05年11月库存管理(二)试卷2005年11月库存管理(二)(课程代码:5376)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共计30分)1.库存在企业中的作用之一是可以平衡A)价格和定货周期的波动B)定货量和定货点的波动C)采购和运输的波动D)供应与需求的波动2.在固定定货量系统中,库存控制的关键因素是A)定货点和定货批量B)补货期间的库存水平C)两次定货之间的时间间隔D)定货提前期和安全库存量3.企业在途库存的多少取决于A)运输时间和该时间内的平均需求B)定货周期和该时间内的总需求C)定货提前期和运输规模D)运输时间和运输规模4.独立需求最明显的特征是A)需求的对象和数量都是确定的,且数量是整数B)需求的对象确定,但数量要通过预测方法估算C)需求的对象和数量不确定,只能通过预测方法估计D)需求的对象和数量是已知和确定的,并与定货批量无关5.在以下关于库存管理目标的描述中,错误的描述是A)指定一个标准的库存水平,使库存占用的资金带来的收益比投入其他领域的更高B)决定一个合适的库存水平,使库存占用的资金带来的收益比投入其他领域的更高C)在达到顾客期望的服务水平的前提下,尽量将库存成本减少到可以接受的水平D)在企业现有资源的约束下,以最合理的成本为用户提供所期望水平的服务6.固定定货两系统比较适合于A)市场上供应变化大的物资的管理B)高价值、供货渠道找的物资的管理C)时常上随时可能采购到的物资的管理D)低价值、需求量小,但需求稳定的物资的管理7.在分析随机型库存问题时,通常假设A)不允许缺货B)当年的期望收入与储存支出的比值大于1的条件C)计划期收入与储存指出的比值小于1的条件D)计划期收入与储存指出的比值大于1的条件10.在使用德尔菲法时必须坚持三条原则,这三条原则是(1)匿名性(2)反馈性(3)收敛性(4)准时性)A)(2)+(3)+(4)B)(1)+(3)+(4)C)(1)+(2)+(4)D)(1)+(2)+(3)11.下列是某物品的需求历史数据,利用简单平均法对其第4周的需求量进行预测,实际需量1400,1600,1800 结果是,A)1600 B)1400C)1800 D)150012.关于平滑指数法的特点,论述错误的是A)指数模型的精度非常高B)用户不能了解模型如何运行C)建立指数模型相对容易D)检测某性运算精度的计算比较容易13.按照控制对象价值的不同或重要程度的不同进行分类,A类存货的A)品种种类占总品种数的比例约为10%,价值占存货总价值的比例约为70%B)品种种类占总品种数的比例约为20%,价值占存货总价值的比例约为20%C)品种种类占总品种数的比例约为70%,价值占存货总价值的比例约为10%D)品种种类占总品种数的比例约为70%,价值占存货总价值的比例约为70% 14.ABC分类法包括下述步骤,请选择它们正确的顺序(1)将物品按年耗用金额从大到小进行排序(2)计算各种物品占用资金额占全部库存占用资金额的白分比进行累计(3)按照分类标准进行分类,确定ABC三类物品A)(2)→(3)→(1)B)(1)→(3)→(2)C)(3)→(1)→(2)D)(1)→(2)→(3)15.某企业每年需要耗用某种物资100000见,现已知该物资的单价为20元,同时已知每次的定货成本为5元,每件物资的年存储费率为20%,年定货总成本是A)500 B)1000C)1500 D)200016.MRPⅡ的特点是A)管理的系统性B)在恰当的时间定货C)维持可能最低的库存水平D)计划充分且负荷均衡17.在ABC分类的库存策略中,A类存货的库存控制策略是A)严密控制,每月检查一次B)一般控制,每三个月检查一次C)自由处理D)严密控制,随时检查18.下列哪一个计划不是MRP系统的输出报告A)优先权的计划B)主生产计划C)互转件计划D)工艺准备需求计划19.MRP系统具有的优点是A)最大限度的降低在制品库存B)计划与实际不会产生偏差C)鼓励*作者提前完成D)前置时间不随作业的优先顺序而变化20.MRP系统的输出部分中不包括A)库存文件B)原材料需求计划C)主生产计划D)产品结构文件21.关于JIT与MRPⅡ,下列叙述中正确的是A)JIT管理的范围比MRPⅡ小B)JIT管理的范围比MRPⅡ大C)JIT管理的范围与MRPⅡ一样D)JIT适用于产品多变的生产环境22.在生产计划与作业排序中,评估排序规则的标准是A)平均流程时间B)先到先服务C)最短加工时间D)最早交货日期23.确定物资需求量的方法中,不包括A)定额计算法B)技术计算法C)统计分析法D)经验估计法24.关键率大于1.0,意味着A)作业进度较计划提前B)作业进度晚于计划C)作业进度与计划同步D)作业进度与计划无关25.大批量定制化生产中,最终决定生产什么产品的时间是A)客户提出定货要求时B)预测到客户有产品需求时C)客户定单到达时D)客户支付产品定金时26.供应链中各节点共同指定库存计划,任何相邻节点需求的确定都是供需双方协调的结果这样的库存控制方法称为A)联合管理库存B)供应商管理库存C)供应商一体化D)有效客户响应27.库存计划者在多个地点协调存货,用以向每一个配送设施分配来自工厂仓库的可得存货,这种存货管理方法属于<BR>A)最优化法B)模拟法C)探索法D)均分法28.N公司每年销售费用1.56亿元,库存价值1500万元。
仓储管理(二)(本试卷为06年05月真题)一、单项选择题1.下列哪项仓储功能可以防止因缺货造成的生产停顿 ( )A储存功能 B组合功能C分类功能 D增值功能2.以流通加工为主要任务的物流中心是 ( )A加工中心 B转运中心C配载中心 D分货中心3.在下列仓库类型中,属于按用途分类的是 ( )A立体仓库 B待种仓库C专用仓库 D保税仓库4.适宜在仓库内使用的叉车是 ( )A电瓶叉车 B柴油叉车C汽油叉车 D液化石油气叉车5.适应性强,应用最广的叉车是 ( )A步行操纵式叉车 B平衡重式叉车C前移式叉车 D电动托盘叉车6.对先进先出要求高,批量小,品种多的货品适用 ( )A驶入式货架 B托盘单货架C推回式货架 D滑过式货架7.下列哪种活动贯穿于整个仓库作业 ( )A货品搬运 B货品入库C货品出差 D货品分拣8.使用信息系统来处理库存账务的配送中心,当张面库存数与实际库存数发生差异时,可以采取哪种盘点方法 ( ) A帐面盘点 B现货盘点C期末盘点法 D帐面盘点和现货盘点相结合9.日常仓储管理中最基本的管理是 ( )A仓库选址与建设 B仓储设备配置C仓库作业管理 D仓库管理技术的应用10.库存管理属于仓库管理系统中的哪个子系统 ( )A入库管理子系统 B数据管理子系统C出库管理子系统 D系统管理子系统11.储位管理的基本目标是 ( )A最大限度的利用空间 B加速托盘周转C加快库存周转速度 D减少装卸次数12.拣货差异率的计算公式是 ( )A拣货差异箱数/拣货总箱数×百分之百B订单数量×每张订单平均品种数/拣货所用工时C 无差异订单量/总拣货处理订单数量D累计拣货总件数/拣货所用工时13.请选择正确的出库流程 ( )A订单审核→拣货→发货检查→出库信息处理→装车→发货信息处理B订单审核→拣货→出库信息处理→发货检查→装车→发货信息处理C订单审核→出库信息处理→发货检查→拣货→撞车→发货信息处理D订单审核→出库信息处理→拣货→发货检查→装车→发货信息处理14.RFID是指 ( )A电子数据交换 B条形码技术C无限射频技术 D仓储管理系统15.下列哪项操作不符合冷酷库房管理要求 ( )A库门应尽量保持常闭状态 B保持库房前面冰层的厚度C高低温度不能混用 D安装自然通风装置16.下列哪种材料的托盘最适合冷冻食品储存 ( )A塑料托盘 B木托盘C钢托盘 D混合材料托盘17.关键运作指标简称 ( )A ERPB BPRC KPID SKU18.为提高物流效率,保证物流的统一性和各环节的有机联系,同时与国际接轨,我过仓储业应实现 ( ) A社会化 B产业化C标准化 D现代化19.仓储管理变动成本包括 ( )A货损成本 B库房租金C设备折旧 D固定工资20.发生在货品持有期间,因市场变化造成的商品贬值属于 ( )A订货成本 B资金占用成本C缺货成本 D存货风险成本21.引起商品发生质量变化的内在因素是 ( )A商品的理化性质 B保管人员的素质C储存时间长短 D环境的污染程度22.棉,麻,毛,橡胶等高分子有机物在日光和高温的作用下出现的变软,发粘现象的原因是 ( ) A老化反应B聚合反应C裂解反应 D 水解反应23.仓储作业组织的目标可概括成 ( )A多进,多出,高效,保质,低成本B快进,快出,高效,保质,低成本C快进,慢出,高效,保质,高利润D多进,快出,高效,安全,低成本24.下图所示的物流中组织形式属于 ( )A直线制形式 B职能制形式C直线职能形式 D连锁业务物流组织形式25.一般仅进行货物的保税储存,而不进行制造和其他贸易服务的场所是( )A自由港 B自由贸易区C出口加工区 D保税仓库26.我国海关法规定,存放保税仓库的货物,除特殊申请延长外,其存放期限为 ( )A 六个月B 一年C二年 D 三年二、多项选择题27.仓库作业区布置应考虑的因素有 ( )A仓库特性 B入库量C库内道路 D出库量E作业流程28.下列商品在储存过程中易发生串味的是 ( )A陶瓷与玻璃杯 B卷烟与茶叶C化妆品与纸品 D饼干与奶粉E纸品与洗衣粉29.自动货架系统的优点有 ( )A库房利用率高 B仓库运做效率高C适用各种货物 D投资运作成本低E节省劳动力30.下列符合JPT管理目标的是 ( )A零库存 B零交易C零距离 D零缺陷E零浪费31.下列哪些属于冷冻链管理的 ( )A蔬菜气调储藏 B水果种植C冰激凌销售 D酸奶运输E食品速冻32.仓储部的主要职责有 ( )A接受与检验货物 B按照订单分拣C组织仓库哪装卸 D组织社会运力E保证出入库准确33.下列对仓库管理描述错误的是 ( )A经常开启仓库的窗户以便通风 B货物堆放应正对仓库大门便通风C应紧靠仓库种植草及树木 D仓库中使用诱饵捕杀老鼠E仓库中应撒水以防止灰尘三、简答题34.简述仓储在物流中的作用。
CPLM 案例考试真题及参考答案
2006年11月中国物流职业经理资格证书考试(中级)物流案例与实践(二) (课程代码:5375)第Ⅱ卷(共100分)注意事项:1.本课程试卷只有第Ⅱ卷,共13页(第1—第13页)。
2007 年5 月中国物流职业经理资格证书考试〈初级〉仓储管理(一) 〈课程代码:5371〉一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共计25分)1.仓储活动具有生产力三要素,这反映出仓储管理的哪个特点()A、单一性B、技术性C、综合性D、经济性2.按保管货物特性分类的仓库是()A、立体仓库B、楼房仓库C、专用仓库D、批发仓库3.连锁企业的配送中心是哪种仓储服务功能的最好体现()A、储存功能B、组合功能C、批发功能D、增值功能4.能保证货物叠放高度,使货物互不挤压,减少货物损失的仓储设备是()A、叉车B、货架C、托盘D、拖车5.下列属于入库前准备工作的是()A、商品验收B、储位准备C、转货作业D、手续交接6.按照客户订单或出库单的要求将货物挑选出来,并放在指定位置的物流作业活动是()A、拣货作业B、入库作业C、盘点作业D、流通加工7.哪项仓储作业可以确保仓库货品数量真实,并为财务核算、存货控制提供依据()A、采购作业B、入库作业C、拣货作业D、盘点作业8.核对客户的信用状况、未付款信息属于仓库哪个作业阶段的重要内容()A、订单处理作业B、采购入库作业C、复核出库作业D、盘点检查作业9.创造适宜搬运作业的环境,改善和加强劳动保护体现了搬运作业的()A、均衡性要求B、稳定性要求C、连贯性要求D、安全性要求10.POS是指()A、电子数据交换系统B、电子补货系统C、销售时点信息系统D、电子商务系统11.用于大卖场、连锁店临时储存,保证店面供应和运作的冷库属于()A、生产性冷库B、流通储存性冷库C、周转性冷库D、零售端冷库12.下列属于仓储管理固定成本的是()A、货品损坏成本B、设备维修费用C、设备设施折旧D、临时人员工资13.叉车的作用是()A、包装货物B、储存货物C、移动货物D、检验货物14.货架的型号应与仓库的作业量、作业频率相匹配,这反映了货架选择的哪项原则()A、适应性B、经济性C、先进性D、全面性15.下列关于仓储作业节奏性的描述中,不正确的是()A、取决于各作业环节之间各种设备的比例B、要符合商品入库堆码位置和形式的要求C、充分考虑仓库作业环节的不均衡性D、取决于仓库总面积布置的正确程度16.具有信息容量大,可靠性高,保密、防伪性强等特点的条码是()A、一维条码B、二维条码C、三维条码D、多维条码17.主要用于果蔬加工和储存,一般设计温度在0℃以上的冷库被称为()A、低温冷库B、中温冷库C、高温冷库D、常温冷库18.在库区内修蓄水池,主要是储备()A、消防用水B、生活用水C、绿化用水D、抗旱用水19.能够在远距离同时识别多辆高速行驶车辆的识别技术是()A、条码识别B、射频识别C、磁卡识别D、光字符识别20.库位管理、货物编码管理、安全库存管理等功能属于仓库管理系统中的()A、数据管理子系统B、入库管理子系统C、出库管理子系统D、系统管理子系统21.糖、盐等易溶性商品的结块、膨胀以及进一步的溶化,主要原因是()A、湿度升高B、聚合反应C、温度升高D、裂解反应22.导致在库食品腐败的微生物是()A、酶B、细菌C、黄曲酶毒素D、病毒23.将灭火剂直接喷洒在可燃物上,使可燃物的温度降低到自然点以下并停止燃烧的灭火方法是()A、冷却灭火法B、窒息灭火法C、抑制灭火法D、隔离灭火法24.在下列关于保税仓库用途的选项中,正确的描述是()A、用于集合储存供国际间进口的货物B、用于储存从供应商或在当地采购的免税商品C、可以存储缓办缴纳关税手续的进口商品D、在这种仓库内,除商品储存外,还要进行简单加工25.紧急订货经常采用小规模运输,所以()A、在途存货成本较高B、运输费率相对较高C、存货风险成本较高D、货物缺陷成本较高二、多项选择题(每小题2分。
仓储管理(二)(本试卷为06年05月真题)一、单项选择题1.下列哪项仓储功能可以防止因缺货造成的生产停顿 (A )A储存功能 B组合功能C分类功能 D增值功能2.以流通加工为主要任务的物流中心是( A )A加工中心 B转运中心C配载中心 D分货中心3.在下列仓库类型中,属于按用途分类的是( D )A立体仓库 B待种仓库C专用仓库 D保税仓库4.适宜在仓库内使用的叉车是( A )A电瓶叉车 B柴油叉车C汽油叉车 D液化石油气叉车5.适应性强,应用最广的叉车是( B )A步行操纵式叉车 B平衡重式叉车C前移式叉车 D电动托盘叉车6.对先进先出要求高,批量小,品种多的货品适用(D )A驶入式货架 B托盘单货架C推回式货架 D滑过式货架7.下列哪种活动贯穿于整个仓库作业( A )A货品搬运 B货品入库C货品出差 D货品分拣8.使用信息系统来处理库存账务的配送中心,当张面库存数与实际库存数发生差异时,可以采取哪种盘点方法( D )A帐面盘点 B现货盘点C期末盘点法 D帐面盘点和现货盘点相结合9.日常仓储管理中最基本的管理是( C )A仓库选址与建设 B仓储设备配置C仓库作业管理 D仓库管理技术的应用10.库存管理属于仓库管理系统中的哪个子系统( B )A入库管理子系统 B数据管理子系统C出库管理子系统 D系统管理子系统11.储位管理的基本目标是( A )A最大限度的利用空间 B加速托盘周转C加快库存周转速度 D减少装卸次数12.拣货差异率的计算公式是( A )A拣货差异箱数/拣货总箱数×百分之百B订单数量×每张订单平均品种数/拣货所用工时C 无差异订单量/总拣货处理订单数量D累计拣货总件数/拣货所用工时13.请选择正确的出库流程( D )A订单审核→拣货→发货检查→出库信息处理→装车→发货信息处理B订单审核→拣货→出库信息处理→发货检查→装车→发货信息处理C订单审核→出库信息处理→发货检查→拣货→撞车→发货信息处理D订单审核→出库信息处理→拣货→发货检查→装车→发货信息处理14.RFID是指( C )A电子数据交换 B条形码技术C无限射频技术 D仓储管理系统15.下列哪项操作不符合冷酷库房管理要求( B )A库门应尽量保持常闭状态 B保持库房前面冰层的厚度C高低温度不能混用 D安装自然通风装置16.下列哪种材料的托盘最适合冷冻食品储存( A )A塑料托盘 B木托盘C钢托盘 D混合材料托盘17.关键运作指标简称自由贸易 D保税仓库B 一年三年B入库量 D出库量B卷烟与茶D饼干与奶B仓库运做D投资运作管理目标的是零交易 D零缺陷B水果种植C冰激凌销售 D酸奶运输E食品速冻32.仓储部的主要职责有( ABE )A接受与检验货物 B按照订单分拣C组织仓库哪装卸 D组织社会运力E保证出入库准确33.下列对仓库管理描述错误的是( ABCDE )A经常开启仓库的窗户以便通风 B货物堆放应正对仓库大门便通风C应紧靠仓库种植草及树木 D仓库中使用诱饵捕杀老鼠E仓库中应撒水以防止灰尘三、简答题34.简述仓储在物流中的作用。
仓储管理(二)(本试卷为06年05月真题)一、单项选择题1.下列哪项仓储功能可以防止因缺货造成的生产停顿(A )A储存功能B组合功能C分类功能D增值功能2.以流通加工为主要任务的物流中心是( A )A加工中心B转运中心C配载中心D分货中心3.在下列仓库类型中,属于按用途分类的是( D )A立体仓库B待种仓库C专用仓库D保税仓库4.适宜在仓库内使用的叉车是( A )A电瓶叉车B柴油叉车C汽油叉车D液化石油气叉车5.适应性强,应用最广的叉车是( B )A步行操纵式叉车B平衡重式叉车C前移式叉车D电动托盘叉车6.对先进先出要求高,批量小,品种多的货品适用(D )A驶入式货架B托盘单货1 / 55架C推回式货架D滑过式货架7.下列哪种活动贯穿于整个仓库作业( A )A货品搬运B货品入库C货品出差D货品分拣8.使用信息系统来处理库存账务的配送中心,当张面库存数与实际库存数发生差异时,可以采取哪种盘点方法( D )A帐面盘点B现货盘点C期末盘点法D帐面盘点和现货盘点相结合9.日常仓储管理中最基本的管理是( C )A仓库选址与建设B仓储设备配置C仓库作业管理D仓库管理技术的应用10.库存管理属于仓库管理系统中的哪个子系统( B )A入库管理子系统B数据管理子系统C出库管理子系统D系统管理子系统11.储位管理的基本目标是( A )A最大限度的利用空间B加速托盘周转C加快库存周转速度D减少装卸2 / 55次数12.拣货差异率的计算公式是( A )A拣货差异箱数/拣货总箱数×百分之百B订单数量×每张订单平均品种数/拣货所用工时C 无差异订单量/总拣货处理订单数量D累计拣货总件数/拣货所用工时13.请选择正确的出库流程( D )A订单审核→拣货→发货检查→出库信息处理→装车→发货信息处理B订单审核→拣货→出库信息处理→发货检查→装车→发货信息处理C订单审核→出库信息处理→发货检查→拣货→撞车→发货信息处理D订单审核→出库信息处理→拣货→发货检查→装车→发货信息处理14是指( C )A电子数据交换B条形码技术C无限射频技术D仓储管理系统15.下列哪项操作不符合冷酷库房管理要求( B )A库门应尽量保持常闭状态B保持库房前面冰层的厚度C高低温度不能混用D安装自然通风装置16.下列哪种材料的托盘最适合冷冻食品储存3 / 55( A )A塑料托盘B木托盘C钢托盘D混合材料托盘17.关键运作指标简称( C )A BC D18.为提高物流效率,保证物流的统一性和各环节的有机联系,同时与国际接轨,我过仓储业应实现( C )A社会化B产业化C标准化D现代化19.仓储管理变动成本包括( A )A货损成本B库房租金C设备折旧D固定工资20.发生在货品持有期间,因市场变化造成的商品贬值属于( D )A订货成本B资金占用成本C缺货成本D存货风险成本21.引起商品发生质量变化的内在因素是( A )A商品的理化性质B保管人员的素质C储存时间长短D环境的污染程度22.棉,麻,毛,橡胶等高分子有机物在日光和高温4 / 555 / 55的作用下出现的变软,发粘现象的原因是 ( C )A老化反应 B 聚合反应 C 裂解反应 D 水解反应23.仓储作业组织的目标可概括成 ( B )A 多进,多出,高效,保质,低成本B 快进,快出,高效,保质,低成本C 快进,慢出,高效,保质,高利润D 多进,快出,高效,安全,低成本24.下图所示的物流中组织形式属于 ( d )A 直线制形式B 职能制形式 C 直线职能形式 D 连锁业务物流组织形式25.一般仅进行货物的保税储存,而不进行制造和其6 / 55易服务的场所是 (D ) A 自由港 B 自由贸易区 C 出口加工区 D 保税仓库26.我国海关法规定,存放保税仓库的货物,除特殊申请延长外,其存放期限为 ( b )A 六个月B 一年C 二年D 三年二、多项选择题27.仓库作业区布置应考虑的因素有 ( )A 仓库特性B 入库量C 库内道路D 出库量E 作业流程28.下列商品在储存过程中易发生串味的是( )A陶瓷与玻璃杯B卷烟与茶叶C化妆品与纸品D饼干与奶粉E纸品与洗衣粉29.自动货架系统的优点有( )A库房利用率高B仓库运做效率高C适用各种货物D投资运作成本低E节省劳动力30.下列符合管理目标的是( )A零库存B零交易C零距离D零缺陷E零浪费31.下列哪些属于冷冻链管理的( )A蔬菜气调储藏B水果种植C冰激凌销售D酸奶运输E食品速冻32.仓储部的主要职责有( )A接受与检验货物B按照订单分拣C组织仓库哪装卸D组织社会7 / 55运力E保证出入库准确33.下列对仓库管理描述错误的是( )A经常开启仓库的窗户以便通风B货物堆放应正对仓库大门便通风C应紧靠仓库种植草与树木D仓库中使用诱饵捕杀老鼠E仓库中应撒水以防止灰尘三、简答题34.简述仓储在物流中的作用。
CPIM供应链资格考试题库含答案The question below is based on the following information: Which of the followingdistributions would be the central warehouse allocation of 120 units of inventory to districtwarehouses A, B, and C if the equal run-out method were used? Warehouse Daily usage On-hand inventoryA 10 60B 30 160C 20 14020 units to A, 60 units to B, 40 units to C20 units to A, 80 units to B, 20 units to C (√)100 units to A, 0 units to B, 20 units to C20 units to A, 53 units to B, 47 units to CA warehouse has 20,000 orders per year with an average of 10 line items per order. The warehouse experiences 800 backorders per year averaging 5 line items per backorder. What level of customer service is achieved when the percentage of line items shipped onschedule is used?96%97%98% (正确答案)99%Which of the following communicates in-transit inventories to a warehouse?Bill of distributionMaster scheduleOrder acknowledgment to warehouseDistribution requirements planning (√)Which of the following data is an input to distribution requirements planning?Location pointsOrder valueShipping schedulesInterplant demand (正确答案)Which of the following issues is most likely to lead to the use of a short-term, rather than long-term,forecasting process?How to respond to a competitor's test marketing of a new product (正确答案)How to configure the supply chain to support a new market segment Whether to outsource a capital-intensive subassembly process Whether to take a price-leadership or a product-differentiation posture Which of the following factors has the greatest effect on the length of the forecast horizon?Cumulative product lead timePurpose of the forecast (正确答案)Frequency of forecast revisionSize of forecast periodWhich of the following statements about both econometric models and market research is true?They can be used in place of adaptive smoothingThey are useful in aggregate planning (√)They are useful in forecasting at the stockkeeping unit levelThey are examples of intrinsic forecasting techniquesWhen quantitative data are being evaluated, a very small bias in a forecast can best be explained by which of the following statements? The absolute values of all forecast errors were approximately equal. The variability of forecast data was skewedA very small alpha factor was used.Positive forecast errors approximately offset negative forecast errors (√)The forecast tracking signal is the ratio of the:cumulative error to the MAD. (√)cumulative error to the forecastforecast to the MADstandard deviation to the MADA demand filter can best be used for which of the following purposes? To remove seasonal variability from forecast dataTo remove scrap loss from a work center historyTo adjust the alpha factorTo flag a large order (√)Elements calculated in the master scheduling process include allocations.time fences.service-parts forecastavailable-to-promise (√)Available-to-promise data facilitates the process ofinventory planningcapacity planningforecastingorder entry (正确选项)A bill of resources typically contains information about a product's inventory balanceskey work centers (√)production schedulecomplete list of componentsWhich of the following actions is best for a company to take when a 2-week plant shutdown for retooling is planned for the next year? Increase planned production (正确答案)Alter the strategic planIncrease material requirements planning safety-stock levels Decrease the planned sales level during the shutdownThe most effective way to cope with uncertainty of demand and to improve customer service is to reduce:lead times (正确答案)backlogssafety stockproduct optionsWhich of the following tools is used to accommodate forecast errors when developing the master production schedule?Planning time fenceFirm planned ordersSafety stock (√)Available-to-promiseIn an assemble-to-order environment, which of the following factors is most significant in determining which items should be master scheduled?Size of the forecast errorLength of the master schedule horizonNumber of levels in the bill of materialNumber of product options (正确答案)Rough-cut capacity planning is best used to:determine labor requirementsestablish order prioritiesassess the load on a work centerevaluate the master production schedule (正确选项)The question below is based on the following information: Which of the following weekly production rates best supports these criteria?In a repetitive manufacturing environment where a level production ratemust be maintained, the following customer backog must be satisfied with NO late shipment;Week Customer backlog qty1 782 683 904 585 56707880 (√)90Translation of a master production schedule directly into key resources results in a:bill of laborproduction schedulefinal assembly schedulerough-cut capacity plan (正确选项)Which of the following statements is true about items that appear on a final assembly schedule?They are used as input to the production planThey are released without regard for component availabilityThey are stated in terms of end items or customer orders (正确选项)They do not appear on a shipment scheduleIn a capacity-constrained situation, which of the following actions is best to take if marketing wants to increase production of a master schedule item?Increase production of the item, but do not make any other changes Increase production of the item, and decrease production of another item (√)Increase production of the item, and change the production planIf the item is within the demand time fence, let the computer make the changeautomaticallyIf the master production schedule is overstated, which of the following short-term actions is most appropriate?The demand time fence should be moved outLot sizes should be decreasedSafety stocks should be decreasedFirm planned orders should be rescheduled (正确答案)In an assemble-to-order environment, which of the following indicators is most appropriatefor measuring the effectiveness of the master scheduling process? Number of stockoutsCapacity utilizationCustomer order fill rate (正确答案)Aggregate inventoryProduction is being planned to emphasize the utilization of a critical and very expensivepiece of capital equipment. Which of the following production planning strategies should beused?ChaseLevel (√)Cost-basedCombinationSales and operations planning in a make-to-stock environment is concerned with projectingitem forecastsinventory (√)backlogbookingsWhich of the following forecasting methods is most appropriate for projecting demand for aproduct family?Single exponential smoothingPyramid (正确答案)FocusSimple averageThe greatest risk of aggregating product families at too high of a level for sales andoperations planning is that:it will be more difficult to reconcile the sales plans with the business plan imbalances between the demand plan and resources may not be visible (正确答案)the resource planning process will be more complicatedthe sales forecasts will not be as accurate for the larger product families In a make-to-order environment, if cumulative production exceeds cumulative demand,which of the following outcomes will result?Inventory will increaseThe backlog will increaseExcess capacity will existThe backlog will decrease (正确选项)Which of the following inputs to the demand planning phase of sales and operationsplanning typically is most important for a product line that is made to customer order?Statistical information about historical salesAn analysis of past forecast errorsInformation about planned pricing actionsSales force input about customer plans (√)A firm uses the level production planning approach to produce a product family to stock.Senior management has requested that the finished-goods inventory for the product familybe reduced by 18% over the sales and operations planning horizon. Which of the followingstatements best describes the relationship between total demand and total productionrequired for the product family over the planning horizon?There is not sufficient data to determine the relationshipTotal production required will be greater than total demandTotal production required and demand will be equalTotal production required will be less than total demand (正确选项)Which of the following processes typically is linked directly to the customer-order processing component of demand management for a firm that finishes and packages goods to customer order?Master scheduling (正确答案)Detailed material planningBusiness planningResource planningWhich of the following types of activities links the marketplace, sister plants, warehouses and distribution channels?Sales managForecast managementResource managementDemand management (正确答案)A company is transitioning from a make-to-stock production environment to a finish-to-order production environment. Which of the following outcomes is most likely to occur as a result of the transition? Forecasts will become more detailedPlanning or phantom bills of material will be created (正确答案)Less training will be required in the distribution centersInventory levels will be increasedThe production plan relates to a firm's financial planning because it is used to:calculate standard product costsdetermine variable costsproject payroll costsidentify future cash needs (√)The resource profile approach to rough-cut capacity planning is desirable in the manufacture of parts with lengthy lead times because the approach:uses detailed data about time standards for each product at the key resourcesassumes that all components are built in the same period as the end item considers the historical portion of the total plant time requiredtime phases labor requirements (正确选项)An outcome of top management's participation in sales and operations planning involves the:investigation of detailed trade-offs by top managementdefinition of trade-offs by top managementdelegation of trade-off resolutions to middle managementresolution of broad trade-offs by top management (√)Which of the following groups receives the LEAST benefit from extending the demand planning time fence in the master schedule? ManufacturingShippingCustomers (√)Production schedulingThe primary purpose of a pre-sales and operations planning meeting between representatives from different business functions is to: reconcile differences in recommendations (正确答案)discuss changes in demand for end itemsprepare recommendations for the demand planning phaseprepare recommendations for the supply planning phaseWhich of the following outcomes indicates the effectiveness of a master schedule?The number of product families is in the range of 5 to 15.The master schedule meets the target level of responsiveness. (正确选项)Customer service performance measures are reviewed regularly. Finance and accounting participate in the development of the master schedule.Identification of performance problems in providing a high line-item service ratio provides anopportunity to:address imbalances in the customer order miximprove order-promising information (√)redesign sales and marketing incentivesreduce customer-demanded delivery timeWhich of the following inputs is important to forecasts used in the sales and operations planning process?Customer plans (√)Inventory levelsCapacity constraintsSales quotasWhich of the following activities would enhance a customer relationship management program?Moving from a make-to-order strategy to a make-to-stock strategy Using an exponential smoothing forecastCollecting point-of-sale data (正确选项)Implementing an enterprise resources planning systemSince introducing distribution requirements planning, management at a company has had increased complaints from staff at satellite warehouses that the variances of local demandare being ignored, and they often are unable to meet demand. An effective response from management would be to:implement an ABC inventory management strategyincrease safety stock at the central warehouse of items that are repeatedly out of stockallow adjustments to the forecast based on input relating to local sales activity (正确选项)permit last-minute changes to the production scheduleWhich of the following objectives is a critical performance measurement in distribution network logistics?Increasing the service level (√)Increasing cash-to-cash cycle timeIncreasing inventory days of supplyDecreasing inventory turnoverIn a make-to-stock environment, which of the following factors is a key determinant of inventory levels necessary to support customer demand? Service level (正确选项)Capable-to-promiseAvailable-to-promiseService costsA single-level, centralized distribution network would be most appropriate for a firm whose products are:large, and with a long required delivery time (正确答案)large, expensive, and with a high level of demandheavy, inexpensive, and with a short required delivery timesmall, inexpensive, and distributed throughout the worldThe question below is based on the distribution center requirements shown below: How many units of product X should be planned to satisfy the demand for period 6?Lead time=2 periodsLot size=20SS=20PD Period1 2 3 4 5 6Forecast 40 10 30 60 50 80PAB 50 30 20 30 30Planned receipt 20 0 40 60Planned orders 40 6010080 (正确选项)6040Which of the following costs is most likely to decrease when the number of warehouses in a distribution network increases?Inventory costsPackaging costsTransportation costs (√)Handling costsWhich of the following criteria is used to determine safety stock in a distribution center?Seasonal index valueAlpha factor levelEconomic order quantityProbability of stocking out (正确选项)Which of the following items is required for making realistic customer promises?Feasible master schedules (√)Procedures for managing abnormal demandFinished-goods safety stockFinished-goods safety stockA firm manufactures four product families in a single facility using one production line for each product family. It has selected the hybrid approach to production planning and has specified that there will be no more than four changes in production rates per production line in a year. Resource planning will have to be performed for:each item when there is a change in the production rate for the family each production line for each month in the production planning horizon each product family and production line weeklyeach product family when there is a change in the production rate for the family (√)Which of the following considerations is most important when selecting forecasting software?Computational speedCost of data storageAbility to forecast over multiple planning horizons (正确选项)Ability to forecast capacity requirementsDuring which of the following process steps of sales and operations planning would resource planning be carried out?Demand planning phaseSupply planning phase (正确选项)Pre-sales and operations planning meetingExecutive sales and operations planning meetingWhich of the following functional objectives of a distribution system is most consistent with lower inventories?Low transportation costsFast deliveriesLow warehousing costs (√)High customer serviceThe primary outputs of the pre-sales and operations planning (S&OP) meeting are:decisions about and authorization of the planthe recommendations and agenda for the executive S&OP meeting (正确答案)a statistical forecast and field sales worksheeta capacity-constraints analysis and second-pass spreadsheetsWhen the overall distribution requirements planning system is structured to achieve a high level of customer service, the outcome generally will be:lower inventory levels and higher total costhigher inventory levels and lower total costlower inventory levels and lower total costhigher inventory levels and higher total cost (√)In which of the following environments does demand change from dependent to independent at the raw material level?Finish-to-orderMake-to-order (正确选项)Assemble-to-orderMake-to-stockThe question below is based on the following information: A company has chosen to execute a level production plan. What is the productionrate per period?Beginning inventory: 8 unitsDesired ending inventory: 0 unitInventory carrying cost: $5/unit/periodStockout cost: $25/unit/periodPeriod 1 2 3 4 5Forecast 100 125 120 95108 (正确选项)110112115From a management perspective, the choice of transportation mode and routing primarilywill affect the:manufacturing systemplanning horizonforecasted demandsafety stock level (正确选项)Key linkages managed by distribution requirements planning within the supply chain include links to:forecasted demand and material requirements planninglogistics systems and demand management (正确选项)customers onlyvendors onlyThe following question is based on the following information: In Period 1, the quantity that would be exploded to component parts is:Lead time=0 Lot size=20DTF=0 PDF=4On hand=10 SS=3Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Forecast 10 10 15 10 10 5 10 10 15Customer PO 5 2 1MPS 20 20 20581020 (正确答案)The following question is based on the following information: The master production schedule quantity that should be placed in Period 7 is: Lead time=0 Lot size=20DTF=0 PDF=4On hand=10 SS=3Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Forecast 10 10 15 10 10 5 10 10 15Customer PO 5 2 1MPS 20 20 20101320 (√)The question below is based on the following distribution requirements plan: Lead time is 1 week, lot size is 30, and safety stock is 0. Planned order releases would occur in which ofthe following sequences?Period 1 2 3 4 5 6Gross requirements 20 15 18 23 26 27Scheduled receipt 30PAB 12WK 3, 4, 6WK 2, 3, 5 (正确答案)WK 2, 3, 4WK 3, 4, 5The question below is based on the following production environment information: In which facility would product unit costs most likely be reduced through a setup reduction program?Facility A Facility B Facility C Facility DProduct volume High High Lower LowerProduct variety High Lower High LowerProduction LT Long Short Long ShortOperation/product Many Few Many FewProduction resources Many Many Few FewFacility AFacility BFacility C (正确选项)Facility DDistribution requirements planning would most directly interface with: material requirements planningMPS (√)CRPwarehouse facility planningA Canadian-based company has a long-term contract with a US-based supplier. The Canadian company has been experiencing short shipments and variations of the supply lead time with the US supplier for a few months. Which of the following is the mostappropriate action for the master production scheduler in this situation? Ask the purchasing manager to work with the supplier to improve their shippingquantity accuracy and lead time stabilityAsk the purchasing manager to terminate the contract with this supplier, and lookfor a better supplierApply safety stock and safety lead time while planning the master productionschedule.Apply safety lead time according to the target service level while planning themaster production schedule. (正确选项)Which of the following actions is part of the pre-sales and operations planning meeting?Developing an updated financial view of the business (正确选项)Authorizing spending changes for productionEnsuring the production plan considers all elements of demand Reviewing business performanceWhich of the following goals is the primary outcome of distribution requirements planning?Maintain an appropriate inventory level at all locations (正确答案)Accurately feed the gross requirements into the master production scheduleDecouple the distribution plan from the production planDeliver products in the quantities requested by the customerA company wanting to maintain a high level of customer service at the lowest inventory carrying cost should place safety stock in:customer's facilitiesa central warehouse (正确答案)central and field warehousesfield warehousesWhich of the following tradeoffs should be considered to improve the performance of a distribution network?Reduce cost but improve customer service by using full truckload or carloadshipmentsIncrease inventory turns but decrease costs by shipping more frequently Improve profit but decrease inventory by not scrapping obsolete productImprove fill rate but decrease inventory turns by adding safety stock (√)In the master scheduling process, customer orders are the only source of demand in periodsIn the master scheduling process, customer orders are the only source of demand inpwithin the item lead timebefore the demand time fence (正确答案)between the demand and planning time fencesWhich of the following actions would most likely lead to an achievable master production schedule?Committing to customer requested shipment datesLimiting changes in periods after the planning time fenceKeeping safety stock for key subassembliesMinimizing changes in periods before the demand time fence (正确选项)Sales has identified an opportunity to develop a new market for a product family and requested an increase in the production plan. Which of the following actions would be mostappropriate in this situation?The proposed change should be presented to top management for a decision. (正确选项)The production plans for other product families should be reduced. The sales and operations plan should be regThe request should be rejected.Capacity planning occurs at what stage of the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process?Demand planning phaseSupply planning phase (正确答案)Pre- SOP meetingExecutive SOP meetingWhich of the following would typically be a consideration in a distribution requirements planning (DRP) environment?How to monitor forecast error at central warehouseWhether to use safety lead time or safety stockWhere to carry safety stock (正确选项)Whether to aggregate distribution forecastsWhich process converts the sales and operations plan into gross labor hours, floor space, and machine hours?Resource planning (√)Rough cut capacity planningCapacity requirements planningFinite load planningUsing a trial and error approach is most effective in which of the following production planning strategies?LevelConstantChaseMixed (√)The primary task of demand management in an assemble-to-order environment is to define the:availability of inventory to meet the customer's ordercustomer's order in terms of product families.customer's order in terms of specific components and options. (正确答案)raw materials required to complete the customer's orderWhich of the following effects is likely to occur in a successful Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment implementation?Increased inventory turns (正确答案)Increased gross revenueIncreased cycle time to marketIncreased cost of componentsA tailor shop is shifting its main business from assemble-to-order to make-to-order. The customer order decoupling point will shift:from WIP to raw material (正确答案)from finished goods to WIPfrom raw material to WIPfrom WIP to suppliersThe most appropriate approach for developing forecasts for strategic business planning is:casual analysiscustomer inputsquantitative statistical methodseconomic growth models (正确选项)The question below is based on the following information: The mean absolute deviation for the above forecast is:Period Actual Forecast Error1 9 11 -22 11 8 33 12 8 44 8 9 -15 3 8 -553 (正确答案)-11A company manufactures at several plants around the world and uses a multi-echelon distribution network. Customer service levels in this situation would be highest when safety stock is stored at the:central and field warehouses (正确选项)factories and field warehousescentral warehousefactoriesIf actual production for an item is less than the master production schedule due to material shortages, the first step in resolving the problem should be to:overstate the production plan.reschedule the past due orders. (正确选项)move in the time fence.revise the rough-cut capacity planWhich of the following criteria is the most meaningful measure when evaluating the effectiveness of distribution systems in fulfilling customer needs?The level of inventoryPerformance to budgetCash-to-cash cycle timeOrder-fill rate (√)Which of the following considerations is valid when selecting a mode of transportation?Financial viability of the supplierTransit time consistency (√)Ownership of equipmentAge of equipmentJupiter Company produces 3,000 cars per month. It offers five different models with over 1,000 different model/option/color packages. Jupiter has established a collaborative relationship and electronic link with its supplier of door trim. Suppliers are given 5 days'notice of requirements and are expected to deliver directly to the final assembly area in the actual sequence in which each specific car is to be assembled. Jupiter needs which of the following pieces of information from its supplier of door trim?Production planSales planAvailability of resources (正确选项)Bills of materialWhich of the following is an advantage of the focus forecasting technique?It uses qualitative forecasting methods.It evaluates multiple forecasting methods. (正确答案)It combines top-down and bottom-up forecasts.It gathers information from pools of experts.Which of the following is typically an output of the master scheduling process?Sales forecastsResource requirements plansInterplant demandsProjected available balances (正确答案)Which of the following factors should be considered when evaluating a master production schedule change?Capacity requirements planCritical ratio of planned ordersLoad for key work centers (正确答案)Bill of material accuracySales and Operation Planning's (S&OP) primary objective is:to reduce the forecast variance.to finalize the demand plan.to align operations with the business plan (正确选项)to create a long-term strategy.A forecasting method that responds slowly to changes in demand would be most appropriate when the historical demand pattern shows a major: random component (正确答案)trend componentcyclical componentseasonal componentWhich of the following techniques typically uses the bills of material for master schedule items in determining the capacity required?Bill of resourcesFinite forward schedulingAdvanced production scheduling (APS) (正确选项)Critical path method (CPM)The primary objective of distribution network design is to balance total distribution cost with which of the following factors?。
Question Number: 1The basic elements of the supply chain include:A)supply, manufacture,distribution. B) design, manufacture, inventory.C) engineer, design, manufacture. D) supply, engineer, manufacture.The correct answer is: AEven though different companies produce different products, the basic elements are the same: supply, manufacture, and distribution.Question Number: 2In order to maximize profit, a company must have all of the following objectives except:A) Best customer service B) Most accurate production forecastC) Lowest inventory investment D) Lowest distribution costThe correct answer is: BA company, to maximize profits, must have the lowest production cost, best customer service, lowest inventory investment, and lowest distribution costs. While an accurate production forecast will contribute to low production costs, it will not guarantee the lowest production costs.Question Number: 3BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsThe inventory turns ratio measures:the amount of inventory needed to A) support sales growth.B) obsolete inventory as a percent of sales.C) how effectively inventory is being used.D) the amount of space needed to store inventory.The correct answer is: CThe inventory turns ratio measures how effectively inventories are being used. It is calculated by dividing annual cost of goods sold by average inventory in dollars.Question Number: 4Process specifications can be best defined as a document which:A) shows how the product will appear. B) shows the steps needed to produce the end item.C) details the capacity available at a work center. D) flow charts various processes.The correct answer is: BProcess specifications describe the steps needed to make an end product. They are usually printed on a routing sheet or kept in the database for online access.Question Number: 5BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsA company's strategic plan:A) provides the manufacturing plan for families of end items.B) outlines the sales plan for the next year.C) is a statement of goals and objectives for a long range period.D) outlines new products for the next year.The correct answer is: CWhile strategic plans do provide for manufacturing, sales, and new product plans, they really provide the overall direction for the company. The result is a statement of goals and objectives for 2-5 years, and sometimes 10 years.Question Number: 6In which of the following manufacturing environments would consumer products, such as film, food, etc. be classified?A) Assemble-to-order B) Engineer-to-orderC) Make-to-order D) Make-to-stockThe correct answer is: DConsumer products are generally considered make-to-stock. There are a few standard items assembled from many components.Question Number: 7Many different end items are made from a small number of components. What manufacturing environment would this be?A) Make-to-stock B) Make-to-orderC) Assemble-to-order D) Engineer-to-orderThe correct answer is: BMake-to-order companies typically make many end items from a small number of components. The schedule is developed from actual customer orders.Question Number: 8The purpose of a strategic business plan is to:plan production A) by product family. B) plan for business changes which take a long time.C) establish customer requirements over the long term. D) establish order promising strategies.The correct answer is: BStrategic plans are used for long term planning (2-10 years). They are used to allow time to plan for changes which take a long time to occur. These might include new plants or distribution centers.Question Number: 9BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsAggregate inventory management is concerned with:A) managing inventory items and how they are used. B) establishing the production plan.C) the cost and benefits of carrying the different classes of inventory.D) the distribution network and the movement of inventory.The correct answer is: CAggregate inventory management is concerned with the cost and benefit of carrying raw materials,work-in-process, and finished goods inventory. It is financially oriented.Question Number: 10Which of the following are objectives of inventory?I. Maximize customer serviceII. Efficient transactionIII. Low cost plan operationsIV. Minimum inventory investmentA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IVC) I, II, and IV D) II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BIn order to maximize profits, a company must manage inventories, provide great customer service, and have efficient plant operations, while minimizing the amount of capital used for inventory.Question Number: 11Which of the following would be included in the cost of carrying inventory?Heating and I. lighting a warehouseII. Obsolete inventoryIII. Labor to move materialIV. Damaged inventoryA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DAll of the above costs would be included in the cost of inventory. Any costs incurred as the result of having inventory should be included.Question Number: 12Which of the following best describes a normal distribution?A) Most values clustered near a central point B) Warehouses centrally located to marketsC) Values accumulated at six sigma D) A critical ratio of 1.0The correct answer is: ANormal distribution refers to the statistical distribution of values where the majority of values will accumulate around the mean. The resulting graph is shaped like a bell. It is often known as a "bell curve".Question Number: 13Based on the following information, what would the safety stock need to be to ensure product is in stock99.9999% of the time? MAD = 100,On hand = 200.Weekly demand = 400A) 100 B) 300 C) 500 D) 600The correct answer is: CTo ensure coverage of product 99.9999% of the time, it would require 5 MAD for safety stock.Therefore: 5 * 100 = 500.Question Number: 14Each distribution center places orders from central supply as they are needed. This is called:A) pull system. B) push system.C) Just-in-Time delivery. D) supply chain management.The correct answer is: AWhen each distribution center orders from central supply or the factory independently of what other distribution centers are doing, it is called a pull system. The advantage is that coordination and communication is less expensive. The disadvantage is that the lack of coordination causes problems with customer service and inventories.Question Number: 15A company makes all decisions regarding forecasting and orders centrally for its distribution network. This company is using which of the following systems?A) Pull system B) Push systemC) Just-in-Time D) Time phased order pointThe correct answer is: BThe push system "pushes" inventory to distribution centers by making stocking decisions centrally. The advantage is that inventory is sent where it is needed most. The disadvantage is that the coordination is more expensive than the pull system.Question Number: 16A company wants to store 15,000 cartons with 20 cartons on each pallet. The warehouse is set up to store pallets 5 high. How many pallet positions are needed?A) 150 B) 500 C) 750 D) 3000The correct answer is: AThe number of pallet positions can be calculated by dividing the number of cartons of storage needed by the number of cartons per pallet which equals the total number of pallets needed.Divide the total number of pallets needed by the number of pallets stacked height which equals the number of positions needed. For this problem: 15,000/ 20 = 750 pallets needed; 750/ 5 = 150 positions.Question Number: 17All of the following are basic grouping methods to store and locate stock in a warehouse except:Items A) related functionally B) Items in sequential SKU numberC) Items which are physically similar D) Items which are fast movingThe correct answer is: BThe purpose of grouping items in a warehouse is to be more productive in storage and in the picking process. Items which have sequential SKU numbers may have nothing to do with each other. As a result, this would not be a criteria for grouping.Question Number: 18What is the major disadvantage of a fixed location warehouse?A) Put away time is increased B) Cube utilization is poorC) Dock time is increased D) Material handling costs riseFixed location warehouses offer poor cube utilization because pallet locations are left empty when the product assigned to the location is out of stock. Generally, fixed locations are used in small warehouses with low throughput.Question Number: 19Which of the following are advantages of point of use storage?I. Ease of controlII. Material handling is reducedIII. Storage costs are reducedIV. Material is accessible at all timesA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BAll are advantages of point-of-use storage except ease of control, which is an advantage of central storage. Question Number: 20Which of the following are advantages of using central storage?I. Ease of controlII. Costs are reducedIII. Inventory record accuracy is easier to attainIV. Safety stock is reducedA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BCosts are not reduced with central storage. There are labor costs, racking, paper system, and other costs associated with central storage.Question Number: 21Which of the following best describes cycle counting?A) A process to reduce cycle time B) Set up reduction to shorten the production cycleC) Counting inventory on a pre-determined schedule D) Conducting a time study at a work centerThe correct answer is: CCycle counting is used to count inventory on a pre-determined schedule for the purpose of identifying errors and taking corrective action so the error will not occur again.Question Number: 22The movement of finished goods from production to the customer is:A) physical supply. B) supply chain.C) physical distribution. D) conversion cycle.The correct answer is: CPhysical distribution is the actual movement of goods from production to the customer. Physical supply is the movement of raw material from the supplier to manufacturing.Question Number: 23All of the following activities are part of the physical distribution system except:A) Transportation B) WarehousingC) Material handling D) Forecasting of customer ordersThe correct answer is: DPhysical distribution includes the activities of transportation, distribution, inventory, warehousing, material handling, packaging, and order processing. Forecasting is not a physical distribution activity.Question Number: 24Trucks, as a mode of transportation, are best suited for:moving small quantities to widely A) dispersed markets.B) moving large quantities to widely dispersed markets.C) moving small quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.D) moving large quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.Trucks are best when there is a need to move small quantities to widely dispersed markets. Trains are better for moving large quantities.Question Number: 25For a given product, the line haul cost is $1.50 per mile. The product will move 400 miles. If 40,000 pounds are being shipped, what is the cost per hundred weight?A) 1.00 B) 1.50 C) 2.00 D) 2.50The correct answer is: BThe truck will cost $600 to move 400 miles ($1.50 * 400 miles).To calculate the cost per hundred weight: Divide the total cost for the truck by 400. (40,000 pounds divided by 100). Therfore: $600 divided by 400 = $1.50/cwt.Question Number: 26Which of the following best describes the purpose of a distribution warehouse?A warehouse to store goods for A) long periods of time B) A storage warehouse for floor stockC) A warehouse to move and mix goods D) A supply chain warehouse for regional storageThe correct answer is: CA distribution warehouse is used primarily to break down large lots into smaller lots for shipment. A general warehouse is used for long term storage.Question Number: 27Which of the following are the roles which warehouses serve?I. Transportation consolidationII. Inventory efficiencyIII. Product mixingIV. Customer serviceA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BWarehouses serve three important roles:1) Transportation consolidation - consolidate small shipments (LTL) into large shipments (TL)2) Product mixing - group a variety of products into one order3) Customer service - allows products to be placed closer to the customerInventory will typically rise with an increase in the number of warehouses.Question Number: 28A market boundary can be defined as the:geographic boundary A) of a region.B) line where the laid down cost is the same from two supply sources.C) line where shipments in one distribution center equals another.D) mileage boundary where shipment costs exceed the margin to be gained.The correct answer is: BA market boundary is the line where the laid down cost from two supply sources is equal. The laid-down cost is the delivered cost of a product to a geographic point.Question Number: 29As a company increases the number of warehouses from one to two, there is an impact on safety stock. Safety stock will:A) increase by a factor of 2. B) decrease by half.C) increase, and the percent can be calculated. D) decrease by a calculated percentage.The correct answer is: CThe safety stock will increase by an amount which can be calculated, but it will not double automatically. The amount of the increase will depend on service levels by part, the demand variation, and other factors. As the number of warehouses increases, demand at each will decrease, causing greater variations in product demand. Therefore, safety stock will increase appropriately.The Just-in-Time philosophy can be best defined as:A) Delivering goods just before they are needed B) Fulfilling customer orders just as they are neededC) Manufacturing without inventory D) Elimination of wasteThe correct answer is: DThe Just-in-Time philosophy is concerned with the elimination of waste or non-value activities. Maintaining large inventories is just one of many non-value added activities.Question Number: 31The Toyota Motor Company identified seven sources of waste in manufacturing. Which of the following represent those sources of waste?I. ProcessII. OverproductionIII. Wait-timeIV. MovementA) I, II, and III B) I, II, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DThe seven sources of waste identified by Toyota are Process, Methods, Movement, Product Defects, Waiting times, Overproduction, and Inventory.Question Number: 32To achieve necessary quality levels in a JIT environment, quality must be:A) built into the product by operators. B) inspected at multiple points.C) ensured by the quality control lab. D) an inspectors function.The correct answer is: AQuality must be the operators responsibility. They are the only ones who can make sure defects are not built into the product. They must be allowed to stop the process when defects are found.Question Number: 33In order to reduce the number of transactions which occur in a JIT environment, companies use a system called: A) transaction prevention. B) pre-deduct.C) backflushing. D) bar coding.The correct answer is: CBackflushing is a system for doing inventory and labor transactions based on the finished goods production. With this system, one transaction will create the many issues transactions for inventory. This process works best when the lead time for the product is short and the product flows down a production line.Question Number: 34The annual cost of goods sold for a company is $40 million and the average inventory is $10 million. By how much would the inventory need to be reduced to have annual inventory turns equal 20 turns?A) $2 million B) $4 million C) $6 million D) $8 millionThe correct answer is: DIn order for a company with cost of goods sold of $40 million to turn the inventory 20 times annually, the inventory would have to be valued at $2 million (40/20). Since the average inventory is currently valued at $10 million, the inventory would need to be reduced by $8 million.Question Number: 35A company wants to produce 1000 units over the next four months using a level strategy. The months have 20, 21, 19 and 22 working days in each one. Based on this strategy, how much would be produced in the first month?A) 244 B) 254 C) 260 D) 262The correct answer is: ATo find the answer: Divide the planned production (1000) by the number of days available in the four months (82) to find the daily ; production rate (12.2). Multiply the daily production rate (12.2) by the number of days in the first month (20) to obtain the first month's production (244).System nervousness is caused by:A) the inability of the planner to remain calm. B) requirements changing rapidly.C) constant demands by manufacturing for long production runs.D) purchased materials which do not arrive on time.The correct answer is: BSystem nervousness is caused by requirements which change rapidly and usually by small amounts. The planner must, in these cases, apply judgement to the situation before changing the plans to accommodate the change.Question Number: 37A component has a fixed cost of $1,000 and a variable cost of $5.00 per unit to produce. What would the average cost per unit be if the company produces 4,000 units?A) $5.00 B) $5.10 C) $5.25 D) $5.50The correct answer is: CTo produce 4,000 units, the total cost would be $21,000. ($5 * 4,000 units + $1,000 fixed cost = $21,000). Divide the $21,000 by the number of units (4000) to find the cost per unit. ( $21,000/4,000 = $5.25).An alternative way to calculate the cost per unit would be to divide the fixed cost ($1,000) by the units produced (4,000) which equals $.25.Add the fixed cost to the variable cost to get the cost per unit. ($5.00 + $.25 = $5.25).Question Number: 38Which of the following best defines throughput?The number of bottlenecks A) slowing production B) The total capacity which a factory can produceC) The speed of a work center to produce D) The total volume of production passing through a facility The correct answer is: DThroughput is the total volume of production passing through a facility. Bottlenecks control the throughput in the facility and must be eliminated in order to increase the throughput.Question Number: 39Forecasts are typically more accurate for the near future than they are for the longer future. This occurs because:A) the near term holds less uncertainty than the long term. B) more data is available in the near term.C) aggregate data is easier to forecast. D) the future is more dynamic in the near term.The correct answer is: AThe near term is more predictable than the long term. Most companies can easily predict what they are going to do next week compared to next year. This allows forecasts to be more accurate in the near term.Question Number: 40Forecasts are usually wrong but we continue to use them. They are necessary because:forecasters provide a service A) to the organization. B) forecasts are a prelude to business planning.C) the master production schedule (MPS) needs one.D) materials requirements planning (MRP) cannot operate without one.The correct answer is: BForecasts are the prelude to business planning. They provide an estimate of what conditions will look like in the future. So even though we know they are wrong, by measuring how wrong they are, forecasts can be constantly improved for use by the business.Question Number: 41Even in an intermittent manufacturing shop, certain JIT principles can be applied. Which of the following principles can be used in an intermittent manufacturing shop?I. Employee involvementII. Total preventive maintenanceIII. Inventory reductionIV. Continuous flow linesA) I and III B) II and IV C) I, II, and III D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: CAn intermittent manufacturer is characterized by processing in batches, and large variation in design and order quantities. At the extreme, every job could be made to customer specification. The product lacks a continuous flow. However, JIT principle can be applied for employee involvement, workplace layout, total quality control, preventive maintenance, setup time reduction, supplier partnerships, and inventory reduction.Question Number: 42Which of the following manufacturing types would typically have the longest delivery time?A) Make-to-order B) Engineer-to-order C) Make-to-stock D) Assemble-to-orderThe correct answer is: BDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed from receipt of the customer's order to the delivery of the product to the customer. Engineer-to-order companies will generally have the longest delivery time due to the design and engineering time required to create a product. In contrast, make-to-order companies will make a product from existing components after an order is received. Make- to-stock companies will ship to the customer from stock. Assemble-to-order companies will assemble a customer order from existing sub-assemblies.Question Number: 43Which of the following statements would be true regarding the delivery time in an engineer to order company?A) Delivery time is shorter than a make-to-order company.B) It would be the same as a make-to-stock item. C) It would be longer than an assemble-to-order company.D) It would be shorter than an assemble-to-order company.The correct answer is: CDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed between receipt of the customer's order and the delivery to the customer. Engineer-to-order companies have the longest delivery time due to the engineering which must occur before the product can be manufactured for delivery.Question Number: 44Which of the following would be considered a function of physical distribution?A) Material handling B) Routings C) Kanban size D) Pull signalThe correct answer is: APhysical distribution includes all the activities associated with physically moving goods; from the supplier to the start of production, and from the end of production to the consumer. Material handling is involved with physically moving the goods. The others are functions within manufacturing.Question Number: 45Which of the following would be considered part of the physical distribution system?A) Moving materials between work centers B) Receiving goods from suppliersC) Planning the transfer of goods to outside contractorsD) Forecasting inventory levels to support manufacturingThe correct answer is: BPhysical distribution is defined as the physical movement of goods from suppliers to the beginning of production and from the end of production to the consumer. Receiving would be included as part of the function of physical distribution.Question Number: 46Which of the following would most likely be an independent demand item?A) Inventoried subassembly for a printer B) Manufactured subassembly in a carC) Purchased component for a fork truck D) Spare part for a jet engineThe correct answer is: DIndependent demand is defined as demand for an item which is unrelated to the demand for another item. Service parts would typically be forecast independently from their use during the manufacture of the jet engine. Therefore, the jet engine might have independent and dependent demand.Question Number: 47Production planning is generally a direct input to:material requirements A) planning. B) purchase order planning.C) capacity load at a work center. D) master production scheduling.The correct answer is: DProduction plans are agreed upon management plans for manufacturing, shipping and inventory/backlog. These plans are developed at the aggregate level (e.g. monthly, product families). The plan provides management approval for the master scheduler to develop the detailed master schedule (end products, weekly).Question Number: 48Which of the following would most likely be a dependent demand item?A) Safety gloves B) Office suppliesC) Purchased component D) Item being shipped to customerThe correct answer is: CDependent demand is defined as "demand that is directly related to or derived from the bill of material structure for other items or end products." (APICS Dictionary) Therefore, a purchased component would be part of a bill of material structure and demand would be related to the demand for other parts in that structure.Question Number: 49If a company is going to establish a cycle count program, a primary objective should be to:correct the A) inventory records. B) reduce the headcount.C) identify the causes of inventory errors. D) eliminate the physical inventory.The correct answer is: CThe primary objective of a cycle count program is to identify the causes of inventory errors and eliminate them permanently. Only by correcting the causes of error will the records stay accurate for the system to operate properly and, perhaps in the future, eliminate the physical inventory.Question Number: 50A company needs to increase production in the current week to meet a customer request. The quickest way to accomplish this is to:A) work overtime. B) hire more workers.C) hire temporary workers. D) subcontract the work.The correct answer is: AWorking overtime allows skilled workers to finish the customers job. This would be quicker than hiring workers which can take a great deal of time. Temporary workers can be hired quickly, however, the quality would suffer, and finding a short term subcontractor would not generally be feasible.Question Number: 51Which of the following does a tracking signal identify in a forecast?A) Mean absolute deviation B) Standard deviation C) Bias D) Aggregate summarizationThe correct answer is: CBias occurs when the cumulative actual demand varies from the forecast on a consistent basis. A tracking signal provides a mathematical method to determine if the forecast error is truly biased or if random error is occurring. Random error will correct itself while bias will not. A tracking signal is calculated by dividing the algebraic sum of the forecast errors by the MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation).Question Number: 52An income statement of a company will show which of the following?A) Inventory levels B) Long term debt C) Cost of products sold D) Net cash availableThe correct answer is: CIncome statements reflect the revenues and expenses of a company generating either a profit or loss. Cost of products sold is subtracted from the revenue to obtain a gross profit. From the gross profit, expenses are deducted to arrive at a net income or loss.Question Number: 53Which of the following is a reason to maintain inventory?A) Improve customer service B) Reduce transportation costsC) Increase machine operating time D) Reduce costs。
The MRP system has just regenerated requirements and planned order coverage. What exception message Based on the above time phased record, which of following is true ?Based on the time-phased record above, planned order releases would occur in which period?Based on the time-phased record above, planned order releases will occur as follows:Based on the time-phased record above, a plannedBased on the time-phased record, planned orderBased on the time-phased record above, which of Based on the time-phased record above, the lot sizingBased on the time-phased record above, the lot sizingBased on the time-phase record above, what action should the planner take?Given the time-phased record above, if manufacturing scrapped 10 parts, what action would the planner needBased on the time-phased record above, what action will be necessary if gross requirements in period 2 increaseAccording to the information above, the MRP results of processing would recommend that which of the following be done ?Cancel scheduled receipt in Period 2II. Reschedule schedule receipt out to Period 5III. Plan to release an order in Period 4IV. Plan to release an order in Period 5A. III onlyThe situation presented in the chart above is in proper balance. If the demand in the second period were to be changed from 40 to 60, which of the following would be true ?A) The on hand would reach 0 in Period 3, but no actionwould be recommended because the gross requirements would still be covered.B) A recommendation to reschedule the scheduledreceipt of 100 for Period 4 to Period 3 would bemade with no other changes needed.Based on the time phased record above, what is the projected available inventory balance in period 6 ?Ⅰ. The average time for material to cycle through the company is worse than the industry averageⅡ. The average time for material to cycle through the company is better than the industry averageⅢ. The company is producing a lower return on investment for the shareowners than industry average.Ⅳ. The company is producing a higher return on investment for the shareowners than the industry average.。
供应链管理(本卷为06年11月真题)一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分) 供应链管理形成的动因是( ) A 追求集成带來的实际效果.即集成效应 2、 企业外部下游供应链管理的战略中心点是 A 使顾客满意 B 双臟的经营理念1、 B 规摸经济 ) C 内部效率问题 C 距离经济 D 规模不经济 D 成木最小化 3、 企业在与上游企业打交道时,为了解卜•游客户的需求.主耍借助于供应链管理中的 A 供应商关系管理系统 B 内部供应链管理系统C 客户关系管理系统D 快速响应系统 4、 在物流体系中唯一的一个静态环节是( ) A 生产环节 B 运输环节 C 仓储坏节 D 配送环节 5、 下列物流作业流程中.哪个选项不属于生产领域的主耍物流作业流程( ) A 进货物 B 生产加工物 C 出货物 6、 缓慢掠取策略是( ) A厂商定高价位并支出较高的促销费用來推出新产 以低价格与高促销支出水准的组合方式推出新产品 出新产 ;'按照需求來源的不同,企业内部的物料可以分为(A 内部需求和外部需B 独立需求和相关需 8、动态企业联盟又可称为( ) A 虚拟金业联 B 供应链伙伴联 9OEM 生产模式中,OEM 厂商是指( A 拥有“关键核心技术”白主产权的金C 电子产品服务10、客户关系管理的基础是( ) A 降低客戸流失 B 客户信息的整 B 生产加工物 D 逆向物流 B 以高价格与低促销支出水的方式推出新产品 以低价格与低促销支出水准的组合方式推 ) C 弹性需求和非弹性需 D 非独立需求和相关需求 C 传统企业联 D 业务外包 B 具体执行生产加工业务的企D 承包方或受托方 C 客户需求预 11、 供应链匕克服时间距离所产生的成木称为(“ ) B 持有成木 C 交易成本 12、 供应链的成木管理体现供应链的价值坍值水平,可表示为 A 价值增值二用户价值一用户成本 C 价值增值二用户满意一用户期望值 13、 假设荣商场彩电销售量情况如下: A 作业成 D 吸引新客户 D 服务成木 ( )B 价值増值=金业收入一企业成木 D 价值增值=企业利润 第几天 实际销伟量 权重 预测销售量1 200. 22 25 0. 33 21 0. 5 A21 B22 C23 D24 14. 运输距离经济的特点是( ) A 随装运规模的增长,每单位重量的运输成木卞降 C 每单位距离的运输成木随距离的增加而减少 15. 公路运输和航空运输的竞争主要在于( A 大宗货物运输方面 B 小批量产品运输方面 二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 16. 供应链的基木特征是( B 随装运规模的增长,每单位重量的运输成木上升 D 每单位距离的运输成木随距离的增加而增加 C 多胡种产品运输方面 D 单一品种运输方面 A 复杂性 B 动态性 C 面向用户需求 D 交叉性 E 冇效性 17、职能管理阶段物流活动主要集成的两大管理职能是( ) A 配送管理 B 生产管理 C 物料管理 D 分销管理 E 仓储管理 18> SWOT 分析包括( ) A 优点 B 缺点 C 机会 D 威胁 E 需求 19.企业在竞争市场屮所处的地位包括( ) A 市场参与者 B 市场领导者 C 市场挑战者 D 市场追随者 ) E 市场利基者 20> JIT 的目标是( ) A 排除了多余产品和库存浪费B 降低成木C 弹性配置作业人数D 保证质量E 实现适时、适量、适度生 产 21、 供应链伙伴关系联盟要考虑的主要因素是( A 亲密 B 分工 C 效果 D 竞争环境 E 愿景 22、 动态企业联盟的结构和性质决定了此联盟具冇的特性( A 动态性 B 互补性C 公平性D 临时性 E 对信息技术的依赖性 23、 第三方物流所具冇的优点包括( ) A 企业集中核心竞争力 B 可以降低企业的经营成木 C 提高服务的灵活性 D 加速产品和投放市场的进程E 降低可靠性风险24、在预测的时间序列中,四个独立的主要组成因素是()A趋势因素B周期因素C人为因素D季节因素E不规则因素25、敏捷供应链的敏捷性主要来自于()A提高稳定性B实现信息共享C建立战略伙伴关系D降低复杂性E形成多渠道纽带三、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分)26、供应链27.吸脂性定价28、独立需求29、安全库存30、冇效顾客响应四、简答题(每题5分,共25分)31、简述产品生命周期的四个阶段32.简述牛鞭效应产生的三个主要原因33.简述企业管理观念经历的五个阶段34.简述五种基本的运输方式35、简述电子商务对公司或供应链削减成木的影响五、案例分析题(共10分)36、在上世纪80年代,我国某IT公司从国外引进了-•套MRPII系统。
1.关于运输产品的说法正确的是A)运输产品是实物形态的产品 B)运输产品具有存储性C)运输产品是无形产品 D)运输产品是不相同的2.运输的集约化是A)一种“高投入、高产出、高效益”的经营方式B)一种“低投入、高产出、高效益”的经营方式C)一种“高投入、高产出、低效益”的经营方式D)一种“高投入、低产出、高效益”的经营方式3.运量大、速度慢、成本低、污染小的运输方式是A)铁路运输 B)道路运输C)航空运输 D)水路运输4.属于合理运输的是A)倒流运输 B)过远运输C)大吨位运输工具的长距离运输 D)迂回运输5.通过“海运—铁路运输—海运”的国际运输形式称为A)陆空联运 B)陆桥运输C)海空联运 D)空桥运输6.铁路运输的经常性是指A)运到时间不受限 B)装载货物的多样性C)不易受气候等自然条件影响 D)服务对象不受限7.零担货物中转时,采用过车法的优点是A)货物中转速度快 B)货物装卸作业量大C)仓库货位占用较多 D)车辆容积利用较好8.组织集装箱运输时,采用拼箱货的交接方式是A)门到门交接 B)场到门交接C)站到站交接 D)场到场交接9.上海某外贸出口公司租用某远洋运输公司的货轮完成其出口货物的运输。
这种货物运输业务的组织方式属于A)联运 B)委托运输C)运输承包发运 D)自行运输10.不属于共同配送特征的是A)技术装备先进 B)多网络的有机整合C)操作和管理人员众多 D)长距离、高密度的聚集与发散11.货方要求改变原指定的卸货港口,在有关当局准许、船方又同意的情况下可加收的费用是A)变更卸货港附加费 B)选港附加费C)绕航附加费 D)港口附加费12.在竞争性的运输市场上,当运输的需求为弹性需求且货源不足时,应该采用A)平价措施 B)差别定价C)提价措施 D)降价措施13.如果企业具有较大的内部物流优势,并且面对较大的外部威胁,按照SWOT分析法一般应采取A)合作配送 B)自营配送C)市场配送 D)综合配送14.关于影响运输成本的因素,说法正确的是A)随着运距的增加,单位运输距离的运输成本减少B)随着载货量的增加,每单位载重量的运输成本增加C)随着货物的积载因数增加,每单位载重量的运输成本降低D)随着运距的增加,每单位载重量的运输成本增加15.道路运输企业统计完成货运量,核算营运收入以及计算有关货运工作指标的原始凭证是A)货物托运单 B)货票C)行车路单 D)装货单16.不在卸货港编制使用的水路运输单证是A)过驳清单 B)提单C)货物残损单 D)货物滥短单17.多式联运单据不是A)多式联运合同的证明 B)收到货物的收据C)多式联运合同 D)凭其交货的凭证18.属于货物运输保险的是A)海洋船舶保险 B)邮包运输保险C)车辆损失险 D)机身险19.我国货物运输保险险别中,不能单独投保的是A)附加险 B)平安险C)水渍险 D)一切险20.不属于货运代理的业务是A)订舱揽货代理 B)租船代理C)货物报关代理 D)集装箱代理21.交通运输法规需要适时地废、改、立,这是交通运输法规的A)分散性 B)管理性C)强制性 D)变动性22.《瓜达拉哈拉公约》属于A)航空货物运输国际法 B)海洋货物运输国际法C)铁路货物运输国际法 D)国际货物多式联运公约二、多项选择题在备选答案中至少有两个答案是正确的,请将正确选项填涂在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。
Question Number: 1The basic elements of the supply chain include:A)supply, manufacture,distribution. B) design, manufacture, inventory.C) engineer, design, manufacture. D) supply, engineer, manufacture.The correct answer is: AEven though different companies produce different products, the basic elements are the same: supply, manufacture, and distribution.Question Number: 2In order to maximize profit, a company must have all of the following objectives except: A) Best customer service B) Most accurate production forecastC) Lowest inventory investment D) Lowest distribution costThe correct answer is: BA company, to maximize profits, must have the lowest production cost, best customer service, lowest inventoryinvestment, and lowest distribution costs. While an accurate production forecast will contribute to low production costs, it will not guarantee the lowest production costs. Question Number: 3BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsThe inventory turns ratio measures:the amount of inventory needed to A) support sales growth.B) obsolete inventory as a percent of sales.C) how effectively inventory is being used.D) the amount of space needed to store inventory.The correct answer is: CThe inventory turns ratio measures how effectively inventories are being used. It is calculated by dividing annual cost of goods sold by average inventory in dollars.Question Number: 4Process specifications can be best defined as a document which:A) shows how the product will appear. B) shows the steps needed to produce the end item.C) details the capacity available at a work center. D) flow charts various processes.The correct answer is: BProcess specifications describe the steps needed to make an end product. They are usually printed on a routingsheet or kept in the database for online access.Question Number: 5BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsA company's strategic plan:A) provides the manufacturing plan for families of end items.B) outlines the sales plan for the next year.C) is a statement of goals and objectives for a long range period.D) outlines new products for the next year.The correct answer is: CWhile strategic plans do provide for manufacturing, sales, and new product plans, they really provide the overall direction for the company. The result is a statement of goals and objectives for 2-5 years, and sometimes 10 years.Question Number: 6In which of the following manufacturing environments would consumer products, such as film,classified?A) Assemble-to-order B) Engineer-to-orderC) Make-to-order D) Make-to-stockThe correct answer is: DConsumer products are generally considered make-to-stock. There are a few standard items assembled from many components.Question Number: 7Many different end items are made from a small number of components. What manufacturing environment would this be?A) Make-to-stock B) Make-to-orderC) Assemble-to-order D) Engineer-to-orderThe correct answer is: BMake-to-order companies typically make many end items from a small number of components. The schedule isdeveloped from actual customer orders.Question Number: 8The purpose of a strategic business plan is to:plan production A) by product family. B) plan for business changes which take a long time.C) establish customer requirements over the long term. D) establish order promising strategies. The correct answer is: BStrategic plans are used for long term planning (2-10 years). They are used to allow time to plan for changes which take a long time to occur. These might include new plants or distribution centers.Question Number: 9BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsAggregate inventory management is concerned with:A) managing inventory items and how they are used. B) establishing the production plan.C) the cost and benefits of carrying the different classes of inventory.D) the distribution network and the movement of inventory.The correct answer is: CAggregate inventory management is concerned with the cost and benefit of carrying raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods inventory. It is financially oriented.Question Number: 10Which of the following are objectives of inventory?I. Maximize customer serviceII. Efficient transactionIII. Low cost plan operationsIV. Minimum inventory investmentA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IVC) I, II, and IV D) II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BIn order to maximize profits, a company must manage inventories, provide great customer service, and haveefficient plant operations, while minimizing the amount of capital used for inventory. Question Number: 11Which of the following would be included in the cost of carrying inventory?Heating and I. lighting a warehouseII. Obsolete inventoryIII. Labor to move materialA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DAll of the above costs would be included in the cost of inventory. Any costs incurred as the result of havinginventory should be included.Question Number: 12Which of the following best describes a normal distribution?A) Most values clustered near a central point B) Warehouses centrally located to markets C) Values accumulated at six sigma D) A critical ratio of 1.0The correct answer is: ANormal distribution refers to the statistical distribution of values where the majority of values will accumulatearound the mean. The resulting graph is shaped like a bell. It is often known as a "bell curve". Question Number: 13Based on the following information, what would the safety stock need to be to ensure product is in stock 99.9999% of the time? MAD = 100,On hand = 200.Weekly demand = 400A) 100 B) 300 C) 500 D) 600The correct answer is: CTo ensure coverage of product 99.9999% of the time, it would require 5 MAD for safety stock. Therefore: 5 * 100 = 500.Question Number: 14Each distribution center places orders from central supply as they are needed. This is called: A) pull system. B) push system.C) Just-in-Time delivery. D) supply chain management.The correct answer is: AWhen each distribution center orders from central supply or the factory independently of what other distributioncenters are doing, it is called a pull system. The advantage is that coordination and communication is lessexpensive. The disadvantage is that the lack of coordination causes problems with customer service and inventories.Question Number: 15A company makes all decisions regarding forecasting and orders centrally for its distribution network. Thiscompany is using which of the following systems?A) Pull system B) Push systemC) Just-in-Time D) Time phased order pointThe correct answer is: BThe push system "pushes" inventory to distribution centers by making stocking decisions centrally. The advantage is that inventory is sent where it is needed most. The disadvantage is that the coordination is more expensive than the pull system.Question Number: 16A company wants to store 15,000 cartons with 20 cartons on each pallet. The warehouse is set up to store pallets 5 high. How many pallet positions are needed?A) 150 B) 500 C) 750 D) 3000The correct answer is: AThe number of pallet positions can be calculated by dividing the number of cartons of storage needed by thenumber of cartons per pallet which equals the total number of pallets needed.the number ofpositions needed. For this problem: 15,000/ 20 = 750 pallets needed; 750/ 5 = 150 positions. Question Number: 17All of the following are basic grouping methods to store and locate stock in a warehouse except: Items A) related functionally B) Items in sequential SKU numberC) Items which are physically similar D) Items which are fast movingThe correct answer is: BThe purpose of grouping items in a warehouse is to be more productive in storage and in the picking process. Items which have sequential SKU numbers may have nothing to do with each other. As a result, this would not be a criteria for grouping.Question Number: 18What is the major disadvantage of a fixed location warehouse?A) Put away time is increased B) Cube utilization is poorC) Dock time is increased D) Material handling costs riseThe correct answer is: BFixed location warehouses offer poor cube utilization because pallet locations are left empty when the productassigned to the location is out of stock. Generally, fixed locations are used in small warehouses with lowthroughput.Question Number: 19Which of the following are advantages of point of use storage?I. Ease of controlII. Material handling is reducedIII. Storage costs are reducedIV. Material is accessible at all timesA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BAll are advantages of point-of-use storage except ease of control, which is an advantage of central storage.Question Number: 20Which of the following are advantages of using central storage?I. Ease of controlII. Costs are reducedIII. Inventory record accuracy is easier to attainIV. Safety stock is reducedA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BCosts are not reduced with central storage. There are labor costs, racking, paper system, and other costs associated with central storage.Question Number: 21Which of the following best describes cycle counting?A) A process to reduce cycle time B) Set up reduction to shorten the production cycleC) Counting inventory on a pre-determined schedule D) Conducting a time study at a work center The correct answer is: CCycle counting is used to count inventory on a pre-determined schedule for the purpose of identifying errors and taking corrective action so the error will not occur again.Question Number: 22The movement of finished goods from production to the customer is:C) physical distribution. D) conversion cycle.The correct answer is: CPhysical distribution is the actual movement of goods from production to the customer. Physical supply is themovement of raw material from the supplier to manufacturing.Question Number: 23All of the following activities are part of the physical distribution system except:A) Transportation B) WarehousingC) Material handling D) Forecasting of customer ordersThe correct answer is: DPhysical distribution includes the activities of transportation, distribution, inventory, warehousing, materialhandling, packaging, and order processing. Forecasting is not a physical distribution activity. Question Number: 24Trucks, as a mode of transportation, are best suited for:moving small quantities to widely A) dispersed markets.B) moving large quantities to widely dispersed markets.C) moving small quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.D) moving large quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.The correct answer is: ATrucks are best when there is a need to move small quantities to widely dispersed markets. Trains are better formoving large quantities.Question Number: 25For a given product, the line haul cost is $1.50 per mile. The product will move 400 miles. If 40,000 pounds arebeing shipped, what is the cost per hundred weight?A) 1.00 B) 1.50 C) 2.00 D) 2.50The correct answer is: BThe truck will cost $600 to move 400 miles ($1.50 * 400 miles).To calculate the cost per hundred weight: Divide the total cost for the truck by 400. (40,000 pounds divided by 100). Therfore: $600 divided by 400 = $1.50/cwt.Question Number: 26Which of the following best describes the purpose of a distribution warehouse?A warehouse to store goods for A) long periods of time B) A storage warehouse for floor stock C) A warehouse to move and mix goods D) A supply chain warehouse for regional storage The correct answer is: CA distribution warehouse is used primarily to break down large lots into smaller lots for shipment. A generalwarehouse is used for long term storage.Question Number: 27Which of the following are the roles which warehouses serve?I. Transportation consolidationII. Inventory efficiencyIII. Product mixingIV. Customer serviceA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BWarehouses serve three important roles:2) Product mixing - group a variety of products into one order3) Customer service - allows products to be placed closer to the customerInventory will typically rise with an increase in the number of warehouses.Question Number: 28A market boundary can be defined as the:geographic boundary A) of a region.B) line where the laid down cost is the same from two supply sources.C) line where shipments in one distribution center equals another.D) mileage boundary where shipment costs exceed the margin to be gained.The correct answer is: BA market boundary is the line where the laid down cost from two supply sources is equal. The laid-down cost is the delivered cost of a product to a geographic point.Question Number: 29As a company increases the number of warehouses from one to two, there is an impact on safety stock. Safetystock will:A) increase by a factor of 2. B) decrease by half.C) increase, and the percent can be calculated. D) decrease by a calculated percentage. The correct answer is: CThe safety stock will increase by an amount which can be calculated, but it will not double automatically. Theamount of the increase will depend on service levels by part, the demand variation, and other factors. As thenumber of warehouses increases, demand at each will decrease, causing greater variations in product demand.Therefore, safety stock will increase appropriately.Question Number: 30The Just-in-Time philosophy can be best defined as:A) Delivering goods just before they are needed B) Fulfilling customer orders just as they are neededC) Manufacturing without inventory D) Elimination of wasteThe correct answer is: DThe Just-in-Time philosophy is concerned with the elimination of waste or non-value activities. Maintaining large inventories is just one of many non-value added activities.Question Number: 31The Toyota Motor Company identified seven sources of waste in manufacturing. Which of the following represent those sources of waste?I. ProcessII. OverproductionIII. Wait-timeIV. MovementA) I, II, and III B) I, II, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DThe seven sources of waste identified by Toyota are Process, Methods, Movement, Product Defects, Waiting times, Overproduction, and Inventory.Question Number: 32To achieve necessary quality levels in a JIT environment, quality must be:A) built into the product by operators. B) inspected at multiple points.C) ensured by the quality control lab. D) an inspectors function.Quality must be the operators responsibility. They are the only ones who can make sure defects are not built into the product. They must be allowed to stop the process when defects are found. Question Number: 33In order to reduce the number of transactions which occur in a JIT environment, companies use a system called:A) transaction prevention. B) pre-deduct.C) backflushing. D) bar coding.The correct answer is: CBackflushing is a system for doing inventory and labor transactions based on the finished goods production. With this system, one transaction will create the many issues transactions for inventory. This process works best when the lead time for the product is short and the product flows down a production line.Question Number: 34The annual cost of goods sold for a company is $40 million and the average inventory is $10 million. By how much would the inventory need to be reduced to have annual inventory turns equal 20 turns?A) $2 million B) $4 million C) $6 million D) $8 millionThe correct answer is: DIn order for a company with cost of goods sold of $40 million to turn the inventory 20 times annually, the inventory would have to be valued at $2 million (40/20). Since the average inventory is currently valued at $10 million, the inventory would need to be reduced by $8 million.Question Number: 35A company wants to produce 1000 units over the next four months using a level strategy. The months have 20, 21, 19 and 22 working days in each one. Based on this strategy, how much would be produced in the first month?A) 244 B) 254 C) 260 D) 262The correct answer is: ATo find the answer: Divide the planned production (1000) by the number of days available in the four months (82) to find the daily ; production rate (12.2). Multiply the daily production rate (12.2) by the number of days in the first month (20) to obtain the first month's production (244).Question Number: 36System nervousness is caused by:A) the inability of the planner to remain calm. B) requirements changing rapidly.C) constant demands by manufacturing for long production runs.D) purchased materials which do not arrive on time.The correct answer is: BSystem nervousness is caused by requirements which change rapidly and usually by small amounts. The planner must, in these cases, apply judgement to the situation before changing the plans to accommodate the change.Question Number: 37A component has a fixed cost of $1,000 and a variable cost of $5.00 per unit to produce. What would the average cost per unit be if the company produces 4,000 units?A) $5.00 B) $5.10 C) $5.25 D) $5.50The correct answer is: CTo produce 4,000 units, the total cost would be $21,000. ($5 * 4,000 units + $1,000 fixed cost = $21,000).Divide the $21,000 by the number of units (4000) to find the cost per unit. ( $21,000/4,000An alternative way to calculate the cost per unit would be to divide the fixed cost ($1,000) by the units produced (4,000) which equals $.25.Add the fixed cost to the variable cost to get the cost per unit. ($5.00 + $.25 = $5.25). Question Number: 38Which of the following best defines throughput?The number of bottlenecks A) slowing production B) The total capacity which a factory can produceC) The speed of a work center to produce D) The total volume of production passing through a facilityThe correct answer is: DThroughput is the total volume of production passing through a facility. Bottlenecks control the throughput in the facility and must be eliminated in order to increase the throughput. Question Number: 39Forecasts are typically more accurate for the near future than they are for the longer future. This occurs because:A) the near term holds less uncertainty than the long term. B) more data is available in the near term.C) aggregate data is easier to forecast. D) the future is more dynamic in the near term. The correct answer is: AThe near term is more predictable than the long term. Most companies can easily predict what they are going to do next week compared to next year. This allows forecasts to be more accurate in the near term.Question Number: 40Forecasts are usually wrong but we continue to use them. They are necessary because: forecasters provide a service A) to the organization. B) forecasts are a prelude to business planning.C) the master production schedule (MPS) needs one.D) materials requirements planning (MRP) cannot operate without one.The correct answer is: BForecasts are the prelude to business planning. They provide an estimate of what conditions will look like in thefuture. So even though we know they are wrong, by measuring how wrong they are, forecasts can be constantlyimproved for use by the business.Question Number: 41Even in an intermittent manufacturing shop, certain JIT principles can be applied. Which of the following principles can be used in an intermittent manufacturing shop?I. Employee involvementII. Total preventive maintenanceIII. Inventory reductionIV. Continuous flow linesA) I and III B) II and IV C) I, II, and III D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: CAn intermittent manufacturer is characterized by processing in batches, and large variation in design and orderquantities. At the extreme, every job could be made to customer specification. The product lacks a continuousflow. However, JIT principle can be applied for employee involvement, workplace layout, total quality control,Question Number: 42Which of the following manufacturing types would typically have the longest delivery time?A) Make-to-order B) Engineer-to-order C) Make-to-stock D) Assemble-to-orderThe correct answer is: BDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed from receipt of the customer's order to the delivery of the product to the customer. Engineer-to-order companies will generally have the longest delivery time due to the design and engineering time required to create a product. In contrast, make-to-order companies will make a product from existing components after an order is received. Make- to-stock companies will ship to the customer from stock. Assemble-to-order companies will assemble a customer order from existing sub-assemblies.Question Number: 43Which of the following statements would be true regarding the delivery time in an engineer to order company?A) Delivery time is shorter than a make-to-order company.B) It would be the same as a make-to-stock item. C) It would be longer than an assemble-to-order company.D) It would be shorter than an assemble-to-order company.The correct answer is: CDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed between receipt of the customer's order and the delivery to thecustomer. Engineer-to-order companies have the longest delivery time due to the engineering which must occurbefore the product can be manufactured for delivery.Question Number: 44Which of the following would be considered a function of physical distribution?A) Material handling B) Routings C) Kanban size D) Pull signalThe correct answer is: APhysical distribution includes all the activities associated with physically moving goods; from the supplier to the start of production, and from the end of production to the consumer. Material handling is involved with physically moving the goods. The others are functions within manufacturing.Question Number: 45Which of the following would be considered part of the physical distribution system?A) Moving materials between work centers B) Receiving goods from suppliersC) Planning the transfer of goods to outside contractorsD) Forecasting inventory levels to support manufacturingThe correct answer is: BPhysical distribution is defined as the physical movement of goods from suppliers to the beginning of production and from the end of production to the consumer. Receiving would be included as part of the function of physical distribution.Question Number: 46Which of the following would most likely be an independent demand item?A) Inventoried subassembly for a printer B) Manufactured subassembly in a carC) Purchased component for a fork truck D) Spare part for a jet engineThe correct answer is: DIndependent demand is defined as demand for an item which is unrelated to the demand for another item. Service parts would typically be forecast independently from their use during the manufacture of the jet engine. Therefore, the jet engine might have independent and dependent demand.Production planning is generally a direct input to:material requirements A) planning. B) purchase order planning.C) capacity load at a work center. D) master production scheduling.The correct answer is: DProduction plans are agreed upon management plans for manufacturing, shipping and inventory/backlog. Theseplans are developed at the aggregate level (e.g. monthly, product families). The plan provides managementapproval for the master scheduler to develop the detailed master schedule (end products, weekly).Question Number: 48Which of the following would most likely be a dependent demand item?A) Safety gloves B) Office suppliesC) Purchased component D) Item being shipped to customerThe correct answer is: CDependent demand is defined as "demand that is directly related to or derived from the bill of material structure for other items or end products." (APICS Dictionary) Therefore, a purchased component would be part of a bill of material structure and demand would be related to the demand for other parts in that structure.Question Number: 49If a company is going to establish a cycle count program, a primary objective should be to: correct the A) inventory records. B) reduce the headcount.C) identify the causes of inventory errors. D) eliminate the physical inventory.The correct answer is: CThe primary objective of a cycle count program is to identify the causes of inventory errors and eliminate thempermanently. Only by correcting the causes of error will the records stay accurate for the system to operate properly and, perhaps in the future, eliminate the physical inventory. Question Number: 50A company needs to increase production in the current week to meet a customer request. The quickest way toaccomplish this is to:A) work overtime. B) hire more workers.C) hire temporary workers. D) subcontract the work.The correct answer is: AWorking overtime allows skilled workers to finish the customers job. This would be quicker than hiring workers which can take a great deal of time. Temporary workers can be hired quickly, however, the quality would suffer, and finding a short term subcontractor would not generally be feasible.Question Number: 51Which of the following does a tracking signal identify in a forecast?A) Mean absolute deviation B) Standard deviation C) Bias D) Aggregate summarization The correct answer is: CBias occurs when the cumulative actual demand varies from the forecast on a consistent basis.A tracking signalprovides a mathematical method to determine if the forecast error is truly biased or if random error is occurring.Random error will correct itself while bias will not. A tracking signal is calculated by dividing the algebraic sum of the forecast errors by the MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation).An income statement of a company will show which of the following?A) Inventory levels B) Long term debt C) Cost of products sold D) Net cash available The correct answer is: CIncome statements reflect the revenues and expenses of a company generating either a profit or loss. Cost ofproducts sold is subtracted from the revenue to obtain a gross profit. From the gross profit, expenses are deducted to arrive at a net income or loss.Question Number: 53Which of the following is a reason to maintain inventory?A) Improve customer service B) Reduce transportation costsC) Increase machine operating time D) Reduce costsThe correct answer is: AOne of the primary reasons to maintain inventory is to provide competitive customer service. By having inventory,a company can avoid costly stockouts, lost sales, and lost customers. In some industries, such as consumer goods, it is imperative that the product be in stock when the customer orders.Question Number: 54Which of the following best describes the ABC approach to inventory control?Maintain a high inventory A) of "A" parts. B) Have plenty of "C" parts.C) Keep the "B" parts to a minimum level. D) Always keep plenty of inventory.The correct answer is: BThe ABC method of inventory control operates on the assumption that a company's limited resources should beused to maintain the high priority items, or A items. The C parts have less value and should therefore be maintained at a very high level of inventory so inaccuracies will not impact the operation. This would allow less resources to be committed managing the low priority items. Question Number: 55The law which states that a small percentage of the group usually accounts for a large percent of the results is which of the following?A) Fredo's law B) Newton's first lawC) Pareto's law D) Nielsen's lawThe correct answer is: CPareto was an Italian economist who developed the observation that 80% of the Italian wealth was concentrated in 20% of the population. This observation can apply to many areas and is used to analyze the inventory forclassifying A, B, and C items. Generally, 80% of the inventory dollars rest with 20% of the parts.Question Number: 56Inventory is used to decouple:production plans from A) master schedules. B) rough cut capacity from capacity plans.C) supplier orders from supplier deliveries. D) supply from the demand.The correct answer is: DInventory is used to separate supply from demand. This allows the manufacturing to occur smoothly without asmuch disruption caused by fluctuating demand. The inventory acts like a shock absorber so the spikes in demand are not reflected in the manufacturing schedule.Question Number: 57A supervisor's primary role in a total employee involvement company is:A) controlling. B) cheerleading.C) coaching. D) quality control.。
CPLM证书考试 仓储管理试题总结
AWhen,What,How many
BWhen,Why,How man
CWhy,What,How man
DWhere,What,How man
64 随着闭环的物料需求计划系统中又加入了对制造范围的资金控制,
16 、仓储增值服务的本质特征是
A创新、超常规和满足客户个性化需要 B创新、超常规和满足客户多
C创新、经常性和满足客户个性化需要 D创新、经常性和满足客户多
A蓄水池作用 B调节阀作用 C增容器作用
62 、通过平衡订货成本和保管仓储成本,确定一个最佳的订货批量来
实现最低总库存成本的方法称为( )
A定期订购控制法 B经济订货批量模型 C定量订货控制法 D物料需
Question Number: 616DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsThe ABC analysis used for cycle counting is an example of:A)the high, low, middle principle.B)Pareto's Law.C)regression analysis.D)trend analysis.The correct answer is: BPareto's Law states that a small portion of a group accounts for the largest impact on the group. For example, 80% of the items in inventory account for 20% of the dollars. Another example may be that 20% of the customers account for 80% of the sales.Question Number: 617DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following statements are true regarding time-phased order point?I.Lot sizing is eliminatedII.It is more effective than order pointes MRP logic for independent demandA)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: CTime-phased order point uses MRP logic for independent demand items. As a result, lot sizes are needed to determine the right quantity to order once MRP has determined a requirement for the item. Since MRP logic is used, time-phased order point can be used for gross requirements which come from a forecast and not through an explosion.Question Number: 618DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich are true statements regarding physical inventories?I.They are required by outside auditors.II.They are generally very accurate.A)IB)IIC)I and IID)Neither I nor IIThe correct answer is: DPhysical inventories are necessary only if an accurate, well-controlled, perpetual inventory system cannot be maintained. Many studies have shown that physical inventories introduce more errors than they correct.Question Number: 619DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material Requirements Independent demand can be best defined by which of the following?A)Demand which is related to a higher level demandB)Demand which is calculatedC)Demand which is forecastedD)Demand which is generated by MRPThe correct answer is: CIndependent demand is generally forecasted. Demand which comes from higher level demand is defined as dependent demand and it is usually calculated by MRP.Question Number: 620DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following best defines the term FIFO?A)It is a lot sizing technique.B)It is a method to determine A, B, and C parts.C)It is an inventory valuation method.D)It is a distribution inventory term.The correct answer is: CFIFO stands for first in, first out. It is an inventory valuation technique where inventory is valued based on the latest products to enter inventory.Question Number: 621DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following are true regarding cycle counting?I.All items are counted the same number of times per year.II.Paperwork cut off is generally more difficult than at an annual physical.III.Causes of error and correction are more effective than annual physicals.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: COne of the reasons to implement a cycle counting program is to be able to count the higher dollar items more frequently. This allows better use of resources to ensure proper inventory controls are in place. Cycle programs are most effective, however, when cause and corrective action programs are in place to permanently correct the causes of errors in the inventory records.Question Number: 622DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following best defines the term "allocation" in an MRP system?A)Net requirement for the partB)Unfilled stockroom picklistC)A warehouse generated release on the main plantD)Calculation of safety stock for the partThe correct answer is: BAn allocation exists when a pick list has been released to the stockroom but the pick list has not been filled by the stockroom.Question Number: 623DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIf the beginning inventory value is larger than the ending inventory value, which of the following relationships is true?A)Purchases were larger than shipments.B)Shipments were larger than purchases.C)Shipments were equal to purchases.D)None of the aboveThe correct answer is: BThe question would indicate more items were sold than were purchased, causing the ending inventory to go down.Question Number: 624DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following statements best defines the reason the bill of materials needs to be accurate?I.Quality problems can occur.II.Cost analysis will not be complete or accurate.III.MRP will plan parts incorrectly.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: DAll of the problems stated can occur if the bill of materials does not reflect the manufacturing process accurately. The bill of materials is the heart of the system for defining the materials and how they are manufactured. As a result, parts which are inaccurate or omitted from the bill can cause tremendous quality problems. If parts are omitted from the bill of materials, then costs cannot be accurate and MRP cannot properly plan the materials needed to produce the parts.Question Number: 625DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following best describes the importance of cycle counting?A)Cycle counting keeps adjusting the inventory records so they are accurate.B)Cycle counting identifies the cause of errors for corrective action.C)Cycle counting eliminates the physical inventory.D)None of the aboveThe correct answer is: BThe major purpose of cycle counting is to identify the causes of inventory record errors so they can be eliminated. While this action may result in eliminating the annual physical inventory, it is not the primary purpose.Question Number: 626DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsBased on the following information, what is the delivery lead time for Company A?Customer order process 1 weekManufacture time 2 weeksFinal assembly 1 weekDelivery 1 weekA)1 weekB)2 weeksC)4 weeksD)5 weeksThe correct answer is: DDelivery lead time is the time from customer order receipt to delivery of the product. In this example, all of the elements listed would be part of the lead time.Question Number: 627DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following statements is true if there is a lot of variability between planned and actual demand?I.Safety stock will generally need to be high.II.The mean absolute deviation will be lower.III.The delta between plan and actual will be high.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: BWhen demand is highly uncertain, the difference between plan and actual demand will be high, causing forecast errors to be high. Since safety stock is a function of forecast error, safety stock would be higher also.Question Number: 628DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following statements are true regarding dependent demand?I.It is demand generated from a higher level.II.It is demand for service parts.III.It is not forecasted demand.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: BService part demand would be independent demand even if it is for a part which is normally used in a higher level assembly. The demand for service parts would generally be forecasted to ensure parts were available to ship directly to a customer.Question Number: 629DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIn a fixed order quantity system, which of the following is true?I.The quantity is the same for each order.II.The order interval varies.III.An order is placed when on-hand balance reaches a reorder point.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: AIn a fixed order quantity system, an order is placed when the on-hand balance plus the on-order quantity is equal to or less than a predetermined point. The same quantity would be ordered at varying order intervals.Question Number: 630DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsA company takes a physical inventory. In comparing it to the financial records, they find the physical inventory valuation to be much less than the financial records. After much investigation, journal entries are made to reduce the financial records to reflect the physical inventory valuation. The adjustment is a(an):A)inventory reconciliation.B)audit adjustment for inventory.C)inventory write-off.D)FIFO revaluation.The correct answer is: CAn inventory write-off occurs when the financial records of the company are reduced to reflect the physical inventory count whether through annual inventory or cycle count adjustment.Question Number: 631DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following are included in the lead time for a part?I.MRP run timeII.Order preparation timeIII.Transportation timeA)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: CMRP run time would not be included in the lead time.Question Number: 632DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIf a company uses a locator system, how would cycle counting be conducted?I.Physical bin locations would be audited for accuracy.II.The count of the product in the location would be checked.III.No check of bin location would be necessary as the computer tracks it.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: ADue to human error in entering the correct bin, bin locations need to be audited to ensure the right product is in the right location. The cycle counts would be generated by the system so locations would be audited for counts.Question Number: 633DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIn an MRP environment, if the lot-for-lot technique is used, which of the following is true?I.Only net requirements will be ordered.II.Residual inventory will exist.III.Of all the lot sizing rules, it creates the least inventory.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: BThe lot-for-lot lot sizing technique generates orders for only the net requirements created during the MRP run. Therefore, no residual inventory will be ordered, creating the least inventory of all the lot sizing rules.Question Number: 634DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsCompany A uses 100 units of product B each week; however, it must order 500 units for each order of product B. The inventory remaining is called:A)safety stock.B)buffer stock.C)lot-size inventory.D)hedge inventory.The correct answer is: CLot-size inventory results from having to order more than needed because it is more economical to do so. For example, setup costs, transportation quantities, or quantity discounts may require lot sizes to be larger than necessary.Question Number: 635DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsAll of the following are included in manufacturing lead time EXCEPT:A)Queue timeB)Run timeC)Set-up timeD)Procurement timeThe correct answer is: DPurchasing lead time is not a function of manufacturing lead time, which also includes order time, wait time, move time, and inspection time.Question Number: 636DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsBased on the following information, what would the safety stock need to be to cover 3 MADs? PeriodForecast DemandActual Demand11002002150100315020042001505200200A)100B)150C)200D)250The correct answer is: BThe Mean Absolute Deviation is calculated by totaling the sum of the absolute deviations and dividing by the number of occurrences.MAD = |(100-200)+(150-100)+(150-200)+(200-150)+ (200-200)|/5MAD = 250/5 = 50Therefore: 3 * 50 = 150Question Number: 637DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsUnder a min-max inventory system, what would the order process be?A)When the minimum is reached, order the maximum.B)When the minimum is reached, order up to the maximum.C)When the maximum is reached, order the minimum.D)None of the aboveThe correct answer is: BThe minimum acts as the reorder point and the maximum is the build to inventory amount. Therefore, when the minimum inventory is reached, the order is for the amount which brings the inventory level up to the maximum inventory.Question Number: 638DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIn an MRP environment, if a part has an order policy of lot-for-lot, which of the following statements is true?I.In combination with other factors, inventory should be minimized.II.Order releases will eventually equal net requirements.III.Order quantities will be equal over time.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: AUnder a lot-for-lot order policy, order releases will equal net requirements, leaving no residual inventories, therefore minimizing inventory. Other factors such as schedule conformance, inventory record accuracy, and rescheduling to maintain valid order dates also contribute to minimizing inventory.Question Number: 639DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following statements is true about reaching a high level inventory record accuracy?A)Inventory levels will usually be reduced.B)Safety stock negates the need to be very accurate.C)The savings would be small and therefore not worth the effort.D)It is difficult to achieve and expensive to maintain.The correct answer is: AAccurate inventory records are necessary in order to maintain low inventory levels in a system. If the inventory records in the system are incorrect, then the data generated by MRP will be unreliable. The result will be overplanned inventory levels and the creation of larger safety stocks.(Cycle Counting for Record Accuracy, Henry Jordan).Question Number: 640DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIn cycle counting, an ABC analysis is usually completed to identify the parts with the highest value or highest volume versus those with the least value or volume. Generally, 80% of the value is about 20% of the parts. This 80-20 rule is based on:A)Wagner-Whittin Algorithm.B)Box-Jenkin Model.C)Limit formula.D)Pareto Analysis.The correct answer is: DThe 80-20 rule is generally attributed to the mathematician Pareto and is referred to as Pareto analysis. Question Number: 641DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following reasons could be used to justify maintaining safety stock in an MRP system?I.Uncertain lead times for raw materialsII.Items used for spare parts which are also used in assemblyponent items manufactured in-house have had inventory errorsA)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: AGenerally, safety stock should be used when lead times are uncertain for the supply of parts. This would then protect against running out of parts to use in manufacturing. When items are used for spare parts and also for assembly, the demand for the part will also fluctuate. Safety stock would provide protection from uncertain spare part demand. Errors in inventory records should not be protected by safety stock. The cause of the errors should be determined by cycle counting, and corrective action should be taken.(Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems, Chapter 11).Question Number: 642DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following is true regarding the reduction in queue times?I.They can be achieved by speeding up the equipment.II.Lead times will be reduced.III.Work-in-process inventory will decline.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: CSpeeding the machines will not help if work is being scheduled poorly. A reduction in queues will reduce inventory and lead time because time will not be wasted waiting for operations.Question Number: 643DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsTime-phased order point (TPOP) can be best described as:A)order point calculation with constant demand over time.B)a method of double order point.C)MRP logic applied to independent demand items.D)forecast error applied to safety stock.The correct answer is: CTPOP is the application of MRP logic to independent items. The gross requirements come from forecasts and not explosions.Question Number: 644DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsInventory records have not been accurate. Which of the following actions can be taken to restore the accuracy?A)Increase the frequency of the cycle counts.B)Change the importance of the classifications.C)Compare the physical inventories to the financial records.D)Resolve problems discovered by the cycle counts.The correct answer is: DCycle counting is a method for identifying the causes of errors in the inventory records. As errors are discovered, the root cause of the error needs to be determined and eliminated. Only by doing so can the problem be permanently removed.(Cycle Counting for Record Accuracy).Question Number: 645DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIn which of the following environments will a statistical order point system work best?A)A company where production occurs only after a customer order is receivedB)A company where orders are filled from inventoryC)A company where stock components are assembled to a customer orderD)A company which has an erratic demand patternThe correct answer is: BStatistical order point systems work best in make-to-stock environments where the orders are filled from stock. Order point systems also work best when the demand is smooth. Companies which have erratic demand, are "make-to-order", or are "assemble-to-order", should use an MRP system to plan their inventory levels and replenishment orders.(Production and Inventory Management, 2nd edition, Chapter 6).Question Number: 646DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsA company is introducing a new product to the marketplace. In order to make the introduction smooth, the inventory manager has built a large inventory for the product prior to the introduction period. Which of the following reasons best justifies this action?A)The design may be unstable.B)Potential quality problems could cause shortages.C)Customer returns may require replacement produc.tD)Initial demand for the product could exceed the ability to produce.The correct answer is: DThe introduction of a new product to the marketplace can create several problems. The new product may sell faster than expected, creating demand beyond capacity, or it may sell much slower, creating potential obsolete inventory. Generating inventory in advance of the introduction provides protection from shortages at a crucial time in the product life cycle. If the design is unstable, extra inventory would only create additional problems, as engineering changes would be much more expensive to implement. Quality problems would also be more expensive to correct as the extra inventory would have to be reworked.Question Number: 647DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIf a company is going to manufacture items during the slack season for use during a busy season, the items chosen should be:A)high volume, low labor setup, low material cost.B)high volume, low labor setup, high material cost.C)low volume, high labor setup, low material cost.D)low volume, high labor setup, high material cost.The correct answer is: CA company which is going to produce inventory for use later should select items which will not cost much to store and allow a greater capacity to free up when it is needed most. Low volume items are usually disruptive to manufacture and, if they have a high labor setup, also take the most capacity to run. The low material cost would indicate that the inventory carrying cost would not be as excessive as some other parts.Question Number: 648DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following environments would be best suited for a statistical order point system?A)Car assembly plantB)Consumer products companyC)Airplane engine assembly plantD)Axle manufacturing plantThe correct answer is: BStatistical order point systems work most effectively when product is being ordered off the shelf, such as a consumer products company.Question Number: 649DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following statements is/are true regarding demand?I.Independent demand is derived from forecasted data.II.Dependent demand is forecasted.A)IB)IIC)I and IID)Neither I nor IIThe correct answer is: AIndependent demand is forecasted while dependent demand is calculated from higher level demand. Question Number: 650DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsAn order for an item needed in Period 10, with a manufacturing lead time of 5 periods,would have which of the following dates?A)Start Date - Period 5; Due Date - Period 10B)Start Date - Period 6; Due Date - Period 10C)Start Date - Period 4; Due Date - Period 9D)Start Date - Period 10; Due Date - Period 15The correct answer is: AA manufacturing order due in Period 10 would need to start in Period 5 as the due date - lead time = start date.Question Number: 651DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following situations would trigger an MRP system to generate an exception oraction/request message?I.No requirements for an open orderII.Order due date is too late for a requirementIII.Order due date is too early for a requirementA)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: DThe MRP system tries to minimize inventory and will identify orders which are not needed. Additionally, because it maintains valid priorities, orders which must be received early will also be identified.Question Number: 652DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsIn a properly designed MRP system, which of the following objectives can be achieved?I.Provide input to the capacity requirement planning module.II.Maintain open order priorities.III.Manage inventories properly.A)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: DA well-designed and maintained MRP system can do all these functions. By maintaining order priority, input to the capacity module will be valid and inventories can be managed based on priorities (due dates/need dates).Question Number: 653DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsA)dependant on the type of industry.B)equal to twice the average manufacturing lead time.C)equal to the longest cumulative product lead time.D)None of the aboveThe correct answer is: CThe planning horizon should be at least as long as the cumulative product lead time so the future due dates allow for procurement lead time and manufacturing lead time.Question Number: 654DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following functions is/are the responsibility of the MRP system user?I.Maintain bill of material accuracyII.Maintain inventory record accuracyIII.Maintain planned order priorityA)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: AThe users must maintain accurate bills of material and inventory records. The MRP system will maintain planned order priority based on due dates.Question Number: 655DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsThe MRP output that shows the source of the requirement for a part is called a(an):A)input/output report.B)routing document.C)shop requirements schedule.D)pegged requirement report.The correct answer is: DA pegged requirement report allows the user to "walk up" the bill of material, level by level, to identify the source of a part's requirement.Question Number: 656DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsTime-phased order point (TPOP) is a technique used for which of the following?A)To control the accuracy of the forecastsB)To control orders for components with lumpy demandC)To plan and control items with dependent demandD)To plan and control items with independent demandThe correct answer is: DTime-phased order point applies MRP logic and time phasing to independent items.Question Number: 657DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsAllocation in an MRP environment refers to:A)putting aside inventory for field service needs.C)re-assignment of manufacturing lead times to coincide with order priorities.D)an unfilled or uncashed stockroom requisition.The correct answer is: DAllocation refers to an unfilled or uncashed stockroom requisition which MRP deducts from the on-hand balance in performing the gross to net calculation.Question Number: 658DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsThe MRP system will automatically reschedule the following orders EXCEPT:I.Planned OrderII.Firm Planned OrderIII.Open OrderA)I and IIB)I and IIIC)II and IIID)None of the aboveThe correct answer is: CMRP systems control orders in a planned status. Open orders and firm planned orders are controlled by the user. MRP will only give messages to re-prioritize.Question Number: 659DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following statements about planned orders in an MRP system is/are true?I.The MRP system logic will update priorities on planned orders.II.The quantity of the planned order will always exceed the net requirements.III.MRP develops planned orders in conjunction with ordering policies and lot-sizing.A)I and IIB)II and IIIC)I and IIID)I, II, and IIIThe correct answer is: CThe quantity of the planned order will not exceed the net requirement in a discrete lot sizing policy. Question Number: 660DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsMRP combines which of the following principles?A)Calculation of dependent demand for components and time phasingB)Calculation of independent demand for components and time phasingC)Calculation of independent demand for components and forecasting of dependent demandD)None of the aboveThe correct answer is: AMRP systems combine the calculation of dependent demand for components and the element of time. Question Number: 661DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNING (DSP) :Planning Material RequirementsWhich of the following is not generally considered as output from an MRP system?I.Reschedule notices。
A.、右下方 B、右上方 C、左下方 D、左上方2、供给曲线是一条向()倾斜的曲线。
A.、右下方 B、右上方 C、左下方 D、左上方3、如果消费者放弃的货币效用大于购入的商品的效用,他不会()。
A.、停止购买 B、继续购买 C、退掉已经买入的商品 D、大量购买4、已知一元钱的边际效用为3个单位,一支钢笔的边际效用为36个单位,则消费者愿意用()来买这支钢笔。
A.、12元 B、36元 C、3元 D、108元5、如果生产者的边际收益大于边际成本,生产者应该()。
A.、停止生产 B、扩大生产 C、维持生产 D、退出生产6、无谓损失就是()。
A.、消费者剩余的减少 B、生产者剩余的减少C、生产者和消费者都得不到的部分D、生产者剩余的增加7、若商品的价格不变而消费者的收入增加,消费可能性线()。
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Question Number: 1The basic elements of the supply chain include:A)supply, manufacture,distribution. B) design, manufacture, inventory.C) engineer, design, manufacture. D) supply, engineer, manufacture.The correct answer is: AEven though different companies produce different products, the basic elements are the same: supply, manufacture, and distribution.Question Number: 2In order to maximize profit, a company must have all of the following objectives except:A) Best customer service B) Most accurate production forecastC) Lowest inventory investment D) Lowest distribution costThe correct answer is: BA company, to maximize profits, must have the lowest production cost, best customer service, lowest inventoryinvestment, and lowest distribution costs. While an accurate production forecast will contribute to low production costs, it will not guarantee the lowest production costs.Question Number: 3BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsThe inventory turns ratio measures:the amount of inventory needed to A) support sales growth.B) obsolete inventory as a percent of sales.C) how effectively inventory is being used.D) the amount of space needed to store inventory.The correct answer is: CThe inventory turns ratio measures how effectively inventories are being used. It is calculated by dividing annual cost of goods sold by average inventory in dollars.Question Number: 4Process specifications can be best defined as a document which:A) shows how the product will appear. B) shows the steps needed to produce the end item.C) details the capacity available at a work center. D) flow charts various processes.The correct answer is: BProcess specifications describe the steps needed to make an end product. They are usually printed on a routingsheet or kept in the database for online access.Question Number: 5BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsA company's strategic plan:A) provides the manufacturing plan for families of end items.B) outlines the sales plan for the next year.C) is a statement of goals and objectives for a long range period.D) outlines new products for the next year.The correct answer is: CWhile strategic plans do provide for manufacturing, sales, and new product plans, they really provide the overall direction for the company. The result is a statement of goals and objectives for 2-5 years, and sometimes 10 years.Question Number: 6In which of the following manufacturing environments would consumer products, such as film, food, etc. beclassified?A) Assemble-to-order B) Engineer-to-orderC) Make-to-order D) Make-to-stockThe correct answer is: DConsumer products are generally considered make-to-stock. There are a few standard items assembled from many components.Question Number: 7Many different end items are made from a small number of components. What manufacturing environment would this be?A) Make-to-stock B) Make-to-orderC) Assemble-to-order D) Engineer-to-orderThe correct answer is: BMake-to-order companies typically make many end items from a small number of components. The schedule isdeveloped from actual customer orders.Question Number: 8The purpose of a strategic business plan is to:plan production A) by product family. B) plan for business changes which take a long time.C) establish customer requirements over the long term. D) establish order promising strategies.The correct answer is: BStrategic plans are used for long term planning (2-10 years). They are used to allow time to plan for changes which take a long time to occur. These might include new plants or distribution centers.Question Number: 9BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsAggregate inventory management is concerned with:A) managing inventory items and how they are used. B) establishing the production plan.C) the cost and benefits of carrying the different classes of inventory.D) the distribution network and the movement of inventory.The correct answer is: CAggregate inventory management is concerned with the cost and benefit of carrying raw materials,work-in-process, and finished goods inventory. It is financially oriented.Question Number: 10Which of the following are objectives of inventory?I. Maximize customer serviceII. Efficient transactionIII. Low cost plan operationsIV. Minimum inventory investmentA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IVC) I, II, and IV D) II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BIn order to maximize profits, a company must manage inventories, provide great customer service, and haveefficient plant operations, while minimizing the amount of capital used for inventory.Question Number: 11Which of the following would be included in the cost of carrying inventory? Heating and I. lighting a warehouseII. Obsolete inventoryIII. Labor to move materialIV. Damaged inventoryA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DAll of the above costs would be included in the cost of inventory. Any costs incurred as the result of havinginventory should be included.Question Number: 12Which of the following best describes a normal distribution?A) Most values clustered near a central point B) Warehouses centrally located to marketsC) Values accumulated at six sigma D) A critical ratio of 1.0The correct answer is: ANormal distribution refers to the statistical distribution of values where the majority of values will accumulatearound the mean. The resulting graph is shaped like a bell. It is often known as a "bell curve".Question Number: 13Based on the following information, what would the safety stock need to be to ensure product is in stock 99.9999% of the time? MAD = 100,On hand = 200.Weekly demand = 400A) 100 B) 300 C) 500 D) 600The correct answer is: CTo ensure coverage of product 99.9999% of the time, it would require 5 MAD for safety stock.Therefore: 5 * 100 = 500.Question Number: 14Each distribution center places orders from central supply as they are needed.This is called:A) pull system. B) push system.C) Just-in-Time delivery. D) supply chain management.The correct answer is: AWhen each distribution center orders from central supply or the factory independently of what other distributioncenters are doing, it is called a pull system. The advantage is that coordination and communication is lessexpensive. The disadvantage is that the lack of coordination causes problems with customer service and inventories.Question Number: 15A company makes all decisions regarding forecasting and orders centrally for its distribution network. Thiscompany is using which of the following systems?A) Pull system B) Push systemC) Just-in-Time D) Time phased order pointThe correct answer is: BThe push system "pushes" inventory to distribution centers by making stocking decisions centrally. The advantage is that inventory is sent where it is needed most. The disadvantage is that the coordination is more expensive than the pull system.Question Number: 16A company wants to store 15,000 cartons with 20 cartons on each pallet. The warehouse is set up to store pallets 5 high. How many pallet positions are needed?A) 150 B) 500 C) 750 D) 3000The correct answer is: AThe number of pallet positions can be calculated by dividing the number of cartons of storage needed by thenumber of cartons per pallet which equals the total number of pallets needed. Divide the total number of pallets needed by the number of pallets stacked height which equals the number ofpositions needed. For this problem: 15,000/ 20 = 750 pallets needed; 750/ 5 = 150 positions.Question Number: 17All of the following are basic grouping methods to store and locate stock in a warehouse except:Items A) related functionally B) Items in sequential SKU numberC) Items which are physically similar D) Items which are fast movingThe correct answer is: BThe purpose of grouping items in a warehouse is to be more productive in storage and in the picking process. Items which have sequential SKU numbers may have nothing to do with each other. As a result, this would not be a criteria for grouping. Question Number: 18What is the major disadvantage of a fixed location warehouse?A) Put away time is increased B) Cube utilization is poorC) Dock time is increased D) Material handling costs riseThe correct answer is: BFixed location warehouses offer poor cube utilization because pallet locations are left empty when the productassigned to the location is out of stock. Generally, fixed locations are used in small warehouses with lowthroughput.Question Number: 19Which of the following are advantages of point of use storage?I. Ease of controlII. Material handling is reducedIII. Storage costs are reducedIV. Material is accessible at all timesA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IV The correct answer is: BAll are advantages of point-of-use storage except ease of control, which is an advantage of central storage.Question Number: 20Which of the following are advantages of using central storage?I. Ease of controlII. Costs are reducedIII. Inventory record accuracy is easier to attainIV. Safety stock is reducedA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IV The correct answer is: BCosts are not reduced with central storage. There are labor costs, racking, paper system, and other costs associated with central storage.Question Number: 21Which of the following best describes cycle counting?A) A process to reduce cycle time B) Set up reduction to shorten the production cycleC) Counting inventory on a pre-determined schedule D) Conducting a time study at a work centerThe correct answer is: CCycle counting is used to count inventory on a pre-determined schedule for the purpose of identifying errors and taking corrective action so the error will not occur again.Question Number: 22The movement of finished goods from production to the customer is:A) physical supply. B) supply chain.C) physical distribution. D) conversion cycle.The correct answer is: CPhysical distribution is the actual movement of goods from production to the customer. Physical supply is themovement of raw material from the supplier to manufacturing.Question Number: 23All of the following activities are part of the physical distribution systemexcept:A) Transportation B) WarehousingC) Material handling D) Forecasting of customer ordersThe correct answer is: DPhysical distribution includes the activities of transportation, distribution, inventory, warehousing, materialhandling, packaging, and order processing. Forecasting is not a physical distribution activity.Question Number: 24Trucks, as a mode of transportation, are best suited for:moving small quantities to widely A) dispersed markets.B) moving large quantities to widely dispersed markets.C) moving small quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.D) moving large quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.The correct answer is: ATrucks are best when there is a need to move small quantities to widely dispersed markets. Trains are better formoving large quantities.Question Number: 25For a given product, the line haul cost is $1.50 per mile. The product will move 400 miles. If 40,000 pounds arebeing shipped, what is the cost per hundred weight?A) 1.00 B) 1.50 C) 2.00 D) 2.50The correct answer is: BThe truck will cost $600 to move 400 miles ($1.50 * 400 miles).To calculate the cost per hundred weight: Divide the total cost for the truck by 400. (40,000 pounds divided by 100). Therfore: $600 divided by 400 = $1.50/cwt. Question Number: 26Which of the following best describes the purpose of a distribution warehouse?A warehouse to store goods for A) long periods of time B) A storage warehouse for floor stockC) A warehouse to move and mix goods D) A supply chain warehouse for regional storageThe correct answer is: CA distribution warehouse is used primarily to break down large lots into smaller lots for shipment. A generalwarehouse is used for long term storage.Question Number: 27Which of the following are the roles which warehouses serve?I. Transportation consolidationII. Inventory efficiencyIII. Product mixingIV. Customer serviceA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IV The correct answer is: BWarehouses serve three important roles:1) Transportation consolidation - consolidate small shipments (LTL) into large shipments (TL)2) Product mixing - group a variety of products into one order3) Customer service - allows products to be placed closer to the customer Inventory will typically rise with an increase in the number of warehouses. Question Number: 28A market boundary can be defined as the:geographic boundary A) of a region.B) line where the laid down cost is the same from two supply sources.C) line where shipments in one distribution center equals another.D) mileage boundary where shipment costs exceed the margin to be gained.The correct answer is: BA market boundary is the line where the laid down cost from two supply sources is equal. The laid-down cost is the delivered cost of a product to a geographic point.Question Number: 29As a company increases the number of warehouses from one to two, there is an impact on safety stock. Safetystock will:A) increase by a factor of 2. B) decrease by half.C) increase, and the percent can be calculated. D) decrease by a calculated percentage.The correct answer is: CThe safety stock will increase by an amount which can be calculated, but it will not double automatically. Theamount of the increase will depend on service levels by part, the demand variation, and other factors. As thenumber of warehouses increases, demand at each will decrease, causing greater variations in product demand.Therefore, safety stock will increase appropriately.Question Number: 30The Just-in-Time philosophy can be best defined as:A) Delivering goods just before they are needed B) Fulfilling customer orders just as they are neededC) Manufacturing without inventory D) Elimination of wasteThe correct answer is: DThe Just-in-Time philosophy is concerned with the elimination of waste or non-value activities. Maintaining large inventories is just one of many non-value added activities.Question Number: 31The Toyota Motor Company identified seven sources of waste in manufacturing. Which of the following represent those sources of waste?I. ProcessII. OverproductionIII. Wait-timeIV. MovementA) I, II, and III B) I, II, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IV The correct answer is: DThe seven sources of waste identified by Toyota are Process, Methods, Movement, Product Defects, Waiting times, Overproduction, and Inventory.Question Number: 32To achieve necessary quality levels in a JIT environment, quality must be:A) built into the product by operators. B) inspected at multiple points.C) ensured by the quality control lab. D) an inspectors function.The correct answer is: AQuality must be the operators responsibility. They are the only ones who can make sure defects are not built into the product. They must be allowed to stop the process when defects are found.Question Number: 33In order to reduce the number of transactions which occur in a JIT environment, companies use a system called:A) transaction prevention. B) pre-deduct.C) backflushing. D) bar coding.The correct answer is: CBackflushing is a system for doing inventory and labor transactions based on the finished goods production. With this system, one transaction will create the many issues transactions for inventory. This process works best when the lead time for the product is short and the product flows down a production line.Question Number: 34The annual cost of goods sold for a company is $40 million and the average inventory is $10 million. By how much would the inventory need to be reduced to have annual inventory turns equal 20 turns?A) $2 million B) $4 million C) $6 million D) $8 millionThe correct answer is: DIn order for a company with cost of goods sold of $40 million to turn the inventory 20 times annually, the inventory would have to be valued at $2 million (40/20). Since the average inventory is currently valued at $10 million, the inventory would need to be reduced by $8 million.Question Number: 35A company wants to produce 1000 units over the next four months using a level strategy. The months have 20, 21, 19 and 22 working days in each one. Based on this strategy, how much would be produced in the first month?A) 244 B) 254 C) 260 D) 262The correct answer is: ATo find the answer: Divide the planned production (1000) by the number of days available in the four months (82) to find the daily ; production rate (12.2). Multiply the daily production rate (12.2) by the number of days in the first month (20) to obtain the first month's production (244).Question Number: 36System nervousness is caused by:A) the inability of the planner to remain calm. B) requirements changing rapidly.C) constant demands by manufacturing for long production runs.D) purchased materials which do not arrive on time.The correct answer is: BSystem nervousness is caused by requirements which change rapidly and usually by small amounts. The planner must, in these cases, apply judgement to the situation before changing the plans to accommodate the change.Question Number: 37A component has a fixed cost of $1,000 and a variable cost of $5.00 per unit to produce. What would the average cost per unit be if the company produces 4,000 units?A) $5.00 B) $5.10 C) $5.25 D) $5.50The correct answer is: CTo produce 4,000 units, the total cost would be $21,000. ($5 * 4,000 units + $1,000 fixed cost = $21,000).Divide the $21,000 by the number of units (4000) to find the cost per unit. ( $21,000/4,000 = $5.25).An alternative way to calculate the cost per unit would be to divide the fixed cost ($1,000) by the units produced (4,000) which equals $.25.Add the fixed cost to the variable cost to get the cost per unit. ($5.00 + $.25 = $5.25).Question Number: 38Which of the following best defines throughput?The number of bottlenecks A) slowing production B) The total capacity which a factory can produceC) The speed of a work center to produce D) The total volume of production passing through a facilityThe correct answer is: DThroughput is the total volume of production passing through a facility. Bottlenecks control the throughput in the facility and must be eliminated in order to increase the throughput.Question Number: 39Forecasts are typically more accurate for the near future than they are for the longer future. This occurs because:A) the near term holds less uncertainty than the long term. B) more data is available in the near term.C) aggregate data is easier to forecast. D) the future is more dynamic in the near term.The correct answer is: AThe near term is more predictable than the long term. Most companies can easily predict what they are going to do next week compared to next year. This allows forecasts to be more accurate in the near term.Question Number: 40Forecasts are usually wrong but we continue to use them. They are necessary because: forecasters provide a service A) to the organization. B) forecasts are a prelude to business planning.C) the master production schedule (MPS) needs one.D) materials requirements planning (MRP) cannot operate without one.The correct answer is: BForecasts are the prelude to business planning. They provide an estimate of what conditions will look like in thefuture. So even though we know they are wrong, by measuring how wrong they are, forecasts can be constantlyimproved for use by the business.Question Number: 41Even in an intermittent manufacturing shop, certain JIT principles can be applied. Which of the following principles can be used in an intermittent manufacturing shop?I. Employee involvementII. Total preventive maintenanceIII. Inventory reductionIV. Continuous flow linesA) I and III B) II and IV C) I, II, and III D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: CAn intermittent manufacturer is characterized by processing in batches, and large variation in design and orderquantities. At the extreme, every job could be made to customer specification. The product lacks a continuousflow. However, JIT principle can be applied for employee involvement, workplace layout, total quality control,preventive maintenance, setup time reduction, supplier partnerships, and inventory reduction.Question Number: 42Which of the following manufacturing types would typically have the longest delivery time?A) Make-to-order B) Engineer-to-order C) Make-to-stock D) Assemble-to-order The correct answer is: BDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed from receipt of the customer's order to the delivery of the product to the customer. Engineer-to-order companies will generally have the longest delivery time due to the design and engineering time required to create a product. In contrast, make-to-order companies will make a product from existing components after an order is received. Make- to-stock companies will ship to the customer from stock. Assemble-to-order companies will assemble a customer order from existing sub-assemblies.Question Number: 43Which of the following statements would be true regarding the delivery time in an engineer to order company?A) Delivery time is shorter than a make-to-order company.B) It would be the same as a make-to-stock item. C) It would be longer than an assemble-to-order company.D) It would be shorter than an assemble-to-order company.The correct answer is: CDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed between receipt of the customer's order and the delivery to thecustomer. Engineer-to-order companies have the longest delivery time due to the engineering which must occurbefore the product can be manufactured for delivery.Question Number: 44Which of the following would be considered a function of physical distribution?A) Material handling B) Routings C) Kanban size D) Pull signalThe correct answer is: APhysical distribution includes all the activities associated with physically moving goods; from the supplier to the start of production, and from the end of production to the consumer. Material handling is involved with physically moving the goods. The others are functions within manufacturing.Question Number: 45Which of the following would be considered part of the physical distribution system?A) Moving materials between work centers B) Receiving goods from suppliersC) Planning the transfer of goods to outside contractorsD) Forecasting inventory levels to support manufacturingThe correct answer is: BPhysical distribution is defined as the physical movement of goods from suppliers to the beginning of production and from the end of production to the consumer. Receiving would be included as part of the function of physical distribution. Question Number: 46Which of the following would most likely be an independent demand item?A) Inventoried subassembly for a printer B) Manufactured subassembly in a car C) Purchased component for a fork truck D) Spare part for a jet engineThe correct answer is: DIndependent demand is defined as demand for an item which is unrelated to the demand for another item. Service parts would typically be forecast independently from their use during the manufacture of the jet engine. Therefore, the jet engine might have independent and dependent demand.Question Number: 47Production planning is generally a direct input to:material requirements A) planning. B) purchase order planning.C) capacity load at a work center. D) master production scheduling.The correct answer is: DProduction plans are agreed upon management plans for manufacturing, shipping and inventory/backlog. Theseplans are developed at the aggregate level (e.g. monthly, product families). The plan provides managementapproval for the master scheduler to develop the detailed master schedule (end products, weekly).Question Number: 48Which of the following would most likely be a dependent demand item?A) Safety gloves B) Office suppliesC) Purchased component D) Item being shipped to customerThe correct answer is: CDependent demand is defined as "demand that is directly related to or derived from the bill of material structure for other items or end products." (APICS Dictionary) Therefore, a purchased component would be part of a bill of material structure and demand would be related to the demand for other parts in that structure. Question Number: 49If a company is going to establish a cycle count program, a primary objective should be to:correct the A) inventory records. B) reduce the headcount.C) identify the causes of inventory errors. D) eliminate the physical inventory. The correct answer is: CThe primary objective of a cycle count program is to identify the causes of inventory errors and eliminate thempermanently. Only by correcting the causes of error will the records stay accurate for the system to operate properly and, perhaps in the future, eliminate the physical inventory.Question Number: 50A company needs to increase production in the current week to meet a customer request. The quickest way toaccomplish this is to:A) work overtime. B) hire more workers.C) hire temporary workers. D) subcontract the work.The correct answer is: AWorking overtime allows skilled workers to finish the customers job. This would be quicker than hiring workers which can take a great deal of time. Temporary workers can be hired quickly, however, the quality would suffer, and finding a short term subcontractor would not generally be feasible.Question Number: 51Which of the following does a tracking signal identify in a forecast?A) Mean absolute deviation B) Standard deviation C) Bias D) Aggregate summarizationThe correct answer is: CBias occurs when the cumulative actual demand varies from the forecast on a consistent basis. A tracking signalprovides a mathematical method to determine if the forecast error is truly biased or if random error is occurring.Random error will correct itself while bias will not. A tracking signal is calculated by dividing the algebraic sum of the forecast errors by the MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation).Question Number: 52An income statement of a company will show which of the following?A) Inventory levels B) Long term debt C) Cost of products sold D) Net cash availableThe correct answer is: CIncome statements reflect the revenues and expenses of a company generating either a profit or loss. Cost ofproducts sold is subtracted from the revenue to obtain a gross profit. From thegross profit, expenses are deducted to arrive at a net income or loss. Question Number: 53Which of the following is a reason to maintain inventory?A) Improve customer service B) Reduce transportation costsC) Increase machine operating time D) Reduce costsThe correct answer is: AOne of the primary reasons to maintain inventory is to provide competitive customer service. By having inventory,a company can avoid costly stockouts, lost sales, and lost customers. In some industries, such as consumer goods, it is imperative that the product be in stock when the customer orders.Question Number: 54Which of the following best describes the ABC approach to inventory control? Maintain a high inventory A) of "A" parts. B) Have plenty of "C" parts.C) Keep the "B" parts to a minimum level. D) Always keep plenty of inventory. The correct answer is: BThe ABC method of inventory control operates on the assumption that a company's limited resources should beused to maintain the high priority items, or A items. The C parts have less value and should therefore be maintained at a very high level of inventory so inaccuracies will not impact the operation. This would allow less resources to be committed managing the low priority items.Question Number: 55The law which states that a small percentage of the group usually accounts for a large percent of the results is which of the following?A) Fredo's law B) Newton's first lawC) Pareto's law D) Nielsen's lawThe correct answer is: CPareto was an Italian economist who developed the observation that 80% of the Italian wealth was concentrated in 20% of the population. This observation can apply to many areas and is used to analyze the inventory forclassifying A, B, and C items. Generally, 80% of the inventory dollars rest with 20% of the parts.Question Number: 56Inventory is used to decouple:production plans from A) master schedules. B) rough cut capacity from capacity plans.C) supplier orders from supplier deliveries. D) supply from the demand. The correct answer is: DInventory is used to separate supply from demand. This allows the manufacturing to occur smoothly without asmuch disruption caused by fluctuating demand. The inventory acts like a shock absorber so the spikes in demand are not reflected in the manufacturing schedule. Question Number: 57A supervisor's primary role in a total employee involvement company is:A) controlling. B) cheerleading.C) coaching. D) quality control.。