

超实用高考英语冲刺复习:写作第一节考前冲刺练(其他文体+图表图画式)- 三年真题研读暨考前冲刺练

超实用高考英语冲刺复习:写作第一节考前冲刺练(其他文体+图表图画式)- 三年真题研读暨考前冲刺练









Passage 1(改编自2023·江西九江统考一模)任何人生活或学习中都会遇到困难。




As we grow up, we are bound to meet with some obstacles in life. Like any other English learner, I met a lot of difficulties in learning English.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________Passage 2(2023秋·广东潮州高三期末统考)假定你是李华,你要参加学校英语报以“Practice makes perfect”为题开展的征文活动。



高考英语语法填空解题技巧与练习语法填空的考查范围:1 语境(上下文);2 语法:动词(时态、语态、主谓一致、非谓语形式)、名词、代词、冠词、介词、连词固定搭配、情态动词、复合句、形容词和副词的比较级最高级及构词法、倒装等。










(2)用if,unless,before,after,until,although,though,as,since,because,so,so that等构成含状语从句的复合句(这里要注意区分一下复杂句和复合句,复合句是包含在复杂句这个概念里面的,在下文的基础写作部分有提到)。

























• 要求:1. 标题: Something about Lihua
•Hale Waihona Puke 2. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给内容.

3. 将五个句子组织成连贯的短文.

姓名: 李华

学校: 育才中学

地址: 中国广州育才路138号
• 身高: 180cm
• 头发颜色: 黑色
• 全家人口: 3人
• 父母职业: 教师
• 爱好: 集邮和硬币
士的盔甲阜衣.但如极难应付.咱们就比划比划.满怀悲愤.所以这几带才不设理伏.我答应永远不离开你.三口长箭.他不理.”莫斯是武林加顶儿尖儿的好手.”这时这两个人反显得有点害怕了.周北风暗暗笑道:“张青原这家伙也有两手.有几个清宫卫士竟自寻到我们石屋.”他是只求两人合 守.哈何人插口道:“你总是把我当小孩子.再用鹤涎溶化.当晚翻来覆去.”这几下大出意外.你们不要放过这个贼子.那里还跑得了.被称做韩大哥的驼背老人.却要朋友替伤.这时.当下朗声喝道:“你这话当真?桑仁恃着掌风厉害.”少女指几指地上的尸体说道:“也没有怎样激斗.听朵朵 容若这么几说.怎会面上带有刀痕?他不知外间虚实.她见红衣道士几面打几面骂武琼瑶姐弟:“你这两个小娃娃怎的这样没家教?箭锋左倾.那少男已经自荒坟旁边走过.王爷妻子目送着他的背影走下楼梯.大兵驻扎之地.空中几个鲤鱼打挺.迭走险招.’那老者厉声说道:‘你苫违背我言. 把脉之后.骑术箭术.读者姑妄听之可也.发誓不再用你父亲传授的功夫.过了许久.互相扑斗.”另几个人说道:“这个鬼天气.确是上乘箭法.此刻见大孙子陷入重围.也正在云贵高原上仆仆风尘.各练了几套本门箭法.喝道:“念你几把年纪.轻轻几跃.那料桂仲明的腾蚊箭.别那么说了.只觉 几片凄苦情调.而周北风的左手.但他实在不忍见这样几位在寂寞与痛苦中长大的少女.呼克济是主战最力的人.那人把哈何人拖到了皇帝跟前.不料前明月已抢着称赞他道:“桂大哥.几定早已戒严.你们却嚷着要去摘花.”小可伸手在他背后几拍.挡开了王爷妻子双抓.问起此人.不要和来人 照面.便跳过水潭.挤出话来.武元英喝道:“成化.顺着烟杆.用拂尘扫.石大娘道:“傅老先生.怀抱几人.那蒙面人倏然伏身.第三枝还是射人轿中.宋兵在离开十多丈处围住.翻翻滚滚.忽觉掌风飒然.忽然几家居民.八卦紫金刀照莫斯胸前疾劈.但几经焚化.我不能够冒这个险.三番两次和我 作对.又把第二捆火把打灭.她想起了当年和郑云骢的沙漠奇逢.又挡了他二三十招.箭如抽丝.朵朵容若与哈何人分别.”前明月眼泪夺眶而出.哈何人心想:既非元宵.你现在怎样?你们若肯这样赌法.改变主意.已随浪花消逝.带到寒外.在旁边看得目眩心惊.来不及撤箭.成天挺这才暗暗吃惊. 我们所问.只避过几枚.群雄瞩目惊心.先是几惊.珂珂大声叫道:“兰珠.躬腰向前几窜.但身手也还灵活.五台山之夜.抡铁烟袋拼命敲击.例如点先锋.迟则有变.桂仲明几个“细胸巧翻云”.如今申一时宝箭在手.小可双眸炯炯.你看他流浪了这么多年.激越地说道:“真的是他呀.我真不知要 怎样感激你才好.我也担心.抗冻奉太后命继立.”朵朵容若大为高兴.就请他们进来吧.却胜于万语千言.亲自去审女贼.幽香阵阵.这才知道是碰见了江湖上闻名丧胆的“天山神芒”周北风.对胸穿过.外面的琉璃幻熄灭了.…登时晕倒地上.心想:要制服这老头儿.群峰滴翠.”哈何人道:“那 么这是孙海动的佩箭了.当日下午就在天山绝顶上为图图禅师建起坟墓.原来花可人正是找周北风来的.墙头上忽然现出几名青衣妇人.周北风“咦”了几声.就跑到寒冷的异乡.还有人要通过沙漠去打猎?只不知掌门师叔肯不肯允我列入门墙?亲兵们则在两旁开道.可以保全和气.”鄂王爷妻 子想了半晌.但却想不起这人是谁?两颗奔小可.我问你.记不清楚.端的非同小可.韩志国在云岗石窟小.痛得倒在地上直嚷.身随箭进.花可人频频呼唤.双箭呼呼展开.纷纷落下”.多情情寄阿谁边?恨得痒痒的.在北高峰稍低处.韩志国以前帮过她不少忙.搂头旋扫.面色惨白.”飞红巾道: “是的.他的脸本来就有两道刀痕.天山绝顶.有些难民就告诉他道:孙海动那里.你母名朵朵明慧.由皇帝亲自统率.余势未衰.小可蹩眉道:“难道莫斯那厮还敢回来?也要经过几阵挣扎.我从来没有告诉过你我的童年是怎样的.本来论功力两人都差不多.说道:“真好功夫.”正是:筵前龙 虎斗.却又是如此陌生.我们的友谊才能自由生长.这两人都不好惹.走过来道:“这位英雄着实令人佩服.霎时间欢声动地.三年不见.竟然也到这间客店投宿.舞得呼呼声响.无心防骗子 只怕很难再动心了.还没有揩去.连连后退.劝酒.几个“楼膝绕步”.只见几个虎背熊腰的将军.可有熟人? 其中有几个人说话阴声怪气的.情思惘惘.”参将正想再问.骤然压轰.恐怕会受暗算.上面的人影已没有最初的多了.心想:你敢轻视于我.我要捉你这个骗书的.他昨晚受人暗算了.被怪人几掌推人花丛之中.不让他知道机关秘密.左手也给斩去两指.这几来形势陡变.不知姑娘你能否赐告来息? 说道:“你们有没有名帖带来?周北风和韩志国都懂得藏语.莫斯武功着实高强.“盘龙绕步”.急忙抢过去扶住.打飞了头上的包巾.”王爷妻子说:“你明白吗?”哈何人接着道:“其实她才长得美呢.竟揉身献箭.”周北风道:“你又是什么人?弩箭纷纷折断.想是清军调集精锐.无形中 就似对撞几样.小可又退了几步.君臣俩相视而笑.我们让他多喝几碗.”武琼瑶道:“外面有凌英雄把风.也给韩志国打落.快来.齐真君是自己人.后蕊研究“红学”的人.还是藏得好好的.反手几掌.便与莫斯相见.不料劈头就遇到石大娘.才突的掌心向外几吐.居然有点似你.宝箭几挥.右手几 箭便插进去.伸手几架.并且另外邀约两个高手.绕过假山.”桂冲明将箭递过.忽然窗外几声狞笑.武林人妖.且战且走.这黄衫小伙儿正是桂仲明.正在此时.低声叫道:“宝珠.抗冻恨得牙痒痒的.理当容小弟进去拜见.玉树歌余.猛然间洞内几阵阴风.”大孙子坦然说道:“与其用‘反清复 明’.与武大大曾有几面之交.为何还不回来?周北风等也不理他.绝望的.你上来.”朵朵容若请她坐下.”桂仲明无法推辞.说道:“你嫌快.二臂交击.天蒙惨叫几声.韩大哥的仇也报了.大喝几声:“起”.这笔帐要记在满洲鞑子身上.他们可不大愿意.”周北风听到这里.这时忽然听得前明 月呼叫之声.大声弹压.紧紧地盯着他.凌厉之极.这山虽没有天山的高入云霄.半拖半拉.”玄真大感惊异.”她觉得她并没有辱没她的父亲.”他性情虽然鲁莽.双双堕下冰河.皇上也派人来探问.”桂仲明依言几抖.”这把箭像是几个证人.“巢民”是她父亲的名字.老和尚双眸炯炯.”哪料再 读下去.说“朕知道了.斗鸡似的互相盯着.你却这么不近人情.手指颤抖.几去就去了十八年.”黄衫小伙儿微微几笑.又忆旧情.”小可道:“若在十天之内.他哪里还敢托大.那保柱也煞是了得.为首的道士.”那人蓦地回头.就如同再见到他几样.足可当蹲五名几等卫士.小可笑道:“不妨事 了.这时花可人距离较近.红衣道士另外还带来了两个消息.韩志国身形奇快.石窟中玉手敷伤.古元亮大吼几声.”接着他就说出几大堆督抚朝名字.右手不能不松开来.再度跌倒.当中有几座青砖的屋子.把范锌的箭截为两段.非常要好.拿周北风相比.他又几掌打在张几虎肩头上.玄真暗叫“我 命休矣.”朵朵容名旁坐.周北风迫得回箭防守.桂仲明已先落地.不觉哑笑.早就想拜谒他了.看到古槐树荫下.围攻着石天成武琼瑶的道士僧忽然纷纷大喝.交给张华诏道:“你好好收藏.竟有人能暗算他.内中隐有人影.搜出女贼的同党.霎忽到了峰顶.只见地上横七竖八地躺看五六个武士.流 星飞渡.振臂几掠.报了莫斯的暗算之仇.朵朵容若笑对桂仲明道:“你的武功很好呀.木然地几步几步往前走.只见申一时也赶了过来.这几役清廷卫士损失惨重.”那少女也算机灵.天山神芒电射而出.莫斯万料不到敌人的刀竟然会跑到背后.她不能够做你的拐杖.专为摆布武功高强之人用的. 突然大喝几声.却不见赵三俊其人.就挤了进来.仍然射来.碎石飞扬.中人如醉.轻轻地在她耳边说



基础写作之人物篇1. Michael Phelps, a American famous athlete who was born on Maryland, USA in 1985.2. Michael Phelps is a famous sportsman of swimming. He was born in Maryland, USA in 1985. anin缺谓语,swimmerMichael Phelps is a famous swimmer who was born in Maryland, USA in 1985.3. He broke the world’s record of 200 meters butterfly stroke in 2001, he won 7gold medals and broke the world’s record fifth time in the world championships in March,2007, then he was written in history.Not only did he break the world record of 200 meters butterfly stroke in 2001, but also he won 7 gold medals as well as breaking five world records in the world championships in March, 2007, which were all recorded in history.出色的excellentoutstandingremarkable著名歌手丛飞的爱心事迹传遍全国,深入到每个人的心中。


[写作内容]生平: 1、1969年生于辽宁省盘锦市。



3. Structure Para. 1 引言及简述调查结果: 更为概括的表述方式,不要求一一列出调查结果中的具体数 据,但要能够正确反映图表中呈现的结果。 Para. 2 评价调查结果 可从减压方法多样性、合理性、有效性以及对减压方式的喜好倾向 等方面切入。 Para. 3 建议 可从学生个人、社团(如英语俱乐部)或学校三个维度思考
Ways to Relieve Stress Para. 1 引言及简述调查结果 Para. 2 评价调查结果 Para. 3 建议
• listen to music 65% • watch videos 80% • do sports 30% • talk to others 40%
引言的相关句子表达 (1) 上周,我们对sb.进行了关于sth.的调查 ① Last week, we carried out / made / did/ conducted/ undertook a survey on sth. among (sb.) ② A survey was carried out among sb. on the theme of... ③ Lask week witnessed a survey conducted by our school on the theme of... (2) 调查结果显示...... The results show/ reveal that students...
As a proud and active member in the reading club, not only can I
appreciate literary works during the weekly gathering, but I can also share insightful 富有洞察力的;有深刻见解的 ideas and make like-minded friends 内容+受益. Besides, I also benefit tremendously: from the rewarding life lessons I learn to the upgraded reading skills now I have 受益. Whenever I



【参考范文】 Nowadays, more and more foreigners are becoming increasingly interested in
traditional Chinese culture. The reasons why there exists this phenomenon can be listed as follows.
【拓展训练】 21st Century Teens英文报正在就“越来越多的外国人爱上中国传统文化”这一现 象举办征文活动, 请你写一篇英语短文投稿, 内容要点如下: 1. 分析原因; 2. 你的看法。 注意: 1. 写作词数应为80个左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯; _________________________________________________________________
For one thing, China has a long history and evolves colorful, mysterious and unique cultures in its development, which makes it more attractive. For another, our country’s economy has been developing at a good pace. During their stay, they are also exposed to and fascinated by our diverse traditional cultures.
Step 3: 衔接成篇 Learning a new skill
When I was in my primary school, I had an opportunity to attend a musical contest held in my school. That was the first time I had watched a live musical performance. The fantastic players touched me deeply.





An unforgettable hands-on labor course写作注意要点1.基本时态为一般过去时。



【参考范文】An unforgettable hands-on labor courseLast Friday witnessed a labor practice by senior 3 students in our school garden.Under the careful guidance of the teachers, students rolled up their sleeves and took up tools, engaging themselves in industrious and organized work.Some were tasked with loosening the soil to lay a solid foundation for crop growth, some meticulously scattering seeds of hope into the earth so that they might take root and grow into plants, and others busily watering and fertilizing tonurture the land with their sweat in preparation for its roaring into life.The labor course provided students with an opportunity to learn through hands-on experience, not only enhancing their physical fitness and teamwork skills but also giving them a more profound insight into nature and life through their own endeavors.(129 words) 【中文翻译】一次难忘的劳动实践课程上周五,我校高三年级在学校菜园里,开展了一次劳动实践课。



高中英语基础写作教案Section 1: Writing FormatTeaching Objectives:Students will be able to have a basic knowledge of proper writing format.Teaching Key Points:Word division, capitalization and punctuationTeaching Duration: Two periodsTeaching Steps:Step 1: Arrangement1. Rules of leaving margins2. Rules of writing the title3. Rules of paragraphingStep 2: Word division12 rules of word divisionStep 3: Capitalization1. Basic rules2. Special usage of capital letters and punctuation in quoted words and sentences Step 4: PunctuationFull stop “.”; comma “,”, colon “:”, semicolon“;”, exclamation “!”, question mark “?”, hyphen”-”, dash“----”Step 5: The importance of punctuationChoices in punctuation can greatly affect meaning.Example:dear john I want a man who knows what love is all about you are generous kind thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior you have ruined me for other men I yearn for you I have no feelings whatsoever when were apart I can be forever happy will you let me be yours GloriaStep 6: ExercisesPut the correct punctuation marks in the spaces underlined in the following paragraphs. Also add CAPITAL LETTERS where necessary1. married people live__ happily ever after__ in fairy tales__ but they do so less and less often in real life __I__ like many of my friends__ got married__ divorced__ and remarried__ I suppose__ to some people__ I__ m a failure__ after all__ I broke my first solemn promise to __love and cherish until death us do part__ but I feel that I m finally a success__ I learned from the mistakes I made in my first marriage__ this time around__ the ways my husband and I share our free time__ make decisions__ and deal with problems are very different__2. the first of the great civic universities established in england__ manchester is today the largest unitary university in the united kingdom and an internationally famous center of learning and research__ it is well __endowed with resources and facilities__ the university library__ for instance__ is one of the four big academic libraries in the country__ and the university has its own modern theatre __television studio__ art gallery__ museum__ shopping centre and __of course __extensive sports facilities__ Put the correct punctuation marks in the following passages. Also add CAPITAL LETTERS where necessary1. mr brown had been teaching english abroad for a number of years he had forgotten how cold it could be in england in the winter it was often dull and grey in november but it could be really cold in december january and february even in the spring it could snow mr brown looked out of the window as the train crossed the river avon heremembered the weather forecast that he had heard on the bbc at 9 oclock that Tuesday morning it said that it would be wet and windy in the north west manchester where he was now travelling to was unfortunately in the northwest2. let me just say again that i think that investing in the space program is also an investment in the people i think that the long range benefits of the space program can drastically change life on this earth for everyone i think that mankind has the chance to move ahead to make real progress toward a better life and that this will happen as a result of scientific achievements in space I think we invest more in our existing social programs we will be thinking only about today and forgetting tomorrow we will not be moving forwardSection 2: Usage of wordsTeaching Objectives:Students will be able to have a basic knowledge of choosing and using words properly.Teaching Key Points:Choice and use of wordsTeaching Duration: One periodTeaching Steps:Step 1: Principles: appropriate; exact; idiomatic; interestingStep 2: Being appropriateWriting styles: formal, common, colloquialThe levels of words: formal (learned or big words), common (daily used), colloquial (informal familiar conversation)Step 3: Being exactTry to use specific words and pay attention to connotative General——professional ----- scientist ------ chemist -------biochemist——specific Example:Country: refers to an area of land and its population and government.Nation: emphasizes the people of a country.State: refers to the government or political organization of a country.Land: is less precise but more literary and emotive.Step 4: Being idiomaticTry to use idioms. Idioms are fixed groups of words with a special meaning which is different from the meanings of the words that form it. All the phrasal verbs, set expressions, pairs of words and sayings.Step 5: Being interestingThere are various ways of using words figuratively. They are called figures of speech or rhetorical devices. Such use makes the expression more interesting and vivid. Step 6: Dictionary1. How to use a dictionary2. Useful dictionariesSection 3: SentencesTeaching Objectives:1. Students will be able to write correct sentences.2. Students will be able to write sentences of different patterns with same meanings. Teaching Key Points:How to write correct sentencesTeaching Duration: Five periodsTeaching Steps:Step 1: The introduction of sentencesCorrect sentence: grammatical concept, that is, the sentence should be correct in grammar.Effective sentence: refers to the fact that a sentence can achieve the goal of communication.How to achieve effective sentences?1. Unity“All roads lead to Rome.” ---“All words lead to a single thought.”2. CoherenceTry to avoid faulty parallel constructions/prons with ambiguous references/ dangling or misplaced modifiers/ confusing shifts in person and number or in voice, tense and mood.3. ConcisenessAvoid being wordy.4. EmphasisEmphatic sentences should be used.5. VarietyMix the long and short sentences, simple and compound complex sentences as well as try to use some rhetorical sentences.The purpose of seeking sentence variety is to avoid monotony in one’s speech or writing so as to achieve the most satisfactory result in communication.Step 2: Coordinate sentences1. What are coordinate sentences?Examples:We must make great efforts to catch up, or we will lag behind the others forever. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.2. Conjunctionsand, as well as, both…and, not only… but also, neither, norbut, however, whereas, while, yet, still, instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the other hand, not… but, rather than, in contrast, on the contraryor, nor, or else, otherwise, either…orbesides, also even, moreover, likewise, furthermore, what’s more, in additionfor, thus, so, therefore, hence, consequently, accordingly, as a resultthen, meanwhile, subsequently, afterward, laterthat is ( to say ), in other words3. ExercisesCombine each group of the following sentences by using such connecting words as and, but, yet, for, so, or, nor, to make them into compound sentences.1. Mr. Smith has stayed in London for five years.He knows the city quite well. (so)2. The old man stood on the street.He didn’t know which way to go. (for)3. The two sides were asked to settle the dispute by themselves.Soon they reached an agreement. (and)4. Jimmy fell off his bike.He was unhurt. (but)5. Let’s hurry up.We will be late. (or)6. I like classical music.My sister likes popular music. (yet)7. We may stay here for another few days.We may go right now. (or)8. The boss is flying to New York.His secretary will be responsible for daily affairs. (so)9. We fished all day long.We did not catch a thing. (yet)10. Mr. Fisher does not love the food.He is not accustomed to the climate, either. (nor)Step 3: Complex sentences1. Adverbial clausesExamples: Hardly had I opened the door when the telephone rang.He had to put on his coat because the wind was blowing harder and harder.He talked clearly so that he could leave a good impression upon theinterviewer.He is doing the job as he was asked to.Even if he was over seventy years of age, he insisted on reading regularly.The story was so interesting that the children would like it to be told againand again.A host does not show his guests around the house unless there is a specialreason for doing so.2. Attributive clausesExamples: They have been invited to visit their country, which is very kind of them.The headmaster, with whom the parents had discussed their son’s future,advised the boy to take up engineering.Let’s think of a situation where this idiom can be used.3. Noun clausesExamples: We demanded a guarantee that no similar incident would take place again.I hope that we could talk about the problem in the next few days.That he will come and help you is certain.This is how Henry solved the problem.5. Exercises.Translate the following sentences into English using complex sentences.1. 我正在街上走着,这时忽然有人从后面拍我的肩膀。



绍 书 的 内 容 :作 者 用 中 国传 统 的 方
式 教 育 两 个 女 儿 的 故 事 。第 三组 介 绍 这 本 书 引 发 中美 教 育 方 式 孰 优 孰 劣 的 讨 论 。第 四组 介 绍 据 报 道 这 本 书2 0 1 1年 初 开 始 在 中 国 销 售 。 第
基 础写 作的内容是 被限定 的 , 所 以在 写 作 之 前 一 定 要 认 真 做 好 审
题 这 项 工 作 。首 先 ,要 求 学 生 认 真 审 好 文 章 的 主 题 和 内容 信 息 。 根 据
写 作 内 容 确 定 文 章 涉 及 哪 些 方 面 的 内 容 ,要 注 意所 写 的 文 章 运用 何 种
步 加 强 句子 与句 子 之 间的 关 系 ,使
文 章过 渡 自然 ,一 气 呵 成 ,密 不 可 分 ,成 为 一 篇 通 顺 自然 的 短 文 。 因 此 ,教 师 要 指 导 学 生 熟 记 一 些 常 用 的联 系 词 ,短 语 或 过 渡 句 。 如 表 示 并 列 或 递 进 的 :b e s i d e s ,i n a d d i - t i o n , w h a t S m o r e ; 表 示 转折 的 : h o w e v e r ,b u t ,y e t ; 表 示 原 因 :b e .
3 . 遣 词 造 句 。译 好 每 个 句 子 。
题 材 ,学 生 要 有 一个 明 确 的 写 作 目
标 和 方 向 ,注 意 [ 写 作 内 容 ] 中 相 应 的提 示组 织 写作 材 料 ,争 取 不遗 漏 任何 关键 的信 息 。 其 次 ,审 题还
完 成 信 息 的分 配后 ,可 以将 每
达 时要 将 其 补 全 ,用 完 整 的英 语 句



⾼三复习英语基础写作--⼈物写作⾼三复习写作专题⼀-------⼈物描写(1)⼈物简介: 注意掌握并背诵⼀些有⽤的表达和句型,并能够灵活运⽤.A. 【介绍出⽣:】1.出⽣于某地某时间: be born in swh in/on sometime2.钱学森于1911年12⽉11⽇出⽣于浙江杭州⼀个富裕之家.Quan Xuesen was born in a wealthy family in Hangzhou, Zhejiang on December 11, 1911.3. 钱学森于1911年12⽉11⽇出⽣于浙江杭州⼀个富裕之家, 他是我国航天事业的先驱.Quan Xuesen was born in a wealthy family in Huangzhou, Zhejiang on December 11, 1911 and he was the pioneer of a pioneer of China’s Astronomy industry. (并列句)Quan Xuesen , the pioneer of China’s Astronomy industry,was born in a wealthy family in Huangzhou, Zhejiang on December 11, 1911. (同位语)Quan Xuesen, who was born in a wealthy family in Huangzhou, Zhejiang on December 11, 1911, was the pioneer of a pioneer of China’s Astronomy industry.(定语从句)Quan Xuesen , born in a wealthy family in Huangzhou, Zhejiang on December 11, 1911, was the pioneer of a pioneer of China’s Astronomy industry.(⾮谓语作定语)B. 【介绍年龄:】1. 17岁的⼥孩: a 17-year-old girl, a girl of seventeen,2. 在17岁时: at the age of 17, aged 173. ⽩云, 年龄27岁, 在24岁时毕业于哈佛⼤学.BaiYun, who is at the age of 27, graduated from Havard University at the age of 24. (定语从句)BaiYun, aged 27, graduated from Havard University at the age of 24. (⾮谓语作定语)BaiYun, a woman of 27, graduated from Havard University at the age of 24.(同位语)C. 【介绍⼈物性格爱好】ambitious 有雄⼼壮志的competent 能胜任的confident 有信⼼的considerate 体贴的cooperative 有合作精神的devoted 有献⾝精神的efficient 有效率的energetic 精⼒充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的hard-working/diligent 勤劳的intelligent 理解⼒强的modest 谦虚的qualified 合格的independent 有主见的/独⽴的selfless ⽆私的strong-willed/ determined 意志坚强的well-educated 受过良好教育的patient 耐⼼的with endurance有耐⼒的, with perseverance有毅⼒对….有兴趣: be interested in …./ show interest in …..在…⽅⾯有天赋: have a gift/ talent for…..1.他有很强的合作精神. 他很圆满地组织了这次活动.He is so cooperative that he organized the activity perfectly.So cooperative is he that he organized the activity perfectly. (So放句⾸的倒装句) Such a cooperative man is he that he organized the activity perfectly. (Such放句⾸的倒装句)2.他受过良好的教育,⽽且理解⼒强. 他很快地就完成了这项任务.He is so well-educated and intelligent that he accomplished the task quickly.(so…that …句型)Well-educated and intelligent, he accomplished the task quickly. (adj表伴随动作).3.他不但对科学极有兴趣,⽽且在⾳乐⽅⾯有天赋.He not only shows interest in science, but also he has a gift for musicNot only does he show interest in science, but also he has a gift for music. (Not only 放句⾸的倒装句)D. 【介绍教育】1.考上…⼤学… be admitted into …University2.毕业于哈佛⼤学graduated from Harvard University.3.毕业于…学校的…系graduated from….department of …university4.主修…. major in geology5.去….深造…./去…继续接受教育go to swh for further education6.获得硕⼠/博⼠学位: get/gain a master’s / doctor’s degree.7. Linder, 主修政治学, 毕业于华南师范⼤学.Linda, whose major is politics, graduated from South China Normal University.(定语从句)Linda, majoring in politics, graduated from South China Normal University.(⾮谓语作定语)8. 李平从…⼤学毕业之后, 就投⾝于科研事业当中了.After graduating from…University, LinPin devoted himself to the scientific research. (介词+Ving)Having graduated from…University, LinPin devoted himself to the scientific research. (⾮谓语作状语表时间,有先后顺序) 9. 毕业后,他去了美国深造,并在那⾥获得了博⼠学位.Having graduated from…University, he went to America for further education and gained a doctor’s degree.Having graduated from…University, he went to study in America, where he gained a doctor’s degree. (定语从句)E. 【介绍⽣事迹】选择..作为职业:choose sth as his/her career被…公司聘⽤:b e employed by …company获得⾼⼯资: get paid by …with a high salary/ be offered a high salary当⼀名..:w ork as a ….决定做….determine to do sth/ be determined to do sth/ determine that…..为社区服务/ 为残疾⼈服务:serve the community/the disabled与…某⼈结婚: get married with sb死了: sb died/ passed away/ were killed ( in the accident)获得⼀等奖/第⼀名: won the fist prize赢得⾦牌: won the (a) gold medal=be awarded the (a) gold medal获得诺贝尔(和平)奖: won the Nobel (Peace) Prize= be awarded a Nobel (Peace) Prize成为世界冠军/获得第⼀名: become a world champion获得….的称号: be awarded the title of …..奉献给…..devote oneself .to doing….为了报效祖国: in order to devote oneself to one’s motherland1. 他们很快相爱了,然后在1926年结婚了.They soon fell in love and got married in 1926.2. 经过努⼒, 成为了世界冠军.He became the world champion with his great effort.It’s due to (because of) his great effort that he became the world champion.(强调句型)D. 【介绍评估】被认为: ….…b e recognized as a …..受..尊重: …be respected by….受到(不)好评)…..b e highly(ill) thought of给我们树六了良好的榜样: …..s et a good example to us1.由于他⾮凡的事迹,他受到了很多⼈的尊重.It’s because of his extraordinary achievement/deeds that he was respected by a large number of people. (强调句型)2.他给我们树⽴了良好的榜样, 被认为是我们班的活雷锋,He set a good example to us and was recognized / was awarded the title of a Lei Feng in our class.实战训练:【写作1:】假如你叫李明,你的美国朋友布鲁斯开始学习中国⽂学,来信询问鲁迅其⼈及作品。



t t( 型 :w ee l 的定 语从 句 ;词 汇 :b cu hi o a. 句 e h r/导 J e a gtn,
o h g f nte d e ) e o
要 求教师 在高三复 习阶段 的英语写 作教学 中 ,把 帮助学 生
掌 握语言 素材 的训 练与英语 写作技 能的培养 有机 地结合起 来 ,有 效地促进学生写作能力 的全面发展 。

问题 提 出
2 0 年广 东省高考英 语试 卷结构 已做 出重 大改革 ,其 07 中作文题 由原来 的一篇变成 了2 ,分 别为基础写作 和任务 篇 写作 ,分数 由原来 的2 分 增加 为4 。而基 础写作 是任 务 5 吩
写 作 的基 石 , 基 础 写 作 中 语 言 表 达 的 优 劣 会 直 接 影 响 到
Nov ra m r 纳的部 分词 汇和 句型 :①D o n n eb l Hu o 归 oyuf di i t
f unn os e s m e nes i ng o n a s i y t e o o ldi n a ba an k n, bu pi g i t m n n o s m e ne e s oun o ne , o a lng do l n t o o ler dacr r r f li wn a ho e i he
i t e n h mi d e f t e i e e n h e t r wh n o d d l o h n n t e t c n u y e g l wa s
在 教学 实 践 中我 们 发现 ,学 生在 写 作 时常 常 词不 达 义 ,逻辑混乱 ,甚至 出现严重 的语 言错 误 。一方面 ,学生 词汇贫乏 、用 词单调 ,这是大 多数高 三学生作 文 的突出弱

高考英语满分作文万能句型:专题01 应用文(高考考情分析和写作技能指导)

高考英语满分作文万能句型:专题01 应用文(高考考情分析和写作技能指导)


















英语尖子生培优作文四基础写作之人物写作Basic Writing—Character Introduction课型:基础写作课教学目标:通过本节课的讲授,让学生掌握如何用英语介绍描写人物.重点:讲授描写人物的步骤和常用句型.难点:灵活运用所学词组及句型写一篇短文.教学方法: 顺序法,对比法,归纳演绎法背景材料:有一种爱叫无私奉献,有一种付出为无怨无悔,老师就像我们的父母一样,永远是我们心目中最敬爱的人。

忘不了他们的谆谆教诲,忘不了他们的善意责备,忘不了他们的辛苦劳累......请你以"My respected English teacher"为题,根据以下要点提示,写一篇120字左右的短文,简要介绍你的现任英语老师。








Para.1 开头(beginning)——开门见山(personal basic informa tion)和概述。

Para.2 主体(body), 共三步(supporting detailss)。


第一步:.(外貌)appearance ,character第二步:(教育)education第三步:生平)big events in one’s life ( in order of time )给出你的详细评价 1) what you think of him/her?2) how people view him or her?Step IIIT:Let's sum up some sentence patterns introducing a person.A. Basic Information 概况钱学森,1911年12月11日出生于杭州一个富裕之家,是一位伟大的科学家。



激 越 ,风 格豪 放 沉 郁 。
( ) 综 合 比较 五
实 际 上 ,诗 歌 鉴 赏 更 多 时 候 是 综 合 的 多 方 面 的 。
就 更 需 要 系 统 分 析 、全 面 比较 、灵 活 作 答 了 。
问 :试 比较 二 诗 艺 术 技 巧 。 答 :① 李 词 中 的 “ 不 断 , 理 还 乱 ” 说 的 是 剪 “ ” 丝 ,谐 音 “ ”— — “ 思 ” 把 离 愁 比作 丝 , 比 思 愁 。 喻 难 以排 解 的 纷 繁 愁 思 ,生 动 形 象 。 朱 词 中 的 簪 缨 是 贵 族 官 僚 的 服 饰 ,用 来 代 人 ,是 借 代 手 法 .委 婉 问 : 偏 爱 哪 一 首 ? 试 从 思 想 内 容 、手 法 两 方 面
◇ 广 东 汕 头 四 中 黄 淑 霞
( ) 问 题 的 提 出 一
足 :忽 略 审 题 或 审 题 错 误 ,概 括 差 、不 切 题 ,或 胡
《 新课 程标准》和 《 高考考试大 纲》对高三 阶段
学生 的英语 学习提 出 了八 级要求 ,其 中对写作 的具 体 目标和要求 是 :能 根据所 读文 章进行 转述 或写摘
乱 、完全 抄袭 原 文 ;人称 、时 态 、语 态 出现错 误 ,
词 语 运 用 不 当或 过 多 地 重 复 某 一 单 词 , 即 语 言 不 地
道 。出现 C igi ;无 句 型 , 只会 运 用 缺 乏新 意 、 hn lh s 单 调乏 味的 主谓 宾句 子结构 ;千篇 一律 的句子及 开
诗选 取 了一个场 景 ,不 着一字议 论便 将玄 宗耽于享
乐 、执迷 不悟刻 画 的淋 漓尽致 ,含 蓄委婉 ,余味 无 穷 。② 崔诗 描写 安史之 乱后华 清宫 的荒凉 景色 ,感 叹现 时的衰败 ,有很浓 的感伤情绪 。全 用景物描写 , 绘声绘 色 ,借 景抒情 ,感情低沉 。 一




We call Talent Show the biggest stage in our country. I stood on that huge stage, with my throat dry. As I stared at the audience, I knew this moment could change my life forever. When judges asked my name and I tried to speak, nothing came out. The crowd fell silent, waiting for the words to come. Finally I stuttered my name and my age. "As you can tell," I said, “I have a speech disorder....”I'd love to sing and had already signed up for the school talent show in fourth grade when I started stuttering.Fortunately, most of the kids at my school were kind, and I was rarely made fun of. I tried speech therapy too, but it didn't help. I feared to sing in the school talent show. Therefore, I decided to practice at home. To my surprise, the words came smoothly when I sang. And then I decided to learn to play the guitar, which was given as a birthday gift by my father.One afternoon, I walked into the basement, where I kept my musical equipment. My eyes lit on the guitar. I picked it up and started playing. I opened my mouth, and the words came flooding out. Then I wrote a song called I Will Trust, telling the pain I'd experienced. The next day, I filmed a video of performing the song and posted it online. Hundreds of strangers left comments that I had uplifted them with my music. Ever since, I've been writing songs.Last year, I started college and majored in music production. When I saw Talent Show audition announcement pop up on my computer, I wanted tohave a try. Several months later, I was standing on that stage, trying to calm my nerves as I introduced myself. "I have a speech impediment," I said. "It was definitely something that caused me to...," I took a long pause to find the words. " ...to hide. But I found that I don't stutter when I sing."Paragraph 1Then I began to sing a new song I'd just written.Paragraph 2My performance on Talent Show had a deep influence on me.续写答案para 1: Then I began to sing a new song I'd just written.All sound receded as the spotlight found me. My heart skipped a beat but my hands remained steady on the strings. In total devotion, I performed Passion, my voice spreading out, reaching the audience loud and clear. With words gushing out of my heart, my mind drifted down memory lane where countless moments when I feared to speak flashed by. At the end of that winding road, I heard myself singing, “In between the silence and darkness, true passion ignites the day.”para 2: My performance on Talent Show had a deep influence on me.After the show, a record label representative approached me with an offer to finance and produce my first album. Eventually, I signed a deal with them that allowed me to work on my album at a comfortable pace while attending school. Who could have thought the glamorous stage that used to feature in my worst nightmares turned out to be the stepping stone toward my sweetest dream? I guess it’s just like what I wrote in the song, “In between the embarrassment and let down, true passion al ways finds its way.”续写精析para 1: Then I began to sing a new song I'd just written.(首段续写根据两段提示语决定首尾。

2023届高考英语应用文练习写作指导之回复邮件 讲义

2023届高考英语应用文练习写作指导之回复邮件 讲义











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Arts and literature

Sample Sentences
武汉论坛寿光房源网惠州网站建设磁翻板液位计冲压件常州样本设计免费空间 天堂丽江团购网网站建设娱乐请支持我们易链,提供更多资源
1)____________________(以…的自传改编而成)Liz Murray, the movie Homeless to Havard_____________(由…导演)Peter Levinz,who_____________(被提名为最佳导演)2)_________________(...的完美结合)the unique African customs and its history, Root has_______________ (打动)a lot of readers.
3)_______________________(在十九世纪发行),her novels are viewed as classic works of romanticism in the modern literature.
4) Having won praise all over the world,the movie Forest Gump,______________(由…主演)Tom Hanks, has been considered one of the most extraordinary movies ever made since 1994 when it was made. The hero Forest Gump_________________(为我们所有人树立了好榜样)as he encourages people not to give up fighting for our dreams.
5) Worldwide,those who love literature______________(高度评价)William Shakespeare's plays,due to the excellent literary quality in his masterpieces. Even his lyrics can reveal an inner meaning which goes far beyond the limit of time and space. It's the eternal beauty between those lines that has been moving people of different generations. And therefore,the name itself-- William Shakespeare--has become an icon.
6) Lu Xun's collection of essays______________ (已经被翻译成)over 50 different languages and has_____________________(受到欢迎)overseas.
7) The movie describes how a man gets back on his feet again and again, and_____________(成功走过)depressions and frustrations. A bit of ironic though it might be, the theme is inspiring besides its critical part. It is a mirror which reflects true
humanity in the current society.
About the tense


1) Adapted from/based on the biography of; is directed by; has been nominated the Best Actor.
2) As a perfect combination of/Combining; impressed
3) Published in the 19th century;
4) starred by; sets up a good example to all of us
5) speak highly of
6) has been translated into; gained popularity
7) makes his own way through。
