



技术文件文件名称:ZXA10 F822 V1.1P1T3版本升级说明文件编号:版本:共 11 页(包括封面)拟制 /日期 2010/06审核 /日期批准 /日期中兴通讯股份固网产品线目录1. 适用围 (3)2. 版本信息 (3)3. 版本兼容性说明 (4)4. 升级准备................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

4.1. 工具 (4)4.2. 软硬件 (4)4.2.1. 软件准备 (4)4.2.2. 硬件准备 (5)4.3. 数据备份 (5)4.4. 配置检查 (5)5. 升级操作步骤 (5)5.1. 通用升级步骤 (5)5.1.1. 先备份系统配置数据,并保存配置文件 (5)5.1.2. 升级主控板版本 (5)5.1.3. 升级pon小卡版本 (10)5.1.4. 把修改后的配置数据下载到系统中,然后重启系统 (11)5.1.5. 升级完成后,检查业务和网管是否正常。

(11)5.2. 离线升级BOOT (11)6. 升级后测试验证 (11)6.1. 基本业务验证 (11)6.2. 新增功能验证 (12)7. 升级过程中可能出现的故障及解决办法 (12)8. 应急回退和处理办法 (12)9. Checklist (12)10. 备板备件升级安排 (12)11. 现场值守和观察要求 (13)ZXA10 F822 V1.1版本升级指导书1.适用围适用人群:版本升级操作的中兴工程师,外包工程师及运营商工程技术人员。

这些工程技术人员必须熟悉ZXA10 F822 V1.0的原理和硬件,能够熟练开通和维护ZXA10 F822 V1.0设备。

2.版本信息ZXA10 F822 V1.1.0P1T3版本作为F822 V1.1的软件版本,在V1.1.0P1T1版本基础上解决相关工程故障,完全兼容原来F822 V1.0硬件,在F822 V1.0版本基础上修改版本文件(m24e.bin)、BOOT文件(bm24e.bin)和窄带固件m带增加了支持V24C子卡,主控板增加了支持F822 MSEB单板,该单板采用了TK的EPON方案和BL的GPO24e_sv.bin等等。


M24ESVER V1.1.0P1T31610420 VALID 20100122111710 active M24E_SV.bin
Current Boot Info:
M24E BOOT V1.1.0P1T3367792 VALID 20100122111744 active
Current Chip Info: 0X0000000A
eth0, the new ip =, new mask =
[M24E]/DATA/version/M24E>burn bm24e.bin
ZXA10 F822 V1.1.0P1T3版本作为F822 V1.1的软件版本,在V1.1.0P1T1版本基础上解决相关工程故障,完全兼容原来F822 V1.0硬件,在F822 V1.0版本基础上修改版本文件(m24e.bin)、BOOT文件(bm24e.bin)和窄带固件m带增加了支持V24C子卡,主控板增加了支持F822 MSEB单板,该单板采用了TK的EPON方案和BL的GPO24e_sv.bin等等。窄N方案,并且将EPON和GPON上联接口都设计为子卡方案。
3.在系统启动过程中,出现“PressEnterkeyto stop auto-boot...”字样时,在7秒钟之内按键<Enter>,阻止系统的正常启动,进入boot模式。
Enter key to stop auto-boot...



1. 升级指导书1.1. 升级文件清单mcu-boot.bin :MCU最小系统的升级软件;mcu-soft.exe :MCU主机软件的压缩包。

解压后包括:mcu-soft.bin(MCU升级软件),IVR目录(包含了IVR提示语音的升级文件);1.2. 升级部分1.2.1.1.当前运行版本信息确认由于存在C01和C02、R002、R003的软件版本,因此升级前明确:1、C01的软件版本号是Release 1.xx.x,C02的软件版本号是2.xx.x,R002的软件版本号是3.xx.x,R3C01的软件版本号是5.xx.x;2、后续版本号更改了,R3C02为3.2.x.x,R3C03为 3.3.x.x,R5为5.1.x.x3、查看当前MCU的版本号(A.xx.x),比较需要升级的版本号(B.xx.x),如果A和B不同,则说明是不同R版本之间的升级,需参软件不同R版本之间的升级注意事项。


5、MCU V100产品资源以及功能约束是通过license控制,license文件需要MCU的ESN匹配,否则系统应用受限;如果系统需要支持语音提示功能,需要配套的IVR文件;license与IVR文件通过导入方式加载到MCU,主机软件通过升级方式,加载到MCU。升级前的数据备份版本升级前建议先备份配置数据。




V800R008C05SPC312升级指导书SmartAX MA5600T V800R008C05SPC312升级指导书文档版本 03公布日期2012-08-30华为技术有限公司版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2012。









华为技术有限公司地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田华为总部办公楼邮编:518129网址:4008302118前言修订记录目录前言 (ii)1 升级前必读 (1)1.1 升级基础版本要求 (1)1.2 升级注意事项 (2)1.3 (可选)升级前可行性检查 (2)1.4 升级阻碍 (4)1.5 升级场景介绍 (5)2 命令行升级场景 (6)2.1 升级流程 (6)2.2 升级前预备 (8)2.2.1 制定详细升级打算和预备事项 (8)2.2.2 预备升级所需文件和物料 (8)2.2.3 拆包&打包 (10)2.2.4 登录设备 (15)2.2.5 设置文件传输服务 (15)2.2.6 检查主控板状态 (16)2.2.7 储存&备份系统配置数据 (17)2.2.8 停止系统自动储存功能 (18)2.3 升级操作 (19)2.3.1 加载升级补丁 (19)2.3.2 加载单板IO包文件 (21)2.3.3 复位系统 (22)2.3.4 (可选)加载语音包文件 (22)2.4 验证升级结果 (24)2.4.1 验证项目检查表 (24)2.4.2 验证升级后的主机和单板版本 (24)2.4.3 验证单板IO包文件信息 (25)2.4.4 验证单板状态 (27)2.4.5 验证业务端口状态 (27)3 版本回退 (30)3.1 通过加载原版本的包文件和数据库进行回退 (30)3.2 在BIOS下加载进行回退 (33)3.3 验证回退结果 (38)4 附录 (39)4.1 升级检查表 (39)4.2 注意事项 (40)4.3 传输工具使用指导 (40)4.4 TFTP、FTP加载操作常见咨询题 (43)4.5 专门处理 (44)4.6 FAQ (47)4.7 缩略语 (48)1 升级前必读关于本章您在预备软件升级前,必须认真阅读“升级前必读”。



目录1. 数据库升级 (2)2. 导入初始化数据 (2)3. 覆盖源代码文件 (4)A.暂停IIS (4)B.覆盖所有源代码文件 (4)4. 注册影像中心组件 (4)5. 重新设置数据库连接 (4)6. eCenter系统管理重新设置 (5)A.重设FTP访问地址 (5)B.重设FTP访问用户、密码和路径 (5)C.重设影像中心网站地址 (7)7. 注册ICenterValid.dll组件和授权 (8)8. 更新应用服务器 (8)A.卸载2.0版本应用服务器 (8)B.安装2.2版本应用服务器 (8)C.重新注册组件 (8)9. 搭建新版eWorldFTPServer【可选】 (8)A.安装.net Framework2.0 (8)B.安装eWorldFTPServer服务 (8)C.修改Serv-U端口 (9)D.启动eWorldFTPServer服务 (9)10. 常见报错原因解析 (9)1.数据库升级:在影像中心数据库上运行Upgrade(V1.6 to V2.0).sql2.导入初始化数据:导入Access初始化数据CenterDB.mdb。

导入其中的FTPServers、FTPUsers、FTPFolders、syspara 表(其它表不要导入),其中FTPFolders和FTPUsers表取消“启用标识输入”,syspara表在导入时删除原来的数据。


Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE PC 固件升级指南说明书

Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE PC 固件升级指南说明书

1. IntroductionFujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE is a new data and device protection solution. It enables the data on a notebook PC's hard disk drive (HDD) to be remotely deleted or to lock the PC even when the power is off. This provides robust protection against information leaks in the event that a notebook PC is lost or stolen. Please visit Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE Website to learn more about this new technology.In order to enjoy Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE service, user device must be ready in both hardware and firmware. This guide will show you how to upgrade device firmware for CLEARSURE-ready.2. Supported ModelsThe information in this article applies to:∙Fujitsu LIFEBOOK E734/E744/E754 (Windows 7 / Windows 8.1)∙Fujitsu LIFEBOOK S904 (Windows 7 / Windows 8.1)∙Fujitsu LIFEBOOK T904 (Windows 7 / Windows 8.1)∙Fujitsu Stylistic Q704 (Windows 7 / Windows 8.1)For hardware requirement details, please visit Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE Website.3. Firmware Upgrade ProcedureThere are two critical firmware that user device MUST meet the requirements.1, EM8805/EM7305 WWAN module with firmware version or later2, Motherboard EC firmware version 1372 or laterUpdating EM8805/EM7305 WWAN module firmware1, Please plug-in AC adapter to your system3, Please decompress the downloaded ZIP file 4, Please close the AirCard Watcher 5, Please execute setup.exe6, Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade - It may take about 10 minutes to complete the upgrade.- Please don't power-off the system until the upgrade is completed.- Please don't make any RF ON/OFF or any WWAN connection until the upgrade is completed.Note: 1, How to identify the WWAN moduleClick “Menu ”Select “About …”Select “Device - Hardware ”WWAN ModuleUpdating Motherboard EC firmware1, Please plug-in AC adapter to your system4, Please decompress the downloaded ZIP file5, Based on your device, please open either “vPro_System” or “non-vPro_System” folder.(if applicable)6, Based on your Operating System, please open either “For_32bit_OS” or “For_64bit_OS” folder 7, Please execute FjFirmUpdU.exe8, Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade4. Fujitsu Security Solution CLEARSURE Service CenterIf you have any enquiry, please contact Fujitsu Service Center for assistance.。




.一、首先断定机器种别,以断定能否合适升级或者能否具备升级破解软件,以下是目前可以找到升级的破解的机器类型1、国芯3001套片机5812射频芯片,具体分为:国芯3001套片5812射频芯片六芯面板!国芯3001套片5812射频芯片十芯面板/国芯GX6121单片机PCB76系列板国芯GX1121+3001系列板2、海尔2023系列板,具体分为:;海尔2023E_2301_5812_6芯和10芯面板,1MB储存器系列海尔2023E+套片+5812射频芯片+6芯面板和10芯面板,1MB储存器系列(套片:hi3102或者是Hi3120或者是Hi3121或者是Hi3122等适用)海尔2023_2MB储存器系列板3、华亚HTV903系列板,具体分为:华亚HTV903+5810射频芯片"华亚HTV903+5812射频芯片4、国科广电GKA800-SysDB系列板假如具备以上的芯片组卫星接受盒,那么恭喜你,你的机顶盒可以升级为正常接受46+4套节目!以其中一个最山寨的机顶盒为例(红太阳牌--天成科技:TCD-219ABS),芯片组如图:海尔2023E_1M系列板,Hi2023E+套片+5812射频芯片+10芯面板,即Hi2023E +Hi3121+RDA5812+MX25L8005M2C,五针升级接口,见图1:二、确定好芯片组后,下面将制作升级数据线等前期预备劳动:1、靠机顶盒芯片组供电的数据线,见图2:2、有的旧式的TTL电平转换R232芯片需求的5V电源支撑才华正常接受和发送数据,这就需求将3.3V提升为5V电源,不然,读取和传输数据可能会极其的慢!或者基础不克连接(提示“连接过失”或者仍然是“守候从机连接”,碰到此种情况,除需求检查连接针脚能否正确外,再个就是需求制作5V自取电式升级数据线,见图3:假如大众嫌本人制作升级线太麻烦或者不颠簸,可以到淘宝网上面走购买,只是如今刷星都刷疯了,本来10元钱一块MX232转换模块的,如今却跌价到20元一个了,真是悲痛啊!别的,大众也可使用USB-TTL转换模块,只是占有的人使用反馈不是很理想,所以具体制作要领本人就不提供了,最后面只提供USB-TTL的相关软件。

5516-01 V3.2版本升级操作指导-zhwfang

5516-01 V3.2版本升级操作指导-zhwfang

5516-01 V3.2版本升级操作指导目录1. 升级概要 (1)1.1. 升级原因 (1)1.2. 升级的影响 (1)1.3. 升级负责人联系方式 (1)1.4. 升级后保障人员联系方式 (1)2. 相关设备在升级前后的版本对应情况 (2)3. 前期准备及注意事项 (2)3.1. 前期准备 (2)3.2. 升级注意事项 (4)4. 升级详细步骤 (4)4.1. 基本升级顺序 (4)4.2. 网管升级详细步骤 (4)4.3. 网管验证 (5)4.4. 设备升级详细步骤 (5)4.5. 设备业务验证 (7)5. 应急保障预案 (8)6. 转换网管配置数据 (9)6.1. V4-V5的配置转换 (9)6.2. V5-V6的配置转换 (11)1.升级概要1.1. 升级原因支持互联互通功能。

1.2. 升级的影响升级期间,宽带业务和语音业务都会受影响,正常升级情况下业务受影响时间约为20~30分钟。

1.3. 升级负责人联系方式烽火通信公司现场工程师:联通分公司工程师:1.4. 升级后保障人员联系方式烽火通信公司现场工程师:联通分公司工程师:122. 相关设备在升级前后的版本对应情况升级包对应单盘3. 前期准备及注意事项3.1. 前期准备1) 统计准备升级的OLT 下挂的ONU 类型及数量(需要详细到每个3PON 下的相关ONU 类型及数量)。

2) 统计准备升级的OLT 的下挂ONU 固件版本,确保所有ONU 的固件为C241及其以上版本(5006-02A 的固件保持为8324)。

3) 检查正在使用的网管的具体版本。

4) 准备好升级前的网管版本软件,预备异常情况下恢复原有版本。

5) 如果网管版本较老,则需要把网管文件进行转换(转换方法见6.转换网管配置数据)。


6) 记录OLT 的版本,提前准备升级前OLT 软件,预备异常情况时恢复老软件。



改建铁路南疆线吐鲁番至库尔勒段增建二线道岔铺设工程作业指导书编制:常菲审核:苏斌审批:段会安和硕站场施工队签收人:签收日期:中铁十五局集团吐库二线PJS2标铺架项目部2010年11月19日普通提速道岔铺设作业指导书一、工程概况中铁十五局吐库二线PJS2标站场施工分在库尔勒、塔什店、焉耆、和硕、马兰5个车站,共计217组,各种型号数量如下表:二、编制依据:1、《各种道岔铺设说明书》2、《站场铁路工程施工质量验收暂行标准》3、《铁路轨道工程施工质量验收标准》4、《铁路道岔参数手册》5、《常有道岔主要参数手册》第二版三、各种道岔基本参数1、P50kg/m-1/12单开道岔、施工图号CZ2227、专线42572、P50kg/m -1/9单开道岔、施工图号CZ2226、专线(02)41513、P60kg/m -1/12号Ⅱ型单开道岔(Ⅱ型弹条)、施工图号CZ545、专线42494、P60kg/m -1/12号Ⅲ型单开道岔、施工图号CZ543、专线42285、P60kg/m -1/18号单开道岔(Ⅱ弹、拼叉、混凝土枕)、专线CZ2545PS6、P60kg/m -1/9号单开道岔、专线(02) 42047、P50kg/m -AT6号对称道岔、施工图号CZ214、专线58168、混凝土枕P50kg/m -1/9号5.0m间距交叉渡线、施图号CZ2248、专线(02)7663-Ⅰ9、混凝土枕P60kg/m -1/9号6.5m间距交叉渡线、施图号CZ58310、木枕P50kg/m -1/6道岔5.0m间距交叉渡线、施图号CZ254、设计图号:专线7508中铁十五局吐库二线PJS2标道岔作业指导书11、砼枕P50kg/m -1/9号复式交分道岔、图号CZ2276、设计图号:专线(04)6091-Ⅰ8四、施工方案介绍线道岔铺设主要有“原位铺设法、插铺法”两种。






将此软件考入U盘,按菜单8893进入工厂,选择6M181 Update (USB)项,按右键执行USB升级。

如是灰屏状态则先按USB;再按菜单8893进入工厂进行升级,升级完成选择EEP INIT进行初始化。





将此文件名软件考入U盘内,插到USB接口上,1)按菜单8893进入工厂,选中6I988 Update 系统开始升级。




升级完成后需进工厂选到Factory Reset进行工厂初始化,然后再选到EEP Int项,进行初始化。









四、6I78机芯 :软件名为TARGET。




Honda FlashPro V6 Accord和TL升级指南说明书

Honda FlashPro V6 Accord和TL升级指南说明书

FlashPro install forV6 Accord and TLThis documents the upgrade of the 04-06 TL and 03-07 MT V6 Accord with an 07-08 TL ECU for FlashPro use.Overview.The 07-08 TL FlashPro can be used with an 04-06 MT TL and 03-07 MT V6 Ac-cord after the vehicle is fitted with the appropriate 07/08 ECU, CAN and ECU adapter.Prerequisites:ECU part number Donor VehicleRDA-A83 through RDA-A842007 Acura TL Base AutoRDB-A02 through RDB-A042007 Acura TL MT Type-SRDB-A11 through RDB-A122008 Acura TL MT Type-SVehicle Hondata parts2003-2007 V6 MT Accord03-07 V6 Accord adapter & CAN adapter2004-2005 TL MT04-05 TL adapter & CAN adapter2006 Acura TL MT CAN adapter2006 Acura TL MT with Navi & TMPS06 TL with TPMS adapterThe Hondata FlashPro uses the CAN programming protocol for high speed ECU programming. Although the entire TL/Accord model range from 2004-2008 uses CAN for systems communication, the CAN wiring does not extend to the OBD2 di-agnostic connector for the 06 and earlier TL and 07 and earlier V6 Accord nor are these ECUs able to program via CAN. When the TL/Accord is upgraded with an 07-08 TL ECU and the CAN wiring is extended into the OBD 2 connector the Hon-data FlashPro for TL can then be used to custom tune your engine.OverviewThe 06 TL with Navi and TPMS has a fullypopulated CAN Bus connector and uses a specialadapter harness. For all other models the follow-ing instructions 1 through 14.1. Install the CAN harness from the DLC connec-tor to the CAN Bus connector.2. Drive your car to an Acura or Honda dealer.Be sure to book in advance.3. Install your 07 TL ECU while at the dealer.4. Instruct your Honda or Acura dealer to pro-gram your VIN number into the ECU. Theymatch the new ECU to your immobilizer usingthe“Replace ECU” function.5. Register your FlashPro and lock it to yourECU. An internet connection is required.Hondata CAN adapter harness installation1.TL. (06 MT model without TPMS and Navi)With a small screwdriver, starting from therear, lever up the console metal trim from bothsides and remove. With a stronger screwdriver,lever out the ventilation console. The 4 locat-ing clips are circled in red. The CAN connec-tor is green and located in the right upper cen-tre of the dashboard.TL CAN bus connector2.Accord. The CAN bus connector is located under the right hand side of the dash. The airbag needs to be removed to access this connector. Make sure the battery is discon-nected and do not reconnect until the airbag is replaced. Be sure to follow all Honda mandated safety procedures as documented in the Helms manual.3.General information: The solid red (C3 - G3) and white wires (C2-G2) access the vehicle’s CAN bus. It provides communications be-tween the ECU, VSA, dash, TPMS and navi-gation .4.Connectors C3-G3 are common. Connectors C2-G3 are common.5.If connector row G is empty, insert the wires in the supplied green plug and insert the plug into the empty row making sure the red andAccord CAN bus connectorwhite wires line up with those in rows C-F.6.If your TL has no TPMS, E2 and E3 will beempty. Insert the red wire into plug E3 andthe white wire into E2.7.Run the other end of the adapter to the DLC.(to the left of driver’s left knee)8.Unmount the DLC connector by using a wideflathead screwdriver to press in the clips ei-ther side.e the supplied screwdriver to open the pinrelease. Slide in the screwdriver and leverupwards. There is a second pin release on theother side of the connector.10.Remove the grey wire from position 14.Slide the screwdriver into the centre of theDLC connector between the catch and pinand lever off the plastic catch holding pin 14into place. Then apply a gentle pulling pressure on the wire from behind the connector to remove the wire.PinWireCatchScrewdriver11. Insert the grey wire into position 1. It willonly insert in one position. If you are unsurecheck the orientation of the pins in the samerow. Your immobilizer system will still workand the car can still be driven normally. Thisprogramming wire is used only to make changesto the immobilizer system.12. Insert the white wire into position 613. Insert the red wire to position 1414. Close the pin releases and re-mount the DLCconnector.Your vehicle is now ready to be driven to a Honda or Acura dealer to match the immobilizer to your replacement ECU.06 TLThe 06 TL wiring harness is pin for pin compatible with the 07/08, which means you can simply plug in your donor ECU06 TL with NAVI and TPMSThis harness comes with a built in CAN adapter. There is no need to disassemble the dash to access the CAN bus connector. Run the end of the CAN bus cable la-beled OBD2 to the DLC connector and follow instructions 8 through 14. The A and E connectors are straight through not reversed as in the 03-07 Accord and 04-05 TL.ECU replacement.Tools needed: Philips screwdriver, ratchet 10 mm socket and pry tool.1.The TL and Accord ECU is located in the centre forward section of the vehicle between the driver’s and passenger’s footwell.2.Replace with the 07/08 TL ECU and adapter harness. The adapter harness A and E connectors must be reversed as shown in this picture.3.Your vehicle will not start until the immobilizer has been reprogrammed. If you are installing a used ECU the dealer will first need to program in the VIN number from your car. Instruct your Acura dealer to perform an immobilizer repro-gram with the “Replace ECU” function. Your vehicle can be driven gently on the 07 ECU until the FlashPro is locked and base calibration up-loaded.3. Calibrations. Either open the 04-06 3.2 TL base calibration or, if starting with an 07 TL base cali-bration, go to Calibration - Misc and make these changes;Switch off:Fuel pump control error P0627Second ECT sensorEvap leak error P0455Evap VSV error P0498Coolant thermostat test P0128Use secondary coolant temp sensor for fan controlECU Adapter cable orientation for 03-07 Accord and 04-05 TLReferenceCruise Control Modification for ECUs RDA-A83 through RDA-A84This modification allows the clutch pedal position to be correctly indicated to the MT program installed in the Auto ECU. Once performed the ECU will not function in sport-shift mode if the FlashPro is unlocked and the AT ECU returned to stock. Tools needed-A good pair of eyes or a binocular microscope-Fine tipped soldering iron-3mm length of bare wireInstructions-Remove D510-Solder the 3mm section of wire across the solder pads (J30).。

AXIS 5810 Bluetooth印表插件快速开始指南说明书

AXIS 5810 Bluetooth印表插件快速开始指南说明书

5810AXIS 5810A Bluetooth Print PlugQuick StartBLUETOOTH™ is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Axis Communications AB under license125810Regulatory InformationTested to comply with FCC Standards FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE.This AXIS 5810 must be installed and used in strict accordance with the instructions given in the user documentation. The AXIS 5810 complies with the following radio frequency and safety stan-dards:Canada - Industry Canada (IC)This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry CanadaEurope - EU Declaration of Conformity This device complies with the requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC with essential test suites as per standards:EN 60950 Safety of Information Technology equipment ETS 300 328 Technical requirements for radio equipmentETS 300 826 General EMC requirements for radio equipmentUSA - Federal Communications Commission FCC This device complies with 47 CFR Part 15 of FCC RulesOperation of the device is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference(2) This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.AXIS 5810 Quick Start R1.0 Part No: 18755Copyright © Axis Communications AB 2002Date: February 2002Table of ContentsRegulatory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2AXIS 5810 - A Bluetooth Print Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Technical Specifications Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Connecting the AXIS 5810 to a Printer . . . . . . . . . . .7Requirements for Wireless Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8AXIS Wireless Printing Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10How to print from a laptop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Upgrading the firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Terms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18About Bluetooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21About Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233AXIS 5810 - A Bluetooth Print PlugThe AXIS 5810 print plug transforms a standard printer into a wireless printing station with the ability to receive print jobs from a laptop or mobile phone equipped with Bluetooth™ wireless technology.Instant Printing: Array Simply connect the AXIS 5810 tothe printer’s parallel port andsend the print job from yourlaptop or mobile phone.Follow the simple instructions inthis booklet for instant wirelessprinting.Please refer to Terms and Definitions on page 18 if you are unsure of any specific details in these instructions.4Package ContentsVerify the contents of the AXIS 5810 package using the checklist below. Please contact your dealer if anything is missing or damaged.Hardware Model Part NumberA Bluetooth™ Print Plug AXIS 58100133-001-02Power SupplySee the Technical Specifications Overview on page 6 for details PS-F Europe18424UK18425Australia18428USA18480Japan18480Media Title Part Number Quick Start AXIS 5810 Quick Start R1.018755CD AXIS Product CD R2.3190055Technical Specifications OverviewWindowsAXIS Wireless Printing Utility and AXIS Wireless Upgrade Utility support Windows 98SE, ME, NT4 (service pack 6), 2000 (service pack 2), XP Other PlatformsThe AXIS 5810 supports all clients supporting any of the Bluetooth printing profiles (HCRP, OPP, SPP, APP) listed below.Bluetooth™The AXIS 5810 complies with Bluetooth version 1.1Bluetooth™ ProfilesThe following implementations of Bluetooth user models are supported:HCRP - Hard Copy Cable Replacement Profile, OPP - Object Push Profile, SPP - Serial Port Profile, APP - AXIS Print Profile (Axis proprietary) Power SupplyUse only - PS-F, AXIS SA-0515G AC-Adaptor, 5V DC, 1500mA Firmware UpgradeUpgrade the firmware using AXIS Wireless Upgrade Utility described inUpgrading the firmware on page 14.67Connecting the AXIS 5810 to a Printer1.Make sure that the printer is switched off.2.Make sure that the external power supply is disconnected from the AXIS 5810.3.Connect the AXIS 5810 to the parallel port on the printer.4.Start the printer and make sure that it is ready for use.5.Connect the external power supply to the AXIS 5810.6.Wait approximately 15 seconds and press the test button.A test page will be printed on the connected printer. Refer to Troubleshooting on page 16 for more information on the test button and test page.Note: If the green LED lights up, power is supplied via the parallel port (pin 18, 5VDC+/-5%/500 mA), and no external power supply is needed. Please refer to the documentation of your printer for more information.8Requirements for Wireless PrintingPrinting from a laptop:System requirements•Windows 98SE, Me, NT SP6, 2000 SP2 or XP Hardware requirements •Toshiba laptop with integrated Bluetooth support - or -Laptop with Bluetooth support and client software supportingthe HCRP profile - or -Laptop with a Bluetooth PC Card (Motorola, Toshiba, IBM, Dell or NEC) Please refer to the Bluetooth PC Card manual for installation and usage instructions.Software requirements•Bluetooth drivers from Toshiba version 1.02.09 or later - or -Bluetooth Software Suite version 1.09 or later•AXIS Wireless Printing Utility version 1.20 or laterAll Axis software and upgrades are available free of charge from the AXISProduct CD or from the Axis web site at 9Printing from a mobile phone:Hardware requirements•Ericsson mobile phone equipped with Bluetooth wirelesstechnology e.g. Ericsson R520, Ericsson T68, Ericsson T39Refer to the user documentation of your mobile phone forinformation on how to send print jobs wirelessly.Note: This section describes the requirements for wireless printing from a laptop or mobile phone. Printing from HCRP, SPP or OPPBluetooth 1.1 com-pliant clients is possible but is not described in this booklet. Refer to the user documentation of your client for information.AXIS Wireless Printing UtilityAXIS Wireless Printing Utility is a software tool for locating and printing to Axis wireless print servers.1.Download AXIS Wireless Printing Utility from theAXIS Product CD (v 2.3 or later) or from the Axis web site at 2.Install AXIS Wireless Printing Utility on your laptop.A default printer object, Axis Wireless Printer, will be automatically installed on your laptop with a standard PCL 3 driver that is supported by most Laser-type printers.Note: If you have a printer that does not support PCL 3, you need to add a printer using the standard Add Printer Wizard and connect the printer to the Axis Wireless Port. (See the AXIS Wireless Printing Utility help file for more information)10You are ready to print when you have successfully connected the AXIS 5810 to a printer and installed the required hardware and software listed in Requirements for Wireless Printing on page 8.1112How to print from a laptop1.From any Windows application (e.g. Word), select File | Print .2.Select AXIS Wireless Printer and click OK.3.AXIS Wireless Printing Utility will automatically start search-ing for wireless print servers.4.Select a printer from the list and click Print.•The first time this search is performed, the dialog box will show the printers that were detected in the area. This list of printers is saved and will show up the next time you want to print.•Click Refresh to update the list of available Bluetooth printers.•You can print to the desired printer as soon as it appears in the list. You do not have to wait until the search is completed.•The AXIS 5810 appears in the list with the name AXISxxxxxx (The Xs represent the last six characters of the AXIS 5810 serial number, found on the product label e.g. AXIS1814FF)Note: As the AXIS 5810 supports SPP (Serial Port Profile), you can also send a print job using any standard SPP client.13Upgrading the firmwareAXIS Wireless Upgrade Utility is software that allows you to upgrade your AXIS 5810 with the latest available firmware. Install AXIS Wireless Upgrade Utility on your laptop. Follow the simple instructions to upgrade the AXIS 5810 firmware.Note: Before upgrading, you need to download and save the AXIS 5810 firm-ware file temporarily on your hard disk. All Axis firmware files are available from the Axis web site at or from the Axis product CD.1.Start AXIS Wireless Upgrade Utility and click Next.2.Click Search to list the available Bluetooth print plugs andprint servers.143.Each detected print plug/server will be listed with the follow-ing information:Address - Bluetooth address / serial numberName - AXIS followed by the last six characters of the serial numberModel - AXIS 5810 (print plug) or AXIS 5800+ Mobile (print server)Firmware version - e.g. 6.304.Select the AXIS 5810 from the list and click Next.5.Enter the path or browse to the directory where you saved theprint server flash file. Click Next.6.Verify that you have selected the correct print plug/server andthe correct firmware file and click Next to complete theoperation.155810TroubleshootingIf you experience problems when trying to print:•Make sure your AXIS 5810 and the other Bluetooth devices it is communicating with are located within 10 meters (approx. 33 feet) from each other, closer if there are objects in between.•If you perform a search while a specific printer is busy printing, that specific printer will not show up in the list. Check if the printer is busy and try again.•Check that your laptop is properly installed and configured for Bluetooth printing.•For additional help, refer to the AXIS Wireless Printing Utility Help file from the Windows Start | Programs menu.•Basic instructions for printing over Bluetooth wireless technology from a laptop and mobile phone are described in this document. For additionalinstallation instructions, refer to the Bluetooth Software Suite 1.09 user documentation, mobile phone user documentation or SPP/ OPP/ HCRP client documentation.16581017•To print a test page on the printer, pressthe test button on the AXIS 5810 using apointed object e.g. a stretched paper clip.The test page contains the followinginformation:•AXIS 5810 technical information (memory, Bluetooth address, name, etc.)•Bluetooth status information (firmware, module status, etc.)•PJL printers only - printer information (manufacturer, model, capabili-ties, etc.)Make sure that the Bluetooth module status is OK . If not, disconnect and then reconnect the external power supply, wait approximately 15 seconds and press the test button. If this doesn’t work, contact your local reseller/ distributor or Axis technical support for assistance. •The technical support addresses are listed on the back cover of this booklet.Test buttonTerms and DefinitionsAXIS Wireless Printing Utility - software for sending a print job to a printer with a wireless print server or print plug.Note:Please refer to the AXIS Wireless Printing Utility Help pages for additional help and troubleshooting. The help files can be opened from the Windows Start | Programs menu.AXIS Wireless Printer - a virtual printer created in your list of printers.Selecting AXIS Wireless Printer launches AXIS Wireless Printing Utility which will search the area for AXIS Wireless print servers i.e. AXIS 5810, AXIS5800+ MobileAXIS Wireless Upgrade Utility - software for upgrading the AXIS 5810 firmwareBluetooth™ PC Card - hardware installed on your laptop in order to enable Bluetooth transmission18Bluetooth Profiles- Implementations of Bluetooth user models. The user models describe a number of user scenarios where Bluetooth performs the radio transmission. Supported profiles are GAP, HCRP, OPP, SPP and Axis proprietary APPBluetooth Software Suite - software that comes with the Bluetooth PC Card for the Bluetooth connection setupFirmware - AXIS 5810 internal software that controls the functionality of the print plugPrinter Driver - AXIS Wireless printing Utility uses a default printer driver which works with most Laser-type printers. The default printer driver isinstalled on your laptop automatically with AXIS Wireless Printing Utility Printer Name -The name consists of AXIS followed by last six characters in the serial number. The serial number and the name of the print plug are found on the label on the AXIS 5810. This name cannot be changed.19Print Server Flash File - a firmware file available on the Axis web site or from the AXIS Product CD. Download and save this file on your hard disk prior to upgrading the AXIS 5810Serial Number- The serial number is found on the label on the AXIS 5810 The serial number is identical with the Bluetooth addressWindows Application - a Windows program where you can create a printable document e.g. Word, Excel, Paint, Wordpad20About Bluetooth™Bluetooth wireless technology makes Array it possible to connect any compatibleportable and stationarycommunication device as easily asswitching on the lights. Without a single inch of cable.The technology is based on a radio link that offers fast andreliable transmissions of both voice and data. Documents will be sent at a speed of 1Mbit/s and the Bluetooth wireless technology will carry up to three high-quality voice channels simultaneously.The Bluetooth wireless technology uses a globally availablefrequency range intended to ensure communicationcompatibility worldwide.The Bluetooth wireless technology is a global specificationfor personal area wireless connectivity.215810About AxisAxis develops solutions for user-friendly and secure communication over wired and wireless networks. The company is a worldwide market leader in network connectivity, with products for the office, facility and industrial environments.Axis was founded in 1984 and is listed on the Stockholm Exchange O-list (XSSE:AXIS). With more than 300 employees and offices in 15 countries, Axis operates globally in cooperation with distributors and OEM partners in 70 countries. Approximately 95 percent of production is exported out of Sweden.Information about Axis can be found at 22581023IndexA APP 6AXIS Wireless Printer 10, 12, 18AXIS Wireless Printing Utility 12, 18AXIS Wireless Upgrade Utility 14, 18B Bluetooth 21Bluetooth drivers 8Bluetooth PC Card 18Bluetooth Profiles 6Bluetooth Software Suite 19Bluetooth version 6E External power supply 7F Firmware 14, 19Flash File 20H Hardware requirements 8, 9HCRP 6L Laptop 8Laser printer 10M Mobile Phone 9O Object 10OPP 6P PCL driver 10PCL printer driver 10Power Supply 5, 6, 7Printer Driver 19Printer Name 19Printer object 10R Regulatory information 25810SSerial Number 20 Software requirements 8 SPP 6TTest button 7Test page 7, 17Toshiba laptop 8UUpgrades 8Upgrading the firmware 14 WWindows Application 20 Windows version 624。

HP Quality Center 10升级指南说明书

HP Quality Center 10升级指南说明书
Internal Verify Tool
• Supported Environments ade Assessment Tool
− Internal Verify tool − External Verify tool − Verification Report details − Defining Exceptions in Verify tool − Verify tool warnings
− Lowers potential risk associated with the upgrade.
Note: Tool does not actually upgrade projects to QC 10.0 Tool does not change schemas when verifying
schema − Verify and upgrade of all existing 9.x projects
− QC production environment not available − Strategy suitable if few projects and downtime permissible
WebLogic 9.2 JBoss 4.0.4
Oracle Apache 2.2 Oracle JBoss 4.0.4
Supported Environments
for Starter Edition
Operating system • Windows XP (SP2)
Quality Center 10 Upgrade
Tips and Tricks for Upgrading to HP Quality Center 10



Emergency alarm LED (D58) 显示各种升级操作的开始与结束
7-segment display 参数设定及显示升级状态
Up/Down button 显示屏翻页
Select/Accept button 确认
Car call button 用于选择E模式
Landing call Up/Down button 由于选择F/A/P模式
If we want to use 2GB SD with LCECPU561 1.03/1.04, please follow the procedure in next page.
如果需要使用2GB的SD卡升级LCECPU561 1.03/1.04, 请参照下一页中的程序。
1. SD Info
Get SD activation key
LCECPU561 Bootloader version
SD Bootloader version (in Prog_exe.mem)
UI Display
I N F O Accept + Up/Down
29F 63
I N F O Accept + Up/Down
PC Serial Port
LCECAN/CPU561 (Need install)
PC Parallel Ports
1. SD Info
2. LCECPU561
A. Check SD activation key and bootloader version from UI 通过UI核对SD激活码和bootloader版本

C8051T606 发展套件用户指南说明书

C8051T606 发展套件用户指南说明书

Rev. 0.1 3/09Copyright © 2009 by Silicon LaboratoriesC8051T606-DKEVELOPMENT IT SER S UIDE1. Kit ContentsThe C8051T606 Development Kit contains the following items:⏹C8051T606 Main Board⏹C8051T606 MSOP Socket Daughter Board for programming MSOP devices ⏹C8051T600 Emulation Daughter Board with C8051F300 installed ⏹(5) C8051T606-GT Samples⏹C8051T606 Development Kit Quick-Start Guide⏹Silicon Laboratories IDE and Product Information CD-ROM. CD content includes the following:● Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE)● Evaluation assembler, compiler and linker tools ● Source code examples and register definition files ● Documentation⏹AC to DC Universal Power Adapter ⏹USB Cable ⏹RS-232 CableAlso available for purchase separately are socket daughter boards for the QFN-11 and QFN-10 packages.2. About the Daughter BoardsThe C8051T606 Development Kit includes two daughter boards: a C8051T600 Emulation Daughter Board and a C8051T606 MSOP Socket Daughter Board. The emulation daughter board has a C8051F300 device installed,which is a Flash-based device which can be used as a firmware development platform for the C8051T606. The MSOP socket daughter board as well as the 10 and 11-pin QFN socket daughter boards (available separately) are intended to allow programming of multiple C8051T606 devices and system-level debugging of these devices.Once any byte location in aC8051T606 device has been programmed it cannot be erased, so it is advisable to use the C8051F300 for the majority of code development. Refer to Application Note “AN280: Differences Between the C8051F300 and the C8051T60x Device Family” for more details on how the C8051F300 can be used to develop code for the C8051T606 and other members of the C8051T60x device family.3. Hardware SetupRefer to Figure 1 for a diagram of the hardware configuration.1.Attach the desired daughter board to the main board at connectors P1 and P2.2.If using one of the socketed daughter boards, place the device to be programmed into the socket.3.Connect the AC to DC power adapter to connector P3 on the main board.4.Connect the main board to a PC running the Silicon Laboratories IDE using the USB cable.Notes:⏹Use the Reset icon in the IDE to reset the target when connected during a debug session.⏹Remove power from the main board and remove the USB cable before removing a daughter board from the main board. Connecting or disconnecting a daughter board when the power adapter or USB cable are connected can damage the main board, the daughter board, or the socketed device.⏹Likewise, remove power from the main board and remove the USB cable before removing a C8051T606 device from the socket. Inserting or removing a device from the socket when the power adapter or USB cable are connected can damage the main board, the daughter board, or the socketed device.No tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g nC8051T606-DKFigure 1.Hardware Setup (Emulation Daughter Board Shown)4. Software SetupThe included CD-ROM contains the Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE), evaluation 8051 tools and additional documentation. Insert the CD-ROM into your PC’s CD-ROM drive. An installer will automatically launch, allowing you to install the IDE software or read documentation by clicking buttons on the Installation Panel. If the installer does not automatically start when you insert the CD-ROM, run autorun.exe found in the root directory of the CD-ROM. Refer to the ReleaseNotes.txt file on the CD-ROM for the latest information regarding the CD contents.5. Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development EnvironmentThe Silicon Laboratories IDE integrates a source-code editor, source-level debugger and in-system programmer.The use of third-party compilers, assemblers, and linkers is also supported. This development kit includes evaluation versions of commercial ‘C’ compilers and assemblers which can be used from within the Silicon Laboratories IDE.5.1. System RequirementsThe Silicon Laboratories IDE requirements:⏹Pentium-class host PC running Windows 2000 or later.⏹One available USB port.D2PWR D4D1J10No tR e co mme nd edf orC8051T606-DK5.2. Third-Party ToolsetsThe Silicon Laboratories IDE has native support for many 8051 compilers. Natively-supported tools are as follows:⏹Keil ⏹IAR⏹Raisonance ⏹Tasking ⏹Hi-Tech ⏹SDCCSpecific instructions for integrating each of the supported tools can be found in the application notes section of the CD, or on the Silicon Labs web site ().5.3. Getting Started With the Silicon Labs IDEThe following sections discuss how to create a new project with the IDE, build the source code, and download it to the target device.5.3.1. Creating a New Project1.Select Project →New Project to open a new project and reset all configuration settings to default.2.Select File →New File to open an editor window. Create your source file(s) and save the file(s) with a rec-ognized extension, such as .c, .h, or .asm, to enable color syntax highlighting.3.Right-click on “New Project” in the Project Window . Select Add files to project . Select files in the filebrowser and click Open. Continue adding files until all project files have been added.4.For each of the files in the Project Window that you want assembled, compiled and linked into the targetbuild, right-click on the file name and select Add file to build . Each file will be assembled or compiled as appropriate (based on file extension) and linked into the build of the absolute object file.Note: If a project contains a large number of files, the “Group” feature of the IDE can be used to organize. Right-click on “New Project” in the Project Window . Select Add Groups to project . Add pre-definedgroups or add customized groups. Right-click on the group name and choose Add file to group . Select files to be added. Continue adding files until all project files have been added.5.3.2. Building and Downloading the Program for Debugging1.Once all source files have been added to the target build, build the project by clicking on the Build/MakeProject button in the toolbar or selecting Project →Build/Make Project from the menu.Note: After the project has been built the first time, the Build/Make Project command will only build the files that have been changed since the previous build. To rebuild all files and project dependencies, click on the Rebuild All button in the toolbar or select Project →Rebuild All from the menu.2.Before connecting to the target device, several connection options may need to be set. Open theConnection Options window by selecting Options →Connection Options... in the IDE menu. First, select the “USB Debug Adapter” option. The USB Debug circuitry is integrated onto the C8051T606 main board.Next, the correct “Debug Interface” must be selected. C8051T606 devices and the C8051F300 use Silicon Labs “C2” 2-wire debug interface. Once all the selections are made, click the OK button to close the window.3.Click the Connect button in the toolbar or select Debug →Connect from the menu to connect to the device.4.Download the project to the target by clicking the Download Code button in the toolbar.Note: To enable automatic downloading if the program build is successful select Enable automatic con-nect/download after build in the Project →Target Build Configuration dialog. If errors occur during the build process, the IDE will not attempt the download.No tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g nC8051T606-DK5.Save the project when finished with the debug session to preserve the current target build configuration,editor settings and the location of all open debug views. To save the project, select Project Save Project As... from the menu. Create a new name for the project and click on Save .6. Example Source CodeExample source code and register definition files are provided in the “SiLabs\MCU\Examples\C8051T60x ”directory during IDE installation. These files may be used as a template for code development. The comments in each example file indicate which development tool chains were used when testing the.6.1. Register Definition FilesRegister definition files C8051T600.inc, C8051T600_defs.h and compiler_defs.h define all SFR registers and bit-addressable control/status bits. They are installed into the “SiLabs\MCU\Examples\C8051T60x ” directory during IDE installation. The register and bit names are identical to those used in the C8051T60x datasheet.7. Development BoardsThe C8051T606 Development Kit includes a main board which interfaces to various daughter boards. The “C8051T600 Emulation Daughter Board” contains a C8051F300 device to be used for preliminary software development. The socketed C8051T606 daughter boards allow programming and evaluation of the actual C8051T606 devices. Numerous input/output (I/O) connections are provided on the main board to facilitate prototyping. Refer to Figure 2 for the locations of the various connectors on the main board. Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the available daughter boards that can be used with the C8051T606 main board.P1, P2Daughter board connection (Daughter boards are plugged into the P1 and P2 connectors for evaluation and programming)P3Power connector (accepts input from 7.5 to 15 VDC unregulated power adapter)J1USB Debug connector J2RS-232 connectorJ3LED/Switch/RS-232 connection block J8Direct device pin connection blockJ10VPP supply connection (used when programming EPROM devices)No tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g nC8051T606-DKFigure 2.C8051T606 Main Board (Included in Kit)Figure 3.C8051T600 Evaluation Daughter Board (Included in Kit)D2PWR D4D1P0.2 LEDJ10No tR e co mmef or N wDi g nC8051T606-DKFigure 4.C8051T600 MSOP10 Socket Daughter Board (Included in Kit)Figure 5.C8051T600 3x3mm QFN11 Socket Daughter Board (Available Separately)Figure 6.C8051T606 2x2mm QFN10 Socket Daughter Board (Available Separately)No tR e co mme wDe si g nC8051T606-DK7.1. System Clock SourcesThe C8051T606 devices feature a calibrated internal oscillator which is enabled as the system clock source on reset. After reset, the internal oscillator operates at a frequency of 24.5MHz (±2%) by default, but may be configured by software to operate at other frequencies. Therefore, in many applications an external oscillator is not required. However, if you wish to operate the C8051T606 device at a frequency not available with the internal oscillator, an external oscillator source may be used. Refer to the C8051T600/1/2/3/4/5/6 datasheet for more information on configuring the system clock source.The main board is designed to facilitate the use of external clock sources. To use an external CMOS clock source,the clock can simply be applied to P0.3. To implement the RC mode option, placeholders for an 0805-packaged capacitor (C20) and resistor (R18) are supplied on the board. The C (capacitor) clock option can be implemented by using only the capacitor placeholder (C20). To reduce the amount of stray capacitance on the pin, which could affect the frequency in either RC or C mode, resistor R12 can also be removed from the board when using C or RC mode. Refer to the C8051T600/1/2/3/4/5/6 datasheet for more information on the use of external oscillators.7.2. Switches and LEDsTwo switches are provided on the main board. Switch RESET is connected to the RESET pin of the C8051T606.Pressing RESET puts the device into its hardware-reset state. Switch P0.3 can be connected to the C8051T606’s general purpose I/O (GPIO) pin P0.3 through header J3. Pressing Switch P0.3 generates a logic low signal on the port pin. Remove the shorting block from the J3 header to disconnect Switch P0.3 from the port pin.Four LEDs are also provided on the target board. The red LED labeled PWR (D4) is used to indicate a power connection to the target board. The red/green LED labeled D2 is the run/stop light for the debug circuitry. The red LED labeled D7 indicates when the VPP programming voltage is being applied to the device (see Section 7.6 for additional details). Finally, the green LED labeled P0.2 (D1) can be connected to the C8051T606’s GPIO pin P0.2through header J3. Remove the shorting block from the header to disconnect the LED from the port pin. Note that when this LED is connected, it will also light when programming EPROM devices.See Table 1 for the port pins and headers corresponding to the switches, LEDs, and potentiometer.7.3. USB Debug Interface (DEBUG/J1)A Universal Serial Bus (USB) connector (J1) is included to provide the on-board debug and programming interface.The debug/programming interface is powered through the USB connector, but requires power to the device via the power connector P3 in order to initiate debug and programming operations.Table 1. Target Board I/O DescriptionsDescriptionI/OHeader SW1P0.3J3[5–6]SW2RESET none Red LEDPWR none Green LED P0.2J3[7–8]Red/Green LEDnone none Red LEDVPPJ10No tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g nC8051T606-DK7.4. PORT I/O Connector (J8)Each of the C8051T606’s I/O pins, as well as VPP , +3VD, GND, and /RST are routed to header J8. This header can be used to easily connect to any signal on the device. Table 2 defines the pins for header J8.7.5. Serial Interface (J2)A RS232 transceiver circuit and DB-9 (J2) connector are provided on the main board to facilitate serial connections to UART0 on the C8051T606. The TX and RX signals of UART0 may be connected to the RS-232 transceiver by installing shorting blocks on header J3. The RTS and CTS lines do not have a direct connection available to the C8051T606, due to limited pin resources on the device. However, these two signals have also been routed through the transceiver, and are available for wiring on-board at test points near the DB-9 connector. The transceiver shifts the UART signals to RS-232 levels, and connects to the appropriate pins on the DB-9 connector.J3[1–2]—Install shorting block to connect UART0 RX (P0.5) to transceiver.J3[3–4]—Install shorting block to connect UART0 TX (P0.4) to transceiver.Table 2. J8 Pin DescriptionsPin #Description 1+3VD (+3.3VDC)2VPP 3no connection4P0.15P0.26P0.37P0.48P0.59no connection10P0.711GND 12/RSTNo tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g nC8051T606-DK7.6. VPP Connection (J10)The C8051T606 devices require a special 6.0V programming voltage applied to the VPP pin during device programming. The VPP pin on these devices is shared with P0.2. During programming, the VPP voltage is automatically enabled when needed. Header J10 is provided to allow the user to disconnect the programming circuitry from the VPP/P0.2 pin to avoid interfering with the normal application operation of P0.2. When programming the device, J10 should be shorted with a shorting block. When running normal application code, J10can be removed. Note that the C8051T600 emulation daughter board does not connect the main board’s VPP and P0.2 signals, so removing the shorting block is not necessary when using the emulation daughter board.7.7. Using Alternate Supplies with the C8051T60x Development KitFor most evaluation purposes, the on-board 3.3V supply regulator is sufficient to be used as a VDD power supply.However, in applications where a different supply voltage is desired (for example, 1.8V), an external supply voltage can be applied to the board at the analog connector (J6). Depending on the supply and the desired functionality of the board, it may be necessary to cut the VDD supply voltage trace on the back of the board behind header J9 (not populated). The following should be considered when supplying a different voltage to the device:1.When programming a C8051T606 device : The on-board 3.3V regulator should be used for VDD.2.If a VDD supply voltage between 2.7 and3.6V is desired : The ac to dc power adapter should bedisconnected from P3, and the desired supply voltage can be applied directly to the GND and VDD terminals of terminal block J6. No board modification is necessary.3.If a VDD supply voltage between 1.8 and 2.7V is desired and RS-232 functionality is not required : The ac to dc power adapter should be disconnected from P3, and the desired supply voltage can be applied directly to the GND and VDD terminals of terminal block J6. No board modification is necessary.4.If a VDD supply voltage between 1.8 and 2.7V is desired and RS-232 functionality is required : The RS-232 transceiver is not specified to operate below 2.7V. In this case, the trace under header J9 should be cut. Then, the desired VDD supply voltage can be applied directly to the GND and VDD terminals of terminal block J6, and the ac to dc power adapter can be connected to P3, to provide 3.3V to the RS-232 transceiver. In this case, it may also be necessary to configure the TX pin on the device for open-drain mode, and add a pull-up resistor to the supply of the transceiver.No tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g nC8051T606-DK8. SchematicsF i g u r e 7.C 8051T 600 M a i n B o a r d S c h e m a t i c (p a g e 1/2)i g nC8051T606-DKe si g nC8051T606-DKFigure 9.C8051T600 Emulation Daughter Board SchematicFigure 11.C8051T600 QFN11 Socket Daughter Board SchematicNenDisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products must not be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are generally not intended for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc., Silicon Laboratories, Silicon Labs, SiLabs and the Silicon Labs logo, CMEMS®, EFM, EFM32, EFR, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZMac®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, DSPLL®, ISOmodem ®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, SiPHY®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USAIoT Portfolio /IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality/qualitySupport and CommunityNo tR e co mme nd edf or N e wDe si g n。

ZEISS CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software 升级指南说明书

ZEISS CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software 升级指南说明书

How do I upgrade my CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software?ZEISS Quick Help: CIRRUS ™HD-OCTFigure 3Figure 2Figure 1Figure 4Figure 5Prior to ordering and upgrading CIRRUS ™ HD-OCT Review Software, refer to the document Appendix: Installing CIRRUS HD-OCT ReviewSoftware to ensure compatibility between your computer operating system, the CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software and the CIRRUS Instrument.Software Media PackageTo upgrade your already configured and running CIRRUS HD-OCT ReviewSoftware, you must first order and receive the CIRRUS HD-OCT Software Media Package , which contains two USB drives with everything you need to complete your software upgrade. The USB drives will be labeled SW [Software] and UD [User Document] (Figure 1). Software UpgradeInsert the SW drive into any open USB port on your exam lane review station computer, click on the Windows Explorer folder icon located in the menu bar (Figure 2), and then click Computer on the far left (Figure 3). In the next window, you will see the CIRRUS drive listed with the software version number; double click the icon (Figure 4), and then double click the setup.exe icon (Figure 5) to begin installation of your CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software upgrade.When the Welcome Screen appears, click Next (Figure 6), accept the terms of the agreement and click Next.If you are NOT using FORUM® Data Management software from ZEISS:Select CIRRUS Review – Instrument Mode. When the installation is complete, click Finish (Figure 7). Yourcomputer will automatically reboot. No further action is required if you are upgrading your software from aversion that was already configured and running.Figure 6Figure 7If you ARE using FORUM® Data Management software from ZEISS:Select CIRRUS Review – Local Mode / FORUM Archive and click Next (Figure 8). Click Next again on the following screen without making any selections. The box "Remote Desktop Services will be used" should be left unchecked (Figure 9). Consult your local IT professional if you wish to install your CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software forRemote desktop services use.Figure 8Figure 9Page 2 of 3S E R .8991 P r i n t e d i n t h e U S A C Z -V /2017T h e c o n t e n t s o f t h i s r e f e r e n c e g u i d e m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s o f t h e p r o d u c t i n y o u r c o u n t r y . P l e a s e c o n t a c t y o u r r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d a s a r e s u l t o f o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t . C I R R U S a n d F O R U M a r e e i t h e r t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c , I n c . o r o t h e r c o m p a n i e s o f t h e Z E I S S G r o u p i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d /o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . © 2017 C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c , I n c . A l l c o p y r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse 51–5207745 Jena Germany/med Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.5160 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568USA/medRefer to the CIRRUS HD-OCT User Manual Instructions for Use for safe and effective operation of the instrument.Database Installation DirectoryYou will be prompted with an option to change the installation directory of the CIRRUS HD-OCT Review Software database location (Figure 10). Unless you wish to make a change, leave the directory as-is and click Next .Note : The database installation directory screen will not appear in a Non-Forum install. If you would like to change the location of the installation directory, first consult your IT professional. The directory can be moved to a different local drive location but must remain on the local computer.When the upgrade installation is complete, click Finish (Figure 11). Your computer will automatically reboot. No further action is required after the reboot if you are upgrading your software from a version thatwas already configured and running.Figure 10Page 3 of 3Figure 11。



HTC816全系列安卓6.0降级官方4.4.2系统教程,恢复官方系统,可再OTA升级,全版本!本帖最后由 Q1207801038 于 2016-6-5 14:17 编辑和M8系列一样,有的816升级6.0后出现一些不正常的问题:升级后无法开机、程序报错、拨号报错、进不去设置、无信号等问题。



之前已经发布过816T/816W/816D的5.0降级教程,6.0降级和之前的5.0降级教程差不多,这里提供除了这三个版本以外的,816E 联通4G版、816H联通版、816V电信4G版的教程和需要用到的文件。




如果是3.XX.XXXX.X请看第二步骤【二步骤,清空OS】如果手机OS是3.XX.XXXX.X,那么需要清空OS后才能继续降级,一般情况下,刷有的twrp第三方recovery,刷入后,进入recovery,再重进HBOOT,OS就会被清空,但并不是所有recovery 都行。


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图 2-4 打开 TFTP 服务器
2008-9-26 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第 2 页, 共 6 页
打开 TFTP 服务器后,首先要开启服务,然后选择配置服务,在弹出的对话框中通过 浏览将 TFTP 根目录指向加载版本所在的目录,如下图所示。
图 2-5 开启服务和配置目录 注意: 为了使用方便, 通常 license 文件与版本一同加载, 这就需要在版本加载前将 license 文件放到上述加载目录下。如果在加载版本时忘记了加载 license,也可以在系统启动后,通 过命令 config download file license 加载,详细操作请参见《SoftCo 5816 V100R001 开 局指导书》 。没有加载 license 的系统,默认只有 4 个 sip 用户可用。 5、修改 switch.dat 配置文件 该文件位于加载目录下,即前面 TFTP 工具所指定的上传、下载目录。可以使用记事本 等文本编辑工具打开,然后根据需要修改里面的属性值。 IP = PROGRAM_DOWN PROGRAM_SAVE DATA_DOWN OTHER_FILE_DOWN DATA_DEFAULT PROGRAM_NAME /* SoftCo 业务网口的静态 IP 地址*/ = YES /*程序是否加载 */ = YES /*加载完成后程序是否保存到 Flash*/ = YES /*数据是否加载*/ = YES /*除了运行程序和 data.bin 之外的所有文件*/ = YES /* 是否生成默认数据 */ = "arg.bin" /* 需要加载的主机程序的文件名 */
2008-9-26 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第 1 页, 共 6 页
的设置请参考本图) 。
图 2-3 设置串口的连接属性 4、开启TFTP服务器,配置加载文件目录 TFTP 工具有很多,推荐使用 OMU 自带的 TFTP 服务器。可以通过菜单->工具->TFTP 服务器打开,如下图所示。
第 6 页, 共 6 页
注:如果是全新加载,即不再使用 SoftCo 上原先存在 Flash 里的程序和配置文件,则 5 个参数可以全部选择 YES,通常只需要修改第一项业务网口的 IP 地址。
2008-9-26 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第 3 页, 共 6 页
6、修改 SoftCo 系统信息 通过串口或者 telnet 方式进入配置用户视图或者超级用户视图。现假设开局环境下,要 求的各项参数如下: SoftCo 的 IP 地址: 网关 IP: 子网掩码: TFTP 服务器 IP 地址: 首先查看原来的系统参数: [%SoftCo5816(config)]$ show system information System Information Device Type: SoftCo5816 DomainName: SS IP Address: MAC Address: 00-19-21-59-04-38 GateWay IP Address: SubMask: Host IP Address: CTIServer IP Address: BillServer IP Setting: Voice Code And Decode Type: G711A/G711U/G729/G723 Running Time: 1 Hours 5 Minutes Current Time: Date:2008-01-18 Time:17:47:05 Time Zone: GMT+08:00 现在,修改系统参数为要求的值: [%SoftCo5816(config)]$config system ip /* 修改 SoftCo 的 IP、 子网掩码 */ [%SoftCo5816(config)]$config system hostip /* 修改 Tftp 服务器的 IP 地址 */ [%SoftCo5816(config)]$config system gateway ip /* 修改网关 IP */ 再次查看系统参数,确认修改结果: [%SoftCo5816(config)]$ show system information System Information Device Type: SoftCo5816 DomainName: SS IP Address: MAC Address: 00-19-21-59-04-38 GateWay IP Address: SubMask: Host IP Address:
2008-9-26 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第 4 页, 共 6 页
CTIServer IP Address: BillServer IP Setting: Voice Code And Decode Type: G711A/G711U/G729/G723 Running Time: 1 Hours 5 Minutes Current Time: Date:2008-01-18 Time:17:48:00 Time Zone: GMT+08:00 7、开始加载 1)重启系统。在串口的超级用户视图下,输入 reboot 命令,然后根据屏幕提示输入 y, SoftCo 开始进入重启流程。 注:如果系统没有加载过版本,可以通过重新上电进入重启流程。 2)更新二级 boot。注意观察串口打印,在出现“Press the 'E' key to stop auto-boot...”时, 用键盘输入“e” (这个阶段只有 3s 的等待时间,为了防止跳过,可以在系统重启后一直按 住字母“e”。输入密码“qpmz” ) ,进入 BOOT1 阶段的 debug_mode 模式。在该模式下, 输入“?”可以查看该模式下支持的命令。可以分别通过 PMA1 和 p1 查看系统的 MAC 地 址及配置信息,应与步骤 6)配置的信息一致,如下所示: [BOOT1]: p1 boot device unit number processor number host name file name inet on ethernet (e) host inet (h) gateway inet (g) user (u) ftp password (pw) flags (f) target name (tn) : eth :1 :0 : host : boot2_arg_ppc8260.z : : : : test : test : 0x0 : BOARD
பைடு நூலகம்
1、物理连接 正确连接串口线和网线,如下图 2-1 所示。两个业务网口互为主备,可以只用一根网线 连接其中任意一端口,也可以用两根网线同时连接这两个端口。
图 2-1 SoftCo5816 和 PC 机的连接
2、网络连接 SoftCo 只支持静态 IP,在 SoftCo 上电加载版本前,分配给 SoftCo 的 IP 必须是正确的, 而且该 IP 必须与 TFTP 服务器所在 PC 的 IP 之间是路由可达的,否则程序和数据文件无法 成功上传到 SoftCo。 3、启用串口工具 可以利用 Windows 自带的超级终端或者第三方的软件 (如 Secure CRT) ,这里以超级终 端为例进行描述,其他串口工具的使用方法大致是类似的: 1)将串口线的两端分别连在SoftCo串口和串口程序所在的PC机上。SoftCo 5816的串口 是设备前面板上标示为“CONSOLE”的端口; 2)打开超级终端(开始->程序->附件->通讯->超级终端)并新建一个连接, “连接时使 用”一项选择与SoftCo连接的串口(如COM1) ,然后选择“确定” ; 3)在“属性”窗口中,先点击“还原为默认值” ,再点击“应用” ,再选择“确定” 。当 SoftCo上电后,就可以从串口及时跟踪SoftCo的状态(用其他串口工具时,对应串口属性值
2.3 加载后的验证工作
加载过程大约需要几分钟时间。 当加载完成后, 用户可用串口或者 telnet 终端登录上去, 并进行基本的验证工作。 (SoftCo 初始用户名和密码为:admin/huawei,en/huawei) 主要有以下几个步骤: 1、执行show version命令,查看主机版本是否为加载后的版本; 2、执行show license命令,查看license是否加载成功,若加载失败,需要使用命令 config download file license进行在线加载; 3、执行show system information命令,查看当前的系统信息。
2008-9-26 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第 5 页, 共 6 页
“qpmz” ,进入 BOOT2 阶段的 debug_mode 模式。该模式与 BOOT1 阶段的操作类似,可 以通过“?”获得相关命令提示信息。也可以通过 PMA1 和 p1 查看系统的配置信息。输 入 “A1”命令后,设备开始下载程序文件和数据文件。 系统首先从 TFTP 服务器指向的目录中获取 switch.dat 文件(可以在 TFTP 界面中看 到数据文件的传输进度) 。当获取 switch.dat 成功后,根据获取到的 switch.dat 里面设置的加 载标识,开始程序文件和其他数据的加载流程(可以在 TFTP 界面中看到数据文件的传输进 度) 。 注意:在网络非常繁忙时进行加载,可能会在加载过程中打印如下消息“netJobAdd: ring buffer overflow!” ,且加载失败。为确保加载成功,建议在网络数据流量正常时进行版 本加载。