Proprietary to Samsung Electronics Company
In第tro十-五S页ix,S共ig1m5页a。测度 - 14
Rev 2.0
Proprietary to Samsung Electronics Company
Intr第o九- 页Si,x 共Si1g5m页a。测度 - 8
Rev 2.0
COPQ分类(fēn lèi)
评价/检查费用(Appraisal/Inspection Costs)
● 因不良或缺陷,顾客受到影响之前发现不良或缺陷的
品质费用的识别及计量化要求 Hidden Factory的挖掘及显露 COPQ节减是寄予企业利润(lìrùn)增大的的捷径 提供能决定问题的优先顺序,测定变化及改善进行程度 的工具。
Proprietary to Samsung Electronics Company
Intr第o八- 页Si,x 共Si1g5m页a。测度 - 7
Analyz e
Improv e
Contro l
Six Sigma 介绍(jièshào)
- Six Sigma 概要
ix Sigma 特征
Project 选定(xuǎn dìnɡ)
- Six Sigma 与 经营革新 C-OSPiQx Sigma 方法论
Rev 2.0
COPQ(Cost of Poor Quality:低品质费用(fèi
实际费用 – 最小(理论)费用 = COPQ
会计确认可能的损失 (销售的 5~8%)
- operation sequence - production technique - test requirements - e.t.c.
Taking care of quality, means taking care of…
- machine capability - positioning accuracy - parameterization - maintenance level - e.t.c.
Taking care of quality, means taking care of…
- wrong quality target - wrong quality politics - wrong targets - e.t.c.
Taking care of quality, means taking care of…
iIieu / Environment
- Temperature - Light - Dust - e.t.c.
Influence in the production quality
Method Material
- allowance - Class from the material - different classes from material - e.t.c.
Failures and consequences ZERO – FAULT - ASSAMBLY
Is it possible
Zero failure strategy?
选定的KPI是:(1)研发周期缩短2个月;(2)生产过渡期合格率由65%提高到80%;(3)减少客户报怨和维修率80%;(4)预计财务回报:通过降低研发周期可创造3.5亿美元(US $350KK);通过提高合格率可创造2亿美元(US$200KK);通过降低维修成本可节约4亿美元(US$400KK)。
实施"6-sigma"后,KPI的结果如下:研发周期降低了9个星期(目标是2个月)因而创造了3.1亿美元(US$310KK)(目标是3.5亿美元(US$350KK));生产过渡期合格率提高到85%(目标是80%),因而创造2.4亿美元(US$240KK)(目标是2亿美元(US$200KK));减少客户报怨67%(目标是80%),因而节省2.8亿美元(US$280KK)(目标是4亿美元(US $400KK)。
Six Sigma 概念篇
© USI proprietary and confidential
Cost/ Change
Release to Manufacturing
X ≈ US $3,000 to $4,000 per
Quanta Internal Use
100 X
10 X
Concept Evaluation Plan
1X Design
資料來源: /feb00/html/design.html
上圖2 指出變更的成本與產品週期之關係,假若您在量產階段做了變更以符合客戶需求, 其所花費的成本將會是設計階段的 100 倍,是一個類似指數函數分佈。
•Kano Analysis- enhanced
•CTQ vs CTP Analysis •市場分析 (Market Analysis) - new
Satisfaction Delighters
Primary Satisfiers
2.0 Measure Performance (衡量績效)
目標 (Objective)
與六標準差的 DMAIC 相較下, DMAIC 是處理現有的流程,而 DFSS 則專注於產品與 流程的設計; DMAIC 是較為被動的,而 DFSS 則更為積極主動; DMAIC 的獲益是較 好量化的,而通常透過 DFSS 之獲益是較難量化的,但其影響是較為長期的。 DFSS 強 調「產品和流程的設計一開始就要正確」的理念,這是所有的企業必須要有的首要考量。 DMAIC方法論能夠修補出現問題的地方,而 DFSS 則讓業者一開始就設計出不會出問題 的產品或制度流程。值得注意的是, DFSS 是要提昇新產品發展過程的水準,而不是要 取代新產品發展的過程( Chowdhury, 2002 )。」-----轉摘自六標準差簡介, 蘇朝墩 清 華大學 工業工程與工程管理系 教授
六西格玛是什么1. 介绍六西格玛(Six Sigma)是一种质量管理方法和工具,旨在通过减少产品或过程的变化和缺陷,以提高业务绩效和客户满意度。
它的目标是将质量水平提高到每百万个机会(Defects Per Million Opportunities, DPMO)的水平,即3.4个缺陷/百万个机会。
六西格玛最早由美国西北大学管理学院的教授比尔·史密斯 (Bill Smith) 提出,并在20世纪80年代末和90年代初,由Motorola和通用电气公司广泛应用和推广。
2. 六西格玛方法六西格玛方法基于数据和统计分析,旨在通过一系列有目标的步骤来改善和优化业务过程。
2.2. 测量阶段在这个阶段,团队收集和分析与业务过程相关的数据,以了解当前过程的性能水平。
2.3. 分析阶段在这个阶段,团队进行深入的数据分析,以确定影响业务过程的根本原因。
2.5. 控制阶段在这个阶段,团队建立稳定的业务过程,并制定测量、监控和控制的方法。
3. 六西格玛的工具和技术在实施六西格玛过程中,有许多工具和技术可以帮助团队分析和解决问题。
Measuring & Eliminating Defects is the “Core” of Six Sigma
6 Overview
Measurement System
Some Sigma “Benchmarks”
西格玛(英文PPT 53页)
6 Overview
“Six Sigma”
• If we can’t express what we know in the form of numbers, we really don’t know much about it.
• If we don’t know much about it, we can’t control it.
• Mikel J. Harry one of the Original Architects • Previously Headed Quality Function at ABB and Motorola • Now President/CEO of Six Sigma Academy in Phoenix, Arizona • Has Consulted for Texas Instruments, Allied Signal (and others) • Currently Retained by GE to Teach the Implementation,
6 Overview
Measurement System How Do We Arrive at Sigma?
Identify the CTQs
• “Critical to Quality” Characteristics or the Customer Requirements for a Product or Service
SIX SIGMA策略理念讲明与具体施方法讲解3-1 测定:目标指针化与设定品质评价基准3-2 分析:全公司最适化的调整与核心优势评价3-3 改善:持绩性项目改善的组织化要求改革绩效3-4 管制:落实品质项目改善绩效与建置挑战性品质项目打算S I X S I G M A实质上的问题⇨评量时期⇨了解客户CTQ所关怀的品质需求……正确评量的能力统计学上的问题⇨分析时期⇨完整数量信息评量上的能力……找出关键变量和证明与顾客OTQ的互动关系统计学的解决之道⇨改善时期⇨设计实验去找出关键变量的操作窗口实质上的解决之道⇨操纵时期⇨以SPC对关键因素做讲明……正确测量的能力不良率是多少?.确定可能不良的机会.检测每次机会中所发生的不良.产品一览表.流程图.资料收集表不良于何时何地发生.找出不良于何时何地发生(大问题或是小问题).与最好的等级做比较.制定绩效目标.柏拉图(依不良类型分类).直方图.程序能力分析.确定标竿我们如何改进程序?.检讨不良发生的缘故.测试并确定重大阻碍下之变量为何.研拟打算改进程序.群策群励.实验设计.鱼骨图我们如何确保,程序无误持续进行下去?.因时制宜做适当的监督.检查图表.操纵图表林氏「品质综合模式指针」17项品质特质讲明1. USL 规格上限2. SL 规格中心值3. LSL 规格下限4. XUCL X5. XBAR X 平均数管制图之中心值6. XLCL X 平均数管制图之管制下限7. RUCL R 全距管制图之管制上限(SUCL) (σ标准差管制图)8. RBAR R 全距管制图之管制中心值(SBAR) (σ标准差管制图)9. RLCL R 全距管制图之管制之下限(SLCL) (σ标准差管制图)10. Ca 制程准确度11. Cp 制程周密度(制程潜力) 12. Cpk 制程能力13. PPM Part Per Million 14. SGMs 设计品质σs 规格标准差 15. SGMa 制造品质σa 制程标准差16. Sigma Spec Chart 规格管制技术图(设计品质表示法)17. Sigma Actual Chart 制程管制技术图(制造品质表示法)SIX SIGMA 设计审查技巧与设计验证方法讲明─透过SIX SIGMA 软件执行「设计、计算、验算、验证」作业─兹将「SIX SIGMA软件」「计算、验算」步骤简要讲明于下:步骤(1)透过「规格技术图形视觉法」计算、验算「图面尺寸」,计算、验算所有「规格数据」,并立即修改不合理的「规格数据」。
问题陈述时要着重对问题的现象进行详尽的描述 利用图,表,柏拉图等技术对现象做初步的分析. 要使他人能够看出什么是问题 要能看出对该项项目应该注重哪个部分 决定进行项目的优先顺序 预测因问题发生而造成的费用
拖延财权太多 (赊帐)
用可测定的话说明我们的项目时: 减少拖延财权
超出队的领域的是? (如有的话)?
队内有怎样的制约条件? (如有的话)
Worst First
80 : 20 法则(帕累托图) 是?
Process Map法
工程变量图 使用于6σ工程第一阶段 (过滤器效果) 把核心放在消除散布/减少不良的工程改善. “As is / Can be” 图 把握没有表现为何值的阶段的优秀方法. 有关作业时间减少项目的必要的第一阶段, 一般开始所有课题比较明智. 工程样本图 适用于事先选定项目,把着眼点放在特定的项目.
您是否知道顾客要求的是什么? 对顾客观点的品质把握核心的特性(Critical-To-Quality (CTQ))
六西格玛6σ管理简介一、 什么是六西格玛6σ管理六西格玛是阿拉伯数字6加上希腊字母σ西格玛;σ本来是一个反映数据特征的希腊字母,表示数据的标准差;我们常用下面的计算公式计算σ的大小: 1)(12--=∑=n x x n i i σ ,式中x i 为样本观测值,x 为样本平均值, n 为样本容量; 现在,σ不仅仅是单纯的标准差的含义,而被赋予了更新的内容——即成为一种过程质量的衡量标准;对于任何企业来说,过程变异都是他们最大的敌人,因为过多的过程变异会导致产品和服务无法满足客户的要求,为企业带来损失;6σ管理可以为企业提供战略方法和相应的工具通过严谨的、系统化以及以数据为依据的解决方案和方法,消除包括从生产到销售、从产品到服务所有过程中的缺陷,从而改善企业的利润;那么究竟什么是6σ呢我们可以从以下几个方面来说明6σ的含义;第一,它是一种衡量的标准;从统计意义上讲,一个过程具有六西格玛西格玛能力意味着过程平均值与其规定的规格上下限之间的距离为6倍标准差,此时过程波动减小,每100万次操作仅有次落在规格上下限以外;即六西格玛水平意味着差错率仅为百万分之三点四即;因此,它首先是一种度量的标准,可以通过样本的散布情况来衡量系统的稳定性;6σ的数量越多,产品合格率越高,产品间的一致性越好,或产品的适应环境的能力越强,产品服务的质量就越好;第二,6σ是一个标杆;管理学上有一种设定目标的方法就是“标杆法”,将你的目标设定在你所要超越的对象上,将领先者的水平作为超越的“标杆”; 6σ也是一个标杆,它的目标就是“零缺陷”差错率百万分子;进行6σ管理就是要以这个目标作为追赶和超越的对象; 第三,6σ是一种方法:“一种基于事实和数据的分析改进方法,其目的是提高企业的收益;”这个方法的最大特点就是一切基于事实,一切用数据说话;不论是说明差错的程度,还是分析原因,以及检验改进措施的成效,都要用事实和数据说话,而不是基于主观上的想像; 第四,6σ是一个工具系统;需要说明的是,6σ本身并没有独创出什么新的工具或方法,但在6σ的框架下,几乎包括了所有的统计和质量管理方法;如SPC 、QCC 活动的工具因果图、排列图、直方图、散布图、调查表、分层图、控制图、FMEA 、FTA 、QFD 、DOE 等;当然,上面我们说了,6σ管理法中强调的是基于事实,基于数据的分析和改进,工具只对这些工作提供辅助作用;强调工具的应用是6sigma 的特色,但应该明白工具并不是包治百病的灵丹妙药; 总之,我们可以把6σ管理定义为:获得和保持企业在经营上的成功并将其经营业绩最大化的综合管理体系和发展战略;它是使企业获得快速增长的经营方式,是寻求同时增加顾客满意和企业经济增长的经营战略途径,是使企业获得快速增长和竞争力的经营方式;它不是单纯技术方法的引用,而是全新的管理模式;在六西格玛管理中,通常使用西格玛水平Z 作为满足顾客要求程度的业绩度量;在这种度量中,我们把每个测量值相对于顾客要求的偏离程度考虑进来;Z 有几种表达形式:最简单的一种是用测量数据的标准差σ与顾客要求的上限USL 和下限LSL 的关系来表达,其公式为:达到六西格玛水平是指Z等于6;如果用我们熟悉的正态分布来解释的话,也就是说过程的波动非常小,集中在目标值附近;它们满足顾客要求的能力很强;而3西格玛水平则波动较大,其满足顾客要求的能力远不如六西格玛水平;Z还有另一种表达形式:用百万分之缺陷率ppm来表示;一个服从正态分布的过程,其超出规范限的缺陷百分比与西格玛水平是一一对应的如图1-4所示;根据这个规律,我们可以通过测量缺陷的比率,估算过程的西格玛水平Z,并以此考察过程满足顾客要求的能力;通常,六西格玛水平所代表的过程缺陷率为,而3西格玛水平的缺陷率为66807ppm;我们在引入了6σ这个概念以后,不同的企业、工厂、流程、服务的质量与管理水平之间就都可以进行量化的比较;二、为什么要实施6σ管理1、第一是为了“生存”生存是当今变化迅速的世界中每一个企业都必须面对的问题;尤其在变化极其迅速的中国;一个企业,今天还好好的,明天就倒闭了;所谓“30年河东,30年河西”;我们每一个人实际上也都在面临着这样一个问题;不努力进步,就要被时代远远地抛在后面;在改革开放后的中国,安安稳稳地、按部就班地、不思进取地过日子的时代已经一去不复返了;所以,企业为了生存,为了在竞争中取胜,就必须努力提高自己的竞争力,要有更好的产品,更高的质量,更具有竞争力的价格,更令客户满意的周到的服务; 6σ管理就要做到这些,促进企业提高竞争力,最终和顾客一起取得更高的收益;2、第二是为了发展完美的产品服务质量可以为企业带来巨大的收益:优良的产品设计和工艺可以使产品具有更大的附加值;减少不良质量成本的损失;更快的上市速度可以帮助企业更多盈利和扩大市场份额;更高的运作效率,可以降低企业的运营成本;更周到的服务可以使顾客更满意,增强用户的忠诚度,从而保持和扩大市场份额;三、六西格玛6σ管理的由来和发展六西格玛6σ管理是从质量管理的思想发展而来的⑴质量管理发展的历史背景当今世界经济正在发生巨大的变化; 全球以前的互设国际贸易及投资壁垒,地理上的距离,时区及语言差异,各国政府设立法规不同,文化及商业体制各异,造成了各国经济彼此分离,正随着目前科学技术的突飞猛进,WTO的普及正逐步从这种分离状况走向一个各国相互信赖的全球经济体系-------全球一体化;它促使了产品和服务的生产及消费在世界范围内进行全球的竞争;另一方面,随着人类的知识指数性地扩张,产品的复杂程度越来越高,而消费者对其产品的多功能化,及时性和客户化的需求不断扩大,对产品质量和服务质量也越来越苛刻;生产者面对来自全球的竞争和消费者的要求,都日益认识到质量是企业生存的必要条件;因此质量管理理论也随之发展起来;⑵日本和美国质量管理思潮的演变和发展质量运动可谓战后最富影响力的管理思想,它起源于日本;由于当时日本商品的质量低劣,他们引入了美国质量管理专家戴明的PDCA理论质量循环理论;1951年日本首次颁布的戴明奖标志着质量管理的开始; A.V.费根.堡姆于20世纪60年代提出了TQC全面质量控制的概念,他的理论在日本被普遍接受;经过几十年的努力,到80年代中期日本经济达到最辉煌的时期,其产品如汽车、家电等充斥世界各国市场;着名质量管理专家朱兰对日本经济奇迹的评价是:“日本的经济振兴是一次成功的质量革命”;1996年日本人开始也追随美国把TQC改作为TQM;全面质量管理理论美国企业一直重视质量管理,其质量管理起源于泰勒;在美国50年代后期,美国国防部颁布了和实施了有关军工产品标准,后被英国标准局采用,现已发展成为国际标准化组织的ISO 9000标准,随着日本商品的质量在世界领先地位,20世纪80年代,美国人转而向日本学习质量管理,并把它发展成为TQM,---全面的质量,全过程的质量,全员参与的质量和全企业的质量;随之美国1987年8月20日,里根总统在公共法100—107签字,即马可姆.波里奇国家质量改进法案,它具有划时代的意义立法;在美国,大体经历了质量检验、统计质量控制、全面质量管理、到马克姆波里奇奖核心是定点超越4个阶段美国企业界在对TQM的实践上,认为TQM太过于笼统,没有数字,也认为TQM的东方哲学难以适应西方文化,并且对TQM的“不断改进”的慢节奏也颇为疑问,随之他们提出了崭新的管理理论----六个西格玛;从菲利浦. 克罗斯比的预防思想,到 W. 爱得华. 戴明的科学管理PDCA理论,到约瑟夫M. 朱兰博士的质量三部曲,再发展到迈克.哈里博士的六个西格玛实践,从历史的进程看,质量管理从质量检验发展到质量控制、质量保证、质量管理、直到当前的综合管理系统;2、六西格玛6σ管理的产生与发展上面我们已经说过,现在人们所谈的六西格玛早已超出了其最初的统计学上的意义;它事实上指的是一整套管理方法,不仅指过程或产品业绩的一个统计量,更是指公司业绩改进趋于完美的一个目标,是能实现持续领先和世界级业绩的一个管理系统,是系统解决问题的方法和工具,是基于数据的一种决策方法;二十世纪八十年代末期,六西格玛最早作为一种突破性的质量管理战略在制造业领域的摩托罗拉公司Motorola付诸实践,使产品的不合格率大幅度下降;从而在1988年荣膺极负盛名的马克姆波里奇奖国家质量奖;随后,联信公司Allied Signal,后与霍尼韦尔Honeywell 合并也和别的公司在各自企业内开始全面推广六西格玛管理战略;而真正把六西格玛这一高度有效的质量战略变成管理哲学和实践,从而形成一种企业文化的是在杰克韦尔奇领导下的通用电气公司General Electric Company;该公司在1996年初开始把六西格玛作为一种管理战略列在其公司三大战略举措之首另外两个是全球化和服务业,在公司全面推行六西格玛的流程变革方法;而六西格玛也逐渐从一种质量管理方法成为了世界上追求管理卓越性的企业最为重要的战略举措,这些公司迅速将六西格玛的管理思想运用于企业管理的各个方面,为组织在全球化、信息化的竞争环境中处于不败之地建立了坚实的管理基础;六西格玛的成功故事,特别是它给GE带来的巨大变化吸引了华尔街的注意力,这使得六西格玛的理念和方法犹如旋风般迅速传遍全球;欧美和亚洲的数百家跨国公司都积极聘请相关的咨询公司帮助他们设计方案、培训员工、辅导项目,以期提高客户的满意度、增加收入、降低成本、推动公司快速而健康地发展,从而给股东以丰厚的回报;继摩托罗拉、德仪、联信/霍尼维尔、通用电气等先驱之后,几乎所有的财富500强的制造型企业,如ABB Asea Brown Boveri 、柯达Kodak、西门子Siemens、诺基亚Nokia 等都陆续开始实施六西格玛管理战略;值得注意的是,一直在质量领域领先全球的日本企业也在九十年代后期纷纷加入实施六西格玛的行列,这其中包括索尼SONY、东芝Toshiba等;韩国的三星、LG也开始了向六西格玛进军的旅程;尤其值得注意的现象是,自通用电气之后,所有公司都将六西格玛战略应用于组织的全部业务流程的优化,而不仅仅局限于制造流程;更有越来越多的服务性企业,如美国最大的花旗银行CitiGroup、全球最大的B-TO-C网站亚马逊等企业也成功地采用了六西格玛战略来提高服务质量、维护高的客户忠诚度,所以六西格玛已不再是一种单纯的、面向制造性业务流程的质量管理方法,同时也是一种有效的提高服务业务水平的管理方法和战略;在六西格玛的显着成效影响下,甚至一些政府机构也开始采用六西格玛的方法来改善政府服务;目前,美国公司的平均水平已从十年前的三西格玛左右提高到接近五西格玛的程度,而日本则已超过了西格玛的水平;可以毫不夸张的说,西格玛水平已成为衡量一个国家综合实力与竞争力的最有效的指标;在改革开放后的中国,近年来也掀起了一个引进、学习六西格玛管理法的热潮;据报道,国内有些大企业如海尔、宝钢等对实施6 sigma管理做了些尝试,但对绝大多数的中国企业来说,6 sigma管理还仅仅停留在理论的认知水平上;造成这种现象的原因主要是因为国内企业的科学管理基础薄弱,许多基础的管理工作都没有做好,6 sigma管理推行更是无从谈起;同时也有一些大企业认为自己在本行业已经做得很好,6 sigma管理好像没有很大的必要;更有甚者认为自身企业连生产营销都没搞好,哪还有时间和精力来搞什么6 sigma等等,其实越是这样经营困难的企业,越需要实施6 sigma管理来解决现存的问题;而那些自认为已经做得够好的企业,实际上改进的余地还相当的大;当然,国内6 sigma推行缓慢的另一大原因是国内能为企业进行6 sigma培训和作咨询顾问的专业公司还相当有限,而专业从事6 sigma黑带培训和咨询的公司就更是屈指可数,所以6 sigma管理在中国还处在萌芽阶段;但我们相信:随着WTO的加入以及中国企业管理水平的日益提高,6 sigma管理在中国必将会得到广泛的应用;四、六西格玛6σ管理的特点1、六西格玛6σ管理首先是一种理念,它追求以客户为中心;六西格玛6σ管理强调,由于所拥有的资源的有限性,我们在改进产品或服务时必须分清主次;所以,应将重点放在那些客户最关心、对企业影响最大的方面——这就是客户关键点CTO;它要求我们在寻求质量改进机会的时候不能强求面面俱到,更不能目光短浅,只从自身出发,专注于内,而忽视外部的客户;2、六西格玛6σ管理是基于数据的决策方法,强调用数据说话,而不是凭直觉、凭经验行事;它通过对真实数据进行科学分析得出结论,告诉我们症结所在;量化是六西格玛6σ管理的基础,量化的指标客观地反映了我们的现状,并且容易引起人们的注意;3、六西格玛6σ管理追求的是接近完美的流程或服务;它是一个很高的目标——每百万次操作中缺陷的数目只有个;但它不提零缺陷——这会给人带来不切实感,所以它又是容许失败的;4、六西格玛6σ管理要运用系统地解决问题的方法和工具;有一套有效地解决问题的标准程序,即DMAIC——定义、测量、分析、改进、控制;5、六西格玛6σ管理体现了主动管理、不断改进、无边界以及崇高学习的企业文化——听取客户声音,根据他们的需求不断改进我们的工作;打破部门边界组成项目团队,密切协作,共同讨论与分析,为实现项目目标而一起努力;6、六西格玛6σ管理以流程为中心进行管理和改进,把流程作为满足顾客需求的重点;但它追求的不仅仅是流程的改善,还与利润的增加直接相联系;认为质量的提高所产生的收益比为了提高质量所投入的成本大得多;7、六西格玛6σ管理所带来的不仅仅是客户满意度的提高和股东收益的增加,还有员工满意度的增加和凝聚力的增强;因为,六西格玛6σ培训给员工提供了一个新的学习机会,整个项目从定义到实施是一个放权的过程,项目实施中小组成员要自主决策,要在团队中学习协作与沟通的技巧;五、六西格玛6σ管理中的一些概念1、质量成本传统的质量成本理论是由美国管理专家费根堡姆在20世纪50年代最早提出的,后来经过.朱兰博士的进一步完善,在西方有很大影响;这一理论将质量预防费用、鉴别费用总称为预防成本与产品不合要求造成的企业内部损失和外部损失总称为损失成本一起考虑;认为随着质量的提高,预防成本会逐步增大,而损失成本则正好相反;所以总的质量成本有一个最佳点大约相当于3σ的水平,这时企业收益最大;六西格玛6σ管理认为传统质量成本理论是有缺陷的;第一,传统质量成本理论不能全面反映质量管理的绩效,它忽略了质量收入包括优质量优价收入、成本降低收入、减废增产收入、优质商誉收入、优质广销收入、工作质量提高和其他质量收入,还忽视了社会的质量收入;不讲质量收入而仅讲质量成本是不全面的;第二,传统认为的质量成本只看到了劣质量成本冰山的一角;如下图所示,在3σ水平的情况下,冰山上浮出水面的可见部分大约只占销售额的4%--5%;而冰山下的部分则要占到15%--25%;也就是说,不良质量成本损失COPQCost of Poor Quality造成的成本损失是十分惊人的,遗憾的是这部分冰山下的成本往往不为人们所知;据估计,对于3-4西格玛水平的企业来说,COPQ可占到销售额的15-25%,而六西格玛企业的COPQ仅占销售额的%左右;GE公司认为,该公司从3-4西格玛水平提高到六西格玛水平,其减少的COPQ可达80-120亿美元/年;各西格玛水平下的COPQ占销售额的百分比如下图所示;总之,六西格玛6σ管理法认为随着质量的不断提高,质量损失随之减少;另一方面,随着产品质量的提高,产品产量和销量不断增长,企业生产能力得到充分利用,单位产品的固定成会降低,从而使单位产品成本下降;尽管提高质量会增加预防费用和鉴定费用,但质量收入的增长超过了质量成本的增长;因此,随着产品质量的不断提高,质量成本占销售额的比重不断降低;2、六西格玛6σ管理的过程:DMAIC 与DMADV⑴六西格玛6σ改进过程:DMAIC它是在PDCA循环法基础上发展上而来的;包括界定、测量、分析、改进、控制;界定:陈述问题,确定改进目标,规划项目资源,制定进度计划;测量:量化顾客CTQ,收集数据,了解现有质量水平;分析:分析数据,找到影响质量的少数几个关键因素;改进:针对关键因素确立最佳改进方案;控制:采取措施以维持改进的结果;⑵六西格玛6σ设计的过程方法:DMADVDMADV即“定义、测量、分析、设计、验证”的过程;“六西格玛设计”是一个广义概念,它适用于引入新产品和新服务等范围,以应付DAMIC模型的内在局限;一般说来,当西格玛质量水平达到五西格玛时,再用DMAIC法就很难突破,这时可以考虑用DMADV法;即当创立一个新的程序时,可以用DMADV法;在所有六西格玛项目中,DMAIC法占了约85%;3、过程的输入与输出对于一个组织或流程模型,最左端是组织或流程的输入用X代表;中间是组织或流程本身以流程图或流程表来表示;最后,在最右端是输出,如关键顾客,最终产品和利润用Y代表;则Y=fX,这是描述输入的变量和流程X在多大程度上决定了最终结果Y的数学方法;其中,X 可以表示达到战略目标的必要手段、业务工作的质量、对顾客满意度的关键影响,以及流程变量如人员、周期、技术、流程输入质量如客户或供应商等因子;Y可以表示战略目标、顾客需求、利润、顾客满意度、业务的总体效率等目标;在六西格玛6σ管理中,不仅要测量X和Y,更重要的是把X原因和Y结果联系起来,即要了解是哪些因素影响着你所想要的输出的;当然,还要把Y同顾客的真正需求联系起来;六、六西格玛6σ管理同其他绩效改进工具的比较1、SO9001:2000认证这是一个产品/服务符合性模式,目的是为了在市场环境中保证公正,其核心是集中于弥补质量体系缺点和消除产品/服务的不符合性,忠实记录并证明工作质量;ISO9000和它的衍生QS-9000,TL-9000,AS-9000等能给我们提供一个基本的质量保证系统,一个工作程序化思想的基础;ISO-9000 2000版和现在的QS-9000更要求持续的优化;但要成为世界级企业,企业需要一个更先进的质量管理系统;更可靠的质量能够让我们的客户更满意;六西格玛就是这样的质量管理系统,它能够产生更高层次的凝聚力,有一些非常好的管理理念和工作方法,它既促进企业改革又能够保证在企业各个层面上持续优化;所以它们在总体上是一致的,ISO/QS-9000在文件记录与监测方面支持六西格玛;所以可以说,ISO9000族标准为组织的质量管理工作提供了一个基础平台ISO9001是组织建立质量管理体系的要求标准,ISO9004是组织进行持续改进的指南标准;在实践中,由于ISO9000认证的依据是ISO9001,而不包括ISO9004,所以大部分组织仅使用ISO9001,所以是要求标准而不是指南标准在企业中起主要作用,而六西格玛6σ管理则给组织的质量管理工作带来了一个新的工作体系;2、波多里奇卓越绩效标准它关注整个组织在一个全面管理框架下的卓越绩效,识别和跟踪所有重要的组织经营结果,如顾客、产品/服务、财务、人力资源和组织的有效性等,并强调程序化管理、重视量化指标,重视立足于企业外部,把本企业的业绩与同行最优秀企业的业绩进行对比,找出差距以寻求改进;它的特点是树立一个赶超的标杆,实现定点超越;3、戴明的质量管理思想戴明环强调自主、主动管理;其质量管理思想是通过戴明循环PDCA,把自我批评作为一种重要的手段,自己与自己比较,找出存在的问题,然后自我超越;4、全面质量管理TQMTQM强调全面的质量,全过程的质量,全员参与的质量和全企业的质量;这一方法强调的是动态质量,始终不断地寻求改进;但是它没有规范化、没有统一的标准;5、六西格玛管理这一工具集中在测量产品/服务质量和改进流程管理服务水平,它影响到公司所有的业务过程,它推动流程改进和节约成本,并同财务结果联系起来; 六西格玛是一套连续的优化工具,它能够提高质量、减少消耗;它认为如果你们的企业现在并没有在进步,那你的企业可能正在落伍;六西格玛不是一个标准,而是一种文化,是从防护性的标准到放开思想改革创新的突破性理念,所以,ISO9000/2000 是基础, TQM是发展,六西格玛是一种突破;六西格玛管理是领导承诺的TQM,是财务驱动的TQM,是顾客参与的TQM,是后ISO 9000的突破改进,是落实ISO9000的具体途径;七、六西格玛6σ管理财务收益的例子通过六西格玛能够获得非常可观的财务效果,不仅可以复兴公司,而且可以帮助公司在市场份额和利润竞争中取得优势;据美国麦克.哈里和里查德.施罗德的6 SIGMA—风行美国的管理思潮一书中写道:许多华尔街的分析家豪不掩饰对于六西格玛的热衷,其中的原因如下:1995年,韦尔奇命令所有的下属部门都要朝六西格玛的目标努力;在刚刚引入该计划的时候,通用电气基本上保持在 Sigma左右;随着六西格玛深入到组织的流程中,通用电气在1998年完成了以前看来不可能实现的%营业收入上限,大大高于199年下开始实施六西格玛时的% ;若以美元计,六西格玛为通用电气1997年的营业收入贡献了至少3亿美元,而在1998年,这一数字翻了一番,超过6亿美元;联合信号的CEO劳伦斯.博斯迪通过实施六西格玛革新战略,把这个145亿美元的工业巨人从破产的边缘拯救回来;基础广泛的六σ西格玛创新系列活动使得公司的营业利润率从1998年第一季度的12%上升到1999年同期的%,创造了历史纪录;自从博斯迪于1994年实施六西格玛以来,来自于直接成本的节约就超过了20亿美元;1998年就任Raytheon公司CEO的前联合信号主管丹尼尔.波恩汉姆把六西格玛作为公司战略规划的基石;通过六西格玛波恩汉姆希望Raytheon公司到2001年前做到商业成本节约10亿美元/每年;自从接管通用电气在俄亥俄州Worthingtong的工业钻石业务后,威廉.伍德布恩采用六西格玛革新战略使得投资回报翻了4倍,并且削减了一半的成本;负责宝丽来公司产品开发和全球制造的质量战略经理约瑟夫.J.卡萨布拉认为六西格玛最吸引人的地方在于它对于提高净收益的作用;在六西格玛的帮助下,宝丽来公司的净收益每年增长了6% ;ABB公司已经成功地在其印第安那州Muncie的电力转换企业实施了六西格玛革新战略,取得了一系列的成果:测试设备错误减少了83%;单件错误由%下降到%;无负载损失减至2%以内;ABB公司同时改进了资源配置,仅在一个工厂的单个流程上每年就节省了大约775000美元的开支;八、六西格玛管理的应用范围它适用于任何水平的任何企业,它功能强,可以测量到百万分之一的水平;因为它会影响到整个公司,所以实施六西格玛需要上层领导的大力协助;中国的企业在中国加入WTO 后,必将面临日益激烈的来自全球的竞争,同时信息化的飞速发展将从根本上改变经济的组织结构和消费行为,如何在这种新的经济环境中生存、成长、壮大是对每一个企业领导人的挑战;六西格玛,由于其严谨的方法和实施步骤、以面向最终用户来建立营运体系的管理思想,对于中国企业建立卓越的管理体系,获取并保持在国际市场上的竞争优势提供了一个非常有效的管理思想和实践;现在,甚至一些中小型企业也开始运用六西格玛工具来提高效率和创新开发能力,为扩大企业规模和提高国际竞争力奠定坚实的基础;六西格玛管理的最大魅力就在于它能够帮不同行业、不同发展阶段、不同状况的企业提高效益;对于追求顶尖级、世界级的大公司,六个西格玛是卓有成效的,可以让公司锦上添花如通用电气GE公司;对于正处于变革中的企业,六个西格玛是助推器,可以让公司尽快步入良性循环的轨道;对于那些正为公司存在的诸多问题头疼的时候,六个西格玛可谓是雪中送炭,可以让公司进行大换血,如菲利普公司;。
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6西格玛管理法 英文
6西格玛管理法英文Six Sigma Management MethodologyIntroductionSix Sigma is a highly effective management approach that aims to improve the quality and efficiency of organizational processes. Developed by Motorola in the 1980s, Six Sigma has gained wide popularity and been adopted by numerous companies across various industries. This article provides an overview of the Six Sigma methodology and its application in today's business environment.1. Defining Six SigmaSix Sigma is a data-driven management methodology centered around process improvement and variation reduction. It focuses on identifying and eliminating defects, errors, and waste to achieve maximum efficiency and customer satisfaction. The name "Six Sigma" refers to the goal of achieving a level of process performance where the number of defects is limited to 3.4 per million opportunities.2. DMAIC MethodologyThe DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) framework is an essential component of Six Sigma. It provides a structured approach for problem-solving and process improvement. Let's delve into each phase of the DMAIC methodology:2.1 DefineIn the Define phase, the project's goals and objectives are clearly defined. This involves identifying the problem, understanding customer requirements, and setting achievable targets. Key stakeholders are engaged, and a project charter is developed to provide guidance and direction throughout the project.2.2 MeasureThe Measure phase involves collecting relevant data to understand the current state of the process. Data is analyzed to determine the extent of the problem and provide a baseline for future improvement. Various statistical tools are utilized to assess process performance and identify critical process inputs.2.3 AnalyzeThe Analyze phase focuses on identifying the root causes of the problem and understanding the underlying process dynamics. Data analysis techniques, such as hypothesis testing and regression analysis, are employed to discover patterns and relationships in the data. This phase enables the team to pinpoint the factors contributing to process variation and identify potential improvement opportunities.2.4 ImproveIn the Improve phase, potential solutions are generated and implemented to address the identified root causes. These solutions are tested on a pilot scale to evaluate their effectiveness and feasibility. Process modifications and enhancements are made, leveraging the knowledge gained from the previous phases.2.5 ControlThe Control phase aims to sustain the improvements achieved by implementing robust monitoring and control mechanisms. Statistical process control techniques are employed to ensure that the process remains stable and within acceptable limits. Control plans and standard operating procedures are developed to guide ongoing operations and prevent the recurrence of defects.3. Benefits of Six SigmaImplementing the Six Sigma methodology provides organizations with numerous benefits, including:3.1 Quality ImprovementBy focusing on eliminating defects and reducing process variation, Six Sigma improves the quality of products and services. This, in turn, enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased market share and profitability.3.2 Cost ReductionReducing defects and waste inevitably leads to cost savings. Through process optimization and efficiency improvements, organizations can minimize resource utilization and achieve significant cost reductions.3.3 Cycle Time ReductionSix Sigma aims to streamline processes and eliminate unnecessary steps. This results in faster cycle times and improved delivery performance.Shorter lead times enable organizations to respond more effectively to customer demands and gain a competitive edge.3.4 Employee EngagementSix Sigma fosters a culture of continuous improvement and empowers employees to contribute to organizational success. By involving employees in problem-solving and decision-making processes, Six Sigma promotes employee engagement and enhances morale.4. Six Sigma Tools and TechniquesSix Sigma utilizes a wide range of tools and techniques to analyze data, identify problems, and drive improvements. Some commonly used tools include:4.1 Process MappingProcess mapping visually represents the flow of activities within a process, enabling teams to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. It provides a clear overview of the process steps, inputs, and outputs.4.2 Statistical AnalysisStatistical analysis plays a crucial role in identifying patterns, relationships, and trends in data. Techniques such as regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are employed to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.4.3 Lean PrinciplesSix Sigma is often combined with lean principles to achieve maximum efficiency and waste reduction. Lean focuses on identifying and eliminatingnon-value-added activities, streamlining processes, and optimizing resource utilization.ConclusionSix Sigma is a powerful management methodology that enables organizations to achieve process excellence and maximize customer satisfaction. By reducing defects, improving quality, and eliminating waste, Six Sigma drives significant improvements in organizational performance. Adopting Six Sigma principles and tools empowers organizations to stay ahead in today's competitive business landscape.。
六西格玛(Six Sigma)取胜的四要素 六西格玛成果
仁心仁术 济众博数施据和事实
Six Sigma的质量含义
顾客声音(VOC)的四方面: 对产品或服务
仁心仁术 济众博施
仁心仁术 济众博施
高质量才能高速度 多缺陷
仁心仁术 济众博施
1、满足规范(期望的质量) 2、价格适中 3、供货及时
and Probability(機率)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency1 2
% 0.027 0.056 0.063 0.111
0.139 0.167 0.139
0.111 0.063
0.056 0.027
0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06
Spec. Limit Percent (%) Defective ppm
+/- 1
+/- 2
+/- 3
+/- 4
99.9937 83
+/- 5
99.999943 .57
+/- 6
99.9999998 .002
Spec. Limit +/- 1 +/- 2 +/- 3 +/- 4 +/- 5 +/- 6
- Use best tools to achieve the goals of avoiding cause, detect failure, & compensate the effects
Take a wild guess on what is the normal average mistakes by any given processed operation?
✓允收水準(AQL/AOQL) ✓SPC with estimated defective rate & trend ✓製程(流程)能力指標Process Capability Index
BENEFITS OF SIX SIGMA: Productivity increases, cycle time reduction, higher throughput, reduced defects, high levels of outgoing quality, standardized improvement methodology across the organization, a set of techniques and tools to simplify improvement efforts, greater customer satisfaction and dramatic improvement in the "bottom-line".DESCRIPTION OF SIX SIGMA: Using the popular Six Sigma definition, it is a statistical measure of quality, 3.4 defects per million or 99.99966% good quality. Although zero defects is the goal, as a measure Six Sigma will drive a firm toward achieving higher levels of customer satisfaction and reducing operational costs. Six Sigma is a robust continuous improvement strategy and process that includes cultural methodologies such as Total Quality Management (TQM), process control strategies such as Statistical Process Control (SPC) and other important statistical tools. It uses a structured systems approach to problem solving and strongly links initial improvement goal targets to bottom-line results.SIX SIGMA FAQ's:IS SIX SIGMA APPLIED ONLY TO TOUCHABLE PRODUCTS?Absolutely not .... it should be applied to all business processes in a company. WHAT TYPE OF FIRM SEEKS SIX SIGMA PERFORMANCE?Firms who are progressing to or have achieved Six Sigma already include: GE, Motorola, Allied Signal, Polaroid and Sony among others. Many other enlightened companies are starting Six Sigma programs. Adopters have reported significant annual savings attributed to their Six Sigma efforts. Suppliers to such companies will, themselves, have to aim for Six Sigma quality as well.HOW DOES SIX SIGMA FIT WITH TRADITIONAL "QUALITY INITIATIVES"No. Six Sigma is complementary to other initiatives such as ISO 9000 registration, which is mainly procedural; Total Quality Management (TQM), which is mainly cultural and Statistical Process Control (SPC), which is primarily statistical process control monitoring. All of these initiatives attempt to improve quality levels but typically reach a plateau. The Six Sigma approach goes to the next level.WHAT IS SIX SIGMA BLACKBELT TRAINING?This is specific and tailored training on the understanding of the Six Sigma process and theutilization of six sigma tools. The student will be trained in the methodology and tools use through real projects with bottom-line impact on the firm's profitability.WHAT IS A GREENBELT, BLACKBELT, MASTER BLACKBELT AND SIX SIGMA CHAMPION?Black Belt: An individual trained in the Six Sigma methodology and experienced leading cross-functional process improvement action teams.Green Belt: An individual trained in the Six Sigma methodology who is a team member of six sigma process improvement action teams.Master Black Belt: An individual trained in the Six Sigma methodology who acts as the organization-wide Six Sigma program manager. He oversees Black Belts and process improvement projects and provides guidance to Black Belts as required. A Master Blackbelt teaches other six sigma students and helps them achieve Greenbelt and Blackbelt status.Six Sigma Champion: Usually a top executive or senior manager who "talks the talk" and "walks the walk" of Six Sigma. He is the catalyst and driving force behind the organization's Six Sigma implementation.World Class Six Sigma e-Learning ServicesSix Sigma: What Does It Really Mean?The Latest buzzword being bandied about in the automotive industry is Six Sigma. What is Six Sigma and what does it mean to the automotive industry? Where did this concept originate?HistorySix Sigma is not actually a recent trend. In the 1980s, Motorola Inc., based in Schaumburg, Illinois, and Robert W. Galvin, then Chief Executive Officer, pioneered the concept of Six Sigma. Hoping to improve the quality of their pagers and cellular telephones. Motorola employed the techniques of Six Sigma in their internal training. In 1981, one of Motorola's top 10 goals was the improvement of quality by 10 times before 1986. To this end, Bill Smith of Motorola's Land Mobile Products Sector first identified the key to company -wide defect reduction, "Defects per Opportunities." Also known as "Defects per Unit," this technique allowed Motorola to measure defects uniformly in all business sectors. In 1988, using the philosophies of Six Sigma, Motorola was among the first recipients of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.Motorola's strategy and dedication to quality have been admired by numerous organizations around the world, especially members of the automotive community. The Six Sigma program sparked the interest of many organizations who approached Motorola in the hopes of imitating this customer-focused, bottom-line approach. IBM, hoping to emulate Motorola's success, was one of the first companies to implement the Six Sigma techniques. Utilizing what they learned, IBM's Application Business Systems Division, located in Rochester, MN, went on to win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1990. Six Sigma was fast becoming a critical success factor, continuously proving its applications to every type and level of organization. The automotive industry was watching as Six Sigma techniques brought performance to a new, previously lacking, level of quality.The next major event in the Six Sigma story occurred in 1991 when Jack Welch became Chief Executive Officer of General Electric Company. One of the first items on Jack's agenda was the restructuring of the entire GE organization, which consisted of 12 major businesses. Jack chose to divest GE of any companies that were not the best in the business. His attention to "best practices" led him to see out the Six Sigma philosophy, and implementation began on October, 1995. GE chose to employ this philosophy in all of their businesses, including GE Credit Corporation NBC-TV, and GE Capital and Mortgage Company. In 1995, GE began its program with an average of three sigma quality. Before two years had passed their quality level had increased to 3.5 sigma, and it is still growing. GE anticipates reaching their Six Sigma goal by 2000. This kind of success does come with a price in any industry. GE spent $450 million on a quality improvement last year alone. However, the Six Sigma investment has been offset by the profit increase, showing a bottom line improvement of $1.2 Billion. Jack Welch took a $25-billion organization and turned it into a $90-billion customer-driven, extremely profitable, quality company.Jack Welch in 1997: "We didn't invent Six Sigma-we learned it. The cumulative impact on the company's numbers is not anecdotal, nor a product of charts . It is the product of 276,000 people executing and delivering the result of Six Sigma to our bottom line. Six Sigma, even at this relatively early stage, delivered more than $300 million to our 1997 operating income."Jack Welch in 1998: "We have invested more than a billion dollars in the effort, and Thefinancial returns have now entered the Exponential phase-more than three quarters of a billion dollars in savings beyond our insight for 1999."Prior to GE's Six Sigma program. Another person caught the eye of the Six Sigma watchers in the automotive industry. In 1994 Chief Executive Officer of AlliedSignal, Inc. (former Chief Executive Officer of General Electric Company, Larry Bossidy began to implement the techniques of Six Sigma. Within four years, Allied.Signal had made 2,400 processimprovements, and reduced defects by sixty one percent-yielding $350 million in annualized cost savings. Larry Bossidy's success and initiatives were critical factors in influencing GE to undertake Six Sigma implementation.Larry Bossidy in 1997: "With $1.5 Billion in estimated savings already achieved, Six Sigma is one of the most ambitious projects we have ever un dertake n. When our Six Sigma defect reduction program began in 1992, AlliedSignal was an average-quality man ufacturer. Today we're a substa ntially above average, and gett ing better."The n umber of orga ni zati ons in volved in successful Six Sigma programs were steadily increasing and members of the automotive industry are taking note.Backgro undWhat is Six Sigma? Sigma, also known as standard deviation from the mean, measures the variability in a process. Six Sigma uses Defects per Opportunities (DPOs) as measurement tool. (Six Sigma uses the term "opportunities" rather than "units" because un its tend to vary in complexity.) Defects per Opportu nities is a good measure of the quality of a process or product. It correlates to defects, cost, and time. The sigma value indicates how often defects are likely to occur. The higher the sigma value, the lower the likelihood of defects. A defect is any thi ng that results in customer dissatisfacti on. Therefore, as sigma in creases, cost and cycle time decrease while customer satisfacti on in creases. Most orga ni zati ons in the Un ited States curre ntly operate at a three to four sigma quality levels (66,800 to6, 210 defects per milli on), which is 99.73% performanee, losing up to 25% of their total revenue due to defects. (see table 1)The Six Sigma process focuses on three main areas:* Cycle time reducti on* Defect reducti on* Customer satisfacti onThe Six Sigma methodology entails the measurement and analysis of all of an orga ni zati on's bus in ess processes. The automotive in dustry is very experie need in measureme nt and an alysis, hav ing bee n through QS-9000, which requires statistical process con trol (SPC), failure mode and effects an alysis (FEMA), measureme nt system an alysis (MSA), adva need product quality pla nning (APQP), and producti on part approval process (PPAP), to name a few tools. However, Six Sigma is not merely a quality in itiative, it is a bus in ess in itiative. A Six Sigma program should build onto an existi ng ISO/QS-9000, total quality ma nageme nt (TQM), an d/or Malcolm Baldrige man ageme nt system .In dividually,these man ageme nt systems are importa nt quality fun dame ntals and build ing blocks, but in tegrated with Six Sigma they become part of the total Six Sigma program. Six Sigma does not undermine the value of any existing quality programs, but rather is one evoluti onary phase of a complete quality strategy.Achieving the goal of Six Sigma requires more than small, incremental improvements; it requires breakthroughs in every area of operation. Moving sigma levels is not linear. It takes considerably more work to go from five to six sigma than it does to go from three to four sigma. Each sigma level requires an exp onen tial reducti on of defects. In statistical terms, this means that the six sigma process approaches zero defects.Some of the tools in volved in Six Sigma programs are quite familiar and may eve n be used in current quality initiatives, including benchmarking, cycle time reduction, design of experime nts, process mapp ing, and quality fun cti on deployme nt.The true challenge of Six Sigma is not the statistics, rather it is in the following five crucial steps.« Define« Measure« An alyze« Improve* Co ntrol* Impleme ntati onHow does an automotive orga ni zati on impleme nt a Six Sigma program? Ideally, and without questi on, there must be commitme nt from top man ageme nt. The Six Sigma process is doomed to failure without executive buy-i n. Therefore, the educati on of senior management is the first step. For example, an initial phase/activity to take place is for top man ageme nt to un dersta nd what Six Sigma means for them and every one else in the organization. Top management must establish realistic goals, time frame, expectations, and answer human and financial resources will be made available. Once management has committed to the process, they will need to determine the initial projects and choose the in dividuals they would like to lead this process.The n ext step is the trai ning of the team leaders (also known as Black Belts and Master Black Belts) which can be accomplished within a 16-week cycle. One week of training is con ducted and the n the pote ntial Six Sigma Master is put back to work with a specific project outl in ed. The Six Sigma Master can didate works on the project for three weeks and the n retur ns for ano ther week of training. This cycle is repeated four times. At the end of the program the Six Sigma Master can didate is required to complete four to six projects. Each project is expected to dem on strate sav ings of up to $175,000 each.An importa nt part of this process is men tor ing. A men tor will give guida nce and structure to the Six Sigma Master, allowing growth and learning in the best possible en viro nment. There are additi on al levels of trai ning give n to in dividuals below and above the Six Sigma Master level, including Champions. Normally, an organization has 10 Six Sigma Masters and one Six Sigma Grand Master per 1,000employees.Why should the automotive industry implement Six Sigma? If improving processes, saving money, reducing defects, ensuring customer satisfaction, and increasing stock value are important to the success of the business, then Six Sigma is the answer. If customers are satisfied with quality levels of three sigma or lower, then sit back and let the Six Sigma success stories entertain you. (see table 2)Industry research indicates that a 5% increase in customer retention yields increased profits of more than 25%. It is estimated that companies lode 15-20% of revenues each year to poor quality and employees satisfaction equals employee commitment. Six Sigma provides a measure that applies to both product and service activities (defects per million opportunities-DPMO), and sets attainable, short-term goals while striving for long-range business objectives-using teams to reduce defects. Six Sigma challenges the automotive community to anticipate what customers need and expect, while providing the tools to get there.This article is reprinted from the Informed Outlook, Volume 3, Number 19Visit their web site atWhy Six Sigma?For Motorola, the originator of Six Sigma, the answer to the question "Why Six Sigma?" was simple: survival. Motorola came to Six Sigma because it was being consistently beaten in the competitive marketplace by foreign firms that were able to produce higher quality products at a lower cost. When a Japanese firm took over a Motorola factory that manufactured Quasar television sets in the United States in the 1970s, they promptly set about making drastic changes in the way the factory operated. Under Japanese management, the factory was soon producing TV sets with 1/20 th the number of defects they had produced under Motorola management. They did this using the same workforce, technology, and designs, making it clear that the problem was Motorola' s management. Eventually, even Motorola 'ows n executives had to admit “ ourquality stinks, i[i]”Finally, in the mid 1980s, Motorola decided to take quality seriously. Motorola 'CsEO at the time, Bob Galvin, started the company on the quality path known as Six Sigma and became a business icon largely as a result of what he accomplished in quality at Motorola. Today, Motorola is known worldwide as a quality leader and a profit leader. After Motorola won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1988 the secret of their success became public knowledge and the SixSigma revolution was on. Today it's hotter than ever.It would be a mistake to think that Six Sigma is about quality in the traditional sense. Quality,defi ned traditi on ally as con forma nee to internal requireme nts, has little to do with Six Sigma. Six Sigma is about helping the organization make more money. To link this objective of Six Sigma with quality requires a new definition of quality. For Six Sigma purposes I define quality as the value added by a productive endeavor. Quality comes in two flavors:potential quality and actual quality. Pote ntial quality is the known maximum possible value added per unit of in put. Actual quality is the curre nt value added per un it of in put. The differe nee betwee n pote ntial and actual quality is waste. Six Sigma focuses on improving quality (i.e., reduce waste) by helping orga ni zati ons produce products and services better, faster and cheaper. I n more traditi onal terms, Six Sigma focuses on defect preve nti on, cycle time reduct ion, and cost savi ngs. Un like min dless cost-cutting programs which reduce value and quality, Six Sigma identifies and eliminates costs which provide no value to customers, waste costs.For non-Six Sigma compa ni es, these costs are ofte n extremely high. Compa nies operat ing at three or four sigma typically spe nd betwee n 25 and 40 perce nt of their revenues fixing problems. This is known as the cost of quality, or more accurately the cost of poor quality. Compa nies operati ng at Six Sigma typically spe nd less tha n 5 perce nt of their reve nues fixi ng problems (Figure 1). The dollar cost of this gap can be huge. General Electric estimates that the gap between three or four sigma and Six Sigma was costing them between $8 billion and $12 billion per year.Figure 1: Cost of Poor Quality versus Sigma LevelWhat is Six Sigma?Six Sigma is a rigorous, focused and highly effective i mpleme ntati on of prove n quality prin ciplesand techniques. Incorporating elements from the work of many quality pioneers, Six Sigma aims for virtually error free bus in ess performa nee. Sigma, c, is a letter in the Greek alphabet used by statisticia ns to measure the variability in any process. A compa ny's performa nee is measured by the sigma level of their bus in ess processes. Traditi on ally compa nies accepted three or four sigma performa nee levels as the norm, despite the fact that these processes created betwee n 6,200 and 67,000 problems per millio n opport un ities! The Six Sigma sta ndard of 3.4 problems per millio n[1]opport un ities1 is a resp onse to the in creas ing expectatio ns of customers and the in creased complexity of moder n products and processes.If you're looking for new techniques, don't bother. Six Sigma's magic isn't in statistical or high-tech razzle-dazzle. Six Sigma relies on tried and true methods that have been around for decades. In fact, Six Sigma discards a great deal of the complexity that characterized Total Quality Man ageme nt (TQM). By one expert's count, there were over 400 TQM tools and tech niq ues. Six Sigma takes a han dful of prove n methods and trains a small cadre of in-house tech ni cal leaders, known as Six Sigma Black Belts, to a high level of proficiency in the application of these techniques. To be sure, some of the methods used by Black Belts use are highly advaneed;in cludi ng the use of up-to-date computer tech no logy. But the tools are applied with in a simple performa nee improveme nt model known as DMAIC, or⑵Defin e-Measure-A nalyze-Improve-C on trol2 . DMAIC can be described as follows:In frastructureA very powerful feature of Six Sigma is the creation of an infrastructure to assure that performa nee improveme nt activities have the n ecessary resources. In this author's opi nion, failure to provide this infrastructure is the #1 reason why 80% of all TQM implementations failed in the past. Six Sigma makes improvement and change the full-time job of a small but critical percentage of the organization's personnel. These full time change agents are the catalyst that institutionalizes change. Figure 2 illustrates the required human resource commitment required by Six Sigma.Figure 2: Six Sigma In frastructureLeadershipSix Sigma in volves cha nging major bus in ess value streams that cut across orga ni zatio nal barriers. It is the means by which the organization's strategic goals are to be achieved. This effort cannot be leadby anyone other than the CEO, who is responsible for the performance of the organization asa whole. Six Sigma must be implemented from the top-down.Champions and SponsorsSix Sigma champions are high-level individuals who understand Six Sigma and are committed to its success. In larger organizations Six Sigma will be lead by a full time, high level champion, such as an Executive Vice-President. In all organizations, champions also include informal leaders who use Six Sigma in their day-to-day work and communicate the Six Sigma message at every opportunity. Sponsors are owners of processes and systems who help initiate and coordinate Six Sigma improvement activities in their areas of responsibilities.Master Black BeltThis is the highest level of technical and organizational proficiency. Master Black Belts provide technical leadership of the Six Sigma program. Thus, they must know everything the Black Belts know, as well as understand the mathematical theory on which the statistical methods arebased. Master Black Belts must be able to assist Black Belts in applying the methods correctly in unusual situations. Whenever possible, statistical training should be conducted only by Master Black Belts. Otherwise the familiar “ propagation of error ” phenomenon will occur, i.e., BlackBelts pass on errors to green belts, who pass on greater errors to team members. If it becomes necessary for Black Belts and Green Belts to provide training, they should do only so under the guidance of Master Black Belts. For example, Black Belts may be asked to provide assistance to the Master during class discussions and exercises. Because of the nature of the Master 's duties, communications and teaching skills are as important as technical competence.Black BeltCandidates for Black Belt status are technically oriented individuals held in high regard by their peers. They should be actively involved in the process of organizational change and development. Candidates may come from a wide range of disciplines and need not be formally trained statisticians or engineers. However, because they are expected to master a wide variety of technical tools in a relatively short period of time, Black Belt candidates will probably possess a background in college-level mathematics, the basic tool of quantitative analysis. Courseworkin statistical methods should be considered a strong plus or even a prerequisite. As part of their training, Black Belts receive 160 hours of classroom instruction, plus one-on-one project coaching from Master Black Belts or consultants.Successful candidates will be comfortable with computers. At a minimum, they should understand one or moreoperating systems, spreadsheets, database managers, presentation programs, and word processors. As part of their training they will be required to become proficient in the use of one or more advanced statistical analysis software packages. Six Sigma Black Belts work to extract actionable knowledge from an organization's information warehouse.To assure access to the needed information, Six Sigma activities should be closely integrated with the information systems (IS) of the organization. Obviously, the skills and training of Six SigmaBlack Belts must be enabled by an investment in software and hardware. It makes no sense to hamstring these experts by saving a few dollars on computers or software.Green BeltGreen Belts are Six Sigma project leaders capable of forming and facilitating Six Sigma teams and managing Six Sigma projects from concept to completion. Green Belt training consists of five days of classroom training and is conducted in conjunction with Six Sigma projects. Training covers project management, quality management tools, quality control tools, problem solving, and descriptive data analysis. Six Sigma champions should attend Green Belt training. Usually, Six Sigma Black Belts help Green Belts define their projects prior to the training, attend training with their Green Belts, and assist them with their projects after the training.Staffing Levels and Expected ReturnsAs stated earlier in this article, the number of full time personnel devoted to Six Sigma is not large. Mature Six Sigma programs, such as those of Motorola, General Electric, Johnson &Johnson, AlliedSignal, and others average about one-percent of their workforce as Black Belts. There is usually about one Master Black Belts for every ten Black Belts, or about 1 Master Black Belt per 1,000 employees. A Black Belt will typically complete 5 to 7 projects per year. Project teams are lead by Green Belts, who, unlike Black Belts and Master Black Belts, are not employed full time in the Six Sigma program. Black Belts are highly prized employees and are often recruited for key management positions elsewhere in the company. After Six Sigma has been in place for three or more years, the number of former Black Belts tends to be about the same as the number of active Black Belts.Estimated savings per project varies from organization to organization. Reported results average about US$150,000 to US$243,000. Note that these are not the huge mega-projects pursued by Re-engineering. Still, by completing 5 to 7 projects per year per Black Belt the company will add in excess of US$1 million per year per Black Belt to its bottom line. For a company with 1,000 employees the numbers would look something like this:Master Black Belts: 1Black Belts: 10Projects: = 50 to 70 (5 to 7 per Black Belt)Estimated saving: US$9 million to US$14.6 million (US$14,580 per employee)Do the math for your organization and see what Six Sigma could do for you. Because Six Sigmasavings impact only non-value added costs, they flow directly to your company's bottom line. Implementation of Six SigmaAfter over two decades of experience with quality improvement, there is now a solid body of scientific research regarding the experience of thousands of companies implementing major programs such as Six Sigma. Researchers have found that successful deployment of Six Sigma involves focusing on a small number of high-leverage items. The steps required to successfully implement Six Sigma are well-documented.1. Successful performance improvement must begin with senior leadership. Start by providingsenior leadership with training in the principles and tools they need to prepare theirorganization for success. Using their newly acquired knowledge, senior leaders direct thedevelopment of a management infrastructure to support Six Sigma. Simultaneously, steps aretaken to "soft-wire" the organization and to cultivate an environment for innovation andcreativity. This involves reducing levels of organizational hierarchy, removing proceduralbarriers to experimentation and change, and a variety of other changes designed to makeit easier to try new things without fear of reprisal.2. Systems are developed for establishing close communication with customers, employees, andsuppliers. This includes developing rigorous methods of obtaining and evaluating customer,employee and supplier input. Base line studies are conducted to determine the starting pointand to identify cultural, policy, and procedural obstacles to success.3. Training needs are rigorously assessed. Remedial basic skills education Is provided toassure that adequate levels of literacy and numeracy are possessed by all employees.Top-to-bottom training is conducted in systems improvement tools, techniques, andphilosophies.4. A framework for continuous process improvement is developed, along with a system ofindicators for monitoring progress and success. Six Sigma metrics focus on theorganization's strategic goals, drivers, and key business processes.5. Business processes to be improved are chosen by management, and by people with intimateprocess knowledge at all levels of the organization. Six Sigma projects are conducted to。
提高企业竞争力的秘密武器Six Sigma简介.ppt
1985 ◆ DRAM 的市场亦被日本所取代,再面临倒闭
1987 1988
◆ 通讯部-费雯提出“6σ”改革新方案,并期许 1992 年达到 “6σ”质量管理目标(3.4ppm)
◆ 获得马尔康巴利治奖(美国国家质量奖)
1993 ◆ 产品质量水准 →“5.4σ”
6σ& Motorola (二)
68.27% 317300ppm 30.23% 697700ppm
63 99.3790
0.57 99.97670
0.002 99.999660
工近13万人。1956年罗伯特W ·盖尔温(Robert
W ·Galvin)继其父成为公司总裁,并于1964年
成为首席执行官(CEO,Chief Executive
3.4 DPMO,参见表1-2)并期望在5年内弥补他们与日
2019-9本-5 的质量差距。
六西格玛(Six Sigma)来源(5/5)
表1-2 σ质量水平对照表
±σ 1σ 2σ 3σ 4σ 5σ 6σ
常态分配(统计理论) 常态分配(shift1.5σ)
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GOAL OF SIX SIGMA: "Bottom-line" financial improvementBENEFITS OF SIX SIGMA: Productivity increases, cycle time reduction, higher throughput, reduced defects, high levels of outgoing quality, standardized improvement methodology across the organization, a set of techniques and tools to simplify improvement efforts, greater customer satisfaction and dramatic improvement in the "bottom-line".DESCRIPTION OF SIX SIGMA: Using the popular Six Sigma definition, it is a statistical measure of quality, 3.4 defects per million or 99.99966% good quality. Although zero defects is the goal, as a measure Six Sigma will drive a firm toward achieving higher levels of customer satisfaction and reducing operational costs. Six Sigma is a robust continuous improvement strategy and process that includes cultural methodologies such as Total Quality Management (TQM), process control strategies such as Statistical Process Control (SPC) and other important statistical tools. It uses a structured systems approach to problem solving and strongly links initial improvement goal targets to bottom-line results._________________________________________________SIX SIGMA FAQ's:IS SIX SIGMA APPLIED ONLY TO TOUCHABLE PRODUCTS?Absolutely not.............it should be applied to all business processes in a company.WHAT TYPE OF FIRM SEEKS SIX SIGMA PERFORMANCE?Firms who are progressing to or have achieved Six Sigma already include: GE, Motorola, Allied Signal, Polaroid and Sony among others. Many other enlightened companies are starting Six Sigma programs. Adopters have reported significant annual savings attributed to their Six Sigma efforts. Suppliers to such companies will, themselves, have to aim for Six Sigma quality as well.HOW DOES SIX SIGMA FIT WITH TRADITIONAL "QUALITY INITIATIVES"No. Six Sigma is complementary to other initiatives such as ISO 9000 registration, which is mainly procedural; Total Quality Management (TQM), which is mainly cultural and Statistical Process Control (SPC), which is primarily statistical process control monitoring. All of these initiatives attempt to improve quality levels but typically reach a plateau. The Six Sigma approach goes to the next level.WHAT IS SIX SIGMA BLACKBELT TRAINING?This is specific and tailored training on the understanding of the Six Sigma process and theutilization of six sigma tools. The student will be trained in the methodology and tools use through real projects with bottom-line impact on the firm's profitability.WHAT IS A GREENBELT, BLACKBELT, MASTER BLACKBELT AND SIX SIGMA CHAMPION?Black Belt: An individual trained in the Six Sigma methodology and experienced leading cross-functional process improvement action teams.Green Belt: An individual trained in the Six Sigma methodology who is a team member of six sigma process improvement action teams.Master Black Belt: An individual trained in the Six Sigma methodology who acts as the organization-wide Six Sigma program manager. He oversees Black Belts and process improvement projects and provides guidance to Black Belts as required. A Master Blackbelt teaches other six sigma students and helps them achieve Greenbelt and Blackbelt status.Six Sigma Champion: Usually a top executive or senior manager who "talks the talk" and "walks the walk" of Six Sigma. He is the catalyst and driving force behind the organization's Six Sigma implementation.World Class Six Sigma e-Learning ServicesSix Sigma: What Does It Really Mean?The Latest buzzword being bandied about in the automotive industry is Six Sigma. What is Six Sigma and what does it mean to the automotive industry? Where did this concept originate?HistorySix Sigma is not actually a recent trend. In the 1980s, Motorola Inc., based in Schaumburg, Illinois, and Robert W. Galvin, then Chief Executive Officer, pioneered the concept of Six Sigma. Hoping to improve the quality of their pagers and cellular telephones. Motorola employed the techniques of Six Sigma in their internal training. In 1981, one of Motorola's top 10 goals was the improvement of quality by 10 times before 1986. To this end, Bill Smith of Motorola's Land Mobile Products Sector first identified the key to company -wide defect reduction, "Defects per Opportunities." Also known as "Defects per Unit," this technique allowed Motorola to measure defects uniformly in all business sectors. In 1988, using the philosophies of Six Sigma, Motorola was among the first recipients of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.Motorola's strategy and dedication to quality have been admired by numerous organizations around the world, especially members of the automotive community. The Six Sigma program sparked the interest of many organizations who approached Motorola in the hopes of imitating this customer-focused, bottom-line approach. IBM, hoping to emulate Motorola's success, was one of the first companies to implement the Six Sigma techniques. Utilizing what they learned, IBM's Application Business Systems Division, located in Rochester, MN, went on to win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1990. Six Sigma was fast becoming a critical success factor, continuously proving its applications to every type and level of organization. The automotive industry was watching as Six Sigma techniques brought performance to a new, previously lacking, level of quality.The next major event in the Six Sigma story occurred in 1991 when Jack Welch became Chief Executive Officer of General Electric Company. One of the first items on Jack's agenda was the restructuring of the entire GE organization, which consisted of 12 major businesses. Jack chose to divest GE of any companies that were not the best in the business. His attention to "best practices" led him to see out the Six Sigma philosophy, and implementation began on October, 1995. GE chose to employ this philosophy in all of their businesses, including GE Credit Corporation NBC-TV, and GE Capital and Mortgage Company. In 1995, GE began its program with an average of three sigma quality. Before two years had passed their quality level had increased to 3.5 sigma, and it is still growing. GE anticipates reaching their Six Sigma goal by 2000. This kind of success does come with a price in any industry. GE spent $450 million on a quality improvement last year alone. However, the Six Sigma investment has been offset by the profit increase, showing a bottom line improvement of $1.2 Billion. Jack Welch took a $25-billion organization and turned it into a $90-billion customer-driven, extremely profitable, quality company.Jack Welch in 1997: "We didn't invent Six Sigma-we learned it. The cumulative impact on the company's numbers is not anecdotal, nor a product of charts . It is the product of 276,000 people executing and delivering the result of Six Sigma to our bottom line. Six Sigma, even at this relatively early stage, delivered more than $300 million to our 1997 operating income."Jack Welch in 1998: "We have invested more than a billion dollars in the effort, and The financial returns have now entered the Exponential phase-more than three quarters of a billion dollars in savings beyond our insight for 1999."Prior to GE's Six Sigma program. Another person caught the eye of the Six Sigma watchers in the automotive industry. In 1994 Chief Executive Officer of AlliedSignal, Inc. (former Chief Executive Officer of General Electric Company, Larry Bossidy began to implement the techniques of Six Sigma. Within four years, Allied.Signal had made 2,400 process improvements, and reduced defects by sixty one percent-yielding $350 million in annualized cost savings. Larry Bossidy's success and initiatives were critical factors in influencing GE to undertake Six Sigma implementation.Larry Bossidy in 1997: "With $1.5 Billion in estimated savings already achieved, Six Sigma is one of the most ambitious projects we have ever undertaken. When our Six Sigma defect reduction program began in 1992, AlliedSignal was an average-quality manufacturer. Today we're a substantially above average, and getting better."The number of organizations involved in successful Six Sigma programs were steadily increasing and members of the automotive industry are taking note.BackgroundWhat is Six Sigma? Sigma, also known as standard deviation from the mean, measures the variability in a process. Six Sigma uses Defects per Opportunities (DPOs) as measurement tool. (Six Sigma uses the term "opportunities" rather than "units" because units tend to vary in complexity.) Defects per Opportunities is a good measure of the quality of a process or product. It correlates to defects, cost, and time. The sigma value indicates how often defects are likely to occur. The higher the sigma value, the lower the likelihood of defects. A defect is anything that results in customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, as sigma increases, cost and cycle time decrease while customer satisfaction increases. Most organizations in the United States currently operate at a three to four sigma quality levels (66,800 to6, 210 defects per million), which is 99.73% performance, losing up to 25% of their total revenue due to defects. (see table 1)The Six Sigma process focuses on three main areas:∙Cycle time reduction∙Defect reduction∙Customer satisfactionThe Six Sigma methodology entails the measurement and analysis of all of an organization's business processes. The automotive industry is very experienced in measurement and analysis, having been through QS-9000, which requires statistical process control (SPC), failure mode and effects analysis (FEMA), measurement system analysis (MSA), advanced product quality planning (APQP), and production part approval process (PPAP), to name a few tools. However, Six Sigma is not merely a quality initiative, it is a business initiative. A Six Sigma program should build onto an existing ISO/QS-9000, total quality management (TQM), and/or Malcolm Baldrige management system. Individually, these management systems are important quality fundamentals and building blocks, but integrated with Six Sigma they become part of the total Six Sigma program. Six Sigma does not undermine the value of any existing quality programs, but rather is one evolutionary phase of a complete quality strategy.Achieving the goal of Six Sigma requires more than small, incremental improvements; it requires breakthroughs in every area of operation. Moving sigma levels is not linear. It takes considerably more work to go from five to six sigma than it does to go from three to four sigma. Each sigma level requires an exponential reduction of defects. In statistical terms, this means that the six sigma process approaches zero defects.Some of the tools involved in Six Sigma programs are quite familiar and may even be used in current quality initiatives, including benchmarking, cycle time reduction, design of experiments, process mapping, and quality function deployment.The true challenge of Six Sigma is not the statistics, rather it is in the following five crucial steps.∙Define∙Measure∙Analyze∙Improve∙Control∙ImplementationHow does an automotive organization implement a Six Sigma program? Ideally, and without question, there must be commitment from top management. The Six Sigma process is doomed to failure without executive buy-in. Therefore, the education of senior management is the first step. For example, an initial phase/activity to take place is for top management to understand what Six Sigma means for them and everyone else in the organization. Top management must establish realistic goals, time frame, expectations, and answer human and financial resources will be made available. Once management has committed to the process, they will need to determine the initial projects and choose the individuals they would like to lead this process.The next step is the training of the team leaders (also known as Black Belts and Master Black Belts) which can be accomplished within a 16-week cycle. One week of training is conducted and then the potential Six Sigma Master is put back to work with a specific project outlined. The Six Sigma Master candidate works on the project for three weeks and then returns for another week of training. This cycle is repeated four times. At the end of the program the Six Sigma Master candidate is required to complete four to six projects. Each project is expected to demonstrate savings of up to $175,000 each.An important part of this process is mentoring. A mentor will give guidance and structure to the Six Sigma Master, allowing growth and learning in the best possible environment. There are additional levels of training given to individuals below and above the Six Sigma Master level, including Champions. Normally, an organization has 10 Six Sigma Masters and one Six Sigma Grand Master per 1,000 employees.Why should the automotive industry implement Six Sigma? If improving processes, saving money, reducing defects, ensuring customer satisfaction, and increasing stock value are important to the success of the business, then Six Sigma is the answer. If customers are satisfied with quality levels of three sigma or lower, then sit back and let the Six Sigma success stories entertain you. (see table 2)Industry research indicates that a 5% increase in customer retention yields increased profits of more than 25%. It is estimated that companies lode 15-20% of revenues each year to poor quality and employees satisfaction equals employee commitment. Six Sigma provides a measure that applies to both product and service activities (defects per million opportunities-DPMO), and sets attainable, short-term goals while striving for long-range business objectives-using teams to reduce defects. Six Sigma challenges the automotive community to anticipate what customers need and expect, while providing the tools to get there.This article is reprinted from the Informed Outlook, Volume 3, Number 19Visit their web site atWhy Six Sigma?For Motorola, the originator of Six Sigma, the answer to the question "Why Six Sigma?" was simple: survival. Motorola came to Six Sigma because it was being consistently beaten in the competitive marketplace by foreign firms that were able to produce higher quality products at a lower cost. When a Japanese firm took over a Motorola factory that manufactured Quasar television sets in the United States in the 1970s, they promptly set about making drastic changes in the way the factory operated. Under Japanese management, the factory was soon producing TV sets with 1/20th the number of defects they had produced under Motorola management. They did this using the same workforce, technology, and designs, making it clear that the problem was Motorola's management. Eventually, even Motorola’s own executives had to admit “our quality stinks,”i[i]Finally, in the mid 1980s, Motorola decided to take quality seriously. Motorola’s CEO at the time, Bob Galvin, started the company on the quality path known as Six Sigma and became a business icon largely as a result of what he accomplished in quality at Motorola. Today, Motorola is known worldwide as a quality leader and a profit leader. After Motorola won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1988 the secret of their success became public knowledge and the Six Sigma revolution was on. Today it's hotter than ever.It would be a mistake to think that Six Sigma is about quality in the traditional sense. Quality,defined traditionally as conformance to internal requirements, has little to do with Six Sigma. Six Sigma is about helping the organization make more money. To link this objective of Six Sigma with quality requires a new definition of quality. For Six Sigma purposes I define quality as the value added by a productive endeavor. Quality comes in two flavors: potential quality and actual quality. Potential quality is the known maximum possible value added per unit of input. Actual quality is the current value added per unit of input. The difference between potential and actual quality is waste. Six Sigma focuses on improving quality (i.e., reduce waste) by helping organizations produce products and services better, faster and cheaper. In more traditional terms, Six Sigma focuses on defect prevention, cycle time reduction, and cost savings. Unlike mindless cost-cutting programs which reduce value and quality, Six Sigma identifies and eliminates costs which provide no value to customers, waste costs.For non-Six Sigma companies, these costs are often extremely high. Companies operating at three or four sigma typically spend between 25 and 40 percent of their revenues fixing problems. This is known as the cost of quality, or more accurately the cost of poor quality. Companies operating at Six Sigma typically spend less than 5 percent of their revenues fixing problems (Figure 1). The dollar cost of this gap can be huge. General Electric estimates that the gap between three or four sigma and Six Sigma was costing them between $8 billion and $12 billion per year.Figure 1: Cost of Poor Quality versus Sigma LevelWhat is Six Sigma?Six Sigma is a rigorous, focused and highly effective implementation of proven quality principles and techniques. Incorporating elements from the work of many quality pioneers, Six Sigma aims for virtually error free business performance. Sigma, , is a letter in the Greek alphabet used by statisticians to measure the variability in any process. A company's performance is measured by the sigma level of their business processes. Traditionally companies accepted three or four sigma performance levels as the norm, despite the fact that these processes created between 6,200 and 67,000 problems per million opportunities! The Six Sigma standard of 3.4 problems per million opportunities1[1]is a response to the increasing expectations of customers and the increased complexity of modern products and processes.If you're looking for new techniques, don't bother. Six Sigma's magic isn't in statistical or high-tech razzle-dazzle. Six Sigma relies on tried and true methods that have been around for decades. In fact, Six Sigma discards a great deal of the complexity that characterized Total Quality Management (TQM). By one expert's count, there were over 400 TQM tools and techniques. Six Sigma takes a handful of proven methods and trains a small cadre of in-house technical leaders, known as Six Sigma Black Belts, to a high level of proficiency in the application of these techniques. To be sure, some of the methods used by Black Belts use are highly advanced;including the use of up-to-date computer technology. But the tools are applied within a simple performance improvement model known as DMAIC, or Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control2[2]. DMAIC can be described as follows:InfrastructureA very powerful feature of Six Sigma is the creation of an infrastructure to assure that performance improvement activities have the necessary resources. In this author's opinion, failure to provide this infrastructure is the #1 reason why 80% of all TQM implementations failed in the past. Six Sigma makes improvement and change the full-time job of a small but critical percentage of the organization's personnel. These full time change agents are the catalyst that institutionalizes change. Figure 2 illustrates the required human resource commitment required by Six Sigma.Figure 2: Six Sigma InfrastructureLeadershipSix Sigma involves changing major business value streams that cut across organizational barriers. It is the means by which the organization's strategic goals are to be achieved. This effort cannot be lead by anyone other than the CEO, who is responsible for the performance of the organization asa whole. Six Sigma must be implemented from the top-down.Champions and SponsorsSix Sigma champions are high-level individuals who understand Six Sigma and are committed to its success. In larger organizations Six Sigma will be lead by a full time, high level champion, such as an Executive Vice-President. In all organizations, champions also include informal leaders who use Six Sigma in their day-to-day work and communicate the Six Sigma message at every opportunity. Sponsors are owners of processes and systems who help initiate and coordinate Six Sigma improvement activities in their areas of responsibilities.Master Black BeltThis is the highest level of technical and organizational proficiency. Master Black Belts provide technical leadership of the Six Sigma program. Thus, they must know everything the Black Belts know, as well as understand the mathematical theory on which the statistical methods are based. Master Black Belts must be able to assist Black Belts in applying the methods correctly in unusual situations. Whenever possible, statistical training should be conducted only by Master Black Belts. Otherwise the familiar “propagation of error” phenomenon will occur, i.e., Black Belts pass on errors to green belts, who pass on greater errors to team members. If it becomes necessary for Black Belts and Green Belts to provide training, they should do only so under the guidance of Master Black Belts. For example, Black Belts may be asked to provide assistance to the Master during class discussions and exercises. Because of the nature of the Master’s duties, communications and teaching skills are as important as technical competence.Black BeltCandidates for Black Belt status are technically oriented individuals held in high regard by their peers. They should be actively involved in the process of organizational change and development. Candidates may come from a wide range of disciplines and need not be formally trained statisticians or engineers. However, because they are expected to master a wide variety of technical tools in a relatively short period of time, Black Belt candidates will probably possess a background in college-level mathematics, the basic tool of quantitative analysis. Coursework in statistical methods should be considered a strong plus or even a prerequisite. As part of their training, Black Belts receive 160 hours of classroom instruction, plus one-on-one project coaching from Master Black Belts or consultants.Successful candidates will be comfortable with computers. At a minimum, they should understand one or more operating systems, spreadsheets, database managers, presentation programs, and word processors. As part of their training they will be required to become proficient in the use of one or more advanced statistical analysis software packages. Six Sigma Black Belts work to extract actionable knowledge from an organization’s information warehouse.To assure access to the needed information, Six Sigma activities should be closely integrated with the information systems (IS) of the organization. Obviously, the skills and training of Six Sigma Black Belts must be enabled by an investment in software and hardware. It makes no sense to hamstring these experts by saving a few dollars on computers or software.Green BeltGreen Belts are Six Sigma project leaders capable of forming and facilitating Six Sigma teams and managing Six Sigma projects from concept to completion. Green Belt training consists of five days of classroom training and is conducted in conjunction with Six Sigma projects. Training covers project management, quality management tools, quality control tools, problem solving, and descriptive data analysis. Six Sigma champions should attend Green Belt training. Usually, Six Sigma Black Belts help Green Belts define their projects prior to the training, attend training with their Green Belts, and assist them with their projects after the training.Staffing Levels and Expected ReturnsAs stated earlier in this article, the number of full time personnel devoted to Six Sigma is not large. Mature Six Sigma programs, such as those of Motorola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, AlliedSignal, and others average about one-percent of their workforce as Black Belts. There is usually about one Master Black Belts for every ten Black Belts, or about 1 Master Black Belt per 1,000 employees. A Black Belt will typically complete 5 to 7 projects per year. Project teams are lead by Green Belts, who, unlike Black Belts and Master Black Belts, are not employed full time in the Six Sigma program. Black Belts are highly prized employees and are often recruited for key management positions elsewhere in the company. After Six Sigma has been in place for three or more years, the number of former Black Belts tends to be about the same as the number of active Black Belts.Estimated savings per project varies from organization to organization. Reported results average about US$150,000 to US$243,000. Note that these are not the huge mega-projects pursued by Re-engineering. Still, by completing 5 to 7 projects per year per Black Belt the company will add in excess of US$1 million per year per Black Belt to its bottom line. For a company with 1,000 employees the numbers would look something like this:Master Black Belts: 1Black Belts: 10Projects: = 50 to 70 (5 to 7 per Black Belt)Estimated saving: US$9 million to US$14.6 million (US$14,580 per employee)Do the math for your organization and see what Six Sigma could do for you. Because Six Sigmasavings impact only non-value added costs, they flow directly to your company's bottom line. Implementation of Six SigmaAfter over two decades of experience with quality improvement, there is now a solid body of scientific research regarding the experience of thousands of companies implementing major programs such as Six Sigma. Researchers have found that successful deployment of Six Sigma involves focusing on a small number of high-leverage items. The steps required to successfully implement Six Sigma are well-documented.1.Successful performance improvement must begin with senior leadership. Startby providing senior leadership with training in the principles and tools they needto prepare their organization for success. Using their newly acquired knowledge,senior leaders direct the development of a management infrastructure to supportSix Sigma. Simultaneously, steps are taken to "soft-wire" the organization and tocultivate an environment for innovation and creativity. This involves reducinglevels of organizational hierarchy, removing procedural barriers toexperimentation and change, and a variety of other changes designed to make iteasier to try new things without fear of reprisal.2.Systems are developed for establishing close communication with customers,employees, and suppliers. This includes developing rigorous methods ofobtaining and evaluating customer, employee and supplier input. Base linestudies are conducted to determine the starting point and to identify cultural,policy, and procedural obstacles to success.3.Training needs are rigorously assessed. Remedial basic skills education Isprovided to assure that adequate levels of literacy and numeracy are possessed byall employees. Top-to-bottom training is conducted in systems improvement tools,techniques, and philosophies.4. A framework for continuous process improvement is developed, along with asystem of indicators for monitoring progress and success. Six Sigma metricsfocus on the organization's strategic goals, drivers, and key business processes.5.Business processes to be improved are chosen by management, and by peoplewith intimate process knowledge at all levels of the organization. Six Sigmaprojects are conducted to improve business performance linked to measurablefinancial results. This requires knowledge of the organization's constraints.6.Six Sigma projects are conducted by individual employees and teams lead byGreen Belts and assisted by Black Belts.Although the approach is simple, it is by no means easy. But the results justify the effort expended.。