3D Widgets for Exploratory Scientific Visualization
模型主要包含以下几个部分:1. 气象条件模拟:NNW-ICE软件能够模拟各种气象条件,如温度、湿度、风速等,为结冰现象的模拟提供真实的环境背景。
2. 飞行器表面几何建模:软件具有强大的三维建模功能,能够精确地建立飞行器的几何模型,为结冰现象的模拟提供准确的几何条件。
3. 结冰模型:该模型基于物理过程进行模拟,包括水滴撞击、水膜形成、冰晶生长等过程。
4. 传热与流动分析:模型还考虑了热量传递和流体流动对结冰过程的影响,使模拟结果更加准确。
三、精度验证为了验证NNW-ICE软件三维结冰模型的精度,我们进行了以下工作:1. 实验数据收集:我们收集了多种飞行器在不同气象条件下的实际结冰数据,包括结冰位置、结冰厚度等信息。
2. 模型参数校准:根据实验数据,我们对NNW-ICE软件中的模型参数进行了校准,使模拟结果更加接近实际情况。
3. 对比分析:我们将NNW-ICE软件的模拟结果与实际实验数据进行对比分析,评估模型的精度和可靠性。
九年级上册信息技术 -第13课—3D One 实体变形巧做环保箱【教案】
第三单元畅游3D世界第13课实体变形巧做环保箱【教案】一、【教材分析】二、【教学流程】(2)垃圾箱上的标志做起来比较难?(3)垃圾箱边缘太厚容易挂住垃圾,但是太锋利又容易伤人怎么办?二、我的设想(小组讨论____分钟)1. 引导学生自主分析制作箱体步骤,结合上一课内容思考多种不同方法。
2. 教师由学生提出的方案总结引导进入本课新知识。
Shapr3D是一款基于苹果iPad平板电脑的应用程序,它结合了iPad的触摸屏和Apple Pencil的精准输入,让用户能够轻松地进行三维建模工作。
与传统的三维建模软件相比,Shapr3D的操作界面更加简洁直观,用户可以通过手指的触摸和Apple Pencil的精确绘制来进行建模,让整个建模过程更加直观和自然。
六年级未来科技英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>In the future, smart robots will play an important role in our homes. They can help us with many tasks. For example, they can clean the house, do the laundry, and even cook meals. Smart robots can also talk to us and answer our questions. They can play games with us and tell us stories. With the help of smart robots, our lives will become more convenient and comfortable.1. Smart robots can do many things in the future. Which one is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Clean the house.B. Do the homework.C. Cook meals.D. Do the laundry.答案:B。
2. What can smart robots do besides helping with tasks?A. Sing songs.B. Dance.C. Talk to us and answer our questions.D. Draw pictures.答案:C。
3. With the help of smart robots, our lives will become ______.A. more difficultB. more boringC. more convenient and comfortableD. more tiring答案:C。
你不可错过的25款免费3D建模常用软件技术上,三维指的是在三种平面( X ,Y和Z )上构造对象。
三维( 3D )电脑绘图得到广泛使用,它们在任何地方都可看见,几乎是司空见惯,应用于电影,产品设计,广告,电子等等。
3.Art of IllusionArt of Illusion 是免费的、开源的3D建模和渲染工作室。
4.SOFTIMAGE|XSI Mod Tool一款为那些有志于游戏开发商和模型制作者作出贡献的免费三维建模和动画软件。
这款模型工具可插入所有主要的游戏引擎和下一代游戏的开发框架,休闲游戏,现时著称的三维建模,甚至基于Flash 的3D游戏。
5.ZmodelerZModeler (or Zanoza Modeler)是一款由Oleg Melashenko 开发的三维建模应用程序。
第24卷第6期通化师范学院学报Vol.24№6 2003年11月JOURNA L OF T ONGH UA TE ACHERSπC O LLEGE Nov.2003三维动画软件3DMax在虚拟有机化学实验中的应用Ξ车喜全,任铁军(通化师范学院化学系,吉林通化134002)摘 要:通过一虚拟有机实验室的建立,对3DM ax在有机化学仪器的三维立体模型的建立,玻璃材质的制作,实验现象的虚拟及此过程中部分关键参数的设定等问题进行探讨并制作完成了有机化学实验软件.关键词:有机化学实验;3DM ax studio;三维动画;虚拟实验室中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-7974(2003)06-0068-041 引 言3DMax是一种PC机的三维动画制作软件,多用于影视制作、工业建筑设计.基于此,想到如利用3DMax来创建三维虚拟实验室,一旦模型建成就可以从各方位,以任意视点与角度对实验进行观察,这将大大提高课件的质量与使用效果,同时可以虚拟出一些高度危险或因缺少仪器设备条件等而无法实际操作的实验.2 工具软件2.1 三维动画制作软件 3DMax studio5.09 辅助软件Photoshop(图象加工)M ovie Maker(视频剪辑压缩)Flash MX(辅助动画制作)G odenware(音频编辑)2.2 选用3DMax studio作为三维动画的理由3DMax所需系统配置较其它三维软件(M AY A LIGHT W AVE等)并不太高.提供了强大的三维建模功能、渲染功能.最终产品可输出为3VI、3MP、3AV等多种常用格式,可供其它软件引入使用.3 虚拟实验室创建部分3.1 有机仪器建模所谓建模就是在三维空间内创建出所需物件的三维模型.建模的方式很多,如基于样条曲线的对象,Patch面片对象,Mesh网格对象,NURBS曲面对象等.由于有机化学实验仪器多为规则的几何体或几何体的有机组合与变形,因此可采用将仪器单纯化,分解为单纯的几何体.分别创建这些简单的几何体,然后依据仪器形态,使用各种修改编辑器对这些几何元素进行进一步的加工编辑,最后利用C om pound Objects(合成对象)命令面板中的移动、旋转、缩放、对齐、复制等操作整合为所需的三维的仪器模型.例:分液漏斗的建模(1)选择某菜单命令File—New创建一新的场景文件,选择创建命令面板下的选项卡,在其下面的创建类型选项中选择stand primitives(标准几何体)类型,单击其下的sphere按钮.(2)在顶视图中按住鼠标左键不放,拖拽产生一球体,释放鼠标左键结束操作,在参数面板中将Ξ收稿日期:2003-06-30作者简介:车喜全(1954-),男,通化师范学院化学系副教授.segment设为13(即可减少模型的复杂度,又利于下步的操作).在球体上单击右键,从弹出菜单中选择convert to editable poly将其变为可编辑PO LY多边形(如图1).(图例1)(3)在SE LECTI ON区中将当前的次级结构编辑层次选为点,并在前视图中选中球体下部可编辑点向下拖拽,适度调整其它点,使球体在前视图中呈梭型.再添加一Tube物件,移至适当位置.选择Meshsm ooth光滑物件,分液漏斗主体部分完成(如图2-1、2-2).(图例2-1) (图例2-2)(4)选择Creat Stand Primitives Tube 将精度设为1(作为分液漏斗的活塞外侧部分).转换成可编辑P oly多边形.在前视图选择上部一行编辑点,选取等比例缩放工具,使物件呈现为梯形.将当前次级结构编辑层次选为面,经Extrude(挤压),拉伸等操作.完成对象的编辑(如图3-1 3-2)(图例3-1) (图例3-2)(5)用类似方法编辑创建两个活塞.(将Tube改为Cylinder圆柱体即可).(如图4-1 4-2)(图例4-1) (图例4-2)(6)使用选取移动工具,在各视图中调整各部件于适当位置,组合成分液漏斗状.使用Attach 命令将各部分进行整合(因其为活动部件,所以上下活栓除外).单击File———Save完成建模.最终渲染效果如图例5:(图例5)按住Alt键与鼠标中键在透视图中从各角度观察模型,看是否还需调整.另外对于剖面对称的化学仪器,如圆底烧瓶等采用Lathe回旋法也很适用.简略步骤:画出二维剖面图———Lathe回旋———参数设定———完成3.2 演示实验仪器材质的制作与编辑能否制作出逼真的玻璃仪器是虚拟实验室成败的关键,玻璃材质在有关资料中有简略描述,但对于实验仪器并不十分适用.经多次尝试,仪器的玻璃材质的制作方法如下更接近于真实仪器:在材质编辑器中选择一新的材质球,点取Assign Materal to Selection将材质指定给前步制得的仪器模型,设置参数.部分关键参数设置如下: 材质类型 Phongspeculor level(高光级别) 值为 300G lossiness (光泽度) 值为 64Ambient:黑 Luminosity : 白Diffuse:白 Transparency: 白Reflect:黑 index of rate: 1.2.展开Maps点取Reflection右侧的None按钮在Material/Map Browser浏览器中选择Ray trace.玻璃材质只能在渲染视图中才可见其效果.3.3 演示实验的环境编辑3.3.1 摄像机的运用摄像机用于拍摄三维动画的场景,在3DMax中可以创建两种类型的摄像机T arget Camera(目标摄像机)和Free Camera(自由摄像机),在仪器组装动画采用Free(自由摄像机)效果较好,适合观察各个部分细节.而在观察一套完整的实验装置时T arget(目标摄像机)更为适用,即拍摄点固定不动,将镜头的目标点连接到动画对象上.拍摄角度跟随摄像机的位置的变化而变化.3.3.2 环境灯光灯光是创建真实世界视觉效果最有效的手段之一.演示实验环境较其它环境单一,只侧重于仪器的表现,因此采用Omni(泛光灯)即可,对场景进行均匀的照明,在参数面板中设置合适的投影,会大大增加动画的立体感,而玻璃仪器投影颜色的设置为较淡的灰色较好,当然也要看具体实验仪器的多少、场景的大小等因素进行适当的调整.3.3.3 创建通用灯光选择Rendering—Environment,在其中参数设置中可对通用灯光进行调节,通用灯光在演示实验中应设为白色较亮为好,因为有机实验仪器中大部分为透明的玻璃仪器,如灯光较暗,玻璃材质的透明效果就难于表现出来.而过于明亮,则玻璃仪器会显得过白,使仪器显得真实感差,且使整个场景平淡缺乏层次.3.4 演示动画的制作演示实验动画同其它动画制作没有过多的差异,基本动画制作可参考3DMax相关书籍.这里主要谈谈在有机演示实验三维动画中的制作技巧与经验.3.4.1 仪器安装动画的制作在仪器安装动画中采用从时间轴后部向前部进行制作的方式会使演示动画的制作变得相对简单.3.4.2 简单流体动画的制作可采用P oly多边形变形动画制作(注意贴图透明度与光泽度的设置).3.4.3 火焰、烟雾效果的制作在环境选项卡中选择E ffects—m ore可找到火焰、烟雾参数设置面板或在网上找相关插件.此两种现象只能在Perspective及Camera视图的渲染效果图中观察到其效果.3.5 渲染渲染输出是三维动画制作过程的最后一步,也是决定动画影片最终效果的重要环节.在演示实验中所有玻璃仪器只有在渲染后才能见到其效果.渲染输出一部动画影片要耗费大量的时间,如果在渲染输出过程中发现动画前期编辑有误,往往整个过程都将重头再来,所以在最后渲染输出之前应当不断使用菜单命令Animation—Make Pre2 view,通过生成的预览影片发现并改正错误.对于渲染输出格式的选择,考虑到质量、分辨率及通用性,最好存储为3.avi全祯非压缩格式.值得一提的是渲染速度的问题,通常一段200帧无其它额外材质的动画,渲染时间大约为3—4分钟,而如果其中包含其它贴图材质尤其是玻璃等透明、半透明的材质,渲染时间则会猛增为4—5小时(系统配置不同时间也会有所差异,但这个比率几乎是相同的.).而有机实验动画中又不可避免地要使用玻璃材质.因此在仪器建模时应尽量减少仪器模型的复杂度,多使用Mesh sm ooth命令;在保证动画完整性的同时,应尽量缩短动画所占帧的长度.3.6 后期整合与再加工将所制得的各演示动画应用M ovie Maker Primere等视频编辑软件进行压缩,但经实践多数视频压缩软件压缩后其图象损失过大.因此除很长的实验演示动画外,其它均可用Flash MX新增的视频导入功能进行压缩,这样在质量与所占大小之间可取得一个较理想的平衡点.同时Flash MX的强大交互功能可弥补3Dmax在交互功能方面的不足.最后将所得各演示动画整合为一系统的有机实验室.三维虚拟实验室的建立是对课件制作方式的一次改革与尝试.尽管它在很多方面还需改进与研究,但这毕竟是突破了二维空间的限制,增强了实验动画的立体感,使其更具逼真性,因此它必将是未来课件,尤其是自然学科课件的发展方向.参考文献:[1]唐泽圣.三维动画3D S tudio M AX R4[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2000.12.[2]张溪,汪志远.中文3DS M AX5.0实用实战教程[M].北京:兵器工业出版社,2002.10.[3]曾昭琼,曾和平.有机化学实验(第三版)[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2001.5.(责任编辑:高俊丽)The Application of3D MAX in the Conjecture Experiment of Organic ChemistryCHE X i2quan et al(Department o f Chemistry,Tonghua Teacher s College,Tonghua,Jilin,134002) Abstract:Through the setting2up of one conjecture laboratory of organic chemistry,the applications of3D M AX in the setting-up of the3D m odel of organic chemical instrument,the making of theglass material,the conjecture of experimental phenomenon and the settings of s ome key param2eters in this course are discussed in this paper.K ey w ords:The experiment of organic chemistry;3D M AX ST UDI O;three-dimensional animation;virtu2 al laboratory。
投影规则规则主俯长对正、主左高平齐、俯左宽相等即:of thiourea, and diluted to 100mL and mix. 31.5 trivalent arsenic (As3+) standard liquid weigh accurately arsenic trioxide 0.1320g, plus 100g/L 1mL and a small amount of potassium hydroxide sub-boilingdistilled water dissolve into 100mL the bottle volume. This standard solution contains trivalent arsenic (As3+) 1mg/mL. Water level when using diluted to standard concentration for arsenic trivalent (As3+) 1 μg. Refrigerator use 7 days. 32 glass apparatus 15% nitrate soaked before using 24h. 32.1 atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 32.2, thermostatic water bath. 33 33.1 sample analysis steps deal with the body: learn from crushing 80 mesh sieve-like 2.50g (sample weight according to the content of the sample, as appropriate, increase or decrease) in 25mL graduated test tube. Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 20mL, mixing, or 5.00g weigh fresh sample (sample should be homogenized into) in 25mL scale in a test tube, add 5mL hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution diluted to scales, mixing。
6 zero极简主义设计,极致简 约风潮流所向,通用设计。
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zero极简主义设计,极致简约风潮流所向,通用设计,完美兼容, 打造最实用,最具个性的演示方案,让你的演示卓越非凡。
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五年级科技创新英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>Smartphones have become an important part of our lives. In the past few years, smartphones have developed rapidly. They are not only used for making phone calls and sending text messages, but also for taking pictures, listening to music, playing games and surfing the Internet.Smartphones are very convenient. We can use them to communicate with our friends and family at any time. We can also use them to get information quickly. For example, we can use them to look up the meaning of a word, find the way to a place or check the weather forecast.However, smartphones also have some disadvantages. For example, some people spend too much time on their smartphones and ignore their real lives. Some people also use their smartphones to play games or watch videos for a long time, which is bad for their eyes.In conclusion, smartphones have both advantages and disadvantages. We should use them properly and not let them control our lives.1. Smartphones can be used for many things except ______.A. making phone callsB. doing homeworkC. taking picturesD. listening to music答案:B。
给外企公司发邮件介绍自己公司的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dear Foreign Company,Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I'm writing to tell you about my dad's really cool company. He said I could write to you since you might want to work with them. Get ready, because this is going to be awesome!My dad started his company 5 years ago in our garage. He's really smart and had a great idea for a new kind of widget that nobody had ever made before. The widget can do all篇2Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Timmy and I am 10 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School. I wanted to tell you about my dad's really cool company that he runs!Dad's company is called Evergreen Technologies. It makes software and apps for businesses. My dad says their main thing isenterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. I'm not totally sure what that means, but I know it's about helping companies be more organized and efficient with their resources like money, people, supplies, and time.Dad's company has been around for 15 years now. He started it in our garage back in 2008 with just a few people working for him. But it grew really fast because their products are so good at helping businesses. Now they have over 200 employees!The software they make is used by tons of major companies all over the world. Some of the biggest names that use Dad's ERP software are Amazon, Disney, Ford, and Nestle. Isn't that awesome? The software runs on regular computers but also tablets and smartphones so people can access it anywhere.Their main ERP system is called OmniResource. It has a million different tools and capabilities packed into one platform. It can handle inventory management, supply chain logistics, financial reporting, human resources, customer relations, and so much more. Basically it's like an all-in-one console that puts everything a business needs at your fingertips.But OmniResource is highly customizable too. That means it can be adjusted and tailored perfectly for each client's specificneeds, whatever industry they are in. The developers at Evergreen Technologies work closely with each new client to understand their processes and then configure OmniResource to mesh seamlessly. There are also hundreds of compatibleadd-ons and integrations available.Another really cool product is their business intelligence and analytics dashboard called InsightCore. This mines all the realtime data being captured by OmniResource and puts it into beautiful visualizations like charts, graphs, and scorecards. The dashboards are totally customizable and let you drill down to uncover key metrics and trends. Dad says this kind of advanced analytics is crucial for making smart, data-driven decisions quickly.I think the best part about Dad's company though is their customer support services. With every ERP system implemented, they provide unlimited technical support, training resources, and professional consultants to make sure clients are successful. Their global support team is available 24/7 over multiple channels like phone, email, chat, and online portals.They also offer all kinds of other services too like data migration, system integration, process optimization, change management, and more. Dad says they are really a full-servicesolutions provider committed to their client's long-term growth and profitability, not just selling software.What impresses me most is the company culture at Evergreen Technologies. Dad is always talking about their core values of excellence, innovation, integrity and teamwork. He says those values are embedded into everything they do.Everyone who works there, even the developers, has excellent communication skills and emotional intelligence. They all get tons of training on active listening, clear communication, problem-solving, and understanding the customer's perspective. Dad says that's just as important as technical ability.There's a huge emphasis on creativity and continuously improving their products too. Dad has this thing called the Innovation Incubator, which is a cool space where people can explore new ideas and technologies. Employees can apply to get dedicated time and resources to work on personal projects that could potentially benefit customers.The workplace itself sounds really fun and vibrant from how Dad describes it. There are open collaborative spaces, gaming lounges, fitness centers, and little cafes and coffee shops inside the offices. Employees can even bring their dogs to work! Thereare all sorts of clubs, events, and team outings too like hiking, bowling, hackathons, you name it.Dad says those kinds of perks and creating an engaging culture is crucial for attracting and keeping top talent. He really cares about employee wellbeing, professional development, work-life balance, and fostering a sense of community. That's part of why the company has been so successful.Well, I could probably go on and on, but I don't want this email to get too long and boring! I just think my dad's company is the best and wanted to tell you all about it. Maybe you'd be interested in using their ERP system or services for your business too? Just let me know if you have any other questions!Thanks for reading,Timmy篇3Dear Foreign Company,Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I'm writing to tell you all about my dad's company. He asked me to introduce it to you since you might want to work with them. I hope you like learning about it!My dad's company is called Bright Ideas Inc. They make really cool technology products that help make people's lives easier and more fun. Their main office is in a big city near where I live. It's a tall glass building right downtown that has their logo on the very top. Whenever we drive by, I always get excited to see it!Inside the office, it's really modern and colorful. The floors are bright blue and there are red chairs and couches everywhere for people to sit and have meetings. My dad says the fun colors help people be more creative when they're working. There are also lots of big windows that let in natural sunlight. My favorite part is the cafeteria because they have a soft-serve ice cream machine that gives free ice cream to all the employees!The people who work at Bright Ideas are seriously the coolest. Instead of boring suits, they wear jeans and t-shirts to the office. Some of them even have colored hair or tattoos! My dad says they hire people from all over the world with different backgrounds to get diverse perspectives. He once took me for Show and Tell day and I got to meet engineers from India, designers from France, and marketers from Brazil. I was amazed at how many languages I heard being spoken in the hallways.But the best part about the employees is how passionate they are about their work. Whenever I ask my dad about his day, he gets so excited telling me about the new products they're developing and the challenges they're trying to solve through technology. He says everyone at Bright Ideas loves pushing the boundaries and thinking outside the box. No idea is too crazy or far-fetched for them to at least consider! That's how they come up with such innovative and groundbreaking products.Speaking of products, you probably want to know what Bright Ideas actually makes, huh? Well, they've created some really awesome gadgets and gizmos that make life more efficient and entertaining. One of their biggest hits is the SmartCube, which is like a super advanced smart speaker. Not only can you use it to play music, check the weather, and do internet searches like other speakers, but the SmartCube can actually learn your daily routine and habits over time. It can give you customized advice and suggestions to optimize your schedule, remind you of appointments, and even control other smart home devices you might have like lights or the thermostat. My dad got me one for my bedroom and it's been a total game-changer for keeping me organized with homework and activities!Another popular Bright Ideas invention is the JoyScroll, a digital screen that displays constantly changing images, videos, artwork, quotes, and animations. Unlike a regular picture frame, the images on the JoyScroll never repeat and are sourced from a massive library of content as well as user submissions. It's designed to spark happiness, curiosity, and imagination as you watch it cycle through different visuals. My parents have one hanging in our living room and I'm always excited to see what creative new scenes will appear on it.But my personal favorite Bright Ideas product is definitely the AuraVisor. It's a headset that uses augmented reality to project educational games and experiences into the world around you. Want to visit ancient Rome and watch gladiators fight? The AuraVisor can make it look like you're sitting in the Colosseum. Or if you want to see what the solar system looks like, it can put realistic 3D planet models right in your bedroom for you to explore and learn about. With the AuraVisor, boring school subjects come alive in such a fun and immersive way. The graphics and animations are super realistic too - sometimes I forget I'm not actually shrunk down in a virtual world! My best friend got one for his birthday and we could seriously spend hours adventuring through the different experiences.Those are just a few examples of the amazing products Bright Ideas creates, but they're always working on new ones. From what I've overheard my dad mention, some top secret projects they have in development right now include holographic video displays, self-navigating delivery drones, and even a virtual habitat for endangered animal species! He says we'll need to exercise a lot of patience though because their engineers are real perfectionists when it comes to quality.In the meantime, Bright Ideas makes plenty of money from all their existing inventions being sold worldwide. That lets them reinvest tons of money into research, development, and hiring more employees to keep pushing technological boundaries. My dad tells me that despite the company's huge success, their mission stays the same - using creativity and innovation to develop products that better people's lives in meaningful ways while also sparking wonder and delight.So in summary, Bright Ideas Inc is an amazing, cutting-edge technology company filled with brilliant, passionate employees of all backgrounds. They prioritize fun and creativity to churn out one game-changing, smile-inducing product after another. Partnering with them would not only be an incredible opportunity for your company, but by supporting their mission,you'd be making the world a little bit better (and cooler!) of a place.I really hope you decide to work with Bright Ideas because it would be so awesome to have my dad's company collaborating with yours. Just imagine what amazing innovations you could create and experiences you could bring into this world by joining forces! Maybe I'll even get to be a beta tester for your first joint product launch. How cool would that be?!Anyway, thanks so much for taking the time to learn about Bright Ideas. I tried my best to tell you everything I could about them. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to ask my dad or give you a tour of the office myself! Please let me know if you're interested in partnering up. I'll keep my fingers crossed!Sincerely,Timmy篇4Dear Foreign Company,Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I'm writing to tell you about this really cool company that my dadworks for. It's called Acme Widgets Inc. and they make the best widgets in the whole world!Acme Widgets has been around for a super long time, like 75 years! That's older than my grandparents. It was started way back in 1948 by old Mr. Acme himself. He came over from Italy after World War 2 ended and didn't have much money. But Mr. Acme was really good at making widgets, so he started a tiny little workshop in his garage to make them.At first, it was just Mr. Acme making widgets all by himself. He worked really hard every single day. Pretty soon, people started noticing how great his widgets were. They were strong and lasted forever! So lots of people wanted to buy Mr. Acme's widgets. His little garage business got too small, and he had to hire some other people to help make enough widgets for everyone.As the years went by, more and more people wanted Acme's amazing widgets. The company kept growing bigger and bigger. They moved to a huge factory and now they have over 5,000 employees! Can you imagine having a job where 5,000 other people work too? That's like a whole town!My dad has worked at Acme Widgets for 15 years. He's one of the engineering managers, which means he's kind of like theboss of the engineers. The engineers are the people who design all the different widget styles and make sure they work perfectly. Dad says it's a really hard job because all the engineers always have to come up with new ideas to make the widgets better and better.You wouldn't believe all the cool machines they use to make widgets at Acme's factory. There's this one huge machine that's taller than a monster truck! It takes raw metal and smashes it and melts it and shapes it into widget blanks. The blanks go through all these other crazy machines that drill holes, stamp on labels, add the fiddly little components, and more. I went on a tour of the factory once and it was so loud with all the machines clanking and buzzing. But it was awesome!After the widgets are all assembled, they have to get painted. My favorite part of the factory is the painting room. It's this big room with robots that take the plain metal widgets on a conveyor belt and spray them with super cool colors - red, blue, orange, purple, any color you can imagine! The robots move the widgets around so they get painted evenly without any missed spots. It's mesmerizing to watch.Then the painted widgets go through a big oven to make the paint dry and hardened. Once they cool off, they get packagedup and are ready to ship to customers all over the world. Acme has customers in over 80 countries! The truckers come and load up the huge pallets of boxed-up widgets to take them to ships, trains, and airplanes to send them everywhere.Acme Widgets has won tons of awards for having high quality products. In 2015, they won the Global Manufacturing Excellence award. Then in 2018, they won the Governor's Award for being an outstanding company in our state. Just last year in 2023, the National Safety Council gave Acme their highest honor for having a really safe workplace and no accidents.I think the number one reason Acme Widgets is so successful is because they genuinely care about making a good product that works well and lasts a very long time. Dad says they could probably make cheaper, flimsier widgets if they wanted to cut corners. But they choose to use premium materials and have rigid quality control instead. That's because the owners and managers want customers to be 100% satisfied.Another key thing is that Acme really values their employees and treats them extremely well. The workers get decent pay, full benefits, lots of paid vacation days, and big bonuses if the company profit goals are met. My dad says the bosses make an effort to listen to employees' ideas and to make the factory asafe, comfortable place to work. Happy workers means better quality!So that's the scoop on Acme Widgets Inc. in a nutshell! They've been around forever and are on the top of their game when it comes to making outstanding widget products. Maybe your company could be one of their many satisfied customers too? Just a thought!Anyway, I hope you found this introduction helpful and not too boring. Let me know if you have any other questions! I'll do my best to answer or get my dad to explain more about the company he works for. Thanks for reading my letter!Your friend,Tommy篇5Here's an email written in English to introduce your company to a foreign company, from the perspective of a primary school student, with a length of around 2000 words:Subject: Hello from Little Star Company!Hi there!My name is Lucy, and I'm a student in 5th grade. I'm writing to tell you all about my family's company called Little Star Company. We're a small business, but we have big dreams and lots of fun things to share with you!First, let me tell you how Little Star Company got started. A few years ago, my mom and dad were both working at big companies, but they didn't feel very happy there. They wanted to do something they really loved and could be proud of. That's when they had the idea to start their own company!My parents are super creative people. Mom is an artist who loves painting and making jewelry, while Dad is a whiz at woodworking and building cool stuff out of recycled materials. They decided to combine their talents and make beautiful,eco-friendly products that people would enjoy.Little Star Company is all about sustainability and protecting the environment. We use recycled materials as much as possible, like old wood, glass, and even scraps of fabric. It's amazing what you can create out of things that would otherwise end up in the trash!Our most popular products are handmade wooden toys, like puzzles, building blocks, and cute little animal figurines. Dad designs and carves each one with so much care and attention todetail. They're not only fun to play with but also nice to look at and display.Mom's specialty is jewelry made from recycled glass, beads, and metal. She makes the prettiest necklaces, earrings, and bracelets in all sorts of colors and styles. Some have little charms or gemstones, and others are simple but elegant. People love wearing her creations because they're unique and environmentally friendly.We also sell home decor items like vases, candle holders, and picture frames, all made from recycled materials. Mom and Dad put a lot of thought into the designs, making sure each piece is both beautiful and practical.One of the coolest things about Little Star Company is our commitment to giving back. For every product we sell, we donate a portion of the profits to organizations that protect forests, oceans, and endangered species. We want to do our part to make the world a better place for all living creatures, big and small.Running a small business is a lot of work, but my parents love it. They get to be creative every day and share their passion with others. Sometimes I help out by designing labels, packaging orders, or coming up with new product ideas (like a line ofsuperhero action figures made from old bottles – how cool would that be?!).I'm so proud of my mom and dad for following their dreams and starting Little Star Company. Even though we're a tiny business, we have a huge mission: to spread joy, beauty, and eco-friendliness wherever we go!I hope you've enjoyed learning about our company. If you're ever in need of unique, handmade gifts or home decor, be sure to check us out. We'd love to collaborate with your company and share our products with people all around the world.Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I'll leave you with a fun fact: did you know that stars are actually giant balls of hot gas? Pretty cool, right? I'll have to tell you more star facts next time!Your friend,LucyLittle Star Company篇6Dear Foreign Company,Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I love playing video games, reading comic books, and hanging out with my friends. But today I'm going to tell you all about my dad's company. It's pretty cool!My dad started his company 5 years ago in our city. He used to work for a big corporation, but he didn't like how they treated their employees and customers. So he decided to start his own business doing things his way - the right way!The name of the company is Sunshine Solutions. I helped my dad pick out the name because sunshine makes me happy, and my dad wants his company's solutions to make people happy too! Isn't that a nice idea?Sunshine Solutions provides cloud computing and data storage services to other businesses. I'm not totally sure what that means, but from what I understand, they help companies use the internet to do their work and store their important files safely. Pretty neat, huh?My dad says that a lot of companies these days need reliable cloud services to operate efficiently. Sunshine Solutions offers cloud platforms that are secure, scalable, and customizable to meet each client's unique needs. Their data centers usecutting-edge technology to protect information and ensure 24/7 uptime. Grown-ups sure do love their tech jargon!What makes Sunshine Solutions special is their commitment to awesome customer service. My dad always says to "treat others how you want to be treated," and that's exactly how they operate. They have a team of friendly experts who provide training, support, and technical guidance whenever clients need it.Every year, Sunshine Solutions invests a portion of their profits into developing new cloud solutions and enhancing their infrastructure. My dad wants to stay ahead of the curve and keep getting better at what they do. He's always reading tech blogs and going to conferences to learn about the latest trends. Sometimes it's hard to get his attention when he's in "work mode!"Another really cool thing about my dad's company is how much they value their employees. Sunshine Solutions offers competitive pay, great benefits, and a fun work environment. They have casual dress code, game rooms to take breaks, and even bring your dog to work days! My dad says happy employees do better work. He's a wise guy, that's for sure.Every few months, the whole company gets together for a special event called "Sunshine Day." We all go to a park or recreation center and spend the day hanging out, eating tasty food, and playing games. Last year, we had a huge waterballoon fight! My dad got totally soaked but he didn't even mind. He was just happy we were all having fun together. Those Sunshine Days are some of my favorite memories.I probably shouldn't say this, but my dad tells me that a lot of their competitors charge way too much and don't care about customer happiness. At Sunshine Solutions, they try to keep their prices reasonable so small businesses can afford their services. And if a client ever has an issue, my dad's team will work hard to fix it right away. No customer gets left behind!Oh, I almost forgot to mention their new "green" initiatives! Sunshine Solutions recently started using renewable energy sources like solar and wind to power their operations. They want to reduce their carbon footprint and be environmentally-friendly. We even have a company garden where we grow our own vegetables! Getting our hands dirty is fun and it's healthy too.So in summary, Sunshine Solutions offers top-notch cloud computing services, prioritizes customer satisfaction, values their employees, and is committed to sustainable practices. And at theheart of it all is my dad - a hard-working, ethical businessman who really cares about making the world a little bit better.I'll be honest, running a company seems like a lot of work to me. But my dad seems to get a lot of joy and pride from it. He puts in long hours, but he's always happy when he comes home.I guess that's the great thing about doing work you're passionate about and believe in.Anyway, that's the scoop on Sunshine Solutions! I may only be 10 years old, but I can already tell it's a pretty special company. If you ever need some cloud computing solutions, you should definitely give them a chance. Just don't be surprised if you get a friendly welcome message from me!Thanks for reading my little essay. I hope you have an awakwardly wonderful day!Sincerely,Tommy。
1. 引入(Engage):通过激发学生的兴趣,引发学习动机。
2. 调查(Explore):学生通过自主探究来了解3D建模的基本原理和工具。
3. 展示(Explain):学生将自己创作的3D模型展示给其他同学,分享自己的经验和感悟。
4. 实践(Elaborate):学生在真实情境中应用所学的3D建模知识。
5. 评估(Evaluate):通过考察学生的作品、口头表达等方式进行评估,了解学生在整个学习过程中的表现和掌握情况。
三、设计与实施1. 首先,在引入阶段,可以通过展示一些有趣的3D建模应用场景,如动画电影场景、机械模型等,引发学生的兴趣和好奇心,激发他们探索3D建模的欲望。
2. 在调查阶段,引导学生使用简单易懂的3D建模软件,如SketchUp等,让他们在教师的指导下进行尝试操作,掌握基本的3D建模技巧和概念。
3. 进入展示阶段,学生将自己的作品展示给其他同学,分享自己的经验和感悟。
具体而言,该模型包括以下几个部分:1. 流体动力学模型:该模型描述了流体与飞行器表面的相互作用,包括流体的速度、温度、压力等参数的变化。
2. 热传递模型:该模型描述了飞行器表面与流体之间的热传递过程,包括对流换热、辐射换热等。
3. 结冰模型:基于流体动力学模型和热传递模型的结果,该模型通过计算水滴在飞行器表面的撞击、冻结和融化等过程,来模拟和预测飞行器的结冰情况。
具体而言,我们采用了以下几种方法:1. 与实际飞行数据进行对比:我们将NNW-ICE软件的预测结果与实际飞行过程中的结冰数据进行对比,通过比较预测结果与实际结果的差异,来评估模型的精度。
2. 与其他软件进行对比:我们将NNW-ICE软件的预测结果与其他常见的三维结冰模型软件进行对比,通过比较不同软件之间的预测结果,来评估NNW-ICE软件的精度和可靠性。
AutoCAD 3D Made Easy for the Novice User 的 PDF 文件说
3d object
Commands Flatshot
2d block froiles
Exporting your DWG models to other programs or applications
AutoCAD • Export
Exporting you files
Commands 3drotate Revolve Visual Styles Materials
Creation of 3D Solids
2d lines and circles Converted from pline
3d solid with material
Converting 3d objects to 2d representation.
CES321758 – AutoCAD 3D Made Easy for the Novice user
Session Description
Do you use AutoCAD software or any other AutoCAD-based product, and draw in 2D? Do you use another 3D product such as SketchUp or Rhino to draw your 3D objects outside of AutoCAD? If you’re interested in using 3D objects in your workflow but think it’s too complicated, don’t be afraid of the 3D dimension in AutoCAD. In this class, everyone can learn the basics of creating 3D objects with AutoCAD. We’ll show you how to use the tools in AutoCAD to make 3D objects that you can then use in AutoCAD or other Autodesk products.
高一三维英语作文Title: Exploring the Wonders of 3D Printing。
In recent years, 3D printing technology has emerged as a groundbreaking innovation with the potential to revolutionize various industries. From manufacturing to healthcare, its applications are diverse and far-reaching. In this essay, we will delve into the intricacies of 3D printing, exploring its significance, applications, and future prospects.To begin with, let us unravel the essence of 3D printing. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing involves creating three-dimensional objects layer by layer from a digital model. Unlike traditional subtractive manufacturing methods, which involve cutting away material from a solid block, 3D printing adds material precisely where it is needed, resulting in minimal waste and maximum efficiency.The applications of 3D printing span across a multitude of fields. In manufacturing, it enables rapid prototyping, allowing engineers and designers to swiftly iterate and refine their designs before mass production. This not only accelerates the product development process but alsoreduces costs significantly. Moreover, 3D printingfacilitates the production of complex geometries and customized components that were previously unattainablewith conventional manufacturing methods.In the healthcare sector, 3D printing has ushered in a new era of personalized medicine. Surgeons can now create patient-specific implants and prosthetics tailored to individual anatomies, improving both the efficacy and comfort of medical interventions. Furthermore, bio-printing, a specialized form of 3D printing, holds the promise of generating tissues and organs for transplantation,potentially addressing the global organ shortage crisis.Beyond manufacturing and healthcare, 3D printing has found applications in architecture, aerospace, automotive, and even culinary arts. Architects can quickly materializeintricate scale models, while aerospace engineers can fabricate lightweight components with complex geometries. In the automotive industry, 3D printing enables the production of customized car parts and prototypes, enhancing both performance and aesthetics. Meanwhile, innovative chefs are experimenting with 3D-printed food, pushing the boundaries of gastronomy.Looking ahead, the future of 3D printing appears exceedingly promising. As technology continues to advance, we can anticipate further enhancements in speed, precision, and material diversity. With the advent of 4D printing, which involves objects that can self-assemble or transform over time, the potential applications of additive manufacturing are boundless. Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms promises to optimize the 3D printing process, enabling autonomous design generation and optimization.However, despite its immense potential, 3D printing also poses certain challenges and ethical considerations. Issues such as intellectual property rights, environmentalsustainability, and safety regulations warrant careful scrutiny and proactive measures. As 3D printing becomes more ubiquitous, it is imperative to address these concerns to ensure responsible and ethical use of this transformative technology.In conclusion, 3D printing stands at the forefront of technological innovation, offering unprecedented capabilities and opportunities across various domains. Its ability to materialize digital designs into physical objects with speed, precision, and customization has already begun reshaping industries and revolutionizing the way we create, manufacture, and heal. As we navigate the ever-expanding frontier of additive manufacturing, let us embrace its potential while remaining vigilant of its ethical implications, ensuring a future where 3D printing contributes to the betterment of humanity.。
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3D Widgets for Exploratory Scientific VisualizationKenneth P.Herndon and Tom MeyerBrown UniversityDepartment of Computer ScienceProvidence,RI02912(401)863-7693;kph,twm@ABSTRACTScientists use a variety of visualization techniques to helpunderstand computationalfluid dynamics(CFD)datasets,but the interfaces to these techniques are generally two-dimensional and therefore separated from the3D view.Bothrapid interactive exploration of datasets and precise controlover the parameters and placement of visualization techniquesare required to understand complex phenomena contained inthese datasets.In this paper,we present work in progresson a3D user interface for exploratory visualization of thesedatasets.KEYWORDS:3D user interface,scientific visualization.INTRODUCTIONComputationalfluid dynamics techniques are used to simu-lateflows offluids like air and water around modeled objects. Although these simulation methods are cheaper and less time-consuming than actual physical tests in wind tunnels,the large amount of numerical data they generate is difficult to visual-ize.We have developed a set of3D interface techniques(or widgets[2])that are used to control visualization techniques for exploration of CFD datasets.These widgets are fully in-tegrated into the3D scene,rather than being an“external”2D interface.Our application is built on top of the UGA system[5]and sup-ports visualization of both scalar and vector data for regular or curvilinear computation grids.A curvilinear grid like the one shown in Figure1is used to calculate more data points in areas of complexflow,such as near the wing and fuselage of the space shuttle.Related work has been done at NASA Ames on the Virtual Wind Tunnel project[1]. VISUALIZATION WIDGETSOur research has focused on designing3D widgets for a num-ber of techniques commonly used to visualize CFD datasets. Probe.This widget(Figure2)consists of a sample point(represented by a sphere),an arrow,a disk perpendicular to the arrow and an optional numeric display.The arrow ofFigure1:A curvilinear computation grid for the spaceshuttle showing the u,v and w planes.a vector probe is oriented in the direction offlow and the numeric display is the magnitude of the vector.Scalar probes are oriented along the gradient of the scalarfield.Probes can also specify the origin of streamlines or the level of interactive isosurfaces[4].Interaction with this widget is discussed later.grid-aligned handlesdata-space handlesFigure2:A vector probe widget,with its data-spacehandles and three grid-aligned object handles.Rake.The rake(Figure3)is used to control simultane-ously the placement of multiple streamlines or particle paths, both of which display the paths that massless particles trace through a dataset.A rake consists of a bar along which streamlines are placed at intervals determined by a sliding resolution handle.The spherical scale handle is used to re-size the bar.Hedgehog.This widget (Figure 3)controls a 3D array ofvector samples,or tufts,in a dataset.A small sphere at one corner determines the position of the array,two cylindrical sliders control the density and length of the tufts,and three double-arrow handles control the extent in x ,y ,and z .DESIGN ISSUESIn designing these widgets we considered a number of fac-tors,including geometry,degrees of freedom,correlation,and feedback.Geometry.The design of a widget should fulfill two con-flicting requirements:that it have adequate geometry to dis-close its affordances,and that this geometry not obscure other objects or widgets in the scene.In our case,the visualization techniques are the most important elements in a scene,so it is crucial that the 3D widgets have a minimum of geometry.For example,the rake widget is based on actual rakes used in windtunnels to emit smokestreams into an airflow.Its design directly reflects its functionality:each parameter of the rake is represented by a single handle in the 3D widget.Degrees of freedom and correlation.A widget’s degrees of freedom should correspond to the type of data it affects.Thus,a widget that produces a scalar value should be constrained to a single degree of freedom,as in a slider or a knob.The resolution handles on the rake and hedgehog widgets,for example,are constrained to translate only along a single axis.The extent handles are similarly constrained,and are bounded so as not to produce negative values.An alternative extent widget,which may be better suited for 3D input devices,could combine the x ,y and z components of the hedghog’s size into a single widget that could move freely in 3D.The behavior of a 3D widget should also correspond with its effect on the scene.For instance,the position of a resolution handle is directly and visibly related to the distance between sample points on the rake and hedgehog widgets.Feedback.When a widget is manipulated,it should providefeedback to indicate its degrees of freedom and its state.If a widget can be translated only along a single axis,it mightdraw that axis to guide the user’s interaction.Visual feedback such as color change can indicate when a widget is selected.POSITIONING WIDGETS IN 3DScientists often need to specify the position of visualization techniques in CFD datasets.We have implemented versions of our interactive shadows [3]and object handles [2]widgets to help them place visualizations more rapidly in 3D.These tools operate by constraining translation to a single plane or axis in the Cartesian coordinate system.We have developed an extension to the object handles wid-get for our scientific visualization application that constrains translation to lines in a computation grid.These grid-aligned handles ,shown in Figure 2,trace out the nearby structure of the computation grid.With this tool one can translate wid-gets along complex surfaces such as the leading edge of the shuttle’s wing.Our probe widgets contain two data-space handles that arex ,y and z extent handles resolution handles scale handlelength handle Figure 3:The rake and hedgehog 3D widgets.used to move the probe through the space defined by the data.Dragging the arrow of the scalar probe pulls the probe along the gradient of the scalar field;dragging the perpendicular disk moves the sample point along the isosurface through that point.Similarly,dragging the arrow on a vector probe pulls the sample point along the streamline passing through that point,and the disk translates the probe along the surface perpendicular to the vector field.FUTURE WORKWe are currently developing a more consistent interface tothe three widgets presented here that capitalizes on the sim-ilarities between them.The widgets presented here were rapidly prototyped to explore the design space and were de-signed for use with 2D mice and monoscopic CRTs.Future work will include testing these widgets and developing new ones for environments with higher-degree-of-freedom input devices and more immersive displays,such as head-mounted and head-coupled displays.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis research is sponsored in part by NASA,the NSF/ARPAScience and Technology Center for Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization,Sun,Autodesk,Taco Inc.,NCR,HP ,IBM,DEC,Apple and Microsoft.We also thank Steve Bryson,Andries van Dam,John Hughes,and the BrownUniversity Graphics Group,especially Jeremy Katz and Lars Bishop,for their help and support.REFERENCES1.Steve Bryson and Creon Levitt.The virtual windtunnel:An environment for the exploration of three-dimensional unsteady flows.In Visualization ’91,pages 17–24,1991.2.D.Brook Conner,et al.Three-dimensional puter Graphics (1992Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics),25(2):183–188,March 1992.3.Kenneth P.Herndon,et al.Interactive shadows.1992UIST Proceedings ,pages 1–6,November 1992.4.Tom Meyer and Al Globus.Direct manipulation of iso-surfaces and cutting planes in virtual environments.Tech-nical Report 93-54,Dept.of Computer Science,Brown University,1993.5.Robert C.Zeleznik,et al.An object-oriented frame-work for the integration of interactive animation puter Graphics (SIGGRAPH ’91Proceed-ings),25(4):105–112,July 1991.。