• 2.要求提示汇票的做法极大地延迟了对索偿行的偿付,而且 增加了处理费用。
• (四)远期汇票
• 关于要求偿付行接受远期汇票,许多国家的法律或法规要求 汇票列有特定资料,才能允许偿付行接受这种汇票,这些资 料通常包括货物和/或服务的一般描述、产地国、目的地或抵 达地、装船日期和装船地点。
• 6.偿付承诺
• 偿付承诺(Reimbursement Undertaking)意指偿付行发出独立的、 不可撤销的承诺,它是在开证行的授权或请求下,由偿付行发 给偿付授权书中指名的索偿行的支付该行索偿的承诺书,只要 索偿是与偿付承诺的条款和条件相符。
• 7.偿付承诺修改
• 偿付承诺修改(Reimbursement Undertaking Amendment)意指偿付 行发给偿付授权书中指名的索偿行的通知书,说明偿付承诺有 所改变。明改变偿付授权书的通知。
• 4.索偿行
• 索偿行(Claiming Bank)意指承担信用证项下承付或议付责任、 承兑汇票或议付,并向偿付行索偿的银行。索偿行应包括由于 履行了付款、承担延期付款责任、承兑汇票或议付的行为而被 授权向偿付行提出索偿要求的一家银行。
• 5.索偿
• 索偿(Reimbursement Claim)意指索偿行发给偿付行要求偿付的 请求。
在指定银行开立账户者,开证行审单相符,可以授权指定银行 借记开证行的账户,这家指定银行以借记开证行账户的做法直 接偿付自己;指定银行在开证行设立账户者,当开证行审单相 符时即可贷记指定银行账户。 • 这种类型的业务称为直接偿付或简单偿付。
• 二、使用第三家银行的理由
• 首先,在通常情况下,要求开证行在每一家指定银行均开设账 户是不现实的,所以最有可能使用第三家银行进行偿付。
•1983年国际商会第400号出版物 • 1993年国际商会第500号出版物(仍在实施中)
2006年国际商会第600号出版物(计划于2007年7月 实施)
1951年6月在里斯本通过了第2个修订本,称为国际商会第151 号出版物。 重大意义:由于这个版本在一定程度上协调了当事人之间的 矛盾,明确了各自的权责,对许多条款和术语作了统一的解释和 规定,因而逐渐为欧洲大陆和美国的银行所承认。
Publication No.645, 2002年通过
UCP修订的主要原因 UCP修订的主要背景 《信用证统一惯例》修订进程的“十年之痒”——
• 第5条 “开立和修改信用证的指示” • 第6条 “可撤销信用证与不可撤销信用证”中的“可撤销信用证” • 第8条 “信用证的撤销”中的“可撤销信用证” • 第12条 “不完整和不清楚的指示” • 第38条 “其他单据” 对UCP500相关条款的内容进行了整理合并 • 第2条 “信用证的意义”~UCP600第2条“定义” • 第6条中的“不可撤销信用证” ~UCP600第2、3条 • 第9条 “开证行和保兑行的责任”~UCP600第7、8条
• 第10条 “信用证的种类” ~UCP600第6条 • 第20条 “对出单人而言的模糊用语”~UCP600第3条“解释”和第17条“单据正
国际结算-实务与操作(第三版)第八章 信用证项下银行间的偿付-精品文档37页
(三)索偿行(Claiming Bank) 依URR725第2条第5款和第6款,索偿行 是指在信用证项下作出承付(honour)或议 付,并向偿付行提示索偿要求的银行( “Claiming bank” means a bank that honours or negotiates a credit and presents a reimbursement claim to the reimbursing bank.)。因此,索偿行从偿付授权中获得 如何和向哪家偿付行索偿的指示。“索偿要 求”是指索偿行向偿付行提交的要求偿付的 请求。
索偿要求的预先通知和预先借记通知, 是为了保证开证行能够更好地管理其在代理 行账户上的资金,但这实际上延长了索偿行 和受益人获得款项的时间。有人认为上述做 法改变了即期信用证即期付款的性质。但接 受带有上述两种通知的信用证的受益人,实 际上已经同意接受延迟取款。
第一节 偿付的当事人及业务安排 一、银行间偿付的概念 在信用证业务中,信用证通常指定或授 权由开证行之外的另一银行对受益人进行承 付或议付,被指定银行接受指定或授权并依 据信用证规定向受益人承付或议付后,开证 行有义务偿付被指定银行已承付或议付给受 益人的款项。
开证行偿付被指定银行的义务,可以由 自己本身完成,即被指定银行可直接向开证 行索偿,如采取借记、贷记、单到付款、电 汇索偿等方式。当开证行在被指定银行设立 账户时,开证行在审单相符后,可以授权被 指定银行借记开证行的账户;当被指定银行 在开证行设立账户时,开证行审单相符后即 可贷记被指定银行账户。这种偿付业务一般 称为直接偿付或简单偿付。这种偿付业务中 的被指定银行以借记开证行账户的做法直接 偿付自己,不需要第三家银行参与即可从开 证行获得偿付资金。
案例4分析要点( 案例 分析要点(2-2) 分析要点 ) 中国银行芜湖市分行有权追索货款。 根据UCP500的规定,议付(Negotiation)实际上是议付 行在受益人在提交全套符合L/C条款单据的前提下,对受 益人的垫款。议付行办理议付手续后成为L/C项下汇票的 善意持有人,如遇开证行拒付,有向前手出票人,即L/C 受益人进行追偿的权利。(这也说明,受益人通过向议 付行办理议付获得的款项,并不是真正意义上的“货 款”。) 因此, 中国银行芜湖市分行作为议付行,在开证行——新 加坡发展银行拒付的情况下,有权向奇瑞国际追索货款。 (本案例涉及L/C特点和议付行追索权的问题)
案例1分析要点 案例 分析要点
意大利A公司不能撤销发盘,合同已经成立。理由如下: 中国和意大利均为《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(以下称 《公约》)的缔约国,而上海公司和A公司在交易洽谈中并没有排 除《公约》的适用,因此,双方当事人理应受《公约》的约束。 《公约》第16条规定,已为受盘人收到的发盘(Offer),如果撤 销(Revocation)的通知在受盘人发出接受(Acceptance)通知 前送达受盘人,可予撤销。但是,发盘在下列情况下不可撤销: (1)发盘是以规定有效期或以其他方式表明为不可撤销的;或 (2)如受盘人有理由信赖该项发盘是不可撤销的,并已本着对该 项发盘的信赖采取了行动。 结合本案例,A公司的发盘规定了有效期,因此,该项发盘不可撤 销。 A公司于8月22日发来的撤销通知并不能有效撤销发盘,只要 上海公司在8月25日前向A公司表示接受其发盘,则合同按成立A 公司发盘所列明的条件成立。 (本案例主要涉及对已生效发盘撤销的问题)
案例3 案例 :关于价格术语
2002年,大连某工艺品进出口公司(以下称大连公司)出售一批 圣诞节商品给英国客户,采用CIF的价格术语,及Irrevocable L/C 的支付方式。由于圣诞节商品的销售季节性很强,因此,英国客户 要求在合同中对到货时间作了以下规定:“8月份自中国港口装运, 卖方保证载货轮船于11月10日抵达英国Liverpool。如迟于该日抵 达,在买方要求下,卖方必须同意取消合同,如货款已经收妥,则 须退还买方。” 合同签定后,大连公司于8月中将货物装运出口,凭L/C规定的装运 单据向银行收妥货款。不料,轮船在航行途中,主要机件损坏,无 法继续航行。虽然承运人租用大马力拖轮拖带该轮船继续前进。但 当该轮抵达Liverpool时已是12月5日。于是,英国客户便以货物晚 到为由,要求取消合同,并要求赔偿。经协商合同最终并未取消, 但大连公司不得不让价40%(退还货款40%),从而遭受重大经济 损失。 试问:大连公司与英国客户所签定的是真正的CIF合同吗?说明理 由。
国际结算期末复习笔记 名词解释
《国际结算》复习名词解释联行Sister bank:一家银行总行、分行、支行之间以及分支行间的关系,联行包括国内联行与海外联行;代理行:两家不同国籍的银行通过相互委托办理代理业务建立往来关系称为代理关系,建立代理关系的银行互为代理行;账户行:代理行之间单方或双方相互在对方银行开立了账户的银行;代理行关系并不一定是账户行关系,或者说得更明确一些,代理行并不就是账户行;但是,反过来说,账户行却一定是代理行。
价格术语:也称贸易术语,是规定价格的构成及买卖双方各自应承担的责任、费用、风险以及确定货物所有权转移时限的专门术语;国际商会制订,多次修订后被国际贸易实务界采用,最新规则《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》SWIFT:环球银行金融电讯协会,一个国际银行间的非盈利合作组织,实质上是世界各国银行间的高速电讯网络;第2章票据票据 Bills :出票人承诺自己或委托他人在特定时期向某人无条件支付一定金额的书面证据。
票据权利是基于票据行为人的票据行为而发生的,是与票据义务而相对存在的;票据义务:是指票据债务人依票据上所载文义支付票据金额及其他金额的义务;票据是出票人委托他人或承诺自己在特定时期向指定人或持票人无条件支付一定款项的书面证据;第3章票据汇票Bill:汇票是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据;承兑汇票:即需要承兑的汇票,付款人在汇票上签章表示承诺将来在汇票到期时承担付款义务的远期汇票;银行承兑汇票(B/A):是指由公司、企业或个人开立的以银行为付款人并经付款银行承兑的远期汇票了;跟单汇票:是指附带有关单据的汇票,跟单汇票一般为商业汇票;本票Promissory Note:又称为期票,是出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定金额给收款人或者持票人的票据;支票Cheque/Check:是出票人签发的,委托办理支票存款业务的银行或者其他金融机构在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据;它是一种特殊的汇票,是以银行为付款人的即期汇票,无远期;第4章票据票据行为:围绕票据所发生的,以确立、转移或保障票据权利义务关系为目的的法律行为,包括六种行为:出票、背书、承兑、参加承兑、保证、保付;票据义务人:凡具备票据能力、并按规定在票据上签名的人都是票据义务人,或狭义票据行为人就是票据义务人,票据义务人之间是连带义务、全部义务;第5章贸易汇款退汇:是指汇款在解付前的撤销,又叫撤销支付,退汇通常由汇款人提出,如果汇款尚未解付,银行一般会同意退汇;M/T:信汇,是汇出行应汇款人的申请,用航空信函指示汇入行解付一定金额给收款人的汇款方式;MailT/T:电汇,是汇出行应汇款人的申请,通过加押电报或电传指示汇入解付一定金额给收款人的汇款方式;TelegraphicD/D:票汇,是汇出行应汇款人的申请,开出银行即期汇票交汇款人,由其自行携带出国或寄送给收款人凭票取款的汇款方式;Remittance by Demand DraftO/A:赊销,买卖双方约定卖方先将货物交付买方,没有正式单据证明的展期信用,买方在约定的时间内付款;第6章跟单托收D/P:付款交单,是指代收行以进口商的付款为条件向进口商交单;D/A:承兑交单,是指代收行以进口商的承兑为条件向进口商交单;T/R :信托收据,是指在远期付款交单(D/P远期)的托收业务中,当货物、单据到达目的地,而付款期限未到时,进口商为尽早提货而向代收行借出单据而出具的书面凭证;URC522:托收统一规则Uniform Rules for Collection,由国际商会于1958年制订,最新版本为1996年的522号出版物,简称 URC522,该规则是办理托收业务的最重要依据,但它只具有准强制性;第7-8章信用证保兑:是指开证行以外的银行保证对信用证承担付款责任;议付:是指银行有追索权地购买跟单汇票的行为,开证行可以指定议付行,也可以不指定;付款:是指银行以汇票付款人的身份向受益人支付票款的行为;偿付:信用证中指定的银行对议付行或付款行进行清偿垫款;保兑信用证:除开证行以外,如有另一家银行保证对符合信用证条款规定的的单据履行付款责任,则该信用证就是保兑信用证;预支信用证:是允许出口商在装货交单前支取部分货款的信用证;承兑信用证:是指付款行在收到符合信用证条款的单据及远期汇票后先予以承兑,汇票到期后再付款的信用证;可转让信用证:受益人可以将信用证的权利即装运货物(交货)、交单取款的权利转让给其他人的信用证;循环信用证:是在信用证的部分金额或全部金额被使用之后能恢复原金额再被利用的信用证;其适用于大额的、长期合同下的分批交货;L/C:信用证,是银行应开证申请人(进口商)的要求,向第三者(受益人、出口商)开立的承诺在一定期限内凭规定的单据支付一定金额的书面文件;UCP600:2006年10月,国际商会巴黎年会通过了《跟单信用证统一惯例》,简称UCP600;URR525:国际商会于1996年出版了《跟单信用证项下银行间偿付同意规则》,简称URR525,对银行间的偿付进行了规定,该规则从1996年7月1号开始实施;eUCP:跟单信用证统一惯例关于电子交单的附则,ICC又于2002年制定了《eUCP》,2002年4月1日生效,对信用证业务中电子交单的有关问题作出了专门规定;ISBP:ISBP是国际商会在信用证领域编纂的国际惯例,ISBP不仅是各国银行、进出口公司信用证业务单据处理人员在工作中的必备工具,也是法院、仲裁机构、律师在处理信用证纠纷案件时的重要依据,它的生效在各国的金融界、企业界、法律界产生重大影响;第9章银行保函担保与反担保:担保,是指法律为确保特定的债权人实现债权,以债务人或第三人的信用或者特定财产来督促债务人履行债务的制度;反担保,是指由反担保人应申请人的要求向担保人开立书面反担保文件,承诺当担保人在申请人违约后作出赔偿,且申请人不能向担保人提供补偿时,由反担保人提供补偿,并赔偿担保人的一切损失;指示行与转开行:转开行,是指接受原担保行的要求,向受益人开立以原担保行为申请人及反担保行、以自身为担保行的保函的银行;转开行转开保函后,成为新的担保行,原担保行便成为保函的指示行;转开行一般为受益人所在地银行,而指示行一般为申请人所在地银行;独立性保函,是指保函根据基础合同开立后,不依附于基础合同而存在,它是具有独立性法律效力的文件,担保人对受举益人的索赔要求是否支付,只依据保函本身的条款;索偿条件:是判断是否违约和凭以索偿的证明;见索即付:当申请人违约,受益人提示符合保函要求的全套正确的单据或文件时,担保人即可认定索偿有效,应立即予以赔付,而不得以任何理由拖延;SL/C:备用信用证,又称商业票据信用证、担保信用证,是一种特殊形式的光票信用证;根据美国联邦储备委员会的解释,备用信用证是“代表开证行对受益人承担一项义务的凭证”;《见索即付保函统一规则》(URDG)最初于1991年生效,之后逐渐被全球银行家、贸易家、行业协会及众多国际组织认可和使用,并成为见索即付保函业务(Demand Guarantee)的国际性权威实务操作标准。
• URR725第1条明确规定了该规则的适用范围:适用于在偿付 授权中注明适用于本统一规则的所有银行间的偿付。除非偿 付授权另有规定,本规则对有关各方均具有约束力。开证行 有义务在跟单信用证(信用证)中注明索偿要求遵循本规则。
• UCP600第13条b款规定,当信用证没有规定偿付遵守 URR725时,则遵守该款的各项规定。b款(ii)的内容与 URR525第6条c款相似。b款(iii)规定,偿付行未按信用证条 款见索即偿,开证行不但要承担索偿行的利息损失,还要承 担产生的任何其他费用。
• 六、信用证不需要的项目 • 除了开证行应包括在信用证中的各项外,还有几个按照UCP
的规定不应包括在信用证中的项目。 • (一)相符证书 • 通常开证行要求索偿行向偿付行提交相符证书。 • 由于下述原因,要求提交相符证书是不正确的。 • 1.只有单据与信用证已经相符,索偿行才能有权索偿。 • 2.由于偿付行不是信用证的当事人,并且不知道该信用证的
• 一、直接偿付或简单偿付 • 许多信用证特别指定一家银行被授权付款、承担延期付款责任、
承兑汇票或议付(指定银行)并且要求单据交至指定银行。 • 在开证行和指定银行之间,如果一方在对方设立账户:开证行
在指定银行开立账户者,开证行审单相符,可以授权指定银行 借记开证行的账户,这家指定银行以借记开证行账户的做法直 接偿付自己;指定银行在开证行设立账户者,当开证行审单相 符时即可贷记指定银行账户。 • 这种类型的业务称为直接偿付或简单偿付。
• 九、术语名词解释 • 1.偿付行 • 偿付行(Reimbursing Bank)意指被指示及/或被授权按照开证行发
国际惯例英文缩写语-英语,贸易,商务英语-商务指南- ADRThe C Amicable Dispute Resolution Rules《国际商会友好争议解决规则》DDOEXICC Rules for Documentary Instruments Dispute Resolution Expertise《跟单票据争议解决规则》EeUCPUCP Supplement to UCP500 for Electronic Presentation《跟单信用证统一惯例电子交单补充规则》特色栏目:··敬请关注FFIDIC ConditionsConditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction《土木工程施工合同条件》IICCInstitute Cargo Clauses《伦敦协会货物条款》INCOTERMSInternational Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms《国际贸易术语解释通则》ISBPInternational Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits《审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际标准实务》ISP 98International Standby Practice 1998《国际备用证惯例》PPICCPrinciples of International Commercial Contracts《国际商事合同通则》UUCPUniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 《跟单信用证统一惯例》URC 522The Uniform Rules for Collection《托收统一规则》URCB 524Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds《合同保函统一规则》URCG 325Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees《合同担保统一规则》URDG 458The Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees《见索即付保函统一规则》URR 525The Uniform Rules for bank-to-bank Reimbursement Under Documentary Credits《跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则》。
Uniform Rules for Bank to Bank Reimbursements Under Documentary Credits跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则(URR525)TABLE OF CONTENTSA. General Provisions and Definitions总则和定义Article 1 Application of URR第一条统一规则的适用范围Article 2 Definitions第二条定义Article 3 Reimbursement Authorisations Versus Credits 第三条偿付授权与信用证偿付授权B. Liabilities and Responsibilities B.责任和义务Article 4 Honour of a Reimbursement Claim第四条对索偿要求的偿付Article 5 Responsibilities of the Issuing Bank第五条开证行的义务Article 6 Issuance and Receipt of a Reimbursement Authorisation or Reimbursement Amendment第六条偿付授权和其修改的出具及接收Article 7 Expiry of a Reimbursement Authorisation第七条偿付授权的有效日期Article 8 Amendment or Cancellation of Reimbursement Authorisations第八条偿付授权的修改或撤销Article 9 Reimbursement Undertakings第九条偿付承诺Article 10 Standards for Reimbursement Claims第十条索偿要求的标准Article 11 Processing Reimbursement Claims 第十一条索偿要求的处理Article 12 Duplications of Reimbursement Authorisations 第十二条偿付授权的重复D. Miscellaneous Provisions D.其它条款Article 13 Foreign Laws and Usages第十三条国外法律和惯例Article 14 Disclaimer on the Transmission of Messages第十四条电文传递差错的免责Article 15 Force Majeure第十五条不可抗力Article 16 Charges第十六条费用Article 17 Interest Claims/Loss of Value第十七条利息索赔和价值损失利息损失A. General Provisions and Definitions总则和定义Article 1 Application of URR第一条统一规则的适用范围The Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursementsunder Documentary Credits ("Rules"), ICC Publication No 525, shall apply to all Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements where they are incorporated into the text of the Reimbursement Authorisation. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Reimbursement Authorisation. The Issuing Bank is responsible for indicating in the Documentary Credit ("Credit") that Reimbursement Claims are subject to these Rules. In a Bank-to-Bank Reimbursement subject to these Rules, the Reimbursing Bank acts on the instructions and/or under the authority of the Issuing Bank. These Rules are not intended to override or change the provisions of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentarv Credits..跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则,即国际商会第 525 号出版物,适用于在偿付授权中注明适用于本统一规则的所有银行间的偿付。
Exercises and answers to exercises for Bank-to-bank reimbursementⅠ. Please fill in the following blanksA transaction of reimbursement claim at a tenor1) A credit available by acceptance shows as follows(需要填空的地方应经填上了)Name of Issuing Bank: Dresdner Bank Place and date of issue: Hamburg, 15 April, 1999To: ABC Imp. & Exp. corp., Tianjin Branch, Tianjin This credit is advised through XYZ Bank, TianjinDear Sirs,By order and for account of the applicant, we hereby issue an Irrevocable Documentary Credit for USD25, to expire on 31 May 1999 at Tianjin available with XYZ Bank, Tianjin by acceptance against beneficiary's draft at 90 days sight drawn on XYZ Bank, Tianjin (advising bank) and the documents detailed herewith:·································(省略)、Bank-to-Bank reimbursement instructions:Accepting Bank is to draw their time draft on Bank of America, New York payable at a fixed future date . maturity of accepted beneficiary's draft. Such time draft should include: "covering shipment of Bee Honey, country of origin, China, from Tianjin to Hamburg, shipment date 02/05/99," Reimbursement under this Credit are subject to URR 525·································2) A Reimbursement Authorization shows as followsFrom: Dresdner Bank, HamburgTo : Bank of America, New YorkReimbursement AuthorizationWe hereby issue a Reimbursement Authorization to you to accept and pay a time draft drawn on you subject to URR 525 upon receipt of such time draft presented by the claiming bank - XYZ Bank, Tianjin in accordance with the following:1. Credit Number: H1690872. Currency and amount: USD25,~3. Additional amounts payable: no.4. Claiming Bank: XYZ Bank, Tianjin5. Parties responsible for charges: beneficiary6. Tenor of draft: maturity of accepted beneficiary's draft7. Drawer: XYZ Bank, Tianjin8. Party responsible for acceptance commission and other charges: beneficiary3) Beneficiary presented a time draft as follows drawn under the above mentioned credit, which was accepted, by the drawee bank indicating its maturity4) Your are requested to write a letter of Reimbursement claim at a tenor(fill in the blanks with appropriate words)Please take note that Article stipulates that reimbursement claim should not be presented to the reimbursing bank more than 10 of its banking days prior to such predetermined day. Date of letter and date of time draft represent presenting date.{5) Please draw a time draft that is drawn by claiming bank on reimbursing bank payable at a fixedfuture time . maturity of beneficiary's draft to the order of claiming bank and marked "covering shipment....clause" and "drawn clause"Ⅱ.Please fill the following blanks in:1. Reimbursements made from the issuing bank to the negotiating bank by . may be summarized as follows:The issuing bank has maintained an account with the negotiating bank.A claim for reimbursement clause on BP Advice is to read: In reimbursement, please authorizeus by cable to debit your account with us. The issuing bank dispatches a cable to effect payment:TO: NAME OF NEGOTIATING BANK, TOKYOTEST XXXX YOUR REF XXXXXX OUR LC IN SETTLEMENT SUBJECT ITEM PLEASE DEBIT OUR ACCOUNT WITHYOU JPY10,000,000 WITH VALUE DATE 26 MAY MESSAGE OUR CABLE CHARGE JPY2000 DEDUCTED)2. The issuing bank has maintained an account with the negotiating bank's New York BranchA claim for reimbursement clause on BP Advice is to read: In Reimbursement of our negotiation, please pay proceeds by . to our New York Branch for credit of our account with them. The issuingbank dispatches a cable to effect paymentTO: SANWA BANK NEW YORK (Negotiating Bank's XXXX PLEASE DEBIT OUR ACCOUNT AND PAY YOURSELVESFOR CREDIT OF YOUR TOKYO BRANCH ACCOUNT FOR USD37, WITH VALUE DATE 26 MAY THEIR REF XXXXXX OURREF XXXXXX UNDER YOUR CABLE ADVICE TO YOURS TOKYO WITHOUT COST TO USnegotiating bank has maintained an account with the issuing bank.A claim for reimbursement clause on BP Advice is to read: In reimbursement please credit proceeds by . to our account with you. The issuing bank dispatches a cable to effect payment.TO: NAME OF NEGOTIATING BANK, ISTANBULTEST XXXX WE HAVE TODAY CREDITED YOUR ACCOUNT NO. WITH US FOR USD200, YOUR REF XXXXXX OURS XXXXXX MESSAGE OUR CABLE CHARGES DEDUCTED FROM PAYMENT4. Both issuing bank and negotiating bank have maintained account with a third bank, The Chase Bank, New York.>A claim for reimbursement clause on BP Advice is to read: In reimbursement we have requested The Chase Bank, New York by telex to debit your account and credit our account with same amount. The issuing bank dispatches a cable to effect payment.TO: CHASE BANK, NEW YORKTEST XXXX PLEASE DEBTI OUR ACCOUNT FOR USD AND CREDIT BANK SAGA TOKYO ACCOUNT NO. FOR SAME AMOUNT WITH VALUE DATE 25 MAY QUOTING THEIR REF XXXXXX OURS XXXXXX. BANK OF SAGA, TOKYO (negotiating bank)5. Negotiating bank requests issuing bank to remit proceeds to a third bank for credit of negotiating bank's account with the latter. A claim for reimbursement clause on BP Advice is to read: In reimbursement please remit proceeds by . to American Express Bank, Frankfurt for credit of our account with them under their cable advice to us quoting our , kindly advice us date and value of your remittance by cable. The issuing bank dispatches two cables to effect payment.(1)TO: ISSUING BANK'S ACCOUNT BANK, FRANKFURTTEST XXXX PLEASE DEBIT OUR ACCOUNT DEM30, VALUE XXXXX AND PAY AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK, FRANKFURT FOR CREDIT OF KINCHENG BANK, HONGKONG ACCOUNT WITH THEM ASKING PAYEE BANK TELEX ADVICE TO KINGCHENG BANK, HONGKONG WITHOUT COST TO US(2) TO: KINCHENG BANK, HONGKONG (NEGOTIATING BANK)TEST XXXX WE HAVE TODAY INSTRUCTED BANK FUR GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT,FRANKFURT BY TELEX TO DEBIT OUR ACCOUNT DEM30822 AND PAY AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK, FRANKFURT FOR CREDIT OF YOUR ACCOUNT NO. 07110503 WITH THEM VALUE DATE 17 JUNE YOUR REF OUR REF 455643。
中英文跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则(URR525)Uniform Rules for Bank to Bank Reimbursements Under Documentary Credits跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则(URR525)TABLE OF CONTENTSA. General Provisions and Definitions总则和定义Article 1 Application of URR第一条统一规则的适用范围Article 2 Definitions第二条定义Article 3 Reimbursement Authorisations Versus Credits 第三条偿付授权与信用证偿付授权B. Liabilities and Responsibilities B.责任和义务Article 4 Honour of a Reimbursement Claim第四条对索偿要求的偿付Article 5 Responsibilities of the Issuing Bank第五条开证行的义务Article 6 Issuance and Receipt of a Reimbursement Authorisation or Reimbursement Amendment第六条偿付授权和其修改的出具及接收Article 7 Expiry of a Reimbursement Authorisation第七条偿付授权的有效日期Article 8 Amendment or Cancellation of Reimbursement Authorisations第八条偿付授权的修改或撤销Article 9 Reimbursement Undertakings第九条偿付承诺Article 10 Standards for Reimbursement Claims第十条索偿要求的标准Article 11 Processing Reimbursement Claims 第十一条索偿要求的处理Article 12 Duplications of Reimbursement Authorisations 第十二条偿付授权的重复D. Miscellaneous Provisions D.其它条款Article 13 Foreign Laws and Usages第十三条国外法律和惯例Article 14 Disclaimer on the Transmission of Messages第十四条电文传递差错的免责Article 15 Force Majeure第十五条不可抗力Article 16 Charges第十六条费用Article 17 Interest Claims/Loss of Value第十七条利息索赔和价值损失利息损失A. General Provisions and Definitions总则和定义Article 1 Application of URR第一条统一规则的适用范围The Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursementsunder Documentary Credits ("Rules"), ICC Publication No 525, shall apply to all Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements where they are incorporated into the text of the Reimbursement Authorisation. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Reimbursement Authorisation. The Issuing Bank is responsible for indicating in the Documentary Credit ("Credit") that Reimbursement Claims are subject to these Rules. In a Bank-to-Bank Reimbursement subject to these Rules, the Reimbursing Bank acts on the instructions and/or under the authority of the Issuing Bank. These Rules are not intended to override or change the provisions of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentarv Credits..跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则,即国际商会第525 号出版物,适用于在偿付授权中注明适用于本统一规则的所有银行间的偿付。
2 C3, Credit instruments
2 C3, Credit instruments
C3, Credit instruments
C4, International bank remittance
C5, Collection
C5, Collection
波斯湾红海航线: • 阿联酋的阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi),迪拜(Dubai),
• 伊拉克的巴士拉(Basra), • 巴林(Bahrain), • 卡塔尔的多哈(Doha), • 科威特(Kuwait), • 也门的亚丁(Aden), • 苏丹的苏丹港(Port Sudan)等。
国际贸易是以一国的产品和劳务交换另一国 的产品和劳务。通常情况下,国与国之间并不 直接用产品和劳务相交换,而是以销售产品所 得的收入来购买另一国的产品。
1.1.2 The major participants in international trade
The buyer; The seller; Banks
1.1.1 Definition of international trade?
International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for those produce d in another country.
• 双语教学确切指中英文同时进行,而不是英文
• 双语教学应该介入到何种程度
Uniform Rules for Bank to Bank Reimbursements Under Documentary Credits 跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则(URR525)A. General Provisions and DefinitionsArticle 1Application of URRThe Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Docurnentary Credits ("Rules"), ICC Publication No 525, shall apply to all Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements where they are incorporated into the text of the Reimbursement Authorisation. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Reimbursement Authorisation. The Issuing Bank is responsible for indicating in the Documentary Credit ("Credit") that Reimbursement Claims are subject to these Rules.In a Bank-to-Bank Reimbursement subject to these Rules, the Reimbursing Bank acts on the instructions and/or under the authority of the Issuing Bank.These Rules are not intended to override or change the provisions of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentarv Credits.. Article 2DefinitionsAs used in these Rules, the following terms shall h ave the meanings specified in this Article and may be used in the singular or plural asA.总则和定义第一条统一规则的适用范围跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则,即国际商会第525号出版物,适用于在偿付授权中注明适用于本统一规则的所有银行间的偿付。
Uniform Rules for Bank to Bank Reimbursements Under Documentary Credits 跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则(URR525)A. General Provisions and DefinitionsArticle 1Application of URRThe Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Docurnentary Credits ("Rules"), ICC Publication No 525, shall apply to all Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements where they are incorporated into the text of the Reimbursement Authorisation. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Reimbursement Authorisation. The Issuing Bank is responsible for indicating in the Documentary Credit ("Credit") that Reimbursement Claims are subject to these Rules.In a Bank-to-Bank Reimbursement subject to these Rules, the Reimbursing Bank acts on the instructions and/or under the authority of the Issuing Bank.These Rules are not intended to override or change the provisions of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentarv Credits.. Article 2DefinitionsAs used in these Rules, the following terms shall h ave the meanings specified in this Article and may be used in the singular or plural asA.总则和定义第一条统一规则的适用范围跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则,即国际商会第525号出版物,适用于在偿付授权中注明适用于本统一规则的所有银行间的偿付。
Uniform Rules for Bank to Bank Reimbursements Under Documentary Credits 跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则(URR525)A. General Provisions and DefinitionsArticle 1Application of URRThe Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Docurnentary Credits ("Rules"), ICC Publication No 525, shall apply to all Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements where they are incorporated into the text of the Reimbursement Authorisation. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Reimbursement Authorisation. The Issuing Bank is responsible for indicating in the Documentary Credit ("Credit") that Reimbursement Claims are subject to these Rules.In a Bank-to-Bank Reimbursement subject to these Rules, the Reimbursing Bank acts on the instructions and/or under the authority of the Issuing Bank.These Rules are not intended to override or change the provisions of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentarv Credits.. Article 2DefinitionsAs used in these Rules, the following terms shall h ave the meanings specified in this Article and may be used in the singular or plural asA.总则和定义第一条统一规则的适用范围跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则,即国际商会第525号出版物,适用于在偿付授权中注明适用于本统一规则的所有银行间的偿付。
Uniform Rules for Bank to Bank Reimbursements Under Documentary Credits 跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则(URR525)A. General Provisions and DefinitionsArticle 1Application of URRThe Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Docurnentary Credits ("Rules"), ICC Publication No 525, shall apply to all Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements where they are incorporated into the text of the Reimbursement Authorisation. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Reimbursement Authorisation. The Issuing Bank is responsible for indicating in the Documentary Credit ("Credit") that Reimbursement Claims are subject to these Rules.In a Bank-to-Bank Reimbursement subject to these Rules, the Reimbursing Bank acts on the instructions and/or under the authority of the Issuing Bank.These Rules are not intended to override or change the provisions of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentarv Credits.. Article 2DefinitionsAs used in these Rules, the following terms shall h ave the meanings specified in this Article and may be used in the singular or plural asA.总则和定义第一条统一规则的适用范围跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则,即国际商会第525号出版物,适用于在偿付授权中注明适用于本统一规则的所有银行间的偿付。
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The Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits ("Rules"), ICC Publication No. 525Article 1From Section: A. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONSApplication of URRThe Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits ("Rules"), ICC Publication No. 525, shall apply to all Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements where they are incorporated into the text of the Reimbursement Authorisation. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Reimbursement Authorisation.The Issuing Bank is responsible for indicating in the Documentary Credit ("Credit") that Reimbursement Claims are subject to these Rules.In a Bank-to-Bank Reimbursement subject to these Rules, the Reimbursing Bank acts on the instructions and/or under the authority of the Issuing Bank.These Rules are not intended to override or change the provisions of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits.Article 2From Section: A. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONSDefinitionsAs used in these Rules, the following terms shall have the meanings specified in this Article and may be used in the singular or plural as appropriate:a. "Issuing Bank" shall mean the bank that has issued a Credit and the ReimbursementAuthorisation under that Credit.b. "Reimbursing Bank" shall mean the bank instructed and/or authorised to providereimbursement pursuant to a Reimburse-ment Authorisation issued by the Issu-ing Bank.c. "Reimbursement Authorisation" shall mean an instruction and/or authorisation,indepen-dent of the Credit, issued by an Issuing Bank to a Reim-burs-ing Bank to reim-bursea Claim-ing Bank, or, if so requested by the Issu-ing Bank, to ac-cept and pay a time draft(s)drawn on the Reim-bursing Bank.d. "Reimbursement Amendment" shall mean an ad-vice from the Issu-ing Bank to aReimburs-ing Bank stating changes to a Reim-burse-ment Authorisation.e. "Claiming Bank" shall mean a bank that pays, incurs a deferred pay-ment un-der-taking,ac-cepts draft(s), or negotiates under a Credit and present-s a Reim-burse-ment Claim to the Reim-burs-ing Bank. "Claiming Bank" shall include a bank authorised to present a Reim-burse-ment Claim to the Reim-bursing Bank on behalf of the bank that pays, incurs a deferred payment undertak-ing, ac-cepts draft(s), or negotiates.f. "Reimbursement Claim" shall mean a request for reimbursement from the Claiming Bank to the Reimbursing Bank.g. "Reimbursement Undertaking" shall mean a separate ir-revocable under-tak-ing of the Reim-burs-ing Bank, issued upon the authorisation or request of the Issu-ing Bank, to the Claiming Bank named in the Reim-burse-ment Authorisation, to honour that bank's Reimbursement Claim provided the terms and condi-tions of the Reim-bursement Un-der-tak-ing have been com-plied with.h. "Reimbursement Undertaking Amendment" shall mean an advice from the Reim-bursing Bank to the Claiming Bank named in the Reim-burse-ment Authorisation, stat-ing changes to a Rei-mburse-ment -Under-tak-ing.i. For the purposes of these Rules branches of a bank in dif-ferent countries are considered separate banks.Article 3From Section: A. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONSReimbursement Authorisations Versus CreditsA Reimbursement Authorisation is separate from the Credit to which it refers, and a Reimbursing Bank is not concerned with or bound by the terms and conditions of the Credit, even if any reference what so ever to the terms and conditions of the Credit is included in the Reimbursement Authorisation.Article 4From Section: B. LIABILITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESHonour of a Reimbursement ClaimExcept as provided by the terms of its Reimbursement Undertaking a Reimbursing Bank is not obligated to honour a Reimbursement Claim.Article 5From Section: B. LIABILITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESResponsibilities of the Issuing BankThe Issuing Bank is responsible for providing the information required in these Rules in both the Reimbursement Authorisation and Credit and is responsible for any consequences resulting from non compliance with this provision.Article 6From Section: C. FORM AND NOTIFICATION OF AUTHORISATIONS, AMENDMENTS AND CLAIMSIssuance and Receipt of a Reimburse-ment Authorisation or Reim-bursement Amend-ment a. All Reimbursement Authorisations and Reim-burse-ment Amend-ments must be issued inthe form of an authenti-cated teletransmis-sion or a signed letter.When a Credit, or amend-ment thereto which has an effect on the Reim-burse-ment Authorisation, is issued by teletransmis-sion, the Is-suing Bank should ad-vise its Reim-burse-ment Authorisation or Reim-bursement Amend-ment to the Reim-burs-ing Bank by authenti-cated teletransmis-sion. The teletransmis-sion will be deemed the opera-tive Reimburse-ment Authorisation or the opera-tive Reim-burse-ment Amend-ment and no mail con-fir-mation should be sent. Should a mail con-fir-ma-tion neverthe-less be sent, it will have no effect and the Reim-burs-ing Bank will have no obliga-tion to check such mail confir-ma-tion against the opera-tive Reim-bursement Authorisation or the operative Reim-burse-ment Amendment received by teletransmis-siob. Reimbursement Authorisations and Reim-burse-ment Amend-ments must be com-plete and precise. To guard against confusion and misunderstand-ing, Issuing Banks must not send to Reim-burs-ing Banks:i. a copy of the Credit or any part there-of or a copy of an amendment to the Credit in place of, or in addi-tion to, the Reim-burse-ment Authorisation or Reim-burse-ment Amend-ment. If such copies are received by the Reim-burs-ing Bank they shall be dis-regarded;ii. multiple Reimbursement Authorisations un-der one teletransmission or letter, un-less ex-pressly agreed to by the Reim-burs-ing Bank.c. Issuing Banks shall not require a certifi-cate of com-pliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit in the Reim-burse-ment Authorisation.d. All Reim-bursement Authorisations must (in addi-tion to the require-ment of Article 1 for incorpora-tion of reference to these Rules) state the follow-ing:i. Credit number;ii. currency and amount;iii. additional amounts payable and tolerance, if any;iv. Claim-ing Bank or, in the case of free-ly negotiable credits, that claims can be made by any bank. In the absence of any such in-dica-tion the Reim-bursing Bank is authorised to pay any Claim-ing Bank;v. parties responsible for charges (Clai-ming Bank's and Reim-bursing Bank's charges) in accor-dance with Article 16 of these Rules.Reimbursement Amendments must state only the rela-tive changes to the above and the Credit number.e. If the Reimbursing Bank is requested to ac-cept and pay a time draft(s), theReim-burse-ment Authorisation must indicate the fol-low-ing, in addi-tion to the in-for-ma-tion specified in (d) above:i. tenor of draft(s) to be drawn;ii. drawer;iii. party responsible for acceptance and dis-count charges, if any.Reimbursement Amendments must state the rela-tive changes to the above.Issuing Banks should not require a sight draft(s) to be drawn on the Reim-bursing Bank.f. Any requirement for:i. pre-notification of a Reimbursement Claim to the Issu-ing Bank must be included in the Credit and not in the Reimbursement Authorisation;ii. pre-debit notification to the Issuing Bank must be indicated in the Credit.g. If the Reimbursing Bank is not prepared to act for any reason whatsoever under the Reimbursement Authorisation or Reimbursement Amendment, it must so inform the Issuing Bank without delay.h. In addition to the provisions of Articles 3 and 4, Reimbursing Banks are not responsible for the consequences resulting from non-reimbursement or delay in reimbursement of Reimbursement Claims, where any provision contained in this Article is not fol-lowed by the Issuing and/or Claiming Bank.Article 7From Section: C. FORM AND NOTIFICATION OF AUTHORISATIONS, AMENDMENTS AND CLAIMSExpiry of a Reimbursement AuthorisationExcept to the extent expressly agreed to by the Reimbursing Bank, the Reimbursement Authorisation must not have an expiry date or latest date for presentation of a claim except as indicated in Article 9.Reimbursing Banks will assume no responsibility for the expiry date of Credits and if such date is provided in the Reimbursement Authorisation it will be disregarded.The Issuing Bank must cancel its Reimbursement Authorisation for any unutilised portion of the Credit to which it refers, informing the Reimbursing Bank without delay.Article 8From Section: C. FORM AND NOTIFICATION OF AUTHORISATIONS,AMENDMENTS AND CLAIMSAmendment or Cancellation of Reimbursement AuthorisationsExcept where the Issuing Bank has authorised or requested the Reimbursing Bank to issue a Reimbursement Undertaking as provided in Article 9 and the Reimbursing Bank has issued a Reimbursement Undertaking:a. The Issuing Bank may issue a Reimbursement Amendment or cancel a Reimbursement Authorisation at any time upon sending notice to that effect to the Reimbursing Bank.b. The Issuing Bank must send notice of any amendment to a Reimbursement Authorisation that has an effect on the reimbursement instructions contained in the Credit to the nominated bank or, in the case of a freely negotiable Credit, the advising bank. In the case of cancellation of the Reimbursement Authorisation prior to expiry of the Credit, the Issuing Bank must provide the nominated bank or the advising bank with new reimbursement instructions.c. The Issuing Bank must reimburse the Reimbursing Bank for any Reimbursement Claims honoured or draft(s) accepted by the Reimbursing Bank prior to the receipt by it of notice of cancellation or Reimbursement Amendment.Article 9From Section: C. FORM AND NOTIFICATION OF AUTHORISATIONS, AMENDMENTS AND CLAIMSReimbursement Undertakingsa. In addition to the requirements of subArticle 6 (a), (b) and (c) of these Rules, all Reimbursement Authorisations authorising or requesting the issuance of a Reimbursement Undertaking must comply with the provisions of this Article.b. An authorisation or request by the Issuing Bank to the Reimbursing Bank to issue a Reimbursement Undertaking is irrevocable ("Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation") and must (in addition to the requirement of Article 1 for incorporation of reference to these Rules) contain the following:i. Credit number;ii. currency and amount;iii. additional amounts payable and tolerance, if any;iv. full name and address of the Claiming Bank to whom the Reimbursement Undertaking should be issued;v. latest date for presentation of a claim including any usance period;vi. parties responsible for charges (Claiming Bank's and Reimbursing Bank's charges and Reimbursement Undertaking fee) in accordance with Article 16 of these Rules.c. If the Reimbursing Bank is requested to accept and pay a time draft(s), the Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation must also indicate the following, in addition to the informationcontained in (b) above:i. tenor of draft(s) to be drawn;ii. drawer;iii. party responsible for acceptance and discount charges, if any.Issuing Banks should not require a sight draft(s) to be drawn on the Reimbursing Bank.d. If the Reimbursing Bank is authorised or requested by the Issuing Bank to issue its Reimbursement Undertaking to the Claiming Bank but is not prepared to do so, it must so inform the Issuing Bank without delay.e. A Reimbursement Undertaking must indicate the terms and conditions of the undertaking and:i. Credit number and Issuing Bank;ii. currency and amount of the Reimbursement Authorisation,iii. additional amounts payable and tolerance, if any;iv. currency and amount of the Reimbursement Undertaking;v. latest date for presentation of a claim including any usance period;vi. party to pay the Reimbursement Undertaking fee, if other than the Issuing Bank. The Reimbursing Bank must also include its charges, if any, that will be deducted from the amount claimed.f. If the latest date for presentation of a claim falls on a day on which the Reimbursing Bank is closed for reasons other than those mentioned in Article 15, the latest date for presentation of a claim shall be extended to the first following day on which the Reimbursing Bank is open.g. i. An Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation cannot be amended or cancelled without the agreement of the Reimbursing Bank.ii. When an Issuing Bank has amended its Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation, a Reimbursing Bank which has issued its Reimbursement Undertaking may amend its undertaking to reflect such amendment. If a Reimbursing Bank chooses not to issue its Reimbursement Undertaking Amendment it must so inform the Issuing Bank without delay. iii. An Issuing Bank which has issued its Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation Amendment, shall be irrevocably bound as of the time of its advice of the IrrevocableReimbursement Authorisation Amendment.iv. The terms of the original Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation (or an Authorisation incorporating previously accepted Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation Amendments) will remain in force for the Reimbursing Bank until it communicates its acceptance of the amendment to the Issuing Bank.v. A Reimbursing Bank must communicate its acceptance or rejection of an Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation Amendment to the Issuing bank. A Reimbursing Bank is not required to accept or reject an Irrevocable Reimbursement Authorisation Amendment until it has received acceptance or rejection from the Claiming Bank to its Reimbursement Undertaking Amendment.h. i. A Reimbursement Undertaking cannot be amended or cancelled without the agreement of the Claiming Bank.ii. A Reimbursing Bank which has issued its Reimbursement Undertaking Amendment shall be irrevocably bound as of the time of its advice of the Reimbursement Undertaking Amendment.iii. The terms of the original Reimbursement Undertaking (or a Reimbursement Undertaking incorporating previously accepted Reimbursement Amendments) will remain in force for the Claiming Bank until it communicates its acceptance of the Reimbursement Undertaking Amendment to the Reimbursing Bank.iv. A Claiming Bank must communicate its acceptance or rejection of a Reimbursement Undertaking Amendment to the Reimbursing Bank.Article 10From Section: C. FORM AND NOTIFICATION OF AUTHORISATIONS, AMENDMENTS AND CLAIMSStandards for Reimbursement Claimsa. The Claiming Bank's claim for reimbursement:i. must be in the form of a teletransmission, unless specifically prohibited by the Issuing Bank, or an original letter. A Reimbursing Bank has the right to request that a Reimbursement Claim be authenticated and in such case the Reimbursing Bank shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from any delay incurred. If a Reimbursement Claim is made by teletransmission, no mail confirmation is to be sent. In the event such a mail confirmation is sent, the Claiming Bank will be responsible for any consequences that may arise from a duplicate reimbursementii. must clearly indicate the Credit number and Issuing Bank (and Reimbursing Bank's reference number, if known);iii. must separately stipulate the principal amount claimed, any additional amount(s) andcharges;iv. must not be a copy of the Claiming Bank's advice of payent, deferred payment, acceptance or negotiation to the Issuing Bank;v. must not include multiple Reimbursement Claims under one teletransmission or letter; vi. must, in the case of a Reimbursement Undertaking, comply with the terms and conditions of the Reimbursement Undertaking.b. In cases where a time draft is to be drawn on the Reimbursing Bank, the Claiming Bank must forward the draft with the Reimbursement Claim to the Reimbursing Bank for processing, and include the following in its claim if required by the Credit and/or Reimbursement Undertaking:i. general description of the goods and/or services;ii. country of origin;iii. place of destination/performance.and if the transaction covers the shipment of merchandise,iv. date of shipment;v. place of shipment.c. Claiming Banks must not indicate in a Reimbursement Claim that a payment, acceptance or negotiation was made under reserve or against an indemnity.d. Reimbursing Banks assume no liability or responsibility for any consequences that may arise out of any nonacceptance or delay of processing should the Claiming Bank fail to follow the provisions of this Article.Article 11From Section: C. FORM AND NOTIFICATION OF AUTHORISATIONS, AMENDMENTS AND CLAIMSArticle 11 - Processing Reimbursement Claimsa. i. Reimbursing Banks shall have a reasonable time, not to ex-ceed three bank-ing days fol-lowing the day of receipt of the Reim-burse-ment Claim, to process claims. Reimbursement Claims received outside banking hours are deemed to be received on the next banking day.If a pre-debit notification is required by the Issuing Bank, this pre-debit notifica-tion period shall be in addi-tion to the processing period men-tioned above.ii. If the Reimbursing Bank determines not to reim-burse, either because of a non-con-form-ing claim un-der a Reim-bursement Un-der-tak-ing, or for any reason what-soever under a Reim-burse-ment Authorisation, it shall give notice to that effect by telecom-munication or, if that is not pos-sible, by other ex-peditious means, without delay, but no later than the close of the third banking day fol-lowing the day of receipt of the claim (plus any additional period men-tioned in sub-A-r-ticle (i) above). Such notice shall be sent to the Claim-ing Bank and the Issu-ing Bank and, in the case of a Rei-m-bursement -Under-taking, it must state the reasons for non-pay-ment of the claim.b. Reimbursing Banks will not process requests for back value (value dating prior to the date of a Reim-bursement Claim) from the Claim-ing Bank.c. Where a Reimbursing Bank has not is-sued a Reimbursement Under-taking and a reim-burse-ment is due on a fu-ture date:i. The Reim-burse-ment Claim must specify the predetermined reim-burse-ment date.ii. The Reim-burse-ment Claim should not be presented to the Reim-burs-ing Bank more than ten (10) of its banking days prior to such predeter-mined date. If a Reim-burse-ment Claim is presented more than ten (10) banking days prior to the predeter-mined date, the Reim-burs-ing Bank may dis-regard the Reim-burse-ment Claim. If the Reim-burs-ing Bank dis-regards the Reim-burse-ment Claim it must so inform the Claim-ing Bank by teletransmis-sion or other ex-pedi-tious means without delay.iii. If the predetermined reim-burse-ment date is more than three bank-ing days fol-low-ing the day of receipt of the Reim-burse-ment Claim, the Reim-burs-ing Bank has no obliga-tion to provide notice of non-reim-burse-ment until such predetermined date, or no later than the close of the third bank-ing day fol-lowing the receipt of the Reim-bursement Claim plus any ad-di-tional period mentioned in (a) (i) above, whichever is later.d. Unless otherwise expressly agreed to by the Reim-burs-ing Bank and the Claim-ing Bank, Reim-burs-ing Banks will effect reimbursement under a Reimbursement Claim only to the Claim-ing Bank.d. Unless otherwise expressly agreed to by the Reim-burs-ing Bank and the Claim-ing Bank, Reim-burs-ing Banks will effect reimbursement under a Reimbursement Claim only to the Claim-ing Bank.Article 12From Section: C. FORM AND NOTIFICATION OF AUTHORISATIONS, AMENDMENTS AND CLAIMSArticle 12 - Duplications of Reimbursement AuthorisationsAn Issuing Bank must not, upon receipt of docu-ments, give a new Reim-burse-ment Authorisation, or additional instruc-tions, un-less they con-stitute an amend-ment to, or a cancella-tion of an existing Reim-burse-ment Authorisation. If the Is-suing Bank does notcomply with the above and a dupli-cate reim-burse-ment is made, it is the responsi-bility of the Is-suing Bank to ob-tain the return of the amount of the dupli-cate reim-bursement. The Reim-bursing Bank as-sumes no liability or respon-sibili-ty for any con-sequences that may arise from any such duplica-tionArticle 13From Section: D. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSArticle 13 - Foreign Laws and UsagesThe Issuing Bank shall be bound by and shall in-demnify the Reim-bursing Bank against all obliga-tions and respon-sibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages.Article 14From Section: D. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSArticle 14 - Disclaimer on the Transmission of MessagesReimbursing Banks assume no liability or respon-sibility for the con-sequences arising out of delay and/or loss in transit of any message(s), letter(s) or docu-ment(s), or for delay, mutilation or other errors aris-ing in the transmis-sion of any telecom-munication. Reim-bursing Banks as-sume no liability or respon-sibility for errors in trans-lation. Article 15From Section: D. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSArticle 15 - Force MajeureReimbursing Banks assume no liability or respon-sibility for the con-sequences arising out of the inter-rup-tion of their business by Acts of God, riots, civil com-mo-tions, in-sur-rec-tions, wars or any other causes beyond their con-trol, or by any strikes or lockouts.Article 16From Section: D. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSArticle 16 - Chargesa. The Reimbursing Bank's charges should be for the account of the Issuing Bank. However, in cases where the charges are for the ac-count of another party, it is the responsibility of the Issu-ing Bank to so indicate in the original Credit and in the Reim-burse-ment Authorisation.b. When honouring a Reimbursement Claim, a Reim-burs-ing Bank is obligated to fol-low the in-struc-tions regard-ing any charges con-tained in the Reim-bursement Authorisation.c. In cases where the Reimbursing Bank's charges are for the ac-count of another party they shall be deducted when the Reim-burse-ment Claim is honoured. Where a Reim-burs-ing Bank fol-lows the in-struc-tions of the Is-su-ing Bank regard-ing charges (i-ncluding com-mis-sions, fees, costs or ex-penses) and these charges are not paid or a Reim-burse-ment Claim is never presented to the Reim-burs-ing Bank un-der the Reim-bursement Authorisation, the Issu-ing Bank remains liable for such charges.d. Unless otherwise stated in the Reim-burse-ment Authorisation, all charges paid by the Reimburs-ing Bank will be in addi-tion to the amount of the Authorisation provided that the Claim-ing Bank in-di-cates the amount of such charges.e. If the Issuing Bank fails to provide the Reim-bursing Bank with instruc-tions regarding charges, all charges shall be for the ac-count of the Issuing Bank.Article 17From Section: D. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSArticle 17 - Interest Claims/Loss of ValueAll claims for loss of interest, loss of value due to any ex-change rate fluctua-tions, revalua-tions or devalua-tions are between the Claim-ing Bank and the Is-su-ing Bank, unless such losses result from the non-performance of the Reim-burs-ing Bank's obliga-tion un-der a Reim-bursement Un-der-tak-ing.。