



Ab ta t T e e e r h f Hz src : h rs ac o T Qu nu a tm C s a e a esQC ) icu e b sc h oy n ac d L s r( L n ld s a i te r a d
a p i a i n , wh c h ws g e t s i n ii n p i a >e v l e .I s t e h t p ti p lc to s i h s o r a c e tfc a d a plc l a u s ti h o s o n THz fe d n a l i l s a d h s
WA u — i ,w U We・o g . Y N D — e. WAN u y g AN o gj n NGX er n a i n d A aw i GY —i .T G Y n —a n i
( e e r h C n e f a m u i n C i aAc d my ) En i e rn h sc , Mi n a g S c u n 6 1 0 , C i a R s a c e tro s F so , h n a e f g n e i gP y is L a y n ih a 2 9 0 hn 1
t e o r s n i g r s ls h v e n s u e h c r e po d n e u t a e b e t di d.RHEED i d c t s t a As c n g o a e y l y r n i a e h t Ga , r w l y r b a e .Th a e r s ls o iu XPS,UPS e l ho t tt e e e i t h b e e o urn h r wt fGa e u t fs t ta ,s w ha h r x s s t e a s nc fAsd i g t e g o h o As. n h a dte l s r e e g a b i u n l n e o h o t n fGa . 0 o a n t e i e lr to o : . a h g a e a e n r y h s n v o s i fue c n t e c n e to As r bt i h d a a i fGa As i h ls r



一种拉格朗日粒子流体的高效表面重建方法邵绪强;刘艳;王新颖【摘要】In order to simulate small-scale geometrical features of Lagrangian particle fluid surface, this paper presents an efficient octree-based adaptive fluid surface reconstruction approach. First, this approach implements the more accurate detection of fluid surface particles. Then, the approach adaptively decomposes the fluid particles’ AABB bounding boxes including fluid surface particles based on octree. Finally, the implicit distance field is only constructed in the leaf nodes including fluid surface particles. The memory consumption and computation complexity of fluid surface reconstruction depend on fluid surface not fluid volume, so our method is very suitable for large scale fluid scenes.%为了在几何表示层面捕获拉格朗日粒子流体的表面细节特征以进行真实感绘制,提出一种高效的基于八叉树的自适应流体表面重建方法。




热障涂层的制备工艺及研究进展杨宏波;刘朝辉;丁逸栋;罗火东;余文威【摘要】The technologies for preparation of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were reviewed,including plasma spraying (PS),electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD),flame spraying,electric arc spraying,laser induction hybrid rapid cladding,self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) and suspension plasma spraying (SPS).Their research progress were introduced from the aspect of ceramic top layer and metal bonding layer.The future research directions of new generation ultra-high temperature TBCs was forecasted.%综述了等离子喷涂(PS)、电子束物理气相沉积(EB-PVD)、火焰喷涂、电弧喷涂、激光熔覆、自蔓延高温合成(SHS)、悬浮等离子喷涂(SPS)等制备热障涂层(TBCs)的工艺,介绍了陶瓷面层和金属黏结层这2个方面的研究进展.展望了新一代超高温热障涂层的研究方向.【期刊名称】《电镀与涂饰》【年(卷),期】2017(036)014【总页数】6页(P786-791)【关键词】热障涂层;陶瓷层;金属黏结层;制备;综述【作者】杨宏波;刘朝辉;丁逸栋;罗火东;余文威【作者单位】中国人民解放军后勤工程学院化学与材料工程系,重庆401311;中国人民解放军后勤工程学院化学与材料工程系,重庆401311;中国人民解放军后勤工程学院化学与材料工程系,重庆401311;73501部队,福建漳州 363400;73501部队,福建漳州 363400【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG174随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展和施工工艺不断改进,很多部件对材料的高温工作性能提出了更高的要求。



感应耦合等离子体增强射频磁控溅射沉积Zr N 薄膜及其性能研究刘 峰 孟月东 任兆杏 舒兴胜(中国科学院等离子体物理研究所,合肥 230031)(2007年4月2日收到;2007年6月6日收到修改稿) 利用感应耦合等离子体(ICP )增强射频磁控溅射技术在S i (111)片和M2钢表面制备了Z rN 薄膜,研究了基片的温度和ICP 功率对Z rN 薄膜的结构以及性能影响.研究发现:在基片温度≤300℃沉积的Z rN 薄膜择优取向为(111);基片温度达到450℃时薄膜出现Z rN (200)衍射峰,Z rN (111)晶面的织构系数明显降低.传统磁控溅射沉积薄膜为柱状结构,当ICP 为200W ,基片温度为300℃时沉积薄膜中柱状晶体消失;随着基片温度的升高,N ΠZ r 元素比例降低,并且薄膜的电阻率下降;相对于传统溅射,ICP 增强射频磁控溅射沉积薄膜的结构更加致密,硬度提高,应力降低.关键词:感应耦合等离子体,磁控溅射,Z rN ,微结构PACC :5275R ,6770,6855E 2mail :liu feng279@11引言Z rN 属于过渡金属氮化物,如同T iN ,H fN 等具有NaCl 结构,它具有高熔点,高硬度[1],化学惰性[2],以及低电阻率[3—6],因此可以被广泛应用于工业领域,如作为保护膜,装饰层和扩散阻挡层等.Z rN 薄膜正日益受到人们的重视,制备通常采用PVD 方法,其中磁控溅射由于设备简单,稳定性好而广泛应用于沉积硬质保护膜,以及导电膜,光学膜等[1—6].薄膜的结构与沉积粒子的能量和运动方向密切相关,但是,传统溅射粒子离化率较低(<10%),大多数粒子以中性状态到达基片,粒子的运动能量和方向难以控制.通过在溅射靶与基片之间放置的电感耦合(ICP )线圈产生二次等离子体,称之为ICP 增强磁控溅射,是由Y amashita [7]于1989年提出的,此系统可以大幅提高离化率和等离子体密度(1010—1011cm -3)[8,9].在基片上加一定的负偏压就可以方便地控制离子的运动能量和方向,使离子垂直基片运动从而消除阴影效应.Lim 等[10]和Jung 等[11]利用ICP增强直流磁控溅射制备了T iN 和(T i ,Cr )N 薄膜,研究发现ICP 功率在200—300W 时,薄膜致密度和硬度显著提高,显示出ICP 增强磁控溅射制备硬质薄膜的巨大潜力.本文利用自行研制的ICP 增强射频磁控溅射系统制备了Z rN 薄膜,研究了ICP 功率和沉积温度对薄膜的结构和性能的影响.21实验 Z rN 薄膜制备是在中科院等离子体研究所自行研制的ICP 增强射频磁控溅射装置上完成的,装置如图1所示.磁控靶为9919%的Z r 靶,直径为50mm ,靶正前方60mm 处放置基片架(120mm ×120mm ),感应线圈为2匝直径80mm 的水冷铜管,一端接射频源,另一端直接接地,距离靶和基片架各为20mm.选用(111)硅片和M2钢作为实验样品基体.硅片用于薄膜的结构、成分,应力和电阻率测试;M2钢用于硬度测试.钢基体先由线切割成10mm ×10mm ×8mm 块状,经金刚砂纸逐级打磨至镜面,与硅片分别在丙酮、乙醇中进行超声波清洗20min ,干燥后放入真空室,本底真空优于4×10-3Pa.沉积开始前通入Ar 气,在-800V 偏压下进行辉光放电清洗20min ,而后在露出的洁净基体表面上沉积Z rN 层,N 2和Ar 流量由气体流量计控制并保持1∶14,沉积气压为0128Pa ,基片的偏压保持在-100V.磁控靶和ICP 线圈都采用13125MH z 的射频电源,靶功率第57卷第3期2008年3月100023290Π2008Π57(03)Π1796206物 理 学 报ACT A PHY SIC A SI NIC AV ol.57,N o.3,March ,2008ν2008Chin.Phys.S oc.保持100W ,ICP 功率0—400W.实验过程中,基片由安装在样品台上的加热器加热,基片的温度由热电偶监测,沉积过程中基片的温度分别保持100℃,300℃和450℃,温度动态范围±20℃,沉积时间90min.实验结束后,自然冷却至<50℃,取出样品进行结构和性能测试.图1 ICP 辅助RF 磁控溅射薄膜沉积系统薄膜的物相分析在X 射线衍射仪(MXPAHF )上进行,采用的条件是:Cu 靶Kα(λ=0115406nm )辐射(50kV Π50mA ),2θ扫描模式,扫描范围30°—90°,扫描速率8°Πmin ,采用MDI Jade510软件处理数据.Z rN薄膜(111)晶面的织构系数由T c =I hkl Π∑ni =1Ihikili(1)给出.扫描电镜SE M (J E O L JS M 26700F )用于薄膜的截面结构分析和厚度测量,能量色散谱E DX(OXFORD Instrument )测定薄膜的化学成分.利用表面轮廓仪(XP 22profiler )对薄膜的应力进行测量.通过测量硅片沉积薄膜前后的曲率半径R 0和R ,利用Stoney 公式(2)计算得到应力σ,σ=E s6(1-v s )t 2st f1R-1R 0,(2)E s 为基片的弹性模量,t f 为薄膜厚度,t s 为基片厚度,νs 为基片的比例系数(0127)[12].利用美国MTS公司生产的XP 型纳米压痕仪对钢基体上沉积的薄膜进行纳米硬度测试,压头为berkovich ,采用连续刚度法,每个样品测5个点取平均值.利用四探针方法在室温下对Si 片上薄膜的电阻率进行测试.31结果与分析 图2—图4显示了Z rN 薄膜的XRD 图谱随温度变化关系.从图中看出,基片温度为≤300℃时,无论图2 ZrN 薄膜随基片温度变化的XRD 图谱(ICP =0W ):(a )100℃;(b )300℃;(c )450℃图3 Z rN 薄膜随基片温度变化的XRD 图谱(ICP =200W ):(d )100℃;(e )300℃;(f )450℃图4 Z rN 薄膜随基片温度变化的XRD 图谱(ICP =400W ):(g )100℃;(h )300℃;(i )450℃是否开启ICP ,Z rN (111)是薄膜的择优取向,伴随着较弱的Z rN (311)和(222)峰,其中T =300℃,ICP 分别为200W 和400W 沉积薄膜中出现微弱Z rN (220)峰;T =100℃,ICP =400W 沉积薄膜中出现亚稳态79713期刘 峰等:感应耦合等离子体增强射频磁控溅射沉积Z rN 薄膜及其性能研究相Z r 3N 4,可描述为立方相Z rN 结构中存在较多Z r 空位所形成的结构[1].随着基片温度升高到450℃,Z rN (200)衍射峰出现,表明(200)峰只有在比较高的温度下才能形成.T =450℃,ICP =400W 沉积薄膜中出现相对较强的Z rN (311)峰.从图中还可以看出随着基片温度的升高和ICP 功率的增大,Z rN (111)衍射峰强度明显降低.图5 Z rN 薄膜的织构系数随基片温度的变化关系Z rN (111)晶面的织构系数如图5所示,在沉积温度≤300℃时,(111)晶面的织构系数比较大,随着沉积温度增加到450℃而明显降低.这主要是因为(200)峰的出现使(111)的相对强度降低.在低温下Z rN 易形成(111)晶面,随着温度升高(200)才出现,Liu 等也得到了相似的结果[13].这表明基片温度以及基片表面的凝聚态物质的热能量对薄膜的结构有明显的影响.理论上讲,包括T iN 在内的NaCl 结构的金属氮化物薄膜中(200)具有最低的表面能.但在沉积温度≤300℃时,Z rN 显示择优取向是(111),表明必须考虑离子的质量[14].Ensinger[15]指出NaCl 结构的金属氮化物薄膜中,(111)趋势依赖于原子的质量,对于质量大的Z r 原子更容易形成Z rN (111),而不是(200).当温度达到450℃后,沉积到薄膜表面的离子能量加大,迁移能力增大,薄膜内部结构发生变化而形成(200)晶面.图6给出了薄膜中的元素含量N ΠZ r 比例随沉积温度变化关系.从图中看出,薄膜中N 元素的含量高于Z r ,表明获得的是富N 薄膜.随着沉积温度的升高,薄膜中元素N ΠZ r 比例逐渐下降,在基片温度为450℃时,薄膜中N ΠZ r 约为1127.只有在ICP 为400W ,基片的温度100℃时,沉积的薄膜XRD 图谱(图4)中发现亚稳态相Z r 3N 4,其他薄膜均为面心立方的Z rN 相,表明薄膜中存在未与Z r 成键的N图6 Z rN 薄膜中的元素含量N ΠZ r 比例随基片温度变化关系(ICP =400W )原子.图7(a )—(c )是采用传统磁控溅射(ICP =0W )沉积Z rN 薄膜的SE M 截面结构,基片的温度从100℃上升至450℃,薄膜都是由贯穿薄膜厚度的粗大柱状晶体组成,晶体之间充满孔洞,薄膜的结构属于Thronton 结构区域模型[16]的T 区.根据此模型理论,提高基片温度有利于从柱状晶体转化为致密的结构.机理是增大基片表面原子的迁移率,使其有足够的能量能够迁移到表面能最低处;根据Thronton 模型预测,T s ΠT m >015(T s 为基片温度,T m 为沉积材料的熔点,Z rN 的熔点为2980℃),基片的温度需要至少达到1300℃才能形成致密无柱状晶体的结构.但是,基片的温度过高会损伤基片材料.图7(d )—(f )是ICP 功率为200W 时,薄膜随沉积温度变化的SE M 截面结构照片.随着沉积温度从100℃升高至450℃,薄膜由贯穿薄膜厚度的粗大柱状晶体转变为平滑的致密结构.溅射粒子在经过ICP 放电区域时被二次离化,等离子体密度增大,到达基片的离子流密度增大.离子流密度的提高增强了粒子轰击的效果,引发高密度的成核生长点导致薄膜致密度的提高.由以上分析可以看出,采用ICP 增强射频磁控溅射沉积薄膜,可以在较低的沉积温度下消除薄膜的柱状晶体,形成致密的结构.图8是不同ICP 功率下Z rN 薄膜硬度随沉积温度的变化关系.从图中看出:对于采用传统磁控溅射沉积的比照组薄膜,当沉积温度从100℃升高至300℃,薄膜的硬度变化不明显;当温度达到450℃时,薄膜的硬度有所下降,SE M 显示薄膜仍为柱状晶体结构,但是Z rN (200)衍射峰出现,薄膜为(111)和(200)组成的混合晶向结构,(111)系数明显下降,由此推断(111)系数对薄膜的硬度也可能产生影8971物 理 学 报57卷图7 Z rN 薄膜的SE M 截面结构随基片温度变化 (a )—(c )ICP =0W;(d )—(f )ICP =200W;(a )100℃;(b )300℃;(c )450℃;(d )100℃;(e )300℃;(f )450℃图8 Z rN 薄膜的硬度随基片温度变化关系响,即硬度可能随(111)系数降低而降低.当ICP 功率为200W 和400W ,沉积温度从100℃升高至300℃时,薄膜的硬度分别提高到29G Pa 和3216G Pa左右,SE M 显示薄膜分别由柱状晶体和粒状结构转变为致密结构,因此,认为薄膜的致密度提高是硬度提高的原因;当沉积温度为450℃时,SE M 显示薄膜仍为致密结构,但是薄膜的硬度都有所降低.对比图5Z rN (111)系数的变化关系,当沉积温度为450℃时,薄膜为(111)和(200)组成的混合晶向结构,(111)系数明显下降,薄膜的硬度也随之降低.同时,从图8还可以看出,在相同的温度下,ICP 增强射频磁控溅射沉积的薄膜硬度高于传统磁控溅射沉积的薄膜硬度.从SE M 照片(见图7)看出,ICP 增强射频磁控溅射沉积可以在较低温度下消除薄膜柱状晶体,致密度明显提高,引起了薄膜的硬度增大,Lim 等[10]也得到相似的结果.因此,较高的(111)系数和较高的致密度有利于提高薄膜的硬度.图9 Z rN 薄膜的压应力随基片温度的变化关系图9给出了不同ICP 功率下,Z rN 薄膜的压应力随基片温度变化关系.从图中看出,随着沉积温度的升高,薄膜的压应力逐渐降低.这是因为随着温度的升高,薄膜表面原子的能量增大,迁移能力增大,更容易运动到能量最低点,应力得到释放.ICP 为40099713期刘 峰等:感应耦合等离子体增强射频磁控溅射沉积Z rN 薄膜及其性能研究W 时沉积薄膜的应力在-4G Pa 左右,低于ICP 为0W 和200W 时薄膜的应力,这是因为高功率ICP 产生高密度的等离子体,在基片-100V 偏压加速下,高密度的离子流轰击生长中的薄膜,引发高密度的成核生长点,薄膜表面原子更容易迁移到能量较低处,从而获得具有较低应力的薄膜[17].图10 Z rN 薄膜电阻率随基片温度变化关系图10给出了Z rN 薄膜电阻率随基片温度变化关系.文献报道Z rN 薄膜电阻率在几十到几百μΩ・cm [3—6],实验获得薄膜的电阻率处于此范围内.从图中看出,不同ICP 功率条件下沉积Z rN 薄膜的电阻率随基片温度升高而降低.ICP 功率为0W 时沉积的Z rN 薄膜的电阻率较低,在基片温度450℃时,薄膜的电阻率只有75μΩ・cm.ICP 增强射频磁控溅射沉积Z rN 薄膜的电阻率较大,对于ICP 功率为400W ,沉积温度100℃时,Z rN 薄膜的电阻率为260μΩ・cm 左右,这是由于薄膜中形成了Z r 3N 4绝缘相[4](见图4),以及过量N (见图6)掺杂在Z r 晶格中形成杂质[5],因此薄膜具有较高电阻率;当温度继续升高至450℃,薄膜中的元素含量N ΠZ r 比例下降至1127,薄膜的电阻率下降至120μΩ・cm.对比图5发现,薄膜电阻率与(111)织构系数的变化趋势一致,而且具有Z rN (200)晶向的薄膜电阻率也较小,Liu 等[6,13]也获得了类似的结果.以上结果表明:薄膜中N ΠZ r 元素含量接近于化学配比,以及(200)晶面的出现都有利于降低薄膜的电阻率.41结论 利用ICP 增强射频磁控溅射技术制备了Z rN 薄膜,研究了不同ICP 功率和基片温度下沉积Z rN 薄膜的结构变化规律,以及由此引起的薄膜的力学和电学性能变化.研究发现在基片温度≤300℃时,(111)为薄膜的择优取向,当基片温度达到450℃时才出现(200)晶向,(111)晶面的织构系数降低,并且薄膜的电阻率下降,最低值为75μΩ・cm ;ICP =0W 沉积的薄膜为柱状晶体结构,ICP =200W ,基片的温度300℃时,薄膜为平滑致密结构;ICP =400W ,基片的温度300℃时,薄膜的硬度达到最大值3219G Pa.表明ICP 增强磁控溅射有助于在较低温度下消除柱状晶体,形成结构致密并且具有较高硬度的薄膜.[1]Zhang Z G,Liu T W ,Xu J ,Deng X L ,D ong C 2005Acta .Phys .Sin .543257(in Chinese )[张治国、刘天伟、徐 军、邓新禄、董 闯2005物理学报543257][2]Chou W J ,Y u G P ,Huang J H 2003Sur f .Coat .Technol .16759[3]Lamni R ,M artinez E ,S pringer S G,Sanjines R ,Schm id P E ,Levy F 2004Thin Solid Films 447316[4]Bhuvaneswari H B ,Rajag opal R V ,Chandramani R ,M ohan Rao G 2004Appl .Sur f .Sci .23088[5]Benia H M ,G uemmaz M ,Schmerber G,M osser A ,Parlebas J C 2004Catalysis Today 89307[6]Liu C P ,Y ang H G 2003Thin Solid Films 444111[7]Y amashita M 1989J .Vac .Sci .Technol .A 7151[8]R ossnagel S M ,H opw ood J 1994J .Vac .Sci .Technol .B 12449[9]Okimura K,Nakamura T 2003J .Vac .Sci .Technol .A 21988[10]Lim J W ,Park H S ,Park T H ,Lee J J 2000J .Vac .Sci 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icrostructure and properties of Z rN films have been investigated system ically.The Z rN films show (111)preferred orientation w ith the substrate tem perature below 300℃.Z rN (200)is observed at 450℃regardless of ICP power ,and the texture coefficient of (111)decreases.C olumnar structure ,which is observed in the films deposited by conventional magnetron sputtering ,disappears in the film synthesized at ICP power of 200W and substrate tem perature of 300℃.W ith the increase of substrate tem perature ,N ΠZ r ratio and the resistivity of films decrease.The films deposited w ith ICP power on show denser structure ,higher hardness and lower stress than those by conventional magnetron sputtering.K eyw ords :inductively coupled plasma (ICP ),magnetron sputtering ,zirconium nitride ,m icrostructure PACC :5275R ,6770,6855E 2mail :liu feng279@1261com10813期刘 峰等:感应耦合等离子体增强射频磁控溅射沉积Z rN 薄膜及其性能研究。



摘要:基于非晶硅薄膜的非制冷微测辐射热计具有结构简单、易于大规模集成、工艺兼容以及良好 探测性能等特点,在红外探测领域等受到关注。引入氮化钛薄膜作为新型红外吸收材料,通过光学 导纳矩阵法,对基于非晶硅薄膜的微测辐射热计的红外吸收特性,进行了仿真和优化研究。结果表 明,非晶硅微测辐射热计中,氮化钛/非晶硅复合薄膜具有良好的红外吸收性能。当非晶硅薄膜厚度 为 120 nm时,由氮化钛/非晶硅组成的膜系在 8~14 μm范围内具有 96%左右的红外吸收率,其中氮 化钛薄膜的最佳吸收厚度为 32 nm。 关键词:非晶硅;氮化钛;微测辐射热计;光学仿真 中图分类号:TN215 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-8891(2012)06-0319-07
作者简介:何敏(1986-),男,四川人,电子科技大学在读研究生。主要从事红外焦平面器件结4 卷 第 6 期 2012 年 6 月
红 外 技 术 Infrared Technology
Vol.34 No.6 June 2012
模非制冷红外探测器[2],采用氧化钒薄膜。同为热 阻型热敏薄膜的非晶硅, 具有较高的电阻温度系数、 良好的自支撑特性、较佳的热隔离性能及与良好的 与硅半导体工艺兼容性, 同样受到业界关注。 目前, 从事非晶硅非制冷红外探测器研究的主要机构包 括: 法国原子能委员会与信息技术实验室/红外实验 室(CEA-LETI/LIR) 、美国Raytheon商用红外公司、 德州L-3 通讯红外线产品公司、澳大利亚国防科学 技术署[3]和奥地利研究中心[4]等。CEA-LETI/LIR授 权的ULIS公司已经研制出像元间距为 17 μm、阵列 大小为 1024×768 元、低热时间常数的非晶硅微测 最佳性能系数 (FOM) 辐射热计, NETD小于 40 mK、 小于 280 mK·ms[5]。 微测辐射热计的光学性能是其光、热、电、力 学等基本性能中最重要的性能,在器件的设计过程 中必须重点进行研究。光学性能的提高不仅可以通 过象元结构的改进、薄膜制备及其性能优化得到, 还可以进一步通过采用红外吸收材料以增强红外吸 收来实现[6]。目前,基于非晶硅薄膜的非制冷微测 辐射热计,红外吸收材料常采用氮化硅、氧化硅、 氧化钛、非晶碳、多孔硅及黑硅等[7]。无红外吸收 层而仅由单层非晶硅薄膜构成的微测辐射热计,红 外吸收率仅能达到 70%左右[8]。可见,红外吸收效 率亟待提高,以获得更高的探测效率。 氮化硅、多孔硅、氧化钛等材料在红外领域已 有不少的研究,被广泛使用在一些光学器件和镜头 之中,通过周期复合的方式,以提升器件的光学性 在大规模阵列器件设计和制造成本的制约下, 能[9]。 寻求简单高效的器件结构及材料也成为一种趋势。 氮化钛薄膜具有熔点高、硬度大、导电导热性能优 良的特点,不仅作为耐磨硬质涂层广泛应用于各种 切削工具、机械部件,也作为装饰薄膜应用于各种 装饰行业[10]。氮化钛薄膜可以通过在化学气相沉积 (CVD)条件下由四氯化钛辉光放电裂解实现薄膜 沉积,或通过磁控溅射的方法进行薄膜沉积。相关 研究表明,氮化钛薄膜在可见光区表现为半透光状 态。在近红外波段,当氮化钛薄膜厚度为 90 nm左 右时,其反射超过 75%[11]。但是,当氮化钛薄膜厚 ,表现出一定的红外吸收特 度较薄时(小于 70 nm) 性。本文将磁控溅射工艺制备得到的氮化钛薄膜应 用于非晶硅微测辐射热计,采用带微腔的多层膜模 型,对其在中远红外波段的吸收特性进行了初步研 究,对比分析和优化。



率转化 效率 提高了 10%以上.
关键词 全聚合物太 阳能 电池 ;溶剂熏蒸 ;活性层表面功 函;扩散
中 图 分 类 号 0646;O64 1
文 献 标 志 码 A
近年来有机太 阳能电池 由于具 有质量 轻、可溶 液加工 、易大面 积制造、柔性 好及成本 低等优 点H 成为清洁能源研究 的热点.有机太阳能电池的效率主要受限于光谱吸收 、激子的产生和迁移、电 子 和空穴 的传 输及 收集 .因此 开发 新材 料 ,优化 器件 结构 ,以及 形貌 调控 等 不 断被应用 于有机 太 阳 能 电池研 究方 面 ,其 中全 聚合物 材料 由于 具有较 强 的吸 收光 能力 、形 貌稳定 性 和机械性 能而 备受关 注 . Han等 通 过在 聚 (4,8一双 [5一(2一乙基 己基 )噻 吩一2一基 ]苯并 [1,2-b;4,5-b’]双 噻 吩一2,6一双 基一{4一(2一乙 基己基)一3一氟代噻吩 [3,4一b]噻吩一}一2一羧基一2,6一双基 )(PTB7一rI11)和聚 [Ⅳ, 一双 (2一辛基 十二烷基 )一 1,4,5,8一萘二 酰亚胺 一2,6一双基 一并 一5,5 一(2,2 一双噻 吩 )](N2200)二 元混合 活性 层下 增加一 层敏 化剂层 , 改 变 了分 子 问 的相 互作 用从 而减 小 了相 区尺 寸 、增 加 了给/受体 的接 触 面积 ,提高 了器 件效 率 ;Wang 等 [1伽通过用 单 噻吩取 代 N2200中部分 并 噻吩 和溶剂 熏蒸 协 同作 用 的方法 实 现 了激 子 的有 效 分离 和 载 流 子 的有 效传 输 ,提 高 了器件 的效 率.“ 等 ¨ 用 PTB7一Th:PBDD—f4T:N2200(PBDD—f4T为 聚 噻吩 衍 生物)三元混合材料作为活性层增加了光吸收 ,加强 了载流子迁移速率 ,同时优化了活性层形貌 ,从而 实 现 了器 件 效率 的提 高.



2019年09月 总第431期70军民两用技术与产品Dual Use Technologies & Products 科技动态长春光机所在钙钛矿光敏场效应晶体管研究中获进展中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所郭春雷中美联合光子实验室的于伟利课题组采用空间限域、反温度结晶相结合的方法,制备了具有低缺陷密度的CsPbBr 3薄单晶,克服了载流子在横向通道传输过程中易受晶界和晶粒缺陷影响的问题,制备出了高效的光敏场效应晶体管。

研究人员利用空间限域、反温度结晶相结合的方法生长出的CsPbBr 3薄单晶没有明显的晶粒界畴,厚度在2μm 左右,尺寸可以达到毫米级或更大尺寸,便于电子、光电子器件的制备和应用。


近期,中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所CPT 频标组科研人员提出一种基于单束多色多偏振光与原子作用的磁强计探头设计方案,可利用芯片尺寸的微型化原子气室获取高灵敏度磁敏信号,为芯片级高精度原子磁强计设计提供了一种可行的方案。

武汉物数所研究人员采用单束多色多偏振光与原子作用,实现了与传统法拉第旋光效应原子磁强计方案相同的作用效果,实测得到的磁场灵敏度为20fT/Hz 1/2。



研究人员利用石墨烯/聚偏氟乙烯/聚氨酯DMF 体系在水相的相分离过程,制备了高分子纳米球修饰的石墨烯多孔网络纤维,此结构大幅增强了该纤维在发生形变时石墨烯片层之间的结构变化,从而实现了石墨烯基纤维灵敏度的显著提高。



魏 洁,工程师。 E-mail:wj@ youtianmetal. com
人 工 晶 体 学 报
第 50 卷
Key words:zirconium nitride; reactive magnetron sputtering; single oriented; surface morphology; columnar growth; optical
出现致密的三角锥晶粒,且表面粗糙度最大,薄膜呈柱状生长。 随后利用 Extend Structure Zone Model 解释了 ZrN 薄膜
的生长机制,最后研究了 ZrN 薄膜的光反射特性,发现反射光谱与晶粒形状和表面粗糙度密切相关,表面具有三角锥
状晶粒的薄膜,其反射谱在 300 ~ 800 nm 波长范围内存在振荡现象,相比于具有不规则晶粒形貌的薄膜其反射率明显
( FE-SEM) , atomic force microscope ( AFM) and spectroscopic ellipsometry ( SE) . The results confirm that all the ZrN films
have a cubic, NaCl-type crystal structure with (111) single orientation and the crystalline quality of the films increase with the
pyramid texture, compared with that of none texture counterparts. Moreover, with increasing deposition time to 45 min, there are



Zr 浓度梯度掺杂改性 NCM811 高镍三元
张圆雪ꎬ牟 粤ꎬ文越华ꎬ李 萌ꎬ王 跃ꎬ朱振威ꎬ孟闻捷
( 军事科学院防化研究院 总体研究所ꎬ北京 100191)
摘 要: 高镍三元电极材料是高比能量锂离子电池最具应用前景的正极材料ꎬ但随着镍含量增
大ꎬ其结构稳定性变差ꎮ 为此ꎬ本文制备了 Zr 浓度梯度掺杂改性的 NCM811( Zr ̄PCG) 高镍三
的作用ꎬ以期进一步提升 NCM811 高镍三元正极
备受瞩目ꎮ 为了满足上述需求ꎬ三元材料逐渐向
高镍三元( NCM) 正极材料中镍含量的增加ꎬ也会

引发一系列问题ꎬ如 Li / Ni
界面副反应重、不可逆相变、晶格氧逸出等 [4 - 7] ꎮ
Zr 浓度梯 度 掺 杂 的 LiNi0 8 Co0 1 Mn0 1 O2 黑 色 粉
氛保护的共沉淀反应釜( 釜 R) 内ꎬ之后实验步骤
度前驱体粉 末 Ni0 8 Co0 1 Mn0 1 ( OH) 2 ꎬ 产 品 按 照
ergy of Zr—O bonds can effectively suppress the escape of free oxygen. The 1 0 Zr PCG cathode
with a doping amount of 1% has a crystal structure with the best stabilityꎬand the Zr doping also
Key words: high energy densityꎻ lithium ̄ion batteriesꎻ high ̄nickel ternary anodeꎻ Zr dopingꎻ gra ̄


陈敦军,郑有炓,张 荣,王 科
( 南京大学电子科学与工程学院,南京 210023)
摘要:实现电学性能优良的高 Al 组分 AlGaN 外延层是制备深紫外光电器件最重要的环节之一。 本工作利用分子束
外延( MBE) 技术,基于周期热脱附的生长方式,通过改变 Al 源供应量调控 Al 组分,并用 Si 进行 n 型掺杂,在 AlN / 蓝
and resistivity of the sample with Al content of 0. 93 reach 8. 9 × 10 18 cm - 3 , 3. 8 cm2 · V - 1 · s - 1 and 0. 18 Ω · cm
respectively at room temperature.
通信作者:王 科,博士,教授。 E-mail:kewang@ nju. edu. cn
Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
人 工 晶 体 学 报
第 52 卷
转化模式理想等优势特点,尤其是在新型冠状病毒出现之后,市场需求日益增加。 随着 Al 组分的变化,
aspects in the preparation of deep ultraviolet optoelectronic devices. In this work, a series of Si-Al x Ga1 - x N epitaxial layers
with high Al content ( x > 0. 60) were obtained on AlN / sapphire substrates using molecular beam epitaxy ( MBE) system,



第 38 卷第 8 期2023 年 8 月Vol.38 No.8Aug. 2023液晶与显示Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays刺激响应性胆甾型液晶软光子彩膜许雪敬,高涵,朱吉亮*(河北工业大学理学院,天津 300401)摘要:为实现软光子晶体图案的多重信息加密或存储,本文基于硫醇-丙烯酸酯Michael加成和光聚合反应设计并制备了一种刺激响应性胆甾型液晶(cholesteric liquid crystal, CLC)软光子彩膜。


实验结果表明,虽然在超600 min的反应过程中软光子彩膜的布拉格反射中心波长仅移动了19 nm,但是通过时间-空间双重编程局部修改其变色响应,可使带有隐形图案的软光子薄膜在应力作用下逐渐呈现从红到绿的多彩外观,反射波长覆盖范围超过100 nm。


关键词:刺激响应性;胆甾型液晶;软光子彩膜;Michael加成反应;时间-空间双编程中图分类号:O753+.2;TN27 文献标识码:A doi:10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0138Stimuli-responsive cholesteric liquid crystal soft photonic color filmXU Xue-jing,GAO Han,ZHU Ji-liang*(School of Sciences, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China)Abstract: In order to realize multiple information encryption or storage of soft photonic crystal patterns, a stimuli-responsive cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) soft photonic color film is designed and fabricated based on the thiol-acrylate Michael addition and photopolymerization reaction. First, the initial color of the reaction mixture is adjusted by changing the ratio of the doping chiral agent. Then small molecule liquid crystal is added into the mixture to adjust its viscosity. Finally, the temporal programming of the cross-linking density of the CLC soft photonic color film is carried out by ultraviolet (UV)exposure at different stages of the reaction,and the spatial programming is performed cooperatively with the help of photomasks.The experimental results indicate that the Bragg reflection wavelength of the CLC film only moves 19 nm during the reaction process of over 600 min. However, by locally modifying its color response via spatio-temporally dual-programming, the soft photonic film with invisible patterns can be made to gradually take on a colorful appearance from red to green with stretching, and reflected wavelength coverage over 100 nm. This stimuli-responsive soft photonic color film can be employed for the dynamic display of photonic crystal patterns, and is potentially useful for multiple anti-counterfeiting or information storage.Key words: stimulus responsiveness;cholesteric liquid crystal;soft photonic color film;michael addition reaction; spatio-temporal dual-programming文章编号:1007-2780(2023)08-0997-08收稿日期:2023-04-12;修订日期:2023-04-26.基金项目:河北省自然科学基金(No.F2020202015)Supported by National Science Foundation of Hebei Province(No.F2020202015)*通信联系人,E-mail:jlzhu@第 38 卷液晶与显示1 引言胆甾型液晶软薄膜(cholesteric liquid crystal soft film, CLCSF)是一类集成胆甾相圆偏振结构色和橡胶软弹性于一体的一维光子材料。



4-ATP在掺杂银纳米粒子的类金刚石薄膜活性基底上的表面增强拉曼散射研究商孟香何溯源陆姣(黑龙江农业职业技术学院,黑龙江佳木斯 154007 )【摘要】本论文采用化学镀层法制备了掺杂银纳米粒子类金刚石碳膜的SERS活性基底,并通过对探针分子4-ATP的检测证实了所制备的基底具有较强的增强活性,该材料将在SERS光谱和电化学分析方法联用方面拥有巨大的潜在应用价值。




1 实验部分1.1 试剂与仪器对氨基硫酚(4-aminothiophenol ,4-ATP) 购至Aldrich公司。


所用玻璃仪器均经H2SO4/K2Cr2O7 洗液充分浸泡处理,使用前用超纯水洗净并烘干。

制备碳薄膜的真空蒸镀设备为瑞士 BAL-TEC 公司制造的 CED050 碳蒸镀设备。

Renishaw-2021 型共聚焦拉曼光谱仪。

1.2 类金刚石碳膜活性基底的制备将1cm×1cm玻璃片放入 piranha 溶液(98% H2SO4:30% H2O2=7:3(V:V);(注意:Piranha 溶液是强氧化剂,使用时要倍加小心!)中煮沸30 min, 随后用超纯水冲洗干净,再依次用无水乙醇、超纯水超声清洗各15 min,氮气吹干。

蒸镀碳膜时,蒸镀前在室温条件下通入 Ar 气,气体流量为 0.5 mL/min,蒸镀时真空优于10-2mbar, 碳线预热时间为 30 s,靶基距为 55 mm。


1.3 掺杂银纳米粒子的类金刚石薄膜活性基底的制备采用化学沉积法制备银化学镀层[3]。


器的折射率灵敏度依赖于金属膜厚度, 因此通过改变金属膜厚度, 可以使 SPR 传感器 的分辨率达到 2.2 × 10 −7 单位折射率。
(5) 利用反射光谱分析方法,提出了一种多层膜结构的金属纳米光栅 LSPR 传感
器。 该结构由金属薄膜和金属光栅组成, 可以同时激发局域的 SPPs 模式和传播的 SPPs 模式,两者之间发生强相互作用,从而产生一个新的附加共振峰。当金属光栅周围介 质折射率增加时,附加共振峰将发生红移,共振波长与折射率变化近似成线性关系。 分析了金属光栅周期和高度对 LSPR 传感器折射率灵敏度的影响,当光栅周期为
550nm,高度为 40nm 时,其折射率灵敏度可以达到 543nm/单位折射率。
关键词: 表面等离子体
SPR 传感器
LSPR 传感器
The research work in this thesis is supported by the pre-research special project in important fundamental research of China Science and Technology Department under Grant No. 2005CCA04200. By using rigorous coupled wave ananlysis (RCWA) and the mode orthogonality, the physical mechanisms of the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) generation and scattering in the subwavelength metallic structures are analyzed quantificationally; On the basis of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effects, SPR sensor based on the lateral optical beam displacements measure and LSPR sensor based on the nano metallic gratings are proposed, respectively. The main research works are as follows: Firstly, based on RCWA method and the mode orthogonality, the SPPs excitation efficiency at a metallic interface perforated by a single slit under illumination by a fundamental mode of the slit and a plane wave are quantificationally analyzed, respectively, and the properties of the electromagnetic field scattered by the single slit are dicussed. Specially, the propagation behaviors of two kinds of surface wave in the metallic surface, SPPs and quasi-cylidrical wave are investigated. Secondly, a fully-vectorial Fourier-modal-method approach Байду номын сангаасombined with the Lorentz reciprocity theorem is used to analyze the capability of isolated objects to launch surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on a nearby surface under illumination by light. Various two-dimensional subwavelength geometies, including grooves, metallic or dielectric ridges and metallic ridges on dielectic posts, have been considered. Generally, for a given object volume, the metallo-dielectic ridge geometry offers the higherst SPPs excitation efficiencies. This is propably due to the fact that this geometry combines several effects that favor the exaltation of resonance. The SPPs generation efficiency strongly depends on the metal permittivity. Thirdly, the mechanism of the interaction between the microstructures on the metallic surface is studied. Based on the RCWA method, the SPP-generation efficiency for the double grooves on the metallic surface is analyzed quantificationally, and according to the “pure” SPPs model, the essential scattering process of SPPs between two grooves is discussed. Furthermore,a novel model contaning the cross conversion from cylindrical



《七届会》征文-生物功能材料会场表面接枝疏水性聚氨基酸的新型磁纳米粒子制备与表征陈磊1*,李强军1,姜其斌1,陈学思21(株洲时代新材料科技股份有限公司,湖南株洲 412007) 2(中国科学院长春应用化学研究所生态环境高分子材料重点实验室,吉林长春 130022)摘要:利用共沉淀法制备磁纳米粒子(MNP),并使用(3-氨丙基)三乙氧基硅烷(APTES)完成其表面氨基化。



关键词:磁纳米粒子;疏水性氨基酸;开环聚合;药物传递1 引言磁性纳米粒子(magnetic nanoparticles, MNP)具有独特的超顺磁响应性,因而在生物技术领域具备广泛用途,已在核磁共振示踪、蛋白质及核酸物质的分离纯化、细胞分选等多个领域[1~3]表现出巨大应用价值。




例如,Schm idt[7]利用制备的磁纳米粒子表面羟基成功引发ε-己内酯开环聚合,得到具有超顺磁性的核壳型纳米粒子。

在本研究工作中,我们首先通过简单的共沉淀*作者简介:陈磊(1982-),男,安徽淮北人,博士,从事有机硅及高分子材料研发联系方式:0731-********; 150********; chenlei@法制备了裸磁纳米粒子,然后使用含有伯胺基的硅烷偶联剂在纳米粒子表面进行缩合反应。

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ORIGINAL PAPERAmplified spontaneous emission from an infrared dye doped zirconia-organically modified silicate thin film waveguidesYu Yang ÆChao Ye ÆWeihai Ni ÆKing Young Wong ÆMinquan Wang ÆDennis Lo ÆGuodong QianReceived:19March 2007/Accepted:5June 2007/Published online:12July 2007ÓSpringer Science+Business Media,LLC 2007Abstract Near infrared dye,IR26,was doped into zir-conia-organically modified silicate (ORMOSILs)wave-guides by sol–gel technique.Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)centered at 1.14l m was observed from the solid films and their spectroscopic characteristics were studied.The dependence of ASE on the preparation details was discussed.The threshold and full widths at half max-imum (FWHM)of ASE were 8.6mJ/cm 2and ~15nm,respectively.The output intensity dropped to 50%of its initial value after 1,200pulses at a repetition rate of 10Hz and pump intensity of higher than 50mJ/cm 2.These materials are promising for the distributed feedback (DFB)lasers tunable in infrared.Keywords Amplified spontaneous emission ÁNear infrared dye ÁZirconia-organically modified silicates ÁSol–gel1IntroductionTunable DFB lasers had extremely wide and prominent applications in many fields,especially in integrated optics and optics communication networks [1].In these areas,solid-state dye laser based on hybrid materials had obviousadvantages on other laser sources such as its low cost,ease of fabrication,non-toxic,high efficiency and wide spec-trum range and had generated extensive research interests in recent years [2–7].Up to now,the performances of so-lid-state dye lasers (SSDL)emitting in the visible region had been greatly improved,which paved the way for SSDL to be commercially available [8–11].In the near infrared region,a few research works had also been reported with frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser as pump source.Thompson et al.observed ASE from IR140-doped in poly(methylmethacrylate)film in the near infrared region between 920and 970nm [12].Laser emission and DFB laser output in the 800–1,000nm region with laser lifetime of about several 1,000pulses were obtained with LDS dyes doped in thin film waveguides [13–15].However,the studies of SSDL emitting in the infrared region beyond 1.0l m,which corresponds to optical communication windows in actual applications,were scarce.This was largely due to the relatively inferior lasing performances of current very limited kinds of dyes emitting in the infrared region.For instance,the fluorescence quantum yields of several kinds of IR dyes were reported to be less than 0.02and the photostabilities of these IR dyes were low [16–18].Bezrodnyi et al.obtained lasing output from a polymethine dye thiopyrylotricarbocyanine doped in polymer bulk material with efficiency as high as 43%,tunable range of 63nm and laser lifetime of about 550pulses [19].However,concerning the actual use in inte-grated optics,organic-inorganic hybrid planar and channel thin film waveguides via sol–gel process were preferable to bulk materials due to versatility and compatibility to DFB configurations.Pizzoferrato et al.studied the absorption,emission and other spectroscopic parameter of several kinds of IR dyes and obtained light amplification from IR1051doped sol–gel solid thin film [16–18,20–22].ItY.Yang ÁM.Wang ÁG.Qian (&)Department of Materials Science &Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,P.R.Chinae-mail:gdqian@C.Ye ÁW.Ni ÁK.Y.Wong ÁD.LoPhysics Department and the Center of Optical Science,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin,New Territories,Hong Kong SAR,P.R.ChinaJ Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2007)44:53–57DOI 10.1007/s10971-007-1593-zshould be noted that in order to obtain dye doped thinfilm waveguides emitting in the infrared region,precise control on preparation procedures of IR dyes doped solid materials was needed because not only the vulnerability of IR dyes to photo-,chemical-and thermal-degradation but also the waveguiding parameters of thinfilm should be considered.According to Eq.1,the condition for M order mode to be guided in an asymmetric waveguide wasD n¼n2Àn3!ð2Mþ1Þ32n2Âðk0dÞ2ð1Þwhere n2and n3were the refractive index of thefilm and substrate respectively,k0was the wavelength,d was the film thickness,M was the mode order[23].To obtain a thin film waveguide in the infrared region,the refractive index andfilm thickness should be increased,as compared with those of the thinfilm waveguides operating in the visible region.In this regard,zirconia waveguide was preferred because of its high refractive index,wide transparency and absence of catalytic photodegradation and organic modifier was chosen in order to obtainfilms with smooth andflat surfaces and good optical quality.The refractive index and thickness of zirconia-ORMOSILfilms could be easily ad-justed to be more than 1.52and 2.0l m,respectively, which allowed the mode to be guided in the infrared re-gion,as illustrated in Eq.1.So,it was suggested that DFB laser output tunable beyond1.1l m could be achieved from the IR dye doped zirconia-ORMOSIL thinfilm waveguides with Nd:YAG 1.064l m fundamental beam as pump source.In this letter we report the preparation of sol–gel derived zirconia-ORMOSIL hybridfilms doped with IR26dye in order to obtain a solid-state dye laser material,which is promising for future DFB operation.ASE from these dye dopedfilms was observed by the excitation of a1,064nm laser.The threshold and FWHM of ASE from IR26was about8.6mJ/cm2and15nm respectively,and the emis-sion lifetime was longer than1,200pulses.2Experimental detailsThe dye IR26was purchased from Exciton and used as received.The molecular structure of IR26can be found elsewhere[20].The solid host was prepared by hydrolysis and polycondensation of zirconium(IV)propoxide and c-glycidyloxypropyltrimethoxysilane(GLYMO)as organic modifier.The starting solution was obtained by mixing zirconium(IV)propoxide with acetic acid and dichlo-romethane(DCM)as solvent.After30min of vigorous stirring,the water needed for hydrolysis was mixed with acetic acid and2-methoxyethanol(MeOH)and introduced drop-wise into the solution followed by the addition of GLYMO.Molar percentage of GLYMO in thefilms was held at about50%(X GLY=[n GLY/(n GLY+n Zr)]·100)in order to obtainfilms with smooth andflat surfaces and good optical quality.After hydrolysis took place,IR26was added into the solution at an initial concentration of1·10–3mol/L. Then,the clear sol was kept in a refrigerator,aging for at least12h.Dye doped zirconia-ORMOSILfilms were ob-tained by spin-coating on glass substrates with thefinal solutions.Thefilms were then kept in a50°C oven,which is an essential step in the preparation procedure and will be discussed later.Depending on the viscosity of the sol,spin speed and the thermal treatment,films of thickness varying from 2.4to 2.8l m were obtained in this work,with refractive index up to1.52at633nm.The surface of the IR26doped zirconia-ORMOSIL thinfilm was examined by an atomic force microscope(AFM),as shown in Fig.1, which revealed that the surface of thefilm appeared to be amorphous with relatively small surface roughness.The waveguiding parameters such asfilm thickness and refractive index of IR26doped zirconia-ORMOSILfilms were characterized by a commercial prism coupler(Metr-icon model2010)at633and964nm.Two waveguide modes(for both TE and TM)at633nm and one waveguide mode at964nm were observed in all cases.A homemade scanning ellipsometerfitted with synchronously rotating polarizer and analyzer was also used to measure the refractive index n and the extinction coefficient k of the IR26doped zirconia-ORMOSILfilms from600to 1,500nm[24,25].Three types of detectors,viz.photo-multiplier tube(Hamamatsu R1104),photomultiplier tube (Hamamatsu R316)and InGaAs detector(Oriel70348), Fig.1AFM image of zirconia-ORMOSILfilmwere used in different spectral regions.The scanning el-lipsometer approach yields spectroscopic information for n and k,both critical parameters that define the propagation and loss of an optical wave in the waveguide[26].Silicon wafers were used as substrates.The measurements fol-lowed the standard procedures of ellipsometry.From the ratio of the intensities of the reflected polarized beams,the values of elliptical azimuth and phase angle were extracted. n and k were then determined at10nm interval by a numerical routine[24].The ellipsometry results for zirco-nia-ORMOSILfilm with an IR26concentration of1·10–3mol/L is illustrated in Fig.2.n and k were1.521and 2.8·10–3around1.10l m,respectively.Hence the IR26 doped zirconia-ORMOSILfilm behaved as an asymmetric waveguide with low propagation loss.Steady-state absorption spectra were recorded by a Hitachi spectrophotometer.The waveguides were trans-versely photoexcited by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1,064nm(7ns pulse duration,10Hz repetition rate).A CVI edgefilter was used tofilter the1,064nm pump wavelength,and the emission was coupled by afiber bundle to the entrance port of a0.3m focal length spec-trograph/near infrared InGaAs multichannel detector (SIENCETECH Lingas1-256)system.The wavelength accuracy of this detector system was about2.3nm.3Results and discussionThe absorption andfluorescence spectra of IR26doped in zirconia-ORMOSIL waveguide were presented in Fig.3a and b,respectively.Thefluorescence spectrum of IR26doped in zirconia-ORMOSIL waveguide was measured by the guided configuration at relatively low excitation intensity[18].In other words,the pump laser beam was focused on a strip(1.5mm long,0.25mm wide)on the waveguide by means of cylindrical lens and the emission was collected by thefiber bundle which was actually in the same plane of the dye doped waveguide.The absorption andfluorescence peaks were found to be about1.08and 1.11l m,respectively.The relatively small Stokes shift of ~30nm implies the existence of a large overlap between absorption and emission,resulting in reabsorption–ree-mission which might lead to a larger lasing threshold. Increasing the pumping density,spectral narrowing was observed,which centered at about1.14l m with FWHM of ~15nm,indicating the appearance of ASE,as shown in Fig.3b.The emission from IR26doped in zirconia-ORMOSIL thinfilms was further investigated by detecting the emis-sion at various angles against the planar waveguides.Re-sults presented in Fig.4demonstrated the strong dependence of emission on detecting angle.In case that the intersection angle between the dye doped waveguide and the detectingfiber bundle was0°,in other words,thefiber bundle was actually in the same plane of the dye doped waveguide,narrow band emission peaked at1.14l m could be achieved.While the detector tilted,the emission inten-sity detected decreased sharply and at least1-order of reduction could be observed.This observation confirmed the emission at around1.14l m to be ASE.The emission of IR26doped in solid thinfilms at various pump intensity were presented,as shown in Fig.5,by which the threshold of ASE could be ascertained.Excita-tion density above at8.6mJ/cm2gave rise to the spectrally narrowed emission with a FWHM of~15nm centered at ~1.14l m,while below that pump density,onlyfluores-cence could be observed.The main limitation to obtain the tunable narrow-line-width DFB laser output from solid-state dye materials in the infrared region was its stability.Without considering the difference between various dyes,the longer the output wavelength,the severer this problem was,due to the poorer thermal stability of dye molecules at the longer wave-length.In previous reports,the laser emission from IR dye doped solid bulk decreased to50%of its initial value after 550shots[19].However,the investigation on the photo-stabilities of IR dyes doped into thinfilms was scarce. Kobayashi et al.had reported that the ASE from LDS821 doped polymeric thinfilm at820nm ceased after the exposure of several thousands shots of pump pulses at a repetition rate of10Hz and pump intensity of165l J/cm2, which was just slightly above the lasing threshold[14].In this work,the photostability of IR26doped in zirconia-ORMOSILfilm was also investigated at a repetition rate of10Hz and pump intensity of higher than50mJ/cm2.With the increase of pump pulses,it was found that the ASE output intensity decreased to50%of its initial value after 1,200pump pulses.Considering the relatively higher pump intensity,it was suggested that the stability of IR26doped into zirconia-ORMOSIL thinfilms might be comparable or even higher than that reported previously[12,14].It was also proposed that by introducing photostable additives such as singlet state oxygen quencher,longer lasing lifetime might be expected.Thus,the IR26doped zirconia-ORMOSIL waveguides were promising materials for future DFB operations.It was well-known that the IR dyes were vulnerable to thermal-degradations[27].This was proved by checking the emission from the dye doped solidfilms and the sol which were aged in refrigerator for days.ASE was not detected in both cases even the sol and thefilms were preserved in an opaque environment for some time.So it seemed that the thermal-degradation might lead to the total bleaching of IR26dye molecules.However,it was also found that the thermal treatment in the preparation proce-dure was essential to obtain the ASE from IR26doped in zirconia-ORMOSIL waveguides.This phenomenon could be explained by the following mechanism.It has been re-ported that thefluorescence quantum yield of IR1051in-creased by a factor of3after solidification[20].During the thermal treatment,though parts of IR dye molecules might be thermally degraded,the evaporation and elimination of water and organic solvents from the solidfilms led to the reduction of the rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom in samples with respect to those without thermal treatment,decreasing the non-radiative decay.As a result of the increased quantum efficiency,emission could be detected from the thermally treated samples while it could not be detected from a freshfilm before thermal treatment due to insufficient gain.However,long period of thermal treatment would also lead to the total degradation of IR26 dye molecules.It should be noted that prolonged thermal treatment of the solidfilms would lead to the extinction of ASE at1.14l m,which we suggested the dye to be ther-mally degraded.4ConclusionsIn conclusion,ASE from IR26doped in zirconia-ORMO-SIL thinfilms prepared by sol–gel technique was observed.The spectroscopic properties of the dye dopedfilms were investigated.The dependence of ASE on the preparation process was discussed.The photostability of IR26doped in solidfilms were promising for future DFB operations. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this work from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.50532030and50625206),PCSIRT and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.20060390330).This work is supported in part by RGC Earmarked Research Grant of the Hong Kong SAR Government4233/03E.References1.Tamir T(1975)Integrated optics.Springer,Berlin,chapter12.Avnir D,Levy D,Reisfeld R(1984)J Phys Chem88:59563.Duarte FJ,James RO(2003)Opt Lett28:20884.Lo D,Lam SK,Ye C,Lam KS(1998)Opt Commun156:3165.Rahn MD,King TA,Gorman AA,Hamblett I(1997)Appl Opt36:58626.Costela A,Moreno IG,Go´mez C,Garcı´a O,Garrido L,Sastre R(2004)Chem Phys Lett387:4967.Nhung TH,Canva M,Dao TTA,Chaput F,Brun A,Hung ND,Boilot J-P(2003)Appl Opt42:22138.Saraidarov T,Reisfeld R,Kazes M,Banin U(2006)Opt Lett31:3569.Yang Y,Qian GD,Wang ZY,Wang MQ(2002)Opt Commun204:27710.Ahmad M,King TA,Ko DK,Cha BH,Lee J(2002)Opt Com-mun203:32711.Costela A,Garcı´a-Moreno I,del Agua D,Garcı´a O,Sastre R(2004)Appl Phys Lett85:216012.Thompson J,Annis M,Lattante S,Pisignano D,Blyth RIR,GigliG,Cingolani R(2004)Synth Met143:30513.Chen F,Wang J,Ye C,Ni WH,Chan J,Yang Y,Lo D(2005)OptExp13:164314.Kobayashi T,Savatier J-B,Jordan G,Blau WJ,Suzuki Y,KainoT(2004)Appl Phys Lett85:18515.Oki Y,Aso K,Zuo D,Vasa NJ,Maeda M(2002)Jap J Appl Phys41:637016.Casalboni M,De Matteis F,Prosposito P,Quatela A,Sarcinelli F(2003)Chem Phys Lett373:37217.Prosposito P,Casalboni M,De Matteis F,Quatela A,GlasbeekM,van Veldhoven E,Zhang H(2003)J Sol–Gel Tech26:909 18.Casalboni M,De Matteis F,Merlo V,Prosposito P,Russo R,Schutzmann S(2003)Appl Phys Lett83:41619.Bezrodnyi VI,Ishchenko AA(2001)Appl Phys B73:28320.Pizzoferrato R,Casalboni M,De Matteis F,Prosposito P(2000)JLumin87–89:74821.Casalboni M,De Matteis F,Prosposito P,Pizzoferrato R(1999)Appl Phys Lett75:217222.Prosposito P,Casalboni M,De Matteis F,Glasbeek M,QuatelaA,van Veldhoven E,Zhang H(2001)J Lumin94–95:641 23.Hunsperger RG(1991)Integrated optics:theory and technology.Springer,Berlin,chapter224.Chen LY,Feng X-W,Su Y,Ma H-Z,Qian Y-H(1994)Appl Opt33:129925.Ye C,Wang J,Shi L,Lo D(2004)Appl Phys B78:18926.Wang G,Gan F(2000)Mater Lett43:627.Schafer FP(1977)Dye lasers.Springer,Berlin,chapter1。
