮⁩re ourࡧfsiends ࡧ䉮d`famIly foR pheȠsak䁥of ou䁲ownࡧintu2%sts? ;0‵.Chináh䁩s declaࡧe䁤a w䁡r on corru⁰ti䅯N wiôᅨa focus on corrtpt gůvernme.t ofࡧicials+ Is ѩt"possible foŲ"ࡧhina to ɥnd ࡧorŲuption? :ࡧ16. IQࡧhas been used for years to measure peopme. Hůwever, people star聴t䁯ტe ke䁥n on EQ these days. Shat’ѳ䀠yur view on IQ and EQ?`:•䀱7. щs monࡧy the most impɯrtant tling in䀠qࡧur ife? If îov, what ɩࡧ5it?18. What makes you feel St:ࡧssed? How to deal with(ɩŴ?19.(Shѯ⁵ld the useࡧof怠disposabld0p䁬astic bags bm âanned?Gave your reasoŮs.20. _hom ࡧo you turn to†for help when xou have pro⁢l emsࡧ職hy?。



1. Good morning/afternoon/evening.2. What’s your name?3. Nice to meet you.4. How are you today?5. How old are you?6. What’s this/that?7. How many ….?8. What color is it ?9. Are you a boy or a girl ?10. Do you love your mummy / daddy…?11. I s your daddy /mummy/….a doctor/policeman…?12. D o you like apples/bananas/oranges/spring…?13. D o you want some coffee/tea/…cabbage…?14. H ow does coffee/watermelon/… tastes ?15. C an you (panda) jump/swim/walk/sing/dance/…16. D o you have a long /big nose(ear/eye/mouth) /short /smallnose(ear/eye/mouth)17. H ow’s /What’s the weather (like )today?18. H ow do you go to...?19. W here is the …?20. W hat time is it now?特殊疑问句1. What’s this/that ?2. What are these/those?3. What’s the weather like today/how is the weather?4. How are you today?5. How does cake/watermelon tastes?6. How much is the…/are the …?7. What time is it?8. May I use your…?9. It’s cold(hot), what do you want?10. W hat would you like?11. W hat are (is) they(he/she/it?...)doing?12. W here are (is )you/they/she/he going?13. W hat’s /(what does )your mum/dad(do)?14. H ow many…are there?15. W hat do you want to be?16. W hat color is it/ are they?17. H ow do you go to…?18. W hat time do you get up/have breakfast…?19. W hat classes do you have this week?20. D o you like (fruits/foods/meats/colors/subjects/jobs/numbers/…)?21. W hich fruit/food/sport /number/teacher/ color/ clothes/meat/season…do youlike best?22. W hich school are you from?23. W hich grade /class are you in?24. W hat did you have for breakfast/lunch/supper?25. W here is /are the …(s)?26. W hat can you do on rainy/sunny/…day?27. W hat’s your mum/dad/…like? What’s the rabbits/…/… like?28. A re /Is they (she/he/it...) happy?29. W hich season is it now?30. W hat is on/in/…the….?31. A re you a boy or a girl?32. C an you (panda) jump/swim/walk/sing/dance/…33. D o you have a long /big nose(ear/eye/mouth) /short /smallnose(ear/eye/mouth)34. W hat’s your name?二级上May I know your name ?Are you from …?Are you come from…?Where do you come from?Are you in Grade/Class…?What is your hobby?What’s her /his /its /your…’s (English/Chinese) name?What is /are in/on/under/behind/…?Who is this boy/girl/woman/man/student/…?Is she/he /your mother/…. a _____?What do you like best?What do you do?What plant/sea plant /sea animal/ wild animal/ book /number/job /movie do you like best/most?What’s your /…’s favorite plant/sea plant /sea animal/ wild animal/ fruit /number/job /movie /book…?Why do you/they…like____?Why does …like____?Who is the hero of _____(电影名。




以下是⽆忧考整理的有哪些常见的英语⼝语考试话题,欢迎阅读!1.有哪些常见的英语⼝语考试话题 1. What’s your name? 2. Does your name have any special meaning? 3. Where do you come from? 4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 5. What is the main crop in your hometown? 6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown? 7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown? 8. What is the climate like in your hometown? 9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live? 10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing? 11. What is people’s favorite food in your region? 12. How do you make dumplings? 13. What do you do during the Spring Festival? 14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people? 15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?2.⼤学英语四六级⼝语考试注意事项 1.不要模仿同座考⽣的答案,因为你们的问题是不⼀样的。








拿我自己的班级来说,在我的ODI5 级别班上,会有学生反映说有时候明明自己听对了读音,却写错了单词。


例如whos 和whose,listen 和lesson 等等。

用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文1(新)Everybody thinks I have a real gift for painting. However, I once didnot like art lessons because I could not draw very well. One day, I wasplaying with some paint as usual in Ms Lous art lesson. I mixed the paintwith water. As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper.Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it. The paint began to run, so I blewharder. The paint ran in all directions and made a very interesting picture!Thats a very good picture, Sandy. Ms Luo encouraged me to keep trying.Since then, I have been crazy about crayons and paints.2(新)Winter is my favourite season. It is very cold and everyone has towear thick warm clothes, but I always enjoy the winter here in Harbin.The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy.Everything is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers arefrozen.During this season, you cannot see beautiful flowers or green trees, but the land is quiet and beautiful.My friends and I love playing outside in winter. It is exciting to have big snowball fights. We also make snowmen and use carrots for their noses. They look funny.Winter is great!3(新)My father has worked in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more.My father has always been kind and helpful. He has donated blood many times since 1990. The blood he has donated is enough to save over 70 lives. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death.When I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family. Now I realize that he has a heart full of love.4Zhalong Nature Reserve is in North-east China. It is one of the worlds most important wetlands. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. It is a perfect place for some rare birds.Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Now the Chinese government has made laws to protect Zhalong.Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter forwildlife including some endangered birds, and they also help prevent floods. We must protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.5(16 年29)Twenty years ago, mobile phones were rather expensive. Only important or rich people had them. However, these days more people have them in their hands, even high school students.It is true that mobile phones can be very useful. They are an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family members anywhere and at any time. But we also hear mobile phones ring in places like classrooms, cinemas and museums. The sound is very loud and can disturb people. Some drivers have accidents because they use their mobile phones while driving. So, are mobile phones really a good thing?6(16 年2)Dear Millie,Thank you very much for your letter. I hope I can offer you some useful advice.You said you often stay up late to finish all your homework. Plan your day carefully. Make a list of all the homework you have. Then work out how much time you need to finish it all. This will give you an idea of how much spare time you have.You also said that you do not have enough time for your hobbies. What about choosing your hobby according to the time you have?I hope you think my advice is worth taking.Best wishes,Helen7(16 年13)Today, we are going to make potato stamps. Potato stamps are very easy to make. First, you should get a large potato. Dont use a small one, as itll be too difficult to hold. Next, wash it. You want to be sure to get it really clean. Now cut it in half with a knife. Be careful! I dont want anyone to get hurt. Next, you should draw a design on the end of the potato with a pen. Then carefully cut the design out with the tip of your knife. When youre done, pour some paint onto the plate. Now put the cut end of your potato into the paint. Finally, put the potato onto a piece of paper. Wasnt that fun?8(16 年12)We are going to hold a talk on good table manners this afternoon. The purpose is to teach students rules for eating.There will be a lot of advice on table manners. Above all, when you are sitting at the table, you should not start eating until everyone is ready, andit is impolite to make too much noise while you are eating or drinking. You should not eat with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth. Before you leave the table, wait for everyone to finish.These rules are important because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table.9New York, London, Paris and many other cities are exciting places to live. There are lots of interesting things to see and do.But there are serious problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there, and there are too many people. Every year many people move to the cities to find work, study at good schools and receive high-quality medicalcare. But sometimes these people cant find work or good places to live. Alsoit is hard to keep big cities safe and clean.So, before people move to a big city, they should think about these problems they might have to deal with there.10(16 年1)Halloween is on October 31. People celebrate it in many ways. Children wear special costumes and masks at Halloween. Many children playa game called trick or treat. They knock on their neighbours doors and shout trick or treat. Their neighbours usually give them some candy as a treat. If the children do not get any candy, they can play a trick on their neighbours. Some people also make lanterns out of big orange pumpkins. They cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth. They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth.11Dinosaurs lived on the Earth a long time ago. We now know that the first dinosaurs appeared about 230 million years ago.There were hundreds of different kinds of dinosaurs, but they didnt live at the same time. Some dinosaurs were really small. One of the smallest dinosaurs was about one metre long and weighed about three kilograms. Others were really big. Some very large ones weighed over 100,000 kilograms and some were about 40 metres long.Some dinosaurs ate plants and others ate meat, but they didnt eat grass. All dinosaurs had four legs and lived on land.12(16 年8)Our environment is changing for the worse, so it is time for us to gogreen. Here are some simple steps to take at home.We can save water by taking shorter showers and turning off the tap when we brush our teeth. In order to save power, we should turn off the lights when we leave a room.Some other good habits can help reduce pollution too. We should not use plastic bags when shopping. Recycling is also a good way to help reduce pollution. We should separate waste into different groups so that it can be recycled.Follow these small steps, and you can make a big difference to the Earth!13(增加了一个yours,要重新录音)Dear Sir,I would like to recommend Daniel for this years Young Star Award.Daniel is a clever boy. He learns things quickly. He always thinks carefully when he works. He plans everything well.Daniel is really kind. Last week, a five-year-old boy lost his way and was crying in the street. Daniel saw him and took him to the police station. He stayed with the boy and played with him for two hours before the boys parents came.All the members at the Helping Hands Club think that Daniel should get the award. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Sandy14Hello, everyone!Ive got some great news for you today. Our school basketball team isin the final round of the basketball competition! The match will be on Sunday, the 7th of November, at South Hill School. Now, listen carefully tothe plan for the day.At 9 a.m., well meet at the school gate. Well arrive at South Hill School at 10 a.m. The match will start at 10:30 a.m. After the match finishes,there will be the presentation of the cup and medals. The bus will leave at 12noon from South Hill School and bring you back to school.Please come and support our team. 共2 页: 上一页12 下一页tips: 感谢大家的阅读,本文由我司收集整编。



英语三级口试题目Introduction:The English language is widely recognized as a global language, and proficiency in English has become a key requirement in various aspects of life. As a result, English proficiency exams, such as the English Proficiency Test Level Three, have gained significant importance. In this article, we will explore some sample oral exam questions for the English Proficiency Test Level Three and provide appropriate responses.1. Question: Introduce yourself and your background.Response:Hello, my name is [Your Name]. I come from [Your City/Country]. I have graduated from [Your University/Institution] with a degree in [Your Major]. I am passionate about learning languages, and English has always intrigued me. Therefore, I decided to take the English Proficiency Test Level Three to further enhance my language skills and opportunities.2. Question: Describe an important event or experience in your life and explain why it was significant.Response:One significant event in my life was a volunteering trip to [Destination]. During this trip, I had the opportunity to work with disadvantaged children and contribute to their educational development. This experience was highly significant as it broadened my perspective on life, taught me the importance of empathy, and enhanced my communication skills. Interacting withchildren from diverse backgrounds enabled me to better understand and appreciate cultural differences.3. Question: Discuss a current global issue and provide your opinion on it.Response:One current global issue that concerns me deeply is climate change. The impact of climate change on our planet is undeniable, and immediate action is required to mitigate its effects. I believe it is crucial for governments, organizations, and individuals to take responsibility and adopt sustainable practices. We should emphasize renewable energy sources, reduce carbon emissions, and prioritize environmental conservation efforts. By working collectively, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.4. Question: Explain the importance of cultural diversity in today's society.Response:Cultural diversity plays a fundamental role in shaping today's society. It enriches our understanding of different perspectives, traditions, and beliefs. Through exposure to various cultures, individuals gain tolerance, empathy, and respect for others. Cultural diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and economic growth by embracing different ideas and perspectives. It also promotes social cohesion and helps diminish prejudice and discrimination. Therefore, it is crucial to celebrate and preserve cultural diversity as it contributes to a harmonious and inclusive society.5. Question: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media.Response:Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with others. On the positive side, social media allows instant communication, facilitates global connectivity, and provides a platform for individuals to express themselves. It also serves as a valuable tool for businesses to reach their target audience and promote their products or services. However, social media has its drawbacks. It can lead to addiction, privacy concerns, cyberbullying, and the spread of misinformation. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to use social media responsibly and exercise caution.Conclusion:The English Proficiency Test Level Three oral exam provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their language skills, critical thinking, and ability to express themselves effectively. By practicing responses to sample questions like the ones discussed in this article, candidates can enhance their confidence and readiness for the exam. Remember to approach each question with clarity, coherence, and appropriate language use. Good luck in your preparation for the English Proficiency Test Level Three!。



2020 年江苏省初中英语口语考试话题简述中文部分1 学校生活school life例一要点:1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校。


3.学校每学期有一个“读书周” ,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周” 。



例二要点:1.南希 14 岁,是七年级学生。



3.每周一南希去“同伴俱乐部” ,在那里,老生给新生讲学校情况。







4 自己动手做do it yourself例一要点:1.我表弟安德鲁对 DIY 很着迷。



2 爱好与学业 hobbies and studies 4.我给他买了一些 DIY 书籍,还建议他选修一些DIY 课程。



2.不过每天我有很多家庭作业,做作业花费很多时间,我没有时间用在爱好 2.首先,使用当季水果,确保水果是新鲜的;其次,搭配不同颜色的水果,上,对此我真的感到遗憾。






2013级大学英语1-口语考试试题-教师版2013级大学英语(1)口语考试试题(教师版)评分标准: 1.讨论小组成员论点鲜明,论证有力.(50%)2.讨论小组成员互动丰富,衔接连贯自然.(30%)3.口语表达符合英语表达习惯,语音清晰正确.(20%)4.小组成员口语考试分数依据个人在小组中的表现差异而给分不同.1.What are your ideas about college education? What's the meaning of it? Howshould you study in the college?2.What is the meaning of learning? Why do human beings need to learn? Doeslearning only occur at school? Why do we have a variety of courses at school?What knowledge and skills are necessary for people to survive in the age of information?3.You are now a freshman in college, what’s the ideal university on youropinion? How did you spend during your college life? What do you think about your college life? Talk about your attitudes towards the current college education in China briefly.4.What preparations should be made for college life? How to adapt to the newcollege life? Do you think you have adapted to the new life here?Are there any difficulties in your present life?5.Where are you from? Why did you choose this university? What’s yourmajor? Why did you choose it? Do you think your major will count for your future career?6.Can you describe the likes and dislikes of your parents? Some people say it isnecessary for a child to celebrate birthdays for his or her parents, but some don't think so, what's your idea?7.In a family, who do you think plays the more important role, the mother orthe father (the wife or the husband)? When there are quarrels between your parents, how will you do with it? Why?8.What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages for a child to growup in a big family? Do you think there are any advantages to having a grandparent living with the family? In general, do you think having old people and young people living together creates conflict (or, problems)?9.Could you tell me something about your family? Who does the most shoppingin your family? Who does the most cooking in your family? Who makes the major decisions in the home? What qualities do you expect from a good father and a good mother respectively?10.In your opinion, which is more important, family or career? Why do youthink so? Suppose in the future your life is busy, then how to balance your family and career?11.Do you think you have true friends? What do you think a true friend shouldbe? What kinds of attributes do you pay attention to when you make friends with others? What are three qualities you want in a good friend? What are three qualities you don’t want in a friend?12.Do you think you are lucky enough to meet good people to make friends with?How do you maintain your friendship? If there is distrust between you and your friend, how will you solve this crisis? If one of your friends did something terrible to you, would you forgive him/her?13.Describe a friend you had when you were a child: how you first met, howlong you were friends, what you used to do together, and explain why you liked this person.14.Have you ever found it difficult to make friends with others? What are theefficient ways to make friends? How to make a longtime true friend? What will you do if one of your friends is having a difficult time?15.Is real friendship only confined within the same sex? Someone said thatchildhood friendship rarely lasts into adulthood. What do you think of the point of view? Will real friendship be influenced or altered by time and distance?16.Have you ever heard of the story “The Wolf Is Coming”?Why did ourparents or grandparents tell us the story in our childhood? What values did you get from the story? If you feel liking telling a lie, will you recall the story?Why or why not? Does this story still have any active influence on your present life? Why or why not?17.What is a white lie? What is your attitude toward white lie? Have you evertold a white lie? Under what circumstances do we tell a white lie?18.How do you define honesty? Why is honesty important? Why is honesty sodifficult at times? When is honesty difficult? What would you do if you were cheated?19.What is the opposite of honesty? Why is dishonesty not good? What kind ofproblems does dishonesty cause? Is there difference between dishonesty and lying? What are some common situations when people are sometimes dishonest? How do you feel when you have been dishonest with someone?How do you feel when someone has been dishonest with you?20.How can you be honest and not hurt someone? Is it ever all right to give onlya partial truth? When might it be all right to give only a partial truth?21.Do you think time is very important? Do you think time management isimportant? Would you say you are good at managing your time? Do you think it a good habit to stay up late before an examination?22.Is punctuality important? What are some examples of occasions when it'simportant to be on time? Have you ever been late? Were there any serious consequences when you were late?How do you feel when you are late? How would you feel if the person you were waiting to meet with was not on time?How do you think about someone who is always late?What are some of the excuses that people always use for being late?23.Are you good at organizing time? How do you usually organize time? Do youthink planning is important for time management? Why do you think some people pay to learn time management? Do you think parents should try to teach their children about time management?24.When do you feel time moves fast?When do you feel time moves slowly?Ifyou could go back in time, what would you do?25.Are you planning to find a part-time job to support yourself through college?What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing a part-time job for a student?26.Which is the festival you like most? When is that? What will you do duringthis festival? What is the history of it? (For example, what’s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?)27.Do you think most students make good use of their summer/winter vacation?Why do you think so? What do you often do on summer vacation or winter holidays? Where do you usually go on summer/winter holidays? Who did you go with?28.How will you celebrate Spring Festival? Who will you spend it with? Whichperformances are you looking forward to on the New Year‟s Eve TV program?What are some of your favorite ones of the past?29.If you were to receive a present (not money) for Spring Festival, what presentwould you like to receive? How does Spring Festival these days compare with how it was when you were a child? Do you like it better now or when you were a child? What do you think Spring Festival will be like in the future?Describe Spring Festival as it is celebrated in your family.30.Pick three adjectives that you feel best describe your relationship with yourparents. Explain why you chose those particular words. On a scale of 1 (being the worst) and 10 (be the best), how well do you think your parents did raising you? If you could change one thing about the way they raised you, what would it be?31.Do you think parents should be strict with their children or lenient? Whatare the consequences of being too strict or too lenient? What are the consequences of not being strict or lenient enough?32.What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday mostinterests you? Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?33.Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher must have. What are somequalities you don’t want in a teacher? In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a low status? Do you think being a teacher is a good job? Why or why not?34.If you were a teacher, what kind of teacher would you like to become? Is itthe teacher/school’s or the parents’ responsibility to teach a child good morals and behavior? In your opinion, do men or women make better teachers? 35.Do you like western food or Chinese Food? Can you say something aboutwestern fast food and Chinese food styles? What sort(s) of food do you like?(Why?)How often do you eat that? When was the last time you ate that?36.How does your diet affect your health? Do you want to do something aboutyour diet? Talk about your eating habit. You may refer to the following tips: the meals you have every day, the meal you like the most, the food you usually have for each meal, the food you like the most, etc.37.What food did you like (most) when you were a child? Is there any food thatyou liked when you were a child but you don't like now? What types of food do children generally like to eat?38.Who often cooks in your family? Do you like cooking? (Or, do you know howto cook?) What do you like to cook? When you were young, did you learn how to make a meal (= how to prepare food)? Have you ever thought about learning how to cook? Do you ever make dinner for your family? Do you help to do the food shopping at home? Do you usually help your mother/father cook at home?39.Do you like spicy food? (Or is it OK for you to have spicy food?) Are you on adiet? Describe your favorite healthy food. You should say: what it is, when and how often you eat it, how it is made and explain why it is healthy.40.Do you like western fast food? Why or why not? Do you think it is healthy?Do you like McDonald and KFC? Do you often go there? Why are they so famous in China?41.Do you often exercise? Do you think regular physical exercise is important?Why? How can playing sports help us in other aspects of our lives? Talk about a kind of sport. You should say: what it is, whether it is popular and who likes it.42.Are you a basketball fan? Who is your favorite basketball player? Do youprefer watching a football game on TV or at the stadium? Why? Are you a fan of Chinese football teams? Why?43.What sports do you like best?What sports are most popular in your country?What sports and games did you most enjoy playing when you were a child?What role do sports play in people’s life?What are the differences between men and women when choosing their favorite sports?44.What’s your favorite sport? Talk about it: name of the sport, popularity,special equipment, special training or skill, how to play it, why you like it, how often you play it, when and where you play it, whom you often play with, etc.45.How do people maintain good health? What activity that promotes goodhealth? What would you say is a "healthy lifestyle"? List some healthy and unhealthy living habits.46.Do you have worries? What do you worry the most about? What do youusually do when you have worries? How do you express your worries? How do you reassure yourself and others?47.In what situations do you feel stressed? Does stress affect your health habits?If yes how? Do you know any ways of reducing stress? What are they?48.Do you often go to the hospital? Do you think you are healthy? How can youkeep fit according to your own experience? What do you do to keep healthy?49.Are you thinking about the coming winter holiday? Why? How are youfeeling toward the end of the first semester at college? How are you planning your holidays?50.Which holidays do you celebrate? Talk about your plans for the comingholiday. You may refer to the following tips: what weather you expect it to be, where you would spend the holiday, how you would spend the holiday, what your budget is and how you will control it, etc.。



情景对话一、询问姓名、年龄等1.What‘s your name? What’s your English name?My name is …My English name is…2.What’s your mother’s name? Her name is…..How long have you learned English? Six years.3. What’s your father’s name?His name is…4. What Grade/Class are you in? I’m in Grade Six/Class…. 5. What/Which school are you from? I’m from Shiyan Xiaoxue. 6. Where are you from? /Where do you come from?I’m from Pingyuan. I come from Pingyuan.7. Are you from Wangmiao ?Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.8. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.9. How old are you ? I’m 12.10. How old is your father/mother? He/She is 36.11. How many people are there in your family? There are 3 Who are they? They are my father, my mother and I.12.How many bananas are there in the picture?How many days are there in a week?How many hands do you have?13. Do you often go to the zoo? No, I don’t.14. What colour do you like? I like red/pink/green/black.15. What colour is it? It’s red/pink/green/black.16. What colour are they? They arered/yellow/blue/pink/orange/green/purple.17. Which do you like best, blue, green or purple? Blue.18. Do you like your mother? Yes, I do.19. Do you like your school? Yes, I do. Why? Because it is beautiful.20. Can you play the piano? Yes, I can.二、询问天气、时间等1. What day is it today?Today is Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday/Sunday.2. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny/ rainy/ cloudy/ windy.3. What time do you often get up? I often get up at six.4. What time do you have breakfast/lunch? I havebreakfast/lunch at seven/12.5. When do you go to school? I go to school at seven.6. How do you go to school? I go to school by bike/on foot.7. Where did you go last Sunday? I went to thepark/zoo/supermarket.8. What time is it?/What’s the time? It’s 9:21.三、询问运动、食物、颜色等1. What’s your favo urite animal/colour/ food?My favourite animal/colour/ food is a cat/red/a hot dog.2. What animal don’t you like? I don’t like a dog.3. What food you don’t like?I don’t like eggs.4. Do you like playing football? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.5. Do you like Yao Ming? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.Why? Because he can play basketball very well./He is too tall.6. Do you like sports? Yes, I do.What’s your favorite sport?My favourite sport is playing football.7. Do you like basketball? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.8. What color is your shirt? It’s red.9. What do you like to eat? I like to eat hot dog.10. What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?I had milk and eggs./I had fish and meat.四、询问爱好、宠物等1. Do you like English book? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.3. Do you have a pet? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t .4. Do you have a cat or a dog? I have a cat.5. What do you like ? I like reading and watching TV.6. What’s your hobby? I like dancing/reading/playing basketball.7. What do you want to be? I want to be teacher.8. Do you like banana? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.Do you eat banana every day? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.9. What’s your mother’s job?/ What is your mother?/ What doesyour mother do?She is a doctor/teacher/nurse.10. Do you like a sunny day or a rainy day? I like a rainy day.Why? Because I like to play in the rain.11. Do you like summer or winter? I like summer because I can go swimming.口语测试1.Who is the tallest in your class?2.Is today hot?3. Who’s your maths teacher?4.Who is your favourite teacher? Why?5.What’s this /in English?6.Nice to meet you!7.What are you going to do after school?8.Can you spell your name?I’m going to….. / I want to……9.Who’s your English teache r?/ What does he/ she like?10.Is it a book?/ Is it a pen?11.Which season do you like best? Why?12.What can you do at home?13.How many desks/windows are there in the room?14.What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?15.When is your birthday/your mother’s birthday/your father’s birthday?16.What do you do on the weekend?17.What colours do you know? What’s your favorite color?18.What’s your mother/father like?19.How many days are there in a week/month/year?小学英语口语测试的方式有哪些?通过对“口语测试的方法与原则”的学习,使我知道小学英语口语测试的方法有:朗读、对话交流、看图说话、情景对话和根据话题表述。



实用英语口语水平测试题(提高级)最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:Directions: Read the following 100 sentences or dialogues carefully. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark A, B, C or D.仔细阅读下列题目,并从A,B,C,D四个答案中选出正确的选项.1.--It"s said that "Titanic" is an exciting film.--I ______it yet. I hope to see it soon.A. didn"t seeB. hadn"t seenC. don"t seeD. haven"t seen2. I _______violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I"ll make it every week from next month.A. am havingB. have hadC. haveD. have been having3. It's too late _____ out now.A. goB. to goC. not to goD. not to going4. Most Sunday papers have comics, ______ children enjoy.A. whoB. thatC. whichD. in which5. He knows that _______ is important to guard the factory at night.A. itB. thisC. thatD. which6. He goes very quickly toward the noise to see _______ someone is there.A. even ifB. if onlyC. whetherD. weather7. _______ she looks out the window, Helen sees some white flakes drift slowly to the ground.A. AsB. BeforeC. UnlessD. Since8. _______ is in Detroit _______ she sees snow for the first time.A. That, isB. It, thatC. That, whichD. Is, which9. English literature ________ to them once a week.A. is taughtB. is teachingC. taughtD. teaches10. We want to see the house ________ we lived for ten years.A. whichB. in whichC. in whereD. where in11. Some people have ________ fine collection of bottles, flags, buttons or she lls ________ others are willing to pay to see them.A. so, thatB. such, thatC. so, whichD. too, to12. They believe that people who raise fish or collect records are too busy to spend their time ________ .A. to worryB. on worryC. in worryD. worrying13. He likes to sleep ________ the window open.A. ofB. withC. forD. on14. Life in the city is ________ and ________ than that in the country.A. easy, convenientB. easier, convenienterC. easier, more convenientD. more easier, more convenient15. It is getting close to midnight and everyone is ________ the clock.A. stoping to watchB. stoping watchingC. stopping to watchD. stopping watching16. The wife looks very _________ as she pours a cup of coffee for him.A. boringB. boredC. boredlyD. bore17. I will never forget the day_____ I met you for the first time.A. whichB. whenC. whereD. that18. We are so glad that we have reaped ______harvest this year.A. the otherB. anotherC. otherD. the another19. I have classes ______day—Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.A. eachB. every otherC. this and the otherD. all other20. He gave us____ on how to keep fit.A. some advicesB. some adviceC. an adviceD. a advice21. When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad.A. some newsB. a newsC. the newsD. news22. Which of the following is right?A. China has a large population.B. China has much population.C. China has many populations.D. China has a great deal of population23. My parents would like me___ more time on my study.A. spentB. spendingC. spendD. to spend24. The teacher usually tells us ___ be late for school.A. don"tB. not toC. to notD. not25. When I came into the classroom, I saw Liu Yang___ on the blackboard.A. drawingB. to drawC. drewD. draws26. He raised his voice so that he could make himself____.A. hearingB. to hearC. heardD. hear27. When I came in, I found a map___ on the floor.A. lyingB. lieC. liesD. lain28. The sun ___ in the east and___ in the west.A. raises ; setB. rise; setsC. rises; setsD. rises; set29. Miss Gao ___ English on the radio every morning.A. had studiedB. studiesC. studyD. studied30. Our teacher will return by the time school____.A. will beginB. beganC. is beginningD. begins31. Listen! Someone ___ at the door of the meeting-room.A. knockedB. knocksC. is knockingD. was knocking32. The swimming pool is closed today because the workers___.A. have made repairsB. make repairsC. are making repairsD. are made repairs33. Your teacher of Chinese is a young lady____ comes from Beijing.A. whoB. whichC. whomD. whose34. What’s the name of the program________?A. which are listeningB. you are listening toC. to that you are listeningD. that you are listening35. This is the museum______ we visited last year.A. whereB. in whichC. whichD. in that36. If I ___ wings like a bird, I ____ be able to fly in the sky.A. have; shouldB. had; wouldC. would have; willD. had; can37. Our monitor suggested that the news ____ at once.A. announceB. would announceC. be announcedD.should announce38. He’ll be busy this afternoon. If he ___ free, he ___ to the cinema with yo u.A. were to be; might goB. am going to be; will goC. will be; might have goneD. is; will go39. Do you know what time _________ ?A. train leaveB. does the train leaveC. will the train leaveD. the train leaves40. Mathematics ______ the language of science.A. isB. has beenC. areD. have been41.Lots of empty boots were found under the old man’s bed. He must have done n othing but ____.A. drinkB. to drinkC. drinkingD. drunk42. Not until the late years of the 18th century___ what earth is.A. human beings did knowB. human beings knewC. didn"t human beings knowD. did human beings know43.“______ twenty dollars a big sum to her?” “I suppose so.”A. Will beB. IsC. AreD. Were44. ______his dream of going to college will come true is uncertain.A. ThatB. WhetherC. IfD. Even if45. It’s known to us ______________ ther e is pollution, there is harm.A. thatB. whereC. whatD. that where46. They lost their way in the forest and _____made matters worse was _____ nig ht began to fall.A. what; thatB. it; thatC. what ; whenD. which; what47.It was not ____she took off the glasses _____I realized she was a famous fil m star.A. when; thatB. until; thatC. until; whenD. when; until48. Early to bed and early to rise ______ a man healthy, happy and wise.A. makingB. to makeC. makeD. makes49. You needn"t hurry her. She ___ it by the time you are ready.A. will have been finishingB. Would finishC. Will have finishedD. Will be finishing50. While Peggy ___, her brother is playing records.A. readsB. is readingC. has readD. has been reading51. He must __ in the book he was reading because he forgot to go to work.A. be lost inB. has been lost inC. had been lost inD. have been lost in52. We had a family __ wher e I saw relatives I hadn’t seen for 20 years.A. reunionB. conferenceC. reputationD. image53. An hour __ before the manager returned to the meeting hall.A. goes byB. went byC. on and offD. passed on54. He is __ a teacher. He often makes mistakes when he writes.A. not much of aB. not manyC. not much ofD. not much good55. Tony came to America __ the American Dream.A. looked forB. seekC. seekingD.locating56. People who __ litter in the streets should be fined heavily.A. gatherB. createC. discardD. look for57. I don’t know how to __ the food left over from yesterday.A.doing withB. did withC.tackleD. do with58. I have searched all the book stores in this town. The book you asked for is not ___.A. availableB.interestingC. boringD.vivid59. Twenty miles away from the town, the robbers __ the car and disappeared int o the woods.A. approachedB. groundC. removedD. abandoned60. The meeting was __ by the National Association of Women for the purpose of furthering the women’s liberation movement.A. assignedB. sponsoredC.chairedD.participated61. They want to know __ molecular biology is.A. thatB. whatC. asD. how62. ___the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together.A.To handleB. handlingC. handledD. Being handled63. Tony woke up late and left home without breakfast, __ another boring day at work.A. anticipatingB. anticipatedC. having anticipatedD.being anticipat ed64. I spend ___ money on books as you do.A. twice muchB. twice as muchC. twiceD. twice as more.65. It usually takes us half an hour ___ the classroom.A. clean upB. cleaning up for usC. for us clean upD. to clean up66. The milk smells___ sour.A. like it isB. as if it isC. as if it wasD. like it was67.___to find words to express themselves, they silently grasped our hands.A. UnableB. For being unableC. Because unableD. Without able68. To postpone __ the debt will ruin our business reputation.A. to payB. paidC. payingD. pay69. China’s human rights situation has been stea dily improving over the years, __ by the records.A. as it is provedB. as provedC. as being proveD. as is proved70. The children came home from school, ___ .A. tire and hungryB. hungry and tireC. being tired and hungerD. hungry and tired71. George can hardly be labeled a radical; he is a man of ______ views.A. modestB. sensitiveC.moderateD. tolerant72. Being _____ about its future, investors are wary of putting more money in t he industry.A. skepticalB. incredibleC. contemporaryD. aesthetic73. For generations the people in these two villages lived in perfect ______.A. conflictB. distinctionC. harmonyD. regulation74. _____ by a strange loud noise downstairs, the two girls jumped from their b ed and screamed.A. StunnedB. AmazedC. PromotedD. Startled75. The survey shows that the officials of some listed companies are ______ the mselves at the expense of the stockholders.A. abusingB. rewardingC. disruptingD. enriching76. The terrorist attack on America on September 11, 2001 has met with _____ co ndemnation.A. overallB. universalC.extensivewidD. espread77. To keep up with the pace of the modern world, we must overcome the _____ to new technology.A. resistanceB. suppressionC. charmD. reproach78. “ Take the medicine and go to bed early. If the headache ______, you should come for an X-ray examination,” said he doctor.A. recursB. happensC. recoversD. repeats79. While the doctors analyzed the patient’s condition, his family waited outs ide in considerable ______.A. tensionB. anticipationC. eagernessD. anxiety80. The renewal of the debate was anticipated but its ______ was not. Intensit yA. IntensityB. tensionC. degreeD. sensitivity81. Every month or so, people from here to Uzbekistan hover by TV sets for ____ many regard as the greatest show on earth: an owlish, balding man with a worn b riefcase ____ toward a doorway.A. How; slouchingB. what; slouchedC. when; slouchesD. what; slo uching82. Alan Greenspan may be the most significant man in the world. It is hard to imagine anyone ____ comes close, ____ the preponderance of the economy today.A who; giving B. whom; gives C. who; given D. that; gave83. I can tell you where ____ this encyclopaedia.A. to getB. to gettingC. getD. having got84. ____ we should encourage the growth of service industries which ____ provid ed more opportunities for those laid off or unemployed, we cannot turn our back s on basic heavy industries.A.That; haveB. If; hasC. /; was D While; have85. We can search for planets of other stars, seek simple forms of life on such nearby planets as Mars, and ____ more extensive laboratory studies on the chem istry of the origin of life.A. performB. performingC. performedD. to perform86. And something appeals to people about the 73-year-old former saxophone play er who shows up in a tux on society pages ____ distinctly different from the st odgy central banker in the business section.A. lookingB. looksC. have lookedD. is looking87. ____ the temperature falling s o rapidly, we can’t go for an outing tomorro w.A. SinceB. WithC. AsD. Although88. By the time she reaches her destination, we _____ a hotel room for her.A.will reserveB. will have reservedC. are reservingD. reserved89. The society ______ much of accepted modern thinking about the shape of the earth as sheer nonsense and is convinced that the entire human race is being su bjected ___ the greatest hoax in history.A. dismisses; inB. dismissing; withC. dismissed; toD. dismisses; t o90. Instead of _____, they suffer from overchoice and are wounded, plunged ____a sorrow and loneliness.A.are liberated; onB. having liberated; withC. being liberated; intoD. liberate; onto91. The supporters of the new justice point out that ____ many advantages. It r educes prison crowding, _____ has been responsible for much violence and crime among inmates. It saves a great deal of money, and decreases the chances of ba d influence of repeated offences.A. they present; whichB. it presents; thatC. presenting; whichD. it presents; which92. Jobs ____ with entertainment rank second in television, which is hardly tr ue to life. Television provides a very slanted view which has serious ramificat ions in children’s attitudes ____ employment later.A. associated; regardingB. associating; regardingC. associates; regardsD. associated; regarded93. Fed chairmen always have wielded power. But in a U. S. economy ____ expanded for a record 107 months, ____ young millionaires move money around the globe at the speed of light, Greenspan’s clout is without precedent.A. with; whichB. which have; in thatC. that has; in whichD. with having; in which。




我今日为大家搜罗了一些常见的.英语口试考试话题,大家不妨走进来,抓紧练起来吧!英语口语考试话题篇5 英语口语考试话题篇6四周的环境environments around:1、How do you keep our environments clean?2、How often do you go to the park?3、Which do you prefer,living in the city or living in the country? Why?4、Is there a supermarket near here?5、Is there a park near your home?6、Do you think your hometown is beautiful?7、Do you live in the city or in the country?8、Do you like the bag? Why?9、Where is your hometown?10、Who cleans your classroom every day?11、Is there any river near your home?12、Where did you buy your schoolbag?13、How much is your bag?英语口语考试话题篇7天气Weather:1、What’s the weather like here in winter?2、What sports do you usually do in summer?3、Do you like spring?Why?4、How many seasons are there in a year?5、What’s the weather like here in spring?6、Does it often snow here in winter?7、What’s your favorite season?Why?8、Is it a fine day?9、Is it raining now?10、Do you like rainy days?11、How can you know the weather?英语口语考试话题篇8个人情感Emotions:1、Do you think you are a happy boygirl? Why?2、Will you get angry if your friend hit you? Why?3、Do you like pop music?4、Do you love your teacher?5、What do you think of your school life?6、Who is the most popular teacher in your school?7、Are you happy today?8、How are you getting on with your classmates?英语口语考试话题篇9节假日活动:Festivals and holidays1、What food do Chinese people often have in Spring Festival?2、When is Children’s Day?3、What’s your favorite English festival?4、Do you go to school on Saturday?5、What are you going to do on May Day?6、What do you often do on New Year’s Day?7、Which is more popular in China,Christmas Day or Spring Festival?8、When is National Day?9、Do you like going out when you are free?10、Can you tell me three traditional festivals in China?11、Do you like May Day?12、Do you like Spring Festival? Why?13、What do you often do on Sundays?14、Do you like Mid?autumn Day? Why?英语口语考试话题篇10中考英语口语考试应重视日常话题黄侃(南京市英语学科带头人,南京一中高级老师)20xx年,南京市再次将口试纳入英语中考并记入总分(满分为10分),口试的时间是20xx年4月22-24日。

2024 年下半年英语九年级口语模拟试卷

2024 年下半年英语九年级口语模拟试卷

2024 年下半年英语九年级口语模拟试卷试题部分一、选择题:1. What's your favorite subject in school?A. MathB. EnglishC. HistoryD. Science2. How do you usually go to school?A. By busB. By bikeC. On footD. By car3. What do you usually do in your free time?A. Play video gamesB. Watch moviesC. Read booksD. All of the above4. Which of the following is a healthy food?A. Fast foodB. Fruits and vegetablesC. SweetsD. Soft drinks5. What's your favorite sport?A. BasketballB. FootballC. TennisD. Volleyball6. How do you usually spend your holidays?A. TravelingB. Visiting friends and familyC. StudyingD. All of the above7. What's the weather like today?A. SunnyB. RainyC. CloudyD. Windy8. Who is your favorite teacher?A. Math teacherB. English teacherC. History teacherD. Science teacher9. What's your favorite book?A. "Harry Potter"B. "The Catcher in the Rye"C. "To Kill a Mockingbird"D. "1984"10. What's your favorite movie?A. "The Shawshank Redemption"B. "The Godfather"C. "Inception"D. "The Dark Knight"二、判断题:1. I like playing video games every day. ( )2. I prefer reading books to watching movies. ( )3. I usually go to school bus. ( )4. Fast food is a healthy food. ( )5. I have a lot of friends and we often go out together. ( )试题部分三、{理科为计算试题,文科为填空题}:1. A train travels at a speed of 80 km/h. How far will it travel in 3 hours?2. Solve for x: 2x + 5 = 193. Calculate the area of a rectangle with a length of 12 cm and a width of 5 cm.4. If the sum of two numbers is 15 and their product is 20, what are the numbers?5. Convert 0.45 kg to grams.6. A circle has a radius of 7 cm. Calculate its circumference.7. Simplify the expression: 3x^2 4x + 2x^2 6x8. Solve for y: 4y 3 = 199. Calculate the volume of a cube with a side length of 6 cm.10. If the length of a rectangle is 3 times its width, and the perimeter is 24 cm, what are the dimensions of the rectangle?11. Fill in the missing number: 2, 4, 8, 16, ___, 12812. What is the next number in the sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ___, 13?13. Fill in the missing word: The __________ of atriangle is the sum of its three sides.14. What is the formula to calculate the area of a trapezoid?15. Fill in the missing number: 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, ___, 0.062516. What is the square root of 64?17. Fill in the missing word: The __________ of a circle is the distance from the center to any point on the circle.18. What is the formula to calculate the volume of a sphere?19. Fill in the missing number: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ___, 12820. What is the next number in the sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, ___, 256?四、{理科为应用题文科为简答题}:1. A factory produces 500 widgets per day. If it takes 5 days to produce 2500 widgets, how many widgets does the factory produce in 10 days?2. A car travels at a speed of 60 km/h for 3 hours. How far does it travel?3. A student has 10 math books and 8 science books. How many books does the student have in total?4. A recipe calls for 3 cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar, and 1 cup of milk. If you want to make 4 times the recipe, how much of each ingredient do you need?5. A garden is 20 meters long and 15 meters wide. What is the perimeter of the garden?6. Describe the process of photosynthesis in plants.7. What are the main differences between the solar system and the Milky Way galaxy?8. Explain the concept of gravity and how it affects objects on Earth.9. Describe the structure and function of the human heart.10. Discuss the importance of water conservation and ways to reduce water usage in daily life.本套试题答案如下一、选择题:1. B2. A3. D4. B5. A6. D7. A8. B9. A10. A二、判断题:1. ×2. √3. √4. ×5. √三、{理科为计算试题,文科为填空题}:1. 240 km2. x = 73. 60 cm²4. 4 and 55. 450 g6. 44 cm7. 5x^2 10x8. y = 69. 216 cm³10. Length = 9 cm, Width = 3 cm11. 3212. 2113. Perimeter14. (b + a) / 2 h15. 0.062516. 817. Radius18. 4/3 π r^319. 6420. 128四、{理科为应用题文科为简答题}:1. 1000 widgets2. 180 km3. 18 books4. 12 cups of flour, 8 cups of sugar, 4 cups of milk5. 70 meters6. Photosynthesis is the process which green plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy, usually from the sun, into chemical energy stored in glucose. It involvesthe absorption of carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and oxygen.7. The solar system is a system of planets, moons, asteroids, ets, and other objects that orbit the Sun. The Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy containing billions of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, including our solar system.8. Gravity is the force that attracts objects toward each other. It is the reason why objects fall to the ground and why the planets orbit the Sun.9. The human heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system. It has four chambers: the right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, and left ventricle. The heart's function is to pump oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs.10. Water conservation is important because water is a limited resource. Ways to reduce water usage include fixing leaks, using waterefficient appliances, collecting rainwater, and being mindful of water use in daily activities.。



小学英语1-6年级日常口语汇总练习听力必备(可下载打印)听力中常见的100句口语1. Hello, … 你好。

2. Hi, … 喂,你好3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好。

4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)?你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。

6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。

7. Welcome back to school. 欢迎回到学校。

8. Welcome to our school. 欢迎到我们学校。

9. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!10. What's your name, please? 你的名字是什么?11. Your name, please? 你叫什么名字?12. My name is…/ I'm… 我的名字是…/我名叫…13. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs…这位是…小姐/先生/女士。

14. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。

15. Come and meet my friends. 过来见见我的朋友们。

16. How do you do? 你好。

17. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。

18. Goodbye. 再见19. Good night. 晚安。

20. How old is he? 他多大了?21. Thank you./ Thanks. 谢谢。

22. You're welcome. 不用谢。

23. That's all right. 没关系。

24. I'm sorry. 对不起。

25. Sorry, I don't know. 对不起,我不知道。



英语四年级口语考试真题一、日常问候类(3题)1. Good morning! How are you today?- 解析:这是常见的早晨问候语,回答可以是“I'm fine, thank you. And you?”。

2. How do you do?- 解析:这是比较正式的问候语,回答也是“How do you do?”。

3. Good afternoon! What's your name?- 解析:先回答“Good afternoon!”,然后说出自己的名字,例如“My name is Tom.”二、介绍类(3题)4. Can you introduce your family?- 解析:可以说“There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is a worker. My mother is a teacher.”等简单介绍家庭成员及其职业。

5. What do you like to do in your free time?- 解析:回答可以是“I like reading books in my free time. Reading is very interesting.”或者“I like playing football. It makes me strong.”6. Tell me something about your school.- 解析:例如“My school is very big and beautiful. There are manytrees and flowers in it. There are also a lot of classrooms and a big library.”三、数字与颜色类(3题)7. How many pencils do you have?- 解析:可以回答“I have five pencils.”8. What color is your schoolbag?- 解析:回答如“My schoolbag is blue.”9. Can you count from one to ten?- 解析:直接回答“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.”四、动物类(3题)10. Do you like animals? What animals do you like?- 解析:回答“Yes, I like animals. I like pandas. They are very cute.”11. What does a cat look like?- 解析:可以说“A cat has four legs, two ears and a long tail. It is small and furry.”12. Can you name some wild animals?- 解析:回答“Yes, I can. Tigers, lions and elephants are wild animals.”五、食物类(3题)13. What's your favorite food?- 解析:回答“My favorite food is ice - cream. It is sweet.”或者“I like hamburgers. They are delicious.”14. Do you like fruits? What fruits do you like?- 解析:回答“Yes, I like fruits. I like apples. They are good for my health.”15. What do you have for breakfast?- 解析:回答“I have bread and milk for breakfast.”六、天气类(2题)16. How is the weather today?- 解析:如果是晴天,可以说“It's sunny today.”如果是阴天则说“It's cloudy.”17. What do you like to do on a rainy day?- 解析:回答“I like to stay at home and read books on a rainy day.”七、时间类(3题)18. What time do you get up in the morning?- 解析:回答“I get up at seven o'clock in the morning.”19. When do you go to school?- 解析:回答“I go to school at eight o'clock.”20. What day is it today?- 解析:根据实际情况回答,例如“It's Monday today.”。



中考英语口语表达优化策略单选题60题1. Which of the following words has a different stress?A. 'PhotographB. 'TelephoneC. 'ComputerD. 'Magazine答案:A。


A 选项“Photograph”的重音在第一个音节;B 选项“Telephone”的重音在第二个音节;C 选项“Computer”的重音在第二个音节;D 选项“Magazine”的重音在第二个音节。

所以不同重音的是A 选项。

2. Which word is pronounced with a long vowel sound?A. HatB. BedC. BoatD. Dog答案:C。


A 选项“Hat”中的元音是短音;B 选项“Bed”中的元音是短音;C 选项“Boat”中的元音是长音;D 选项“Dog”中的元音是短音。

所以发音为长元音的是C 选项。

3. The underlined part in the word “visited” is pronounced as ______.A. /id/B. /t/C. /d/答案:A。



所以选择A 选项。

4. Which of the following pairs has the same pronunciation?A. There; HereB. Chair; HairC. Poor; DoorD. Sure; Tour答案:D。


A 选项“There”发音/ðeə(r)/,“Here”发音/hɪə(r)/;B 选项“Chair”发音/tʃeə(r)/,“Hair”发音/heə(r)/;C 选项“Poor”发音/pʊə(r)/,“Door”发音/dɔː(r)/;D 选项“Sure”发音/ʃʊə(r)/,“Tour”发音/tʊə(r)/,这两个单词发音相同。



1级1.What color is it 这是什么颜色考官可以随便指着一个人的衣服或一件物品提问It’s red……2.What is the color of milk 牛奶是什么颜色It’s white.3.How old are you 你今年几岁了I’m ten years old.4.Where is your mouth 你的嘴巴在哪儿5.Raise your hand.举起你的手.6.Touch your head.摸摸你的头;7.how many pencils do you have 你有多少只铅笔I have ten pencils.8.Good morning . 早上好Good morning.9.Nice to meet you 见到你很高兴Nice to meet you, too.10.what’s your name 你叫什么名字My name is Emma.11.How many people are there in your family 你家有多少口人There are three people in my family.12. Who is this girl 这个女孩是谁She is Emma.13.What is your favorite color 你最喜欢什么颜色My favorite color is red.14.What is in the box 盒子里有什么There is a pen in the box.15. Is she our new friend 她是你的新朋友吗Yes, she is. No she isn’t.16.Where’s the pen 钢笔在哪里It’s in the pencil-box.17.How old is your grandmother 你的祖母多大了My grandmother is seventy-three.18.Good afternoon中午好Good afternoon.19.Thank you.谢谢You’re welcome.20.Are you sure 你确定吗Yes, I am.21.What’s your telephone number 你的电话号码是什么My telephone number is 131-4350-5500.22.Touch your nose.摸摸你的鼻子23.Touch your arm.摸摸你的胳膊24.Good evening晚上好Good evening25.Good night.晚安Good night26.How many people are there in your class 你的班级有多少人There are 43 people in my class.27.Touch your knees.摸摸你的膝盖28.Touch your hair.摸摸你的头发29.Touch your face.摸摸你的脸颊30.Are you ready 准备好了吗Yes, I’m ready.2级1.What day is today 今天星期几Today is Monday.2.Is this your teacher 这是你的老师吗Yes, she is.3.What's the color of this coat 这件外套是什么颜色的It’s red.4.Where is your schoolbag 你的书包在哪里It’s in my bedroom.5.Where are you from 你来自哪里I’m from China.6.Where is the pen 这只笔在哪里It’s on the desk.7.What number are you players 你是几号选手I’m number 123.8.What is this 这是什么考官随便指着房间里的物品提问It’s a book.9.Which one is big 哪一个是大的考官拿两个物品提问考生This one.10.Is this your pen 这是你的钢笔吗Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.11.Who is that old man 那个老人是谁He is my grandfather.12.Where are the balls 这些球在哪儿They are in the box.13.Who is she 她是谁She is my mother.14.What’s the time, please 请问,几点了It’s nine o’clock.15.Who opens the door 谁在开门The teacher opens the door.16.Where is the cinema 电影院在哪里The cinema is next to the supermarket.17.Where is the post office 邮局在哪里The post office is next to the cinema.18.Where are you going this afternoon 今天下午你打算去哪里I’m going to the park this afternoon.19. Where is your teacher’s home 你的老师家在哪里My teacher’s home is next to the bank.20.Is he tall 他长得高吗Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.21.Who is your best friend 你最好的朋友是谁My best friend is Emma.22.How's your work going 最近工作怎么样Not bad.23.Is Tom from Canada 汤姆是加拿大人吗Yes, he is. No he isn’t.24.Can I talk to Mary 玛丽在吗Yes, please. Sorry, Mary isn’t here.25.Where is the shop 卖场在哪儿It’s in front of the school.26.Is there anything to eat 我饿了,有什么吃的吗Yes, here you are.27.What time is it 几点了It’s half past ten.28. Does he have an eraser 他有橡皮吗Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.29.Is this your ruler 这是你的格尺吗Yes, it’s mine. No, it isn’t.30.What color is the door 这个门是什么颜色It’s yellow.3级1.What does your father do 你的爸爸是干什么工作的He is a train driver.2.How old is your mother 你的妈妈多大年龄了She is 36 years old.3.What is the weather like today 今天是什么天气It’s sunny.4.which month is it now 现在是几月份It’s July now.5.Which school are you in 你在哪所学校上学I’m in Xinhua primary school.6.how many people are there in your family Who are they 你家有几口人都有谁There are three people in my family. Father, mother and me.7.Are you a student 你是一名学生吗Yes, I am.8.Is your mother a teacher 你的妈妈是老师吗No, she isn’t.9.What is behind the table 桌子后面有什么It’s a ball.10.What's in your schoolbag 你的书包里有什么A book.11.How much is it 它多少钱It’s 5 dollars.12.Can I help you 我能帮助你吗Of course.13.Can I go with you 我能和你一起走吗Yes, of course.14.May I come in 我可以进来吗Sure./ No, you can’t.15.How can I get to ZhongShan Park 我怎样能到达中山公园You can go by the No.5 bus.16.What are you going to do on the weekend 周末你打算去干什么I’m going to play football with my friends.17.Where are you going this afternoon 今天下午你打算去哪里I’m going to the school library.18.What are you going to buy 你打算去买什么I’m going to buy a book.19.Where does the rain come from 雨来自哪里The rain come from the sky.20. How do you go to the USA I go by plane.你如何去美国坐飞机21.Who likes to watch TV in your family 在你家谁喜欢看电视的My mother.22.What's up 过得怎么样Nothing new.23.What's going on 出了什么事了Nothing special.24.May I speak to John , please 可以让约翰接电话吗This is John speaking.25.Why don't you talk it over with your teacher 为什么不和你的老师商量一下;Because I can do it by myself.26.May I try it on 可以试穿吗Sure, here you are.27.How much are they 共多少钱They are 40 dollars.28.May I ask you some questions 可以问你几个问题吗Of course.29.May I use your phone 可以借用一下你的电话吗Sure, here you are.30.Which ruler is longer this one or that one 哪个格尺更长This one is longer.4级1.What's your hobby 你的爱好是什么My hobby is playing football2.What sports do you like 你喜欢什么运动I like play basketball.3.What do you like to do during the holiday 在假期里你喜欢做什么I like travelling.4.Did you read books yesterday 昨天你读书了吗Yes I did/NO I didn’t5.Are you taller than him 你比他高吗考官指着另一个同学提问考生Yes I am/No I’m not.6.What do you often do on weekends 周末你经常做什么I often go swimming and go shopping.7.How many times do you watch TV every week 你每周看几次电视Five times.8.Please pass the pen to me.请把那把笔传给我.Sure, here you are.9.What s between the two pens 两只笔中间有什么another pen10.Do you often read a book in the evening 你经常在晚上看书吗Yes I do/No I don’t11.How do you go to school 你是怎样去上学的I go to school by bike12.What sport do you prefer 你更喜欢哪项运动I prefer to play basketball.13.Where do you play it 你在哪里运动The playground14.When did you start to play it 你什么时候开始做这项运动I started to play basketball when I was ten years old.15.Where do you enjoy going together 你们通常会一起去哪里The supermarket.16.Who teaches you English 谁教你英语Miss Li.17.How many classes do you have a day 你每天有几节课Eight classes18.Which place would you like to go 你最喜欢去哪个地方Bookshop19.What kind of books do you like to read 你喜欢读什么类型的书籍Story books.20.Which is the biggest animal 最大的动物是什么Elephant21.Which is bigger, the sun or the earth 太阳和地球,哪个更大The sun is bigger.22.Can you skate 你会溜冰吗Yes i can/No i can’t23.When does the zoo open 动物园什么时候开门Nine o’clock.24.How often do you go to the park 你多久去一次公园Once a month.25.When does the film start 电影什么时候开始It’s start at 6:00 pm.26.How much is the ticket 票价多少5 dollars27.What's going on 忙什么呢Nothing28.It's nice weather , isn't it 天气不错啊;Yes it is.29.Do you think it's going to rain in the afternoon 你觉得下午会不会下雨Yes , I think it’s going to rain in the afternoon.30.Shall we stop playing 我们不玩了好吗Of course.5级1.When is children's day 儿童节是什么时候It is on June first.2.How do you go to school every day 你每天怎么去上学I go to school by bus.3.Can you sing, dance or play a musical instrucment 你会唱歌、跳舞或者弹奏一种乐器吗Yes, I can play the piano.4.When is your birthday Do you have party 你的生日是什么时候开个生日聚会吗My birthday is on May 14th.5.Why do you study English 你为什么要学习英语Because it is interesting.6.What are you going to do in the future 你将来打算做什么工作I’m gong to be a teacher.7.How many glasses of water do you have every day 你每天喝几杯水I have 4 glasses of water every day.8.Are there a lot of animals in the zoo 动物园里有许多动物吗Yes, there are a lot of animals in the zoo.9.Did you see a film two days ago 两天前你看电影了吗Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t.10.What number bus do you take to school 你每天坐几路车上学No.11.11.What can you help your parents do at home 在家里,你会帮父母做什么I can help them do some house works.12.What did you do last weekend 你们上个周末做什么了I went shopping with my friends.13.How many days do you go to school a week 你们一星期上几天课Five days.14.What’s your favorite day 你最喜欢哪一天My favorite day is Saterday.15.How often do you have English a week 你多久上一次英语课Twice a week.16.What subject do you have at school 你们都有什么课程We have math, Chinese, English, music, and PE, and so on.17.What subject is your favorite 哪个课程是你最喜欢的Why English is my favorite subject. Because I like English Very much.18.Which places do you like going to in your town 你喜欢去镇上的哪个地方玩The park.19.Shall I carry the bag for you 我帮你带这个包好吗Yes, you can./No, you can’t.20.What's the matter with you 你怎么了I had a toothache.21.Did you have a bad cough yesterday 昨晚你咳的严重吗Yes, I did./No,I didn’t.22.When does Kevin's father have his lunch 凯文的父亲什么时候吃午饭He has his lunch at 2 o’clock pm.23.Would you like some apples 你想要些苹果吗Yes, I’d like to.24.Did you make a reservation 预订好了吗Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.25.Have you seen a report on the desk 你看见放在桌子上的报告了吗Yes, I saw. No, I haven’t seen.26.The typhoon last night was huge , wasn't it 昨天晚上的台风太历害了,是吗Yes, it was.27.Could I leave a message 我能留言吗Of course.28.When was the last time you saw her 你上次去看她是什么时候Two weeks ago.29.Did you make sure 你确定了吗Yes, I did.30.What's the trouble with you 你有什么麻烦I’m not feeling well, I had a headache.6级回答30词左右1.Where have you ever been 你曾经去过什么地方I’ve ever been to Shanghai by plane, It was so big and there were many foreigners inShanghai.2.What do you want to do of your mother isn’t at home today 如果你妈妈今天不在家,你想做些什么3.Did you go to the cinema with your friends yesterday 你昨天和朋友去看电影了吗4.Have you finished your homework today 你今天完成作业了吗5.Do you have to play the piano every day 你必须每天弹钢琴吗6.How many times do you travel in a year 在一年之内你旅游了几次7.Who was your book taken by 你的书被谁拿走了8.What’s the date the day after tomorrow 后天是几月几日9.Does your mother need to go shopping every day 你妈妈需要每天去购物吗10.Do you take after your mother 你长得像你的母亲吗11.Tell me about your family at weekend.说说你们家怎么过周末;12.Which subject is different for you 哪个学科使你感觉到困难Why13.What can you do in your English class 英语课上,你能做什么14.Would you like some apples 你想要些苹果吗15.What do you like doing best Why 你最喜欢干什么16. How was your holiday 假期过得怎么样17.What do you often do on Children’s Day 儿童节这一天你经常做什么18.How about going to a concert with me tomorrow 明天和我一起去听音乐会,怎么样19.How was the speech contest 演讲比赛怎么样20.Talk about your favourite film.谈谈你最喜欢的电影7级回答80词左右1.Do you like stars Why 你有喜欢的明星吗为什么2.What’s your most unforgettable thing 你最难忘的一件事是什么3.What job do you think is the most meaningful 你觉得什么工作最有意义4.Would you like to live in a village 你愿意在乡村生活吗5.How do you celebrate then Mid-Autumn Festival every day 每年的中秋节你会怎样过6.Did you use to listen to music why 你过去经常听音乐吗7.Tell me about your favourite subject.谈论一下你最喜欢的科目8.Tell me about your favourite shop 说说你最喜欢的商店;9.What kind of books do you like to read why 你喜欢读什么类型的书籍为什么10.Tell me about your family.谈谈你的家庭。



2021湖北省英语口语等级考试题1、8.Turn right ________ Danba Road and walk ________ the road, then you will findMeilong Middle school. [单选题] *A.in...alongB.into...along (正确答案)C.in...onD.into...on2、47.Yao Ming is tall. That's one of his ________. [单选题] *A.advantageB.advantages(正确答案)C.disadvantageD.disadvantages3、It _______ him ten minutes to solve the problem. [单选题] *A. spentB. took(正确答案)C. costD. paid4、_____ Lucy _____ Lily has joined the swimming club because they have no time. [单选题] *A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; nor(正确答案)C. Either; orD. Both; and5、If you pass your exams, we’ll have a party to celebrate. [单选题] *A. 宣布B. 发表C. 解放D. 庆祝(正确答案)6、I do not have my own room,_____. [单选题] *A. neither does Tom(正确答案)B. neither has TomC. so does TomD. so has Tom7、They were both born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since8、The huntsman caught only a()of the deer before it ran into the woods. [单选题] *A. gazeB. glareC. glimpse(正确答案)D. stare9、His remarks _____me that I had made the right decision. [单选题] *A.ensuredB.insuredC.assured(正确答案)D.assumed10、How _______ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel(取消) our football match. [单选题] *A. heavily(正确答案)B. lightC. lightlyD. heavy11、We were caught in a traffic jam. By the time we arrived at the airport the plane _____. [单选题] *A. will take offB. would take offC. has taken offD. had taken off(正确答案)12、More than one student_____absent from the class yesterday due to the flu. [单选题] *A.areB.hasC.isD.was(正确答案)13、I passed the test, I _____ it without your help. [单选题] *A.would not passB. wouldn't have passed(正确答案)C. didn't passD.had not passed14、The boy lost his()and fell down on the ground when he was running after his brother. [单选题] *A. balance(正确答案)B. chanceC. placeD. memory15、How _______ Grace grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now. [单选题] *A. cuteB. strongC. fast(正确答案)D. clever16、()of the twins was arrested because I saw them both at a party last night. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. Neither(正确答案)D. All17、( ) ________ large the library is! [单选题] *A. WhatB. What aC. How(正确答案)D. How a18、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练19、Taking the subway is quite fast and cheap. It can _______ both time and money. [单选题] *A. savesB. save(正确答案)C. earnD. use20、I think _______ is nothing wrong with my car. [单选题] *A. thatB. hereC. there(正确答案)D. where21、My sister _______ listen to music when she was doing her homework.[单选题] *A. used to(正确答案)B. use toC. is used toD. uses to22、--What’s the weather like today?--It’s _______. [单选题] *A. rainB. windy(正确答案)C. sunD. wind23、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon(正确答案)D. How far24、45.—Let's make a cake ________ our mother ________ Mother's Day.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.with; forB.for; on(正确答案)C.to; onD.for; in25、The language school started a new()to help young learners with reading and writing. [单选题] *A. course(正确答案)B. designC. eventD. progress26、Kate has a cat _______ Mimi. [单选题] *A. called(正确答案)B. callC. to callD. calling27、In the closet()a pair of trousers his parents bought for his birthday. [单选题] *A. lyingB. lies(正确答案)c. lieD. is lain28、( ) --------Please take my seat here.-------- __________________________. [单选题]*A. That is nice of you(正确答案)B. I think it is my seatC. No, you sit hereD. I don’t think it’s a good seat.29、65.There is a big sale on in the shop! Every-thing is ________ price. [单选题] * A.bigB.fullC.zeroD.half(正确答案)30、29.There is a book in your left hand. What’s in your ___________ hand? [单选题] * A.the othersB.other (正确答案)C.anotherD.others。

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1. The past decade has witnessed a great surge of postgraduate candidates. In the past, postgraduates were preference of almost all organizations including companies and institutions in the job market. However, according to some recent media reports, nowadays an increasing number of organizations prefer graduates with a bachelor’s degree to those with a master’s degree. Why do you choose to further your study for a master’s degree? Please explain the change depicted above and talk about the current postgraduate education in China.
2. Nowadays 3G cell phones are widely used, especially among the young college students. The 3G cell phones bring the young college students a lot of convenience and amusement, but also cause them many problems. A number of college students play their 3G cell phones in class, not listening to their teachers and thus failing in their exams. Some teachers prevent their students from doing so by means of taking away or confiscating their cell phones, which makes their students angry. Some teachers just turn a deaf ear to their students playing their 3G cell phones. What do you think of college students playing their 3G cell phone in class? Do you think that teachers have the right to take away or confiscate their students’cell phones?What should the teachers do to their students playing cell phones in class?
3. Hazy weather has long been bothering many northern cities in China. However, in recent years hazy weather also bothers some southern cities in China, like Fuzhou and Xiamen in Fujian Province. How much do you about hazy weather? What do you think of hazy weather in China? What should we do to the hazy weather?
4.When we enter the canteens in our university, we can see many students waste food. Every day the waste food in all canteen is enough to feed a lot of people. What is your opinion about wasting food in univesity canteens?
5. “Try it”does not mean success. But “never try it”will herald a successful hopelessness. “Try” may be the first step to success.
6. In recent years, when a holiday falls on a week day from Monday through Friday, the government usually adjusts it and makes it a three-day-long or seven-day-long holiday, which makes people sometimes maybe have to work six days or more on end. Some people welcome this practice, but other people are strongly against it. What do you think of the phenomenon?
7. Please describe your Mr. Right or Mrs. Right.
8. Please tell me an unforgettable experience in your life.
9. Please describe one of your teachers in your life and make some comments on him or her.。
