Zinc-finger Nucleases as a Novel Therapeutic
早期的基因组编辑技术主要依靠化学诱变、辐射诱变和转基因技术,例如对CRISPR/Cas9 系统上隶属2012年。
由于CRISPR/Cas9 技术简便易行、高效准确,因此被广泛应用于生物学研究、医学治疗、农业改良等领域。
借鉴了CRISPR 系统的原理,科学家们成功地将其应用于基因组编辑。
CRISPR-Cas9 系统由crRNA(CRISPR RNA)、tracrRNA(转活化结构化RNA)和Cas9蛋白三部分组成,通过crRNA的引导,Cas9蛋白可以精确地切割特定的DNA序列,从而实现基因组的编辑。
基因工程 比较TALEN技术与ZFN技术
一、TALEN技术1. 原理:TALEN(Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases)技术是一种基于转录激活样效应子核酸酶(TALEs)的基因编辑技术。
2. 应用:TALEN技术在基因工程中的应用非常广泛。
3. 优势和局限性:TALEN技术相比其他基因编辑技术具有一定的优势。
二、ZFN技术1. 原理:ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)技术是一种基于锌指蛋白核酸酶(ZFPs)的基因编辑技术。
大部分是在特定的位置引入双链DNA 断裂,然后由细胞进行修复。
锌指核酸酶(ZFN)第一个使用定制DNA核酸内切酶的基因组编辑策略就是锌指核酸酶(zinc-finger nucleases,简称ZFN)。
Sigma-Aldrich公司将ZFN技术商业化,推出CompoZr ZFN试剂平台。
FokI 结构域必须二聚化才有活性,确保必须存在两个相邻的DNA结合事件才能实现双链断裂,从而增加了目标特异性。
基因工程 比较TALEN技术与ZFN技术
一、TALEN技术1. 原理:TALEN(Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases)是一种基因编辑工具,它由转录激活因子样效应子核酸酶(TALE)和核酸酶结构域(nuclease domain)组成。
2. 应用领域:TALEN技术在基因工程领域具有广泛的应用。
例如,通过使用TALEN技术可以实现以下目标:- 基因敲除:通过引入双链断裂诱导细胞自身修复机制,实现目标基因的敲除。
- 基因敲入:将外源DNA序列导入目标基因组中的特定位点,实现基因的敲入。
- 基因修饰:通过引入特定的突变,改变基因的功能或表达水平。
3. 优缺点:TALEN技术相对于其他基因编辑技术具有以下优点:- 高效性:TALEN技术可以实现高效的基因编辑,特别是在哺乳动物细胞中的编辑效率较高。
- 精确性:TALEN技术可以针对目标基因组中的特定位点进行编辑,具有较高的精确性。
- 灵活性:TALEN技术可以根据需要设计不同的TALEN序列,以实现对不同基因组的编辑。
然而,TALEN技术也存在一些局限性:- 设计复杂:设计和构建TALEN需要耗费较多的时间和精力。
- 潜在的脱靶效应:TALEN技术在目标位点以外的地方也可能发生剪切作用,导致不可预测的脱靶效应。
二、ZFN技术1. 原理:ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)是另一种常用的基因编辑工具,它由锌指结构域(zinc finger domain)和核酸酶结构域组成。
4、在基因工程中,以下哪种酶用于切割DNA分子?A、限制性核酸内切酶B、DNA聚合酶C、DNA连接酶D、逆转录酶答案:A解析:限制性核酸内切酶(Restriction Endonucleases)是基因工程中用于切割DNA分子的酶。
DNA聚合酶用于合成新的DNA 链,DNA连接酶用于连接DNA片段,而逆转录酶则用于将RNA模板转录成DNA。
第一部分:基因编辑技术名词解释1. 基因编辑技术:基因编辑技术是指通过人为方法对生物体的遗传物质进行精确修饰和改变的技术手段。
2. CRISPR-Cas9:CRISPR-Cas9是一种基因组编辑技术,利用CRISPR序列和Cas9蛋白质构成的复合物,可以准确找到特定的DNA序列并进行切割、插入或修复操作。
3. TALEN:TALEN全称为转录激活样化因子效应器核酸酶(Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases),是一种基因组编辑工具,通过独特的DNA结合域和核酸酶活性结合,实现对特定DNA序列进行精确修饰和改变。
4. ZFN:ZFN全称为锌指核酸酶(Zinc Finger Nucleases),是一种由锌指蛋白质结构域和核酸酶结合构成的基因组编辑工具。
第二部分:微生物5. 微生物:微生物是一类极小型的生物体,通常包括细菌、真菌、病毒和原生动物等,存在于各种自然环境中,对生态系统和生物界的平衡具有重要的作用。
第三部分:基因编辑技术与微生物的应用6. 基因编辑技术在微生物领域的应用:基因编辑技术可以对微生物的基因组进行精确调控和改变,从而实现对微生物的遗传特性、代谢途径和生长特性等方面的改良和优化。
1. CRISPR-Cas9系统CRISPR-Cas9系统是目前最常用和广泛应用的基因编辑工具之一。
它利用CRISPR(Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)序列和Cas9酶,通过引导RNA与特定的DNA序列结合,实现对DNA的剪切和修改。
2. TALENsTALENs(Transcription activator-like effector nucleases)是一种由转录激活因子诱导的核酸内切酶。
3. Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFNs)ZFNs是一种由锌指蛋白结构域与核酸内切酶结合而成的基因编辑工具。
4. Homology-directed Repair (HDR)HDR是一种利用细胞自身修复机制实现基因编辑的方法。
基因工程 比较TALEN技术与ZFN技术
一、TALEN技术1.1 原理:TALEN(Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases)技术是一种基于转录激活样效应子核酸酶的基因编辑技术。
1.2 应用:TALEN技术在基因工程中广泛应用于基因敲除、基因突变和基因插入等方面。
1.3 优缺点:TALEN技术的优点包括高度的特异性、较低的脱靶效应和可定制性强。
二、ZFN技术2.1 原理:ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)技术是一种利用锌指蛋白结构域与DNA序列的特异性结合来实现基因组的定点切割的基因编辑技术。
2.2 应用:ZFN技术在基因工程中主要用于基因敲除、基因修复和基因插入等方面。
2.3 优缺点:ZFN技术的优点包括高度的特异性、较低的脱靶效应和广泛的应用范围。
三、比较TALEN技术与ZFN技术3.1 特异性:TALEN技术和ZFN技术在特异性方面表现相似,都能够精确地切割目标DNA序列。
3.2 脱靶效应:相比之下,TALEN技术的脱靶效应较低,而ZFN技术的脱靶效应相对较高。
1. Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFNs)锌指核酸酶 (ZFNs) 是一种基因编辑工具,能够精确地识别和切割目标 DNA 序列。
ZFNs 由锌指蛋白质结构域和核酸酶构成。
锌指蛋白结构域能够特异性地结合到目标DNA 序列上,然后核酸酶会切割DNA。
2. Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALENs)类转录激活因子(TALEs)是一种从细菌中发现的蛋白质,可以与特定的DNA 序列结合。
TALENs 是通过将 TALE 结构域与核酸酶结合而形成的基因编辑工具。
TALENs 能够精确地识别和切割基因组中的目标 DNA 序列,使科学家能够插入、编辑或删除基因。
3. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9CRISPR-Cas9 是一种基因编辑工具,来源于细菌抵抗病毒侵袭的天然防御系统。
CRISPR 是一段特定序列的重复 DNA,并与 CRISPR 相关蛋白 Cas9 结合使用。
Cas9 蛋白能够识别和切割基因组中特定的 DNA 序列。
科学家通过改变 CRISPR 序列和 Cas9 蛋白的配对,可以定向编辑基因组中的特定位点,包括基因插入、修复和删除等操作。
4. Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV)腺相关病毒 (AAV) 是一种常用的基因分送工具,被广泛用于基因治疗中。
此外,除了CRISPR-Cas9技术,目前越来越多的公司和科学家正在探索其他基因编辑技术,如TALEN(Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases)和ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)。
基因编辑技术的主要工具1. CRISPR-Cas9系统CRISPR-Cas9系统是目前最常用的基因编辑工具之一。
2. TALENsTALENs,全称为转录激活样酶效应器核酸,是另一种常用的基因编辑工具。
3. Zinc Finger Nucleases锌指核酸酶(ZFNs)是基因编辑领域另一种常用的工具。
基因编辑技术的应用1. 疾病治疗基因编辑技术在疾病治疗领域具有巨大的潜力。
基因组工程学里的三大利器 ——ZFN、TALEN和CRISPRCas
基因组工程学里的三大利器——ZFN、TALEN和CRISPR/Cas锌指核酸酶(Zinc-finger nucleases, ZFN)和转录激活因子样效应因子核酸酶(transcription activator-like effector nucleases, TALEN)这两种新型的核酸酶重新定义了传统生物学研究的界限和范畴。
这两种核酸酶都是嵌合体,都是由经过设计的、序列特异性的DNA结合元件(programmable, sequence-specific DNA-binding modules)和非特异性的DNA切割结构域结合而成的。
ZFN和TALEN都可以对DNA进行各种遗传修饰,这两种核酸酶的作用机制都是先对DNA双链分子进行切割,形成DNA双链断裂切口(DNA double-strand break),然后激活细胞内的非同源末端连接修复机制(nonhomologous end joining,这是一种非保真的、容易出现遗传突变的修复机制),或者同源重组修复机制(homology-directed repair,这是一种高保真的修复机制,不容易出现突变),利用细胞自身的修复机制对DNA进行遗传学修饰。
此外,我们还会重点介绍ZFN和TALEN 在临床治疗方面的潜力,以及这些核酸酶,与包括最新出现的RNA介导的、基于成簇的规律间隔的短回文重复序列和Cas蛋白的DNA核酸内切酶(clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas-based RNA-guided DNA endonucleases)在内的其它核酸酶在未来的发展潜力。
了解基因功能的传统方法和现代方法随着全基因组测序技术(whole-genome sequencing)的不断发展和完善,以及大型基因组注释项目(genome annotation projects)的实施,科研人员们已经开始跃跃欲试,想要将基因组研究的成果尽早地运用到基础科学研究的各个领域,以及个性化医疗(personalized medicine)工作当中。
zinc finger nuclease 脱靶原因
zinc finger nuclease 脱靶原因1. 引言1.1 概述Zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) 是一类重要的基因编辑工具,它能够通过切割特定的DNA 序列来引发基因组编辑。
然而,尽管ZFN 在基因疾病治疗和农业领域等方面展现出巨大潜力,但其在实际应用中存在着脱靶效应的问题。
所谓脱靶效应是指ZFN 在目标序列以外的其他区域产生未预期的DNA 断裂,从而导致不良后果。
1.2 文章结构本文将从以下几个方面对Zinc Finger Nuclease 脱靶原因进行深入分析。
首先,我们将介绍Zinc Finger Nuclease 的基本情况和机制,为后续内容奠定基础。
1.3 目的本文旨在全面探讨Zinc Finger Nuclease 脱靶问题及其原因分析,并提供相关策略和方法用于减少脱靶效应。
同时,对于使用ZFN 进行基因组修饰的科学家和研究者来说,本文也将提供重要的参考价值。
以上是“1. 引言”部分的初步撰写内容,针对Zinc Finger Nuclease 的概述、文章结构以及研究目的进行了说明。
接下来,可以进一步展开介绍Zinc Finger Nuclease 的基本情况,并逐步延伸至脱靶问题与原因分析。
2. Zinc Finger Nuclease 脱靶原因2.1 Zinc Finger Nuclease 简介Zinc Finger Nuclease(ZFN)是一种基因组编辑工具,能够通过引导一个DNA 切割酶ZFNs实现精确的基因组定点修改。
锌指核酸酶技术在动物转基因研究中的应用作者:刘晓等来源:《山东农业科学》2013年第02期摘要:锌指蛋白核酸酶(Zinc Finger Nuclease,ZFN)是一种人工合成酶,含有锌指蛋白和FokⅠ核酸内切酶的剪切结构域,因其能特异性识别并切割DNA序列及其可设计性而被用基因定点突变和外源基因定点整合。
锌指核酸酶是锌指蛋白和FokⅠ核酸内切酶的剪切结构域组成的融合蛋白,其锌指蛋白结构域负责识别靶位点,依赖FokⅠ的作用打断DNA双链,从而造成双链断裂(Double Strand Break,DSB)。
1锌指蛋白1.1锌指蛋白及其分类锌指结构于1983年首次在非洲爪蟾转录因子TF ⅢA中被发现[1,2]。
锌离子的存在是锌指蛋白发挥调控作用的关键,当用螯合剂除去锌离子,或用 Fe、Cu、Mn、Co、Ni 等金属离子置换锌离子后,锌指蛋白与 DNA等结合特异性就会显著地被抑制,同时蛋白本身的结构稳定性也会被破坏,影响基因表达[1]。
ZFN在基因工程中的应用研究Zinc finger nucleases(锌指核酸酶,简称ZFN)是一种新型的基因工程工具,可用于精确编辑DNA序列。
二、ZFN的应用领域1. 基因疾病治疗ZFN通过编辑人类基因组来治疗遗传性疾病,目前已经有多项ZFN相关的临床试验正在进行。
2. 转基因植物改良ZFN技术可用于植物基因改造,从而提高耐逆性、增加产量和提高产品品质等。
3. 动物基因改造ZFN可用于动物基因改造,以实现更好的药物生产、疾病模型和品种改良等。
三、ZFN技术的优点1. 高效性:ZFN可精确地识别和切割目标DNA序列,有效避免了随意突变的可能性。
2. 精准性:ZFN只针对目标DNA序列进行改变,避免了对其他DNA序列的影响。
3. 单次操作可完成多个改变:ZFN可同时实现多个DNA序列的编辑,使得基因工程工作起来更加经济、高效。
4. 临床上获得成功:目前,ZFN技术也被广泛应用于基因疾病治疗,部分病例获得了成功的应用,为基因疾病的治愈带来了新的希望。
四、ZFN技术的挑战1. 研究成本高:ZFN技术相对较新,需要进行大量的研究及优化才能较好地应用于生物学研究中。
一些公众表示愿意参与基因编辑技术的相关研究和试验,以推动医 学和生物科学的发展,而另一些人则持谨慎或反对态度。
CRISPR-Cas9是目前最常用的基因编辑工具,但未来可能会出现更高效、更精确的CRISPR变体,如 CRISPR-Cas12a、CRISPR-Cas13等。
通过跨物种基因转移技术,将人类基因导入到动物体内,培育出可用于人体器官移植的 动物器官,有望解决器官移植供体短缺的问题。
将抗病基因从一个物种转移到另一个物种,可以培育出抗病性更强的动植物品种,提高 农作物的产量和质量。
通过跨物种基因转移技术,可以在动物体内生产出具有药用价值的蛋白质或抗体,为生 物制药领域提供新的生产途径。
Zinc Finger Nucleases(ZFNs)是 一种基于锌指蛋白的基因编辑技术。
ZFNs技术可以实现较高的靶向特异性 和基因打靶效率。
其原理是利用锌指蛋白识别并结合特 定的DNA序列,引导核酸酶进行切割 。
利用基因重组原理,将两个或多 个具有优良性状的亲本进行杂交 ,再通过自交、回交等手段,选 育出符合目标性状的新品种。
基因编辑技术涉及到生命的本质和人类的未来,因此必须 严格遵守伦理规范和法律法规,确保技术的合理和安全使 用。
目前基因编辑技术还存在一些技术难题,如脱靶效应、基 因驱动的不可控性等,需要通过不断的技术创新和改进来 解决这些问题。
CRISPR-Cas9技术利用CRISPR(Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)序列和Cas9蛋白复合物,能够实现高效、准确且经济的基因编辑。
目前,基因编辑技术主要有CRISPR-Cas9系统、TALEN(Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases)和ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)三种。
通过归位内切酶引起的donor质粒胞内线性化可提高TALEN介导的同源重组效率朱向莹;王庆亮;吴庆;沈强;季国庆【摘要】TALEN是一种常用的细胞基因组修饰工具.然而,目前TALEN技术介导的基因敲入效率较低,对提高TALEN介导基因敲入效率的方法进行了摸索.通过在Donor质粒引入I-SceI酶切位点,并将Donor质粒、表达I-SceI的质粒及TALEN 质粒对共转染,引发Donor质粒细胞内线性化.在以基因PC为靶位点时,经I-SceI 胞内线性化的donor质粒基因成功定点插入的效率比不经过I-SceI胞内线性化的质粒提高300%.在另一个基因BSG的TALEN基因敲入系统中,这一效率提高200%.结果表明,I-SceI介导的donor质粒胞内线性化可提高TALEN knock in系统的同源重组效率.【期刊名称】《江西科学》【年(卷),期】2015(033)003【总页数】5页(P343-346,390)【关键词】TALEN;线性化;I-SceI【作者】朱向莹;王庆亮;吴庆;沈强;季国庆【作者单位】上海市吉凯基因化学技术有限公司,201203,上海;上海市吉凯基因化学技术有限公司,201203,上海;上海市吉凯基因化学技术有限公司,201203,上海;上海市吉凯基因化学技术有限公司,201203,上海;上海市吉凯基因化学技术有限公司,201203,上海【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q780 引言TALEs(transcriptionactivator-like effectors)是在植物病原体黄单胞菌(Xanthomonas)中发现的一种转录激活子样效应因子。
除了第12和13位氨基酸可变外,这些重复单元的其它氨基酸都是相同的,这2个可变氨基酸被称为重复序列可变的双氨基酸(repeat variable di-residues,RVD)。
基因工程 比较TALEN技术与ZFN技术
一、TALEN技术TALEN是“转录活化因子效应器核酸酶”(Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases)的缩写。
1. 原理:TALEN技术的核心是TALE结构域,它来源于一种细菌(Xanthomonas),能够与特定的DNA序列结合。
2. 应用:TALEN技术在基因工程领域有广泛的应用。
3. 优缺点:TALEN技术相比传统的基因编辑技术具有以下优点:(1)高度特异性:TALEN蛋白能够与特定的DNA序列结合,实现对特定基因的靶向编辑,具有较高的特异性。
基因工程 比较TALEN技术与ZFN技术
一、TALEN技术1. 原理:TALEN(Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases)技术利用转录激活类似物效应子(TALEs)与核酸酶(nuclease)的结合,实现对特定基因的定点编辑。
2. 应用:TALEN技术在基因工程领域有广泛的应用。
例如,可以利用TALEN 技术对疾病相关基因进行定点突变,研究其功能和疾病机制。
3. 优点:TALEN技术具有以下优点:- 高度特异性:TALENs能够非常精确地识别和结合特定的DNA序列,从而实现定点编辑。
- 高效性:TALENs能够高效地引起DNA双链断裂,促进基因编辑的发生。
- 可定制性:通过改变TALEs的结构,可以使其与不同的DNA序列结合,实现对不同基因的编辑。
4. 缺点:然而,TALEN技术也存在一些缺点:- 设计复杂:TALENs的设计需要合成一系列特定的DNA结合结构,较为繁琐。
- 成本较高:合成TALENs的成本相对较高,限制了其在大规模应用中的使用。
- 潜在的副作用:TALENs在切割DNA链时可能会引起非特异性的突变,导致意外的基因改变。
二、ZFN技术1. 原理:ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)技术利用锌指蛋白(Zinc Finger Proteins)与核酸酶的结合,实现对特定基因的编辑。
2. 应用:ZFN技术在基因工程领域也有广泛的应用。
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original article© The American Society of Gene & Cell TherapyHepatitis B virus (HBV) chronically infects 350–400 million people worldwide and causes >1 million deaths yearly. Current therapies prevent new viral genome formation, but do not target pre-existing viral genomic DNA, thus curing only ~1/2 of patients. We targeted HBV DNA for cleavage using zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), which cleave as dimers. Co-transfection of our ZFN pair with a target plasmid containing the HBV genome resulted in specific cleavage. After 3 days in culture, 26% of the target remained linear, whereas ~10% was cleaved and misjoined tail-to-tail. Notably, ZFN treatment decreased levels of the hepatitis C virus pregenomic RNA by 29%. A portion of cleaved plasmids are repaired in cells, often with deletions and insertions. To track misrepair, we introduced an Xba I restriction site in the spacer between the ZFN sites. Targeted cleavage and misrepair destroys the Xba I site. After 3 days in culture, ~6% of plasmids were Xba I-resistant. Thirteen of 16 clones sequenced contained frameshift mutations that would lead to trun-cations of the viral core protein. These results demon-strate, for the first time, the possibility of targeting episomal viral DNA genomes using ZFNs.Received 2 July 2009; accepted 15 January 2010; advance online publication 16 February 2010. doi:10.1038/mt.2010.20IntroductIonDespite an effective hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine, ~5% of the world remains chronically infected. If untreated, 15–40% of patients will develop cirrhosis and/or hepatocellular carcino-ma.1 HBV is the ninth leading cause of death worldwide.2 HBV is a hepadnavirus with a partially double-stranded circular DNA. Upon infection of hepatocytes, viral DNA is transported to the nucleus, where it is converted to a covalently closed, circular, double-stranded DNA (cccDNA), which remains episomal. The cccDNA is the template for transcription of the pregenomic RNA and the three main subgenomic RNAs,3 which are translated to produce the four viral proteins (Figure 1a ). These overlapping RNAs share a common polyadenylation site. The pregenomic RNA is reverse transcribed by the viral polymerase into the negative-strand DNA, which is converted into partially double-stranded DNA. In this regard, HBV is similar to retroviruses. Some ofthe partially double-stranded DNA is packaged, and some goes to the nucleus where it is filled in to become cccDNA. The esti-mated 15–50 copies/cell of cccDNA in the nucleus serve as a store of viral escape variants generated by the error-prone viral poly-merase, which can cause drug resistance or viral rebound upon cessation of treatments.4 Current treatments, including nucleo-side analogues, block the production of viral RNA and new viral DNA, but do not attack pre-existing viral cccDNA. This may be part of the reason that current therapeutics are only effective in ~50% of patients treated.5 The cccDNA persists in patients who were thought to have cleared the virus and in some patients diag-nosed with hepatocellular carcinoma, not known to have been infected. These results strengthen the link between HBV infection and hepatocellular carcinoma, and increase our awareness of the importance of cccDNA persistence. Here, we present a possible alternative therapeutic approach that targets HBV cccDNA within cells using zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs).ZFNs are composed of the sequence-independent cleavage domain of the type IIs restriction enzyme Fok I, fused to tandem zinc-finger protein (ZFP) domains.6 Modifying the ZFP domains can target ZFNs to novel DNA sequences.7,8 ZFNs are very spe-cific because two ZFP domains must bind the DNA in opposite orientation with correct spacing to permit dimerization of the Fok I domains and subsequent cutting of the intervening DNA (Figure 1b ).9–12 ZFNs containing three or four zinc-fingers are commonly used. Here, we utilize three-finger ZFNs. The α-helix of each C 2H 2 zinc-finger primarily interacts with three nucleotides in the DNA major groove.13,14 Early in vitro selection experiments using randomized ZFPs, or randomized binding sites, helped establish the roles that residues at positions −1 through 6 of zinc-finger α-helices play in determining DNA-binding specificity. The target specificities of many DNA-binding helices have been published.15–21 Amino acids at these positions can be altered to create ZFNs with novel DNA-binding specificities that have been previously published. However, modular assembly of ZFPs is hindered by the fact that zinc-finger position and context affect binding affinity and specificity.22 We searched the HBV genome for ZFN target sites, which are generally G-rich, and rationally designed helices based on results from these studies. We then con-structed a series of HBV ZFNs.Here, we show that our rationally designed ZFNs bound and specifically cleaved an HBV sequence in cultured cells. ZFPsCorrespondence: Anton P McCaffrey, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa, MERF 3166, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, USA. E-mail: antonmccaffrey@ Zinc-finger Nucleases as a Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Targeting Hepatitis B Virus DNAsThomas J Cradick 1, Kathy Keck 1, Shannon Bradshaw 2, Andrew C Jamieson 3 and Anton P McCaffrey 11Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA; 2Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, USA; 3Llenroc Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA© The American Society of Gene & Cell TherapyHepatitis B Virus Zinc-finger Nucleaseswithout attached nucleases have been used to transiently decrease viral transcription in herpes simplex virus 23 and HBV ,24 but to our knowledge, our pair of ZFNs are the first class of therapeu-tics intended to directly target and inactivate episomal DNA viral genomes.resultsdesign and in vitro testingWe searched the 3.2 kb HBV genome to identify possible b inding sites for pairs of three-finger ZFNs that were separated by six nucleotides and located on opposite strands of the DNA. Each target was BLAST-searched to verify a lack of similar sequences in the human genome. Nine rationally designed ZFN pairs were assembled by overlapping PCR and cloned into a vector upstream of a Fok I cleavage domain (Supplementary Figure S1a , Materials and Methods, and data not shown). The Fok I domain was m odified to replace 11 rare codons with common mammalian codons in order to maximize ZFN translation. The vector included cyto-megalovirus (CMV) and T7 promoters (pCMV-TnT; Promega, Madison, WI) for in vitro and cell culture expression, respectively. ZFPs fused to the codon-optimized version of Fok I expressed well using coupled transcription–translation (TnT) reactions with T7 polymerase (Promega) as visualized by 35S incorporation (data not shown).ZFn in vitro cleavage assaysWe screened the pairs of HBV-directed ZFNs in vitro . Binding sites contained in the HBV genome were cloned into a 3 kb version of the plasmid, pCR4 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). The ZFNs were expressed in TnT reactions and tested using an improved version of the in vitro cleavage assay first described by the Chandrasegaran group 6 (Materials and Methods). For clarity, binding site plasmidswere first linearized with Xmn I such that ZFN cleavage resulted in two bands.We began our search for functional ZFN pairs by individu-ally testing each ZFN’s ability to cleave its homodimeric target in vitro (Figure 2a ). These homodimeric targets contained two inverted copies of the same binding site, separated by a six nucle-otide Xba I site. Previous experiments have shown that the ratesZFNs T argetsXba a6L 6L1234567896R 6R6R 6L9L9R 9R 9L9L 9RZFNs T argetsb6LNo 6R 9Lx9R6Lx6R 6R6R 9R 9R 6L 6L 9L 9L Figure 2 ZFns specifically cleave homodimeric and heterodimeric targets in an in vitro cleavage assay. (a ) In vitro cleavage of homodi-meric targets containing two copies of the same sequence in opposite orientation. Lane 1 is an Xba I-digested size marker for cleaved products. Binding site plasmids are listed above each lane. Even numbered lanes are combinations of cognate ZFN and binding site plasmid, which should be cleaved. Lanes 3, 5, 7, and 9 are combinations of noncognate pairs that act as specificity controls and should not be cleaved. (b ) In vitro cleavage of heterodimeric targets containing two different inverted ZFN-binding sites as they appear in the hepatitis B virus genome. A single ZFN or pairs of ZFNs are indicated at the top and binding sites are indicated below. Lanes 5 and 7 contain cognate ZFN-binding site pairs that are expected to cleave. The remaining lanes are specificity controls. ZFN, zinc-finger nuclease.HBVa b cZinc-finger nucleaseZFN 6L3′-AGG GCT A TG-5′F1 (AGG) QRAHLER F2 (GCT) RSDDLSK F3 (A TG) QSGALAR ZFN 6R3′-A TG GCG GAG-5′F1(ATG) QSSSLVR F2(GCG) DRSDLTR F3(GAG) RSDNLVR ZFN 9L3′-CAG GGT TCG-5′F1(CAG) DRSNLSR F2(GGT) RSDHLTT F3(TCG) QSSDLSR ZFN 9R′F1(TGG) TSGHLSR F2(GAA) RSDNLSV F3(GAG) RSDNLARLeft ZFN targetRight ZFN targetFok I3 Zinc fingersCore proteinpolyAmRNAsTarget siteFigure 1 Zinc-finger nucleases specific for hepatitis target site. (a ) HBV genomic DNA. The 3.2 kilobase circular HBV genomic DNA is shown with arrows representing overlapping open-reading frames. The four overlapping mRNAs are shown around the outside. The vertical line in the close-up, below, maps the ZFN 6L/6R target site’s location within the core protein gene and its intersection with every HBV mRNA upstream of their common polyA sequence. The box representing the core protein open-reading frame is drawn above the shorter boxes indicating the size of the truncated proteins resulting from +1 and +2 frameshifts, which would result from among others, +4 base-pair (bp) insertions and a −7 bp deletion, respectively, as seen in the sequencing results (Figure 6). (b ) Schematic of a pair of three-finger ZFNs bound to a target DNA. Arrows depict the nucleotides primarily specified by the amino acids of the binding helices. (c ) ZFN DNA-binding helices. ZFNs bind to DNA in an antiparallel fashion. For clarity, we have listed the DNA target sequence for each ZFN 3′-5′, as opposed to the conventional orientation. Below are listed the single letter amino acid sequence codes (N to C) of positions −1 to 6 of the α-helices for each finger. F1, F2, and F3 indicate fingers 1, 2, and 3, respectively. HBV, hepatitis B virus; ZFN, zinc-finger nuclease.© The American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Hepatitis B Virus Zinc-finger Nucleasesof ZFN cleavage were independent of the intervening spacersequences, although they were dependent on spacer length (datanot shown). Eight of the 18 ZFNs were able to robustly cleave theirhomodimeric targets in vitro (data not shown); six of these com-prised adjacent ZFN-binding sites in the HBV genome. Based onin vitro cleavage efficiency, ZFN pair 6 (6L and 6R) was chosenfor further testing in proof-of-principle experiments. ZFN pair6 cuts upstream of the common polyadenylation site of the fouroverlapping viral mRNAs near the N-terminus of the core protein(Figure 1a). Cleavage at this target site therefore disrupts everyviral RNA and cuts in the region that encodes the core protein,which is essential for viral packaging. Another HBV-specific ZFNpair, 9L and 9R, was used with 6L and 6R as controls, as shown inFigures 2a,b, 3a,b, 4b, 5a, and 7. Binding helices for 6L, 6R, 9L,and 9R are shown in Figure 1c. Each ZFN demonstrated substratespecificity in the in vitro cleavage assay by cleaving its cognatehomodimeric-binding site, but not the noncognate homodimeric-binding site (Figure 2a).Heterodimeric targets were cloned with our pairs of ZFNsites in opposite orientation, as they occur in the HBV genome.To facilitate the assays described below, and to create a cleavagesize marker, the intervening six nucleotides between HBV ZFN-binding sites were replaced by an Xba I recognition site. NeitherZFN 6L nor 6R alone cleaved the heterodimeric target, thusconfirming the requirement for binding by both ZFNs in orderfor cleavage to occur (Figure 2b, lanes 2 and 3). As a pair, ZFNs6L and 6R cleaved their heterodimeric target, but not a noncog-nate control target (Figure 2b, lanes 5 and 6, respectively). The lack of observable cleavage sites in the remaining 3 kb of bind-ing site plasmid further demonstrates the substrate specificity of our HBV ZFNs. The control ZFNs, 9L and 9R, also cleaved their own cognate heterodimeric target, but not that of the ZFN 6 pair (Figure 2b, lanes 4 and 7, respectively), thus demonstrating that 9L and 9R are a functional and site-specific ZFN pair. Each ZFN set was able to cleave its target plasmids to completion, with <1 µl of TnT expression mix, in under an hour. These data are there-fore the first to demonstrate specific and efficient ZFN cleavage of HBV sequences in vitro.testing of ZFn pairs in a cell culture modelTo assess ZFN toxicity, we utilized a previously described assay that uses GFP transgene expression as an indicator of cell viability.25,26 As a benchmark, we compared our ZFN pair (6L and 6R) to a pub-lished ZFN pair targeting the CFTR gene (CF877).21 In contrast to our ZFN that was made by rational design and modular assembly, the CFTR ZFN pair was selected by bacterial two hybrid.21 We co-transfected HEK-293 (Figure 3a) or Huh7 (Figure 3b) cells with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) plasmid, a ZFN target plasmid and 0.4 μg total of ZFN pairs (6L and 6R, the noncognate 6L and 9R pair, or CF877 L and CF877 R). As a control, cells were transfected with an empty vector plasmid that expresses the Fok I domain with no ZFP DNA-binding domain. At days 1 and 3, four wells were trypsinized, and the percentage of eGFP+ cells was determined by FACS. Transfection with 6L and 6R, or 6L and 9R caused a statistically significant decrease in eGFP+ cells of ~10–15% in HEK-293 cells (Figure 3a). More sig-nificant toxicity was observed upon transfection with the CF877 pair (44% decrease in eGFP). No statistically significant toxicity was observed with 6L and 6R, or 6L and 9R upon transfection of Huh7 cells (Figure 3b). The increased toxicity observed in HEK-293 cells may be due to increased transfection efficiency in this cell type.We next demonstrated that our HBV ZFN 6 pair was highly active in a cell culture model of HBV. Transfection of Huh7 hepa-toma cells with pTHBV2 (Supplementary Figure S1b), an HBV genomic plasmid containing 1.3 unit lengths of HBV genome, results in full transcription of the viral RNAs, translation of the proteins and production of infectious virus.27 We co-transfected pTHBV2 along with (i) ZFN pair 6L and 6R or (ii) 9L and 6R (which should not cleave) into Huh7 human hepatoma cells (Materials and Methods). Episomal DNA from cells transfected with pTHBV2 and 1.1 µg of ZFNs was prepared for Southern blotting using the HIRT DNA extraction protocol.28The DNA was digested with Sca I, which cuts in the plasmid backbone distant from the ZFN-binding site to create a 7.2 kb linear frag-ment. Figure 4a shows the various molecular forms that may be produced after ZFN-mediated cleavage and possible rejoining of fragments inside cells. Our oligonucleotide Southern probe only recognizes three forms, which are indicated by filled bars in Figure 4a. Results from three independent transfections are shown (Figure 4b). When cells were co-transfected with pTHBV2 plus 6L and 6R, we observed the appearance of a 4.7 kb band con-sistent with specific cleavage at the ZFN’s target site within cells (Figure 4b, lanes 4–6). This band averaged 26% of the total DNA. Lanes containing DNA from cells receiving control plasmids without ZFNs did not contain bands consistent with DNA cleav-age (lanes 1–3). Similarly, cleavage products were also absent in0.0Emptyvector6L+6R6L+9RCF8770.***RatioeGFPPositivecells0.0Emptyvector6L+6R6L+9RCF8770.*RatioeGFPPositivecellsFigure 3 Assay for cellular toxicity.(a) HEK-293 or (b) Huh7 cells were co-transfected with ZFN pairs or controls, binding sites (6L and 6R, or CF877), and eGFP. Ratio of eGFP+ cells at day 3/day 1 is shown. The mean of four transfections is plotted plus/minus standard error. *Statistical significance, P < 0.05. eGFP, enhanced green fluorescent pro-tein; ZFN, zinc-finger nuclease.© The American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Hepatitis B Virus Zinc-finger Nucleaseslanes containing DNA from cells that were transfected with ZFN 6R and a control ZFN, 9L (lanes 7–9).Linearized free DNA ends in cells can be repaired without a template, presumably by nonhomologous end joining. Again, only in the presence of the cognate 6L and 6R ZFN pair did we observe the appearance of a 9.4 kb band corresponding to cleaved target plasmids being rejoined tail end-to-tail end (Figure 4b, lanes 4–6). This band averaged about 10% of the total target DNA (Figure 4b, lanes 4–6). Viral gene expres-sion cannot occur when cleaved targets remain linear or when cleaved targets are incorrectly end-joined. There may be simi-lar levels of cleaved fragments joined head-to-head, but they are not detected by this Southern probe. The Southern blot assay also did not allow determination of the amount of target cleaved and rejoined, either precisely or imprecisely, in the cor-rect head-to-tail orientation. Importantly, the presence of the linear band demonstrates successful ZFP-mediated cleavage, and the tail-to-tail joined fragments demonstrate successful ZFP-mediated cleavage and misrepair of HBV sequences within cultured cells.Quantitative analysis of cleavage and misrepairThe predominant 7.2 kb band in the Southern blot could rep-resent DNA that was (i) never cleaved by a ZFN, (ii) cleaved and perfectly repaired, (iii) cleaved and imperfectly recircu-larized, or (iv) comprised of cleaved fragments that were joins of upstream and downstream ends of different cleaved frag-ments (Figure 4a). These possibilities cannot be distinguished by Southern blotting; therefore, we designed an assay to assess imperfect repair and concatemerization of cleaved DNA frag-ments (Supplementary Figure S2, nuclease resistance assay, Materials and Methods). In order to measure the degree of mis-repair, we mutated the six nucleotide spacer sequence between the 6L and 6R binding sites to create an Xba I site, as we had pre-viously done when screening ZFNs for in vitro activity. These target site fragments were cloned into pCR4, as in the in vitro cleavage assays. We reasoned that most ZFN-directed cleavage and imperfect repair would destroy the Xba I recognition site. We transfected cultured cells with pairs of plasmids expressing ZFNs and cognate or control heterodimeric target plasmids. After 3 days in culture, the DNA from cells treated with 0.4 µg of ZFN was HIRT-extracted and subjected to a nuclease resistance assay and sequencing.We amplified a 610 base-pair (bp) fragment containing the HBV ZFN target region from the HIRT-extracted DNA by PCRPossible molecular formsafter cleavage and repair ab ScalScalScal ScalScalScalScalScalT ail-to-tailHead-to-tailor circleHead-to-headCleavedNoZFNsCognateZFNsControlZFNsLanesLanes4569%8%15%67%64%56%23%27%29%9.4 kb7.2 kb5.0 kb4.7 kb2.5 kbMolecular forms and sizesafter Sca l digestionFigure 4 HBV genomic sequence is cleaved and misrepaired by ZFns in cultured cells.(a) Possible molecular forms produced after ZFN-mediated cleavage and rejoining of fragments inside cultured cells. pTHBV2 could remain uncut, could be cut and recircularized (perfectly or imperfectly), could remain linear or could form concatemers (head-to-head, head-to-tail, or tail-to-tail). The various forms possible in cells are shown on the left with unique Sca I sites marked. For clarity, prior to Southern blotting, total DNA was Sca I-digested. The resulting molecu-lar forms are indicated in the middle. Expected sizes in kilobase (kb) after Sca I digestion are shown to the right. The Southern blot does not allow us to distinguish between uncut, recircularized, or head-to-tail concatemerized DNAs, which all migrate at 7.2 kb. Because the oligo-nucleotide Southern blot probe only recognizes the sections depicted as solid (closed), it does not detect the 2.5 kb cleavage fragment or the 5 kb head-to-head concatemer. (b) Southern blot of ZFN-cleaved HBV DNA targets in culture cells. Huh7 cells were co-transfected with pTHBV2 and either (i) no ZFN (lanes 1–3, pCMV-LacZ stuffer), (ii) ZFN 6L and 6R (lanes 4–6) or (iii) 6L and 9R (lanes 7–9). Sca I-digested HIRT DNA was detected by Southern blot. Molecular forms detected are depicted in the middle, and the amounts detected of the 9.7 kb tail-to-tail concatemer, the 7.2 kb band, and the 4.7 kb linearized band in lanes 4–6 are indicated to the right. HBV, hepatitis B virus; ZFN, zinc-fingernuclease.No ZFNZFNstargetsZFNstargetsLaneLane12345612345678910111213141516 6Lx6R6L 6R6Lx6RCFTRCFTR6L6Rab6Lx6R9L6R6Lx6R6L6R9Lx9RFigure 5 nuclease resistance assay shows specific cleavage and m isrepair. (a) Cells were transfected with the indicated target plasmid and either (i) pCMV-Fok+ with no ZFP (no ZFN, lanes 1–4), (ii) 6L and 6R (lanes 5–8), (iii) 9L and 6R (lanes 9–12) or (iv) 6L and 6R (lanes 13–16). An average of 6.2% Xba I-resistant fragments (lanes 5–8, upper band indicated with an arrow head, demonstrates intracellular ZFN cleavage and misrepair) were detected when 6L and 6R were co-transfected with their cognate binding site. The extent of Xba I digestion was greater than 99% in control lanes 1–4 and 9–16. No significant Xba I-resistant frag-ments were detected in the absence of ZFN (lanes 1–4), with control ZFN 9L and 6R (lanes 9–12) or when 6L and 6R were co-transfected with 9L and 9R, their noncognate binding sites (lanes 13–16). A molecular weight marker divides each group of four biological replicates. (b) Cells were transfected with cognate target plasmid and either (i) ZFN pair CF 877 (lanes 1–3) or (ii) 6L and 6R (lanes 4–6). An average of 2.1% Xba I-resistant fragments were seen with ZFN pair CF877, and 5.7% Xba I-resistant fragments were seen with ZFN pair 6L and 6R. ZFN, zinc-finger nuclease.© The American Society of Gene & Cell TherapyHepatitis B Virus Zinc-finger Nucleasesusing a high fidelity polymerase (AccuPrime Pfx; Invitrogen). The PCR products were purified, Xba I-digested overnight and sepa-rated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The extent of Xba I cleavage was >99% in the absence of ZFNs (Figure 5a , lanes 1–4) and in control reactions (Figure 5a , lanes 9–16). The amplified product from cells co-transfected with ZFN 6L and 6R and their cognate target plasmid was 6% Xba I-resistant (Figure 5a , lanes 5–8, upper band, indicated with an arrow). As expected, we do not see evi-dence for imperfect repair of the 6Lx6R binding site when the 6L ZFN was replaced with 9L (lanes 9–12), or when 6L and 6R were co-transfected with the noncognate 9Lx9R binding site (lanes 13–16).To asses the relative activity of our ZFN pair, we compared its activity in cells to a previously published ZFN pair targeting the cystic fibrosis (CFTR) gene that was selected using bacteria two-hybrid (ZFN pair CF 877).21 The misrepair experiment was repeated in parallel with ZFNs targeting CF 877. The amplified product from cells co-transfected with ZFNs against CFTR and their cognate target plasmid was 2% Xba I-resistant (Figure 5b , lanes 1–3), whereas the amplified product from cells co- t ransfected with ZFNs 6L and 6R and their cognate target plasmid was, again, 6% Xba I-resistant (Figure 5b , lanes 5–7).sequence analysis of misrepair following ZFn cleavageWe sequenced the resulting misrepaired target sequences to deter-mine which changes had been introduced into the Xba I-resistant sites. This ZFN target site is largely conserved in the major strains of HBV; therefore, we believe that mutations in this region may be poorly tolerated by HBV and would thus lead to virus inac-tivation. The ZFN 6 target site is in the N-terminal region of the core protein–coding sequence, such that insertions and dele-tions there could lead to frameshifts and premature stop codons and result in large truncations of this essential viral protein. We sequenced Xba I-resistant target regions and aligned them with the original target sequences (Figure 6). Frameshift mutations were found in 13 of 16 sequences: 10 out-of-frame insertions of four bases (boxed) and three deletions. The largest deletion in our HBV target plasmid would have extended upstream and removed 104 bases of the core protein gene, including the start codon, and would have caused a truncation of the precore protein in genomic HBV . There were two sequences harboring a single mutated amino acid (boxed) and one that showed the addition of an amino acid. This range of mutations and insertions is consistent with nonhomo l ogous end joining. These results therefore show that ZFN-mediated cleavage is often followed by repair events that interrupt viral gene expression.effects of ZFns on viral fitnessWe next sought to assess the effects of our ZFN treatment on viral fitness. Because cultured cells cannot be infected by HBV , we could not easily titer the yield of progeny virus. The high level of HBV plasmid transfected into the cells resulted in artifacts when quan-titating viral DNA. We therefore determined the effect on repli-cation competence by measuring the level of pregenomic RNA.29 This RNA species is reverse transcribed to make viral DNA and can be size-differentiated by northern blotting. The northern blot signal was normalized to GAPDH (Figure 7). Pregenomic RNA levels in cells that were co-transfected with a mismatched pair of ZFNs (6L and 9R) were the same as in cells co-transfected with pUC19. Cells co-transfected with ZFN pair 6 showed a 29% drop in the levels of pregenomic RNA, thus demonstrating that ZFN-mediated inactivation of pTHBV2 resulted in significant reduc-tions in this key replicative intermediate; this would be expected to reduce viral fitness.6LHBV6Lx6R 6Lx6R MutationsDeletions Insertions +3+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4−7−5−1476R6L6RXbaI Figure 6 sequence analysis of imperfectly repaired ZFn-cleaved HBV dnAs. DNAs from cells co-transfected with 6L and 6R and the 6L/6R binding site were PCR-amplified with primers flanking the ZFN-binding site and digested with Xba I (Figure 5a , lanes 5–8). The reactions were further amplified with nested primers and cloned for sequencing in order to determine the types of mutations present. The ZFN 6L and 6R binding sites are underlined in each sequence and in the target site in HBV and pTHBV2 (first line) and in the Xba I-containing 6L/6R target (second line). The insertions are listed next to the predominant 4 base-pair (bp) insertion, and the frameshift is boxed. A second 6L/6R target sequence is listed above the mutations (middle) and deletions (bottom). The 4 bp insertions and first two deletions would result in frameshifts and large truncations in the core protein–coding region of the genomic HBV DNA. The last large deletion would truncate the upstream precore protein and delete the start codon for the core protein. HBV, hepatitis Bvirus; ZFN, zinc-finger nuclease.0.0P = 0.016N o Z FN6L + 6R6L + 9R0. r e g e n o m i c R N A R e l a t i v e t o n o Z F NFigure 7 ZFn treatment decreases a critical viral replicative interme-diate. Hepatitis B virus pregenomic RNA levels from ZFN-treated cells were measured by northern blot and normalized to GAPDH levels. Error bars represent SD. ZFN, zinc-finger nuclease.。