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1. “文明礼仪是社会和谐的基础。

” - 孔子
2. “文明是一种态度,礼仪是一种修养。

” - 梁启超
3. “礼仪是一种无形的力量,能够增进人与人之间的理解和尊重。

” - 罗兰德
4. “一个民族的文明,不仅取决于它的科技,还取决于它的礼仪。

” - 鲁迅
5. “文明礼仪是社会的润滑剂,使人们更加和谐地生活在一起。

” - 佚名
6. “文明礼仪是一种道德的表现,它能够提高人们的品质。

” - 乔治华盛顿
7. “礼仪是缩小人与人之间距离的一种方式,为和谐的人际关系奠定了基础。

” - 福楼拜
8. “文明礼仪是一种对他人的尊重和关心,它能够增进人际关系的和谐。

” - 爱默生
9. “礼仪是一种反映个人素养和修养的重要表现,它展示了一个人的品格和气质。

”- 行堂子
10. “文明礼仪是社会文明进步的标志,它让人们更加文明、善良、有素养。

” - 孟子。


































































1. “礼貌是一种无形的力量,能够打动人心。




2. “礼貌是智慧的外衣。



3. “礼仪不仅仅是一种外在的形式,更是一种内心的修养。



4. “文明礼仪是一种默契,是人类社会和谐发展的基石。



5. “礼仪是一种语言,它能够跨越文化和语言的障碍。



6. “文明礼仪是一种力量,它能够改变世界。





Rudeness is the illegitimate child of ignorance.2、不敬他人,是自不敬也。

Disrespect others, is the disrespect.3、礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。

Politeness is the key of human coexistence.4、侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。

A tiny and idler is poor, and force and waste is rich.5、礼义生于富足,盗窃起于贫穷。

Etiquette was born rich, theft from poverty.6、衣食以厚民生,礼义以养其心。

Thick and clothing to the livelihood of the people, managed to keep the heart.7、礼貌和文明是我们共处的金钥匙。

Politeness and the civilization is the key we coexist.8、礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的情感。

Good manners often can replace the most noble feelings.9、良好的礼貌是由微小的牺牲组成。

Good manners are made up of tiny sacrifice.10、礼貌周全不花钱,却比什么都值钱。

Worth civility at no cost, but more than anything.11、手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵!Hand spare flower like brocade, spare grass at the foot of the carpet!12、学校是学习之所,文明是成功之本。

The school is the place of learning, civilization is the parent of success.13、讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。



关于礼貌的英语名言smile at you, just my manners.2、有礼貌的人,能走遍天下。

a polite person, can travel the world.3、礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。

manners make human co-existence of golden key.4、挤出来的微笑,最不礼貌。

to smile, the most impolite.5、礼节礼貌是琐事中的善行。

the good etiquette courtesy is trivial things.6、礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。

politeness is the key of human coexistence.7、礼貌是这个世界生存的规则。

the rules of courtesy is to survive in this world.8、礼貌,就是不让坏脾气发出来。

polite, just don’t let bad temp er.9、良好的礼貌由微小的牺牲组成。

good manners is made up of tiny sacrifice.10、礼貌无须花钱,却能赢得一切。

the polite do not need to spend money, but it can win everything.11、强者对待弱者,越礼貌越残忍。

the strong to the weak, the more polite.12、微笑只是一种礼貌,与对谁无关。

a smile is a kind of courtesy, and to whom.13、礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。

good manners often can replace the most noble feelings.14、对人礼貌是修养,但不代表没脾气。

is culture polite to people, but do not represent no temper.15、礼貌对于人性,犹如热力之对于蜡烛。



礼仪文明的名言警句1. 礼仪之邦,容人之国。

2. 谦让是礼仪之母。

3. 以礼待人,以礼自处。

4. 拱手相敬,心存敬意。

5. 知恩图报,懂得感谢。

6. 少言多行,遇事冷静。

7. 风度翩翩,言行举止得体。

8. 懂得尊重他人,才能获得尊重。

9. 真诚待人,以诚相待。

10. 细节决定成败,注重细节。

11. 言必行,行必果。

12. 以德服人,以善待人。

13. 尊老爱幼,传承美德。

14. 文明与和谐,让生活更美好。

15. 以礼相待,化解冲突。

16. 衣着整洁,绅士风度。

17. 不以物喜,不以己悲。

18. 举止得体,言行得体。

19. 将心比心,体恤他人。

20. 有礼无烦,幸福生活。

21. 君子爱财,取之有道。

22. 政府为民,民有所依。

23. 好礼无烦,人人喜欢。

24. 以善待人,以德引领。

25. 一个人无论贫富,都应该保持尊严。

26. 有恒善心,事事以人为本。

27. 良好的社会习惯来源于良好的个人习惯。

28. 礼貌是绅士的第一品质。

29. 不同文化间要互相尊重,共存共荣。

30. 先礼后兵,让和平成为最好的选择。

31. 以礼相待,以爱待人。

32. 恭敬是礼仪之魂。

33. 以谦为本,以德为根。

34. 尊敬是保持人与人之间良好关系的前提。

35. 以公正待人,以诚信为友。

36. 对他人的不礼貌行为要以礼相待,一同传递文明。

37. 礼仪之邦,人人有责。

38. 文明从我做起。

39. 礼多人不怪。

40. 礼仪相互照顾,和谐发展。

41. 心存感恩,行处谦卑。

42. 礼至则人和,礼忽则交恶。

43. 拱手相敬,友谊长存。

44. 得人心者得天下。

45. 礼仪,是社会的灵魂。

46. 让礼仪成为我们的习惯。

47. 用心待人,用礼待人。

48. 不争不抢,处处以礼相待。

49. 礼仪之邦,让我们的生命更有意义。

50. 礼仪之邦,我的家园。


















































Family is the core of civilization.2、礼仪周全能息事宁人。

Considerate etiquette can avoid trouble.3、无礼是无知的私生子。

Rudeness is the illegitimate child of ignorance.4、宽容是文明的唯一考核。

Forgiveness is the only civilization.5、文明其精神,野蛮其体魄!Civilization its spirit, savage its body!6、礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。

Politeness is the key of human coexistence.7、爱国是文明人的首要美德。

Patriotism is the first virtue of civilized men.8、礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。

Manners make human co-existence of golden key.9、学校者,文明进化之泉源也。

Also the springs of school, the evolution of civilization.10、医生是我们文明世界的精华。

The doctor is the essence of our civilization.11、文明就是要造就有修养的人。

Civilization is to make cultured man.12、侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。

A tiny and idler is poor, and force and waste is rich.13、文明就是要造成有修养的人。

Civilization is to has the tutelage of people.14、人人需要赞美,你我都不例外。



文明礼仪英语谚语【范文一】In our daily life, we should observe certain manners and etiquettes, which is a sign that we are cultured individuals. It is important to uphold and observe these etiquettes in order to maintain harmony and peace in society. Many wise people in history have left behind great sayings that remind us of the importance of good manners and etiquettes. Here are some English proverbs to offer us insights into the art of behavior in society.The first proverb that I think is important is “Manners maketh man.” This phrase suggests that a person’s behavior and manners reflect their character and personality. A person who is courteous and respectful will naturally be respected and dignified by others. It reminds us that etiquette and good behavior are fundamental aspects of our character. By adopting good manners, we are not only bringing peace and prosperity to ourselves but also to the society we live in.The second proverb that I think is important is “Do unto others as you would have them do u nto you.” This phrase embodies the concept of reciprocity, which is the foundation of ethics and morality. The proverb suggests that we should treat others the way we would want to be treated ourselves, which is the basis of the golden rule. This proverb reminds us that by showing respect and kindness to others, we would eventually gain respect and kindness from them. On the other hand, if we treat others harshly and uncivilized, we would cause our own downfall.To sum it up, the above-discussed English proverbs are a reminder of the importance of good manners and etiquettes in our daily life. By conforming to these manners and etiquettes, we can create a sense of order, respect, and harmony in society, which consequently leads us to a cultured and prosperous society.【重点分析】1. 做人立场宣言,道德情操,宣扬文明:文章一开头就让读者了解大众的古今对于社交的理念和重点,点出了无所不在的文明礼仪的必要性。



⽂明礼仪名⾔警句100句 店铺为⼤家整理了有关⽂明礼仪的名⾔警句,供⼤家参考 ⽂明礼仪名⾔警句(100条) 1、⼈⽆礼不⽴,事⽆礼不成,国⽆礼不宁。

——荀⼦ 2、世界上最廉价,⽽且能得到最⼤收益的⼀项物质,就是礼节。

——拿破仑.希尔 3、在⼈与⼈的交往中,礼仪越周到越保险。

——[英]托.卡莱尔 4、⼼诚⽓温,⽓和辞婉,必能动⼈。

——[明]薛宣《谈书录》 5、知识使⼈变得⽂雅,⽽交际使⼈变得完善。

——[美]乔.富勒 6、谦恭有礼,⼈⼈欢迎。

——托马斯.福特 7、给⼈玫瑰花,⼿上常有⼀缕芳⾹。


——孔⼦ 9、礼貌是⼀种回收有礼貌的尊重的愿望。

(法•拉罗什福科) 10、良⾔⼀句三冬暖,恶语伤⼈六⽉寒。

(俗语) 11、⾏⼀件好事,⼼中泰然;⾏⼀件⽍事,衾影抱愧。

—— 神涵光 12、⼊于污泥⽽不染、不受资产阶级糖⾐炮弹的侵蚀,是最难能可贵的⾰命品质。

—— 周恩来 13、⼀个⼈最伤⼼的事情⽆过于良⼼的死灭。

—— 郭沫若 14、应该热⼼地致⼒于照道德⾏事,⽽不要空谈道德。

—— 德谟克利特 15、理智要⽐⼼灵为⾼,思想要⽐感情可靠。

—— ⾼尔基 16、⼈在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清⽩的,⾝体上应该是清洁的。

—— 契诃夫 17、良⼼是由⼈的知识和全部⽣活⽅式来决定的。

—— 马克思 18、我深信只有有道德的公民才能向⾃⼰的祖国致以可被接受的敬礼。

—— 卢梭 19、⾃觉⼼是进步之母,⾃贱⼼是堕落之源,故⾃觉⼼不可⽆,⾃贱⼼不可有。

— 邹韬奋 20、知耻近乎勇。

—— 孔丘 21、不是不能见义,怕的是见义⽽不勇为。

—— 谢觉哉 22、要留⼼,即使当你独⾃⼀⼈时,也不要说坏话或做坏事,⽽要学得在你⾃⼰⾯前⽐在别⼈⾯前更知耻。

—— 德谟克利特 23、静以修⾝,俭以养德。

—— 诸葛亮 24、君⼦忧道不忧贫。

—— 孔丘 25、贫⽽⽆谄,富⽽⽆骄。

—— ⼦贡 26、强本⽽节⽤,则天不能贫。


































1. "礼仪是社交的灵魂,是人与人之间相互尊重的表现。

" 孔子。

2. "礼貌是一种无声的语言,它能够打动人心,建立友谊。

" 莎士比亚。

3. "礼仪是一种美德,它能够让人们的生活更加和谐,更加美好。

" 梁启超。

4. "礼仪不仅是一种行为,更是一种态度,一种对他人的尊重和关爱。

" 卡耐基。

5. "礼仪是一种力量,它能够打开人与人之间的沟通之门,让人们更加和睦相处。

" 佚名。

6. "礼仪是一种文明的象征,它能够体现一个国家或一个民族的文化底蕴。

" 罗素。

7. "礼仪是一种修养,它能够提升一个人的品格和气质,让人

" 罗曼·罗兰。

8. "礼仪是一种传统,它能够传承和弘扬民族的优良传统和文化。

" 佚名。

9. "礼仪是一种智慧,它能够让人们更加懂得如何与他人相处,如何处理人际关系。

" 莫泊桑。

10. "礼仪是一种教育,它能够培养人们的修养和素质,让人更

" 佚名。




man can't live like a beast. he should pursue knowledge and virtue.2、礼貌是最容易做到的事情,也是最容易无视的事情,但她却是最珍贵的事情。

politeness is the easiest thing to do and the easiest thing to ignore, but it is the most precious thing.3、彬彬有礼是对别人的情感表示关心的一种方式。

politeness is a way to show concern for the feelings of others.4、鸟儿因翅膀而自由翱翔,鲜花因芬芳而美丽,校园因文明而将更加进步。

birds fly freely because of their wings, flowers are beautiful because of their fragrance, and campus will be more advanced because of civilization.5、美德是精神上的一种宝藏,但是使它生出光荣的那么是良好的礼仪。

virtue is a treasure of spirit, but what makes it glorious is good etiquette.6、手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵!hands like flowers, feet like grass!7、以微笑融化生疏,用信任沟通心灵。

melt strangers with a smile, and communicate with your heart with trust.8、生活里最重要的是有礼貌,它比最高的智慧,比一切学识都重要。

the most important thing in life is courtesy, which is more important than the highest wisdom and all knowledge.9、礼貌之风为每一个人带来文明、温暖和愉快。



关于礼仪的英语谚语有哪些登机牌时多积累一些英语谚语,对我们的英语作文写作是很有帮助的,下面是小编为大家收集的关于礼仪的英语谚语,供大家参考,希望对大家有用,欢迎大家一起来阅读!有关礼仪的英语谚语花儿用美丽装扮世界,我们用行动美化校园!Flowers adorn the world with beauty, and we beautify the campus with action!人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不守。

People are not born rude, things are not rude, the country is not rude.礼者,人道之极也。

The etiquette is the most humane.出外做客,不要露白。

Don't show up when you're out.恭敬之心,礼也。

Respect, courtesy.敬人者,人恒敬之,爱人者,人恒爱之。

Respect, respect, love, love.非礼勿视,非礼勿言,非礼勿闻,非礼勿听。

Don't look, say, hear or listen to anything that's not polite.道德当身,不以物惑。

Morality is in the right place, not confused by things.知识使人变得文雅,而交际使人变得完善。

Knowledge makes man refined, while communication makes man perfect.敬老得老,敬禾得宝。

Respect for old age, reverence for grains, reverence for treasure.不守时间就就是没有道德。

No punctuality is no morality.一个人的礼貌,就是一面照出他的肖像的镜子。



礼貌的名言英语篇一:英语礼貌用语格言一、礼貌用语:1.Hello. Hi.2.Good morning!3.Good afternoon!4.Good evening!5.Good bye. See you. See you again. See you next week.6.How are you? ---Fine, thank you.7.How do you do?--- How do you do?8.Nice meeting you.---Nice to meet you,too.9.Thanks. Thank you. Thank you so much.---You’re welcome./Not at all./It’s my pleasure.10.I’ sorry.—It’s OK.11.I’ sorry. I’m afraid I’v made a mistake.12.Would you wait just moment, please?e this way, please.14.Excuse me.15.After you.16.May I help you?17.Welcome to my school.18. Is there anything I can do for you? 我还能为你干点什么?19.你要表示拒绝却不冒犯别人的话就可以说I'm afraid I can’t.20. I’m sorry, It’s my fault .对不起, 那是我的过失.21.Would you mind...,please?22.如果有人打电话来找人,礼貌的问Can you hold, please?23.What can I do for you? 我能为你干点什么?24.I’m sorry about this . 对此表示抱歉。

25.---Would you like …,please?---Yes, please. / No, thanks.26. Have a nice trip.祝您一路平安27.Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了.28.I’m sorry about this. 对此表示抱歉.29.What can I do for you ?我能为你做点什么?二、名言警句:Genius only means hard-working all one's life.天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。

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Man can't live like a beast. He should pursue knowledge and virtue.2、礼貌是最容易做到的事情,也是最容易忽视的事情,但她却是最珍贵的事情。

Politeness is the easiest thing to do and the easiest thing to ignore, but it is the most precious thing.3、彬彬有礼是对别人的情感表示关心的一种方式。

Politeness is a way to show concern for the feelings of others. 4、鸟儿因翅膀而自由翱翔,鲜花因芬芳而美丽,校园因文明而将更加进步。

Birds fly freely because of their wings, flowers are beautiful because of their fragrance, and campus will be more advanced because of civilization.5、美德是精神上的一种宝藏,但是使它生出光彩的则是良好的礼仪。

Virtue is a treasure of spirit, but what makes it glorious is good etiquette.6、手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵!Hands like flowers, feet like grass!7、以微笑融化陌生,用信任沟通心灵。

Melt strangers with a smile, and communicate with your heart with trust.8、生活里最重要的是有礼貌,它比最高的智慧,比一切学识都重要。

The most important thing in life is courtesy, which is more important than the highest wisdom and all knowledge.9、礼貌之风为每一个人带来文明、温暖和愉快。

Politeness brings civilization, warmth and pleasure to everyone.10、只有尊敬别人的人,才有权受人尊敬。

Only those who respect others have the right to be respected.11、礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。

Politeness is the easiest thing to do and the most precious thing.12、知识使人变得文雅,而交际使人变得完善。

Knowledge makes man refined, while communication makes man perfect.13、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼貌。

There are two kinds of peaceful violence: law and politeness.14、礼貌是一种回收有礼貌的尊重的愿望。

Politeness is a desire to regain courtesy and respect.15、彬彬有礼的风度,主要是自我克制的表现。

Courtesy is mainly a manifestation of self-restraint.16、学校是学习之所,文明是成功之本。

School is the place to learn, and civilization is the foundation of success.17、行一件好事,心中泰然;行一件歹事,衾影抱愧。

Do a good deed, calm in heart; do a bad deed, shame.18、诚实守信一瞬间,闪亮精彩每一刻。

Honesty, trustworthiness, brilliant every moment.19、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。

Reason is higher than mind, and thought is more reliable than emotion.20、微笑是我们的语言,文明是我们的信念。

Smile is our language, civilization is our faith.21、人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。

People should be open-minded in wisdom, innocent in morality and clean in body.22、不是不能见义,怕的是见义而不勇为。

It's not that you can't stand for justice, but that you are afraid of doing it without courage.23、环境整洁优美,生活健康科学,社会文明进步。

The environment is clean and beautiful, life is healthy and scientific, and social civilization is progressing.24、良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的。

Conscience is determined by man's knowledge and all his way of life.25、礼貌和文明是我们共处的金钥匙。

Politeness and civilization are the golden keys to our coexistence.26、怀着善意的人,是不难于表达他对人的礼貌的。

It is not difficult for a person with good intentions to express his courtesy to others.27、应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。

We should devote ourselves enthusiastically to acting according to morality instead of talking about morality.28、礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。

Politeness often replaces the noblest feelings.29、不在墙上留一条伤痕,不在空气中留下一句脏话。

Don't leave a scar on the wall, don't leave a dirty word in the air.30、一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。

The saddest thing for a man is the death of his conscience.31、让我们一起来:关心集体,爱护公物,保护环境!Let's come together: care about the collective, protect public property, protect the environment!32、礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。

Politeness is the golden key to human coexistence.33、我深信只有有道德的公民才能向自己的祖国致以可被接受的敬礼。

I am convinced that only ethical citizens can pay an acceptable tribute to their motherland.34、为人粗暴意味着忘却自己的尊严。

Being rude means forgetting your dignity.35、与人为善心灵美,开拓进取人文美。

To be kind to others and to be kind to others and to be pioneeringand enterprising in the beauty of humanity.36、礼貌周全不花钱,却比什么都值钱。

Politeness costs nothing, but it's worth more than anything.37、亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐。

Kindness brings happiness and civilization brings harmony.38、倾听可以使说话者感到被尊重。

Listening can make the speaker feel respected.39、礼貌之风为每个人带来文明、温暖和愉快。

Politeness brings civility, warmth and pleasure to everyone.40、礼,所以正身也;师,所以正礼也。

Ritual, so the body is also; teacher, so the Ritual is also.41、讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。

The fierce speech may not be justified.42、花儿用美丽装扮世界,我们用行动美化校园!Flowers adorn the world with beauty, we beautify the campus with action!43、礼貌使有礼貌的人喜悦,也使那些受人以礼貌相待的人们喜悦。

Politeness delights polite people as well as those who are treated with courtesy.。
