理由:1. 一次性塑料制品占据大量垃圾堆填区,并导致土壤和水源污染。
3. 可降解的替代品(如纸袋、可降解塑料袋)能够有效减少塑料污染,对环境影响较小。
措施:1. 政府应该立法禁止或限制使用一次性塑料制品,并鼓励使用可降解的替代品。
2. 教育公众意识,提高人们对塑料污染的认识,并鼓励个人行动,减少使用一次性塑料制品。
3. 支持和推动科研机构开展研发,寻找更环保的替代材料和技术。
4. 加强塑料废弃物回收和处理系统,建立有效的循环经济体系。
挑战与解决方案:1. 可能会面临来自塑料制品行业的压力和反对。
2. 替代品的成本可能较高,对经济造成一定影响。
出现频率统计:1.大坝的生态系统1次2.Market pioneer的局限性1次3.Telescope信号刺激1次4.恐龙灭绝1次5.碳排放权1次6.两河文明和埃及文明1次7.数据库的问题1次8.风景画与抽象画(720)1次9.公司贷款抵押(720)1次10.土星的环2次11.美国游艇2次12.臭氧层和新技术1次13. 美国农业经济1次1.大坝的生态系统※本月原始:【V1】by a476661936一篇关于大坝的文章,是关于大坝影响ecosystem的。
※往届考古:未确认15.**大坝的生态系统V1:关于一个dam的ecological system的超级超级变态文章两屏多一点第一段讲了修大坝会给生态环境带来很多害处,于是美国实行了把大坝拆掉的方法拆掉后带来了几个好处第二段讲拆掉之后却导致了另一些生态问题第三段貌似详细讲了这些坏处产生的机理得出结论是任何一个方法都有其好处也有坏处具体我再回忆看看现在时间太晚有点卡壳。
V2:大坝的那个by ssshirley第一段,大坝有很多坏处。
后面忘了……V3:dam那篇第一段是说坝的缺点第二段说移除坝的缺点第三段也是移除坝的缺点主旨题(看清文章结构比较好选)问水坝有什么不好我回来看JJ说阻拦nonnative鱼的migration是干扰选项结果我选的就是这个无语了我看文里说大坝这边的水氧多还是怎么的而这是nonnative鱼需要的V4: 大坝,一屏多P1:大坝会对生态系统有不良影响P2:炸掉大坝也会带来一些不良影响,附一些解决措施P3:也是讲大坝被炸后的不良影响。
GMAT 1.4 换库后 CR 机经(更新至第 25 题)——来自雷哥网 GMAT 团队整理1、石油v1 现在科技发展已经出现了对石油的替代品,但这些替代品都因为价格高,和传统石油没有竞争力。
2、立法保护臭氧v1 Legislator: 普遍认为有一种 XX 什么物质会 contribute to deplete ozone(原话差不多就是这意思),因此你们大家都觉得要立一个相关法律限制这种XX物质的排放。
但是问题在于没有有力的evidence证明这种XX物质确实会deplete ozone, 而立法的话一定要based on确切的evidence才行。
问weaken legislator.构筑答案:那用legislator的话说,不立法的话也得要有这种XX物质确实不会deplete ozone 的证据啊。
3、干旱灌溉v1 干旱时段为了省水政府出了个 code 限制家庭灌溉,有人说因为家庭灌溉只占总用水很小一部分,所以这项措施没用。
问weaken?构筑答案:干旱时候大家会疯狂的浇水(好奇怪,anyway有这个选项)4、航空公司电话v1 有一道做过的,航空公司装了电话那个,但大家都开始用手机,他还是继续在飞机上装电话构筑答案:选了“收益不超过装他的成本”。
5、龙虾v1 龙虾丰收了,需求下降了,但价格应该不会变,问为什么。
7、商品销量下降v1 某种商品销量下降了,但是销售额却上升了,而价格的上升并不能完全解释这一现象,问解释。
GMAT题库考题及翻译---Argument篇为了方便考生复习,本资料的题目按照网上广为流传的方式编号:即按照Official Guide(第十版)的顺序编排,删去的题目(54,56,69,71,90,98,99,103)保持原来的序号。
目前的题库(共179道)由三部分组成:1)OG上面的题库,编号1-139,删去了八道(54,56,69,71,90,98,99,103),共131道题;2)2005年增加34道题,编号140-1733)2006年增加14题,编号174-1871.The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stockholders by Olympic Foods, a processor of frozen foods.下文摘自一家奥林匹克食品公司(一家冷冻食品公司)递交给股东的年度报告。
“Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1790 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrate its twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in theargument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.随着时间的推移,企业学会了更好的工作方法,从而提高了效率,因此加工成本逐步下降。
GMAT真题阅读―重力异常When a large body strikes a planet or moon,material is ejected, thereby creating a hole in the planet and a local deficit of mass. This deficit shows up as a gravity anomaly: the removal of the material that has been ejected to make the hole results in an area of slightly lower gravity than surrounding areas.One would therefore expect that all of the large multi- ring impact basins on the surface of Earth's Moon would show such negative gravity anomalies, since they are, essentially, large holes in the lunar surface. Yet data collected in 1994 by the Clementine spacecraft show that many of these lunar basins have no anomalously low gravity and some even have anomalously high gravity. Scientists speculate that early in lunar history, when large impactors struck the Moon's surface, causing millions of cubic kilometers of crustal debris to be ejected, denser material from the Moon's mantle rose up beneath the impactors almost immediately, compensating for the ejected material and thus leaving no low gravity anomaly in the resulting basin. Later, however, as the Moon grew cooler and less elastic, rebound from large impactors would have been only partial and incomplete. Thus today such gravitational compensation probably would not occur: the outer layer of the Moon is too cold and stiff.当一个大型物体撞击一颗行星或者卫星时,会出现物质喷射,所以行星上会出现坑和质量的亏损。
In terrestrial environments, gravity places special demands on the cardiovascular systems of animals. Gravitational pressure can cause blood to pool in the lower regions of the body, making it difficult to circulate blood to critical organs such as the brain. Terrestrial snakes, in particular, exhibit adaptations that aid in circulating blood against the force of gravity.The problem confronting terrestrial snakes is best illustrated by what happens to sea snakes when removed from their supportive medium. Because the vertical pressure gradients within the blood vessels are counteracted by similar pressure gradients in the surrounding water, the distribution of blood throughout the body of sea snakes remains about the same regardless of their orientation in space, provided they remain in the ocean. When removed from the water and tilted at various angles with the head up, however, blood pressure at their midpoint drops significantly, and at brain level falls to zero. That many terrestrial snakes in similar spatial orientations do not experience this kind of circulatory failure suggests that certain adaptations enable them to regulate blood pressure more effectively in those orientations.One such adaptation is the closer proximity of the terrestrial snake's heart to its head, which helps to ensure circulation to the brain, regardless of the snake's orientation in space. The heart of sea snakes can be located near the middle of the body, a position that minimizes the work entailed in circulating blood to both extremities. In arboreal snakes, however, which dwell in trees and often assume a vertical posture, the average distance from the heart to the head can be as little as 15 percent of overall body length. Such a location requires that blood circulated to the tail of the snake travel a greater distance back to the heart, a problem solved by another adaptation. When climbing, arboreal snakes often pause momentarily to wiggle their bodies, causing waves of muscle contraction that advance from the lower torso to head. By compressing the veins and forcing blood forward, these contractions apparently improve the flow of venous blood returning to the heart.文章概况:文章第一段开头说地球的重力对血液循环造成一定的影响,而结尾举了一个蛇的例子,说这种蛇有一种能力使得血液循环不受重力影响!文章第二段拿sea snakes和第一段的Terrestrial snakes进行类比,来说明Terrestrialsnakes确实有能力使血液循环不受重力影响!文章第三段解释了一下Terrestrial snakes这种蛇具有这种特殊能力的原因,这个原因和这种动物心脏的位置有关系.后面举了一些例子,涉及到了sea snake和arboreal snakes.Question #25. 147-01 (22404-!-item-!-188;#058&000147-01)The passage provides information in support of which of the following assertions?(A) The disadvantages of an adaptation to a particular feature of an environment often outweigh the advantages of such an adaptation.(B) An organism's reaction to being placed in an environment to which it is not well adapted can sometimes illustrate the problems that have been solved by the adaptations of organisms indigenous to that environment.(C) The effectiveness of an organism's adaptation to a particular feature of its environment can only be evaluated by examining the effectiveness with which organisms of other species have adapted to a similar feature of a different environment.(D) Organisms of the same species that inhabit strikingly different environments will often adapt in remarkably similar ways to the few features of those environments that are common.(E) Different species of organisms living in the same environment will seldom adapt to features of that environment in the same way.问主旨,我们直接来看选项A 说这种adaptation的缺点比优点还要多,没说,杀B 说怎么适应环境,和文章有点联系,留着C only出现,过于极端,主旨题目的正确答案如果出现极端化词汇就证明原文的作者是个疯子了D 说一种动物适应环境的方式和适应其他环境的方式是类似的,文章没有这种比较,杀E 住在相同环境的不同物种适应环境的方式是不同的,文章也没有出现过这种比较,杀Question #26. 147-02 (22450-!-item-!-188;#058&000147-02)According to the passage, one reason that the distribution of blood in the sea snake changes little while the creature remains in the ocean is that(A) the heart of the sea snake tends to be located near the center of its body(B) pressure gradients in the water surrounding the sea snake counter the effects of vertical pressure gradients within its blood vessels(C) the sea snake assumes a vertical posture less frequently than do the terrestrial and the arboreal snake(D) the sea snake often relies on waves of muscle contractions to help move blood from the torso to the headthe force of pressure gradients in the water surrounding the sea snake exceeds that of vertical pressure gradients within its circulatory system这个问题提示作用实在是太强了,问为什么sea snake放进水里distribution of blood没变化的原因,答案要想正确至少得围绕什么谈过?必须跟水有点关系啊!我们来看选项A 和水没关系,杀B 和水有关系,留C 和水没关系,杀D 和水没关系,杀E 和水有关系,留B说的是压力对血管的影响,E说两种不同的压力哪个大,你问的是压力对distribution of blood的影响,选哪个?显然是B.这就是问题的作用,对问题理解的比较精确,对原文的依赖就少.Question #27. 147-07 (22496-!-item-!-188;#058&000147-07)The author suggests that which of the following is a disadvantage that results from the location of a snake's heart in close proximity to its head?(A) A decrease in the efficiency with which the snake regulates the flow of blood to the brain(B) A decrease in the number of orientations in space that a snake can assume without loss of blood flow to the brain(C) A decrease in blood pressure at the snake's midpoint when it is tilted at various angles with its head up(D) An increase in the tendency of blood to pool at the snake's head when the snake is tilted at various angles with its head downAn increase in the amount of effort required to distribute blood to and from the snake's tail 问的是个细节题,蛇的心脏接近脑袋有什么缺点,考的肯定是文章最后一段的内容,但这段开头讲的是心脏接近脑袋有什么好处,你问的是缺点,在这段however这句方向开始发生变化,我们来读一下这句.说有一种arboreal snakes心脏离脑袋近,但是这个特点使得血液从尾巴流到脑子走的距离更长,我们来看选项A 蛇控制血液流到脑子的效率下降,没提,杀B 数量少了,更没提,杀C 血压下降,没提,杀D 没提,杀E 把血液送到尾巴并且从尾巴再送出更费劲了,有点,留着Question #28. 147-09 (22542-!-item-!-188;#058&000147-09)In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?(A) Explaining adaptations that enable the terrestrial snake to cope with the effects of gravitational pressure on its circulatory system(B) Comparing the circulatory system of the sea snake with that of the terrestrial snake(C) Explaining why the circulatory system of the terrestrial snake is different from that of the sea snake(D) Pointing out features of the terrestrial snake's cardiovascular system that make it superior to that of the sea snake(E) Explaining how the sea snake is able to neutralize the effects of gravitational pressure on its circulatory system又问主旨,我们直接看选项了A 说terrestrial snake是如何适应重力的,有点关系,先留着B 那两种蛇进行对比,文章确实拿这两种蛇进行了对比,但是这只是个细节,不是main idea,在GMAT大多数阅读的错误答案都是原文提过但是不能回答问题导致的C 解释了为什么两种蛇系统不一样的原因,没说过,杀D 指出为什么一种蛇的系统比另外一种要好,文章只是一个客观现象描述,这个选项用自己的标准来评价原文信息的好坏,主观答案,杀E 解释sea snake如果能中和重力的影响,主体错了,文章讲的是terrestrial snake如何解决重力影响的,sea snake只是中间的一个类比的例子,杀!以上就是GMAT阅读理解模拟试题(4)的详细内容,考生可针对文中介绍的方法进行有针对性的备考。
360教育集团说,在GMAT逻辑中有一类数量范围题,虽然有各种各样的相关介绍,但是往往缺乏GMAT 逻辑实例讲解,为此小编特为大家收集整理了下面这篇数量范围题,进行GMAT逻辑实例讲解,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。
The importance of the ozone layer to terrestrial animals is that it entirely filters out some wavelengths of light but lets others through. Holes in the ozone layer and the dangers associated with these holes are well documented. However, one danger that has not been given sufficient attention is that these holes could lead to severe eye damage for animals of many species.Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the statements above, if they are true.A). All wavelengths of sunlight that can cause eye damage are filtered out by the ozone layer where it is intact.B). Few species of animals live on a part of the earth\‘s surface that is not threatened by holes in the ozone layerC). Some species of animals have eyes that will not suffer any damage when exposed to unfiltered sunlightD). A single wavelength of sunlight can cause severe damage to the eyes of most species of animalsE). Some wavelengths of sunlight that cause eye damage are more likely to reach the earth\’s surface where there are holes in the ozone layer than where there are not,分析部分:The importance of the ozone layer to terrestrial animals is that it entirely filters out some wavelengths of light but lets others through. Holes in the ozone layer and the dangers associated with these holes are well documented. However, one danger that has not been given sufficient attention is that these holes could lead to severe eye damage for animals of many species.Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the statements above, if they are true.A). All wavelengths of sunlight that can cause eye damage are filtered out by the ozone layer where it is intact.错的原因:All wavelengths 太strong。
Passage 29 Studies of the Weddell seal in the laboratory have described the physiological mechanisms that allow the seal to cope with the extreme oxygen deprivation that occurs during its longest dives, which can extend 500(5) meters below the ocean‘s surface and last for over 70 minutes. Recent field studies, however, suggest that during more typical dives in the wild, this seal’s physio-logical behavior is different. In the laboratory, when the seal dives below the(10) surface of the water and stops breathing, its heart beats more slowly, requiring less oxygen, and its arteries become constricted, ensuring that the seal‘s blood remains concentrated near those organs most crucial to its ability to navigate underwater. The seal essentially(15) shuts off the flow of blood to other organs, which either stop functioning until the seal surfaces or switch to an anaerobic (oxygen-independent) metabolism. The latter results in the production of large amounts of lactic acidwhich can adversely affect the pH of the seal’s blood(20) but since the anaerobic metabolism occurs only in those tissues which have been isolated from the seal‘s blood supply, the lactic acid is released into the seal’s blood only after the seal surfaces, when the lungs,liver, and other organs quickly clear the acid from the seal‘s blood-(25) stream. Recent field studies, however, reveal that on dives in the wild, the seal usually heads directly for its prey and returns to the surface in less than twenty minutes. The absence of high levels of lactic acid in the seal‘s blood(30) after such dives suggests that during them, the seal’s organs do not resort to the anaerobic metabolism observed in the laboratory, but are supplied with oxygen from the blood. The seal‘s longer excursions underwater,during which it appears to be either exploring distant(35) routes or evading a predator, do evoke the diving response seen in the laboratory. But why do the seal’s laboratory dives always evoke this response, regardless of their length or depth?Some biologists speculate that because in laboratory dives the seal is forcibly(40) submerged, it does not know how long it will remain underwater and so prepares for the worst. 1. The passage provides information to support which of the following generalizations? (A) Observations of animals‘ physiological behavior in the wild are not reliable unless verified by laboratory studies. (B) It is generally less difficult to observe the physiological behavior of an animal in the wild than in the laboratory. (C) The level of lactic acid in an animal‘s blood is likelyto be higher when it is searching for prey than whenit s evading predators. (D) The level of lactic acid in an animal‘s blood is likely to be lowest during those periods in which it experiences oxygen deprivation. (E) The physiological behavior of animals in a laboratory setting is not always consistent with their physiological behavior in the wild. 2. It can be inferred from the passage that by describing the Weddell seal as preparing “for the worst” (line 41),biologists mean that it (A) prepares to remain underwater for no longer than twenty minutes (B) exhibits physiological behavior similar to that which characterizes dives in which it heads directly for its prey (C) exhibits physiological behavior similar to that which characterizes its longest dives in the wild. (D) begins to exhibit predatory behavior (E) clears the lactic acid from its blood before attempting to dive 3. The passage suggests that during laboratory dives, the pH of the Weddell seal‘s blood is not adversely affected by the production of lactic acid because (A) only those organs that are essential to the seal‘s ability to navigate underwater revert to an anaerobic mechanism. (B) the seal typically reverts to an anaerobic metabolism only at the very end of the dive (C) organs that revert to an anaerobic metabolism aretemporarily isolated from the seal‘s bloodstream (D) oxygen continues to be supplied to organs that clear lactic acid from the seal‘s bloodstream (E) the seal remains submerged for only short periods of time 4. Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the passage? (A) Recent field studies have indicated that descriptions of the physiological behavior of the Weddell sealduring laboratory dives are not applicable to its mosttypical dives in the wild. (B) The Weddell seal has developed a number of unique mechanisms that enable it to remain submerged at depths of up to 500 meters for up to 70 minutes. (C) The results of recent field studies have made it necessary for biologists to revise previousperceptions of how the Weddell seal behavesphysiologically during its longest dives in the wild. (D) Biologists speculate that laboratory studies of the physiological behavior of seals during dives lastingmore than twenty minutes would be more accurate ifthe seals were not forcibly submerged. (E) How the Weddell seal responds to oxygen deprivation during its longest dives appears to depend on whether the seal is searching for prey or avoiding predators during such dives. 5. According to the author, which of the following is true of the laboratory studies mentioned in line 1 ? (A) They fail to explain how the seal is able to tolerate the increased production of lactic acid by organs that revert to an anaerobic metabolism during its longest dives in the wild. (B) They present an oversimplified account of mechanisms that the Weddell seal relies on during its longest dives in the wild. (C) They provide evidence that undermines the view that the Weddell seal relies on an anaerobic metabolism during its most typical dives in the wild. (D) They are based on the assumption that Weddell seals rarely spend more than twenty minutes underwater on a typical dive in the wild. (E) They provide an accurate account of the physiological behavior of Weddell seals during those dives in the wild in which they are either evading predators or exploring distant routes. 6. The author cites which of the following as characteristic of the Weddell seal‘s physiological behavior during dives observed in the laboratory? Ⅰ. A decrease in the rate at which the seal‘s heart beats Ⅱ. A constriction of the seal‘s arteries Ⅲ. A decrease in the levels of lactic acid in the seal‘s blood Ⅳ. A temporary halt in the functioning of certain organs (A)Ⅰand Ⅲ only (B)Ⅱ and Ⅳ only (C)Ⅱ and Ⅲ only (D)Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅳ only (E)Ⅰ,Ⅲ, and Ⅳ only 7. The passage suggests that because Weddell seals are forcibly submerged during laboratory dives, they do which of the following? (A) Exhibit the physiological responses that are characteristic of dives in the wild that last less than twenty minutes. (B) Exhibit the physiological responses that are characteristic of the longer dives they undertake in the wild. (C) Cope with oxygen deprivation less effectively than they do on typical dives in the wild. (D) Produce smaller amounts of lactic acid than they do on typical dives in the wild. (E) Navigate less effectively than they do on typical dives in the wild。
极地科学考试试题1. 单选题1. 北极和南极地区的冰川覆盖面积相比,哪一个更大?A. 北极B. 南极C. 一样大2. 以下哪种动物是南极地区的特有种?A. 北极熊B. 北极狐C. 企鹅3. 极地地区主要的气候类型属于:A. 热带气候B. 温带气候C. 极地气候4. 极地科学研究的主要内容包括以下哪几个方面?A. 化学B. 生物D. 天文E. 物理5. 北极地区主要生活的人类居住在以下哪几个国家?A. 加拿大B. 俄罗斯C. 冰岛D. 美国E. 挪威2. 多选题1. 在极地科学考察时,以下哪些工具是必备的?A. 冰钻B. 望远镜C. 航拍无人机D. 海温计E. 标尺2. 在南极地区,以下哪些动物是极地科学研究的对象?B. 海豹C. 北极熊D. 鲸鱼E. 海象3. 开展极地科学研究需要哪些专业技能?A. 海洋生物学B. 地质学C. 大气科学D. 化学E. 数学4. 北极和南极地区最主要的共同特征是:A. 大规模的海豹栖息地B. 冰川盖覆的大片区域C. 星空下的极光奇观D. 丰富的矿产资源E. 气候条件恶劣5. 极地地区的冰川对全球气候有何影响?A. 降低海平面B. 减缓气候变化速度C. 影响洋流D. 导致极端气候事件E. 影响风向和强度3. 简答题1. 请简要说明北极地区和南极地区的气候特点及差异。
2. 举例说明极地科学对人类社会的重要性。
3. 你认为未来的极地科学研究方向应该是什么?为什么?以上就是极地科学考试试题,希望你在答题时发挥准确、全面,加油!。
A. 高电压
B. 低湿度
C. 冷暗环境
D. 高温度
16. 臭氧消毒时,以下哪些做法是正确的?( )
A. 保持室内空气流通
B. 使用专门的臭氧发生器
C. 佩戴个人防护装备
D. 避免与酒精等化学品混合使用
17. 以下哪些美容仪器消毒方法可以与臭氧消毒结合使用?( )
A. 美容仪器表面有污垢
B. 美容仪器内部有电路
C. 美容仪器材质为金属
D. 美容仪器材质为塑料
13. 臭氧消毒过程中,臭氧浓度低于多少ppm可能导致消毒效果不佳?( )
A. 10 ppm
B. 20 ppm
C. 30 ppm
D. 40 ppm
14. 以下哪种说法关于臭氧消毒正确?( )
A. 臭氧消毒对金属无腐蚀作用
B. 臭氧消毒对塑料无腐蚀作用
C. 臭氧消毒对橡胶无腐蚀作用
D. 臭氧消毒对玻璃无腐蚀作用
15. 下列哪种物质不能与臭氧混合使用?( )
A. 酒精
B. 氯霉素
C. 碘酊
D. 生理盐水
16. 以下哪个环节不是臭氧消毒的基本步骤?( )
A. 清洁
B. 消毒
C. 清洗
D. 擦拭
17. 臭氧消毒对人体的危害主要是什么?( )
8. √
9. ×
1. 优势:快速、高效、无残留、环保。风险:对人体有刺激,对某些材料有腐蚀性,操作不当可能导致二次污染。
2. 步骤:清洁仪器→设置臭氧浓度→消毒→通风→检查仪器。必要:确保消毒效果,避免污染和伤害。
3. 影响:温度、湿度、臭氧浓度、消毒时间。改善:调整环境条件,确保臭氧浓度,适当延长消毒时间。
GMAT真题:2010年11⽉GMAT阅读真题(⾄11.30)(⼗⼆) 1.2. Analysis & Research 1.2.1New Zealand* 1段:说之前表明13世纪才有⼈到那去,但是⼀个神马关于⽼⿏的carbon-date 是AD300年就有了,很多⼈认为是实验出错了 然后第⼆段有个⼈跳出来说刚刚他们也做了同样的实验发现时1289年的。
问这段的作⽤ 考古 ⽼⿏实验证明新西兰⼈的出现时间 来⾃ScienceDaily。
New Zealand's Colonization 1000 Years Later Than Previously Thought? ScienceDaily (June 4, 2008) — The dating project, in one of the largest studies of its kind, has shown that the country was not visited by humans over 2000 years ago, as some previous research suggests. An international team of researchers, led by Dr Janet Wilmshurst from Landcare Research, spent 4 years on the project which shows conclusively that the earliest evidence for human colonisation is about 1280-1300 AD, and no earlier. They based their results on new radiocarbon dating of Pacific rat bones and rat-gnawed seeds. Their results do not support previous radiocarbon dating of Pacific rat bones which implied a much earlier human contact about 200 BC. The original old rat bones dates have been hotly debated ever since they were published in Nature in 1996. The ages are controversial because there is no supporting ecological or archaeological evidence for the presence of kiore or humans until 1280-1300 AD and the reliability of the bone dating has been questioned. This is the first time that the actual sites involved in the original study have been re-excavated and analyzed. Dr Wilmshurst and her team researchers re-excavated and re-dated bones from nearly all of the previously investigated sites. All of their new radiocarbon dates on kiore bones are no older than 1280 AD. This is consistent with other evidence from the oldest dated archaeological sites, Maori whakapapa, widespread forest clearance by fire and a decline in the population of marine and land-based fauna. “As the Pacific rat or kiore cannot swim very far, it can only have arrived in New Zealand with people on board their canoes, either as cargo or stowaways. Therefore, the earliest evidence of the Pacific rat in New Zealand must indicate the arrival of people” Dr Wilmshurst said. The dating of the rat bones was also supported by the dating of over a hundred woody seeds, many of which had distinctive tell-tale rat bite marks, preserved in peat and swamp sites from the North and South Islands. “These rat-gnawed seeds provide strong additional evidence for the arrival of rats, and therefore humans, and are an indirect way of testing the veracity of the dates we have done on rat bones,” said Dr Tom Higham, Deputy Director of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit at Oxford University. Rats leave rows of narrow grooves or bite marks on woody seed cases when they gnaw open the seed, and these distinctive teeth marks can be seen with the naked eye. “The width of the teeth marks left on the woody seeds exactly match those of a rat's two front teeth, and cannot be mistaken for any other seed predator. We have dated over 100 individual seeds, some rat-gnawed, others intact or bird-cracked, which show that rat gnawed seeds only occur in both the North and South Islands of New Zealand after about 1280 AD”, Dr Wilmshurst said. With over 165 dates on seeds and bones from a large number of sites, the overwhelming evidence suggests that rats and their human carriers did not reach New Zealand until about 1280 AD.。
Gmat考试逻辑试题90题(12)Questions 85-86In opposing the 1970 Clean Air Act, the United States automobile industry argued that meeting the act's standards for automobile emissions was neither economically feasible nor environmentally necessary. However, the catalytic converter, invented in 1967, enabled automakers to meet the 1970 standards efficiently. Currently, automakers are lobbying against the government's attempt to pass legislation that would tighten restrictions on automobile emissions. The automakers contend that these newrestrictions would be overly expensive and unnecessary to efforts to curb air pollution. Clearly, the automobile industry's position should not be heeded.85. Which one of the following most accurately expresses the method used to counter the automakers' current position?(A) The automakers' premises are shown to lead to a contradiction.(B) Facts are mentioned that show that the automakers are relying on false inFORMation.(C) A flaw is pointed out in the reasoning used by the automakers to reach their conclusion.(D) A comparison is drawn between the automakers' current position and a position they held in the past.(E) Evidence is provided that the new emissions legislation is both economically feasible and environmentally necessary.86. Which one of the following, if true, lends the most support to the automakers' current position?(A) The more stringent the legislation restricting emission becomes, the more difficult it becomes for automakers to provide the required technology economically.(B) Emissions-restriction technology can often be engineered so as to avoid reducing the efficiency with which an automobile uses fuel.(C) Not every new piece of legislation restricting emission requires new automotive technology in order for automakers to comply with it.(D) The more automobiles there are on the road, the more stringent emission restrictions must be to prevent increased overall air pollution.(E) Unless forced to do so by the government, automakers rarely make changes in automotive technologythat is not related to profitability.87. A survey was recently conducted among ferry passengers on the North Sea. Among the results was this: more of those who had taken anti-seasickness medication before their trip reported symptoms of seasickness than those who had not taken such medication. It is clear, then, that despite claims by drug companies that clinical tests show the contrary, people would be better off not taking anti-seasickness medications.Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion above?(A) Given rough enough weather, most ferry passengers will have some symptoms of seasickness.(B) The clinical tests reported by the drug companies were conducted by the drug companies' staffs.(C) People who do not take anti-seasickness medication are just as likely to respond to a survey on seasickness as people who do.(D) The seasickness symptoms of the people who tookanti-seasickness medication would have been more severe had they not taken the medication.(E) People who have spent money on anti-seasickness medication are less likely to admit symptoms of seasickness than those who have not.88. Court records from medieval France show that in the years 1300 to 1400 the number of people arrested in the French realm for "violent interpersonal crimes" (not committed in wars) increased by 30 percent over the number of people arrested for such crimes in the years 1200 to 1300. If the increase was not the result of false arrests, therefore, medieval France had a higher level of documentedinterpersonal violence in the years 1300 to 1400 than in the years 1200 to 1300.Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?(A) In the years 1300 to 1400 the French government's category of violent crimes included an increasing<I>var</I>iety of interpersonal crimes that are actually nonviolent.(B) Historical accounts by monastic chroniclers in the years 1300 to 1400 are filled with deions of violent attacks committed by people living in the French realm.(C) The number of individual agreements between two people in which they swore oaths not to attack each other increased substantially after 1300.(D) When English armies tried to conquer parts of France in the mid-to late 1300s, violence in the northern province of Normandy and the southwestern province of Gascony increased.(E) The population of medieval France increased substantially during the first five decades of the 1300s, until the deadly bubonic plague decimated the population of France after 1348.89. Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of bean plants or other legumes produce fixed nitrogen, which is one of the essential plant nutrients and which for non-legume crops, such as wheat, normally must be supplied by applications of nitrogen-based fertilizer. So if biotechnology succeeds in producing wheat strains whose roots will play host to Rhizobium bacteria, the need for artificial fertilizers will be reduced.The argument above makes which one of the following assumptions?(A) Biotechnology should be directed toward producing plants that do not require artificial fertilize.(B) Fixed nitrogen is currently the only soil nutrient that must be supplied by artificial fertilizer for growing wheat crops.(C) There are no naturally occurring strains of wheat or other grasses that have Rhizobium bacteria living in their roots.(D) Legumes are currently the only corps that produce their own supply of fixed nitrogen.(E) Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of wheat would produce fixed nitrogen.90. Current legislation that requires designated sections for smokers and nonsmokers on the premises of privately owned businesses is an intrusion into the private sector that cannot be justified. The fact that studies indicate that nonsmokers might be harmed by inhaling the smoke from others' cigarettes is not the main issue. Rather, the main issue concerns the government's violation of the right of private businesses to determine their own policies and rules.Which of the following is a principle that, if accepted, could enable the conclusion to be properly drawn?(A) Government intrusion into the policies and rules of private businesses is justified only when individuals might be harmed.(B) The right of individuals to breathe safe air supersedes the right of businesses to be free from government intrusion.(C) The right of businesses to self-determination overrides whatever right or duty the government may have to protect the individual.(D) It is the duty of private businesses to protect employees from harm in the workplace.(E) Where the rights of businesses and the duty of government conflict, the main issue is finding a successful compromise.Gmat考试逻辑试题90题(11)80. Advertisement: Clark brand-name parts are made for cars manufactured in this country. They satisfy all of our government automotive tests-the toughest such tests in the world. With foreign-made parts, you never know which mightbe reliable and which are cheap look-alikes that are poorly constructed and liable to cost you hundreds of dollars in repairs. Therefore, be smart and insist on brand-name parts by Clark for your car.The argument requires the assumption that(A) Clark parts are available only in this country(B) foreign-made arts are not suitable for cars manufactured in this country(C) no foreign-made parts satisfy our government standards(D) parts that satisfy or government standards are not as poorly constructed as cheap foreign made parts(E) if parts are made for cars manufactured in our country, they are not poorly constructed81. Nuclear fusion is a process whereby the nuclei of atoms are joined, or "fused", and in which energy is released. One of the by-products of fusion is helium-4 gas.A recent fusion experiment was conducted using "heavy" water contained in a sealed flask. The flask was, in turn,contained in an air-filled chamber designed to eliminate extraneous vibration. After the experiment, a measurable amount of helium-4 gas was found in the air of the chamber. The experiments cited this evidence in support of their conclusion that fusion had been achieved.Which one of the following, if true, would cast doubt on the experimenters' conclusion?(A) Helium-4 was not the only gas founding the experiment chamber.(B) When fusion is achieved, it normally produces several by-products, including tritium and gamma rays.(C) The amount of helium-4 found in the chamber's air did not exceed the amount of helium-4 that is found in ordinary air.(D) Helium-4 gas rapidly breaks down, FORMing ordinary helium gas after a few hours.(E) Nuclear fusion reactions are characterized by the release of large amount of heat.82. Every photograph, because it involves the light rays that something emits hitting film, must in some obvious sense be true. But because it could always have been made to show things differently than it does, it cannot express the whole truth and, in that sense, is false. Therefore, nothing can ever be definitively proved with a photograph.Which one of the following, if true, would cast doubt on the experimenters' conclusion?(A) Helium-4 was not the only gas found in the experiment chamber.(B) When fusion is achieved, it normally produces several by-products, including tritium and gamma rays.(C) The amount of helium-4 found in the chamber's air did not exceed the amount of helium-4 that is found in ordinary air.(D) Helium-4 gas rapidly breaks down, FORMing ordinary helium gas after a few hours.(E) Nuclear fusion reactions are characterized by the release of large amount of heat.Questions 83-84Some cleaning fluids, synthetic carpets, wall paneling, and other products release toxins, such as FORMaldehyde and benzene, into the household air supply. This is not a problem in well-ventilated houses, but it is a problem in houses that are so well insulated that they trap toxins as well as heat. Recent tests, however, demonstrate that houseplants remove some household toxins from the air and thereby eliminate their danger. In one test, 20 large plants eliminated FORMaldehyde from a small, well-insulated house.83. Assume that a person who lives in a small, well-insulated house that contains toxin-releasing products places houseplants, such as those tested, in the house.Which one of the following can be expected as a result?(A) There will no longer be any need to ventilate the house.(B) The concentration of toxins in the household air supply will remain the same.(C) The house will be warm and have a sage air supply.(D) If there is FORMaldehyde in the household air supply, its level will decrease.(E) If FORMaldehyde benzene are being released of each will decrease.84. The passage is structured to lead to which one of the following conclusions?(A) Houseplants can remove benzene from the air.(B) Nonsynthetic products do not release toxins into houses.(C) Keeping houseplants is an effective means of trapping heat in a poorly insulated house.(D) Keeping houseplants can compensate for some of the negative effects of poor ventilation.(E) The air in a well-insulated house with houseplants will contain fewer toxins than the air in a well-ventilated house without houseplants.Gmat考试逻辑试题90题(10)72. A gas tax of one cent per gallon would raise onebillion dollars per year at current consumption rates. Since a tax of fifty cents per gallon would therefore raise fifty billion dollars per year, it seems a perfect way to deal with the federal budget deficit. This tax would have the additional advantage that the resulting drop in the demand for gasoline would be ecologically sound and would keep our county from being too dependent on foreign oil producers.Which one of the following most clearly identifies an error in the author's reasoning?(A) The author cites irrelevant data.(B) The author relies on incorrect current consumption figures.(C) The author makes incompatible assumptions.(D) The author mistakes an effect for a cause.(E) The author appeals to conscience rather than reason.73. There is no reason why the work of scientists has to be officially confirmed before being published. There is a system in place for the confirmation or disconfirmation of scientific findings, namely, the replication of results by other scientists. Poor scientific work on the part of any one scientists, which can include anything from careless reporting practices to fraud, is not harmful. It will be exposed and rendered harmless when other scientists conduct experiments and obtain disconfirmatory results.Which one of the following, if true, would weaken the argument?(A) Scientific experiments can go unchallenged for many years before they are replicated.(B) Most scientists work in universities, where their work is submitted to peer review before publication.(C) Most scientists are under pressure to make their work accessible to the scrutiny of replication.(D) In scientific experiments, careless reporting is more common than fraud.(E) Most scientists work as part of a team rather than alone.74. Governments have only one response to public criticism of socially necessary services: regulation of the activity of providing those services. But governments inevitably make the activity more expensive by regulating it, and that is particularly troublesome in these times of strained financial resources. However, since public criticism of childcare services has undermined all confidence in such services, and since such services are socially necessary, the government is certain to respond.Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?(A) The quality of child-care will improve.(B) The cost of providing child-care services will increase.(C) The government will use funding to foster advances in child-care.(D) If public criticism of policy is strongly voiced, the government is certain to respond.(E) If child-care services are not regulated, the cost of providing childcare will not increase.75. Advertisers are often criticized for their unscrupulous manipulation of people's tastes and wants. There is evidence, however, that some advertisers are motivated by moral as well as financial considerations. A particular publication decided to change its image from being a family newspaper to concentrating one sex and violence, thus appealing to a different readership. Some advertisers withdrew their advertisements from the publication, and this must have been because they morally disapproved of publishing salacious material.Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument?(A) The advertisers switched their advertisements to other family newspapers.(B) Some advertisers switched from family newspapers to advertise in the changed publication.(C) The advertisers expected their product sales to increase if they stayed with the changed publication, but to decrease if they withdrew.(D) People who generally read family newspapers are not likely to buy newspapers that concentrate on sex and violence.(E) It was expected that the changed publication would appeal principally to those in a different income group.76. Learning how to build a nest plays an important part in the breeding success of birds. For example, Dr. Snow has recorded the success of a number of blackbirds in several successive years. He finds that birds nesting for the first time are less successful in breeding than are older birds, and also less successful than they themselves are a year later. This cannot be a mere matter of size and strength, since blackbirds, like the great majority ofbirds, are fully grown when they leave the nest. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that they benefit by their nesting experience.Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument?(A) Blackbirds build better nests than other birds.(B) The capacity of blackbirds to lay viable eggs increase with each successive trial during the first few years of reproduction.(C) The breeding success of birds nesting for the second time is greater than that of birds nesting for the first time.(D) Smaller and weaker blackbirds breed just as successfully as bigger and stronger blackbirds.(E) Up to 25 percent of all birds are killed by predators before they start to nest.77. How do the airlines expect to prevent commercial plane crashes? Studies have shown that pilot error contributes to two-thirds of all such crashes. To addressthis problem, the airline have upgraded their training programs by increasing the hours of classroom instruction and emphasizing communication skills in the cockpit. But it is unrealistic to expect such measures to compensate for pilots' lack of actual flying time. Therefore, the airlines should rethink their training approach to reducing commercial crashes.Which one of the following is an assumption upon which the argument depends?(A) Training programs can eliminate pilot errors.(B) Commercial pilot routinely undergo additional training throughout their careers.(C) The number of airline crashes will decrease ifpilot training programs focus on increasing actual flying time.(D) Lack of actual flying time is an important contributor to pilot error in commercial plane crashes.(E) Communication skills are not important to pilot training programs.Questions 78-79Despite improvements in treatment for asthma, the death rate from this disease has doubled during the past decade from its previous rate. Two possible explanations for this increase have been offered. First, the recording of deaths due to asthma has become more widespread and accurate in the past decade than it had been previously. Second, there has been an increase in urban pollution. However, since the rate of deaths due to asthma has increased dramatically even in cities with long-standing, comprehensive medical records and with little or no urban pollution, one must instead conclude that the cause of increased deaths is the use of bronchial inhalers by asthma sufferers to relieve their symptoms.78. Each of the following, if true, provides support to the argument EXCEPT:(A) Urban populations have doubled in the past decade.(B) Records of asthma deaths are as accurate for the past twenty years as for the past ten years.(C) Evidence suggests that inhalers make the lungs more sensitive to irritation by airborne pollen.(D) By temporarily relieving the symptoms of asthma, inhalers encourage sufferers to avoid more beneficial measures.(E) Ten years ago bronchial inhalers were not available as an asthma treatment.79. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?(A) Urban pollution has not doubled in the past decade.(B) Doctors and patients generally ignore the role of allergies in asthma.(C) Bronchial inhalers are unsafe, even when used according to the recommended instructions.(D) The use of bronchial inhalers aggravates other diseases that frequently occur among asthma sufferers and that often lead to fatal outcomes even when the asthmaitself does not.(E) Increased urban pollution, improved recording of asthma deaths, and the used of asthma deaths, and the use of bronchial inhalers are the only possible explanations of the increased death rate due to asthma.Gmat考试逻辑试题90题(9)66. A recent survey showed that many workers in a certain company are dissatisfied with their jobs. The survey also showed that most of the dissatisfied workers believe that they have little control over their job assignments. Therefore, to increase workers' job satisfaction the company's management need only concentrated on changing workers' beliefs regarding the degree of control they have over their job assignment.Which one of the following, if also shown by the survey, would most seriously call into question the conclusion made by the author of the passage?(A) The dissatisfied workers feel that their wages are too low and working conditions are unsatisfactory.(B) The number of workers in the company who are satisfied with their jobs is greater than the number of workers who are dissatisfied.(C) The workers in the company are more dissatisfied than workers in other companies.(D) Most people in company management believe that the workers already have too much control over their work.(E) The workers in the company who are satisfied with their jobs believe that they have a lot of control over their job assignments.67. It has always been difficult to understand the basis of politics in the People's Republic of China. Because the system is effectively closed, it is impossible to know with any degree of confidence who is allied with whom and for what reasons. Yet Chinese politics does exhibit many of the external characteristics of factional political systems, as found in more open societies. It is legitimate to conclude, therefore, that China has a factional political system.Which one of the following, if true, would confirm the author's conclusion that China has a factional political system?(A) All open political systems are factional political systems.(B) All factional political systems are closedpolitical systems.(C) All closed political systems are factionalpolitical systems.(D) China's political system is more open than many existing factional political systems.(E) China's political system is more closed than all existing factional political systems.68. Since no one returns from death, we can never be certain about what passes through the mind of the dying person. For the unconscious, the confused, and the heavily sedated, these final moments are probably meaningless. However, for the mentally alert, it is quite possible that death presents itself as an unbelievably gloriousexperience, a flight into an entirely new universe of sensation. Why should we think so? Some people who have been reprieved from "certain" death at the last moment have experienced what goes through the consciousness of those who are not so fortunate. For example, parachutists who have survived falls report experiences that resemble psychedelic "trips".The primary point of the argument in the passage is(A) no one returns from death(B) dying can be a glorious experience(C) we can never know what passes through the mind of a dying person(D) some people are reprieved from death at the last moment(E) some people "die", yet live to report their experiences69. History textbooks frequently need to be revised. The reasons for this are clear: new discoveries of documents and remains, the discovery of mistaken inferencesin prior histories, the discovery of previously unnoticed relationships among data, and the application of hitherto undiscovered principles of natural science all may indicate inadequacies in current history texts. Any of these considerations may require that the past be reinterpretedin a manner that is new and more illuminating.Which one of the following can be inferred from the argument in the passage?(A) The interpretation of historical events is affected by natural science.(B) The past is constantly renewed because of illuminating reinterpretations.(C) History books are outdated as soon as they are written.(D) Natural scientists also <I>function</I> as historians.(E) Historians' mistaken inferences are caused by unnoticed relationships among data.70. A low-pressure weather system is approaching Plainville; rainfall results from about 70 percent of such systems in the Plainville area. Moreover, the current season, spring, is the time of year in which thundershowers, which sometimes result from low-pressure systems, are most likely to occur in Plainville.Knowing which one of the following, in addition to the inFORMation above, would be most useful for determine the probability that Plainville will have a thundershower soon?(A) the percentage of thundershowers in Plainville that occur in the spring(B) the percentage of spring rainfalls in Plainville that are thundershowers(C) the percentage of thundershowers in Plainville that result from low-pressure systems(D) whether low-pressure systems in other areas are associated with rainfall(E) whether Plainville has more or fewer thundershowers each spring than do near by towns71. More than a year ago, the city announced that police would crack down on illegally parked cars and that resources would be diverted from writing speeding tickets to ticketing illegally parked cars. But no crackdown has taken place. The police chief claims that resources have had to be diverted from writing speeding tickets to combating the city's staggering drug problem. Yet the police are still writing as many speeding tickets as ever. Therefore, the excuse about resources being tied up in fighting drug-related crime simply is not true.The conclusion in the passage depends on the assumption that(A) ever member of the police force is qualified to work on combating the city's drug problem(B) drug-related crime is not as serious a problem for the city as the police chief claims it is(C) writing speeding tickets should be as important a priority for the city as combating drug-related crime(D) the police could be cracking down on illegally parked cars and combating the drug problem without having to reduce writing speeding tickets(E) the police cannot continue writing as many speeding tickets as ever while diverting resources to combatingdrug-related crimeGmat考试逻辑试题90题(8)59. Top college graduates are having more difficulty demonstrating their superiority to prospective employers than did the top students of twenty years ago when an honors degree was distinction enough. Today's employers are less impressed with the honors degree. Twenty years ago no more than 10 percent of a given class graduated with honors. Today, however, because of grade inflation, the honors degree goes to more than 50 percent of a graduating class. Therefore, to restore confidence in the degrees they award, colleges must take steps to control grade inflation.Which one of the following is an assumption that, if true, would support the conclusion in the passage?(A) Today's students are not higher achievers than the students of twenty years ago.(B) Awarding too many honors degrees causes colleges to inflate grades.(C) Today's employers rely on honors ranking in making their hiring decisions.(D) It is not easy for students with low grades to obtain jobs.(E) Colleges must make employers aware of the criteria used to determine who receives an honor degree.60. One of the more reliable methods of determining regional climatic conditions in prehistoric periods is to examine plant pollen trapped in glacial ice during ancient times. By comparing such pollen samples with spores take from modern vegetation, scientists can figure out approximately what the weather was like at the time of pollen deposition. Furthermore, by submitting the prehistoric samples to radiocarbon dating techniques, we can also determine when certain climatic conditions were prevalent in that portion of the globe.Which one of the following may be inferred from the inFORMation in the passage?(A) The earth has undergone several glacial periods.(B) Radiocarbon dating can be corroborated by glacial evidence.(C) Similarities between prehistoric and contemporary climates do not exist.(D) Pollen deposition is a fairly continuous process.(E) Certain flora are reliably associated with particular climatic conditions.61. Investigators concluded that human failure was not responsible for the fatal airplane crash last August, and since that time new and more stringent rules foridentifying and reporting mechanical problems have been in effect. That accounts for the fact that reports of airplane mechanical problems have increased in frequency by 50 percent since last August.Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the argument in the passage?。
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考古&补充材料:(确认)1.2.1 臭氧空间 By huiwaziV1刚想到有篇月度,就是说臭氧层空洞,文章前面说臭氧层空洞会晒伤,但是最主要的是说空洞和大气之间的作用力会导致风的改变,从而导致南澳洲的天气变化。
V2 by tompry 760关于臭氧层空洞的,分两段,不长,第一段大致介绍了南极圈上的臭氧层的基本概况。
V2是臭氧层的第一段有说臭氧层里的某个物质在springtime里low,吸收的紫外线少,所以温度低(这个觉得挺奇怪的)第二段里面说这个臭氧层破坏的影响然后又说科学家发现臭氧层在recovery,接着预测full recovery 之后的影响,澳大利亚会变干,南美会变湿,对南半球的风有影响(促进还是减弱忘了),南极洲也会受到影响,这里有except题,V3ozone的,在artantic(拼的不对)上空,不同季节厚度不一样,吸收紫外线防晒伤。
第二段说现在臭氧层越来越小了,然后产生了一系列的后果,有一个后果是change the weather patterns,比如澳大利亚变干了,非洲某个地方潮湿了,这里也有题,挺简单的不记得了。
V5一篇是ozone layer 对Antalantic 气候的影响。
V7臭氧那个完全不一样 1 考的什么为什么说臭氧层和那个太阳的辐射相互作用定位第一段第一句2 那个什么风的特征神马的定位第一段末尾和第二段开头3 不记得了V8臭氧的那个寂静里有点不准确,臭氧层的修复导致了澳大利亚干燥,南美湿润。
V9 by fatdudu 640臭氧层。
V10 by clowncish0625 740Q1:选臭氧层的浓度在不同季节不同Q2:有exept题的样子Q3:好像是问那个对的还是什么(也可能是臭氧空洞恢复,会有什影响还是什么的),原文里说到如果臭氧变厚,即臭氧空洞恢复,一个地区会变湿润答案D选项说了那个地区缺雨,最后一单词是rainfall,就选那个V11 by mingda 770第一段开始说臭氧的作用是吸收太阳辐射,就防止了皮肤癌。
接着预测full recovery之后的影响,澳大利亚会变干,南美会变湿,对南半球的风有影响(促进还是减弱忘了),南极洲也会受到影响(有一个问题问的是full recovery 以后谁会得意,答案是南美洲那些饱受旱灾困扰的农民)V12 by weizhui1208 770jj超级全基本都考到了有考如果空洞继续填补,最大受益者是谁丫。
lz选的B还是C来着,反正带“humidity”那个选项,其他原文都有吧,当时细细看了的V13 by 取巧 740第一段介绍臭氧的作用(不重要),然后是臭氧的一个变化,引起一种wind盛行。
(有题,问第二段的作用,我选的是第二段是对第一段提出的现象的进一步解释,反正选有 explain 这个词的就对了)但是有一道题,问的是如果臭氧恢复了,会有什么影响,要求选except 定位第二段。
因为A中有一个什么大陆,B 改变了降水我最后还是拿不准。
有同学google到一定背景知识,大家可以参考下A full recovery of the stratospheric ozone hole could modify climate change in the Southern Hemisphere and even amplify Antarctic warming, according to scientists from the University of Colorado at Boulder, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA.While Earth‘s average surface temperatures have been increasing, the interior of Antarctica has exhibited a unique cooling trend during the austral summer and fall caused by ozone depletion, said Judith Perlwitz of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, a joint institute of CU-Boulder and NOAA. “If the successful control of ozone-depleting substances allows for a full recovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica, we may finally see the interior of Antarctica begin to warm with the rest of the world,” Perlwitz said.Perlwitz is lead author of a new study on the subject to be published April 26 in Geophysical Research Letters. Co-authors include Steven Pawson and Eric Nielson of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and Ryan Fogt and William Neff of NOAA‘s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder. The study was supported by NASA’s Modeling and Analysis Program.The authors used a NASA supercomputer model that included interactions between the climate and stratospheric ozone chemistry to examine how changes in the ozone hole influence climate and weather near Earth‘s surface, said Perlwitz.The study authors calculated that when stratospheric ozone levels return to near pre-1969 levels by the end of the 21st century, large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns now shielding the Antarctic interior from warmer air masses to the north will begin to break down during the austral summer. The circulation patterns are collectively known as a positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode, or SAM.The scientists found that as ozone levels recover, the lower stratosphere over the polar region will absorb more harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This could cause air temperatures roughly 6 to 12 miles above Earth’s surface to rise by as much as 16 degrees Fahrenheit, reducing the strong north-south temperature gradient that currently favors the positive phase of SAM, said the research team.The supercomputer modeling effort also indicated that ozone hole recovery would weaken the intense westerly winds that currently whip around Antarctica and block air masses from crossing into the continent‘s interior. As a result, Antarctica would no longer be isolated from the warming patterns affecting the rest of the world.NASA’s Pawson said ozone recovery over Antarctica would essentially reverse summertime climate and atmospheric circulation changes that have been caused by the presence of the ozone hole. “It appears that ozone-induced climate change occurred quickly, over 20 to 30 years, in response to the rapid onset of the ozone hole,” he said. “These seasonal changes will decay more slowly than they built up, since it takes longer to cleanse the stratosphere ofozone-depleting gases than it took for them to build up.”The seasonal shift in large-scale circulation patterns could have repercussions for Australia and South America as well. Other studies have shown that the positive phase of SAM is associated with cooler temperatures over much of Australia and increased rainfall over Australia‘s southeast coastline.During late spring and early summer, the positive phase of SAM also is associated with drier conditions in South America’s productive agricultural areas like Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, said Perlwitz. If ozone recovery induces a shift away from a positive SAM, Australia could experience warmer and drier conditions while South America could get wetter, she said.But just how influential a full stratospheric ozone recovery will be on Southern Hemisphere climate largely depends on the future rate of greenhouse gas emissions, according to the GRL authors. Projected increases in human-emitted greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide will be the main driver for strengthening the positive phase of SAM.“In running our model simulations, we assumed that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide would double over the next 40 years and then slowly level off,” said Perlwitz. “If human activities cause more rapid increases in greenhouse gases, or if we continue to produce these gases for a longer period of time, then the positive SAM may dominate year-round and dwarf any climatic effects caused by ozone recovery.”NASA‘s High-End Computing Program provided the Columbia supercomputer resources at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.以上就是关于GMAT机经的全部内容,考生朋友可以有选择的看看,最后需要提醒各位的是,GMAT机经虽然会对我们解题有所帮助,但是在考场中即使题目很像也要避免秒选,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。