葛根的主要有效成分和有效部位为葛根素及葛根黄酮,本文从生物样品预处理、样品测定、葛根素在体内的吸收、分布、代谢排泄和药动学参数等方面,较为系统地综述了近10 年来葛根素药动学研究概况。
【关键词】:葛根素; 药代动力学葛根素( puerarin) 为豆科植物野葛或甘葛干燥根中提取的有效成分,化学名为8-β-D-呲喃葡萄糖-4',7'-二羟基异黄酮甙[1]。
葛根素结构式1. 样品处理1. 1 血浆样品处理方法药物代谢动力学样品预处理都需要沉淀去除样品中的蛋白,加入有机溶剂沉淀蛋白为常用方法,多加入甲醇、乙腈、高氯酸、三氯乙酸等,血浆和溶剂的比随不同溶剂有所不同。
罗承锋等通过对比实验发现,在甲醇中加入一定量的乙腈后,其沉淀蛋白的效果更好,甲醇∶乙腈为9∶ 1 时,不仅可达到很好地沉淀蛋白的效果,而且葛根素的回收率最高。
1. 2 组织样品处理方法对于组织样品,可按1 ∶ 4 ( G/V) 加入生理盐水,匀浆后按1∶ 13. 5 ( G/ V) 加入无水甲醇,沉淀蛋白。
房水和玻璃体按1∶ 1 加入0. 5mol /L 高氯酸沉淀蛋白。
视网膜组织也按1∶ 1 加入0. 5mol /L 高氯酸沉淀蛋白 [3]。
2.检测方法目前葛根素的药代动力学研究定量方法多采用RP-HPLC法,HPLC-UV 法,HPLC-FD 法,液质联用( LCMS)法,也有采用ELISA 法和毛细电泳法。
头孢呋辛临床药动学的研究进展年级:2014 专业:药理学课程成绩:姓名:曹宁学号:104753141002摘要:目的综述头孢呋辛钠和头孢呋辛酯的临床药动学的研究进展。
头孢呋辛(cefuroxime)为第二代头孢菌素,临床上常使用的片剂是头孢呋辛酯(cefuroxime axetil) 注射剂为头孢呋辛钠(cefuroxime sodium)[2]。
其消除半衰期(t1/2β)为1.1~1.5 h,血浆蛋白结合率为33%。
头孢呋辛酯为第2 代头孢菌素类抗生素,口服经胃肠道吸收后,在酯酶作用下迅速水解为头孢呋辛而发挥抗菌作用。
成人口服头孢呋辛酯250 mg 和500 mg 后,2.5 ~3 h 达血药峰浓度( Cmax) ,分别为4.1 mg /L 和7.0 mg /L[4]。
关键词:药物代谢动力学 UPLC PBPK模型药物研发Abstract: the high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) and PBPK model in the study of the pharmacokinetic play an important role. UPLC is a column efficiency high, the prospects of the development of good performance liquid chromatography, is based on a mathematical model of the mechanism; PBPK used for simulation of the chemical substances in the body of metabolic distributed more medicine dynamics research. The pharmacokinetic deeper in drug development research has important significance and role.Keywords: Pharmacokinetic UPLC PBPK model Drug development前言:动力学的基本理论和方法已经渗透到生物药剂学,药物治疗学,临床药理学及毒理学等多学科领域中。
Strait Phapnacentical Joohial Vol33No.5202131ShuPla R,GhosPal U,Dholc TN,el a)Fecal MhrodioW in Patien-s with Irrdable Bowel Syndume Compared with Healthy Controls Using Real-Fima Polymerase Chain Reaction:Ao Evidence of DysPiosis 〔〕Divestive Diseases and Sciences,2015,60(1):20350992-〔42〕Fust BL,Modi BP,8abWc T,et al.New Medical and Surgical Iasigh-s Into Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis:A Review〔J〕.Jama pediaU dcs,20-,11(1):859-〔43〕La P,Sodhi CP,Hacham DJ.Toll-Fka uceptcr requlation of intestinal develoomep-and inlammation in tha patPooepesis of aecrotizing en-WucPlis〔〕卩80—6丫010限,201,21(1):81-P5-〔44〕Yazji NSoOPi CP,Lea EK,cl al.EndotPelial TLR4activation impairs intestinal micuchculaWm perfusion in aecrotizing enWucoPCs vic eNOS-BO-aihita sionaling[J--Proc Natl Acad Set USA,2015,11(25):94310450[43-Wu WWensPen,Wang Yank,Zoo Jinling,et a)BifidodacWdum aPc-lescentis proteefs against aecrotizing enterocolitis and upreeulatcs TOLLIB and SIGIRR in premature aeonatal rats[J--Bmc PediatUcs, 2712,—(1):8O-〔40〕Khailova L,PatUch SKM,ArvandrigP-KM,V al.Bihdodactedum bifl-dum reduces apoptosis in tha intestinal epithelium in aecrotizing en-WucoPtis〔J〕.AJO GastrointesPnal and Lives卩6『$10限,201,299(5)^1118-01-7-〔7〕Lee NM.Epidemial Growth Factus as reliable mardcs in aecrotizing enteucoPis in preterm aeonatas〔J〕.Korean Jouraal of PediatUcs: 2010-从临床案例看临床药师在药物相互作用中的药学监护陈婷婷、,刘江福2,黄晓威、,蔡艺峰、(泉州市第一医院,1.药剂科,2.感染科,福建泉州362000)摘要:目的探讨临床药师在药物相互作用中实施药学监护的切入点。
• 1979年瑞典发现一批癫痫病人中,使用不同批号 苯妥英钠后,发生严重中毒。
原因:苯妥英钠的晶体颗粒大小差异甚大,造成生 物利用度从低于50%到高于98%。
• 卡托普利:进食服药,吸收减少,宜餐前1小时服用。 • 福善美:必须在每天第一次进食前至少半小时
• 有些药物和食物同服又能促进其吸收,如维生素B2、螺内 酯等。
• 原因:卡马西平为肝药酶诱导剂,西咪替丁为 肝药酶抑制剂,多潘立酮为CYP3A4强效抑制 剂,三者合用有待商榷.
✓药物原形或代谢产物通过排泄器官或 分泌器官排出体外的过程
消化道 肺脏 汗腺 乳汁
• 【药代动力学】 a)活性成分的一般性质 吸收 骨化三醇在肠道内被迅速吸收。口服单剂本品0.25-1.0μg,3-6小时内达血药峰浓
在血液转动过程中,骨化三醇和其他维生素D代谢产物同特异血浆蛋白结合。 可以设想,外源性骨化三醇能通过母体血液进入到胎儿的血和乳汁中。 代谢 已鉴别出数种骨化三醇的代谢产物,各有不同的维生素D活性。1α,25-二羟-24氧代-维生素D3,1α,23,25-三羟-24-氧代-维生素D3,1α,24R,25-三羟基维生素 D3,1α,25R-二羟基维生素D3-26,23S-内酯,1α,25S-26-三羟维生素D3,1α,25-二 羟-23-氧代-维生素D3,1α,25R-26-三羟-23-氧代-维生素D3和1α-羟基-23-羧基-24,25 ,26,37-四去甲维生素D3。 排泄 血中骨化三醇的清除半衰期为3-6小时,但单剂量骨化三醇的药理学作用大约可持 续3-5天。骨化三醇被分泌进入胆汁并参与肝肠循环。健康志愿者静脉使用放谢标记的 骨化三醇后,24小时内,大约27%的放射活性在粪便中发现,大约7%的放射活性在尿 中发现。健康志愿者口服1μg放射标记的骨化三醇,24小时内大约10%的放射活性在 尿中发现。静脉使用放射标记的骨化三醇后第6天,尿中和粪便中平均累积排泄量分别 是16%和49%。 b)病人的特性 肾病综合征或接受血液透析的病人中,骨化三醇血药浓度降低,达峰时间延长。
administrated dosage.
Endogenous substances in human plasma is not interference、析也determining samples.
acetonitrile:0.8%methanoic acid:ammonium formate(20mmol・L叫)(35:l:64).
flow rate was 1.0 mL/min.The compounds were ionized in the electeospray
pharmacokinetic parameters.And the related
data were statistically
4.76-2855.1ng。mL~,dolasetron’S linear
ionization ion
of the mass spectometer.Ondansetron Was used
internal standard.The dolasetron,hydrodolasetron,ondansctron were
儿童不是成人的缩影,无时无刻不在生长发育,不 同年龄段的药动学参数(PK)变化比成人复杂得多。 而且儿童稚嫩,病情往往凶险,瞬息即变,迫切需要得 到个体的PK参数,以求个体化用药。目前在我国存 在临床药师缺乏、医生参与TDM少、相关论文和科研 成果少、国际会议交流参与少等¨2 o问题。与国外同领
研究是我国较早的儿童PPK研究,为开展PPK的研究 起到了促进作用,随后越来越多的学者投入到了这一
测定的浓度数据估算个体参数,即传统的药代动力学 研究,此法的效果较好,结果准确,但取样点太多,不适 合临床环境,患者不易接受。而群体药代动力学研究
早在2000年夏东亚等"o用贝叶斯反馈法,估算先 天性心脏病室间隔缺损全麻体外循环下室缺心内修复 术后2例患儿的PPK参数。用1个血药浓度样本反
的贡献。通过上述的研究,我们可以了解NJL童的药 动学参数因人而异,差别很大。为了提高儿童用药的 安全性、有效性,我们必须建立更多药物的儿童群体动 力学模型。
・综述・ 群体药代动力学在儿科临床药理学研究中的应用
4 特殊人群中的药代动力学
学 报 Journal of China Pharmaceutical University 2021,52(3):325 - 331 第 52 卷
Journal of China Pharmaceutical University 2021,52(3):325 - 331
二甲双胍-白藜芦醇复合物油包水型纳米乳在体肠吸收及其 药代动力学研究
陈 云 1,曾 梅 2,徐靖鑫 1,胡 娟 1,张景勍 1*
(1重庆医科大学药学院重庆高校药物工程研究中心,重庆 400016;2重庆华邦制药有限公司,重庆 401121)
2 型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)是 一种综合代谢性疾病,由胰腺 β 细胞功能障碍或胰 岛素抵抗引起,与心脑血管疾病、慢性肾病等疾病 密切相关[1]。目前,全世界约有 9. 1% 的成年人患 有糖尿病,其中 90% 为 T2DM,而亚洲是 T2DM 发 病率最高的地区[2]。二甲双胍(metformin,MET)是 临床治疗 T2DM 的首选口服药物,具有有效、安全 和 耐 受 性 较 好 的 特 点 。 [3-4] 白 藜 芦 醇(resveratrol, RES)是 一 种 天 然 植 物 多 酚 ,具 有 抗 氧 化 、抗 糖 尿 病、抗炎和神经保护等药理作用 。 [5-6] 虽然白藜芦 醇在临床上有效治疗 T2DM 的证据仍不够充分,但 研究证明白藜芦醇可改善 T2DM 患者心脑血管功 能及相关并发症 。 [7-9] 二甲双胍因具有高溶解性、 低渗透性的特点,所以口服肠道吸收差、生物利用 度低[10-11],改善其肠道吸收,增加其口服生物利用 度具有重要意义。
西他滨与5-Fu联合应用治疗晚期胰腺癌患者的Ⅱ期临床试验,吉西他滨为1000mg/m2,5-Fu为600 mg/m2,1次/周,连用3周,第4周停用。
4.2 吉西他滨与顺铂联用 Heinemann等[11]报道在德国进行的吉西他滨和顺铂联合应用治疗晚期胰腺癌的研究。
吉西他滨1000mg/m2,静滴30min, 1,8,15,28d为一周期。
入组41例患者,37例可进行疗效评估,获1例C R和2例PR,总有效率为8.1%,中位生存期为8.6月。
5 讨论有关吉西他滨的临床试验显示吉西他滨在治疗胰腺癌患者中已取得明显疗效并提高了患者的生存期,现正进行进一步的临床研究,包括吉西他滨和放射治疗、紫杉醇、顺铂及阿霉素联合应用。
参考文献1 Casper ES,Green M R,Kelsen DP,et al.PhaseⅡtrial of gemc-itabine(2,2'-difluorodeoxycy tidine)in patients w ith adenocarcino-ma of the pancreas.Invest New Drugs,1994,12(1)∶292 Carmichael J,Fink U,Russell RCG,et al.PhaseⅡstudy of gem-citabine in patients w ith advanced pancreatic cancer.B r J Cancer, 1996,73(1)∶1013 Rothenberg M L,M oore M J,Cripps M C,et al.A phase-Ⅱtrial of gemcitabine in patients with5-Fu-refractory pancreas cancer.An n Oncol,1996,7(4)∶3474 Bu rris J,M oore M J,Andersen J,et al.Im provements in survival and clinical benefit w ith gemcitabine as first-line therapy for pa-tien ts w ith advanced pancreas cancer:a randomized trial.J Clin Oncol,1997,15(6)∶24035 Storniolo AM,Enas NH,Brow n CA,et a l.An investigational new drug treatment prog ram for patients with gem citabine:results for over3000patients w ith pancreatic carcinom a.Cancer,1999,85(6)∶12616 Crino L,M osconi AM,Calandri C,et al.Gemcitabine in advanced pancreatic cancer:a phaseⅡtrial.Eur J C a nc er,1997,(33)A∶12667 Berl in J,Voi M,Alberti D,et al.Phase I trial of gemcitabine, leucovorin and5-fluorouracil in patients with advanced mal ignancy.Proc Annu Meet A m Soc Clin Oncol,1997,16A(2)∶7248 Faggiuolo R,Raucci CA,Roncari A,et al.PhaseⅠstudy of gemcitabine and continuous infusion of5-fluorouracil in advanced pancreatic cancer.Proc Ann u Meet Am Soc Clin Oncol,1997,16A(3)∶10239 Hidal go M,Castell ano D,Paz-Ares L,et a l.PhaseⅠ-Ⅱstudy of gemcitabine and fluorouracil as a continuous infus ion in patients with pancreatic cancer.J Clin Onc ol,1999,17(2)∶58510 Cascinu S,Forntini L,Labianca R,et a l.Gemcitabine and5-fluorouracil in advanced pancreatic cancer:A GISCAD phas eⅡstudy.E ur J Cancer,1997,(33)A∶126811 Heinemann V,Wilke H,Pos singer K,et a l.Activity and tolerabil i-ty of gemcitabine plus cisplatin in advance metastatic pancreatic car-cinoma.Eu r J Cancer,1997,(33)A∶1240(收稿:1998-10-15 修回:1999-06-17)Raltitrexed药代动力学特性和临床应用杨惠娣 张楠森 王平全(上海第二医科大学附属仁济医院药剂科,上海200001) 摘要 Raltitrexed(Z D-1694)是一种喹唑啉叶酸盐类似物,通过对胸苷合酶的专一抑制产生抗肿瘤作用。
目录一、前言 (1)二、总体考虑 (1)(一)单次给药剂量递增药代动力学研究 (2)(二)多次给药剂量递增药代动力学研究 (3)(三)代谢产物的药代动力学研究 (3)(四)药代动力学/药效动力学研究 (4)三、研究设计 (4)(一)受试人群 (5)(二)样本量 (6)(三)剂量选择 (6)(四)采样设计 (8)(五)检测物质 (9)(六)其他考虑 (9)四、数据分析 (13)(一)药代动力学参数的估算 (13)(二)剂量-暴露-效应关系分析 (13)(三)多个研究数据的汇总分析 (14)(四)其他 (14)五、研究报告 (14)六、参考文献 (15)一、前言药代动力学(Pharmacokinetics,PK)研究旨在阐明药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄的动态变化及其规律。
采用Qtrap5500质谱仪,由美国AB SCIEX公司生产。
2结果2.1健康体检者单次空腹口服丁苯肽胶囊的药代动力学:丁苯酞及其代谢物的药代动力学参数为:T1/2S分别为(10.35±0.68),(3.55±0.95)h;t max分别为(1.25±0.68),(1.91±0.80)h;C max分别为(198.51±156.81),(1187.53±32.23)ng/mL;AUC0-t分别为(361.51±325.54),(5841.11±1687.45)h·ng/mL;CL/F分别为(978.22±658.51),(36.21±11.25)L/h。
1 2 3 4 5 6 平均值
30分钟 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2
一项平行4组研究,入组240例健康受试者,随机分组接受格拉司琼静脉制剂、格拉司琼透皮贴片、安慰剂或口服莫西沙星治疗。主 要终点为第3天和第5天格拉司琼透皮贴片组与安慰剂组的平均Fridericia校正QT间期(QTcF)较基线的变化值差异(ddQTcF)
1.Duggan ST and Curran MP. Drugs 2009; 69 (18): 2597-2605. 2.Mason JW, et al. Clin Cancer Res. 2012;18(10):2913-21.
格拉司琼透皮贴片药代动力学 vs. 口服制剂药代动力学
格拉司琼透皮贴片 (52cm2 /6 天)
口服制剂 (2 mg /5 天)
进而预防化疗引起的恶心与呕吐 (外周途径被认为是主要途径)
Strait Phamiycepticaf Jonmal Vol33No52661养模式。
参考文献4〕马国,侯爱君,张鹏.临床药学教育新模式的探索与实践4〕中国临床药学杂志,2711,21(6):377-3321〔2〕Hepler CD,Stunt LM.Opportuaitics ant responsibibbcs in pParmc-ceut/af ccu〔J〕Am J Hosp Pharm,1992,47(5):535-545.4〕Kihlstrom LC.The evolution of professional pharmacy PBMs:OBRA-92,ant coonibve services〔C〕.Absls Boob Assoc Health Seu Res Mi/WasPOc ton DC,1998,15970527.4〕蒋君好,杜萍•我国高等临床药学专业设置硕士学位的探讨4〕中国药房,2710,25(8):7610601〔5〕刘克辛,孟强•日本临床药学人才培养模式对我国的启示4〕医学与哲学,2712,35(0):82-CX4〕林以宁,瞿融,马世平•日本药学教育改革现状〔〕•中国高等医学教育,029,1):45D5.4〕张踞玮,十桦•日本高等药学教育改革简介及思考〔〕〕•中国药师PO67P5):277D79.〔8〕秦阳P长峥,胡明,等•美国明尼苏达大学临床药学专业课程设置探讨及启示4〕中国药房,212,5(24):2685D6&/药物代谢动力学课程思政教学探索与实践缪明星、,刘李2*(1.中国药科大学国家药学实验教学示范中心,江苏南京610022;2.中国药科大学药学院,江苏南京610022)摘要:药代动力学是一门理论性和实践性都很强的药学课程,依据立德树人的教育理念,以"课程思政冶”为中心,分别从教学团队,教学内容,经典案例,教学方法等方面提出药代动力学课程思政教育模式的教学改革探索与实践的新思路。
·论著·帕利哌酮长效针剂在中国精神分裂症患者的药代动力学特征孙海文,张莉莉,贾苗苗,张罛,王刚摘要: 目的:评估棕榈帕利哌酮酯注射液3个月(PP3M)与棕榈酸帕利哌酮注射液1个月剂型(PP1M)在中国精神分裂症患者的药代动力学特征 方法:本研究为多中心随机双盲非劣效试验。
关键词: 棕榈酸帕利哌酮注射液; 精神分裂症; 药代动力学中图分类号: R749.3 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1005 3220(2023)02 0113 06PharmacokineticcharacteristicsofpaliperidonepalmitateinChinesepatientswithschizophrenia SUNHai wen,ZHANGLi li,JIAMiao miao,ZHANGChong,WANGGang.Xi'anJansenPharmaceuticalCo.,Ltd.,Beijing100025,ChinaAbstract: Objective:Toevaluatethepharmacokineticsofpaliperidonepalmitate3 month(PP3M)and1 month(PP1M)formulationinChineseschizophrenicpatients. Method:Thisstudywasamulticenterrandomizeddouble blindnoninferioritytrial.PatientsweregivenPP1MopentreatmenttoclinicalstabilityandthenrandomlygivenPP1MorPP3Mtreatment,thechangesofpaliperidonebloodconcentrationinthetwogroupswereobserved,calculatedandstatisticallyanalyzed. Results:Thepaliperidonebloodconcentrationofpatientswereclosetotheeffectiveplasmaconcentrationrange(15 60ng/ml),andthemeanpeak to troughratiowaslessthan2.Nostatisticaldifferencewasfoundinaveragebloodconcentration,CmaxorextentofdrugexposureincorrespondingdosesofPP1MandPP3M. Conclusion:PP3MandPP1Mcouldprovidestableandeffectivetherapeuticconcentrationsinpatientswithschizophrenia.Thepaliperidonebloodconcentrationanddrugexpo sureformedbythetwoformulationweresimilar.Keywords: paliperidonepalmitateinjection; schizophrenia; pharmacokinetics精神分裂症是一种病因尚未完全明确的反复发作的慢性迁延性精神障碍性疾病,全球患病率约为1%[1],中国约为0.6%[2],其严重影响患者的认知能力和日常生活。
%Monoclonal antibody ( mAb ) represents a class of therapeutics experienced dramatic development over the past 30 years. Because of the tremendous differences in physicochemical and biological properties between mAbs and small molecules, the mAb therapeutics significantly differ from the chemical drugs in pharmacokinetic characteristics and underlying mechanisms. Full understanding of those characteristics and mechanisms may efficiently guide the screening and development of mAb medi-cines, and would well support their safety evaluation and clinical dosage regimen designing. This review is to summarize pharma-cokinetics and underlying mechanisms of mAbs from the aspects of absorption, distribution and elimination, as well as the ap-proaches for prediction of mAb pharmacokinetics in humans.【期刊名称】《中国药理学通报》【年(卷),期】2016(000)002【总页数】5页(P172-176)【关键词】单克隆抗体;药代动力学;吸收;分布;消除;人体药代动力学预测【作者】郭建军;王丽丽;张琪;张奥博;朱晶;赵永跃;张炳旭;卜海之【作者单位】苏州圣苏新药开发有限公司,江苏苏州 215104; 苏州市药代动力学与药效学工程技术研究中心,江苏苏州 215104;苏州圣苏新药开发有限公司,江苏苏州 215104; 苏州市药代动力学与药效学工程技术研究中心,江苏苏州215104;苏州圣苏新药开发有限公司,江苏苏州 215104; 苏州市药代动力学与药效学工程技术研究中心,江苏苏州 215104;苏州圣苏新药开发有限公司,江苏苏州 215104; 苏州市药代动力学与药效学工程技术研究中心,江苏苏州 215104;苏州圣苏新药开发有限公司,江苏苏州 215104; 苏州市药代动力学与药效学工程技术研究中心,江苏苏州 215104;苏州圣苏新药开发有限公司,江苏苏州 215104;苏州市药代动力学与药效学工程技术研究中心,江苏苏州 215104;苏州圣苏新药开发有限公司,江苏苏州215104; 苏州市药代动力学与药效学工程技术研究中心,江苏苏州 215104;苏州圣苏新药开发有限公司,江苏苏州 215104; 苏州市药代动力学与药效学工程技术研究中心,江苏苏州 215104【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R-05;R392.11;R969.1中国图书分类号:R-05;R392.11;R969.1抗体是由B淋巴细胞分化形成的浆细胞合成的免疫球蛋白(immunoglobulin, Ig)。
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Effect of St John’s wort on imatinib mesylate pharmacokineticsObjective:Imatinib is a potent inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl and c-kit tyrosine kinases and is approved for thetreatment of Philadelphia chromosome–positive chronic myelogenous leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumors.Because imatinib is predominantly metabolized by cytochrome P450(CYP)3A4,its pharmacoki-netics may be altered when it is coadministered with drugs or herbs(eg,St John’s wort)that modulate CYP3A4activity.Thus we examined the effects of St John’s wort on imatinib pharmacokinetics.Methods:This2-period,open-label,fixed-sequence study was completed by12healthy subjects(6men and6 women)aged between20and51years.Each subject received400mg imatinib orally on study day1,St John’s wort(300mg3times daily)on days4to17,and400mg imatinib again on day15.Serial blood samples were obtained over a72-hour period after each imatinib dose.Imatinib and N-desmethyl-imatinib(CGP74588) were quantified in plasma by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry.Results:St John’s wort administration increased imatinib clearance by43%(P<.001),from12.5؎3.6L/h to17.9؎5.6L/h;imatinib area under the concentration versus time curve(AUC)extrapolated to infinity was decreased by30%,from34.5؎9.5g·h/mL to24.2؎7.0g·h/mL(P<.001).Imatinib half-life(12.8hours versus9.0hours)and maximum concentration(Cmax)(2.2g/mL versus1.8g/mL)were alsosignificantly decreased(P<.005).N-desmethyl-imatinib Cmaxwas increased from285؎95ng/mL to318؎95ng/mL during St John’s wort dosing,but the AUC from0to72hours was not altered.Conclusions:These data indicate that St John’s wort increases imatinib clearance.Thus patients taking imatinib should avoid taking St John’s wort.Concomitant use of enzyme inducers,including St John’s wort, may necessitate an increase in the imatinib dose to maintain clinical effectiveness.(Clin Pharmacol Ther 2004;76:323-9.)Reginald F.Frye,PharmD,PhD,Sara M.Fitzgerald,MS,Theodore gattuta,BS, Matthew W.Hruska,PharmD,and Merrill J.Egorin,MD Pittsburgh,Pa,and Gainesville,FlaThe phenylaminopyrimidine derivative imatinib (Gleevec or Glivec;Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp)is an inhibitor of several protein-tyrosine kinases that are believed to play a role in the proliferation of tumor cells.These include the tyrosine kinases associated with Bcr-Abl,the platelet-derived growth factor recep-tor,and c-kit of the receptor for stem cell factor.1 Imatinib has been identified as a potent inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase at the in vitro,cellular,and in vivo levels,2which provided the rationale for testing imatinib in human cancers,where dysregulation of these pathways may contribute to malignant growth. Indeed,imatinib has been shown to be very effective for the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome–positive chronic myelogenous leukemia(CML)and gastrointes-tinal stromal tumors.3-5Imatinib is extensively metabolized by the cyto-chrome P450(CYP)enzyme system;CYP3A4is the major enzyme responsible for metabolism of imatinib, whereas the enzymes CYP1A2,CYP2D6,CYP2C9, and CYP2C19contribute to a minor extent.6The major circulating metabolite,which is formed by CYP3A4,is an N-desmethylated piperazine derivative that pos-sesses in vitro activity comparable to that of imatinib.From the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,School of Phar-macy,University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh;Molecular Therapeu-tics/Drug Discovery Program,University of Pittsburgh CancerInstitute,Pittsburgh;Department of Pharmacy Practice,College ofPharmacy,University of Florida,Gainesville;and Departments ofMedicine and Pharmacology,University of Pittsburgh School ofMedicine,Pittsburgh.Supported in part by a grant from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp andgrants funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and theOffice of Dietary Supplements(R01MH63458),the NationalCancer Institute(P30CA47904),and a General Clinical ResearchCenter Award(M01RR00056).Received for publication May20,2004;accepted June29,2004.Reprint requests:Reginald F.Frye,PharmD,PhD,University of Florida,College of Pharmacy,PO Box100486,Gainesville,FL32610.E-mail:frye@cop.ufl.edu0009-9236/$30.00Copyright©2004by the American Society for Clinical Pharmacologyand Therapeutics.doi:10.1016/j.clpt.2004.06.007323The importance of CYP3A4in the disposition of ima-tinib has been shown in 2drug-drug interaction studies.In healthy volunteers,coadministration of the potent CYP3A4inhibitor ketoconazole increased the imatinib maximum concentration (C max )and area under the con-centration versus time curve (AUC)by 26%and 40%,respectively.7Conversely,coadministration of rifampin (INN,rifampicin),which is a potent inducer of multiple CYP enzymes including CYP3A4,decreased the C max and AUC of imatinib by 54%and 74%,respectively.8Thus concurrent administration of other drugs or herbal products that modulate CYP3A4activity may alter imatinib exposure.Several important and clinically relevant interactions between St John ’swort and conventional drugs have been reported over the last few years.9-12The primary mechanism by which St John ’s wort induces CYP3A activity is known to be mediated through the pregnane X receptor,because the constituent hyperforin is a potent ligand for this receptor.13Given the widespread availability of St John ’s wort,it is important to under-stand what effects its concomitant use may have on the disposition of other medications (eg,calcium channel blockers,antidepressants,benzodiazepines,and immu-nosuppressants).Speci fically,induction of CYP metab-olism could result in lower circulating drug concentra-tions,which could in turn lead to a reduction in ef ficacy.The use of complementary and alternative medicine is reportedly high 14and depression is relatively com-mon in patients with cancer.15In that there is the potential for cancer patients to self-medicate with St John ’s wort in an attempt to alleviate symptoms of depression,there is a need to assess how St John ’s wort may affect the disposition of cancer agents such as imatinib.Thus the purpose of this study was to deter-mine the effect of St John ’s wort administration on the pharmacokinetics of imatinib and N -desmethyl-imatinib in healthy volunteers.METHODS SubjectsThe study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh,Pa)and was conducted at the University of Pittsburgh Gen-eral Clinical Research Center.After providing written informed consent,12healthy,nonsmoking subjects (6men and 6women)participated in this study.The subjects ’mean age (ϮSD)was 28.3Ϯ11.9years (range,21-57years),they weighed 72.2Ϯ16.6kg (range,50.9-101kg),and they had a body mass index of 23.6Ϯ3.0kg/m 2(range,19.5-28.0kg/m 2).Elevensubjects were white and 1was black.Subjects were determined to be healthy on the basis of medical his-tory,a physical examination,and routine clinical labo-ratory tests.Subjects were excluded if they were taking any medications other than multivitamins and oral con-traceptives.The volunteers were asked to abstain from alcohol and caffeine-containing foods and beverages for 24hours before and during each study visit and from grapefruit or grapefruit juice for 48hours before and during each study visit.Study designThe study used an open-label,fixed-sequence design.The pharmacokinetics of 400mg imatinib (Gleevec;Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp,East Hanover,NJ)was assessed before (day 1)and during (day 15)the oral administration of 300mg St John ’s wort extract (Kira [LI 160];Lichtwer Pharma AG,Berlin,Germany)3times a day.St John ’s wort administration was started on study day 4after imatinib sample collection was completed and continued through study day 17.Imatinib pharmacokineticsA single oral dose of imatinib (400mg)was admin-istered with 8oz of water on the morning of study days 1and 15.Venous blood samples (N ϭ13,6mL each)were drawn from an indwelling catheter into heparin-containing tubes at 0hours (before the dose)and at 0.5,1,2,4,6,8,12,16,24,36,48,and 72hours after imatinib administration.The blood samples were cen-trifuged at 3000g for 10minutes,and the resulting plasma was stored at Ϫ20°C or colder until analyzed.Cortisol ratioUrine was collected from 0to 24hours after imatinib administration,and aliquots were stored at Ϫ20°C or colder until analyzed.Analytic proceduresPlasma concentrations of imatinib and N -desmethyl-imatinib were determined by use of a previously de-scribed liquid chromatography –mass spectrometry method that was developed and validated in our labo-ratory.16In brief,plasma samples (0.2mL)were mixed in a microcentrifuge tube with internal standard (imatinib-D 8;Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp)before plasma proteins were precipitated with acetonitrile (1mL).Samples were centrifuged,and an aliquot of the resulting supernatant was evaporated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen.The dried residue was dissolved in 100L methanol/distilled water (20:80[vol/vol])and transferred to autosampler vials,and 3L was injectedCLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY &THERAPEUTICS324Frye et alOCTOBER 2004into the HPLC system.The HPLC system consisted of an Agilent model1100Autosampler(Agilent Technol-ogies,Palo Alto,Calif),an Agilent1100Quaternary pump,and a Phenomenex Luna C18(2)(5m,50ϫ4.6mm)reverse-phase analytic column(Phenomenex, Torrance,Calif).Determination of concentrations of imatinib,N-desmethyl-imatinib,and the deuterated in-ternal standard was achieved with a ThermoFinnigan aQa Mass Spectrometer(Thermo Electron Corporation, San Jose,Calif)operating in positive-electrospray, single-ion mode(493.7mass-to-charge ratio[m/z]for imatinib,479.7m/z for N-desmethyl-imatinib,and 501.7m/z for imatinib-D8).Standard curves were linear over the range of30to10,000ng/mL,and the intraday and interday coefficients of variation were less than 10%.Concentrations of6-hydroxycortisol and cortisol in urine were determined by liquid chromatography–tan-dem mass spectrometry.17,18After addition of the in-ternal standardfluorocortisone acetate(500ng),the urine samples(1mL)were extracted with ethyl acetate (5mL).The organic layer was transferred to a clean tube and evaporated to dryness at45°C under a stream of nitrogen.The samples were reconstituted in200L of methanol/water(70:30[vol/vol])and placed into an autosampler vial for injection.Separation was achieved with a Symmetry C18column(5m,3.0ϫ150mm; Waters Corporation,Milford,Mass).The mobile phases consisted of(A)water/methanol(80:20[vol/ vol])and(B)methanol and were delivered in a gradient at a totalflow rate of500L/min.The gradient was maintained at100:0(A/B)for0.2minutes,increased to 12.5:87.5over a period of2.3minutes,maintained at 12.5:87.5for1minute,decreased to100:0over a period of0.5minutes,and held at100:0for1.5min-utes,for a total run time of5.5minutes.Analytes were detected by tandem mass spectrometry with atmo-spheric pressure chemical ionization in positive-ion mode(TSQ Quantum Triple Quadrupole Mass Spec-trometer;Thermo Electron Corporation).Precursor [MϩH]ϩand product ions detected were m/z363.2/ 327.1,379.2/325.1,and423.2/239.1for cortisol,6-hydroxycortisol,andfluorocortisone,respectively.The lower limit of quantification for both6-hydroxycortisol and cortisol was5ng/mL,and the intraday and interday coefficients of variation were less than7%.Data analysisCortisol ratio.The ratio of endogenous6-hydroxycortisol to cortisol in urine is a noninvasive biomarker of CYP3A induction.19In this study the urinary6-hydroxycortisol–to–cortisol ratio served as a positive control for CYP3A induction by St John’s wort.Imatinib pharmacokinetics.The pharmacokinetic parameter estimates of imatinib disposition were deter-mined by standard noncompartmental methods.The imatinib elimination rate constant(k e)was obtained by use of nonlinear least-squares regression of the terminal concentration-time data.The imatinib AUC was calcu-lated by the combination linear and logarithmic trape-zoidal method with extrapolation to infinity(AUC0-ϱ). The AUC from0to72hours(AUC0-72)of N-desmethyl-imatinib was determined by the linear-log trapezoidal method.The C max and time to reach C max (t max)were determined by visual inspection of the plasma concentration versus time curves.Imatinib ap-parent oral clearance(CL/F)was determined as Dose/AUC0-ϱ.Statistical analysisThe data are expressed as meanϮSD,except for t max, which is presented as median and range.Calculations were performed by use of the SAS System for Windows v9.0(SAS Institute,Cary,NC),and PՅ.05was consid-ered significant.The urinary6-hydroxycortisol–to–cor-tisol ratio and the pharmacokinetic parameter estimates of imatinib determined in the presence and absence of St John’s wort were compared by use of a2-tailed paired t test after logarithmic transformation.The t max data were compared by use of the Wilcoxon signed rank test.The equivalence of imatinib and N-desmethyl-imatinib phar-macokinetics in the presence and absence of St John’s wort was assessed by90%confidence intervals(CIs)for the geometric mean ratio of imatinib plus St John’s wort over imatinib alone.A lack of interaction was concluded if these90%CI values fell within the range of0.8to1.25. RESULTSSubjectsImatinib was well tolerated by all of our healthy and there were no serious adverse events. All12subjects successfully completed the study.Pill count,completed diary sheets,and subject questioning indicated that no doses of St John’s wort were missed. Effect of St John’s wort on the6-hydroxycortisol–to–cortisol ratioAfter treatment with St John’s wort extract at a dose of300mg3times daily,the urinary ratio of6-hydroxycortisol to cortisol increased1.6-fold from7.3Ϯ3.0(meanϮSD)to11.5Ϯ5.5(Pϭ.0058), indicating an induction of CYP3A in our subjects.CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY&THERAPEUTICS2004;76(4):323-9St John’s wort and imatinib interaction325Effect of St John ’s wort on imatinib pharmacokineticsThe pharmacokinetic parameter estimates for ima-tinib and N -desmethyl-imatinib determined in 12healthy subjects are shown in Table I .The concentra-tion versus time curve of imatinib and N -desmethyl-imatinib in the presence and absence of St John ’s wort is shown in Fig 1,and the imatinib AUC and C max in the presence and absence of St John ’s wort are shown in Fig 2.Imatinib concentrations were signi ficantly decreased during St John ’s wort administration (Fig 1).The imatinib AUC 0-ϱwas decreased by 30%,from 34.5Ϯ9.5g ·h/mL to 24.2Ϯ7.0g ·h/mL (P Ͻ.0001),and the apparent oral clearance was increased by 43%,from 12.5Ϯ3.6L/h to 17.9Ϯ5.6L/h (P Ͻ.0001)(Table I and Fig 2).The imatinib half-life was signif-icantly shorter (9.0Ϯ2.3hours)during St John ’s wort administration,as compared with 12.8Ϯ3.2hours alone (P ϭ.0018).The N -desmethyl-imatinib AUC 0-72was not affected by St John ’s wort administration,but the C max was increased by 13%,from 285Ϯ95ng/mL to 318Ϯ95ng/mL,during St John ’s wort administra-tion (P Ͻ.0272).DISCUSSIONThe results of this study show that St John ’s wort decreases imatinib plasma concentrations.St John ’s wort administration caused a 44%increase in imatinib apparent oral clearance and a corresponding 30%de-crease in the plasma AUC.A decrease in imatinib exposure was observed in all of the subjects.Although the magnitude of effect is modest,it is clinically im-portant because it could result in concentrations with the standard 400-mg dose falling below the putativeminimum effective concentration for several hours within a given dosing interval.Thus patients taking imatinib should avoid taking St John ’s wort.In previous drug interaction studies conducted in healthy volunteers,imatinib oral clearance was decreased by 29%with administration of ketoconazole (single dose of 400mg)7and was increased by 385%by rifampin,8findings that are consistent with in vitro data indicating that imatinib is primarily metabolized by CYP3A4.8,20Results from the current study show that St John ’s wort administration has a much smaller impact on imatinib pharmacokinetics (15%decrease in C max and 30%de-crease in AUC)than was seen with the more potent inducer rifampin (54%decrease in C max and 74%de-crease in AUC).8In this study the 6-hydroxycortisol –to –cortisol ratio increased 1.6-fold with St John ’s wort administration,which is consistent with previous reports involving St John ’s wort,in which 1.4-to 1.8-fold in-creases in this ratio were observed.21-23However,after St John ’s wort administration,the magnitude of increase in the 6-hydroxycortisol –to –cortisol ratio,a biomarker of CYP3A induction,is much smaller than the typical 5-fold increase seen after rifampin administration.8,24-26Imatinib is well absorbed after oral administration and undergoes limited first-pass metabolism,as evidenced by a mean absolute bioavailability for the capsule of 98%.27Thus factors contributing to the smaller effect seen with St John ’s wort include more potent CYP3A induction by rifampin and the limited presystemic metabolism of ima-tinib,which is important because the predominant effect of St John ’s wort appears to be on CYP3A-mediatedintestinal rather than hepatic metabolism.11,28A change in imatinib exposure is important because complete hematologic response in patients with CML isTable I.Mean pharmacokinetic parameter estimates for imatinib and N -desmethyl-imatinib before and during 300mg St John ’s wort 3times per day (N ϭ12)Parameter Imatinib alone Imatinib plus St John ’s wort Geometric mean ratioand 90%CI P value ImatinibAUC (g ·h/mL)34.5Ϯ9.524.2Ϯ7.00.698(0.651-0.750)Ͻ.0001CL/F (L/h)12.5Ϯ3.617.9Ϯ5.6 1.430(1.333-1.535)Ͻ.0001t 1/2(h)12.8Ϯ3.29.0Ϯ2.30.702(0.603-0.817).0018C max (ng/mL)2153Ϯ4911840Ϯ4890.847(0.787-0.911).0009t max (h)*3.0(2.0-6.0) 2.0(2.0-4.0).1563N-desmethyl-imatinib AUC (g ·h/mL) 6.3Ϯ2.6 6.3Ϯ2.7 1.041(0.916-1.183).9558C max (ng/mL)285Ϯ95318Ϯ95 1.134(1.032-1.246).0272t max (h)*4.0(2.0-6.0)2.0(1.0-6.0).2754CI,Con fidence interval;AUC,area under concentration versus time curve;CL/F,apparent oral clearance;t 1/2,half-life;C max ,maximum concentration;t max ,time to maximum concentration.*Values are median and range.CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY &THERAPEUTICS326Frye et alOCTOBER 2004highly dependent on the administered dose of imatinib.29Indeed,a clear dose-response relationship was evident in the first phase 1trial of imatinib in patients with CML,because those patients treated with 350mg imatinib per day or greater had the greatest likelihood of complete hematologic response,de fined as a reduction in the white blood cell count to less than 10,000/mm 3that was main-tained for at least 4weeks.4Normalization of the white blood cell count typically occurred in 4weeks and was associated with a trough concentration greater than 1mol/L (493ng/mL),the in vitro concentration at which imatinib inhibits the proliferation of Bcr-Abl –positive leukemia cells.4,29Simulations based on the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic response relationship predict that 400mg/d would lead to complete hematologic response in approximately 76%of patients after 28days of treatment.29It has recently been suggested that treat-ment with larger doses of imatinib (eg,800mg daily)may produce higher rates of complete cytogenetic response,de fined as 0%Philadelphia chromosome –positive cells,than are associated with the standard 400-mg treatment.30Collectively,these data support imatinib exposure being related to hematologic response in patients with CML.Thus a decrease in imatinib exposure such as that pro-duced by St John ’s wort is likely to be clinically relevant and may lead to treatment failure (ie,lack of hematologic response).Such an effect was observed in a patient in the phase 1clinical trial who was being treated with the enzyme inducer phenytoin.Although that patient initially did not respond to 350mg imatinib daily,a complete hematologic response was observed after the phenytoin was discontinued and the imatinib dose was increasedtoFig 1.Mean log concentration (SD)versus time pro file ofimatinib (A )and N -desmethyl-imatinib (B )after oral admin-istration of 400mg before (day 1)and during (day 15)administration of 300mg St John ’s wort 3times per day (N ϭ12).Fig 2.Imatinib area under the concentration versus timecurve (AUC)(A )and maximum concentration (C max )(B )before (day 1)and during (day 15)administration of 300mg St John ’s wort 3times per day (N ϭ12).In the box-and-whisker plots ,the central box represents values from the lower to upper quartiles (25th to 75th percentiles),the middle line represents the median,and the whiskers extend to the lowest and highest data points.CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY &THERAPEUTICS 2004;76(4):323-9St John ’s wort and imatinib interaction 327500mg daily.29Notably,the patient’s steady-state ima-tinib AUC from0to24hours was20%of the mean value for the AUC associated with the350-mg dose level.29 In conclusion,administration of St John’s wort re-sults in a significant decrease in imatinib exposure, which has the potential to affect treatment outcome adversely.Thus patients taking imatinib should avoid taking St John’s wort.Concomitant use of any drugs that are CYP3A inducers may necessitate an increase in the imatinib dose to achieve therapeutic concentrations and to maintain clinical effectiveness.Dr Egorin has served as a consultant for and has received grant funding from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.None of the other authors has a conflict of interest to disclose.References1.Traxler 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