Genetic relationships within the genus Beta determined using both




Genetic diversity of Chilean and Brazilian Alstroemeria species assessedby AFLP analysisTAE-HO HAN*,MARJO DE JEU,HERMAN VAN ECK&EVERT JACOBSEN Laboratory of Plant Breeding,The Graduate School of Experimental Plant Sciences,Wageningen University,PO Box386,NL-6700AJ Wageningen,The NetherlandsOne to three accessions of22Alstroemeria species,an interspeci®c hybrid(A.aurea´A.inodora), and single accessions of Bomarea salsilla and Leontochir ovallei were evaluated using the AFLP-marker technique to estimate the genetic diversity within the genus Alstroemeria.Three primer combinations generated716markers and discriminated all Alstroemeria species.The dendrogram inferred from the AFLP®ngerprints supported the conjecture of the generic separation of the Chilean and Brazilian Alstroemeria species.The principal co-ordinate plot showed the separate allocation of the A.ligtu group and the allocation of A.aurea,which has a wide range of geographical distribution and genetic variation,in the middle of other Alstroemeria species.The genetic distances,based on AFLP markers,determined the genomic contribution of the parents to the interspeci®c hybrid.Keywords:Alstroemeriaceae,Bomarea,classi®cation,Inca lily,Leontochir,Monocotyledonae.IntroductionThe genus Alstroemeria includes approximately60 described species of rhizomatous,herbaceous plants, with Chile and Brazil as the main centres of diversity (Uphof,1952;Bayer,1987;Aker&Healy,1990).The Chilean and Brazilian Alstroemeria are recognized as representatives of di erent branches of the genus.The family of Alstroemeriaceae,to which Alstroemeria belongs,includes several related genera,such as Bomarea Mirbel,the monotype Leontochir ovallei Phil. and Schickendantzia Pax(Dahlgren&Cli ord,1982; Hutchinson,1973).The species classi®cation in Alstroemeria is based on an evaluation of morphological traits of the¯ower, stem,leaf,fruit and rhizome(Bayer,1987).The avail-able biosystematic information on Alstroemeria species is restricted to the Chilean species,as described in the monograph of Bayer(1987).Little is known about the classi®cation of the Brazilian species(Meerow& Tombolato,1996).Furthermore,morphology-based identi®cation is rather di cult because morphological characteristics can vary considerably in di erent envi-ronmental conditions(Bayer,1987).The immense genetic variation present in the genus Alstroemeria o ers many opportunities for the improve-ment and renewal of cultivars.Therefore,identi®cation of genetic relationships at the species level could be very useful for breeding in supporting the selection of crossing combinations from large sets of parental genotypes,thus broadening the genetic basis of breeding programmes(Frei et al.,1986).The species used in the study reported here are commonly used in the breeding programme of Alstroemeria for cut¯owers and pot plants.Molecular techniques have become increasingly sig-ni®cant for biosystematic studies(Soltis et al.,1992). RAPD markers were used for the identi®cation of genetic relationships between Alstroemeria species and cultivars(Anastassopoulos&Keil,1996;Dubouzet et al.,1997;Picton&Hughes,1997).In recent years a novel PCR-based marker technique,AFLP(Vos et al., 1995),has been developed and used for genetic studies in numerous plants including lettuce(Hill et al.,1996), lentil(Sharma et al.,1996),bean(Tohme et al.,1996), tea(Paul et al.,1997),barley(Schut et al.,1997),and wild potato species(Kardolus et al.,1998).These studies indicated that AFLP is highly applicable for molecular discrimination at the species level.The technique has also been optimized for use in species such as*Correspondence:Tae-Ho Han,Laboratory of Plant Breeding,Wageningen University,PO Box386,NL-6700AJ Wageningen,The Netherlands.Tel.:31317483597;Fax:31317483457;E-mail:tae-ho.han@users.pv.wau.nlHeredity84(2000)564±569Received21June1999,accepted15November1999564Ó2000The Genetical Society of Great Britain.Alstroemeria spp.,which are characterized by a large genome size(2C-value:37±79pg)(Han et al.,1999). In this study,we produced AFLP®ngerprints of 22Alstroemeria species,one interspeci®c hybrid (A.aurea´A.inodora)and the distantly related species Bomarea salsilla and Leontochir ovallei,and we analysed their genetic relationships.The interspeci®c hybrid was included in our study in order to investigate the possibility of identifying the parental genotypes. Materials and methodsPlant materialSeeds and plants of22Alstroemeria species were obtained from botanical gardens and commercial breeders.The collection has been maintained for many years in the greenhouse of Unifarm at the Wageningen Agricultural University.When available,three acces-sions were selected for each Alstroemeria species,and both B.salsilla and L.ovallei were chosen as outgroups. One interspeci®c hybrid(A.aurea´A.inodora)was obtained from earlier research(Buitendijk et al.,1995) (Table1).All accessions were identi®ed according to their morphological traits(Uphof,1952;Bayer,1987).AFLP protocolGenomic DNA was isolated from young leaves of greenhouse-grown plants using the cetyltrimethy-lammonium bromide(CTAB)method according to Rogers&Bendich(1988).The AFLP technique followed the method of Vos et al.(1995)with modi®-cations of selective bases of pre-and®nal ampli®cationsTable1Accessions and origin of Alstroemeria species for AFLP analysisCode Plant material Accession Distribution/altitudeàChilean speciesC1 A.andina Phil.IX-2Chile26°±31°S.L.,2900±3700m(1)C2 A.angustifolia Herb.ssp.angustifolia AN1S,AN2S,AN7K Chile,33°S.L.,<1000m(1)C3 A.aurea Grah.A001,A002,A003Chile,36°±42°/47°S.L.,200±1800m(1) C4 A.diluta Bayer AD2W,AD4K,AD5K Chile,29°±31°S.L.,0±100m(1)C5 A.exserens Meyen AO2S,AO5S,AO7Z Chile,34°±36°S.L.,1500±2100m(1)C6 A.garaventae Bayer AH6Z,AH8K Chile,33°S.L.,2000m(1)C7 A.gayana Phil.XIII-2Chile29°±32°S.L.,0±200m(1)C8 A.haemantha Ruiz and Pav.J091±1.J091±4Chile,33°±35°S.L.,0±1800m(1)C9 A.hookeri Lodd.ssp.c umminghiana AQ5S,AQ6Z,AQ7Z Chile,32°±34°S.L.,0±500m(1)C10 A.hookeri Lodd.ssp.hookeri AP2S,AP3S,AP8K Chile,35°±37°S.L.,0±300m(1)C11 A.ligtu L.ssp.incarnata AJ7S,AJ12K Chile,35°S.L.,1100±1400m(1)C12 A.ligtu L.ssp.ligtu AL4S,AL6K,AL11K Chile,33°±38°S.L.,0±800m(1)C13 A.ligtu L.ssp.s imsii AM6K,AM7K,K101±1Chile,33°±35°S.L.,0±1800m(1)C14 A.magni®ca Herb.ssp.magni®ca Q001±4,Q001±5,Q007Chile,29°±32°S.L.,0±200m(1)C15 A.modesta Phil.AK2W,AK3W Chile29°±31°S.L.,200±1500m(1)C16 A.pallida Grah.AG4Z,AG7K,AG8K Chile33°±34°S.L.,1500±2800m(1)C17A.pelegrina L.AR4S,C057±1,C100±1Chile,32°±33°S.L.,0±50m(1)C18 A.pulchra Sims.ssp.pulchra AB3W,AB7S,AB8S Chile,32°±34°S.L.,0±1000m(1)C19 A.umbellata Meyen AU2Z Chile,33°±34°S.L.,2000±3000m(1) Brazilian speciesB1 A.brasiliensis Sprengel BA1K,BA2K,R001±1,Central Brazil(2)R001±2B2A.inodora Herb.P002,P004±6,P008±3Central and Southern Brazil(2)B3 A.pstittacina(D)Lehm.D031,D032,D92±02±1Northern Brazil(2)B4 A.pstittacina(Z)Lehm.93Z390±2,93Z390±4,Northern Brazil(2)96Z390±6O1Bomarea salsilla Mirbel.M121Central and Southern South America(3) O2Leontochir ovallei Phil.U001Central Chile(4)Interspeci®c hybridF1A1P2±2(A001´P002)-2Buitendijk et al.(1995)Codes from accessions of species maintained at the Laboratory of Plant Breeding,Wageningen University and Research centre.àLiterature source:(1)Bayer,1987;(2)Aker&Healy,1990;(3)Hutchinson1959;(4)Wilkin(1997).EVALUATION OF THE CHILEAN AND BRAZILIAN ALSTROEMERIA SPP.565ÓThe Genetical Society of Great Britain,Heredity,84,564±569.(Han et al.,1999).To assess interspeci®c variation, autoradiograms comprising the AFLP®ngerprints of a mixture of three accessions per species were analysed by pooling5l L of the®nal selective ampli®cation products according to Mhameed et al.(1997).The low level of variation between individual samples showed that pool-ing accessions was justi®ed.Three primer combinations (E+ACCA/M+CATG,E+ACCT/M+CATC and E+AGCC/M+CACC)were selected from a test of96primer combinations,and these produced272, 211and233bands,respectively(Table2).The choice of the primers used in the study was based upon the visual clarity of banding patterns generated and a preferably low®ngerprint complexity.The complexity of the banding pattern is a major limiting factor for scoring AFLP®ngerprints of large-size genomes.Data analysisPositions of unequivocally visible and polymorphic AFLP markers were transformed into a binary matrix, with`1'for the presence,and`0'for the absence of a band at a particular position.The genetic distance(GD) between species was based on pair-wise comparisons and calculated according to the equation:GD xy 1) [2N xy/(N x+N y)],where N x and N y are the numbers of fragments to individuals x and y,respectively,and N xy is the number of fragments shared by both(Nei&Li, 1979).Genetic distances were computed by the software package TREECON(v.1.3b)(Van De Peer&De Wachter, 1993).The dendrogram of the22Alstroemeria species, the interspeci®c hybrid,Bomarea and Leontochir was generated based on the GD matrix by using cluster analysis,the UPGMA(unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages)method with1000bootstraps (Sneath&Sokal,1973;Felsenstein,1985)(Fig.1). Principal co-ordinate analysis was performed to access interspecies relationships based on the Nei&Li(1979) coe cient[2N xy/(N x+N y)]using the NTSYS-PC pro-gram(Rohlf,1989).Results and discussionThe average genetic distance among species excluding Bomarea,Leontochir,the interspeci®c hybrid and A.umbellata was0.65GD(a table showing the genetic distances between all the species studied is available from the authors on request).Alstroemeria umbellata was excluded because the accessions used were found to be highly related and possibly wrongly classi®ed as di erent from A.pelegrina.The average GD among accessions within a species was0.32GD(data not shown).In addition,the average GD between Brazilian species(GD:0.27)and between Chilean species(GD: 0.33)was not signi®cantly di erent.Buitendijk&Ramanna(1996)suggested that the Chilean and Brazilian species form distinct lineages.The genetic diversi®cation of Alstroemeria species as detected by the AFLP technique revealed three main clusters with99%bootstrap values:the Chilean species,the Brazilian species and the outgroup(Fig.1).This®nding would support an early divergence of these groups and is consistent with the occurrence of interspeci®c cross-ing barriers between the Chilean and Brazilian species (De Jeu&Jacobsen,1995;Lu&Bridgen,1997).The variance of the®rst three principal co-ordinates accounted for34.9%of the total variation,di erentia-ted e ectively among the species and re¯ected the main clustering of the dendrogram.From the principal co-ordinate plot,four groups were clearly demarcated:Table2Sequences of adaptors and primers usedEco RI adaptor5¢-CTCGTAGACTGCGTACC-3¢3¢-CTGACGCATGGTTAA-5¢Mse I adaptor5¢-GACGATGAGTCCTGAG-3¢3¢-TACTCAGGACTCAT-5¢Eco RI+0primer E005¢-GACTGCGTACCAATTC-3¢Eco RI+2primers E+AC5¢-GACTGCGTACCAATTCAC-3¢E+AG5¢-GACTGCGTACCAATTCAG-3¢Eco RI+4primers E+ACCA5¢-GACTGCGTACCAATTCACCA-3¢E+ACCT5¢-GACTGCGTACCAATTCACCT-3¢E+AGCC5¢-GACTGCGTACCAATTCAGCC-3¢Mse I+0primer M005¢-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAA-3¢Mse I+2primers M+CA5¢-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACA-3¢M+CT5¢-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACT-3¢Mse I+4primers M+CACC5¢-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACACC-3¢M+CTAC5¢-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACTAC-3¢M+CTAG5¢-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACTAG-3¢566T.-H.HAN ET AL.ÓThe Genetical Society of Great Britain,Heredity,84,564±569.(i)the Brazilian group;(ii)the Chilean group;(iii)the A.ligtu group;and (iv)the outgroup (Fig.2).The Brazilian species (A.brasiliensis , A.psittacina and A.inodora )were consistently assigned to one cluster with 98%bootstrap values,whereas the Chilean species were rather weakly clustered with 62%bootstrap values containing several subgroups within the Chilean group (Figs 1and 2).The dispersion of the Chilean species on the principal co-ordinate plot re¯ected a wider geneticvariation than the Brazilian species.However,the narrow variation of the Brazilian species might be caused by the limited number of species investigated.Buitendijk &Ramanna (1996)described the similar-ities between C-banding patterns of A.inodora and A.psittacina ;in our study these species clustered strongly,reinforcing this ®nding (Fig.1).The similarity between A.psittacina and A.inodora was also revealed by allozyme analysis (Meerow &Tombolato,1996)and by a study using species-speci®c repetitive probes (De Jeu et al.,1995).These ®ndings are also supported by the fact that A.inodora and A.psittacina are easily crossed (De Jeu &Jacobsen,1995).In addition,the Chilean species A.aurea was posi-tioned between three subgroups (Fig.2).The unique position of A.aurea ,and the observation that this species has a wide geographical spread,suggest that other Chilean species may have evolved from A.aurea ecotypes.Alstroemeria aurea is indeed a widespread inhabitant in the regions with higher rainfall at the more southern latitudes between 33and 47°S in Chile (Bayer,1987;Buitendijk &Ramanna,1996).It is not found in Brazil,although A.aurea plants are found on both sides of the Andes mountains in Argentina,supporting the possibility that A.aurea ecotypes were also the ancestors of the Brazilian species (A.F.C.Tombolato,personal communication).Alstroemeria pelegrina and A.umbellata were assigned as sister species with a GD of 0.26showing a remarkable genetic similarity (data available on request).The species we coded under the name A.umbellata actually seemed to be an A.pelegrina species that did not ¯ower for many years.Alstroemeria haemantha was assigned to a group together with A.ligtu ssp.ligtu ,A.ligtussp.Fig.1Dendrogram of 22Alstroemeria species,Bomarea salsilla and Leontochir ovallei resulting from a UPGMA cluster analysis based on Nei's genetic distances obtained from 716AFLP bands.The bootstrap analysis was conducted using TREECON (v.1.3b)with 1000bootstrap subsamples of the data matrix.Percent-age values for those branches occurring in at least 60%of the bootstrap topologies areshown.Fig.2Relationships among 22Alstroemeria species,the F 1hybrid,Bomarea salsilla and Leontochir ovallei by principal co-ordinate analysis using Nei and Li coe cients.The three principal co-ordinates accounted for 34.9%of the totalvariation.PC1,PC2and PC3:®rst,second and third principal co-ordinates.See Table 1for species names.EVALUATION OF THE CHILEAN AND BRAZILIAN ALSTROEMERIA SPP.567ÓThe Genetical Society of Great Britain,Heredity ,84,564±569.incarnata and A.ligtu ssp.simsii(Figs1and2)(Aker& Healy,1990;Ishikawa et al.,1997).Bayer(1987) suggested the synonymous name of A.ligtu ssp.ligtu for A.haemantha Ruiz and Pavon.Our results support this hypothesis.Alstroemeria exserens was positioned between the Chilean group and the A.ligtu group (Fig.2).Alstroemeria andina and A.angustifolia ssp. angustifolia,and A.hookeri ssp.cumminghiana and A.hookeri ssp.hookeri were clustered together with 95%and93%bootstrap values,respectively.The interspeci®c hybrid(A1P2±2)was included in our study in order to investigate the possibility of the identi®cation of the parental genotypes.The F1hybrid A1P2±2showed a0.45-GD value with A.inodora and 0.59GD value with A.aurea showing genomic contri-bution of both parents(data available on request).It indicated the feasibility of the AFLP technique as a tool for the identi®cation of parental genotypes (Sharma et al.,1996;Marsan et al.,1998).Bomarea and Leontochir showed the mean GD value of0.83as the outgroup,thus showing large genetic distances within the Alstroemeriaceae family.In conclusion,the genetic variation and the genetic relationships among Alstroemeria species were e ciently rationalized by using AFLP markers for the character-ization of germplasm resources.In general,the topolo-gies of the dendrogram and the principal co-ordinate analysis of our study were in agreement with Bayer's views(Bayer,1987)on the classi®cation of the Als-troemeria species.Furthermore,this technique might be useful for the identi®cation of parental genotypes in interspeci®c hybrids.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank Anja G.J.Kuipers and Jaap B.Buntjer for critical reading of the manuscript and for 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月季ITS反应体系的优化第28卷第6期2009年12月华中农业大学JournalofHuazhongAgriculturalUniversityV o【_28No.6Dec.2009,756~758月季lTS反应体系的优化张慧D唐开学邱显钦'蹇洪英王其刚张颢(云南农业大学园林园艺学院,昆明650201;云南省农业科学院花卉研究所,昆明650205)摘要以古老月季品种'玉玲珑'为试材,利用CTAB法对月季进行总DNA提取,对其PCR扩增条件中的主要因素进行了多梯度的优化,总反应体系为25L,其中引物浓度为0.4/~mol/I,M 浓度为2.0mmol/L,dNTP为0.2mmol/L,Taq酶用量为1.0U,DNA模板用量为70ng.利用该优化体系对部分月季品种和野生种进行PCR扩增和电泳检测,扩增条带清晰,结果稳定,测序结果理想,表明该体系适用于月季的ITS序列分析.关键词ITS;月季;优化中图法分类号S685.120.353文献标识码A文章编号1000—2421(2009)06—075603 月季(RosahybridaI.)是蔷薇科(Rosaceae)蔷薇属(RosaI.)植物,蔷薇属又分为Hulthemia,Hesperhodos,Platyrhodon和Eurosa等4个亚属,约有2OO多个种和变种,广泛分布于亚,欧,-IL:II~,北美等寒温带至亚热带地区l1].蔷薇属植物种类繁多,来源广泛,加上频繁的种内杂交,其种质资源复杂多样,使分类和鉴定工作难度加大l2..近年来,核糖体DNAITS序列已作为重要的分子性状用于种问的系统学研究.研究表明ITS在研究属内种问,属问关系都表现出较高的趋异率和信息位点百分率,为类群内部的系统重建提供了较好的支持[4].ITS是基于基因序列的分子标记, 基因组DNA的提取和纯化是整个工作的基础[6.]. 本试验对提取DNA的方法进行改良,同时对PCR 反应体系进行了优化,得到了稳定,高含量的PCR 扩增产物,旨在对蔷薇属植物来源的DNA模板扩增提供重要参考.1材料与方法1.1试验材料的采集与处理月季样品采自于云南省农业科学院花卉研究所资源圃,将新鲜叶片放人20℃冰箱备用.1.2方法1)DNA的提取.在总结前人对月季进行DNA提取的经验基础上,用改良的CTAB法l8.ll进行总DNA的提取,提取的DNA的质量和浓度采用琼脂糖胶电泳和紫外分光光度计测定,最后把样品稀释到20ng//xI.2)PCR扩增反应体系及程序.PCR扩增在PTC-100型DNA扩增仪上进行.所用引物序列为P4:5一TCCTCCGCTTATTGA TATGC一3;P5:5一GGAAGTAAAAGTCGTAACAAGG一3,Taq 酶,dNTP购自上海生T生物工程技术服务有限公司.反应体系为25L.反应程序为:第1阶段: 95℃,预变性,5min;1个循环;第2阶段:95℃,变性30S;55℃,退火3OS;72℃,延伸,1.5min;35个循环;第3个阶段:72℃后延伸10min;终止反应,4℃保存.3)ITS扩增片段的检测.扩增的PCR产物经1.0琼脂糖凝胶(含花青素)电泳检测,用全自动紫外与可见分析装置进行凝胶成像.2结果与分析2.1Mg浓度Mg.的浓度对PCR反应的特异性和扩增效率有很大影响,反应体系的Mg+用量是决定PCR扩增反应成败的关键因素之一.在25L反应体系中设6个Mg.浓度梯度:1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,4.0mmol/I(图1).收稿日期:20081108;修回日期:20090622*国家自然科学基金项目(30660117),国家高技术研究发展计划项目(2006AA100109)和云南省科技计划项目(2006NG14)资助**通讯作者.E-mail:**********************.cn张慧,女,1984年生,云南农业大学园林园艺学院硕十研究生,昆明650201.E—mail:huihui一**************.cn第6期张慧等:月季ITS反应体系的优化图1不同Me..浓度的PcR扩增结果Fig1ElectrophoresisresultofdifferentMgconcentration泳道l~6:分别为Mg..浓度1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,4.0mmol/LIanel~6:Mgconcentration:1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,4.0mmol/[从图1可见,Mg计浓度在1.0~1.5mmol/L时扩增产物很少,Mg+浓度在2.0~2.5mmol/I时有特异性条带出现,且浓度在2.0mmol/I时扩增产物条带亮且清晰,在3.O~4.0mmol/L时扩增产物不清晰.试验结果表明,Mg浓度在2.0mmol/I时为宜.2.2dNTP浓度dNTP是提供扩增所需要的原料,设5个浓度梯度:1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0mmol/I(图2).从图2可见,dNTP浓度在1.0,1.5,2.5,3.0mmol/I时扩增产物很少,在2.0mmol/L时'增条带亮且清晰.试验结果表明,2.0mmol/I的dNTP浓度可满足反应要求.图2不同dNTP浓度的POR扩增结果Fig2Electr0DhOresisresultofdifferentdNTPconcentration 泳道1~6:分别为dNTP浓度1.0,l_5,2.0,2.5,3.0mmol/I Iane1~61dNTPconcentrationl_01.5,2.0,2.5,3.0mmol/l 2.3Taq酶的用量PCR所需Taq酶的用量对反应有一定的影响.在25肚I反应体系中,设了5个Taq酶的用量梯度:0.25,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0U(图3).从图3可见,Taq酶用量在0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0U时均有扩增产物条带出现,但Taq酶用量在0.5U时出现非特异性条带;当增大q酶用量为1.5~2.0U时扩增条带产物反而减少;而在1.0U时,扩增条带最清晰.故本试验选择1.0U为反应的Taq酶用量.图3不同Taq酶浓度的PCR扩增结果Fig3EIectr0Dh0resisresultofdifferentFaqDNA polymeraseamount泳道l~5分别为:Taq酶0.25,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0ULane 1~5:TaqDNApolymeraseamount0.25,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0U 2.4DNA模板用量DNA模板使用量也是影响PCR产物扩增的重要因素,DNA浓度过低产物的量少或无扩增产物;浓度过高会产生非特异性条带.在25I反应体系中选用8个DNA模板用量梯度:30,4O,5O,6O,70,80,90,100ng.从图4可见,DNA用量在3O~40ng时几乎无扩增产物,在5O~70ng时有条带,但在70ng时条带最清晰,DNA用量在8O~100ng时也几乎无扩增产物.因此,选用的模板DNA用量以70ng为宜.图4不同DNA模板用量的PCR扩增结果Fig4ElectrophoresisresultofdifferentDNAtemplateamount泳道l~9分别为:DNA模板用量30,40,50,6O,70,80,90,100rigI.anel~9:DNAtemplateamount30,40,50,60,70,80,90.100ng2.5优化条件组合的PCR扩增结果采用上述优化条件对10份月季材料进行PCR扩增,以检测该月季ITS反应体系的适用性.结果如图5所示,在750bp处10份材料均有一明亮的DNA带,与预期大小一致.这表明优化确立的ITS-PCR反应体系稳定可靠,可用于月季的ITS序列分析.3讨论PCR扩增条件中Mg浓度,Taq酶用量,dNTPs浓度和样品DNA模板用量等均会影响758华中农业大学第28卷l234567891oM图5不同月季品种和野生种的POR扩增结果Fig.5EIectroDhOresisresultofdifferent rosecultivarsandspecies泳道1~1O分别为:玉玲珑,青莲学士,绿萼,映El荷花,木香花,黄刺枚,香水月季,好莱坞,花车,糖果条Lane1~10:Rosa'Yulin glong'.Rosa'Qinglianxueshi'.Rosa'Viridiflora'.Rosa'Yingrihe—hua',R.banksiae,R.xanthina,R.odorats,Hollywood,Hanaguruma, CandyStripePCR扩增结果.其中,Mg.的浓度影响着TaqDNA聚合酶的反应活性;Mg的另一个作用是和DNA模板结合,屏蔽DNA分子表面的电荷,防止其由于相互凝集而沉淀.Taq酶用量过多会导致非特异性产物增加,用量过少会导致扩增产物量不足.dNTPs提供扩增所需原料,dNTPs浓度过高,可能造成非靶序列启动和延伸时核苷酸的错误掺人,还会抑制Taq酶的活性;浓度过低,则会影响扩增产量.DNA模板的用量也是影响PCR扩增的重要因素,DNA浓度过高或过低都会使PCR扩增无条带产生.因此对反应体系中各因子进行优化组合是决定PCR扩增反应成败的关键.参考文献[1]中国科学院中国植物志编辑委员会.中国植物志第三十七卷[M].北京:科学出版社,1985:360—455.[2]TIRRESAM,MIIIANT,CUBEROJI.Identilyingroseeul—tivarsusingrandomamplifiedpoiymorphicDNAmarkersEJ]. 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KeywordsITS:rose:optimization(责任编辑:杨锦莲)。


17. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) contrast the theories of Jean Wagner with those of other contemporary critics
(B) document the influence of Jean Wagner on the development of Afro-American poetry
It is Wagner who first demonstrated the essential fusion of racial and religious feeling in Afro-American poetry. The two, he argued, form a symbiotic union in which religious feelings are often applied to racial issues and racial problems are often projected onto a metaphysical plane. Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined.



遗传病(inherited disease,genetic disorder) 因遗传因素而罹患的疾病。


先天性疾病(congenital disease)是指婴儿出生时即显示症状如血友病、Down综合征等。

先天性疾病不一定是遗传病家族性疾病(familial disease) 是指某些表现出家族性聚集现象的疾病,即在一个家族中有多人患同一种疾病。

点突变(point mutation)是指单个碱基被另一个不同的碱基替代而造成的突变。



同义突变(same sense mutation) 是指碱基替换后,一个密码子变成另一个密码子,但是所编码的氨基酸没有改变,未产生遗传效应。




错义突变(missense mutation) 是指碱基替换后使mRNA的密码子变成编码另一个氨基酸的密码子,改变了氨基酸的序列,影响蛋白质的功能。


无义突变(nonsense mutation) 是指碱基替换后,使一个编码氨基酸的密码子变为不编码任何氨基酸的一个终止密码子(UAG、UAA、UGA),致使多肽链的合成的提前终止,肽链缩短,成为没有活性的多肽片段。

如β地中海贫血移码突变(frame shift mutation) 是指在DNA编码序列中插入或缺失一个或几个碱基对,使在插入或缺失点下游的DNA编码全部发生改变,这种基因突变称为移码突变。

动态突变(dynamic mutation) 是指人类基因组中的短串联重复序列,尤其是基因编码序列或侧翼序列的三核苷酸重复,在一代代传递过程中重复次数明显增加,从而导致某些遗传病的发生。

孟德尔定律 gentics介绍

孟德尔定律 gentics介绍

• Some traits are caused by complex interactions between many genes, e.g. facial features
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required to reprod., 4th ed., Chapter 2 5
Mendel was the first scientist to combine data collection, analysis, and theory to understand heredity He inferred genetic laws about the appearance and disappearance of traits during different generations
Concluding remarks by Abbot Cyril Napp at 1837 annual meeting of the Moravian Sheep Breeders Society:
Three basic questions must be answered • What is inherited? • How is it inherited? • What is the role of chance in heredity?
Genes are the basic units of heredity • Heredity is the way that genes transmit traits from parents to offspring • Genes are passed from one generation to the next Genes underlie the formation of every heritable trait, e.g. cleft chin, hair loss, color of hair, skin, and eyes • Some traits are causes by a single change in a single gene, e.g. sickle-cell anemia



遗传学的英语Genetics, a branch of biology dealing with the study of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms, is a fascinating and rapidly advancing field. At its core, genetics explores the fundamental laws of inheritance that govern the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next. This information, encoded within the DNA of each cell, determines the characteristics and traits of an organism, including its physical appearance, behavior, and even its susceptibility to certain diseases. The field of genetics has made remarkable progress in recent years, thanks to advancements in technology and the availability of vast amounts of genetic data. One of the most significant milestones in genetics was the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. This revelation opened the door to a new understanding of how genetic information is stored, replicated, and transmitted.Since then, genetics has made leaps and bounds in various areas, including human genetics, agricultural genetics, and ecological genetics. Human genetics, forinstance, has provided insights into the genetic basis of many diseases and conditions, leading to the development of new diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches. Agricultural genetics has enabled the creation of crop varieties that are more resistant to diseases and pests, and that produce higher yields. Ecological genetics, on the other hand, studies the genetic variation within and among species in natural populations, providing valuable insights into the evolution and adaptation of organisms to their environment.The impact of genetics on society is profound. It has revolutionized our understanding of human health and disease, leading to the development of personalized medicine and precision health care. Genetic testing and screening have become increasingly common, allowing individuals to learn about their genetic risks for certain diseases and to make informed decisions about their health. However, the rapid pace of genetic research and technology also raises ethical and social concerns. Issues such as genetic privacy, the potential misuse of genetic information, and the ethical implications of geneticengineering and gene editing require careful consideration and debate.In conclusion, genetics is a crucial field that holdsthe key to understanding the fundamental processes of life. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the genome and apply genetic knowledge to improve human health and address global challenges, it is essential that we also address the ethical and social implications of these advancements. By doing so, we can ensure that the benefits of genetics are realized in a way that is beneficial and responsible for all.**遗传学:遗传的科学**遗传学是生物学的一个分支,研究基因、遗传和生物体变异的科学,这是一个引人入胜且迅速发展的领域。

Genetic diversity

Genetic diversity

• 弗雷则河的莎草,是在美国阿巴拉契亚山区的森林群落发 现的一种罕见的、多年生的、常绿草本植物。通过南部和 中部范围的原始单型种属中的12个样本,遗传多样性被评 定出19个等位酶位点。物种变化与发现在分布于狭窄地方 的物种相媲美,虽然意味着遗传多样性的种群数是稍高一 些。在19个位点中有16(比例84%)个多态,那意味着 46%多态存在于群体中。平均看,每种多态轨迹2.7等位 基因被检测到,种群的遗传多样性平均0.113,然而物种 多样性为0.131,尽管遗传多样性的双重范围被发现,不 到13% 的遗传变异分布在种群,一个具有历史意义的基 因间接评估与发现种群间平均遗传特性之高是相符合的. 尽管遗传变异性质稀有和分布分散,但是所属种的遗传多 样性是具有类似历史特色的药草的特点,地理位置和种群 间遗传差距没有什么关联,表明现今的种群是相对孤立的。
• 当前的种群大小可能相对比历史基因的流 动,要在物种的遗传组成上发挥更大的作 用。总之,尽管它的单型种地位,它的稀有, 弗雷则河的莎草在保持遗传多样性与其更 广的生活历史的属性方面相一致。虽然遗 传分歧的措施没有表明多样性的损失是由 于遗传改变,一部分带有高频(>0.8)等 位基因的基因位点的产生表明,低频率的等 位基因可能很容易丢失。这种等位基因的 随机缺失,也许可以解释一些地理模式遗传 差异的缺失。森林的失去和河滨栖息的改 变,使得这里的莎草可能引起在这个罕见 的、原始的、单型种属内基因的侵蚀。
Leaves of 17–48 individuals (mean 1/4 44.3,SD 1/4 9.5) were collected from 12 populations of Fraser’s sedge throughout the southern and central portions of its range .(在整个南部和中部的范围里,从12种群的弗雷则河芦苇中收集17-18片 成熟叶。)



The application of gene editing technology in humans could completely cure human genetic diseases and ward off infectious diseases. However, since the safety and effectiveness of this technology cannot be determined, it may lead to a series of security risks and ethical problems.From the perspective of family, if editing and modifying the genes of human germ cells are allowed, the gene modification will be irreversibly inherited along with the natural reproduction and destroy the transmission of genes. It is also difficult to clarify the influence on the natural ethical relationship formed by the natural blood and genetic inheritance of parents, children and families. First, it affects the definition of the relationship between parents and children. Second, how to determine the intergenerational relationship? Third, how to define the relationship between siblings in the family? Fourth, marriage and fertility problems of gene editors. Whether or not gene-edited people are allowed to marry and procreate, and if so, could have unpredictable consequences for the human gene pool.From the social aspect, gene editing involves human equality and social fairness. Will gene editing become a tool to divide society? With the practical application of gene editing technology, customized gene will become an inevitable result. The rich, who occupy a large amount of resources, can edit their genes to modify their offspring, so that the offspring have an overwhelming advantage over the ordinary people in terms of intelligence, appearance, height and even life span, and then monopolize all the resources, and a genetic aristocracy composed of rich people will be formed. Ordinary people will be eliminated to the bottom of society, and may even be enslaved or extinct, making class solidification more and more serious. Not only the long-formed social ethical relationship has been overturned, but also the whole social fairness is out of the question [3].From the natural law of human reproduction, does gene editing technology violate the law of natural selection? The continued development of gene editing will inevitably lead to the artificial copy of the so-called good genes and the elimination of the so-called bad genes, which will seriously destroy the diversity of biogenetics. Can genetically modified babies reproduce? It's an ethical question, it's a legal question. The risk that genetically edited babies who marry and have children will pass on their edited traits to the next generation is not clear.The application of technology must have a limit. The purpose of technology is to serve people, so it must be constrained within the framework of ethics and law. Most countries are wary of gene editing. The law still exists in this field and should be perfected continuously. Science and technology are not properly used, bringing controversy and disaster to society instead of hope and happiness. We should ensure technological innovation while establishing management systems and legal regulations that can prevent risks and disasters. At the same time, researchers should strictly observe the bottom line of ethics and law.。



野生动物被重视英语作文Title: The Importance of Wildlife Conservation。


Wildlife plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance and diversity of our planet's ecosystems. However, due to various human activities, many species are facing the threat of extinction. It is imperative that we recognize the significance of wildlife conservation and take necessary measures to protect these precious creatures and their habitats. In this essay, we will delve into the reasons why wildlife conservation is vital, the challenges it faces, and the potential solutions to ensure thesurvival of our planet's diverse wildlife.Importance of Wildlife Conservation。

1. Biodiversity Preservation。

Wildlife conservation is essential for preserving biodiversity. Each species, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, contributes to the intricate web of life on Earth. By protecting wildlife, we safeguard the genetic diversity that allows ecosystems to adapt andthrive in the face of environmental changes. Preserving biodiversity is crucial for the overall health andstability of our planet.2. Ecological Balance。



中国光唇鱼属亲缘地理研究摘要光唇鱼属(Acrossocheilus), 隶属于鲤形目(Cypriniformes)、鲤科(Cyprinidae)、鲃亚科(Barbinae),分布于中国、老挝和越南。





主要研究结果如下:1、基于mt DNA分子标记的光唇鱼属亲缘地理研究1.1长鳍光唇鱼mt DNA全基因组的测定及系统发育分析通过PCR扩增产物直接测序获得长鳍光唇鱼(Acrossocheilus longipinnis)线粒体基因组全序列并分析其结构,继而对光唇鱼属的系统进化进行分析。

结果显示,长鳍光唇鱼mt DNA基因组全长为16593bp。

利用16种光唇鱼的mt DNA基因全序列以另外两种鲤科鱼类为外类群构建系统发育树,来推断该属的系统发育关系。





估算16个物种的分化时间,显示该属物种的分化是从中新世中期开始的,其中最早从祖先物种分化出来的是 A.monticola和 A.yunnanensis(约 5.19 Mya),最晚的是 A.iridescens与A.longipinnis(约0.39 Mya)。




与家庭成员的相似之处和差异英语作文As a document creator, I would like to present an essay on the similarities and differences between family members. 。

Family is an essential part of our lives, and each member brings their own unique qualities and characteristics. In this essay, we will explore the similarities and differences among family members, highlighting the importance of understanding and appreciating these diversities.Firstly, let's discuss the similarities between family members. One significant similarity is the shared genetic makeup. Family members often have similar physical traits, such as eye color, hair texture, or facial features. This similarity not only creates a sense of belonging but also strengthens the bond between family members. Additionally, family members often share common values and beliefs, which are passed down through generations. These shared values provide a strong foundation for unity and support within the family.However, despite these similarities, family members also exhibit distinct differences. One of the most apparent differences is the age gap. Within a family, there are usually different generations, such as grandparents, parents, and children. Each generation has its own unique experiences and perspectives, leading to differences in opinions and attitudes. These generational differences can sometimes lead to conflicts, but they also provide opportunities for growth and learning from each other.Furthermore, family members may have diverse personalities and interests. While some individuals may be outgoing and extroverted, others may be introverted and prefer solitude. These differences in personalities can lead to varying communication styles and ways of expressing emotions. It is crucial to respect and understand these differences to maintain healthy relationships within the family.Another significant difference among family members is their roles and responsibilities. Parents have the responsibility of providing guidance and support to theirchildren, while children have the duty to respect and obey their parents. Siblings, on the other hand, often have different roles within the family dynamic. Some may take on the role of the responsible older sibling, while others may be the carefree younger sibling. These varying roles create a balance within the family unit and contribute to its overall functioning.In conclusion, family members share similarities in terms of genetic makeup, values, and beliefs, which foster a sense of belonging and unity. However, they also possess differences in age, personalities, interests, and roles, which contribute to the diversity within the family. Understanding and appreciating these similarities and differences are crucial for maintaining harmonious relationships and fostering a supportive family environment. By embracing these diversities, we can create a strong and resilient family unit that thrives on love, respect, and understanding.。



-------------------------------- 1Insights into hominid evolution from 2thegorilla genome sequence3从大猩猩的基因组序列深入了解人类进化4---------------------------------------------------------- 56Aylwyn Scally1, Julien Y. Dutheil2{, LaDeana W. Hillier3, Gregory E. Jordan4, Ian 7Goodhead1{, Javier Herrero4, Asger Hobolth2,Tuuli Lappalainen5, Thomas Mailund2, 8Tomas Marques-Bonet3,6,7, Shane McCarthy1, Stephen H. Montgomery8,Petra C.9Schwalie4, Y. Amy Tang1, Michelle C. Ward9,10, Yali Xue1, Bryndis Yngvadottir1{, 10Can Alkan3,11, Lars N. Andersen2,Qasim Ayub1, Edward V. Ball12, Kathryn Beal4, 11Brenda J. Bradley8,13, Yuan Chen1, Chris M. Clee1, Stephen Fitzgerald4,Tina A.12Graves14, Yong Gu1, Paul Heath1, Andreas Heger15, Emre Karakoc3,13AnjaKolb-Kokocinski1, Gavin K. Laird1,Gerton Lunter16, Stephen Meader15, Matthew 14Mort12, James C. Mullikin17, Kasper Munch2, Timothy D. O’Connor8,Andrew D.15Phillips12, Javier Prado-Martinez6, Anthony S. Rogers1{, Saba Sajjadian3, Dominic Schmidt9,10, Katy Shaw12,Jared T. Simpson1, Peter D. Stenson12, Daniel J. Turner1{,1617Linda Vigilant18, Albert J. Vilella4, Weldon Whitener1, Baoli Zhu19{,18David N. Cooper12, Pieter de Jong19, Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis5, Evan E. Eichler3,11, Paul Flicek4, Nick Goldman4,Nicholas I. Mundy8, Zemin Ning1, Duncan T. Odom1,9,10, 1920Chris P. Ponting15, Michael A. Quail1, Oliver A. Ryder20,Stephen M. Searle1, Wesley21C. Warren14, Richard K.Wilson14, Mikkel H. Schierup2, Jane Rogers1{, Chris22Tyler-Smith1& Richard Durbin123人名24------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25Gorillas are humans’ closest living relatives afterchimpanzees, and 26are of comparable importance for the study of humanorigins and evolution.27Here we present the assembly and analysis of a genome sequence for the 28western lowland gorilla,and compare the whole genomes of all extant great 29ape genera. We propose a synthesis of genetic and fossil30evidenceconsistent with placing the human–chimpanzee and human–31chimpanzee–gorillaspeciation events at approximately 6and 10 million 32years ago. In30%of the genome, gorilla is closer tohuman or chimpanzee 33than the latter are to each other;this is rarer around coding genes, 34indicating pervasive selection throughout great ape evolution, and has 35functionalconsequences in gene expression. A comparison of protein36coding genes revealsapproximately 500 genes showingaccelerated37evolution on each of the gorilla, human and chimpanzee lineages, and 38evidence for parallel acceleration,particularly of genes involved in 39hearing.Wealso compare the western and eastern gorilla species,40estimating an averagesequence divergence time 1.75 million years ago, 41but with evidence for more recent genetic exchange and a42populationbottleneck in the eastern species. The use of the genome43sequence in these and future analyses will promote a deeperunderstanding 44of great ape biology and evolution.4546大猩猩是人类除了黑猩猩之外的又一近亲,并且在研究人类起源以及进化47方面有着重要作用。



腹透水中胎儿弯曲菌龟亚种的鉴定及特征分析邱伟波;屈平华;秦珏【摘要】目的全面鉴定1株尿毒症患者腹水中分离的胎儿弯曲菌.方法用血培养仪对尿毒症患者的腹水进行需氧和厌氧培养,分离阳性培养物,用生化鉴定卡进行生化鉴定,16S rRNA基因和rpoB基因序列分析进行明确鉴定.结果该菌为革兰阴性弯曲杆菌,常规方法无法鉴定至亚种水平,结合16S rRNA基因和rpoB基因序列分析结果,鉴定为胎儿弯曲菌龟亚种.结论 16S rRNA基因和rpoB基因序列分析为常规方法无法鉴定至亚种的细菌鉴定提供了可靠的鉴定手段.【期刊名称】《海南医学》【年(卷),期】2018(029)003【总页数】2页(P432-433)【关键词】胎儿弯曲菌龟亚种;细菌鉴定;基因测序【作者】邱伟波;屈平华;秦珏【作者单位】广州市番禺区中心医院检验科,广东广州510400;广东省中医院检验医学部,广东广州510006;广州市番禺区中心医院检验科,广东广州510400【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R714.5弯曲菌(Campylobacter)是一种逗点、S形或螺旋状弯曲的革兰阴性杆菌,常定居于温血动物(如家禽、野鸟)肠道内,可通过“粪口传播”方式感染人类,临床表现包括“痢疾样”急性腹泻、疼痛、牙周炎和血流感染等[1]。

胎儿弯曲菌龟亚种(C.fetus subsp.testudinum)是2014年美国疾病预防控制中心命名的新型弯曲菌,主要感染于中国人群,目前有腹泻、败血症、流产和早产等临床感染的相关报道[2-4]。

2015年4月,我院首次从一例慢性肾功能衰竭和长期腹膜透析患者的腹透水中分离出胎儿弯曲菌龟亚种,现报道如下:1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料患者男性,57岁,农民,已婚。



入院查体:发育正常,营养中等,无扁桃体和浅表淋巴结肿大,体温37.1℃,脉搏94次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压157/90 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)。



Unit1l.If you move into any place other than your own private home,make sure you know what the rules are about pets if you have one.出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。

2.Some women could have made a good salary in job instead of staying at home,but they decided not to work for the sake of the family一些女性完全可以不待在家里,而是去工作,挣一份不错的工资。


3.How can you justify such rudeness?You will pay heavily for that because they have sued you for damaging their good name.你怎么为这样粗鲁的行为辩护?你将会为此付出沉重的代价,因为他们己经以低毁名誉的罪名起诉你了。

4.Criticism can be of great use;we may not like it at the time ,but it can spur us on to great things批评有其重要作用;我们可能当时不喜欢它,但是它能激励我们去做更伟大的事情。

5.His uncompromising behavior ,to which the public objected ,left him bankrupt emotionally and financially他毫不让步的行为遭到公众的反对,这使得他陷人了精神上崩溃、经济上破产的境地。

6.Even if you fail,don't let failure harm you ,don't let failure take over.remember failure is a necessary step in learning ;it is not the end of your learning ,but the beginning即使你失败了,也不要被失败伤害,更不要被失败左右。

The secrets of the genome Genetic counseling

The secrets of the genome Genetic counseling

The secrets of the genome GeneticcounselingGenetic counseling is a complex and sensitive field that deals with theintricate secrets hidden within the human genome. It involves providingindividuals and families with information on the nature, inheritance, and implications of genetic disorders to help them make informed decisions about their health and future. This process can be emotionally challenging and requires a delicate balance of scientific knowledge, empathy, and ethical considerations. From a scientific perspective, genetic counseling is crucial in understanding the genetic basis of various conditions and diseases. Genetic counselors are trainedto interpret complex genetic information and communicate it in a way that is understandable to individuals with varying levels of scientific literacy. Theyhelp individuals and families understand the underlying causes of genetic disorders, the likelihood of passing them on to future generations, and the available options for managing or preventing these conditions. On an emotional level, genetic counseling can be a deeply personal and introspective experiencefor individuals and families. The revelation of a genetic predisposition to a certain disease or condition can evoke fear, anxiety, and a sense of vulnerability. Genetic counselors play a critical role in providing emotional support, empathy, and guidance to help individuals and families navigate the psychological impact of genetic information. They create a safe and supportive environment for clients to express their fears and concerns, and work collaboratively to develop coping strategies and resilience. Ethically, genetic counseling raises important considerations regarding autonomy, informed consent, and privacy. Individuals have the right to make decisions about their own genetic information, and genetic counselors must respect their autonomy while providing accurate and comprehensive information. Informed consent is essential in genetic counseling, as individuals need to understand the potential implications of genetic testing and the choices available to them. Moreover, genetic counselors must uphold strict confidentiality and privacy standards to protect the sensitive nature of genetic information. From a societal perspective, genetic counseling has broader implications forhealthcare, public policy, and social attitudes towards genetic conditions. It can influence decisions about reproductive choices, family planning, and theallocation of healthcare resources. Genetic counselors also play a role in advocating for policies that promote access to genetic services, protect against genetic discrimination, and ensure the ethical use of genetic information. Furthermore, genetic counseling can contribute to raising awareness and reducing stigma around genetic conditions, fostering a more inclusive and supportive society for individuals and families affected by these conditions. In conclusion, genetic counseling is a multifaceted field that encompasses scientific, emotional, ethical, and societal considerations. It involves navigating the complexities of the human genome, providing support and guidance to individuals and families, upholding ethical principles, and advocating for broader societal impacts. Genetic counselors play a vital role in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their genetic health and well-being, while also contributing to larger conversations about genetics in healthcare and society.。

Microbial Metagenome Analysis

Microbial Metagenome Analysis

Microbial Metagenome Analysis Microbial metagenome analysis is a fascinating field that involves studyingthe genetic material of all the microorganisms present in a particular environment. This technique allows scientists to gain insights into the diversity and functions of microbial communities, which play crucial roles in various ecosystems,including the human body. By analyzing the metagenome, researchers can identifythe different species of microorganisms present, their metabolic pathways, andtheir interactions with each other and their environment. One of the key challenges in microbial metagenome analysis is the vast amount of data generated from sequencing the genetic material of multiple microorganisms. This data isoften complex and requires sophisticated bioinformatics tools and computational techniques to analyze effectively. Researchers must carefully process andinterpret this data to uncover meaningful patterns and relationships within microbial communities. Additionally, the presence of contaminants and errors in sequencing data can further complicate the analysis process, requiring researchers to employ quality control measures to ensure the accuracy of their results. Despite these challenges, microbial metagenome analysis offers a wealth of opportunities for scientific discovery. By studying the genetic makeup ofmicrobial communities, researchers can gain insights into the roles of different microorganisms in various ecosystems, such as soil, water, and the human gut. This information can help scientists better understand the functions of microbial communities and their impact on ecosystem health and stability. Furthermore, microbial metagenome analysis can provide valuable information for applications in fields such as biotechnology, agriculture, and medicine. In the field of medicine, microbial metagenome analysis has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the human microbiome and its role in health and disease. By studying the microbial communities present in the human gut, researchers can identify potential links between the microbiome and conditions such as obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and even mental health disorders. This knowledge could lead to the development of novel therapeutic approaches that target the microbiome to improve human health and well-being. From a conservation perspective, microbial metagenome analysis can also play a crucial role in monitoring and preservingbiodiversity. By studying the microbial communities in different ecosystems, researchers can assess the impact of environmental changes, such as pollution or climate change, on microbial diversity and ecosystem health. This information can inform conservation efforts and help policymakers make informed decisions to protect and restore ecosystems around the world. Overall, microbial metagenome analysis is a powerful tool that offers valuable insights into the diversity and functions of microbial communities in various environments. By studying the genetic material of microorganisms, researchers can uncover importantrelationships and patterns that can inform our understanding of ecosystems, human health, and conservation efforts. Despite the challenges associated with analyzing complex data sets, the potential benefits of microbial metagenome analysis make it a promising field for future research and innovation.。



动物色彩英语作文Title: The Vibrant Palette of Animal Colors。

Animals, with their diverse array of colors, patterns, and markings, exhibit a breathtaking spectrum of hues that captivate our senses and spark our curiosity. From the majestic plumage of tropical birds to the intricate patterns of reptiles, the world of animals is a living canvas of color. In this essay, we delve into the fascinating realm of animal colors, exploring their significance, evolution, and ecological roles.Firstly, let us consider the significance of color in the animal kingdom. Colors play multifaceted roles, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes. Camouflage, for instance, is a crucial adaptation employed by numerous species to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, evading predators or enhancing their hunting prowess. Take the example of the chameleon, whose ability to change color enables it to disappear into its environment, becomingvirtually invisible to predators and prey alike.Conversely, vibrant and conspicuous colors serve as signals for communication and mating displays. Male peacocks flaunt their iridescent plumage to attract mates, while poison dart frogs advertise their toxicity through vivid hues, warning potential predators of their deadly nature. These striking displays not only facilitate mate selection but also deter predators, underscoring the dual role of color in both attraction and defense.Moreover, the evolution of animal colors is a testament to the intricate interplay between genetic variation, natural selection, and environmental pressures. Through processes such as sexual selection and ecological adaptation, animals have evolved an astonishing array of colors and patterns tailored to their specific habitats and lifestyles. For instance, Arctic animals like the Arctic fox boast a white coat during winter months, providing camouflage against the snowy landscape, whereas their brown summer fur blends with the tundra environment.Furthermore, the ecological roles of animal colors extend beyond individual survival to broader ecosystem dynamics. Pollinators such as bees and butterflies are attracted to flowers with vibrant colors and distinct patterns, facilitating pollination and ensuring the reproductive success of flowering plants. Similarly, the colorful markings of certain species serve as warning signals, deterring predators and contributing to the balance of predator-prey relationships within ecosystems.In addition to their functional significance, animal colors also hold cultural and symbolic meanings across different societies and traditions. In many indigenous cultures, animals are revered as symbols of power, wisdom, and spirituality, with their colors often imbued with deep cultural significance. For example, the majestic white tiger is revered as a symbol of strength and courage in various Asian cultures, while the black cat is associated with superstitions and omens in Western folklore.In conclusion, the kaleidoscope of colors found in the animal kingdom is a testament to the beauty and complexityof the natural world. From the dazzling displays oftropical birds to the subtle camouflages of insects, animal colors serve a myriad of functions, from communication and mate attraction to survival and ecological balance. As stewards of this planet, it is our responsibility to appreciate, conserve, and protect the rich tapestry of colors that adorn the creatures with whom we share this Earth.。








辣椒是茄科辣椒属一年或多年生草本植物,原产于墨西哥、南美及西印度群岛等地区,随后经欧洲传入亚洲、非洲等热带地区,至今已有300 a以上历史,目前在世界各地均有栽培,是我国西北和西南地区的主要辛香食料[10]。





2、medical genetic医学遗传学:研究人类遗传病发生机理、传递方式、诊断、治疗、预后、再发风险和预防方法,从而控制遗传病在一个家系的再发,降低它在人群中的危害,提高人类的健康水平。

3、homologous chromosomes同源染色体:大小、形态、结构上相同的一对染色体。



5、house-keeping gene持家基因:为维持细胞基本生命活动所必需而时刻都在表达的基因。

6、luxury gene奢侈基因:在不同的细胞中,只在特定的细胞中表达的基因,称之为奢侈基因。

7、gene cluster基因簇:功能相同、结构相似的一系列基因常彼此靠近、成串地排列在一起,这一系列基因称基因簇。

8、gene mutation基因突变:基因在结构上发生碱基对组成或排列顺序的改变称为基因突变。

point mutation点突变:当基因(DNA链)中一个或一对碱基改变时,称之为点突变。

9、dynamic mutation动态突变:又称不稳定三核苷酸重复序列突变。


10、genetic imprinting(genomic imprinting)遗传印记(基因组印记):不同性别的亲体传给子代的同一染色体或基因,当发生改变时可引起不同的表型,这种现象称为遗传印记,也称为基因组印记。

11、relative character相对性状:同一单位性状的相对差异称为相对性状,即一些相互排斥的性状。

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Heredity 80(1998) 624–632Received 11 July 1997 Genetic relationships within the genus Betadetermined using both PCR-based markerand DNA sequencing techniquesYULONG SHEN, BRIAN V. FORD-LLOYD &H. JOHN NEWBURY*School of Biological Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK The sequences of ITS1 of the internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNAfrom 11 species or subspecies in four sections of the genus Beta were compared. Phylogeny ofthese wild beet taxa was inferred from the sequence data using phenetic and phylogeneticanalyses. Multiple accessions from the same 11 taxa were subjected to random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, and the data were analysed phenetically. With bothmolecular techniques and each analysis, three distinctive groups were formed: species fromsection Beta formed one group; species from section Procumbentes formed a very distinctgroup; and species from both section Nanae and section Corollinae clustered together formingthe third group, which is closer to Beta than to Procumbentes.The RAPD data revealed within-section interspecies relationships that are consistent with those reported previously; this wasnot always the case using the single-locus sequence data.Keywords:Beta, internal transcribed spacer (ITS), phylogeny, rDNA, RAPD, wild beets.IntroductionThe genus Beta is divided into four sections: Beta, Corollinae, Nanae and Procumbentes. Section Beta includes the crop species B. vulgaris which contains sugar beet, fodder beet and chards. The systematics within this economically important genus have been subject to disagreement (Kishima et al., 1987; Santoni & Berville, 1992), but molecular data may provide a solution to the taxonomic problems, as well as information about the possible evolutionary relationships of sections and species within the genus. DNA sequence data are increasingly provid-ing valuable information for evolutionary studies (Olmstead & Palmer, 1994) and, in plants, chloro-plast genes and the 18S–5.8S–25S ribosomal DNA have been the main sequences used for such studies. The 18S–5.8S–25S rDNA is attractive for phylogeny reconstruction because of high copy number, univer-sality and diverse rate of evolution within and among component subunits and spacers (Baldwin, 1994). Although the regions of rDNA that encode the mature rRNAs are useful for deep phylogeny inference within angiosperms as a whole, the two internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2; Fig. 1) of nuclear rDNA have evolved more rapidly than the coding regions that flank them and are suitable for comparison of closely related taxa. For example, phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences from several genera in the subtribe Masinae of the Compositae (Baldwin, 1992) has yielded results highly concord-ant with the phylogeny of species based on chloro-plast DNA restriction site mutations. The ITS sequences have also revealed phylogeny in the genus Calycadenia which has close agreement with that based on the interpretation of cytological and morphological data (Baldwin, 1992). In sugar beet, the 18S–5.8S–25S rDNA repeats have been mapped onto chromosomes using fluorescent in situ hybrid-ization (Schmidt et al., 1994). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of Beta species has been carried out using rDNA probes, and variation in restriction sites was detected within the nontranscribed intergenic spacer (IGS) region but not in the transcribed ITS region (Santoni & Berville, 1992).As a contrasting technique, RAPD (Williams et al., 1990) has been widely used to reveal genetic variation in crops. The technique has been used successfully for revealing polymorphism within species (Demeke & Adams, 1994). For the study of genetic relationships above the species level, the use of RAPD has been criticized for revealing unreliable phylogenies because of possible lack of homology of*Correspondence. E-mail: h.j.newbury@©1998 The Genetical Society of Great Britain.624co-migrating bands (Brummer et al ., 1995).However, several studies have used RAPD success-fully to reveal relationships at the section level or above in several genera, including Oryza (Martin et al ., 1997), Medicago (Brummer et al ., 1995) and Rosa (Millan et al ., 1996); in each case, the RAPD-derived phylogenies have been found to be in good agreement with those produced using other methods. In beets, RAPD analysis has so far been used in the taxonomic characterization of species/subspecies of wild annual beets within the section Beta (Shen et al ., 1996) and five species within section Corollinae (Reamon-Buttner et al ., 1996).Here, we present results using ITS1 sequence data to illustrate the phylogenetic relationships of species in the genus Beta. We also show that similar genetic relationships are revealed using RAPD when species from each of the sections of the genus are analysed,confirming the reliability of RAPD for studying vari-ation between species and sections of a genus.Materials and methodsITS (ITS1–5.8S–ITS2) amplification and sequencingThirteen accessions from the University of Birming-ham Beet Germplasm Collection, representing members of all four sections, were used for ITS1sequencing (Table 1). In addition, the ITS1 region of Chenopodium album was sequenced to provide an outgroup for the phylogenetic analysis. Leaf tissues from greenhouse-grown beet plants and a C. album plant growing naturally were used for DNA extrac-tion according to the method of Sabir et al . (1992).Between two and 10 plants were sampled for each accession used in DNA sequencing. The yield of DNA was estimated by electrophoresis on an agarose gel (0.7%) along with phage DNA stand-ards. PCRs were performed in 25 L volumes containing 1.0ng of genomic DNA, 200 M of each dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP, 2 M of each primer, 1.0U of Taq polymerase, 1 ammonium incubation buffer and 2.5m M magnesium chloride.The primers were ITS5 (5؅-GGAAG-TAAAAGTCGTAACAAGG-3؅) and ITS4 (5؅-TCCTCCGCTATATGATATGC-3؅) (White et al ., 1990; Fig. 1). Amplifications were performed in a thermocycler (Hybaid-Omnigene) programmed as follows: one cycle at 95°C for 2min; two cycles of 30s at 95°C, 1min at 57°C and 2min at 72°C; two cycles of 30s at 95°C, 1min at 55°C and 2min at 72°C; 31 cycles of 30s at 94°C, 1min at 55°C and 2min at 72°C; and finally 72°C for 5min. In order to separate the amplified product from the residual primers, 10–12 reaction mixtures from one accession were pooled and subjected to electrophoresis in a 1.2% (w/v) low-melting-point agarose gel using TAE buffer (Sambrook et al ., 1989). The desired DNA fragment was cut out of the gel and recovered using a Geneclean II Kit (Bio 101, Vista, CA, USA)according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The DNA was used for sequencing using an Applied Biosystem 373A Automatic DNA Sequencer. Only the ITS1 region (White et al ., 1990; Fig. 1) was sequenced, using ITS5 as a forward primer and ITS2(ITS2: 5؅-GCTGCGTTCTTCATCGATGC-3؅;White et al ., 1990; Fig. 1) as reverse.Alignment of ITS1 sequences and phylogenetic reconstructionThe sequences of ITS1 obtained using the two different primers (ITS5 and ITS2) for each of the 13samples of beet plus C. album were compared and checked. The sequences were aligned by eye using the LINE -UP program of the GCG sequence analysis software package (GCG, 1995). Divergence between ITS1 sequences in pairwise comparisons was calculated using the Kimura two-parameter method (Swofford & Olsen, 1990). In this method, different rates of transversions and transitions are taken into account and the gaps are not scored. The calculation was carried out using the DISTANCES program in the GCG software package (GCG, 1995). Phylogenetictrees were generated using the distances with theFig.1Diagram of the organization of the ITS region of the 18S–5.8S–25S nuclear rDNA repeat. Arrows indi-cate approximate positions of primers for sequencing. Primer names follow White et al . (1990). The nontranscri-bed intergenic spacer (IGS) between 25S and 18S is not shown.GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE GENUS BETA 625© The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity , 80, 624–632.GROWTREE program and using both UPGMA and neighbour-joining options.RAPD analysisDNA was extracted from 25 accessions representing all the taxa in the Birmingham Beta collection (Table 1) as described above. PCR amplification and electrophoresis were carried out in duplicate follow-ing the method used for rice (Virk et al., 1995). The primers used were OPG-12, OPH-16, OPK-10, OPM-17 and OPM-18 (Operon Technology). Except for accessions from section Beta, in which DNA samples used for amplification were pooled, all the other DNA samples were from single plants. The DNA amplification reactions were performed in a volume of 25 L containing approximately 1ng of genomic DNA, 200 M of each dATP, dCPT, dGTP and dTTP, 0.4 M primer, 1.0U of Taq polymerase, 1 ammonium incubation buffer and 2.5m M magnesium chloride. The amplification was performed in a thermocycler (Hybaid-Omnigene) programmed as follows: one cycle of 95°C for 2min; two cycles of 30s at 95°C, 1min at 37°C and 2min at 72°C; two cycles of 30s at 95°C, 1min at 36°C and 2min at 72°C; 41 cycles of 30s at 94°C, 1min at 36°C and 2min at 72°C; and finally 72°C for 5min. Aliquots of 16 L of amplified products were loaded onto 1.4% (w/v) agarose gels for electrophoresis in 0.5 TBE buffer and run at 200V for about 2h. Gels were stained with ethidium bromide and photo-graphed under UV light using the IS-500 Digital Imaging System (Alpha Innotech Corporation). Only strong bands that were observed in both duplicateTable1Beta material usedNo. of plants Country of Accession Species/subspecies Abbreviation Section used for RAPD origin* NA Chenopodium album ALB†NA1UKB0205lomatogona LOM Corollinae2TurkeyB0213lomatogona LOM†Corollinae2TurkeyB0234lomatogona LOM Corollinae3TurkeyB0221macrorhiza MCR Corollinae1TurkeyB0397macrorhiza MCR†Corollinae2Czech.B0224trigyna TRI Corollinae1TurkeyB0349trigyna TRI Corollinae1B0367trigyna TRI†Corollinae2B0368corolliflora COR Corollinae2B0403corolliflora COR Corollinae2Armenia B0537corolliflora COR†Corollinae2B0317maritima MAR Beta10‡GreeceB0731maritima MAR Beta10‡AlgeriaB0334maritima MAR†Beta1GreeceB0424adanensis ADA Beta10‡GreeceB0423adanensis ADA†Beta1GreeceB0588macrocarpa MCC†Beta4‡Canary Is. B0051vulgaris spinach beet VU1†Beta1B0079vulgaris sugar beet VU2†Beta1B0534patellaris PAT Procumbentes1Canary Is. B0555patellaris PAT Procumbentes2Canary Is. B1108patellaris PAT Procumbentes3B0576procumbens PRO(PR1)†Procumbentes5Canary Is. B0535procumbens PRO(PR2)†Procumbentes3Canary Is. B0536webbiana WEB Procumbentes3B0566webbiana WEB†Procumbentes3Canary Is. FD19nana NAN†Nanae1FD24nana NAN Nanae2FD25nana NAN Nanae1*Where information available.†Accessions used for RAPD and sequencing.‡Accessions for which pooled samples were used.626Y. SHEN ET AL.© The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 80, 624–632.amplifications were scored. RAPD bands showing variation across the 48 samples were used as poly-morphic markers and were scored as present (1) or absent (0) for each accession. The data were then subjected to analysis using Jaccard’s similarity coeffi-cient, and a dendrogram was generated using UPGMA cluster analysis (NTSYS-pc: Rohlf, 1992).ResultsITS fragments were efficiently amplified for all the 13 beet accessions and C. album. A band of the expected size (740bp) was obtained, although some accessions also yielded a faint band of about 480bp, probably because of weak, non-specific primer binding within the ITS region during PCR. The sequences of ITS1 fragments were aligned and, by comparison of the sequence data with published sequences in other crops (Yokota et al., 1989), the boundaries of ITS1 were determined. Because of insertions or deletions, four gaps of between one and four bases were included in the alignment (Fig.2). Species in section Procumbentes have 238–239bp sequences, in section Beta241bp and in sections Nanae and Corollinae243–244 base sequences, whereas ITS1 in C. album is 221bp long. Omitting base insertions and deletions leaves 211 bases, of which 86 (41%) are variable across the 14 sequences.Pairwise comparisons of transitions and transver-sions of the ITS1 regions and the Kimura two-parameter distances were calculated. The distances among pairwise comparisons ranged from 0 to 48.85. The distances between species within sections were usually less (0–2.53) than those between sections, except for those between species in sections Nanae and Corollinae.The phylogenetic relationships among species were the same in the trees generated using the distance data and both UPGMA and neighbour-joining methods. To illustrate the distances between accessions, a phylogenetic tree was drawn using the data from the neighbour-joining analysis (Fig. 3). Three groups were formed: species from section Procumbentes formed a distinct group, species from section Beta formed another and species from sections Nanae and section Corollinae formed the third group (closer to Beta than to Procumbentes). In section Beta, two accessions from B. vulgaris and one accession from B. maritima did not show any varia-tion in the ITS1 region and grouped as one. Beta macrocarpa is more distantly related to B. vulgaris than is B. adanensis. In section Procumbentes, two accessions from B. procumbens were separated; oneof them had the same sequence as B. webbiana andthe other differed by six bases. In section Corollinae,B. macrorhiza and B. trigyna did not show sequencevariation in the ITS1 region and clustered together.Beta nana, the single species in section Nanae, wasgrouped with species from section Corollinae; B.nana was closer to B. trigyna and B. macrorhiza thanto B. corolliflora or B. lomatogona.Forty-eight DNA samples derived from 25 acces-sions were analysed using RAPD (see Table 1). Theprimers used were selections of those that had beenused in a previous study (Shen et al., 1996), and allfive primers produced reliable and reproduciblebanding patterns. Accessions from the four sectionsgave rise to characteristic RAPD profiles, whichwere so obviously different as to allow identificationat the section level by eye. An example of theprofiles is shown in Fig. 4. For numerical analysis, 31polymorphic bands were scored, and the data wereanalysed using the simple matching coefficient and UPGMA clustering (NTSYS-pc: Rohlf, 1992) to produce a dendrogram (Fig. 5). All accessions from sectionProcumbentes formed one group (A) well separatedfrom the others. Within this group, plants from eachaccession were generally clustered together.However, accessions putatively belonging to thesame species were not always grouped together. Theremainder of the accessions formed another maingroup consisting of three subgroups: accessions fromsection Beta formed one group (B), although thefour accessions (B0317, B0424, B0588 and B0731)were well separated; accessions from section Nanaeshowed no polymorphism and formed a tight group(C), which is closer to section Corollinae thansection Beta. Within section Corollinae(Fig. 5),accessions from B. lomatogona clustered togetherand formed a distinctive group (E). Accessions fromthe other three species grouped together (D) but,although plants from the same accessions did clustertogether, the subgrouping did not correlate well withthe putative species identification.DiscussionITS1 base sequence and RAPD banding data havebeen obtained for 11 species or subspecies of Betaand for Chenopodium album. Both the phylogenyobtained using the ITS1 sequence data and thegenetic relationships revealed using RAPD are ingeneral agreement with the relationships definedusing other methods; these include relationshipsrevealed from taxonomically more restrictedanalyses of RFLP studies of chloroplast (Kishima etal., 1987, 1995), mitochondrial (Senda et al., 1995) GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE GENUS BETA627© The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 80, 624–632.628Y. SHEN ET AL.Fig.2Aligned DNA sequences of theITS1 region of the 18S–5.8S–26Snuclear ribosomal DNA from 13 beetaccessions in the genus Beta and anoutgroup species (Chenopodiumalbum). Accessions abbreviations areindicated on the left and the gappositions are indicated as dots.© The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 80, 624–632.and total genomic DNA (Jung et al ., 1993) and the distribution of satellite DNA families (Schmidt et al .,1991; Schmidt & Heslop-Harrison, 1993). There is also general agreement with the classifications produced by Santoni & Berville (1992) using varia-tion in four restriction enzyme sites in the IGS region of rDNA in nine Beta species; no differences in restriction sites for the enzymes Eco RI, Bam HI,Hin dIII or Sac I were found in the ITS1 region of these species, and this is in agreement with our data.A number of key points emerge from our results with respect to Beta taxonomy and phylogeny. For example, it is clear from both ITS1 sequence data and RAPD banding profiles that there is a consider-able divergence of section Procumbentes from the other three sections; this agrees with results from other molecular studies (Kishima et al ., 1987; Mita et al ., 1991; Santoni & Berville, 1992; Senda et al .,1995). With regard to section Nanae , represented by the single species B. nana , the RAPD banding patterns suggest a lack of genetic variation within this species and that it is closely related to species of section Corollinae.This relationship has also been demonstrated in studies using RFLPs of mini-satellite DNA (Jung et al ., 1993) and hybridization of satellite DNA family probes cloned from species B. corolliflora and B. trigyna (Schmidt & Heslop-Harrison, 1993). In the studies of Jung et al . (1993),Nanae was grouped within section Corollinae , which is also the case for our ITS1 results, whereas our RAPD data and the study by Schmidt & Heslop-Harrison (1993) showed Nanae to be separated from, but closely allied to, section Corollinae . In either case, the conclusion must be that sections Nanae and Corollinae are closely related phylogenetically.Section Procumbentes includes three species, B.patellaris , B. procumbens and B. webbiana .Beta patel-Fig.3Phylogenetic tree based upondata using the neighbour-joining method with the Kimuratwo-parameter distances displayed.GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE GENUS BETA 629© The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity , 80, 624–632.laris has been regarded as an allotetraploid (Abe et al ., 1987; Senda et al ., 1995), with B. procumbens and B. webbiana as diploids. Molecular studies have recently suggested that the last two are extreme forms of the same species (Wagner et al ., 1989; Mita et al ., 1991; Jung et al ., 1993; Kishima et al ., 1995), a situation originally proposed by Curtis (1968) based on morphological characteristics. Our ITS1 sequence data suggest that one accession (B0535), designated by the original collector as B. procumbens , may actually be B. webbiana . The RAPD results show that considerable variation exists within this section.The subgroupings do not correlate with the original classification into species, which might result from natural gene exchange and could support the single-species hypothesis, and an autopolyploid origin for B. patellaris (Santoni & Berville, 1992). Section Procumbentes is, however, the most genetically distinct of all sections within the genus, and this is supported by both RAPD and sequence data. Phylo-genetic analysis of the sequence data, with C. album included as an outgroup to root the tree, indicates that section Procumbentes diverged from the other forms of beet at a relatively early stage in the evolu-tion of the genus, a conclusion that is also supported by Santoni & Berville (1992).As for section Corollinae , accessions of B. lomato-gona formed a distinctive group using RAPD data,but much variation was observed in the group composed of the other three species. This may, in part, result from difficulty with taxonomic identifica-tion within this section. It seems just as likely,however, that it is because B. macrorhiza , B. corolli-flora and B. trigyna are closely related phylogenet-ically. Reamon-Buttner et al . (1996) indicated that these three species are distinct from B. lomatogona and that B. macrorhiza is ancestral to both B. corolli-flora and B. trigyna , which have evolved through various hybridizations. If this is the case, then one might expect a lack of discrimination between these species in our RAPD analysis. Santoni & Berville (1992) also separated B. lomatogona from B. macro-rhiza , B. trigyna and B. corolliflora using variation in restriction sites within the IGS region of rDNA.The sequence data provide direct information about mutations in DNA that accompany divergence of species. In further work, we have developed protocols that exploit these ITS1 sequence differ-ences to define specific primers, which allow the identification of Beta taxa using single locus PCR (data not shown). However, in the context of genetic relationships, it is important to remember that the sequence data reflect variation at only a single locus (ITS1), whereas the RAPD analysis used data from 31 loci. A potential problem with the RAPD data issome co-migrating bands, which may not be allelic.Fig.4RAPD profiles showing varia-tion in band patterns between samples. The amplification wascarried out using primer OPM17. M indicates molecular size nes 1–24 (from left to right): (a)B0205–1, B0205–2, B0213–1,B0213–2, B0221–3, B0224–2,B0234–1, B0234–2, B0234–3, B0317,B0349–1, B0367–1, B0367–3,B0368–1, B0368–2, B0397–1,B0397–2, B0403–1, B0403–2, B0424,B0534–1, B0535–1, B0535–2 and B0535–3; (b) B0536–1, B0536–2,B0536–3, B0537–1, B537–2,B0555–1, B0555–2, B0566–1,B0566–2, B0566–3, B0576–1,B0576–2, B0576–3, B0576–4,B0576–5, B0588, B0731, B1108–1,B1108–2, B1108–3, FD19–1,FD24–1, FD24–2, FD25–1 (numbers after the hyphens are plant numbers within accessions). Species are identi-fied using the abbreviations included in Table 1.630Y. SHEN ET AL.© The Genetical Society of Great Britain, Heredity , 80, 624–632.The results obtained here indicate that the patterns of interspecific relationships revealed by the RAPD data are broadly similar to those revealed using sequence data, although there are some differences.For instance, the plants of B. macrorhiza and B.trigyna possessed identical ITS1 sequences and were closely linked to B. nana ; however, all three were clearly separated using RAPD data. This suggests that the RAPD data may provide a more accurate picture of relationships at the species level. This is supported by the concordance of these results with those of Reamon-Buttner et al . (1996) even to the extent that two forms of B. macrorhiza may exist; the two accessions used here appear to be very distinct.Overall, the results demonstrate the value of usingmore than one molecular technique for the analysis of genetic relationships.ReferencesABE , J ., NAKASHIMA , H . AND TSUDA , C . 1987. 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