
Laboratory experiments for intense vortical structures in turbulence velocity fields

Laboratory experiments for intense vortical structures in turbulence velocity fields

a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0703057v 1 [p h y s i c s .f l u -d y n ] 6 M a r 2007Physics of FluidsLaboratory experiments for intense vortical structures in turbulence velocity fieldsHideaki Mouri,a Akihiro Hori,b and Yoshihide Kawashima bMeteorological Research Institute,Nagamine,Tsukuba 305-0052,Japan(Dated:February 2,2008)Vortical structures of turbulence,i.e.,vortex tubes and sheets,are studied using one-dimensional velocity data obtained in laboratory experiments for duct flows and boundary layers at microscale Reynolds numbers from 332to 1934.We study the mean velocity profile of intense vortical struc-tures.The contribution from vortex tubes is dominant.The radius scales with the Kolmogorov length.The circulation velocity scales with the rms velocity fluctuation.We also study the spatial distribution of intense vortical structures.The distribution is self-similar over small scales and is random over large scales.Since these features are independent of the microscale Reynolds number and of the configuration for turbulence production,they appear to be universal.I.INTRODUCTIONTurbulence contains various classes of structures that are embedded in the background random fluctuation.They are important to intermittency as well as mixing and diffusion.Of particular interest are small-scale struc-tures,which could have universal features that are inde-pendent of the Reynolds number and of the large-scale flow.We explore such universality using velocity data obtained in laboratory experiments.We focus on vortical structures,i.e.,vortex tubes and sheets.The former is often regarded as the elementary structure of turbulence.1,2,3At low microscale Reynoldsnumbers,Re λ<∼200,direct numerical simulations de-rived basic parameters of vortex tubes.3,4,5,6,7,8The radii are of the order of the Kolmogorov length η.The total lengths are of the order of the correlation length L .The circulation velocities are of the order of the rms velocity fluctuation u 2 1/2or the Kolmogorov velocity u K .Here · denotes an average.The lifetimes are of the order of the turnover time for energy-containing eddies L/ u 2 1/2.For these vortical structures,however,universality has not been established because the behavior at high Reynolds numbers has not been known.At Re λ>∼200,a direct numerical simulation is not easy for now.The promising approach is velocimetry in laboratory experiments.A probe suspended in the flow is used to obtain a one-dimensional cut of the velocity field.The velocity variation is intense at the positions of in-tense structures.Especially at the positions of intense vortical structures,the variation of the velocity compo-nent that is perpendicular to the one-dimensional cut is intense.9,10Thus,the velocity variation offers some infor-mation about intense structures,although it is difficult to specify their geometry.The above approach was taken in several studies.11,12,13,14,15For example,using grid turbulence 14at Re λ=105–329and boundary layers 15at Re λ=295–TABLE I:Experimental conditions and turbulence parameters:duct-exit or incoming-flow velocity U∗,coordinates x andz of the measurement position,mean streamwise velocity U,sampling frequency f s,kinematic viscosityν,mean energydissipation rate ε =15ν (∂x v)2 /2,rms velocityfluctuations u2 1/2and v2 1/2,Kolmogorov velocity u K=(ν ε )1/4,rms spanwise-velocity increment over the sampling interval δv2s 1/2= [v(x+U/2f s)−v(x−U/2f s)]2 1/2,correlation lengths L u=R∞0 u(x+r)u(x) / u2 dr and L v=R∞0 v(x+r)v(x) / v2 dr,Taylor microscaleλ=[2 v2 / (∂x v)2 ]1/2,Kolmogorov lengthη=(ν3/ ε )1/4,and microscale Reynolds number Reλ=λ v2 1/2/ν.The velocity derivative was obtained as∂x v=[8v(x+r)−8v(x−r)−v(x+2r)+v(x−2r)]/12r with r=U/f s.Ductflow Boundary layerUnits1234567891011FIG.1:Sketch of a vortex tube penetrating the(x,y)plane at a point(x0,y0).The inclination is(θ0,ϕ0).The circulation velocity is uΘ.We consider the spanwise velocity v along the x axis in the mean streamdirection.FIG.2:Mean profiles in the streamwise(u)and spanwise (v)velocities for the Burgers vortices with random positions (x0,y0)and inclinations(θ0,ϕ0).The u profile is separately shown for∂x u>0(u+)and∂x u≤0(u−)at x=0.The position x and velocities are normalized by the radius and maximum circulation velocity of the Burgers vortices.The dotted line is the v profile of the Burgers vortex for x0= y0=θ0=0,the peak value of which is scaled to that of the mean v profile.uΘand strainfield(u R,u Z)areuΘ∝ν4ν ,(1a) (u R,u Z)= −a0RRuΘ(R),(2a) v(x−x0)=(x−x0)cosθ0Ru R(R),(4a)v(x−x0)=−(x−x0)sin2θ0sinϕ0cosϕ0+y0(1−sin2θ0sin2ϕ0)FIG.3:Probability density distribution of the absolute spanwise-velocity increment|v(x+U/2f s)−v(x−U/2f s)| at Reλ=719,1304,and1934.The distribution is verti-cally shifted by a factor103.The increment is normalized by δv2s 1/2= [v(x+U/2f s)−v(x−U/2f s)]2 1/2.The arrows indicate the ranges for intense vortical structures,which share 0.1and1%of the total.The dotted line denotes the Gaussian distribution.bulence was almost isotropic becausethe measured ra-tio u2 / v2 is not far from unity(Table I).The vortex tubes induce small-scale variations in the spanwise veloc-ity.If we consider intense velocity variations above a high threshold,their scale and amplitude are close to the ra-dius and circulation velocity of intense vortex tubes with |y0|<∼R0andθ0≃0.To demonstrate this,mean profiles are calculated for the circulationflows uΘof the Burgers vortices with random positions(x0,y0)and inclinations (θ0,ϕ0).Their radii R0and maximum circulation veloc-ities V0=uΘ(R0)are set to be the same.We consider the Burgers vortices with|∂x v|at x=0being above a threshold,|∂x v|/3at x=0for x0=y0=θ0=0.When ∂x v is negative,the sign of the v signal is inverted before the averaging.The result is shown in Fig.2.Despite the relatively low threshold,the scale and peak amplitude of the mean v profile are still close to those of the v profile for x0=y0=θ0=0(dotted line).The extended tails are due to the Burgers vortices with|y0|≫R0orθ0≫0.IV.MEAN VELOCITY PROFILEMean profiles of intense vortical structures in the streamwise(u)and spanwise(v)velocities are extracted,FIG.4:Mean profiles of intense vortical structures for the 0.1%threshold in the streamwise(u)and spanwise(v)ve-locities.(a)Reλ=719.(b)Reλ=1098.The u profile is separately shown for∂x u>0(u+)and∂x u≤0(u−) at x=0.The position x is normalized by the Kolmogorov length.The velocities are normalized by the peak value of the v profile.We also show the v profile of the Burgers vortex for x0=y0=θ0=0by a dotted averaging signals centered at the position where the absolute spanwise-velocity increment|v(x+r/2)−v(x−r/2)|is above a threshold.10,13,14,15,19The scale r is the sampling interval U/f s.The threshold is such that0.1% or1%of the increments are used for the averaging(here-after,the0.1%or1%threshold).These increments com-prise the tail of the probability density distribution of all the increments as in Fig.3.20Example of the results are shown in Fig.4.20The v profile in Fig.4is close to the v profile in Fig. 2.Hence,the contribution from vortex tubes is dominant.The contribution from vortex sheets is not dominant.If it were dominant,the v profile should ex-hibit some kind of step.12Direct numerical simulations at Reλ<∼200revealed that intense vorticity tends to be organized into tubes rather than sheets.4,5,6,7,21,22This tendency appears to exist up to Reλ≃2000.Vortex sheets might contribute to the extended tails in Fig. 4. They are more pronounced than those in Fig. 2.Here it should be noted that our discussion is somewhat sim-plified because there is no strict division between vortex tubes and sheets in real turbulence.Byfitting the v profile in Fig.4around its peaks by the v profile of the Burgers vortex for x0=y0=θ0=0 (dotted line),we estimate the radius R0and maximumTABLE II:Parameters for intense vortical structures:radius R 0,maximum circulation velocity V 0,Reynolds number Re 0=R 0V 0/νand small-scale clustering exponent µ0.We also list the threshold level τ0.Duct flowBoundary layer Units1234567891011δx pδx p /2−δx p /2v t (x +r )dr.(5)For allthe data,the R 0and V 0values are summarizedin Table II.They characterize the scale and intensity of vortical structures,even if they are not the Burgers vortices.The radius R 0is several times the Kolmogorov length η.The maximum circulation velocity V 0is several tenths of the rms velocity fluctuation v 2 1/2and several times the Kolmogorov velocity u K .Similar results were obtained from direct numerical simulations 3,4,6,7,8and laboratory experiments 11,12,14,15at the lower Reynolds numbers,Re λ<∼1300.The u profile in Fig.4is separated for ∂x u >0(u +)and ∂x u ≤0(u −)at x =0.Since the contamina-tion with the w component 17induces a symmetric posi-tive excursion,14,23,24we decomposed the u ±profiles into symmetric and antisymmetric components and show only the antisymmetric components.15The u ±profiles in Fig.4have larger amplitudes than those in Fig. 2.Hence,the u ±profiles in Fig.4are dominated by the circu-lation flows u Θof vortex tubes that passed the probe with some incidence angles to the mean flow direction,11tan −1[v/(U +u )].@The radial inflow u R of the strain field is not discernible,except that the u −profile has a larger amplitude than the u +profile.14,15Unlike the Burgers vortex,a real vortex tube is not always oriented to the stretching direction.4,5,6,7,8,25V.SPATIAL DISTRIBUTIONThe spatial distribution of intense vortical structures is studied using the distribution of interval δx 0between successive intense velocity increments.13,14,15,22The in-tense velocity increment is defined in the same manner as for the mean velocity profiles in Sec.IV.Since theyare dominated by vortex tubes,we expect that the distri-bution of intense vortical structures studied here is also essentially the distribution of intense vortex tubes.Ex-amples of the probability density distribution P (δx 0)are shown in Figs.5and 6.20The probability density distribution has an exponen-tial tail 14,15that appears linear on the semi-log plot of Fig.5.This exponential law is characteristic of intervals for a Poisson process of random and independent events.FIG.5:Probability density distribution of interval between intense vortical structures for the 1%threshold at Re λ=719,1304,and 1934.The distribution is normalized by the ampli-tude of the exponential tail (dotted line),and it is vertically shifted by a factor 10.The interval is normalized by the streamwise correlation length L u .The arrow indicates the spanwise correlation length L v .FIG.6:Probability density distribution of interval between intense vortical structures for the1%threshold at Reλ=719, 1304,and1934.The distribution is normalized by the peak value,and it is vertically shifted by a factor10.The dotted line indicates the power-law slope from30ηto300η.The interval is normalized by the Kolmogorov lengthη.The arrow indicates the spanwise correlation length L v.The large-scale distribution of intense vortical structures is random and independent.Below the spanwise correlation length L v,the proba-bility density is enhanced over that for the exponential distribution.15Thus,intense vortical structures cluster together below the energy-containing scale.In fact,di-rect numerical simulations revealed that intense vortex tubes lie on borders of energy-containing eddies.6Over small intervals,the probability density distribu-tion is apower law13,22that appears linear on the log-log plot of Fig.6:P(δx0)∝δx−µ0.(6)Thus,the small-scale clustering of intense vortical struc-tures is self-similar and has no characteristic scale.22Ta-ble II lists the clustering exponentµ0estimated over in-tervals fromδx0=30ηto300η.Its value is close to unity.The exponential law over large intervals and the power law over small intervals were also found in laboratory ex-periments for regions of low pressure.26,27,28,29They are associated with vortex tubes,although their radii tend to be larger than those of intense vortical structures studied here.29VI.SCALING LA WDependence of parameters for intense vortical struc-tures on the microscale Reynolds number Reλand on the configuration for turbulence production,i.e.,ductflow or boundary layer,is studied in Fig.7.Each quantity was normalized by its value in the ductflow at Reλ=1934 individually for the0.1%and1%thresholds.That is,we avoid the prefactors that depend on the threshold.When the threshold is high,the radius R0is small,the maxi-mum circulation velocity V0is large,and the clustering exponentµ0is small as in Table II.We focus on scaling laws of these quantities.The radius R0scales with the Kolmogorov lengthηas R0∝η[Fig.7(a)].Thus,intense vortical structures remain to be of smallest scales of turbulence.The maximum circulation velocity V0scales with the rms velocityfluctuation v2 1/2as V0∝ v2 1/2[Fig. 7(b)].Although the rms velocityfluctuation is a charac-FIG.7:Dependence of parameters for intense vortical struc-tures on Reλ.(a)R0/η.(b)V0/ v2 1/2.(c)V0/u K.(d)Re0.(e)Re0/Re1/2λ.(f)µ0.The open andfilled circles respec-tively denote the ductflows for the0.1%and1%thresholds. The upward and downward triangles respectively denote the boundary layers for the0.1%and1%thresholds.Each quan-tity is normalized by its value in the ductflow at Reλ=1934 individually for the0.1%and1%thresholds.teristic of the large-scaleflow,vortical structures could be formed via shear instability on borders of energy-containing eddies,6,27,28where a small-scale velocity vari-ation could be comparable to the rms velocityfluctua-tion.The maximum circulation velocity does not scale with the Kolmogorov velocity u K,a characteristic of the small-scaleflow,as V0∝u K[Fig.7(c)].Direct numerical simulations for intense vortex tubes6,7at Reλ<∼200and laboratory experiments for intense vortical structures11,15at Reλ<∼1300derived the scalings R0∝ηand V0∝ v2 1/2.We have found that these scalings exist up to Reλ≃2000,regardless of the configuration for turbulence production.The scalings of the radius R0and circulation veloc-ity V0lead to a scaling of the Reynolds number Re0= R0V0/νfor the intense vortical structures:6,7Re0∝Re1/2λif R0∝ηand V0∝ v2 1/2,(7a) Re0=constant if R0∝ηand V0∝u K.(7b) Our result favors the former scaling[Fig.7(e)]rather than the latter[Fig.7(d)].With an increase of Reλ, intense vortical structures progressively have higher Re0 and are more unstable.6,7Their lifetimes are shorter.It is known30that theflatness factor (∂x v)4 / (∂x v)2 2 scales with Re0.3λ.Since (∂x v)4 is dominated by in-tense vortical structures,it scales with v2 2/η4.Since (∂x v)2 2is dominated by the background randomfluc-tuation,it scales with u4K/η4.If the number density of intense vortical structures remains the same,we have (∂x v)4 / (∂x v)2 2∝ v2 2/u4K∝Re2λ.The difference from the real scaling implies that vortical structures with V0≃ v2 1/2are less numerous at a higher Reynolds num-ber Reλ,albeit energetically more important.The small-scale clustering exponentµ0is constant[Fig. 7(f)].A similar result withµ0≃1was obtained from laboratory experiments of the K´a rm´a nflow between two rotating disks22at Reλ≃400–1600.The small-scale clustering of intense vortical structures at high Reynolds numbers Reλis independent of the configuration for tur-bulence production.Lastly,recall that only intense vortical structures are considered here.For all vortical structures with vari-ous intensities,the scalings V0∝ v2 1/2and Re0=R0V0/ν∝Re1/2λare not necessarily expected.For allvortex tubes,in fact,direct numerical simulations3,8at Reλ<∼200derived the scaling V0∝u K.The devel-opment of an experimental method to study all vortical structures is desirable.VII.CONCLUSIONThe spanwise velocity was measured in ductflows at Reλ=719–1934and in boundary layers at Reλ=332–1304(Table I).We used these velocity data to study fea-tures of vortical structures,i.e.,vortex tubes and sheets. We studied the mean velocity profiles of intense vor-tical structures(Fig.4).The contribution from vortex tubes is dominant.Essentially,our results are those for vortex tubes.The radius R0is several times the Kol-mogorov lengthη.The maximum circulation velocity V0 is several tenths of the rms velocityfluctuation v2 1/2 and several times the Kolmogorov velocity u K(Table II).There are the scalings R0∝η,V0∝ v2 1/2,and Re0=R0V0/ν∝Re1/2λ(Fig.7).We also studied the distribution of interval between in-tense vortical structures.Over large intervals,the distri-bution obeys an exponential law(Fig.5),which reflects a random and independent distribution of intense vortical structures.Over small intervals,the distribution obeys a power law(Fig.6),which reflects self-similar clustering of intense vortical structures.The clustering exponent is constant,µ0≃1(Table II and Fig.7).Direct numerical simulations3,4,6,7,8,9,10and laboratory experiments11,12,13,14,15,22derived some of those features. We have found that they are independent of the Reynolds number and of the configuration for turbulence produc-tion,up to Reλ≃2000that exceeds the Reynolds num-bers of the prior studies.The Reynolds numbers Reλin our study are still lower than those of some turbulence,e.g.,atmospheric turbu-lence at Reλ>∼104.Such turbulence is expected to contain intense vortical structures,because turbulence is more intermittent at a higher Reynolds number Reλand small-scale intermittency is attributable to intense vortical structures.They are expected to have the same features as found in our study.These features appear to have reached asymptotes at Reλ≃2000(Fig.7),regard-less of the configuration for turbulence production,and hence appear to be universal at high Reynolds numbers Reλ.AcknowledgmentsThe authors are grateful to T.Gotoh,S.Kida, F. 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67.00 x 28.00 x 3.0mm
67.00 x 23.00mm



Besponsa™ (inotuzumab ozogamicin)(Intravenous)Document Number: IC-0317 Last Review Date: 10/24/2022Date of Origin: 09/19/2017Dates Reviewed: 09/2017, 11/2018, 11/2019, 11/2020, 11/2021, 07/2022, 11/2022Customized Date: 07/20/2022Effective Date: 01/01/2023I.Length of AuthorizationCoverage will be provided for 6 months (for up to a maximum of 6 cycles) and may not berenewed.II.Dosing LimitsA.Quantity Limit (max daily dose) [NDC Unit]:•Besponsa 0.9 mg powder for injection single-dose vial: 7 vials per 21 daysB.Max Units (per dose and over time) [HCPCS Unit]:Cycle 1•27 billable units (2.7 mg) on Day 1, 18 billable units (1.8 mg) on Days 8 and 15 of a 21 to 28-day cycleSubsequent Cycles (maximum of 5 cycles)•27 billable units (2.7 mg) on Day 1, 18 billable units (1.8 mg) on Days 8 and 15 of a 28-day cycle for up to 2 cycles•18 billable units (1.8 mg) on Day 1, Day 8, and Day 15 of a 28-day cycle for up to 3 cycles III.Initial Approval Criteria 1Coverage is provided in the following conditions:•Baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) is within normal limits; AND•Patient has not previously received treatment with inotuzumab ozogamicin; ANDUniversal Criteria 1-3•Patient has CD22-positive disease; ANDAdult B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) † Ф 1-3•Patient is at least 18 years of age; ANDo Patient has relapsed or refractory disease; AND▪Used as single agent therapy; OR▪Used in combination with mini-hyper CVD (cyclophosphamide, dexamethasone, vincristine, methotrexate, cytarabine); AND➢Patient is Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-negative; OR➢Patient is Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive and refractory to prior tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy (e.g., imatinib, dasatinib, ponatinib,nilotinib, bosutinib, etc.); OR▪Used in combination with tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy (e.g., bosutinib, dasatinib, imatinib, nilotinib, or ponatinib); AND➢Patient is Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive; ORo Used as induction therapy in patients ≥65 years of age or with substantial comorbidities; AND▪Used in combination with mini-hyper CVD; AND▪Patient is Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-negativePediatric B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) ‡ 3,4•Patient is at least 2 years of age; AND•Patient has relapsed or refractory disease; AND•Used as single agent therapy; ANDo Patient is Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-negative; ORo Patient is Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive; AND▪Patient is intolerant or refractory to prior tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy(e.g., imatinib, dasatinib, etc.)† FDA Approved Indication(s); ‡ Compendium Recommended Indication(s);Ф Orphan DrugIV.Renewal Criteria 1Coverage cannot be renewed.V.Dosage/Administration 1VI.Billing Code/Availability InformationHCPCS Code:•J9229 − Injection, inotuzumab ozogamicin, 0.1 mg: 1 billable unit = 0.1 mgNDC:•Besponsa 0.9 mg lyophilized powder in single-dose vial: 00008-0100-xxVII.References1.Besponsa [package insert]. Philadelphia, PA; Pfizer Inc., March 2018. Accessed September2022.2.Kantarjian HM, DeAngelo DJ, Stelljes M, et al. Inotuzumab Ozogamicin versus StandardTherapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. N Engl J Med. 2016 Aug 25;375(8):740-53.3.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) inotuzumab ozogamicin. National Comprehensive Cancer Network,2022. The NCCN Compendium® is a derivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®.NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCNGUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. To view the most recent and complete version of the Compendium, go online to. Accessed September 2022.4.Bhojwani D, Sposto R, Shah NN, et al. Inotuzumab ozogamicin in pediatric patients withrelapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia [published correction appears inLeukemia. 2019 Mar 7;:]. Leukemia. 2019;33(4):884–892. doi:10.1038/s41375-018-0265-z. Appendix 1 – Covered Diagnosis CodesAppendix 2 – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Medicare coverage for outpatient (Part B) drugs is outlined in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Pub. 100-2), Chapter 15, §50 Drugs and Biologicals. In addition, National Coverage Determination (NCD), Local Coverage Articles (LCAs), and Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) may exist and compliance with these policies is required where applicable. They can be found at: https:///medicare-coverage-database/search.aspx. Additional indications may be covered at the discretion of the health plan.Medicare Part B Covered Diagnosis Codes (applicable to existing NCD/LCA/LCD): N/A。

bruker avance ⅲ 400写法

bruker avance ⅲ 400写法

【主题】bruker avance ⅲ 400使用方法【内容】1. bruker avance ⅲ 400是一款高级的核磁共振仪器,广泛应用于化学、生物、医药等领域。


2. 在使用bruker avance ⅲ 400之前,需要对仪器进行检查和保养。


3. 打开仪器时,需要按照操作手册上的指示进行。


4. 使用bruker avance ⅲ 400进行核磁共振实验时,需要准备好样品。


5. 将样品放置到仪器的样品舱内,然后进行参数设置。


6. 在实验过程中,需要密切关注仪器的运行状态。


7. 实验完成后,需要及时关闭仪器并进行清洁和保养。


8. 使用bruker avance ⅲ 400进行实验需要严格遵守相关的安全规定。


9. 对于初学者来说,使用bruker avance ⅲ 400可能需要一定的学习和实践。


10. 正确的使用方法和操作规程对于保证bruker avance ⅲ 400仪器的稳定运行和实验结果的准确性非常重要。


11. 在使用bruker avance ⅲ400进行核磁共振实验时,需要根据实验的具体要求进行参数设置。


12. 在设置参数的过程中,操作人员需要充分了解仪器的各项功能和性能特点,以便合理调整参数。



D Q 数量
Copyright 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
MR = (TR的变化量) ÷ (Q的变化量) 在由市场决定的价格水平上,MR是不变的—每
新增一单位产出所带来的总收益增加量都是相 同的。
Copyright 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
竞争企业的短期供给曲线是指在一系列价 格中的每一价格水平下,企业愿意供给的 产出量。
它是指MC曲线上高于停产点的的那部分曲线。 由于边际报酬递减规律的存在,它向上倾斜。
Copyright 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
如果价格P下降到低于最小的AVC,那么竞争 性企业在短期中将会通过停产来最小化亏损。
如果企业从生产中所得到的总收益低于生产的 可变成本,其就会停产。
Copyright 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Kunst, Politik und Provokation

Kunst, Politik und Provokation

Deutsch lernen und unterrichten – ArbeitsmaterialienTop-Thema mit VokabelnKunst, Politik und ProvokationAm 21. August 2010 starb der Regisseur und Aktionskünstler Christoph Schlingen-sief. Seine provozierenden Filme und Aktionen machten ihn zu einem der wichtigs-ten Künstler Deutschlands.Christoph Schlingensief galt als einer der umstrittensten Künstler der deutschen Kultur-szene und war der wohl bekannteste Theaterprovokateur. Berühmt wurde er unter ande-rem durch seine gewagten politischen Aktionen, zahlreiche Filme und Theaterstücke. Schlingensief starb im Alter von nur 49 Jahren an Lungenkrebs.Er wurde 1960 als Sohn eines Apothekers in Oberhausen geboren. Schon in seiner Ju-gend begann er, sich für Kultur zu interessieren, und drehte erste Kurzfilme. Ende der80er Jahre produzierte Schlingensief die ersten Spielfilme, unter anderem eine Deutsch-land trilogie mit den Titeln "Hundert Jahre Adolf Hitler – die letzte Stunde im Führer bun-ker", "Das deutsche Kettensägen massaker" und "Terror 2000".Schlingensief war ein sehr politischer Mensch und benutzte politische Themen immer wie-der für seine Kunst. Zur Bundestagswahl 1998 gründete er die Partei "Chance 2000" und machte Wahlkampf mit provozierenden Aktionen. So forderte er beispielsweise sechs Millionen Arbeitslose unter dem Motto "Baden im Wolfgangsee" dazu auf, den Urlaubsort des damaligen Bundeskanzlers Helmut Kohl unter Wasser zu setzen.Im Jahr 1997 wurde der Theatermacher während einer Kunstaktion in Kassel von der Poli-zei festgenommen, weil er ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Tötet Helmut Kohl" verwendete. Im Jahr 2008 erhielt Schlingensief die Diagnose Lungenkrebs. Auch seine Krankheit verar-beitete er künstlerisch: Unter anderem veröffentlichte er ein Buch, in dem er sich mit dem Krebs beschäftigte.Ihr Deutsch ist unser Auftrag!Deutsch lernen und unterrichten – ArbeitsmaterialienTop-Thema mit VokabelnGlossarProvokation, die – mit bestimmten Aktionen eine (oft negative) Reaktion beim Publikum erreichenRegisseur, der – jemand, der den Schauspielern bei einem Film oder Theaterstück sagt, was sie tun sollenAktionskünstler/in, der/die – ein Künstler, der mit öffentlichen → Aktionen arbeitet provozierend – so, dass etwas eine (oft negative) Reaktion hervorruftAktion, die – hier: eine künstlerische Handlung, mit der ein bestimmtes Ziel erreicht wer-den solljemand ist umstritten – es gibt verschiedene Meinungen über jemandengewagt – mutigpolitische Aktion, die – eine →Aktion, die auf Probleme in der Politik aufmerksam ma-chen sollLungenkrebs, der – eine Form von Krebs, bei der die Lunge erkranktSpielfilm, der – ein Film, dessen Handlung erfunden istTrilogie, die – ein Werk, das aus drei Teilen bestehtBunker, der – ein unterirdisches Gebäude, das vor Bombenangriffen schützen soll Massaker, das – das Töten von sehr vielen Menschen in kurzer ZeitWahlkampf, der – die Werbung der Parteien vor der WahlMotto, das – ein Gedanke, der in einem Satz formuliert ist, an den man sich hältetwas unter Wasser setzen – einen Ort mit großen Mengen Wasser überschwemmen Diagnose, die – die Feststellung eines Arztes, welche Krankheit der Patient hatetwas verarbeiten – hier: sich mit etwas beschäftigenIhr Deutsch ist unser Auftrag!Deutsch lernen und unterrichten – ArbeitsmaterialienTop-Thema mit VokabelnFragen zum Text1. Regisseur Christoph Schlingensief galt als …a) besonders guter Schauspieler.b) umstrittener Künstler.c) unpolitischer Filmemacher.2. 1998 führte Schlingensief …a) Regie bei dem Film "Terror 2000".b) politische Aktionen in der Schweiz durch.c) Wahlkampf mit seiner Partei "Chance 2000".3. In Kassel wurde Schlingensief …a) mit dem deutschen Filmpreis ausgezeichnet.b) bei einer Aktion festgenommen.c) von Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl provoziert.4. Ein Künstler, den manche gut und andere schlecht finden, ist …a) umstritten.b) provoziert.c) gewagt.5. Wer bei seinem Publikum eine negative Reaktion hervorruft ist ein …a) Regisseur.b) Provokateur.c) Politiker.ArbeitsauftragBitte rufen Sie unter folgendem Link den Artikel über Schlingensiefs Partei "Chance 2000" auf: /de/1998/sep1998/chan-s02.shtml. Beantworten Sie folgende Fragen zum Text:A) Für welche Menschen wollten sich die Kandidaten von "Chance 2000" einsetzen?B) Warum scheiterte Schlingensiefs großes "Anti-Kanzler-Baden"?C) Über welche Berufsgruppe macht sich die Partei "Chance 2000" mit ihrer Sprache lus-tig?Autor/in: Sabine Faber/Lukas VölkelRedaktion: Raphaela HäuserIhr Deutsch ist unser Auftrag!。

三副常用英语 文档

三副常用英语 文档

航海英语11deck 甲板deck department 甲板部captain/master 船长chief officer 大副second officer 二副third officer 三副chief engineer 轮机长second engineer 大管轮third engineer 二管轮fourth engineer 三管轮able bodied A.B 一水ordinary O. S 二水helmsman / wheelman 舵工motorman 机工foreman 机工长、领班cadet 实习生engine department 轮机部engine room E .R 轮机房port 左舷、港口starboard 右舷bow 船首stern 船尾center line 中心线head line 首缆、头缆stern line 尾缆forward breast line 前横缆after breast line 后横缆forward spring line 前倒缆after spring line 后倒缆log 航海日志deck 计程仪standing orders 常规命令stop engine 停车finished with engine 用车完毕full ahead 前进三(全速前进)half ahead 前进二(半速前进)slow ahead 前进一(慢速前进)dead slow ahead 微速前进dead slow astern 微速后退anchorage 锚地shackle 节、卸扣stand by S/B 准备quarantine 检疫、检疫所light house L.H. 灯塔anchor position 锚位2depart v.起航,离开departure 起航,离开arrive v到达,抵达arrival n到达,抵达proceed v前进,向前require v需要,请求enter v进入entrance n进入buoy n浮筒、浮标lifebuoy n救生圈lifejacket n救生衣ETD estimated time of departure / ETA estimated time of arrival 预计离港时间dismiss v撤换,解雇ring up 定速steer v驾驶,操作n舵机steering gear 舵机wharf 码头station n站台,岗位v安排granted 允许,答应bollard 系缆桩alongside v停靠,依靠commence 开始crane 吊机、起重机bunker n燃油v加油diesel oil D.O 柴油fuel oil F.O 燃油resume 收回、恢复meal 粉load 装货unload 卸货abate 减轻drizzle 毛毛雨overcast 阴天,多云provision 食品、粮食、规定navigation 航海学。



114 604 1565
151 695 1946
189 785 2327
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Complementary proteome and transcriptome profiling in phosphate-deficient Arabidopsis roots reveals

Complementary proteome and transcriptome profiling in phosphate-deficient Arabidopsis roots reveals

Complementary Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Phosphate-deficient Arabidopsis Roots Reveals Multiple Levels of Gene Regulation*□SPing Lan‡,Wenfeng Li‡,and Wolfgang Schmidt‡§¶ʈPhosphate(Pi)deficiency impairs plant growth and pro-ductivity in many agricultural ecosystems,causing severe reductions in crop yield.To uncover novel aspects inacclimation to Pistarvation,we investigated the correla-tion between Pideficiency-induced changes in transcrip-tome and proteome profiles in Arabidopsis ing exhaustive tandem mass spectrometry-based shotgun proteomics and whole-genome RNA sequencing to gen-erate a nearly complete catalog of expressed mRNAs and proteins,we reliably identified13,298proteins and24,591 transcripts,subsets of356proteins and3106mRNAswere differentially expressed during Pideficiency.Mostdramatic changes were noticed for genes involved in Pi acquisition and in processes that either liberate Piorbypass Pi/ATP-consuming metabolic steps,for example during membrane lipid remodeling and glycolytic carbon flux.The concordance between the abundance of mRNA and its encoded protein was generally high for highly up-regulated genes,but the analysis also revealed numer-ous discordant changes in mRNA/protein pairs,indicative of divergent regulation of transcription and post-tran-scriptional processes.In particular,a decreased abun-dance of proteins upon Pideficiency was not closely cor-related with changes in the corresponding mRNAs.In several cases,up-regulation of gene activity was ob-served solely at the protein level,adding novel aspects tokey processes in the adaptation to Pideficiency.We con-clude that integrated measurement and interpretation of changes in protein and transcript abundance are manda-tory for generating a complete inventory of the compo-nents that are critical in the response to environmental stimuli.Molecular&Cellular Proteomics11:10.1074/ mcp.M112.020461,1156–1166,2012.Bottom-up,high-throughput profiling of transcripts or pro-teins is a powerful method to analyze changes in biological processes,e.g.during development or upon environmental perturbations.Methods examining gene activity have im-proved dramatically during the past few years.Quantitative gel-free shotgun proteomics based on tandem mass spec-trometry is now possible with high resolution,yielding detailed protein expression maps(1,2).Similarly,the technologies for whole transcriptome sequencing(RNA-seq)ameliorates some of the caveats of DNA microarrays,permitting deep coverage of transcriptomic landscapes and detection of ex-pression changes with a high dynamic putational algorithms to analyze and display the data in a biologically meaningful way have become available.The task of assigning functions to the annotated genes/proteins,however,remains a major challenge.As opposed to a reductionist approach(i.e. studying one gene/protein at a time),systems biology at-tempts to address the system as a whole in order to under-stand the interdependence and dynamics of its components and to predict cellular behavior.Deciphering functional gene networks that mediate biological processes in concert will reveal a more holistic view of the processes under study and will provide an approach to manipulate the fitness and per-formance of plants.Because of the relatively low cost and ease of application,transcriptional profiling has been adopted as the method of choice by many labs to interrogate the adaptation of plants to environmental signals.A large set of genome-wide data is available regarding transcriptional changes induced by Pideficiency,derived from microarray studies using roots,shoots and seedlings of Arabidopsis(3–10)and also other species such as wild mustard(11),rice(12), maize(13),tomato(14)and bean(15).However,biological function is chiefly carried out by proteins,and determination of protein abundance is mandatory to fully understand the function of a system.Generally,because of post-translational turnover and alternate translation efficiency,mRNA abun-From the‡Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology,Academia Si-nica,Taipei,Taiwan;§Graduate Institute of Biotechnology,National Chung Hsing University,Taichung,Taiwan;¶Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program,College of Life Science,National Taiwan University,Taipei,TaiwanReceived May9,2012,and in revised form,July22,2012 Published,MCP Papers in Press,July25,2012,DOI 10.1074/mcp.M112.020461Author’s contributions:L.P.contributed to the design of the study, conceived and conducted experiments,interpreted data and contrib-uted to the manuscript.W.L.conducted experiments and contributed to the manuscript.W.S.participated in the analysis and interpretation of the data,strategic planning of the work,and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.Research©2012by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Inc. This paper is available on line at dance is not a reliable proxy of protein abundance,and mod-est congruency of the two levels has been reported except for high abundance transcripts and“molecular machines”(16–22).Much has been learned regarding Pideficiency responses from proteomic approaches(23–25).Despite these efforts,data sets on Pideficiency-induced changes in the proteome remained somewhat patchy,because of a skew toward high-abundant proteins and work carried out on different species. The parallel analysis and interpretation of disparate“omics”data sets integrate different levels of the cellular response and allows for the uncovering of regulatory mechanisms beyond transcription.A recent study addressing the regulation of transcript and protein abundance in mammalian cells high-lights the importance of translational control for the cellular abundance of protein(26),underlining the importance of an integrated view on gene activity.Parallel analysis of transcrip-tome and proteome expression data is challenging because of biological(e.g.different mRNA and protein stability)and technical biases(e.g.differences in resolution of transcrip-tomic and proteomic profiles).Because proteomic and tran-scriptomic data are often collected separately,it remains often unclear whether discordant mRNA and protein expres-sion merely reflects experimental noise or represents biolog-ical meaningful post-transcriptional regulation.Phosphorous,mainly taken up as phosphate(Pi)1by plants, is an essential macronutrient of crucial importance in signal-ing,metabolism and photosynthesis.Because of its tendency to form complexes with soil cations,the low bioavailability ofPioften limits plant growth.In natural ecosystem,the avail-ability of and demand for Piare major determinants for the composition of plant communities.Phosphate deficiency is a major cause of severe yield losses in crops and poor quality ofedible plant parts.Low Piavailability is often corrected by the use of fertilizers but which are associated with environmentaldamages and substantial costs.To cope with low Piavailabil-ity,plants have evolved a plethora of adaptive processes,aimed at improving the Piuptake and remobilization,and involve alterations in developmental programs and metabolic networks.Phosphate acquisition and use efficiency are traits that vary among species and cultivars.A prerequisite fordeveloping Pi-efficient germplasm is a thorough understand-ing of the mechanisms that control cellular Pihomeostasis. Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling studies have uncov-ered several robustly changed processes in Pi-deficient plants,including the remodeling of lipid metabolism,changes in glycolytic carbon flux,alterations in root development,and signaling pathways(27–30).Based on microarray experi-ments,the expression ofϳ1000genes was estimated to bedifferentially expressed upon Pideficiency.How tightly these changes correspond to changes of the proteomic profiles is not known.In an attempt to identify nodes that are important for thefunction of roots under conditions of Pistarvation,we cata-loged differences in the abundance of mRNAs and proteins by integrated profiling of gene activity using RNA-seq and high-resolution quantitative iTRAQ proteomics.Transcriptomic and proteomic expression profiles were remarkably well corre-lated,but our analysis also revealed several exceptions indic-ative of different control mechanisms that dictate gene activ-ity.We argue that this“molecular compendium”of gene and protein expression data provides an informative readoutabout the physiological state of Pi-deficient roots,uncoveringseveral novel aspects in the metabolism of Pi-deficient plants and provides a comprehensive reference map of gene activity in Arabidopsis roots.MATERIALS AND METHODSPlant Growth—Arabidopsis(Arabidopsis thaliana L.)plants were grown in a growth chamber on an agar-based medium as previously described(31).Seeds of the Col-0accession were obtained from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center(ABRC,Ohio State Univer-sity,Columbus).Seeds were surface sterilized by immersing them in 5%(v/v)NaOCl for5min and70%ethanol for7min,followed by four rinses in sterile water.Seeds were placed onto Petri dishes and kept for1d at4°C in the dark,after the plates were transferred to a growth chamber and grown at21°C under continuous illumination(50␮mol mϪ2sϪ1,Philips TL lamps).The medium was composed of(m M):KNO3(5),MgSO4(2),Ca(NO3)2(2),KH2PO4(2.5),(␮M):H3BO3(70),MnCl2(14),ZnSO4(1),CuSO4(0.5),NaCl(10),Na2MoO4(0.2)and40␮M FeEDTA,solidified with0.3%Phytagel(Sigma-Aldrich).Sucrose (43m M)and4.7m M Mes were included and the pH was adjusted to 5.5.After10days of precultivation,plants were transferred either to fresh agar media without phosphate or to fresh control media and grown for3days.The lower concentration of potassium because ofthe absence of KH2PO4in the Pi-free media was corrected by the addition of KCl.Protein Extraction—Roots from control plants and Pi-deficient plants(13-day-old)were ground in liquid nitrogen and suspended in 10ϫvolume of precooled acetone(Ϫ20°C)containing10%(w/v) trichloroacetic acid and0.07%(v/v)2-mercaptoethanol.Proteins were then precipitated for2h atϪ20°C after thorough mixing. Proteins were collected by centrifuging at35,000ϫg(JA-20108 rotor;Beckman J2-HS)at4°C for30min.The supernatant was carefully removed,and the protein pellets were washed twice with cold acetone containing0.07%(v/v)2-mercaptoethanol and1m M phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and a third time with cold acetone without2-mercaptoethanol.Protein pellets were dried by lyophiliza-tion and stored atϪ80°C or immediately extracted using protein extraction buffer composed of6M urea,50m M triethylammonium bicarbonate,pH8.5,and2%3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammo-nio]propanesulfonate for1h at6°C under constant shaking.Protein extracts were centrifuged at19,000ϫg for20min at10°C.The supernatant was then collected,and the protein concentration was determined using a protein assay kit(Pierce,Rockford,IL).In-solution Trypsin Digestion and iTRAQ Labeling—Total protein (100␮g)was reduced by adding dithiothreitol to a final concentration of10m M and incubated for1h at room temperature.Subsequently, iodoacetamide was added to a final concentration of40m M,and the mixture was incubated for1h at room temperature in the dark.Then, dithiothreitol(10m M)was added to the mixture to consume any free iodoacetamide by incubating the mixture for1h at room temperature in the dark.Proteins were then diluted by50m M triethylammonium1The abbreviations used are:Pi,phosphate;SQDG,sulfo-quinovosyldiacylglycerol.Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Arabidopsis Rootsbicarbonate and 1m M CaCl 2to reduce the urea concentration to less than 0.6M and digested with 40␮g of modified trypsin (Promega,Madison,WI)at 37°C overnight.The resulting peptide solution was acidified with 10%trifluoroacetic acid and desalted on a C18solid-phase extraction cartridge.Desalted peptides were then labeled with iTRAQ reagents (Applied Biosystems,Foster City,CA)according to the manufacturer’s instruc-tions.Control samples (proteins extracted from roots of control plants)were labeled with reagent 114;samples from P i -deficient roots were labeled with reagent 117.Three independent biological experi-ments with two technical repeats each were performed.The reaction was allowed to proceed for 1h at room temperature.Subsequently,treated and control peptides were combined and further fractionated offline using high-resolution cation-exchange chromatography (Poly-Sulfoethyl A,5␮m,200-Åbead).In total,35fractions were collected and combined into 16final fractions.Each final fraction was lyophi-lized in a centrifugal speed vacuum concentrator.Samples were stored at Ϫ80°C.LC-MS/MS Analysis—Liquid chromatography was performed on a nanoACQUITY UPLC System (Waters,Milford,MA)coupled to an LTQ Orbitrap Velos hybrid mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific,Waltham,MA)equipped with a PicoView nanospray interface (New Objective,Woburn,MA).Peptide mixtures were loaded onto a 75␮m ϫ250mm nanoACQUITY UPLC BEH130column packed with C18resin (Waters,Milford,MA)and separated using a segmented gradient in 120min from 5to 40%solvent B (95%acetonitrile with 0.1%formic acid)at a flow rate of 300nl/min.Solvent A was 0.1%formic acid in water.The samples were maintained at 4°C in theautosampler.The LTQ Orbitrap was operated in the positive ion mode with the following acquisition cycle:a full scan (m /z 350ϳ1600)re-corded in the Orbitrap analyzer at resolution R 60,000was followed by MS/MS of the 10most intense peptide ions with collision-induced dissociation-high energy collision-induced dissociation acquisition of the same precursor ion.Collision-induced dissociation was done with collision energy of 35%.high energy collision-induced dissociation-generated ions were detected in the Orbitrap with collision energy of 45%.Database Search—Two search algorithms,Mascot (version 2.2.06,Matrix Science)and SEQUEST,which is integrated in Proteome Dis-coverer software (version,Thermo Scientific),were used to simultaneously identify and quantify proteins (supplemental Fig.S2).Searches were made against the Arabidopsis protein database (TAIR1020110103,27416sequences;ftp:///home/tair/Sequences/blast_datasets/TAIR10_blastsets/TAIR10pep 20110103representative gene model)concatenated with a decoy database containing the randomized sequences of the original data-base.Peak list data (MGF)files used for database searches were generated from Xcalibur raw files using a program in the MassMatrix conversion tools (v.1.4,).The protein se-quences in the database were searched with trypsin digestion at both ends and two missed cleavages allowed,fixed modifications of car-bamidomethylation at Cys,variable modifications of oxidation at Met and iTRAQ 4plex at Tyr;peptide tolerance was set at 10ppm,and MS/MS tolerance was set at 0.8D.iTRAQ 4plex was chosen for quantification during the search simultaneously.The search results were passed through additional filters,peptide confidence more thanF IG parison of protein and transcript abundance.A ,Venn diagram of the number of expressed proteins in three experimental runs.B ,Distribution of protein abundance changes (iTRAQ counts)identified with FDR of Ͻ1%.C ,Quantified and differentially expressed proteins.D ,Venn diagram of the number of transcript detected under Pi-sufficient (ϩPi)and Pi-deficient (-Pi)in three independent experiments.E ,Congruency of the detected transcriptome and proteome.Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Arabidopsis Roots95%(p Ͻ0.05),before exporting the data.For protein quantitation,only unique peptides were used to quantify proteins.These filters resulted in a false discovery rate of less than 1%after decoy database searches were performed.For biological repeats,spectra from the two technical repeats were combined into one file and searched.MS/MS spectra of single peptide-based identifications are deposited in the public proteome database Tranche ( )under the entry name TfZmsyU6n.Statistical Analysis—Proteins identified and quantified by at least in two biological repeats were considered to further analyze the abun-dance change in response to P i deficiency using a method described by (32).In brief,the log2ratios of the 7026quantified proteins over-lapping in at least two biological repeats were calculated and ana-lyzed for normal distribution.For a given protein in one biological repeat,the ratio was calculated as the reverse log2of the median of the log2value of all peptide ratios and averaged across theF IG .2.Concordance between changes in the abundance of mRNA and its encoded protein.A –E ,Correlation between protein and transcript fold-changes upon P i deficiency for all transcript/protein pairs (A ),up-regulated transcripts (B ),down-regulated transcripts (C ),significantly up-regulated transcripts (D )and significantly down-regulated transcripts (E ).F ,Pearson correlations of the comparisons shown in A –E .*indicates significant correlation at p Ͻ0.01.F IG .3.Detection of mRNAs and their cognate proteins.A ,Dependence of protein detection on the number of reads of the corresponding transcript.B ,Overrepresented gene ontology categories (cellular component)of detected and nondetected proteins.Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Arabidopsis Rootsbiological replicates.Next,mean and S.D.were calculated and 95%confidence (Z score ϭ 1.96)was used to select those proteins whose distribution was far from the main distribution.For the down-regulated proteins,the confidence interval was –0.263053843(0.052103724,mean ratio of the 7026proteins)–1.96ϫ0.160794677(S.D.),corresponding to a protein ratio of 0.83.Similarly,for the up-regulated proteins,the confidence inter-val was calculated (mean ratio ϩ1.96ϫS.D.),corresponding to a protein ratio of 1.29.Protein ratios outside this range were defined as being significantly different at p ϭ0.05.RNA Sequencing—Total RNA was extracted from roots grown under control and P i -deficient conditions using RNeasy Plant Mini kit (Qiagen).Equal amounts of RNA collected from three indepen-dent experiments and used for sequencing.cDNA libraries for sequencing were prepared from 5␮g of total RNA following proto-cols provided by the instrument manufacturer (Illumina).The cDNA libraries were enriched by 15cycles of PCR amplification.The resulting cDNA libraries were sequenced on a single lane per sam-ple of an Illumina Genome Analyzer II.The RNAseq and data collection followed published protocols (33).The length of the cDNA library ranged from 250to 300bp with a 5Ј-adapter of 58bp and a 3Ј-adapter of 63bp at both ends.The fragment length of the cDNA ranged from 129to 179bp.Computing Differentially Expressed Genes—Adapters were trimmed from reads and ϳ20.0M 80-mers reads for each sample from treated and untreated roots were obtained in three replicates.Reads were aligned to the TAIR10genome using the BLAT program (34)with minimum 95%identity,but only the highest identity for each read was considered for mapping.Multireads were distributed in proportion to the number of unique and splice reads recorded at similar loci using Enhanced Read Analysis of Gene Expression (ERANGE)strategy (33).RPKM values (reads per 1Kbps of exon model per million mapped reads)were computed as described in (33).A transcript was defined as present when it was detected with at least five reads in at least two experiments within one growth type (i.e.either treated or untreated).A gene was defined as differentially expressed if the p value for the comparison of the RPKM values between samples from treated and untreated plants was Ͻ0.05based on Student’s t test.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONChanges in the Root Proteome Upon P i Starvation —Phos-phate deficiency-induced changes in the proteome of Arabi-dopsis roots were quantitatively cataloged using the iTRAQ technology.Proteins were extracted,digested in solution,and iTRAQ-labeled peptides were analyzed by liquid chromatog-raphy combined with tandem mass spectroscopy on an LTQ Orbitrap with higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD)and collision-induced dissociation capabilities.This combination allows for an accurate identification of the peptides and pre-F IG .4.Protein-protein interaction network of proteins which are differentially expressed upon P i deficiency.The network was generated using the PAIR (http///PAIR/)algorithm.Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Arabidopsis Rootscise quantification of the iTRAQ label with a wide scan range.Two search algorithms,Mascot and SEQUEST,were used to identify ing this strategy,we identified 57,153unique peptides from 1,534,861spectra,corresponding to 17,007proteins (10,794proteins/protein groups)in the three experiments (Fig.1A ,supplemental Data Sets S1,S2,S3).A subset of 13,298proteins was identified by at least two pep-tides or in two experiments,10,256proteins were identified in all three experiments (Fig.1A ).Robustness of the analysis is supported by the nearly identical SCX chromatograms of the three samples (supplemental Fig.S1).P i deficiency-induced changes in protein abundance values showed a normal dis-tribution (Fig.1B ),from which cutoff values for proteins with significantly different expression at p Ͻ0.05were calculated (P i -deficient/control plants ratio of Ն1.29for induced proteins and Յ0.83for repressed proteins).Using this criterion,356proteins from a total subset of 7,026quantified proteins was defined as differentially expressed upon P i deficiency (Fig.1C ;supplemental Data Set S4).The highest increase in abun-dance was observed for the high-affinity P i transporter PHT1;4,the purple acid phosphatase ACP5(PAP17),the tran-scription factor SPX1,and for several proteins with functions in lipid metabolism,including the nonspecific phospholipase NPC4and the UDP sulfoquinovose synthases SQD1and SQD2.Ribosomal and histone-related proteins showed the most pronounced down-regulation upon P i -deficiency.Highest abundance in roots of P i -deficient plants was ob-served for annexin 1,a phospholipid-binding protein that has been associated with ROS defense and abiotic stress responses (35).Comparison of Cognate Gene and Protein Expression—To compare changes in protein abundance with alterations in transcript levels,we conducted RNA-seq experiments with triplicate mRNA samples extracted from P i -sufficient and P i -deficient roots.Approximately 20million reads per sam-ple were acquired on the Illumina GAIIx platform and aligned to the TAIR10release of the Arabidopsis genome.More than 21,000transcripts were detected in roots from both growth types in all three experiments (Fig.1D ).Replicate experiments showed a generally high overlap of the de-tected transcripts.With more stringent criteria (Նfive reads in all three runs),the number of transcripts was ca.20,000in both growth types (Fig.1D ),a subset of 3,106genes was differentially expressed between control and Pi-deficientF IG .5.Membrane lipid remodeling upon P i deficiency.Differentially expressed genes/proteins are framed in boxes,values on top of the boxes indicate 117/114ratios of quantifiable proteins.The weight of the arrows is proportional to the abundance of the transcript in RPKM on a log2scale.Black arrows show the constitutive level,red (up-regulated)arrows indicate transcript changes upon P i deficiency,and green circles P i -releasing reactions.Glu:glucose;Glu1P:glucose-1-phosphate;UDP-Glu:UDP-glucose;UDP-SQ:UDP-sulfoquinovosyl;Pry:pyruvate;Cho:choline;EA:ethanolamine.Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Arabidopsis Rootsplants at p Ͻ0.05(supplemental Data Set S5).Transcripts were detected for 97.7%of the proteins (Fig.1E ).To compare the proteome with the transcriptome,we first matched all differentially expressed mRNAs with quantifiable proteins.We then generated a second list comparing proteins with their cognate mRNAs by sorting the proteins according to their -P i /ϩP i ratio.We observed a positive correlation of r ϭ0.51when all significantly changed mRNAs with a cognate protein were considered regardless of the direction of the change (Figs.2A ,2F ).Restricting the analysis to pairs in which the mRNA was up-regulated,markedly increased the corre-lation (r ϭ0.58;Figs.2B ,2F ).No correlation between tran-script and protein abundance was observed for transcripts with decreased abundance upon P i deficiency (Fig.2C ).For protein/mRNA pairs in which the protein was significantly up-regulated (117/114Ͼ1.29),the highest positive correla-tion (r ϭ0.61)between the two levels was calculated.Inter-estingly,a negative correlation was observed between protein and mRNAs for significantly down-regulated proteins (Figs.2E ,2F ).This indicates that,contrary to expectations,the vast majority of the down-regulated proteins was associated with a higher abundant rather than with a lower abundant tran-script.This correlation was,however,not significant at p Ͻ0.01.Two major factors restricted the number of identified pro-teins relative to the detection of their cognate transcripts:the number of mRNA copies in the sample and the subcellular localization of the paring the number of reads recorded for transcripts corresponding to identified and not identified proteins,a transition is reached at around 100reads,above which the products of the majority of transcripts was detected (Fig.3A ).As anticipated,proteins tightly asso-ciated with membranes are underrepresented in the pool of identified proteins relative to the predicted proteome (Fig.3B ).A Protein-Protein Interaction Network Reveals New Players in P i Homeostasis —To uncover functional aspects associated with the identified proteins,we constructed a protein-protein network based on predicted or verified interologs and com-pared protein abundance with the transcript ing all differentially expressed proteins as input,a network compris-ing 43proteins was generated that can be divided into four subclusters (Fig.4).The largest subcluster consists of struc-tural constituents of ribosomes and proteins involved in ribo-somal biogenesis which showed,with one exception,de-F IG .6.Co-expression network around GPPD1.The network was constructed with the MACCU toolbox (/).Colors indicated fold-changes at the transcript levels.Line weight of the edges between genes is proportional to the Pearson correlation of the co-expression of the genes;thicker lines indicate higher correlation.Hexagonally shaped boxes indicate genes for which a significant change at the protein level was determined.Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Arabidopsis RootsF IG .7.Effects of phosphate deficiency on the abundance of transcripts and proteins engaged in glucose metabolism.Differentially expressed genes/proteins are framed in boxes,values on top of the boxes indicate 117/114ratios of quantifiable proteins.The weight of the arrows is proportional to the abundance of the transcript in RPKM on a log2scale.Gray arrows show the constitutive level,red (up-regulated)Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Arabidopsis Rootscreased abundance upon Pideficiency.Notably,none of thecorresponding transcripts was differentially expressed.A small subcluster was comprised of histones and proteins involved in nucleosome assembly,pointing to a potential im-portance of histone composition for Pihomeostasis.A third subcluster contains several RNA-binding proteins,some of which have been attributed to RNA processing or to the regulation of meiosis.This cluster also contains the PHOS-PHATE TRANSPORTER TRAFFIC FACILITATOR1(PHF1), which is required for the transport of high-affinity phosphate transporters from the ER to the plasma membrane in Arabi-dopsis and rice(36,37).Interestingly,PHF1is connected to the network by a single edge via the binding partner of the target of rapamycin(TOR)kinase RAPTOR1B.TOR is con-served among eukaryotes and important for the stimulation of cell growth in response to nutrients and may link growth, nutrient availability,and translation efficiency(38).Both PHF1 and RAPTOR1B are up-regulated at the protein level,but onlyPHF1transcript levels were increased upon Pideficiency.The fourth subcluster contains,among other proteins,three ubiq-uitin conjugases,and SmD3,a core protein of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein with a role in mRNA splicing(39). Remodeling of Lipid Membrane Composition Massively Re-cycles Pi—In order to maintain membrane integrity and func-tionality,the lipid composition of membranes is remodeledunder Pi-deficient conditions by replacing phospholipids with the galactolipid digalactosyldiacylglycerol and a sulfolipid, sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol(SQDG)(40,41).In general,our data support existing models for membrane remodeling under Pi-deficient conditions but add several novel aspects.Degra-dation of phospholipids by the nonspecific phospholipase NCP4,the synthesis of SQDG via SQD1and SQD2,and the hydrolyzation of glycerophosphodiesters by GDPD1to form glycerol-3-phosphate(G3P),were strongly up-regulated at both the protein and RNA level(Fig.5).Inorganic phosphate is further liberated by the phosphatidate phosphohydrolase PAH1via the generation of diacylglycerol from phosphatic acid.Diacylglycerol may be channeled into the synthesis of MGDG and SQDG.The synthesis of SQDG is supported by APR1-mediated induction of adenosine5-phosphosulphate reduction to sulfite.Notably,the vacuolar sulfate effluxer SULTR4;1was found to be up-regulated exclusively at the protein level,supposedly to provide sulfate for SQDG biosyn-thesis.Four acyl carrier proteins,cofactors of fatty acid bio-synthesis,were induced by Pistarvation solely at the proteinlevel.The function of ACPs in Pihomeostasis has not been established,but it is reasonable to speculate that their con-certed induction is indicative of increased de novo fatty acid biosynthesis.Three G3P transporters targeted to the plasma membrane,G3PP1,G3PP2,and G3PP3,were up-regulated at the transcript level.G3P is a substrate for purple acid phosphatases,which are localized in the cytoplasm or are secreted.The expression of several purple acid phosphatases was induced upon Pideficiency,in particular ACP5which was strongly increased in abundance both at the transcript and protein level.Interestingly,ACP5is closely co-expressed with GDPD1(Fig.6),suggesting a concerted action of the two proteins.ACP5is localized at the cell surface,making it tempting to speculate that G3P is shuttled through the plasmamembrane where Piis liberated by secreted ACP5.A recently described phosphoethanolamine/phosphocholine phospha-tase,C(42),was also strongly induced upon Pideficiency.It has been assumed that PEPC1is involved in the liberation ofPifrom PLs via formation of phosphocholine and phoethanol-amine(42).PiDeficiency-induced Alterations in Carbon Flux—UnderPi-limiting conditions,glycolysis is compromised by the largedecrease in ATP and Pi.Alternative reactions that can bypassATP-or Pi-consuming reactions are thought to be activatedupon Pideficiency to maintain carbon flux(43,28)Our data support the importance of some of these reactions.For ex-ample,PPi-dependent phosphofructokinase,catalyzing the conversion of Fru6P to Fru1,6P and PPC1/PPC2,mediating the bypass of pyruvate kinase via OOA/malate production, were highly expressed constitutively and further induced uponPideficiency(Fig.7).Sucrose breakdown by invertase was reduced,possibly because of a large surplus of sugar im-ported from the leaves.Contrary to what might be expected, three genes encoding the(irreversible)synthesis of Suc6P from UDP-Glu,SPS1F,SPS2F,and SPS4F,were significantlyup-regulated upon Pideficiency,yielding one Piliberated from Fru6P and another one liberated during the synthesis of su-crose.Strongly up-regulated,both at the protein and tran-script level,was also the formation of Pivia PPA4and PPA5, associated with the production of UDP-Glu from Glu1P.Su-crose synthesis from hexosephosphate via sucrose phos-phate synthase may thus represent a further Pi-yielding alter-ation of carbon flux in Pi-deficient roots.The production of Pi via PPSPASE1,a novel type of inorganic pyrophosphatases that catalyze the cleavage of pyrophosphate(44),was alsohighly induced in Pi-deficient plants.PPSPASE1has not been linked to a particular reaction.Other suggested bypass reac-tions,such as the production of3-PGA via nonphosphorylat-ing NADP-G3P dehydrogenase or the PPi-dependent gener-ation of pyruvate via PPDK were expressed at a very low leveland remained unchanged upon Pideficiency.and green(down-regulated)arrows indicate transcript changes upon Pideficiency.Red circles denote Pi-consuming,green circles Pi-releasing reactions.Suc:sucrose,Fru:fructose;Fru6P:fructose-6-phosphate;Fru1,6P:fructose-1,6-bisphosphate;G3P:glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; DHAP:dihydroxyacetone-phosphate;3PGA:3-phosphoglycerate;2PGA:2-phosphoglycerate;PEP:phospho enol pyruvate;GluP:glucose-phosphate;Glu1P:glucose-1-phosphate;UDP-Glu:UDP-glucose;Suc6P:sucrose-6-phosphate;OAA:oxaloacetate.See text for other abbreviations.Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in Arabidopsis Roots。


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洛蒙·比尔森 BLA BLR TR 安全数据表说明书

洛蒙·比尔森 BLA BLR TR 安全数据表说明书

SAFETY DATA SHEETConforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertakingThis SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries.1.1 Product identifierProduct name: Product description: Product type: CAS number: Synonyms: Colour Index Number: BILLIONS® BLA-200, BILLIONS® BLR-501, BILLIONS® BLR-601, BILLIONS® BLR-699, BILLIONS® BLR-698, BILLIONS® BLR-895, BILLIONS® BLR-688, BILLIONS® BLR-896, BILLIONS® BLR-885, BILLIONS® TR52, BILLIONS® BLR-631, BILLIONS® BLR-681, BILLIONS® BLR-886, BILLIONS® BLR-874Titanium dioxide Powder 13463-67-7 Titanium oxide (TiO 2), Pigment White 6 778911.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstProduct use:Pigment, opacifying agent.Uses advised against: Do not use for cosmetics, food additives, drug additives, feed additives or permanent implant applications.Reason:Lack of related experience and / or data.1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetSupplier of the SDS:Telephone:e-mail address ofperson responsible for this SDS:Manufacturer:Billions Europe Limited Winder House, Kingfisher Way, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 3EX,United Kingdom +44 (0)1642 692750(Available during office hours 8am-5pm GMT)***********************Lomon Billions Group Co Ltd Zhongzhan District Jiaozuo City Henan Province China1.4 Emergency telephone numberTelephone number (Emergency): National advisory body/Poison Centre:0061 410915626 NADistributed by:Tri-iso TryLine, LLC2187 Newcastle Avenue Suite 101Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007Sales Office: distributed by:Request Quote or SamplesConforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 2: Hazards Identification2.1 Classification of the substance or mixtureProduct definition: Substance.GHS Classificationaccording 29 CFR1910.1200:Not a hazardous substance or mixture.2.2 Label elementsGHS Labellingelements:Not Applicable.2.3 Other hazardsOther hazards which do not result in classification: Handling and/or processing of this material may generate a dust which can cause mechanical irritation of the eyes, skin, nose and throat.SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredientsSubstance /mixture : Mixtureconcentrations applicable, are classified as hazardous to health or the environment and hence require reporting in this section.Type[1]Substance classified with a health or environmental hazard.[2]Substance with a workplace exposure limit.Occupational exposure limits, if available, are listed in Section 8.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 4: First aid measures4.1 Description of first aid measuresEye contact: Rinse eyes thoroughly for at least 15min with plenty of water, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical attention if irritation occurs.Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.Skin contact: Wash skin with soap and water. If irritation occurs get medical attention.Ingestion: Rinse out mouth with water. Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Protection of first-aiders:No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedPotential acute health effectsEye contact: Exposure to airborne concentrations above statutory or recommended exposure limits may cause irritation of the eyes.Inhalation: Exposure to airborne concentrations above statutory or recommended exposure limits may cause irritation of the nose, throat and lungs. Exposure to dust may aggravate pre-existing respiratory conditions.Skin contact: The product is not irritant but as with all fine powders can absorb moisture and natural oils from the surface of the skin during prolonged exposure.Ingestion: No known significant effects or critical hazards.Over-exposure signs/symptomsEye contact: No significant irritation expected other than mechanical irritation.Inhalation: Dust may induce mild and temporary upper respiratory irritation with cough and shortness of breath.Skin contact: Individuals with sensitive skin may experience skin drying on prolonged or repeated exposure.Ingestion: No specific data.4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNotes to physician: Treat symptomatically.Specific treatment: No specific treatment.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 5: Firefighting measures5.1 Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishingmedia:Use an extinguishing agent suitable for the surrounding environment and circumstances. Unsuitableextinguishing media:None Known.5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureHazards from thesubstance or mixture:Product is inert, non-flammable and non-combustible. No specific fire or explosion hazard.Hazardous combustion products Decomposition products may include the following materials: metal oxide/oxides. At high temperature decomposition products may include formaldehyde and ethyl acrolein as a result of decomposition of the organic component.5.3 Advice for firefightersHazards from the substance or mixture: Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident if there is a fire. No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training.Special protective equipment for fire-fighters: Fire-fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure mode. Clothing for fire-fighters (including helmets, protective boots and gloves) conforming to European standard EN 469 will provide a basic level of protection for chemical incidents.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 6: Accidental release measures6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresFor non-emergency personnel: No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training. Avoid generation of dust. Evacuate surrounding areas. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do not touch or walk through spilt material. Avoid breathing dust. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment.For emergency responders: If specialised clothing is required to deal with the spillage, take note of any information in Section 8 on suitable and unsuitable materials.6.2 Environmental precautionsAvoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains andsewers. Inform the relevant authorities if the product has caused environmental pollution(sewers, waterways, soil or air).6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upSmall spill: Move containers from spill area. Vacuum or sweep up material and place in a designated, labelled waste container. Dispose of via a licensed waste disposal contractor.Large spill: Move containers from spill area. Approach the release from upwind. Prevent entry into sewers, water courses, basements or confined areas. Vacuum or sweep up material and place in a designated, labelled waste container. Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal. Dispose of via a licensed waste disposal contractor.Additional information: Even at low concentration, the product renders the discharge in liquid effluent highly visible.6.4 Reference to other sectionsSee Section 1 for emergency contact information.See Section 8 for information on appropriate personal protective equipment.See Section 13 for additional waste treatment information.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 7: Handling and storageThe information in this section contains generic advice and guidance.7.1 Precautions for safe handlingProtective measures: Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8). Avoid breathing dust.Avoid generation of dust. Ensure adequate ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation may benecessary. Manual handling guidelines should be adhered to when handling sacks.Each work environment must be assessed to determine hazards.Advice on general occupational hygiene: Observe good industrial hygiene practice for chemical handling. Individuals having sensitive skin may find it beneficial to use a barrier cream or moisturizer when excessive or prolonged contact with the skin is likely. See also Section 8 for additional information on hygiene measures.7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStore in accordance with local regulations. Store in original container in a dry, cool andwell-ventilated area, away from incompatible materials (see section 10) and food and drink.Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. Do not store in unlabelledcontainers. Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination.7.3 Specific end use(s)Recommendations: Not applicable.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection The information in this section contains generic advice and guidance.8.1 Control parametersOccupational exposure limits:Recommended monitoring procedures: If this product contains ingredients with exposure limits, personal, workplace atmosphere or biological monitoring may be required to determine the effectiveness of the ventilation or other control measures and/or the necessity to use respiratory protective equipment.8.2 Exposure controlsAppropriate engineering controls: Use only with adequate ventilation. If user operations generate dust, fumes, gas, vapour or mist, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep worker exposure to airborne contaminants below any recommended or statutory limits.Hygiene measures: Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, before eating, smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period. Individuals havingsensitive skin may find it beneficial to use a barrier cream or moisturizer when excessive orprolonged contact with the skin is likely. Appropriate techniques should be used to removepotentially contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated clothing before reusing. Ensure thateyewash stations and safety showers are close to the workstation location.Eye/face protection: Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used when a risk assessment indicates this is necessary to avoid exposure to liquid splashes, mists or dusts. If operating conditions cause high dust concentrations to be produced, use dust goggles.Hand protection: Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should always be worn when handling chemical products if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary.Body protection: Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task being performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before handling this product.Other skin protection: Appropriate footwear and any additional skin protection measures should be selected based on the task being performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before handling this product.Respiratory protection: Use a properly fitted, air-purifying or air-fed respirator complying with an approved standard if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Respirator selection must be based on known or anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the safe working limits of the selected respirator.If workers are exposed to concentrations above the exposure limit, they must use appropriate, certified respirators.Follow OSHA respirator regulations 29 CFR 1910.134. Use a NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator.Environmental exposure controls:Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure they comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. In some cases, fume scrubbers, filters or engineering modifications to the process equipment will be necessary to reduce emissions to acceptable levels.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties Physical state: Solid. [Powder.]Colour: White.Odour: Odourless.Odour threshold: Not applicable.pH 6-8.5(10% slurry).Melting point/freezing1560 to 1850°C (approximately). point;Initial boiling point and2500-3000°C.boiling range:Flash point: Does not flash.Evaporation rate: Not applicable.Flammability (solid,gas): The product is not flammable.Burning time:Not applicable.Upper/lowerflammability orNot applicable.explosive limits:Vapour pressure Not applicable.Vapour density Not applicable.Relative density Not applicable.Solubility(ies) Not applicable.Partition coefficientNot applicable.n-octanol/waterAuto-ignitionNot applicable.temperature:DecompositionNot applicable.temperature:Viscosity: Not applicable.Explosive properties: Not applicable.Oxidising properties: Not applicable.9.2 Other InformationDensity: 3.5 to 4.2 g/cm3 [20°C (68°F)]SECTION 10: Stability and reactivityReactivity: None reasonably foreseeable.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200 Chemical stability: The product is stable. Possibility ofhazardous reactions:None known. Conditions to avoid: None known. Incompatiblematerials:None known.Hazardous decomposition products: Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous decomposition products should not be produced.At high temperature, decomposition products could include Metal oxides.At high temperature decomposition products may include formaldehyde and ethyl acrolein as a result of decomposition of the organic component.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 11: Toxicological informationThe information in this section contains generic advice and guidance. The list of Identified Uses in Section 1 should be consulted for any available use-specific information provided in the Exposure Scenario(s).11.1 Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityIrritation/corrosionMutagenicityConclusion/Summary: Titanium Dioxide Not mutagenic in a standard battery of genetic toxicological tests.CarcinogenicityConclusion/Summary: Titanium Dioxide: based on the results of chronic inhalation studies (with positive resultsonly in a single species - rat), IARC has concluded that: "There is inadequate evidence inhumans for the carcinogenicity of titanium dioxide.” but that: "There is sufficient evidence inexperimental animals for carcinogenicity of titanium dioxide". IARCs overall evaluation wasthat "titanium dioxide is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)."Lomon Billions Group have reviewed the available animal carcinogenicity and mechanisticConforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200data together with workplace epidemiology data for titanium dioxide and concludes that the weight of scientific evidence indicates that there is no causative link between titanium dioxide exposure and cancer risk in humans and that workplace exposures in compliance with applicable exposure standards will not result in lung cancer or chronic respiratory diseases in humans.No ingredients of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% are listed on OSHAs list of regulated carcinogens.No ingredients of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% are listed as known or anticipated carcinogen by NTP (14th edition). Reproductive toxicityConclusion/Summary:Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. TeratogenicityBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure)Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure)Aspiration hazard routes of exposure:Routes of exposure anticipated: Inhalation, oral, dermal.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200Potential acute health effectsInhalation:Exposure to airborne concentrations above statutory or recommended exposure limitsmay cause irritation of the nose, throat and lungs. Exposure to dust may aggravate pre-existing respiratory conditions.Ingestion:No known significant effects or critical hazards.Skin contact:The product is not irritant but as with all fine powders can absorb moisture and naturaloils from the surface of the skin during prolonged exposure.Eye contact:Exposure to airborne concentrations above statutory or recommended exposure limitsmay cause irritation of the eyes due to mechanical irritation.Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristicsInhalation:Dust may induce mild and temporary upper respiratory irritation with cough andshortness of breath.Ingestion:No specific dataSkin contact:Individuals with sensitive skin may experience skin drying on prolonged or repeatedexposure.Eye contact:No significant irritation expected other than mechanical irritation.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200SECTION 12: Ecological informationThe information in this section contains generic advice and guidance. The list of Identified Uses in Section 1 should be consulted for any available use-specific information provided in the Exposure Scenario(s).12.1 Toxicity12.2 Persistence and degradabilitySoil/water partitionNot available.coefficient:Mobility: The product has low mobility in soil. Insoluble in water.12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentNot classified as PBT substance / Not classified as vPvB substance12.6 Other Adverse effectsNo data available.12.7 Additional InformationNo data available.SECTION 13: Disposal considerationsThe information in this section contains generic advice and guidance.13.1 Waste treatment methodsMethods of disposal: Disposal via a licensed disposal company. Dispose in compliance with local and national;regulations.Special precautions: This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Empty containers orliners may retain some product residues. Avoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff andcontact with soil, waterways, drains and sewers.Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200 SECTION 16: Other informationConforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200Conforms to Regulation No. 29 CFR 1910.1200Notice to the readerLomon Billions Group Co., Ltd is the result of the merger of Henan Billions Chemicals Co., Ltd with Sichuan Lomon Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. Billions Europe is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lomon Billions Group Co., LtdWhile the information and recommendations in this publication are to the best of our knowledge, information and belief accurate at the date of publication, NOTHING HEREIN IS TO BE CONSTRUED AS A WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR OTHERWISE.IN ALL CASES, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER TO DETERMINE THE APPLICABILITY OF SUCH INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE SUITABILITY OF ANY PRODUCT FOR ITS OWN PARTICULAR PURPOSE.THE PRODUCT MAY PRESENT HAZARDS AND SHOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION. WHILE CERTAIN HAZARDS ARE DESCRIBED IN THIS PUBLICATION, NO GUARANTEE IS MADE THAT THESE ARE THE ONLY HAZARDS THAT EXIST.Hazards, toxicity and behaviour of the products may differ when used with other materials and are dependent upon the manufacturing circumstances or other processes. Such hazards, toxicity and behaviour should be determined by the user and made known to handlers, processors and end users.NO PERSON OR ORGANIZATION EXCEPT A DULY AUTHORIZED LOMON BILLIONS EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED TO PROVIDE OR MAKE AVAILABLE DATA SHEETS FOR LOMON BILLIONS PRODUCTS. DATA SHEETS FROM UNAUTHORIZED SOURCES MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS NO LONGER CURRENT OR ACCURATE. NO PART OF THIS DATA SHEET MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM, OR BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM LOMON BILLIONS GROUP. ALL REQUESTS FOR PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE MATERIAL FROM THIS DATA SHEET SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO LOMON BILLIONS MANAGER PRODUCT SAFETY AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS.distributed by:Request Quote or Samples。



降低公共及工业铁路轨道的磨损作者:鲁道夫・奥托(Rudolf Otte),世界知名润滑专家,轨道类机车轨道及轮缘润滑的开创者之一,中国政府第一届“友谊奖”即外国专家贡献奖获得者译者:杨和中,上海莱伯斯润滑技术有限公司自从有了铁路轨道网后,轨道的磨损导致巨大的耗费就成了大问题。







Merrithew Total Barre Modified 特殊群体版产品说明书

Merrithew Total Barre Modified 特殊群体版产品说明书

View segments of this workout online: /total-barre-modifiedMerrithew Music and all playlists are o nly available to stream o r do wnlo ad o n appro ved platfo rms. Any unautho rized reco rding o r duplicatio n is strictly pro hibited by co pyright law. When playing any music in public spaces, please ensure you adhere to licensing and performing rights organization requirements in your jurisdiction. For more information, visit /music-rights .Merrithew Music™forTotal Barre Modified for Special PopulationsDue to the potential limitations of this population, segments 3 and 7 have been purposely omitted.Album title: Total Barre Modified for Special PopulationsA collection of instrumental music designed specifically for Barre, Dance and Fitness featuring an upbeat ’60s & ’70s vintage soul sound that you really want to move to.Segment 1. Warm Up 1: Spinal Mobility — Flexion, Extension, Rotation & Side Bendingsong title: Modified: Warm Up length: 4:08 – approx. 90 bpmdescription: An ’80s synth rock ballad that takes its time tobuild, evolve, and explore different worlds while staying within the same bright beautiful soundscape. Listen for the drum fills to guide transitions.start position: facing Barre, feet hip‑distance apart,legs parallel, arms long down by sides, neutral spineintroduction: 32-count introductionnote: Omit 4-count transition after the first Middle Rows before Row with RotationSegment 2. Warm Up 2:Lower Body — Hip, Knee, Ankle & Footsong title: Modified: Warm Up Lower Body length: 2:47 – approx. 126 bpmdescription: A ’60s R&B soul track with rockin’ bluesy Motownsnare drum grooves, and a big band hopping from strong rhythms to playful melodies. Drum fills guide movement sequences.start position: facing Barre with hands resting on Barre,legs parallel, neutral spineintroduction: 16-count introductionSegment 4. Workout 2: Upper Body — Arms Frontsong title: Modified: Workout Upper Body, Arms Front length: 4:30 – approx. 96 bpmdescription: Funkadelic dance music with a heavy beat. The keys,organ and horns, driven by the bass line and guitar, provide the rhythm, while the drum fills guide movement sequences.start position: side facing Barre, feet hip‑distance apart, parallel,neutral spine, arms long in front of body, holding Handweights, palms facing inintroduction: 24-count introductionSegment 5. Workout 3: Upper Body — Arms Backsong title: Modified: Workout Upper Body, Arms Back length: 2:42 – approx. 114 bpmdescription: The percussion with its steel drums and brightmelody mix of staccato and legato bring us to tropical islands and the Beach Boys’ Kokomo! Drum fills guide movement sequences.start position: facing side in a shallow squat position,feet hip‑distance apart, parallel, neutral spine. HoldingHandweights with long arms reaching forward below waist‑levelintroduction: 16-count introductionSegment 6. Workout 4: Hip Abduction & Extensionsong title: Modified: Workout Hip Abduction & Extension length: 2:56 – approx. 130 bpmdescription: Psychedelic delays come through in waves, shakingup this classically R&B music track. The Motown band lets them in, so much so that by the end, they’ve taken over as the low‑key rhythm guitarist. The drum fills are your guide.start position: facing Barre, both hands on Barre,feet hip‑distance apart, parallel, neutral spineintroduction: 36-count introductionnotes: Figure Four Stretch , 1x both sides, 16-counts , Side Stretch at the end has been removedSegment 8. Workout 6: Standing Abssong title: Modified: Workout Standing Abs length: 4:01 – approx. 108 bpmdescription: An upbeat R&B Funk music track with a very easygroove. The rhythm is powerful within the melody, driving the energy within the dance sequences. The cajon and drum fills within this funky track, define movement sequences.start position: facing away from Barre, with Flex‑Band wrappedaround Barre, neutral spine with slight hinge at ankles, or lunge position, hold ends, arms by side, elbows bent slightly behind midline, palms face in with mild‑to‑moderate resistance in Bandintroduction: 16-count introductionE C -4154D -4 M A R 23 © 2023 M e r r i t h e w C o r p o r a t i o n ™ / ® T r a d e m a r k o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f M e r r i t h e w C o r p o r a t i o n , u s e d u n d e r l i c e n s e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P r i n t e d i n C a n a d a .Segment 9. Workout 7: Calf, Quad & Adductorsong title: Modified: Workout Calf, Quad, Adductor length: 2:34 – approx. 121 bpmdescription: A swinging psychedelic island funk track from theworld of reggae syncopation, with a slight feel of surfing and the Beach Boys. Drum fills bring clarity to each movement sequence.start position: facing Barre, both hands on Barre, first position,legs laterally rotated, neutral spineintroduction: 32-count introductionSegment 10. Floor Work 1: Abs, Back & Armssong title: Modified: Floor Work Abs, Back & Arms length: 4:05 – approx. 94 bpmdescription: A psychedelic synth ballad with a captivating legatomelody and breath‑like quality. Drum fills cue movement sequences.start position: side facing Barre, holding Flex‑Band with outsidehand, or two hands (outside palm up, inside palm down), elbow by waist, palm up, neutral spineintroduction: 16-count introductionSegment 11. Floor Work 2: Cool Down & Stretchingsong title: Modified: Cool Down length: 3:50 – approx. 73 bpmdescription: This is a slow dance to a rock song. It may growin intensity and make you feel like you should be doing more. Give into it, and it’s your favourite slow dance. Drum fills guide movement sequences.start position: facing Barre, hands pressing Mini Stability Ballagainst chest, elbows droppedintroduction: 16-count introduction。





【A no-nonsense woman, the governess gave her employer a brusque handshake; Being in a hurry, he made an unintentionally brusque reply.】在最坏的情况下,brusque可以暗示不文明,无礼的尖锐以及过度的拘谨:a brusque dismissal. 相反,bluff一点负面的语气也没有,而是表示真心的坦白,一种缺乏手腕但有礼貌的直率。


Bluff的男人会大声地自由地谈笑,做和说他喜欢的事情而毫无畏惧,不会去思考是否扰烦别人或给他人造成痛苦:A bluff,beefy man,he didn't mince his words,but there was a twinkle in his eye. Blunt在一种意思上与bluff很相近,尽管它只能表示善意的直接。

但是,与bluff 不同的是,blunt更多的情况表示一种接近于无礼的令人措手不及的直率。


【Shall I lie politely to you, or shall I be blunt?Be as blunt as you like—I won't mind your rudeness if you tell me the truth.】在另一种极端中,blunt 可以表示一种不为别人考虑的或无情的坦白。

Blunt 的人可以说出不愉快的事,可能因为对他人感情的冷漠或是为了从折磨别人中获得乐趣。

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Tel : 01209 215424 Fax : 01209 215197
Emitting Color
Backlight Panel Color
Forward Luminous Intensity Viewing Voltage Per Emitter Angle 2 1/2 IF@20mA (nm) IF@20mA (V) IF@20mA (mcd) d Typ. Max. Min. Typ. (Deg) 50 50 50 50
67.00 x 26.00mm 67.00 x 26.00mm 67.00 x 26.00mm 67.00 x 26.00mm
6 6 6 6
U/B Red - Green Bi-Colour
46.50 x 19.50 x 3.0mm
47.50 x 14.50mm
4 x G, 4 x R
< Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C)>
Reverse Voltage D.C forward current Pulse current (10% duty cycle 0.1ms pulse width) Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Lead soldering temperature (1.6mm from body) 10.0V 30mA 100mA -25°C to +85°C -25°C to +100°C +260°C for 5 Secs
Wavelength Typ.
The Optoelectronic Manufacturing Corporation (UK) Ltd Candela House, Cardrew Industrial Estate, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 1SS Tel: 01209 215424 Fax: 01209 215197
LED Backlights
Summary Sheet
OMC edge lit backlights are available in a variety of colours, each of which have their own advantage, they are also available in a wide variety of sizes and options, such as Bi-colour.
4 4 4 4
253-558, 233-640, 233-638 253-558, 233-640, 233-638 253-558, 233-640, 233-638 253-558, 233-640, 233-638
48.70 x 23.30 x 3.0mm 48.70 x 23.30 x 3.0mm 48.70 x 23.30 x 3.0mm 48.70 x 23.30 x 3.0mm
le ng Si u m Ill
de Si on e i b l n at u i Do lum Il
The Optoelectronic Manufacturing Corporation (UK) Ltd Candela House, Cardrew Industrial Estate, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 1SS Tel: 01209 215424 Fax: 01209 215197
1) Yellow/Green The Industry standard backlight colour at 567nm is very cost effective. 2) High Brightness Yellow/Orange A bright, rich and warm 595nm colour which is pleasing to the eye and gives a high qualtiy look to any product. 3) High Brightness Blue A very bright blue at 470nm creating a striking and distinctive display. 4) High Brightness Red A bright red 660nm makes the display stand out from the others.
233-651 233-651 233-651 233-651
47.50 x 17.00 x 3.0mm 47.50 x 17.00 x 3.0mm 47.50 x 17.00 x 3.0mm 47.50 x 17.00 x 3.0mm
47.50 x 14.50mm 47.50 x 14.50mm 47.50 x 14.50mm 47.50 x 14.50mm
67.00 x 26.00mm
6 x G, 6 x R
U/B Red - Green Bi-Colour
67.00 x 28.00 x 3.0mm
67.00 x 23.00mm
6 x G, 6 x R
Bi-Colour backlights offer the ability to change colour from Green to Bright Red. This is achieved by using a neutral colour reflector and having two rows of LED's one edge having all green emitters the opposite edge having all Red. These backlights can be used to indicate an alarm state on an LCD and draw the users attention to reading a particular display. The backlights ability to change colour means it can be used as an indicator without having to add additional LED's to a products front panel. Bi-Colour backlights can be used to good effect for example on a temperature display if the temperature is within a set range the backlight can remain green in the event of an over or under temperature state the backlight can be made to change colour alerting the user to a possible fault.
U/B Red - Green Bi-Colour
253-558, 233-640, 233-638
48.70 x 25.80 x 3.0mm
48.70 x 20.80mm
4 x G, 4 x R
U/B Red - Green Bi-Colour
67.00 x31.00 x 3.0mm
48.70 x 20.80mm 48.70 x 20.80mm 48.70 x 20.80mm 48.70 x 20.80mm
4 4 4 4
523-227, 253-560 523-227, 253-560 523-227, 253-560 523-227, 253-560
67.00 x 28.50 x 3.0mm 67.00 x 28.50 x 3.0mm 67.00 x 28.50 x 3.0mm 67.00 x 28.50 x 3.0mm
< Electrical / Optical Characteristics at Ta=25°C >
LED Chip
Backlight Series Part No.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Material BR02xxx BRIYxxx BRUBxxx BRURxxx GaP GaAIP on GaAs InGaN GaAIAs on GaAs
LED Backlights
Fits Following LCDs Overall Panel Size LxWxH
Summary Sheet
Illuminated Area LxW Number of Emitters
OMC Backlight S36 Types
Standard Yellow/Green Type BRIYS3604TE High Brightness Yellow/Orange Type BRUBS3604TE High Brightness Blue Type BRURS3604TE High Brightness Red Type S36 Types Standard Yellow/Green Type BRIYS3804TE High Brightness Yellow/Orange Type BRUBS3804TE High Brightness Blue Type BRURS3804TE High Brightness Red Type S19 Types Standard Yellow/Green Type BRIYS1906TE High Brightness Yellow/Orange Type BRUBS1906TE High Brightness Blue Type BRURS1906TE High Brightness Red Type S152 Bi-Colour Type BSRGS15208TE S153 Bi-Colour Type BSRGS15308TE S154 Bi-Colour Type BSRGS15412TE S155 Bi-Colour Type BSRGS15512TE BR02S1906TE BR02S3804TE